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01x04 - The Case of the Lighthouse Leapers

Posted: 04/26/24 13:22
by bunniefuu
[Crystal] Previously on
Dead Boy Detectives...

Using magic on my cats
is a total car crash on your part.

- What the bloody hell is this?
- It keeps you in this town.

Count all the cats in Port Townsend,
and then the bracelet will come off.

Those dead boys tested me,
but it won't happen again.

Monty, my sweet crow familiar.

It's the perfect morning
to give you that reading I promised.

I wouldn't know where to begin.

I don't know my family,
and I'm trying to track them down.

That's how it felt when my dad died.

My mother sent me back to boarding school
the day after the funeral.

[Crystal] Is that who the letters
are from? Your mom?

I may never find my family.

My sister's husband snapped,
k*lled his family.

[Charles] Big guy
k*lling a bunch of women?

[Brandon grunting]

Charles dealt with serious abuse.

He looks at Mr. Devlin
and sees his own dad.

I'd know if something was amiss.

We must not allow
these two boys to run amok.

We were trapped in a nightmare.
Those amazing ghost boys freed us.

Tell me everything.

♪ This little fella ♪

♪ This little guy I met at school ♪



- Okay, what the hell is this?
- It's rent.

My bad. I should've been clear
about acceptable forms of payment.

See? Like this.

{\an8}Be more like Niko.

What do I do with that much change?

Make a lot of wishes.

How about just one wish?

I wish to pay my rent without feedback.

Okay, what's your deal?

Sorry, I've been dealing
with shitty stuff with my ex.

He's really in my head.

I can take the jar to a Coinstar machine.

[Jenny] No, it's fine.

Like Niko said,
I'll make a bunch of wishes.

- [both chuckle]
- [gasps]

[Niko] What are you reading? Ooh!

"Your skin is luminous,
like the moon at night..."

Okay, that's hot.

Jenny, do you have, like, a dirty pen pal?

[Niko] Snail mail sexting?

A, go to hell.
B, it's none of your business.

And, C, it's not even a big deal, so just...

go to school.

At least one of you is in school, right?

Oh, no way.

I don't have anywhere to be
but right here.

And I stopped going.
Jenny, that is so cool.

Someone sending you love letters
is so cool.

[box thuds]

[Jenny] Okay, so you're what?

You're not gonna leave
until I explain this,

even though it's private,
and go the f*ck away?

Whatever. Fine.

They're from a secret admirer,
I have no idea who,

and that's the entire story.

A secret admirer?

Jenny, this could be your soulmate.

Okay, Niko, pretty massive leap
from anonymous letters to love.

Maybe. But you're keeping them
for a reason, right?

I mean, if there was a way that you could
just find out who was sending them,

would you want to?



The letters are nice.

They make me feel nice. Okay?

But also, they're all typed,
which is creepy, serial-k*ller territory.

Might as well be letters
cut out of magazines.

Besides, no one ever turns out to be
who you think they are, and it's...



No, I... I get that.

I've been thinking
about some old memories,

and I'm starting to realize
that I don't even know who I am.

I might even be
a worse person than I thought.

This sweet moment got really heavy.

Screw the past,
you can be anybody you want.

Hell, maybe you can even be somebody
with a bank account.

[Niko chuckles]

- Where are the Dead Boy Detectives?
- [both shriek]

Okay, what is wrong with you two?

[objects clattering]

[sighs] Oh.

Sod it.

Can't spy on people
without a spyglass, can I?

Did I leave it at that witch's house?

[mimics Edwin]
"Charles, do be more careful."


Right, mate.

You've been spending
a lot of time with that one.

- Monty, you.
- [Edwin] Mmm.

- Spending a lot of time?
- [Edwin] Hmm?

Merely swapping books, is all.

You were keen to get that bracelet off,
count cats, the whole shebang,

and now it's more
skipping around and reading astrology.

Charles, I've never skipped.

You're in a good mood,
and I think that's brills.

