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02x01 - The Next Stage

Posted: 04/25/24 17:26
by bunniefuu

- Hey, how's it going?
- Not bad.

You know, long drive but
yeah... How you doing?

I'm good. What can I do for you?

Actually, yeah, let's see.
What do you have on tap?

Well, you see these taps right
here, with the beer labels on them?

That's what we have...

- That's what you have on tap. Cool.
- Yeah.

I'll tell you what,

why don't you tell me
what your favorite is?

I couldn't possibly pick a favorite.

I've grown very fond
of all of these beers.

How about a lager?

- A lager sounds great. Cool.
- Great, coming right up.

As soon as I see your ID.

- You flatter me.
- I know, right.

'Cause it's like you're probably
too old to be drinking, if anything.

It's all good. I love being asked.
It reminds me of my college days.

For sure.


You wanna move the thumb for me?

And you're 40. Wow.

You look really good for your age,
"Beau Kovac." What's your secret?

Uh, hair plugs. And Botox.
A little cryotherapy.

What's your real name?

Kolton. Kovac. Yeah, that's my dad.

Does your dad know you
have this, Kolton Kovac?

He doesn't even know I have his truck.

Grand theft auto, okay, nice.

- I'll take it back. Probably.
- Probably?

I don't know. I'm just
so sick of my town.

It's like pointless people
doing pointless things.

Yeah, well, that's everywhere.

It just sucks that you
already figured it out.

Right? So the least you
could do is give me a beer.



All right, this is an ale.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Ginger ale.

- Ginger ale, the finest of ales.
- Yeah. Good one.

So you know I have to keep this, right?

- You mind if I use your bathroom?
- Go for it.


- Hey, I should get going.
- [HANA] Of course.

Don't wanna be late
for the wife and kids.

Don't wanna upset the missus.

[CHUCKLES] I'm glad I met you.

Drive safe.

Shit. Another dot.




Hey. Beau Kovac.

Uh, yeah, that's my dad.

Yeah, I know. How are the
hair plugs treating you?

Sorry, I need to go, um...

[CLICKS TONGUE] ... check on the things.

- Friend of Jacob's?
- What?


Does he have a brother or something?

He did. Uh, you must be new in town.


Well, I hope you stay a while.

I gotta go to the bank.

I need a jacket, I need
a helmet, I need gloves.

I'm thinking the fingerless
ones, but I could go either way.

But what do you get first?
The jacket or the Harley?

Hey, what do you think, bartender?

Sorry, what's going on?

just following my potential.


- Where did you get that?

What are you waiting
for? Give it a whirl.

[DR. WOODS ECHOING] Mr. Johnson.

[CASS] What does it say?

[DUSTY] "Are you ready
for the next stage?"

It's never done that before.


What does that mean, "It's
never done that before"?

- That. What it's doing. What did you do?
- W... We didn't do anything.

There was a blue light coming from it.

We followed it, and now it's asking us

if we're ready for the next stage.

Guys, it's saying, "Are you
ready for the next stage?"

- I just said that.
- Giorgio, you did it.

I pushed the green button,
but nothing happened.

Why are you pressing buttons?
We should vote on this.

- Okay, you're not in charge here.

You're the one who tried to turn
the entire town against the machine.

I started a dialogue
and reignited interest.


Did something happen with the MORPHO?

I'm gonna have to stop you.

I'm sorry, people, we're just dealing

with a completely normal situation here.

- Oh, my God, Hana, your back!
- [IZZY] What is that?

- Okay.


Nothing unusual or
mysterious to see here.

So, please, just return to your homes.

Okay, I just pressed all the
buttons. Nothing happened.

I think we should unplug
it and then plug it back in.

- No. Don't unplug it.
- Try blowing on it.

- Hit it like a ketchup bottle!
- [DUSTY] That sounds good.

Yes. Hey! MORPHO, we're
ready for the next stage!

Or maybe we should ask Hana.

How do we get to the next stage?

I have no idea. But I'll
tell you what I do know.


The MORPHO was already there
when I started working there,

but it wasn't really a thing.

I mean, people would sometimes use it,

get their potentials and they move on.

But I never really knew what
happened to them after that.

Oh. Uh, I'm so sorry, Hana, I
don't really, uh, drink whiskey.

- Do you have, like, a dry chardonnay?
- I would love a dirty martini.

I'm not working right now.

I'll have your whiskey
if you don't want it.

- No, you will not.
- So, hold on.

The people in this other town,

they didn't completely upend their lives

because of a card they
got from a machine?

I don't know what they
did, and it wasn't a town.

It was just this bar in
the middle of nowhere.

Sort of a sad place for sad people.
I mean, Father Reuben's been there.

- Wait, you've seen the MORPHO before?
- Oh.

No, I... I only went
to that bar one time.

I never even saw the machine.

