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10x11 - Evil Twins

Posted: 04/27/24 17:20
by bunniefuu
- Previously
on "RuPaul's Drag Race"...

You'll be transforming
these kings of social media

into flawless drag queens.

[cheers and applause]

Miz cr*cker and Miz Cookie.

- You did such a great job
on the hair and the makeup.

The family line is there.

- And the detail is ridiculous.

- Aah!
- Monet X Change

and Short Change.

- There is no family resemblance
apart from a pair of glasses.

- Kameron and Kelly Michaels.

- I would say
y'all were a little muted.

- This is really too simple.

- Miz cr*cker,

You are the winner
of this week's challenge.

- Yeah--

- Kameron Michaels,
shantay you stay.

Monet X Change, sashay away.

- [sighs]


- Oh, the sponge.

- Long live the sponge.

- Yes!

- Money is one of
the craziest people I know

and I love her so much
and I'm so gonna miss her.

- She's one of those people
that's a good Judy to everybody.

- Absolutely.

- There's so many time that
she talked me down off a ledge,

and I'm not
gonna have that anymore.

It drives me f*cking crazy.

That's my lady,
and you sent her home, bitch.

- Don't even say that.

- You were a lip sync slayer.

- I am pretty devastated
that Monet is gone.

Once again,
another girl goes home,

and this time
it's kind of because of me.

I feel terrible.

- Why do you feel terrible?

- 'Cause I just don't like...

I would be less upset--

Oh, this sounds terrible.
I can't believe I'm saying this.

I would feel less upset
being in that position

than standing here wiping off
somebody's else's sh*t.

It sucks.
I don't want to stand here

and wipe off
somebody elses's name

and knowing that I was
the cause of them going home.

- So, Kameron, leave then.

But don't stand here and tell me

that it would be easier
to be in her shoes

than in yours.

If that's the case,
then put her shoes on,

lace them up, and walk
your ass back to Tennessee.

- Just make sure to honor her.

Take her place with pride.

- Don't let it be in vain.

- I'm gonna miss her.
- Yeah, me, too.


- A sponge!
[all laugh]

Long live the sponge!

- Long live the sponge!

- This is for you,
Monet X Change.

I love you.

- That's clean as hell.

We should use a sponge
every week.

I've made it to the top five

of "RuPaul's Drag Race
Season 10,"

and I am beyond ready
to make it to the end

and take home that crown.

- Congratulations.
- Congrats.

- Thank you.

- You're breaking free.

- I just really, really,
really wanted it,

and that's all.

- But it feels
so good to win, though.

- Yeah. This is my mother's
favorite creature,

the butterfly,
and I feel like

seeing my mother and sister
really changed things for me

because I suddenly
remembered who I was.

And if these crazy people

are willing to use a computer
for the first time in a year

so that I could have
a message sent to me,

then I gotta step this up.

- Miz cr*cker's drag is nice,

Her hair is nice,
her makeup is beautiful.

She's funny.

But it's the top five,

and being just kind of,
you know, good enough,

that time has come and gone.

If I haven't seen you
be a star by now at some point,

I have a hard time
seeing you be a star period.

- We are the top five!


- Kameron, I'm so glad
you're still here, bitch.

You better fight your way
to be here, bitch.

- And we enjoyed the times.

- And we enjoyed the times.
- And we enjoyed the times.

[all laugh]

- The first time
I performed in drag,

my tits fell out
so my dress fell off.

And now
it's a top five finally.

We're so close to the end.

I only have to remember
one thing.

Don't f*ck it up.

- Aah!
- [laughs]

- The winner
of "RuPaul's Drag Race"

receives a one year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills

and a cash prize of $100.000.

With extra special
guest judges Ashanti

and Lena Dunham.

- ♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

- ♪ May the best woman ♪

- ♪ Best woman win ♪

- Next episode.

Challenge. Another challenge.

- Baby, we are back.

I am just so excited.

But we also have to remember
we got about 2.7 seconds

to bask in the glory
of the top five

before Ru walks down the stairs

and say, okay, get ready,

'cause another bitch
is about to pack her stuff.

- I feel like
they're gonna make us do

a really intense mini challenge.

As long as I don't have
to get in quick drag again.

- What'd you look like
your first time in drag?

- I wore one wig.

I'm sure it looked like
spaghetti on my head

- Girl, when I started drag,
I had just saw Ru,

so I thought every black girl

was supposed to be
platinum blonde.

So I had the cheapest
Kanekalon synthetic--

- Kanekalon.
- Kanekalon.

- And it looked like
the Barbie dreamhouse hair.

Like so plasticy
you can't even brush it.

It was just--it moves
like a piece of cardboard.

And I thought
I was the last woman.

- Girl.
What about you, Aquaria?

- I thought I looked cute.
I like--

- Of course you did.


- Ooh, girl!

She done already
done had herses.

- Hey, racers.
- Hey, girl.

- It's time to split...

I want to see
some civil disobedience.

So double down.

All aboard
the bipolar express.



- Wait.

If they bring Vanjie in.

She'd come in
on the bipolar express.

[all laugh]

- Hello, hello, hello.

[cheers and applause]

Ladies, say hello
to Cheyenne Jackson.

- Hi.
- Hi, ladies.

- Now, Cheyenne,
where is the first place

a drag queen goes
on Sunday mornings?

- Jail?
[all laugh]

- Good answer, actually.

But if she's smart,

she goes to drag brunch,

lie the ones hosted nationwide
by Voss Events.

- Whoo!
- Yes.

- For today, I want you
to get all culinary with it

as we do a mini challenge

called Resting Brunch Face.

[all laugh]

You need to drag up pancakes

to create devastatingly
delicious dishes.

So, Cheyenne, you hungry?

- Actually, I had
a really big breakfast, so--

- Good, because I'm relying
on your discerning palate.

Ladies, whichever pancake
Cheyenne likes best wins.

And when I say pancake,
I mean, you know...

[cheers and applause]

Now, you've got 15 minutes.

Ready, set, go!

- Whoop!

- Oh, I'm gonna really,
really not like this part.


Oh, my God, I can't.
I literally cannot.


