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17x06 - Week 5

Posted: 04/25/24 08:52
by bunniefuu
on "The Bachelorette"...

Katie, I vow to cherish
your loving heart

for the rest of our days


When I'm with you,

everything else fades.

We connect on a really deep,
intimate level.

I love these moments.

This is what I'm looking for.

There's just
overflowing passion.

It's the beginning
of what could be love.

Hunter, baby, do you feel
like you're in love with Katie?

Yeah, I'm falling in love.

Hunter definitely lied
to advance his relationship.

I hate to compare him
to Thomas,

but I just see his behavior
as calculated.

She has a rose in her hand.
I'm so stressed.

I'm gonna b*at
these guys' asses,

and I'm gonna win Katie's heart.

What are they talking about?

I feel very conflicted.

I start to wonder, you know,

do I even actually
know this person?

Oh, my God.

I'm shook right now.

It suddenly just feels

so much realer and scarier.

I'm going home.

I'm at a breaking point.

I really am.


And it all starts right now.

[hawk screeches]

Welcome back to my place.

I feel like we just
kind of live here now.

I know.

Thanks for having us once again.


All right. A new week.

[sighs] Yes.

How was last week?

Last week was so great.

You know, now that I just
have a solid group of guys.

Yeah. And I'll be honest.

There are more than one guy
right now

that I feel
a strong connection with,

maybe even falling for.


Tayshia, thank you
for introducing me to Blake.

Of course.

Our one-on-one date
was so good!

I was pleasantly surprised
with how much we connected

during that time. Really?

Yeah. That's good.

Anybody else that
you're excited about?

And we know Greg. [laughter]

Yeah, yeah.
We know you mentioned Greg.

Like, Greg's a given. Yeah.

I don't know, Greg and I,
like, we just--

it just feels
so natural and easy.

So early on, I was able to see

what a glimpse of everyday life
would be like with Katie

early on, so...

I mean, I'm just excited
to see her.


But also, Michael A.
Has been someone

who continues to,

you know, have an impact on me.

And then, of course, I had my
one-on-one date with Andrew S.,

which also went really well.

I was a smitten girl.

[squeals] You still are!

I know! [laughter]

I think a lot of us
are hopeful for

a new chance
at a one-on-one this week.

You know, I really want
to spend a day with her.

So I'm at a point now
where it's obvious

I have a connection
with all of these guys.

You're in such
a good position.

So something I didn't realize

is just how hot and sexy

my men here are.

They are working out
right now, I'm sure,

as we speak.

They look good. Mm-hmm.

We haven't noticed.


Peeking through my windows.

Nope, we don't see anything.

They're getting me all,
I don't know.

Fired up? Fired up.

And, I mean, hopefully,
I'm doing the same for them.

Yeah, you are.
I saw that dress last night.

Come on now.
Have you seen yourself?

But I kind of had this idea.

I thought it would be fun.

Where the guys in the house

all have to agree to...

withhold their self-care

as long as possible,

if you know what I mean.

So, like, not do
their skincare routine.

Like no shaving. No.

We're going a little deeper
than that.

You know, a little...

friendly handshake
with themselves are off-limits.

Oh. Oh.


Okay. That kind of--

I have low hopes.

I don't think they're
going to last,

you know, longer than 24 hours,

but I think
it's a fun challenge.

And see-I like a challenge.

Don't they have roommates?
How do they do this?

Yeah. Shower?

You know, I thought everyone

was holding out,
but they find their ways.

Really? Mm-hmm.

And they tell you
these things?

I've heard some things.

What? [laughs] Yeah.


Lordy Lord!

Jesus' ears
can't hear all this.

Okay. Oh, well, okay.

We'll be the messenger.
Like, we'll say,

"This is coming from Katie."

I like this. Yeah.

We are evil... geniuses.
I like it.

Yes. [laughter]

I cannot wait to see the boys

and give a little look,

make it a little hard for them.

Make it very hard for them.

I've been saying
from day one that,

uh, time is opportunity.

And there's no better
opportunity than a one-on-one.


Hi. How are we feeling?

All: Good.

How was last night?

Stressful, but we're all here.

Is love ever not stressful?

Damn. No.

Not for me. [laughs]

You gotta know that by now.

I'm gonna fill you in
on a juicy secret.

This is good stuff, okay?

Katie and I came up with it.

She wanted me to share it
with you guys.

And it's called Operation WOWO.

[laughter] "WOWO"?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Like, "WOWO.
Week Off [bleep] [bleep]."

[quirky music]

Do you guys know what I mean?

Do I have to spell it out
for you?

Man down, soldiers.

Stay off the lotion.
Stop running the shower.

'Cause Katie wants to see
which one of you

can hold out...

and be the master
of your domain.

This is gonna
change our journey forever.

I know. [laughter]

We thought we were just
getting a date card,

but Kaitlyn tells us
that we have all been

invited into this pledge of--

of no more "onan-ation,"

as Mark Twain put it.

No more Downtown Lester Brown.

No more low-five.

No more getting' jiggy with it.

Anyone take long showers?

Anyone we need to worry
about running that water

a little extra long?



These guys are screwed.

I've been--I've been mastering
this my whole life, so...



Does that start now,
or do I have time to--

It starts--
it starts right now.

I hope you guys did self-care
this morning.


we have needs as men,

but, you know,
it is a compliment to her

that we kind of can't help it.

But, you know, I hope that
I'm not gonna be the one

policing everybody.

I'll leave that to, you know,

the Mike P.'s of the world

and those types of guys.

I can see the tension
building up here.

This sucks.

And a lot's gonna change,

very quickly,

especially with no more
letting your freak flag fly.

No more Friday Night Lights.

Saturday morning balloon races.

No more feeding
the wild stallion.

No more,
"How you like them apples?"

No more solo hockey, you know?

Well, good luck to you guys,

because that's a challenge

that she really wanted me
to share with you.

And again, be honest.

If you fail, it's kind of
a compliment to her.

But I also come bearing gifts.

I will leave you with this.

And I hope to see you guys
later this week.

Okay. Thank you.

Bye, Kaitlyn. Great visit.

Thank you. [laughing] Bye.

Kaitlyn, today,
dropped off the challenge,

and it's gonna be tough now.

I'm just gonna be trying
to lay low

and get through this
as best I can.

But there's also a date card.

That's what I'm thinking about.

I'm hoping to get my name

and have some extensive time
with her.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


"I can picture a future
with you.

Love, Katie."

I'm ecstatic right now.

I'm just like, let's go.

Let's go. We're here.


All right. Have fun, man.

Cheers. See you, guys.

Hey, man, we're timing
that shower, my boy!


It sucks not getting
that one-on-one,

not because I'm worried
about Justin,

but only because I need time

to really take our relationship
to the next level.

I was thinking about this, dude.

I was like, "I wonder if Greg
is gonna [bleep] get two..."

Two one-on-ones?

Does that happen?
It's happened.

It's happened especially
with the guy

that gets the first one.

See, I don't know that.
I didn't know that.

It has--it doesn't happen
often, I will say that.

But, like...[sniffs]
I wouldn't be surprised

if she already had
the top four picked.

And my opinion is that...

[overlapping chatter]

Me, you, and Connor
are already in the top four.

Hunter seems to me,
like, a little calculated

and just a superfan of the show.

I feel like he knows
this process very well,

but, for me,

I know what I have with Katie,

and that's all that
matters to me at this point.

I'm not trying to get
in any drama.

[owl hoots]

[upbeat country music]

You look good. Thank you!

Sundress season.
I know. This wind, though.

I had to put some extra shorts
under, just in case.


I like Justin.

He's so talented. He's so kind.

He has such a big heart.

And while it is very obvious

that we have fun together,

I need to see
if we have more in common

than just the fun, playful side.

I want to know him
on a deeper level.

But there's definitely
a spark, there's a friendship,

and so today's just
really about figuring out

if that spark
is actually a connection

that could lead
to an engagement.

