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17x07 - Week 6

Posted: 04/25/24 08:53
by bunniefuu
Tonight on[/i] "The Bachelorette."

[dramatic music]

Welcome to an art exhibit.

All of the art pieces look...

flowery with a twist.


I'm falling
for some guys already.

Oh, my God!

And I want to narrow in
on who my person is.

I'm just jealous.

I'm falling for you.
I really am.

Until you have a one-on-one,

you 100% are behind.

At this point, each rose
I give out means Hometowns.

It's do or die, boys.

I've always said
I want a good guy.

I'd rather
have my heart broken

than break somebody's heart.

Then I get handed
a group of them.

No one can love you
like I can.

I want
to put so much into this.

It could all be for naught.

I'm desperate.
My back's against the wall.

I told her,
"I'm not in love with you."


This is so hard. Ah!

There's this possibility
of sending home

the wrong person.
I'm losing it.

The one thing
that's keeping me going

is the hope... Andrew.

That this is all
worth it in the end.

[panicked breathing]

And it all starts right now.

[relaxed music]

♪ ♪

Looking around this room
is pretty crazy right now.

We almost practically
got cut in half yesterday.

I wasn't expecting
that drastic of a cut.

Kind of makes everything
really real.

Four guys
went home last night.

It's down to seven.

I woke up, you know,
just blessed to be here.

Well, I mean,
there's Hometowns coming up.

I mean, this is
the biggest turning point

in everyone's experience here.

I'm excited about Hometowns
'cause, my family,

they just kind of know me
better than I know myself,

and they know,
you know, what I need,

but I gotta get there,

and there's a lot
of conversations

that I need to have with Katie,

so I'm looking forward
to getting more time with her.

I think, this week,
we're gonna all have more time,

so that's,
like, really something

we can all, like,
smile about, look forward to.

Some very meaningful

That's for sure.

Maybe for two guys
who haven't had one yet.

The only two
that haven't had one-on-ones

are Brendan and I.

I definitely want the one-on-one

because that one-on-one would
be leading into Hometowns,

and my family is
extremely important to me,

and if they like her,
that is gonna really make me

really think engagement,
marriage in the future.

It's a big week,
but I honestly trust

that Katie knows
exactly what she's doing.

I know you were
so overwhelmed yesterday.

Are you feeling
a little bit better today?

Yeah, I think that was
kind of the biggest thing

last night, you know,
as I'm hugging them

and saying good night
to the final seven,

I was just like,
"This just feels good."

Good. "This feels right."

Yeah. You know?

And so I'm actually
really excited

going into this week
with this core group

of guys
who I have connections with

and hopes for, and I don't know.

It just feels like
a fresh start, you know?

Yeah. Good.

Do you kind of know
who you want to bring

to Hometowns already?
I mean, I will say this.

There are some guys
who I feel very confident in.

I'm like,
"I want to meet your family."


But I don't know
who my final four guys are.

Yeah. You know?

And I'm struggling
a little bit

because, this week,
I have two one-on-ones...


And, in some ways,
I want to continue

these strong relationships
I have and use that

to just strengthen
our relationship

especially heading
into Hometowns,

but then, on the other hand,

there are two guys
who haven't had a one-on-one,

you know, and it's like,
do I use this one-on-one time

to really explore that more?

And so that's something
I'm kind of struggling with.

You have your hands full.

You have so many things
to think about now.

I want to start narrowing in
on who my person is.

Yeah. You know?

And, this week,
I really have to start asking

the tough questions
and really looking deeper

at the relationships
that are forming.


♪ ♪

You know,
I'm not gonna lie to you.

Until you have a one-on-one,
you 100% are behind.

When I was in your position,
I always thought like,

"No, I can, like--"
you need to get that.

I know what a one-on-one can do,

and, like, you have to have it.
It's impossible to not.

That's all I really want,
a whole day and night with her.


[soft dramatic music]

But, you know,
I hate to just be like,

"I'm the one
who needs time with Katie."

'Cause I know you have a lot
of stuff to talk about.

Blake has a lot of stuff
to talk about.

Andrew as well. Mike a well.

I feel a little bit behind,
but we're all

in the same boat here,
I think, so...

Katie and I need to take
a huge leap at this point.

When I'm with her, it feels

like we have
the best connection.

It feels like we can just
take over the world together.

It feels great.

But how are we gonna
play catch-up at this point?

And if I get a one-on-one,

that's gonna give me my answer.

♪ ♪

If I get the one-on-one,

the message she's sending me
is like, "I want to know more.

And I think you're
worthy enough to know more."

So I'm hoping that today
is, like, my day.

"Greg, let's see
if this can really work."

"...Love Katie."

Ah, man. Breathe, big guy.

You deserve it, breathe.

I know. I know.

I just wasn't
expecting that, you know?

I know, but you deserve it.

I mean, this is
just like an opportunity

to really build
on something here.

I was not expecting that.

When he said "Greg,"
I could not believe it.


Yeah, I'm ecstatic right now.

All I can think about is
just, you know,

spending more time with her,

and I'm glad
I get that chance today.

I mean, it's been a while

since that
first one-on-one, you know?


All right, my dudes.
Have fun, big guy.

You guys have a good day.

Um... [chuckles]

I'm just jealous.

I'm just jealous.

I'm trying to figure out
how I get that this week.

How can I make up
what Greg's gonna have today?

I have a hard time
believing the connection

that I have with Katie,
that she has that

with anybody else
to that extent.

I really--I can't see it.

But a second one-on-one
can get somebody there.

Greg has been consistent,

and he's consistent
with my girl.

Him getting another opportunity

to talk to her... dangerous.

Well, hello.

We're matching! [chuckles]

Why is that so cute?
I swear.

Come here.

Ooh, hi, hi, hi, hi.

I missed you. Mm.

It's a big day.
It's a really big day.

It's a big day. Yeah.

I'm just hoping,
if there's another one

this week,
I get a good shot at it.

I'd be lying
if I said I wasn't jealous

of what Greg's got,
'cause he's going to get

that reassurance.

I need that reassurance too.
I have a son.

I'm a single father.
I take care of my in-laws.

How does it work for Katie
to move in to this life?

I can't go into Hometowns
with all of these questions

floating in the air.
We all need that time.

not too far away, boys, right?

So obviously
these one-on-ones are huge.

♪ ♪

[relaxed acoustic music]

♪ ♪

How's it feel
getting out of the house?

Amazing. Good.

I will say last week
was probably the hardest week

in terms of
just all of the dumb things

I had to deal with. Mm-hmm.

And I'm just glad
to start this week,

like, fresh with you,
and it's a beautiful day.

Mm-hmm, I needed this too.

♪ ♪

Today I chose to have Greg
on this one-on-one date

because I really like him.
I really like him.

We had the first one-on-one,
which, at this point,

feels so long ago.

Like, this is like
the hardest thing

I've ever done in my life.
Yeah, you're telling me.

But he's only been
on group dates since,

and, for me, that's hard.
I'm sure for him that's hard.

And so, for me,
it's important that Greg and I

have this time together
because it really has

been a while since we've
been able to be alone.