Let's just...

try not to forget
that we're trying to leave.

I'm sorry about the Cat King.

I'm also... Hmm...

I'm sorry about your experience
in the Devlin house,

and getting stuck in that loop.

If you need to talk about your father...

Nah, nah. I'm just...
I'm just ready to get out of this town.

- That's all.
- [door opens]

We've got a guy named Dagfinn

who'll only speak
to the Dead Boy Detectives.


I need someone to get these damn ghosts
out of my lighthouse.

Uh, wait, wait. Your name is...

- is Dagfinn?
- [Dagfinn] Aye.

I've been haunting the lighthouse
at Point No Point.

The last two days people start showing up

and jumping off the widow's walk
and into the sound.

- [Crystal] People are k*lling themselves?
- Aye.

Two so far. And the bad part is,

now I got these extra ghosts
of the newly dead sulking and loitering.

If I wanted to be around people,
I'd haunt a Denny's.

Have the police been there?
It's a small town, they'd know.

[Dagfinn] No bodies.

Gone, soon as they hit the water.

So the police don't know anything,
far as I can tell.

Your agency's better equipped anyhow.

And we could save some lives.

Sure. But mostly
just get me my solitude back.

Quite unusual
for ghosts to collect like that.

There must be a reason they're lingering.


- Now, as to our fee...
- [Dagfinn] Yes.

I can pay you with some saltwater taffy
and a cursed Magic 8 Ball

that tells you when you're gonna die.

What do I need it for?

I'm already dead. [laughing]

Who makes a toy
that tells you when you're gonna die?

I mean, that is pretty cool.

It's true. We do not have anything like it
in our collection.

Signs point to a "yes."

Let's have a go at it

and save some ghosts too.

[Niko] Wow, this place totally looks like
those fish-stick commercials that I love.

It seems pretty peaceful to me.

Maybe that lighthouse keeper
was a grump who likes to complain.

Huh. She must be enjoying the view.

What is she doing?

Oh, she's not...

Hey, wait!

- [gasps]
- [water splashes]

[Charles] Found them.

[Edwin] These new ghosts are suffering
from unusual melancholia.

They seem to just stare out at the sea
and wander back to the lighthouse.

Ghosts of su1c1de
usually wander the earth, right?

{\an8}These lot are just lingering. It's weird.

That's the weird part.

Maybe they're near-sighted
and just fell off the lighthouse.

- You called this in?
- [Crystal] Mmm-hmm.

All right. What did you see?

There was a woman at the top,
and then she jumped down in the water.

Now, are you from Port Townsend?

We rent rooms
above the Tongue & Tail Butcher Shop.

Jenny's place. Weekly renters.

- You get a good look at her?
- Very good look.


{\an8}Mid-20s, small frame, red hair.

She had on a pretty nightgown.

It was sort of airy.

Small frame, red hair, airy night gown?

It feels like you don't believe us.

Two kids
who look like they should be in school,

living an itinerant lifestyle,
probably high,

saw a lady leap to her death
but she left no trace?

Sounds like a prank.

Everything okay here?

You have a good day, Asha.

It's not a prank.
We saw a lady fall from up there.

Girls, I believe
that you believe you saw something.

Come chat in the gift shop.

I'll make you some tea,
and we'll talk it through.

We're good. Thank you very much.

I'd like some tea.

[Crystal] Niko.

It's fine.
I'm gonna ask her a ton of questions,

get really good intel.

Way to take initiative, Niko.

The sign of a great detective.

Thank you.

Did you hear
how that cop was talking to us?

I don't know why you called them.

That's why we try
not to involve the living.

Can't comprehend
the madness happening around them.

- [cat snarling]
- [Edwin] Blast it!

One hundred and forty-two.

- [meows]
- [Charles] Bloody cats.

You all right, mate?


Gonna look around the base
of the lighthouse for anything noteworthy.

Take Crystal, get something
out of those grinning ghosts.


Together? You feeling okay?

Perfectly well, thank you.