[camera shutter clicking]

Oh, my God! Franco!


Oh, my God. You look gorgeous.

How are you? I'm a hugger.

Oh, I love it.
How are you? How are you?

I'm so excited to be here,

'cause Katie wanted me
to convey to you

the importance
of why she's here.

So I have planned

such a beautiful day
for you guys.

Today is your wedding day.

[sentimental music]

Oh, my God.

Like, is this
actually happening?

It's crazy that, like,
our first date

is like a wedding date,

but things move
incredibly fast around here.

So are we having a wedding?

Time is short.

Oh, my God. So come on.

We need to write the vows,

which is very important.
Oh, yes.

I'm nervous as hell right now.

You know, I'm not naive.

I know what's at stake here.

You know, it's getting serous.

And right off the bat,

we're exchanging our vows.

I'll be right back.

It's scary, because I know

it could make or break
her feelings for me.

Have you ever been close
to an engagement before?

No? You know, you always have

that list of, like, what you're
looking for in somebody.

You know, there have
been people that

checked off a couple,
and it's like,

all right, should I ease up
and, you know,

take a few of these off?

Am I being too picky, but--
Compromise, settle.

Yeah, but I've never,
in anything that I've done,

I've never, you know, settled
or just been complacent.

You know? Yeah.

But you've shown me

not only all
of those characteristics,

but, like, you've
added some to it.

It's just, like, I didn't know
what I was looking for

and wanted, you know? Yeah.

For me, I think my favorite
thing about us so far

is our playful side. Mm-hmm.

You know, I think
we can just be ourselves

and, like,
just being in this moment.

For sure. You know?

Hi, guys.
This is for you, my love.

So you can start writing
these vows.

Thank you.

Here. Thank you.

Justin, I need you
to come with me,

and we'll sit in the back bench
over there.

Okay. Bye.

Aw, I'm so excited.

This way. Come on this way.

Today is a sneak peek
into, really,

what I'm hoping to get
out of this,

and that's a proposal.

That's a marriage, a husband.

But, I mean, truthfully,

I've never even looked at rings
with somebody.

And, with Justin,
I feel so hopeful,

but there's a lot
I still don't know about him,

and so I'll be very interested

how he reacts after we've
gone through it together.

So tell me,
do you have an idea already?

Do you know what would you like
to say to her?

What is your message?
Am I doing this right now?

Do I have time
to think about what to say?

I mean, these are your words.

So whatever comes out
of your mouth have to be,

oh, marvelous, iconic.

she's never heard before.

Think about it that way. Yeah.

Not only are you
targeting her heart,

her mind, her spirit,

her brain.

Opening up hasn't always been

something that's come easy
to me,

so, you know, I truly have
no clue what I need to say.

I've never been married,

and it's like,

I don't even know
if I can do this.

But every conversation with us

just seems so natural and easy,

so I can't overthink it.

Like, I need to just be real,
you know what I mean?

And I can only hope that

it just resonates with her
and that, you know,

our connection
is as strong as I think it is

at this point.

He shared his top four list.

Who? Hunter.

Who was the top four?

He said it was him,
Connor, Greg,

and one other person.

Dude, Bachelorette historian.

Yeah, he definitely
is a superfan.

I heard he was in the forums
and [bleep].

[laughing] Yeah.
And, like, he seems to know

every detail about
every episode of the show.

He knows a lot.


I'm kind of just, like,
connecting the dots here,


taking advantage of time,

superfan of the show,
it's just--

He's [bleep] sneaky, eh?

Yeah, [bleep]
little sneakster.


[sentimental music]

Today, Justin will be seeing
me wearing a wedding dress.

That's exciting to me.

I want to feel that
we could walk away together,

that after today, that is

a realistic possibility.

But how is he gonna feel when
he sees me in a wedding dress?

Does that spark some kind
of fear and cold feet?

Or does that just
excite him even more

for where our relationship
is headed?

No peeking.

All right.
I'll be right back.

Stay strong. Sounds good.

I'm nervous as hell.

My heart is pounding,

but there's no denying
the potential

for me to fall in love with her.

Katie's everything
that I came for,

everything I wanted, so...

I'm gonna speak from the heart.

And if I fall flat on my face,

then so be it.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪



You're gorgeous. Thank you.

♪ ♪


Get my little notes out quick.

I got mine. [laughter]


With you, I found a love

I once didn't believe existed.

I trust you with my heart
and promise to protect yours.

I promise to support you

through all of life's
ups and downs

and do everything in my power

to keep that infectious smile
on your face.

Our bond is sacred.

And I vow to cherish

your kind, beautiful,

loving heart

for the rest of our days

♪ ♪

I guess it's my turn.

Yeah, I think so.


I promise to love you every day.

I promise to always chase you,

to cherish you, to protect you

from this moment on.

You are the paint
that colored my world.

Our marriage is a canvas,

so let's paint something

Oh, my God.

This is where they say,
"I now pronounce..."

both: "You, husband and wife."

"You may now kiss your..."
"You may now kiss the bride!"

♪ ♪

I'm married! It happened.

Give him the ring.
Give him the ring.

Oh! I don't know.

How do I, like--
how do I hold it?

Oh, what about my chest?
Oh, your chest. Oh.

Yes. Beautiful.

[romantic music]

♪ ♪

A little twirl. Yes.

I had such a great time today,

but it was intense.

And luckily,
Justin really stepped up.

He was able to just embrace
this moment with me,

and it made it
so much more special.

That's really what I'm looking
for in my future husband,

is someone who wants
to just embrace

whatever life throws at us.

We have this connection
that is so strong

that I can only imagine how
the rest of tonight's gonna go.

You look good. Mm-hmm.

[sensual music]

Okay, so?

couple long showers.

A couple, uh,
warming up the hot dogs?

No. Oh, bro. Yeah.

You're out of breath, dawg.
Blake, you're nasty.

No, just cleaning up
and stuff.


That was the most
suspicious answer

you could've given. [laughter]

This is why
I failed three times.


I'm never gonna
be comfortable with this.


[knocks on door]

both: Date card? There it is.

Think it'll be the same order?

One-on-one, group date,

Yeah, it'll
be a group date tomorrow.

Yeah. It'll be the same.

So you're hoping
not to hear your name

on this group date card. Yeah.

At this point,
the one-on-ones are dwindling.

I mean, we're halfway
through this process.

There's not that many left,

so every single time

I don't hear my name called
for a one-on-one,

it's a step towards
not getting one at all.

And I need that time to really

build my relationship
with Katie.



"Michael A.



"Mike P.





[dramatic musical sting]



"This queen
is looking for her king.

Love, Katie."

You know, I don't wanna sound
like a broken record,

but I just want the one-on-one.

But, I mean, I'm happy
for Connor, man.

I know that he's a good guy.

I know that he's also
been waiting patiently.

And in the meantime,
I'm gonna crush the group date.

My mind is blown right now.

I'm so excited.


I finally get to spend
more time with Katie.

She wants to spend more time
with me.

Hmm. [laughs]

I just--I'm so [bleep] excited.
I can't even.

I had so much fun today.

You know, it was crazy.

It was a real glimpse into--

into what this could result in,
you know?

And as scary as it was,

you have a sense of comfort,
you know, about you

that makes--that makes it easy.

Yeah, I just felt like

this could just be us.

This could just be real life.

You know, and it was
just really nice

to be able to kind of
explore that today.

Yeah. But there was...

There were moments
that were a little hard for me,

nothing to do with you.

I had a really, really
great time with you.


something that's
really hard for me

when it comes to weddings is,

my dad is no longer around.

I'm sorry. And--thank you.


[somber music]

♪ ♪

Mm, I'm sorry.

No, take your time.

To walk down the aisle today,

even in our, like,
imaginary world,

it does bring up
a lot of... pain.

You know, my dad won't be able
to do that for me.

