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02x01 - Ch-Ch-Changes

Posted: 06/27/13 00:03
by bunniefuu
[Thud] [Glass shatters]


Who can tell me why we're having movie day?

Uh, you wanted to show us how you spent your summer vacation?


And people wonder why mad scientists abuse their assistants.

Sit down, Lewicki.

I showed those clips to pose, one of the most fundamental questions we'll explore this semester.

What is an abnormal brain?

And how does having one affect behavior?

It could turn someone into a monster, like Mr. Karloff here.

But, more likely, it manifests in less dramatic ways.

Some abnormalities are structural, so they show up on a brain scan or an autopsy, but others are sneakier and more insidious.

They're Neurochemical in nature, so we don't always know they're there.

Some of these abnormalities may be treatable with surgery or pills.

But one thing is certain.

Unlike old Doc Frankenstein...

We can't exchange one brain for another.

Like it or not, we are stuck with the three pounds of cauliflower we were born with.


[Elevator bell dings]

[Indistinct conversations]

Hot-guy alert.

At your desk. New assistant U.S. Attorney.

And... he's not wearing a wedding ring.



You look great, Kate.

What are you doing here, Donnie?

You guys already know each other?

This is my soon-to-be ex-husband.

And however soon that is, it will never be soon enough.

Okay, well, um, I think I'm gonna... go.

I was really hoping to avoid this exact moment of awkwardness.

Ha! How's that working out for you?


I got transferred back from D.C. a few weeks ago. And since I'm...

Pretty sure I'm the last person that you want to see, I've been avoiding you.

I got to say, I think that's a pretty great strategy.

Only now, it turns out I need your help.

You always want something, don't you, Donnie?


I'm retrying a capital-m*rder case that got overturned on appeal.

I need an expert psych witness.

Word in the building is you know the perfect guy.

Daniel, my man. You are looking good.

Have you been working out?

What do you want, Paul?

What makes you think I want something?

Okay. I need a wing man.

Did hell freeze over and I missed it?

Oh, come on now just hear me out all right?

I met this woman... Elaine.

Beautiful, intelligent, and I finally got her to agree to go out with me, but only if I bring a friend for... her friend.

Paul, are you on peyote?

No. Wh-why?

The "Romanian foreign-exchange student" incident?

That was 25 years ago. How do you even remember that?

Because, as anyone who's read Proust knows, memories are triggered by the olfactory glands.

Bad memories, every time I smell garlic I think of Olga.

No no, no, I know what this is all about.

Oh, do you?

You are nervous about meeting someone new.

But you've been on your meds for nine months now, and you're looking good.

You're feeling good. So, it's time, you know, to get back in the game, buddy.

Not gonna happen, Coach.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have an appointment.

Skank got what she deserved!

Hey, just stay back! Hold it!

Meet Billy Flynn, member of the Road Ragers motorcycle g*ng.

Long history of v*olence. [Screaming ]

He's got a g*n!


When CPD went to arrest him, he pulled a g*n and accidentally shot himself under the chin .22 caliber round lodged in his brain, but, miraculously, he survived.

Really? What was the damage?

That's the crazy part... oh. Sorry. It's a figure of speech.

I'm familiar with it.

He made a complete recovery, and then five years ago, a federal jury sentenced him to death.

For doing what, exactly?

His wife, Amy Flynn.

After she left him, he tracked her down in Milwaukee, dragged her back to Chicago, tortured her for three days...

And then brutally strangled her.

And they say chivalry is dead. Where do I come in?

Some lefty, anti-death-penalty lawyer convinced an appellate court to give this scumbag a new trial based on "ineffective assistance of counsel".

Apparently, his first attorney never requested a competency hearing.

And you want me to determine if he's mentally fit to stand trial a second time.

I'm the FBI liaison to the assistant U.S. Attorney who's handling the case.

We want you to evaluate Flynn and be the government's expert witness.

[Chuckling] Ah, yeah, now, let... yeah, I'm not sure that I...

Daniel come on, now, listen I know that you are not a fan of the federal government, or of appearing in public, or a lot of things, but...

This is a very bad guy that we're talking about here, and I could really use your help.


It's not every day I get to examine someone who survived a b*llet to the brain.

Well, hopefully you can contain your excitement, because we can't get in to see Flynn until tomorrow.

But I was wondering if you just felt like getting a cup of tea, catching up.

It's been a while.

I'd like that.

