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01x22 - Lopez vs Last Call

Posted: 04/26/24 14:48
by bunniefuu
[upbeat saxophone music]

Good morning, George.

Why are you yelling at me?

Do you remember what you did
last night?

Uh, went out
for a few drinks,

so you know I don't.

Luckily, we have Ring camera
footage to remind you.

Mayan, we don't have
a Ring camera.

But our neighbors do.

Come on, key, get in there!

How come you're not working?

Because this one.


That could be any
sexy Mexican man

eating a wing platter for 12.

We need to talk about this.

It's none of your business.

I was having a private moment

on our neighbor's porch!

[upbeat saxophone music]

♪ ♪

Okay, Gordo.

I bought you some supplies
for your hero presentation.

Construction paper, glue,

a spotlight
because you're a star.

Thanks, Nana.

So did you decide
who your hero is?

Abraham Lincoln,
Martin Luther King,


I chose a real hero--


Orale! That's what's up!

I suddenly can't feel
my legs.

I'd like to thank myself

for being awesome.

Second, I'd like to thank Rosie

for falling short
in comparison.

The more
I get to know Grandpa,

the more cool stuff I learn.

Plus, he's funny,

and I think his toilet humor
will translate well

to the second grade.

Teacher, I know the answer.

[buzzes tongue]

I need to take this back

and have a good,
hard look at my life.

Hey, can we talk to you
for a minute?

Uh, yeah, make it quick.

I only got an hour left
on my Peacock free trial.

Dad, you dismissed me
last night,

but we gotta talk to you
about your drinking.

- [sighs]
- It's getting out of control.

You had a blackout.

Mayan, I'm Mexican.

It was a brown-out.

Alcohol is in our blood.

They say my mom drank the whole
time she was pregnant with me.

Word is, I blew a 0.7
in the incubator.

I mean, I just haven't
seen you that drunk

since I was a kid.

You threw up at my middle
school choir performance.

I wasn't drunk, Mayan.
That was my commentary.

And if I'm so bad, why did
Chance make me his hero?

Because he's seven
and has terrible judgment.

You should be setting
a better example.

Man, you know what?

I can't ever do nothing
in this house!

Don't dismiss this
with your catchphrase.

You're just jealous
because your catchphrase is,


♪ ♪

Oh, what's all this?

Making lunch for your father?

[sighs] No.

I'm watering down his liquor.

I'm just worried Dad's gonna
backslide into his old ways.

As a vet tech,
you should know

you can't teach an old dog
new tricks.

You just gotta put 'em down.

I mean, I can't imagine

what all this drinking is doing
to Dad's health.

His internal organs must look
like chorizo by now.

Who knows? I mean,
he's never seen a doctor.

Unless you count the one
from his favorite movie,

"Boobie Howser Double D."

That's how we get him
to stop drinking.

The doctor will say
he's in terrible shape

and he's gotta cut back.

Well, good luck.

I mean, he didn't even go
that time that he threw up

an entire canary
like a cartoon cat.

I can't make him go,

but as CFO of Lop-EZ Movers,
you can.

Just say it's
for insurance purposes.

That could work.

Plus, it's always a good day

when I get to deceive
your father.

♪ ♪

[upbeat saxophone music]

I don't know why Rosie's
forcing me to go to the doctor.

He already said I was healthy
when he told my mom

I had ten fingers, ten toes,

and three legs.

That was 60 years ago.

Don't you think a few things
might've changed since then?

I still have three legs.

And enough soda.

Despite what
your grandmother told you,

you can't burp up everything
that's wrong with you.


My Tío Chavo was declared
legally dead

at Knott's Berry Farm

until Snoopy poured some 7UP
in his mouth

and burped him back to life.

I know you're scared,
so I brought you something

that'll make you feel better.

Mayan, I'm a grown-ass man.

Do you really think a l--
ooh, red.

Don't worry, Dad.

No matter what
the doctor tells you,

even if you have to make
some big lifestyle changes,

we're gonna face it together.

Mayan, you can't
trust doctors.

They make you sick.

Right now,
I don't have tuberculosis.

But they're gonna
run some tests,

and then suddenly,
I'm gonna have tuberculosis.

So you think that doctors
give you tuberculosis?


♪ ♪

George, is everything okay?

I just got the results
from my physical.

Remember, Dad,
we're here for you,

no matter what.

