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02x06 - Would You Like to Play a Game?

Posted: 04/25/24 09:11
by bunniefuu
Victim is a Miss Bernice Mott.
Foster mother.

[Kia] She didn't want to fall asleep.

She didn't want us to fall asleep, either.

[Dawn] We are looking for
an obsessive, meticulous k*ller

who did this before

- and will do this again.
- He's getting that look again.

Reeve, let's be smart. Act on the facts.

Okay. Okay, we'll just wait
for the next victim.

Or maybe the one after that.

Now, where'd you get that?

- Am I under arrest?
- Are you scared?

You really think he's a possible suspect?

He fits the wit description,

and he f*cked with my family.

[So-Young] The man with the red hair.

The man with the red hair.

[Diaz] Officers were called out

to a spot in Lincoln Heights
a couple nights ago.

Seems there was an exorcism
being performed.

You want to tell me what's going on?
You want to tell me who you're afraid of?

She says it's a matter for the church,
not for the police.

[Kelvin] Do you ever feel like

something bad is gonna happen?

Like if you act a certain way,
people you love could-could die?

[agent over phone] This is the Department
of Child and Family Services.

We were able to track down
that information you requested

about your sister.

[Dawn] If I ever see you
in this neighborhood,

I will arrest you. Do you understand?

I'm really happy for you.

You're scaring me.
Tell me what's going on.

You're adopted.

[group praying in Spanish]

- [loud bang]
- [screaming]

- You sure this is the right call?
- [alarmed shouting]

[grunting, groaning]

[cries out]

I'll break them.

All your favorite toys.

[gasping, grunting]

[cries out]

[groaning, screaming]

[Schiff] Reeve!

Are you with me?


You're gonna have to tell me
what happened.

[quietly] I don't know.

I-I can't circle the wagons
if I don't know what I'm defending.

Just tell me what really happened.

No idea.

You don't think... I did this?

You're an excellent detective,
impeccable instincts.

Dedication unmatched.

I knew you were gonna be
a great asset to the force

the moment I hired you on.


Chief Gates called me crazy
when I said I thought you had a shot

at being RHD Commander one day.

But you didn't listen.

I warned you time and again,

but you kept pushing the line.

And now this. An in-custody death.

No eyewitnesses.
Broke protocol and left your partner

at a potential crime scene.

You handed them the rope.

They're gonna crucify you
as quietly as possible.

What happened to closing ranks,

I didn't k*ll that boy...

...and you know it.

Don't do this.

I didn't do this, you did.

I.A. is opening a 118 on you.

[reporter] Detective Reeve. Detective!

Detective. Detective,
what do you have to say

to the family of Benito Alvarez?

- Detective!
- [reporters clamoring]

[reporter 2] Are you innocent, Detective?

[reporter] Eyewitnesses report
the child was found dead

in the back of
the detective's unmarked vehicle.

Again, that's Detective Dawn Reeve

from LAPD's Robbery and Homicide Division.

We will continue to update you
as we receive new information.

We'll relieve you of your w*apon.

Am I being arrested?

Right now you're being detained for
investigation into the in-custody death

of Benito Alvarez.

You'll be put on professional leave
until further notice.

- Show me your hands.
- Are those really necessary?

Come with me.

[dramatic music playing]

[quietly] Black bitch.

What did you just call me?

♪ ♪

To the line. Don't flush.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[approaching footsteps]

We need to talk.

I know, I'm a little off today.

It's not just today.

This is a lot of money.

Hundreds of dollars of merchandise.

You're not selling that doll in here.

- Why not?
- Because this is a Black neighborhood.

Th-That doll is offensive.

- It's r*cist.
- They're not r*cist.

Everybody buys these dolls.

No, it's-it's rooted in minstrelsy.
You know, blackface.

- Are you saying I think these things?
- No.

I'm telling you what it means to me.

We've never sold this doll here before.

We've always done fine without it.

- Don't tell me how to run my store.
- [sighs]

I know our customers...

and I refuse to sell that doll.

When I came here, I kept you on.

I didn't need to,
but you were a good worker.

Now your work is slow, messy.

I find these in the trash. What next?

How can I trust you?

Trust me? How long have I worked here?

Parents come into this store
to buy toys for their kids

because they know me.

But you won't sell these toys.

That's fine.

I can run this store without you.

What are you saying?

You owe me an apology.


Then I can't work with you anymore.

You're fired.


[tense music playing]

[chuckles] Ten years, man.

[door opens]

[entry bells jingle]

Was it your decision
to remove Benny Alvarez?


Did your partner, Detective Diaz,
agree with that decision?

- No.
- Why not?

You'd have to ask Detective Diaz.

When did you leave the Alvarez residence?

Eleven forty-four p.m.

Mm. According to the records
at County USC Hospital,

you arrived at exactly, uh, midnight.

- Are you... Are you sure?
- [Voris] Yes.

It's an eight-minute drive at most.

[Phillips] What happened in
the other eight minutes?

I, uh... I...