Now go ahead, before someone else
plummets to their death.

Edwin was acting weird, wasn't he?


Edwin was acting weird.

I'm not a psychologist, I'm a detective.

- I'm detecting.
- Okay, now you're acting weird.

It's fine if you don't wanna talk about
the Devlin murders, but you clearly...

Hi. I'm Charles Rowland.
This is Crystal Palace.

We're with the Dead Boy Detectives.

Can you tell us
what happened this morning?


Did you see something?
Did something upset you, or...

It was the best feeling ever.

What was?

My ex-boyfriend,
he never did that touchy-feely stuff,

and this morning,
I heard him telling me he loved me.

I heard it over and over.

Wait, you heard his voice?

It kept getting louder.

It was the loudest at the top.

I just had to get to him. So I followed.

I heard my papa up there.

I heard Brenda, my wife.

[cat meows]

A note would suffice.
The burning cat scratch was unnecessary.

In my experience, uptight boys
like a little bit of rough play.


There are 142 cats.

There are absolutely not 142 cats.

It is an impossible task.
How does this make you happy?

It gives me more time with you.

[Edwin] Hmm.

Cat got your tongue?

I get it. I might be too mature for you,
but I'm not a daddy type.

I am hundreds of years older than you.

I know it can be intimidating,
but aren't I fun?

Not in the slightest. It's just old.


Well, with age comes experience.

I can really be...

anything you like.

How about...



He is fun!

You like role play?

Maybe something like this.

Stop it.

If you won't take it off,
I need to get back to my investigation.

Why do these cases of complete strangers
matter to you so much?

Not that you'd understand,

but I help ghosts
whose cases would go unsolved.

I right wrongs.

Oh, wow. That is beautiful.
Did your publicist help you write that?

It was pretty good.

No, that's not it.

I mean, besides being a Boy Scout...

there's something else

behind those emerald eyes.

Tell me.


I'm doing as much good as I can,

so eventually if I go back to hell,
I can make my case for leniency.

Now, doesn't the truth feel better?

You never, ever,
ever have to pretend with me.

I like your secret parts.

I'm ashamed.

It's selfish.

Now, unless you have more damnable spells,
I should go.

I've a case to solve.

Happy case-solving.

Oh, and, um, Edwin?

Don't forget to count the cats.

You were way off.

I mean, miles off.

[laughing] Hundred and forty-two?
I mean, come on.


[girl] I'm gonna get you.

- [laughs]
- [grunts]

- Ugh!
- [laughs]

No! [groans]

{\an8}[girls laughing]

Did it look real?

Were you scared?


[chuckles] It was a terrible pantomime.

The sword would have punctured her lung,
leaving her unable...

[straining] scream.

Not to mention the sheer volume of blood
filling her mouth.

Very disappointing, girls.

[Charles] What is it about this place
that has people hearing things?

I mean, the view is pretty brills.

Could we for one second
talk about what happened?

Crystal, I don't have
anything else to say.

Yes, that guy was horrible.

Yes, my dad was horrible.

Yes, I got angry.

Now I'm fine.

Your mouth is saying you're fine,
your eyes are saying, "Drop dead."

- That's... That's just squinting.
- Hmm.

My eyes are squinting.

- You don't have to keep things bottled up.
- Crystal.

As long as I've got my best mate
and a case to solve, I'm good.

I appreciate you.

Believe it, yeah?

[softly] Okay.

Well, I'm not hearing anything.

Let's go.

[woman whispering] Crystal...

[echoing] Crystal.




[Charles] Oi, Crystal!
Are you coming or what?



It's very hot.

- Thank you.
- I've run this shop for years,

and people have played a lot of pranks.

It was probably a bird
and the morning sun tricking your eyes.

Makes sense, doesn't it?

Totally. [chuckles]

[gasps] I've never seen a gift shop
quite like this before.

All locally crafted.

Made a few things myself,
like these babies.

[Niko chuckles]

I should get some for my new friends.

