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01x06 - Caught With Your Trousers Down

Posted: 04/24/24 19:40
by bunniefuu

- Frank's intentions right now
are not the purest.

All he wanted to do
was get in your pants.

- A lot of people want to.

- Happy birthday
to princess stassi.

- Yay!
- Princess stassi!

Frank has been
so good to me.

- [groans]
like, spare me.

[glass shattering]

- Stassi, you are
[bleep] out of line!

- She grabs me
by the back of my head,

Yanks my head down
and pulls it--

- Stassi does?
- Yes!

- We're at dinner,
and jax shows up.

- If jax and frank
can't get it together

In somebody else's restaurant,
they're not gonna come back

And work in mine,
so one of them will go.

- It's the [bleep]ing best sex
I've had in a long time.

- It was not fun
to be in the same room

As jax, kristen, and katie.

- You're just, like, hurting
and you just need a friend,

And your friends aren't
talking to you right now.

- I'm gonna have
a mental breakdown.

[pop music]

- ♪ you know

♪ that it's our time

♪ these are the best days

♪ of our lives

♪ just raise
your glasses high ♪

♪ this one's
for you tonight ♪

- Let's work on shelby--
the drug scene--the first one.

Just try it
from the beginning.

- If I can't have you,
I can't live.

Does she love you that much?

- No.

- I need a reason to live.

And scene.

- Just about everybody at sur
is an actor or a musician.

Everybody is in
the entertainment industry.

- ♪ because you got me alone

♪ I want you to
give it everything ♪

- Keep that second line.

- ♪ everything

- I remember lisa telling me
that working at sur

Is not what she wants for any
of us for the rest of our life.

- Will you help me
style a photo sh**t, please?

- Wait, that would be so good
for my book and everything.

I say make it gold,
because the turquoise

Literally looks like
two little nipples.

- [laughs]

[camera clicking]
- perfect.

- What's the back like?
- Beautiful!

- She doesn't want us
to be lifelong servers

But to kind of use it
as a stepping stone

To get into whatever it is
that we aspire to be.

[electric guitar solo]

- Whoo!

- If I were a working actor,
it would change everything.

- Dude.
- Ha!

- [laughs] small world.
- Oh, my god.

- Yeah, that's me.
That guy looks good.

- That's one
sexy-looking guy.

- I would definitely quit sur.

- What you're about to see
is a film that I produced

And tom acted in.

- We have
these impossible goals

And we look out
for each other.

So it's really nice
to have that support.

- I really cared
about the character.

I was genuinely invested.
- Jax!

- What--what she said.


- Aah! I knew
he was gonna say that.

- [laughs]

- Don't--
- what's going on?

- Stop. You can't read--no.

- What do you mean?
I'm a fashionista.

- Stop. No.

I don't like
when people--no.

That makes me nervous when
people read it before I'm done.

Lisa and pandora own
an online luxury magazine,

And I have a column
that I write for it.

I'm not writing cover stories
for vogyet,

But this column is something
that I take very seriously.

- I see you, uh--

- No. That I need
to talk to you about.

This is your fault,
so you need to figure this out.

You're the one
that put up the pole

And said that I was able
to hang all my stuff on it.

- So you need to come up
with a plan.

'cause I have to pick out
outfits for this column.

We're gonna give half your
dresses to salvation army,

And then we're gonna
hang up the other half.

- That's so not even funny.

Do you even have a plan?
You don't have a plan.

- Yeah. I'm gonna
figure it out as I go.

That's how I do things.

- Frank's the type of guy that
puts up the pole and it falls.

Jax is the type of guy that
doesn't even put up the pole.

- [groans]

- That silk thing, I haven't
even gotten it altered yet.

And I'm listening to it rip.

- So why don't you
get off your ass

- I can't. I have to write this
and figure this out

And put together outfits.

Pandora is so fricking
mad at me right now.

So tell me about this blog.
- It's not a blog.

- What do you mean?
You're typing on the computer.

It seems like a blog to me.

- I am so over you
calling it a blog.

People who blog literally
just go on a little website

And just upload
whatever they write

And don't even
re-read what they--

- Don't you just go on
a little website and--?

- No! I don't--
stop belittling it.

Seriously, it's annoying.

- So what is this
"style diaries by stassi"--

- Please stop
making jokes about it.

- What's this one about?
- Casual chic.

- I feel like a casual chic
in my get-up right now.

- Frank's all about working
very hard towards your goals,

But he just doesn't
take fashion seriously.

Whereas jax is a fashion model,
he knows how to dress,

But he has zero goals.

I can't win.

- Fashion columnist,
you've got 20 minutes

To get to work.

You're first on,
you'll be first off, so...

- I'm second on.

Frickin' crazy-ass
kristen is first on.

I haven't talked to katie
and kristen since vegas,

And it's been so uncomfortable
going to work every day.

