13x03 - Phenomenon

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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13x03 - Phenomenon

Post by bunniefuu »

[RuPaul] Previously[/i]
on [/i]RuPaul's Drag Race…

I wanna introduce you to a fabulous queen

who will be joining you
in the competition.


[RuPaul] [/i]Someone I don't think
got a fair chance last week.


[cheers and applause]

[RuPaul] Elliott with 2 Ts.

Guess who's back in the house?

What the f*ck?

♪ Con-drag-ulations, you're number one ♪

♪ Con-drag-ulations ♪

[RuPaul] Olivia Lux.

You're somebody that
I could not take my eye off of.

[RuPaul] Symone.

You're fierce,
you're filled with attitude.

You've got star quality.

This week, there are no bottoms.

The rest of you are safe.

Symone, you're a winner, baby.


My gosh.


Oh, my God.

We are just walking back into
the werkroom and guess what?

We're all safe.

This is, like, RuPaul's Drag Race Tornado.[/i]

Like, there's a cow flying by.

Like, here comes a fence.

Twister. I'm, like, what next?

Y'all just did that.

Oh, my God, y'all!


Thank y'all.

So, Miss Symone,
the first official winner.


How does it feel

to get the critique
that you got from RuPaul?

-Oh, my God.
-About your star quality?

It felt amazing. It felt like
one of the things I came here to do

and I've been validated to do,
and it came from RuPaul,

like, one of my idols,
one of the people I've looked up to.

So if nothing else happens-- but it will--

if nothing else happens,
that's all I needed.

I could die happy.

I mean, kudos to my sis

for getting that, you know, that critique,

but, bitch, I know I'm the shit.

That motivates me to even go harder.

Like, I can't get complacent at all.

[Gottmik] I can't even tell you,
when Ru said that we were all safe,

-like-- I couldn't handle it.
-[Kandy] Literally, like…

My heart was just, like, uh.

Going into elimination,

I thought me and you were gonna
go head-to-head tonight.

[Gottmik] Me, too.[/i]

-[Tina] All that crying for nothing.
-All that crying for nothing.

-Girl, I f*cked that performance up,

and I just felt so upset,

because I came here to prove
to America and the world

that Kandy Muse is a fierce entertainer.

I need to step it up.

I couldn't see,
now getting to know you guys,

us voting anybody-- each other off at all.

-I couldn't see that.
-It's, like, so crazy to me.

-That's insane.
-[Elliott] Yeah.

But that said, now knowing
what they did to you,

if you had to pick one girl to send home,

who would it be and why?

I would be happy to see them all go home.

-[all laugh]

One by one.

The Porkchop group doesn't
even know that I'm still here.

They think that they sent my ass packing.

But RuPaul felt the need

to put me in the winner's circle, girl.

What's up, B squad? [laughs]

I just wonder when the f*ck
they're showing up, though.

What are they doing,
when they're showing up,

-when are they gonna go home?
-[all laugh]

Whenever we cross these little monsters,

they're probably
gonna have a lot to prove.

That must be a weird place
to start the competition,

already a notch down.

So now they're gonna have to
double-notch to get ahead of us.

You gotta jump twice as high to beat me,

and I am a tall bitch.

This is the first week,

so we have to put our hands in here.

-We have a moment!
-Come on, b*tches.

[all] One, two, three, winner's circle!

When the other girls come back,

it's gonna be a little difficult,

because we named ourselves
the winner's circle.

Tina, you need help?

I'm fine. Just leave me!

So there's only another name
for their group.

I'm up!


[RuPaul] The winner[/i]
of [/i]RuPaul's Drag Race

receives a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills cosmetics

and a cash prize of $100,000.

With extra-special
guest judge Nicole Byer.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

♪ May the best woman ♪

♪ Best woman win ♪


Oh, my God, we're here!


-Let's do it. We back!
-Hi, werkroom!

We all up in here!

Going into the werkroom,

it's a new day, and it's six of us.

We're excited, but at the same time,

you know, we feel for that seventh person,

because we know we all worked
hard to get to this point.

But when you give a person
a second chance to fight,

oh, the fight is on.


Aren't you so grateful, like, we're here?

I've never been more grateful
to be anywhere in my life.

The fact that we get
a second chance is crazy.

[queen 1] Second chance!

There is a fire now
that is definitely ignited.

Which gives us an advantage.

We had a really good wake-up call,

and the other group has not felt that yet.

So I don't think they're ready
for what our group is gonna bring.

It's so crazy seeing
all of you out of drag.

I don't know how the other team looks,

but we've definitely
got the trade of the season right in here.

-[Rosé] Yeah.
-[Utica] Yeah.

-We got some snacks here.
-[Rosé] Oh, my gosh.

Everyone is really cute.

For me, it's a little difficult
to focus sometimes,

because I'm just like, wow, mm. [laughs]

It's great. I'm the tallest of them,
so I just get to look down

at all the gorgeous little--
little--little nuggets.

Come on, losers!


[RuPaul] Ooh, girl![/i]

She done already done had herses!

[Tamisha] Last time this happened,
it didn't go well.

My queens, sometimes an early win

can make you soft and easy.

But we don't do nothin'
'round here soft and easy.

We like to do it hard and rough.


So make me proud, Mary,
and you can become

a Drag Race phenomenon-


Hello, hello, hello!

[cheers and screams]

-[queen 1] Whoo!
-She's a snack!

Welcome to RuPaul's Drag Race,[/i]

the emotional rollercoaster edition.

[all laugh]

Now, do you all feel a little dizzy
after what we put you through?

-Of course.

If I gave you a little scare, I'm sorry.

But sometimes the best way
to get where you are going

is a firm kick in the tuchus.

Now, in your past I'm sure
you've survived things

a whole lot crazier than
our lip-sync for your life.


[RuPaul] And it's that determination
that can make you a winner, baby.

Ladies, I know you are ready

for your first mini-challenge, am I right?

Let's do it!

[RuPaul] OK.

So get ready to serve two
different looks on the runway

in a k*ller fashion show
we're calling Lady and the Vamp.

[all laugh]


I'm really excited,
because I am a look queen,

and this is what I do best.

When I walk out on the runway,
their jaws will drop.

Remember, top designers
and fashion editors

are watching this show,

so show us what you got.

I will see you on the runway.

Let's go.


-[queen 2] I got it!
-Get the drag!

[Kahmora] All right, y'all,

I'm about to do something I've never done:
paint a face in one hour. [laughs]

Oh, Kahmora. OK, let me just say this.

-Shut up!
-Kahmora is notoriously known in Chicago

for taking, like, maybe,
what, five, six hours?

Oh, my God, shut up!

Five or six hours?

I love my sister Kahmora to death,

but it's this kind of joke
amongst the rest of our cast

whenever we're working with Kahmora,

is that, oh, our call time is 10:30?

Oh, she started getting ready after lunch.

