13x06 - Disco-Mentary

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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13x06 - Disco-Mentary

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on [/i]RuPaul's Drag Race…

We're having a bag ball.

-Joey Jay.[/i]
-[Michelle][/i] I can tell by looking at this[/i]

you're not the sewer.

[RuPaul] LaLa Ri.

[Carson] It's some bags that
were glued onto a bodysuit.

Yeah, that's not gonna work.

[RuPaul] Utica.

You have continuously upped the fashion,
and I think tonight was no exception.

[RuPaul] Gottmik.

You have a really good taste level

that transcended all three of the looks.

Con-drag-ulations. You are the winner
of this week's challenge.

[Gottmik] Oh, my God.

LaLa Ri, shantay, you stay.

Joey Jay, sashay away.

-[Elliott] Whew!
-My Lord.

That was a long runway.

Category is our clothes.

What a day.

My boyfriend-to-be
was just sent home, Joey Jay.

I'm so sad!

"I'm a gay-ass bitch. I'm who?"

[all] "Joey Jay."

I'm not coming for you,
but you sent my man home.

Listen, bitch, Joey's cute,

and I definitely have
a big-ass crush on him,

and I most for sure

will sleep with the bitch
when we meet again

after I win this competition.

[all laugh]

When all of us were in Untucked,[/i]
it got crazy.

There's a lot of unfinished business.

So Untucked, [/i]ladies, was really eventful.

Girl. Bitch, it's about to be

like an Atlanta strip club
up in here, bitch,

with bottles flying and fists flying

and wigs everywhere, baby.

There's a difference
between being arrogant

and being confident.

It is a difference, but you ain't--

you're not being confident,
you're being arrogant.

-Get out of here with that bullshit.
-It's not bullshit, it's a fact.

You walked in here
and said, "I don't like some of you girls

because you arrogant
and got nasty attitudes."

I said what I said.

If you don't have star quality,
get the f*ck outta here.

Girl, star quality?

[Kandy] b*tches in here is trying me,

and I'm to pop the f*ck off.

Because you're gonna say--
call me arrogant--

what any of the bottom girls
have to say about me,

because I'm staying here safe.

Suck it, bitch.

Take me out right now!

How's everybody feeling about that now?

Yes, I felt defensive.

I guess I was going the f*ck off.
I was mad, I was upset.

I thought we was cool,
and then out of nowhere

you don't like me,
which is, like, news to me.

I feel like it was blown
out of proportion.

Tamisha is honest, she is who she is,

and if she has a problem with someone,
she's gonna tell them.

Whereas with Kandy, she can dish it

but she has a difficult time taking it,

and she gets very defensive.

She came in, was nasty,
and got what she deserved back.

I said y'all are doing amazing,

even though it's some girls
I don't care for.

That's what I said.

[Kandy] No, what you said was

I don't like some of you girls,

but you girls did good
in the ball challenge.

Because I've been doing drag
for just so long--

That's not what I said.

That's what you heard,

-not what I said.
-Oh, I'm making shit up.

Roll back the f*cking tape.

That's literally what you said.

It's a couple of you girls
I really don't care for,

but I have to commend you on your drag.

I'm one to give props where props are due.

And I still say it's a couple of girls
in here I don't care for,

because you have some really
nasty attitudes or whatever.

But that's just me personally.

She did say,
"I don't care for some of y'all,"

-and that was in response--
-That's what I said.

That's what I said.

Then I said,
"Who are you talking about?"

-You said, "You."
-[Tamisha] What you mean?

Don't ask a question
you don't want an answer to.

May I ask, where did it come from?

What was that about?

Since we have entered the werkroom

with the girls that all eliminated us,

what I have seen
and what have been discussed--

Even if the other eliminated group
came back was talking about us,

whatever the other girls feel
some type of way about me,

two of them are gone
and our entire group is here.

That is what I'm talking about.

Kandy just showed me point-blank, period

that you feel like
every member in the A team

is better than B team.

Last week, Kandy stood up

and said,
"Symone is my biggest competition,"

like we weren't in the room.

You're only gonna rank yourself
amongst your girls,

and that's what's disheartening,

because it's a competition
amongst all of us.

Like I said, we don't gotta kiki,
we don't gotta talk.

We don't even gotta be sisters,
just we're in the same competition.

Don't look or speak my way, 
I won't look or speak to you.

I don't need you to tell me that.
I'm a grown-ass woman.

You don't need to tell me that.

But nevertheless,
what I said is what I said.

[Kandy] So with that being said,

I wanna get out of drag, so let's end it.
Goodbye, good night.

-What's for dinner?
-What's for dinner?

[Lala] Atlanta people don't take no shit
and Brooklyn people don't take no shit.

It's about to get real
interesting from here on out.

The pageant has started.
We gonna see the best man win.

Tamisha's dead to me.
I don't wanna hear about it.

All of my girls that are rooting for me,

I love them to death.

For everyone else that has
something to say about me...

[Tamisha] Kandy's cockiness
is going to bite her in the ass.

So just like you in the winner's circle,

it's easy to get in the loser's circle,
so, heh.

Bitch, I said what I said.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

[RuPaul] The winner of [/i]RuPaul's Drag Race
receives a one-year supply[/i]

of Anastasia Beverly Hills cosmetics,

and a cash prize of $100,000.

With extra-special guest judge Loni Love.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best woman ♪

♪ Best woman win ♪

[all laugh]

-Go on, bitch, get outta here.
-Oh, my God.

Today is a new day,

and the mood in the werkroom
is hella awkward

because we fully had the bad
girls club brawl last week.

And I don't think we ever really found,

like, a happy place to go back to.

So can we just say, like,
it's a brand-new week

and we can leave everything
we went through last week?

[Olivia] Absolutely.

[Elliott] Can we just start fresh?
I mean, wishful saying.

I mean, wishful thinking.


[RuPaul] Ooh, girl.[/i]

She done already done had herses.

-[Kandy] Let's go, bitch.
-Let's go!

Hey, bad girls.

Whether you're hot stuff or a superfreak,

if you wanna stay alive,

you betta shake that groove thing, girl,

or this could be your last dance.

Toot-toot, hey.

-[Elliott] Oh, my God.
-[Kandy] Disco.

