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01x07 - Nemesis

Posted: 08/28/12 22:58
by bunniefuu
[ Elevator bell dings ]

Excuse me.


I only do elevators for you, Kate. This better be good.

Okay. Just trust me and follow my lead.

What.. Are you trying to strangle me?

I just want you to make a good impression.

Who exactly am I trying to impress?

New boss. She's a real ball-buster..

Think Margaret Thatcher with a g*n and better hair, but she's also brilliant, and she might be the first female Director in the history of the FBI.

I would like it if she took an interest in me, so please just be your normal, brilliant self, but not too wacky, okay?

What do you mean wacky?


Ah, Dr. Daniel Pierce, this is Special Agent in charge Irene Reardon and Justice Karen Trent of the seventh circuit court of appeals.

[ Clears throat ]

Irene: For the time being.

In strict confidence, I can tell you.

Judge Trent is on the short list for Solicitor General.

Formal vetting begins next week, but on preliminary background, Judge Trent has informed us she's been receiving disturbing letters.

So we're opening a formal investigation.

I keep telling them this isn't really necessary.

I'm sure he's harmless.

"He" who?

Brady McGraw.

Arrested last winter for trespassing on the naval station Great Lakes and charged with domestic terrorism.

His behavior seemed off, so I ordered a psych eval.

He was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic.

Given his condition, I sentenced him to treatment instead of jail.

I'm impressed.

I wish more judges had such an enlightened view of mental illness.

Well, he's repaying the Judge's enlightenment by stalking her.

Which is where you come in.


Hypergraphia. Intense compulsion to write. Dostoevsky had it.

Well, that's hardly "The Brothers Karamazov". and Agent Moretti tells me you're the man to help us take Brady off the streets.

Maybe I'm missing something. Has he committed a crime?

If you determine that Brady is a threat, he has.

Are you looking for my professional opinion or a rubber stamp?

We're talking about the safety of a Federal Judge, Dr. Pierce.

I'm sure you'll do the right thing.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Knock on door ]

Brady McGraw?

Agent Moretti, FBI.

Brady: Go away.

Judge Trent asked us to come.

Are you enemies of Ellebra?

No. No, Brady. We're friends.

Come in, quick, before they see you. Quick!

[ Siren wails in distance ]

Who are the enemies of Ellebra?

The Turlocks.

They're always after me, but we're safe in here.

Maybe they saw you coming.

I'm gonna activate the jammers to block their probes..

So that they can't hear us.

They get static.

It hurts their ears, but they deserve it because they're always spying on me.

[ Static ]

That's a beautiful painting.

No. You can't look at this. You don't have proper clearance.

It looks just like Judge Trent.

No. It's not her.

It's okay. We understand.

You have to protect her identity.

You know about that?

You can trust us, Brady.

Just like you trust the healer.

Sh.. Sh.. She's the only other one I've told.

H.. How did you learn the Judge's secret?

Did she tell you?

I received a coded message from Ellebra.

It's her home planet.

They told me that she'd been sent here to avenge all injustice in our world.

Her real name is Nemesis.


So she's an enemy.


No, she doesn't understand.

I.. I.. I'll explain.

She doesn't understand.

I'll explain.

Um, the Greek personification of..

Of justice wasn't a blindfolded virgin with scales.

It was Nemesis, a fierce warrior, who exacted vengeance with her sword of justice, right?


This is the sword of Ellebra.

They've entrusted it with me, to help the Judge on her mission.

What mission?

To save Earth.

The Ellebrans have had peace for thousands of years, and now they want to help us evolve out of w*r and v*olence.

So they sent Nemesis to avenge all wrong and vanquish all evildoers.

And I'm doing everything that I can to help her complete the mission.

Like writing her letters.

Yes. She's all alone on a..

On an alien planet.

I wanted her to know that I was her friend.

That's good, Brady, but..

You should know that Judge Trent wasn't comforted..

By your letters, she was frightened.


