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02x04 - Toxic

Posted: 07/18/13 09:59
by bunniefuu
Daniel: What is your deepest, darkest secret?

One you've never told a soul.

I don't know. Did you betray a friend's confidence or, shoplift from the campus store?

Maybe you're dying to sleep with the girl sitting in front of you?


Oh, sorry. I just... lucky guess.

How about you? You got a secret?

Lewicki? You got... never mind. I don't want to know. [Laughter]

Right now, there is a w*r going on in your brain.

Our best guess is that your Cingulate Cortex desperately wants to tell the truth.

But your Orbital Prefrontal Cortex, is simulating how bad things will be if you actually spill the beans.

If your Prefrontal Cortex wins, your level of stress hormones goes up.

If the Cingulate Cortex wins, your stress level drops.

So, if it's biologically healthier...

To confess our secrets, what is it about human nature that makes us, fight so hard to keep them hidden?

Double shot Americano.

What do you want?


It's just an incredibly overpriced, over-processed cup of coffee.

I got assigned the Carl Huffman case.


The real-estate mogul, who got busted for running Ponzi schemes out of retirement centers.

Yeah, not exactly Bernie Madoff.

But he did dupe a lot of old ladies out of their pensions.

I need someone to do background interviews with the vics.

You know... [sighs]

I'm just a little bit busy to do retirement-home visits.

But the old biddies love you.

You know, Daniel once wrote a fascinating article on the Neuroscience of con men.

Maybe he can help me.

Why do you always feel the need to involve that guy?

Because he's brilliant.

Oh, and unlike me, he never says no to a case.

Absolutely not. I don't have time.

You already agreed to meet her.

I did? Why?

She's a pretty big environmental activist, and she flew here just for this.

Well, tell her I already gave to Greenpeace this year.

I'm not here to talk about sick whales, Dr. Pierce.

Rebecca Abbot. I'm a huge fan. I've read all your books.

Well, I... suppose I could spare a couple of minutes.

Good. Because there's something you need to see.

It looks like Tourette's.

Yep. Now look at this.

All of these girls live in the same small town, and they all spontaneously developed symptoms within days of each other.

That doesn't make sense. Tourette's isn't communicable.


So, what's your involvement?

One of the girls' mothers found my website and asked for my help.

She thinks the girls were poisoned.

An environmental contaminant.

T.C.E... Trichloroethylene.

The chemical plant is the biggest employer in the County.

Processes tons of this stuff.

You'd have to prove exposure.

Tox screens on the girls came back positive for T.C.E.

We're testing the soil and groundwater now.

10 to one this stuff is leeching into the water supply.

And you think the company's covering it up?

I'm filing a class action lawsuit against Brooksville Chemical.

If I could have one of the nation's top Neuroscientists testify that, T.C.E. caused these girls' symptoms, it might seal the deal.

Well, I'd have to examine the girls first.

Could you do it this weekend? I'll cover your plane ticket and hotel.

Plane ticket? Wh...

Where exactly is this place?

Brooksville, Pennsylvania.

This really isn't a good time.

But, Dr. Pierce, these girls need your help.

Thanks for coming in, Ms. Abbott.


For wasting my time, Dr. Pierce.


Didn't realize you were busy.

Nothing important.

Good, then you can help me bring down a millionaire mogul who made his fortune bilking nursing-home residents.

Actually, I can't.

Why not?

I'm already working on a case.

For the FBI?

No, no, for uh...

For Rebecca Abbott, the...

Huffy lady who's not important?

The renowned environmental activist.

Lewicki and I are gonna be out of town for a couple of days, right?

Mm-hmm? Right. Right.

So, um, maybe next time.

[Door opens]


You're gonna sit on a plane for two hours...

And then stay in a strange, musty hotel room in a hick town, because you're interested in a case?

Hey, this case...

What is really going on?



Kate's ex-husband told me she has a thing for me.

I mean, he's an idiot, but I... [sighs]

I can't help wondering if her asking me to help on cases all the time, is just a way to get closer to me.

Would that be so bad? Kate's bright. She's attractive.

She accepts you for who you are.

Are you kidding me? She's incredible, but I...

I can't subject anyone to the craziness of my life, especially her.

So your solution is to scamper out of town every time she comes around with a case?

