12x03 - World's Worst

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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12x03 - World's Worst

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on RuPaul's Drag Race...

Welcome to the second premiere

of RuPaul's Drag Race 2020.

You may have noticed that
you're not the first queens to arrive.

Now, this week, you six
get your very own premiere.

[RuPaul] Jaida Essence Hall.

You have that way of moving

that feels very, very natural.

-It made me smile.
-You're a winner, baby.

[all cheering]

I think the time has come

for you to meet...

your competition.

We just survived,
and we see the other girls.

[suspenseful music playing]

[Aiden] These other girls are looking
pretty stand-offish,

I am not really sure
how this is gonna go down.

-Uh-oh, look at this, Miss.
-[all shriek]

-Hey, gorgeous!
-Hi, girlfriend!


Jan and I are in the same drag family.

Five New York girls!

Five New York girls!

The other queens should be shook,

because New York City
is here to represent.

We are the best queens in the world.

But... I'm the one to beat.


Did y'all miss y'all's flight?

'Cause y'all got here awfully late.

We got here just on time.

[all exclaim]

So how are you ladies doin'?

-Blessed and highly flavored.
-Fat and fabulous.

She's bein' shy. This bitch
won the first episode.

[all] Whoo!

-[Nicky] So who was the top two?

[Aiden] ...Miss Sherry Pie.

Did you guys
also have a top two in your--

It was me and Gigi.

So what is, like, y'all's specialty?

Name something.

-[Jackie] She does it all, bitch.
-Oh, bitch. Okay.

Did y'all run into any personal issues

-Have you guys fought at all?

I think that we should switch it up.

But first, we gotta get out here first.

♪ That's the way it is
Don't, don't, don't you wish ♪

Widow, you still mad at us?

[Widow] These b*tches.

[all] No, no. No.

So you already had a fight?

It was not a fight. It was not a fight.

Who was the fight between?

-Our top two.
-[Rock] The winners.

[all] Ohhhh...

I enjoy when b*tches tell me
what their weaknesses are.

It was like a slight disagreement.

With the pressure of getting ready for,

-like, the group number.
-I mean, you all know the pressure.

We just met the b*tches,
and they're already starting to complain.

But you're supposed to show
your strongest assets,

and they kinda like
crackle in front of us,

and we're just eating popcorns like,
"Spill the tea, bitch. Tell us. Tell us."

I had one idea where I thought
the team should have went,

and this bitch,
being in musical theater,

them two worlds didn't meet. But...

See, me and Gigi like each other.
We didn't fight.

Our team, we've been through some shit,

but we're not gonna air that out
in front of the other girls.

Like, no shade, this is a really talented
group of people right here, so...

We've kind of already decided that
we're the top seven, though.

It won't come down to the top seven,
but the top six.

[all exclaim, laugh]

Team Talent!

[all] Team Talent!

All right, b*tches,
let's get outta drag now.

-[queen] Exactly, yeah!

[Jaida] Let me take
this hair off first, though.

I'm gonna take this hair off,
and then she gon'...

We're gonna have to put them down.

It's not gonna be as easy as I thought.

Don't worry. Keep in mind,
we were number one.

-They're number two.

What do you think of those girls?
Do you know any of them?

I don't know anybody.
We're sending them home, though.


Team talent, my ass.

The winner of RuPaul's Drag Race

receives a one-year supply
of Anastasia Beverly Hills cosmetics

and a cash prize of $100,000.

With our extra-special guest judge
Olivia Munn.

♪ RuPaul's Drag Race ♪

-♪May the best woman ♪
-♪Best woman win ♪

[tires screech]

-Let's go!


[Jan] It is a brand new day. And we have
a new challenge coming our way.

It feels nice to be together
as a group for the first time.

It's all lovely, but...

it's a competition, still.

These b*tches gotta go home so I can win.

[sirens blare]

-[all cheer]
-[RuPaul] Ooh, girl.

-[engine revs]
-[RuPaul] She done already had herses!

Hey, Squirrel Friends.

[all] Hey, girl!

Are you tone deaf?

Do you have two left feet?

Do you suffer from
an over-inflated sense of self?

Well, charisma and uniqueness
can only take you so far.

But it do take nerve to show America
that you ain't got talent.


Hello, hello, hello!

[all] Hi!

[excited chatter]

I want to welcome all of you

to RuPaul's Drag Race 2020.

[all cheering]

Now, so far, you've all been safe
from elimination.

But that's about to change.

Because starting this week,
two of you will lip sync for your life...

and one of you will sashay away.

So let's get down to business.

And by business, I mean, ya know.

[all laughing]

Oh, pit crew!

[all cheering]

Well, I guess it pays to advertise.

-[all laughing]
-Now, ladies,

for today's mini-challenge,

it's time for a q*eer peer assessment.

Widow Von'Du and Jaida Essence Hall,

please step forward.

You each won your premiere episodes.

Now, based on your first impressions,

I want you to line up
the queens you just met

from top to bottom.

From who you think
is your strongest competitor

to your weakest competitor.

-[Brita] Damn.

[Jaida] Shady.

Boo. Shady Boo.

[RuPaul] Ladies, it's not personal,

it's just drag.

Let's start with Widow. Line 'em up!


Miss Sherry.

Could you whores move down, please?

-Thank you.
-[all] Ohh!

-[Widow] There you go.
-Oh, no.

Come with me.

[queen 1] Okay.

[all] Ooooh...

Shady Shade.


[Rock] Ooh!

[all screaming]

-Yeah, that's about right.

-[queen 2 in sing-songy voice] Awkward.

So you think your toughest competition

is Sherry Pie.

And you think Aiden Zhane

is your weakest competition.



Honestly, I'm unbothered.

Jaida, now it's your turn
to line 'em up.

I've watched ya'll on TV for a long time.

[all laughing]

Here. 'Cause I hear, she was...

doin' her stuff.

Have to grab miss Brita.

Right here.

Miss Nicky.

And zuh...

um-- uhh--



There we go. Done.

So you think that Gigi Goode
is your biggest competition.

Of course. She was
one of the top two, so why not?

[RuPaul] And Heidi N Closet

is your weakest competition.

Um, just based off first impressions.

Heidi, what do you say to that?

f*ck all them b*tches.


[Heidi] Jaida's been here
all of ten seconds,

and she's puttin' me down in front of Ru?

Bitch, please.

Now, this week,
the four team captains will be...