This is probably
the grossest challenge

I've ever done in my life.

There was just
so many food groups.

They don't go together at all.

- I love a good snack challenge.

Girl, the garnishes
look delicious.

These raspberries look yummy,
the gummy worms.

I ain't mad at these
little baby red tomatoes.

I'm going to eat that, I think.

Can we do
an all you can eat challenge?

- Are you eating?

- ♪ Breakfast ♪
- Eureka!

Like, Eureka,
why is your pancake bare?

- [laughs]
I got hungry.

- [retches]

- Time's up, ladies.

Well, Cheyenne, welcome

to the International
Halfway House of Pancakes.

First off, we've got
Kameron Michaels.

- This is little Patty Punta.

- I didn't know
you were bilingual.

- I'm not really.
I know that word.

And she's married
to Peter Pancake,

plus she's having an affair
with Wally Waffle.

She has whipped cream hair

and a little
ombre root going on.

And then since she's having
the affair with Wally Waffle

and he's the one with the money,
so she's got her veneer.

- [laughs] You have
a little taste of Punta?

- Sure.

- Remember, portion control

is very important
here in "Drag Race."

- Proportionizing.
- [laughs]

Yes, get into that pancake.

- There's a certain
je ne sais quoi. I like it.

- Miz cr*cker.
- Hello, Ru.

This is Lil Miss Wedding Cake.

This is her very first time
at a drag brunch,

and she's so excited
to meet queens

for the first time in person!

This is your last chance

to taste her
before the wedding, so...

- Cheyenne, I have to ask.

Are you allergic to peanuts?

Because our queens are known
to hide their nuts.

Do you think it's
a virgin pancake?

- Questionable.

- Eew.

- This is Panquisha.

She's from South Dallas.

We've got the government spam.

She's got her little
olive nose ring.

You know, she's smoking a blunt,
she's missing a tooth

'cause she's been through
a couple things

trying to get here,
but she's happy to be here.

- So she's like
an around the way pancake.

- Around the way,
around the corner.

- Okay. Cheyenne, I can tell

you are dying
to put this in your mouth.

- Mmm.
- How's it taste?

- Panquisha.
- Hey.

- This is Cindy Ann.

She used to reside

in East Compton
residential federal prison.

She's full of many things:

non-allergens, heroin.

[both laugh]

She hasn't been tasted
in a long time

by especially a male,
so she is so ready.

- Ooh.
- Nice.

- Aquaria.

Tell me about your panty-cake.

- I'm from Bushwick,

and you know we like
to keep it very artsy there,

so I call this art piece
"Pancakes Labyrinth,"

inspired by the film.

We've got eyeballs on her hands.

We've got lots of greens.

We're hitting pretty much
every food group

on the pyramid possible.

- Is it edible?

- It is edible.

- [laughs]


- [gulps]

- Well, thank you very much.

Cheyenne's going to go
get his stomach pumped.

We'll be right back.

- If you need any help pumping,
let me know.

- Okay, will do.

All right, ladies.

You all served a mean
resting brunch face,

but one of you
really made Cheyenne

want to eat it.

Hungry for more.

- And the winner
of today's mini challenge is...

Asia O'Hara.


- Thank you.

- You've won a $2.000 gift card

from The Spa on Rodeo.

- Whoo.

- Now, Cheyenne, you have
growing twins at home.

- I do.

- And I insist
you take one of these with you.

- Uh, no--
- Like Asia,

come on over
and bring your plate.

You can tell them
the story of Panquisha.

- Oh, wow.
- Yes.

- Make sure
they eat their greens.

- The twins are going
to love that, Cheyenne.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- Love you.

- Goodbye, Cheyenne.

Ladies, now, we all have
negative voices in our heads,

the inner saboteur

that tells us we can't do it

or we're not good enough.

I know I fight them off
every single day.

But if you can't b*at 'em,
put 'em in drag.

For this week's maxi challenge,

you need to present
two distinct characters.

One character is you
at your best and brightest,

while the other character

is your evil twin.

The yin to your yang.

A dark sided bee-otch

that oozes negativity.

You need to write and record

the inner dialogue
for both characters.

Tomorrow, you and your evil twin

will strut your stuff
on the main stage.

You can use your own drag,

Fierce! Drag Jewels,

plus materials
from the Mood fabric wall.

And remember,

one queen's charisma,
uniqueness, nerve and talent

is another queen's deep, dark
black hole of despair.

Gentlemen, start your engines,

and may the best
and worst woman win.

- We are literally personifying

the things
we hate most about ourselves.

What could go wrong?

- Maybe this and maybe this.

- Oh, wow. That's cool.

- For this maxi challenge,

we have to develop
two characters:

our good side
and our inner saboteur.

We have to come up with
an outfit for each one

and a voiceover that shows
each one's personality.

- My inner saboteur's trying

to make me
put three feathers on this,

even though
it's only supposed to be one.

- This challenge
calls for us to address

a lot of parts of ourselves
that we're not proud of,

so everyone is feeling
very vulnerable

because there's nothing to
hide behind in this challenge.

- I would love to get ideas
of other people

of what they think's
good about me

and what they think's bad,
though, 'cause that would help.

- Well, I don't find
a lot of things good about you.

- I think
one of your best qualities

is the fact
that all of your drag

is like hot whore drag.

Your drag looks like
a lot of effort

and money and time
has been put into it.

- So on bad side, a whore,

but on good side,
a high quality whore.

- [laughs]

So what's on the bad?

- You talk too much.

- We all know that.

- I think, you know,
the rough and tumble.

- Oh, that I need to be
a little more edgy?

Like too tailored, too precise.

- We call is Suzy Creamcheese.

- A little too Suzy Creamcheese.

- A little too
Suzy Creamcheese. Okay.

- All right, I'm ready.

- cr*cker, you like really
b*at yourself up about stuff,

and like I definitely
noticed it a lot

during the "Breastworld"

Like every time Michelle
would say something,

you were just like,
bad cr*cker!

- She talks to herself
all the time.

- What I absolutely love
about you

is that you are
f*cking hilarious.

My least favorite is that
you over-explain everything.

