08x07 - Shady Politics

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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08x07 - Shady Politics

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on
"RuPaul's Drag Race"...

- If I want to do
ratchet drag next week,

can you give me any tips?

- If you want to do, like,
memorable drag next week,

I can give you some tips.

[all gasping]

- Your intentions
weren't to hurt?

- No, they weren't to hurt.
If I wanted to hurt you,

you'd be crying
right now, bitch.

- You need to create
original drag couture

inspired by the wonderful
"Wizard of Oz."

- It's working?
- Yeah, it's done.

- What?

Do something more
to your outfit,

because it doesn't
look that great.

- I'm ready
for that Chipotle.


- Robbie and Hedda Turner.

- Bustles can be flattering
when they're on a big gown.

This looks like just a bunch
of ruched up fabric stuck.

- Derrick and Tara Barry.

- I did sew everything on here.

- It's a piece of fabric.

- Everyone should take a look
at Naomi right now.

This is how you win
this competition.

- [laughs]

- Who deserves
to click their heels

and go back to Kansas?
- Derrick.

- Derrick.
- Derrick as well.

- I think in this competition

you have to apply
every single second,

and I'm here to win, so people
like Chi Chi piss me off.

- Naomi Smalls,
you are the winner

of this week's challenge.

Derrick Barry,
shantay, you stay.

Robbie Turner, sashay away.

[smooth music]

¶ ¶

- Oh,

no more chicken wings.

- That was an emotional one.

This has been
such a rocky road for me.

I know there's
at least three queens

in the room that
want to see me go home.



- You broke down,
girl, at the end.

- That monologue.
- You were like,

"Oh, my God, thank you
for the Academy Award."

- You don't understand
how long it was.

- This is the most
emotional roller coaster

I've ever been on.

It's such a struggle

for me to be
around such creative people.

And it just crumbled down
on me today.

And I'm like, "I know the
'I'm a sl*ve for you' dance."


I'm so sorry.

¶ ¶


May I leave the stage now?


- Chi Chi,
how are you feeling?

You got emotional
on the runway today too.

- It's just hard when your
hard work doesn't come across.

I feel like you guys
don't look at me

as if I'm trying hard enough,

when it's not that.

- Chi Chi will never recover
from this bad decision.

I will never forget that
she wasted our time yesterday.

- I just feel misunderstood.

- Clearly,
Chi Chi is the next to go

and Derrick's the next to go.

- Oh, man.

- Either one of them, who cares?

They're the next to go.

[dramatic music]

[car engine starts]
- ¶ RuPaul Drag Race ¶

- The winner
of "RuPaul's Drag Race"

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia
Beverly Hills cosmetics

and a cash prize
of $100,000.

With extra special
guest judges

Thomas Roberts
and Miss Vivica A. Fox.

- ¶ RuPaul Drag Race ¶

- ¶ May the best woman ¶

¶ Best woman win ¶

- ¶ Give your sister
what she needs now ¶

- Yes!

- Ooh!

- We're not
in Kansas anymore.

- [laughs]

[siren wails]
- Whoo, girl.

- She done already done
had herses.

Hey, racers.

- Hey, girl.
- Hi.

- Good queens finish last,

but shady queens rule the world,

so if you ain't got nothing
nice to say about somebody,

take out an ad.

- This was paid for by citizens
against Lady Bunny.

- Yes!
- [laughs]

- Hello, hello, hello.

- Hi.

- Ladies,
for a little morale boost,

I've invited some company.

- [gasps]

- Oh, Pit Crew.

Oh, look, they brought
their bunk buddies...

- Hi, guys.
- Oh!

- And designer Andrew Christian.

- Hi.
- Hello there.

Ladies, America's
next drag superstar

needs to use her intuition

to make important decisions

in the blink
of a false eyelash.

Now, this is how we do it.

I share a fun fact about one
of our Andrew Christian models,

and then you determine
if he prefers the top

or the bottom...
- [gasps]

- Bunk.
I'm talking bunk here, ladies.

There's a giant bunk bed
right there, okay?


And the queen who gets
the most matches wins.

First up, Derrick Barry.

"The Golden Girl" character
Jason most identifies

with is Blanche Devereaux.

- I would say bottom.
- All right.

Get on down there, Jason.

