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03x01 - Paris

Posted: 06/19/14 08:26
by bunniefuu
Daniel: I should have been doing this for the last 20 years.

Miranda: What? Eating pain au chocolat for breakfast?

No. Living in Paris with you.

Aww, we were kids. We weren't ready.

Yeah, well, I'm ready now.

What do you say we get the hell out of here and work off some of these pastries?

I have to rehearse. [Scoffs]

[Laugh] How much rehearsal could you possibly need?

You could teach cello to yo-yo ma. [Laughs]

Well, maybe you can take some of that energy and channel it into your writing.


[Indistinct conversations]

Drexler: Dr. Pierce.


You'd be a lot easier to find if you carried a cellphone.

If I carried a cellphone, the government could track me.

Who are you?

Special agent Drexler.

I'm the FBI legate at the U.S. embassy.

Your government needs your help.

Help with what?

We should talk someplace more private.

I understand you're lecturing tomorrow at the Sorbonne.

Is the FBI keeping tabs on me?

Actually, we arranged the lecture.

What do you mean, you arranged it?

A delegation of Chinese scientists is visiting the Sorbonne.

They're under very tight security.

Chinese government minders follow them everywhere.

A member of the delegation... A certain Dr. Soong...

Has been granted permission to attend your lecture.

Afterwards, Dr. Soong will approach you, give you a pen, and ask you to sign a book.

We need you to keep the pen and deliver it to us.

Why? What's so special about this pen?

That is on a strict need-to-know basis.

[Scoffs] Yeah, well, here's what you need to know.

I'm not some government lackey who blindly follows orders.

I'm sorry, Dr. Pierce.

All I can say is that the contents of that pen are vital to national security.

I should just cancel the damn lecture.

Daniel, it's the Sorbonne.

It's one of the oldest, most prestigious universities in Europe.

You've wanted to lecture there for years.

Why would you cancel?

Because I don't want to help the FBI with some half-assed espionage scheme.

You'd like nothing better than to be an international spy.

You're just mad because they won't tell you what's so important about the pen.

It might have a poison tip, you know?

Or... or... or microfiche hidden inside.

I think there could be something else going on entirely.

Really? What?

Did Miranda see this agent Drexler?

Did anyone?

Oh, y-you think I hallucinated him?

No. No way. I'd know. I-I...

Come on, Daniel.

This kind of spy plot is classic paranoid fantasy.

You don't have Max around to tell you who's real and who's not.

You have to consider the possibility that you've deluded yourself into thinking that you're fine when you're not.

Who are you calling? Kate. Kate.

She'll... she'll confirm that Drexler is real.

It's 6:00 A.M. in Chicago. She's an early riser.


[Cellphone ringing]

Is that yours or mine? [Sighs]

Who cares? Whoever it is, they'll call back.

[Ringing continues]

Come here.

[Indistinct conversations]

Mr. Lewicki, how are things?

I'm good, Dean Haley. Thank you.

Well, I imagine you must be living the high life these days, that big house all to yourself.

It's pretty great, sir.

You know, I've got a lot more time for my studies, and the best part is not having to wake up at 5:00 A.M. to slice grapefruit.

Things couldn't be better.

You miss him, don't you?

Is it that obvious?

We've got to get him back.

Look, doc made it pretty clear when he quit that he's not interested in a research position.

So unless the chancellor's gonna let him teach again, I don't think that's happening.

Kinney: "Flagrant violations "of the Americans with disabilities act "are more common than is widely known.

My own case is a perfect example."

What the hell is this, Paul?

It's an op-Ed piece that Daniel Pierce is planning to publish in the star-herald.

He's claiming that CLMU discriminated against him and that you forced him out because of his mental illness.

I offered him a research-only position.

And he told me, and I quote, to "shove it up my ass."

I asked Daniel to hold off, but he said he wanted this published before he files the lawsuit.

Lawsuit? What lawsuit?

I asked him the same question. He wouldn't elaborate.

All right, he can have his job back, but I have one condition.


Apologize? [Scoffs]

Doc is never going to apologize.

I did my job, Mr. Lewicki. Now you do yours.

You can be very persuasive when you want to be.


[Classical music plays]

I'm in Paris. So, of course, I'm being mocked by a mime.

What a cliché. Could you, um, get lost?

Go, go. G... uh...

Dispar... disparaissez !