Hello, hello, hello!


-]Elliott] Come on, ascot!

I'm your host,
RuPaul Charles Nelson Reilly.

[imitates Charles Nelson Reilly] Oh!


[all laugh]

America's next drag superstar

must never fade into the background,

so for today's mini-challenge,

you'll be working in pairs

to create eye-popping designer dresses

using wallpaper
provided by Spoonflower.com.

Now, to prove your design
doesn't blend in,

one of you will be modeling the dress

in front of a wall of matching wallpaper.

[all laugh]

And the other will provide
fashion commentary.

Now, I need you all to pair up,

but choose carefully,
because whoever you choose

will be your partner
for both today's mini-challenge

and this week's maxi-challenge.

Now, Gottmik, you were
our winner last week,

so you get to wait and join
the pair of your choice.

Oh, my.

Oh, oh, oh!

Oh! Oh! Oh!

[RuPaul] Now, raise your hand.

Do you know who Charles Nelson Reilly is?

No, no one. OK.

f*ck all of you.

-[all laugh]
-OK, queens, pick a partner.

Utica and me.

-Oh. Olivia was first. Sorry.
-Got you.

Sure, yes.

So at the bottom of the barrel
is myself and Tamisha,

same shit, different day.


[RuPaul] All right, Gottmik,

which couple will you
be turning into a throuple?

Oh, I think I'm gonna go
with Kandy and Tina.


Oh, my God, drum roll.

Who is Mik gonna pick?

Oh, my God, this is so nerve-wracking.

Of course you're gonna
pick me and Kandy.

Don't even try it, sis.

OK, queens, you have 30 minutes

to create your wallpaper dresses. Go!

[Gottmik] Oh, we're sickening now.
OK, good to know.

OK, does this cover my hole?

[Rosé] Yep.

All right, time's up, wallflowers.

First up, Tina Burner,
Kandy Muse, and Gottmik.

From the drag queen who likes it raw,

everyone looks fishy

in this design we're calling
Catch of the Day.

You'll never blend into the background.

You'll tuna roll all over it.

That last joke made me feel a little eel.


Up next, Rosé and Denali.

[Rosé] Here's Button Foster.

Zipper? I hardly flipper!

I like big buttons, and I cannot lie.

Up next, Tamisha Iman
and Elliott with 2 Ts.

[Tamisha] What's the matter,
Carole Baskin got your tongue?

-Did you say Carole Baskin?
-Carole Baskin.

-Oh, that bitch. I hate her.
-[all laugh]

[Tamisha] The Tiger King has nothing
on the House of Food Stamps.

This is the same dress Carole Baskin wore

when she kidnapped
her husband... allegedly.

-The one-of-a-kind dress

smells like Joe's exotic bedroom.

This dress is giving me jungle fever.


[RuPaul] Up next, Olivia Lux and Utica.

[Olivia] Just in time
for allergy season, it's Utica Queen

in our growing new dress design,

This bitch is crazy.


Bitch, where are you going?

Jesus, take the bouquet.

And finally, LaLa Ri and Symone.

[Symone] Fresh from the oven,
here's LaLa Ri

in the perfect design
to fire up your pepperoni.

Oh, I can tell she's a meat lover.

Easy, cheesy, beautiful. Pizza girl!

OK, I'll take a slice.

Oh! [laughs]

Nice work, ladies,

but one team really sheetrocked this shit.

Tamisha Iman and Elliott with 2 Ts,

You've each won a $2,500 gift card

to spend on customized
home decor at Spoonflower.com.



OK, queens, now that
you're already partnered up,

it's time to hit the dance floor.

For this week's maxi-challenge,

you'll be making a dancing documentary

about the beat that defined
a generation of liberation.

I'm talking disco, baby.


Now, in the seventies,
disco was about freedom, divas,

and bringing funky people together.


Kinda like Drag Race [/i]does today.

So to bring the world's first
disco-mentary to life,

you'll need to learn choreography,

and more importantly,
embody the spirit of disco.

Now, each team will be covering
a different chapter.

Tina, Kandy, and Gottmik,

you're covering the birth of disco.

Elliott and Tamisha,
you've got disco and sex.


Olivia Lux and Utica, Studio 54.

Denali and Rosé, disco fashion!

-Yes, cute.

LaLa Ri and Symone,
you've got Disco Sucks.

-[all laugh]

You know how to suck, don't you?

-Sho' do.
-[Elliott] Oh, my.

Hey, are y'all ready
to boogie-oogie-oogie?


Racers, start your engines,

and may the best dancing queen win.


Yay, dancing challenges!

This is what I do.

I feel very underestimated

in this competition by the other girls,
but this is my moment

to let them know who they dealing with.

[Elliott] Girl, come on, disco inferno.

I think, like, finger dancing.

This week's maxi-challenge
is a disco-mentary.

And then roll it.

I love disco, I love dancing.

It is my challenge to win.

So we gonna be telling the story of disco
through dance, baby, dance!

This just feels like home.

When I hear disco, it just sends, like,

a little sensation through
my body, like, ooh, hah!

Baby, she make you wanna move. [laughs]

[Utica] Jeez, that hair actually
makes Tina look small.


[Olivia] Say it out loud. Say it to him.

Tina, your hair
finally makes you look small.


I mean, if I stand next
to LaLa, I'll be good.

-[all laugh]

♪ Ooh-ee, ooh-ee ♪


Who's got boogie fever?

-[Elliott] Boogie-woogie!

All right, Denali and Rosé, come on down.

-[Denali and Rosé] Hi.

So what made you gravitate together?

You know, we both come from dancing,

choreography backgrounds,

so we just really get counts and music
and everything.


Not only can we show off what we can do,

but we can really push it,

because she's at a similar level to me.

So you all are representing disco fashion.

Yes, we are.

I used to work on cruise ships,
and they would make us spotlight

a lot of the production shows.

And one of them was Saturday Night Fever,[/i]
so I'm versed in Bee Gees and their music.

So you worked on a cruise ship.
There's no ice skating on cruise ships.

There is, actually.

-Ice skating?

-You ice skated on a cruise ship?
-I did, yeah.