Girl, beauty can't be rushed,
but today it will have to.

Girl, listen, you are a beautiful woman,

but it does not look like you're
wearing five hours of makeup.

-It's not caked on.

I'm that good at blending, huh?

I like to just splat it on
and be done with it.

It's like a process for me, you know?

It's a very spiritual transformation.

I like to take my time.

Sis, we're on Drag Race.[/i]

It's not called Drag Walk.[/i]

I'm a little wary
to see what the other group is like.

They've already got their noses
in the air a bit

from winning that lip-sync.

[Joey] Ladies, promise me

that the winner's gonna be
from our group, OK?

-She's right here.
-[Tamisha] Ooh!

-I ain't mad at you!

-I am.
-[all laugh]

Oh, my God, I look so gross. Eew.

This is the biggest struggle bus ever,

and I feel like the hot mess express.

Oh, I'm doomed.

I'm just, like, girl, get it together.

OK. f*ck!

Aah! I'm freaking out.

I hear another "ugh."

[Kahmora] Aah! Oh, my God. I'm f*cked.

She's over there losing it.
She's just overwhelmed.

-[Kahmora] I'm scared, Denali.
-You'll be OK, baby.

Don't get hung up on small details.

Just keep going.

Oh, f*ck.

[Rosé] We're on a strict time limit.

I mean, the bitch is stunning,

but if she can't get ready in time,

I don't know if she's
gonna make it to the runway.

-[crew member 1] [/i]Five minutes, please.
-Oh, f*ck.

[Denali] Oh, my.

[crew member 2]
Everybody set, we're rolling.[/i]

Here we go.

In five, four, three, two…

[crew member 3] Queens are standing by.[/i]

We got Ru and the judges waiting.

We need Kahmora to the stage
immediately, please,

or we're gonna go without her.

[Kahmora] I look around.

All the other queens are poof!

They have left for the main stage.

Like, man, this is my second chance,

and I'm already screwing it up.

It's sinking in. I blew it.

[crew member 3]
Judges, stand by. 30 seconds to runway.[/i]

So it's time for the mini-challenge,

and it is a fashion show,

and I am so f*cking excited.

The theme is Lady and the Vamp.

So I hope we're all ready for this.

Category is Lady.

-[pulsing music plays]
-Up first, Denali.

Lady Sings the Blues.

[Denali] This look is classic Denali.

I love being that ice queen girl,

so any shade of blue is my color.

It is just a blue dainty doll dress dream,

and I'm also in
fully rhinestoned blue pumps

on my dainty little feet.

[Michelle] She's got
a k*ller case of blue leg.

There's an ointment
that will clear that right up.

[Michelle laughs]

[Denali] I wanted to give
a shoutout to my Alaskan roots

and state flower, the forget-me-not.

So to be covered in this
blue, feminine forget-me-nots

made me feel my full fantasy.

[Ross] So all this time,
Smurfette was a drag queen?

[RuPaul laughs]

[RuPaul] Joey Jay.

[Ross] Don't you hate when
you miss a spot shaving?

[Joey] I don't wear wigs very often,

so I'm giving some classic
Joey Jay buzz cut realness.

I've got my shades on

because the sunlight is just so bright,

but so am I.

I'm wearing a vest.

The boots go all the way up to my thigh.

I'm out running errands,
my kids are off at daycare.

I'm feeling good.

[RuPaul] Is she fur real?

[Ross] I'll take one,
and I'm wearing it to bear week.

[RuPaul] Rosé.

Not now, thanks. I'm working.

[laughs] Oh, honey,
she is arty for the party.

[Rosé] Rosé's lady runway
is a Moschino-inspired paper doll fantasy.

I'm serving bright colors,
lots of geometry.

This is a hand-painted dress
with a matching bag.

[RuPaul] Those kidney-shaped sleeves

scream "I'm an organ donor."

[Ross] I've donated an organ before.

-Have you?

[Rosé] I'm not usually a queen

who tends to be ladylike,

but, bitch, I feel like a woman right now.

And my ass has a huge secret.

[RuPaul] "Osé." Hmm. Who's Osé?

[judges] Oh!

[Ross] She saw this in the store
and said, "It has my name on it!"

[RuPaul laughs]

Tamisha Iman.

-Ooh, ooh, I love harem pants.
-[Michelle] Mm-hmm.

[Tamisha] My look is very
summertime by the pool.

I got on my lace flowing coat,
my very Joan Crawford look,

you know, with my Capri pants
and I'm jeweled,

because you ain't drag
if you ain't got no stones on.

I'm looking rich, I'm looking expensive.

If they would have got in close,

they would have smelled
the Chanel that I was wearing.

[RuPaul] Gorgeous.

[Michelle] This color
is called "dazzleberry."

I was thinking "dingleberry."

[Michelle] Tastiest kind of berry.

She is the fuchsia of drag.

Idica? Huh. Utica.

[Ross laughs]

[RuPaul] Balls to the wall.

[Ross] Oh, my cat will love this look.

[RuPaul] My dog will love this look.

[Utica] So this is my lady fantasy,

and this is the most classic
Utica you can get.

Balls, balls, balls,
balls, ballsity-balls,

fresh out of the playpen
ball pit from McDonald's.

And I am living my mod sixties fantasy.

It's about the goof,
the woof, and the aloof.

[Michelle] If I put a quarter in her slot,

do I get a gumball?

[RuPaul] I don't know what'll
come out of that slot.

[Michelle] Y'all,
now that's a bubble butt.


[music powers down]

[clears throat]

[crew member 2] Let's roll, please.[/i]

[RuPaul] Kahmora Hall.

[Michelle] Ooh, girl,
Kahmora has all the tea.

[Kahmora] I barely made it
on time for the runway,

but I have to stand tall
and don't show them any fear.

So I am just smiling
and looking beautiful.

I am serving you Kate Middleton

going out to lunch with the Queen.

I am taking my time
so the judges can see this dress.

It's very fifties Christian Dior.

I've got this cute little low bun on,

with a matching fascinator.

-I want them to have a sip of this tea.
-[Michelle] Smells like Earl-- Earl Grey.

[Ross] Earl Gay.

[imitating Cher] Category is V-A-M-P.


Snap out of it!

[normal tone] First up, Denali.

She is cinched for the gods.

[Michelle] 50 shades of cray.

[Denali] For the vampy runway,

I'm giving you Moschino fall 2016.

Jeremy Scott did an entire runway

of women emerging from a burned ballroom.

Somebody's drunk uncle spilled
his drink on the candelabra,

the whole place went up in flames,

and I am emerging now,
but still looking fierce.

[Ross] I don't know if you noticed,
but in a certain light,

you can sort of see through her dress.

-Just a little bit.

[RuPaul] Joey Jay.

-[Michelle] Joey Jay!
-[RuPaul] Joey Jay!