- Peter prefers his coffee

- Oh.

- I will put him on the top.

- Hips don't lie.

Corey's favorite music artist
is Britney Spears.

- Oh.

- That bottom is so crowded.

All right, Derrick,

we will show you your results
in a moment.

Kim Chi.

All right, now Jason number two.

- Hello.
- Is that an Australian accent?

- It is.
- Oh. Are you from Perth?

You have Perth-onality?
- No.

- No.

All right,
Jason's favorite exercise

is chest press.

- I'm gonna go with top bunk
for this one.

- Go on over.
Look at me, look at me.

- Naomi, Murray's favorite movie
is "Little Mermaid."

- Bottom bunk?

- I'll drink to that.

All right, Miles'

spirit animal is Nicole Richie.

- I'm gonna say top bunk.

- I'm gonna put Miles
on the top bunk.

- Bottom bunk.
- Okay.


Make room for Miles.

Welcome back, ladies.

Now let's debunk
all the rumors.

Boys, show us
your bunk preference, please.

¶ ¶

- Ex-squeeze me?

Just one top
in all of West Hollywood?

My goodness.

All right, the winner
of today's mini challenge is...

Derrick Barry.

- I won.
[cheers and applause]

- You've won a prize package

from Casper mattresses
valued at $2,000.

- Yes.

- And for our hungry viewers,

we're posting photos of
our bunk buddies at logotv.com.

- Bye!

- Ladies, now, this
being an election year,

I'm throwing your wigs
into the ring

as the first drag president

of these United States
of America.

[cheers and applause]
- All right.

- For this week's
maxi challenge,

you'll be working in pairs

to create your own
presidential campaign ads.

You need to both
promote yourself

and smear your opponent.


- [laughs]

- Now, I polled the judges
to figure out

who's your number one
political adversary.

¶ ¶

The first race
is Thorgy Thor

versus Chi Chi DeVayne.

- Ooh.

- Oh, shit.

This bitch just read me
for filth on the runway.

- The next is Kim Chi

versus Naomi Smalls.

- [laughs]

- And that leaves
Derrick Barry

versus Bob The Drag Queen.

- f*ck.
It's f*cking Derrick Barry.

He's so easily offended.

So now I have a challenge

where I have to make jokes
about Derrick.

I'm like, "Is he gonna
flip out on me again?"

- Gentlemen,
start your engines,

and may
the shadiest politician win.

- All right,
let's do it.

¶ ¶

- Shit.

- So I get paired with Chi Chi

because I called Chi Chi's ass
out last week on the runway,

but I'm happy
to work with Chi Chi

'cause I will outshine her.


My funny thing is that
I'm actually a terrible tyrant.

I immediately was like,

[trilling tongue]

"Oh! Oh!

Ooh, this is gonna be fun."

And I wrote 30 pages.

"Ads may be no longer
than 45 seconds."


I have so much material.

I don't want to leave
any of it out.

- Damn, Thorgy.

Like, you just
got too much going on.

You've got to edit, edit, edit.

- This is going
to be impossible.

- Coming up...

- Go for it,
and give it all you got.

- America's drag president
is signing up for--

- Cut.
You can play this one up.

- What a fat ass.
- More forcefully.

- [growling]

- Okay.

- [laughing]

- [laughing]

- I want to try to create you
as, like, a supervillain,

so I want sh*ts
of you in the video,

like, like,
doing this.

For today's challenge,

we have to come up with
a presidential campaign ad

that promotes ourselves

but at the same time
smears the opponent.

- Well, I'm obviously
gonna call you ratchet.

- I want to play up
on this idea

that you're not smart,
and that I'm really smart.

- We have butted heads before,

so every team is gonna hope
that Bob and I fail.

I'm down for that.

I want ours to be the best.

But we both want to win,

and that's the kind of energy
we need right now.

- Why should Bob The Drag Queen
be president?

Because I'm louder
than everyone else.

- Shh!

- I'm the loudest one.

- Shut up, Bob.

- [laughs]

- Whenever Bob
succeeds at anything,

Thorgy always comes for him.

Thorgy really
wants to beat Bob.

I think that's, like, kind of,
like, her personal vendetta

in this competition.

They're both
from the same place,

and I think Thorgy
just really wants to be,

like, the New York queen.


