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01x06 - Lovesick

Posted: 08/22/12 22:36
by bunniefuu
Does free will exist?

Do I exert conscious control over my actions?

Did I do that on purpose?

[ Laughter ]

I'm pretty sure you did.

[ Laughter ]

Or was I forced to do it by some unseen neural process?

Fact is, most of the neuroscientific data suggests free will is an illusion.

So if that's true, are we simply meat puppets?

All of our choices made for us?

The answer to that can be found..

In our next class. Bye!

[ Students groan ]

That's brilliant, Daniel.

Ending the class on a cliffhanger always keeps them coming back for more.

The answer is "no".

To what?

To whatever it is you're about to ask me.

Unless I'm misinterpreting the blatant ego stroking.

I simply want to make sure that you're planning to attend the Chicago Science Foundation Gala on Friday.

Ah, you lost me at "gala".

I really need you there, Daniel.



Jonathan Bannister's widow is gonna be there.

I don't know who that is.

Class of '49.

Anyway, I played golf with him a couple of months ago.

And by the end of the 8th hole..

I have him verbally committed to funding the new Life Sciences building.

But a couple of days later, before I can get it in writing, the guy goes and dies of a heart attack.

How inconsiderate of him.

I feel badly about it, of course, but I am hoping to get his widow to honor her husband's promise.

I'm still waiting to hear what this has to do with me.

Well, as luck would have it, Mrs. Bannister is a fan of yours.

No. No. No, no, Paul. No, no, no.

[ Stammering ]

I am not gonna let you pimp me out to some blue hair just so the undergraduates have a shiny new building to store their mice.

No, I.. I don't have time anyway.

I'm right in the middle of some very important experiments.


What are you doing?

Did you know that pigeons' brains contain magnetite?

I did not know that.

It lets them sense the Earth's magnetic field and orients them so they can get where they're going without getting lost.

Here's the thing.. Pigeons mate for life.

So I'm wondering, after a while, does the female just follow her chosen male, or does she still use the magnetite in her brain to choose her own route?

It probably depends on whether he's buying her dinner.

You don't think they're gonna follow me home, do you?

To what do I owe the pleasure?

How would you like to help the FBI bring down a big, bad insurance company?

See, I knew this was gonna be a good day.

What'd they do.. Deny somebody benefits?

Actually, they might have committed m*rder.

Sanjay Patel.

A couple months ago, he was admitted to the E.R.

Complaining of severe depression and suicidal thoughts.

Jan Star Health was his insurance provider at the time.

They authorized one day of hospitalization.

That's generous.

It gets worse.

After he's discharged, Jan Star recommended outpatient treatment by a psychiatrist, Doctor Julian Corvis.

Corvis treats Sanjay for four sessions, then stops treatment, says Sanjay is cured.

Of severe depression? In four sessions. Bullshit.

Yeah. I'm sure Sanjay's Mother shares your skepticism.

The next morning, she found him hanging in his closet.

[ Sighs ] How does a Doctor that incompetent keep his medical license?

I do not know.

What I do know is that he will never be treating patients again.

He was found dead in his office yesterday.. Shot in the face by a .38.

Wallet was still on him, so robbery's out.

Safe was open, but there were still valuables inside.

It's unclear whether or not anything was removed.

Sanjay's family seeking payback?

They seem to be going through the proper channels.

They filed a wrongful-death suit against Jan Star and Corvis and alerted the U.S. Attorney's office, which launched an investigation.

FBI approached Corvis about testifying against Jan Star, and he agreed, on one condition.


The terms of which were still being negotiated when he was k*lled.

So you think Jan Star hired a hit man to silence him.

I am not assigned to investigate the m*rder.

But you said..

My involvement in this case is limited to the wrongful-death suit.

I need to find out what was in Corvis' files.

Well, you can't look at medical files. They're confidential.

That's why I need a special master.

A special what?

A knowledgeable and impartial third party to review the files and report on what Corvis was gonna tell the U.S. Attorney without revealing any personal information.

That's why I convinced the US Attorney to appoint you.


Well, as flattered as I am that you think I'm special, I know you, Kate.

And there's no way you're not curious about who k*lled Corvis.

I've been in some hot water with the boss lately.

Says I keep stepping outside my "circle of responsibility".

So this time, I am staying inside the circle.