So it's to the point where
I have to make a change.

Like, something's got to give
because I can't do this anymore.

- Casual chic.

- Hey.
- Hi, lisa.

- Hi, how are you?
- How are you?

- Fabulous.
- It's hot, isn't it?

- So hot.


- I don't know
what schvitzing means.

It sounds scary to me.
- [laughs]

- Is it safe to sit here
if you're schvitzing?

- You're good
at that distance.

- Oh, well,
now I'm scared.

The restaurant's doing
really well, I have to say.

- Fabulously.
- Yeah. Great reviews.

- Yeah.
- Food's, you know, been great.

- Fabulous.

- So I'm happy with everything,
but I just think we need to--

- Spice it up a little.
- Yeah.

- What about doing a happy hour
or something?

- That's exactly
what I was thinking,

Because we don't really
utilize the hours before dinner.

So I think that's perfect.

- But also, let's go
the traditional route.

Inviting food reviewers down--
- yep.

- You know, we've got a new menu
by francis demetrius,

So I would like to kind
of get some reviews on that.

- We need press material to--
- yeah. Yeah.

- To give the magazines
that need it.

- Did you hear the rumor?
- No.

- I don't know how
I'm going to tell you this.

But the security,
the other night,

Walked into the bathroom
in sur lounge

And jax and laura-leigh

Were naked in the bathroom
having sex.

- How many people saw this?
- Hold on a second.

- Nobody saw it.
Only the security.

- Naked on the bathroom floor?
Don't be ridiculous.

I cannot believe they're
having sex in my restaurant.

So they clock in and then they
go [bleep] in the bathroom.

I mean, is that what
I'm paying them for?

- I mean,
the only mistake he made

Was not to lock the door.

- Oh, for [bleep]'s sake.
You're, like, becoming a softie.

- All I have to say
is obviously, as your publicist,

It's not a good look.

- I'm, like, salivating
at the mouth

Like a [bleep]ing wolf,
I'm so starving.

- I had lunch earlier,
but I'm still, like, so hungry.

- I want to take you
to dinner and thank you

For the other night.

- Oh, you don't have to do that,
but I'd love to.

- No, I would like to.
- Yeah, for sure.

I think stassi's attitude
has changed so much towards me,

Because I reached out to her
when none of her friends did.

I'm just, like, being pulled

In every which direction
right now.

- And that's why I've tried
backing off from everyone.

I don't want anyone
to feel uncomfortable.

- Yeah.
- Like, choosing a side.

- Peter.
- Yes.

- It is 6:15 right now.
- Okay.

- Stassi clocked in
at 6:00 and she's sitting there

With scheana, like,
eating, chatting about--

I'm taking all the tables.
I'm setting everything up.

She does this [bleep]
all the time.

Like, I'm over this bull[bleep].
- All right, I'll handle it.

- Thank you.
- Go do your shift, it's fine.

- I'm just so disgusted
with stassi's behavior.

I don't want to be
her friend right now.

I want her to come in,
shut up, and do her job.

- Uh, stassi, what time
were you on at?

- 6:00.

- You know what time
it is, right?

- I know.
I'm just so starving.

- Yeah, it's 6:10.

First of all, I can't
have you guys here eating

In front of the customers.

If any of my bosses come in,
guess who's gonna get yelled at?

- That's why I'm not
in my uniform yet.

- It doesn't matter.
- Okay.

- It doesn't matter.
You guys gotta go. I'm sorry.

- All right.

- I'm not talking
about scheana, peter.

- No, but it doesn't matter.
- Oh, you're saying--

- Just say it to me, kristen,
if you have a problem.

- I'm not a manager.
- No, I know.

- You always
micromanage everyone.

Really? Today, you're not?
- Today, I'm not.

- Kristen flies off the handle
at work all the time.

She just stomps around

And goes crazy
and causes a scene.

You have three tables
in the whole restaurant.

If you can't handle that
right now, kristen,

Something's wrong with you.

[trash clatters]

[upbeat electronic music]

- ♪ everything we do

♪ ooh

- Where are you taking me?
- I don't know.

- What?
- Somewhere.

- Where are we going?
- Shh. Babe, just come.

- Oh, my gosh.
What are you doing?

- ♪ baby, can we go?

- Oh, gosh.

Dude, there's somebody here.
They're gonna see us.

- Hey.
- Are you serious?

- ♪ put your lips right here,
it's not a magic act ♪

- [laughs]

- ♪ such a bitter mouth,
such a bitter face ♪

♪ baby, I'd do anything

♪ I love the way
you scream my name ♪

- [laughs]

- Oh, my god.
- [giggles]

Laura-leigh is a freak.
She is an absolute freak.

But I love it.

By the way, the bathroom here,
first, amazing.

- [laughs]
- we can say we've had sex here.

But this is what
I love, like, about us.