Widow and Jaida...

and the two queens they put in the bottom.

[all exclaim]

Aiden and Heidi.

Losing is the new winning.

Oh, bitch! Surprise, surprise.

Jaida just did me a favor.

I am now leader of my own group,

and we gonna show her up.

Now, ladies, there are so many
competition shows

that celebrate super-talented people.

But starting today,
there's a new TV show

for people with a-zero talent.

For this week's maxi-challenge,
you'll be improving your way

through a little show
we like to call...

the World's Worst.


Working in four teams,
you'll play wannabe performers

with big dreams,
outrageous backstories,

but no talent whatsoever.

And you need to make us laugh.


It's so hard for me to be the worst.

But it's gonna be pretty easy
for some of them.

All right, now, team captains,
it's time to pick your team,

starting with Aiden Zhane.

I am going to pick...


[RuPaul] Heidi, your turn to pick.


-[queen] Werk.

-Nicky, Nicky, Nicky. Yeah!

Jaida, you're up.

-Jan, I'mma have to take her.

[RuPaul] Aiden.

I'm gonna have to pick Brita.


-[RuPaul] All right, Heidi.
-I'm gonna pick my girl Gigi.

[Jackie] G'morning, Miss Goode!

-Okay, good morning!

The Widow Von'Du.

You know I gotta go
with my Missouri sister.

-C'mon, Miss Crystal Methyd.
-[Crystal] Hey.

[RuPaul] Jaida.

I'm gonna have to choose...
My sister Dahlia.

-[queens giggling]
-Who's left?

Just me and her.

Okay, Rock M.,
since no one picked you,

you get to pick
the team you'd like to join.

Well, I'm gonna pick
my premiere sisters over here...

-[all cheering]
-...with Miss Jaida!

Aw, I love you.

Gentlemen, start your engines,

and may the best worst woman win.

[all cheering]

-Let's see that.
-Let's see, let's see, let's see,

-let's see, let's see.
-What do we got?

I'm excited to do improv,
because I like to think of myself

as somebody who is a bit of a character,

and I need to show these b*tches

that I'm not the weakest.

"The team's 3 Girls, 1 Brain,

you all have to
respond together the entire time."

-Ho ho ho!
-That's so interesting.

[Brita] Wow, that's a-funny.

[Aiden] Because the fact that
we're supposed to be terrible,

I don't feel like
we have to actually be in sync.

Like, Sherry starts to say something,
and then I'm like...

kind of trying to follow along,
you know what I mean?

I don't trust Aiden in leading a group.

She came across as shy...
and kind of aloof.

So should we say this all together
right now

to, like, just this-- the talent part...

[together] We are three girls.

Two. Two claps.


Don't think she's ever done improv
or any character work before

so she's, like, a lost little puppy.
God bless her soul.

[together] We all speak

at the same time.

-Because we share the same--

I think we gotta pick up this load,
we gotta put it on our back,

we gotta carry it to the finish line.


[Jaida] Fruity Patooties.

People called me that a lot
growing up, I'm here for it.

This week's maxi-challenge
is an improv challenge

called The World's Worst.

This is basically
a reality competition show

about girls who have no talent.

[together] And we'll create

a poetic masterpiece.

It's kind of like a reality show
within a reality show,

like a turducken of reality shows.

You know what I'm saying?

It's really meta.

First what we need to do
is figure out which characters

-people feel like would be their strength.
-[Jan] I can do the grapes.

Our group will be playing fruits

who are LGBTQ activists.

It's the ambitious role,

which I feel like I could be, like, "Yeah!

We're gonna do it, you guys! Yeah!"

And then we have the bad apple.

Ooh. The former member
of the Fruity Patooties,

and was kicked out
and replaced by broccoli.

I think I like the bad apple role.

I like the bad apple role too, though.

Uh, I feel like I would be able
to really just, like, ham it up.

But it's up to you.

Okay, I'll take the bad apple role then,

just because I know that's, like,
really something I know I'll excel in.

-I feel really good about this.

[Heidi] "The Del Rio Triplets."

Oh, we're approaching 80.

-Okay. Werk.
-So we're gonna be old, old, old.

I have a lot of improv background.

I think I'll be able to lead the group

to make sure that
we don't get too off-track.

-Let's back it up real quick.
-[Gigi and Heidi] Yeah, yeah.

Have either of you guys
ever done improv?

-I have, in school.
-[Gigi] Yeah, me too.

OK. Do you remember
what the first rule of improv is?

-Just tell me what.
-Always say, "Yes, and."

Yes, and.

-Never say no to anything.
-[Jackie] So that means we'll never

shut each other down onstage.

[Heidi] Yes. And...

You don't say that.

Jaida kind of got me in my head

when she believes that
I am the weakest link.

I always think about the body first.

-Walk with me, girls.

But luckily, my team that I picked

is helping me get through that.

[mumbling feebly]
...in the you-know-what.

-[feebly] It's been forever since

anyone's seen
your you-know-what.

[normal voice] Yeah, yeah.

So I feel like it's gonna be
right up my avenue--avenue--


Bitch, I live on a avenue,
why can't I say the word?

[Crystal] Our team's made up
of three squirrel scouts.

Squirrel scout A, the smart one,
squirrel scout B, the sexy one,

and squirrel scout C,
I'm the drunk one. Hiccup.

I think we should try
to not go predictable.

-So, like, what do you think--

[Widow] I say we play to our strengths.

-But we need to put--
-So you would be the drunk,

-I would be the sexy...

-I love it that he--
-What? You said it yourself!

-[Widow] I'll be drunk, yeah.
-[Nicky] You sure you can be drunk?

-[Widow] Oh, yes.
-All right.

Oh, my God! This butter is so delicious.

All right. I'm the sexy one.

[Widow chuckles]


I'm not happy with the role that I got,

because being a look queen
and being the sexy one

is kind of, like, predictable.

I should have been the drunk scout.

Hey, squirrel friends!

[all] Hey!

-Hi, kids,
-[all] Hi, Ru.


Why did you put Aiden as the weakest link?

Well, when we all got to meet each other,

out of everybody, she was the one
that didn't give us enough, like,

who she is, what she does.

So if you don't have confidence,
bitch, then you sound weak.

I see.


[RuPaul] Now, Crystal Methyd.

-Kinda wacky, aren't ya?
-A little bit.

And you know you have
the hair of El DeBarge?