I don't scamper.

You're gonna have to be honest with her eventually.

Doc? Ready to go?

Are you really gonna go through with this? [Door closes]

How bad could it be?

[Baby crying]

[Bell tones]




Here you go.


Oh, I am so sorry.

Oh, I can't stay here.

Why not?

No. No. Are you kidding me? With the...

Faux Thomas Kinkade artwork and the artificial Bonsai topiaries, and the bacteria-infested bed covers.

No. No. This is not gonna work.

Dr. Pierce? Hi, I'm Chad, Rebecca's assistant.

Okay, uh, I'm sorry I'm late, but someone slashed the tires on our rental car again.


Yeah, not everybody in redneckville is happy that we're here.

Sorry, what are we late for?

The town hall meeting.

I'm not here for any town-hall meeting. I'm here to examine the girls.

That's where they are.

Doc, just go, okay? I got this covered.


Great. Fantastic.

The bedspread.

I got it, Doc.

And those little, those...

I got it.

And the artwork goes.

Especially that one.

Rebecca: Look at what Brooksville Chemical has done to your town's children.

And that's not all.

Compared to the rest of Western Pennsylvania, Brooksville has higher rates of cancer, miscarriage, and infertility.

[Crowd murmurs]

What's the difference between their town and yours?

Brooksville Chemical!

Martin Sullivan and his executives do not care how many people they hurt in this town.


How dare you say such things about my husband!

I won't listen to any more of this bullshit!

Martin: Please, excuse my family.

They're upset. I'm upset.

My grandfather worked the land under the plant.

My father started the company with 10 employees.

Rebecca: Brooksville Chemical may have been founded here, but it is a multinational corporation now.

All they care about is their stock price.

No. We stayed in this town to build the local economy.

It's your frivolous lawsuit that can turn Brooksville into the next Flint, Michigan.

Corporate accountability is not frivolous!

It is deadly serious!

Which is why I've flown in one of America's most renowned Neuroscientists to help us with our case.

Everyone, this is Dr. Daniel Pierce.

[Distant] He's come all the way from Chicago to examine these girls and to testify on our behalf because he believes what I believe...

That your children have been poisoned.

[Crowd murmuring]

Dr. Pierce! Could these chemicals have k*lled my daughter?

I really, I can't...

Please. Please. Just take a look.

Heterochromia Iridum.

What's that?

Her eyes... one's blue, one's hazel.

Did she have the same spasms as the other girls?

No. Look.

This is an autopsy report.

I was away in Pittsburgh for the weekend. I came home and I found Patti. She, um...

She hung herself in her closet.

I never should have left her alone.

I'm sorry.

I mean, maybe those chemicals made her depressed.

I don't think T.C.E. poisoning would have affected her mood, it's not the answer you're looking for.


I'm sorry.

Dr. Pierce?!

Dr. Pierce!


Are you trying to make me look bad?

Hey, you ambushed me! You pointed me out in front of all those people!

I thought that's why you're here, to prove Brooksville Chemical covered up a spill!

I am here to do a Neurological examination of those girls.

You're the one whipping this town into hysterics without any proof!

That's not true! Our test results came back.

The town's groundwater is contaminated.



Max: How's Rebecca?

She's lucky. Shot in the arm. She's in surgery now.

Slashed tires, now a sh**ting. She's obviously onto something.

I got to see those girls tonight.

No, let's head back to the room first.

It's important!

Doc, take a breath!

And put on a clean shirt, okay?


Check it out.

"Extreme home makeover," Brooksville edition.

Extreme what?

Nothing. What do you think, Doc?

Turn the desk around. I can't face the wall.


[Cellphone ringing]


[Cellphone beeps]

Yeah. He's right here. Hold on.

Doc, it's Kate.

Tell her I'm busy.

I called her, and I told her what happened.

Why did you do that?!

Because you almost got shot, and she's the FBI.



Kate: I'll be on the next flight out.

You really don't have to.

Daniel, somebody shot at you!

Plus, Lewicki says that place is a real backwater.

The local P.D. isn't gonna be that thorough.

Especially if it's a company town.

Yeah, well, isn't there an FBI field office that can handle it?

Whoa, Pittsburgh? Yeah, I don't, uh...