I've mostly been a shut-in,

so I haven't made any new friends
until recently.

Asha, could I please
get some honey in this?

Where did you go?

The Cat King.

Yes, the bracelet is still on.

- What did you find out?
- Only how to steep tea.

And that there's a festival coming up.

{\an8}Tomorrow these cliffs will be crowded
with hundreds of people

waiting to fall to their death.

That is less-than-positive news.

[Niko] Mmm-hmm.



Ah, that's Lilith.

Goddess of wronged women and blood magic.

They say you can speak or pray to her
through any image.

I can talk to her right now?

- Through this painting?
- [Asha] Sure.

It'd be better if you were a witch.

- Hmm.
- [Asha] She's big on witches.

Spooky, right? Kind of edgy, but...

[Niko] And what about this one?

[Asha] Mermaids. Half fish.

They were women
luring men to their deaths in the water.

But it's all just a lot of
dangerous women propaganda.

But the paintings are still gorgeous.

Are we looking for a mermaid?

[Asha] That's the Washer Woman.

Local lore.

She's a kind of oracle.

"Light bent through prism,
blood red door, only for those in need."

Asha, what's this little riddle
in the Washer Woman painting?

If you believe the stories,
it's a way to find her.

But I think
the painter was on psychedelics.

I should know,

I painted it.

[Niko chuckles]

[Edwin] You ask a lot of questions.

Where did you cultivate
such investigative instincts?

I've watched hundreds of hours
of detective anime and cartoons.

You just keep asking questions.

For instance, what are all those scribbles
in your notebook?

I have found that if you keep
meticulous notes, you can usually

puzzle your way out of a jam.

[sighs] Well, after seeing all this,
I think our jam might be mermaid.

Are you all right, dear?

Yes. Just talking
to my new friend. [chuckles]

But you often hear voices
in your head, Crystal. That is your thing.

It was different.

Right. So we've got
the vague riddle that Niko found,

maybe mermaids,

a suspicious gift shop manager,

a whispering voice that could be the wind,

and a festival full of kite enthusiasts
who could end up in the water. Great.

Oh, and you forgot about the part
where Edwin saw the Cat King again.

Was I not supposed to say that?

What did he want?
He didn't whisk you away again?

Got that bracelet off?

I'd be back at the office right now
if the bracelet was off.

He wanted to know if I counted the cats,
and my guess was unsatisfactory.

[woman whispers] Crystal. Crystal?

- Thinks he can come and go...
- [woman] Crystal.

Where are you? Crystal.

[echoing] Crystal.

Crystal, where are you?

I've been so worried about you.

- Come back.
- Crystal...

- Come home, Crystal.
- Brenda!

- Papa!
- Luke, up here!

He can't show up in the middle of cases.

Did you tell him that?

- Matter of fact, I did.
- Can't believe you didn't tell us.

I've had enough of secrets
about that w*nk*r.

Why are you getting so angry?


[woman whispering]
Crystal... Crystal... Crystal...

Come back to me.


[Charles grunting]

[Crystal] My mom's voice.

It's my mom's voice!

Let go!

- [grunts]
- Crystal, there's no voice.

[screams] No!

What the bloody hell is down there?

- Hey.
- [Crystal] Get off!

Get off!

She's there!

[foghorn blowing]

[Charles] Are you, uh,
feeling all right now, Crystal?

Yeah. It's weird.

Even though I don't remember her,

something inside me knew
that was my mom's voice.

She sounded worried.

It was like I had to go to her.

Must've been scary.

It wasn't.

With what David's shown me,
and now hearing my mom's voice,

it's like I can almost, like,

reach out and touch whoever I was.

But I can't. God, it's driving me crazy.

You know it wasn't really her.

Your mum.

When we spoke to the other ghosts,
the woman heard her ex-boyfriend.

The other heard his wife,
the other heard his papa.

Whatever's in the water
lures people in with loved ones' voices.

I know what I heard.
I can feel how bad she wants me back.