It's gonna be weird
having to do, like,

insult each other
when we're, like, friends.

- We're not gonna be like,
"You're a bitch."

"No, you're a bitch.
You're ugly."

"Well, you're ugly too."

- It's hard 'cause
you're not a booger.

- Kim Chi
and Naomi are not gonna

be smearing each other enough.

They are just
acting like f*cking

Chia Pets in the corner,
and they're just so adorable.

- I'm just gonna say,
like, she was caught

wearing flats onstage.

Like, stuff like that.

- I mean, work on it.
- I hate you.

- Hello, hello, hello.

all: Hello.

- My fellow femocrats,
now, in a moment,

you'll meet with
your campaign advisers,

Michelle Visage
and Carson Kressley.

- Whoo!
- What, what.

- And tomorrow on the runway,

the category is
black-and-white movie realness.

all: Ooh.

- So good luck,

and don't f*ck it up.


- Hey.
- Welcome, ladies.

- It's our turn
to go in

and sh**t
with Michelle and Carson.

I need to redeem myself.

For me, this is go big
or go home.

- Okay, whose campaign
are we doing first?

- Doing mine first.
- Derrick Barry for president.


- Bob roams the streets
of New York City

from defenseless people.

- Cut.

- Nancy Grace
it out on that one,

overly serious.

- All right.
- And action.

- Bob is only comfortable
stealing from defenseless people

on the mean streets
of New York City.

- Cut.

- Derrick is doing this parody

on, like, creepy
Republican white women,

and it's really funny to me.

- That was good?
- So much better.

- Okay.
- Let's do the B-roll.

What's your first setup?

- It is Bob in a hoodie,

and he'll be stealing money
from the Pit Crew.

- That's not stereotyping

at all.
- Not at all.

- I hope there's
no Skittles involved.

- No AriZona tea either.

- And action. Cut.

- Bob, creep in like this,
just to get into the first one.

- And action.



All right, Bob,
your turn, baby.

- So can I get, like,
the big couch over here?

I'm going for a little bit
of Michelle Obama

meets Hillary Clinton so,

like, Blackie Onassis.

- Here we go.

- I believe in strong
drag family values.

Derrick Barry only had one baby,

for breakfast.


- That was great.

- So now we have to do
the Derrick stuff, right?

- There's a scene in the end
where she eats the baby.

Oh, that's good.

That's, like,
Norman Bates shit.

- Okay, good.


- Why?

- Derrick is going in.

- Go with it, go with it.



Great, cut.

- That was awesome.
- Good job.

- I'm really shocked.

Derrick has never
let go like this.

- Fabulous.
- We did it.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Who's going first? Naomi.

- Yes.
- Okay.

- So my platform
is being a supermodel,

and I want the whole world
to look beautiful.

- And action.

- America's
drag president

is signing up for
speeches, debates, interviews--

- Cut.
Deliver it more.

Punch the words, you know?

- America's first drag president
must speak as--


- Cut.
It's all about attitude.

This is a shady
political campaign.

I know you know how to be shady.


- Have you been watching
this season?

- [laughs]

- For my thing,
I'm using food as a metaphor,

and I'm smearing Naomi
by how skinny she is,

and we shouldn't trust her.

The biggest worry
I have for this challenge

is being able to speak clearly

and the judges being able
to understand my sense of humor.

- Here we go.
And action.

- She acts like
she's the skinniest queen,

but her waist
isn't even 19 inches.

- More forcefully.

Remember to enunciate.

- All right.
- Action.

- She acts
like she's the skinniest queen,

but her waist
isn't even 19 inches.

- Cut.
I think I'm seeing the words

as they're coming
out of your mouth,

like, on paper.

Let that all go.

Let's move on.
Moving on.

Let's do the B-roll.

- What a fat ass.
- Cut.

The inflection
should go down at the end.

Not, "What a fat ass?"
But, "What a fat ass."

- What a fat ass.

both: What a fat ass.

- What a fat ass.

- You went up again.

- I'm nervous for Kim

just because she did get
a lot of notes,

and she's not
feeling confident,

so I'm scared
that my friend could go home.

- Good, move on.
- Okay.

Thorgy Thor and Chi Chi DeVayne.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Hi.

- I ain't gonna lie.