But I can't. I've, uh, got a previous engagement.


Man: I am exploring the dialectic of a post-colonial symbiosis...

Between the otherness of the object and the objectification of the other...

Daniel: Uh, Caroline. You want to get the hell out of here?

You have no idea how much.

Its dialectic roots are as epistemologically reductive.

As they are reductively epistemological.

Oh, the things I could have done with that hour of my life.


I could have arranged my books in the order in which I bought them...

Learned to count to 100 in Sanskrit.

[Mockingly] Or written an epistemologically reductive analysis of the phone book!




This is terrible.

Thank you very much.

I don't mean the kiss. The kiss was great.

You're gonna have to fill me in.

Oh, come on, Daniel you know what I mean.

I was your psychiatrist.

You haven't been my psychiatrist for months, we agreed to be friends.

But maybe that was a mistake.

I knew it was ethically and emotionally dicey given your relationship with Natalie.

Natalie was a delusion.

Based on a chance encounter you had with me 25 years ago.

And now when you look at me, you see her. You're obviously confused.

I have never been clearer in my life.

You are Caroline Newsome. You grew up in Grosse Pointe.

You have terrible taste in music.

I do not.

Olivia Newton-John, Air Supply. Need I go on?

You're a brilliant diagnostician with a soft spot for stray animals, but you can't have pets because you're allergic.

You hate Cilantro, you're impatient with cab drivers, and you smell like lavender.

I am falling for you, Caroline, and I'm pretty sure you feel the same.

But if you want to ignore that to avoid crossing some arbitrary ethical line, well, then, I'll walk away... right now.

But I'm not confused. I know exactly who you are.


And where have you been all night?

Lewicki, you do realize this is my house.

And that I'm a grown man with no curfew.

Okay, but I was worried sick, Doc. The least you could have done is call.

Okay, mother. Next time, I'll call.

[Humming "Ode to Joy"]

You got laid.

I beg your pardon?

Oh, yeah, you did. You got laid.

[Scoffs] I mean...

Up top, Doc. Come on.

No, I am not...

Up top. Hey, right here, come on.


So, who's the lucky lady?

[Humming "Ode to Joy"]

[Buzzer] Please tell me your full name...

And the date and place of your birth.

William Hollis Flynn.

June 10, 1977, Danville, Illinois.

Do you know why I'm here?

To make sure my brain's working good so I can stand trial again.

That's correct.

I'm gonna ask you some questions to test your memory and cognition, all right?

Yes, Sir.

What day of the week is it?

Uh, it's Thursday.

Can you name all the cities you've ever lived in?

I grew up in Chicago, and I was in Lexington...

In a trial, do you know what a prosecutor's job is?

Yeah, try and put criminals like me in jail.

Count backwards from 100 in groups of 3.

94, 91...


Can I have a look at that?

Did you always like to draw?

No. Just since I been in prison.

So after you got shot?

Yeah, I guess so.

A friend asks if he can borrow your new car.

What do you do?

If I don't need it, then, sure, why not?

Someone you just met invites you over for dinner.

They're making eggplant. You hate eggplant. What do you say?

I never had eggplant.

Well, imagine you that you had and you really couldn't stand the taste.

Well, I guess I'd ask if they had something else, or...

Maybe I'd pretend like I liked it so that I didn't hurt their feelings.

Billy, do you know why you're on trial?

Because I k*lled Amy.

Why did you do it?


Because I was angry, I guess, because... because she left, you know?

But all the bad things I done to her, I can't blame her for wanting to get away from me.

And when I woke up in the hospital, I just kept asking myself over and over...

"What kind of person does that"...

"To somebody they love?"

What the hell was all that eggplant crap?

I need to get him to the university for a brain scan.

Are you nuts?

Hey! Cool it.

You asked Daniel to do this. Let him do it his way.

You know what a bureaucratic nightmare that is, Kate.

I'd have to file a writ of temporary release, get an escort.

Oh, gee, I'm so sorry if you'd have to expend a little effort for once in your life, Donnie.

Wait a minute. Are you that Donnie?

Is he that Donnie?

Yes, he's that Donnie.

So you talk about me.

Okay, "that Donnie". Here's the deal.

I need an MRI.


It seemed pretty clear to me in the first two minutes that the guy is competent.

Hell, he's downright articulate.

You have more than enough to form an expert opinion.

Exactly, expert. I'm the expert.