- She could tell me who I am.
- Crystal, it's a trick.

One that's k*lling people.

What if you hear her voice again?

If it is causing the jumps,
these aren't suicides.

Then why are the ghosts still here?

You saw them lurking on the rocks.

They're waiting
for their loved ones to appear.

It's unfinished business.

Right, Edwin?


Right. Of course.

Where did...

Have we lost Niko?

She's right over there, mate.

[Edwin] Ah.

- What are you looking at?
- [chuckles] Check it out.

Isn't it romantic?

They're in love.

Starfish fall into
the phylum Echinodermata

- and have no brain.
- [giggles]

Luckily, love requires no logic.

It's nice to feel that way about someone.
Don't you think?

Maybe someone like Monty?

Monty? We're new friends.

And I'm admittedly intrigued
by his zealous obsession with astrology.

[chuckles] I have been collecting
these beautiful pieces of sea glass.

Give him this.

Why would I do that?

[Niko] Each color has
a different association.

What does the pink one mean?

[Niko] Whatever feels right.

But don't ask me.

I've never even been kissed.


I, um...

I've also never been.


I never understood the appeal of it.

At least until recently.

Do you wanna kiss Monty?

I don't know.

Every time I see the Cat King,
I'm painfully reminded of my inexperience.

Do you wanna kiss the Cat King?

Absolutely not.


For you.

For courage.

[Charles] Edwin!

That light is gone!

We can't see anything!

Are you guys good back there?

Wait a tick.

Niko, what was written
on that Washer Woman painting?

"Light bent through a prism,
blood red door, only for those in need."

What are you in need of?

[echoing] Ask me.

Is this the Washer Woman?

Must've been
when I picked up the red sea glass.

[echoing] This is the blood of mankind.

Past, present, and future.

I see their lives,

feel their pain.

I cry for them.

But the burden is mine.

So, you can see the future too.


[high-pitched screaming]

[screaming stops]

What in the hell was that?

Not sure we want the answer to that.

I appear before you
because your need is deep.

[echoing] I need to save lives.

Less blood to wash away.

Ask me.

Miss, um...

Miss Washer Woman.

We're looking for what's k*lling people
near the lighthouse.

There's three dead.

Can you help us?

[echoing] These waters
are filled with strange beasts

as old as the sound itself.

Storms wake them.

They feed.

Like sirens or mermaids?

[echoing] Something much larger.

A sea monster.

But how do we k*ll it?

Measure for measure,

it must play until it tires. [echoing]

Is there a... A non-riddle option?

Ask me.

How did you...

Ask me.


My memories were stolen and...

And each time I get a little back,

things get even more confusing. I...

I really need to know who I am.

When the ground moves

and the bird cries,

stop looking without,

and look within. [echoing]

I don't know what that means.

Hey, I don't understand.

Can't you just...

[Charles] Crystal, what happened?

I asked her who I am. She... She just...

She just gave me another riddle.

"When the ground moves and the bird cries,
stop looking without, and look within."

Jesus. She thought about it,
like she knew something,

then it was just riddle.

"A bird cries"?

- Is it sad?
- [Crystal] I have no clue.

Well, we'll figure out, won't we?

I'm truly sorry she did not
get you closer to your family,

but at least we know
there's a sea monster.

And apparently, we must
tire it out somehow in order to k*ll it.

There's one place in town
where we can get what we need.

You don't look like a walrus.

Shh! [whispering] Niko,
you can't say things like that.

Hi, Mick. We're, uh, just browsing.

What's that?

Ayup, it's not for sale.

"Measure for measure,
it must play until it tires."

So, what is the measure
for measure part? Music?

You think music's gonna k*ll it?

[Edwin] Huh.

You don't want that. It's cursed.

Attracts evil seagulls.


what are you trying to k*ll?

It's a sea monster.