Yeah, honey, she just dropped
the kids off at the strip club.

[Joey] I'm giving you Game of Thrones,[/i]

scale sleeve, dragons are sleeping,

it's time to go out
with my little witches.

We're gonna kiki.

I'm giving you a black silhouette,

and I've got these stupid,
ignorant earrings,

with chain and spikes on them.

I can't whip your ass,
but I look like I f*ckin' can.

[Michelle] You got a backyard
for that swing, baby?

[RuPaul] Yes, honey,
the dominatrix sleeps tonight.


Welcome to the main cage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.[/i]

[Michelle laughs]

[Rosé] There are some looks
that you put on

and you just know that
nobody can tell you shit.

That's how I feel in this.

It's absolutely f*cking everything.

It is Alexander McQueen inspired.

I feel like the high priestess
at a funeral

who's about to go out and get a cocktail

by herself at 6:00 a.m.

[Ross] I can never find
the switch on this lamp.

[RuPaul] I know.

Does anyone still wear a lazy Susan?

[Ross laughs]

[RuPaul] Tamisha Iman.

All right, Miss Hairy J. Blige.

[Michelle] This is the hairway to heaven.

[Tamisha] You wanted vamp,[/i]

I'm giving you the vampiest
of vamp: Elvira.

I took it to the next level

because in Atlanta,
we like weaves, we like long hair.

But if I'm gonna do a hair costume,

I'm gonna do a full hair costume.

So I'm rocking 84 inches on this runway.

This is definitely the D-I-V-A.

I am totally the diva of the night.

[RuPaul] She's not just
the hair club president,

she's also a client.

You don't have to brush. Slow down.


[RuPaul] OK, come on, Kahmora Hall,

giving us Miss Sonia Rock-ay-elle.

Kahmora is serving you dark lady

on the prowl for her next meal.

I feel very sultry.

I got my wet blood orange hair,

I got my vintage Mugler dress on,

with a Dracula collar top.

And at the waist,
I am sparkling with Swarovski.

Like, Kahmora loves a good sparkle.

Who's ready for a bite of this?

[Ross] Is that
a Cross-Your-Heart bra?

[Michelle] She's losing her religion
right before our eyes.

[RuPaul laughs]

[RuPaul] Utica.

Well, her balls have finally dropped.

[Utica] For this vamp catwalk,

I am bringing the attitude
of "I own the night."

I am serving elastic fantastic

with this Edwardian feel
and this burgundy dream

as I creep down the runway.

I love to play with the light and dark

within my fashions and within myself.

This is a prime example of what I do best.

[Ross] Yay, now we'll get
all the channels.


-Ru, wanna go to the after-party with me?

Well, are you gonna be wearing that?


[Denali] Whoo!

-Whoo, mama.
-All right.

Mini-challenge, good.

Check. We did it.

Now get me outta this geish!

[Kahmora] We are back in the werkroom,

and I just feel, like, a sense of relief.

I barely made it on time for the runway,

but in the end,
I did feel really beautiful,

and I'm glad
I was able to show the judges

that, hey, this is what I'm bringing.

[Joey] That was the mini-challenge.
That was a big f*cking mini-challenge.

It felt like a real challenge to me.

But now I feel like I'm here.
I have arrived.

[Joey] We're all here.

I feel like I was finally able

to walk in front of RuPaul,
like, feeling good.

-Feeling prepared.

Not just some, like, drag bus
that I was pushed in front of.

-Not a drag bus.

[Rosé] I think a big catalyst for that

is that I feel like
I have sisters in y'all.

-It's so nice.

[Rosé] I know we're competing
but I'm not, like--

I'm not so wound up by that.

-Well, that's what I came for.
-You came for sisterhood?

-Then I'll take the crown, OK?
-[all laugh]

I've been in the business a long time.

A lot of pageants under my belt.

How many? How many pageants have you done?

My God, I've done
at least 200 pageants, and I--

[Rosé] You're kidding.
200 pageants?

Yeah, I've won at least about 95.

-Are you serious?
-[Rosé] 95?

Been doing it 30 years.

Tamisha, if you don't mind,
like, how old are you?

I'm 49.

-[Kahmora] Forty-nine, bitch.

Oh, we got some prehistoric
ladies up in here.


Forty-nine years young.

You must have had a skin transplant.
That skin does not look 49 years old.

You might cut into it 
and find rings like a tree,

but the outside is nice.

OK, how old are we? 25.

I'm 28.

-I'm 31.

All of you are younger
than my biological kids.

That's crazy.

You have kids? Biological kids?

Yeah, I have three.

-[Rosé] You have kids?

-That's everything.

I cannot f*cking believe

Tamisha also has literal
biological children.

Her p*ssy is literally on fire,

because several humans
have popped out of it, bitch.

Do we know how old
any of the other girls are?

I know they're not 49.

[all laugh]

It's just crazy,

because everyone else
is so much younger than myself.

These are babies. But guess what?

Age is just a number.

I haven't lasted for 30 years for nothing.

I'm a bad B, and you're gonna see it.

Hey, supermodels.

-[Denali] Hey!

Ladies, for your first maxi-challenge,

you'll be performing
the song "Phenomenon,"

an original anthem

from the RuPaul's Drag Race[/i]
Live in Vegas [/i]soundtrack.


And this week, queens are wild

as each of you needs to write
your own original verse.

-Move over, Britney Spears.


Then you'll work together
to create choreography

that says, bitch, I'm sickening, no?

[all laugh]

This is the kind of shit
I do back in New York.

I am a singer, I am a dancer,

and there is a whole bonfire under my ass

after almost being sent home last week.

I have got to slay this challenge.

Queens, this is your chance

to show the world
that you are a phenomenon.

-[Utica] That's right.
-Racers, start your engines,

and may the best drag queen win.


Are you guys, like, singing or rapping?

I'm doing both.

-You're doing both?

[Denali] I'm excited to now, like,
let me show you what I can actually do.

We're all writing our own verses,

and at this point, there's a passion

that's ignited from losing
the first lip-sync.

When I start to get mad at myself

is when I push myself even harder.

It's definitely something
that athletes do a lot.

So this is my redemption moment.

I'm gonna show what I am capable of.

[Tamisha] What are you doing, Rosé?

-I'm gonna sing.
-You're singing!

-She can sing.
-Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I feel like I should use my chops

and put my musical foot forward.

Are you sure, though?
Do you think that's a wise decision?

-Yes, I do.
-[all laugh]

[Joey] Utica, what you gonna do?

This farm girl's gonna rap.

-You're gonna rap?

♪ Old McDonald had a farm ♪

I don't have a lot of experience
with writing lyrics.

This is my first time.

But I'm a weird queen,

and weird lyrics kinda
have to coincide with that.

I'm not a singer or a rapper, but I'm gay.

So I'm just gonna take that
and, like, run with it.

I don't write music, but I'm gay as f*ck.