And I'm not forming any opinion until I've thoroughly examined the subject.

And to do that, I need an MRI.

[Door opens]

Kate: File this for me.

The b*llet bored through his Prefrontal Cortex like a power drill, but it completely missed his Optic Chiasm, his Trochlear Nerve, the Genu of the Corpus Callosum.

Okay, Daniel, slow down. What's your point?

My point is the guy you want to execute...

He doesn't even exist anymore.

Billy Flynn gave himself a Prefrontal Lobotomy.

I'm not following.

This magic b*llet...

It didn't affect his sight, his speech, his motor function, or cognition.

Well, then we're good.

Not so fast.

The b*llet did scramble a whole series of synapses in his Prefrontal Cortex associated with personality expression.


The Flynn that I examined is a completely different person, from the one that k*lled his wife.

[Laughing] Come on. Give me a break.

He used to be angry and violent. Now he's docile and subservient.

He used to be into contact sports and drinking beer.

And now it's all about art and music.

All of the attributes that we use to describe who someone is have changed.

This is all really fascinating, but I have two questions for you.

Fire away.

Is Billy Flynn able to understand, the nature and the purpose of the proceedings against him?

Well, yeah, but...

And, in your expert opinion, is he able to assist in his own defense?

Yes, but you're missing the point.

No, the only issue here is whether Flynn is competent to stand trial, and you've just confirmed that he is, so thank you.


And, by the way, I don't think I'm gonna need to call you to the stand after all.

Hey, I didn't want to testify in your little show trial in the first place.

You came to me, remember?

He's right just because you don't like his conclusions doesn't mean you can ignore them.

He could put all of his conclusions in his report, and I'll file it with the court.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a trial to prepare for.


[Knock on door]

Daniel's competency report.

Hmm. Thanks.

Don't you have to turn that over to the defense?

Oh, I'm turning it over.

Along with the rest of Flynn's medical history, and all the other evidence we've collected over the last five years.

Unfortunately, our office is a little short-staffed right now, so...

We didn't have a chance to organize any of it.

You're always working an angle, aren't you, Donnie?

Hey, Kate?

I'm not gonna pretend to be some kind of Saint.

I know you're still pissed at me, and I don't blame you.

Sleeping with your best friend was not my most shining moment.

Wow. Big of you to admit it.

But since we're gonna be working together now, the least we could do is try to be civil.

Here, I ordered from Hop Li, your favorite.

Sit down. Have an egg roll.

I have an idea.

How about you take that egg roll, shove it up your ass.

I can't believe how good this is.

Pizza is like sex.

Even when it's bad, it's still pretty good.

Did you just imply that you and I are having bad "pizza"?


We are definitely having mind-blowingly great "pizza".

Oh. Well, then, I'm glad I decided to cheat.

On my strict diet.


Mmm. It's good to see you enjoying yourself.

Well, I'm just so damn happy, which, frankly, I find annoying.

You're annoyed that you're happy?

Yes, I'm much more comfortable being grumpy and anti-social, but...

Everything just tastes better and...

Smells better.


Mm, mm.

This is... I... we should go on a date.

Like a... like a proper date to a fancy restaurant.

Maybe we should take it slow on the whole going-public thing.

We've been together in public before.

To a museum or a lecture.

But not at night in a romantic restaurant.

Oh, I see. You're ashamed to be dating the neighborhood lunatic.

No, of course not.

I'm a shrink involved with a former patient.

What if I ran into a colleague?

I'm just not ready to have to explain myself, you know?

Daniel, are you okay?

I'm fine.

In fact, you know what?

I have no desire to go to some pretentious restaurant filled with pretentious people.

I much prefer pizza in bed.

Mrs. Flynn had multiple burn marks, and lacerations on her arms, legs, and upper leg area.

She also sustained multiple skull fractures as a result of blunt-force trauma to the back of her head.

And was that the cause of death?


She was strangled.

No further questions.

Your witness, Mr. Bauer.

Oh, uh, no questions, your honor.

And is the person that you witnessed, threatening the victim in the courtroom today?

Let the record reflect that the witness is pointing at the defendant.

No further questions.

No questions, your honor.

State your name and occupation.

Vernon Hill.

Chairman, Road Ragers benevolent riding association.

Is Billy Flynn also a member of the Road Ragers?

Was till a few years ago.


Were you with Mr. Flynn when he found out his wife had decided to leave him?