I must have missed a couple turns.
I was rushing.

The streets in that area can be,
can be confusing.

It took me a second to get to Daly Avenue.

What streets did you take, exactly?

I don't remember.

It was dark. I couldn't see very well.

Did you pull over and stop the car?

- No.
- How did Benny become unbuckled?

He must have done it himself.

- Did you ever go to the back seat?
- No.

So you're asserting you were

lost for those missing eight minutes?

I'm asserting that due to darkness,

and my intent focus on getting
the victim to the hospital

to save his life,

I may have missed street names,

if they were even present to begin with.

Where is your PR-24, Detective?

You saw Benny's body. You really think

a single baton could do
that kind of damage?

We'll ask the questions, Detective.

You're not going anywhere.

Your baton wasn't in evidence.
Where is it?

- I don't carry one.
- Is that protocol?

No. But no one I have worked with
in the last 18 months has complained.

When was the last time
you carried your baton?

[intense music playing]

Are you feeling all right?

Do you recognize this man?

We'll need a verbal response
for the record.

- Yes.
- [Phillips] You assaulted this man,

a confidential informant, 18 months ago.

Was this the last time
you used your PR-24?


[Phillips] Nasal bone fracture,
dislocated eye socket,

compound fracture to the radius bone,
multiple lacerations.

They closed the incident in '89.

It's pertinent
to our current investigation.

Can you confirm that you were put
on administrative leave

after this incident?


- And you were required to see a court-ordered therapist, correct?
- Yes.

As well as complete
anger management training, correct?


Have you exhibited any violent behavior
since that incident?

[cassette tape rewinds]

Well, she profiled Curtis Maynard

at a crime scene,
and instigated an on-foot chase

that put not only Maynard,
but LAPD officers in harm's way.

And that's just while on duty.

Are you implying Detective Reeve

has exhibited violent behavior off duty?

I'm not implying anything.

She's been routinely harassing
and stalking me.

She followed me from my home

- to a friend's place recently.
- How recent?

Saturday night.

[Dawn] That is not how it went down,

and he... and he knows it.

Yes or no, did you stalk
Detective McKinney?

- No, I did not stalk him.
- Why did you lie

when asked about recent violent behavior?

I did not lie.

If there was anyone
that had recent violent behavior,

it was him, it was McKinney.

Lieutenant McKinney is not
under investigation.

[Phillips] So you maintain
you've been telling the truth

- throughout our investigation?
- Yes.

Yes, I have.

Do you drink alcohol?

No more than any other LAPD officer.

- Do you use dr*gs?
- What? No.

[quietly] f*ck.

Are you feeling all right?

Put me on the wire.

[rap music bleeds
from headphones indistinctly]

Hey. What's going on?
Did something happen?

Did I do something?

I don't get you.

I mean, I thought we were close.

What do you mean? We are.

So why would you hold this back?

Just be honest with me.

Natalie, I don't know what
you're talking about.


You're really gonna do this?

You're really gonna lie about this,
of all things?

You don't want people knowing
your mom's police. Fine.

But she's not just a pig,
she's a child k*ller.

[indistinct chatter]

Okay, class, we have some
special guests with us today.

Let's please welcome Officer Becker
and Daren the Lion.

[weak applause]

Good morning. On behalf of
Chief Daryl Gates and the LAPD,

we're here to talk to you about
the dangers of drug use.

We want to keep you kids safe.

Hey, yo, you know Kel's mom, right?

Did she sign off on this?

- [laughter]
- Okay!

Settle down, everyone.

Some of you may have already noticed dr*gs

coming into your community.

In fact, some people in this class

may be using dr*gs already.

You may think they're your friends.
They're not.

These people will try to get you high.

Now, if you're at a party
and a friend offers you a hit,

turn them down.

Marijuana's a dangerous drug.
It makes people trip out.

And when you smoke pot,
you lose all control.

Let's talk about the three Rs.

- [demonic voice] Hi, Kelvin.
- ...resist...


[demonic voice] Are you feeling all right?

Are you nervous?

Would you like to play a game?

Touch your desk.

Good. Now touch your nose.

Touch your desk.

Touch your nose. Touch your desk.

Tap the floor.

Tap the floor.

Tap the floor.

Tap the floor.

Tap the floor. Tap the floor.
Tap the floor...

- [words repeating, overlapping]
- [Kelvin] Stop!

Stop! Stop! Stop it!

[phrase repeats faster and faster]

Tap the floor!

[Voris] Respond to our questions
in yes or no answers only.

Is your name Dawn Reeve?


Are you a detective in the Robbery

- and Homicide Division of the LAPD?
- Yes.

Are you presently under investigation

for the in-custody death of Benny Alvarez?


Was Benny Alvarez alive
when you both left the residence?


Was he alive when you arrived
at the hospital?

- No.
- Did anyone else get in your vehicle

during the time between
leaving the Alvarez residence

and arriving at the hospital?


Did you ever leave Benny Alvarez alone?