I'm a little nervous,

but I just want to present
in a professional way.

- All right, Chi Chi,
you're up.

And action.

- Thorgy Thor
is always caught looking

like she works
for children's parties.

Do you really want Bozo
running your country?

I think not.

- Cut.

Okay, you sounded
like John Wayne,

which is really weird.

- [laughs]

- I say lose the deep voice.

- It's a little too literal
and deadpan.

Like, it needs
a little bit of flair.

- Yes.

You got that great
Louisiana accent.

- I'm struggling with this
because where I'm from,

being country
is not the thing to be.

I kind of want
to seem presidential.


- Thorgy Thor
for president.

Go for it, and give it
all you got.

- I'm just gonna shorten it.

- Okay.
- All right.

- And action.

- My name is Thorgy Thor,

and I need your vote to become
the first drag queen president

of the United States of America.

- [laughs]

Good job.
- Next scene.

- Um...

"Freshmen year of college,

"threw up in the dorm.

[muttering indistinctly]

That's a better word.

- Okay, let's hear it.

- [laughs]

- Read, lady.

- Sorry.
I just like to kid.

- Here we go again.

Thorgy is changing ideas
as she's going along.

- What is this?
What is that?

- Ticktock, ticktock.

- She's just
all over the place,

and it's pissing me off.

- It looks expensive.

- Focus, Thorgy.

- Sorry.
- And action.

- Chi Chi's hand always
goes straight for the bottle..

- Great, cut. Perfect.
- That was excellent.

- I think we got everything.

- No, B-roll now.
- Oh, yeah.

Shit, I forgot
about all this.

All right, this
is gonna be simple.

It's gonna be easy.
- Action.

What are they gonna do
with canned food, by the way?

Do you want a shot
of Chi Chi drinking booze?

'Cause you said her arm always
reaches for the booze.

- I think I'm good.
- You're done with Chi Chi?

- Yeah, that's it.

- Okay.
Thank you, ladies.

- Coming up...

- So, Kim Chi,

did you grow up
in North or South Korea?

- I grew up in--


You can't leave North Korea.

It's not somewhere
where you, like--

- It's not a vacation spot.

- Wow.
- [laughs]

- [laughing]

- [laughing]

[lively music]

- Bring your ass up in here.

- Walk into the club
with this purse.


- I'm gonna do my makeup
right away.

- It's time
to get ready for today's runway:

black-and-white realness.

We are taking inspiration from
what Detox did on her season.

Are you really
doing all whiteface?

- Yes.

Someone to finally stand up
for white people.


- Bob, you're quite a political
person, if you will.

- I like getting into politics.

It's actually fun.

My slogan is actually
my real-life slogan.

Bob The Drag Queen,
a queen for the people.

I live my life by that.

I was in Albany,
in the capitol building,

when marriage equality passed.

In 2010, me and a couple
of my friends

decided to get together
and do something

about the inequalities

we experience
in the gay community,

and we decided to do something
called Drag Queen

Weddings for Equality,

and we would do
these demonstrations

in Times Square
every single Saturday,

until there was marriage
equality in New York state,

and I got arrested
at Bryant Park

for blocking traffic.

They f*cking
threw my ass in jail,

in full drag, girl.

Like, you don't have
to go get arrested

but just something,
something as simple as voting.

It is really important
because politicians,

they literally make very real

and very, very important
decisions for you.

- Like, you could've done maybe

something about it
before it happened.

- Well, you can definitely
do something about it.

- So, Kim Chi.

- Yes, Derrick Barry?

- Did you grow up
in North or South Korea?

- I grew up in--


You can't leave
North Korea.

It's not somewhere
where you, like--

- It's not a vacation spot.
- And if you leave,

like, your entire,
like, family,

your friends, like,
all of them will be k*lled.

I was born here in America,

and I went to elementary school
in South Korea.

- Would you go back
to South Korea or no?

- Oh, definitely but there's
no drag culture there.

There's hardly any gay culture.

- Wow.

- One day
I would love to be able

to perform in South Korea

and actually have people
come out to see me.

I may be the first
Korean drag queen

to ever be featured
on television.

Like, Americans
have it so good here.

They don't even
realize it, you know?

- So true.

So, so true.