Yep. He said he was gonna k*ll the bitch.

And did Mr. Flynn have a reputation for following through on his threats?

What Billy had a reputation for was being mean.

He'd boot stomp you just to watch your expression change.

No more questions.

Let me guess.

No questions, your honor.


What's this?

Sweetening the pot.

Four box seats to the London Philharmonic's performance of Mahler's third.

Oh, I haven't been to the symphony in years.

How did you get box seats?

I'm a man with connections.

Picture it... you, me, two lovely ladies.

I can't.

You do realize that this is the London Phil's only performance in The United States this year?

I know, but my... my circumstances have changed.

Changed how?


I'm seeing someone.

Who is she?

Woman: Daniel?

Way to go, buddy.

That is not her.

You are Dr. Daniel J. Pierce?


Congratulations. You've been served.


Hey, if you changed your mind about me testifying, you could have just asked.

You didn't need to send some big-breasted errand girl.

What are you talking about?

Perry Mason here subpoenaed me.

No, I didn't.

Oh, yeah? What do you call that?

The defense must have done it.


Kate: Bauer. He probably dug up your competency report.


That sneaky bastard.

He's gonna use it as a last-ditch attempt to try and resurrect an insanity defense.

Or he's just hoping to use it to soften up the jury for sentencing.

Either way, you better not screw up my case.

My name is Daniel J. Pierce.

I'm a Professor of Neuroscience at Chicago-Lake Michigan university.

And what specialized education did you receive to earn that title?

The government stipulates as to Dr. Pierce's credentials.

He's our expert, for God's sake.

You can move on.

Do you recognize this document?

This is my competency evaluation of Billy Flynn.

Dr. Pierce, would you please read the highlighted portion?

"The subject is, neurologically speaking, a different person than he was prior to the sh**ting".

Objection. Relevance.

We intend to prove that, because of the defendant's injury, he is in fact no longer the same individual who committed the alleged crimes.

Are you kidding? On what legal foundation?

You've got the wrong man on trial.

What a load of crap!

You should be dead already for what you did to my daughter. I should k*ll you myself!

[Gavel bangs] Sidebar... now.

[Crowd murmuring]

This is ludicrous.

Your honor, the government's own expert, believes that the defendant is not the same man he used to be.

Now, I intend to call witnesses who can describe him before he was shot.

And then I will call people who know him now, and they will all testify that he is, indeed, a fundamentally different person.

It's a question for the jury.

You can't seriously be considering this.

It is a stretch.

But so was admitting DNA evidence the first time.

And a man's life is at stake here, which I do not take lightly.

So I'm inclined to give Mr. Bauer a little leeway.

When was the first time that you met Billy Flynn?

When I went to ask him if he knew what happened to my dog.

And what did he say?

That he kicked Gypsy's head in because her barking woke him up.

It was the middle of the afternoon.

Now, 10 years ago, Billy Flynn was incarcerated for aggravated as*ault.

What kind of inmate was he back then?

Worst of the worst.

Always getting into fights with guards, inmates.

And what about this time, after he shot himself and was subsequently convicted of m*rder?

What's he like now?

A model prisoner.

Obedient. Polite.

Asks about my family.

Isn't it true that the Road Ragers have a code...

That says that you don't snitch on one another?

We live by that code and we die by that code.

Well, then why are you snitching on Billy Flynn right now?

Because Billy broke the code first when he testified against me.

Are you referring to Mr. Flynn's testimony three years ago?

Testimony which helped the state prosecute several Road Ragers in a g*n-running case?


And you personally served 18 months, isn't that correct?

That's correct.

And whatever deal that son of a bitch made better have been worth it because now he's fair game.

Keep it clean, Mr. Hill.

Would it surprise you to learn that Billy Flynn received absolutely no special treatment in exchange for his testimony against you and the other Road Ragers?


Last warning, Mr. Hill.

Billy Flynn broke your code under threat of death.

Just so he could stop people like you from committing more crimes.

Now, I ask you, does that sound to you like the actions of a violent criminal?

Tell me about your sister.

Amy was such a beautiful person.

Her life was full of so much promise until she met Billy.

And what happened when Amy left Billy?

He gathered up her belongings and set them on fire.

And then he tracked her down and dragged her back.

And when she tried to escape?

He strangled her to death.

Afterwards, I went to their place to see if I could, salvage anything of Amy's, you know, just to remember her by.

