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16x06 - Week 4

Posted: 04/25/24 08:45
by bunniefuu
on "The Bachelorette"...

Clare, will you marry me?
[gasps softly]


Clare found
her happily ever after,

and a new romantic journey

Hi, guys!
I'm Tayshia.

Tayshia's just amazing.

She couldn't be better.

But then four new men arrived.

You are beautiful.

Hope you guys are ready
for a few more.

And the competition between

the new and the old guys
was fierce.

I'm pissed.
It's us versus them.

And tonight...

[dramatic music]

Looking good.

♪ ♪

This is a girl's dream,

This is every morning
at Chateu Bennêtt.

I could get used to this.

I could be the main course
for breakfast.

[laughs] [squeals]

I definitely want her
for myself.

That was good.

Just the life
of the Bachelorette.

What can I say?

I enjoy every second
I get with you.

I'm trying to have the best
love story ever.

Every moment is precious,

so I'm gonna fight
for what I want.

[bell dings]
This is battle.

Blood, sweat, tears, regret.

[all shouting]

The medics are heading over.

And then Noah hopped
the fence.

All hell is breaking loose.

He's trying to push himself

onto group dates.

I think it's immature
to do that.

I'm not gonna let this go.

You can think
what you wanna think.

You're a fraud.
You're a phony.

This [bleep]
needs to [bleep] stop.

I'm not taking anymore, dude.

I'm bringing Wolverine out,

and it's gonna get bloody.

It's all coming up tonight
on the "The Bachelorette."

[upbeat music]

[birds chirping]

Last night, I think
this whole experience

finally sunk in.

I had an amazing one-on-one
with Brendan.

I really feel like
he's husband material.

I don't know.
I think he just really

set the bar high
for a lot of the guys.

And today, I have a group date,

which I'm actually
so excited about.

I honestly cannot wait.

It's gonna be a good day.

I'm excited for today.

I mean, for all of us
on this date,

it's our first time
seeing Tayshia

since the first night.

So, uh, I'm just ready
to figure out

what the date's gonna be.

So on the date today,
we have Montel, Ivan,

Demar, Ben, Chasen,

Ed, myself, and Bennett.

It's been a few days now
since I've seen Tayshia,

so, yeah, really excited
for the date.

Come on, boys.
[overlapping chatter]

Get after it.

I'm looking forward to going

on the group date today.

For me, this is a new energy,

a new life.
It's like a rebirth.

So it--it's gonna be
a good time.


It's good to see you.

Good to see you too.
You look beautiful.

looking gorgeous today.

Can't wait to just spend
some time with her.

I really, really want
that Group Date Rose.

Okay, I'm really excited

to hang out with you guys today.

I've been dying to see y'all.

Um, I actually brought
two of my friends

to take care of the date today.

I have no idea what's happening,

but I heard it's really,
really fun.

So you guys ready to do it?
Cool, let's do it.

Let's do it.
Let's do it.

Okay, cool.
Let's go.

♪ ♪

Oh, hey.

["Thus Spoke Zarathustra"
opening chords]

♪ ♪

This is the story
of one woman...

And her quest for love.

She's been through it all,

and now she knows
what she's looking for.

She's looking for a man.

She's looking for...

a grown-ass...



Hi, guys!

Hello, guys!

How are you?

So for those of you
that don't know,

this is Ashley and Jared.

They met each other

on "Bachelor in Paradise."

And we've been married
for a year now.

Look at this.

She's got a ring
on her finger.

All: Ooh!


Today, we're gonna put you guys

through a set of challenges,

and at the end of today's date,
one of you

will be crowned
"a grown-ass man."

And unfortunately,
one of you will be labeled

as a "man-child."

[chuckles] Mm.

It is a known fact I came here

not looking for a boy,
but for a man.

Everybody, take a seat.

So today, we're gonna
put them to the test.

Really excited for today's date.

I'm looking
for a grown-ass man, okay?

So Tayshia's looking

for someone who is smart.

So we're gonna test
your skills in math

and spelling today.

Good luck, guys.

You know, growing up,
school was not challenging,

you know, whatsoever.

You know, I did go to Harvard,

and I think is, uh,
playing into my favor.

Yeah, I think I'm,
you know, in the sort of

upper echelon in terms
of being a grown-ass man.

I'm certainly the smartest.

"You are going on a date with
the beautiful Bachelorette,

"Tayshia herself.

"If you wake up at 7:35 a. m.,
[alarm ringing]

"and it takes you 1 hour
and 42 minutes to get ready

"and walk to her suite,
at what time

will you get to the date?"
[timer dings]

Flip 'em over!


Bennett, what do we got, bud?

The correct answer is 9:17.

Congratulations, gentlemen
who did get that correct.


"Tayshia has 25 roses total.

"She gave out six roses
during a cocktail party,

"one First Impression Rose,
and three

"during one-on-one dinners.

How many roses
does Tayshia have left?"

That's kind of
a poorly-worded question.

Well, that's a judgement call.


The correct answer was 15!

Bennett got it wrong.
It's all right.

We all have off days.
You know what I mean?

I just found out that

Bennett went to Harvard,

which I'm a little shocked at

because his answers
were a little questionable.

Well, if it had been
worded appropriately,

that would have been different.

Harvard might have to drop
their tuition prices

after seeing Bennett's
performance today.

Maybe he didn't stay
the full four years

like Mark Zuckerberg.

I don't know what he's doing.

Spell "limousine."

Three, two, one.

It's L-I-M-O-U-S-I-N-E.

Oh, Bennett forgot the U!

Who went to Harvard here?


Mr. Harvard
had more wrong answers

than I did, for sure,
and I went to Arizona State.

Oh, no.

Some of these questions,
you know, caught me off guard.

I still think I have
a good chance

of winning this competition.

It really is gonna depend
on the next, you know,

three or so events, and we'll
see what we have in store.

All right,
off to our next challenge.

Now like we talked about,

Tayshia is looking
for a grown-ass man.

Grown man.
And that means fighting

for the person you love--
both emotionally

and physically.

The date today was about

how Tayshia's looking
for grown-ass men,

and I'm really excited
to show her

how grown... my ass is...

as a man.

The person who gets ahold
of the bouquet

will be the winner of that duel.

I wanna see, like,
how down and dirty

you guys get with this.

Show up!

This challenge requires
a lot of strength,

and it's a little competitive,

which... a little competition
never hurt nobody.

All right,
in three, two, one--go!

You got it, you got it
you got it, you got it.

Go, people, you got it, go!
Get it!

I--I definitely feel like
I have what it takes to win

this grown-ass man challenge,

and that's what I'm going after.

That was good.
Ben versus Ed.

This one is--no!

Hey, you got this, bro.
Let's go.

I mean, he's got tree trunks...

But you're fine, man.
You got this.

I am a grown-ass man,
but, uh, Ben's the guy

no one would wanna do a leg
competition against.

Let's go, Ben!

Oh, my gosh!

Ed is really struggling
'cause, you know,

Ed's got some chicken legs.

Oh, my gosh!
[overlapping shouting]

[grunts] Oh!


[uneasy music]

So I got smoked.

I mean, it wasn't even
a fighting chance.

Good job.
You know, if I miss

the award for the grown-ass
man, I can accept that,

as long as I avoid
the man-child award.

I can't really participate

in to the physical competition
due to a old, you know,

football knee injury
that's still kind of with me,

but, you know,
well--it's all right.

It's all right.

It's not by choice.

Bennett 100%
does not deserve to win

the grown-ass man competition.

He missed a ton of questions
in the beginning.

He didn't know
how to spell "limousine."

On top of that,
he didn't even compete

in the tug-of-w*r.
So, like, I don't think

he's really in the running
for anything right now.

All right, you guys.
Well, welcome

to the breakfast in bed

The best challenge
'cause there's donuts.

I mean, I'm clearly a fan.

Oh, my gosh,
I love a man that can cook,

so I'm really excited to see
what they whip up.

I could get used to this.

[bright music]

Ooh, I smell bacon.
I know, I smell it.

how are we on avocado?

I love avocado!
[blender whirs]

[softly] I was really excited
about Bennett at first,

but I--I don't really know

about that math test
that we had.

I haven't really excelled
on the events,

coupled with my, uh, falls
on a couple of questions,

but, otherwise,
I think I'm up there.

I'm a contender.
What are we judging this on?

Thoughtfulness is, like,

I need some bold moves.

I need people
to step up, you know?

Both: Five, four, three,
two, one!

Everybody have their hands up.

Look at Bennett!

I think we're getting
a bold move.

This is a very bold move.

All right, great.
Demar, you are

our first man up.

[laughs] Hi!

So I figured
since I'm currently

in Scottsdale, Arizona,
where we do

"Sunday fun days," right,
you gotta have a mimosa...

I love that.
To get things started.

Group dates
are always very competitive.

You have to bring your A game.

There's so many
alpha males here.

The little things matter,
and I'm always gonna

be here for you, for sure.

Being bold and being assertive

gets you a rose,
so you gotta make

the best of every group date.

Oh, my gosh!
[exhales loudly]



For Tayshia, I have

something special planned

where I'll stand out,

and I'm excited to see
what happens.

You know, I just thought
that I could be

the main course, uh,
for breakfast.


Just get, like, right here

and give you a nice, little hug.

