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03x10 - Dirty

Posted: 08/21/14 07:40
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Perception"...

Were there other women?

It was only once.

Obviously, I'm hoping that you want to give us another shot.

Will you marry me?


Call me.

Congratulations. You figured it out.

I have Alzheimer's.

Shelby: You never called me.

I'm engaged.

I'm not looking for a date.

I'm looking for an alderman.

Don't tell me you've never thought about a political career.

Daniel, I can't live this way anymore.

If you're talking about something drastic, you can forget it.

I was talking about moving in to the damn facility in Belmont Park.

Kate: I just have all these awful thoughts in my head.

It's like a constant background noise telling me that Donnie's gonna cheat on me again.

Why can't I stop thinking that?

[Telephone ringing]

Lewicki, phone!

[Ringing continues]




Daniel, it's your father.

What's wrong?

There's someone here I want you to meet.

A woman.


I think you'd be really interested in talking to her.

You see, she knew...

Dad, a-a-at 3:00 a.m., the only thing I'm interested in is sleeping, okay?

Just t-tell the nurses that your meds are giving you insomnia.

I'll call you back in the morning.


[Telephone rings]

Dad, I said we'd talk in the morning.

Donnie: Daniel! It's Donnie.

I need your help.

With what?

I can't...

I can't talk about it on the phone.

Is Kate with you?

No! No, and don't call her.

What the hell is going on?

I'll explain everything when you get here. Just...

It's... it's 965 Harris Avenue, apartment 2C.

Donnie, I-I-I...

Daniel, please!

Just come.

Okay. Uh... 965 Harris.

I-I... I'll be right there.

[Telephone beeps]



Dirty Holy shit, Donnie.

She's dead.

This... this the woman that works on your campaign?

Shelby Coulson. She's 27.

She had her entire life in front of her.

You've got to call the police. And you've got to call Kate.

Daniel, slow down! Slow down.

I woke up half-dressed in her bed, and this is probably her blood on my shirt.

I look guilty.

Are you?


No! No. There's no way...

I must have blacked out.

You need a lawyer. Call Ruben.

I need you to help me first, you understand?

I don't remember how any of this happened.

How much did you have to drink?

One Vodka Tonic, that's it.

I think someone drugged me.

I think someone slipped me something so that I would black out, and then they k*lled Shelby and arranged all of this to make it look like I did it.


If you were drugged, it was probably GHB.

I-I-it leaves the body functional, but causes memory loss.

Th-the date-r*pe drug.

Explains why I don't know how I got here.

It also leaves your system quickly. Call the police, Donnie.

The sooner you do, the sooner they can test you.

Or they could sit on their hands for a couple of hours, and I am screwed.

The clock is ticking, Daniel. Can't you draw my blood?

I... Guess I could pick up a kit at an all-night pharmacy, but you can't leave the scene of a crime.

I have to prove that I was drugged, Daniel.

That is my only defense right now.

So sticking around might seem like the honest thing to do, but it is a lousy legal strategy.


Trust me, okay?

That's him.

That... I saw him walk in with Shelby, and then I heard her screaming.

Political candidate, a sex-and-m*rder scandal.

You know them better than me, Ryan.

That trial's gonna be a nightmare for you and your family.

Unless you're inclined to confess.

We're not inclined to do anything till that tox screen comes back.


Bastards waited an hour and a half to draw my blood, Ruben.

If the GHB was out of my system, I am done.

You're not done.

The evidence looks compelling, but it's all circumstantial.

The wait is k*lling me.

So call Kate. She's probably worried sick.

Going straight to her as soon as we get out of here.

I just want to explain this face-to-face.

Kate: Hey, it's me again.

Look, if you can't call, just send me a text, okay?

I-I don't care. I just... want to know that you're all right.

[Cellphone rings]


It's Max.

Is doc with you?

What, you can't find him, either?

I just got back from an all-nighter in the library.

There's no sign of him, no note.

Are you looking for Donnie?

Yeah, he's been going to these late-night strategy dinners for the campaign.

He... never came home last night.

Could they be together? I mean, what if something horrible happened?

Max, we're not gonna panic or jump to conclusions.

Kate, look, I-I'm gonna call the police.