There were ice rinks,

and they'd employ 10 skaters
from all around the world,

and we'd do production shows
for the guests.

It was a lot of fun.

But the boat is rocking
while you're performing,

and it's hard to do a spin.

Yeah, we would spin,
we would jump, we did it all.

Wow. Now, Rosé, you came
very close last week

to actually winning.

How are you gonna make sure
that you win this week?

f*ckin' let go.

I think I'm holding on a bit too much.
And I'm doing well.

I've been in the top
three weeks in a row now.

But, like, I still feel like
I haven't let my guard fully down

in front of you all.

I think you're absolutely right.

-Because there's a feeling

that you're saying to the judges,

you ain't gonna get me.

You ain't gonna break me down.

And it's a strategy,

but it doesn't allow people
to fall in love with you.

You're clearly very talented,

but people fall in love

out of honesty and vulnerability.

I can't make it perfect,
so I gotta stop trying to make it perfect.

-Yeah, perfect is overrated.

Perfect is actually kind of boring.

-When you are in a disco

and you've got the lights going

and you're dancing around
and you're connecting to that beat,

something magical happens.

This is an opportunity for you
to just let it all hang out.

-All right, I can't wait to see you.

[both] Thank you, Ru.

[RuPaul] All right, Symone, LaLa Ri.



So, now, you all are
representing disco sucks.

-Disco sucks.

So what do you know about disco?

I don't know much about disco.

-Of course, Sylvester.

What do you about Sylvester?

I think he was, like, a gay pioneer.

And what do you know about disco?

There's a lot of movin' and groovin',

a lot of colors, big hair.

What do you know about
the Disco Sucks movement?

I have never heard of it until today.

The Disco Sucks movement
happened in Chicago.

A deejay in Chicago

had everyone bring down
a pile of disco records

to this stadium
and set these disco records on fire.

-[Symone] Really?
-Wait, I didn't know that.

It was this revolt that
signaled the "end" of disco,

-but disco never really ended.

The powers that be, they get scared

by uncaged, unbridled passion,
which is what disco is about.

You know, with rock music,
you dance to rock music like this.

-[Symone] Mm-hmm.
-[LaLa] Bobbing head.

But you don't do this.

-[both laugh]

That is a revolution.


And also, it's associated with gay,

Black music, freedom,

and that scared a lot of people,
because they couldn't control it.

Control it.

So that is why Disco Sucks happened,

and that's what you are representing

in this disco-mentary.

And just for the record,
disco does not suck.

-OK. [laughs]
-Can't wait to see you out there.

-All right.
-Thank you.

All right, Gottmik,
Kandy Muse, and Tina Burner.


So who knows anything about disco?

You know the Pussycat Dolls
had one music video, Hush, Hush,[/i]

and it goes into that--

-"I Will Survive?"
-"I will Survive."

That's, like the most disco.

If you were closer to me, I'd slap you.

[all laugh]

[Elliott] Run.

This bit that you all are doing,

it has to do with the roots
of disco and New York City.

Every disco had people
from uptown, downtown,

gay, straight, Black,
White, Latin, men, women,

everybody was there together,

and it is such an expression
of love and soul and unity.

So, Tina, if I say name your
top three disco records,

what would they be?

Knock On Wood, Thelma Houston.[/i]

That's not Thelma Houston, but--

-Or, um...
-Amy Stewart.

-[Tina] Amy Stewart.

-Don't Leave Me This Way.
-Thelma Houston, yeah.[/i]

And I Will Survive, [/i]Diana Ross.

Well, you know, she covered it.

-It's Gloria Gaynor's song.

-Well, yeah.

You got me good. You got me real good.

Do you have three favorite
disco songs, Gottmik?

Hmm. Probably somewhere in there.

But I think I might keep them
to myself for right now.

Kandy, what's the difference
between Diana Ross and Donna Summer?

-Did you know the difference?
-No, definitely, yeah.

"No, definitely?"

No, no. Like, "no," as in, like, "yes."

-Like, no, definitely, yes.

Like, no, yeah. Like, yeah.

-Uh-huh. That's definitely no.
-Please, give a synopsis.


[gasps] OK.


[Kandy] I know the difference.

One has big, curly, bouncy hair,
you know, Mahogany.[/i]

And the other one's dead.

So listen, I will see you
on the dance floor.

Yes, you will.

It's gonna be fabulous.

-Oh, this gonna be good.
-Opening it up for you.

All right, ladies, gather round.

Gather round, queens.

Now, in a few minutes
you'll head to the main stage

to turn the beat around
with choreographer Miguel Zarate.

So good luck, my disco ducks,

and don't f*ck it up.

[cheers and applause]

[Kandy sighs]
I wanna be in the top this week.

After f*cking up that first,
like, group challenge, girl,

I need to, crk-crk-crk-crk.

Yeah. You'll be OK.

Do y'all think it's gonna be
judged on group or individual?

I'm not sure,

because, bitch, if there's
some partnering bullshit

and then one person fucks up,

like, you know, who knows?

Imagine you'll be judged as partners,
and you and you partner are in the bottom

and you have to lip sync
against your partner.

-That could be what it is.
-[Denali] What about the throuple?

[gasps] Uh-uh!

Don't tell that to the universe!

I can see a three-way lip-sync,
and then double elimination.

Um, I'm in that group.

That's f*cked up.

This is a dancing challenge.
I should have picked a dancing queen.

Had I known, I wouldn't have chosen

two b*tches with two left feet.

And now here I am. f*ck my life.



How are you guys?


It's time to learn choreography.
I wanna feel transported

when I move my body to the disco beat.

Hi, ladies. My name is Miguel Zarate,

and I'm here to teach you some moves
for the disco-mentary.

Don't take yourself too seriously.

Disco's about having fun,
and that's really what I'm looking for.

So we should just get to it.
Let me start with the trio.

-Hey, guys.

So you guys start it off.

It's the birth of disco,
so we're gonna start

with a little dance called the Seat Belt.

Sounds gorgeous.

One, two, three, four.


Right now, it looks
a little up and flighty.

It's gotta be down and dirtier
and a little grimier.

All together, from the top.
Hit and the top.

Hit and a boom and a boom and a boom.

Our mean girl trio, they look cute.

And I say that facetiously.