We, like, actually are matching.

Why is that so ridiculous?
You're the worst.

Stop it. [laughs]

Well, today I thought
I would show you

a little piece of home...

So I've set up some things
that remind me of Seattle--

Seattle dogs?

There's no Seattle dogs today

because Seattle's more
than Seattle dogs.

Love it.
All right, let's go.

[quirky music]

So this is supposed to mimic
Pike Place Market in Seattle,

which is like this market
with, like, seafood

and vegetables and flowers.

Katie's Place Market.

[laughs] [laughs]

Have you ever seen, like, on TV,

they throw, like, a fish?

Oh, God, yeah,
throw me that sucker.

You wanna see if
you can catch it?

Come on,
throw me that bad boy.

This is what they do. Okay.

They, like, are like, "Heyo!"
And they--oh--

It actually, like, flopped.
I thought it was real.

Did you see
how it flopped in midair?

That thing
was just flopping in the air.

It scared the hell out of me.

I thought
the damn thing was alive.

[grunts] Oh!

Oh. Oh!

That was not even intentional!

This thing is dangerous.

You're just bad
at catching fish.

♪ ♪

Oh, I'm, like,
actually really scared.

[chuckles] [bleep].

Ah! Oh!

[chuckles] Oh, my God.

I'm having a blast with Katie.

We're just like doing stuff

I would never expect
to do with her.

Where is the hole to get--

♪ ♪

[chuckles] This is how we're--

this is how we're gonna do it.

I just, like,
honestly haven't met anybody

like her before,
and I just love learning

what makes her her.

Oh. Yeah.

Okay. Swal--

Oh, oh. [coughs]

You got it. Come on.

Come on, you're almost there.

I'm so sorry.
You don't like them?

I love them. [laughs]

When we're together,
everything just disappears,

and it feels extremely easy.


I love yours. I love yours.

It doesn't feel like
there's six other guys

waiting for her at home.

It feels like
it's just me and her.

Football is huge in Seattle.

I'm better at defense.


[upbeat music]

What? You little--

♪ ♪

I feel like
we're just like two kids

just, like, having fun out here.

Let me see your victory dance.

[hums melody]

Okay, okay.

I adore her honestly.

The connection that we have

is just something I haven't felt

in a very long time.

♪ ♪


I'm hoping to get
that one-on-one.

It changes everything.
It does, dude.

What changed for you,
like, when you went on yours?

Going in, dude, she already

swept me off my feet
just being able

to understand parts of me that,
you know,

no woman
has really understood yet.


And to have a full day
with someone

to really understand,
like, what it's like,

spending, like,
every day with this woman,

and then, like, now it sucks
because you know

that emotional high,
and you're just like,

"Is that still there?"

Yeah, I get it.
You know what I mean?

'Cause you don't know.

It's a hard pill to swallow

knowing that she sees something

really serious in Greg.

This is his second one-on-one,
but I do believe

I have a strong connection
with her,

and just trying to figure out
how I can gain that ground

with the short amount
of time we have.

[clears throat] Oh.

Well, that was--

that's just
a piece of home for me.

I loved it.

I love that we
keep on doing things

that hit home for you.
I don't know.

I get to just, like,
see the real you.

And that's the most
important thing about this.

Yeah, I don't know.

I couldn't wait
to see you today.

And, like,
my heart, like, races,

and I just get so excited,
and, like,

I get awkward and, like,
start just word vomiting.

You know? Just like--

I don't know.

Like, I've never felt
so, like, giddy before.

Like, I'm usually very, like--
or at least I tell myself

that I'm, like, calm, cool--

Like, whatever, you know?

And, like, with you,
I'm just like--

Are you kidding me?
You make me a nervous wreck.

What? Yeah.

You do. No.

Yes, I'm serious.

I feel like I'm in high school.
I'm serious.

How are you doing so far,
like, in all of this?


[tender music]

It was just--

it's been
a roller coaster for me.

I loved getting
that one-on-one early with you.

It just, like,
validated the connection

I believe you and I have,

and then it was really tough.
I'm not gonna lie.

I mean, I think that you
saw it in me a lot,

and, like, you'd remind me
in, like, your little ways

that, like,
we do have something,

and those, like, mean,
like, the world to me.

I don't know how I'd be able
to get through this

without them.

I try--like,
at a rose ceremony,

sometimes I, like, look at you,

and, like, I no longer
feel sad or angry.

I'm just, like,
I don't know, caught up

in, like, you
and then I just kind of, like,

snap out of it for a minute.


It also sucked that we
had our one-on-one

what feels like so long ago,
and, honestly,

I don't think
I could've waited another day

to see you and have this time,

and it's crazy to think

that, like,
Hometowns are coming up.

Yeah, it is crazy to think.

It is so weird.

I just haven't
introduced someone

to my mom in a long time.

Mm-hmm, and, I mean, that is,
like, really serious to me.


Is that something you think
you would be, like, ready for?

♪ ♪

Yeah? Mm-hmm, yeah.


That makes me happy to hear.

Today just really confirmed
everything I feel about Greg.

I know we're goofy
and silly and playful,

and we just get each other.

After just spending today
with him,

I feel very confident
in our relationship.

I just need him
to really trust in this

and be patient and hope that,
at the end of it,

it was worth it.
I loved today.

Me too.

And today's not even over.
I know.

Still, I loved it. Me too.

♪ ♪

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Hello. Oh, hi, hi, hi!

What's up, buddy?
Look how big you're getting!

You're huge! Yeah, he's big.

I wanna squeeze that face!
I love that face!

Are you doing okay, James?

Doing okay.

I cannot wait to see you guys.

I'm losing it.

As I'm staying here longer,

I am missing my son like crazy.

Give me a kiss.

I gotta go,

but I'm gonna call you
tomorrow too.

There you go. A huge kiss.

But I can't be anybody
back home

if I'm not... happy.

And I do believe that Katie

could make me happy--

not just me, but James as well.

I can't wait to kiss you soon
in real life,

and I'ma hold you

and read you books
and snuggle you.

And so I'm hoping for
a one-on-one date this week.

I need that valuable time
with Katie.

You're my best friend
♪ in the world! ♪

I had a great time
with you today.

Me too.

We sucked at football.

You slapped me
in the face with a fish.

I threw at a fish...

Slapped me in the face
with a fish.

At your face,
which, by the way,

I'm so sorry. No, it's okay.

It was really cute of you.

But that--see,
that's what I love.

It's like today was just like
these, like, little things.

Like, we didn't
have to do anything...

I have fun with you
no matter what.

Extravagant, yeah. Yeah.

I'm so thankful
you showed up here

on the first night.

Seeing you come out
of that limo, like,

I knew this was definitely
out of your comfort zone.

It was hard.

But, like,
I've never had this before.

Neither have I.

And I think the same way
that you're scared,

I get scared, and I--
if I'm being honest--

feel like you're gonna leave.

Why do you feel like that?

Because I see how you get
during these group dates,

and it scares me,
and today I just hope, like,

you felt what I felt
and can feel more confident

in what we have. Yeah.