I never meant to scare her.

I just wanted her to know that I was on her side.

Saving the world is a lonely job.

Brady, are you.. Are you seeing a Doctor?

You're just like all the rest.

You pretend to understand, but you just want to lock me up, shove me down, and put pills in my throat.

No. No, I would never do that to you, Brady.

But you're carrying a very heavy burden all by yourself.

And medication can be helpful.

There are new pills with fewer side effects.

If I take pills..

The signals get all scrambled, I can't receive messages, Ellebra vanishes.

And then I'm all alone.

Daniel: Brady McGraw sees you as the savior of the planet.

He thinks you're a superhero with a double identity..

Literally sent here to save Earth.

Sounds like I'm Clark Kent, from Ellebra instead of Krypton.

Daniel: Schizophrenics often conflate pop culture into their delusions.

So, what, this.. This kook is Lex Luthor?

No, no. Not at all. No, on the contrary, he sees himself as.. As your wife's protector.

He'd rather die than have harm come to her.

That's a relief, right? Maybe now everyone can relax.

Look, I'm a real-estate developer, not a cop, but I've got a pretty good bullshit detector.

And right now, it's ringing off the hook.

A disturbed guy has delusions about my wife, he's ranting about swords, and you want to leave him out on the street?

That's the law, honey.

If he hasn't committed a crime, he can't be locked up.

Then he should be hospitalized.

You can't force Brady into treatment just because he makes you uncomfortable.

He's got rights.


Including the right not to be medicated or committed against his will.

Kate: If it would make you feel better, I could have the Marshals' Service put a car outside, just for a few days.

[ Scoffs ]

Absolutely not. No. I..

Do you remember the O'Bannion trial?

[ Chuckles ]

The Irish Mob supposedly had a contract out on me..

And I suddenly had a pack of Federal Agents trotting behind me on my morning run.

I felt like an idiot.

Thanks, but no thanks.

I just want to get on with my life.

[ Sighs ]

I wish I could have helped Brady.

You stopped the Feds from locking him up.

It sounds like a win.

He needs therapy, medication.

Pot, meet kettle.

I'm not a hypocrite, Natalie.

I never said that medication can't be a lifesaver.

For everyone but you.

I'm fine.

I've got my routines, I've got Lewicki.

Methinks the neuropsychiatrist doth protest too much.

I am completely functional. Brady's lost in his delusions.

You hallucinate.

Yeah, and as you're always pointing out, sometimes my hallucinations help me access my unconscious mind.

It's come in handy lately.

It also prevents you from leading a normal life..

From making real friends.

Well, maybe I like the friends I got.

[ Knock on door ]

Kate: Daniel.


David Trent came home tonight and found his wife stabbed to death.


There's no forensic evidence yet, but the working assumption is that Brady McGraw did it.

I need to see that crime scene.

Kate: I'm don't know if this is a good idea.

They said it's a bloody mess inside.

I need to see it. There may be evidence that exonerates Brady.

This is your fault!

Mr. Trent..

You said he wouldn't hurt her.

I.. I..

You told her she was safe, and now she's dead!

Get him out of here, Agent Moretti.

I might.. Maybe I can help.

You've done enough for one day. Get him out of here!

If I can just..

Daniel. [ Sighs ]

Kate: I heard the briefing.

The task force hasn't found Brady McGraw or any forensic evidence against him.

Thanks for the update, but I'm well aware of where this investigation stands.

I'd like your permission to pursue other suspects.

Okay, you've got my attention.

What other suspects?

She made a lot of enemies.

She sentenced half of the Sinaloa Cartel to death.

She approved the rezoning of Cabrini-Green into commercial development instead of low-income housing..

Pissed a lot people off.

Just last year, the Irish Mob put a bounty on her head.

Agent Moretti, I appreciate your initiative, but Judge Trent was brutally stabbed to death in her own home.

It hardly looks like a professional hit.

What it does look like is the work of a disturbed man whom Doctor Pierce claimed was not a threat.