That's strong, woom, strong, woom.

And a boom and a boom
and a boom and a boom.

-Much better except for Mik.

[all laugh]



OK, your song is "Disco Sucks."

It's about your p*ssy being on fire,

serving it hot,
and not apologizing for it.

Shuffle low, shuffle low.

Shuffle high, shuffle high.

OK, you're going hip,
and I'm going d*ck.

Let's work on that.

Let's just stay in place and then go...

down, pop it up,

down, pop it up,

down, thrust it.

Don't hurt yourself, LaLa.

[all laugh]

-You're still competing tomorrow, girl.
-Ooh, hah!

Elliott with 2 Ts and Tamisha,
your category is sex.

-I want you to think hot,

-I want you to think heavy.

And I want you to think hula-hoop.



I don't want no damn hula-hoop-a!

Keep it going, keep it going,
keep it going, keep it going.

Thrust it forward,
thrust it forward, thrust it forward.

-[queen] Wow, that's a lot.
-[Tamisha] Sexy is cute,

but the hula-hoop part, what the hell?

And-a push and-a push
and-a push, relax the face,

have fun, aow.

Five, six, seven, eight.

Elliott's like, one, two,
three, four, five.

And I'm like, one, four--
No, wait a minute, one-- five--


-You got it, babe.
-I can't do it.

I'm trying, but at the end of the day,
I have another problem.

It's not just the cancer.

I'm here with an ostomy bag on my stomach.

It's an open wound,
and it limits my mobility.

I can't do the things
that I normally could do.

[Miguel] Here we go.

Five, six, seven, have fun.

Funk it up, funk it up.

[Tamisha] Having the ostomy,

and I didn't mention this to the group,
I haven't asked for special treatment.

I'm gonna always try
to rise to the occasion

off of my abilities.

-Yes, werk! That's nice!
-[Elliott] Thank you.

[Miguel] You guys, that's awesome.

It's a lot, but, you know,
at the end of the day,

everybody know fame costs.


All right, your theme is fashion.

You have the most dance-heavy
of the sections.

♪ Hey ♪

You're gonna do pas de bourree,
pas de bourree.

Turn, out, step, touch.

Do you want that to fan,
or do you want it to break?

Not that, bitch.

[all laugh]

-[Miguel] I'm either/or.
-[Denali] Let's do fan.

[Miguel] Pas de bourree, pas de bourree
bring it in.

This is the strongest technical team
when it comes to dancing.

Me and Rosé, we're k*lling it.

I'm really hoping 
I can win this challenge.

Beautiful, ladies. Thank you guys so much.

[Denali] Thank you.

[Miguel] Great job, great job.

Our choreography is definitely
the most challenging

out of all the girls.

My biggest concern
for this challenge is...

winning. [laughs]

All right, we have Olivia and Utica.

Studio 54, it's like confetti in a can.

And what we're gonna do

is bring that confetti
to life using this flag.

Here we go. Go, one, two, three, four,

and five, six, seven, good.

And outside and up. Lay out.

[Elliott laughs] Utica!

Olivia and Utica, I mean, one of them
is doing the choreo wrong,

and by the looks on Olivia's face,
it's not Olivia.

One, two, three, four,

and five, around. No chainé.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

-And then out.
-Oh, my God.

[laughs] Miss Utica and this...

Yeah. Whoo!

Miss Utica and this little
piece of fabric, girl.

This little piece of fabric
is tearing her up.

[Miguel] Utica, get out of your head,
because your creativity is amazing.

When you let your creativity flow,

like, I can't stop looking at you.

But the second you don't,
I don't wanna look at you.

[Tina] Ooh.

[Utica] I'm telling myself,
I can do this, I can do this.

I am a great dancer, I am a great dancer.

Like, I can do this!

But Olivia is full-on disco inferno
happening in partnership-land.

So I have, like, some big shoes to fill

if I'm gonna compete with her.

[Miguel] Let's go. Yeah!


[shouting nonsense words]

Today we are gonna be performing

our disco-ography on the main stage.

And I'm gonna feel disco
right up into my tuck, honey.

How are we feeling?

Like, we just have strong personalities,
so we have to show personality on stage.

-[Gottmik] Yeah.

I know that everyone looks at us

as, like, the loud b*tches in the room.

But, baby, can we deliver?

That's the real tea.

And I think we can.

Yeah, no, we're gonna k*ll this.

[Tina] Yes, hands in the middle.

-All right.
-Mean girls on three. One, two, three.

-Mean girls.
-Mean girls.

[Rosé] Oh, is that the clique?

Oh, is that the clique?

Some people think we're b*tches,
but guess what?

Drag queens are very loud, outspoken.

We push buttons.

You wanna call it mean, call it mean.

Move over, Dream Girls,
it's the Mean Girls.

-[Symone] How do you feel, Olivia?
-I feel really good.

You was up there twirling that flag, and--


I always wanted to be in the color guard.


I mean, I was in marching band.

I played the piccolo,
and it was the smallest instrument

for the biggest kid on the field.

I used to be almost 300 pounds.


I just remember kinda
getting teased about my weight.

I was so insecure
because I was still in the closet.

And I was battling
with, like, my identity,

and it just was, like, a lot.

It just was a really dark time

that I felt like I just couldn't be myself

and couldn't be a kid.

Like, going through what we went through
and the rehearsals just reminds me

that I wasn't able to do
what I'm able to do now always.

You know, I remember
going to the amusement parks,

and there was a time where
I got turned away from a ride.

-Oh, my God.
-I couldn't fit in the seat

to even secure myself, so...

When did you lose weight?

[Olivia] Um... In high school, my mom--
we went to the doctor,

and the doctor said, like,
the dreaded "O" word to my mom.

-Like, your son's obese.
-[Symone] Obese?

And my mom was just, like,
we gotta do something about this.

And I was on, like, strict diets,

and that's when I found,
like, theater and drama

and that kind of all ended up
turning into, like, drag.

Yeah. Olivia Lux, darling.

Olivia Lux.

It took a long time

for me to be confident
with my own body, myself,

and now I don't even look at the scale.

As long as I feel amazing,
that's all that matters.

I guess in a way, drag saved
my well-being and my health.