So, what exactly is the diameter of this circle?

Pretty small.

Hey, Kate!


Let me guess.. You're here to take me to lunch.

Actually, I am here to see Daniel.

Sorry, sorry. Do you two know each other?

Of course. I mean, half the reason I joined the faculty was to say that I've worked with the great Dr. Pierce.

Good to see you, Daniel.

So, when are we getting together again?

[ Sighs ] Well, uh, I don't know. I might have the..

We have something that we're doing.

Yeah, sorry.

Totally understand. I'll call you.


Where do you think you're going?

I'm the only one who's allowed to look at these files.

I'm only going up to unlock the office.

Just so you remember.

You're the special master. I got it.

[ Vehicle approaches ]

It's a fresh crime scene. This seal's supposed to be intact.

Wait here.

[ Woman sobbing ]

[ Sniffles ]

Mrs. Corvis?

Cheryl: It was our honeymoon in Bora-Bora.

It was the happiest week of my life.

The FBI should have protected Julian.

Maybe you should get her home.

You sure?

I'll be fine.

Mrs. Corvis, we're gonna do everything we can to find the person who did this.

How is she?

Getting some rest.

You find anything?

Apparently, Corvis was miraculously curing his Jan Star patients of major disorders in just a few sessions.

Where as patients from other carriers, same disorders, he'd see 30 or 40 times.

So you think Jan Star was getting Corvis to churn their patients and then dump 'em.

Yeah. They paid him a major bonus every time he cut somebody loose.

They'd save a bundle, and he'd fill his schedule with patients that were from other carriers or paying cash.

Nice work, Daniel.

You testify to this, the U.S. Attorney should be able to nail Jan Star.

There's something else. Look at this.

Corvis was diagnosing a disorder called "Transferential Dopamine Deficiency".

Never heard of it.

Neither have I.

That's not in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual.

You think it's related to the Jan Star scam?

No. Everyone with this diagnosis was paying cash.

Suspicious, right?

If it's not related to Jan Star, it's outside the circle.

It doesn't make any sense..

Outside the circle.

[ Sighs ]

You found the smoking g*n.

I'll buy you a celebratory slice of pizza.


Did you know that humans are the only species that drinks the milk of another animal?

It's unnatural.. All the lactose churning away, wreaking havoc on your..

Okay, Daniel. I am not hungry any more.

[ Dog barking in distance ]

[ Laughter in distance ]


[ Chuckles ]

Oh, hi, Professor Pierce.

[ High-pitched voice ] Come out here?


What is that girl doing here?

Uh, I'm Karyn's teaching assistant. She asked me for help, and I'm helping her.

Oh, so you couldn't help her at the dorm or at the library?

What's your point?

My point is that that girl stalked me!

She almost got me fired, now she's finagled her way into my house!

She has ulterior motives.

Okay, maybe she does.

Okay, now that we see eye to eye, get her out of here.

Ever occur to you her ulterior motive is to get with me?

Hey, Max, I should go. It's getting late.

Um, okay. Yeah, I.. I'll walk you back to your dorm.

See ya, Professor Pierce.

Natalie: I think you're just jealous.

Of Lewicki?!

That girl took her shirt off in your office, and you didn't find her the least bit attractive?

I may be crazy from the neck up.

But from the waist down, I assure you I'm perfectly healthy.

When was the last time you had a date?

Is that a proposition?

In your dreams.

Hey, we had fun together.

"Had".. Past tense. You need to find somebody in the here and now.

Like your friend Kate is doing with Michael Hathaway.

Ohh, that's called setting the bar so low that anyone's acceptable.

As opposed to setting the bar so unrealistically high that you never have to show another person the real you?

Are you feeling okay?

I'm having some symptoms, but I know they're symptoms.

Such as?

I'm being followed by a Government Agent in a black S.U.V.

Are you sure it's a hallucination?

Black S.U.V.? Mirrored shades?

Straight out of the Paranoid Schizo handbook.

[ TV turns on ]

I dropped Karyn off at her dorm. Uh..

I'm gonna crash. You need anything first?

Woman: Don't forget your umbrellas, or otherwise you could get all wet.

50% chance of rain.

How does this woman stay employed when her forecast is basically "it might rain or it might not"?

Oh, I think she has other assets that keep her employed, Doc.