But it is possible that Brady's not the k*ller.

Your pet expert screwed the pooch.

Because of him, Judge Trent is dead!

Because of that, I just got an earful from the Director himself, after he got an earful from The White House.

Not exactly the impression I wanted to make in my first week in this job.

Not exactly the impression I wanted to make on you, either.

[ Chuckles ]

Then you'll understand why I'm going to muddle through this investigation without your invaluable assistance.

Yes, ma'am.

Crazy crime.. Must be a crazy k*ller.

No way a sane person would do something like that, so it's got to be a schizophrenic.

You're over-identifying with Brady.

Yeah, that's because he's wrongly accused.

Daniel, just because you've never been violent doesn't mean the same is true of all schizophrenics.

Well, all of Brady's delusions about the Judge were positive.

He venerated the woman. He had no reason to hurt her.

And there's no evidence that he did.

Well, if you're so sure that he's innocent, wouldn't finding him and exonerating him be better than ranting to me about the injustice of it all?


Except for the fact that I'm persona non grata at the FBI at the moment.

Besides, how would I find him when 100 Federal Agents and the Chicago P.D. can't?


You can understand him in a way that no cop can.

Where do you find answers to problems you can't solve?

You are not supposed to be here.

I think I know how to find Brady.

Daniel, we were kicked off the case.

The key is understanding his delusions.

Remember "the healer"? He trusted her. He confided in her.

If we can figure out who she is, maybe she can help us find him.

For all we know, she is from the planet Ellebra.


So, wait?

You want me to track down an alien?

No, in Brady's mind, Judge Trent was an alien, but she's real.

The healer must be, too.

So, where should start? The Hubble Telescope?

The Judge ordered him into psychiatric care.

"The healer" may be one of his Doctors.

Agents talked to Brady's shrink at Cedar Heights.

He has no idea where he is.

Okay, so, there's lots of caregivers in a hospital..

Orderlies, nurses, social workers.

We can't just march into the hospital and start interviewing 500 employees.

What planet are you from, and what have you done with the real Kate Moretti?

Ellen: What does the FBI want with Brady?

Well, we're trying to locate him.

Why? What do you think he did?

They think he stabbed a Federal Judge.

Oh, there's no way. Brady's gentle.

And he's freaked out by the sight of blood.

You can't even get near him with a syringe unless he has a valium in him.

He's always been like that.

Sounds like you know him pretty well.

He's kind of a frequent flyer around here.

He's been in and out of treatment a dozen times since he was 17.

He's a sweet kid when he's on his meds.

Well, apparently, he's not on them now.

I know. I spoke with him last week.

You kept in touch after he was discharged.

He doesn't have anyone else.

Both his parents are dead, and he scares new people off with his delusions about aliens.

He's lucky to have a friend like you.

Some friend I was.

I knew he was decompensating, and I couldn't convince him to get back on his meds or admit himself.

I wish I could have helped.

You can help him now.

[ Sighs ]

You mean I can help you.

You want me to turn him in.

Do you know where he is?

If I did, I probably wouldn't tell you.

I've seen how cops treat the mentally ill.

One time Brady was brought in by CPD, they pepper-sprayed him for no reason.

Ellen, I'm not a cop. I'm a physician.

I know how to bring Brady in safely.

And once we do that, it may be possible to get him mandated back into treatment.

No jail?

Not if I can help it.

There's an abandoned warehouse off Torrence Avenue.

I picked him up there once when he called me for help.

He said it's a portal to Ellebra.

When we get there, you have to let me take the lead.

Daniel, we can't go pick him up on our own.

Why not?

Because it's one thing for me to interview a bunch of hospital employees.

We're talking about a fugitive here, maybe armed, maybe dangerous.

He's not dangerous.

I know you think that, but if you're wrong and I haven't follow procedure, if I don't have any backup..

I know, I know.

You'll get in even bigger trouble with your new boss.