I had to dig through empty beer bottles and pornography, filth.

All I could find was this half-burned picture of Amy from her graduation.

She was so happy that day.

[Voice breaking] Now that picture is all I have left of my baby sister.

So, I take it you believe that Billy Flynn should be found guilty and ex*cuted?


And why is that, Mr. Kendricks?

After Billy was granted an appeal, I went to see him.

I wanted to look him in the eye, and let him know that I hadn't forgiven him for what he'd done to Amy.

But something strange happened.

And what was that?

He asked me how my garden was doing.

I grow tomatoes.

I knew, in that moment, that he wasn't the same monster that had k*lled my sister.

He was a different man.

And over the past couple months, that moment has stuck with me.


Torn at me.

And I'm sorry, dad, for what I'm about to say.

But I think Billy Flynn should be set free.

[Crowd murmuring]

Your crazy Professor screwed us.

You don't think Flynn could actually walk, do you?

Have you been watching the jury?

They seemed pretty moved by the testimony.

And juries are prone to doing crazy things.

So, what are you gonna do?


The government recalls Dr. Daniel Pierce.

I remind you you're still under oath, Dr. Pierce.

I understand.

Dr. Pierce, are you a paranoid schizophrenic?

Objection, your honor. Relevance.

Your honor, the defense's entire case hinges on Dr. Pierce's testimony.

[Echoing] And Dr. Pierce's mental state goes directly...

[Normal voice] To the issue of his reliability and bias.


[Echoing] You may answer the question, Dr. Pierce.

Again, Dr. Pierce.

[Echoing] Are you a paranoid schizophrenic?


And what are some of your symptoms?

I take medication to control my symptoms.

[Normal voice] Are you always on your meds?

No, but...

So, then you experience delusions?



Occasionally, but it's not relevant to my...

Do you sometimes draw elaborate theories and connections...

[Echoing] That don't exist?

Yes, but...

[Normal voice] No further questions, your honor.

Daniel, hold up.

How did it slip out?

What are you talking about?

Over coffee or maybe a little pillow talk?

You think I told Donnie?

Okay, if you think that I would ever betray your trust like that, you obviously don't know me as well as I thought you did.

In the matter of The United States versus William H. Flynn.

As to the charge of m*rder in the first degree...

We, the jury, find the defendant not guilty.

[Crowd murmuring]

Daniel: I should never have blamed Kate.

I mean, obviously, there are other people at the FBI that are aware of my diagnosis.

You'll apologize. She'll understand.

The question is, why were you so upset in the first place?

Because that assh*le, Donnie, put me on display like a monkey in a zoo.

You were humiliated. Do you want to talk about it?

You're not my shrink anymore.

I'm talking to you as a friend.


I... I realize on an intellectual level that I shouldn't be ashamed of my condition.

But just that the idea that it's now part of some... some public record, that the whole world knows that Daniel J. Pierce is a certified nut job...

It just makes me squirm.

Daniel, the jury acquitted Flynn.


So they didn't buy Donnie's attack on your credibility.

Maybe people are more enlightened and accepting than you give them credit for.
[Indistinct conversations]

Hey, Dr. Pierce!


Sorry to bother you, Doc, but I just wanted to thank you for all you done for me.

Oh, I just gave my professional opinion.

Maybe, but if it wasn't for you, I'd be facing the electric chair.

So, what are you gonna do now that you're a free man?

You could take some art classes.


I just got my ride back.

The only plans I got is to tear up some asphalt and raise a little hell.

You were all so gullible.

See you around, Doc.

[Engine turns over, revs]


Kate, I don't know how he did it, but he fooled me, he fooled all off us!

Who fooled us?

Billy Flynn.

He didn't undergo any personality change. How could I have been so stupid?!

Okay, where are you getting this?

He practically admitted it. He was throwing it in my face.

When was this?

Just now on campus.

I came straight here to tell you. Kate, you have to re-arrest him.

I can't do that.

I know you can't charge him with m*rder again because it's double jeopardy.

But you could at least charge him with perjury.

Daniel, I can't charge him with anything.

Why not?

Because Billy Flynn was shot outside his halfway house 12 hours ago.

He's dead.

Daniel, we had a deal, remember?

I got to go. I got to...

You promised me that if you started having symptoms, that you would tell me.

[Alarm rings] No, do...

Are you having symptoms?

[Exhales sharply]

A couple weeks ago, I started to notice that my hand was shaking.