- Yeah.

- A bad quality of yours is

you're like under-emotional.

You don't show a lot of depth.

Your response to a compliment
and a read

are like
almost exactly the same.

Last week
when you won that challenge,

I expected you
to be doing cartwheels

to the back of the stage

and you just, thank you,
and you bowed.

- She refuses to show emotion.
- She's like a robot.

- I think it's funny that
everyone in this competition

thinks of me as emotionless,

because inside, I think
I feel things more strongly

than anyone else.

- Hi-ee.

- Hi-ee.
- Hi.

- How are
my twisted sisters doing?

- Just twisting it up.

- Hi, Asia.
- Hi.

- So how much of what
we're gonna see on the runway

is what you brought,

and how much of it
is something that you made?

- Well, all of it is going
to be things that I have made.

- Did you make this? Wow.
- Yes, ma'am.

It's definitely
going to be all things

that I have created
with my own two hands,

because I think this challenge
above all others

requires me to utilize
things that I have created

because that's my outlet

and I learned about myself
through that.

- I want to talk about
your dark side.

You don't seem like
you have one.

- I take comfort in misery.

Being sad or being angry
feels comfortable for me.

- Where's that come from?

- I don't actually know.

Like I have found that,
you know,

you get happy or whatever,

and as soon
as something bad happens

or something negative happens,

it kind of feels
like home sometimes.

- Yeah, I'm sure most people
feel very comfortable with it.

I think the world feels
more comfortable with fear.

In this competition,

when have you been
the most raw?

- Probably the ball.
I was in the bottom

and I could have
potentially went home.

And I blamed
everyone around me

because I felt like
I had helped so many people

and hadn't gotten help,

and an authentic part of myself
sometimes is you did bad.

It's that person's fault
and it's that person's fault.

And, you know,
later in the competition,

I started seeing
some of those qualities

in someone else, and that
was even more eye opening

because I was like,
that right there's a part of me.

- That's why I think
this challenge is so important,

because we have
to look at those things.

You know,
I always see my saboteur

in my peripheral vision always,

and I always like to say,
you can look, Ru.

Just don't stare.

- Yes.

As I'm vocalizing these things

that before I was only able
to put on paper,

I'm like am I ready for this?

Like I don't know

if this is going to be
as easy as I thought.

- Hi, Eureka.

- Hello. How are you?
- I'm doing great.

Got a lot of stuff out here.

- Yeah, I've got
a lot of directions

my mind's going in.

- Are you making costumes
for your saboteur?

- Yes, I am.

I really want to take
a direction with my saboteur

that's a legitimate evil twin
to a look that I have.

- So you're starting
with your good girl,

and then you're just going
to do the opposite of that.

- Yes.
- Tell me about your saboteur.

Is it as vicious as mine is?

- My saboteur
tells me all the time

that I'm not good enough,

and that, you know,
my size is an issue

and that it holds me back
from things in life.

It tells me
that I'm not a good person.

It tells me that I'm not funny.

It tells me that I'm ugly,
that I'll never be with someone.

- When does it rear
its ugly head?

- Any time I question myself.

Honestly, in the beginning
of this competition,

I had a big issue with
like my saboteur telling me

that you all hated the idea
that you brought me back

and that I was taking a dream
from someone else and--

- That is all made up
in your head.

- Mm-hmm.
- We use these things

to sort of scare us
into moving forward.

Like the concept of you better
get out there and work harder

because you want to prove
to Ms. Paul

that you deserve to be here.

That's just a ploy.

You can propel yourself
with positive energy.

You can propel yourself
with negative energy.

That's an example of trying
to propel yourself out of fear.

- Mm-hmm.
- I do this thing.

When I go onstage,
I always imagine

that I'm going to go perform
in my mother's living room.

Because no matter
what I would do,

she would love it.

So every time I go onstage--

I don't care
if it's thousands of people--

I'll go, okay,
mama's living room.

And rather than
working through

the "oh, my God,
oh, they're not gonna like me,"

rather than going that route,
I go the love route,

and it allows me
to just be myself.

- I'm actually excited
to do this

and admit to the world
some of the things

that I'm the most vulnerable
or afraid of.

Because what I've learned
being here

is that being vulnerable
is actually strength.

- Yes.
- And being honest is strong.

- Yes. Absolutely.

- Oh, I'm excited.
I'm like, oh!

- All right. I can't wait
to see you out there.

- Thank you.
- Bye.

Hi, Aquaria.
- Hey, RuPaul.

- So what are you doing
in the challenge?

- So it's been made apparent

I have a good eye
for style and fashion.

- Did it come from
your mom or your dad?

- I think maybe
it skipped a generation.

It's in there somewhere
I'm sure.

For my good side,
I wanted to do

a really fun,
whimsical look.

This is that Aquaria
who's getting painted

to go out to a party
in New York City.

And this,
this is the Aquaria

who's like, oh, you're
gonna need a couple drinks

before you talk to people

because you're, you know,
too shy and too nervous.

- But that's kind of
a sort of sanitized voice.

That voice has got to be darker
than that, isn't it?

Isn't it saying, you think
you're something, don't you?

- I think this is like
such a vicious design.

- Yeah, I see it.
It is that.

But hear what I'm saying.

Try to evoke what
that darkness is in you.

- Aquaria seems very wrapped
around what she wants to wear.

That's going to be great,

but I don't know
if she completely grasps

the concept of this challenge.

- Tell me about your saboteur.

What does that voice say to you?

- I can be a little tight.

- Ooh, girl.

- And high strung at times.

- Okay, sis.

- And I think my saboteur
oftentimes is...

I kind of hold myself back

from doing things that are
out of my normal comfort zone.

- You know, let me tell you

what I think
your saboteur is, okay?

Every time
I come and talk to you,

you get a little tongue-tied,
you know.

And I think you think
I'm gonna say... [gasps]

you're a fraud.

You don't belong here.

- Mm-hmm.
- Listen, I know that feeling.

I felt it when I was 21.

I felt it. I know.

But, you know, what you say
to that saboteur is

thanks for sharing.

I hear you. Thanks for sharing.