What I was going to say was if anything happened to you, it'd be my fault.

I'd never forgive myself.

Irene: You conduct a rogue investigation with a civilian, after I specifically ordered you not to..

And now you Waltz in here and announce you think you know where Brady McGraw is.


You've got brass ones, Agent Moretti. I'll give you that.

How sure are you that Brady McGraw is at this warehouse?

Schizophrenics are creatures of habit and ritual.

At a time of stress, he'd retreat to the familiar.

Well, thank you, Dr. Pierce.

You have to let me bring him in.

You're not a trained field Agent.

Brady McGraw is mentally ill.

My training is exactly the kind you need.

Just don't screw up again.


It's Doctor Pierce.

Brady: Go away. You shouldn't be here.

Brady, please come out. We need to talk.

Who are they?

They're.. They're Federal Agents.

They're here to protect you.

I don't believe that.

Trust me, Brady.

No one wants to see you get hurt.


Drop it!

You lied to me?

Brady, no!

[ Screaming ]

Oh, God!

[ Screaming ]

I need to see Brady.

We already have a team of agents interrogating him.

He's ill. He won't talk to them.

On the contrary, he's talking a great deal.

In fact, he's made a full confession.

Man: Boss.

I appreciate your help locating Brady.

I really do.

But your role in this case is finished.

Th.. It just.. That doesn't.. A confession doesn't make sense.

Unless Brady actually did it.

No, no, no. I don't believe that.

Oh, believe it, Dr. Pierce.

The m*rder w*apon.

Complete with bloody fingerprints on the handle, which will match Brady McGraw's.

You.. You can't be sure.

He's the one who told us where the knife was hidden.

Brady: I stabbed her, over and over, and I didn't stop until she was dead.

Of course he confessed. It's called imagination inflation.

You tell a schizophrenic the same story enough times and he starts to believe it.

Those agents told him over and over again that they know he did it.

Daniel, it was a by-the-book interrogation, Brady was offered food, water.

He was never yelled at or threatened.

He should have had an attorney present.

They mirandized him twice. He denied representation.

Well, of course, because he said, "the only law is the law of Ellebra".

The court will appoint a lawyer at arraignment.

I'm sure the issue of Brady's competence will be raised.

That's great. An overworked, underpaid public defender, who probably won't have enough time to read the case file before pleading Brady out.

Daniel, enough.

The bloody fingerprints on the m*rder w*apon are Brady's.

The Judge's blood was on his clothes.

There has to be another explanation.

Listen, I realize that this is hard for you to accept, but Brady did it.

[ Sighs ]

[ Piano playing ]

Nemesis: That's pretty gloomy.

How about something a little more up-tempo?

You're not real.

You're not even my hallucination.. You're Brady's.

What's a shared delusion among friends?

And Brady needs a friend right now.

He's alone in jail, slowly losing what's left of his sanity.

What am I supposed to do? I'm off the case.

Superheroes never give up.

We have to save the world every time.

Yeah, well..

I'm no superhero.

You may not have X-ray vision or the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

But you have some pretty impressive credentials.

Daniel: I'm Dr. Daniel Pierce.

I know exactly who you are.

I'm just a little unclear as to what the FBI's pet shrink is doing at the Public Defenders' Office.

Your client is acutely mentally ill.

Until he gets a court-ordered forensic mental health exam, he's sane in the eyes of the law.

I've made a request to the Judge to have a psychiatrist appointed.

I'll do it.

You'll do what?

Evaluate Brady, testify on his behalf.

I'm sure you're qualified, but there's a slight conflict of interest.

You're still on the FBI's payroll.

I told them Brady didn't do it. They ignored my expert opinion.

Now I'm offering it to you.. Free of charge.

FBI's own expert testifying against them?

Hmm, I mean, that's the kind of fireworks I would love to set off at trial.

There may not be a trial.

If I certify that Brady was too ill to understand his rights, you might get the confession thrown out.

How soon can you see him?