.. High-pressure winds creeping in from northwest Indiana.

Clearly, understanding Meteorology isn't one of them.

That's not a very nice thing to say, Daniel.

By the weekend, it looks like more of the same.

So, I miss a tropical depression once in a while.

You can miss a depression, too, can't you?

But the weather should be improving later.

I missed something.

The good news is, we're not expecting any more rain on the horizon, and right now it's just a lovely evening out there.

You okay, Doc?

Get the car.

Daniel, what are you doing?! You were supposed to wait for me.

I think I know who k*lled Corvis.


I can't tell you.

Why not?

Because it's outside the circle.

Your son was Dr. Corvis's patient?

He just went the one time.

Were you aware that..

Justin threatened to k*ll him?


No, I wasn't.

You don't think he had anything to do with..

At this point, we just want to talk to him.

During the session, Justin became aggressive and violent..

So much so that Doctor Corvis recommended he find a new therapist.

Did he?


No, he came home that day shouting and screaming. And..

He was angry at me for sending him to see Corvis.

And then he just..

Then he just took off.

His Mother..

She knew how to handle Justin a lot better than I did.

She died three years ago.

It must have been very hard for both of you.

Is that why you thought Justin should see a therapist?

No, he..

He handled it pretty well, you know..

All things considered.

He loved his music.

He had plenty of good friends. And, uh..

And then everything just changed.


Teenage stuff, mostly.

He started running around with the wrong crowd, and I thought that Corvis could help him get back on the right track, you know?

Dr. Corvis diagnosed him with something called, "Transferential Dopamine Deficiency".

Do you know what that means?

Um, I'm sorry. I don't.

And you have no idea where Justin is right now?

I haven't seen my son since he left this house.

If you find him, please..

Will you tell him that I am sorry?

About everything?

Kate: Thanks.

[ Beep ]

No hits on Justin Reycraft with FBI or Chicago P.D.

Think he'll turn up?

It's hard to say.

Sometimes runaways do just drop off the grid completely.

But we've got an APB out.

So, uh..

Your boss knows you've drifted outside the circle?

Yeah, he's giving me a little leeway.

What's up?


I'm just trying to figure out what this diagnosis means.

[ Tires screech ]

[ Crash ]

What the..

Federal Agent! Hands where I can see 'em!

Out of the car!

You better have one hell of a good reason for following us around the past couple of days.

I don't believe it.

Secret Service guy in aviator sunglasses and a black S.U.V.

Was really following us?

I know.

What a cliché, right?

Kate: Pulled your personnel file, Vincent.

Nine complaints of excessive force.

Drinking on the job.

You want to tell me what a burnout cop's doing following around the FBI?

Want to know what's great about not being on the job any more?


I don't have to talk to people like you.

Want to know what else is great about you not being a cop any more, Vincent, is that no one will give a rat's ass when I ship you for assaulting a Federal Agent.

Never laid a finger on you.

It's too bad you didn't pay more attention in the academy, because then you would know that hitting my car qualifies as as*ault.

A felony even.

Working as an investigator for Jan Star. So what?

So what happened?

They find out Corvis was gonna testify so they sent you to dig up some dirt to blackmail him with?

[ Sighs ]

Or maybe..

They sent you to silence him for good.

I was just hired to follow him, dig up dirt, like you said.

Well, if you were following him, maybe you saw who k*lled him.


I was at an A.A. Meeting when it happened.

By the time I got back to his office, it was already a crime scene.

Cop in me was curious, so I hung around. And when you and your..

Weird Professor friend show up, I run a background, find out who he is, report back to Jan Star that maybe he was gonna testify in Corvis' place.

So they told you to follow Dr. Pierce, dig up some dirt on him, too?

Instead of riding me, why aren't you looking for the guy who threatened Corvis last week?

Keep talking.

He goes to some girl's apartment.

Comes out about an hour later.

Some big guy is waiting for him, throws Corvis up against a car, threatens to break his head.

Give me a name.

I didn't get his name, but I got the girl's.

I loved Julian.

But you knew he was married, Misty.

I couldn't help myself. We just had this crazy connection.

[ Chuckling ]

And the sex was absolutely mind-blowing.

I would know, too. I've had like a ton of sex.


But with Julian it was different.

He was so into experimenting and exploring.

