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08x03 - Fly Me to Kowloon

Posted: 04/24/24 16:46
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Royal Pains"...

- I want a baby.
- I want a baby, too.

My motility and sperm count are low.

Low isn't no.

Hank, I want to apply to medical school.

You will be a fantastic doctor.

It would mean that I have
to slow down at HankMed.

Eventually quit.

You know that glitch?

It's not a technical problem.

So then, what's the issue?

We've been hacked.

How many were affected?

They were clearly after
only one patient record.


You really still don't want to know?

Please, God, let it be a boy.

Carlos is about to receive
his first treatment.

- For what?
- My family's disease.

He has the marker too, Hank.

What treatment is he undergoing?

I'm off to see him in the morning.

If you were able to join me, I'd...

Of course. Consider it done.

So, where is Carlos?

Hong Kong.


♪ ♪

So, Hank's probably landed already,

in case you want to check
in with him about anything.

No, I think I've got it.

Yeah, well, look,

it's a full schedule, and unfortunately,

I'm in the middle of this
hospital renovation.

So I can't call on your medical skills

in case of an emergency?

No, no, it's just...

between Hamptons Heritage and
HankMed and baby-making,

I pretty much have three full-time jobs,

and I'm afraid they all suffer.

Tell me about it.

Who knew having it all
would be so exhausting?


It's funny, I used to
complain about the fact that

no one treated me like an
adult, and now it's reversed.

It's like, everyone's depending on me.

Welcome to being a grown up.

But you don't have to
stress about HankMed.

I've covered for Hank before, you know.

Yeah, but not when you were this b...
when you were this far...

you should take care of yourself.

That's all I'm saying.

You are grown up.

That's very considerate.

I guess after everything Paige
and I have been through

I have an appreciation for how
precarious pregnancy can be.

REST ASSURED: Jeremiah has the
bulk of the patients today.

I'm doing some paperwork and
some simple follow-ups.

Oh, all righty, then.

But I thank you for your thoughtfulness,

and so does this increasingly
restless baby boy.

Wait, boy?

- You're having a boy?
- I meant... I said "baby."

I said "baby." I'm sure
that I said "baby."

Sashi's getting a baby brother?

I can't believe it. Divya, that's so...

I thought you guys didn't want to know.

We don't.

We didn't want to know...

I just saw it on the ultrasound, okay?

I just... I haven't told Raj.

Just please... just
keep this between us.

I promise. I promise.

Sashi's getting a baby brother!

- Evan.
- Of course.

- It'll be our secret, yeah.

HankMed, how can we make
you feel better today?

I get to show him "Empire
Strikes Back" first.



♪ ♪

I've gotten spoiled by our
travels, Boris, but not jaded.

This place is incredible.

City of the future.

You sound almost intimidated.

I am uncomfortably aware of my
Old World status here, Hank.

Westerners have blindly
mucked about Hong Kong

for a long time now.

Skullduggery veiled in false ideals,

nothing - Isn't that your forte,

navigating the layers
of global intrigue?

I'm trying to break old habits.

I preferred when my motives for the trip

were straightforward.

Ah, you mean, because the
best pediatric specialist

for Carlos's treatment is here?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's why I chose

to launch the drug here,

but now, we've added a hidden agenda.

Hey, listen, the hackers
who tried to steal

your medical records didn't
leave you much choice.

We have a simple plan: if
someone intends blackmail

by threatening to reveal your illness,

we'll derail them.

If it proves more complicated than that,

we must move on to the next step:

discovering who they are
and what they want.

That could get messy.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Are you sure you don't
want the groundskeeper

to bring his cart around?

I'm pregnant, not
immobile, but thank you.

Suit yourself.

Mechanic's right over there.

He was fixing Mr. McTavish's
plane when I saw him pass out.

He said it was just the
heat, but I got worried.

You were right to call. Thank you.

Hey, I'm Divya Katdare from HankMed.

How are you feeling?

Hi, Win Reynolds. I'm fine.

Oh, I hear you lost consciousness.

[COUGHS] Can't a grown man take a nap

without getting judged?

Well, since I'm here,

how about I do an exam, all the same?

Kind of busy.

Doesn't the owner have a key for that?

He's off property at the
moment, and this can't wait.


Can't say I'm sad to see
this plane grounded.

Not a fan of single engines?

I'm not a fan of this engine.

I live nearby, and ever since

your boss bought this property...

He's not my boss.

I work for myself.

Well, the noise he makes
flying in and out

at all hours has been
waking up my children.

I'm fixing that.


Uh, Win...

Do you have any pre-existing conditions?

Asthma, but I really don't
have time for an exam.


Yeah, it's a summer bug.

Well, I'd love to stay and chat

but I really should get going.

Here's my card.

The owner insisted I get this
done before he gets back.

So is that why you cut
through his shed, too?

Had to get the keys
to the plane somehow.

You're not really a mechanic, are you?

Not really.

Well, thanks for the
concern, Divya from HankMed.

Win, are you stealing this plane?

- Repossessing!

Hey! Hey!

Stop him!

That's my plane, stop him!


Hey! I said that's my plane, stop!





♪ ♪

- Enjoy.
- Thank you.

- Here he comes.
- And here we go.