[sighs] Yeah.

I mean,
coming into this environment,

it's hard to, like, not feel
a little insecure sometimes,

and I feel like
I've kind of dealt with that

my whole, entire life.

My sister always messes with me

and says, like, that's always

like the most
unattractive thing about me.

I don't know why... Yeah.

I feel like that.

I mean, in middle school,
I was, like, 4'11",

so, like,

I definitely dealt with, like,
bullying and stuff.

Yeah. You know?

So, like, I think maybe,
in some sense,

like, that kind of shaped,
like, the relationships

I formed, like, moving forward,

and especially
since my father died.

I don't know, you know...

♪ ♪

Just, like, let my guard down
with anyone,

so I don't know.

I mean, and this process, yeah,

like, I have had,
like, my weak moments.


And I've been scared as hell,
but, I mean,

you've been
the strongest person,

like, I've ever met,
and you have been incredible

during this, and I honestly feel

like the luckiest guy
in the world.

You just amaze me in every way,

and if we do move forward
into next week...

I am... really excited

to show my family

the girl I'm falling
in love with.

[tender music]


That makes me
really happy to hear.

I hope you know how I feel,
and it's crazy

because from the moment we met,

there was something there,
you know?

And it's crazy
to feel this pull,

this gravity that,
like, tugs me towards you

every time I see you,
and I'm so excited about us.

I'm so excited about you.

Today was just perfect
in every way.

I'm just...

happy I told you
how I'm feeling and...

Me too. [chuckles]

Come here.

♪ ♪

Tonight was incredible
because Greg and I

were able to really connect
on the deepest level.

You know, he tells me
he's falling in love with me,

and those were the words
I needed to hear.

Those are the words
I wanted to hear

and the clarity
that I've been seeking

when it comes
to our relationship.

♪ ♪


[chuckles] [chuckles]

Do you remember
the first rose I gave you?


And you were like,
"I don't know how this works."

[laughs] Yeah.

Well, you are just somebody
who amazes me

every single time I see you,
and there's still so much

for me to learn about you,
but that's what I want to do.

I want to... figure things out
with you.

I want to thrive

in what we're creating together.

And I really
want to meet your mom.


So, Greg,
will you accept this rose?

Of course I will.

♪ ♪

There you go.

♪ ♪

I'm feeling so great right now.

And it's been a long time
since I've met somebody

that makes me feel this way
if ever, really.

In really thinking about it,
this is new.

This is something
I really haven't felt before.

You know what this means?

I'm meeting your mom. I know.

I cannot believe that.

I am so excited
for you to meet my family.

Me too.
They're gonna love you.

Greg is somebody

I'm definitely
falling in love for--with?

I don't know.

It's been so long
since I've even had to say it.

Like, you forget.

You're like...
I'm falling in love with you.

I'm falling in love for you.

Falling--I'm falling in love.


It wouldn't be a Seattle date

without some rain, so...

Let's make it happen.
Shut up.


♪ ♪

We're going in? Yeah.

Oh, my God!

♪ ♪

I am so grateful
I made that jump to come here

because she
is exactly what I feel

like I've been missing
in my life.

I'm falling so in love with her.

I think that I've found
the love of my life.

She's made me love more
than I ever thought I could.

♪ ♪

Looks like you're into it.

I love this.

♪ ♪

It's so refreshing
to feel reminded

that your person is out there,

what you're looking for
is out there,

and you don't ever
have to compromise

what you want
and what you believe in

to find true love
and true happiness.

♪ ♪

I could truly see Greg and I
walking away together

at the end of this,
married and having kids.

♪ ♪

It's the beginning
of our journey!

♪ ♪

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Going into tonight,

it's very nerve-wracking

knowing there's gonna be
that group date card.

I truly don't want a Hometown
without a one-on-one,

so it's do or die for me
at this point.

I'm like you.

I cannot get to an engagement
without a one-on-one.

I can't. Yeah.

It's crazy because
I think this next group date

and with Hometowns so close,

it's a significant thing.

And it feels like,
whereas before, there--

we're almost week by week,
now there's a endzone.

Going into Hometowns,
everybody needs

that one-on-one, and that's
what we're all vying for.


Oh, my God. There it is.

There's two people
that haven't gotten

any time whatsoever--
Brendan and Mike P.,

and everybody else
who has gotten time

has questions,
things that they want answered

before they introduce them
to their family.

I know I do.

[dramatic music]

I [bleep] hate this, man.

Our next date card's
gonna be a group date,

and it'll tell us who's
gonna get that one-on-one date.

Good luck, my guy. Ah, yeah.

So I'm desperate.
My back's against the wall.

It's do or die.

If I am on that group date,
I'll be devastated,

but I just feel like
I'm gonna get that one-on-one.

[soft dramatic music]


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

"Michael A."

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

"There is an art to love.
Love, Katie."

♪ ♪

I'm really excited for Mike.

No one is more deserving
than Mike right now.

I mean, we should
be celebrating him.

Appreciate that.

I'm happy for you, dude,
'cause, like--

I know you are, but I--

Like, you and I
are in the same shoes,

so... Yeah.

The biggest question is, like,

"Why am I still here?"

I didn't get time group date.
I didn't get time cocktail.

I'm still here.
Three great guys went home.

Why am I still here?
I didn't get a one-on-one.

Why am I still here?

You know, so...

You all right?

[bleep] me.

♪ ♪

I feel for Brendan.

I recognize
how much he wanted this,

but after being
cooped up in the house

and having
these wild group dates,

to have the one-on-one
with Katie, it's exciting.

I know for a fact that her
and I are gonna have

the time of our lives
and have fun.

[dramatic music]

I think it'll be a huge step
in our relationship.

This is the moment I wanted.

Hey, you. Hi.

How are you? Uh...

Come in. Sorry.

Thank you. Yeah, yeah.

Thanks so much. I'm sorry.

No, it's okay.
Sorry for shocking you.

Can I have a hug?
Yeah, I'm sorry.

Are you okay? I'm complete--

Come here. It's okay.

I'm, like,
speechless at the moment.

I'm nervous. You're--why?

What's going--why are you--

Come, let's go sit. Okay.

Hearing my name
on that group date was shocking

to say the least, for sure.

There's obviously
something she sees in me

because, you know,
look at how far

Katie and I have come
with these cocktail parties

and just group dates. Hi.

Are you okay? Yeah.

I mean--

But I'm the only guy
without a one-on-one,

and with Hometowns
around the corner,

I need the one-on-one,
'cause I guarantee you

if I go to the one-on-one,
she would give me a rose,

and then she'd meet my family.

Just want to check in
on you, number one.

Just want to see
how you're doing with yourself.

Whenever I sit down with Katie,

it always goes well.

I can't see that
not happening tonight.

It's gonna go [bleep] great.
It's gonna go great.

We didn't have a chance
to talk last cocktail party.

Obviously, the group date
before that as well.


So I was, like,
having a bad couple days.

I was, like, really down,
and especially, like,

not getting that one-on-one
'cause that's a huge thing.