- Hmm.
- [HANA] But here,

you all started sharing
your cards with each other

and supporting each other's
weird little hopes and dreams.

I've never seen anyone do that before,

and I've never seen the machine
go to another stage before.

- Okay, I have so many questions.
- Same.

- I'd like to ask a few for the Digest.
- You know what?

Everyone gets one question.
That's all I can handle right now.

Yes, Giorgio?

Is "Superstar" the best MORPHO
potential anyone's ever got?

- No.

- [NAT] Mmm, yeah. Um, hi, Hana.
- Mm-hmm.

Is "Superstar" in the top three
best potentials anyone's ever got?

I have a question. [CHUCKLES]
What is going on here?

- What do you mean?
- [BEAU] Question for the group.

Did you all know that
I saved Izzy's life?

Uh, let's stay on the
topic at hand, shall we?

I wanna know what led Hana
to this town of all places.

I just picked a random place on the map.

But when the MORPHO showed
up here, it felt like...

A sign?

It felt like things were connected.

Like the f*cking dots. Hmm? MORPHO dots.

got them on your back,

and I've got them on myself also.

What does it mean?

[STAMMERS] You have dots? Blue dots?

Yeah, MORPHO blue dots.

Hana and I are the
only ones who have them,

which must make us special somehow.

- I've got dots.
- What?

- You what?

I have dots on the bottom of my foot.

I didn't say anything because
I felt too self-conscious.

Don't you see each other naked?

We see each other's
fronts naked all the time.


I have a huge friggin' dot on my chest.

That's a mole.

Okay, but does anyone else
have a mole on their chest?

- Mm-mmm. Not the same thing.
- Okay, listen.

I don't know about the dots.

I started getting mine years ago,

but I don't know what causes them and...

- How do you get to the next stage?
- I don't know. This is what I'm saying.

Just because I was in a
place where the MORPHO existed

doesn't mean that I... [STAMMERS]

There's so many things that
I still do not understand.

- The lights are back on.
- Well spotted.

[HANA] Okay, the bar is closed.

You can all ask me more questions

that I don't have the
answers to tomorrow,

but until then, I need you all out.

- I can help you, Izzy.

My knee is fine right now.
I don't need your help.

As far as first dates
go, this has been great.

- We'll have more dates.
- So how many dots?

A few.

I'll show you mine if you show me yours.


Anyway, can't wait to
get my paws on your feet.


So I'm probably not your
favorite person right now.

What makes you say that?

You know, I haven't
been fully open with you.

No, no, I was just thinking
that you were right.

We just don't know each other at all.

What about your question?

- You don't wanna ask me a question?

I think we can call off the
inquisition for the night.

Oh, shit. [SIGHS]

Nice night.

Oh, it's perfect. [CHUCKLES]

I mean, I know... I know it rained
a lot, but, um... but I like rain.


And I also like it when it,
um... when it stops raining.

Me too.

- [CHUCKLES] Oh, good.

So where'd you park?

Oh, I didn't... I didn't drive.
[CHUCKLES] I was just following you.

- Stop it! That's hilarious.

- I was just following you! [CHUCKLES]
- [CHUCKLING] Oh, gosh. Really?

Yeah. I was just... [CHUCKLES]

No wonder we were walking
so slowly. [CHUCKLES]

[CHUCKLES] I didn't drive either.

- Parking at Deerfest is always so crazy...
- [SIGHS] So crazy.

- Deerfest was crazy. [CHUCKLES]
- Yeah.

Remember how we saved the town and
you said you could be a step-Giorgio

to my daughter and then we kissed
and the whole village cheered?

I do.

- [CHUCKLES] Yeah.
- I do remember that.

Yeah, I'd ask you to come over,

but I'm sure you wanna
get home to Savannah.

Oh, my God. Oh, Savannah.

Oh, God, she's probably
wondering where I am.

I should call her.

Um, unless she's asleep.

And then that would be bad
if I wake her up, right?

Hello? [CHUCKLES] Oh, it's the
president of the Bad Mom Club.

- Uh, yeah, you have a new member.

- Um... [LAUGHS]

Oh. [LAUGHS] Um, I don't know.

I'm... I'm so hungry it's hard to think.

Um, I haven't had dinner yet tonight.

I haven't had dinner either.

Maybe we can fuel up and then
you can check on Savannah?

Yes. You know what? That
actually sounds really smart.

Yeah. Um, oh, but gosh,
it's already so late.

I mean, do you even have an
extra bedroom for me to crash in,

if I get too sleepy to go home?

That's the thing. I got so many.
I just don't want to pressure you.

Oh, Giorgio. I don't
want this night to end.

- Okay. Then it won't.

- You would tell us though, right?
- Yes.

And I promise I'm 100% dot-free.

Don't make us do a body search, Trina.

Dusty, no.

I'm jo... I'm not gonna
actually do a body search.