Thank you.
You look good in that apron.

Thank you.
I think Chasen kind of,

you know,
scrapping the breakfast

and saying that "I'm the feast"

and, you know, being--being
shirtless is, you know,

slightly boyish,
but that's okay.

I think everyone
has their own approach,

and, you know,
to each their own.

Next up, Bennett.

Hello, hello.

How did this happen?
All right, all right.


I feel confident

that I'm a grown-ass man.

I'm not afraid to be who I am,

and, you know,
I think a woman respects that.

What are you doing?
It's, uh, breakfast in bed,

you know?


[whispers] [bleep], Bennett.

Looks good.
I think this is kind of like

a Sunday, you know, morning--

slow and easy.

Bennett's bougie, okay?

He's bougie, and I'm bougie,

so... I appreciate it.

I know that you like,
you know, donuts,

and naturally, you need
to have a beignet...

I love beignets.
From Chateau Bennêtt.

That was good.

Yeah, so, you know...
That was really good.

Just Bennett took it
over the top

with the robe
and then getting in bed.

He made it more
of an intimate moment,

and when she was
sitting next to him,

it looked like she forgot
about everybody else

in the room.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Thank you!
Of course, anytime.

I think that that
was impressive to Tayshia,

that intimacy.


Cover your nose!

Cover your nose!
I'm sorry.

I was tested.

I think all of you guys

did a great job today,

and I'm really impressed
by all of you.

I think that Tayshia
has some hard decisions

lined up for her.

[sighs] All right, so...

[baby doll coos]

This is awarded to
the man-child of the evening.

You will have to carry this
as long as Tayshia so desires.

So the award for man-child
this evening goes to...



Come on and get your doll, Ed.


So--oh, well, Ed...
Oh, my gosh!

You gotta make sure
you hold it like a real baby.

Support the head, Ed.
Support the head.

I got the man-child award.
I view it as a fun thing.

I mean, I think Tayshia knows
only certain people in the room

can take that.
I mean, I--I'm a fun guy.

I love a little joke.
I'm gonna own it.

This is a good look.

The upside of this
is that there's nothing sexier

than a man taking care
of a baby.

So maybe later
at the cocktail party...

Hope he--I hope he has

a name too by then.


Ed was such a good sport
about the baby.

He just brings a good,
light energy to everything.

So... I don't know.

I was really,
really proud of him.

I'll be giving out

the grown-ass man award,

and this man, when it got
to the final round,

he really showed up.

He made a romantic moment.

This man is...


Congratulations, Bennett.
Thank you.



[dramatic music]

When Bennett kissed her,
the whole room cringed.

That just shows
that he's classless.

He has no respect
for the other guys.

He's wearing a [bleep] robe
in front of everyone,

thinking he rules the world
because he's from Harvard.

Wha--are you trying
to take a picture?

Yeah, I think we're just,
you know, posing for the boys.

All right, Bennett,
you can go over there now.

Are you sure? Yeah.

I don't play those games,

and I don't think Tayshia
really appreciates that either

because that's not being a man.

Let's get ready
for our after-party

'cause this date
isn't quite over yet.

And if he's gonna
continue riding his ego,

it's gonna sh**t him
in the foot.

♪ ♪

[insects chirping]

[curious music]

This looks nice!

Today was awesome.
I won the grown man challenge.

Tonight, I'd love to pick up
right where I left off

in that bed with Tayshia
and, you know,

continue on our evening.

Where is the tequila?

Oh, my God, it's right here.

Regardless of what happens,

I am very confident
that I'm gonna get that rose.

You brought the diploma out.

You know, I thought it was
the trophy of the evening.

It won't come
with me everywhere.

Do you--do you think
you earned it, though?

I have, you know,
all the confidence of being

a grown-ass man in any,
you know, way, shape, or form.

Does a--does a grown-ass man

not compete
in a physical competition

and has to sit out?

I--I--if you wanna
go down that route,

I--I got the award
and didn't compete

in one of the, you know,

That is true.
So how does that

make you feel, man?
But you competed poorly

as well, though,
is the other thing.

That kiss in there
was very, very cringe-y.

Just kind of like

your robe right now, buddy.

That's all right, man.

Kind of making me cringe
a little bit.

Bennett, it's called
a cocktail party

for a reason, buddy.

You don't wear a robe.

It's not gentlemanlike,

especially for Tayshia.

That's not the kind of
grown-ass man

that she needs to be with.

Hello, hello, hello, hello.

How are you?
I'm good.

How are you?
Oh, we're doing great.

Today was just like a fun--

it was a fun day
out with the guys.

You got dressed up, I see.

I think the entire group
is a group of men, not boys,

and I hope that the evening

also turns out to be a good one.

Yeah, I just, you know...

Wanted to wear the robe.
I was hoping to pick right up

where we sort of left off.
Oh, you're funny.

If you don't mind,
I'd like to kind of

get things going,
just real quickly.

Just--and we'll take
two minutes.

W--uh, okay, um...

I'm just gonna say hi
to everyone first, though.

Is that cool?
Of course.

Whatever the girl wants,

the girl gets--absolutely.

You guys, today was fun.
So much fun.


And Carlos...
We added a new guy

to the pack.
It's so nice of you

to join us.
[doll squeals]

I'm just so happy.
I feel like I really have

some grown men,
and I'm just really excited

to get to know you guys
a little bit more tonight.

Maybe we should
just cheers to that.

Is that good?
Yeah, absolutely.

For sure.


Cheers, y'all!
All: Cheers.

Cheers to some grown men!

I'll cheers to that.

Tayshia, can I actually
grab you first?

I'd love that.
All right, perfect.

Oh, interesting.
We'll finish

our conversation.

Interesting, all right.

Be right back.
[doll cooing]

Chasen with the swoop.

That's all right.
I was gonna take, you know,

two minutes, but, you know,
grown-ass men have manners.

So I'm so excited
every time I--I get

to hang out with you,
and just, like,

you amaze me more and more.

And, uh, you know,

last time we talked, um,
we were talking about family.

Um, so family's

super important to me.
I love that.

And, like, that's everything
that builds me up.

My little sister's married.

Oh, is she?
Yeah, she's just expecting

a--a kid in February.
No way.

So I found out
a couple weeks ago,

like, I'm gonna be an uncle.
So it's just like--

That's exciting!
I know, so, like, I, like--

I, like, lit up.

Like, just like my heart,
like, kind of exploded

and, like, dropped
at the same time.

And I'm at this point

where, like, I've actually
never been in love.

I've gone through

some relationships, and we can,
like, talk about this,

like, later on.
Yeah, I definitely

wanna know.
But, you know,

this is why I'm here
on this journey.

And I think it's

very important
just to get to know you

and, like, learn
where you come from.

Like, what makes Tayshia

Was it really grown-ass man
to kind of just, like,

"Oh, by the way,
I'll hop right in here"?

But that's fine.

That's how it goes.
What do you think, um...

his conversation
is like with her?

I'm sure his conversation
is what we see.

It's just like--oh,
he probably has

his five adjectives:
"You're beautiful.

You're energetic.
You light up my life."

Unfortunately, she doesn't see
the Chasen we see.

Chasen's a fraud.
Chasen's a phony.

The guy's more or less
an actor, in my mind.

Well, likewise.
Good seeing you.

He just kind of repeats

what he thinks
he's supposed to say,

and it, you know--it's just
not believable.

The longer Chasen
spins this web of deceit

over to Tayshia,
he's gonna be around.

So how's your night?

It's going well.

Yeah, a little better
that you're here.

Me too.
I'm excited to be here.

It's so funny 'cause, like,
I feel like, um--

like, I'm attracted to you.

I feel like we have chemistry.

That makes two of us.

But also, like,

I feel like my guard goes up
when I'm around you sometimes.

I get nervous.

I'm also very nervous
right now.

It's a weird thing.

I, like, don't--
this doesn't happen.

My heart doesn't race.
I, like, don't get sweaty.

But my heart's racing,
and you're--you're feeling

my hands right now.

Um, so it's like
a weird feeling for me,

but I--I like it, you know.

Well, I like it too.

We'll keep talking then.

So what do you wanna know?

So let's see.

Well, first of all,
how are you--

how and why are you single?

I, uh, so I've always,
like, been a relationship guy.

I've had a couple

longer relationships in my life,

but two years ago, I ended one

that I thought
was gonna last forever.

And the ending

of that relationship,

like, destroyed me.

And so for the last two years,
I just haven't even tried

to date anybody.

But I, uh--the feeling
that I feel right now

is, like, the thing
that I was hoping to feel,

and I--I'd love to kiss you.

'Cause you're... gorgeous.

[tender music]

♪ ♪

One more for the road.


♪ ♪

I'm smitten by Ben.

We can save some for later.
You're trouble.

I'm leaving.
I'm nothing; I'm perfect.

I'm going.
I'm perfect.

I gots to go.
You can't just get up.

I gotta just go.

All right,
well, see you later.

[laughs] Okay.

There's something
about that boy.

I like him.

That challenge did, like,
mean a lot to me, you know--

being a grown-ass man,
and you want somebody

who's a grown man, right?

And that's completely
what I embody.

I wanna give back to the world
as much as possible,

you know,
start a charity--whatever--

do whatever and just give back.