Hometowns, engagement.

I put myself in your shoes
all the time.

This is your journey.
This is your happiness.

But now I'm feeling
it's like, you know,

I have emotions as well.

My feelings
are coming out there.

Like, you know, they're there.

[soft dramatic music]

Like, when I'm with you...

I feel like
we can take over the world.

It's awesome.

But I'm the only guy right now
without a one-on-one,

and it's like what if we had

the whole day together?
I understand.

'Cause I know I have
so much to offer...

You do.
And my family would love you,

my dad would love
to just drink beers with you.

Yeah. You know?

But I haven't, you know,

been able
to tell you that stuff,

and tomorrow on a group date,
I wouldn't have had that time

to tell you that
and express myself.

I appreciate that.

I'm gonna stop you right there
first of all.


I want you to know that

the first night I met you,
you were bold,

and you always put me first,
and you were always intentional

with our relationship... Yeah.

And you've continued
to put yourself out there.

You've gone out of your way
to make me feel special.

I mean, even you
being here right now

and checking on me means a lot,

and you are somebody
that I felt a connection with.


I was like, "This is somebody

I really want
to get to know more."

But what I will say
that is hard for me


Because of Hometowns
being next week,

I don't know that we could
get there in time.


At this point,
given you coming here

and talking to me,
I just don't think

it would be right to even
make you go through that.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Went to Katie's suite,
knocked on her door.

You know,
we kind of had an agreement

of just moving forward.
I gotta go home.

I mean, at this point,
you know, it's tough,

but... yeah.

Good luck. Appreciate it.

100% I love you.
Love you, bro.

♪ ♪

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Brendan came
to my room last night.

He spoke to her.

I don't know
what they talked about,

but he was super upset,
and he's gone.

Oh, no. What?

Damn. Yeah.

Brendan got
sent home last night,

which definitely hit hard.
It was so unexpected.

I don't know
the exact reason why.

You know, with, like,
the group date coming up here,

I'm just kind of preparing
for anything and everything.

All of us are at this point.

You know?

There's gonna be a rose
on the group date today,

and I'm excited
'cause I get to see Katie,

but with Hometowns
right around the corner,

I feel like
I'm running out of time.

There's just so many
unique questions

that I have to ask.

How would you be as a mother?

How could I see you
interact with James?

You know, to see whether
or not she can really

picture herself in my life.

♪ ♪

[upbeat acoustic music]

Today is such a realization
of where I'm at on my journey.

Next week is Hometowns,

and so I have
some big decisions to make.

♪ ♪

Hello! Hello!

But also, like, I realized

these last few days
have been hard on these guys.

Hello, hello. Hi.

Hey, good to see you. Hi.

So today I want
to take some pressure off

and focus on
just having a good time.

Are you guys ready to see
what I have in store for you?

Yeah. Yeah, let's do it.

All right, let's go.

This is the last group date,
and I want

to see them have fun
and loosen up a little bit.

We can take things
to a deeper level

later tonight.

Welcome to an art exhibit.

Oh, man.

[quirky music]

I see a bunch of flowers
that aren't just flowers.

♪ ♪

All of the art pieces
look flowery with a twist.

Tell me what you see.

I see a...

♪ ♪

Anyone else care to chime in?

♪ ♪

Who's the artist?

Hi. Oh.


This is Jacqueline Secor.

Some of these pieces
are her very own.

Oh, hi. Beautiful work.

Oh, thank you.

What are you thinking
about this?

Me? Yeah.

I mean, yeah, I mean,
it's a little messy

in terms of--
the color's aggressive.

And, um... Oh.

That's interesting, 'cause
it's actually my self-portrait.

Mm. [chuckles]

Really just botched that one.


That's okay.

We all have
different interpretations.

So today you are going
to create a work of art.

You can be sensual,
perhaps thought provoking.

Katie is your beautiful muse,
and we want to see

how you can express
your feelings towards her.

I got a lot of pressure on me
being the only artist out here,

so luckily there's some guys
that don't know...

[laughs] A damn thing about art.

To inspiration.
To inspiration.

♪ ♪

What are you going for?

I think
it's more about the message.

I am not an art guy at all.

Like, I really have
zero interest in it.

I'm trying to make a canvas
of feelings and emotions,

and I don't know exactly
what that looks like right now.

♪ ♪

Are you making a mango?

Broski! It's a papaya.

Do not look, dude.

Oh, well, you can see mine.
I'm not looking.

Oh, my God.

I take this very seriously.

I'm just hanging out.

I'm trying to create
something nice for Katie,

something that,
you know, expresses intimacy

and feelings towards her.
All right, everybody.

Let's present your work.

[with French accent]
Is a masterpiece!


♪ ♪

Let's see if it stacks up.

So this is entitled...

"Rear View."

She got a muscle booty.

I don't think Michael
has seen Katie's ass,

but I hope that's

not an accurate sculpture.

Exquisite. Thank you.

So the title of my work
is "Our Journey."

You know, prior to coming here,
a lot of emptiness,

a lot of soul-searching,

but, as a result of our journey,

here we are happily wed.

Katie's got
her little sundress on.

Justin's piece, I saw a rose.

It was really well done.

But then the other pieces
looks like I just drew it

with my left hand.

So this is "Sushi." Mm.

And that's just symbolizing...

How much we are foodies.

I love it. Really?

It's beautiful. Thank you.

You know, she loves sushi,

and we love
to eat food together,

so I'm looking to eat
my way to her heart.


[bleep] me. Okay.

I think, for the most part,
playing it safe

never really gets you anywhere.

Title, "Life."

Being, like, unapologetically
a sexual, open person

is okay.

And this is just a physical
visual representation...


Of one of the most amazing,
beautiful things

that... Oh, my God.

Humans are able
to do on daily basis.

Not a lot of species
can do that.

That magic.

♪ ♪

These [bleep, bleep]...


are also the beginning of life.

If there is one thing
Blake will do,

it's double down.
I mean, that boy is wild.

[chuckles] That boy is a fool.

I had a lot of fun today,
you guys.

We do have
an afterparty to head to.

Let's do it. Let's do it.

I feel like we had
a great day today.

You hate to, you know,
k*ll the fun, light stuff,

but I do have important stuff
to talk to her about.

Follow me.

There's a Group Rose tonight,

so one of us is gonna be going
into Hometowns, you know.

Thanks, guys. I have to keep

putting myself ahead
of the other guys,

you know, in her eyes
because the finish line,

it's coming up fast.

[soft sentimental music]

♪ ♪

Back to our favorite spot.


Today was a really fun
group date.

It was nice to cut loose,
have fun, and enjoy Katie,

but tonight's
a really important night.

Each and every one of us
wants to get the rose tonight

to move on to Hometowns
next week,

and now that I'm here,

I'm nervous for the first time.

It's just four of you guys.

Like, it's such a reminder

of just how far
we've really come,

and there's a rose,

and in giving out that rose,
that means I meet your family.

So that being said,

cheers to the clarity
we all need moving forward.

All: Cheers. Clink.

Tonight, I'm having
four conversations

with four guys
that I really am into.