♪ You lit this spark
You have yourself to blame ♪

♪ Tell your mother
That you're running late ♪

♪ Not gonna make it to the church today ♪

♪ Your house is going up in flames ♪

♪ You'll never make it
To the fire escape ♪

♪ You got a love like gasoline ♪

♪ I got a love like fire ♪

♪ We set the throne on fire... ♪

[wood creaking]

[footsteps thudding]


[door creaks]

Are you back?



Who the hell are you?

I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to give you a fright.

I'm an old family friend of Crystal's.

She told me she was staying here. Is, uh...

Is she about?

Okay, you're being very polite,

but you can't just enter
other people's homes.

You scared me to death.

Not quite, though.

All right, June Cleaver.

Let's just expedite this.

[gasps, chokes]

You smell of raw meat.

Now, I am a family friend.

Where is she?

Family friend.

She and...

Niko went to...




Good girl.

- Now you can breathe.
- [groans, pants]

Hey, where'd she go?

Wait, why am I upstairs?

And why am I...

talking to myself?

Jesus, Jenny.


Hearing you describe her,
I'd say it's Angie you're looking for.

- [Crystal] Angie?
- That's what I call her.

She sends out
a feeling of yearning with her light,

and people fill in the blanks
with whoever they miss.

[Crystal] I heard my mom's voice.

I think.
I mean, I don't have any memories of her.

Ayup. But Angie's, uh, awful shy.

Rare she'd be above water.
Keeps to herself.

Certainly doesn't deserve to be m*rder*d
by the likes of you.

Angie's k*lling people, Mick.

Not her fault she has to eat.

- The Washer Woman said we have to...
- You... [chuckles]

You saw the Washer Woman?

You lot?

I've been looking over 50 years.

For that lady? Why?

So she can tell me
how I can turn back into a walrus,

but she only shows up
for those whose need is...

great enough.

How did you conjure her?

I just found a piece of sea glass,
to be honest.

Like this one.

[Tragic Mick gasps]

- That's the one?
- [Niko] No.

The piece of sea glass
that took us to the Washer Woman was red.

But you can have this.

Green represents emotional stability.

That's kind of you.

- [Niko chuckles]
- Not that it's my business,

but maybe you just need to put Angie
back to sleep instead of k*lling her.

"Until it tires."

A lullaby.

- Mick, do you have a music box...
- [metal clangs]

...or like, a...

What about this?

I found one of these
at a maritime museum once.

The Case of the Drowned Diver,
wasn't it, Edwin?

Superstitious sailors
would use them to calm the seas.

It plays music, yeah?

A lovely sound, very loud.

But she's very big,

so you still want to get it
as close as you can.

[Edwin] Good memory.

It's not like we can glue it to her.

We can feed it to her.

How on earth are we gonna get a fish
to swallow that thing?

If it eats people,
what would it even like, besides human?

I read once
that cannibals called people "long pig"

because they tasted like pork.

So, maybe the pork.

I do more than watch anime.

I read.

[Crystal] Okay.

- [door opens]
- [shop bell rings]

Oh. Sorry. [chuckles]

- Am I interrupting something?
- Of course not.

[Monty] Came to return your book.

I loved it. It was beautiful
and also very funny. [laughs]

Yes. Valley of the Dolls
is quite the modern masterpiece.

Some of it went over my head,

but what I did understand,
I enjoyed a great deal.

Good. [chuckles]

[Jenny] What are you doing?

- Uh...
- [Jenny] I'm waiting.

And who is this new teenage person?

[Niko] Sorry, Jenny, you startled us.

Where did you come from?

[Jenny] Okay, let's try this again.

This is my shop,

so it's not unusual for me to be in here.

Now, when I was out back, tossing scraps,
why did you come in here?

This is our new friend, Monty.

Monty, Jenny. Jenny, Monty.

Hello. It's nice to meet you.

Can you guys hang out somewhere else?
This isn't the Peach Pit.

What's the Peach Pit?

Oh, Crystal, some red-headed woman
in a pantsuit came by for you.

Said she's a family friend.
I said you're at the beach.