There's just so much
in the world

that I wanna change, you know?

So let me ask you, uh,

what are you looking
for in a husband

or a relationship,
going forward?

I want someone that's loyal,
someone that is driven,

motivated, wants to, like...

I've said this--
build an empire with me.

100%, yeah.
You know?

Like, I just--
No, no, like, everything

you're saying,
I 100% agree with.

Like, I--I love it.

I love everything
that you're saying.

I mean, did you do research

before you came over
to talk to me?

Because you're just basically
saying everything--

That's what I feel like--
maybe you did some research.

What are you talking about?

You're the one speaking.

You--it's like you did
a little a work on me.


You carry yourself so different,

and you're so much younger
than all the guys, I feel like.

I don't know.
I knew there was

something different about you,
but there's just, like--

there's, like, depth to you
in the sense of, like...

I don't know.
You're just--

you're a grown-ass man.

Ivan's kind of like
a dark horse.

He's there.

Um, he's fairly subtle,

but he has, like,
a lot of power.

I wanted to, you know,

get a little blindfold action

and feed you some strawberries.

You know, part of being
a grown-ass man

is, you know, being romantic,

I wanna make sure

you can see that side of me.

So here you go.

You ready?
Am I over there?


You want strawberries
or blueberries?

Um... let's do
some strawberries.

All right, here we go.
Oh, my gosh, I'm nervous.

I've never--I've never

had this done to me before.
You ready?

There you go.

[chuckles] Mmm!

Like that?

Strawberry's my favorite.
I got, uh,

a little something
different this time.

How 'bout this?

[soft music]

♪ ♪

Today has just been
nothing short of amazing.

Each guy surprised me so much.

I never thought I'd have so many

positive connections
with all the guys in the group.

So I'm happy.

It was curious, you know.

Obviously, we've got Tayshia
in here.

Thank God, right?
And, uh, most of us

are really, really
fired up about that.

I think that there's
a bit of a, you know,

elephant in the room
with some others

that perhaps
aren't as, you know, fired up.

[tense music]

Is it anybody here
you're talking about?

So who--so who--
who are you speculating?

'Cause I'd like to get down
to the bottom of it

if you're pointing fingers
at me.

I think, you know,
there might be some question--

I think Ed brought that up--

you know, if you're as genuinely

fired up about Tayshia as I am.

I'm just posing the question.
Oh, yeah.

I appreciate as a man
that you're coming at me.

I'm posing it as a question.

Those guys can come at me
all they want--

Batman and Robin.

I'll be Superman,
so--actually, I'll be Wolverine

'cause that's kind of
my nickname, but, uh...

we'll let them
find that out later.

Yeah, I mean, I definitely did
share moments with Clare.

Right, right.
You know?

I--I was able to have
a little bit more

one-on-one time.
Ah, I mean, come on, dude.

No, it is--it is
definitely tough to pivot.

The fact that she had Dale
in her mind the whole time

with those conversations
was not authentic.

It was not real.
Look who's talking, man!

And I'm still getting
to know Tayshia.

But, like, you're not
here for the right intentions.

You're a bad actor.

You don't have a future in that.

You're not good at it.
Ed, I don't even know

if I can take you serious
sometimes anymore.

You're holding a baby.

You have chicken legs.
You lost the competition.

[scoffs] Dude, "chicken legs"?

That's fine, man.
Come on, man.

Chasen's super fake.
I think he's fake and phony.

You don't want someone
like that to get down,

close to Tayshia and actually
potentially steal her.

So I think we can send him

back to San Diego pretty soon,

[baby doll crying]

So, um, we have
a lovely lady here.

I think it's up to her
who is a grown-ass man.

There's still, uh, a rose
to be awarded,

and, um, cheers...

to being a gentleman
and a grown-ass man.

All: Cheers.
Aww, cheers to you, Ivan.

Cheers, my man.
I can't cheers you.

Aw, jeez, Chase.

No cheers, man?

Come on.

No cheers?
You crossed it, buddy.

I crossed it?

All right.
Chasen's an idiot!

I mean, there's nothing that's
gonna be subtle with the guy.

I'm able to see through
Chasen's BS so easily.

I call him a phony.
I call him a fraud.

I know he knows that.

What needs to happen
is that Tayshia

needs to see him
for who he is--a phony.

I think we need Chasen
out of here!

That's what we need.

[laughs] Um--but no,

the man-child thing was...
it was funny.

It was great.
It was ironic

because I want
a little Danny Carlos.

I mean, I'm--I'm 36.

So I--that--
this is what I want.

I want a family.
That's why I'm here

right now, literally.

I just want you to know
that, you know,

I'm here for the right reasons,
and I think there are

some people that might not
be as genuine, you know.

I--I don't wanna name-drop.

Yeah, I--I had
a little conversation tonight

with Chasen, and I think one
of the things I've discussed

just kind of man-to-man
with Chasen

is that I've heard him say
identical things to Clare

that he's been saying about you
and just kind of using

the same exact adjectives,
the same verbiage,

the same words.

And I said, "Chasen,
are--I mean, you turn this on

"more or less sometimes
when the cameras are on,

when we're
on these group dates,"

or whatever it might be,
and I just wanna make sure

that whoever you choose
out of the guys here

is, you know, someone
that's genuinely here

for the right reasons
and not for, you know,

the Instagram followers.

I asked him tonight, like,
"What's real?

"Or did you feel this way
about Clare?

Do you feel--they're completely
different people."

And to--to compare
and contrast--

What was his response?

He just called my legs
"chicken legs."

When he said like Chasen
wanted Instagram followers,

like, that rubs me so wrong.

I said it since night one:

I want you to be
your true, authentic self

because I don't want to
have one version of you here

and go home
and have a completely

different version of you.

I don't wanna find that out
at hometowns.

I don't wanna find that out
at the end,

after I have a ring
on my finger.

I don't wanna find that out,
you know,

years down the road.

We had a good chat,
and, you know... you know,

we got to talk about some
real stuff while we're here.

I did mention you, Chasen,
a little bit.

What'd you say?

I just mentioned that I think
you're a different guy

when the cameras aren't around
and that I don't think

you're here for
the right reasons, and...


We're still gonna
bring this up,

and you brought that to her.

Yeah, I don't think--I mean...

Is that interesting to you?

No, it's just very childish,

you know, with your demeanor...
Well, I brought it--

And your baby jokes.
Hey, you know--

What makes you think I'm not
here for the right reasons?

I wanna hear
your facts right now.

Well, we'll time out
for one second.

Tayshia's coming.

[clears throat]

[dramatic music]


Chasen, can I talk to you

really quickly?
Yeah, absolutely.

I'd love to clear
some things up with you.

Chasen's here
for the wrong reasons.

I called him out.
Now Chasen's thought bubble

above his head
is "Oh, [bleep]."

You good?
You seem a little defensive.

Yeah--no, I'm good.

Ed's just been attacking me,
and then he just told me

what he told you...

And now I'm here with you.
So I wanna hear

what your thoughts are
on everything.

Um, basically, Ed just said

that he's observed you
using almost identical words

to des--to describe myself
as you did with Clare...

Okay, yeah.
About--just a few days ago.

And he did bring that up
to me.

He said that
you could essentially be

using this
for a career leverage.

I don't know.

I'm not the girl
to waste that on.

No, I-I'm so glad
that you're--

you're approaching me like this.

And I am staring you

dead in the eyes
when I look at you.

That is absolutely ridiculous
to call me that,

and I just--I feel insulted,
so I'm defending myself.

it's--it's one of my fears,

being here right now, um...

especially with Clare
being here prior to me.

No, I completely understand.

Like, I definitely want, like,

to find someone
and--and get to know them,

and right when you came out,
you know, obviously,

you know, it was a pivot.

But I'm getting to know you
more and more.

Like--and I'm just, like,
really vibing with you,

and I feel--I hope
that you feel the same way.

Well, thank you
for talking to me.

[uneasy music]

I feel like the way
that I navigate

through these situations is,

I trust my instinct
and my gut intuition.

Actually, I'm gonna stay here.
You are?

Okay, I'll walk back.

All right.

All this information does
is just put me

a little bit more on alert.

I will take this,
I will process it,

and I'll make
a grown-woman decision.

♪ ♪

I just felt like I should,
you know--

I could just call him out,

like, as far as what I see.

I just wanted
to kind of clear it up.


Bottom line, this [bleep]
needs to stop, dude.

You're pissing me off,
and you're interfering

with my relationship and a spark

where I'm trying to get
a relationship with a girl.

I'm not taking any more, dude.

Like, you are interfering
in something

that I'm trying to grow
right now,

and I really don't
appreciate it at all.

All right, well--well,
take your "smedium" shirt

and sit down.
My "smedium" shirt?

It's actually a large, okay?
Dude--sit down, dude.

Ed, no,
I'm not gonna sit down.

I don't know
what you're doing.

Like, I got a baby
in my hand, bro.

Ed, no.
No, dude--Ed, I'm standing up

for myself, and, yes, there was
a previous Bachelorette.

I have pivoted.

I am starting to grow feelings
for this girl,

and you are getting
in the way of that,

and I do not appreciate that
as a man--

as a grown-ass man, right now.

Well-So you need to stop.

All right, well,
you don't have to--

No, seriously!
You don't have to appreciate.