Sounds awesome, Misty, but this is a m*rder investigation.

Now, a witness says they saw Corvis being threatened outside your place.

What do you know about that?

It was probably Toby, my ex.

He's got a really bad temper.

And he was pretty upset when I started sleeping with Julian.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Chuckles ]

All right. I need you to wait in the car.

Toby Mulligan?

[ Sighs ]

Who's asking?

FBI. I got a couple questions for you.

Just let me finish this set.

Actually, I need to talk to you right now.

[ Grunts ]

Okay, sure. [ Grunts ]

[ Grunts ]

What? I waited in the car.

Yeah, I got in his face. But it didn't hurt him.

I wasn't even in town last Friday.

Then why'd you run?

I thought this was about the steroids.

I totally have a prescription for those, by the way.

Admit it, Toby. You were pissed off because some Joe schmo Doctor half your size was giving it to your girl and she was liking it. So you made him pay.

I told you. I didn't k*ll him.

When'd you find out she was seeing him?

You mean sleeping together or as his patient?

Misty was Corvis' patient?

She started seeing him for her self-esteem issues.

She seemed pretty confident to me.

Maybe he cured her.

He got inside her head.. Tricked her somehow.

There's no way she'd have cheated on me otherwise.

I even told his wife about it.

I thought that would end it, but it didn't.

Cheryl: Of course I knew. I knew about all my husband's affairs.

How many were there?

A few. Nothing out of the ordinary.

I liked that other women found my husband attractive.

It made me feel lucky to have him.

Well, you have a very progressive attitude towards your husband's extracurricular activities.

That's just what normal men do.

Kate: That woman is lying.

Everyone has a different attitude when it comes to sex.

You get cheated on, you feel angry, betrayed.

You want someone to pay. Trust me.

Doesn't sound like you're being entirely objective, Agent Moretti.


I'm just saying, she might seem like the poster child for cool right now, but maybe when she found out Corvis was cheating on her, she got jealous and k*lled him.

But you didn't accuse her.

That's because I don't have any evidence.. Yet.

I got to look into her movements on the day of the m*rder.

Drop you back at campus?

Look at us.. Just a couple of higher-order primates competing for a sexual partner.

I beg your pardon?

I'm talking about Kate, of course.

And, well, I'll just say it.. I sense that she's very attracted to me.

But if you're planning to plant your flag in that terra incognita, then just say the word and I'll gracefully withdraw.

Look, if you're done mangling metaphors, I have a class.

So, you don't mind?




Lewi.. Where the hell were you?

You were supposed to bring my notes for the Neuroanatomy seminar.. I had to cancel it!

I'm sorry, Doc. I'm sorry. What.. What happened was I had to take my clothes off.. To do the laundry. And, uh, I put my clothes in the wash, and, uh, when I came back to check on them, the washer was set on delicate. So I had to wash them all over again.
Hey, Professor Pierce.

Yeah, I.. I.. I told you she was into me.

[ Telephone rings ]

Uh, Dr. Pierce's residence.

One sec.

It's Kate.


Chicago P.D. picked up Justin Reycraft..

You know, the kid who was threatening Corvis.

He was panhandling in Millennium Park.

They're bringing him in to talk to me. You want to come say hi?

You have no idea how much.

So, then, you won't be back for a while?!

Kate: Why'd you run away, Justin?

I didn't.

My Dad kicked me out.

Why.. Why'd he do that?

Because I wouldn't go back to see that weirdo Corvis.

Mr. Corvis says here in his files that you threatened him.

Did you k*ll him?


I didn't k*ll him.

What made you so angry at him?

That guy was a total freak!

Okay. We just want to hear your side of the story.

My Dad forced me to go see Corvis.

And then he gives me some pill.

What kind of pill?

I don't know.

Maybe one of those pills they give to old men to make them all hot and bothered.

I guess it was supposed to do the same thing to me.

And then he makes me watch all this porn.

It was girls with other girls.

And then he wants me to..

You know..

While I'm watching the porn in front of him.

He said it would help re-teach my brain.

He said it was "part of the cure".

The cure for what?

The cure for being gay.

Kate: Thank you.

Well, Justin's alibi checks out.

He was at the Mercy Shelter the night Corvis was k*lled.

Of course he didn't do it.

