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14x15 - Episode 15

Posted: 04/27/24 10:56
by bunniefuu
Tonight on "Shark t*nk"...

The thought of
being here right now

is kind of like
a dream come true to me.

It's magic!

My business is blooming!

I am no stranger to struggle.
I've been poor all my life.

What I like about you
is you're ambitious.

It's a tough, tough business.

I'm a little confused.

Tell me, Sharks.
Who's feeling the flower power?

Don't sleep on this deal,

The margins are amazing.
You're very impressive.

I'm gonna make you an offer.

You're gonna be
a lot of work. Kevin!

Would you be willing
to do a royalty deal?

Whoa! I'm enjoying this.

This is it. Blblblblb!


Narrator: First in the
t*nk is a dessert brand

based around a
unique ingredient.


[ Laughter ]


Hi, Sharks. I'm Loria Stern.

I'm from Los
Angeles, California.

And welcome to my garden,

where you don't
just smell the roses,

but you can eat them, too.

That's right... Eat Your Flowers

bakes gorgeous treats,
each one bespoke,

each one hand-decorated
with edible botanicals...

Calendula, marigolds,

chamomile. [ Laughs ]

These are just a few of
nature's beauties that I use

to top on to cakes,
cookies, key lime pies,

and even chocolate bars.

Sharks, everyone loves flowers,
and everyone loves baked goods.

So I'm combining the two to
create something truly unique.

My treats... they
look so beautiful,

you don't want to eat them,

but they're so delicious,

you can't resist. [ Laughs ]

Using nature as
my color palette,

I'm transforming flowers,
herbs, fruits, and vegetables

into an array of
delicious, nutritious,

and beautiful works... of... art.

We also sell edible pressed
flowers for decorating

and edible flower-fetti for
you to sprinkle onto dips,

salads, desserts, or
whatever your heart desires.

Sharks, my business is blooming,

but I need help
tending to my garden.

I'm seeking $250,000

for 12% stake of my company.

Tell me, Sharks,

who's feeling the flower power?

[ Laughter ]

So, let me tell you
what's in front of you.

There are my signature
flower-press shortbread cookies.

The colorful ones
are naturally dyed

and flavored with
plant pigments.

It is gluten-free and vegan.

And those blue crackers...

They're vegan, gluten-free,

and naturally
colored and flavored

with butterfly blue pea flowers.

The cookie is very good.

Like a rich, buttery
shortbread cookie.

Wow! This is incredible.

Corcoran: Wow.

Thank you so much, Robert.

How did you come
up with the idea?

Uh, well, the story is

I'm from a small
town... Ojai, California.

Always a nature girl.

Actually, I grew up as a
nationally ranked tennis player.

When I was 12, I was
number one in the nation.

Sharks: Wow.

I taught tennis for years
after graduating college.

And then, at the end of the day,

I was cooking and baking
for the pros at the tennis club,

and that brought
me the most joy.

So then I decided I'm gonna
work in the culinary industry.

I was a private
chef and caterer.

Sharks: Wow. And now I run

a successful baking company

out of a commercial kitchen
with a staff and bakers.

O'Leary: Why don't
we talk some business?

So you've asked for... Yes.

$250,000 for 12%.

I'm going to make the
assumption you have some sales,

so why don't you
walk us through that?

Well, Kevin, as I said,
my business is blooming.

Overall lifetime
sales... $2.2 million.

What?! Wow! Wow!

north of $430,000.

north of $750,000.


This year, we're on track
to do $1 million, which is...

Herjavec: Wow.

How are you doing
this? Direct to consumer?

Yes, direct to
consumer. All online?

Cuban: And are
you profitable with it?

Am I profitable?

"Am I profitable?"
I want to know.

Greiner: Alright.
You let us know costs.

I am very profitable.

So, for this beautiful
box of cookies, it is $7.50,

including labor costs,

and we sell them
for $50 per box.

Whoa! Herjavec: Fifty?!

That's right. Wow!

That's some proud cookies.

How much money you gonna make?

Well, so, let me just tell you.

Last year, we walked
away with $330,000.

I must tell you, I never
set out to start a company.

I was just making food,

posting it on Instagram,

and my photos went viral.

And the largest
national publications

you could think of
started featuring my work

multiple times. Corcoran: Whoa.

Vogue magazine three times.

Oprah magazine three times. Wow.

New York Times. L. A. Times.

Goop magazine... Or
Goop. Harper's Bazaar.

Who's doing your social media?

I do everything.

So what do you do...
Work 25 hours a day?

I work so hard.

That begs the question...

What are you
looking for in a Shark?

I would love a mentor.
I don't have any.

So it would be incredible

to have a partner
to give me advice.

Barbara, will you be my mentor?

Loria, this is a
beautiful, artisanal,

custom, very high-end product.

Do you worry that,
as you achieve scale,

some of the beauty
of the product,

the uniqueness may not scale?

For sure!