I'm just saying what I see.
Stop jibber-jabbering

your mouth, dude.
It's not jibber-jabber.

You're the one
that's like a rocking char

going back and forth, man.

How am I going back and forth?

You say the same things
over and over again.

I mean-No, I don't.

You only have me
for describing a woman.

What was your cliché
last night?

"I'm on cloud nine" --
what is that?

Like, literally
it's a Zac Efron movie.

I'm exci--I'm excited.
It's a Zac Efron movie.

You have it on the back
of your palm.

I like to keep things
short and simple, Ed, buddy.

"Beautiful, energetic;
she's sexy," like, come on.

Eddie, you're wasting
my time, at this point.

Sit down!
Sit the [bleep] down, dude.


It's unfortunate
that there's, like,

this weird arguing thing
that's going on

because in my mind, grown-ass
men don't do that thing.

The grown-ass man
is somebody who is kind.

They're humble.

They protect those
that cannot protect themselves.

They don't [bleep]
on national TV

about some stuff.

Here comes Tayshia.
Oh, she looks great.

She's coming, man.
She's coming.

She's coming.

I wouldn't be Ed.

I wouldn't be Cha--I wouldn't
do any of it.

I don't play.
I'm gonna focus

on what's most important to me,

and that's getting a rose
and developing

a relationship with
this incredible woman

that I met two days ago.

Come on in.
Excuse me.

Hi, guys!

Well, guys, I had a lot of fun
with you guys today,

but tonight's been
pretty eye-opening.

And I just wanna let you know

that I am looking for a husband
at the end of this, okay?

So I'm being real with y'all,

and I would love for you guys
to do exactly the same.

With that being said...

[dramatic music]

[sighs, clicks tongue]

Ben, I can tell that you listen

to what I have to say,
and I appreciate

that you paid attention to all
the little details today.

Thank you.

You showed off
your smarts today.

Thank you.
And, um, I really enjoyed,

um, the romantic gesture
you made this evening.

♪ ♪


Would you accept this rose?

I will definitely accept
that rose.

[emotional music]

Looks good on ya.
I appreciate it, for sure.

Thank you.
Of course, of course.

After everything
that happened tonight,

just to be able
to have this rose,

uh, it just means so much to me.

I loved the fact that
she was the new Bachelorette,

and I knew there was
a new energy there--a new me.

And, uh, this means
so much to me.

I'm gonna sleep very happy

[low murmuring]

I hope you have a great night.

Thank you.
Thank you so much.

Of course.
I'm disappointed.

I'm disappointed that
I didn't get... any validation.

Good night, guys.
Good night, Tayshia.

Good night.

I get it that only one guy
can get the rose,

but I was pretty confident
that I was gonna get a rose.

Thanks, guys.

Thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks.
Buddy, yeah.

"Hi, hello, I'm Ben.

I didn't get a rose again."

♪ ♪

[people shouting]
[bell dings]

This is a girl's dream,

You're a fraud.
You're a phony.

Chasen is going to implode.

Hopefully, Chasen gets
the [bleep] out of here.

I'm bringing
my inner Wolverine out,

and it's gonna get bloody.

[uneasy music]

♪ ♪

Going into tonight,
we have the cocktail party

and Rose Ceremony.

I'm always nervous
Rose Ceremony night, um,

because there's always that
fear of not getting a rose

and, you know,
your love journey ending.

Tayshia--she's gonna have
a tough choice tonight.

There are still, you know,

So she's gotta kind of start
weeding through some people.

♪ ♪

I was very close to bringing

my inner Wolverine out
last night

because of what happened
with Ed.

I just gotta be honest.

you don't wanna see Wolverine.

So I'm gonna address it tonight,

in front of all the gentlemen,
what happened, and squash it,

so hopefully I don't
waste my time on it anymore.

Hey, uh, gentlemen,
um, a couple things

I just wanna address, you know,

that kind of happened
last night,

and I feel like
it really interfered

with, uh, my relationship.

And my character's been
portrayed in a false light

and, uh, you know, I felt,
you know, pretty insulted,

and I don't want any drama
tonight from anyone.

And, uh, Ed, as gentlemen,
I just wanna ask

if you have anything else
to say, off your chest.

I stand by what I said.

I feel like you're a fraud.
You're a phony.

I don't know.
I mean, come on--

All right, well, Ed, you can
think what you wanna think--

Good, I will.
I will.

And--and you said that
last night...

I'm not gonna back down.
And that's fine.

And I just wanna--
Are you gonna posture up

and stand above me tonight
and get physical

and pretend your, like,
presence is so big?

No, and I'm trying to be...
I mean, come on.

The bigger man here,
and I just wanna set the tone.

Let--let me take Carlos
from you for a second here.

He doesn't need to--he doesn't
need to hear this.

And, Ed, I mean,
I can be attracted

to two girls, you know.

I did use one adjective
to describe Clare and Tayshia,

and, you know, my new word--
"She's a smoke show.

Tayshia's a smoke show."

[light laughter]
"Smoke show."


I genuinely feel bad
for Chasen

'cause as ridiculous as Ed is,
he is the smart guy.

The guy got a perfect math SAT.

He can talk circles
around Chasen.

I mean, what woman wants
to be called a "smoke show"?

Give me a break, dude.

Oh, there she is!
Oh, man.

What's up, Tayshia?

Hi, guys!
Hello, hello.

How are you?

I don't know why
I'm so nervous right now,

but, like, my hands
are shaking quite a bit.

Um, but it's not a bad thing

that I'm pretty nervous
around y'all

because it means
I'm feeling something, right?

Um, this week has been
so amazing this far.

Um, it also has been
a little eye-opening

because I'm looking
for real love

at the end of this,
and I--I hope

that you are showing
your true selves,

and there's no hidden agendas
outside of any of this,

because I'm the wrong girl
to be doing that with.

So I'm excited to talk
to you guys tonight,

get to know a little bit
more about you.

So cheers...

And let's have a good night.


Last night,
when Ed did bring up

those accusations about Chasen,
I--like, it kind of was,

like, a punch in the gut.
How are you?

Good, how are you?

You look beautiful.
But maybe after

I talk to a lot of these guys,
I'll be able

to identify someone
that's genuinely here for me,

because what I'm doing
right now is very real for me.

There's no hidden agenda.

There's no façade
that I'm trying to display.

Like, this is me
genuinely looking for love.

So I know it's been
pretty crazy.

How are you?

Um... yesterday, um,

had its up and--ups and downs.

But I think I'm doing okay.
I mean--

I'm glad.

I don't know.
It's just been--

it's just annoying.

Yeah, I can't even imagine,
what you're going through.

You talk about, like, showing up

and being your real self,

and that resonates so much
with me.

And I just haven't felt
this way in a long time,

and so to hear you say
those things,

it's like exactly
what I'm thinking.

And it, like, makes you
more attractive.

Like, your physical beauty
is one thing,

but, like, that
is like so much more,

and I, like--to see you
walk across the room,

I just, like--I'm like,
"No, you need to, like, be

right here, next to me."

It's, like, this weird,
like, animal magnetism,

and I'm so happy to be here.

And th--the worst part
is that I didn't

get to kiss you all day long.

So I've been looking forward
to doing this.


[tender music]

♪ ♪

I, like, blacked out.

I'm not usually
at a loss for words, but, uh...

I, like, really like Ben.

He actually is super
sensitive and sweet,

and there's definitely

so it's--it's like a good
feeling to be around him.

I'll see you later.
There are so many guys

like Ben
that I can see myself with,

and I feel really good
about those connections,

but I also am really excited
for the people

that I've just barely
scratched the surface with.

What is your background?
Where're you from?

What's your family about?

Ooh, okay, so I--
That's a lot.

No, no, no.
I'm African American

and Mexican.
Oh, whoa.

Very cool.

What about you?
I'm of the Korean persuasion.

My family's my whole world.

Uh, I have a little picture.
Oh, my God!

I'm really excited
to get to know these guys

a little bit better
and just, like,

really dive in
a little bit more.

Ooh, that one looks good!
Here we go.

Honestly, this is, like--
I could eat 20 of these a day.

And they made me
all these little

very thoughtful gestures
this evening,

which I was not expecting
to kind of, like,

turn the corner and have all
these little surprises set up.

I really can't wait to go
on a little European vacation.

This is cute!
Not bad, right?

"What love means to me
is being there for you

"through thick and through thin.

"What love means to me
is seeing you smile

day after day,
again and again."

Oh, my...

Come here.

[soft music]

♪ ♪

I'm sorry.
I just grabbed you.

Oh, I want that.

So far,
I'm having a great night.

Speak to me.
Why did he have to speak

to the group?
He just tangled himself up.

"I'm an authentic, genuine guy.
I want the house to know that."

What does that mean?
And he had all day

to think of a new adjective,
and he did not

think of one new adjective;
he thought of a noun.

He thought of "smoke show."


He's a great guy.
The guy needs a thesaurus.

He needs--he needs
an English lesson.

Now that it's been called out,
those who didn't notice it

on their own, they're seeing
two sides to Chasen

that I've seen for so long.

Hopefully, I can translate that

into Tayshia seeing it,
and, uh, we're not gonna

settle for his crap right now.

I'd like to speak for,
like, myself...