["Cover Girl"
by RuPaul playing]

- [laughs]

¶ Cover Girl,
put the bass in your walk ¶

¶ Head to toe,
let your whole body talk ¶

And, what?


Welcome to the main stage
of "RuPaul's Drag Race."

My running mate,
Michelle Visage.

How you doing?

- I may or may not
be sitting on a hanging chad.


- Style superstar
Carson Kressley.

Now, do you consider
yourself bipartisan?

- I do, but the medication
seems to be working.

- Hot on the campaign trail,
it's Thomas Roberts.

- Hi, Ru.

I'm here to make
America great again

with you through RuPaul-itics.

- Let's make America
great again.

And the secretary of sickening,
Vivica A. Fox.

- Strange, strange, strange.

- I'm not wearing panties.


This week
we challenged our queens

to create shady political ads.

And tonight,
do not adjust your sets,

because the category is
black-and-white realness.

Gentlemen, start your engines,

and may the best woman win.

¶ ¶

¶ The realness ¶

First up, here's
Bob The Drag Queen.

- Bob the joker.
- Uh-oh.

- I decided to do a look
inspired the movie

"Freaks," so I look creepy.

I look gorgeous.
I'm serving, girl.

- Harlequin romance novel.
- Oh, and the sneer.

I like that.

- Up next, Derrick Barry.

Yes, a little black dress.

- Hey.

- I'm representing
old Hollywood,

and this is
a different look for me.

I feel like a movie star.

- Now, she's pumping some
Yvonne De Carlo realness here.

Lily Munster.

Naomi Smalls.

- Baby?
- Oh, damn.

- Raven is such
a huge inspiration.

I really just want to
pay homage

to how amazing she is.

- She has padded.

- Someone found a couch.

- Yeah.
What's your sleep number?


¶ ¶

Oh, oh, oh, oh.
- Other way.

- This is Kim Chi, y'all.

- She is just giving us drama.

- My idea is a sad-looking
French clown

in a "Sin City" setting.

- Wrong way.

- I'll get her back.

- The mime has come
to lip-synch for your life.

Thorgy Thor.
- Oh.

- She's got Bette Davis thighs.

- It's hammer time.

- I'm giving you Mae West
meets Carrie Bradshaw.

My idea is to put them together
in a hodgepodge

to create my own Thorgy look.

- She looks a little ashy.

- Yes.
- Lotion up, girl.

Lotion up.


Chi Chi DeVayne.

- Ooh!
- She's gone Hollywood.

- Sparkle, honey.

- I'm wearing a gown

that was passed down
from my drag mom,

so it's special,
and my makeup is giving you

"Dead President" realness,

- She brought her Louisiana
roadkill with her too.

- No possums were harmed
in the making of this outfit.

- Yes.
- ¶ The realness ¶

- Coming up...

- We did have to work
quite a bit with you.

- It was challenging.
- It was challenging.

- You okay, boo?

- [laughing]

- [laughing]

Welcome, candidates.

First up, Bob The Drag Queen.

Let's take a look
at your shady political ad.

- [claps]

I'm Bob The Drag Queen,

a queen for the people.

And as a public servant,
I believe in serving the people.

That's why I want BJs

for every single American.

That's right, better jobs
for every American.

Buy yourself something pretty.

I believe in
strong drag family values.

I adopted these three
needy drag babies,

and Derrick Barry
only had one baby...

for breakfast.

[eerie music]



Bob The Drag Queen has a plan--

the gay agenda--

and it's designed by lesbians,

so you know it works.


Bob The Drag Queen
for president.


Because I didn't
eat a f*cking baby.

This ad was paid for
by my Uncle Steve.

He got money, girl.


- I loved that
you threw so much shade

that you made your opponent
look like an absolute maniac.

You did an excellent job.

- You have a very small
amount of time

to tell your story,
to get the laugh.

I think it was tight,
and it worked.

- You demonstrated gravitas.

- I'm gonna throw a challenge
at you.

I would love to see
a fully-realized

glamasaurus Rex.

- Okay.

- All right, next up,
Derrick Barry.

- Think Derrick Barry

because this fairy
thinks fairly.

As a Las Vegas local,

I'm comfortable taking
a gamble with your money.

However, Bob is only comfortable
stealing from defenseless people

on the mean streets
of New York City.