You err on the side
of fashion and style, you know,

but do convey that darkness.

The saboteur, the ego
really wants to k*ll you.

I want to see
that you understand

who your saboteur is.

- I am nervous
to come to terms with

all these negative truths
about myself.

- All right,
I'll see you out there.

- Thank you, RuPaul.

But if I'm about
to try to win a crown

and be America's
next drag superstar,

I need to find a way
to dig out that inner saboteur

and throw her out on the runway.

- Hey, cr*cker.
- Hey, Ru.

- You finally cracked the code.

- I did.

- You finally won a challenge.

- Oh, gosh.

- Are you making costumes
for your saboteur from scratch?

- Yeah. I have one
that I like a lot.

It's this kind of
happy princess,

which is me
when I'm feeling great.

And then there's the other side.

So I'll use a very similar
silhouette with drapy sleeves,

but a much more vampire
feel to it

'cause she's literally
sucking the life out of me.

- Mm.
- My lady friends here,

we talked about
some of our flaws,

and over-explaining
is one of them.

- Ahh.
- I want to say it,

re-say it,
make sure it's perfect,

say it again.

- So you don't want other people

to have their own
opinion of you.

You want to produce
their opinion of you.

- Uh-huh.
And if I just keep talking,

you can't develop an opinion

that's not something
under my control.

- Have you ever heard me say

what other people think of me
is none of my damn business?

This is when you realize,
you know what?

I don't have time in my life

to shape how other people
see me, you know.

I'm too busy living my life.

- It's funny, because for me,
I feel like my saboteur

is someone that was
helpful to me at one time.

It was someone that said,

push harder, push harder,
push harder.

- Sure.
- But there was a crossover.

So now
it's that crossover person

that never shuts up.

- But it's about a balance.

And if you're able
to have a perspective,

if you could see both
at the same time,

then you can regulate

how much you need
at any one time.

'Cause, listen, the ego
can be very important to you,

and it can propel you forward.
- Yeah.

- Just not too much.

You can look.
Just don't stare.

- The hardest part
of this challenge

is letting go of control
and opening up.

I've been through
so much in my life.

I'm still learning...

to trust people.

When Ru asks me to open up
and be vulnerable,

I really want to do it

because I want this so bad.

- Kameron.
- Hello.

- Bitch, you were in the bottom
twice in a row.

- I was.

- Well, how you gonna
stay out of the bottom?

- I'm excited to do
some more extravagant looks.

- Are you making everything
we see on the runway?

- I have some pieces
that I haven't used yet

that I might put together.

I have these really cool horns

that I think
may be my "sabotwah."

- There's a spear there.

What you gonna do
with that spear?

- My "sabotwah" is--
- Saboteur?

[both laugh]

- "Sabotoir", saboteur.

"Sabotwah." I'm gonna
keep saying it that way.

- Have you been able
to open up in the workroom?

Are you friends with anybody?
- I am.

I don't think I've really had

any true conflict
with anybody.

I think that's because
I'm so shy

that I haven't
stepped out of my comfort zone

to have any problems
with anyone.

- I'm not buying it.

If you don't have
anything nice to say,

don't say anything at all,

and that's probably why
Kameron don't talk.

All she has
is nasty things to say.

No, I'm just playing.

- What do you think shyness is?

What is that about?

- I don't know. I think it just
stems back to my childhood

of, you know, being reserved
was a safe place for me.

And I think that's carried over
into my adult life

is that if I'm shy,
I'm not too exposed.

Maybe not enough people
will notice me

and I'll get to hide
a little bit

and that being exposed,
being vulnerable won't happen.

- That's interesting, though.

Some would say that being shy

is a way for the ego
to actually pull more attention

because you're not
saying something.

Showing your saboteur
is an opportunity

to sort of read yourself
and have fun.

- Yeah.
- How would you read yourself?

- That bitch
has a faceful of Voluma

and she had her lips done

and she thinks she's so pretty,

but is that really gonna
help her at the end of the day?

- Uh-huh.

Is that as deep
as you're gonna go?

- Um...

- Kameron's biggest weakness
is lack of connection

and just the fact that she
doesn't really talk to anybody.

I don't think
she has the depth

to be America's
next drag superstar.

- All right,
gather round, ladies.

Ladies, gather round.

- Oh. Gather round, ladies.
Gather round.

[all laugh]

- Oh, my God.
It's my evil twin RudePaul.

You think you're something,
don't you?

- Yeah. Heh heh.

I don't care
who you think you is, RuPaul.

- You get out of here
before I kick your ass.

Leave the way you came in:

through the door!

[cheers and applause]

- Back door my ass.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

Bitch, you know.
I'll key your car.

Your car is keyed, bitch.

- Bye, bitch.
- Get out of here.

- Girl, what just happened?

- I'm so sorry about that,

- Understandable.

- Tomorrow on the main stage,

we'll be joined by our
extra special guest judges...


[screaming and cheering]

And the creator and star
of HBO's "Girls,"

Lena Dunham will be here.

[cheers and applause]

So good luck,
and don't f*ck it up.

Now I got some ass
I need to go kick.

- b*at it!

- Yes!

- I am Asia O'Hara's evil twin
North Korea.

- She's really
a disgusting fat whale

that only makes jokes
about food and her size.

- My destructive power
is growing and growing.

- Wow.

You all right, Aquaria?

- Someone needs
anger management.

- I need therapy.
[all laugh]

- Did you already
cut your patterns out?

- Kind of.

- Miz cr*cker
is having a mental breakdown

over a sewing machine.

We're top five, and girl,
you're a drag queen.

A sewing machine should not have
have that much power over you.

- Okay, I'm stopping this.

I have my prehistoric garment.

She looks dirty, she looks mean.

What do you think?

- This is the problem
that I had earlier.

My self saboteur,

the whole point
of this f*cking challenge,

was telling me
that if I didn't make

a brand new creation
from scratch

that I was being lazy and
I wasn't doing this challenge.

That is not the challenge.

The challenge is
to style from your wardrobe

to make this happen.

And the biggest challenge is
making your message come across,

your recording, the looks,

you know, acting it out
during the runway, et cetera.