I mean, this is fun.
I've never had this.

- I can't keep
my hands off of you.

- This is great.

- I don't want to keep
my hands off of you, ever.

I can honestly say
you are the most...

Attractive man
I have ever dated.

- Well, that's good to hear.
You can't hear that enough.

Following me around for,
like, the last five years,

"laura-leigh, what
do you want in a man?

What would you like
in a man?"

And then, like, gave you
the list and said,

"okay, jax,
here's all the secrets.

Now just say this,
this, this, and this."

Like, that's how much
you say the right thing.

- She's saying
all this stuff to me,

And it's all going really quick,
so I know that laura-leigh

Is 100% into
our relationship.

I just don't know
if I'm 100% there,

Or even 50%.

Cheers, baby.
- Cheers.


I'm happy I'm here with you.

- I'm happy I'm here
with you, too.

- I heard on good authority
that you got caught

With your trousers down.

- ♪ send me a sign

♪ send me a sign

- Hi. You guys
here for the class?

- Okay!

[upbeat electronic music]

- There's a lot of pressure
to be, like, the hottest,

Thinnest girl at sur.

Probably one of the reasons
that we work out

Five days a week.

- Beautiful, beautiful work.

I will see you
Saturday, 2:00 pm.

Come back and see us.
- Whoo!

- [sighs]

I need air, that's it.
I just needed air.

- Yeah, we needed air.

I don't think I liked it.
- I'm not coming back.

- It's not a workout
I could get used to.

- I literally
almost vomited.

So what's going on with
the stassi situation?

- Well, I'm going
to see her later tonight.

- What do you think
is going to happen?

- I want the conversation
to be mostly what's happened

Between, like, her and I.

I would hope that she
can swallow her pride.

And take responsibility.
- Responsibility. Yeah.

- Because two minutes
after you and jax broke up

And you were seeing frank,
that I wasn't like,


That I was like,
"mm. Hold on."

- The point is that her and I...
- About you guys specifically.

- Haven't had a conversation
since vegas

About everything
that's happened.

But it just, like, sucks,

'cause I kind of wanted
all of us to be able to, like,

But when she told me that she
wasn't, like, ready to, like,

"well, you know, stassi,
that--that puts me

In a position once again."

- I don't know why stassi
is willing to reconcile

With katie
and not with me yet.

It's probably because
I'm not just gonna hug it out

And cry and call it a day.

My interpretation of that
is she cares more about

Her friendship with you.

Like, it's more important
to her to mend that.

That's what pisses me off
about this whole thing.

That's what makes me not
want to be friends with her.

I keep battling with this,
because--like, last night,

When I saw her at work,
like, I get upset.

It's not even, like,
something I can control.

It's just, like, this
immediate emotional response.

I want to cry when
I think about her.

- Hey, guys,
lisa's in the vip room

And she wants
to talk to both of you.

- Okay.
- Because something's going on.

- Okay. Will you see
if danielle will finish

- Yeah, of course.
- Thanks.

My back is k*lling me.

- Hello.

- Hello.

- Sit.

- I heard on good authority,
that, uh...

You got caught
with your trousers down--


- I mean, do we have
a choice of places?

Or was it one occasion?
- What are you talking about?

What is she talking about?
- I don't know.

- What are you talking about?

- Don't act
so innocent with me.

I heard on good authority
from the management

That you two were having sex
in the bathroom.

- Are you kidding me?
- Why would I kid you?

What, you think it's my fantasy?
Clearly not.

- We had sex at takami.
- Yeah.

It's me you're talking to.

I don't have time to even
think about something like that.

- Yeah, I have--

- I'm sure
you have time for that.

- This is not--I don't even know
where this is coming from.

- Because if I was going
to have sex with him here,

I would have locked the door.

- [chuckles]
- that's not what I heard.

- Yeah, we got caught having sex
in the vip bathroom.

I really like my job so,
you know, I want to keep my job.

So I'm sticking to my story.

I'm sorry you heard that.
That's definitely not true.

- It's definitely not true.
At all.

- They know that I know.

But unless I actually go in
and I catch them

In the shagging act,
what can I do about it?

I'm gonna have
to let it go.

You can go, okay?

Thank you, laura-leigh.
- Mm-hm.

- Let me tell you, this girl--
she might appear strong to you.

If you think she's got
it together, she hasn't.

- I know. I know her past.
I know everything.

- Is this, like,
a subliminal message

You're sending stassi?

Having sex in bathrooms
with her?

- I'm not trying
to send a message.

I'm trying to move on
from what I had.

- You moved on
really bloody quickly.

- You know,
she's not my girlfriend.

- I would say that
she's your girlfriend.

She's emotionally
invested in this.

- This--what's going on here,
is--it's unexplainable.

I don't know right now.
I don't know.

I'm having fun right now.

This is your work-ground.
Do you still understand that?