I see so much opportunity

with the products
that I've created,

as well as the other
ideas that I have.

And I think that I could see
my cookies in Starbucks.

At $50?

No. A pack of two for $7.

Oh, I see. So you don't
want to lower your price point.

You would package
it differently.

I do.

I would love to have a price
point that's more accessible.

I have an idea of a cookie.

There's a lot of
competitors doing that.

What's unique
about your story here

is you actually make money
because you're premium.

Anyways, I've heard enough.
I'm gonna make you an offer.

Maybe you like it.
Maybe you don't.

You're gonna be
a lot of work, but...


No, listen. I'm gonna
make you an offer.

It's good news, not
bad news, okay?

Okay. Alright. Let's hear it.

Narrator: All
Sharks are still in,

and Kevin is interested
in Loria's high-end

floral dessert company,
Eat Your Flowers.

So, I'll give you the $250,000.

I want 25%.

Cuban: Hello. Corcoran: Whoo!

Can you also explain...

What did you just
offer? Say it again.

the vision of my company
that you have for my company?

Yeah. Gonna keep it premium.


You can't compete

in the confectionery
space at a low price.

That space is completely
full of competitors

that have scale.

I'm gonna help you stay
premium and blow your story up.

You are the brand. I
mean, you're walking in here

like a flower girl
'cause you are one.

You got to keep that.
But that's a lot of work.

I got to get paid for
that. So I want 25%.

What do you think of his offer?

What do I think of it?

I want to hear your offer, Lori.

[ Greiner laughs ]

Well, listen. I think
it's absolutely beautiful.

You are a luxury item. You are.

But I don't see this as
the right business for me.

I wish you good
luck, but I'm out.

Thank you.

Herjavec: Loria, I mean,
one of the hardest things to do

is establish a brand right
away and get a high price point.

Yeah. Mm-hmm. And
you've done a remarkable job.

I don't see the investable
side of this business.

Um... Not for me. I'm out.

Thank you. Okay.
Thank you, Robert.

Cuban: Loria, let me
let me add to that.

The company is
you. You're the brand.

The products are incidental.

When you deal with media,

the story has to be about
you and building yourself,

you know, to be the
Martha Stewart of flowers,

you know, edible flowers...

because trying to be mainstream

will backfire against you.

But it's not a fit
for me. I'm out.

But I think you
have to focus on you

because that... that's what
makes this the $25 or $50

or $100 million company.

Did you say anything
about taking your product

out of the premium space?
I didn't get that listening.

Well, I would like to
create a line of products

that could be sold
at Whole Foods.

Mm-hmm. And I
have a lot of ideas.

But you're not in
retail now, are you?

No, I'm not in retail.

That... that's a hellish
space in this area.

Retail? You don't
want to be there.

-You know... -It's
very hard to compete.

You can get scared
away. I don't get the feeling

you're the type of person
that gets scared away.

If you think of something,
you're gonna try it.

Well, are you gonna
make an offer, Barbara?

What? No. I might
make you an offer,

because I'll tell you
what I love about you.

What I like about you
is you're ambitious.


The part that bothers me,

why I'm hesitant
to make an offer,

it's not because I don't
believe in you or the product.

I... I'm all-in on that.

But I don't get really, again,
why you need another partner.

I like to be valuable
to somebody,

like I make a difference.

I think you'd be very
valuable to my business.

I want to keep growing.

I work so hard. I do everything.

And I need to hire an
operations manager,

somebody to take me out...

O'Leary: Is that what
the $250,000 is for?

Part of it is for that,

and I wanted to invest towards
developing a CPG product, but...

Corcoran: The best
investment of your money

is in the right people. Right.

If that's really what
you need in a partner,

I am your girl, so if you
really need my help on that,

I'll give you an offer, okay?

$250,000 for 15%.

I don't think you're
asking too much.

Wow. You just say yes.

Barbara, you have a deal.

Cuban: Yeah! [ Greiner laughs ]

I'm gonna cry. I'm so excited.

Aww. Nice.

That's great. Congrats, Loria.

But you have to give me
that dress for me to come.

[ Laughs ]

Terrific. You were great today.

I'm really excited. Oh, my God.

Congrats, Loria.
Great job, Loria.

- Good job, Loria. beautiful.
- Great job.

- I will be a customer, for sure.
- Yeah, me too.

- She's good.
- Thank you. It was an honor.

Stern: Knowing that Barbara
is my partner is mind-blowing.

I'm so happy. Oh, my gosh.

I can't even imagine what
we're gonna create together,

and I'm so excited.

Narrator: In season 12,

Manuel Rojas and his
mother, Grace Rojas,

made a deal with Mark
Cuban for their handmade

party-hats company,
Foam Party Hats.

We're gonna crush it.

Let's see what
they're up to now.

Manuel: The whole
purpose of Foam Party Hats

is bringing fun and laughter

to all type of events...
Weddings, birthday parties,

corporate events,
whatever you can think of.