She didn't leave a number.

- Okay.
- [box clatters]

Okay, uh...

is that it or did she say, like... What... No?


Thank you.

[Crystal] Doesn't make sense.

We've been in town for two seconds,
and I paid my rent with a jar of coins.

How could someone find me here?

My mom tells me... Or, um, she told me,

that a mother's intuition
can be very powerful.

Maybe she's got special powers like you.

Someone went to great lengths to find you.

It's gotta make you feel special, yeah?


- Nice of you to pay us a visit.
- [laughs] Yeah, for sure, but, um...

I really just wanted to see you.

You know, since I was in that coma, I...

Whoa. [laughs]
That sounded intense. Not that.

Um, since I woke up, I've been, um...


- Is that right?
- [Monty] Yeah.


Being in the dark like that, it was hard
not being able to make my own choices.

Not being able to be free.

Oddly, I can relate to that.

Would you wanna go get coffee?

I know ghosts don't drink coffee.
So, whatever the equivalent hang out is.

I'm afraid not.

I'm in the middle of a project
at the moment.

Of course.
Uh, what are you guys doing, anyway?

Ooh, I'm not at liberty to discuss that.

I apologize for being coy.

Edwin's a detective.
He's a Dead Boy Detective.

And we're on a case! [giggles]

[Monty chuckles]

Niko and I need to have a chat
about how subtlety works.


We have precious little time
to get this sorted. That said, we...

could take a walk soon and talk.

- Yeah.
- That's what ghosts do instead of coffee.

[chuckling] Oh. Okay.
Yeah, sure. Let... Let's do it.

I'm gonna hold you to that.

[both laugh]

I can't believe you let that kid
put a magic leash on you,

and then
you just had to tattle to the Cat King.

f*ck off. The kid had a sardine.

You're such a whore.

Okay. Oh.


[metal clangs]

Ugh, this is not a pretty process.

How does Jenny do this every day?

It's so disgusting.

We might need to get some more twine.

Being a detective is much messier
than it ever looked on Scooby-Doo.

Hey, Crystal.



- Should I come with you?
- No, thanks.

Or yes. Maybe.

I'm good. I'm good.

Okay, yes, you guys come with me.

Uh, hello?

Are you the one that came by Jenny's shop?

Do you...

Do you know me?

Hello, Crystal.



Sadly, I don't know you at all.
You were just bait.

Unfortunate, but I don't have time
for your trivial human emotions.

I've come
for the two dead boys behind you.

You're not Death. Why are you chasing us?

I am the Night Nurse on duty.

I run the Afterlife's
Lost & Found Department,

placing errant dead children
where they're meant to be.

And you two are errant.

Don't forget about me.

You f*cked with my head.

I'm gonna f*ck with yours.



[babies crying]


You don't want to look in there.

[Crystal sobs]

- Crystal!
- You've both been very naughty.

Every dead child has their place.

I'm not going back to hell.

Well, we disagree on that point.

Come now, quick sticks. Let's go.

You wanna take him,

you gotta go through me first.

[laughing] Don't worry.
I've come for the both of you.

Don't dilly-dally. Enough delays.

Edwin knows where he is going,
but let's get you processed,

find out what your afterlife has in store.

It's like pulling off a Band-Aid.
Let's just do it quickly.

No, we're not going anywhere, are we?

We're staying here. Staying together.

Everyone has a place.

Don't you want to know what yours is?

It might be wonderful.

And I can tell you that it's not here.

You do not belong here anymore.

You don't know anything about us.

Is that so, Charles Rowland?

All right.

Let's just test that, shall we?

[gasping, panting]

- [boy] He surfaced. You tosser!
- [boys laughing]

[boys speaking indistinctly]

[boy shouts indistinctly]

Oh! [grunting]

[Night Nurse] Remember this?

Hypothermia, internal bleeding,

while your friends laughed.

Injuries you would eventually die from.

Why would you want to stay on Earth
having experienced this?