It was a tremor, a side effect of my medication.

Is it serious?

It could be the onset of something called Tardive Dyskinesia, involuntary tics and spasms.

It's rare with the new class of dr*gs, but if you don't stop it, it could become permanent.

So, you went off your meds.


I planned to try a different medication.

But first I had to taper off the one that I'm on, and so I've...

I've gradually been lowering my dosage.

And on top of that, you were stressed from having to testify, so you...

Had an episode.

Does Dr. Newsome know you've been messing with your meds?

She hasn't been my doctor since I got out of the hospital.

Oh, I didn't realize.

No, no, but I have another doctor, and he knows all about this.

So can we just... can we stop talking about me, please, and start talking about the case?

The victim's father, Alan Kendricks, he stood up in court and threatened to k*ll Billy.

Yeah, I like him for it, too.

So, what? Was there evidence at the crime scene?

.45-caliber shell casings.

They match casings from a sh**ting at a bar in Naperville six years ago.

This kid, Joseph Garcia, got shot in the leg.

Never I.D.'d the sh**t.

Anyway, I was on my way to go talk to him when, uh, you showed up.

Well, what are we waiting for?

Daniel, are you sure that that's a good idea?

I mean, running around, chasing down leads, so soon after you've...

Had an episode?


You know nothing focuses my mind better than working on a case with you.

Besides, now that you know everything, you can keep an eye on me.

Now, can we please get the hell out of here?

All right.

Joseph: I'll tell you the same thing I told the cops six years ago.

I was at a bar, got hit from behind.

Next thing I know, I'm waking up in an ambulance.

They take anything? Money, wallet?


Okay, so, you're telling me that you were assaulted, shot, for no reason whatsoever?

Look, I wish I could help you, but I didn't see anything, and I didn't hear anything.

So, if we're done, I really need to get back to work.

[Engine revving]

Daniel, you okay?

Yeah, it's that damn motorcycle.

You saw a motorcycle?

I didn't hear anything.

It was the Road Ragers, wasn't it?


They were the ones who beat you up and shot you.

I don't know what you're talking about.

What, did he thr*aten you to keep quiet?

I made one mistake six years ago, and I've been looking over my shoulder ever since.

Joe, if you'll talk to the U.S. Attorney, if you agree to testify, he can get you into Witness Protection, okay?

You can stop looking over your shoulder.

Joseph: I'd just finished finals, so I decided to get a couple of beers.

You know, celebrate.

I started talking to this girl.

She was hot, a lot of leather.

The next thing I know, someone hit me in the back of the head, and a bunch of bikers just dragged me out into the alley.

Donnie: And then what?

They were punching and kicking me.

And then I heard a g*nsh*t, and I felt blood running down my leg.

Most of them took off at that point, but one guy hung back.

He said now I'd learn what happens when I mess with a Road Ragers girl.

And what happens to snitches is even worse, so if I had any ideas about going to the cops, just forget about it.

So that's what I did. I forgot about it.

Do you recognize the man who threatened you?

Him. I'll never forget that face.

Vernon Hill.

I'll draft a warrant.

Come on, Joe. I'll have the marshals get you somewhere safe.

I hope there are no hard feelings about what happened in court.

It wasn't personal. I was just doing my job.


Arrogance, selfishness, grandiosity...

Classic indicators of narcissistic personality disorder.

Nothing personal. Just doing my job.

We have a witness who connects you to a sh**ting behind a bar in Naperville six years ago.

The same .45 used in that incident was used to k*ll Billy Flynn.

That ties you to the g*n, which is more than enough for me to charge you with Billy's m*rder.

I remember the bar, but I didn't sh**t that kid.

Billy did. That was his .45.

Oh, sure. Blame the dead guy.

Yeah, that's original.

Now I suppose you're gonna try to convince us that Billy used that same .45 to sh**t himself after he was released from prison.

I did sh**t myself once right here.

But that was with a .22, and it was an accident.

Shh! I'm trying to listen.

Even if by some remote chance in hell, you are telling me the truth about the .45, it's no stretch to imagine that it came into your possession at a later time.

I mean, you were all friends. You probably shared a lot of things...

Uh, motorcycles, women, g*ns.

Nah, that's before I gave myself the Lobotomy.

I was a selfish bastard back then.

Didn't share anything with anybody. But him?

He's the exact same scumbag he's always been.