No. Don't... don't do that.

I'll call them. I'll be able to get to the bottom of this faster.


Man: All right, Pierce.

Why don't we start at the beginning?

Oh, come on. Come on!

I-I already the other detectives everything I know.

Just p... please just let me out of here.


Not yet.

I want to hear your story firsthand.

I-I got a call from a friend who needed help.

I went to the apartment to talk to him.

That's it. That's it.

I don't know what you hope to accomplish by...

You think you can just cherry-pick the details as you see fit?

I got zero problem locking you up for obstruction of justice, pal.

You know, m-maybe you should just talk to my lawyer.

Screw your lawyer!

I know what you're thinking.

Person on GHB is capable of all sorts of things, right?

Here's the question... you gonna tell Kate what you think the real story is?

Man: Your timeline checked out, Mr. Pierce.

Free to go.

For now.

Kate: Donald Ryan?

Agent Moretti, FBI.

What are you doing here?

The bureau has a few questions about what happened last night.


Have a seat.

Who let the FBI in?

She strong-armed the captain.

Apparently, Ryan's got an ongoing federal situation, too.

This just came in.

Last thing I remember, we were working on my speech for the Rotary Club.

I swear.

Then I woke up in the victim's apartment, and she was lying next to me, dead.

Was the victim clothed or unclothed?

She wore a robe.

And you?

I was partially clothed.

Did you engage in sexual intercourse with the victim?

No. I was drugged.

This whole thing was a setup.

[Door opens]

Man: Sorry to interrupt.

No problem. We're done here anyway.


Tox screen came back clean, Ryan.

There are no dr*gs in your system.

You're under arrest for m*rder.

What the hell were you thinking?

I was thinking that I didn't know what the hell happened to my husband.

My... ex-husband. My fianc... good God.

Look, when the press gets wind of this, they're gonna circle like vultures.

What we need to do is come up with an alternate theory of the crime.

Let me dig into Shelby's background, see if I can find someone else who had motive to k*ll her.

You don't want to be running around doing detective work.

Just focus on the basics... go to the arraignment, post bail, bring Donnie home.

Let me worry about mounting a defense, okay?

What he means is "be a good girl and stay out of it," but we need to find out what happened.

But you already know what happened, don't you?

Can't hold out on her forever.

You coming or what?

He probably did k*ll her.


I-I know how that sounds.

It sounds like you just called Donnie a m*rder*r.

No, no. I-I-I'm saying he probably k*lled her.

There's a difference.

GHB is known for producing uncharacteristic sexual behavior.

But occasionally, it can also cause violent outbursts.

Donnie woke up in Shelby's bed. Her blood was on him.

I mean, the evidence is damning, Kate.

But he can't be held responsible for what he did if he was given GHB against his will.

And I-I'm pretty sure that that's the defense that Ruben's gonna put up.

The tox screen came back negative.

All that means is that the drug was no longer in his system when they tested him. A blackout like he had?

That can't just happen on its own.

I have these images in my head now, and I'm not sure how to make them go away.

Look, m... maybe Ruben's right.

May... maybe you should just focus on getting through the next couple of days.

Let me do some poking around, see if I can find proof that Donnie was drugged.

I appreciate you seeing me, Mr. Gillespie.

Of course. Donnie Ryan may be my opponent...

But, uh, we're human beings first.

We all deserve a chance to tell our side.

I'm not sure how I can help, but...

But you're more than happy to, seeing as Donnie's not really much of an opponent anymore.

What do you mean?

Well, scandal's gonna hit the news in a couple of hours. He's finished.

It's easy to be magnanimous when you basically just won the election.

I don't like innuendo, Dr. Pierce, and you're a guest in my office, so...

I think Donnie was set up.

Somebody is trying to discredit him.

And you've come here to accuse me.

No, maybe someone on your staff saw that Donnie was 10 points up in the polls and decided to do something drastic.

The people who work for me follow my lead.

I believe in winning on the issues, not with dirty tricks.

You're saying politics and dirty tricks are not the same thing?

Your cynicism is well-founded, but the folks in my ward, they're ready for a candidate who puts character first.

Oh, that's funny, 'cause you put it third, according to your slogan.

People here face serious issues.