He's a sweet kid whose philistine Father conveniently fails to mention that he threw his own son out of the house for being gay.

Or how did he put it? "Hanging with the wrong crowd".

He sounded pretty remorseful when I talked to him and incredibly relieved that Justin was okay.

You know, I think there's a chance that those two could work things out.

At least now we know what "Transferential Dopamine Deficiency" is.

It's Corvis' code for h*m*.

It's so sad that someone could be so ashamed of who they are that they'd go to some quack Doctor to cure them.

You grow up in a family that tells you your basic impulses are morally repugnant?

You might try anything to make yourself feel.. Normal.

Kids k*ll themselves because of it.

Okay, but is it relevant to who k*lled Corvis?

He creates a disorder that doesn't exist.

Then he comes up with a treatment regimen for it.

And Justin was pretty angry at Corvis for putting him through it, so maybe one of his other patients is angry, too.

We can't interview them because of confidentiality.

You can't, but I can.

Because I'm..

The special master.

How could I forget?

This is completely confidential.

The only way I'd divulge anything is if it were relevant to the Doctor's m*rder.

We'll do whatever we can to help.

How did you find Dr. Corvis?


A support group.

My pastor recommended him.

And why did you go to him?

I'd been struggling with these urges for years.

I'd tried everything already.. Support groups, counseling.

Nothing helped.

Dr. Corvis said his treatment was different.

Different how?

He said the thing I'd struggled with my entire life, the thing that has given me so much heartache wasn't my fault.

It wasn't a choice.

He said it was a disease.

A Neurochemical Disorder, and he could treat it.

What was the treatment regimen?

First, he would give me a pill.

What pill?

We only got it in his office.

He promised us it was safe, but he said it wasn't approved for sale yet or something.

But you took it anyway?

I was desperate.

I was willing to try anything.

Daniel: What happened after you took the pill?

I got this..

Incredible feeling of love.

It got me excited.

I'd become aroused.

And we made love.

We would have sex.

In front of him?

Sometimes he would make me watch porn.

Other times he brought in a sexual surrogate.

He forced you to have sex with a woman?

No. I wanted to.

And how did the treatment work?

We haven't had a treatment in almost six weeks.

We.. We haven't needed it.

Dr. Corvis saved our marriage.

He was a miracle worker.

Dr. Corvis saved my life.

"The sex was mind-blowing".

Wow, that must have been some interview.

No, it's what Misty said about her bedroom gymnastics with Corvis, remember?

He must have been giving her the drug, too.

What, Viagra?

No, Viagra only affects blood flow.

Corvis told his patients that being gay is a Neurochemical Disorder.

And since the feeling of being in love originates in the paraventricular nucleus of the Hypothalamus..

[ Laughing ] Oh, Daniel, you're such a romantic.

The drug must have been something that affected the brain.

I'm guessing some sort of selective dopamine agonist that produces the sensation of being in love.

Then Corvis incorporates some cognitive behavioral techniques..

So the patient experiences those feelings while having sex with a female, and that behavior imprints on them and creates a new normal.

Somebody paid attention in class.

Wait, so this treatment actually works?

Temporarily, maybe, but it's not sophisticated enough to create the kind of lasting neurobiological changes that could actually alter a person's sexuality.

But it's possible.

Theoretically, but ethically?

If the drug is still in any of the patients' systems, we test their blood, we find out exactly what it is.

We don't have enough probable cause to get a blood order.

Plus, it might be pretty difficult to get permission from the patients.

It'd be an admission that they're doing something illegal.

Woman: Silly Daniel, you don't need anyone's permission.

What are you talking about?

I'm just saying it might be pretty difficult, to get the patients to cooperate.

That's true, but you can't refuse to cooperate if you're dead.

[ Laughs]

Did the Medical Examiner's office keep samples of Corvis' blood?

Yeah, of course. Why?

I think we're gonna find traces of the drug in his system.

Because he wanted to have mind-blowing sex, just like his patients.

I think it's more than that. I think he was trying to cure himself.

Because Corvis was gay.

The M.E. tested your husbands blood Mrs. Corvis.

Turns out your husband's he was treating himself with a drug called ZR-121, which causes..

Feelings of love and arousal.

Now, the FDA hasn't approved it yet because of pervasive side effects like Hypertension, Ptosis, Dry Mouth.