[Tina] Drag is the new diet.

Right. Try it sometime.

You really have no idea
what people have gone through,

and when you learn about it,

it really shows why they are
that person that they are.

Her journey created who
she is today, and I love her.

[Symone] I admire you a lot, Kandy,

because you are very much
yourself at all times.

And your personality is so infectious.

[Kandy] And I know sometimes, like,

it comes out abrasive
and too loud to some people.

Tell us about your favorite
fight you've ever had.

My favorite fight I've ever had?

Girl, the one with the battle
of my inner demons, baby.

Ooh, tell us about that.

Um, well, I mean, all my life

has just been, like, a battle
with just, like, myself.

My mother was, like, in and out of jail,

and just, like, you know,
all I knew was the streets.

And on the streets, you have to be, like,
you know, hood-smart.

I always felt I've had to defend myself,
whether it was at a job or in school

or in a relationship,
whatever the case may be.

If I was, like, faced with an obstacle,

girl, I was gonna go ham.

Growing up, everyone always told me,

like, "You're not good enough,
you won't amount to anything."

And even last time on Untucked,[/i]

when I was, like, going off,

I felt like I needed to defend myself.

And I try not to be that way.

When me and Tamisha
had that little debacle,

it felt like it was definitely
a setback for me,

because I've worked so hard
to not be that angry person.

It took me 10 steps back,

because I haven't been like that
in a very long time.

Learning and growing every day.

Learning and growing every day, diva.

You have lived, like,
five different lifetimes.

Okay. But I look back on it often
and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

I grew up in the projects.

-I didn't know that.
-Yeah, I grew up in the projects.

We had members in the community

that tried to keep the kids
out of trouble and whatnot.

There was this one particular
lady named Ms. Kemp.

She started a cheerleading group.

We didn't have no football team
or nothing like that,

but she gave the girls something to do.

Dance, cheerleading,
whatever your talent is,

Ms. Kemp wanted to bring it out of you.

I would always go to practice
with her and whatnot,

and my nickname was Booty.


I've seen it.

So she was like, "Booty can flip."

When she figured out that
I could flip, I could split,

I could do all those things,

but no one had ever allowed me to do it.

Mind you, I'm up there just having fun,

not knowing what the hell's going on.

My grandmother got wind

that I'm up here doing gay stuff
or whatever, whatever.

She said, "No, boys don't do this,
boys don't do that."

Ms. Kemp was actually the one
who gave me my foundation

and let me know that
I was talented, you know?

I'm grateful for the lady in my community

that took a chance on me.

That's why I became, you know, who I am:
the mother of the House of Iman.

I always wanted to actually
make it to Hollywood.

Well, you're here now, babe.

I said, like, I'm
actually living my dream.

Who'd have ever thought?
I know I wouldn't have.

["Cover Girl" by RuPaul playing]

[RuPaul laughing]

♪ Cover girl ♪

♪ Put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe ♪

♪ Let your whole body talk ♪

♪ And what? ♪

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.[/i]

It's my favorite Soul Train[/i]
dancer, Michelle Visage.

Do you have a favorite disco song?

Yes, it's the story of my life
and my sex life,

"More, More, More."

[all laugh]

Style superstar Carson Kressley,
what's your favorite disco song?

Ru, I really enjoy "Shaft."

The 12-inch version.

[all laugh]

She's back. Everybody say Loni Love.

-Loni Love!
-Loni Love!

Loni, do you have a favorite disco song?

Yes, "Don't Leave Me This Way,"

the Teddy Pendergrass version.

-Yes, that's the original.

I love it.

When he said, "Don't leave me this way,"
I didn't want him to leave me. Ooh.

This week we challenged our
queens to dance, dance, dance

in the world's first disco-mentary.

And on the runway,
category is Little Black Dress.

-Racers, start your engines,

and may the best drag queen win.

Buckle up, because these queens

are about to take us to Funkytown.

[changing radio stations]

[RuPaul] Hey, all you foxy people.[/i]

This is Mama Ru on the radio,

and, ooh, do I have a story to lay on you.

[announcer] Mama Ru on the radio.[/i]

[chorus] ♪ Mama Ru on the radio ♪[/i]

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

[RuPaul] In the early 1970s,[/i]

a new sound was bubbling up
from the street,

a hot mix of rhythm and blues,
salsa, and funk,

with a undeniable beat.

Disco was born,

creating booty-shaking anthems

for gay liberation,

Black power,

women's rights, and the dance floor
would never be the same.

[disco music plays]

♪ Freedom on the dance floor ♪

♪ Won't stop till we get more ♪

♪ Freedom on the dance floor ♪

♪ Won't stop till we get more ♪

♪ Freedom on the dance floor ♪

♪ Won't stop till we get more ♪

♪ Freedom, oh ♪

[RuPaul] Disco celebrated sex,[/i]

a throbbing beat

that made you wanna
shake your groove thing.

Meet a stranger, feel the beat,

and let's get it on.

♪ Everybody say love ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Everybody say love ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Everybody say love ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Everybody say love ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Everybody say love ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Everybody say love ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Everybody say love ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Everybody say love ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Everybody ♪

♪ Everybody ♪

♪ Hey, everybody ♪

[RuPaul] Disco brought[/i]
different worlds together[/i]

at the legendary Studio 54.

Liza, Halston, and Warhol
did the double-bump

with drag queens, bus boys,

and hot studs on roller skates.

In this boogie wonderland,
everybody was a superstar.

♪ Superstar, you know you are ♪

♪ Feeling free, on the move ♪

♪ If you please ♪

♪ In the balcony ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

[RuPaul] Disco ignited[/i]
a fashion expl*si*n.[/i]

Skin was in, baby,

and so were spaghetti straps,

feathered hair, designer jeans,

and damn, those pants were tight.

♪ Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Gucci, Pucci, Susan Lucci ♪

♪ Gucci, Pucci, Susan Lucci ♪

♪ Gucci, Pucci, Susan Lucci ♪

♪ Gucci, Pucci, Susan Lucci ♪

♪ Ooh, touch me there ♪

♪ My designer derriere ♪

[RuPaul] Disco gave us divas:[/i]

-Donna Summer.
-Hot stuff.

-Diana Ross.
-She's the boss.