I am making a point.

That it would be good to know
who has blue dots in this family.

Okay, well, I'm not lying.

Everything's out in the open
now, and isn't that better?

- No more secrets in this family.
- [DUSTY] Mm-hmm.

Yeah, just leaves us with the
impenetrable existential mysteries

raised by a machine that has chosen

a rather inopportune
moment to cease operating.

[CASS] I mean, somebody's
gotta figure this out, right?

I mean, it asked us a question.
"Are you ready for the next stage?"

[TRINA] Well, maybe
it's just a question.

Maybe the machine has
served its purpose,

and the next stage is everyone
just taking what they've learned

and moving on and taking
responsibility for their lives.

- Yeah, that's probably it.
- Oh, that's cute. That's beautiful.

Well, anyways, I'm going
to bed, but I love you.

And I really loved going
to Deerfest with you.

- Mmm. [SMACKS LIPS] I love you too, baby.
- Such a fun night.

- Night. [CHUCKLING]
- Good night.

You didn't actually believe
any of that, did you?

Nope. We are going to get
to that next stage. [SIGHS]


Mr. Johnson will be so glad you came.

I would've come sooner, but
I almost died myself tonight.

Oh, my God. I'm so sorry. What happened?

- She got lost in a hay maze.
- I was entrapped.

I was entrapped in a
labyrinth of darkness.

And I rescued her. Even though
she didn't know who I was.

I knew who you were. I just
couldn't place the name.

You've come by my office a dozen
times begging me to be sheriff.

How did you rescue her?

Well, first I was thinking,

"Man, maybe I didn't need to
bring my chainsaw to Deerfest."

But let's just say it came in handy.

I am so in awe of anybody who
knows how to use a power tool.

A lot of the case studies
I saw in medical school

were lopped-off thumbs.

Yeah, well, I tinker in
furniture repurposements, so...

- Ah.
- Okay.

As much as I love standing here
watching you two flirt all night,

lest I remind you, a
man is on his deathbed.

Oh. No. No, no, no. He's just resting.

But I think it would be nice if
you could be here when he wakes up.

I know it'd mean a lot to him.

You know what?

I would love to, but
I'm no good to anyone

unless I get my
nine-and-a-half-hours sleep.

Which is why I kind of feel
like Mr. Johnson would want me

to go home and meet up
with him in the morning,

when he looks a little
bit more like himself.

I think he'd prefer if you'd
stay. It won't be long now.

You know, Beau, at the
risk of being indelicate,

and conducting business
in a setting like this,

I've been thinking about
your sheriff proposal.

And this town does need
a little extra security.

Especially in these tumultuous times.

- Really? And you'll agree to all my terms?
- Mm-hmm.

Salary, benefits,
badge, full jurisdiction?

Oh, we can hammer out the
details in the morning.

But right now, Mr. Johnson
is your jurisdiction.

And I need you to stay
here protecting him.

Thank you, Izzy.

I won't let you down.


Yes. Jesus, yes, I'm ready
for the next f*cking stage.

Yes, I am ready.





Any luck?

[SIGHS] Yeah. I unlocked
it, like, an hour ago.

Now I'm just dicking
around for the fun of it.

- Whoa. Okay, sarcasm.
- Sorry.

It's just incredibly frustrating.

So if you happen to
know the cheat code or...

I already told you everything that
I know about the machine, okay?

Okay. Okay, yeah. Do you, uh...

- I pass on grass.
- Okay. Dope, dope, dope.

Do you remember the first time we met?

- No.
- We were standing right there.

[STAMMERS] I said something
to you about hair plugs.


I guess I do have, like, a vague

recollection of you
being extremely bizarre.

I thought you were your brother.

Kolton came to my bar. My old bar.

He had taken your dad's truck,
and he wanted me to serve him beer.

And I just thought he
was this dumb, normal kid.

You know, sweet but normal.

But then, when he was leaving...

I'm glad I met you.

Drive safe.

[HANA] I'd never seen dots
like that on anyone else.

And I can't explain it,

but it made me feel
like I should follow him.

But I didn't at first, and then
by the time that I actually did,

he was already gone.

Why would Kolton have blue dots?

I have no idea, which is
why I finally followed him,

and it led me here.

And then this machine followed me.

Mmm. I wish I wasn't high
right now. Or much higher.

But wait, why didn't you tell me?

- Tell you what?
- That Kolton...

Came into my bar, tried
to get beer, had blue dots?

- What would that have changed?
- It doesn't matter.

I'd still like to know.

When you lose someone, you...

you always want to know more about them.

Even if it didn't seem significant
to you, you still should've told me.

I'm sorry.

I generally don't make it a
habit to get involved with people.

- Okay. Okay.
- But I... But I am sorry.

[SIGHS] Maybe I can help you with this.

Help how? You just keep
saying you know nothing.