I heard the call.

You were hearing voices?

Call, fall, ball, wall.

What did the voices say, Brady?

The secret frequency.. Code Omega.

What was the message?

I am called to be the sword of justice.

Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.

The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want.

Brady.. I know it's hard, Brady, but try to focus.

Can you remember what happened the night Judge Trent died?

I can't.

The Turlock.

They're in my head.

They are silencing me with their gamma ray.

Stay with me. She was stabbed, Brady. What can you tell me about that?

Not the sword of justice, the dagger of Ishtarion.

Black Obsidian, vengeance of The Night Shadows, the hero's blood runneth like a river.

What happened, Brady?

There was blood. Red red, dead dead.

She fell on her head dead.

[ Gasps ]

Get out of my mind!

Who are you talking to?

They're blocking the frequencies!

Wait, Brady! Brady! Brady!

Stop, stop, stop!

[ Breathing heavily ]

It's okay. It's okay.

You're.. You're safe.

[ Crying ] I'm sorry.

What are you sorry about?

I k*lled her.

I k*lled her.

Doc, you need to snap out of it.

You need to mind your own business.

You haven't left the house in three days.

I can't cancel any more classes.

Dean Haley's not gonna buy the stomach virus story forever.

And I've got a lot of messages for you.

Kate's been calling, and the public defender.

He says Brady's doing better in the hospital, stabilizing on the medication.

You helped Brady, Doc.

Maybe it's time to help yourself.

Look, I'm here if you need me.

Natalie: Max is right.

You did help Brady.

If I'd got him into therapy sooner, that Judge would still be alive.

You should have had him committed.

Gee, thanks for the pep talk.

I'm not gonna sugar-coat it. It's a horrible situation.

But, you can learn from it.

Here it comes.

Maybe someone else should be medicated before they go off the deep end.

Meds, meds, meds, meds, meds.

Blah, blah, blah, blah. Is that what you want?

Do you want me to be on meds? That'll all make you happy?

Fine. I can do that.

Meds all around.

I'm a Doctor.


I want that prescription filled.


Good for you, Doc. I'll pick it up right now.

[ Sighs ] [ Door opens ]

Happy now? [ Door closes ]

It's a start.

[ Chuckles ] It's a start.
What do.. What more do you want from me?

Me? Nothing.

Brady's a different story.

He's stabilized now.

Which means the reality of what he did to Judge Trent is probably hitting him.

Maybe he needs a friend.

[ Sighs ]

Brady: I can't hear the voices any more.

I guess the meds are working.

But I can't stop thinking about what I did to the Judge.

I should have got you help sooner.

You tried.

I was too sick to listen.

I wish I had.

You want to talk about it?

It sounds so stupid now.

I know the voices were in my head.

But they sounded so real.

And they told me that the Judge was in danger.

That she needed my protection.

So you went to the house.


And I took my sword, like the voices told me, and it was like I was out of my body, like I was on the ceiling looking down.

And I saw myself just stabbing her over and over.

And there was so much blood.

And then all of a sudden, I'm kneeling beside her, and I pulled the knife from out of her, and I tried to stop the bleeding, but it was too late.

I don't know why I did it.

I didn't want to hurt her.

You were sick, Brady. You..

You didn't know what you were doing.

Nemesis: Ain't that the truth.

What do you want?

Dr. Pierce, are you.. Are you okay?

Ironic, isn't it? He can't see me.

He's taking his meds.

Delusions and hallucinations will try to mislead us, Brady.

Yes, they will. But let me ask you something.

Do you ever think you're having a hallucination..

And it turns out to be real?

Brady, you said you took the sword with you to the Judge's house.

That's right.

But you didn't k*ll her with it.

No, I.. I used the knife.

Where did you get the knife?

I have no idea.

Daniel: Brady has the sword of Ellebra.

A w*apon he completely fetishizes.

He takes it to the Judge's house, and then he kills her with some random knife?

What are you getting at?