I'm gonna shit rainbows and glitter,

and it's gonna be everything.

OK, so we also have to
come up with choreo for this.

Is anybody not a dancer?

I am not a dancer.

I have, like, two left feet.

My experience is mostly in modern dance.

[Kahmora] Really?

So it's a lot of, like, clean lines,
squishing the grapefruit, praise the sun.

-Open your pores and run in a circle.
-[Utica] Exactly.

You know, I'm a choreographer,
I'm a dancer.

But keep in mind these babies
are 20 years younger than me.

And there's things right now physically
I can't do that I used to be able to do.

So I'll follow their lead.

Well, who's a dancer? Raise your hand.

Who's a dancer?

This is, like, what I do outside of drag

is I'm a choreographer.

Yeah, we've talked.

We have experience choreographing.
Has anybody else choreographed before?

Yeah, I used to teach
ballroom for six years.

OK, cool.

In terms of choreo,
we should definitely keep it simple

so we all look the most--

We can just take
the choreography from the chorus

and copy and paste it for the next one.

We can copy/paste it, but,
like, switch up our formations.

What's important to me when I choreograph

is just making sure things grow and grow.


Three of us are dancers
and choreographers.

It's me, Rosé, and Joey Jay.

But outside of drag,
I am a professional choreographer

for both dance and figure skating.

So I really wanna
take this delegation role.

Six is a good number, too,
because even numbers

are a lot easier to work with.

And… Yeah, honestly, though,
on that stage, so is five.

I'd also love to use the catwalk,
where they have their moment on one side,

while the other five are in a formation 
on the other.

I know what I'm capable of,
and so I am not backing down.

-All right.
-OK, OK, OK.

-Let's go, I am ready.
-Time to choreo.

[Rosé] Let's do this.

It is now time to figure out choreography
for our "Phenomenon" track.

I'm a professional choreographer,

so I know I can take charge.

But I am a little nervous
about some of the other girls.

When it comes to a group show,

if there's one bad egg,

it can bring the whole team down.

OK, divas, we got 60 minutes.

So you think we can kind of
take it from the top

and block something simple there?

So it's gonna go five, six, seven, eight.

We can all start--
Everyone feel comfortable with right foot?

I definitely feel Denali
trying to take the lead,

but trust me, if it's not feeling cute,

I'm gonna step in and say something.

Five, six, seven, eight.

One. Perfect. That's great.

Are we gonna keep that speed?

One, two, three, four.

[Denali] Well, let's milk that.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven--

Can we do one, two, three, four, five?

Girl, we have 60 minutes,
and I gotta get this done.

Unh! Let me do this.

Um, what do you think about
not going on the first one?

So it could be, like,
one, two, three, four.

[Denali] Why don't we just slo-mo that
five, six, seven, eight?

I see that, but I want us to build

and not kind of slow down.

[Tamisha] Rosé's like,
"And I think we should do this,

and Denali's like,
"OK, we gonna do this and this and this."

And Joey's like, "I'm here, too,
so we're gonna do this, this, this."

They are in competition right now.
I'm, like, no, that's not gonna work.

You can't have
too many cooks in the kitchen.

You can't have too many choreographers

on the dance floor.

Five, six, seven, eight,

and then hit the pose on the new one.

How many rows are there of us?

Should we do a half-circle?

[Dernali] Let's stay in a line.

[Rosé] Go in front of her,
because you're so much shorter.

And maybe it's like a shhhhw pose.

Who do I look at? Who do I listen to?

Five, six, quick now,

-one, two, three, four…

-…five, six, seven, eight, pivot.
-I missed it.

Does that make sense?


Kahmora is blank-faced.

Kahmora is actually playing
ping-pong ball with her eyes.


Can you do the pivot again?

You're gonna step
and see someone you don't like.

You're like, "Oh, shit."
And then ball-change the other way.

[Utica] Kahmora is really struggling.

She's not taking in the choreography
as quickly as the rest of us,

and she's focusing on the little details

when we need to be focusing
on the big picture.

Three, four, five, six, fast.

-One, two, three…
-Oh, I messed up already.

I messed up, I messed up!

Wait, I messed up.

Keep in mind we have someone
who's not a dancer.

So we have to keep that in mind.

I don't wanna confuse her.

[Joey] Can we lift her?

Kahmora is not a dancer,
but she's stunning.

So I thought let's
not give her choreography.

Let's pick the bitch up.

She don't gotta do anything.

All you have to do

is really tense your armpits.

Five, six, seven, eight.

I'm so tall!

Oh, my God, you're so light.

So then for mine, I wanna try,
like, a trick thingy.

I'll take your hand.

I wanna, like…

like, spin like that,
and then I can just end.

Oh, bitch, this is Cirque du Soleil.

We all over the place. OK.

I'm in the daycare,
and the children are excited.

I don't know who gave them this candy.

On one. One.

Let's all do the right.

-I could do the left.
-Do one and one, and we're out here.

Are we splitting?

You guys, maybe you can.

[Joey] I think she could be behind.

This ain't gonna work.

When you're trying to choreograph,

you have to stay focused
and get the job done.

All of a sudden it's 10 minutes left,

and it's not getting done.

From right where we are,
we should just point.

Boom, from Russia to L.A.

[Rosé] Why don't we all point
in a different direction?

With, like, different levels?
Like, boom, Russia.

Oh, should I just, like, stay down?

From Russia to-- Just walk and count.

-[Joey] Oh, yeah, we could just march.
-Switch, you go over there.

Y'all start first and we come second.

-[Denali] I like that.
-Five, six, seven, eight.

From Russia.

You should be going with her.

-You're gonna switch with me.
-OK, I got it.

This is a good idea. Listen to her.

Mama Tamisha, she is, like,
"Let the pro come in, and tell you

what needs to be done."

Five, six, ready, go.

From the-- nuh-uh-uh. We're next.

We're after that, OK?

I'm living for it.

One more time, y'all. Ready, go.

From Russia to UK.

Sashay, shantay, you stay.

Why don't we just be, like, sashay, yeah?

-Sashay, shantay, you stay.

Listen, all we need to do
is "stay" together.

We could do your line now.

One accord, let's get on one accord.

OK. And in the end,

how about we walk in the circle
and tighten it

and come in to basically,
like a kind of windmill blob,

with, like, arms out or something.

Lord, I'm hoping we pull this off.

But the way we're looking right now,

I'm worried like, hell, we all going home.

-All right, let's do it.

Today we're going to be judged
on our dancing, group-ass challenge

to RuPaul's song "Phenomenon."

And, honey, I'm feeling
really good about this.


I think this routine is so strong.

They'll probably think the other group
went home after the fact.

Honestly. I agree.

I don't know what the others,
but I feel like ours is strong.

We were so fun when working together.

We worked together, and we all,
you know, used our voices.

Are y'all serious?