And everyone here.

You want everyone to be real,
and that's what I try to be.

That's what I know a lot
of these guys try to be,

'cause it affects
your ultimate outcome.

But it's like,

last night,
I was sitting on the couch,

and Chasen towered above me,
like, right here.

And he just st--he screamed
at me.

He came back, and--
Wait, what?

Yeah, he kind of, you know,
postured up.

It's just uncomfortable.
It's not like...

Well, absolutely.
He swung a punch

or something.
It's just--obviously,

I don't wanna be entangled
in something like that.

You know?

Of course.
No, I mean, the last thing

I want is for you to feel like

someone's going to be...

Physical with you...

And over something

that really shouldn't be
a big deal if it's not true.

This whole Ed and Chasen thing

is extremely disappointing...

especially after
I had a conversation

with both of them last night.

Like, I get guys
picking on each other.

But if you're gonna start

to get physical to the point

where you get in someone's face

and almost punch them,
it's a red flag

that I don't really want
anything to do with.

[door clicks open]

Hey, guys.
What's up, Tayshia?

Chasen, can I take you
for a sec?

Yeah, of course.
I was starting to develop

feelings for Chasen,
but if that's the way

he handles his situations,
I don't want any part of that.

[dramatic music]

Eddie boy.

What did you--
were you just, uh,

hanging out with Tayshia?

Little Tayshia time.
Good chat with her?

You weren't talking
about Chasen drama, right?

Yeah. I let her know.

And hopefully, Chasen's
the [bleep] out of here.

[dramatic music]



So basically, I was told...

By Ed after our conversation

Basically got in his face.

It was relatively aggressive.

I did.

You're red in the face.

I can explain myself
with all this.

It's not a good look, Chasen.
I know.

I know it's not a good look.

He has been pointing fingers
and portraying me...

Like, I lost it.
So why give it attention?

I know, I know, I lost it.

Why haven't you
just sat him down

and just talked
to him like a man,

be like, "Listen, I need you
to stop doing this.

"Like, I am--let me move on
with my relationship

the way that I want to."

Especially if those accusations
are false, like...

I don't--like, this stuff
is so petty to me.

It is very petty.
And it's just like--

This--it is.

it's--it's--it's--it's rolling

to something much bigger
to the point where

it's like now, in a sense,
getting physical.

Like, I've been
really interested

in getting to know you,
but now, like, this is like--

I'm not gonna lie--
it's a little concerning.

I know, and I knew that
coming in.

I'm, like, nervous,
like, having this conversation.

I honestly have no idea why
Ed continues to come after me.

He's obviously thinking
that I'm not here

for the right reasons,
but, you know, I am,

and I just wanna focus
on one thing.

[solemn music]

And that's Tayshia.

She's uneasy, she's nervous,
and I don't like that.

And all I can do
is be accountable

for what I did, own it.

Hey, excuse me, guys.

Ed, can I, uh,

can I just borrow you
for a second, man?

Just to have a...
Yeah, of course.

I'm owning it, and that's--

and that's all I can do
at this point.

I did get overly aggressive
with you last night,

and, like, if anything I did
to, like, stir the pot

or make you feel un--
in any type of way,

that's not my intentions at all.

Well, here's the--you know,
here's the thing, Chasen,

like, there's not a pot
to be stirred here.

No, yeah,
not, like, stirring the pot.

And, like, I--
no, no, I mean, like--

I'm just saying, but...

Just since I met you, like,

some of the things
that you've said,

I mean,
just in general overall...

Ed's not gonna back down.
Clearly not.

Not gonna let him
just apologize.

I just hope
he doesn't touch him.

Wanna head in there?

Here we go.
The things that you've

talked about and mentioned,
like the phrases,

the cliches.
Hey, guys.

Oh, God.
Seems like you guys

are, like, just like circling.

You guys all right?
Ye--no, I know.

But I'm just trying
to have a truce

and just say, "Hey,
let's have a good night," and--

Here's the thing.

I could care less.

[tense music]

Let's just bury it.

I like Ed, and I think
he's an honest man,

but Ed's time seems
to be monopolized

by this whole thing with Chasen.

What's up?

How are you?

In doing so,
he's not developing

his relationship with Tayshia,
which is...

truly the only reason I'm here.

How is it?
How have you been doing?

I'm great. I mean, like...
Yeah. How's the house?

The house is good.

You know, I try to, like...

Stay out of it all.

I mean, like, my reason
for being here is...

Not... yeah.
Not to worry about...

"He-said-she-said" and, like,
you know?

You're so swall, like,
you're just, like--

look at you.
Are you comfortable?

I don't know. Nervous.

Hmm. Why?

Because I care.

'Cause I'm getting
to know you, and it's, like,

amazing, you know?

I'm here to, uh...

See what's here,
you know what I mean?

Like, that's--
that's why I'm here.

I actually
appreciate your input

'cause I feel like you are
one of the...

more mature men, I guess.
You can say "older."

No, I didn't say "older."
You can say older.

I didn't say it!
Older is fine.

I said "more mature," though.

I feel like that's...
Okay. I'll take it.

I'll take it.
That's more fitting.

I mean, you're--

sure, you're older,
but, like, okay.

You could be 40 years old
and still a child.

"Why are you 36
and still single?"

Like, everyone asks me
that question, right?

Well, yeah.
But uh...

I like--and I hid behind
the whole, like,

"Being single's great,
being s--" I'm like...

I've started saying
the last couple days, like...

I want to be a husband
and a partner.

I want to be a dad, like,
and, like,

so it feels good to, like...

be growing a little bit here,
you know what I mean? Like...

Be able to embrace it.

'Cause other guys are gonna
say the same thing?

Because it's the truth.

Oh. That's good.
You know what I mean?

Like, I wanna live in the truth.

That's really good.

So you gotta--

you, like, squeeze it out of me.

I did squeeze it out of you.

I went like this,
and I squeezed it out of you.


[Tayshia laughs]

[heartwarming music]

I really liked
my conversation with Zac,

and I just like that he
carries himself differently.

I like that he's older,
I like that he's willing

to give advice...
about the boys in the house,

you know what I mean?
Like, he just...

He has a really good, um,
view on life.

There's a lot to Zac,
and I think that's really cool.

[background chatter]
[glass clinking]

Oh, there he is.


Tayshia, I hate
to break up the party,

but your first Rose Ceremony.
Thank you.

[suspenseful music]

So guys.

I had some really amazing
conversations tonight,

but also, I had
some conversations that...

were really eye-opening,

and I have a lot to think about

of what to do
at the Rose Ceremony.

So I'll see you guys
in a little bit.

See you guys there.

♪ ♪

I'm hoping to God
my journey's not over,

but Ed's had it out for me
from the beginning.

I think that he might have
some jealousy tendencies,

and hopefully, Tayshia sees
him for who he really is.

'Cause if she doesn't,
I'm packing my bags for sure.

♪ ♪

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Hey. How you doing?

It's--it's been
a little frustrating.

Ed and Chasen.

But ultimately, I'm here
for a lasting relationship,

and there's
some amazing guys here.

So you're ready?
I am.

All right, head on inside.

♪ ♪

So... this is
my first Rose Ceremony,

and though I came in tonight
a little frustrated,

I've had some
incredible conversations...

but unfortunately...

Some of you will not
be receiving a rose tonight.

It's just that I need
to listen to my heart

in order to move forward

and find someone
at the end of this

that I'm truly in love with

and is the right person
for me by my side.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪


Zac, will you accept this rose?


I, like, have a huge crush
on Tayshia.

I feel super nervous right now.

My hands are sweaty,
my arms are shaking,

and my leg's doing this thing
that I, like,

don't know what it's doing.


And so if I didn't
get a rose, it would hurt.

will you accept this rose?

Of course.
I think it's pretty evident.

I'm just pulled to her
for some reason.


There's a ton
of great men here

that deserve a shot
at this woman,

but I want to get a rose tonight

more than anything else.

♪ ♪


Ben, will you accept this rose?

♪ ♪


will you accept this rose?


♪ ♪


It's been a very busy night
with drama

with Ed and Chasen.

It needs to end with one
or both going home.


It took so much attention away

from what was important,
which is Tayshia.

If I get sent home
because of that,

I'd be pissed off
at Chasen and Ed.


will you accept this rose?


I think Chasen's
fading at this point.

Tayshia knows
about some of this,

and it'd be a damn shame

for anyone to get in the way
of the guys

that are here
for the right reasons,

that want to find
everlasting love with Tayshia.

So send him home.

You know, Chasen is already late

for his first club appearance
with his, uh,

he obtained tonight.


♪ ♪

Noah, will you accept this rose?


My hands are sweaty,

my knees are about to collapse.


I am here for Tayshia.

I mean, she is a smoke show.


Like, I put everything
out there,

I showed my true emotions
with my words.

All I can do is cross my fingers

and hope she makes
the right decision tonight

because, I mean,
if Ed got the rose over me,

I'd be pissed.


So excited.

Will you accept this rose?
Of course.

Thank you so much.

♪ ♪

Tayshia, gentlemen,

this is the final rose tonight.

When you're ready.

♪ ♪


will you accept this rose?

Of course.

[solemn music]

♪ ♪

Gentlemen, I'm sorry.

If you did not receive a rose...

take a moment,
say your goodbyes.