I don't who that is, no.

He was in the group DeBarge,
and they sang a song,

♪ In the rhythm of the night ♪

♪ Da da da da da da da ♪

♪ Da da da da da
Da da da da da ♪

[all laughing]

So now, this is an improv challenge.

Anybody do improv before?

I've done it in my language.

-[Widow] I host a lot of shows...
-[RuPaul] Yeah.

...and sometimes you're improving
when you're hosting shows

'cause you never know
what's gonna happen in the crowd.

Yeah, well, this, though,
has more of an outline.

Even though it seems unstructured,
it is structured.

You gotta infuse
your character with behavior.

You have to know where you come from,

so whatever happens,
you've got something for it.

I think of all the threesomes,

-you're kind of the oddest one.
-Thank you!

-I would never picture you three together.
-And odd's where it's at.

And odd is where it's at. I like that.

Well, I can't wait to see
what you do with it.

♪ The rhythm of the night ♪

[DeBarge] ♪ Feel the beat
Of the rhythm of the night ♪


♪ Oh, the rhythm of the night ♪


-I can't wait to see you out there.
-[Nicky] Thank you.

-All right.

Heidi N Closet.

-You know that's a terrible name, right?

It is, it's terrible. It's awful.

Yeah, I can technically tell you why.

'Cause Heidi,

then you have to
reshape your mouth to say N,

and then Closet.

It's not very satisfying.

Heidi, fine. Heidi Ho, Heidi G'bydee.


If she has to change my name
to Heidi Hoo, Heidi Ho,

Heidi Doody,
Heidi Don't-Call-Me-Late-For-Lunch...

If that's what it takes to get to the end,

a bitch might just change her name.

So now, you strike me as someone
who's done improv before.

I love improv.

Tell me about improv.
What's the key to improv?

The first rule, girls,
we said it earlier, we say,

-[together] "Yes, and."

-I taught them well.
-[RuPaul] Perfect.

Have any of you done improvs before?

She's improv'd in the bedroom before.

Oh, my God, you are a character.

You are a char-ac-ter.

So they know,
just say it one more time

-so they heard--
-Yeah. They heard me,

so that's your job to now
hone that and shape it

into something for this challenge.

All right. I can't wait
to see you out there.

-Thank you, Ru.

[Heidi] Thank you.

Hey, ladies.

[all] Hi, Ru!

So, Jaida, this is your team.
What's the name of your team?

-We are the Fruity Patooties.
-[RuPaul] Ooh!

I helped start this group,
but some of them are a little bit fake

and they're not who they say they are,

so I'm gonna expose 'em
for exactly who they are.


Rock. M. Sock 'Em,
you had a choice of any team to go to.

Why'd you choose this team?

I'm very familiar with these girls--

'Cause you were all
part of the same group.

Yes, we're all part of the same group,

and these girls have been good,
like, emotional cores for me.

Do you need an emotional core?

Um, I've been finding out recently
in this competition that it's--

it's been a little hard,

so, um, these girls help bring out

the star potential in me.

And once it's out,
I'll be able to keep it there by myself.

You're an interesting queen,

and if there was ever
a time to apply that,

-it's in this challenge.

What fruit are you?

I'm an orange.


All right. And what about you, Jaida?

I'm a terribly sad, bad apple.


All right, girls, I'll see you out there.

-[Rock] See you out there.

[Rock] I feel like the orange
is not interesting.

Her character description
is literally, like, three words.

I am thinking that if I have
a character that is not interesting,

I'm going to go down in flames.

I kinda--I kinda wanna--

I kinda wanna say something.

I-I really don't want to
step on toes or anything,

but I am really feeling like

I would feel more comfortable
with the apple.

[blows raspberry]

With the bad apple role.

I don't know why she is doing this!

But I'm not about to take this orange.

Um, just because
I feel like I can do angry.

If I take the apple role,

then I can really deliver
what Ru was saying.

The thing is like, you have this tendency

to, like, second-guess what you do.

I'm thinkin' like now, at this point,
it's kind of a little bit late.

Right now it's apples and oranges,

and I want the apple.

I want the apple. I'm an apple!

[tense music playing]

Child, I'm not gonna be
this damn orange. No.

[World's Worst theme song playing]

[Carson] Welcome to World's Worst.

It's audition week,
and the crowds have gathered

to see if they can make the cut

for a coveted ticket to West Hollywood.

Good luck. Let's meet some of them.

-Well, hello, Del Rio Trio!
-[all scream]

Excuse me.
Pardon me, I gave you a bit of a start.

-[Heidi] Ooh! Whoo whoo!
-Now, are you guys triplets?

-Identical, can you believe it?

We were born in 1939,

and we are the best
three-part harmony singers...

and instrumentalists.

Beautiful music.

[Jackie] We've been inspired
by so many great trios.

The Andrews Sisters...

the Dixie Chicks...

And never forget
Charlie's Angels!

-Charlie's Angels.
-The Charlie's Ange--

-[creaking, cracking]
-[all grunting, straining]


Are you sure she's okay?

Oh, she'll be just fine.

[Carson] If you say so.

All right, ladies, we're gonna
get you in for your audition.

-Are you ready, Blanca?
-Oh! Oh!

Are you--Are you--Are you--
-Oh! Oh! Oh!


-[Heidi] No!

We have to audition!
This is our chance!

And the best thing about the Del Rio Trio

is that they're a triple threat.

There's no limit
to the things they can't do.

-You sure she's okay?

-Oh, she'll be just fine.
-She's just fine.

[both] One, two, three!

Okay, break a hip, ladies!


World's Worst.

Don't mind us.

We're just sitting our dear sister down.

She a little loosey-goosey right now.

Welcome to World's Worst!
Thank you for being here.

Of course, you know I'm Bossy Rossy.

This is Charo,

and this of course is Ornacia.

[Ornacia] Mother has arrived.

You know we're looking for the worst.

-Are you the worst?
-[Jackie] Yes.

That's why we're here!

[both] We're the Del Rio Trio!

Ooh! Ooh. Ooh.

I'm Veronka, the leader.

And I'm Cronka, the wild child.

[falsetto] And I'm Blanca,

the young, very lively sister.


[Ornacia] The one in the middle
makes me look animated.

[Jackie] Here we go.

We play instruments.

[Heidi] Yes!
Wanna hear our instruments?

[Charo] I am concerned.

I think that, uh, look a little tired.