Even when it comes down
to a proposal,

you know, he's not around
to give his blessing.

Yeah. [sighs]

And so with my dad passing,

it is such a reminder
how important it is

to, you know, love your family
every single day.

But, um,

there's also kind of
another layer in my story.

Before my dad passed away,

I also found out

that he was not
my biological father.

My mom kept that a secret.

And so it's hard because,
you know, here I am,

sitting here, saying,
"Love your family.

Appreciate them.
It's such a gift,"

and this biological father,

you know, he wants
to be in my life as a dad.



how do I build...

A relationship with this man
I knew nothing about

while also mourning the passing

of the man who raised me,
you know?

Like, any time...

♪ ♪

Any time I try
to get close with him,

it's just a reminder of

the fact that my dad who
raised me is no longer here.

♪ ♪

Yeah, well, I--

I mean, you continue to amaze me

with the strength that you have.

And I thank you
for sharing all that with me,

and, you know,

not only validating
what I thought you were,

but showing me
how much more you are

and how incredible you are.

Thank you.

So I'm honored
that you chose me

to be on this--this date.

You know, I want to know,
like, everything about you

because it's what makes you
you, and I wanna know

how I can support you

and affect you
in a positive way, you know?

And when you're feeling down,

I want to be that person
that's gonna be there for you

no matter what.

And I'm really looking forward

to what's to come.

[softly] Me too.

I feel so happy and comforted.

The wedding date
wasn't exactly easy for me.

It brought up some emotions

about my family history.

But Justin was fantastic.

It just felt like
a really safe space with him.

Like, I felt taken care of.

[soft music]


♪ ♪

I just want to say thank you

for not only
listening to me today,

but in every conversation
we have.

I can tell that you care,

and I can tell
that you're going to be

a great husband.

And I want to continue
to explore our relationship.

♪ ♪

So, Justin,

will you accept this rose?

I will.

There you go.

[giggles] Yeah.

Tonight feels like
the beginning

of something great.

And it's crazy to feel like

one date can really
just change everything.

Justin is someone
I can see myself falling for.

["Butterflies" playing]



♪ You could give me chills
on a summer day ♪

♪ ♪

♪ When we're layin' still,
but you make my heart race ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Gonna keep me young
when we're old and gray ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I know that times moves on ♪

♪ But some things don't change ♪

♪ I won't stop
getting butterflies ♪

♪ I get 'em every time ♪

♪ I look into your eyes ♪

Today has been incredible.

You feel one way about her
going into it,

but, like,

you know, it just goes
to a different level.

I'd like to think

that she saved something
like today

for not just anybody.

And to share that--
that moment with Katie,

I won't forget it.

♪ And I won't stop ♪

♪ Getting butterflies ♪

♪ I get 'em every time ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ I get 'em every time ♪

♪ I won't stop ♪

I think love can happen
when you least expect it.

We're watching
this performance by MAX,

and Justin just
kissed me on the neck

in a very sweet and tender way.

And it just felt
like normal life.

It's the beginning

of what could be love.

♪ I keep on gettin' ♪

♪ Butterflies, yeah ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Butterflies ♪

[soft music]

♪ ♪


Hey! Hello!

Today's gonna be fun.

You know, yesterday was very

wedding, engagement--

and today's kind of like
the bachelorette party.

You look great.

So today's group date
has ten guys,

and it is gonna be harder,

because on this date
are multiple men

who I am falling for.


But I am the queen,

and this is my castle,

and at the end of this,

there's only room for one king.

Well, we are halfway through

our journey together,

so I've enlisted two people

to help me figure out

who is really here for me

and who my king is going to be.

Yeah! Let's do it!
All right! Let's go!

The group date card said

the queen is looking
for her king,

so we were thinking
something medieval,

but you never know with Katie

and, you know,
really what to expect.

[bright fanfare music]

♪ ♪

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Hi, boys. Hi. [giggles]

Should we give it to 'em?

Should we give 'em
a little something?

Like a little
something, something?

Let's show a little walk.
A little something.

All of a sudden,
two beautiful drag queens

come rolling out.

And if it's drag day,

I'm going all the way.

Ooh, you cute!

I've never been
to a drag show.

I've never met drag queens

so I didn't know
whether I should be,

like, checking them out or not.

Come on, Ms. Katie.
Ms. Katie.

Hello, hello!

Both: Yes! Yes!

If you guys haven't
figured it out,

we are in the presence
of royalty.

Shea Couleé and Monét X Change

are drag queen all-stars,

and they are here
to help me figure out

who is here for me.

And let me tell you,
some shade will be thrown,

because no one can find a fake

like a drag queen.

Hello. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Today, we want you guys
to take some notes

on throwing shade
and showing Katie

why you deserve to be here.

We want y'all to cut
the competition down!

Oh, yas.

Hunter, baby, I heard that
you have to be this tall

to ride the ride.

Did your mama sign your
permission slip to be here?

She did. She did? Okay.


There's always some truth
to every joke.

That's why they're funny.

Mr. Aaron, we hear that

you're tall,

handsome, and not that smart,

but that is absolutely not true.

You're not tall and handsome.


That was quick.

You know what? That's all part

of the art of throwing shade.

So, gentlemen, your task today

is that you will all
be competing

in the Great Royal Debate,

where you will be tasked

with proving why
you deserve to be here

in the end with Katie

instead of your other suitors.

Yeah, and don't spare
any punches, 'cause we won't.

This is gonna be like
a little bit of a roast

and like a debate battle
with the guys,

so I can see Hunter
being a little nervous.

The last Rose Ceremony,
Hunter just kind of said

"[bleep] you"
to all the other guys.

And today, yeah, I think there
might be guys calling him out.

It's gonna be fun.

[quirky music]

♪ ♪

Aaron, Aaron, Aaron.

Who do you think is gonna come
to this debate with that ether?

Who's gonna come on that stage
and make my wig blow off?

Assuming I was wearing a wig,
which I'm not.

I feel, actually, pretty good.

I wrote a few pages actually.

Oh, my God! You have.

A big part of it is really,

you know, explaining why
I'm the best match for Katie.

All right. Good luck.

All right. Thank you so much.
All right.

But maybe she doesn't know
certain things

that the jokes are gonna reveal.

So Hunter is definitely
the most nervous

because he is fake as [bleep].

He knows that he
is the easiest target, by far,

and he's about to get it.

All right, Mr. Tre.

Are you--are you prepared
to be a little savage?

I mean, yeah.
Yeah, I'm not worried

about hurting feelings
right now.

I'm excited.

I think that this is gonna play

to some of my strengths.

And this is my chance
to show Katie

why I deserve her heart

and why these other guys don't.

For Hunter, I got, you know,
first impressions,

where, you know,
"Who invited this gremlin?"


"If you combined a squirrel
and an angry beaver,

you know, Hunter
is what you get."

Oh! All right, Tre.

This is good!


So I want you to be ready.

I'm gonna get--I'm gonna
get plenty of roasting.

I am very aware of that.

Okay, so I just want you
to be, like, ready.

I'm gonna try to be funny,

but it's almost
like friendly fire.

So do you feel like you're--

you're in love with Katie?

I--you know what, like...

I don't really throw that term
around lightly,

and I don't think that
I'm in a place right now

where I've been able to explore
that enough to say that.

I think it would cheapen
what we have.

I know that I'm gonna catch

plenty of roasting and insults,

but I'm gonna put it all
out there for Katie

and hopefully leverage it

to set myself apart
from the other guys.

[bright music]

Welcome, Bachelor Nation,

to the first annual

Great Royal Debate.

Bring on the men!

Yas. Yas!

I'm actually really excited
to see

what kind of tea
is spilled today.

You know, if you've ever
seen a roast,

it's like a comedy show,

so this is about having fun

and just going all out.

Let's have the first
Great Royal Debate commence.


Why are you worthy,
and the others are not?