- [cackles]

- I'm a very traditional woman.

However, Bob spends his time
dropping acid

with his friend Betty

and engaging in orgies
with his friend Thorgy.

I'm gonna spend my time

incorporating drag 101 classes

in schools across America.

However, Bob visits
sick children in the hospital,

and instead of
making them laugh,

he laughs at them.

- [laughing]

- Who is Bob,

and what is he hiding?

- [cackles]

- This ad was paid for
by Chad Michaels,

All Stars Winner,
celebrity female impersonator

of the world.

- That was good, Derrick.
- Good job.

- You came across

like you didn't really believe
what you were saying,

which is perfect
for a politician.

I mean, you nailed it.

It was Michele Bachmann

- If you really were going
for Michele Bachmann, though,

you would've looked
at the wrong camera.

- Baby,
the shade on your opponent,

it was dead-on.

- You went in
on your competition.

It was an actual, true smear.

- Runway look,
a little underwhelmed.

Don't just give us that same
old kind of pretty makeup.

Just show us something
completely different.

- Up next, Naomi Smalls.

- Beauty is pain,

and I believe America
needs to toughen up.

A president needs to be
able to carry herself.

How is Kim Chi gonna do that

when she can't even
walk in heels?

- [laughing]

- America's first drag president

must give speeches, interviews,
and debates.

It's gonna be hard
to understand Kim Chi

when you're dodging saliva
through that strong lisp.

When I'm elected, there will be
no more parking tickets,

and officers will be trained to
give free injectable cosmetics.

Free Restylane for all!

I'm Naomi Smalls, and I promise
to represent you fiercely.

- This ad was paid for
by citizens

against non-lacefront wigs.


- You made some campaign

that really appeal to me.


- I loved that
your commercial was really

all about being
a drag president,

about being fabulous.

- Tonight on the runway, wow.

I mean, you look ultra

- And then the hip
with the padding.

- Yeah, the padding
is phenomenal.

- I think it's my favorite look
on the runway.

- Thank you.

- Up next, Kim Chi.

Let's take a look.

- Hi, I'm Kim Chi,

and you want me
as your first drag president.

Naomi Smalls says
beauty is pain,

but is she aware of
the consequences of her actions?

America is a kitchen
that needs a strong chef

and never trust a skinny cook.

Small body, small mind.

She thinks she's
the skinniest queen,

but her waist is 22 inches.

What a fat ass.

Shady gays believe in no fats,

no fems, and no Asians.

As someone who is
all of the above,

I understand your pain.

My name is Kim Chi,

and say hello to yellow.

This ad was paid
out of my own pocket

because no one cares.

Do you?


- When you came on,
you didn't break.

You did the whole mime thing.

But the best part
was your makeup.

Absolutely stunning.

- But your ad.

I don't think it really got
the job done as far as

what the challenge was,
which was to be shady.

- We did have
to work quite a bit

with you and your inflections.

- It was challenging.
- It was challenging.

It's just--I don't think
you're a big speaker.

- I do have, like, a bit
of a fear of public speaking,

so to be able
to just enunciate clearly

is something I've struggled
with for a long time,

and I tried my best and--

- Are you okay, boo?

- Yeah, I'm fine.

- I wouldn't be so hard
on myself if I were you.

It's just that you've got
some really tough competitors,

and we're down to that place

where we have to really
give harsh critiques,

you know?

Coming up...

- I got totally confused
on the smear campaign.

You could've drug her ass

through the mud
a whole lot more

is all I'm gonna
really tell you.

- There were too many ideas.

- Mm.

- [laughing]

- [laughing]

- Next up, Thorgy Thor.
- Hello.

- Let's take a look
at your political shadiness.

- Shoo.

Hello, good Americans.

My name is Thorgy Thor,

and I need your vote to become
the first drag queen president

of the United States of America.

You need somebody you can trust.

I've never told a lie,
and I'm not about to begin now.

This is my real hair.

My opponent Chi Chi DeVayne

once drank too many wine coolers
in college,

and she threw up on the floor.

Now she visits
recovering addicts

and feeds food to the homeless.

I'm not buying it.

Chi Chi's hand always
goes straight for the bottle.

My top priority is health care.

That's why I'm sending
a very expensive bottle

of champagne
to every home in America.