I'll see you soon.

Hey, my boy.

Hey, man.
Thanks--I'll see you soon.

All right?
Thank you.

You have such a good group.
I wish you the best.

The three guys
who I sent home,

the only reason why
I'm sending them home

is because ultimately,
like, I just didn't feel

a romantic connection
with them, to be honest.

Appreciate it.


I'm not gonna let them continue

to be vulnerable and open

when I'm just not
connecting with them.

I'll see you later.

I hate that
I hurt their feelings,

but it's--it's better
that it works out this way

'cause I'd never want
to lead anybody on.

Although I don't agree
with the way

that Chasen handled things
with Ed...

I'm starting to, like,
develop feelings for Chasen,

and I just feel like
he's a good guy deep down,

and it's now on my radar.

I formulate my own opinions.

It's that simple, and I go
with my intuition and my gut,

and I actually really trust
that intuition.

Cheers to focusing
all of my attention

and everyone's attention
towards you.

To new beginnings.


[glasses clinking]

Ed, you tried everything
you possibly can

to maliciously attack me.

You portrayed me as someone
that I'm not.

And Tayshia, she's a smoke show,

and I'm here for her.

Tayshia saw me
for who I truly am,

and this rose resembles that
right here.

Somehow, Chasen got a rose,

so I'll have to continue
to keep an eye on him.

Will he be a changed man?

Is he in it
for the right reasons

because of that?

I guess we'll find out
in due time.

To love.

All: To love.

Ed, you are not

waking up tomorrow.

I don't want any of
the guys to get hurt.

I'm bringing Wolverine out,
and it's gonna get bloody.

Somebody was not
gonna leave there alive.

[Ed grunting]

[curious music]

♪ ♪

Last night
was pretty intense, actually,

with, um, you know,
Chasen and Ed situation.

Yeah, I just--I'm so glad
that I'm not

in Chasen's position.

At least last year, like,
that would've been

such a nightmare to go through.

Last night,
I literally thought, like,

I was going home.

Ed tried to portray me
as being fake with Tayshia...

But, you know,
I got the last rose,

so waking up this morning,
I am really, really

looking forward to today

because it's a new beginning,
it's a new day for me.

I'm dumbfounded
only three people

went home last night.

And to me, that means
it's gonna just

get even crazier

'cause we still have
this many guys,

and the time's running out.

So Ed and Chasen,

they've been going at it
for three days.

Not only does that suck
for Tayshia,

and it's been taking
a ton of her time,

but that sucks
for every single person.

So today, I just need more
of an opportunity

to get more time with her.

I'm confident, like,

whatever small opportunity
I have,

I'm gonna get it.


[all speaking]

What's up, fellas?
Good morning.

Good morning.
How you doing?

How's everybody doing?
First week

with Tayshia in the books.

First Rose Ceremony.

Dates continue.

You guys enjoy.

See you, guys.
Have a good one.

Have a good day.

I'm excited to see Tayshia
as always,

that's why I'm here.

But to be on a group date,
obviously, with Chasen,

well, that would suck.








♪ ♪


"I'm looking
for my perfect match.


I know exactly
what we're doing.


Maybe it's a wrestling match.



'Cause you know, Ed, Chasen,
it's in the cards.

I think if there's
a competition aspect,

we just gonna let them
fight it out.

There's gonna be fireworks.

Let's do it.

If I know, you know, guys,
especially Ed and Chasen,

when they're heated,
in a desert,

and fighting over a girl,

I imagine it's gonna get
pretty heated, pretty quickly.

Yeah, I could see someone
not coming home

from this group date.

I think there's gonna be
dramatic events

this evening, I'm sure.

[upbeat rock music]

♪ ♪


Oh, it's a--



We walked up, and of course,

it's a wrestling match.

♪ ♪

Oh! Ho-ho!

And the winner, Tayshia!

Hey, guys.

How are ya? [laughs]


How are you?
Hi! Good, how are you?

How's it going?

Good to see you.
How you doing?

Good to see you too.
You guys look good.

Tayshia's muy caliente
right now.

She is a smoke show.

You look great.
Are you guys ready for today?

Oh, yeah.

So I kinda felt
a little tension yesterday

at the Rose Ceremony.

But what better way
than to cut through the tension

than to work it out on the mat?
Love it.

So I brought two badass women

to help me out today.
Yeah! Hey!

'Sup, y'all?
Hey, guys.

I'm Amy Dumas.

I am four-time
former women's champion

and a WWE Hall of Famer.


Hi guys, I'm Tatiana Suarez,

and I'm now a current
undefeated UFC fighter.


Tayshia is powerful,
confident, sexy,

and this girl's got moves.

You saw them, right?
Oh, yeah.

So she's looking for a guy
that's not only strong,

but willing to fight
for her love.

So we're training you guys

like the pros,
and we're gonna find out

who's really here
for the right reasons.

Let's go!

All right!
Let's do it!

I'm excited for today's date.

We're gonna have you guys
get in your wrestling stances.

I think last night
was stressful,

and there's been a lot
of tension within the house,

so today, hopefully,
everyone's kind of just,

like, in happy spirits.

You're gonna
put your leg back,

and you're gonna sprawl.

The date card said,

"I'm looking
for my perfect match,"

so the fact that I have
all these guys on this date

that I can say
with pure confidence,

like, I'm very into,
is really exciting.

You ready, Ed?

Widen your stance, so just--

You're good, you're good.

With the whole
Chasen and Ed drama,

I feel like the best thing
they can do right now

is just to stay in their lane
and not worry

about anybody else's

All right!

We'll see how that goes.

So before you get physical,

I just want to see
a little mental intimidation,

some smack talking.

What worries me is that
I have former NFL players here.

Eazy is just yoked.

You ready to take lessons?

I don't take lessons
on losing!

[laughs] I don't do that!

Who's next?!


Former collegiate
basketball players here.

Ed, I'm drinking all your
Red Bulls tonight, bro.

What are you gonna do about it?

Chasen is very thick as well.

Look me in the eyes.

You're not waking up tomorrow
after this.

All right, you're right.

My bad.

I mean, I don't want
to brag here,

but I was all-conference
in volleyball in high school.

You know, Joe, I like you,

but I'ma have to k*ll you.
All right?

I just want you to know--
You're a really nice guy!

All right?

You got nice eyes too!

Your chest is pretty strong!

Yeah, yeah.

How do you feel about that?

Might be some trouble.

So first move is a double leg.

You're gonna step forward,

you're gonna put your knee down,

and you're gonna grab the legs.

[chatter, laughter]

There you go.
That's it.

Ed, this is not
a "feel up" competition.

I'm super jazzed up,
I'm pumped, I'm stoked.

I'm ready to go.

That's it.
Just like that.


Between Chasen and Ed,

everyone knows they're gonna be
matched up at some point.

I would take Chasen in that.

Chasen's gonna be fired up.

Oh, God.

You gotta be [bleep] kidding me.

And I think Ed
is just glam muscles.

[bell ringing]

What's going on, Tayshia?

Good to see you.
Good to see you too!

How's everybody doing?

It's good.

Pretty good,
just warming them up.

Do you think they're ready
to go big time?

Like a primetime event?

Then let's do this.

You guys are gonna wrestle...


in front of a live audience.

[Tayshia laughs]
Their eyes.

[mouthing words]

And the winner of tonight's...

"Bachelorette" WrestleMania
will earn...

time, precious time,
with Tayshia.

Oh, yes.

Something truly worth
fighting for.

At stake,
precious time with Tayshia.

So Ed...

you are not waking up tomorrow.

You're gonna be
in an ice bath after this.

You're gonna be icing
your whole entire body,

and your mama's gonna be
picking you up tomorrow.

I'm bringing Wolverine out.

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music]

[bell tolling]

Ladies and gentlemen...

Bachelor Nation, sports fans
around the world,

welcome... to the main event.

[all cheering]

We're about to do some sort
of wrestling match,

and Chris Harrison said

the winner gets time
with Tayshia,

and so I'm ready
to fight somebody.

Of course I want to fight.
I want to impress Tayshia.

But some of these people think
it's like life or death.

I almost think there could be
an injury today.

[all cheering]

Hello sports fans, and welcome

to the Battle
for the Bachelorette's Heart.

The men are now
entering the ring.

[Tayshia laughs]
You guys look good!

Joining me
to call tonight's action,

legendary wrestler...

The world's
favorite bartender,

and my good friend, Wells Adams.

Wells, welcome to the booth.
Thanks for having me.

Thank you for allowing me
to leave the bar

for just a couple of minutes.
I do appreciate that.

I'm excited
about tonight's main event.

What are you expecting
to see tonight?

Blood, sweat, tears, regret,

someone probably calling
their mom a little bit later.

So like a Saturday night
at your house.

Yeah, exactly.

Oil it all up.

Oh, yeah.
Oh, thank you. Thank you.

Looking good!

I'm really excited
to see these guys wrestle,

all in a controlled environment

and oiled up.

I'll just rub you all down,

Oh, yeah.

This is a girl's dream,

I think it's gonna be fun,

and I wanna see some good,
healthy competition.

Look at you guys.

Oh, my gosh.

Starting us off...

Eazy vs. Joe.

Ponytail Joe!

[all cheering]

Good luck, guys.