Grace: You have some
idea that you want a hat,

we can make it.

Could be a sofa, a
toilet. Anything you like.

In the three and a half years
before going to "Shark t*nk,"

we had around
$385,000 in lifetime sales.

It's been two years since
we closed our deal with Mark,

and we have sold more
than $1.3 million in sales.

Yeah! Bring it!

One of the best things
about "Shark t*nk"

is that the buyers
from Party City

saw the episode, and
they reached out to us.

We're proud to say that
you can find our products

in every Party City store,

which is more than 750
stores across the nation.

You've automated some things.

Now you're able to
scale so much more.

Cuban: One of the great
things with my investment

was they were able
to buy equipment

that allows them to
make all their own goods,

which opened the door to go
into a huge retailer like Party City.

And now the POs
are just flying in.

Manuel: We also
decided to increase

our social-media
presence doing fun videos,

so we became actual
influencers and superstars.

Just one video on TikTok

reach out more
than 3 million people

and help us to get 30,000
people on our website.

I'm part of the team now, so...

Let's go, Foam
Party Hats! Let's go!

[ Speaking Spanish ]

Manuel: "Shark t*nk" has been
the biggest opportunity for us,

but I got to take my
hat off to my mom.

The reason we went into the show

is all because of
her and her courage.

It takes a lot of guts
to migrate a country,

and it takes even bigger
guts to migrate your country

when you're 60 years old

just to find a better
future for your son.

[ Speaking Spanish ]

We never in a million years
would have thought we were able

to make more than a
million dollars in sales.

It is beyond our wildest dreams.

It's insane. And we're
just getting started.



Narrator: Next up is
a product designed

to keep you protected in the
most active circumstances.


Hi, Sharks. My name
is Greg Demirjian.

I'm from New York City,

and I'm seeking $150,000
for 10% equity stake

in my company, Surf Band Pro.

Sharks, I've been
surfing my whole life.

I love surfing, but
like a lot of surfers,

I'm challenged by
three things out there.

Number one, sharks!

[ Laughter ]

Number two...

blblblblb... drowning!

Number three, sunburn!

You see, I put on my
sunscreen. I'll paddle out.

Couple waves hit
me. Ocean turbulence.

I'll fall a couple times.
Next thing you know,

my sunscreen is gone and
I end up burning out there.

Same thing happens
in a lot of action sports.

We got tight-fitting action
wear and no pockets

to carry your sunscreen.

I invented Surf Band Pro

as a solution to this
ongoing challenge

for so many people.

With Surf Band
Pro on your wrist,

simply push the face,

and sunscreen is
gonna come out of here.

Oh. How does that happen?
I'm gonna take my hand.

I'm gonna put it
underneath here,

and I'm gonna push
it underneath here,

and there's gonna
be sunscreen in here.

It's magic! It is magic.

[ Squirt ]

- Whoa!
- Herjavec: How did that happen?!

Shut the front door!
Stop the madness!

Pretty cool, I have to say.

With instant access, you can
reapply anywhere at any time.

Let me show you again.
I'm gonna push here.

[ Laughter ]

Ohh! Shut the front door again!

So, who wants to ride the
wave of protection on the go...

with this revolutionary
new product, Surf Band Pro?


Is there anything
else out there like it?

Well, it's... it is patented.

- Herjavec: Oh, it is?
- We just got the patent. Uh-huh.

What's the patent on, Greg?

One of the most important
things was the valve.

And what that does is it
lets solution out in the middle.

But when you push
down on the pump here,

it wants to breathe again.

So it's able to let air in
for just a split second.

And to be able to figure
out how to get that air back in

but not make it
leak was really tricky.

And that's where a lot of
industrial designers told me

I wouldn't be able to do
this and left me on my own.

I probably went through

about 15, 17 different
industrial designers...

Wow! ...who work with top brands

who said, "You just can't do it.

It's not gonna done
and just forget about it."

[ Laughs ] What? And it
wasn't until I was sitting there

and I had a pen in my hand
and I was nervously clicking it

and I looked at
the pen and I said,

"How does the
pen stay wet inside?

How is that airtight?"
Mm, good question.

And it turns out that that's
called an annular seal,

meaning it goes
all the way around.

Fascinating. And
so I said, "Wow!

Why can't I take an
annular seal for this?"

Okay. Let's get into the numbers.
So, have you sold any of these?

Well, we just started
manufacturing a month ago, so...

Right. Sharks: Ohh!

Have you sold any...?

We've sold a
couple, but not a lot.

When you say... Two?
Have you literally sold two?

Well, a little more
than two. Maybe 200.

Okay. So...

How much money did
you put into the business?

About $150,000.

Oh, dang! Wow.

I wanted to build a product,
I wanted to get it patented,

and then I wanted to
work with one of you guys.

This has been my favorite show
for years and years and years.

And the thought of
being here right now,

like I am here right now,

it's kind of like a
dream come true to me,

and it's very exciting.