You see what I'm saying?

So we're overthinking it.

I had to literally tell myself,

okay, I have this, this,
and this.

I can alter these,
make this work, and do this.

You see what I'm saying?

So that's what
you need to do right now.

It's a styling challenge,
not a sewing challenge.

- Everyone else
is going to bring

their inner saboteur
to the runway.

I'm already sitting with mine.

I feel f*cked.

- Oh, top five, good morning.

- Gonna nail it.

- I'm ready to be good and evil.

- Rise and shine, b*tches.

The top four
is going to be decided today,

and I swear to God
if I don't make it,

my inner saboteur
might have its way.

- You made this all
for this challenge?

- This one I made all here.

- Girl, what a migraine.
I do not envy you.

- Well, I did not get
much sleep last night.

- Me, neither, girl.

I was listening
to this lip sync,

because who knows what
the judges are going to say?

- At this point,
it's like, really?

Can I not be
three weeks in a row?

I would love for them
to like my looks

and just let me stand
on the back of the stage again

because I miss it.

I haven't been there
in forever.

- This challenge is all about
putting yourself out there

in the best and worst ways

So just knowing
that one of us

is going to go home

based solely on our qualities
and characteristics as a person

is a lot to handle right now.

- We're at this point
in the competition

where all of our thoughts
are those self doubting thoughts

because we do
have to double think

everything that we're doing.

- I feel like
my inner saboteur

is the voice of Michelle Visage.

- Somebody told me I don't
even have an inner saboteur.

It might just be
Michelle Visage.

- I think Michelle Visage
is nicer than my inner saboteur.

- Oh, definitely.
- Oh, really?

- Oh, yeah.

- Well, you should hear

what Michelle Visage says
about you when you're offstage.

- Tell us more, Kameron.

Since you don't speak,
tell us more please.

- I speak.

- One of them has to speak.
- Charades. Give us charades.

What you trying to say?

- My inner saboteur
is just...

You know,
you can always be better.

You're never gonna be the best
at anything.

- That's me.
Every time I like go home,

I like wash my face
and look in the mirror,

I'm like, hey, girl,

[deep voice]
you'll never be good enough.

All right, bedtime.

- I'm glad our inner saboteurs
have something in common.

- Oh, girl.

Right now, it's RuPaul's Conquer
Your Inner Saboteur Race.

Kameron and I are neck and neck,

trying to defeat ourselves

so that we can
get to the challenge.

- Do any of you
feel like you have gotten

less confident as a boy
since you started doing drag?

- Sure, because I'm
overconfident as Aquaria.

- Yeah.

- It's like what
I was talking about earlier

where it's like if you don't
take care of yourself,

'cause I'm too busy like...
using drag as a distraction.

- Yeah, and it's hard
not to feel

less confident as a boy
with relationships

when everyone has
such a high respect

for Eureka your character.
- Right.

- And like even when
you try to date,

they're such fans
of that character,

that it makes you feel less than
when you're not the character.

You know what I mean?

- Yeah.
- What about you, Kam?

- Well, I was doing drag

long before I ever
found confidence as a boy.

I was doing drag
when I was young,

so drag gave me confidence
back then.

And then I found
my confidence as a boy

once I started going to the gym
and working out

and being healthy.

- Girl, a healthy body
will help you so good.

- Oh, I don't know about that.

- It's like peeing clear.

If peeing clear feels good,

imagine like
everything feels good.

- Yeah.

- Peeing clear?
- What?

- You said peeing clear
feels good?

- Yeah, Oh, don't tell me y'all
don't cheer when you pee clear.

If you pee clear, cheer.

- Cheer when you pee clear?

Am I supposed to be
peeing clear?

I pee like Red Bull.

[all laugh]
That's not a joke.

- Yo.

[RuPaul laughs]

- ♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe,
let your whole body talk ♪


- Yes.

- Welcome to the main stage
of "RuPaul's Drag Race."

My evil twin Michelle Visage.

- Baby, I'm the Serena
to your Samantha.

- [laughs]

Style superstar Carson Kressley.

Are you dark sided?

- No, I have
a little astigmatism

just in the right eye,

but I use the good one
and I'll be fine.

- [laughs]

And the gorgeous Grammy winning
Ashanti is here.

- Well, thank you so much, Ru.

You're slaying me
with your sequins.

- Thank you.

Actor, writer, director
Lena Dunham.

Now, are you ready
to meet my girls?

- I've never been more excited
in my life.

- [laughs]

This week
we challenged our queens

to conjure up their evil twins.

And on the runway,
category is Double Trouble.

Gentlemen, start your engines,

and may the best woman win.

First up, Kameron Michaels.

You know what they say.
If you stay yeti,

you ain't got to get yeti.

- I am Kameron Michaels,

and I am a fierce,
fabulous muscle queen.

My drag is all about
beautiful makeup

beautiful garments,
and the moves to back them up.

My style is influenced

by video game
and cinema heroes

and the villains.

Even though my evil twin
is always out to get me,

when the stage lights up,
so do I.

And the light always
overtakes the darkness.


I'm Kameron Michaels evil twin
Katrina Michaels.

[Michelle laughs]

- Kameron Michaels
thinks she's so pretty,

but come on,
she's really two-faced,

and both of them
are busted and ugly.

If Kameron Michaels
expects to become

America's next drag superstar,

she better wake up
and smell the poppers,

because face it.

When people hear
Kameron Michaels,

they think dude in a dress.

[all laugh]

- Eureka.

- I'm Eureka,

and I am a be yourself
to free yourself kind of queen.

I like family time, laughing,

and all you can eat buffets.

I'm the life of the party.

My drag is all about

the plus size community

with strength, confidence,
and beauty.

Growing up was hard for me,

but I've always fought
through difficulties in life

with a smile,

and I just wanna teach others
how to do the same.


- I'm Eureka's evil twin

Eureka thinks
she's beautiful and funny,

but come on.

She's really
a disgusting fat whale

that only makes jokes
about food and her size.

Face it.
When people hear Eureka,

they think, oh, my God!