And there was no shade
in Evelyn Champagne King's day.

But one disco queen paved
the way for the rest of us.

The fearless and flamboyant Sylvester

showed the world how we could
all feel mighty real.

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ From Fire Island ♪

♪ To San Francisco ♪

♪ Queens are queens are queens ♪

♪ We are the queens of disco, oh ♪

[RuPaul] By the end of the seventies,[/i]
the disco revolution was under attack.[/i]

Haters shouted, "Disco sucks!"

They set our records on fire,

and our dreams became a disco inferno.


Disco sucks!

Disco sucks!

Disco sucks!

♪ Fire, yeah ♪

♪ My p*ssy's on fire, yeah ♪

♪ Burning, burning, burning
Tables are turning ♪

♪ You will soon be learning
That you can't k*ll our fire ♪

♪ My p*ssy's on fire ♪

♪ My p*ssy's on fire ♪


Shame, shame, you can't put out our flame.

[RuPaul] They tried to k*ll what we loved,[/i]

but disco never died.

It just changed its name and address.

Today, disco reminds us

that our souls are connected
through spirit,

and how together we can do anything.

It do take a village, people. [laughs][/i]

♪ Sing it to me ♪

♪ We are family ♪

♪ Oh, I can hear you, y'all ♪

♪ Get up everybody and sing ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ We are family ♪

♪ And the things you do, hey, hey ♪

♪ I got all my sisters with me ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ We are family ♪

♪ Get up, get up, y'all ♪

♪ Get up everybody and sing ♪

♪ Oh, hey, hey ♪

[laughter and applause]

♪ Bring back my girls ♪

Category is Little Black Dress.

First up, Tina Burner.

[Loni] Gimme more. Benjamin Moore.

[Tina] It is time to bring some color

into the drab little black dress.

I am serving you a what?

Ru-veal, and all of a sudden

I am serving paint splattered fantasy.

I feel like all the boys in the yard
were painting the m*therf*cking fence,

and they came up and grabbed
my titties and my ass.

Because I am what? I'm looking that good.

All hands on deck... and my ass.

[RuPaul] Paint misbehavin'.

[Loni laughs]

[RuPaul] Kandy Muse.

[Michelle] Oh, I'm noticing
a pattern here.

[all laugh]

[Carson] Very sketchy.

[Kandy] Baby, I have on my
Christina Stambolian creation.

This dress is made out of canvas paper

with a hand-painted little black dress.

My hair is wet with oil paint,

and if you look real closely,

this is the revenge dress
that Princess Diana wore.

Thank you very much.

[Michelle] No more wire hangers!

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Gottmik.

[Loni] Ooh!

[Carson] Mm, the LBM:
the little black merkin.

[RuPaul] You know,
I used to go to that dry cleaner,

but no more.

[all laugh]

[Gottmik] I'm giving you
the littlest black dress.

I'm full naked.

A year ago, I would never have done this.

I couldn't be happier
with how I look right now.

[Loni] Wow.

There's a cold, naked Barbie somewhere.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Elliott with 2 Ts.

[Michelle] The Real Housewives of Paramus.

[Elliott] This look is just
full-on rich, opulent woman.

[laughs] Every once in a while,

someone will have to double-take at me

and go, "Is that a man or a woman?"

It is the complete transformation,

it's the illusion,

and that's what I love about my drag.

The funeral home is her pickup bar.

[all laugh]

Tamisha Iman. Come on, Dominique Deveraux.

This champagne is burnt.

[Tamisha] I wanted to bring
a nice, clean black dress.

One of my many creations.

Any time I hit the runway,
I'm doing a classy lady walk.

I want them to see Diahann Carroll.

I want and need them to see
a Black, classy woman,

and I need them to see Black excellence.

[Michelle] Our lovely
Black butterfly, baby.

[RuPaul] Olivia Lux.

[Loni] Oh, this old thing?

It's just a Sunday afternoon.

[RuPaul] Uh-huh.

-[Carson] She is working the micro-berkin.
-[RuPaul] Ooh.

[Olivia] This isn't an ordinary walk,
ladies and gentlemen.

This is a strut.

I am giving you supermodel vibes.

My little black dress
fits every curve of my body.

I feel beautiful.

[Michelle] Bring back my curls.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Utica Queen. Who the queen?

You the queen.

[Utica] So my little black dress
is inspired by Audrey Hepburn,

and these beautiful
little earrings that I have.

I wanted to become the earrings,

so I have my earring back on my hat,

and I am strutting down
the runway in shades of gold.

I'm definitely feeling like
my true authentic self in art,

and I'm really excited about this concept.

[RuPaul] Her head says, "I'm a hooker."

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Denali.

She's starring in
the Queef of the Spider Woman.[/i]

[all laugh]

-[Carson] My, what a tangled web we wear.
-[RuPaul] Yes.

[Denali] I am serving you Mommy Longlegs

in my arachnid-inspired
little black widow dress.

The back of my dress has gorgeous beading.

Call me Charlotte,

because I am spinning webs
and turning heads.

I am widowed, but plot twist:

I k*lled that m*therf*cker.

-[RuPaul] Michelle, her eyes are up there.

[all laugh]


[Loni] If you squeeze her dress,
her tulle pops out.

[all laugh]

[Rosé] Showing up to RuPaul's Drag Race[/i]
with a little black dress would be boring,

so I've got this beautiful grey tulle

framing my truly little black dress.

This look is definitely a little bit camp,

but it's also very sexy,
and I feel like a million bucks,

so I'm soaking up every minute
on this runway.

[Carson] Anyone else hungry
for a Hot Pocket?

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] LaLa Ri.

[Michelle] Read my lips.

[all laugh]

[LaLa] Any time I'm given the chance

to wear something small
and little and sexy,

oh, bitch, sign me up.

Showing a little
piece of ass for the class.

Let me use everything I got
to get everything that I want.

Let's go, little black dress.

[Carson] Little black tube top.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] If that dress were any shorter,
they'd arrest you for dealing crack.

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Whoo!


[judges] Whoo!

[Michelle] Somebody's going
to Miss Charles' hair salon.

[all laugh]

[Symone] I am giving you
Black hair is a revolution!