Drexler: Dr. Pierce.

[Music stops] What do you want?

I've convinced my superiors to let me tell you more about the operation.

I'm listening.

The Chinese scientist that I told you about... Dr. Soong...

Is a neuropharmacologist.

He's developed a nootropic drug that enhances learning and memory.

A smart pill?

No. No, there... there... There's never been a nootropic compound that could withstand the rigors of double-blind testing.

Apparently this one has.

If that's true, it could help a lot of people with neurological impairments.

Not if the Chinese government has its way.

They want to use the drug for military purposes.

Oh, let me guess, to improve the cognitive function of their soldiers on the b*ttlefield.

But Dr. Soong wants the drug to be available to everyone.

If you help us, my superiors will do everything that they can to make sure that you're involved in the clinical trials.

This sounds exactly like the kind of thing I'd like to be involved in...

Which makes me think Natalie was right about you.

Dr. Pierce, I hope you haven't spoken to anyone about this.

This spy mission is nothing more than a paranoid fantasy, and you are obviously not real.

I beg your pardon?

Hey, how was rehearsal?


[Smooches] So good.

Who was, uh, that guy you were talking to?

Are you okay?

I'll be right back.

Hey! Hey, you!



What do I do with this pen once I get it?

On the north side of Notre Dame, there's a bronze marker.

Point zero. That's the geographic center of Paris.

Walk 20 paces due west, and you'll see a cobblestone that's darker than the ones around it.

It's loose. Hide the pen under it.

Notre Dame, point zero, 20 steps due west. I got it.

[Indistinct conversation]

No, I won't hear of it. Don't worry. François is the best.

It was an accident. It's really okay. You don't have to do that.

Oh, please. It was entirely my fault.

But I'm sure François will have your cello back in plenty of time for our little trip.

I told you I-I can't do that.

Daniel! Oh, this is my friend Serge Lombart.

He's with the French ministry of culture.

Ah. Serge, Daniel Pierce.

Miranda's told me so much about you.

Oh. She hasn't mentioned you.

Yes, well, uh... trust me.

François will have this back to you in no time at all, my dear.

It was a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Pierce.

Hmm. Mm-hmm.

What's with Gérard Depar-don't? [Chuckles]

Serge came to say hi after rehearsal.

He accidentally knocked over my cello.

Cracked the fingerboard.

Actually, I was wondering more about that little trip he mentioned.

Daniel Pierce, are you jealous?

No. Maybe. A little.

Oh, serge invited me to play on a cultural exchange tour he arranged.

When you showed up, I bowed out.


I waited a long time to be with you.

What did you expect me to do?

Jet off to the mideast and leave you alone in the most romantic city in the world?

Miranda, I escaped the ivory tower.

There's nowhere I have to be. I could have gone with you.

Oh, the tour goes through Istanbul, Lahore, Tehran.

It took months to get the visas.


So, why didn't you even mention it?

Because if you'd known, you would have insisted that I go.

Look, I've been chasing my career for 20 years, and I'm through with that.

I am putting us first.

Daniel: "Paris is like love or art or faith.

Can't be explained, only felt."

I was a kid when I first heard those words in a movie... a great movie.

Gene Kelly was my introduction to this magical city.

Most people only know Paris through art or poetry, and this can create certain idealized expectations that become embedded in our neural networks.

Of course, Paris isn't always what we see in the movies.

Waiters don't just burst into song at the drop of a hat, no matter how much I tip them. [Laughter]

And, in extreme cases, some tourists suffer a bizarre pathological reaction when their idealized version of this city collides with the real thing.

They feel disoriented, suffer feelings of delusion and paranoia.

Some even experience hallucinations.

This extreme form of culture shock is known, appropriately, as Paris syndrome.

What does this sort of phenomenon teach us about the brain's ability... or inability...

To adapt to the strange and the unfamiliar?



Wonderful lecture, Daniel. Thank you, Henri.

We must have dinner soon.

Absolutely, perhaps somewhere French.


[Clears throat]

[Indistinct conversations]



Go away.

[Whistles] Non. Allez-vous-en! Non, non.

Non. Allez-vous-en.

Au revoir. [Squeaks]

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...11...

[Telephone ringing]

[Beep] Dr. Pierce's residence.

Daniel: Lewicki, it's me.

Doc! [Chuckling] Hey.

How's Paris?