You want your job here, right?
- Yeah, I love my job here.

- If I find out
this to be the truth--

- You will be out of here faster
than you got in her knickers.

Do we understand each other?
- Absolutely.

I would never do that here.

- You can go.

[doorbell rings]

- Hi.

- Aw!
- Our usual.

- Thank you.
Look at you!

- Our usual.

- We should break them open.

- Not just one, but two.

- Okay. Which one
should we start with?

I got to the point where
I was ready to talk to katie

And hear her out.

She was my best friend.
I missed her.


Thank you for coming over.

- Thank you for having me.

- I came here for
one purpose only,

It was to get everything
out on the table.

- The floor is yours.

- When I found out that, like,
you and frank had been, like,

Really, really hanging out,

As your friend, I did
feel a little concerned.

I was looking out for you.

Stassi, you're like my sister.
- [sniffles]

- Like, all of the things
we've been through,

You think I'm just gonna
not give a [bleep] about you?

- That's what it felt like.

- But how could it
feel that way, stassi?

Just 'cause I didn't
want to support--

- But you guys get to go home
to your boyfriends every night--

- And it's somebody that
I have feelings for and I like,

And just 'cause it's fast
doesn't mean I should

Sit at home in the apartment
I used to have with him.

- I didn't even get a moment
to, like, warm up to the idea

Before you were just,
like, angry with me about it.

Like, at least sit down
and have a conversation

And explain your position.

You didn't even--like, I have
not been given the opportunity--

Like, I was an emotional,
mental mess.

- And when have you not
called me when that's happened?

- 'cause I've never
been at this--

I've never had to deal
with, like, this,

Just realize
a bunch of lies,

Have my things
being taken from me,

Have my [bleep]ing dog
be taken from me

And given
to a new [bleep]ing girl.

- I hate this.
- I know.

- [sniffling]

I just--

I hate that you
would ever think

That I didn't
have your back.

- I think that katie
takes things so personally,

Therefore she gets
so emotional about things.

Have just gotten everything out,
everything's on the table,

I just think that
we could really start

To heal our friendship
and get back to normal.

I love you.
- Oh, come here.

- [kissing]

- No, you're gonna
tell me what you said.

You see, you're sitting there
like a meek little lamb--

- And you're not
giving me the truth.

Stand up and tell me
what you [bleep]ing said.

[upbeat electronic music]

- You seem very pensive.

- I'm hearing some things
back and forth.

You're the manager,
you tell me.

What's going on?
- Uh, what is going on?

- I don't know,
joey's over there.

He doesn't ever work
on tuesdays.

Why is he here?
- Joey-joey?

- Frank usually works on
Tuesday, so why is he here?

- That's what I'm wondering.
And I'm hearing things.

- I'm gonna find out.

- Joey.
- [sighs]

- Joey, what's going on?
- [laughs]

What's going on, man?
- Not a whole lot.

- How did you get stuck
with the Tuesday gig?

- So basically, on Saturday,
a group came in

And they were all ordering
double martinis.

And so frank kept charging
these people double the price.

- So $30 a drink?
- Yeah.

- Huh.

And started cussing at frank,
like, "[bleep] you, you [bleep]!

Frank basically said to him,
I quote,

"[bleep] you, you peasant."
- [laughs]

- "how dare you come in here,
order all these drinks,

And then you
can't pay for them."

Frank says, "look, go back to
your [bleep]ing ugly girlfriend

"before I embarrass you
in front of her

"by pulling your [bleep]ing
underwear over your head,

You [bleep]ing nerd."

And then the guy's, like,
standing there shocked

And just throws a beer
right in his face.

- So then what?
- So then frank went home.

- Who sent him home?
- Uh, guillermo.

- Guillermo sent him home?
- Yeah.

- So he--did--?


Lisa's gonna be pissed.

- He threatened
to atomic melvin somebody.


- Pull his underwear
over his head.

- No, no. You do that
in, like, 5th grade.

- Yeah.

- [groans] this meeting
should be interesting.

- Did she tell you
what it's about?

- No, she didn't
tell me what it's about.

She's trying to trick me
with the element of surprise.

- I am really excited about
introducing my parents to frank.

Today's a really big deal.

But of course, lisa calls frank,
has to have a meeting.

Lisa comes first.

- See you soon.
- Yeah. Mm-hm.

- Dead or alive,
I'm coming out.

- Are you nervous, frank?
You look it.

- [clears throat]

- I am pissed off.
I mean, really pissed off.

I've spent my life
creating an amazing atmosphere

At my restaurants,

Teaching my staff to be polite,
and then this [bleep]hole

Screws it up by being
aggressive with a customer.

I have a problem.
- Okay.

- I have a big problem
with you right now.

This is accumulative,
what's going on here.

First we started,
you had a problem with kyle.

- You were really rude
to one of my friends.