Brady remembers pulling the knife out of the Judge's chest and trying to save her from his own perspective, because that's what he actually did.

But he can only remember the m*rder itself as if he was watching it happen from..

From outside his body, like a fly on the wall.

That's because he didn't really s*ab her.

It's what I was saying. I was right. It's imagination inflation.

The agents interrogating Brady told him he stabbed the Judge with a knife, so that's the false memory that he forms, but he didn't really do it.

Then what the hell was he doing in that house?

He was hearing voices telling him to go there, but..

What if the voices weren't hallucinations?

What if they were real messages from the k*ller, setting Brady up as the fall guy?

He's schizophrenic. He's the perfect patsy.

Did anybody check his phone records or his e-mail?

No, the case was closed after Brady confessed.

You see, I.. I.. Maybe Brady is being set up.

[ Sighs ]

Well, if you're right, the real k*ller would be someone who knew about Brady's fixation with the Judge.

Her husband.

Her husband! He read the letters that she got from Brady.

He was there when we briefed the Judge.

Mm-mm, David Trent was giving a speech in front of 200 people at the time of the m*rder.

The perfect alibi if you've hired somebody to k*ll your wife.

I suppose so, but what was his motive?

I don't know. He.. He.. He wanted insurance money.

He was having an affair. I don't have all the answers.

I just know we need to see those phone records.

Irene: You're burning the midnight oil, Agent Moretti.

Anything I should know about?

I'm just working up some new theories on the Judge Trent case.

That case is closed, and I don't want you trying to reopen it.

Dr. Pierce thinks it's possible that bra..

How well do you know Dr. Pierce?

Pretty well.

I was his student, and we've worked a lot together over the past few years.

And how about his personal life?

He's a private person.

Did you know he has a history of mental illness?


Yes, but his condition is stable, and his medical history is confidential.

So how did you know about it?

It's my responsibility to ensure that the people who work for this office are fit to do so.

Dr. Pierce is fine.


And was he fine last year?

As far as I know.

But you wouldn't know, would you?

Because you were in Washington.

What's this all about?

Why don't you ask him?


Did.. Did you get the phone records?

No. We've got something else to talk about first.

When I left for D.C., you quit your consulting gig with the Bureau.

Yeah, so?

When I asked you why, you never gave me a straight answer.

What does this have to do with Brady?

Tell me, Daniel.. Why did you quit?

Wow. What is.. What is this? An inquisition?

I found out you stopped teaching, too.

Oh, you did? So you're checking up on me?

Well, let.. Let me save you the trouble.

I took a sabbatical to write a book.

Must be the first one you ever wrote that didn't get published.

Tell me.. Where were you really?

It.. It.. It.. Th.. That's none of your business.

Cut the bullshit, Daniel. I need you to tell me the truth.

Rexford Psychiatric Hospital.

I, uh.. I wasn't doing very well.

I realized I needed help, so I got it.

They medicated me.

That's where I met Max.

In the hospital.

He was an orderly. He was smart.

Didn't put up with any of my crap.

When I got stabilized, I didn't want to stay on the meds, but I knew I needed someone I could trust to keep an eye on me, make me stick to my schedule, my diet.

I promised him if he came back to Chicago I'd get him a teacher's assistant-ship so he could finish grad school.

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't want you to think of me like that.

You know, crazy.

I wouldn't.

Yeah, you would.

That's why I don't talk about my diagnosis, because then it becomes who I am.

Daniel, I know who you are.

How'd you find out?


She ran a background.

[ Chuckles ]

Big brother at his finest, ladies and gentlemen.

I'm sorry I got you in trouble.

You think I care about that, Daniel?

I care about you.

Okay, well, if we're done with embarrassing personal revelations 101, can we get back to work?

I've got a friend in ITB She owes me a favor.

She, uh, slipped me Brady McGraw's phone records.

You were right.

He was getting phone calls on the day of the m*rder..

Real ones.

From David Trent?