- No.
- When you left Detective Diaz behind,

was it with the intent to do harm
to Benny Alvarez?


- Did you k*ll Benny Alvarez?
- No.

Did Benny Alvarez k*ll himself?

He-he was... He was having violent
seizures, but I don't think...

Respond yes or no.

- No.
- Did you see anyone k*ll Benny Alvarez?

- No.
- Did you have contact

with Benny Alvarez
prior to the night of his m*rder?

Want to tell me who you're afraid of?

He wants to k*ll me.

- Who?
- The man.

The day of, I...

Yes or no?


Did you have contact with Curtis Maynard

prior to the night of his m*rder?

- Excuse me.
- You all are gonna die.

Hey! Stop running.


Did you have contact with Bernice Mott

- prior to the night of her m*rder?
- No.

Did you have contact with Bernice Mott

prior to the night of her m*rder?

I know. I know why you're doing this,
and it won't work.

Detective, for the last time,

affirmative or negative answers only.

You're in danger of compromising
your entire testimony.

[Phillips] Did you have contact
with Miss Mott

prior to the night of her m*rder?


Did you spend time
in Miss Mott's household as a child?


What? No.

I tried to bring it up to her.

- Maybe you should let this case go.
- What?

- Too much of a personal connection to the case.
- No more than any other case.

[Diaz] DCFS confirmed

Reeve spent three years
fostered by Bernice Mott.

I don't think she remembers.

It just didn't seem like the right time.

Why not?

[Phillips] Did you grow up
in Miss Mott's foster home

between 1958 and 1961?

Excu... Excuse me?

Were you adopted, Detective Reeve?

[breathing irregularly]

I'll repeat the question.

Were you adopted?

[door shuts]

[eerie music playing]

[police radio drones indistinctly]

- You're going through a lot.
- Give me the keys.

- I can drive.
- No, you can't. I don't trust you.

I came here to help you.

Give me the keys!

[suspenseful music playing]

Kel, are you nervous about
your big performance tonight?


You're gonna be great.

What's gonna be your big number?

No, no, no, wait, wait. Don't tell me.

- I want it to be a surprise.
- I need your license, too.

You're trying to punish me.
Well, you made your point.

No, it's not safe for you to drive.

- Besides, I need a car.
- [Athena] Right.

Now that your car is a crime scene.

If you need to go anywhere,
you just let me know.

Don't treat me like a child.

Why you being like that with Grandma?

I mean, she didn't do anything wrong.


That right, Grandma?


Okay, I'll tell you since she won't.

You deserve to know.

She is not my real mother.

Kelvin, whatever your mother says,
I am your grandmother,

and I always have been,
and I always will be.

Who is his grandmother? I'd love to know.

When your mother was a little girl,
your grandfather and I adopted her.

And before that I spent
the first three years of my life

in a foster home
with an abusive psychopath.

Would you prefer that I left you there?

You seem to forget that
I raised you on my own for 30 years,

and I created a home for you and your son.

And I always put this family first
and my needs second.

My priorities have always been
that you were okay.

[Dawn] Right.

Right. I didn't need to know
because I'm so well-adjusted, right?

I'm thriving, right?

Look at me.

I am all over TV, Ma.
I'm practically a celebrity.

I might be the most famous cop
in the LAPD.

Oh, and by the way,

why am I a cop, hmm? Grandma? Why?

Because I followed in the footsteps
of a man I never knew,

who raised me for 15 minutes
before he died and left me with you.

That's enough!

- Apologize to Grandma.
- No.

What she did,
I don't think I'll ever forgive her.

This is always what you do.

I mean, you push people away,
you blame everybody else.

It's like you never the problem.


You blame Daddy for the divorce.

At least he was there for me.

It was you who was always working nights,
not Dad.

[haunting music playing]

You was the one who was never around.

You know... You know that I,
I wish I was there.

Kel, you know what I do for a living.


And that's it?

Were you really going to work
all of those nights?

Kel, where you going?

You think I want to be here with you?

They're calling you a child k*ller
at school.

I gotta go to my show.

And don't even think about coming.

[announcer, over P.A.] Welcome,
friends and family,

to the tech rehearsal for the big night.

[announcer continues, muffled]


Are you f*cking high right now?

[indistinct chatter]

[whistle blowing in short bursts]

[band music playing]


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- [heart beating]
- [panting]

[drum playing discordantly]

[band music stops]

[band music playing intermittently]

[drum playing rapidly]

♪ ♪

[high-pitched squeal]





Are you scared?

No. Kel.

- [music stops]
- Kel!

Kel! Move! Move!

Kel. Kel. Kel.

It's me. It's me.

Baby, it's okay. It's okay.

- It's Mom. It's Mom. Okay.
- [retching]

Kel. Kel. It's me. It's Mom.

Mommy? I-I think
something's wrong with me.

- [crying]
- It's okay.

It's okay. Hey, it's okay,
it's okay, I'm here.

It's okay. It's okay.

[pulsing, hypnotic music plays]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[music ends]