Frank had an incident with kyle.
I called him on it.

And he just kind
of ducked and dived

And then he admitted that,
yeah, he was inappropriate.

So that was the first
black mark against frank.

What you kind of
don't understand

Is that the customer
is right.

She's a customer.

And there were customers
on Saturday night.

So I want to hear
your part of it.

- So what happened
was a girl came to the bar,

And so I went
to take her order.

She ordered two double
chilled cucumber martinis--

- Stop right there.

If somebody orders a double,

Then it's an extra shot
in there.

You don't charge
twice as much money.

That's ridiculous.
No wonder they're upset.

- So I get a phone call
that you

Have had this attitude
with them.

That you turn around and say,
"if you can't afford it,

You take it somewhere else."

- That's not true.
I said, "if you didn't want it--

- That's not what you said.
I know what you said.

You said, "if you can't afford
it, you don't need to be here."

- No, I would never say that.

I mean, if I insulted
the customers,

I wouldn't sell
and get tipped the way I do.

- Well, how come he didn't
give you a tip then? Hm?

- Yes, you do, because
you complained about it.

- Well, I know
what everyone tips me.

- Frank.

- So anyways, but we didn't--
- it's not anyways.

Now you have an attitude
with this guy.

And you did, frank.
- I did not.

- The guy that came around
the side of the bar

And wanted to whack you.

- I did--they asked
for management--

- Frank, be honest with me.
- They asked for management.

I gave them the manager.

I walked to the other end
of the bar

And served people
where paula was.

- Yeah, but you
can't insult people

- Because he said to me,
"you don't know who I am."

And I said, "you're right.
I don't know who you are."

And he's like, "who the [bleep]
do you think you are?"

And I said, "I'm the bartender
who makes the drinks--"

- What else did you say
that I've heard

Through the grapevine
that's very funny?

Something else you said.

Have you forgotten about that?
- No, I haven't.

- Tell me what you said.

You see, you're sitting there
like a meek little lamb

And you're not
giving me the truth.

Stand up and tell me
what you [bleep]ing said.

- So I'll tell you what I said.
- No. Tell me what you said.

Tell me what you said.

- I told him if he didn't walk
back down to his girlfriend,

By pulling his underwear
over his head.

- Oh, well, well done!
There we have it.

You know what?
- And he threw beer on me.

- Well, wouldn't you
if you were in a bar?

How dare you say that?
- No, I walked away.

I walked away.
- How dare you say that?

He's the customer,
you're the employee.

I've had enough.
- I said that--

- I have had enough, frank.

And I'm glad that this
is only play-time for you,

Because it's not
play-time for me.

- I've taken my job seriously
since I've been here.

- No, you haven't
taken it seriously.

- I sell more drinks
than anybody behind that bar.

- Frank.
- I see the sales every night.

Guess what?
I'm gonna make it easy for you.

I'm firing you.

We're done.

- So, I mean,
all I'll say is that--

- I'm done. I'm sorry,
it's not working for me.

You're not the first.
You're not gonna be the last.

And you can tell
your girlfriend as well.

We're done.
We're done.

- Fine. But, I mean--
- there's no "but, I mean."

There's no "but, I mean."

- All right, well--
- and you can send the message.

- I will.

- Firing frank's
not personal.

I appreciate that frank
was honest about what he did,

And maybe the restaurant's
not his priority.

But it's certainly mine.

- My prayers
have been answered.

- Shut up.
You're suspended?

- No, even better.

- You're fired?
- Oh, yeah.

- Wait, are you serious
right now?

- This is the best thing
that could have happened.

- You're fired?
- This is great.

- Wait, are you really fired
or are you just playing a joke

- As of right now,
that's the deal.

- Wait, this isn't funny.

Are you [bleep]ing
kidding me?

Can you just tell me
what happened?

- You know, she didn't
want to let me talk,

Because whatever direction
she wanted to steer it,

I was gonna take the bull
by the horns and steer.

And it's, like, if you
want to hear the truth,

I'll tell you the truth.

Like, but--like, clean
the [bleep] out of your ears

And actually listen.

- No, but that's
what I was thinking.

But I told her what happened.
- Oh, my god.

You're just causing
so many problems.

- I'm not causing anything.

Like, I try and defuse
these situations and--

We gotta go meet
your parents for lunch.

Let's head out
to the beach.

- So this is just fantastic.

Lisa decides to fire frank

The morning
we meet my parents.

This is gonna be fun.

"hey, dad, here's my
new boyfriend who's unemployed."

Like, really?

You've got
to be joking me.

Well, you have
to back it up now.

- I can do whatever I want.

- ♪ I'm on fire

♪ I'm throwing out the smiles
and the innocence ♪

♪ I'm on fire

- I'm, like, really upset
and freaked out right now.

- It's all gonna be good.
- No, it's not gonna be good.