I'll start it off. Oh!

See you? Let's go.

At this point,

each rose I give out
means Hometowns.

And so I'm looking
for clarity, confirmation,

and really figuring out
where it is

that these guys stand
in our relationships.

I gotta somehow differentiate
who's ready for that next step.

I think I've been
pretty honest with you

about where I'm at,
how I'm feeling.

Like, it goes without saying,
like, we are a lot alike.

It's probably the easiest
with you,

but also knowing how much
these upcoming times

can really change us, you know?

Like, meeting families can--
can change everything

in the most unexpected way.

My mom's going to love you.

Oh, so you already think
there's a next week for you?

I've been thinking that way
for a long time,

and I'm so in for you
right now, it's crazy.

Like, I'm not in love right now,

but the way that we're going,
it's [bleep] inevitable.

I know it's coming,

but I won't lie to you, either.

I haven't lied to you;
I'm not gonna lie to you.

You just gotta trust me.

I think I do.

[romantic music]

Blake is someone I've struggled
to fully embrace my feelings

because he hasn't been here
since the first night.

I'll take you back.

I see the possibility

of where we could be together,

I'll explain it in a second.

I don't know if we are
as far along,

you know, on our journey as I am

with some of the other
guys here.


Like it? Love it.

I'm, like--like, about to cry.

[Justin laughs]
It is--it's beautiful.

The butterfly has taken on,
you know, a new meaning for me.

When I think of evolution,
I think of how

you've helped me grow
and evolve and,

you know, move from, you know,

being in that cocoon
of feelings, right,

to really break free and feel
like it's okay

to release my feelings
and my emotions,

and so I wanted to kinda
make something

to express that for you.

Yeah, I mean,
if you think about, like,

how much we've accomplished

in such a little time.

You know? Yeah, 100%.

You were my first kiss.

You were bold the moment
I met you.

In my past relationships,
I've felt so, like,

held back and silenced.

Like you couldn't be yourself.

Exactly. Yeah.

You know, and with you,
I'm, like, I feel, like--

like, 110% myself. Mm-hmm.

Like, I'm dorky and weird.
Yeah. That's what I love.

I'm like, that's what
I want you to be.

Yeah. You know, I need that.

Yeah. You know what I mean?

It always feels natural
with you.

Like, it's not forced,
you know what I mean?

That's what I love about us.

♪ ♪

With Justin, our connection
is so strong

and easy and natural,
and that excites me.

These guys are so great.

Our relationships are so great

that it is a struggle for me
to figure out

the best decision,
the right decision,

the what-ifs, you know, and--

I will have tough decisions
to make.

Like, I wanted to check on you
and see how you're feeling.

How do you feel, like,
knowing Hometowns

are coming up? Yeah.

Do you feel like
that's something

that you are ready for?

It's scary for me
with opening my heart again.

It was scary coming here.

It's scary at the rate
in which everything progresses.

Given your
entire situation with--

with James and Laura,

and those are things I respect
and understand,

and I... Mm-hmm.

I would never want to force us

into something
we weren't ready for.


But if it's us in the end,
like, that's all that matters,

and we'll figure it out
as we go.

You're wonderful. [laughs]

Well, I--I think about it,
and like, I'm like,

"I'll get the juice boxes
and the condiments, and..."

Oh, my God.
"Fill up your fridge."

I need the help.
I need the help.

You know? I know you do!
Yeah, I know.

You know, and, like,
the life that I picture with us

and with James is such a dream.

Really? Truly.

That makes--that's so nice.

Truly, you know? Like...

I mean, it just sounds like
you're so ready,

and you've, like, given it
a lot of thought.

Every day. Every day. Yeah.

Half because of you,

but truly,
half because of James.

I think I've said that
from the very beginning.

Know that every time
I give you a rose,

I'm also giving it to James.

Know that I don't forget
that he's--

Never forgetting that.

Yeah. Mm-hmm.
He's part of the picture.

He's the full picture. Yeah.

What I'm looking for,

is to be in love. Yeah.

And that's the bigger picture.

Everything else
will fall into place

when it's meant to fall
into place.

I can assure you that, like,

no one can love you like I can.

♪ ♪

I had so many questions,

and she answered them
right off the bat

with one simple answer.

"We will figure it out.

Love is the only thing
that matters."

And that is 100% true.

Getting that rose tonight
would make me feel good

that the conversation tonight
sunk in

and that she accepted it.

I know every rose has carried
a lot of weight,

but in my opinion, that one,
you know,

carries the most weight
to date, right?

To get that rose tonight,

to know that Katie's
meeting your family, is huge.

I've had football
in my life forever.

And everyone knows
every athlete dies twice.

So-I didn't know that.

Yeah, well, once you're done

playing a sport... Mm-hmm.

There's, like, a empty void
that you have,

and then, obviously,
I don't even know

what I'm gonna do after--

So you're done-done,
or are you still--

Well, I don't know yet.

That's why we're having
this conversation.


Because I wanna know

what you have in mind. Yeah.

I am willing to be done,
you know?

And that's...
like the biggest thing

for me right now. Yeah.

But also the most
frightening thing.

So I'm just really nervous.

I'm really scared. Yeah.

I think being scared
is totally normal.

Getting into a relationship

and growing together
is still scary.

Taking that next step is scary.

For me, like, hearing you talk

and knowing, like, your dream
and what you're doing,

all I would do is encourage you
to keep going.

If that means that we're living
in two places every year,

then so be it.

If that means
we have to hold off

on having a family
because of the inconsistency

of our home, so be it.

We're always
gonna have obstacles,

and you're the kind of person
who I feel so confident

that I could be
holding hands with,

figuring this [bleep] out.

♪ ♪

She's an amazing woman,

and she's got so much faith
in me.

I got you. Okay.

All right, three, two, one.

Open your eyes.

Oh, my God!

So I'm gonna take us back
to our one-on-one.

Oh, my God.

This feels right.

Three, two, one.

It feels like
there's no one else.

Okay. Mm-kay.

You're so sweet.

I write quickly.

"I'm falling for you."

I really am.

♪ ♪

It couldn't have gone
more perfect.

I think she already knew
I was falling for her,

but after the conversation
we had,

the way she made me feel...
Thank you!

There's no denying that.

I think the group date's mine.

I had a ton of fun today,

and I just appreciate you guys
always showing up,

and it's just nice to have
a solid core of four here.

And so I hope you understand

how hard this decision was
for me.

Andrew, you quite literally
swept me off my feet today.

You have always
gone out of your way

to stay vulnerable

while still having fun with me,

and that is something
I really admire about you.

Michael, I know

how important family is to you,

and that is something I respect.

you may have arrived late,

but there's a reason
you're still here,

and I think there's still
a lot of time

we can make up for.

Justin, you express yourself
with words and with art,

and you have always
gone out of your way

to make me feel really special.

That being said, I only have
one rose to give tonight.

♪ ♪


Michael, will you accept
this rose?

Yeah. Wow.

Yes, I might even try
and put this on here.

[chuckles] Yes.

Thank you. There you go.