And, I mean, not the least of which is the re-districting plan that Donnie is supporting.

It's gonna isolate low-income neighborhoods and take away their voting power.

That doesn't sound like something Donnie would support.

What do you know about his backers?

The Great Lakes leadership committee?

It's not a committee.

It's a bunch of acolytes doing the bidding for Brian McGrath.

The same Brian McGrath who authored the re-districting plan that Donnie is supporting?

It's about rigging elections to put people in office who support his financial interests.

He wouldn't be backing Donnie if Donnie wasn't backing the plan.

Sex, m*rder, now a plot to screw the poor.

What do you have to say about that, Pierce?

Would you go away? I don't feel like another interrogation.

What you need is a partner... a seasoned investigator, like me.

You're my hallucination.

You're no more seasoned than I am.

Really? I would've squeezed that guy.

Why didn't you make him sweat a little?

Because he would have tossed me out of his office.

It's not like I have a badge.

But I do.

Come on, partner, you're riding with me now.


[horn honks]

It's the middle of the afternoon, Lewicki. You sure he's here?

His secretary told me this is where we'd find him.

Wait by the bar.


Can I help you?

I'd like to talk to Brian McGrath.

And you are?

Brian: It's okay, Pete.

Go buy his friend a drink.

Looks like my guy's bigger than your guy, Dr. Pierce.

How do you know who I am?

I know all of Donnie's associates... part of the vetting process.

You did a background check on me?

Nothing too personal.

Employment and tax records, political views.

I'd say political views are extremely personal.

Ah, we just look for obvious red flags.

Unfortunately, we're not always successful.

I wake up this morning, and my best staffer is dead.

And I don't have a candidate for the election.

Quite a mess our friend made for himself.

Except that Donnie Ryan didn't make the mess.

He was drugged.


By someone looking to undermine his candidacy.

Whoever it was probably slipped him the dr*gs in this restaurant at some point last night.

Now, did you notice anybody lingering around the table?

Perhaps a member of the waitstaff who might have been paid off?

I'm sure dr*gs is the right legal defense, but I didn't see anybody suspicious.

And Donnie wasn't any different last night than he's been for the past few weeks.

And how's he been?

Very... uh, focused on Shelby, I guess you'd say.

My gut's been telling me something was going on between them.

When they left together last night, well, then I knew.

Excuse me, doc?

It's your dad.

I know it looks bad, but you should see the other guy.

Dad, I know you're struggling with the Alzheimer's, but you can't go around hitting people.

Hey, a guy stands up and calls your girl a floozy, you defend her honor.

Your girl?


I tried to tell you about her when you hung up on me.

Oh, yeah.

Good for you, Mr. Pierce.

Who the hell are you? Ruby, come here.

Oh, don't. Dad, I don't want to meet anyone.

No. Hey, honey.

No, I've just been in the middle of a really difficult case and...

You must be the one that works for the FBI.

And you must be the Will Smith character.


Oh, well, I wanted to be, but Tommy Lee Jones made me wait at the bar.

Oh, Mr. Jones, have I got a story for you.

Well, when I was 22, I was a bunny at the original Playboy club downtown.

Playboy bunny.

Can you imagine that?

If I have to.

And guess who used to pull my bunny tail every Friday night?

I have no idea.

Sonny Coonan.

Sonny Coonan, the mobster.

The same Sonny Coonan the FBI's not been able to find for 20 years.

So, let's jump ahead... and I'm not gonna tell you how many years... to last week.

I lost my husband.

I am so sorry.

No, don't be silly. I-I just couldn't find him.

So, anyway, I got in my car, and I drove to my old house in Pilsen.

Guess who's living there now.

Sonny Coonan?


Sonny must've had some work done, because now he has a real chin, which he didn't have before.

But you know what?

I recognized those eyes, because you can't change those.

And I drove back here to tell someone, and what did I find?

My husband was here the whole time.



That's... yeah.

Can I see you for one second, please?


Can you believe that? Sonny Coonan.

You're going to investigate, right?

No, I am not going to investigate.

And you are gonna tell that poor woman that you are not her husband.

Why? Then the sex will stop.


People versus Donald Ryan.

Mr. Ryan, you have been charged with m*rder in the second degree.