What's your point?

Your husband was trying to cure himself..

Of being gay.

He did cure himself.

Julian was a revolutionary.

His methods were saving marriages.. Saving lives.

Except being gay isn't a disease.

Clearly, that's a matter of opinion.

My husband offered hope to people who shared our beliefs.

Except he never actually cured himself.

We tracked his credit-card bill and found numerous charges to a company called C.K.L. Restaurant and Lounge Group.

Seems it's a holding company for a bar in boystown.

We sent an Agent down there to see if anyone recognized your husband.

And turns out, he was a regular.

I'm sure he was just offering to help those poor men.

[ Sighs ]

You wanted your husband to be straight so badly..

That you even encouraged him to cheat on you with other women, because, as you said, "that's just what normal men do".

But when you found out that it was all a lie, that he was never gonna be what you considered normal, you couldn't take it.

And that's when you k*lled him.

I'm not saying another word until I speak with my attorney.

[ Cellphone rings ]


Oh, hey, Max.

He says it's an emergency.


[ Sobbing ]

She's been like that for hours.

She says she'll only talk to you.

All right. Get her some water.


[ Sobbing continues ]

Uh.. Karyn?

Why don't you, uh..

Why don't you tell me what's wrong?

You're an expert on the brain, right?

[ Sniffles ]

And why..

Why people do the things that they do?

Yes, but to be honest, human behavior continues to mystify me.

Oh, you have to help me!

Tell me why I do it.

Do what?


I've been sleeping around lately.

A lot.

Okay. Okay.

[ Sobs ]

I have these urges, and.. And I can't control them.

But I got excited watching the golf channel the other day.

It just.. It doesn't make any sense!

Like sleeping with Max..

He's a really nice guy..

But I'm not that into him.

God.. I would.. I would k*ll for a cigarette.

I didn't know you smoked.

Well, I've been trying to quit.

[ Sniffles ]

Are you taking a prescription to help you with that?

[ Sniffles ]

How did you know?

Karyn, one of the side effects of some of those anti-smoking dr*gs is hyper-sexuality.

Maybe that's what's happening to you.

You think?

[ Sighs ]

I know the Head of Counseling at the Student Health Center.

She can talk to you about your meds and your other..


So why don't I take you to see her?

[ Sniffles ]

Oh, thank you, Professor Pierce!

[ Sobbing, laughing ]

You're.. Welcome.

Dean Haley.

Uh, Dr. Pierce should be back any minute.

No, I'm actually here to see you Mister Lewicki.

Look, look, I.. I.. If it's about that girl, I can totally explain.

It's about the Chicago Science Foundation benefit.


Right, of.. Of course. [ Clears throat ]

It would behoove the university greatly, Mr. Lewicki, if Dr. Pierce were there this evening on time, wearing a tux..

And a smile.

The problem is, Sir, Dr. Pierce would rather eat a plate of warm mayonnaise than..

Yeah, but you see, tonight could mean a lot of funding for very important programs at the school, including teacher assistant-ships in the Neuroscience Department.

But on the other hand, if that funding should..

Come up short..

Do we understand each other, Mr. Lewicki?

Perfectly, Sir.

I'm so glad.

You enjoy the rest of your day, Mister Lewicki.

I know I will.



What was he doing here?

Nothing. How's Karyn?

She'll be fine. She was pretty ashamed.

Yeah, me too.

I'm Karyn's T.A. and I took advantage of that.

I abused my authority.

You abused your authority.

Geez, Doc.

You don't have to rub it in, okay? I feel bad enough.

Don't be a narcissist, Lewicki. This isn't about you.

I need to call Kate.


Because I think Corvis might have abused his authority, too.

And I'm pretty sure it's what got him k*lled.

Daniel: Thank you for coming back.


Kate: Hi, Agent Moretti, FBI.

I.. Don't understand why she's here.

I thought everything we talked about was confidential.

It is..

Unless it's relevant to the Corvis m*rder investigation.



Thomas, I noticed your eye before.

How long has it been like that?

This? I don't know.

A couple weeks, maybe. Why?

One of the side effects of the drug Corvis was giving you is Ptosis, otherwise known as "drooping eyelid".

What's this all about?

Your husband shouldn't still be experiencing side effects from a drug he supposedly quit taking six weeks ago.