And if you don't know where
that's from, let me tell you.

This hair is a reference
to RuPaul's music video,

Back To My Roots.

So this little black dress
is made of braiding hair,

and I am here to model.

Straight from the beauty shop.

[RuPaul] The hair show is in town.

[Michelle] Honey, Miss Hair Show 1982.

[all laugh]

[Carson] So good. Damn.

♪ Bring back my girls ♪

Welcome, ladies. I've made some decisions.

When I call your name,
please step forward.




LaLa Ri.



You are safe.

You may leave the stage.

Ladies, you represent the tops
and the bottoms of the week.

Now it's time for the judges' critiques...

Starting with Tina Burner.

This look, you obviously
give us a big dash of camp,

and I love that.

I would like the hair bigger
to balance everything out.


It squashes you. It should lift you up.


Your performance, though,
was out of this world.

I love that homage-to-Bob-Mackie
beaded number.

[Carson] I think that beaded short dress,

with all that movement,
was really fantastic.

You took control of the stage,

and you were a disco queen to me tonight.

Well done.

Thank you very much.

Up next, Kandy Muse.

This look, I think it's really fun.

I like the ode to fashion,

but I do find the hair and some
of the paint details on the face

are a little distracting
and a little messy.

I do wanna say about your outfit,
it was a little too plain

for RuPaul's Drag Race.[/i]

In your performance,
you are from the boogie-down,

you're from the south South Bronx,
and you keep it real,

so we get a lot of talk to the hand
and a lot of...

I love that about you.

The one comment
I'm gonna say about them,

is it's always the same,
and it kind of doesn't go anywhere.

Sometimes when we're big and bold,

we think we gotta be
"Whoo, child! Lawd have mercy."

You don't have to be that all the time.

So it's a matter of giving us
other sides of Kandy Muse,

so we can see that
you've got more than that.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

Up next, Elliott with 2 Ts
for your pleasure.

I love the little black dress,
but it's too... regular.


And then in the challenge, you can move.

-Thank you.
-You k*lled that shit.

[Carson] You looked like
you could have been Halston

or Norma Kamali's muse.

I wish I would have gone to Studio 54

when I was 10 years old
with Drew Barrymore,

but, alas, that wasn't
in the cards for me.

But you gave us that experience.

It was lit-lit.

[RuPaul] Elliott, I know
you're a trained dancer.

What was it that attracted you
to dance in the first place?

I always, as a little kid,
would spin around in the living room,

and so my mom saw it,

and at five years old
put me in dance class.

It was my escape
from the bullying and the torment

that I received in that small farm town.

It healed me, it protected me.

[RuPaul] I've said this before
and I'll say it again.

If you have a child,
put your child in dance class!

Yes! [laughs]

Up next, Tamisha Iman.

This outfit, for me,

I'm always looking for that twist.

-It's a really gorgeous garment.
-Thank you.

Think about always elevating it.

-Is that neoprene?
-It is.

It's not easy to work with that.

But I think what's happening
with the pleating

is it's gathering up top

that it kind of takes away
from your figure.

[Tamisha] OK.

In the challenge, it was a little bit off.

[Carson] You're kind of thinking
about what's coming next.

I think if you just have
a little more fun and exhale,

I think you're gonna perform better
and also enjoy it more.

Like with a**l sex.

-[all laugh]
-[Carson] Exactly. Exactly.

I'm still getting a little bit
of fear in your eyes

when you're performing.

Six months ago, I couldn't walk.
I'm trying to get back to the old Tamisha.

So I'm fighting, but at the same time,

like you said, I'm in my head.

And I'm not making excuses.
I'm just being honest.

-Thank you, Tamisha.
-Thank you.

Up next, a disco queen,
child, Miss Olivia Lux.

Tonight on the runway,

I think the hair is what's speaking here,

and we are listening.

And then you gave us a little twist

with the micro-berkin I call it.

[all laugh]

I had a good time watching you.

I thought I was back in the disco days.

Everything worked.

Your disco hair was the first thing
that caught my eye.

That is your hair.

That's, like, your trademark,

and it was so gorgeous the way it moved.

It was just amazing.

You exude positivity and joy,

that disco vibe
that was so happy about that time.

I think you have
what they call "It factor."

I mean, it's just you are radiant.

Thank you.

Up next, Utica Queen.

Tonight in the challenge,

I felt like I was watching
Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman[/i]

meets Carol Burnett.[/i]

There were so many faces being made,

I felt like I wasn't in a disco.

Camp is great, but there is a line

where it becomes caricature
of a caricature.

Tonight on the runway,

I wanna know how you
came up with this look.

I'm my earrings.

Your earrings?

Yeah, yeah, I'm my earrings.

And then the thing on top is the earring!

-Oh, my God, you guys!
-[Utica] Get it?

Thank you for explaining this look,

because before, I was like,
what the f*ck is going on here?

[all laugh]

I loved it.
I just didn't know what it was.

Sometimes you have to think
to yourself, you know,

are they gonna understand this?

Because it's a competition.

Put you, but make sure
that they can understand it.

Thank you, ladies.
I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck in the werkroom,

the judges and I will deliberate.

All right, now,
just between us squirrel friends,

whaddaya think?

Tina Burner.

When she came out,

the other two, I forgot them,
and I was looking at Tina.

She's a real showgirl.

That dress was fantastic.

Gangbusters when she came out
on that stage.

Kandy Muse.

I feel like her content needs
to catch up to her personality,

if that makes sense.

I want her to go above and beyond

what comes naturally for her.

I want her to push herself
out of her comfort zone.

It would have been funny
if she played a dumb blonde,

which is total opposite,

and it could have been really fun

and we wouldn't have
taken our eyes off of her.

Kandy Muse did not capture
the spirit of the disco-mentary.

Elliott with 2 Ts.

Elliott could dance,
and she let us have it tonight.

[RuPaul] And she sold the story
with her body movement.

As good as the disco was,

the runway was kind of disappointing.

It was Sex in the City. [/i]I love it.

If the city were Albuquerque.

[all laugh]

Oh, my goodness.

[RuPaul] Tamisha.

She has the chops

to be competing with every one
of these girls up here.

Timing was off, props were off.

We have to critique her on what we saw.