MORPHO, go f*ck yourself.




- Does it hurt to walk on them?
- [CASS] No.

I don't even know when I got them.

I only noticed because I put my
foot up on the counter to shave,

and I saw it in the mirror.

Oh, yeah. I use that counter
when I'm clipping my toenails.

- [GROANS] Wish you hadn't told me that.

At the top of the Ferris
wheel, you said that, um,

you thought we should spend time apart.

Did you just say that
'cause you thought...

[CHUCKLES]... we were gonna
get struck by lightning or...

[SCOFFS] I mean, the
lightning definitely

precipitated the conversation.

[CHUCKLES] But no. I...

I do think that there's
something worth considering.

I mean, if my "Teacher/Whistler"
potential has something

to do with me skiing at Whistler
the last time we were apart...


... and you seeing
"Royalty" has made you feel

like you want something
more from your life...

Maybe we need time on our own.

Maybe. Not permanently.

- Just some time.
- How would it even work?

I mean, would one of
us have to move out?

- I don't think you'd have to move out.
- I said one of us.

[CHUCKLING] I don't know.

[SIGHS] I don't know
what we would tell Trina.

Would we see other people?

We should sleep on it.


- It's been such an intense night.
- Yeah.

Lights going out, and then
when we nearly burnt to death.

And the whole MORPHO thing
and the whole Hana thing.

And you having these dots on your
foot that you never told me about.

And you having little dots
you never told me about.

- Yeah, a lot of crazy shit happened.
- Mmm.

So let's just get a nice sleep. We
can discuss it all in the morning.

Good idea.


[BEAU] Rise and shine, sleepyhead.

- Do I know you?
- I'm Beau. Beau Kovac.

You're in the hospital, Mr. Johnson.

You were electrocuted
by the MORPHO machine,

and you had a minor heart
attack. But you're okay now.

Kovac. Oh, yeah. I
know you from the store.


Uh, I think you might be
thinking of my son Jacob.

No. No.

You used to come in all
the time with your dad

and play the Burly Boy boxing game.

You're the kid who threw
up at the botanical gardens.

That's right.

And would you believe
I grew up to be sheriff.

I know your heart's a bit fragile
right now to be getting big news,

but you're the first person I've told.

That's wonderful.


- [CASS] Okay. So, six weeks?
- That's right, six weeks.

- Apart but together.
- Yes.

We would still be together,

but we will be supporting
each other's need to be apart.

- But together.
- Yeah.

- I'm fairly sure that's right.
- Okay.

But then at the end of the six weeks,
whatever happens, we're together.

Of course we are. It's just six weeks.

[SCOFFS] I've gone longer between baths.

It's not like I'm your
mom and I'm just gonna,

like, take off to Europe indefinitely.

What a time to bring that up.

But, no, we will meet up in six weeks

and share what we have
learned about ourselves.

And in the meantime,
we'll, um... We'll, uh...

- We'd have schedules.
- I love schedules.

Okay, we will have schedules
for TVs and the fridge,

and our daughter Trina
should probably go first.

Hey, maybe I should get my own fridge.

I could get a little mini
fridge in the basement.

Are you sure you'd be okay
with staying in the basement?

We talked about it.
I think you're right.

If we get another place,
it'll probably cost money.

- And you don't even mind the basement.
- I love the basement.

- And I love you.
- And I love you.

[SIGHS] And that's why
we're taking this time apa...


[SIGHS] Wouldn't it just be
easier if the f*cking machine

- would tell us what to do?
- Mmm.

Like, not the most explicit
magical device I've ever met.

Like, give us a hint already, you know?

Instead of just going...

I sped it up a little
bit, but you get it.

Cass, that is a spot-on
MORPHO impression.

I played around with
the theremin a little bit

before I gave it to you.

And I mean, basically, that's
what the MORPHO sounds like.

It does sound like the theremin.


A little higher. Okay. And then
the next note is a little lower.


Okay, okay. So like... [SIGHS]


- Oh, f*ck. [SIGHS]
- That was so close. You got this.

Ooh, wait, wait, wait! It's
the theremin! It's the theremin!

You gotta put the theremin
inside the MORPHO machine!

Shut up! Sorry, Mr. Hubbard.

It's just we're trying something
here, so please shut up.




- Yes! You did it!

We did it! We did it!

Okay, okay. Calm down, calm down.

Oh, this is amazing.

Oh, wow. So cool.

And we were just about to... Because
we had basically the same idea.

I mean, mine was a bit more A to
C, whereas yours was more A to B.

And mine involved putting the
theremin actually inside the machine.

But they both involve the theremin,
so I think it's a group effort.

- Group effort.
- I think it's ready.

It has, like, a new start screen.

- Does anybody have any quarters?
- I don't think you need 'em.

It says, "Insert card to begin."


Oh, shit. [SIGHS]