Greg, is there any part of
your dream that had sales?

Yes. [ Laughter ]

Can you tell us
how much they cost?

$9.95 wholesale. $19.95 online.

What does it cost you to make?

Landed about $5.

Well, the problem is you
just don't know what it is.

I get it. I think there's so
many products out there

that are sun-resistant

that mothers and
people really believe in.

I think it's a very, very
competitive market.

For those reasons, I'm out.

Okay, sure. Thank you.

Look. It's a cool idea.

I think it's gonna be a hard
sell, a really hard sell, Greg,

because you have
to demonstrate it.

I think the market
you picked for lotion...

While it fits for
you individually,

I think that's even harder.

But it's not a fit
for me right now,

so for those reasons, I'm out.

Thank you, Mark. You're welcome.

Listen, Greg. It's
a good idea, right?

To be able to have
something with you, on you,

where you don't have to
carry a bottle and all of that.

I think you are
on the right path.

You just need some
help in how to market that.

And if you say
it's "Surf Band Pro"

and that's the name
and that's what you see,

you think it's a
surfing product.

It's not just a surfing product.

Like, this... you
can put lotion in it.

You could put
hand sanitizer in it.

But it's very niche.
I think it has merit.

I wish you good
luck, but I'm out.

Thank you, Lori. I
just wanted to say

that... that the product has
diverse applications to it.

We are also marketing
it as a sanitizer.

O'Leary: Like, I think we
understand. We understand.

I mean, everybody's got an opinion
about how you should market it.

But not under that
name, Surf Band.

It's Squirt Master Pro.

Oh, I love that name!

That's it. But anyway
Squirt Master.

Listen, Greg. It's
not a bad name.

If there was ever... If
there was ever a product

that is going to live on
Instagram and TikTok, it's this.

But this is not an investment
for me. It's a product.

And hopefully you're
gonna sell a million of them.

Greg, I'm out. It's just...
It's not a project for me.

Herjavec: I think you've
designed a very clever product.

Don't know about the name.
I like Kevin's name better.

Uh, nut look, Greg,
as an investment,

I think I don't
see a big market.

Mm-hmm. I'm out.

Okay. Thank you. I just
want to say one thing.

We created something
that not only is it patented,

but this is the most
accessible way

to get a protective
solution in the world.

It is really great.
You did a great job.

And because of the patent,
I really don't think anyone's

gonna get close to it.

If you think of all
the millions of people

that are in action sports and
that get burned out there...

Cuban: You'll find out,
Greg. We're all out, Greg.

Sorry, Greg. Let me
just say one more thing.

[ Laughs ] I drove up the coast

from Maryland to
all the surf shops.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

- Greg, you'll do well with it.
- Good luck.

Greiner: Good luck.

I really wish I could
say something else...

There's nothing you
could say to persuade us.

There are no words.
Good luck, Greg.

I just want to tell you
guys, I really love you guys,

and thank you for the
show all these years.

- Thank you.
- Thanks for coming on.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Good luck.
- Good luck.

My girlfriend wanted to call you
"Dr. Wonderful" the other day.

I thought that was
really wonderful.

There's somebody else
waiting for that spot, Greg.

We got to go.

Go down that road. Greiner:
Yeah, good luck, Greg.

You gotta turn around
and go that way, Greg.

Cheers, now.

Greiner: Good luck. Cheers.

I think he'll be
back for dinner.

Demirjian: It's very interesting
to me that they went out so quick.

I didn't expect that.

You know, everyone
wants this product,

which is so strange for
them just kind of not to get it.

But at the same time, it
was a learning experience.

And maybe... Who
knows? Maybe I'll be back.

You know what's really
funny? This is the first season

where we've had a lot of
people where they never leave.

Yeah, no kidding. Right?
They feel comfortable with us.


Narrator: Next into the
t*nk is a makeup brand

so clean you can sleep in it.


Hi. I'm Fiona Co Chan.

I'm from San
Francisco, California,

and I'm here seeking $400,000

for 5% equity in my company.

Ooh! Wow!

Sharks, believe it or
not, I woke up like this.

No, seriously, though.

Last night, I was so busy
prepping for "Shark t*nk"

that I was way too tired
to remove my makeup...

A feeling so many of
us know all too well.

So I went to bed with
makeup on my face,

and I'm still looking
as fresh as a daisy.

No way. Wow.

Now, I know what
you're probably thinking.

Falling asleep with
makeup on is bad for you

and it can cause
a ton of breakouts.

But don't worry, Sharks.

No breakouts here.

Because I'm not
wearing normal makeup,

which can contain fossil
fuels, liquid microplastics,

and other nasty ingredients.

I'm wearing Youthforia,
makeup you can sleep in.

Why? Because our beauty
products are bio-based,

meaning that we're using

renewable ingredients,

which are great for your
skin and good for the planet.

We are best-known
for our BYO Blush,

the world's first
color-changing blush oil

that reacts to your skin's pH
to give you the perfect shade.