I'm worthy, right,
'cause I have a big heart,

and you deserve to be treated

like the queen that you are,

And I think, more than
any of these other guys,

you and I can treat life
as one big adventure.

And I think,
at the end of the day,

all these are just competing
for second place.

All right, y'all
are being too nice.

Gloves off.

We want the real, true tea,

Mm-hmm. Absolutely.


Well, I actually, um,

I wrote a poem.

The title is,
"12 Guys, One Rose."


"all these men seem to be
in their feels.

"I'm getting the sense that
they know what we have is real.

"I'm excited to see
if me and you are meant to be,

"because all
I've been picturing lately

is me down on one knee."

Thank you. Look.

If your lovemaking skills

are like your debating skills,

I don't know what
our girl Katie here

is going to do,
because it is lame.

I am falling asleep.

Let's shift this,
because, you know,

everyone's being so political
and so sweet.

Who here

is the least compatible
for Katie?

[tense music]

♪ ♪

You know, maybe Hunter.

I mean, Hunter,
it's cute that you have

a top four list already.

It's funny that you're
in my bottom four,

but, you know, Katie,
I mean, you just need a man

that respects others,
so, I mean, yeah.

Top four. I'd like to hear

this top four.
What's the top four?

I do not have a top four list.

I've heard of a list.

There's not a top four list.

I mean, we're not
just making this up.

I've heard it as well.


This list is getting me
hot and bothered.

So, Hunter, do you think

that you're number one
for Katie right now?

Do you think that you're
in the top contending position?

Yes, I do.
How do you feel about Katie?

♪ ♪

I'm falling in love.

[mouthing words]
No question.

This feels... real.

I just want to make sure
we're up here being 100.

We were preparing for this,
and I heard that same question

asked to Hunter, and his answer
was a little different.

Well, you didn't hear it right.

Uh, I heard the question.
I was standing right there.

Building a relationship off
honesty is way more important

than anything else for me
at this point,

and so when people are
dishonest, I gotta speak up.

I've been honest
since I got here,

and there are multiple people
up here

that can vouch for me on that.

Can anyone here vouch for you?

Okay. Okay. One, two.

Hmm. Kay.


Who is the biggest try-hard
in the house?


I just would second
that notion.

Not a surprise. It's true.

You're a superfan.

You're commenting
on "The Bachelorette"

blogs and forums.


We all know you're
a leprechaun, dawg.

I know... Damn, bro!

I know Katie
has a heart of gold,

but you can't add it
to your pot.


Hunter's got a lot of fans.

Hunter, these dudes
have been roasting you.

Now is your chance
to let them have it.

Take us out.

I don't have any insults
to character

for any of you guys.


you know, I've seen that

love takes--

it takes caring,

it takes being aware.

And when I do find the woman

that I'm gonna spend
the rest of my life with,

I will never
take it for granted.

And I think that woman's you.

Thank you.

So, with that being said,

Katie will see all of you
at the afterparty.

Bye! Bye.

Hunter, at the end of it,
he wanted to be

"the bigger man," so to speak,
and not throwing shade

and try to win Katie over
that way, but,

um, to me, it just
comes off as phony.

It's, again,
it's kind of, like, fake.

But hopefully
Katie's not fooled.

I will say,
I was a little surprised

to learn about Hunter.

A lot of guys seem to have

a problem with him in the house.

But a lot of the things
that they were saying

was all hearsay.

You all right, man?

You a'ight, dawg.

I'm an adult.
I'm a grown-ass man.

I am not afraid of those guys,

but this is about
my connection with Katie.

She's gonna see me tonight.
She's gonna hear me tonight.

And we'll see who gets
the rose and who doesn't.

I'm gonna win.

I'm gonna b*at
these guys' asses,

and I'm gonna win Katie's heart.

[soft music]

[knocks on door]

I'm gonna go get that.
All right.

I'll be here,
anxiously awaiting.

It feels pretty unreal.

I actually get to go

on a whole date with Katie.

It's a dream come true.


"let's let our love
shine bright.

Love, Katie."

Can I see it? Yeah.

What are you thinking, pal?

Honestly, man,
I'd take anything.

I'm so excited.

I think she sees that

there's a lot
of different pieces to me.

And I think it'll be
interesting tomorrow

to take those pieces
and put them together

into a picture of who I am.

I'm excited,
no matter what it is.

It feels a little bit
like Christmas.

Like, it's gonna definitely
be a little tricky

to sleep tonight.

I've got a big date tomorrow.

♪ ♪

Did you guys have fun today?

Yeah, I had a great time.

I enjoy a good
verbal combat, yeah.

Well, I'd like
to propose a toast.

Thank you, everybody,

for being truthful

in everything that
you decided to share today.

I heard some things that were
a little concerning today.

With Hometowns coming up,

I do have to take these
relationships more seriously.

For some of you,
the connection we have

really isn't enough,

and tonight is your chance
to prove me otherwise.

So, that being said,

cheers to finding love.

All: Cheers.

Tonight's the last time
I'm gonna see these guys

before the cocktail party,

and it's important
to really utilize that time

to figure out where
our relationships stand.

I'm really not concerned

with a lot of the things
that I heard about Hunter.

You know, I do trust Hunter.
I really do.

I don't want to be distracted
by drama with the guys.

I have to focus on continuing
to build my relationships.

Today was interesting.

Monét had quite
the crush on you,

but, like, I said,
"Off-limits. Sorry."

[laughter] That's good.

That's what I wanna hear.

I don't wanna seem
like I'm, like, overconfident,

but, damn, you look good.

Oh, my God. Thank you.

And, like, regarding
the WOWO thing...

Oh, no.

I'm good. Oh!

I'm a little offended, actually.

No. [laughs]

Just as much as you're saving,


about the same way.

I definitely, like, am
starting to really feel this.

What we have, no one else has.

And I'll, like,
hang my hat on that.

And when we kiss, there's no way

anyone kisses the way we kiss.


[]romantic music]

♪ ♪

You know, obviously,
with Katie's speech tonight,

there's definitely some tension
in the air.

Everyone's a little nervous
for that.

She's got something
on her mind.

I'm not sure if she's talking
about someone specifically.

I'm guessing she is.

Definitely feels like there's
some animosity in the room

towards Hunter,
but he wasn't honest.

It would be nice to just focus
on talking to Katie tonight,

but I'm worried about, you know,

this potentially, you know,
throwing a wrench in the night.

There's a couple comments
she made that just made it,

maybe, a little bit of pressure.

I absolutely know
that these guys

are gonna come at me tonight.

They don't like me,

and they're gonna do anything
they can to make me look bad.

But I'm not afraid
of those guys.

I'm not afraid of their words.

And they can talk and talk

and talk all they want.

Those guys aren't
what I'm here for.

I'm here for Katie, and I feel
confident in our connection.

And, at the end of the day, it
doesn't matter what they think.

It matters what Katie thinks.

I was a little embarrassed
after today.

Actually, I loved your poem.

I hated that I said that.

I was so embarrassed by it.

Because, one, I don't, like,
ever talk about our connection

in front of the other guys.

And it makes me feel,
like, weird about it.

Do you feel good about us?
Yeah, yeah.

No, I feel-You seem like--

I don't know, you seem,
like, hesitant or something.

I mean... Oh, no.

It's just
so [bleep] hard for me,

you know, so...

I just, like...

I'm falling for you
at this point,

and it's, like, scary. Mm-hmm.

Sometimes I just, like,
can't read you sometimes,

I feel like, like right now.

I just feel like
I can't read you.

Ask me anything.
I'll tell you the truth.


How are you feeling?

Like, with us?
Like, where we're at?


am falling for you.

And it's exciting,
and it's scary, and...

[gentle music]

There's my truth. Okay.

♪ ♪

Greg just wanted honesty
from me, you know,

and that's all I've asked
from him as well.

And with Greg, he is someone
I'm starting to fall for.