Wait, I don't know... what are you saying, that... that Vernon did it or didn't do it?

Oh, you got me.

I'll say it again, Doc.

You're pretty gullible.

Oh, why? What? Because you fooled me about your condition? Obviously, you didn't.

I never said I fooled you, but someone sure as hell did.

Who fooled me?

I'm not really sure.

But I did suffer a lot of damage to my Prefrontal Cortex, remember?

I mean, my mind was changed completely, which isn't an easy thing to do.

I mean, it's not like Frankenstein.

You can't just take a brain out of one person and put it in another.

Look at you, for instance.

What about me?

You know, how you're taking all these pills to change your mind but...

Not so easy to change your mind, is it?

I don't want to have to write down that you're not being cooperative.

Listen, there's only...

Whoa! Daniel, what are you doing?

Get the hell out of here.

I'm sorry. He didn't k*ll Billy Flynn.

But... but I know who did.

If you're here to tell us that piece of gutter scum, Flynn, got at he deserved...

We already heard.

No, we're here because we know who k*lled him.

Uh, look, I know what I said in court.

But you don't honestly think I had anything to do with his death?

No, not you, Mr. Kendricks.

Daniel: You never really changed your mind about Billy Flynn, did you, Charlie?

I mean, how could you? He strangled your baby sister.

Charlie, what are they talking about?

I have no idea.

You went to Flynn's house after Amy died to collect her things.

That's where you found that charred photo of her, but you found something else, didn't you?

We took tire-tread impressions near the scene.

They're gonna match your truck. We know it was you.

What did you do, Charlie?

I hated him, dad... for what he did to Amy.

When I went to get her things, I found the g*n.

I thought, "how poetic".

You know, k*ll him with his own g*n.

But then Flynn was sentenced to death.

I put the g*n away, and I forgot about it.

Until that shyster, Ruben Bauer, showed up and got him a new trial.

I did go to see Billy, to tell him how he wasn't gonna get away with it this time, either.

How when they finally fried him, I would be right there to enjoy watching the life drain out him.

He just kept saying how sorry he was, like that was gonna change my mind.

Then you showed up and testified how Billy had miraculously turned into this Saint.

You know, it made me want to puke.

But I could see how the jury was buying all the crap you and that lawyer were slinging.

And you realized he might actually get off.

Maybe the jury would spare his pathetic excuse of a life, and that was a chance I couldn't take.

So you went to the defense and offered to testify on Flynn's behalf.

You figured if the victim's own brother testified that Flynn had changed...

He'd get out, and I'd make sure he got the justice that he deserved.

You think Billy became a different person, Dr. Pierce?

When he k*lled my sister, I became a different person.

Charlie Kendricks is refusing a plea.

Says he wants a trial.

So Billy gets out, and Charlie goes in.

Well, maybe not.

What? You think he'll walk?

Ruben Bauer just agreed to represent him.


I wonder if he'll put up that "he's a different guy altogether" defense again.

I wonder if I could ever be a different guy altogether.

Different from the one you hate so much.


If I shot you in the head.



Daniel. You owe me big time.

What for?

Because you wouldn't be my wing man, I had to invite Neumeier from engineering.

Total disaster, the man's irritable bowel was acting up, he got up three times to go to the bathroom for goodness' sakes, needless to say, the whole evening was ruined.

And now Elaine is saying she just doesn't think of me in that way.

What do you want me to do about it?

This woman you're dating. Surely she's got friends, right?

Smart, funny, sexy friends?

I'm asking you to set me up.

Caroline: So, what did you tell him?

I told him forget it. I'm not a dating service.

And did you tell him who you were dating?

Are you kidding? Do you know what a gossip Haley can be?

Woman: Daniel, who are you talking to?


I know how picky you can be about your tea.

I hope I got you the right kind.

I'm not that picky. I like a lot of tea.


You're a little picky.

Maybe I'm a little picky.

Daniel: Can people really change?

Is our personality genetically pre-programmed?

Or is it malleable?

The science of Neuroplasticity...

Suggests that our brain has the ability to change and grow throughout our life.

In essence, our experiences rewire us.

They can make us do or think things previously undoable or unthinkable.

They can provoke us into forming new thoughts and ideas.

And they can teach us valuable lessons, making us less inclined to repeat the mistakes of our past.

The brain is in a constant state of flux.

Suggesting that nothing in life is permanent.

And yet, as they say, the more that things change... The more they stay the same.