Oh, no, no. She's fine.

[Jackie] A-five, six, seven, eight.

♪ Row, row, row your boat ♪

[playing harmonica]

♪ Gently down the stream ♪

♪ Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily ♪

♪ Life is but a dream ♪

Now I'mma take you to church this time.

Five, six, seven, eight!

♪ Row, row, row your boat ♪

♪ Gently down the stream, whoo! ♪

♪ Merrily ♪

[Jackie] Oh, my God.
Heidi's a breakout performer.

And she seems ready to show everyone

she should not have been placed
in the bottom.

-[Ross] Oh!

Oh! That was awful!

I think they're terrible! Terrible!

[Ross] I'm wondering, Charo,

if you could teach the Del Rio Trio

how to coochie-coochie?

Well, definitely.

Okay, now,

with attitude.

[Ross] All right, all four of you!

Come on! Let's do it!

Okay, one, two, three.

Coochie, coochie, coochie,

-coochie, coochie, coochie!
-Coochie! Coochie! Coochie!

-Coochie coochie coochie-coo!
-Coochie! Coochie!

-Salsa! Salsa! Salsa!

-[Charo and Heidi] Salsa! Salsa!
-That was great!

-I love salsa!
-[Heidi] Aaah! Salsa!

Gigi is... k*lling it!


[snorts] Get it?

k*lling it, 'cause she was dea--


What did you think?

[Ross] Well, I think Blanca

is... dead.

A dead ringer for a young Carol Channing!

Don't you think?



Yes, Ross?

[Ross] You and your sisters...

are going to West Hollywood!

[all] Yay!

[Ornacia] Yass, girl.


W-Where am I?

How did I get in this room?

You're goin' to West Hollywood!

[all] Whoooo!

Ohh! Ohh!

Ohh! Ohh! Ohh! Ooh!

What a world!

Just think that my dream would come true

and I'd die in the same moment!

I've fallen and I can't get up!



[Ross] Blanca.

You don't need 'em.

You're goin' to West Hollywood, honey.


Come on, girls!

Where's the door at?

It's hard to stand out as a corpse.

And, bitch, I know I did a damn good job.

See you in West Hollywood, ladies!

Well, hello there, not-so-young ladies.


Where are you guys from?

[all] We're the Squirrel Scouts
from Camp Bang-A-Ho!

-Who's this cute little guy in there?

-[Crystal] Squirrely!

My God! Well, I can't wait
to see you ladies sell yourselves.

-All right, good luck.
-Thank you.

-[marching music]
-[whistle blowing]

[Charo laughs]

♪ I'll go nuts, you'll go nuts ♪

♪ We'll go nuts for nut butter! ♪


-Howdy-ho, judges!
-Ho, judges!

We're the squirrel camp--

Squirrel Scouts from Camp Bang-A-Ho!


Not a great start.

I'm Leslie Ann.

I'm Chantelle.

And I'm Raneesha LaShawn Jackson.

And this is our friend Squirrely.

Say hi to Squirelly!

-[all] Hi, Squirrely.

-[speaks in Spanish and chitters]

[Crystal, weepy] We came together at camp

after our parents abandoned us
when we were ten.

We got abandoned at the bus stop!


And then we had to fend for ourselves
out in the wilderness.

I had to eat rocks.

I had to use sticks as tampons.

And, uh, what do you do exactly?

We're here today

to earn our
Reality Television Show merit badge.

As you can see,
we have so many already.

I have this merit badge
for having the best smile.

And I have this one because
I can make matte lipstick out of berries!

And this...

is barbecue sauce!


[Crystal] Widow is not afraid
to take it there.

She looks a hot mess,

and, um, she even smells
a little bit drunk.

And I'm just hoping I can keep up.

We actually have a beautiful product
to show you right now.

-All right.

Not only are we survivors,

we're also entrepreneurs!


[fanfare plays]

-Ooh! Nut butter!

Nut butter. Whoo! You make it?

It is hand-shaked and squeezed by myself.

And I swallow.

I mean, taste test!

Would you like to try it out yourselves?

-[speaks in Spanish]
-I'll take two!

-Now, careful. Don't bust that nut!
-[Charo laughing]

[Ornacia] Get those nut butters

away from my face.

Do you wanna taste it?
I wanna taste it, just a little.

Are there squirrel juices in this?


It's organic?


[Nicky] Crystal is struggling
as much as me.

But I have three years of English.
She has twenty-eight.

[Ross] I have to say, you ladies

put "manure" in "entrepreneur."

[all] Ohhh...

Can I see this squirrel up close?

-Squirrely, he's so nice--

Aaah! Aaah! Aaah!

-[all shrieking]
-[Squirrely chittering]

[all screaming]

[all yelling]

I can't see!

It got my tits!

-Squirrely, no!

No matter how much
I feel like I did my part,

it's a team challenge.

I ain't gonna bullshit with you,
I'm scared.

I'm--I'm terrified.

-There's a squirrel in my pants!
-[Squirrely chittering]

[World's Worst theme song playing]

The judge said, "Either take this job,

or go to traffic school."

And I hate traffic school.

Hate it.

-Oh, here comes the next group.


-It's a bunch of fruits!
-[Rock] We are--

[whispers] Okay, ladies,
we practiced this.

One, two, three.

[all] The Fruity Patooties!


Hello, America.

My name is Big Gay Grape.

I am Orange,

and I'm as sweet as a clementine

and just as petite!

I'm your fully real-lasting vegetable--


-And we're gay.
-We're super gay.

And we're so excited to be representin'
our community here on this show.

We just want everybody to know
that you are all accepted,

no matter who you are
or where you are from.

[Ross] You're Broccoli,

but you're in the Fruity--

you're in the Fruity group?

[Jan] Well, yes.

She's a fierce broc-ally.

I'm a fierce broc-ally!

Girl, I look crazy right now.

I have this huge-ass broccoli on my head,

I'm sweating profusely.

Both of my eyelashes
are falling off at this point.

I'm not lookin' polished,
and it's just throwing my whole game off.

I'm a fully realized woman.


[Jan] I think that me and Rock

are very, very high energy,

and Broccoli is just bein'

[seductively] a fully realized Broccoli,

and she's bein' super sexy.

[normal voice] And I don't know

if that's really
comin' across to the judges.

I'd like to start off with a little joke.

I smell a real big stinker comin' on.

Spray a little poo-pourri...