Don't know. Prepaid cell.

Who bought it?

Not sure, but my friend's pinging the phone as we speak.

Sometimes big brother ain't so bad.

[ Rock music plays ]

Pete: Hello?



[ Sighs ]

Whiskey. Uh, neat.

Bad day?

You have no idea.

Well, maybe I can make it better.

Oh, really?

[ Laughs ]

Where's your car?

Kate: Straight ahead.

Looking pretty good.

Oh, seriously?


FBI. You're under arrest.

I thought we were gonna go to your place.

[ Laughing ] In your dreams.

[ Groans ]

Nice work, Mata Hari. What now?

Reardon didn't want me digging back into this, so I can't bring a suspect to the office until I've got something concrete.

So, where are we going?

Somewhere with a little ambiance.

What is this place? This isn't.. This is not legal.

Do I look like I care about legal?!

I wasn't lying to you about the lousy day that I've had.

My boss is a raging bitch. I probably lost my job.

That's why you are handcuffed in this dump, instead of a nice, clean interrogation room.

I didn't k*ll that Judge.

But you did call Brady McGraw. The phone records prove it.

Making a phone call is not a crime.

Conspiracy to commit m*rder is.

You told Brady to go to that house.

That makes you responsible for what happened there.

[ Sighs ]

It wasn't my idea.

I know. It was David Trent's.

Who the hell is David Trent?

Then who told you to call Brady?

I'm not messing around here, Pete!

I.. Please. I can't say anything.

[ Sighs ]

He'd.. He'd k*ll me.

Or the government will. It's up to you.


I didn't know anybody was gonna get whacked.

I swear.

He just told me to call this crazy nut, talk about all this weird stuff like swords and aliens, and get him to the house.

That's it.

Who told you to call Brady?

[ Sighs ]

Bobby Lonergan.

I don't know who that is.

What's going on here, Agent Moretti?

Meet Bobby Lonergan.

You're new to Chicago, so you may not know this, but he's one of the top guys in the O'Bannion organization.

Remember when I asked for your permission to pursue other suspects?

I told you that the Irish Mob had a contract out on the Judge last year.

I also remember denying your request.

Oh, okay. Uh, I can cut him loose, but just so you know, I've got a witness who says that Lonergan here set up the Judge's m*rder.

Bobby: I had nothing to do with Judge Trent's death.

That's not what Pete Dolan says.

Pete Dolan's a thug who'll tell tall tales on anyone who buys him a drink.

He seemed pretty sober when he gave you up.

Really? Well, his sainted Mother's prayers have been answered.

I'll call her when I get home.

You're not going home.

And the only person you should call is a lawyer.

I already told you I don't need one.

I have done nothing wrong. I am a legitimate businessman.

Right. If by business, you mean running an organized crime syndicate.

[ Laughs ]

The Judge put away four of your cronies on Rico charges.

You found out she had a stalker, so you thought you'd use him as a patsy to get a little payback.

Any criminal affiliations I may have had in the past..

They were merely youthful indiscretions.

I'm a real-estate investor now.

Wait here a moment, Mr. Lonergan.


[ Door opens, closes ]

We've got the right guy.

But the wrong motive.

Kate: Thank you for coming in Mr. Trent.

Mind telling me, what I'm doing here?

We just wanted you to know that we've apprehended the man responsible for your wife's m*rder.

You didn't need to drag me all the way downtown to tell me that.

I was informed the minute that Brady McGraw was in custody.

Daniel: Brady's innocent.

You've got some gall.

Interrupting me while I'm planning my wife's funeral to start that crap again.

Kate: We didn't mean to upset you, Mr. Trent.

We just wanted you to know that it was Bobby Lonergan who arranged for your wife's death.


He's the Principal owner of Kenmare Equity Group.

According to your S. E.C. Filings, Kenmare took a $2 million dollar stake in your real-estate company last year.

Yes, that's right.

But I never dealt directly with this, uh..