I think sometimes

your confidence can exceed your abilities.

On one hand, I'm appreciative
to see that they are hungry.

On the other hand, a bitch
is still scared to unpack.

Sorry. I don't know how this is gonna go.

I'm already late.

-[Tamisha] Kahmora.
-Yes, ma'am.

Make sure you breathe, baby.

-I know. [exhales]

A lot was going on yesterday,

just from struggling
to get to the runway on time.

And then, like, not being,
like, the dancer of the group,

I felt, like, a lot of pressure.

And I don't wanna let myself,
you girls, and the judges down.

[Tamisha] We with you.

We understand.

Kahmora, you really impress me.

[Joey] You're gonna slay.

The support you girls have given me

has been, like, amazing.

I wish I had this kind of
same support back home.

Like, don't get me wrong.

Like, my boyfriend does support me
in everything that I do.

But sometimes when I come back
after the gig,

like, sometimes
you do feel alone, you know?

I know my boyfriend wouldn't want to date,

like, a full-time drag queen.

So that's why I kind of held myself back

in terms of first doing drag,
like, full-time.

I only do drag, like,
maybe once or twice a month.

How long have y'all been together?

Eight years.

[Rosé] Holy shit, girl.

In gay years, that's a lifetime.

I try to keep, like, my drag life

separate from, like, our home life.

Like, whenever I do drag,
I try to do it, like, away from him.

I keep everything in,
like, my own storage unit.

Like, whenever I had downtime at work,

I was always working on looks,

because I knew that my boyfriend
didn't wanna be around drag.

Sometimes I do feel like
I'm living, like, a double life.

-It gets me, like, emotional…
-[Joey] Mm-hmm.

Because I really wanna, like,
prove to him that I can do this.

-You can.

You're here.

[Joey] It's, like, you're sickening.

God, I just started my makeup, too.

I feel like my whole life
has been hidin' a part of myself,

and minimizing my drag career for others

has become, like, a hurdle
for me to get over in this competition.

I just don't wanna let
anyone down again today,

so I'm trying to, like--

[Tamisha] At the end of the day,

you're in a competition.

-Don't let yourself down.

Just gotta worry about hottie.

f*ck you, f*ck you, f*ck you.

[all laugh]

Tamisha's definitely
the mother of the group.

It's just nice to have that, like,

mature spirit there with you,
and she is very comforting.

You're gonna make mistakes.
That's what makes you great.

We made a mistake, and look where we are.

We're still here fighting.

My kids know that I have moments
when I'm good,

and I have moments when I'm OK.

But at the end of the day,
I don't give up on me.


[Kahmora] You said you have
biological children,

but, like, do you have any drag kids?

Well, I started my dynasty,
the House of Iman.

-It started when I started years ago.

All of my kids that
are in the pageant realm

are all national title holders.

-[Rosé] Bitch!

But a lot of my babies have passed on.

But we never let their memories fade.

One of my daughters,
she has this famous video.

She's performing as Super Woman.

Wait, stop it!

Tandi's my daughter.

[Rosé] That's your daughter?

-Are you kidding me?
-Yeah, Tandi's my daughter.

I'm so shook right now.

Tandi is the one that made
the lasting impression.

At the end of the day,

if you see my legendary daughter,
then guess what?

You know what the art of drag is about.

Tandi was a very soft-spoken,
like, "Mama, I got an idea."

She was, like,
"I wanna fall out the ceiling."

So we orchestrated how she could
do it without hurting herself.

[Denali] I don't know how she didn't,
because that's probably

the biggest drop I've ever seen.

My kids are amazing.

And I just wanted to show them,
you know, at the end of the day,

I'm still fighting the good fight.
And if I can do it,

regardless of what you go through,
you can do it.

You've shown me that, baby.

Oh, my God, absolutely.

And I'm not your daughter, you know?

You're my sister and I appreciate that.

Yes, I am your sister. Forever.




Yeah, phenomenom-enom-enon.

[all laugh]

[Rosé] The friends I'm making here,

it's so lovely.

But I did not come here to make friends.

I devoted the time onstage to the group.

But now it's time to focus on me.

I think there's gonna be a lot of that,

cultivating a group sensation,

and then figuring out
how to be the best one.


["Cover Girl" by RuPaul playing]

[RuPaul laughing]

♪ Cover girl ♪

♪ Put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe ♪

♪ Let your whole body talk ♪


♪ And what? ♪

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.[/i]

Michelle Visage.

Now, did you know that drag
is all over the world?

[gasps] And luckily, Ru,

there's an ointment for that.


And the hilarious Ross Mathews.

Now, do you consider yourself
a phenomenon?

Does fen-phen count?

-Yes, it does.

Then, yes, thank you.

She's part of the family now.

Welcome back, Nicole Byer.

Oh, Ru, there's no place like home.

I tried for days and days
to make my way back,

and your producers were like,
"Yeah, bitch, come on back."

[all laugh]

You are always welcome.

Oh, thank you.

And bring Toto, too.


This week, we challenged our queens
to deliver breakout performances,

singing and dancing

to the Drag Race Live [/i]anthem,

Racers, start your engines,
and may the best drag queen win.

And now the Season 13 edition

of "Phenomenon."

Let's go.

[music plays]