And I felt it was important
to share that with him.

It excites me.

It is reassuring
that this is working.

I don't know what
she's feeling right now.

I know Hunter does
a hell of a lot

to make sure she's always
in front of her.

Hopefully, she has
some concerns that we share.

I think that he has
split intentions, maybe.

I think that there's
a part of him, the superfan,

that has a good idea
of the playbook

that you need to run out here,
and I think that part of him

does really have feelings
for Katie.

But the problem is,

using that playbook,
the falling in love [bleep].

You know, you weaponize that

It felt performative to me.
I agree.

See, this is where
I get in my own head,

where I feel like
I need to make leaps.

Like, maybe she needs to know,

The situation with Hunter,

there's a lack of consistency,

and I think that's enough
to raise a concern.

And Katie's here
to find a husband,

and if there's someone here

that is here
for the wrong reasons,

Katie needs to know that.

[quirky music]

I got something
I need to talk to you about.

[laughs] Okay.

I'm really built up.

Are we talking
WOWO Challenge built up?


Why do you call it
"WO Challenge"?

Week Off [bleep] [bleep].

I might have missed that.

But, yeah, I mean, I've been
struggling with it

a little bit.

It's been a day. [laughs]

Are you, like,
a daily, you know?

Yeah. Weekends, a little
bit more than the weekdays.

Okay. After work, depending.

And then, at night, for sure.

I'm getting so hot right here
by this fire right now.

Oh, I thought it was me.

I need more wine. Keep going.

All I'm saying is, like,
there's a couple weeks,

obviously, till that point
potentially comes--


and as that connection
starts to form,

like, it's gonna get harder.


Mm, real hard.


But, yeah, I'm gonna
try it out for you.

For us.

So does this mean
we should or should not kiss?


[gentle music]

Tonight has been so good so far.

Like, I am having a blast.

These are guys I can
be playful with and funny,

but we can also have
serious conversations as well.

And I feel so hopeful.

I don't know how tonight
could be ruined.

I swear, these dresses
that you're in

just keep blowing me away.

Oh, my God.

I'm sure you're not--I'm not
the first to say that.


So today was a lot.

Oh, my gosh. Phew! Right?

I hope you know
how uncomfortable I am

in that situation.

That's not my cha--you know,

I know it's a roast. Yeah.

And I would never
speak ill of anyone.

That's not who I am.
That's not my character.

But if there is someone here

that isn't looking
for true love,

you need to know. Yeah.

You know, I would hate
to see you end up

heartbroken, right,
and with the wrong person.

Between you and I,
I'm just noticing

a lack of consistency
with Hunter.

And I hate to compare him
to Thomas,

but I just see
his behavior as...

almost calculated.

Specifically, you know, today,

you know, he expressed
that he was falling for you.

The timing, to me,
the circumstance,

raises concerns for me.

For James to come forward
about Hunter,

I feel very conflicted.

Hunter is someone
I've had a connection with

from the beginning.

I can't help but wonder,
you know,

how serious, or not serious,
is this, really?

Earlier today,

you know, I was out there,
trying to write some roasts,

and, you know,
Hunter is actually

with one of the queens,
and they're like,

"Hunter, like, are you falling
in love with Katie?"

And he's, like,
reluctant to say yes.

Like, it's a clear no.

And fast forward
to when we're on stage,

and then the answer he gives,
you know, is very different.

He definitely lied. Yeah.

To advance his relationship.

And obviously, I know it's hard
for you to think about

the possibility of someone here,

you know, for the wrong reasons
this deep into it.

Am I being blind to what's
so obvious for everyone else?

I'm worried that this could
really ruin my night.

I don't know.

I don't know how to feel
about it right now.

He's really sweet with you.
I know that.

But, really, the thing is,
like, with him is,

the things he says,
like, really don't match up.

And it's just like, where's--
what do you actually mean?

Like, I'm a little bit confused.

Now that I have
multiple men coming forward

with their concerns about him,

I just want to hear Hunter out.

Hunter, can I borrow you?
Yes. Yes, you can.


She didn't look happy.

Similar to, you know, you,
I just reiterated,

you know, what I heard.

And, you know, hopefully

if she asks him about it,
I hope he tells the truth.


So... I--I did talk
to a few of the guys.

The part that is scary for me,

especially because
we do have a connection,

is phrases like
"being calculated."

Someone else
compared you to Thomas.

And it's the fact that
it's more than one guy,

and that's the part that,
like, really sucks for me.

And I don't blame you
for wanting to look into that.

As far as being calculated,

I've focused on you
and only you,

so I'm not being calculated.

I--I don't know what else

that I can say to defend myself.

I do have to say, like,
I have had side conversations

with Hunter.

I think he cares for her.

I'm not doubting whether
or not he cares about her.

The issue is, saying no, then
saying yes, then saying no.

I hope it was a slip of words.
I really do.

I think those things
are, like, really symptoms

of, like, a bigger kind
of dishonesty, you know?

I think you've
also seen people

kind of get ganged up on.

So I'm trying my best
to be an adult,

but I can only handle
my side of the street.

Yeah, it's just kind of like--

it's just bad timing, you know?

I don't want drama for you.

And I'm sorry.

I'm gonna be honest, though.
I don't feel good right now.

So I'm gonna have
to take a minute.

I'm so in my head.

There is part of me
that questions,

you know, how much
I can trust Hunter.

I start to wonder, you know,

do I even actually
know this person?

And I'm at a point
where I'm physically ill.

Any news?


It was probably
the worst conversation

I've ever had with her.

Some people told her
some stuff about me.

I don't even know what to think
at this point.



[exhales sharply]

Oh, my God.

I [bleep] hate this feeling,

I hate to see her upset.

She's clearly got a lot
on her mind.

All I care
is that she's all right.

I'm worried for Katie.

She was very visibly upset.

I--I don't know what's going on.

You know, there is still
the group date rose,

and at this point,

Michael A. has not
gotten any time yet.

Brendan, Mike P. as well.

Hopefully everything is fine.




Um, I had a really
good time today.

Uh, tonight...

was a mix of emotions.

Um, unfortunately,

I'm going to be
calling the night.

Um, there also will not
be a rose handed out tonight.

So that being said,
I'm gonna say my goodbyes.

And I will see you guys
at the cocktail party.


[tense music]

♪ ♪


I just didn't get time
with Katie

and, you know, it sucks.

Things are getting more real
with feelings

and there's Hometowns
in two weeks.

I mean, every single group date,

every single one-on-one
makes a huge difference,

so... I'm not happy.

I'm not happy.

I don't know.

I'm just kind of having

some negative feelings
kind of looming over.

You know, it's never good to
see your girl like that, right?

Obviously, we're all hoping
that Katie feels better.

Tonight, you know,
it made a turn

and it kind of got really heavy
really quick.

So there are just
a lot of things

left unanswered at this point.

It just feels like
a complete waste of a night.

I don't think anyone knows
where they stand with Katie.

[romantic music]

♪ ♪

I got a hot date today,
all day,

with Katie Thurston.

So call me Mr. Cloud Nine.

It feels like a dream
that I get to go

on a date with her one-on-one.

Our connection when we first met

was just incredible, and today,

I'm hoping that we connect

on a really deep,
intimate level.

I've never been this excited
for a first date,

I will tell you that.

I mean, that's pretty obvious.

♪ ♪

[warm music]

♪ ♪

Last night was draining.

You know, I got to a point
where I was physically ill,

and I--I just had to get
out of there.

I just need a fun day
out of the house,

and I couldn't imagine
a better person

to go on this date with
than Connor.


I'm so excited to see him.

I still remember the second
he came out of that limo

with a cat suit on.

I think I even said, like,
"This is it.

Like, this is the one."

Hi. Hello, hello.

Connor is somebody
who I love who he is.

I love talking to him,

but I've been in somewhat
of a friend zone.

We are missing
this physical connection.