She's gonna dominate
the conversation

and simply annoy everyone

with her desperate need
for acceptance.

Hey, Eureka,
you come from nothing,

and you ain't never
gonna be nothing.

Apply for disability
and food stamps

and give up already.

- What a filthy whore.

[all laugh]

Miz cr*cker.

- I'm Miz cr*cker,
and I'm the queen of comedy.

I like the beats at the bar,

the boys on the block,

and a nice, big, uncut...
lace front.

My style is influenced
by everything from sci-fi flicks

to the Paris runways.

She's so worldly.

When people hear Miz cr*cker,

they think, hey, she's smart.

But not so smart
that she can't be funny.

She's just one of the guys--
I mean, gals [laughs]

Could a guy do this?


- I'm Miz cr*cker's evil twin
Miz Crumbs.

Miz cr*cker thinks
she's the comedy Barbie,

but come on.

She's more like a Bratz doll,

and her so-called comedy
is just a few puns

that she stole
from Bob the Drag Queen.

Because face it, when people
talk about Miz cr*cker,

they say she's a copycat

who faked her way to the middle.

As Miz cr*cker's inner saboteur,

I have one thing to say:

she better work
on blending that jawline.

I mean, come on.

- Ladies and gentlemen, Boniva.

[all laugh]


- She gave her left arm
for that top.

- She did.
[all laugh]

- I'm Aquaria,
and I'm a superstar club queen.

I am the most wonderful
and perfected version of myself.

My drag is all about
expanding people's perceptions

of beauty, style, and gender.

My style is influenced by
the runways of Paris and Milan

mixed with the gag-worthiness

of being a Club Kid spectacle.

I always remember
to shower myself

is positive self love and praise

because if not, my evil twin
will have an opportunity

to unleash her wrath.


- I'm Aquaria's evil twin

Aquaria thinks she's perfect,
she's beautiful.

She looks like Linda--
Oh, gross.

Face it.
When people hear Aquaria,

they think of what
a lonely, awkward,

and isolated diva she is.

I think she's starting to cr*ck,

and my destructive power
is growing and growing!

As Aquaria's inner saboteur,

I have one thing to say.

k*ll the bitch. [laughs]


[laughs hysterically]

- I knew Joan Crawford
was scary, but...

[all laugh]

- Asia O'Hara.

- I'm Asia O'Hara, and I like
prancing down this runway

blowing kisses at these judges,

and, you know, making
all the girls tremble backstage.

My drag is all about
being a fierce queen

with an open heart
and open mind

and the strength
to be a true leader.

My style is influenced
by America's dire need

for a high-glam drag superhero

that is aware of her community.

When people see me, they expect
a high energy atmosphere,

a dazzling evening of magic,

and the most beautiful costumes

you have ever seen
in your life, honey.


_ I am Asia O'Hara's
evil twin North Korea.

Asia thinks
she's the first bitch

to have the money
to go buy herself some teeth.

But come on.

She's really
just a middle-aged man

living in a 21-year-old's

covered in a layer
of cheap rhinestones.

If Asia O'Hara expects to be
America's next drag superstar,

she better stop the smiles
and glitter crap

and start being
the self-indulged, pot belly ho

that everybody knows
that she is.

As Asia's inner saboteur,
I have one thing to say:

sit your old stank booty

washed up pageant ass down.

This is clearly
Miz cr*cker's season.

- I can see
her demilitarized zone.

[all laugh]

- Welcome, ladies...

And b*tches.

Now it's time
for the judges' critiques.

First up,
good twin Kameron Michaels.

- You look beautiful.
Makeup is snatched.

- Thank you.

- And you look
just like an ice princess

out of a video game
exactly as you said.

- Ah, nailed it.
- I love it, I love it.

- It's beautiful.
It just seems little costumy.

Takes me a little out of drag
and into Halloween.

- Let's go to Kameron's
evil twin Katrina.

- The makeup is great,
the details on this are great.

And I get that
you were doing the opposites

of the same kind of theme,

but I would have loved
to have seen more yin and yang,

like two very different looks

- I wanted to almost feel
this persona

being more of the dark side
of the other persona.

A little more evil,
a little more bad,

a little less glam,

even embracing your body
in a different way

- Yeah. I wish
you'd gone in more on Kameron.

'Cause I feel like, Katrina,
you were being a little nice,

and evil is not ever nice.

- Up next, Eureka.

- I thought
the message was awesome.

You know, just love yourself,
you know, be confident.

- The minute you said
be yourself to free yourself,

I was just like...

And you really had a fun,

self-effacing, playful energy

that just made sense to me
as another woman

who maybe doesn't necessarily
feel like my body always fits in

in the industry
that I've chosen.

- You're always naked.

- That's a great point.
[Michelle laughs]

I don't know who's
making me do it. Thank you.

- Let's go to Eureka's
evil twin Eufilthior.

- I really appreciate this look.

I thought that there was
a real yin to your yang.

I liked that you tied
the two plaids together.

- The frown has been on
since you walked out, honey.

The cigarette.
I don't want to mess with you.

- You are a f*cking great actor.

Every moment
you've been out on this stage

in both personas,

you have been giving me
real nuance,

up, down, all around.

My mind is blown.

- In your voiceover,
you really hit those things

that may have been things
that you hear in your own head,

maybe they were insults
that people have thrown to you,

but you owned them.

And both performances
were very confident.

- [deep voice] Thank you.
- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Up next, Miz cr*cker.

- Hello, Ru.

- I'm losing my head
over this look.

It's so good.

- There's just like
a Marie Antoinette

by way of Sofia Coppola,

and it also feels like something

that Mariah Carey would
casually wear in her home.

[all laugh]

- I like your swag
just going across the stage.

Super animated, you know.

I was watching you
like character.

- Thank you.

- And now Miz cr*cker's
evil twin, Miz Crumbs.

- This look didn't quite match
your good twin.

This felt a little more
Halloween store to me.

- Your voiceover
didn't come across as evil,

and I think that lends
to how much of you

you're allowing us to see,
and I don't know

if you're protecting yourself
from Miz cr*cker,

but I think a part of you is

because you didn't go in
very much at all.