[laughs] There I go.

Thank you. Wow.

Thank you for everything.

Thank you.

Thank you. [murmurs]

I don't feel
all that good now.

I definitely felt

it was just us tonight.

And that's what kinda hurts

'cause you put so much into it.


And I don't wanna put
so much into this

and it all be for naught.

♪ ♪

[birds chirping]

It was a really fun date.

Like, it was, you know,
a really good night,

and, you know, it is tough
not to get the rose, but...

How do you feel like your
conversation went with her?

Extremely well;
I thought I was getting

the rose for sure. Really.

She was like, "Ah, this was
the toughest rose

I've ever had to give out."

I personally think this is
the most important week...

No. Until the final two.

No, this is the prep.
This is the prep day.

What's the most important


No, I think
that's the easy part.

Oh! That's the telling part.

And I think the hardest part
about this is

she's trying to figure out
the clarity

to get to that situation.

Two roses left.

Honestly, she's got
a tough decision.


You got it today, man.

[soft rock music]

♪ ♪

Today is the last one-on-one
before Hometowns,

and it's my first one-on-one
with Mike P.

Hello. How's it going?

I thought I would never
date a virgin,

but he has continued to amaze me

with his perspective on life
and the way he carries himself,

and just every time
that I'm with him,

our relationship
gets stronger and stronger.

[laughing] Hi.

How are you?
I'm good, how are you?

Good. You're good?

I have a fun date
planned for us.

Yeah, I mean, it's a big one.
We got Hometowns coming up,

so hopefully, today helps us

strengthen our relationship
a little bit.

I'm excited.
All right, let's go.

[chatter, laughter]

It's very obvious
that Mike P and I

have an emotional connection.

Today is about kind of

pushing us out
of our comfort zone

and seeing, you know,

just how much of a physical
connection we have.

I think growth happens
when you're uncomfortable,

and today's date is definitely

gonna be a little uncomfortable.


Welcome to my home.
How's it going?

My name is Jean.
May I ask your name?

I'm Mike.
Hi, Mike, and hello, Katie.

Hi. It's nice to see you.

Sometimes I'm called
Cuddle Queen Jean

because I'm a cuddle expert.

I'm gonna take you two
on a journey together

where you can learn a lot

about yourselves as a couple.

So before we get started,

why don't you change into
something more comfortable,

and I will meet you right here.

All right. both: Sounds good.

[both laugh] All right then.

Cuddle in the woods?

Ten being
the most uncomfortable,

probably a ten.

Um... [laughs]

You look great.
You look cute.

You look great!
I look like a drug lord.

[laughs] Gosh.

Oh, my gosh.

Well, I'm excited
to be close to Katie.

There's no question about that.

Make yourself comfortable

as if it's your own couch
at home.

I mean, I feel like cuddling
in the woods is normal,

not on the first date,

but, uh, hey,
there's a first for everything.

So in my cuddle community,
we love cuddle positions

and have lots
of different names for them.

And so I'm gonna share one
with you

called the "Oxytocin Hug."

The position you're gonna take
is right here,

facing the other direction
with your leg kinda close.

Go for it.

To begin the Oxytocin Hug,
the first thing is,

turn your torsos
towards each other

and hug each other and see
what the ergonomics feels like.

Just a regular hug?
Yeah, regular hug.

Feels good. Feels right.

[both laugh]

[inquisitive music]

You smell nice.

Yeah, I was just gonna say,
you do too.

Sorry my hands are sweaty.

Uh, my whole body is sweaty.
Yeah, it's hot out.

Your hair smells good too.

Mm, good, thank you.

Enjoy the hug.
In fact, breathe.

Be. Hang out with it.

Uh. [both laughing]


What I noticed at first
was a lot of nervous laughter.

Just relax.

We're good. [laughing]

What's going on?

What is it?

Just relaxing.

And typically, that's not
because things are funny;

it's because things are awkward.

This next one
is really interesting.

It's called the "Lap of Luxury."

Go for it.

All right.

I'm a little bit longer, so...

You're just gonna get
real close.

Here, I think
I'm supposed to hold your leg.

Oh. There we go.

This is quite the pretzel.

Oh, my gosh.

Everything's gonna be okay.
Oh, man.

Things are awkward,
but Katie's very calming.

She is a nurturer,

and man, do I love nurturers.

She reminds me of my mom.

Your legs are soft.

Oh, well, thank you.

My mom brings
a nurturing touch

to everything
and every situation

that she comes in contact with.

Katie does the same thing.

Where do I put my hands?

Um, I will guide them.

Right here.

When I was younger,
my mom and my sisters,

when my dad was at work,
they'd be watching TV,

and, you know, my mom
would be scratching my head,

and I'd be passed out, sleeping.

Like, that physical touch
is everything to me.

I think today was a moment

where we were able to experience

our first intimacy as, uh,
as a couple.

Oh, my gosh.

It's great.
It's a great first date.

It's a great first date.

Normally, I prefer
dinner first, but you know.

I know, gosh. [both laugh]

This feels like a lap
of luxury, maybe.

My mom's the best woman
I know,

but Katie's a better cuddler.

There's no question about it.

Uh, my mom's gonna hate me
for saying that,

but at some point,
every boy has to move on.

Yeah. Okay. All right.

[both laugh]

Oh, man.

I can't say I saw this
this morning.

Uh, us doing this.

I mean, it says,
"Let's get closer," right?

I didn't think
we were cuddling.

I thought you were gonna
make me take my clothes off

for whatever reason,
I don't know why.

I mean... [laughs]

I'm not sure why I was--
Put that in the--

I was like-The idea book.


I was like,
"We'll see where this goes."

No, honestly, I've just kind of
just did whatever.

I'm like...

Going with the flow.
Going with the flow, yeah.


In credit to you,
you've made it--

you calmed me a little bit
through it.

Oh, good. Yeah.

I think you're starting to see
that, like,

the reason why I wait
is for a reason.

Mm-hmm. It's not--

believe me, if it was up to me,
I'd be--

be humping everything.

But that's--but--

but that's not-Oh, my.

That's not
what's in the cards for me.

Yeah. So--which is good

because that--
it's protecting me,

which is good.

[both laugh]

No, I respect your decision.

I think that's really cool,
and I've realized

I've always, I think,
been quick to judge people

who wanna save themselves. Mm.

And then you've shown me
that, like,

that really means nothing...

To someone's, like,

personality, you know? Hmm-mm.

It's just, like, just a thing

when you have so many
other things to offer.

[soft romantic music]

You remind me of my mom.


You take on people's feelings.

It's a lot. Yeah.

'Cause it can be
good and bad feelings.


Which makes this whole thing
very, very difficult.

Literally would be
my worst nightmare.

I'd rather have my heart broken
a hundred times over

than break somebody's heart.

Oh, jeez.


♪ ♪

Like, I think
Mike's in trouble today

in terms of coming home.

Yesterday's date.

How uncomfortable would he
have been on that date,

and how much did Katie
love that date?

That's a big hurdle.
I just see it as a huge hurdle.

I mean, I have asked him
about this, and, um...