It's Paris, Lewicki. That's a stupid question.

Any mail?

Just bills and junk.

But, doc, there is one thing.

So, Dean Haley has been talking with the chancellor, and Kinney has agreed to reinstate you as a teacher.

All you got to do is call him, doc.

Why would I call that assh*le?

I think the chancellor just wants to talk to you about the way things went down, doc.

Oh, I know. I know.

He wants me to apologize. Well, he can forget it.

I'm not groveling in front of that pompous airbag for a job I don't even want.

Wait a minute, doc. What do you mean, you don't want it?

Why the hell would I want to come back?

I mean, I'm in the most beautiful city in the world with a gorgeous woman who adores me.

I'm writing in cafés. I'm going to concerts.

I'm living the freaking dream, Lewicki.

Got to go.

Wait, but doc.

[Dial tone] [Sighs] [Beep]


[Tires screech]

[Tires squeal]

Please, don't... don't take that. What are you...

Hey! Don't! Take your hands off me!

Take your hands off me! What do you want?


Please don't touch anything. Don't!

Qu'est-ce que vous voulez? I don't...

Where is it?

Where is what?

Come, now, Dr. Pierce.

You've taken something that does not belong to you.

You're not gonna get away with this. I'm an American citizen.

You are an academic.

Your government was foolish to involve you in this.

You realize that they're using you because they consider you expendable.

I'm going to extend you the following courtesy.

You have 24 hours to return what you've taken.

If you don't comply...

Then I cannot guarantee your safety.

[Tires screech]





[Cellphone rings] Oh. Hey, how did the lecture go?

Where... wh-where are you? You all right?

Yeah, I'm fine. Daniel, what's wrong?

Listen, I-I-I can't explain.

I need you to go to the U.S. embassy right now.

The embassy? Daniel...

J-just go straight there. Don't come home.

I-I-I'll meet you at the main gate.

Okay. I'm on my way.


Oh... damn it. My passport.


[Dialing] [Elevator bell dings]

[Cellphone rings]



Kate, Kate, it's me.

Daniel! Comment ca va?

But before you answer that, you should know that that's the only phrase I remember from miss Jackson's French class.

Kate, Kate, Kate, I need your help.

Yeah, sure, anything. I need you to call the legate's office here... here in Paris and ask for agent Drexler.

I-I-I'm working with him on a case.

What case?

It doesn't matter.

Just tell him that my passport was stolen a-and that I need embassy security to let me in.

Are you in some kind of trouble?

[Scoffs] Yeah. Yeah, you could say that.

A couple of Chinese thugs threw me in the back of a laundry van and threatened me with bodily harm if I didn't give them their pen back.

Daniel... are you all right?

Just call Drexler.

Okay, I'll... do it right away.

[Beep] [Breathing heavily]

Paul: What do you mean, he doesn't want to come back?

Apparently he's tearing it up in old paree.

Says he's never been happier.

That's ridiculous.

Oh, he's just not willing to grovel.

What we need is for him to think that the chancellor is desperate...

That the man is begging him to come back.

And how do we make that happen?


He wants a 15% raise.

A raise?

And he's asking for more money for research.

[Chuckles] I know what this is, Paul.

It's a shakedown.

Well, I'm not gonna kowtow before that son of a bitch.

Tell Pierce, "forget it." There's no job for him here.

C-chancellor, look. [Stammers]

[Cellphone vibrating] I'm sure this is just a negotiating position.

You make a counteroffer, I'm pretty sure Daniel would take it.

There's not gonna be any counteroffer.

Pierce had one chance to be reinstated, and he blew it by being greedy.

No, no, no, no.

[Elevator bell dings] What about Daniel's op-Ed?

A-a-and that... That... that lawsuit?

You don't want all of that bad publicity, do you?

We'll weather it, and if Pierce sues, I'll file a counter suit for defamation.

[Elevator bell dings]

Dr. Pierce.

I understand you need to speak with me.

No, no, no, no. There's... There's been a mistake.

I-I-I need to speak with the FBI legate.

You're looking at her.

No, I...

I'm looking for a man... agent Drexler.

I'm agent Drexler.

The imposter... he had credentials exactly like this.

We need to find this guy.

Impersonating an FBI agent is a federal crime.

It's much bigger than that. He asked me to act as...

As... as a courier to deliver contraband to him.

What sort of contraband?

A smart pill from China.