- Up next, Aquaria.

- Oh, my gosh.
You look like

you are on the way
to a sh**t for "Vogue."

I think you just exude
sexiness and passion.

Even how you're standing
right now,

your stance
is very like, I'm here.

- Makeup spectacular.

I love the color combination.

I love the one shoulder.

I mean, the tuck
is just like unbelievable.

That is like a thin little slice
of beef capaccio.

The whole look,
really phenomenal.

- Thank you.

And your good girl dialogue,

it was just very clear

you're about beauty, style,
gender bending,

and it was delivered
very nicely.

- Let's go to Aquaria's
evil twin Sabatina.

- When you came out with
the bloody gloves and the apron,

I feel like
it was super creative.

- And I really thought
your acting

as the evil twin
was even stronger.

- I believed
that you k*lled the bitch.

- I love the combination
of like a cheetah

with an ocelot print.

It is an iconic fashion moment.

- And then I liked
the exposed bones.

It's weird and it's editorial,

and a really great contrast

from that super pretty
feminine pastel

to this literally k*ller look.

- Up next, Asia O'Hara.

- I love the orange.

You know, it's like the orange
popsicle with the cream.

I love how you created
with the hair,

and I would love
to borrow those tights.

- You can take 'em tonight,

- Your response
to your negative self

was just so good.

You were just like,
What? No. Oh, me?

Your acting
was just really, really great.

It was one of my
favorite performances

of the entire runway.

- I don't think
you needed the balloons.

I felt like they were
just a last minute thought.

- All right. Here's
Asia O'Hara's evil twin

North Korea.

- This is definitely
the most dramatic transformation

of the evening,

and I buy every minute
of this.

It's dark. You could see evil
on your face

from the minute you came out,

and the balloon deflated
to those shrunken balloon heads,

I didn't really think
you needed the balloons--

- How do you like
the balloons now, Michelle?

- Now I'm glad she has them.

I can admit when I was wro--


[all laugh]

- And I think that you had
the funniest punchline.

That washed up
spanky booty behind.

Honey, she wasn't ready
for that.

- Yeah, your voiceover
more than anybody else's

just seemed like you were
talking and describing yourself.

It was just very authentic
and very natural.

Everything about
your performance tonight.

was effortless.

- Ladies, I have
an evil question.

- Ladies, I'd like
a moment alone

with the evil twins.

Good twins,
you may leave the stage.

Now I have an evil question.

Excluding your good twin,

who should go home tonight
and why?

Katrina Michaels.

- I think that
all of these girls are strong,

so I'm going to say my biggest
competitor should go home,

and that is Aquaria.

- Eufilthior.

- I say
send all the b*tches home.

You got the winner right here.

- [chuckles]

- If I was gonna pick one,
I would go on critiques,

and as far as the worst,
I think it was Miz cr*cker.

- Miz Crumbs.

- Based on critique,

cr*cker and Kameron
are in the bottom.

I have a bias.

Kameron should go home.

- Sabatina.

- Frankly, Ru, I don't give
a f*ck about your critiques.

But I wasn't obsessed
with the looks tonight,

and I think this might be
Kameron's final hurrah.

- And North Korea.

- I am not going to decorate it
with pretty words,

and I'm also not going
to send someone home

because they're my competition.

If the bitch is my competition,
let her stay here.

The person that I do not think
is a star in this lineup

is Miz cr*cker or Miz Crumbs.

- Thank you for your honesty.

- You're welcome.

- I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck backstage,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

Now, just between us girls,

what do you think,
starting with Kameron Michaels?

- Kameron Michaels
always has a bead face.

She always pays attention
to detail.

She never comes out here

But the outfits
were the same exact outfits.

They were just
different materials.

And I get that she was going
for the identical evil twin,

but to me,
it was just like costumey

and like, eh.

You could have bought it

It didn't look original.

- Yeah, it almost feels like

we're not seeing
like the real Kameron.

We're seeing just more costume
than we are the person.

- I don't feel
Kameron is giving me

what I need performance-wise

to really feel
like I'm seeing beyond

this ability
to create glamour.

- There hasn't been
a lot of openness,

and we've been pushing
and pushing Kameron

to go deeper and to reveal.

I didn't find out
anything new about her.

And it's not until
you go really deep

that the audience
has an opportunity

to fall in love with you.

- Of course.
- You know?

Until you reveal something
really honest,

and she just doesn't do that.


- For me it worked.

She embraced herself obviously
on the good twin,

and she kind of
came off like a bully

with her other twin.

- I agree. Eureka really
understood the assignment.

She went embarrassingly deep,

which is really what
this challenge was all about.

- Though I didn't love
the outfits.

- I actually liked
the two looks.

I liked the two film references.

One a very pure, innocent Cher
in "Clueless,"

and then one very dark,
bawdy, naughty Divine reference.

- Did I think
that the two looks

were the most creative fashion
thing I've ever seen in my life?

No. Did I think
that her performance

had power and passion
through the entire thing?

Yes, and I loved that
she's doing this a different way

and she's doing it her way.

- Miz cr*cker.

- I'm a huge Miz cr*cker fan,

and tonight, that first look
was so beautiful.

And then her evil twin,
she just lost me.

- I just didn't get it. For me,
there wasn't a through line.

There just wasn't
any meat there.

There was no meat on the bone.
- No.

- The voiceover
didn't give us anything, really.

It felt kind of surface
like she was afraid to go deeper

because she doesn't want us
to expose her.

- But what I could tell
about Miz cr*cker

was that she was an intellectual

working a smart odd girl angle.

And when I watch the show,

I'm gonna be
very, very, very intrigued

to see where this person
is going.

- No, you're absolutely
right on.

She is all of the things
that you said,

but throughout this competition,

I have pushed her
to not produce herself.

And this challenge
was an opportunity

for Miz cr*cker
to come out of her box

and let us have a taste
of that crunch.

She didn't do that for me.

I feel like I need to say,
wake the f*ck up.

This challenge
was built for you.

- She's too interested
in being a puppet master.

- And she's too interested
in trying to control

how we see her.

It's like let it
all hang out, bitch.