When we kiss, I don't feel
that spark or that passion.

My hope is that
we can get beyond that.

So today I actually have
a surprise for Connor.

There she is.

It'll be a fun
little double date.

I love that. Hello!

Hello! Hi, guys! What's up?

Today's date
is the perfect date

to bring Connor on.

You know, I have Kaitlyn
and Jason there with me,

who have both been through this.

I just think
they're gonna be able

to offer a lot of advice,

and then I want to have
one last kiss with him.

Hopefully, it will help
Connor and I figure out

if we have that spark,

because really,
today is kind of, like,

the final test
to our relationship.

It's nice to be here
without other people.

This is--yeah.
Especially with you guys.

You've been on group date
after group date, right?

Yeah. Yeah.

[both chuckle]

But yeah, we have, actually,

a really fun date planned...

And it's gonna be super chill.

We're gonna grill,
we're gonna play games,

it's just gonna be-Yes!

It's just gonna be really fun.

Okay. Hell yeah.
We have a lot

of activities planned,

so if you guys
wanna play some games.

We love games. Let's do it.

Let's do it. Hell yeah.
Yeah! We love games.

What's your team name?

We're the Cool Cats.
Cool Cats.

Whoa! Oh, sh**t!

We're the Dirty Dogs.

Cool Cats and the Dirty Dogs.

So here we go.

Bring it on.

Set me up.

Whoa-oh! Oh!

[grunts] [all groan]

All right, I'ma-Phew.

I'm gonna head out.
I'll see you later.

You got--no, you got it,
you got it, you got it.

I'm definitely better
at volleyball than Connor.

That's a given.

[grunts] There you are!

Now we're talking! Let's go!

Damn it, she got in my head.

I held my own.

I set up a couple of spikes

who-sie whatsits
and whatever you wanna call it.

I've got a new game for us.
Oh, boy.

[laughs] Here we go.

Okay. Wait, we gotta--
How does this work?

Okay. Hold on. [laughs]

Wait, let me go--
let me go down.

You know what? [laughs]

Never thought
I'd hear you say that, but...


Katie's a friend,

and you want your friends
to have

the relationship that you have,

that has finally made you happy.


I had a friendship bond
with Jason

that turned into an emotionally
connected relationship,

so looking at Katie,
you want it to work

because you just want them
to have what you feel.

Who is funnier?

Connor's funny
with, like, dad jokes.

Okay. Give him a topic,

and he'll give you a dad joke.
Any topic.

Pressure's on. Um, sushi.

Give us a dad joke.

Uh, I could make a joke,

but it'd be a little fishy.

Ooh, that was so quick.

It was, um... Wow.

It was rice of you to ask,


Meeting Connor today,
I'm a huge fan of his.

Connor's, like,
literally the nicest guy.

So genuine
and just down-to-earth.

Katie, you can see
she cares for Connor.

It seems like
the foundation's there.

It seems like
they have everything

that would make
a good relationship,

and so I'm rooting for them,

and I hope that Connor's
in the game.

So where--so where's
your head at?

I mean, this is a cr--
I mean, I know,

'cause I've been in this spot.

I know how I feel about her.

Like, I--I have real feelings
about her.

Like, I care about her a lot.
That's awesome.

And it's nice to get
to hang out

and just be normal and, like,

look over there and watch them
making margaritas.

Yeah, it's awesome. Cuties.

I mean, you can't--
[both laugh]

You can't b*at that.

Katie, how do you like
your hot dog?

A light crisp, please.

A light cr--okay.
Light crisp?

I'd say we're at it.
You got it, babe.

Oh! [gasps]

He called me "babe."
You got a "babe."

He's awesome.

He makes me laugh,
he makes me smile,

I love spending time with him.

I just--I really just love
everything about Connor.


Jason and I,
we started off as friends.

Yeah. And there's something

to be said about starting off

as a friendship
and growing into a romance.

I never thought
that was a thing until Jason.

I mean,
watching you and Jason,

you guys are so cute together,

and that's, you know,
what I want with Connor and I.

Time is everything. Mm-hmm.

And minutes can change things.

Dates can change things.

Kisses can change things.

I definitely
wanna kiss him again.

Maybe when we just have

some alone time, like,
maybe that magic moment,

that magic kiss that's--
it's gonna be there.

I keep to--
it's going to be there.

And because
of how incredible he is,

like, to just give
every opportunity you can...

Yeah. Because he's so great.

I know. You know?

It looks pretty cooked.

This date is definitely

a make-or-break
for Connor and Katie.

They are really cute together

when it comes to chatting,
flirting, laughing,

all of the things you'd want
in a relationship,

but a kiss is very telling.

I keep thinking,
"Please give Connor a chance.

Give him one more."

Yeah, today was amazing,

and I'm excited for tonight.

What do you have--I guess
you're not allowed to tell me.

What are we doing? [sighs]

It's all to be determined,

You think they're gonna kiss?

She has to have that last kiss

to really 100% know.

It's crazy how,
when I'm with you,

everything else fades.

Right, like any insecurity,
any doubt,

any worry about
anything that's going on,

it's just gone.

Like, that says a lot
about who you are, I think,

and how I feel about you, but...

We are so creepy.

I know.

This is kinda creepy.

I've loved every moment
we've had together so far,

and the way
that you make me feel

and who you are as a man--

like, you are truly
one of a kind.

That means a lot.

[romantic music]

♪ ♪

They're kissing,
they're kissing,

they're kissing,
and we can't see it.

♪ ♪

[soft piano music]

♪ ♪

Today was just incredible.

It could not have gone better.

Getting to spend
a whole day with her

was something special.

We're just really,
really connected and close.

I feel really good
about tonight,

so I'm not nervous.

I'm just excited
to see her again.

♪ ♪

It was just
a perfect little day.

And it was a really great way
to end it

because we got to make out
under the sunset.

You can't ask
for a better moment than that.

There's no stopping it here,

and it feels great.

I want her to meet my family.

I definitely see myself
falling in love with her.

I feel like she can see
a future with me.

♪ ♪




Hey. Hey. Oh.

Hi. Hi. Come here.

Thank you.

Sorry. I--oh, oh, my God.

What's wrong?

Come here. Come here.
I--I'm sorry.

No, no, no, don't be.
It's okay.

Come here.


What's wrong?

You know, the more I learn
about you, the more...

I realize just how great
of a man you are.

Like, the song you wrote me?

That meant the world to me.

It's okay.
I know where this is going.

It's okay. Just breathe.

It's okay.

It is.

It's not. It is. It's okay.

Come here.

[gentle piano music]

♪ ♪

It's hard for me because...

♪ ♪

I don't know, like,
I just feel like, with us,

like, I really wanted
to feel like

you were someone
I could walk away with

at the end of this.

And it's, like,

the most heartbreaking thing

because I remember how I felt
when we first met.

You know?

And I hope you know that.

Like, I--like, you've done
nothing wrong in this.

[somber music]

It's hard, but it's okay.

♪ ♪

What happened?

I mean, I'll be--
I'll be very honest,

because that's all
I've asked of you...

Yeah. Please.
And I'll be honest, you know.

When we kiss,

there was something missing
in that kiss,

and that was hard for me,
because everything about you,

everything about us
was so easy, so good,

but when we kiss, it just--

that was the one and only time

that something was missing.


I know. I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Because this, like, won't--

it's worth it to have met you.

[somber music]

Thank you for everything.

♪ ♪

Okay. Yeah.

Can I give you a hug? Yeah.

♪ ♪

I wish nothing
but the best for you.

Thank you. Same to you.

All right.

♪ ♪

I knew saying goodbye
to Connor would be hard.

I just didn't expect it
to be this hard.

He's such a good guy.

♪ ♪

He knew, walking in there,

I was probably
about to break his heart,

I was about to say goodbye,

and he still put me first.

He put me first.

That's a man you'd be lucky
to be with.