Now, the... the Chinese, they...

They knew that Dr. Soong had... had given it to me.

They threatened me in... in a... in a van.

They tore Miranda's apartment up, looking for it.

You know, but this guy, this fake Drexler, he's...

He's probably an agent for a foreign government.

Miss Stiles, I'd like you to accompany one of my agents back to your apartment.

Make an account of the damage while Dr. Pierce and I retrace his steps, see if we can find this man.


Donnie: You're going to Paris tonight?

You should have heard him, Donnie.

He was convinced he was working on some crazy investigation with the legate's office, only the legate was not a man, like Daniel said.

It was a woman, and she told me that she was not working on any case with Daniel.

In fact, she'd never heard of Daniel Pierce until I called, so either he's caught up in some kind of conspiracy that the FBI knows nothing about, or...

Or he's cracking up.


Either way, he needs my help.


Look, I know what you're gonna say...

That I'm overreacting. It's possible.

No, no.

All I was trying to say is...

If you're worried about Daniel, so am I.

I'm going with you.

This was it, I swear.

You're sure?

Yes, yes. It's got to be one of these.

Maybe it was someplace else.

No, no. 20 steps. This is it.

You. You!

Hey! Hey, you!

Hey, you. Y-you were here all day.

Did you see anyone fiddling around with the cobblestones o-on the ground over there?


I know y-you can't talk.

But this is a police matter. Do you understand?

Vous comprenez ce que je dis? C'est important.

Dites-moi ce que vous avez vu!

Dr. Pierce, who are you talking to?

We should go back to the embassy.

No, don't. I... I know how this looks, but I'm telling you I spoke with a Chinese scientist at the Sorbonne.

And... and I can prove it.

I'm afraid I don't know what you mean, Daniel.

There is no Chinese delegation here that I'm aware of.

No, no. No, no. There was a man... Dr. Soong.

I signed a book for him. I'm certain you did, but if it was part of an official visit, as the head of the department, I would have been informed. [Sighs]

Now, will you excuse me? I have a class.


The Chinese are covering their tracks somehow. [Cellphone rings]

[Beep] Drexler.

It's Collins. I'm with miss Stiles in her apartment.

False alarm here.

This guy's either a liar, or he's got one hell of an imagination.


I understand you did some very important work at the Chicago field office.

That's why I took your allegations seriously.

There are some very good English-speaking doctors here who may be able to help.

I don't... I don't need a doctor.

I'm not imagining this!

There's nothing more I can do.

I'm sorry.


The Chinese must have come back a-and cleaned the place up.

Why would anybody do that?

To discredit me.

To make me look loony tunes in front of the FBI.

That... that lamp. That lamp was in a million pieces, I swear.

They... they must have found one exactly like it.

Daniel... I think you need to talk to someone.

Natalie: Daniel, she's right.

If you don't get a grip on yourself, you're gonna lose the one flesh-and-blood woman who's actually willing to have a relationship with someone like you.

I am not imagining this.

Th-th-that... that... That fake Drexler...

He was not a hallucination. Miranda saw him, too.

Are you talking to Natalie?

Natalie: Come on, Daniel... for all you know, that FBI agent just might have been a tourist that stopped to ask for directions.

So... so, I just... I-I-I somehow conjured a-a fake FBI agent who just happens to have the same name as the real legate, who I've never met or even heard of.

[Telephone rings] Don't... don't...

Don't... don't touch it. Hello?

Dr. Soong: Professor Pierce, this is Dr. Soong.

I need your help.

I knew it. I knew it. Where are you?

I'm hiding under the Pont Neuf. I got away from my handlers.

But they're after me. I need protection, asylum.

Pont Neuf. I know it. I-I'll be right there.

Professor Pierce, be careful.

Don't trust anyone, even those closest to you.

[Receiver clicks]

Are you part of this?

Part of what?

I've got to go.

Go where? It's... it's almost midnight.

Daniel, you need to see a doctor.

Please, let me take you to the hospital.

Daniel, listen to her.

If I didn't know better, I'd say the two of you were working together.

[Door opens, slams]
[Siren wails in distance]

Dr. Soong?

Aidez! Aidez! Aidez-moi!

Appelez une ambulance!

So, a man with fake FBI credentials manipulated you into obtaining an experimental drug from this dr. Soong.

Then Chinese government agents grabbed you off the street and threatened you.