Cheers to your health and mine.



Thorgy Thor for president,

because I'm more powerful
than you.

- Hmm.

- [laughs]
- All right.


- Let's start
with your runway look.

It's not the most glamorous look
on the runway.

I think you look
like a dead Boy George.

- I was very entertained
by your character.

I thought it was
a little Joan Crawford,

Faye Dunaway...

- Thank you.
- Over-the-top.

- But I got totally confused

when you were
passing out the food,

and then you didn't see
anything about the booze,

and I was kind of--
I got a little lost on that.

- Michelle even asked you,

"Don't you want to do, like,
a boozy cutaway of Chi Chi?"

And we never saw that.

And in an ad of this length,

you need to show us,
not tell us,

so that was a fail for me.

- There was, like, no smear
in that smear campaign.

Also, there was no tagline,
like, no paid-for line.

- The difficult thing
was to cut down

exactly what material

I wanted to come across
with this character.

There were too many ideas.

- That's been
a critique of you

throughout the competition
is learning how to edit.

- You're right.
I could keep--

I always just keep going,
keep going, and going.

It is difficult to shut
my thought processes down.

- Thank you, Thorgy.

Up next, Chi Chi DeVayne.

- Okay.

I'm Chi Chi DeVayne,

and I approve
this message, girl.

I'm Chi Chi DeVayne,

and I should be
your next drag president

because I'm real, chill,

and my makeup don't peel.

But my opponent Thorgy Thor
is always caught looking

like she works
for children's parties.

Do you really want a clown
running your country?

I think not.

Meanwhile, I'm working to ensure

that every American
has a pot to piss in

and a window to throw it out.

And in that same pot,

there'll be chitlins
boiling for all.

Thorgy want America
to walk around

with horrible hip pads
that resemble Peggy Bundy.

Who wants to walk around
with a FUPA?

America says,
"Not me, Thorgy Thor."

- This message has been paid for

by citizens who like to eat
rare and unusual animal parts.

- Oh!


I really love
this sassy character.

However, your smear campaign,

you could've drug her ass

through the mud
a whole lot more

is all I'm gonna
really tell you.

- The look was a bit
shocking to me.

You're a drag queen president.

I didn't feel like there was any
"zjooshing" up.

- You were, like,
rocking the Wanda Sykes

as assistant
in "Monster-in-Law" look.

I wasn't a fan.

I do think there really
wasn't any smear in there,

and I think for both of you,
you were too nice to each other.

Just remember
what the challenge is.

- You came in
in kind of a character,

and I think we just had
to push you a little bit

for you to be in your skin.

- And that's the key for you,

is to just own that bayou charm.

- [sighs]

Where I come from,
it's damn hard

to get out of the ghetto,
to get out of that,

and I think that's why I kind
of--I don't want to be ghetto.

You know what I mean?
Because I feel like--

- Let me just tell you this.

Let me stop you here.

Just be you.

Honey, that's why we sent you
a plane ticket.

You know, we don't need you
to be somebody else.

- I do want to say

that this my sixth season
doing this,

and I have not seen such
a strong set of girls before.

There is not one of you
that was terrible at all.

This is what
we're up against as judges.

- Thank you, ladies.

While you untuck backstage,

the judges
and I will deliberate.

Just between us swing voters,
what do you think?

Bob The Drag Queen.

- Bob nailed it.

- She's great at the comedy.

She was great at the writing.
She was great at the acting.

- Bob had gravitas
in that campaign.

- You are in love
with that word.

- I still don't even
know what it means.

- I know, I want to--tell me.
- It means "heft."

- Like a fat ass kind of heft?

- Gravit-ass.

- Derrick Barry.

- When she was Derrick Bachmann,
I think she smeared Bob,

and she smeared him well.

She had a really good, campy,

fun time with him.

- Those two have a history
of being rivals,

and they made it work for them.

This is like what
I do every week

with Michelle Visage.


Naomi Smalls.

- She was the only one
that threw actual shade.

- And she's so likeable.

- Now, that runway,
she was padded for Jesus.


- Naomi has risen
to the occasion,

and that's the progress
we love in this competition.

Kim Chi.

- Her shade part
with Naomi was "eh."

- I didn't know whether or not
she was doing a campaign ad

or if she was doing a food ad.