And I just hope

that when he leaves here
tonight, that he knows...

just how worthy he is
of finding love.

♪ ♪

[crying] It's heartbreaking.

♪ ♪

Oh, God.

Oh, God, the most heartbreaking

part of that is, like,

starting off that strong
and then...

♪ ♪

God, how bad of a kisser am I?

[laughs, sniffs]

Obviously, you're sitting,

you know, what could they
possibly be doing right now?

You know, how did the day go?

[dramatic music]

Um, hi, guys.

Hey, buddy.

I came to say goodbye.

Oh, my God.

♪ ♪

It was heartbreaking

to watch Connor walk in
in tears, man, he...

I'm shook right now.

I know the guy's heart.

He's such a good guy.

I feel like I'm a very similar
person to Connor

in a lot of ways, and honestly,

my confidence is super shaken
right now.

I admire you,

and I do wanna be
more like you, okay?

[bleep] thank you, man.

Thank you.

♪ ♪

There's no better person
for Katie, like, than you guys.

Like, I'm gonna miss you a lot.

We love you, man.
Stay up, my boy.

Stay up, bro. Yeah. Cheers.

♪ ♪

Wow. [bleep].


It's a lot heavier
than I thought it'd be.

You know it's gonna come
to an end eventually,

but it just--it hits different

when it actually--
when it actually happens.

[dramatic music]

You start thinking just
when your time's gonna come

and you have to say "bye."

You know, we were
five for five

on one-on-ones,
so you just assume

that a guy as good as Connor

is gonna come back
with that rose.

♪ ♪

I mean, she's gonna
have to make

some really tough decisions
from here on out.


It suddenly just feels
so much realer and scarier.


♪ ♪

[Katie crying]

[somber music]

I knew saying goodbye
to Connor

would be heartbreaking,

and it was just hard.

It was hard saying goodbye
to him.

[somber music]

With Connor, he checks off
all these boxes

of things I'm looking for,
things I hope to find,

and that's probably
what makes this so hard.

It's like we're just missing
this one thing

that we can't even control.

This spark, just that one thing.

But the truth of the matter is,

Connor and I just aren't meant
for each other.

♪ ♪

[music playing faintly
in distance]

♪ But what's on my mind ♪

♪ Is everything I don't know ♪

♪ And everything I want to ♪

♪ Just give me some time
with your smile, baby ♪

♪ I wanna memorize you ♪

♪ I wanna know
your heart by heart ♪

♪ And your kiss by kiss ♪

♪ Wanna know what it was like ♪

♪ Every day before me,
what's your story, baby ♪

♪ Every single line ♪

[laughing] What are you doing?

I came here to see if you
could use some cheering up.

Come up here.

[laughs] Come up here.

♪ I wanna memorize you ♪


What a guy.

I was not expecting that.

[heartfelt music]

What the hell? I know.

You know how hard it was
to do that?



How are you? I'm fantastic.

♪ ♪

I was not expecting

to see you tonight.

I know.
I heard you had a bad night.

[clears throat]

Wish I looked a little cuter
right now.

You look great.
I told you, I like raw.

I like raw. Oh, my God.

Hi. Hi.

Looks like your eyes have been
a little watery.

Um, yeah,
it's been a rough night.



I'm, like, speechless right now.

Was not expecting to see you
at all.

I had a night.

I was emotional, I was tired,

and then to see Blake
standing outside, I--

am I dreaming?

Like, hello.

I was ready to go to bed,

just like you, obviously,
and, um...

Connor walked in,
and it was, uh--he was--

You saw him.


I didn't know that.

Yeah, so he came back, um,

very emotional,
to say goodbye to the guys.

The whole room
got really emotional.

I felt for him,
but I was just...

Thinking about you
in your sweats,

crying, as he explained, right?

Yeah, I mean, today was hard,

and I think it's getting
to a point

where it's going to be hard.

But I have to focus

on the relationships
that I have,

you being one of them.

This is just
one of those moments where,

if we're gonna be together,
being there, being supportive,

and just kind of coming in
to hopefully soothe you

is, like, something, like--

I was, like,
looking forward to come

and see you and, like,
turn you around.

And, like, you all teary
up on that balcony...

Oh, my God. [laughs]

Right, was, like, exactly

what I wanted to get
out of tonight.

And that was, um...

The greatest surprise ever.

[romantic music]

♪ ♪

There's a lot I still need
to learn about Blake.

I had no idea...

how romantic he could be.

When I'm with Blake,

I don't think
about anything else

except him and I.

Mm, I'm in trouble.

♪ ♪

I love these moments

that I just don't want
to [bleep] end.


I hate that I have to wait
till tomorrow night again...

For a sliver of time.

You're smart, though.

You showed up to my suite.

Yeah, I did.

With Blake and I,

there's just
overflowing passion.

There's this
undeniable chemistry.

Like, with Blake,
this is what I'm looking for.

♪ ♪

I'm certain
that I'm falling for Katie

and she's falling for me too.

♪ ♪

Okay. Now get out of here.

Good night. Good night.

It's impossible to deny

that Katie and I
are gonna fall in love,

and it's so exciting to think
that that's ha--

gonna happen,
and it's gonna happen soon.

And so I feel like

Katie's gonna be my fiancée.

♪ ♪

And with Katie,

I'm not gonna hold back
in any way.

I feel like
I'm in my own love story.

Now I'm just ready to enjoy
my happy ending.

♪ ♪

[solemn music]

Going into
the Rose Ceremony tonight,

I have to make
these hard decisions

and focus on what I came here
to do,

which is fall in love,
find my fiancé.

I don't have time
to waste anymore on the drama,

because this last week was hard.

It was emotional.
It was exhausting.

What makes this hard is,
I have amazing guys here.

Blake is someone
I'm really excited about.

He went out of his way
last night

to check on me.

You know, and he
didn't have to do that.

Those are the moments
that really keep me going,

and I'm so ready to just
move forward beyond tonight.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Seeing Katie's always great,
so looking forward to tonight.

I haven't gotten the time
I really needed.

I feel like I'm kinda running
in place here a little bit.

So it's super important
to make an impact tonight.

Seeing Connor going home
last night,

I don't think anybody
expected that.

It's kinda scary.
You just never know,

you know, what's going on
on her end.

It just goes to show you that

none of us really know
what the connections are like

with the other men in the house.

We're at the point
in this journey where Katie,

every interaction
she has with us,

is kinda dissecting
whether or not she can see

a lifelong future with us,

So a lot of pressure on tonight

and, obviously, moving forward.

With Hunter, obviously,
him and Katie

have established
a quality connection,

but I have my concerns,
and she should be cautious.

I have feelings for Katie,

so I'm nowhere near ready
to go home.

Not only
do I see potential here,

but I believe Katie does too.

♪ ♪

Oh! Hey, hey.

Hey. Hey, Katie.

Wow. Here we go.


Hello, Katie.
Thank you, thank you.

You guys can sit down.

First of all,
I just wanna say thank you

to each and every one of you

for being here with me
in this exact moment.

This week was really tough.

As you know,
I had to send Connor home,

and the group date,

that was also very hard for me.

And I'm at the point where time

really isn't gonna
make a difference tonight.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

You know, I have
strong relationships

with men in this room,

and I owe it to them,
I owe it to myself,

to just be very intentional
with where my heart is

and what I wanna do
with my time going forward.

So, that being said,

the cocktail party is canceled.

♪ ♪

I know within my heart

exactly what I want to do
going forward,

and at this point, I wanna focus

on the relationships
that I have forming.

So I just wanna thank you,
again, for your time,

and I will see you guys
at the Rose Ceremony.

Thank you.

♪ ♪

[bleep] just got real,
huh, boys?

Yeah. That sucks.

It's especially
nerve-racking for, like,

myself, Mike, Brendan.

You know, people--
that last encounter

wasn't an encounter at all,
you know?