♪ Move aside, it's your girl Denali ♪

♪ I'm cold as ice, hotter than a tamale ♪

♪ Keep up and I'm Chi-town tough ♪

♪ Triple lutz on these sluts
Because I like it rough ♪

♪ I'm icy, spicy, for you I'm too pricey ♪

♪ I'm going for the gold
So Imma get a little feisty ♪

♪ I'm strong like a Megatron
Long like a marathon ♪

♪ AK to Babylon, I'm the phenomenon ♪

♪ I'm a gay-ass bitch, I'm Joey Jay ♪

♪ I do the grapevine splits
I came to slay ♪

♪ I'm taking them out, protocol ♪

♪ One by one, I'm reppin' RuPaul ♪

♪ J-O-E-Y ♪

♪ What? J-A-Y ♪

♪ But where's your wig?
The million-dollar question ♪

♪ Please take it down
And let me give a lesson ♪

♪ From Russia to the UK ♪

♪ Thailand to Paraguay ♪

♪ Vegas, New York, L.A. ♪

♪ Sashay, shantay, you stay ♪

♪ Drag is all over the world ♪

♪ It's a phenomenon ♪

♪ It will live on and on ♪

♪ Drag is all over the world ♪

♪ It's a phenomenon ♪

♪ It's a phenome-non ♪

♪ From the House of Hall
Chicago's Mackie doll ♪

♪ Serving beads and face ♪

♪ I'm the mo-o-ost glamorous
In this race ♪

♪ The way my beauty shines
Kahmora's gonna blind them ♪

♪ And snatch the crown-own ♪

♪ Uh, baby, pour a glass ♪

♪ Feast your eyes on a bonnie lass ♪

♪ She's a fashion clown ♪

♪ Pretty, witty, a bloke goes down ♪

♪ Highlights never fade ♪

♪ Can't wait to hear you say it ♪

♪ The winner is Rosé, yeah ♪

♪ From Russia to the UK ♪

♪ Thailand to Paraguay ♪

♪ Vegas, New York, L.A. ♪

♪ Sashay, shantay, you stay ♪

♪ Drag is all over the world ♪

♪ It's a phenomenon ♪

♪ It will live on and on ♪

♪ Drag is all over the world ♪

♪ It's a phenomenon ♪

♪ It's a phenome-non ♪

♪ Tamisha Iman is coming for you ♪

♪ To show the girls what I can do ♪

♪ Drag is my game, and I do it well ♪

♪ That ATL peach with a story to tell ♪

♪ Bent but not broken
I'll fight to the end ♪

♪ That old-school diva shall rise again ♪

♪ Going for the crown is gonna be tough ♪

♪ But guess what, ladies?
I'm born for this stuff ♪

♪ Spreading love from here to there ♪

♪ For my savior as I toss my hair ♪

♪ There's not a bone in my body ♪

♪ Gonna wiggle to the top
Wig-wiggle to the top, whoo ♪

♪ Utica may be a small town ♪

♪ Farm girl fit for a crown ♪

♪ Lightning striking you down ♪

♪ Strike a pose like that ♪

♪ Strike a pose like that, whoo ♪

♪ Drag is all over the world ♪

-♪ Worldwide ♪
-♪ It's a phenomenon ♪

♪ It will live on and on ♪

♪ Drag is all over the world ♪

♪ It's a phenomenon ♪

♪ Phenomenon-nom-nom-nom ♪

-♪ Whoo! ♪
-♪ Drag is all over the world ♪

♪ It's a phenomenon ♪

♪ It's a phenome-non ♪

-[laughter and applause]

♪ Bring back my girls ♪

[RuPaul] Category is

We're Here, We're Sheer. Get Used To It.

First up, Denali.

[Nicole] It's like
a Georgia O'Keeffe fantasy.

[Michelle] You mean Georgia O'Queef.

-[RuPaul] Ohh!
-[all laugh]

[Denali] I'm serving you

high-fashion sheerness and queerness.

Lavender on the body,

but black detailing
in the hair, earrings, shoes,

just for some contrast.

This look is inspired by
one of my favorite designers,

Iris van Herpen.

She does a lot of cool,
futuristic-type things.

I feel like a breath of fresh air

and the woman of the future.

-[RuPaul] She looks like Nina Hagen.
-[Michelle] Nina Haagen-Dazs.

There are my a**l beads: in her hair!

[RuPaul laughs]

[RuPaul] Joey Jay.

[Michelle] Joey Jay.

[RuPaul] Fringe benefits, I see.

[Joey] I wanted to show

the Joey Jay edgy side of things.

I've got my headband on. No wig. Who dis?

I'm giving you, like, Sia meets flapper

meets Prohibition ass shit.

Like, this is the sequined poncho
that you can't have.

It's mine. I'm untouchable, girl.

[Ross] I just YouTubed

"What to do with half
a Liza Minnelli costume."

[all laugh]

That reminds me.
I need to get a new Swiffer.

[all laugh]

Kahmora Hall.

[Michelle] Kahmora Hall
starring in Roots.[/i]

[all laugh]

[Kahmora] My look is a mix

between Cher at the Met Gala,

that iconic look that Bob Mackie did,

meets a little bit
of Britney Spears' "Toxic".

This is classic Kahmora Hall:

big hair, I'm wearing these
big-ass hubcaps on my ears,

a lot of rhinestones.

I wanna look so expensive

that they go broke just looking at me.

[Ross] Michelle, you have your glasses on.
Is she wearing earrings?

I think I saw this on Sonny and Sheer.[/i]

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Rosé.

[Ross] Finally, something to wear
if you have fat wrists.

[all laugh]

[Rosé] This look speaks to
what Rosé does on the regular.

Baby, my legs are all the way out.

I've got my baby pink hair,

which is a signature option for Rosé.

And I'm playing with
a really fun silhouette.

I'm meeting flowing fabric
with hand-dyed plastic.

I am the only plastic bubblegum princess

complete with cotton candy,
billowing sleeves.

I feel cute as a button in this look.

[Nicole] Oh, it's like
a gay loofah fantasy.

-[Ross] Loofah? I hardly know ya.
-[Nicole laughs]

[RuPaul] Tamisha Iman.

Oh, the legend ball.

[Michelle] Sheerly you could see a diva.

[Tamisha] You asked for sheer,
I'm giving you what you asked for,

but with glamour.

The gown is encrusted
with glitter dots all over,

so it's sparkling from head to toe.

I added a little drama

on the front part with the bustle.

The spotlight hits me
just right, as it always does,

and I'm walking into the Golden Globe

and I'm ready to accept the award.
Thank you.

[Nicole] Ugh, I have no jokes.
This is stunning.

[RuPaul] It's a cross
between Diahann Carroll

and Lola Falana.

[Nicole and Michelle] Mm.

[Ross] Sheer brilliance.

[RuPaul] Utica.

[Michelle] Ugh, guys,
this makes me wanna scarf.

I was gonna say that.

[Utica] I am flowing down this runway

in this watercolor eleganza.

I am giving you this Stevie Nicks nod,

paying homage to my beautiful mother,

who loves Fleetwood Mac,

and I am just feeling beautiful

and ready to cast a spell.

[RuPaul] Very Sleevy Nicks.

Did you say "Sleevy Nicks?"

Yeah. Very Sleevy Nicks.

[all laugh]

[Ross] It's a landslide.

[RuPaul] Welcome, queens.

It's time for the judges' critiques.

Starting with Denali.

So we're gonna start with your fashion.

You had ladykins, and you had the vamp.

Ladykins, I liked the idea
because it almost

-was a bit of a nod to your ice skating.

I like the yellow hair with the blue,

and I liked how you brought it down there.

And then your vamp look is so different.

If you didn't have those dimples,

I would have been, like,
is this the same girl?

You really are showing us

that you are willing to express
yourself in different ways here.

Keeps us interested.

Tonight in your performance,

I couldn't take my eyes off of you.

Your kicks are beautiful,
your splits are beautiful.

You have that gift that
you worked really hard for.

Very that.

And it's really amazing to watch.

It's about time somebody rhymed
"triple lutz" with "sluts."

I was, like, "Ooh, I'm a whore, too."

This is a friend. An ally.

Up next, Joey Jay.

In the flesh.

This is my favorite look I've seen you in.

Thank you.

I think it's so beautiful,
I think it's elevated,

I think it's fun, I think--
it's really stunning.

Ohh! I love it so much,

I just wanna hang it up in a door.

-[all laugh]
-I love it. It's cute.