Lonergan, you say his name was?

Yeah, but, you see, real estate isn't the only business that Mr. Lonergan is in.

He's also a shot-caller for the Irish Mob, the same organization that threatened your wife last year.

They k*lled her?

I'm sorry I blamed you.

I understand why you did.

You filed for bankruptcy last year correct?

Yes, but I don't.. I don't see what..

And then you withdrew the petition after Mr. Lonergan gave you the $2 mil.

I needed a capital infusion, and I got one.

Sure, of course, but the week after he made the investment, Mr. Lonergan bought up a bunch of the worthless land around the old Cabrini-Green housing project.

I don't know what any of this has to do with my wife's death.

Right after Lonergan bought that land, your wife made a ruling that approved the rezoning of that land for commercial use.

Lonergan made millions overnight.

So he got lucky.

With a little help from you.

What are you talking about?

You tipped him off about your wife's ruling.

That $2 million wasn't an investment, it was a kickback.

That's ridiculous.

We have Mr. Lonergan in custody.

m*rder for hire is a death-penalty offense.

Now, one of you's gonna turn state's evidence.

The other's gonna get the needle.

Just depends on who talks first.

[ Sighs ]

One night, after a few glasses of wine, Karen told me about a ruling she was making in the Cabrini-Green rezoning appeal.


And the next morning, she realized she had been indiscreet, and she asked me not to tell anyone.

But your business was in trouble, and here was an opportunity to make a little money.

I had a dozen employees who were gonna lose their job if I went under.

So I sold the information to Lonergan.

I didn't see the harm it would do.

But then your wife was tapped for Solicitor General.

And if I can find the money trail between you and Lonergan, it certainly would have come up during the background investigation for your wife's confirmation.

You go to jail, and her career would be ruined.

Lonergan came to me.

And he said that I needed to take care of it, so I went to Karen.

Turn down the nomination.

What are you talking about?

We got a good life here in Chicago.

It's Solicitor General, David.

I've worked my whole life for this.

Kate: Did you tell her why you wanted her to turn it down?

I knew she could never live..

With the dishonesty.

And that she would withdraw her name from consideration and.. And.. And.. And tell me to turn myself in.

I didn't want her career destroyed.

So you just had her k*lled instead?

No! No! I never wanted that!

I went to Lonergan.

I need more time to convince her to turn down the nomination.

It's too late.

We can't risk this coming out, David.

I don't know what else to do.

Just need to be creative.

What do you mean?

All judges make enemies.

I'm sure your wife has more than just a few.

What are you saying?

I'm saying she needs to go.

The only question is whether she goes alone or you go with her.

So you told him about Brady McGraw.

You knew his delusions would make him the perfect fall guy.

I wanted you to arrest Brady.

That way, Lonergan's plan wouldn't work, and I'd have had more time to change Karen's mind.

Kate: And then when that didn't happen, you realized you needed an alibi, and Lonergan got his stooge to lure Brady to the house with the calls.

It was a great plan.

And it worked out even better than you could have imagined, when the poor guy actually confessed to the m*rder.

It was almost the perfect crime.

Daniel: How are you doing?

I'm a little scared.

To leave the hospital.

I don't know if I can make it.

You will.


But you don't know what it's like.

Actually, I do.

I was diagnosed when I was 22.

So you're on meds, too?

There's no one-size-fits-all treatment.


Work helps.

And, uh..


The person I cared about most wasn't even real.

But I still miss her.

Max: Hey, Doc. Dean Haley called.

Wanted to know how the stomach flu's treating you.

Tell him I've made a full recovery.

I already did.

You've got back-to-back make-up classes starting at 10:00 and a faculty meeting over lunch.

Oh, and I picked up your prescription.

It's right there on the table.

Good for you, Doc.

Good night, Max.

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone.

It's not warm when she's away.

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone.

She's always gone too long, anytime she goes away.

Wonder this time where she's gone.

I wonder if she's gone to stay.