And later, you found Dr. Soong shot dead, presumably k*lled by his own people for passing the drug to you.

Thank you.

I-I knew I should have come to the French authorities first.

Europeans are so much more enlightened than Americans.

Yeah. [Chuckles]

Dr. Pierce...

You enjoy running around Paris, pretending to be an international spy, don't you?


But when you told your embassy what happened, they didn't believe you, so you decided to come up with some real evidence to convince them.

What evidence? I think you sought out a random Chinese person and k*lled him to bolster your ridiculous story.

I-I... I-I didn't k*ll Dr. Soong.

The victim's name is not Soong. It's Lang.

He had ID In his jacket.

Mr. lang is not a visiting Professor.

Actually, he's a migrant laborer who is in France on a work visa.

Visa's a-and ID's can be faked.

The Chinese are trying to make this man disappear.

And if you don't investigate this, they're gonna get away with m*rder.

Let's start over from the beginning.

S'il vous plait. [Tapping]

The truth this time. [Sighs]

Max: So, what do we do now?

We are in academia, Mr. Lewicki.

And what is the first rule of academia?

Hmm. Don't have sex with your students?

The first rule is publish or perish.

So, I want you to drive this over to the star-herald and tell them that your world-renowned employer wants that to run in tomorrow's edition.

Okay, but doc didn't write this. We did.

And if he finds out he will k*ll us.

Just take the damn letter and go, please.

Thank you.

Agent Moretti, thank God you're here.

Please come in.

Serge, yes.

I-I-I'm gonna have to call you back. Okay.

Miranda, this is Donnie Ryan. He works with Daniel, too.

Is... is he here?

He's at the police station.

What happened?

Well, they say they found him with a dead body.

Guess you weren't overreacting.

Listen, I'm really worried.

It's just... I don't know how to handle this.

It's gonna be all right. We'll get him out.

Do you know what station he's in?

Dr. Pierce is not going anywhere.

He's a material witness in a m*rder, possibly even a suspect.

I know a little bit about the code civil

Dr. Pierce has the right to council.

Monsieur, unless you are certified to practice law in this country, you can't see him. [Chuckles]

Listen, detective, I'm a cop, too, all right?

I know that you just want to close this case, and I can assure you that Dr. Pierce will cooperate in every possible way.

Hell, he could probably even help you solve this crime.

But what you need to understand is that his mental state is a little bit fragile.

What you're doing... Locking him away in a room, questioning him for hours on end...

It could be detrimental to his health.

Thank you.

That's very helpful.

What's that supposed to mean?

Well, now that I know he's crazy, I can get a judge's order to hold him for psychiatric evaluation.

No. He's not...

No, you don't understand. Daniel is not capable of v*olence. [Telephone rings]


Oui, c'est moi.

Bonjour, minister.


[Speaking in French]


[Receiver clicks]


I guess Dr. Pierce has very important friends.

I've just been ordered to release him.

Okay, we need access to the forensics from the crime scene, and we need to figure out how the Chinese switched Dr. Soong's identity.

Good to see you, too, Daniel.

Maybe you can pull some strings, go over Drexler's head, get some cooperation from the state department or, you know, maybe...

Maybe even the CIA.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, take it easy, buddy.

We can figure this out on the way home.

You you're not put me in a plane.

We're taking you home here, to Miranda's.

She's worried sick about you.

Are you... going somewhere?


Could we have a minute?

[Doors close]


I'm taking a train to Berlin.


And from there, we're flying to Istanbul.

Oh, don't tell me you're going on tour with... with what's-his-name, pepé le pew.

Serge is a good man... he's...

The reason the police let you go.

What are you talking about?

He has a friend at the ministry of justice, and he made a call.


To... to score points with his American mistress?

Are you sleeping with him?

Serge and I w... Serge and I were lovers.

Oh, I knew it. That toad.

Daniel, you and I had the most amazing time in Chicago, but I didn't know when or if I'd ever see you again.

And then three weeks ago, you showed up at my doorstep [chuckling] Out of the blue, no phone call.

And even so, I-I... I went to Serge, and I told him that it was over.

[Voice breaking] I had to give you and me a chance because you... you were the one that got away.

So, why are you leaving with him?

Because of your symptoms...

The talking to people that aren't there.

The... the paranoia.

It scares me, and I thought I was strong enough to deal with it, and I'm... I'm j... I'm just not.