I am...

in perfect health!

I have been diagnosed
with "in your face" syndrome.

Normal, normal... excellent?

How is your liver
not a Craisin?

I guess I'm so invincible,

I think I should probably join
the Fantastic Four Lokos.

I guess your dad is just
one of those people

who can drink
as much as they want

without it affecting
their health.

Like me with cheese.

I'm so powerful,

this tequila has started
to taste like water.

I watered down your liquor.


that's a $9 bottle of tequila!

Because you have
a drinking problem.

The only problem is,

you won't let me do it
in peace.

My drinking hasn't hurt anyone.

If anything, it's brought
millions of people joy.

That is true.

His Ring cam footage
went viral on Nextdoor.

You know what?
I can't win with you.

Ever since I moved in,

I've done everything
that you've asked,

and it's never enough.

I'm starting to think
that there's no point

in even trying.

Okay, I don't want you
to feel that way.

You have done a lot.

I don't need to be
watering down your drinks

or tricking you
into going to the doctor.

Wait a minute,
that was a setup?

You told me
that was for insurance!

Mayan made me do it.

I get no joy in deceiving you.

And I did not know,

because like Mayan always says,

the less I know, the better.

I can't believe
you lied to me, Mayan.

You're the only person
I ever trusted,

and now that's gone.

Come on, Dad,
you don't mean that.

Am I even really your dad?

Or have you lied
about that too?

Okay, where are you going?

To go get a real drink

that hasn't been watered down
by my daughter,

but by a real bartender!

♪ ♪

[upbeat saxophone music]

Two more.

You're, uh, still upset
about what Mayan did, huh?

Course I am.

She lied to me.

She thinks I have
a drinking problem.

You do not have
a problem drinking.

You just have a problem
sobering up.

My mom was someone
with a real problem.

She drank herself so numb.

She let me go hungry.
I was three years old,

on the streets looking
for food in dumpsters.


So that's why you eat
out of the trash.

It's comfort food.

Eventually, child protective
services took me away.

I never saw my mom again.

Your mom gave you
trust issues.

And when Mayan tricked you,

it brought up
all those feelings.

You see?

It's so obvious,
even you get it.

Maybe you should tell
some of this stuff to Mayan.

No, man, it's bad enough
I had to grow up around it.

I don't want her thinking
about all that sad stuff.

I have to protect her.
I'm her father.

Or so she says.

♪ ♪

Oh, good,
you're home, Grandpa.

- I'm here!
- Ah!

Oh, you're screaming?

You should have seen me
before I disinfected this bed.

I know you and your...

hero grandpa

have slumber parties.

So I thought maybe
we could have one.

Slumber parties
are for girls.

We men have pajama jammy jams.


Well, what do we do first?

Burp contest!


Strong start for me.

Your turn, Nana.

Women can't do that.

Can women fart?

Absolutely not.

I guess I'll just
be second banana

to a gassy gorilla.

Nana, I know you're jealous,

but you shouldn't be.

Grandpa might be my hero,

but you're
so much more than that.

You're my angel.

Thank you, Gordo.

Angels are God's heroes.

♪ ♪

You coming to bed?

We can have a pajama jammy jam.

I'm waiting up for my dad.

Is he still out drinking
with Oscar?

He left pretty upset.

You know, maybe he and the guy
at Baskin-Robbins are right.

I ask for too much.

Do not blame yourself.

If they're gonna have

you have the right
to taste them all.

You know,
maybe I shouldn't nitpick

on the one thing he does wrong

when he does so much right.

[ringtone chiming]

Oh, it's Oscar.


Wait, you're where?

Oh, my God.

Okay, we'll be right over.

My dad just had an accident.
He's in the hospital.

[monitor beeping]

What happened?

Wait, did you guys trick me
into seeing another doctor?

you got so drunk at Loba's

that you fell
and busted your head open.

Look, I'm fine, all right?

I'm so healthy,
I'm donating blood.

No, you're getting
a transfusion.

I'm getting blood?

This is it.

This is how I'ma get
the tuberculosis.

Ay. Ay.

We know where this blood
came from.

You're lucky we had a match
in the family.

Thank you, Mayan.
I owe you.

If you ever need
to fail a drug test,

you can have my urine.

I'm not the one you owe.

Hey! There he is!

My blood brother.

I am inside you now.

So I'm part white boy now?


you guys wanna play pickleball?