Kids love the joke.
We're gonna start it off. Okay.

[Rock clears throat]

-Knock, knock.
-[Dahlia, Jan] Who's there?


[Jan] Orange who?

Orange you glad
that we can live in a community

that accepts our brothers and sisters,

be they vegetable or fruit?

[Ornacia] Girl, this team is the pits!

[Ross] Quick question.

You said you were gonna tell a joke.

When is that gonna start?

Well, that was our best one!

-Thank you.
-[Jaida] Enough!

[Jan] Big Apple,

what in the sauce are you doin' here?!

[Jaida] You know why I'm here,

and I'm gonna expose you!

I'm here to set the record straight

to a few phony Patooties I know.

The world is gonna see them
for exactly who they are.

I created the Phony Patootie,

and you're trying to steal
all of what I've done!


How many doctors do I have to eat a day
to keep you away?!

There's not enough doctors
to keep me down!

And, Broccoli...

nobody likes broccoli!

Take yo' stem out of my face.


[all] Oh!

She broccoli-speared her.

[all yelling] Fruit fight!

[Charo laughing]

-I'm gonna k*ll you!



Don't bruise the fruit!

Are you thirsty?

Because I got some fruit... punch!


Stop it!

[Charo] Everybody.

Speak-a slowly and clearly.

What the hell is going on?

[Jaida] Little do you know,

they're straight!

[Rock gasps]

I'm gonna ask you
a few questions, all right?



what does Mariah Carey call her fans?

Her, uh--


I gotcha! It's lambs!

[Rock] I'm surprised at you!

I-I thought you were gay this whole time!

I've never been
so steamed in my life!

[Ross] All right, final question.

Who won the Super Bowl last year?

[both] The Patriots! Whoa!

That settles it!

You are not gay!


-You're not going to West Hollywood.
-[Jaida] Oh, no!

[Charo] An apple a day

keep your coochie-coochie away!

[sobbing] Oh, no!

Well, hello there.
Who do we have here?

[all, in unison]
We are three girls...

With one brain!

[all] We met...

at a bus stop...

and all of a sudden...

lightning struck!

[all] And now...

we speak...

as a collective...



All right, 3 Girls, 1 Brain.

[all] Give us a word...

and we will create...

a poetic...


There was a guy from Missi-Pee-Pee.

[all] There once was a guy

from Missi-Pee-Pee

who sat on a wall.

There once was a guy

from Missi-Pee-Pee

who had a great fall.

All the queen's horses

and all the queen's men

couldn't put


together again.

[Ornacia] Can "worst" be a three-way tie?

[Ross] I want to know
a little bit more about you.

What's your favorite kind
of ice cream? Quick!

[all] Chocolate.

[sustained growl]

Excuse us just a minute, please, ladies.

Charo, do you feel like these ladies
maybe are faking a little bit?

I'm gonna come up there for one second.

Ladies, I'm not convinced

that you really do share one brain.

But if you did,

when I slapped one of you,

you'd all feel it... wouldn't you?

Should I slap you?

Should I slap you?


-[Aiden and Brita] Ow.

-I've seen all I need to see.

That's it. I'm impressed.

[Ross] Do you ever find this overwhelming

in your daily lives, sharing one brain?

-I can't do this anymore.

I'm going back to James and the Peach.

What? I thought you were
three girls with one brain?

[Ornacia] Liza Minnelli! Lies!

We are...

-[Brita] two girls...
-One. One gir-- One girl.

[Brita] One f*cking brain. Let's go!

They were the worst!

We need them!

-Ladies! We need you!
-[Charo laughing]

Well, that wraps up
Audition Week in Tuck-A-Ho.

And that truly was the World's Worst.

I'll see you next week
in West Hollywood...

in the alley behind Micky's.

-[upbeat music playing]

[all whooping]

[Rock] Ohh, it's Elimination Day,
it's the day we're gonna find out

what the judges think
of our performances.

I really wish I had pushed
a little bit more for that apple.

I just tried to cram
as many fruit puns as possible.

[Heidi] She's very punny.

I just hope it's not
our "clemen-time" to go.

-[Rock] Shut up!

[Rock] It's scary, but

I'm not gonna let
these girls know that I'm nervous at all,

because I'm not nervous at all.

I'm--I'm pretty nervous, yeah,
um, actually.


[Aiden] How you guys
feelin' about yesterday?

[Brita] I think there are certain things

that we could have done better as a group.

I'm nervous about our team.

Aiden was definitely the weakest link.

I honestly feel like
you didn't really lead us much.

Yeah, I mean, I love you,

but, like, you didn't lead us at all.

[Brita] When it comes out to it,
Sherry and I are both really good at--

or, at least we like to think we are--
really good at improv.

[Brita] That's what we do
in New York City all the time.

At times, I felt like
we were carrying you.

I did choose specifically two people

who I knew would be strong
in this type of challenge.

But I really just wanted everything
to be kind of everybody's decision and...

But when you're the leader, like--

Are you just gonna rely on everyone
for every other challenge here?

-[Sherry] Yeah.
-[Aiden] I thought I did a good job.

I'm not agreeing with this at all.

I did rise to the occasion
in this challenge.

I feel like I'm constantly fighting
this battle of being the "weak link,"

so I'm not gonna focus on
these other queens

and their "constructive" criticism.

[upbeat music playing]

[Jaida] Do y'all have any siblings at all,

like, or is it just you?

'Cause you give me very,
like, only-child energy.

Bitch, you're gonna gag.

So I have literally a f*ckin' twin...

-[Heidi] Shut. Up.
-[Jaida] No, ma'am.

Literally every time I tell people that,
people always f*ckin' gag.

-We look the exact same.
-[Nicky] Are you both gay?

-Yeah, we're both gay.
-Oh, wow.

So twins gays,
how did your parents took it?

I literally came out
in an Applebee's to her.

-[Jaida] Over the 2 for 20?

[Dahlia] Literally, though.
I told my brother, I was like,

"Bitch, I'm gonna come out right now."

He was like, "Don't bring me in it,"
and then he walked to the bathroom.


He goes to the bathroom because
he doesn't want to come out now.

But I do. [laughs]

Then my mom is like,
"Girl, I know you're gay, so."

Eventually my brother came out

five or six months later after me,

and my mama's like, "Finally!"

Funnier thing is too
that he wants to start doing drag.

[Jaida] Oh, werk, bitch.