That's not Donald Ryan.

Thank you. That's what I've been trying to tell them.

Somebody want to tell me what the hell's going on around here?

We'd like to know the same thing, your honor.

Who are you?

Ryan Dooley.

Get him out of here.

Figure out where Donald Ryan is.

[Buzzer sounds]

You got to let me make a phone call.

Phone privileges on Sunday, 4:00 to 6:00.

Okay. Then, please, just listen to me.

This is some kind of crazy mistake.

I'm not supposed to be here.

Keep walking, Dooley.

But that's the thing... I'm not Dooley.

I swear. My name is Donald Ryan.

I'm an assistant U.S. attorney.

Are you really? Wow.

I'm the king of England.

Man: Oh, I'll be your queen.

Rack 35, open.

[Buzzer sounds]

Rack 35, close.

[Buzzer sounds]

Corrections said they put Ryan Dooley on a transport to Lakewood about two hours ago.

Yeah, but they didn't. So what the hell was...

Am I to understand that Donald Ryan is the one that was sent to Lakewood?

They think so.

They think so? This is insane, your honor.

Somebody must have mixed up the names.


I'll issue a writ to have your client brought back.

We will fax it over to Lakewood immediately.

And then what? The same geniuses who took him over there are gonna bring him back? I don't think so. I need to go to Lakewood.

I got to make sure this actually happens.

Do I know you?

I don't think so.

No, no, 'cause you look real familiar.

What's your name?



All right, Dooley.

Judge Horford faxed over a writ of release an hour ago.

What's the holdup?

[Telephone rings] This may be an update.

My boys and I don't think your name is Dooley.

Hey, I got no problem with you, man.

No, but, you see, we the ones got the problem.

'Cause you the prosecutor put our brother Vernon Gill up in the supermax, and now we have to put you down.

We just need the right window of opportunity.


[Indistinct shouting]

[Alarm ringing]

What do we got here, Mr. Ryan?

There's a little discord in the yard, and you got no one to protect you.


Well, why don't you just make pasta tonight?

We can save the roast for the weekend.

I don't c... hey! That was my wife.

And I'm the FBI.

Unless you want me to personally ruin your life, figure out where Donald Ryan is and pull him out right now!

People versus Donald Ryan.


I'm okay.

Judge Horford: Let's try this again.

Mr. Ryan, you have been charged with m*rder in the second degree.

How do you plead?

Not guilty.

I'll hear the people on bail.

$500,000, your honor.

Your honor, do you see my client's face?

He was wrongly imprisoned and beaten.

Not only should he be released, I demand a formal investigation.

Save it, Mr. Bauer. For once, I share your outrage.

I want everyone in this building involved with the movement of prisoners in my chambers in 10 minutes.

Mr. Ryan, you have my apologies, sir.

You are free to go on your own recognizance.

I think you need to go to a hospital.

The last thing I want to do right now is leave this apartment.

Honestly, Kate, all I want right now is to be here with you.

We've barely had a chance to talk.

There'll be plenty of time for that.

Come on. You should take a shower.



I'm gonna clear my schedule at work.

I don't care how personal this is, I'm gonna investigate...

Kate, slow down.

I... I talked to McGrath, Donnie's backer.


He said he thinks Donnie and Shelby were involved in an ongoing affair.

I'm sorry.

He didn't offer any proof, but I-I-I couldn't not tell you.


If that's true, then last night wasn't the first time Donnie was in that apartment.

We need to go there.

Wait, wait.

To investigate the m*rder or the affair?

Daniel, I'm not really concerned about my relationship right now.

I'm just trying to keep Donnie out of prison for the rest of his life.

[Knock on door]

Agent Moretti, FBI.

You're one of the guys they arrested last night.

Yeah, and then released because I had nothing to do with the m*rder.

We just wanted to ask you a few questions.

The guy she brought home last night?

No, never saw him before.

His name is Donald Ryan.

Did you ever hear her talk about him or to him?

Not that I remember.

Shelby have a lot of visitors?

She wasn't that kind of girl.

She didn't deserve this.

Can you think of anyone who wanted to hurt her?


She had an ex-boyfriend used to come by.