I know I should
say something like,

"I was born for this!"
or "Hell yeah!"

or "I--I--I'm ready for this!"

but, uh, I'm also
a little scared.

[bell dings]

Oh, my God.
[background chatter]

Come on, Joe!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Aw, yeah!

Oh! Oh, jeez--

[bell dings]

That's what we call
a mercy k*ll.


Good job, Joe.

It sucks to lose, but...

I'm a lover, not a fighter.

Brendan and Jordan!

Oh, my God.

Good luck.

I have never wrestled, um,
in my entire life.

[bell dings]

But Tayshia's looking

for her perfect match today,

so I'm gonna do everything I can

and see if I come out on top.

[upbeat rock music]

[crowd shouting]


♪ ♪

Ooh, Jordan
with a stellar takedown, Wells.

Oh, my gosh!

His balls are in his face!
[bell dings]


It was fun, uh, but yeah,
I got my ass kicked.

You okay?

Good job.

He is walking a bit gingerly.

I think he may have, uh,
taken one right in the manhood.


Are you okay?

That looks like
it really fricking hurts.

No, it's not that bad.
I was shocked.

I thought we were doing,
I don't know,

a little more low-key wrestling.

And I don't want any of the guys

to get hurt.

Spencer and Ben!

Be careful!

[bell dings]

[crowd cheering]

Get low!
Get low, go, get low!

Oh no!

Oh! Oh!

Let's go, keep going!

Keep going! Keep going!
Keep going!

Whoa, whoa!

[crowd shouting]

Down goes Ben!

He's mounted him
like it's a fantasy suite.

[bell dings]

[dramatic music]

We're calling it a draw.

It's a draw!
Oh, wow!

It's a draw!
Unbelievable, Chris!

His feet.

Wells, this is never
a good sight.

The medics are heading over.

Ben is bleeding.

♪ ♪


You got Ed in one corner,

you have Chasen
in the other corner,

and we all know
it's about to go down, man.

But it's been a little quiet,
which is,

uh, you know,
it's kind of weird for me

'cause, like, this should be
up his alley.

Thanks, man.

Between Ed and I,
it's gonna get bloody.

[bell dings]

Chasen and Ed!

♪ ♪



What we all been waiting for!

Let's go, boys.

Hey, hey, Chris.

Can I--can I grab you
for one second?

Where're you going?

Hey, Chris, how's it going?
'Sup, dude? How you doing?

I got some--I got some really
bad shoulders

that dislocate chronically.

Uh, I don't want to end up
in a hospital.

I know we're in a bubble
right now,

so I'm just trying to, you know,

stay here for Tayshia.
Wait, so wait.

What happened
with your shoulders?

You're built like
a brick outhouse, man.

it's very careful lifting,

but uh, no, they both
just chronically dislocate,

like, you know,
I can't even throw a football.

[curious music]

I feel like I would be able
to take Chasen,

of course, but I just really
can't fight for Tayshia

if I'm in the hospital.
We all know that.

Kind of a step back,
but I wanna make that time up.

Totally understand--I don't
want to put you in any danger.

But--no, I appreciate you.
Oh, yeah.

I just wanted to kind of
pull you aside.

This isn't a one-week thing.

It's not a three-week thing.

You know, this is a decision

for a lifetime, and I think, uh,

you know, putting my health
in jeopardy for that,

uh, wouldn't be
the smartest move right now.

[bell dings]

Wells, uh, we have some
breaking news here in the ring.

Unfortunately, due to
some medical circumstances,

Ed is unfit to wrestle tonight.

Wow, he concedes.

You know, Ed has forfeited,

but he's just super scared,

so I hope Tayshia sees that.

Let's go!

Is there anybody here

that wants to fight
for Tayshia's heart?



[all cheering]



Ed, he backed out.

He's got shoulder injuries
and big toe injuries

and all sorts of injuries,

Next thing I knew,
hopped the fence

and I was on the other side,

and I was ready to fight
for Tayshia.

I think you're ready.

We had young Noah
hop the fence,

and you know, this guy's
been in the house now

for what, a week and a half?

And he's trying to push
himself onto group dates.

It seems a little bit childish,

crass, you know, a bit greedy.


The only thing
more embarrassing

than them actually doing this
is that moustache, Chris,

and I'm very excited about it.

Talk that trash!

I'm not worried about Noah.

He's a little kid,

and he's the new guy
in the house,

so I'm gonna try
to show him a lesson.

[bell dings]

Come on, Noah.
All right, all right!


[crowd shouting]

Oh, my God.

This has been
such a great day today,

and I am very impressed
with these guys.

They're all really trying
to prove themselves.


Be careful!

Okay! Okay!

Chasen and Noah--
it felt like the real deal,

like, it just felt
like a deathmatch.

Hey, hey, hey!

[dramatic music]

This fight,
it gave off the vibe

that somebody was not gonna
leave there alive.

[overlapping shouting]

[bell dinging]
[crowd cheering]


It goes
to the referee's decision.


[bell dings]

Noah called his shot,
and he handled his own.

He lost at the end of the day,

but it's not about, like,
winning or losing,

it's about how much fight
you got,

and he brought the fight today.

The champion...

of the main event tonight...



[cheers and applause]
[Tayshia laughs]

Good job.

Gentlemen, Noah.

Time for you guys to head back
to the house.

But the rest of you,
it's off to the afterparty.

Thank you.
All right.

Actually, hold on a second.

Honestly, Noah,
you jumped a fence for me

and were willing to get
in the ring and fight for me.

I'd really
like you there tonight

if you'd like to join us.
I'd be honored.

All right, so...
See you there.

Boys, head on home.

All of you gentlemen,

all of you are headed
to the afterparty

with Tayshia tonight.

I'm sorry, I'm pissed.

All bets are off now.

Like, God forbid
my time with Tayshia

gets cut short because
something with Noah.

Everyone have a great night.

Nice job!

Noah, he was rewarded
for being bold,

but there's no way
those other eight guys

are gonna be cool
with getting time

taken away from them by the guy

who wasn't supposed to be
on their group date.

And if that happens...

all hell is breaking loose.

Let's go, let's go.

♪ ♪

[soft sentimental music]

♪ ♪

Noah kind of crashed
our group date

when he hopped the fence
and fought Chasen,

and I think there's
a little bit of saltiness

amongst a few of the guys
towards him.

I do want to say, you know,

I was awarded champion
of Tayshia's heart,

but, you know, everyone tonight
is a champion,

and I'm just gonna have this
right here for all of us.

We all--we all
deserve this tonight, boys.

Coming into tonight,

I kinda knew
I'd make some enemies

or maybe ruffle some feathers,

and I hate to say
that I don't care

about their feelings,
but I really don't.

This is the main event,
and we're obviously here

to see that lady over there.

Yeah, let's go!
This is so fun!

My time with Tayshia
is precious,

and I'm not here to mess around.

I'm here to take risks.
Hi, guys.

How you doing?

I'm good.
How are you?

Much better now that I have
you studs next to me.

I'm excited to get to know
you guys a little bit more

and just hang out with ya.

Have a good night.

You mind if I take you away

for a minute?
I'd love for you to.

All right.


♪ ♪

We have to walk slower with me

because these tiles are so,
like, slippery.

[Tayshia laughs]

Think it was all fun and games

that Noah, you know,
leaped over the fence,

wrestled you, earned his way
to this group date,

but if he gets the...
I'm gonna be upset.

He's not gonna get the rose.
It's gonna be different.

Noah's a goofball,
and the guy's 25.

She's 29.

So I do not believe

that Tayshia would choose
a 25-year-old guy

who walked in the house
with a [bleep] moustache.

I think it's, like,
immature to do that.

There's a mu--there's a level
of mutual respect

across the group,
across the other eight men

that are here, you know.


What'd you think
when I hopped the fence?

I thought it was--
it was very bold.

I told you from the start...

I'm gonna come here,
and I'm gonna be myself,

be open, fight for what I want,

and if that's something
you're into,

it'll work out,
if it's something you're not,

uh, then I'd rather not
waste our time.

That's--that's what I've said
from the beginning, and--

Yeah, I feel like
it's working out, don't you?

I feel like it is.

[romantic music]

You know, Noah...
Yes, ma'am?

There's one thing.

You don't like moustaches.

[both laugh]

How did you know I was
getting towards that?

I'm not--it's not that
I don't like it,

but I wonder what you look like
without that thing.

You know, like,
what if it'd be, like,

fun if we, like,
shaved it off or something.


I don't know.
There's no rules.

I'm cool with rolling
with that.

I love it.

Let's--let's get that done.

I mean--
Un--until I shave it, though.


I'm super glad I invited Noah
to the afterparty.

Every time I've talked to Noah,

he's... surprised me.

Like, even if he looks

absolutely ridiculous,
he owns it.

Thanks for letting me
crash your party.

[laughs] It's been a treat.

I'll be back.

Oh, boy.

He's trouble, I'm telling you.

Can I ask a question?
I'm just being ser--

I'm not trying to be mean
to the guy.

Don't--let's not repeat this.

In the outside world,
would any woman

feel like this guy is a threat?


We've got a ton of dudes
on this date.

Noah was added to the list,

but I'm not scared or threatened

because I have a plan.