Now my brother wants to do drag,
and bitch, I don't have time for it.

He's been like, "Girl, put me in drag--"

actually, he doesn't even say girl,
'cause he doesn't speak like me--

and I'm like, "This is my thing.

Not yours, bitch."

[laughs] Literally.

I think a subtle eight inches is good,
don't you think?

[all laughing]

We've been sittin' here,
kiki'in', BFFs, living, loving life,

and reality is setting in.

Us b*tches are about to start

goin' home one-by-one,
and it starts here.

[Dahlia] That nose is staring right at me.

[Nicky] You think?

She'll poke your eye out, watch out.

[all laughing]

[music fading out]

["Cover Girl" by RuPaul playing]

[RuPaul laughing]

♪ Cover girl ♪

♪ Put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe ♪

♪ Let your whole body talk ♪

♪ And what? ♪

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Second runner-up

of "South Plainfield's Got Talent 1987,"

Michelle Visage.

I demand a recount!

-[RuPaul laughing]
-Hanging chads!

[Olivia laughs]

From So You Think You Can Yodel,
it's Ross Mathews.



And from Brown Eye for the Straight Guy,

it's Carson Kressley.

Oh, actually, it was Pinkeye,
but that's a whole other story.

[all laughing]

I think I still have it.

And the fabulous Olivia Munn. Welcome!

Ru, if loving you is wrong,
I want to be the worst.

[all laughing]

For the first time this season,

we brought all of our queens together

and challenged them
to improv the house down.

And tonight on the runway,
the category is,

Buttons and Bows.

Gentlemen, start your engines,

and may the best woman win!

["Superstar" by RuPaul playing]

The category is Buttons and Bows.

First up, Jaida Essence Hall.

[Carson] Well, I've heard of bow-legged,
but never bow-armed.

[Jaida] I'm giving you

pink Barbie Doll realness,

different layers of pinks.
Just keep it, like, nice and cute.

[RuPaul] Jaida Pinkett Jacket.

-[Olivia laughs]
-[Michelle] Oh, my God.

[RuPaul] Dahlia Sin.

Bunny, I'm home!

[Ross] And then there's mauve.

[all laugh]

[Dahlia] My runway look
is pin-up bunny rabbit

just bouncing down the runway,

shakin' my little ass.

And I'm here for it.

[RuPaul] What's up, Dahlia?

[all laughing]


Rock M. Sakura

Alice, come through the looking glass!

[Michelle laughs]

[Rock] My concept behind this look

is Alice in Wonderland
takes pre-natal vitamins

and her hair gets really long,

she doesn't know what to do with it,
so she just keeps puttin' bows in it.

[Carson] Oh! Lions and tigers
and merkins, oh, my!

[all laugh]

[RuPaul] For your consideration, Jan.

Simply, Jan.

[Michelle] Oh, yes, you better voodoo!

[Jan] My look is scary voodoo doll.

And I'm walking like I'm ready to possess

every single bitch in this building.

[Carson] I think she's got this sewn up.

[Michelle] Basic stitches, beware!

[RuPaul] Heidi N Closet.

[Carson] You know,
she said it was nine inches long,

but I think she's lyin'.

[Heidi] My runway is very Pinocch-A-Ho

come to life as a real girl.

She's got her big ol' bows,

and then she got some buttons
beneath her skirt if you wanna see.

[judges exclaim]

[Ross] Now I'm made of wood.

[all laughing]

[RuPaul] Gigi Goode.

[Michelle] She's so buttoned up!

[all laughing]

[Gigi] Bitch, I am covered

in 25,000 orange buttons.

This is honestly the heaviest thing
I've ever worn,

but I'm doing my best
to make it look like

it's completely effortless to walk in.

Oh, my God, Becky,

look at her buttons.

[all laughing]

[RuPaul] Jackie Cox.

Oh, I say,
there's trouble in River City!

[Michelle] Trouble with a capital T!

[Jackie] My look is inspired
by the Pearlies of England,

who created this look around
turn-of-the-century Industrial Revolution.

The pearl buttons were a cheap way

to really make any outfit more fabulous.

[Carson] Yodel-ay-hee-ho.

[RuPaul] The Widow Von'Du.

[Michelle] Bozo, you better go!

[Widow] I am serving you
my clown couture realness.

Is she a big top?

[all laughing]

[Widow] I like to serve
different high fashion looks

that may not be your cup of tea.

[RuPaul] Brown clown studding.

[all laughing]

-[RuPaul] Crystal Methyd.
-[Carson] Well, she obviously

tied one on before she hit the runway.

[RuPaul] She certainly did.

[Crystal] My Buttons and Bows look

is cutesy little baby eleganza.

This look is pink and fluffy
and inspired by a present,

because I'm a gift to the judges.

[Carson] Wrap it up, I'll take it.

[RuPaul laughing]

[RuPaul] Ça va, Nicky Doll.

[Carson] She's got a measuring tape.
That's so handy.

[RuPaul] Guess who's back with a mouse?

[all laughing]

[Nicky] Nicky Doll is serving
Cinderella to the judges tonight.

She is in her atelier with her little mice
and working on her dress,

and she's definitely
gonna go to the ball.

I like my vision,
and I'm super-proud of what I'm doing.

[RuPaul] Gerbils,
they're not just for anuses anymore.

[all laughing]

[RuPaul] Aiden Zhane.

[Carson] Ribboned for your pleasure.

[all laughing]

[Aiden] I am feeling very Lisa Frank

with my bows raining down
on the shoulders.

I love to take simple things

and really make something
out of nothing.

[Ross] Her real name is Brett.

-[RuPaul] Beret?

[RuPaul] Brita.

-Brita, please.
-[all laughing]

[Brita] Move over, Polly Pocket,

there's a new doll in town.

I'm serving you fiesta coral realness.

That waist is cinched to the gods.
Just flawless.

[Michelle] I can see her camel bows!

[all laughing]

[RuPaul] Up next, Sherry Pie.

-[Ross] Oh!
-[RuPaul] I think I've seen this movie.

I think it's called Mannabelle.

[all laughing]

[Michelle] Uh-oh!

Somebody fed her after midnight.

[Sherry] This look is very

I want to show another version of camp

which is a little spooky-ooky.

[Michelle] Goodbye, Dolly.

[all laughing]

[RuPaul] Welcome, ladies.

When I call your name,
please step forward.

Widow Von'Du.