It would be easiest if I just left.

Your friends are here now, and they can take care of you.

I am s... [sniffles]

I am so sorry.

[Door opens]

[Horns honking]


[Sighs] How are you feeling?

Like an idiot.

Fooled myself into thinking there was a woman out there who could actually put up with how crazy I am.


Thanks a lot, Daniel. [Chuckles]

I don't blame her for leaving.

I am out of my mind.

Hey, maybe you dreamt up some of this, but you're not totally bonkers.

What about the dead guy? He was real.

Maybe he shot himself.

France has the highest su1c1de rate in Europe.

So, at the same time that you cooked up this big conspiracy involving Chinese spies, the su1c1de victim that you just happened to stumble upon is also Chinese... what are the odds?

What... what...

What if you're right? I mean, what... What... what can we do about it?

The same thing we'd do in Chicago.

You don't have the authority to investigate crimes here.

We'll knock on a couple of doors, ask some questions.

Look, any way you slice it, there is a puzzle here, and like you're always telling me, the best therapy for you is solving puzzles, so let's solve this one.

[Speaking in French]

Oui, oui, oui.

Ms. Liu says the victim moved in to her building last year.

He was saving money from a factory job and sending it home to his family in Shanghai, but he just... he lost it all gambling.

Well, if he lost all of his money gambling, maybe it was a su1c1de.

[Speaking in French]

[Speaking in French]

She says she saw him a few days ago... he seemed happy, and he'd just been offered a job, which was argent facile... It was easy money.

[Car door closes] Drexler: Agent Moretti?

Agent Drexler.

The French police have complained that you're conducting an authorized investigation... I'm shutting you down.

I suggest the three of you get the next flight out of Paris.

You don't have the authority to kick us out of the country.

Agent Moretti's been ordered back to Chicago, and if Dr. Pierce is not on that flight with her, I've been authorized to revoke his security clearance.

Yeah, well, I can't leave. I don't have a...

Passport. Hot off the press.

Have a safe flight.

That son of a bitch actually went through with it.

Well, I-I tried to warn you. [Groans]

The phone's been ringing off the hook all morning.

Donors are threatening to pull their money.

The a.C.L.U. Is breathing down my neck.

I-I've heard the students are planning a protest rally later.

This is a disaster.

What did you expect?

We have to fix this now.

I don't think it's gonna be quite that simple, chancellor.

What do you mean?

Since we last spoke, Daniel's price has gone up.

We finally get a solid lead, and they shut us down.

[Sighs] Listen, Daniel, I'm not gonna let this drop.

I'm gonna follow up with the French police and interpol.

If Mr. lang was m*rder*d. We're gonna find out who did it.


I know you're trying to tell me something. What is it?

I-I-I'm digging myself a hole? I-I don't...

What? I... you're walking. You're, uh...

I should walk away from this?

Or... or I... I shouldn't... I shouldn't walk away.

I don't know what... I... I don't...

I don't know what that is. Just...

I don't have time to play games. Just tell me what you're trying to say!

You crazy American. Get the hell away from me.

You're driving away my customers.

Go back home, where you belong, you idiot.

Okay. What was that about?

I've been hallucinating mimes.

Just so we're clear, that was no hallucination, Daniel.

I know. I know. I know.

I thought he was, but he was real.

His... performance was real.


Come on. We've got to hurry.

What's the rush? Our flight doesn't leave for hours.

We're not going to the airport. We got to catch a train.

[indistinct conversations]

Daniel: Miranda!

Miranda, don't get on that train!

Daniel, what are you doing here?

Okay, I-I thought there were only two options.

Either I'm losing my mind, or all of this was really happening, and then I realized there was a third possibility.

Dr. Soong, the... the... the fake Drexler, the Chinese thugs... they were all real people putting on some kind of a performance to make me look crazy.

I don't understand.

The... the Chinese man whose body I found... He was recently offered a job.

I think that job was to play the role of Dr. Soong.

And then he was k*lled?

Yes. Yes.

S-so I'd make more wild claims and seem dangerous to you.

Daniel, who would do that?


That's ridiculous.

Can you tell me why I would do such a thing?

Because you wanted Miranda to go on tour with you, but she decided to stay here in Paris with me.

You had to make her want to leave me.

My dear, your friend is very ill.

He's also usually right.

I-I helped him get out of jail.