Why did your friends turn on you
like this?

[Charles panting]

Guys, what are you doing?


Back up! Back up!

This is what you're hanging onto?

[Charles grunting]


Dad, stop! Please!

Please, I'll make it better.
I'll make it better. Please, stop.

No, you can't make it better.

You never made it better, then you died.
That is the point.

[Charles panting]

Even when you try your best,
be your best self,

this world beats you down for it.

Frankly, anything is better
than this place.

Why not just come with me?


[boys speaking indistinctly]

[Charles shivering]

[boy] Look, there he is!

[boys speaking indistinctly]

[Charles grunting]

[boys laughing]

[Charles panting]


Now it's your turn.

What kind of pain
would you like to relive?

Good on you, yeah?
With your nightmares and your sick smile.

[winding music box]

If you wanted me to be crushed
or devastated, I am.

I'm also bloody angry,

and you won't be taking us anywhere.

I won't be having it.

Do you need another shot of...

- [clangs]
- [gasping]

[chuckles softly]


- [grunts]
- [clangs]

Charles. [breathes heavily]

[Charles grunting]

[Night Nurse grunts]

Those memories
are not why I choose to stay here!

I still have a purpose.

I'm a Dead Boy Detective!

[both grunting]


[Angie growling]

Why are you all looking at me like that?

I did that for us.

She was gonna take us.

Charles, that was...



Was it too extreme, Edwin?

So was me dying at 16, mate.

I don't wanna be dead.

I hate it.

Every day, I'm f*cking smiling.

'Cause who else will hold it together
and keep the spirits up?

You? Are you gonna do that, huh?

For what?

What good am I even doing?

I couldn't stop Devlin
from murdering his family over and over.

I can't stop Crystal from hurting.

I can't stop
whatever is going on with you.

I can't stop anything!

I sure as hell couldn't stop my dad
from beating the shit out of me.


No matter how good I was.


It's going to be okay.


Thank you!

The ghosts all wandered off.

Thank you so much.

Here's the saltwater taffy

and Magic 8 Ball
that tells you when you'll die.

[Edwin] Our work is usually neater.

But we are happy with a satisfied client.

Case closed.

I guess.

[people chatting indistinctly]

Today was a lot.

But thanks for letting me tag along.

It's so much better
than hanging out in my room by myself.

I'm gonna go do something
where I don't have to think now.

Yeah, I'm with you.

Uh, Niko.

Thanks for, like,

saving my ass today.

[doors open]

[doors close]

You know, Charles,

you can talk to me.

About anything.

You can talk to me
about anything too, mate.

[Niko giggles]

[Scooby-Doo on TV] Huh?

These detectives are terribly clever.

Mmm. I'm ahead
of the cases all the time now.

It's so easy.

But if you wanna watch
from the beginning again, I'd be happy to.

Top whole job today, Niko.

Thanks. [giggles]

- I think.
- [both chuckle]

Wait, I have to do this one thing.

["Young Blood" playing]

Seeing how much hope Crystal had
when she thought she was hearing her mom

gave me some things to think about.

♪ We require certain skills ♪

You keep watching.

♪ The mood it changes like the wind ♪

♪ Hard to control when it begins ♪

{\an8}♪ The bittersweet between my teeth ♪

♪ Trying to find the in-betweens ♪

♪ Fall back in love eventually... ♪

Today totally sucked.


Yeah, it did.

Mmm, at least it's over now.

You know, I've...

[chuckles] Wow.

I've been angry for such a long time.

[Crystal] Mmm.

And I'm tired of riddles
and spirits and demons

and not being any closer to finding out
who the hell I am.

I just want something that's real.

♪ Our hands gripping each other tight... ♪

Could you even feel that?


But it doesn't matter.

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ We're naive still ♪

♪ We require certain skills ♪

♪ We're naive still ♪

♪ We require certain skills ♪

♪ As it withers ♪

♪ Brittle it shakes ♪

♪ Can you whisper ♪