The walls here are thin, so I could hear their arguments.

She called him possessive a few times, asked him to give her space and stuff like that.

Did you get a name?

Never met him. But I saw him.

He was a cop.

(Phone ringing)

Kate? Where are you?

Shelby's apartment. Look, I know you said not to investigate, but we just got a lead.

Yeah, me too.

Turns out, our judge meant business.

He found the clerk who mixed up Donnie and Dooley, except it wasn't a mix-up, Kate.

It was intentional.

They sent Donnie to prison on purpose?

Well, apparently he got pressured into it by some cop.

Bastard comes to central booking to drop off a prisoner.

He told the clerk that Donnie k*lled his ex-girlfriend.

So now, the judge is trying to get the cop brought over from the precinct, and he's getting the runaround.

Yeah, the blue wall of silence.

They can't pull that crap with the FBI.

So this is how the feds do things?

I come down on courtesy, you leave me in the box for a half an hour.

Sorry for the delay, Tommy.

It's Timmy.


Timmy. I'm so bad about mixing up names.

Timmy, Tommy. Donnie, Dooley.

What are you talking about?

You must have thought that the clerk at central booking would have your back, but he threw you under the bus as soon as the judge started asking questions.

I've got nothing to say to you.

You can call my union delegate.

I'll call whoever you want, but we both know that you had Donnie Ryan sent to prison because you knew that a federal prosecutor would never make it out of there alive.

Ryan is dead?

No. He's alive.

And he's gonna be able to defend himself against the m*rder that you framed him for.


You think I k*lled Shelby?

And then you tried to have Donnie k*lled, too.

Because you figured, if he dies before trial, that the case would die with him.

This is crazy. Shelby was the love of my life.

And I didn't try and get anybody k*lled.

What the hell did you think was gonna happen to him at Lakewood?

He'd get scared. I don't know.

Look, I was hurting real bad when I heard about Shelby.

And then I found out that there was a suspect in custody, so I found an excuse to get to central booking.

I just wanted to get a look at the guy who k*lled my girl.

[Scoffs] You just wanted to get a look at him?


Actually, I wanted five minutes alone with the prick, to tell you the truth.

But when I checked the manifest for a Donnie Ryan, the first name I see is a Ryan Dooley.

And he's on the list to Lakewood.

And I thought, "well, this is too perfect."

And I said to the clerk, "wouldn't it be poetic if these two names got mixed up?"

And he nodded. "Yeah, it would."

And that's all I did.

Where were you last night at the time of the m*rder?

Jesus Christ. I was home, asleep.


Yeah, alone.

I've been alone since Shelby dumped me for that assh*le Ryan.

When was that?

Six months ago.

Kate. Kate, slow down. Slow down.

Just, don't... don't do anything crazy till we know if this guy's telling the truth about Shelby and Donnie.

I've been fooling myself into thinking that he was over there for some innocent reason, but he wasn't.

He was screwing her. You said as much back at my place.

Yeah, well, yes, I said that, but I-I...

I should've known better.

Who the hell are you?

I'm the guy who sees through your bullshit.

Shelby dumped you because you're violent and she was scared.

The story about Donnie Ryan is a lie.

It's the truth, okay?

She said she was hooked up with a guy who had a big future in politics.

She must've had a crystal ball.

Six months ago, the only future your boy had was putting away dirtbags.

That and Kate.

Look, I've told you everything I know.

When Shelby said she was leaving you for a guy with a future in politics, did she say the name Donnie Ryan?

I don't care what the cop said.

I met Shelby at the task-force meeting for two minutes.

There was never anything between the two of us.

And then... you woke up in her bed.

Jesus, how are you not getting this?

'Cause you're doing a pretty lousy job explaining yourself.

This thing was done to me.

I didn't want it or ask for it, and I did not provoke it.

Somebody slipped something into my drink and took away my ability to choose.

Or not.

What the hell does that mean?

You lied to me when we were married, why wouldn't you be lying to me now?


Maybe you made up this whole story about blacking out to cover your ass, and then you called up the one person who you knew would believe your crazy conspiracy story...

Daniel Pierce.

Tell me that's not what you think.

[Knock on door]

Daniel: Kate.

Daniel, this is a really bad time.