In this challenge she was timid,

and you could see in her eyes
that she was unsure of herself.

The pros for Tamisha
is that she is a survivor.

It's a tough one,
because she's still finding her sea legs.

Do we judge her like anyone else
who enters this competition?

Olivia Lux.

Olivia's like Michelle Visage: easy.

-[all laugh]

Everything is easy for her.

I was just, like, looking at her

and enjoying the radiance

and the good energy that is Olivia Lux.

You couldn't take your eyes off of her

because she is a frickin' star.

There's a warm feeling
that she projects on stage

that you can't buy that.

Utica Queen.

We shouldn't have had to dig

and ask to know that
it was a two-inch-long earring

that none of us would have
ever been able to see.

Drag is a visual medium.

-We need to see it.

I love the kind of queen she is,
but when she was performing,

she does this thing with her body

that she's almost making
a joke out of everything

-in a way

that is distracting from the piece.

She would not have gotten in Studio 54

with that outfit that she had on.

She would have been on the ropes.

Crimped, long hair,
yes, that was a seventies thing.

But when you pull it back

into, like, you know,
an Eleanor Roosevelt low pony,

it's not hot. Sorry.

[all laugh]

Silence! Enough is enough.

Bring back my girls.

-Where they at?

Get 'em back.


[RuPaul] Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

Tina Burner,

that's the way,
uh-huh, uh-huh, we like it.

-You're safe.
-Thank you.

You may join the other girls.

Thank you.

[RuPaul] Olivia Lux.

This week, you gave us
a sweet love hangover,

and I don't want no cure.


Con-drag-ulations, you're the winner
of this week's challenge.

[cheers and applause]

You've won a cash tip of $5,000.

I won?

I won my first challenge.

and it feels so amazing.

You're finally seeing me.

I am a force to be reckoned with.

Elliott with 2 Ts, you're safe.

Thank you so much.

Tamisha Iman.

This week, you looked
a little panicked at the disco.

Kandy Muse.

You gave us earth and wind,

but we needed fire.

Utica Queen. The judges wanted you

to feel more mighty real.

Syracuse, Schenectady, Utica...

-You're safe.

Thank you.


Kandy Muse, Tamisha Iman,

I'm sorry, my dears,
but you are up for elimination.

Kandy and Tamisha
literally just fought it out,

and now they're
in the bottom two together.

Kandy cannot go home right now,

so she better slay this shit.

Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me

and save yourself from elimination.

-The time has come...

...for you to lip sync...

[echoing] for your life.

Good luck...

and don't f*ck it up.

[music plays]

♪ While he was scheming ♪

♪ I was beamin' in the Beemer
Just beamin' ♪

♪ Can't believe that
I caught my man cheatin' ♪

♪ So I found another way
To make him pay for it all ♪

♪ So I went to Neiman Marcus
On a shopping spree-uh ♪

♪ And on the way
I grabbed Soley and Mia ♪

♪ And as the cash box rang
I thought everything away ♪

♪ Oops, there goes the dreams
We used to say ♪

♪ Oops, there goes the time
We spent away ♪

♪ Oops, for all the lies you told ♪

♪ This is what you owe ♪

♪ Hey, ladies ♪

♪ When your man wanna get buck wild ♪

♪ Just go back and hit 'em up style... ♪

[Gottmik] Kandy is giving me so much life.

There is so much passion in her face.

Come on, Kandy!

♪ While he was braggin' ♪

♪ I was coming down the hill
Just draggin' ♪

♪ All his pictures and his clothes
In the bag and... ♪

♪ Sold everything else till
There was just nothin' left ♪

♪ And I paid all the bills
About a month too late... ♪

[LaLa] Tamisha Iman is giving[/i]
you good, old-school drag down.[/i]

Baby's giving you

the, you know, boom-boom,
and I'm loving it.

♪ All of the dreams you sold ♪

♪ Left me out in the cold ♪

♪ What happened to the days ♪

♪ When we used to trust each other? ♪

♪ And all of the things I sold ♪

♪ Will take you until you get old ♪

♪ To get 'em back without me ♪

♪ 'Cause it might be better
Than money or sex ♪

♪ Hey, ladies ♪

♪ When your man wanna get buck wild ♪

♪ Just go back and hit 'em up style ♪

♪ Put your hands on his cash and... ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Hey, ladies ♪

♪ Hey, ladies ♪

♪ Hey, ladies, hey, ladies ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Oh ♪

[cheers and applause]

Ladies, I've made my decision.

Kandy Muse, shantay, you stay.


Thank you so much.

You may join the other girls.

Tamisha Iman.

You're a fighter, a survivor, and a star.

Thank you for the amazing opportunity.

I'm truly grateful.
Thank you to each and every one of you

from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you.

I never can say goodbye,

so until we meet again,
I'll just say sashay away.


[Denali] Tamisha!

We love you, Tamisha!

Come here, babe.

-I'm so sorry.
-k*ll it.

No tea, no tea, no deal,
no deal, no deal, no deal.

Do what you do. I'll see you on the road.

[all laugh]

It's not the end.
It's just till we meet again.

[cheers and applause]

[Tamisha] I don't want anybody to feel sad
that Tamisha's going home.

I was so worried about

are they gonna find out I got an ostomy?

Is it gonna hold me back?

Every competition, you don't have to win.

Sometimes you just have to show up,

and this is part of my legacy.

This gave me the drive,
determination that I needed

to return back
to the art form that I love.

Going home is not a bad thing,
because I can go home

and actually heal
to get ready for All Stars.[/i]


And I'm gonna start working tomorrow,

so whenever the call come, I'm ready.

[RuPaul] Con-drag-ulations, ladies.

And remember, if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an "amen" up in here?


All right, now let the music play!

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

Next time on [/i]RuPaul's Drag Race...

You need to improv for your life

on the trashy talk show
Bossy Rossy After Dark.[/i]


No, I will not!

Woman, get your ass out of my--

Oh, mama!

-Shut up!

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Aah!

You did great!

You gave us over-the-top,
stupid and ridiculous.

This is Season 13, girl.

Listen, you got to go hard or go home.

I am genuinely scared for us.


♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Losers, weepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Finders, keepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Losers, weepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪
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