Honestly, the answer he gave me
was, like,

"You know, I'm just
saving myself for marriage.

Doesn't mean, like,
I'm not, like..."

Horny. Into--yeah, exactly.

He's 31. He's not oblivious.

He's had girlfriends, you know.

He said he's done, you know,
other stuff.

I just--I don't know
to the full extent.

Mike P is so by a book,

and Katie's just not by a book.

They just seem very different.

He's a very, very nice guy.

But if she's thinking
about a future

and how she wants to live,
I don't think

those lives line up.

It's--I just don't see him
coming back.

[apprehensive music]

[serene music]

♪ ♪

Our date today, it's beautiful

because the cuddling exercise
allowed us to bond

in our own natural way.

It allowed us to create
the whole different connection.

We were able to act
like a real couple,

and I'm looking forward
to that opportunity

to introduce her to my family.

Now we'll probably
have some dinner

and paint the picture
of what life

would look like together.

What's up, what's up?

[sniffles, murmurs]

[Katie sighs heavily]

You're good.

Sorry. No, you're okay.

You're okay.

Don't get me wrong,
I had a really amazing time

with you today. [sniffles]

And that's probably
why I'm struggling

so much right now, because,

like, I can't deny
the fact that, like,

today strengthened us
and bonded us more.


And it's hard because
selfishly, I'm like,

"Let me meet his family.
Keep him here.

I want more of him."

But also, if I'm being honest
with myself and--

and, like, the bigger picture
of what this is,

like, I know I do have
stronger relationships.

And it's tough because today
would've had to really

taken our relationship
to the very top,

and it didn't.

And so I just don't think
it would be fair

to make you go to a dinner
with me tonight.

I don't think it would be fair
to continue our journey

and involve our families

if, deep down, I know

where my heart is headed.

[somber music]

It's a hard decision
to wanna send you home.


I've told you this,
and I mean this

from the bottom of my heart...

No matter what the result is,

my respect for you
is never gonna change.


You know, I know what type
of wife you're gonna be,

and I know what type of mother
you're gonna be,

and one of those guys
is really lucky.

Thank you, Mike. And...

I'm bummed that I don't get
to experience life with you.

It doesn't mean that I'm not
gonna be rooting for you.

Give me a hug.

The only regret I have is that

Katie and I
didn't have more time.

Okay. Mm-hmm.

[sighs] Okay.

Bye. See you later.

♪ ♪

You know, sometimes,
things aren't meant to be.

Gosh. [sighs]

She's, uh,

she's incredible, so...

She deserves the world.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

He's gonzo. He's gone.

Wow. That's crazy.

I'm sure she's shook up
right now.


Oh, boy.


I know what I signed up for,

but that doesn't make it easier.

This is, like, my real life,
his real life.

You know, I've always said,
"I want a good guy,"

and I get handed
a group of them.

How hard is it
to frickin' navigate

good guy after good guy
after good guy, you know?

It makes this so difficult.

Every decision I make
going forward

is going to be
harder and harder.

And the one thing
that's keeping me going

is the hope

that this is all worth it
in the end.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Going into the Rose Ceremony

Greg and I have roses.

It feels good knowing that Katie

is going to meet our families.

And right now,
there are two roses

to be handed out

between Justin, Andrew,
and Blake.

I know all those guys
are sweating it

because getting a rose tonight
means that

you're introducing Katie
to your family.

So it's gonna be a potentially

life-changing experience
for everybody.

It's crazy to think that

every guy
you give a rose to now,

you're gonna meet
their families.

Exactly. Yeah.

And so tonight,
I really have to think hard

about realistically,
do I see myself

walking away at the end of this
with him?

I'm confident
because I've done everything

that I can to express
how I'm feeling

and what I'm about.

You know, the uncertainty is--

and all that matters
is how Katie's feeling.

Am I making the right choice?

That's the scary part is, like,
you could be sending home

the person who is meant to be
your fiancé,

who is meant to be your husband.

You know, there's two roses,
and there's three guys.

I know our relationship
is strong,

and I do feel confident
Katie's gonna meet my family.

And you wanna make
the right decision, you know,

and I wanna be confident,
but it's hard

when you have
this amazing group of men,

but also, everything is worth it

if I find my person
at the end of this.

I wanna get to Hometowns.

That's where it all feels real.

But I'm worried.

I told her, I was like,
"I'm not in love with you,"

and does she feel like

Blake's holding out, like, why?

Like, does that scare her
if other guys

are saying that to her already?

So I just really hope
she doesn't send me home.

Do you know what you wanna do?

I feel like I know
what I'm gonna do,

and the part where it hits me

is when I picture myself
seeing them.

And that's when it hits. Yeah.

That's when it really hits.

I can't confidently
say "goodbye" to any of them.

The second I see
all of their faces...

It--it changes a lot.

Oh, thank you.

Of course.

And it's like
that final moment,

that final decision
where it hits

because it's real.

You have a good guy
right there in front of you,

and you're sending him home.

And that's really scary because

there's this possibility

of sending home
the wrong person.

Hello, gentlemen.

This week has been
very difficult for me.

And a rose tonight
means I meet your families,

and that is not something
I take lightly.

I do believe my husband
is in this room,

and that is something
that is both exciting

and scary.

Know that if I give you
a rose tonight,

that means I see a future
with you,

and by accepting this rose,

that means you also
see a future with me.


[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


Blake, will you
accept this rose?

Of course.

[suspenseful music continues]

♪ ♪


[somber music]

Justin, will you
accept this rose?


There you go.

Thank you.

Andrew, I'm so sorry.

Please take a moment
and say your goodbyes.

♪ ♪

[whispering] Love you, dog.

Hey. Can I walk you out?


I'm so sorry.

You are such an amazing man...

And you give 100% to everything
that you are passionate about,

and that's what you deserve.

And that's not something
I could give you.

And I could not look your mom
or your sister in the eye

and tell them
what they would want to hear,

because they know
what you deserve,

I know what you deserve,

and the hard part is that I am--

I'm building
stronger connections.

And you deserve
more than what I can give you.

And tonight is really...

[voice breaking]
Really hard saying goodbye

because you are truly
one of a kind,

and you deserve to find
a great love.

It's bittersweet,
but just know

that I will forever

hold you dear in my heart.

I'm so happy we met.

Me too. [both sniffling]

Me too.

Okay. Give me a hug.

I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

[both crying]

I'm so sorry. It's okay.

You deserve the world.

Don't forget that, okay?

♪ ♪

It's heartbreaking.

You know, I haven't
felt this way

about a woman before.

I poured myself
into every little bit of this,

and, um,
she had stronger connections

with everyone else.

And it hurts

'cause I put everything into it.

Obviously, she knows

what husband she's looking for,

and who's that gonna be,
and it's not me, so...

♪ ♪

I don't know.

It is, like, it just--

it doesn't feel, like good.

It doesn't feel--

that was like probably
the first decision

I had to make where I, like,
wasn't fully confident.

It's the first decision
I had to make

where I just kinda had to, like,

hope it was the right choice.