I don't think they're gonna want to work with you.

Why not?

Face it Daniel, you're not exactly conventional.

I got to go. [Cellphone beeps]


Call granola guy. Tell him that I want to see the symptomatic girls.

But can it wait till morning?

Those corporate bastards are not gonna intimidate me.

[Stammering] Two weeks ago I woke up, and I couldn't control my arm.

My neck started the next day. It's just gotten worse since then.

So, you can't control the movements?

No, it's like... an itch I have to scratch.

It never stops. Mnh! Mnh!

Are you able to sleep?

Not since it started.

Every time I doze off, I start twitching.

Let's talk about your social life. Anything particularly stressful there recently?

Hello? I'm a high-school girl with facial tics and arm tremors.

You don't think that qualifies as stressful?!

Can I go now?

I want to meet with all their doctors. Have the girls' parents signed consents?

Uh, yes to the consents, and there's only one pediatrician in Brooksville.

That's Dr. Bilson. He treats all the girls. So, I can set up a meeting, uh, tomorrow.

No. Now.

You think it's T.C.E. poisoning?

All these Tox screens confirm low levels of exposure, but I'm not seeing any neurotoxic symptoms, no...

No numbness in the extremities, nausea, or dizziness.

Are you saying they're faking it?

No. I don't think so.

Did any of the girls have any health issues before the symptoms?

Some flu cases, a Strep-throat outbreak a few months ago.

I know a couple of the girls caught it.

It's called pandas.

You mean, like, cute little black-and-white Chinese bears?

It's a neuropsychiatric disorder in children, and it can cause motor and vocal tics and tremors.

It's caused by T.C.E. exposure?

No. It's caused by streptococcal infections.

Now, I have to do a few more tests, but at least three of those girls were treated for Strep.

You're telling me that this pandas could have caused the ticking and not T.C.E. poisoning?

Hey. Sorry to interrupt. CNN called.

They want to see if you'll do a live remote, talk about the case.

Hell yes.


Dr. Pierce I flew you out here to support my case.

Not undermine it.

I'm here to find out why those girls are sick, not just rubber-stamp whatever theory supports your case.

[Door closes]



Woman: Help me.


Lewicki? Is that you?

Woman: Help me. Please, help me.

Help me.



[Knock on door]

What are you doing here?

I don't know why, but I thought you'd be a little happier to see me.

Well, I'm still a little groggy.

What time is it?

I don't know. A little after 8:00.

Get dressed.

I stopped by the local P.D. on my way here.

They do not have any suspects in the sh**ting.

But I grilled them a little bit, and they admitted they do know who vandalized Rebecca's rental car.


I didn't sh**t that crazy bitch.

But you slashed her tires.

That was just a prank. Braden apologized to the police.

Mr. Sullivan, do you own a .22-caliber r*fle?

If you're gonna suspect every person in this town who has a r*fle in their den of attempted m*rder.

You've got your work cut out for you.

Well, not every person in town just saw their father publicly disparaged.

Braden was at the town hall with us at the time of the sh**ting.

No, actually, Braden stormed out a few minutes before Rebecca got shot, as I recall, plenty of time to grab a g*n.

We're done here, but before you go, I think you should know the company commissioned its own T.C.E. tests.

The results just came back.

No contamination in the soil, the air, or around the school.

So, Brooksville Chemical finances its own study and then gives itself a clean bill of health.

Yeah, there's no conflict of interest there.

I know. I know.

What if it's Rebecca's tests that are off?

You think she faked them?

I don't know.

Wait a second.

Is Daniel Pierce saying that maybe the big bad corporation isn't the enemy?

Daniel: I'm just saying...

She's got a lot to gain from proving T.C.E. exposure, and I'm starting to think this is more about money and publicity for her than it is those girls.

I'll subpoena the lab that did Rebecca's testing, make sure we're seeing the original reports.

But until we have proof, she's still a victim.

Maybe not.

I mean, if the test results were phony...

Maybe the sh**ting was, too.

Oh, hey, Dr. Pierce.

If you are looking for Rebecca, she's still in the hospital.

This is Agent Moretti of the FBI.

We're actually here to see you.


A week ago, you drove to Lexington and purchased a Winchester bolt action .22.