- She can't.

- Aquaria.

- Fashion indeed,
and fashion she is.

She came out here tonight
and delivered us

a two sucker punch
with both looks.

- There was
a great through line

and a very beautiful

of this couture look
done like a confection,

and then done deadly.

- And her evil twin
really revealed

that she feels she can't
relate to other people.

That was a window

into why presentation
is so important to her,

because it's kind of the
only way that she can connect.

- Now, understanding what
the yin to your yang was,

it didn't have the depth

of someone who was

or even five years older
than her,

but I think that comes in time.

You know, in 10 seasons
of doing this show,

a lot of fierce queens
have walked down this runway.

You talk about Violet Chachki,

you talk about
Chad Michaels, Raja.

This is in the top 10 outfits

I've ever seen
walk down this runway.

- For sure.
- That animal print,

that silhouette,
and then that color combination?

Oh, my goodness.
I was gobsmacked.

Asia O'Hara.

- Y'all, when Asia came out,
I was like, oh, yay.

Another spangled bodysuit.

- I have to echo what you said,

but I'm going to say, oh, yay!
Another sparkly bodysuit!

Because everything about
that good girl was great,

and then I just thought

she was really
like honest and authentic

in both of her voiceovers.

- I will say she had
the best dark side tonight.

Her evil twin was evil.

Her evil twin looked dark.

Her evil twin was fully there
and committed

from the moment she walked out
and let that balloon go.

And for Asia,
that's the opposite, you know.

We see this beautiful smile
and the bubbly pageant girl.

This was a reach for her,

and she scored.

- Honey, Miss Asia, North Korea

let that black rage out,
and it was scurry.

- Yes, I relate.

- [laughs]

- Same.

[all laugh]

- Silence!
I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

No seriously.
Lena...bring back "Girls."

- Only if you agree
to be the fifth girl.

- I could surely try.

- Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

Oh, and by the way,

your good twins
are watching this backstage.

- She looks like
that Season 8 promo, girl.

- Kameron Michaels,
you and your "sabotwah"

were not a twinning combination.

I'm sorry, my dear,
but you are up for elimination.

- Oh, no.

- Eureka.

Your split personalities

were a Divine pairing.

You're safe.

- Eureka's gonna be
so happy about this.

g*dd*mn it.

- Oh, thank God.

- You may step
to the back of the stage.

Asia O'Hara.

This week, you made us root
for North Korea.

Damn you!

You're safe.

- Called it.

- Oh, wow.

- You may step
to the back of the stage.

- Thank you.

- Aquaria.

You make evil look good.


You are the winner
of this week's challenge.


- Oh, my gosh!

- They like me
more than I like myself.

- You've won a trip for two

to the fabulous
Grand Resort and Spa

in Fort Lauderdale

and two sets of Raden luggage.

- Thank you so much.

Winning this is
so much more meaningful to me

just because of what
I've learned about myself

from this challenge.

So thank you for giving us
all this opportunity.

- Thank you.

You may join the other girls.

Miz cr*cker.

The judges ate up
Marie Antoinette,

but Miz Crumbs
did not take the cake.

I'm sorry, my dear,
but you are up for elimination.

- I understand.

- Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself
from elimination.

The time has come...

for you to lip sync...

[echoing] for your life.

Good luck
and don't f*ck it up.

[music plays]

♪ That's right,
pleased to meet you ♪

♪ I still
won't tell you my name ♪

♪ Don't you believe
in mystery? ♪

♪ Don't you wanna play
my game? ♪

♪ I'm lookin' for a man
to love me ♪

♪ Like I never been loved
before ♪

♪ I'm lookin' for a man
that'll do it anywhere ♪

♪ Even on a limousine floor ♪

♪ 'Cause tonight
I'm livin' in a fantasy ♪

♪ My own little nasty world ♪

♪ Tonight, don't you wanna
come with me ♪

♪ Do you think
I'm a nasty girl? ♪

♪ That's right,
it's been a long time ♪

♪ Since I had a man
that did it real good ♪

♪ If you ain't scared,
take it out ♪

♪ I'll do it like
a real live nasty girl should ♪

♪ Tonight
I'm livin' in a fantasy... ♪

- The best way to win this

is to unleash the cr*cker
I know from home.

I have to be in the top four.

- ♪ Tonight
I'm livin' in a fantasy ♪

♪ My own little nasty world ♪

♪ Tonight, don't you wanna
come with me ♪

♪ Do you think
I'm a nasty girl? ♪

♪ Please, please ♪

♪ Please, please ♪

♪ Nasty girl ♪
- ♪ Nasty girl ♪

- ♪ Do you think
I'm a nasty girl? ♪

♪ Nasty girl ♪
- ♪ Nasty girl ♪

- ♪ Do you think
I'm a nasty girl? ♪

♪ Uh, it's time... ♪

- This is my third time
lip syncing.

Third time.

I cannot go home tonight.

- ♪ It's time to jam ♪

- Yay, bitch!

- ♪ Nasty girls
dance, dance, dance ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Everybody, uh ♪

♪ It's time to jam ♪

♪ Nasty girls
dance, dance, dance ♪

[cheers and applause]

- Ladies, I've made my decision.

Kameron Michaels,
Ashanti you stay.

- Thank you.

- One taste of Miz cr*cker

and you never go backer.

Now sashay away.

- Ru, thank you so much.

I'm gonna get out there
and do it, damn it!


Cher, cockroaches,
cr*cker, damn it.


I feel completely crushed
right now.

This is not what I came here
to show America.

Monet had to go,
and I was like,

I will keep this crown
in the family.

So I didn't do it,

but I gave everything I had.

I want everyone at home to know

there's a vulnerable
person here.

I know I have
a much better heart.

All I have to do
is learn how to show it

and I will crush these c**ts
under my heel like cockroaches.

If it's thin and white
and salty.

it's probably a cr*cker.

- My fantastic four,


And remember,
if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an amen up in here?

- Amen!
- Amen!

- All right.
Now let the music play.

- ♪ To-to-to to the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ To the moon ♪

♪ Come on and take me away ♪

♪ To-to-to to the moon ♪