Because I'm gonna be alone
with all the crazies

And I'm not gonna work
in another restaurant.

That's for frickin' sure.

So, like, what are you
gonna do every night?

- Why are you
bringing that up?

I moonlight as your
personal assistant.

- I just can't believe
you're fired and--

Oh, my god,
you're meeting my parents.

- I know. I know.
I'm pumped.

- [sighs]
oh, god.

- ♪ I know you want it

♪ I know you need it

♪ you've got an appetite
for more ♪

♪ can you feed it?

- Here we go.
- Hi.

- Hey, sweetheart.
- Dad!

- Hi.
- How's it going?

- This is frank.
- And you must be frank.

- Much more substantial
than the last one.

- [laughs]

- All right, well,
what are we drinking?

- Everything.
- [laughs] everything.

All right, this
is gonna be good.

This is gonna be good.

Like, we drink.
We love having a good time.

I was expecting
to walk in to the sound

- What did you guys order?
Like, mojitos or something?

- Just vodka.
- Vodka.

- Just vodka, that's it.
- I like the mint.

- We stopped before we got ready
and got a bottle of--

- Booze.
- Stoli pomegranate.

- So you guys have
just been drinking

For the past two hours?

- We had a lovely breakfast.

- We had to prepare ourselves
to deal with you.


- I like the mint garnish
though, as a bartender.

Former bartender, I guess.
- Oh, he got fired today.

- What?
- [laughs]

- Another unemployed

- It's a blessing in disguise.
- You need to tell this story.

I'm sorry, you need to tell--
- no, it was really good.

Like, I've been praying
to get fired actually.

I've been telling stassi
the last couple weeks

I was gonna transition out.

- That's why.
- Shh.

- I worked commercial real
estate before I came out here.

I got back into commercial
real estate a few weeks ago.

I don't really have time
to be at sur.

- So you have a real job?
- Yes.

- You know, frank's
always talking about

Commercial real estate.

He talks about it
with such certainty

And, like, he knows
what he's doing.

But I don't really know
what he actually does.

- And so Saturday night--

And this guy
literally looks like

My little brother.

He's, like,
"who do you think you are?"

I'm like, "I told you,
the bartender."

"I know lisa and ken and--"

And I'm, like, "listen, pal,
I think you should go back down

"to your girlfriend before
I embarrass you in front of her

And pull your underwear
over your head."


- No, really, don't you
think they'd overlook

Something like this,
considering you're--?

- No. Jax and laura-leigh were
caught banging in the bathroom

And they didn't even
get a suspension,

Much less being fired.

He gets fired for threatening
to pull underwear

Over someone's head.

- No, it's a classic.

- Finishing off that bottle
of vodka really did probably

Help soften the blow of meeting
my unemployed boyfriend.

- So one of her friends
hit the nail on the head.

She's like, "what you
need to know about stassi.

She has pretty girl syndrome."

- She's like, "you know, she
knows, like, she's a pretty girl

"and if she doesn't
want to do something,

Like, she can get
someone to do it for her."

And I'm like,
"oh, this makes sense."

Like, this is why
I literally, like,

I get calls saying, like,

"can you do this,
can you do this?"

- No, I just think
you do it better.

- And then I get sucked in
and do it.

And that's fine.

It's just, like, I just want,
like, three days where I'm off.

Like, I'm not
getting paid for this.

- She didn't always
have this syndrome.

- Yeah, she was homely
in high school.

- [laughter]
- oh, my god.

- She had a little tummy.

- You guys...
- She was a little pale.

- Are so--

- She didn't date.
- I didn't.

- Nope, she didn't date.
- I was a loser in high school.

- She came home and ate bread
from the inside out.


- She'd start on the inside
of the loaf and work her way out

And leave the shell.

- Oh, my god.
- You're making me sad.

- Or she laid
on the kitchen floor.

- [laughs]

- This is what people
need to know.

- I did not.

- She had kind
of a round face.

- Then I got a chin implant.
- Yes.

In high school,
I was kind of a weirdo.

Like, I was this goth
kind of girl.

I dyed my hair jet black.

For my senior graduation,

My parents gave me
a chin implant.

People then started
approaching me about modeling.

Obviously, guys started
approaching me a lot more.

It was just a big change.

- Look what I got.
Look how sweet.

- Oh, my--

- Stassi when she
was a little fashionista.

Before she developed
a taste for human flesh.


- Oh, my god.
- Oh, my goodness.

I'm so cute.
- What is going on?

Is that, like, easter?
- Yeah, it's easter.

- It was easter
at the country club.

- Look, I had my tights and my
hat and I'm so accessorized.

- And her muppet cut.

- It's a g*n.

- You're not a democrat,
are you?

- No.
- Oh, thank god.

- Whoo!
- Ooh.

- So every time
your father drinks--

- He thinks of me.
- Yes.