[disquieting music]

I don't--I don't even--
I don't even know.

Like, I don't even know
what to say.

Oh, [bleep].

♪ ♪

I'm still a little shook up.

I did not sleep well

trying to process everything
that happened last night.

Last night was very emotional
and stressful.

Coming down to me and Andrew,

my heart was beating
out of my chest,

but obviously, I'm extremely
grateful and happy

to be here in this position.

Yeah, I mean,
after last night,

it's kinda--it's nice to just
get a fresh, new start,

and this is gonna be
the most exciting week yet.

This'll be, you know,
the opportunity for Katie

to get to see our family

and everything
that comes with it.

This week,
we're going into Hometowns.

I'm super excited about that,

but I can't help thinking
about Katie.

I could tell last night
at the Rose Ceremony,

you know, she was devastated
about saying bye to Andrew.

You could see it in her eyes.

So I hope she's doing okay.

[apprehensive music]

♪ ♪

This morning, waking up,
I feel better,

but there's still
that part of me

that's questioning the decision

I made last night.

For me to send Andrew home,

knowing how great he is,

was extremely difficult.

It was really hard
to let him go,

and I do really miss him.

He's somebody I will
always think about.

[knock at door]

Oh, my God.

Hi. Hey.

[both laugh]

I think it would be terrible

if I were to leave this place...

Come in, come in. Oh, my God.

And honestly not have
a smile on our face.

I'm speechless right now.

Hi. Hey.

How are you?

[laughs] I know, you--

Hi. Hey.

So I had time to just really,
you know,

just think about everything,
and, um,

it would've been not like me
or the relationship we had

to leave on a not-smiling,
happy note.


It's hard seeing you right here.

Saying goodbye to you was--

it was really hard.

I hope you know that it
wasn't an easy decision.

Like, it was one
of those things that, like,

it felt like even up to, like,
the last, like, second,

you know, and I think that's
what makes it really hard is,

like, it was the first time
I'd made a decision

that I didn't
feel confident about.

I--you know, I literally--

I think I, like,
dropped to the ground,

like, when the car drove away,

and it has a lot to do
with me caring for you,

and I still do.


It's hard, but that means,
you know, so much to me.

'Cause it was real, you know,

and I can really say, you know,
I fell for you.

You know, um, that's what,
like, makes me, you know,

and the pain that I have,
that makes--

it gives me comfort
because, you know,

it's a feeling that I've
never really felt with anyone,

and I'm super proud of you

and just love the woman you are.

Like, you are just incredible.

I'm glad we met. Me too.

Oh, me too. Trust me.

I'm so glad.

[heartwarming music]

Give me a hug. Mm.

Oh, my God.

I'm so glad you stopped by.

I'm glad I did too.
I'll walk you out.

♪ ♪

Thank you, again,
for this whole process.


And, um... Oh, no.

When you have time.
When I'm gone.

You can read that.

Okay. All right.

See you. Bye.

I got you. [laughs]

All right.

Safe travels. I will.


[heartfelt music]

♪ ♪

Where is he?

I don't know where he went.

I don't--


I just wanna give you a hug.


♪ ♪


Sorry. It's okay.

I just felt like I had--
like I had to see you.

No, and that's just real,
you know?

Um, I believe...

There's something there,
and, um...

Whenever, if ever,

you have me.

If there's a way to--

to stay a little longer,
would you want to?

You can say "no,"
you can say "yes," I don't--

It's tough.

It's tough because...

It did happen. Mm.

And, like, I feel

hurt in this place.


I know, I know.

And like...

[Katie sighs]

♪ ♪

All right.

I wanted to say yes.

I would love nothing more
than to be with her.

She [bleep] sprinted
down the stairs, dude.

And I said no.

But I want my future wife

to choose me, and, you know,

I wasn't chosen.

So I had to say no.

I don't wanna go through this
with her again.

I don't wanna be standing
at a Rose Ceremony

waiting for her
to not choose me again.

No crying.

I'm trying not to.

You're the best.
You're the best.

One last kiss?

Absolutely. [laughs]

Today, Andrew offered me
the closure

that I didn't even know
I needed.

It reminded me of all
the feelings I have for him,

and, you know, we kinda had
this opportunity

to have one last goodbye.

All right.

See you. Safe travels.

And it was hard.

I--I didn't wanna say goodbye

because I know--

it's gonna make me sad.

If it was Andrew and I
at the end of this,

I would be so lucky.

I would--I really would.

And there is obviously
a part of me

that wishes that
we could've got there.

It--this journey
just wasn't for us

at the end of it.

This is so hard,

but I know in the bottom
of my heart

this is worth it.

With every goodbye,
I'm one step closer

to finding my husband.

♪ ♪

Next week on
"The Bachelorette"...

I haven't admitted to anybody

that I'm in love with them.

If you feel it, say it.

Katie's romantic journey
to find love continues.

I'm introducing her
to my family tomorrow,

she hasn't told me she's
falling in love with me yet.

We haven't told each other
we love each other.

You know, there's still time.
Still time.

There's two weeks.

I feel conflicted.

I'm just at w*r with myself.

If she's thinking about
one or two guys over another,

you think you know,
and then you just--you don't.

You wanna feel like
you're the only one,

but you're not.

All I'm looking for
is to be in love

and find my person.

And it's very possible
that my person just left.

And then...

it's a "Men Tell All"

unlike anything
you've seen before.


This is about to get wild.

All your favorite men
are back.

♪ The length of my affection ♪

♪ Is less important
than the girth ♪

[all whooping]

Including the guys
you love to hate.

Thomas is not here for Katie.

He wanted to be the Bachelor.

How would you feel,
knowing that you had

the information,
and you withheld it?

You can't leave it
to guesswork.

You are leaving it
to guesswork at this point.

How? He's still here!

The dude is a terrible person.

I'm falling in love,

Hunter, we all know
you're a leprechaun, dog.

I know Katie has a heart

of gold, but you
can't add it to your prop.

It's a Men Tell All
you cannot miss.

Hunter, now is your chance
to let them have it.

Take us out.

It's all coming up next week
on "The Bachelorette."

You wanna hear a joke? Yes.

Okay. Oh, no.

Okay, so there's two olives
on a table.

Okay, so picture them.
Two olives.

Yeah, I'm picturing them.

So there's a really big olive.

Like, a really just fat one
on the table,

and there's just
a really small olive.

They're, like,
in the same friend group.

They're, like,
not the best of friends,

but if they walked
across the street,

they would have to say "hi"
to each other, okay?

Okay, I got the friendship
level on these olives.

Oh, God. Okay.

So--all right, so, um,

the owner of the house
left the window open.

There's a big windstorm, okay?

And the wind gust
came into the window,

and the smaller olive,

being much lighter
than the bigger one,

was like, "Holy [bleep]!"
and rolled off the table.

And the bigger olive is like,
"You know what?

I better say--I better check
on this little guy."

So he rolls onto the edge
of the table,

and he's like,
"Hey, man, are you all right?"

You know what
the smaller olive says?


"Yeah, man. I'll live."

[laughing] So bad.

That was gold.