I'll go last,
I'll bring her a fresh drink,

we'll sit there,
have a nightcap,

sharing a toast,

and then relax for a second

before she has to come back
and make this decision

to give out a Group Date Rose,

and I fully expect
to receive it.

All I'm saying is,
I'm manifesting that rose...

Speak it into existence, Ben.
In this direction.

[soft sentimental music]

I know, like,
this is a unique situation

for us, like, dating again.

Like, how did you feel...

dating again and, like...

Getting back out there?

I think I was so broken
at the time

that when someone did give me--

this sounds so sad,
but it's just, like, it's true.

When someone did
give me the attention...


it, like, meant more to me
than it probably would have

if I was, like, now, you know?

I think I was like
looking to fill a certain void.

I don't know. It's hard.
It is, it is, it is.

I love being with you
and, obviously,

I know it's super early,
but, um,

I enjoy every second
I get with you,

and it means a lot, like,
knowing that you have--


Sometimes you just
like to ramble.

Do I, really?

Yep. Mm-hmm.

The date is going so well
right now.

I don't want it to end.

I feel like I have major
heart eyes for Brendan.

♪ ♪

He just has such a genuine soul,

and I love that about him.

He's definitely someone
I could see myself

ending up with
at the end of this.

You know, you could, like,
you just--

shh... sometimes.
Just stop--

Just stop talking. Okay then.
Mm-hmm. [laughs]

Now, where's, uh...

Mr. Noah?

He's been gone
for a long time.

Like, an hour.
What if he got sent home?

No idea.
He's been gone for a while.

I'm not worried about it.

He's not with her;
I'm not worried about it.

I--like, I'm not worried.

I feel an incredible thing here
with Tayshia,

and I think that, you know,
coming in

later in the evening or--
or last, uh, is, like,

it's the most recent memory
she has

going into, uh, you know,
giving out a rose.

I'm just excited to pick up
where we left off.

How are ya?
I'm good.

I'm very excited.

It's just, like, I'm excited
in here and in here.

You're looking muy bonita.


Look at you!
How are you?

You better believe that
I want to talk to her first

and second and third
and fourth and fifth.

Well, I'm so happy to get
a little bit of time.

But I'll wait...
because I'm not worried.

Of course I want
to fight for you.

Because the whole goal
is Tayshia time.

That's the currency here
for myself, I think,

for everyone here,
is spending time with you.

You know, I'm gonna go in
when I do get time with her,

and then I'm gonna
be the Ben that...

she's grown to know
at this point.

Well, hello.

How are you?
I'm good, how are you?

And I hope that I leave
a lasting impression.

Good to see you.

Because I'm trying to have

the best love story ever.

[curious music]


[curious music]

Tayshia, she asked me
to cut away

a huge part of my life.


Because she asked me
to shave my moustache.

Instantly, him and I
took an ego beat

because I thought she loved it.

I'll miss you.

I think I might look funny
without it,

but mine and her relationship
was more important

than mine and my secret
power's relationship,

really, so I...

I pray that she doesn't, uh,
send me--

send me away with a--
a bald baby face after this.

I am a Leo,

and one of those characteristics

is unwavering loyalty, and...

Like, I wanna--
I wanna make sure

that you know that
I'm gonna be here

the whole time.
I appreciate that.

The whole time.

You mind?

I'm gonna leave this one
up to you.

Oh, don't do that.
I'd love to--

I'd love to continue talking.

I know.
Okay, well...

let me finish talking to Noah.

We had--we did have
some unfinished business.

Thanks, Jordan.
Talk soon. Of course.

I'll talk--I'll see you soon.
Thank you.

All right, buddy.
I do apologize.

I don't know
what the hell's going on,

but it's kind of annoying,

especially considering
the fact that

Noah shouldn't have been
on this date to begin with.

Like, I really just don't have
any respect

for that dude anymore.

It's like, he has zero class.

So we either have, um...

Like, a stubble.
A stubble.

Or a baby face.


What up?
'Sup, Jordan?

'Sup, boys?
'Sup, man?

What's going on, bro?

So I was talking with Tayshia.

Noah was running around.
He interrupted...

Oh, [bleep].

Here we go. Here we go.

Here we go.


It's late into the evening,

and I'm waiting
for my opportunity

to talk to Tayshia.

When you left,
did he sit down or what?


I don't know what's happening

with her and Noah.

I'm nervous, but, like,

I'm doing everything I can
to be calm.

Hopefully, it's not too late.

[razor buzzing]


And you can't stop.

We just gotta go
through the whole thing.


[laughs] [chuckles]

Okay, ready?

You know, I've never done
this sort of thing

for a guy before,
but it's kinda hot.

It's really white under here.


[heartwarming music]

Okay, I did it.
Oh, my God.

This is really good.

Oh, my Gosh.

How bad?

Let me get an outside opinion.

Wait, actually,
you look really good.

Like, you're kinda hot.
I don't--

what was I before?
You just went up

like ten points!
What was I before?

You all right.
Wait, first off...


You haven't...

you haven't...
[gasps] What?

You haven't kissed me...

Without a moustache.
Are you kidding me?

My bad.
That's what this was

all about.

♪ ♪

Better or worse?

It's actually much better.

I like this Noah.
[laughs] You like this Noah.

I like the other one too.
This one's good.

It does feel different

kissing her
without the moustache.

She loves it.
We'll just--

that's what I'll sh**t for.


And I was just
following through

with my instincts, my gut,

and my heart, and...

I have no regrets.

[laughs] [sighs]

All right.

I had so much fun today!

And... I'm really happy

I was able to connect
with all of you this evening.

Before you give out the rose,
do you mind if we go talk?

[sighs] Ben.


♪ ♪

I--the night's over.

I mean, I'm kinda disappointed

you didn't come find me earlier,

to be honest.

I am just a little
disappointed in Ben

'cause I was really looking
forward to talking to him,

but I don't want people
sitting back and, like,

just thinking
everything's expected.

I want someone
that's going to fight for me,

that's eager to talk to me,

and I know there are
some guys here

that feel exactly that way.

Um... but there is a rose.


[suspenseful music]


♪ ♪


[heartwarming music]

I mean, I barely recognize...

you look really good
without the 'stache.

Do you guys agree?

If you're like a douchebag
and you have a moustache,

wear the moustache well.

You gotta be, like,
just actually hilarious

and actually a solid dude.

Obviously, that wasn't the case.

But honestly, today
you really fought for me...

and you really
just proved yourself,

and that's all
I've been asking for,

and so...

I'd love it
if you'd receive this rose.


I'm frustrated.

[tense music]

Like, he got two times
with her and a rose

'cause he jumped the fence.

So I'm really pissed with Noah,

and I'm not gonna
let this go unresolved.

Well, I have to head to bed,

and... I'll see you guys soon.

Let's do it.

Have a good night.
Good night.

Noah got the Group Date Rose.

Noah hopped over a fence,
but, like,

the rest of us were all in there

fighting for love, so...

to be honest with you,
I wish I was in Chasen's shoes

'cause I feel like I would have
whupped his ass,

but that's just me.

Good night.

Noah absolutely took advantage

of our Group Date.

He double-dipped,
which is, uh... a sin.

Hopefully he's not
on the one-on-one tomorrow

or a group date
because that will stir

a lot of chaos in the house,
trust me.

Good night, Noah.
Good night, guys.

See ya.
Sleep well.

Thank you, you too.

[bleep] Noah!

[bleep] that guy!

He got a rose.

But you know what?

His 'stache is gone.

His momentum's gonna be gone.

I will call him out in front

of the whole house tomorrow,

man-to-man, and tell him...

"Noah from Oklahoma...

your rose
means [bleep] nothing."

♪ ♪

Next week
on "The Bachelorette"...




[romantic music]

Who's gonna put it all
on the line

for Tayshia?
[discordant notes]

It's the most
exhilarating thing

I've ever been a part of.

I never thought
this was gonna happen.

To the best woman that
I've ever met in my life.

[laughs] You--oh...

We're both biracial,

and we have this beautiful
love story developing.

I'm crushing on Tayshia,

and I do not want it to end.

It's a good feeling,
coming into this with a rose.

Here you are, again,
stirring the pot.

I get the sense Noah's
gonna do anything

he has to do to win.

You're a little boy.
Everyone here knows it.

She will know it very soon.

We're done talking now.

Dude, I want to go
at this guy.

Can I get everybody
in this room, please?

If you guys're
trying to just start drama

in the house for no reason...

I'll gladly walk you outside.

[dramatic music]

You had endless surprises
for me

on our date...

So I wanted to give you
a surprise of your own.

And kinda relive...

the best date of my life, so...

We have, uh,
Ned and Ted for you.

Look at you. You're good.

So I--you taught me how
to ride the horse on our date,

so I'll try to teach you...

How do I do this?
So we got--

we got a little foothold here.


you gotta thrust it.

It's really
a natural movement.

You just... just give me--
give me your best thrust.

I can't do... I can't.

Get the hips in it.

Pull back, thrust.

[laughing] I can't...

Is there a brake
on this thing?

I feel like the emergency brake

is on or something.

You--oh, okay, there we go.

Okay, wait.
So it's all--

it's all just hip, thrust.


Mine's going--

I'm gonna cheat now
and use my...

[laughs] See, I won.

[laughing] You won.