Rebecca wanted to make it look like she was being targeted but, hitting her wasn't really part of the plan, was it?

Okay, first off, that's crazy. I would never actually...

Ballistics are gonna match, Chad.

You're on the hook for attempted m*rder.

Okay, I never tried to k*ll anybody.

You shot into a crowd. You're going to jail.

Unless, of course, you help us out.

Rebecca: You think this is a publicity stunt, I nearly died.

Yeah, only because Chad isn't a better marksman.

He was only supposed to sh**t out the window of your car.

It's a great story. It's a great story.

The environmental crusader risks her life to bring down the corporate criminals.

I love that story, and that's what really pisses me off!

There are so many corporate criminals that we could have gone after.

And instead, you sucked me into your petty little shakedown.

This isn't a shakedown! The Tox screens show T.C.E., in those girls' blood!

Low levels. I could test 100 people in this town, 99 of them would come back positive for T.C.E., because of emissions from that damn plant. But it's not enough to make anyone sick.

The stuff is leaching into the groundwater.


We know your original test results came back clean.

You lied to me, Rebecca. You never had a case against Brooksville Chemical.

But you thought that you could still squeeze them by cooking up your own fraudulent test results, only Martin Sullivan wouldn't cave in to your demands.

I'm the victim here.

Chad signed a sworn affidavit. He's testifying against you.

How could you believe a word that hemp-addled simpleton says?

Not only do we believe him, so does the U.S. Attorney.

So, Chad's getting immunity. It's over.

I was looking out for those girls.

Now they'll get nothing.

If you hadn't interfered, they would have walked away with close to $1 million each.

Yeah, and you would have gotten 33%, so...

Ma'am, you're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say...

[Indistinct talking in distance]


Help me.

Dr. Pierce.

I've been looking for you.

What's wrong?

Three more of my patients are symptomatic, and I've got calls from two other parents.

I mean, whatever this thing is, it's spreading.

Seven girls spontaneously develop uncontrollable spasms it's impossible.

So, what do you think's causing it?

I don't know.

That's a first.

You know, we solved the sh**ting. Now it's just a medical mystery, so you can go home.

Did I do something to offend you?

What? No, why?

Let's see. You turned down my case, which you've never done before.

You get on a plane. You fly to Pennsylvania, when I can barely get you to ride the elevator.

You're shot at, but you don't want my help.

And now I'm here, and you can't rush me out of town fast enough.

Now, what the hell is going on?!

It's nothing.

Natalie: Daniel, this woman cracks serial K*llers for a living.

One way or another, she's gonna get the truth out of you.

Kate, I... [sighs] I can't have a relationship with you.

Okay, what are you talking about?

Oh, we probably should have role-played this first.

I mean I can't, I can't have a relationship with anybody right now.

Okay, what gave you the impression that I wanted a relationship?

I don't know. Uh, I guess...

Uh, maybe I was... I was picking up signals.

If I had feelings for you, I would let you know.

Probably in some unbelievably irresistible way.

I wouldn't be sending out signals, okay?

[Chuckles] I'm just saying... I am not some doting student with a schoolgirl crush.

Now, Daniel, like a lot of other things with you, this is all in your head. Oh, and don't worry about avoiding me anymore. I'm gonna leave tonight.

Kate, I...
"Tell her the truth". That was a great idea.

The idea wasn't bad. The execution was a little off.

This whole trip has been a disaster.

Here I am, stuck in this godforsaken town in that nightmare of a hotel where all the furniture's in the wrong place.

You're not upset about the furniture. You're upset about Kate.

Yes, of course I'm upset about Kate.

Her friendship is important to me, and I probably just ruined that.

Are you sure that's what's bothering you?

Even if you don't want a relationship, it's always nice to think someone has a crush on you.


You know what, I'm fine. I'm fine. [Stammers]

This conversation is over. I have work to do.

Burying your emotions isn't healthy, Daniel.

Eventually they bubble to the surface!

[Indistinct conversations]

[Cellphone ringing]

[Ringing stops]

Bad day?


You have no idea.


Why not? We're on a road trip. Let's get a little crazy.

But just one, though.


You know, we don't talk enough.

We should talk daily... hourly.

The friends of Dr. Daniel Pierce support circle.

Mm-hmm. Exactly.