- But this kid
is so imaginative,

and then she brought up
the no fats, no fems,

no Asians thing,
which was very political,

the fact that gay people
are fighting for fairness.

But, you know, on Craigslist,

you're free to be as r*cist
and body shaming as possible.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- I'm gonna take that
off my profile.


- Thorgy Thor.

- This runway tonight
was a swing and a miss.

I know she's wacky
and different,

but it should be cohesive.

- The political campaign,

love the commitment
to the character

but it was kind
of too much about her.

- She didn't do any
of the smear campaign at all,

and when she did, it was like,
"Oh, enough about you

but back to me."

- Lots of ideas,
but you've got to land a punch.

Chi Chi DeVayne.

- Tonight on the runway,

that is the best she's looked
this entire competition.

- Unfortunately, I was not a fan
of the political campaign.

That wasn't somebody

that could be
the first drag queen president.

- When Chi Chi walked out
to meet Carson and I,

I literally though it was James
Brown coming out.


- Silence.

- Mm.

- I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls,
Mr. Gorbachev!

- [laughing]

- [laughing]

- Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

Bob The Drag Queen

and Derrick Barry,

you are both the winners
of this week's challenge.

- Congrats, baby.

- You've each won
an original couture gown

from Mountbatten Concepts.

- Oh, wow.

I'm on cloud nine.

This is the moment
I've been waiting for.

- Pleasure meeting all of you.
Thank you.

- Thank you, all of you.

- I'm glad
that we won together.

Working with Derrick,
I've learned to like

and respect him.

¶ ¶

- Naomi Smalls
and Kim Chi,

you are safe.

- [sighs]

- You may join the other girls.

- Thank you so much.

- Thorgy Thor,
Chi Chi DeVayne,

I'm sorry, my dears,
but you are up for elimination.

- I do not deserve
to be in the bottom.

I ain't going home.

- Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance

to impress me

and save yourself
from elimination.

The time has come

for you to lip-synch

for your life!

- I am a performer
through and through.

One of us has to go home.

She is.

- Good luck,

and don't f*ck it up.

- ¶ And I am telling you ¶

¶ I'm not going ¶

¶ You're the best man
I'll ever know ¶

¶ There's no way I can ever go ¶

¶ No, no, there's no way ¶

¶ No, no, no, no way
I'm living without you ¶

¶ I'm not living without you ¶

¶ I don't wanna be free ¶

¶ And you, and you ¶

¶ You're gonna love me ¶

¶ And time and time, we've had
so much to see and ¶

¶ No, no, no, no, no, no ¶

¶ Tear down the mountains ¶

¶ Yell, scream, and shout
like you ¶

¶ Can say what you want ¶

¶ I'm not walking out ¶

¶ Stop all the rivers, ¶

¶ Push, strike, and k*ll ¶

¶ I'm not gonna leave you ¶

¶ There's no way I will ¶

¶ And I am telling you ¶

[beads rattling]

¶ I'm not going ¶

¶ You're the best man
I'll ever know ¶

¶ There's no way I could ever,
ever go ¶

¶ No, no, no, no way ¶

¶ You're gonna love ¶

¶ Me ¶

- Wow.

[cheers and applause]

- Ladies, I've made my decision.

Chi Chi DeVayne,

shantay, you stay.

- Thank you.

I love you, baby.

- I love you always.

- Thorgy Thor,

you brought the BK to the RDR.

And, girl,

I ain't gonna l-i-e.

- [laughs]

- We loved every minute of it.

Now sashay away.

- Thank you, Ru, so much.


I love you guys.

- Bye, Thorgy.
- Bye, guys.

Witty catchphrase,
you know what I mean?


Ru, I think you made
a little bit of a mistake,

but you have
your reasons for things.

This show is a lot harder
than you think,

so judge us kindly.

I don't regret a single thing.

I will look at this
as a catalyst

towards more greatness.

I love you, Ru.

- Condragulations, ladies.

Now, remember,

if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell are you and you
and you

gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an amen in here?


- All right.
Now let the music play.

["Die Tomorrow"
by RuPaul playing]

¶ Die tomorrow,
live tonight ¶

¶ Die tomorrow,
live tonight ¶

¶ Die tomorrow,
live tonight ¶
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