Look, Dad, this was a really
scary situation for all of us.

And I hate to push you,
but can't you see

that things have to change
with your drinking?

You're right.

No more tequila.

Now that I'm white...

[Valley Girl voice]
Rosé all day!

Oh, my God!


♪ ♪

[upbeat saxophone music]

Okay, nobody likes
doing this,

but we have no choice.

Does everyone have
their letters ready?

Is an intervention
really necessary?

Can't we just find your father
a girlfriend

and make this all her problem?

Dad's sensitive
about his drinking.

So let's approach him
in a calm, gentle manner.

What the hell are you doing,
you stubborn old fool?

Making up for lost time.

They didn't have beer
at the hospital.

Your drinking put you
in the hospital.

You're in total denial,

so we're holding
an intervention.

[clears throat]

Your drinking cost us
our marriage.

My drinking is why we got
married in the first place--

Stop it.

I even wrote down "stop it"

'cause I knew you'd
say something stupid.

For years, I wanted you
out of my life.

But now...

I want you to stay.

We're a family again.

But that can't happen

if you keep going like this.


mi sangre...

We've come a long way
since you moved in,

and I'm now closer to you

than I am with my own father.

And when you drink
and you make bad choices,

it makes my blood--

our blood...




having you in my life
has been the greatest gift.

And I'm so grateful that you've
done everything I've asked.

But this is the most
important thing

I'm ever gonna ask you to do.

I can't stand by and watch you
drink yourself to death.

I lost you once before,
and I can't lose you again.

Oh, come on, Mayan.
Come on.

You don't have to be worried.

I'm just a regular guy

who enjoys a few beers.
I don't have a problem.


I'm George Lopez!

[Valley Girl voice]
Oh, my God!

Chance, what are you doing?

[normal voice] Practicing
for my hero presentation.

[as George] Let me tell you
about a day in the life

of a hero like me.

I wake up at 7:00
and crack open a beer.

Then I notice that I have
a cool new bruise.

Where did that come from?

And then I shrug
and go back to sleep

because thinking is hard.


Uh-oh! It's noon.

Time to cough in the bathroom
for ten minutes,

then have another beer
for lunch.

Is that really
how you see me, Gordo?


You're a cool 85-year-old
who does what he wants.

You're my hero.

No, I'm not, Gordo.

A hero...

sets a better example
for a kid.

All right.

But don't tell my teacher that,

'cause I'm one gold star away
from a personal pan pizza.

I, uh...

I used to, uh,

drink to forget

'cause I was all alone.

[choked up] I didn't know
what a family was or meant.

And I never thought I would.
But now that I do...

I wanna remember every moment.


I don't want this anymore, Mayan.

I told you this intervention
was a good idea.

♪ ♪


Mayan, it's just root beer.

It tastes like ass.

But it's got
the word "beer" in it.

Baby steps.

I don't expect getting sober
to be easy for you.

Yeah, Mayan,
but I gotta try--

for you, for Chance.

What about Quinten and Mom?

For Churro.

[Churro barks]

You know, I missed ten years
of your life, Mayan.

I'm not gonna miss
one day more.

I love you, Dad.

I love you too, Mayan.

But I'm gonna need your help.

Well, like I said
at the doctor's office,

whatever happens,
we'll face it together.

No, I need your help

getting my finger out
of this root beer bottle.

- Oh.
- It's stuck.

- Now pull it.
- Okay.

- Pull it, Mayan.
- Just let me--I'm twisting.

- Lefty loosey--
- Ay!

- Okay!
- Ow!

♪ ♪

Hey, how did your first
AA meeting go?

Great, they have
free coffee and donuts

and this hot lady
that crashed her car.

I'm gonna hit that like she hit
the side of that Walmart.

The unsuspecting girlfriend
we've all been waiting for.

I invited my new sponsor
to the house.

He's gonna help keep me
on the right track.

You're gonna love him.
His name is Calvin.

- [speaking Spanish]
- 'Sup?

Didn't I tell you?

Look, no more gin and juice
for me.

I'm on that California,
you know,

sober life now, you dig?


But, um, I was wondering

if you wanted to go
in your truck,

smoke a lil' weed.

It's perfect.
It's only 12 steps away.


Whoa, she said it

just like you said
she was gonna say it!

both: Daaad!


[as George]
I can never do nothing!

♪ ♪