And the first rule of the Dr. Daniel friends support circle is...

Don't talk about...

Be impervious to all insults and offensive comments.

Ah. [Laughs]

Hey, Max, do you, uh... do you think I give signals?

What do you mean?

Like, do I seem flirty to you?

Are you trying to be flirty with me?

Because you are really fine...

Like "maxim" fine.

Okay, no, not...

Not flirty with you, uh, per... per say.

Oh. Are we talking about Dr. Pierce?

Have I ever given you the impression that I have a thing for him?

Well, do you?


I just want to know if I seem like I do.

This is stupid. Forget I said anything.


Another beer?

We should totally do this again.



Okay, wow.

[Mahler's "symphony no. 5" plays]

[Electricity crackles, music stops]

[Electricity crackling, lights popping]

Patti: Help me, please.

Help me.

Please help me.

Help me...


[Exhales sharply]

[Electricity crackles, music resumes]

[Knock on door]

Dr. Pierce?

Do you still have that autopsy report?

[Breathless] Kate. Kate, I was wrong.

Let's just talk about it back in Chicago.

That's not what I mean. You can't leave.

Why? Like you said, it's just a medical mystery.

No, no, no. This... this was a m*rder.

This is Patti Wallace. She died two moths ago, everybody thinks she hung herself.

But you think someone k*lled her?

Yeah. Asphyxiation causes capillaries in the victim's face and eyes to burst, leaving tiny red petechial hemorrhages.

I don't see any.


And there's no bruising in the larynx or trachea, meaning they must have been fractured postmortem.

So, she didn't die of asphyxiation, so the hanging must have been staged.

But how could the Coroner have missed this?

Well, it's a small town. The guy's a funeral director, not an M.D.

So, who k*lled her?

I don't know. But I think those girls are involved somehow.

Remember conversion disorder?

Psychological trauma transformed into physical symptoms, right?

Yeah, it can sometimes get pretty extreme.

You know, a wife catches her husband in bed with another woman and is suddenly struck blind.

A child loses a parent, and then loses the power of speech.

But all these girls developed the condition at the same time.

Collective hysteria, or what we used to call mass hysteria.

A group is exposed to a common precipitant, then develops shared symptoms.

That sounds like a stretch.

No in 2006, 600 girls at a boarding school in Chalco, Mexico, became feverish, nauseated.

They had difficulty walking... no medical cause.

The same year, 60 girls at a Liberian convent began fainting, foaming at the mouth, experiencing seizures... completely psychosomatic.

So, you think Patti Wallace's m*rder is the shared trauma?

Yeah. I think they all have guilt over her death.

[Sighs] It could just be grief over a classmate's su1c1de.

Think about it. Patti died months ago.

The girls had no symptoms at all for weeks.

Then, suddenly, they developed tics.


So grief lessens over time...

But guilt builds. I get it.

But there are now nine girls with symptoms.

Do you really think that they're all ticking because of Patti?

Maybe the first four were legitimately traumatized by the m*rder.

Then, suddenly, they're flying consultants in from Chicago and... and CNN shows up.

It's the most exciting thing to happen in town for years.

The other girls unconsciously want attention, they get a...

An itch on their nose, and, all of a sudden, they think they have it, too.

If I'm right... those girls are hiding something.

And that secret wants to come out.

Bobby. Where's Moretti?


She's in... Brooksville, Pennsylvania.

What the hell is she doing there?

I don't know, picking strawberries or something.

Said she'd be back in a couple days.

[Cellphone ringing]

Daniel, let's do this.

[Cellphone beeps] Hello, Donnie.

Just because we're not married anymore doesn't mean you can blow me off when we're working a case together.

Okay, I think you're entirely too focused on our relationship status, and your Ponzi scheme isn't in court for another three months.

I've got a m*rder I'm working here.

Let me guess... with Daniel Pierce.

Bye, Donnie. [Cellphone beeps]


Everything all right?

Yeah, great.

Actually, you know what? No.

Everything is not great.

I want you to tell me one thing, I have done in the whole time that we've worked together that would indicate to you that my feelings for you were anything other than platonic.

[Sighs] I don't know. You're always...

Asking me out for pizza or tea.

Uh-huh. That's what friends do.

You're right. You're right. [Stammers]

It was obviously all in my head. I was just...