Jaida Essence Hall.


Rock M. Sakura.

Gigi Goode.

Aiden Zhane.



you are all safe.

You may leave the stage.

Ladies, you represent

the tops and bottoms of the week.

And now it's time
for the judges' critiques.

Starting with Dahlia Sin.

[Carson] This runway look,

I really enjoy.

This subtle color palette all works,
this is a beautiful presentation.

I loved what you did on the runway,
bouncing like a bunny.

Your ears are so cute.
I just thought you were so beautiful.

-Thank you.
-You are stunning.

But the hair,
'cause it's like a mauve,

I couldn't see it.

I kind of lose that a little bit.

All right, let's talk
about the improv challenge.

It was a roughage challenge for you.

[all laughing]

You kept looking to the other girls,

and every time you did that,

you would block your face from the camera.

I was trying to give the more,
like, demure, but still trying to be sexy.

Well, blocking the camera is a big no-no

when you're filming a television show.

The whole idea of the fruit thing

is because you guys are...
[stage whispers] gay.

[normal voice] And that's
an old-school term. That's the joke.

But anytime Broccoli spoke,
it didn't really do anything.

Yeah, I was trying to play more to,
like, being the sensual,

sexy broccoli that I am.

I know it's hard
to be a piece of broccoli

when you like to be beautiful and sexy,
but we wanted more.

The broccoli was just lost in the sauce.

All right, Heidi, I have
just one question for you.

Is it Heidi Ho or Heidi Doody?

I was liking Heidi Ho.

Well, drive it around the block a few days

and see how it works.

-Hey, Heidi!
-Hi, gorgeous.

-How are ya?
-I'm blessed and highly favored.

-[Michelle] Oh? What's that?

[heavenly music plays]

In the improv challenge,
you were really fun.

Because you had a character.

You came in with that flipper
that you spit out,

and you made me laugh
throughout the entire thing.

This runway look,

it is that combination
of really beautiful

but it still has the sense of humor,
the nose thing.

As soon as you came around the corner,

I saw the tip first...

I became very excited, and then I said,
"Oh, it's just her nose."

[Michelle] Carson!

This was a thoroughly delightful
runway look.

I really appreciate that y'all like this,

'cause this actually
a little nod to my history,

because back in high school, I ran track

and my hair used to be down to here,

and the guy was lining up the girls
and he was like,

"Well, get up here
with the rest of the girls!"

I was like, "But I'm a boy!"

And then they starting calling me--

-"He's a real boy! Pinocchio!"
-[Michelle] Aww...


Tonight was a fun night for you, Heidi.
Good job.

Jaida thought you were
one of the weakest, and, uh...

-look at you now.
-Joke's on her.


Up next, Jackie Cox.

I want to compliment you on listening
to my makeup recommendation.

-Much better.
-Thank you.

Let's talk about this look.

I love this because it was like,
"Oh, my God,

it's Strawberry Shortcake
if she ran a brothel."

-[Michelle] I love it!

I saw immediately the Pearlies,

'cause it reminded me
of Mary Poppins,

the Julie Andrews one,
where it's this type of outfit.

It is just a skosh costume store.

But then you,
in the improv challenge,

were so fun to watch.

You weren't afraid to make weird faces.

You weren't caught up
in the "Am I looking sexy?"

which can k*ll comedy.

[RuPaul] Up next, Crystal Methyd.

We're gonna talk about your performance
as a Squirrel Scout.

You kinda got lost.

When you're in a group, it's so hard,

and in your case, you had Widow.

You know, she took a character

and she took it all the way.

-[RuPaul] And she gave us something to go,

"Hmm. Clearly an alcoholic."

Oh, and she likes barbecue.

[all laughing]

You needed it to be more specific.

We're counting on you

to take us on a ride.

[Michelle] I'm not gonna lie,

your makeup is distracting.

It's now become repetitive.

I love red and pink together.

But I would love if you could find a way

to merge the beautiful art that you do...
with your face.

[laughing] How do I say that?
I want to see who you are.


[Crystal] Uh...

I think part of the reason...

[voice breaking]
that I have the face that I do

is because...

Crystal makes me confident,

and I have a hard time showing myself

and opening up to--


[crying] I'm sorry. Um...

[RuPaul] You know,
seeing you in the Werk Room

with nothing on

but that El DeBarge mullet,

Mama Ru says,
"You're f*ckin' fascinating."

I need you to infuse that

into everything that you do

in this competition.

[Olivia] You know, when I first
came out to California,

I would take on every audition

and I would just have the attitude,

"Whatever you want,
tell me it, and I'll be it."

"You want me to smile,
you want me to--

Whatever you want, I can do it."

And that got me nowhere.

Until one day, I realized

what is the one thing I have that
no one else has? And that's me.

And you really have
such a fun energy nobody else has.

That will make the difference for you,
not how much makeup you put on.


Thank you.

Up next, Nicky Doll.

-I love this runway look.
-[Carson] You gave us this theme

in such a non-literal,
but really fun way with the button--

I'm gonna call that
a wig-a-nator,

-because it's like a fascinator--
-What did you call me?


[Olivia] When it comes to the skit
that you guys did,

I feel the same way
that I felt with Crystal.

You disappeared a little bit.

Even more so.
Crystal was pushing a little bit,

I felt like you were nervous.

Does the language barrier,
like, slow you up?

It has built frustration for me--

We had such a great example with Charo...

[Charo speaks in Spanish and chitters]

[Carson] ...who launches into Spanish
at the drop of a hat.

Throw in the French.
It's fun, it's charming, it's you.

Bring more of you to the game.

[RuPaul] Up next, Sherry Pie.

Let's talk about "3 Girls, 1 Brain."

Just watching you all do it and...

[slowly] following each other...

[normal] was so funny.

And you had such a commanding presence.

The thing about improv is,
you have to go with the flow,

but you can prep for it, too.

It just all felt so fresh and so funny.

Your skit was my favorite.

This runway look is so great,

because it is campy,
but in this really fashionable way.

Thank you.

Ladies, thank you very much.

I think we've heard enough.

While you go and untuck backstage,

the judges and I will deliberate.

All right, now,
just between us Squirrel Scouts,

what do you think? Dahlia Sin.

She just faded away,
and she was wearing

a giant broccoli suit--
that's not easy.

She's also caught up
in this "I am a sexy queen,"

and she needs to have many
other lanes up in this competition.