- For bringing in
a new boyfriend

Who just got fired
to meet my parents,

I could say that this lunch

Went a lot better
than I thought it was going to.

- Yeah, you know, it's, like,
one for me, one for my homegirl.


- Pour it out!

- Well, tom's gonna be picking
up some more shifts at sur,

'cause we just
lost a bartender.

Frank got fired yesterday.
- What?

- What?

[funky pop music]

- Oh!
- Whoa!

- What?

- Wowzers!
- That is beautiful.

- Hey, mom.
- Huh?

- You gotta see
your new present.

Dad's outside
with a gift for you.

- A gift for me?
- Yeah, a gift, come on.

It's awesome.

- Oh!
It is so cute!

- Oh, my god!

- Oh, my god.
I love it.

Ken and I have been married

But he still surprises me.

- color is great.

- Stassi, get your butt
in here now.

- That's right.
- All right, who else?

- Okay.
- Yeah, I love it.

- Ah!


[cheering and screaming]


- She's still sitting
on the seat.

- Oh, my god.
This is awesome.

- She's still sitting
on the seat.

- Oh, whoa.
- Ooh.

- Look at that thing.
Man, that is sexy.

- That is trouble.
- Oh, that's perfect size.

- That's exactly
what we wanted.

- Yeah.

What do you guys
got going on?

You get any good auditions today
or anything?

- Mm-mm.
- No?

- Well, I haven't
checked my phone yet.

- Now that jax and stassi
have broken up,

It makes me a little sad
because now it's like

We can't hang out
the six of us together.

We're hanging out,
the four of us, and it sucks.

That I thought was next week,
and I looked at it again.

I had to go try on, like,
cowboy hats.

I had not booked that.

[cell phone rings]
- my phone is ringing.

Like, am I hearing things?

It's jax.


Holy [bleep].

Okay, bye.

Well, tom's gonna be picking up
some more shifts at sur

'cause we just lost
a bartender.

- Jax?
- No.

- Who?
- Frank got fired yesterday.

- What?
- What?

- In the lounge.
- Yeah.

paula told me the story.

Basically, you know,
a customer came up

And frank said, like,
"if you can't afford

To come out to this place,
then you shouldn't be here."

- Ooh.

- They have somewhat
of a tolerance for people

That show up late
and people that miss shifts,

But what they don't--
like, do not tolerate--

Offending customers.
Like, that's like the big thing.

- Three, four months
after starting at sur,

Frank did nothing but cause
the most unnecessary drama

Between people
who have been friends

And have known each other
for years.

He wasn't a part
of the family.

Just I can't believe frank
got fired.

- How do you guys think, um,
frank being fired

Is gonna affect stassi
at work?

- I don't know.

- It's gonna be weird now.

Stassi and I
haven't spoken since vegas.

She's not the same person
that I used to be friends with.

And this whole
her and jax thing--

Every time
they work together now,

She's, like,
standing at the bar,

Talking to jax,
and, like--

- Do you think
that he, like, misses her?

"oh, they should
get back together,"

But it's just like--
I'm willing to put money

That they do.

- They're so similar.

I know that if you say that
to either one,

They'll be insulted,
but they have so much in common.

- They're both
little crybabies.

- What did you do today?

- I, uh--I was out
at huntington beach

Checking out the place
that I bought into down there.

- Wait.
Explain this place again,

Just because
I'm kind of confused,

Because this, like,
just happened out of nowhere.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Did you get into this

Through your
commercial real estate dude

Or from somewhere--
- same thing.

- So it's from your
commercial real estate guy?

- My partner.
- Whatever.

Frank is talking about
his commercial real estate

And saying how everything's
going exactly how he planned.

I'm like,
"you just got fired."

- Yeah.

- So you're lucky
that you got fired?

- No, I--
- basically.

- I made the decision
to get fired.

- You didn't make the decision
to get fired.

You made the decision
to leave.

- I made the decision
to tell that kid

I was gonna pull his underwear
over his head so I got fired.

- Okay.

- Frank one,
vanderpump zero.

- You're such an ass.

So my mom called yesterday,
and, uh, was, like, worried.

- Your mom was worried?

- Yeah, and then
she texted me saying,

"please call me asap."

- Does she do the "911"
like you?

"call me, 911,
it's emergency.

I broke a nail."

- She's like, "stassi,
what did frank think of us?"

I didn't even ask you
how you felt everything went.

- It went just as expected.

- Can you elaborate
a little on that?

- Oh, my god.
You know what?

I'm not a gossip girl.
- I'm not asking you to gossip.

I'm asking your opinion
so when my parents ask me,

"what did frank think of us--"
- okay.

You tell them
that I thought

They were the most wonderful
parents in the world.

- You're such--
- and that--

And I can so see
how they raised such a...

Kind, loving, beautiful princess
diva of a daughter.