Just having a "talk to the walls" moment.

Apology accepted.

So, tell us about Patti Wallace.

[Stammering] Patti was quiet, uh, a science nerd, we didn't hate her...

It was more like she didn't exist.

You made sure she knew that, right?

We didn't bully her, if that's what... you're saying.

What did you think about Patti?

She was...

Aren't you supposed to be helping us?!

All your questions are just making things worse!

There are going to be a few...

Okay, you know... you know what?

You three can go. Riley, you stay.

Why do they get to leave?

Here's the thing, Riley. I get it.


The pressure. [Chuckles]

I was something of a queen bee back in school, too.

I remember everybody watching my every move...

What I ate, what I wore, who I hung out with.

And, you know, it's like everybody thinks that your life is perfect.

But really, it's a long way down from that pedestal, and there is always someone waiting in the wings to try to come along and shove you off.

And there's no one you can talk to.


And you could really... use a friend right now.


Because kids are starting to make fun of you.

Am I right? I mean, at first it was behind your back.

But now it's to your face.

I mean, you're turning into the weirdo.

One of the losers, and you're scared.


Don't you just want to be normal again?

I mean, to look pretty...

To have boys interested in you for, who you are and not making fun of you because you're...

Because I'm some ticking, stuttering freak, and I just want it to stop!

You have a secret.

And Dr. Pierce thinks that holding it in is what's causing these symptoms.

I think he's right.

And if you tell us, your symptoms will go away.

We did it.

You did what, Riley?

We k*lled...


We were having a sleepover, and we started playing truth or dare.

Truth or dare?


Maddy was really into Braden.

They had fooled around a couple of times, but she hadn't done anything about it for weeks.

So I dared her to go over to Braden's house and make out with him.


When we got there, Braden's bedroom light was the only one on.


Whatever she saw must have really freaked her out.

So I climbed up and looked in.

We couldn't believe it. We had no idea that Braden would go for a girl like Patti.

We didn't even know they were friends, much less, like, together.

So, I told her to send the video to Patti.

And tell her that if she ever touched Braden again, we would make their little sex tape go viral.


But the next morning...


Hung herself.

[Voice breaking] It was all our fault.

So, they felt guilty, which caused the conversion disorder, but they didn't actually k*ll her.

Well, we know she didn't hang herself.

And it can't be a coincidence she died the day after receiving that video.


By the way, I never figured you for the queen-bee type.

Oh, I wasn't.

Let me guess. Mathletes?

Uh, varsity tennis, actually.

And Mathletes.


Oh, I never had time for student activities.


All right. Mathletes. But I founded the club.

You know that doesn't actually make it cooler.

Okay, there's two people on that video.

Let's go talk to the one who's still alive.


Are you here to apologize for backing that lying bitch Rebecca Abbott?

Actually, we're here to find out why you were dating Patti Wallace in secret.

Look, I wanted to be out in the open about it, just my parents always hated her.

She wasn't "the right kind of girl".

I didn't care. I loved her.

Did you know about the video?

[Car door opens]

What's going on?

You have no right to be here.

Actually, I do. I'm conducting an investigation.

Get off our property.

Relax, honey.

We have nothing to hide.

She's trying to rail road our son.

No. No one's getting railroaded.

[Distant] We just have some questions for Braden.

[Distant] You're not talking to him. Get in the house.

Mrs. Sullivan, we need to speak with him.

Maybe we should call our lawyer.

We're not here about the sh**ting.

Leah: I don't care why you're here. This is harassment.

If you don't leave right now, I'm calling the police.

Mrs. Sullivan, there's been an actual m*rder.

And your son knew the victim.

[Indistinct talking in distance]

Come on.

Sorry. She's just protecting our son.

Who protected your daughter, Mr. Sullivan?

You were Patti Wallace's father, too.

Martin: How did you know?

Uh, it's in the eyes.

Those little brown flecks in your irises...

Lisch nodules... they're the only obvious symptom of a disease known as Neurofibromatosis.

You passed it on to both your kids.

Yeah, Braden has the specks, too.

They're getting worse.

Patti's were so bad that her right eye changed color as she grew older.

Did Patti know she was your daughter?


Anne was pregnant with her when my wife found out about the affair.