After Kate and I got here.

Daniel: You knew she wouldn't leave me behind if I was in jail or in the nuthouse.

You knew we'd take care of him.

And then Miranda would be free to go on your little trip.

You did tell me that Daniel would be okay now that his friends got here.

[Cello playing] Serge: Okay, even if I were trying to convince you to leave Daniel, I could have stayed with you here in Paris.

I wouldn't need you to go on tour with me, right?

[Playing continues]

You didn't need her. You needed her cello.

You broke it so that you could have it repaired.

He... he couldn't just hire another cellist.

It took months to get your visa, remember?

Chérie, this man needs help.

There'd be nothing suspicious
about Miranda carrying her cello through customs.

It's the perfect way to smuggle something across the border.

Smuggle what?

Let's find out.

Don't touch it! What are you doing?

Don't touch it! Daniel, what are you doing?! Stop that!

Stop it! [Grunts]

Stop! Daniel! No! No!

Don't! Don't! Don't!

Oh, my... oh!

Police! Arrêtez! Arrêtez cet homme!

Whoa, whoa. Okay.

Kate: Wait a second.

[Police radio chatter]

What's this?

Did you put that in my cello?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Did... didn't you say something about flying to Tehran?

Advanced technology hidden in a cello that's bound for a country that's developing a nuclear device?

It's perfect. It's perfect. Who better to set up a fake espionage scheme than a real spy?

You're arresting the wrong man. Arrest him.

[Shouting in french] [Sighs]

I am so sorry about your cello.

Oh, I had my eye on a new one anyway.

Oh, Daniel, I'm...

The things I said, the assumptions I made...

I-I should have believed you.

Why would you?

The truth is I am crazy.

Someday, I'm gonna have another break with reality.

And this time, it'll be for real.

Well, now we know it's something you're not prepared to deal with.

That's good. That's good that... we know that.

Kate: Tomorrow morning.

Yes, listen... I'd really appreciate if you could keep me updated on the progress of the investigation.

Thank you.

Some news on Serge, courtesy of agent Drexler.

French intelligence believes he's an iranian double agent.


Looks like you were right, Daniel.

Serge must have masterminded the entire thing.

Yeah. Unless he didn't.

I guess well the Chinese guys.

Could have been the brain trust, or the fake agent Drexler.

[Cellphone vibrating]



[Clears throat]

We're in Paris.

We're in Paris.

[Glasses clink]


Max: Doc.

Hey, hey, no, no. Don't hang up. Don't hang up.

I got an update on that thing that we talked about.

Not only is the chancellor offering to reinstate you as a teacher...

No questions asked, no apology...

He's giving you a 35% raise, new grant money, and a parking spot, doc.

What the hell do I need with a parking spot?

Doc, please.

Okay. Look, you've got to come back, okay?

It's not the same here without you.

[Chuckles] Oh, I knew it.

I knew that weasel, Kinney, would come crawling back on his hands and knees.

You know what? Let him squirm for a while.

And then accept.


Doc, when you get back, you and me, we ought to hang out more, okay?

Like, we should be able to talk about anything.

You and me, guy to guy. Hey, maybe we can even, like, you know... doc? [Tone sounds]

Doc, hello?

Woman: If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try your number again.

Well, I think I'm gonna head back to the hotel.

Well, come on. It's early.


You two enjoy the sights. I'll see you in the morning.

There's nothing worse than losing the girl you know in your heart you're meant to be with.

Yeah, I feel bad for him, too.

I wasn't talking about Daniel.


I lost you once.

I want to make sure that never happens again.

Donnie, it's okay. Really.


Katherine Rose Moretti...

Uh... [chuckles]

Will you marry me?


Daniel: ♪ every time I look down ♪
♪ on this timeless town ♪
♪ whether blue or gray be her skies ♪
♪ whether loud be her cheers or whether soft be her tears ♪
♪ more and more do I realize ♪
♪ that I love ♪
♪ Paris in the springtime ♪
♪ I love Paris in the fall ♪

[Piano playing]

♪ I love Paris in the winter ♪
♪ when it drizzles ♪
♪ I love Paris in the summer ♪
♪ when it sizzles ♪
♪ I love Paris every moment ♪
♪ every moment of the year ♪
♪ I love Paris ♪
♪ why, oh, why do I love Paris? ♪
♪ Because my love is near ♪