The jealous cop?

He had the wrong candidate.

Shelby and I had a professional acquaintance at best.

Actually, we did some checking.

Shelby worked as an assistant in the mayor's office last year.

She was assigned to the task force on inner-city crime.

You also worked on that task force.

This is ridiculous.

I'm a married man.

Which is why you were careful.

You stayed off e-mail, texted on burner phones, played it cool in public. The problem was, Shelby told someone, even though she promised you she wouldn't.

You realized you had to control the situation or she would k*ll your campaign and your marriage, so you k*lled her.

No. No. No, no, no, no.

I did not k*ll her, I swear to God. I mean... [Scoffs]

We had a few interactions that were... inappropriate.

You mean sex.

She seemed so enamored of me, and I was just... weak.

It was a mistake. I love my wife.

Did you tell your wife about it?

No. Why? To relieve my own guilt?

I mean, I have to live with what I did. I wasn't gonna make it her problem.

Who ended the relationship?

I did.

Because you were afraid you'd get caught?

I was more afraid that I would get k*lled.

Shelby told me that she had a jealous ex, a cop.

She said he wouldn't leave her alone. At first, I didn't think much of it.

One night, I was leaving her apartment...

I never saw him coming.

He was choking me so hard he nearly lifted me off the ground.

Then he whispered in my ear, "stay the hell away from Shelby, or I'll snap your neck."

After that, I told Shelby it was over.

Next thing I know, she's working for the other side.

Brian McGrath.

I didn't realize it until then, but she probably never cared about me at all.

She liked power.

In a way, her psycho ex-boyfriend did me a favor.

But you never reported him?

Or at least warned her that he got violent?

No. You were too busy covering up your own affair.

Stand... stand up.

What? Why?

Just do it.

What are you thinking, Daniel?

Tim Russo is too short to lift someone this tall off the ground with a choke-hold.

But I know someone who could.

What brings you back here?


The M.E. lifted a hair from the crime scene.

It could be Shelby's, but I'd say it's more likely yours.

We'll know for sure when the lab results come back.

You watched over her.

Defended her honor the last time we were here.

You loved Shelby, didn't you?

Shelby was an amazing person.

So smart and beautiful.

But she didn't really... know how special she was.

She didn't always take care of herself.

So you were worried when you saw a strange man come home with her.

Yeah, he didn't look like a good guy.

Not good enough for her.

It's hard to be patient, you know?

Because I saw so clearly that Shelby and I were supposed to be together.

But she just wasn't getting there.

It's frustrating when you're not on the same page.

So, when I heard the guy leave her apartment, I decided to go see her.

She looked worried.

I asked if she was okay, and she said she was fine.

So I... I told her how I felt.

And I told her I thought she deserved to be happy.

She said I was making her uncomfortable.

And I said no. N-no, that's not what I wanted at all.

I didn't ever want her to feel scared.

I... I wanted her to feel loved.

And I knew that she would when we were finally together.

Things just got crazy in my head.

And, uh...

She was lying there, bleeding.

I knew she'd never forgive me.


Then I heard this groan from the other room.

I thought he'd left.

But I guess he didn't.

That's when you realized that there was a way out of this.


I never meant to hurt her.

I really loved her.


Man: Thanks for your help.


Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

I need to take another look at that crime scene.


'Cause I know why Donnie was in Shelby's apartment.

I was right.

There was someone else in this apartment.

How do you know?

Shelton said he heard Donnie leave, right?

But Donnie was still here. So what Shelton must have heard in that hallway was a third person.

So when Donnie and Shelby showed up, there was a third person hiding in the closet.

Yeah, that's why the... the clothes are all shoved to one side.

And look at this... look at the carpet.

The bed was originally here, but got moved across the room so it would be fully visible from the closet.

Open the door a crack, and it's the perfect spot to snap some incriminating photos.

But if the room was rearranged, Shelby would have noticed.

Which means she was in on it.

But why would she blackmail her own candidate?

Maybe McGrath figured out that Donnie wasn't gonna rubber stamp all of his policies, like re-districting.

But a few scandalous snapshots, he's got Donnie in the palm of his hand.

I like the theory, I do. But how do we prove it?