Let me show you.

Simply apply on your cheeks.


And blend.

Corcoran: Interesting to watch.

Looks great.

Corcoran: Sure
does. Herjavec: Yeah.

Giving me the perfect
shade and flawless finish.

Alright. Now I'm all dolled
up and ready for bed.

[ Laughs ] But don't
sleep on this deal, Sharks.

Which one of you
wants to cozy up with me

and revolutionize
the beauty industry?

So, in front of you
is our BYO Blush,

our Pregame Primer, and our
Dewy Hydrating Lip Glosses.

Feel free to open it
and try it for yourself.

So, it changes with
your melanin in your skin,

or whatever it is in your skin.

The way that I like
to think about it is

that if you have a
range of skin tones,

this is just a
little bit of pink.

So if you're not going to
interact with any undertones

or anything like that,
it will come through

as the shade that's
just most perfect

for when you have,
like, a natural flush.

And so something that
other makeups don't do?

So, in the flush category,

typically what you've
seen is just the solid color.

But where it's
difficult for a consumer

is that matching
the right undertone

or making sure that
it's the right shade.

This is really cool.

$400,000 for 5%.

$8-million value.

What I think I'm gonna
love is your sales.

I bet you have some.

So, in terms of
our lifetime sales,

we've done $2 million...

Wow... in lifetime sales.

Over what period of time?

So, we launched the
business in April of last year.

My God! So we've
just been around

for a little bit over 16 months.

O'Leary: Wow. Good for you.

Where are you selling?

Where have you got
your distribution from?

So, currently, we sell
on direct to consumer.

That makes up about

And then we're also on Amazon.

That's about 15%
of our business.

And then we're in wholesale.

That's about 35%
of our business.

We're about to launch into
Ulta with about 309 doors.

Wow. And we're about to launch

at Thirteen Lune at JCPenney
with an additional 300 doors.

How did your invent this, Fiona?

So, when I started the business,

I had no experience in beauty.

I come from a
family of refugees.

My grandparents
fled China for Vietnam,

and then my parents
fled Vietnam for America.

So the emphasis growing up

was always have a
very safe and stable job,

so I went to Dartmouth

and then I started my
career in the tech industry.

I used to sell some of the
most complicated software

to data centers.

That job led me to travel to
some of the most polluted cities

in the world in Asia.

Years before COVID, I
would be sleeping in N95s.

So I was flying back and forth
between San Francisco and Asia,

constantly sleeping
in my makeup,

and my skin was always reacting

because I was in these
very polluted cities.

And I realized that
my normal skin care

and makeup just wouldn't work.

And I decided... you know what?

I really want a makeup
that, if I slept in it,

it wasn't going to ruin my
skin, but more importantly,

I wanted makeup that
acted like skin care,

that, if I wore it, it would
make my skin better.

I really wanted to create a
universally flattering blush.

And so I flew to Korea, met
with some manufacturers.

Many, many samples later,

we have the one
that we're using now.

Can I ask you what
it costs you to make

and what you sell it for?

So, our color-changing
blush is $36,

our Pregame Primer is $38,

and our Dewy Hydrating
Lip Glosses are $26.

And in terms of COGS, it
is between $4 to $6 landed.

It seems remarkable to me
how much you've sold so quickly.

When I first started
the business,

I just started making TikToks.

Pretty much within two weeks,

we started gaining
some traction.

And all I did was just show
the color-changing blush

compared to, like,
a powder blush.

This was something that
just started going viral,

and we've been able
to kind of sustain that.

So 84% of our revenues right now

has been through
organic channels.

If you blow up, you're
gonna need capital.

Your margins are amazing.
You're very impressive.

I'll give you... I'll
give you an offer.


I'll give you the $400,000
broken down this way...

$100,000 for 20% equity.

And any distributions
coming out of the business...

Any distributions, I get

Okay? And then
the other $300,000

is a loan against purchase
orders at market rates.

So I can fund your growth.

It's a bet on the
jockey on this deal.

I mean, you're
really impressive.

It's obvious that
you're extremely driven

but grounded in reality.

I just don't understand
the benefits of the product.

I don't understand
the differentiation.

It's just not for me.
Good luck, but I'm out.

Greiner: I've sold
cosmetics over the years,

but I'm just not
really big on oil.

It's just a thing of mine.

I wish you good
luck, but I'm out.

Thank you, Lori.

I just want to say
that in addition to...

This is, like, the product
lineup that we launched with.

We are going to launch
three additional shades

that are non-color-changing.

I thought the one shade
was perfect for every skin.

We got a lot of requests
from our community

to launch additional shades,

and so this was something
that I wanted to test out.

I have to take you back
to your original claim

when you came in,
which I found riveting,

when you said it's
makeup you can sleep in.

And the second thing was,

it was a blush that would
adjust to your skin tone.

But now you're telling me
you're making three more shades?