Leah was furious, and she threatened to leave and take Braden with her.

How did you change her mind?

I promised that I wouldn't see Anne and the baby again.

I wasn't there when my daughter was born. [Voice breaking] I wasn't there when...

When she died.

But I loved her.

Did you know she was sleeping with your son?


No. No, that's impossible.

We did all we could to keep them apart.

It's called genetic sexual attraction.

Our DNA compels us to connect with our genetic tribe.

But psychological imprinting and social taboo overwhelm, sexual desire when siblings are raised together.

But when two people are unaware of their biological bond they're, drawn to each other.

Oh, God. I knew we shouldn't have kept it a secret.

[Door opens]

What are you people still doing here?

They know about Patti.

Leave my family alone.

Patti Wallace was m*rder*d.

I thought she k*lled herself.

And you think my husband has something to do with it?

No. We checked. He was in Pittsburgh the day she died.

Daniel: But he wasn't alone. Patti's mother was in Pittsburgh, too.

You were still in love with her after all these years.

You don't look surprised, Mrs. Sullivan.

How did you find out?

That little tramp, Patti, told me.

When did you talk to her?

When I found out what was going on between her and Braden, I went over there.

Is that when you k*lled her?

Oh God, Leah.

It was an accident.

Tell us what happened. Maybe we can help you.

That morning, Braden was really upset.

Braden, talk to me.

Leave me alone.

I was worried.

We'd installed spy ware on his phone, so I checked it.

I never expected to see that... video.

So I went over there to tell that tramp to keep her daughter away from my boy.

What do you want?

But it was Patti who opened the door.

She told me her mother was in Pittsburgh.

And I realized what that meant.

You are still seeing each other.

[Voice breaking] I was such a fool.

I snapped.

I told Patti to stay away from Braden, that they couldn't be together.

But she didn't care. She said they were in love.

You don't understand. Braden hates you!

He... he thinks that you're sad and overprotective and depressing.

And Braden and I are gonna be together!

There's nothing that you can do to stop us!


So, you told her the truth?

I had to.

I'm gonna tell Braden the disgusting things you said just to keep us apart.

I didn't want Braden to know what he'd done.

I didn't think he could bear the shame.

I couldn't let her tell him.

I only wanted to calm her down, talk some sense into her.

But she wouldn't let me.



I barely touched her.

She probably had a heart attack.

It happens to kids with Neurofibromatosis.

A heart attack?

You see, I told you it wasn't my fault.

Well, it's manslaughter at least, and you staged the su1c1de, all to keep yourself out of jail.


To keep my son from learning the truth.

How could you?

How could you?

This is all your fault, Martin.

If you hadn't cheated on me...

And lied to me all these years.

None of this would have ever happened.

Natalie: Glad to be back, where everything's in its right place?

Actually, you know what?

I kind of got used to the desk facing the window in the hotel.

We should try moving it.


You sure about that?

Yeah, I can be flexible.

Let's... let's try it. Come on. Let's move it.

I could get used to this.


No. No, no. Nope. No. Back. Back.

Here's your Ponzi-scheme research.

What the hell were you doing running off to Pennsylvania when you had a case with me?

Daniel needed my help.

I'll bet he did.

What's that supposed to mean?

I understand that you admire the guy.

He's brilliant. He's also completely unstable.

You're never going to be able to have a healthy relationship, with somebody like that.

You said something to him, didn't you?

What? No. What are you talking about?

Okay, Donnie, I can tell when you're lying. Your face looks like...


Okay. Fine.

Maybe I had a little man-to-man with him.

You are unbelievable, you know that?!

What is this, like your juvenile way of trying to get me back?

No. I know I lost my chance with you a long time ago.

I realize that. I just...

I just want you to be happy.

Okay, well, forgive me if I find that a little hard to swallow.

In future, stay the hell out of my personal life.


Freud once said...

"No mortal can keep a secret".

"If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips".

"Betrayal oozes out of every pore".

I think old Sigmund might have been onto something.

Although we may be desperate to keep our secrets...

The harder we try to bury them, the more they rise to the surface.

We are neurologically compelled to confess.

And that's a good thing.

Because confession is good for the body.

It's good for the brain.

Might even be good for the soul.

If you believe in that sort of thing.