- I don't appreciate
the sarcasm.

- I'm not being sarcastic.

- Okay, I'm telling you
that I'm in a testy mood.

So why don't you just, like,
work with me here

And not do things
to piss me off?

- Your mom and yourself
are very similar.

And your dad has served
under your mother's reign,

Kind of like I feel like
I serve under your reign.

- You know
when you're just, like,

Little things
are irritating each other?

Like, everything he said
was just like,

"can you, like, not?
Can you just be nice?"

- You know, moonlights
as a personal assistant and--

- You freely take it
upon yourself

- Like, seriously,
I can't help it.

- Next time you try
and task me with--as one--

You take it upon yourself
to do things for me.

- How about,
"I need to be to work on time.

Can you drop me off?"
how about--

- But you like to do it.

Even when I don't ask you
to bring me into work,

You tell me
to jump in the car

And you're--
you just bring me.

- Do you think I like driving
miss daisy around over here?

You think I like
all these things?

- Seriously, I'm actually
gonna beat your face,

Like, if you don't stop.

- How does it feel?
- Like, you're annoying me.

Like, legitimately
annoying me.

- Now you know how I feel.

- "just did this for you.
I did that."

I'm like, "I didn't [bleep]
ask you to."

And if you don't wanna do it,
you can step aside,

Because I'm sure there's
someone else that's willing to.

Everything that comes out
of your mouth today is rude.

- Rude?

- Everything that has come out
of your mouth is rude.

And I don't know why you would
want to be rude to me.

- That's where you wanna go
with it, fine.

- Like, really?

Like, literally, if I were
to look at us right now,

I'd be like, "why is she
putting up with him

Being such an [bleep]hole?"

- Because I'm not
in the wrong.

You're in the wrong.
- How am I in the wrong?

What did I do?

You don't care that anybody else
has a schedule,

Things to do.

Like, I told you I've got
a million things to do.

I can't do anything
because it's all about you.

- Did I ask you to be here?

That's weird,
'cause I didn't.

I totally can't do this.
I'm gonna cry.

I'm losing my mind.

Don't walk away from me!

You're bipolar!
Are you kidding?

Walking away like a coward.

- Did I ask you to be here?

That's weird,
'cause I didn't.

- You did.
- Oh, my god.

I totally can't do this.
I'm gonna cry.

I'm losing my mind.




Don't walk away from me!

Have a conversation with me
like an adult.

- About what?

- Why you're being
such a d*ck.

- Why you're being
[bleep] crazy?

I don't know.
I can't tell you that.

- I'm being crazy?

Because you were upsetting me
and I kept telling you

That you kept upsetting me.

You're bipolar!
Are you kidding?

Walking away like a coward.

- You're so [bleep] selfish
and you don't care

You'd rather have
a pity party for yourself.

- What is wrong with you?
- What's wrong with you?

- What happened this morning
that you're such an [bleep]hole?

Things were going great
until I got here.

- That's how I felt.
Everything was fine and then--

- Perfect.

- I can't believe
how mean you're being.

- I can't believe
that I have to deal with you.

You love to call me jax
and [bleep] compare me

To the guy who [bleep] did
all these [bleep] things to you.

- I didn't do that today.
- I don't deserve that.

- You should find
someone else to date,

Because I'm not gonna put up
with this [bleep] again.

- You're not acknowledging
anything right now.

- I'm questioning
why I'm with you

And if I should
stay with you right now.

I'm taking a hard stance is
because I'm not gonna sit here

And take your [bleep] anymore.

- You just gave me [bleep]
and I'm reacting.

- I did not.
- I'm upset!

Don't thr*aten me right now.

- I'm not threatening you.
I'm telling you.

- No, don't walk away
from me like that.

You know,
what did I do wrong?

You just met my parents.

Was I not good enough?

You know, going through
two break-ups in a summer--

God is literally
trying to k*ll me.

- ♪ pick me up

♪ I need your love

- ♪ though I don't
deserve, deserve ♪

- ♪ I need you to save me

♪ save me from myself

- Next time on
vanderpump rules...

You're very close
to losing your job at sur.

Stassi, I mean it.
No more bull[bleep].

- I don't want this type of
drama on the floor while I'm--

- Okay, no, I'm not gonna stay
here to work the restaurant.

- Okay.
- [sighs]

I missed a very important
audition today

So I could be here
to work your dinner...

- I can't do that to--
- 'cause it was so important.

Then why did they tell me
it was so important

That I had to be here?

- I like you a lot.

You know that, right?

Spending every single day
together, I think,

Might be a little bit much
in the beginning.

- You are a coward.

- Hey, do you want me
to hang out with you still

While I'm in love
with someone else?

- Guess what.
I'm not leaving.

- I haven't stopped loving you
one minute.

I miss you wholeheartedly.

I can be the person
that you want.

I know I can.