Yeah. I'm... I'm
a little confused.

It's not a product I'm
totally clear on, honestly.

So I'm out.

Okay. Thank you
so much, Barbara.

Cuban: You know, I don't
know anything about this,

but to Barbara's point,
I was super-curious,

because when you have something

that's completely

you ride that and you
don't do anything else

because that just
dilutes your efforts.

And sometimes you shouldn't
listen to your customers.

When you have something
unique, you play that edge.

And that kind of made
me question where...

How effective your
primary product was.

So for those reasons, I'm out.

Herjavec: But you still
have an offer from Kevin.

Fiona, as usual, all roads
lead back to Mr. Wonderful.

Now, I made you an offer,
which I thought was pretty good.

So what do you say?

I would like to counter.

I think...

Give me a moment to think.

[ Chuckles ] I think...

Would you come down to 8%?

No, that's just not interesting.

I mean, look, it's really early

in a brutally competitive space.

She's got $2.1 million in
sales. That's not nothing.

In a year. But
I'm Mr. Wonderful.

Cuban: I wish I knew
a lot about this space

because I think this
could be the real deal

and you could use
some guidance on it.

Well, Mark, you
can come back in.

Yeah, it just
doesn't make sense.

I mean, it's... You know, look.

I think you have a bright
future ahead of you,

but that... that's
just not interesting.

Maybe the problem is
you asked for too much,

and I'm trying to contort
the deal to work with you

in ways that make sense for me.

Greiner: She's also
doing well on her own.

Corcoran: I think you've
upset him, actually.

Would you be willing
to do a royalty deal?

Whoa! O'Leary: I'm listening.

I'm listening. What did she say?

Cuban: A royalty
deal. I'm listening.

Would you do $400,000

with a 50-cent royalty
for every unit sold

until $500,000 is
paid back for... 5%?

No, I tell you what
I would do, though.

The sweet sound of royalty
gets me very interested.

I do a deal at a
dollar of royalty

until I get back $800,000.

So I double my money.
Okay? That's reasonable.

And 10%.

Would you be willing to
lower the equity amount?

Okay. Here's a
counter. I'm enjoying this.

[ Laughter ]

Would you do $400,000...

She's doing fine.
Leave her alone.

No. No. For me.

Maybe my
daughters will like this.

I know they'll understand it,
right? But I need more equity.

Right? Because you're
getting three of us.

Alyssa, Alexis and Mark.
And Tiffany, my wife, too.

So $400,000 for 10%. No royalty.

[ Muttering ]


Would you do it at 8%?

No. Because you're
getting four of us.

[ Greiner laughs ]

$400,000 at 10%.

I'm worth it.

I'll even go do demos.

You'll do demos? Yes.

He's gonna look terrible
with that makeup on.

[ Muttering ] So the
difference of 2%...

Alright, lookit.
I'll do it at 7.5%.

But I want the...
I want the royalty

to go to $1 million
at 75 cents a unit.

Just to prove the point,
I'll do it at 8%, no royalty.

You got a deal. Done.

Herjavec: Boom!

Corcoran: What a
great negotiator you are!

Herjavec: Wow.

Thank you. You're amazing.

Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.

- I'm so excited.
- Yeah, my daughters will be.

- Oh, they're gonna love this.
- Yeah. They'll go nuts on it.

- Congratulations.
- Kevin, you have to get up

and leave the Shark t*nk.
Fiona's taking your chair.

[ Laughter ]

O'Leary: Not yet, she isn't.

Corcoran: Terrific.
You did a great job.

O'Leary: Wow.
Greiner: Bye, Fiona.

Co Chan: I was a
little bit surprised

because first Mark went out

and he had mentioned that
he didn't understand the space,

but I knew that he had daughters

that would be
interested in this product.

I just had never seen
him do a makeup deal.

So I am so proud that we
are his first makeup deal.

Mark, that was a record.

In 14 seasons,

Mark Cuban has never
invested in a makeup company.

This is true. Now here he is.

How good a negotiator was she?

She was great. She
was sticking to her g*ns.

She was better than Mark.
She was reeling Mark in.

But I wasn't negotiating
with her at the end.

I was negotiating against Kevin.

Yeah. Thank you.


Narrator: Next up is a way to
get your teeth cleaner faster.


Hi, Sharks! My name
is Bobbi Peterson.

I am all the way here
from Brooklyn, New York,

and I am asking for $150,000

for 10% of my company.

Sharks, there is a huge problem

that affects 50% of
the world's population.

We're talking about gum disease.

Most people don't know

that your mouth is key
to your overall health.

Your mouth is the gateway

between your
heart and your mind.

And most people don't even
realize how easily infection

can travel between these
three very important points.

Periodontal disease,
or gum-disease, patients

are two to three
times at a higher risk

of developing cardiovascular
disease and stroke.

Poor teeth brushing
or a dirty mouth

results in plaque buildup,

which is the leading
cause of gum disease,

which leads to
this exact problem.