The panic sets in
when you don't really know

what your connection is
at this point.

Like, I know that
we have something.

I don't know what that is
compared to the rest,

and so I'm a little panicked
right now, honestly.

I'm definitely nervous
about not getting a rose,

but it's because time
is everything with Katie,

and I'm nervous
that I might leave here

not getting a full chance
to show her,

you know,
what all there is to me.

She doesn't waste her time,

and she knows what she wants
at this point.

There are still
question marks in my head

as far as where I stand
with her,

so I'm feeling very uneasy
right now.

If she doesn't
feel a connection with you,

you're going home, so my mind

is just in a million places
right now.

I can only hope and pray

that this whole Hunter
situation is behind us,

but I don't know
what she thinks about me,

what she thinks about Hunter,

so it's scary.

♪ ♪

The fact that a few guys,
this late in the game,

decided to try
to throw a Hail Mary

and tell her a bunch of stuff
about me

changes our relationship,
in my eyes,

none whatsoever.

I'm still confident,
even after the other night.

I think I will get a rose.

If she trusts me,
and if she trusts us,

then I'll be here
in the morning.

[dramatic music]

Oh, boy. all: There's six.

That's six.

Oh, my God, that's six.

Just six.

Four people are going home.

[bleep] bloodbath.

Thank you guys
for being patient tonight.

Um, I have to follow my heart,

and I hope
that you guys understand.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


Can we actually go outside
to talk?


♪ ♪

Oh, my God.

♪ ♪

What the [bleep]
is happening, dude?

She has a rose in her hand.

She has a rose in her hand.

Is that one less rose? Man.


Oh, man.

♪ ♪

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

I wanted to resolve everything

during our group date,
and unfortunately,

I had to cut the night short.

I think a lot of that
had to do with you

and how I felt.

What are they talking about?

Oh, my God, dude,
why's my heart b*ating so fast?

I'm so stressed, dude.

When she called his name,
I was like, "I'm going home."

I was like, "I'm done."

It was not supposed
to be like that.

I've thought about that moment

a lot of times in my head.

I've envisioned it,
I've envisioned

how I wanted it to be,
and that was not it.

What are they talking about?

His behavior in the house,
I'd say.

Whatever his answer is

is gonna determine
whether or not he stays.

I didn't get up
and write you a love letter

the morning after I met you

because I wanted to make it
another week.

I did that because
I was on fire with emotions,

and, like, I wanted you
to know, like,

in that moment,
this is how I feel.

I'm surprised, 'cause
she said she made up her mind,

but this seems like
a game time decision.

Maybe it's not made up.

I don't even know
what to say right now.

Like, I just--I just wanted
to talk to you,

and I'm just looking
for clarity.

I don't like the fact
he's taking up time

and disrupting everything.

What the [bleep]
is happening, man?

Come on.

He's coming back.
He's coming back.

Hunter came back in,
and, you know,

Hunter didn't have a rose
on his chest,

so I was assuming that that rose

was still up for grabs,

but I don't know what's going

through Katie's head,

so everyone's a little nervous.


I just really needed clarity
coming into this,

and I am at a point
where I am just

so ready to move forward

and really start
to fall in love.

I don't have time

to allow anyone
to play catch-up.

I don't have time for the drama.

I'm just ready
to find my person.

[tense music]


[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Blake... Yes.

Will you accept this rose?

♪ ♪

Katie knows who I am.

There's no question.


♪ ♪

Andrew... Yeah.

Will you accept this rose?

To be honest,
I said everything I needed to,

so I trust her.

We're gonna see
if she trusts me.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Greg, will you accept this rose?

Of course I will.

I'm definitely nervous
about not getting a rose.

I kind of spoke out
about Hunter,

and that did take up

Looking back,
I could've talked about me

instead of talking about Hunter,

and now, going home
is a real danger.

Michael A.

♪ ♪

Michael, will you accept
this rose?

Yes, of course.

I was trying to help Katie,

but I think she maybe thinks
I'm part of drama.

It's making me nervous.

♪ ♪

Mike P.

♪ ♪

Mike, will you accept this rose?

Yes, absolutely.

Hunter, the dude
has nothing on me, right?

Like, nothing.

I think I should be staying,
for sure,

but now I can be gone
because of Hunter.

♪ ♪

Gentlemen, this
is the final rose tonight.

Katie, when you're ready.

Thank you. Okay.

♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


Brendan... Yes.

Will you accept this rose?

Gentlemen, I'm sorry,

but if you did not
receive a rose tonight,

please say your goodbyes.

My guy. Love you, buddy.

See you soon.

Tonight didn't go
how I wanted it to go,

but at the same time,

I think that I've made
a couple mistakes

just from the drama
in the house.

Good luck at it
with everything.

It was good to meet you.
You too.

But I have no regrets

about the things that I've said

or didn't say
in this experience.

I hope you find
what you're looking for.

You know,
this is not just a girl

that, you know, I kinda like.

In my book,
she's one of the best women

I've ever met.

You are a gem of a woman. Hey.

At the same time,

she's gotta do
what's best for her,

no matter what.

So I met a great woman,

and, uh, yeah, I was me
from start to finish,

so I'm gonna be happy with that.

You know, Mom and Dad,

I'm the same kid you raised,
you know?

I grew a little bit, got hurt,

and it's been
a beautiful journey, so...

I learned a lot, and, uh,
I'm never gonna forget Katie.

I'm so glad I got to meet you.

It's gonna take a while
for me to get closure

about why--

like, why this unraveled
the way it did.

And I don't think that
she made the right decision.

I want her to want me here,
and she didn't.

She didn't 100% want me here.

So [bleep] them.

The fact that you all are here

means I see something
in each and every one of you,

and know that tonight
was very hard,

and it's only gonna get harder,

and so I just hope that,

if you're choosing to be here,
you know that.

I think we'd all agree
that you're worth it,

so cheers to rolling
with the punches.

Well, guys?

To love.

All: To love. Cheers.

Next week on
"The Bachelorette"...

Oh-ho-ho my God!

I think that I found
the love of my life.

I'd rather have my heart
broken a hundred times over

than break somebody's heart.

I've always said
I want a good guy.

Then I get handed
a group of them.

I want to narrow in
on who my person is.

Until you have a one-on-one,
you 100% are behind.

I don't wanna put so much
into this

and it all be for naught.

I'm falling for you.
I really am.

No one can love you
like I can.

At this point,

each rose I give out
means Hometowns.

I'm desperate.
My back's against the wall.

I told her,
"I'm not in love with you."

This is so hard.

There is this possibility

of sending home
the wrong person.

I'm losing it.

The one thing
that's keeping me going

is the hope...


That this is all worth it
in the end.


It's all coming up next week
on "The Bachelorette."

I was thinking, like,
we definitely need

to get to the bottom of, like,

who you're feeling... Yeah.

But before we do that,
we should take the edge off.

Yeah, just a little,
just a little.

Just a skosh, just a little.

Just tea with the girls. Oh!

[laughs] Move over.

Yes. Mm-hmm.

For the queen herself.

Just a little dash in here.

Now, have you--
have you kissed

any of the guys yet?

Actually, every guy here,
I have definitely kissed.


That's our girl!

And who was the best kisser
out of who you--

out of the guys left?

Ooh, ooh. Greg.

Yeah, I liked his energy
a lot.

I mean-I mean--

If it doesn't work out
with you guys,

please feel free to give him
my number after the show

if he'd be interested
in a girl that--

Yeah, you know, just invite me

out to stagecoach.


They're hot, huh?

Oh, yes.
Yes. Oh, they are hot.

Um, but,
at the end of the day,

honestly, you can't have

I have 12 boyfriends.

I mean--right, right,
right, right,

but you ain't trying to get
married anytime soon.

This is true, this is true,
this is true.

Right, you ain't looking
for your happily ever after.

You're right, you're right,
you're right.

You know, you lookin'
for a long, long...