Shelby's dead and Donnie was unconscious, and we have no idea who this third person is.

I think I might.

Thanks for coming in, Pete.

Like I said on the phone, we collared the guy who k*lled Shelby.

Yeah, that's great news. How can I help?

Well, we thought maybe you could help us I.D. him, being that you were in the apartment the night she was k*lled.

No, I wasn't.

We found a latent print in the closet.

You were hiding in there when Shelby seduced Donald Ryan.

You and Shelby conspired to drug and blackmail your own candidate.

And if it hadn't been for your little plot, Shelby would still be alive.

So even though you didn't strangle her, you are still on the hook for felony m*rder.

Whoa, whoa. None of this was my idea.

I was just following orders.

From Brian McGrath?



The whole thing was his idea.

Well, unfortunately, that is what we call a distinction without a difference.

You're still going down.

Unless, of course, you want to cooperate...

Help us build a case against him.

Look, it was never supposed to go down the way it did.

I was just gonna take a few photos.

Shelby had been flirting with Donnie for weeks.

He wasn't taking the bait.

So she got a little help.

You mean she drugged him.


Then what happened?

I knew she'd be able to get him back to the apartment, so I went ahead and got set up.

Now you get nice and comfortable.

And I'm gonna give you a little show.


[Camera shutter clicking]

Guy was about to get the best sex of his life, but he falls asleep.


And then?

Well, then...

What the hell am I supposed to do now?

I told her to keep going. Try and make it look real.

So, after a couple minutes, I had what I needed.

[Camera shutter clicking]

So I split.

Look, I told you what you needed to know.

Do I get my deal now?


Thank you, Daniel.

For everything.

Just smile and nod, partner.

He'll never know how close you were to hanging that noose around his neck.


Donnie: Hey, don't worry about being seen with me.

I was cleared of the m*rder charges.

I heard. And I'm glad for you.

I wish this meant a fresh start for the campaign, but I think the scandal's gonna leave a little bit of a stain.

But you take that suit the dry cleaner, hang it in your closet.

A couple years from now, put it back on, we'll try again.

I'm not really interested in resurrecting my political career, McGrath.

I'd much rather destroy yours.

Brian McGrath, you're under arrest for felony m*rder, aggravated battery, and intimidation.

Take your best shot.

None of it will stick.

James: It's not a crime.

It's a little nocturnal cuddling between consenting adults.

Dad, Ruby has Alzheimer's.

So do I.

Still, you can't just go around exploiting her condition so you can get in her pants.

What difference does it make if she confuses me for somebody else?

We make each other happy.

At this stage of the game, what else matters?

So it's okay as long as nobody remembers enough to get hurt?

You're the one that hurt Ruby's feelings.

I told her that my son was the one person in the world that would never write her off as a crazy old lady once you heard her story, and that's exactly what you did.

Okay, fine. I'll... I'll apologize.

No. You want to make it up to her?

Take your pretty FBI lady over to Ruby's house and look for Sonny Coonan.

I'm sorry about the campaign.

I do know how much it meant to you.

Gillespie's wanted this for years.

He'll be a good alderman.

Guy cheated on his wife.

People make mistakes, Kate.

I'd like to think that doesn't disqualify them from being considered good people.

I'm so sorry, Don.

You needed me, and I didn't believe in you.

I know it couldn't have been easy, and I know how bad things looked.

But with the exception of one mistake, the truth is, I've always had your back.

And it really hurt knowing you didn't have mine.

Are we gonna be okay?

Daniel: Remember when we were allowed to have do-overs?

Weren't they magical when we were kids?

You know, if you didn't like the way things turned out on the... on the baseball field, you just asked for a do-over, and it was like the strikeout never happened.

Unfortunately, life is less accommodating.

Every moment we experience leaves a permanent imprint on our brains, shaping how we perceive things and people in the future.

It's called implicit memory, and it's constantly reminding us to be careful.

Who can we trust?

When are we safe?

And what are we capable of?

Of course, there are benefits to a cautious approach to life.




Helps us to avoid the things that make us unhappy...

...or sick...

...or put us in danger.

But there's one danger that our implicit memory can't help us with.

And that's the danger that our biases can prevent us from seeing things as they really are.