[ Sharks groaning ] Eww!


Oh, my God. We all know

that gum disease can
also lead to tooth loss.

[ Laughter ]

And who wants to deal with that?

Prevention is key.

To add to this problem,

most of the latest advances
in electronic toothbrush heads

are getting smaller and smaller.

Look at the amount
of surface area

that's covered with this brush.

How is that helpful? I
know what you're thinking.

"Why does she care
so much about teeth?

Why does she care so
much about oral health care?"

Why? Why?

Well... ♪ Dun-dun-dun-dun ♪

[ Laughter ]

♪ Dunna-dunna,
dunna-dunna, dun-dun ♪

I'm an orthodontist.

And my product is the
Big Mouth toothbrush!

This spa in your
mouth with a wider head

is specifically designed
to cover more surface area

when you brush,

creating a more
massaging, relaxing feeling

while you're
brushing your teeth.

Now, Sharks, who wouldn't
want this state-of-the-art

dynamic toothbrush?

Okay, I've had a
lot of fun up here,

but now it's time for me
to close my big mouth

and open my ears

to any questions

that you might have.

Thank you so much for listening.

Cuban: Good job. Yeah. Good job.

You have your very
own toothbrushes

right in front of you.

You have toothpaste, water.

And there are five settings.

Greiner: You have more
settings than I've ever seen.

Yes, Lori.

And I think that's interesting
'cause you have a "gum care"...

Yes... and a "sensitive"...


a "clean," a
"polish," and a "white,"

which I think
that's pretty cool.

Thank you.

So I was wondering...
Does this cut down the time?

It does. By what, a minute?

It potentially cuts down
tooth-brushing time.

It cuts it in half.

So, Bobbi, if this really works,

as you suggest, why
wouldn't the big guys

in the electric-toothbrush

just make a head
with a big brush on it?

Well, I have a patent-pending
design on the toothbrush.

What is it on? The size of it?

Yes, the size of the
toothbrush. The dimensions of it.

The oversized brush
head. It's a design patent.

It's a design patent. We
are actually working on

trying to get a utility patent.

Sorry, Bobbi. You
have a design patent...

Patent for the toothbrush.

on the size of
the tooth head.

A wider toothbrush head. Yes.

How you define "oversized"?

How do I define "oversized"?

Well, I'm just wondering
how the patent protects me

from the other
two big guys. Yes.

Because I actually
know your industry.

My paper, when I
graduated, my MBA,

was on the dental
industry and the office.

Greiner: No way.
Of course it was.

But that was 150 years ago.

And so I... And I know all of...
They didn't have toothbrushes.

these suppliers
and I met them all.

They really control this market.


And they did 20 years
ago, and they do right now.

There hasn't been a Bobbi Big
Mouth that ever broke any share.

But why do you
think they don't have

a fat toothbrush like this?

Sometimes it takes a great
orthodontist from Brooklyn

to come up with a good idea.

Thank you. I can't answer
why they don't have it.

I can just answer the
question as to why I did it.

What do you sell
this for, Bobbi?

So, I sell this for $69.99.

Landed is $14.00.

- $14? Great.
- Wow. That's a great margin.

So you're selling
them in your practice?

Yes, I sell them in my practice.

And where else are
you selling them?

I'm also selling them online.
How many have you sold?

So, I just launched in January.

So from January to
July, I'm at 60,000.

But of those six months,

there's only been four
months of active sales.

So during my toothbrush
journey, I found out that I was

the first Black person to
design an electronic toothbrush.

So once Black History
Month hit, I sold out.

And even though I
had already ordered

another set of toothbrushes,
I was sold out for two months.

Corcoran: Why don't
you tell us about you?

My background is basically
I am the youngest of eight.

Wow! My mom, who's right there,

worked three full-time
jobs to take care of us.

I had my daughter as a teenager.

She was my motivation
to finish high school early,

go through... directly
through four years of college,

four years of dental
school at Howard University,

three years
orthodontic residency.

I opened my practice

one week after I finished
that orthodontic residency.

Barbara, you're gonna love this.

So, my mom's name is
Barbara. My name is Barbara.

- Whoa!
- I thought it was Bobbi.

But they call me Bobbi. I
named my daughter after me.

So we have three
generations of Barbaras.

Oh, my gosh. How confusing!

- When you need a Barbara.
- [ Laughs ]

Okay, so, I want you to know

what I think you have
done is really smart.

Thank you. But this is
a very crowded space,

and I'm really concerned
that you're gonna have trouble

getting this out
there and competing.

So for that reason
I'm sorry. I'm out.

Oh. Okay.

- I wish you good luck, though.
- Thank you, Lori.

Bobbi, I have...
Look. The story is you.

You're incredible. Thank you.

The product... I don't know.

But I put the product
aside for a second.

You're in a brutally
competitive market.


I don't want to be in a market

where you're gonna have
to spend millions of dollars

to go up against people
with a product that costs $69.