-[RuPaul] Heidi.
-I loved what she did on the runway.

She gave us buttons and bows
in kind of an unexpected way.

[Ross] In the improv challenge,
she really made me laugh.

And then I kind of fell in love with her
when she started opening up to us.

It's a good week for Heidi Ho.

[RuPaul] Jackie Cox.

In the challenge, she went there,
and that makes my heart sing.

I believe whatever happens
in this competition,

we will see her performing
on stages around the world.

[RuPaul] Crystal Methyd.

The fact that she wore that makeup
as a Squirrel Scout

is telling that she's hiding
behind that mask.

Even Rock M.
changed her makeup completely.

[Ross] She faded in the background
in the challenge,

and on the runway, she just looked
a little unfinished.

If she just has a little time
to bake a little longer,

she could be incredible.

-[RuPaul] Nicky Doll.
-[Michelle] In the challenge, for me,

if Crystal Methyd was fading
into the background,

then Nicky Doll was invisible.

[Ross] But on the runway,
that look was so thought out

and exactly the kind of approach

you need to be bringing
to every second of this competition.

It breaks my heart, 'cause you can see

how each one of them cares so much

and it matters so much
to every one of them.

It's really hard for me to think about
any of them going home.

-[RuPaul] Sherry Pie.
-[Michelle] In the challenge,

she was very funny,
and she was giving me, like,

Ethel Merman
mixed with Lucille Ball.

And then she comes out on the runway,

I love that she blends kind of classic
with her own modern twist.

All right, silence.

I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

[ominous music plays]


you're safe.

You may join the other girls.

Thank you.

Sherry Pie.


You are the winner
of this week's challenge.

-Thank you so much.
-[queens cheering]

You've won a cash prize of $5,000.

Thank you.

Jackie Cox.

You're safe.

Thank you.

Nicky Doll.

Your buttons and bows are très chic.

But your improv was a little weak.

Dahlia Sin.

You're a beautiful queen.

But the judges had some beef
with your broccoli.

Crystal Methyd.

Squirrel Scout, you've got real potential,

but the judges weren't nuts
about your improv.

Crystal Methyd...

you're safe.

[quietly] Thank you.

You may join the other girls.

[blows kisses]

Nicky Doll and Dahlia Sin.

I'm sorry, my dears,
but you are up for elimination.

[Dahlia] Oh, my God, I'm so pissed.

I really don't agree with Ru saying
that I should be in the bottom two.

Bitch, no.

Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your last chance

to impress me and save yourself

[echoing] from elimination!

The time has come...

[thunder crashes]

...for you to lip-sync...

for your

[echoes] life!

[Nicky] I deserve to stay,

and I'm gonna fight for my spot.

Bitch, I'm not going home.

Good luck

and don't...

f*ck it up.

["Problem" by Ariana Grande
and Iggy Azalea starts playing]

♪ I got one more problem with you, girl ♪

♪ Aye ♪

♪ Hey, baby, even though I hate ya ♪

♪ I wanna love ya ♪

♪ I want you-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ And even though I can't forgive ya ♪

♪ I really want to ♪

♪ I want you-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Head in the clouds ♪

♪ Got no weight on my shoulders ♪

♪ I should be wiser ♪

♪ And realize that I've got ♪

♪ One less problem without ya ♪

♪ I got one less problem without ya ♪

♪ I got one less problem without ya ♪

♪ I got one less, one less problem ♪

♪ It's Iggy Iggz ♪

♪ Unh, what ya got? ♪

♪ Smart money bettin' ♪

♪ I'll be better off without you ♪

♪ In no time
I'll be forgettin' all about you ♪

♪ You saying that you know
But I really, really doubt you ♪

♪ Understand my life is easy
When I ain't around you ♪

♪ Iggy Iggy
Too biggie to be here stressing ♪

[Widow] Come on, Nicky.

♪ I'm thinking I love the thought of you
More than I love your presence ♪

♪ No half-stepping
Either you want it or you just playin' ♪

♪ I'm listening to you knowin'
I can't believe what you're sayin' ♪

♪ There's a million yous, baby boo
So don't be dumb ♪

♪ I got ninety-nine problems
But you won't be one ♪

♪ Like what ♪

-[queen 1] Yass!
-[queen 2] Whooo!

♪ Head in the clouds
Got no weight on my shoulders ♪

♪ I should be wiser ♪

♪ And realize that
I've got, got, got, got ♪

♪ One less problem without ya ♪

♪ I got one less problem without ya ♪

♪ I got one less problem without ya ♪

♪ I got one less, one less, yeah ♪

♪ I got one less, one less ♪

♪ Whoa-oh, yeah ♪

[cheers, applause]

Ladies, I've made my decision.

Nicky Doll. Enchanté, you stay.

-Thank you.
-You may join the others girls.




[RuPaul] Dahlia Sin.

My dear, we'll have one less
gorgeous queen without you.



sashay away.

Thank you.

We love you, Dahlia!


[Dahlia] So over it, so f*cking pissed.

I'm shocked by the outcome.

It's crazy to me
that I'm going home first.

I kinda f*cked myself over
by choosing the f*cking broccoli.

But Crystal should have been lip-syncing,
and not me.

Even though I did storm off,

I'm just thankful for the opportunity,
to be honest.

I'm thankful for the people
that I got to meet,

and I went out in something cute,
at least. [laughs]

[RuPaul] Con-drag-ulations, ladies.

And remember,

if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell ya gonna
love somebody else?

Can I get a amen up in here?

-[all] Amen!
-All right,

now let the music play.

♪ I am American, American ♪

♪ Red, white and blue ♪

♪ I am American, American ♪

♪ Just like you, too ♪

Next time on RuPaul's Drag Race...

We are throwing a fashion ball, darling.

[queens cheer]

It takes a lot of balls to wear that look.

Aaah! Oh, my God, I'm losing my mind!

No, no, no. You are not
trying to pass that off as a look to me.

Somebody's going home today.

[ominous music playing]

Shit done got real, honey.

♪ I am American, American, American ♪

♪ I am American, American ♪

♪ Red, white and blue ♪

♪ I am American, American, American ♪

♪ I am American, American ♪

♪ Just like you, too ♪

♪ Am-Am-Am-Am-Am-American
American, American ♪

♪ I am American, American ♪

♪ Red, white and blue ♪

♪ I am American, American ♪

♪ Just like you, too ♪
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