I think you're cute.

What a treat. I love it.


You're actually really exciting to watch.
You can tell that you're a performer.

In your lyrics tonight, you told me

that you don't wear wigs,
and to take a seat and learn.


I know a lot of people do drag

and they love having that alter ego.

But when I look in the mirror
and I do wear a wig,

I don't necessarily quite see myself.

Right now, I feel like Joey,
I feel like myself.

The first time I saw you without a wig,

I thought, oh, I love that.

I think like Ongina. It's iconic.

The second time I saw you without a wig,
I thought, "Oh, she did that again."

And the third time in a row,
I thought, really?

And then the fourth time,
now it's something.

I want you to do drag however you do it.

Just make sure it's unique
and make sure it's gorgeous.

I love this hair.

I don't wanna change it.

But I definitely
would love to see versatility.

-Oh, get ready, sis.
-Good, bring it on.

[RuPaul] Up next, Kahmora Hall.

Kahmora Hall, the strongest
earlobes in the business.

[all laugh]

You look rich.
I would rob you in a heartbeat.

I would take everything off of you.

You are beautiful.

You have impeccable taste.

Your ladykins look was so proper.

That black velvet was just stunning.


Always a big "but."

Did you ever see that movie Mannequin?[/i]

Kim Cattrall, she was the mannequin.

She was beautiful,
and she would come to life

when Andrew McCarthy would show up.

You need to come to life.

What I'm noticing
is that you love your outfits,

and I love that about you.

When I grew up, I would save
every freaking penny

to buy the sluttiest dresses I could find

at Merry-Go-Round

in the Woodbridge Center Mall
in New Jersey.

This is what I fear for you, Kahmora.

Sometimes, I feel like
there's just a walking outfit

devoid of personality.

[Nicole] You looked lost. I was like,

"Should I tell her she's performing?"

Um… But that being said,

if you're not a dancer, lean into that.

Like, if you are nervous,
put it into your moves,

because you can
turn your nerves into comedy.

And according to your lyrics,

you're the most glamorous in this race.

Take a look around, honey.
You've got some competition.


[all laugh]

I think you've got a personality.
Look at you.

I do, I promise, I swear.

Do you, and do you
the way you would wanna do you.


Up next, Rosé.

Mmm, doesn't that sound delicious?

-[all laugh]
-[Ross] Let's talk about your looks.

Your ladykins look was so pop-art fun,

and I love that you branded yourself.

This look tonight I think
is really fun and draggy.

I don't-- I think it's, um--

I don't wanna say the word "crafty,"

'cause I got dragged in the mud
for that last season.

But I think it's really draggy

and would work well in, like, a club.

I love this look.

I think you look stunning.

It's not crafty!


If there wasn't Plexiglas here,

I'd lean over and say it louder.

[all laugh]

Tonight your performance was
where you really won me over.

You command all of the attention.

You have stage presence,
you can dance, you can move.

Your voice is beautiful.

You're one of those queens
that I would go to watch,

and, oh, just gonna
sit back and relax,

because I know she's got it.

I think you did a really good job tonight.


All right, she looks like
one of the Supremes up here.

Tamisha Iman, I love this dress.

Thank you.

It is one of the most beautiful dresses

that has ever graced this stage.

Oh, thank you.

Did you make this yourself?

-I make all my garments.
-Oh, my goodness.

I cannot believe you make these yourself.

One day you're gonna have a dress
on the Oscars red carpet.

-Oh, I would love that.

You've really honed the craft of drag.

This dress…

I want to rip it off of you.

But the only thing it would fit
would be my neck,

and it wouldn't be
a good look out in public.

[all laugh]


Let's talk about the fashion show.

I loved both of them.

That ladykins color,

that raspberry with that harem jumpsuit,

and that rich-looking robe over it

was just beautiful and classy.

Thank you so much.

In your performance,
you're the most seasoned one,

and I felt a little low-key from you.

I need you to make it bigger.

Because I know you come from
a long line of performers.

You have a very legendary drag daughter.

My baby girl, Tandi Iman.

If she was still alive,
she would be one of your girls,

because she was a phenomenal entertainer.

-I don't know if you've seen the video--
-Oh, no, we've all seen the video

of her dropping from the ceiling, yes.

Oh, yes.

She was a true entertainer.

Show these girls what it's about, Tamisha.

Because when I see you here
tonight on this runway,

bitch, I cannot get my eyes off of you.

So I'm gonna beg of you, don't go small.

Let us know who Tamisha Iman is.


Up next, Syracuse, Schenectady, Utica.

What I like about you, Utica,

is you are a queen that marches
to the beat of her own drum.

-[rim shot]
-The ladykins look is something

that Lady Bunny
would have worn as a toddler.

[all laugh]

Then you came out in your vamp look,
which was just as odd and unique.

Your performance look
was also one of a kind.

You know how you drop acid
and you're like, "What is that?"

That's you, and I like that.

They won't air that.

Your lyrics talk about your savior.

Are you religious?

I am a Seventh-Day Adventist.

-And I'm definitely, like,

a bring-your-own-god type of human,

so, like, no pressure, but Jesus is great.

-[all laugh]

This winter, RuPaul's Drag Race[/i]
moves to TBN.

[all laugh]

Watching you tonight in your performance,
I think this is kind of who Utica is,

quirky, weird, different,
and letting the spirit move her.

Just make sure it all makes sense

and it's all together where it should be.

There's something about queens
who are one of a kind.

Stay true to you.


Thank you, Utica.

Thank you, RuPaul.

Thank you, ladies.
I think we've heard enough.

While you untuck in the werkroom,

the judges and I will deliberate.

All right, now, just between us phenoms,

whaddaya think?

Let's start with Denali.

The thing with Denali that surprised me

was I knew she'd be able to perform,

but I didn't know if she could
bring it to the heels instead of blades.

And it was really, really fun
to watch her onstage tonight.

Denali's performance was joyful,

and I felt happier after watching her.

I agree. Denali has the charisma,

and she was spittin'
those words in her song.

Denali's somebody to watch.

[RuPaul] Joey Jay.[/i]

-Joey Jay.
-Joey Jay.

[Michelle] If you line up the four looks,
it's the same look.

Like when you order a pizza
without cheese,

you're like, "OK."

If you're hanging out with
your vegan friend, fine.

But I don't want that every day.

They make pizza without cheese?

I know. I was shocked, too.

[Michelle] What's the point?

Put anchovies on the pizza, Joey Jay!

[all laugh]

Where Joey Jay comes to life
is on the stage performing.

[Nicole] What a phenomenal dancer,
but I don't think she really came through

with the lyrics in the performance.

I just worry about redundancy.

But Joey said that she's got
some wigs that she's ready to pull out.

I've got something else in my arsenal.

-[all laugh]
-I've heard.

[RuPaul] Kahmora Hall.