Look, I don't know what this has to do with anything.

You told Dr. Pierce the last time you took the drug was at your last session.

Why are you lying, Thomas?

I'm not.. [ Scoffs ]


Okay, I was still taking it, the drug, but only so that I could be with you.

It helps with my condition.

Where'd you get it?

I had some left over.

You both said Corvis insisted you only take the drug in his office.

I was having a relapse, so I went back to see him on my own.

I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to get upset.

Yeah, but that's not why he gave you the pills, is it?

You and Corvis were sleeping together, and you were taking the dr*gs to enhance the sex.

Thomas, what's he talking about?

That's a pretty good act, Mrs. Akers.

But we ran a trace, and we found the .38 that you registered in college.

Police are executing a search warrant on your house right now, and they're gonna find that g*n.


What happened?

You find out he was sleeping with Corvis, so you shot him?

That's not..

You're right. I did it. I'm sorry.

Michelle, don't.


[ Voice breaking ] I just wanted a regular marriage..

Like the kind you see in the movies.

That's why I forced Thomas to go see Dr. Corvis.

Because I thought he would fix our marriage.

But he ruined it.

So I got my g*n, and I shot him.

I understand what you're doing, Mrs. Akers.

You pushed Thomas into the treatment.

You feel responsible for what happened.

No. No.

And you love him, so you want to protect him.

But you're not really gonna let your wife take the fall for something you did, are you, Thomas?

Thomas, don't say anything.


No, he's right.


He's right. I've been carrying this around far too long.

When Michelle and I first started seeing Dr. Corvis..

The treatment was working.

I would take the drug, and it would make me feel things for my wife.

But as the sessions continued, I started having feelings for Julian.

So he called me, and he asked me to come in for a private session.

We started talking about my problem, but..

We couldn't help ourselves.

But I hated myself.

Michelle and I went to Julian so that I could be with her, because I love her.

What we were doing was wrong.

So I went back to his office to get the pills so I could use them with my wife.

What you and I are, what we want, it's not a disease.

I realize that now.

I.. I've been trying to convince my patients, convince myself!

But I've been living a lie.

I see that now.


We can be together.

I want to be with my wife!


[ Voice breaking ] I love you.

And I'm sorry.

I am so, sorry.

Natalie: It's tragic.

Three people's lives destroyed because they couldn't accept who they really were.

The notion that some magic pill could take away all that pain?

It must have been pretty tempting.

There are pills you can take, Daniel. You know that.

Ain't no pill gonna cure my ill.

It would probably help with your symptoms.

Maybe my symptoms make me who I am.

That's a cop-out.

You know you should be on meds.

Let's go, Doc. You're late.

[ Groans ]

You think I should go?

Stop avoiding this conversation.

Okay, either you put it on, or I stuff you in it.

You heard the man.

[ Indistinct conversations ]


[ Sighing ] Oh, Kate. Please tell me you've got another case and you're getting me the hell out of here.

I wouldn't say..

So, sorry. [ Chuckles ] Hi, Daniel.

I had some trouble finding a parking spot. Allow me.

You look beautiful.

Well, thank you.

You clean up pretty well yourself.


We were gonna go grab a drink. Care to join us?

No, I.. I think I am gala'd out tonight.

[ Chuckling ] Right, well, some other time then.

Kate: See you, Daniel.

Daniel. There you are. Come on. No, oh..

No, no, no, no, no. Come on!

Please, don't make me.

She's a big fan! No, no, no.

I just want to introduce you to Allison Bannister.

Wow. You are not old.

[ Laughs ]

Well, you are quite the observational scientist.

[ Clears throat ]

Mrs. Bannister, I'm told that I can be, uh, overly blunt, so forgive me in advance when I say that I am only here tonight because I'm interested I.. In procuring sex.

I mean, money..

For a donation.

Who knows?

If you play your cards right, Dr. Pierce, you might just get both.


Nice work, hmm?

Daniel: Is there something wrong with me?

It's a question we all ask ourselves.

We all wonder why we don't look like, act like, feel like everybody else.

Each of our brains has the exact same parts..

Cortex, Hypothalamus, Fornix, Septal Nucleus, so on.

And yet, no two brains are exactly alike.

So, being different.. Being unique.. Is undeniably a fundamental characteristic.. Of being human.