I think there's a
lot of pain in that.

I don't want to
compete in that world.

Millions of dollars? I'm out.

Aww. I'm so sorry to hear that.

Yeah, Bobbi, it's a tough,
tough business, right?

- Yes.
- And your biggest challenges...

As an entrepreneur, as you know,

it's hard enough when you're

but you're a double

Right. You've got your practice

and you're trying to do this.

That's gonna be a lot.

I think you've gone too wide,
and for those reasons, I'm out.

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.

Me too. I'm sorry, Bobbi.

Bobbi, I have a few questions.

What would you
use the money for?

So I need a proper staff.

I've been using my
dental assistants,

and, you know,

they are just so sick of me.

Like, I have them boxing
up the toothbrushes.

I don't want them to quit.

I've had the same
staff for so long.

So I definitely need staff.

I need a space
where we can actually

box up the toothbrushes
and send them out.

I would love to go into retail.

- You'd love to go into retail?
- I think so, yes.

Crazy. It's all over the board.

I was thinking I was gonna
be your fourth partner, but...

The fourth Barbara?
I would love that.

No, no, no, I
said, I was thinking

I was gonna be your fourth...

Are you making an offer?

No. Wait. Don't put
me under pressure here.

I wanted a happy, round
ending, the fourth Barbara,

but I think I'm gonna pass.

Ohh. Are you sure?

Well, I admire you. I
respect you tremendously.

But it's not a business for me.

Okay. I'm out.

I'm sorry to hear that.
Not the fourth Barbara.

Herjavec: But... But
you have one Shark left.


Oh, you don't want
to hear my offer.

[ Laughs ]

Narrator: Four Sharks are out.

Kevin is Bobbi's last
hope to make a deal

for her dental product,
the Big Mouth toothbrush.

Bobbi, a very
credible presentation.

But it's a brutal market.

There hasn't been a new
entrant that's got share

in, like, 20 years.

Well, this is it. Yeah, maybe.

This is it.

So, you know, I look at it
and say, as an investor...

I know by the response
I get from dentists,

people in the field, hygienists.

They can't wait to talk about

this toothbrush to
their patients. I get it.

But I'm just looking
at it as an investor.

I'm telling you what
I think. Okay. Yes.

I give you $150,000, I
want to make 10 times that.


It's really hard
to do that here.

How is that gonna happen?

The more you sell, the more
you're gonna need inventory,

the more you're
gonna have to order.

And you've got a full-time gig

and you're very
successful at it.

Yes, I'm also in
the process of hiring

another orthodontist.
Like, I plan on giving...

- I get it. I get it. But if...
- 100% of my time to this.

I'm at a point in my
life where I can do that.

If you'd asked for
less money, maybe...

Less money?!

Everybody has the
same opinion of you.

You're very credible.

So what... what type
of offer would you give?



It's just... I-I...

So, $150,000...

Bobbi, I wish you the best

because you're a
great person, okay?

No! Before you go out,
what would your offer be?


Let me hear it.

Let me hear it. Like I said, I
am no stranger to struggle.

Come on, Kev. You can do it.

I've been poor all my life.

I make money and I
put it right back into...

You know, the only way I would
consider this... the only way...

And I told you... you
don't want to hear it.

I give you the
$150,000, I get 25%.

Alright? Okay.

And for every unit you sell,

I want $5 because

there's no way to get
my money back. Five?!

This margin can take it.

It's a $14 cost
on a $70 product.

Bobbi, come on. You know.

Is that a real offer, Kevin?

You like that offer?

I don't like that offer, but...

[ Laughter ]

I told you. $5 is,
like, k*lling me!

How else am I gonna
get my money back?

The $5 is k*lling me!

How else am I gonna
get my money back?

[ Sighs ] Okay. So, I
know what I'm capable of.

And I already know what,
you know, my vision is for this.

I love to be supportive of
great entrepreneurs and dreams.

- Yes.
- But I'm also not stupid.

Exactly. None of you are stupid.

We're all
self-made, so I get it.

Can I counter?

Yeah. Of course.


So how about $150,000 for...

but maybe the royalties
deal will be like $2?

It's close, Kevin.
It's close, Kevin.

And you know what it is?
I'm struggling with the royalty

because I know this
is going to take off.

- Yeah. I'll take that deal.
- Yeah, Barbara!

- What?!
- What just happened?!

I wanted you!

The Corcoran swoop!

It's the fourth Barbara!

Peterson: It's the
fourth Barbara!

You and Lori are so beautiful!

The Barbara tradition.
Congratulations, Bobbi.

Oh, my gosh. Thank you so much.


I am no stranger to
struggle. I am a hustler.

I am a hard worker. Oh, my gosh!

The fact that I have Barbara
is only gonna make me

work harder. I can't
wait to work with her.

I can't wait to apply
myself even more

and just show her that
coming back in for that deal

was the best thing
she's ever done.