Kahmora knows fashion,
and according to her lyrics,

that's kind of all
she cares about, is fashion.

She is so pretty, but her
performance reminded me

of when I go to the grocery store
without a list,

and you're just, like,
looking around kind of lost.


SpaghettiOs? I would never.

And then you have SpaghettiOs
in your basket, you know?

She looks great at the grocery store,

but she needs to put
some milk, some bread,

some eggs, and butter on that list.

Kahmora looked unbelievable tonight.

That dress is gorgeous.

But that dress would look good
on a wire hanger.

And you know what they say.

No more wire hangers!

Yeah, and you can't show up
and be a wire hanger in this competition.

That's right.

She's got the taste level to be here,

but now she's gotta entertain us.

[RuPaul] There's always time for Rosé.

Rosé came here to play.

[Ross] Talk about a beautiful voice.

Rosé was truly just captivating to watch,

and I think really elevated her lyrics.

I thought tonight she looked fantastic.

I know, Ross, you think it was crafty.

I wanna be very clear. It's not an insult.

It's just, you're standing next to
Kahmora and Tamisha,

and, yeah, compared to that,

it does look like a toddler made it.

I see a drag queen

that kind of expresses herself
through what she's wearing,

and almost like her outfits

will tell us what she's gonna give us.

-And I love queens like that.

She's an incredible queen.

I like her, and I'm truly
excited to see her blossom.

[RuPaul] Tamisha Iman.

Oh, that dress truly was so beautiful.

But I want a performance like that dress.

I'm excited to see what she's gonna do

when she unleashes the beast.

Because we know it's there.

Bitch, take your moment.

She's gotta learn that and quickly,
because we're looking for the Beyoncé.

We're looking for the Diana Ross,
you know?

We're looking for the star here.

It's weird you said Beyoncé
and Diana Ross.

-You didn't say Michelle Visage.
-Hold on, say it again. Michelle what?

[all laugh]

Hey, Siri?

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] Utica.

What I really enjoyed
was the complete opposite in her vamps.

Like, she went all the way dark.

That's some dark web shit

that she did in the vamps look,

which is so ironic,
because she's so religious.

She looked like a doll
that I would pick up

and go, "It's a little scary,

but I think I'll play with it."

[all laugh]

And then in her performance,
I thought she was really fun to watch.

And then tonight on the runway,
I didn't love it.

It was kind of simple
when you look down the line.

It was very do-it-yourself
Alexander McQueen,

but she makes everything work
because of her quirkiness.

She reminds me of some of my favorites:

Thorgy Thor, Yvie Oddly, Crystal Methyd.

When I first saw her,
I almost dismissed her

because she was so out there.

But upon closer look, you know,
she might have the goods.

Silence! I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

Welcome back, ladies.

Now, based on your performances
in the fashion show

and on the main stage,

I've made some decisions.

When I call your name,
please step forward.



You're the top two queens of the week.


-Thank you so much.
-Thank you.

Oh, my God.

The rest of you, I'm sorry, my dears.


are safe.

I did it. I'm not going home,
not going home!

You may step to the back of the stage.

Thank you.

Good job!

Denali, Rosé, you both turned out

phenomenal performances this week.

But there can only be one winner.

Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance
to impress me,

earn your first win,

and a cash tip of $5,000.

I am so ready for this lip-sync.

I am not locked in cinderblock ice skates.

This is a cute-ass song,
and I'm ready to storm this stage.

Let's f*cking do it.

-The time has come…

…for you to lip sync…

[echoing] for the win.

[Rosé] I feel a lot of pressure right now.

This would be complete redemption
from last week.

Good luck, and don't f*ck it up.

♪ La, la, la, la-la-la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la-la-la, la, la ♪

♪ Oh, baby, baby
Have you seen Amy tonight? ♪

♪ Is she in the bathroom?
Is she smoking up outside? ♪

♪ Oh, baby, baby
Does she take a piece of lime? ♪

♪ For the drink that Imma buy her ♪

♪ Do you know just what she likes? ♪

♪ Oh, oh, tell me, have you seen her? ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm so, oh ♪

♪ I can't get her off of my brain ♪

♪ I just wanna go
To the party she gonna go ♪

♪ Can somebody take me home? ♪

♪ Ha, ha, hee, hee, ha, ha, ho ♪

♪ Love me, hate me
Say what you want about me ♪

♪ But all of the boys
And all of the girls ♪

♪ Are begging to if you seek Amy ♪

♪ Love me, hate me
But can't you see what I see… ♪

Denali is giving you Britney Spears.[/i]

Like, face, face, face, face.

Whereas Rosé is giving more of,
like, a comedy special.

So I'm really excited
to see how this goes down.


♪ So tell me if you see her ♪

♪ Let me know what she was wearing ♪

♪ And what she was like ♪

♪ 'Cause I've been waiting here forever ♪

♪ Let me know where
She was going, I don't mind ♪

♪ Oh, baby, baby
If you seek Amy tonight, oh ♪

♪ La, la, la, la-la-la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la-la-la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la-la-la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la-la-la, la, la ♪

♪ Love me, hate me
Say what you want about me ♪

♪ But all of the boys
And all of the girls ♪

♪ Are begging to if you seek Amy ♪

♪ Love me, hate me
But can't you see what I see? ♪

♪ All of the boys and all of the girls ♪

♪ Are begging to if you seek Amy ♪

♪ Love me, hate me
Say what you want about me ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ La, la, la, la-la-la, la, la ♪

-[laughter and applause]
-[queen] Yes!

Ladies, I've made my decision.


You're a winner, baby.


[Utica] Yeah, bitch!

[RuPaul] Con-drag-ulations.

You've won $5,000.

I f*cking won!

Like, oh, my God,
this is exactly what I wanted.

It feels so good to just
have something go my way.

It sends a great message to the judges,

and it shows the other girls

if you go against me, watch the f*ck out.

Rosé, you are safe to slay another day.

Thank you.

Con-drag-ulations, ladies.

Tonight you rocked.

But starting next week, heads will roll.

[Utica] Word. I'm freaking out,

because the competition has started

and someone's gonna go home
each and every week.

Ooh, scary.

Now, remember, if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an "amen" up in here?


All right, now let the music play.

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

[RuPaul] Next time[/i]
on [/i]RuPaul's Drag Race…

If it isn't the B squad!

The competition is about
to get next f*cking level.

You'll be starring in
cheesy holiday movies

for my new media venture,
the RuPaulmark Channel.

[all laugh]

Whoo, come on, bitch!

I'm not joking, bitch!



Who cast this ho?

You had your lines, you had the character.

It was colorful, it was you.

You were a joy to watch.

[Tamisha] The winner's circle
have the upper edge on us.

There's several more rounds
to go in this race.

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ I'm a winner ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Losers, weepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Finders, keepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪

♪ Losers, weepers ♪

♪ I'm a winner, baby ♪
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