- I can't believe it.
- Boris.

How are you? It's been way too long.

Agreed, agreed.

Guy Childs, meet my friend, Hank Lawson.

- How do you do?
- Well, nice to meet you.

Boris has told me so much about you,

and introduced me to your work.

I'll take it you mean
you're not a subscriber

to the "Financial Times?"

- No, I'm not.
- Brilliant.

We needn't talk business,
and I needn't take notes.

I wouldn't rule that out just yet.

Are you still a pole man?

Yes, yes I am. Wonderful.

How's the family, by the way?

Don't tell me I'm the only one suffering

from the terrible threes.

Your little Drew is taking
after his father, then?

Mm, more than ever I'm afraid.

And are Marisa and Carlos with you?

because Wendy would love us all
to take the boat to Turtle Cove.

If they join me, we'd like that.

Wonderful. Well, let's get to it.

Surely you and Mr.
Lawson didn't invite me

to indulge my fetish for clotted cream.

It's Dr. Lawson, actually.

Oh, are you here for the pharma summit?

Yes, we are.

Oh, so, we are working.

It is Hong Kong, after all.

Always on the hustle.

So, Boris,

what does your company
have up its sleeve?

Guy, this afternoon, KJR
is introducing a new drug,

with wide application for bone
and muscle-wasting diseases.

Trial results were so positive
its release has been expedited.

Congratulations. I'm
sure your family coffers

will further be enriched.

The drug will help many who suffer, Guy.

Boris, if you expect ink from
me, you must have more to say.

You know, rumor has it that
Marisa is already here.

She's been seen around
University Hospital.

My wife's whereabouts
are not newsworthy.

Well, they are if you're
relocating to Hong Kong.

I mean, the business community
would relish the news.

Off the record,

Marisa receives job
offers from all over,

but my family is not part
of this announcement.

Absolutely. Family should be off limits.

But if you are considering a move,

Wendy and I would love a
chance to entice you.

- I'll keep that in mind.
- Good.


the disclosure Dr. Lawson will
make a few hours from now

is of a personal nature.

It could adversely affect my business

if not handled with
intelligence and nuance.

We'd like you to have it first.

Thank you. I appreciate your trust.

I am here as Boris's
physician to announce

that he was patient zero
in the clinical trial

that brought this drug to market.

The head of KJR Holdings,

Boris Kuester von Jurgens-Ratenicz,

has a rare and often
deadly genetic disease.


♪ ♪

Honey, I'm home.

My God, what are you baking?
It smells amazing.

I'd come kiss you, but I'm
covered in drywall dust

from 3 North.

Is it the administrator's
job to personally rewire

every floor of the hospital?

Workers respond when management shows up

in a hard hat now and
then, I don't know.

I could respond to a
hard hat now and then.

- Then I will go get it.
- Don't you dare

go back to work.

- Come here.
- Really?


I was going to have a shower, but...



Did I do something to deserve this?

Oh, you're blues baking.

So, it's actually something I didn't do.

No, no, no. Don't go there.

Yes, we're still not pregnant,

but this isn't about you.


- It's about us.
- Yes.

And we need to keep trying.

Oh, sounds like baking
cheered you up, at least.

Ah, you cheered me up.

Well, I know it's not easy,

having to have a superhuman
amount of sex...

- Great sex.
- For eight whole months.

I know. Boo hoo.

How long can we keep this up?

I don't know.

Should we have our cake and eat it too?

- Oh, my God, yes.

Again, again,

Mr. Kuester von Jurgens-Ratenicz

may never develop
symptoms of his disease.

With this new drug regimen,
he will be fully capable

of continuing to run his companies.

Now, if you'll excuse me, thank you.

- Oh!
- Oh.

Um... _

[LAUGHING] Oh, man.

Your Cantonese is worse than mine.

You're an American.

So are you.

Yeah, that was the
extent of my Cantonese.

- Amy Chang.
- Hank Lawson, nice to meet you.

Oh, okay.

So you're the doctor
that caused the big stir

at the KJR seminar.

- Oh.
- Yeah, you totally took

all the interest away from my panel.

Oh, now I really need to apologize.

No, I'm giving you a hard time, Dr.

My work is my first love,

but even I know it's really not
the most accessible topic.

Please, it's Hank.
What's your specialty?

Well, I study the role
CHCHD2 mutations play

in certain autosomal-dominant disorders.

Huh. No idea what you just said.

I told you.

- Are you university-based?
- Yeah, Berkeley.

But most of my funding comes
from Branch Pharmaceuticals.

- Your boss's main competition.
- Right.

Don't look now, but I think
you're flirting with the enemy.

One, glad you noticed.

Two, I wish your panel had
been scheduled for later.

Sounds like I might have
learned a thing or two.

Oh no, I always insist
on presenting first.

That way I can ditch, and then I just

read everybody else's
papers on the flight home.

- Oh.
- Till then, Hong Kong beckons.

Wait, wait, wait. You're
just going to blow off

the rest of the conference?

You're not?


♪ ♪

God, I haven't played hooky in, like...

well, I've never played hooky.

Where should we go first?
The Peak? Kowloon?

- I want to see it all.
- Yeah.

No maps.

You've been to Hong Kong before?

No, but we only have 48 hours here.

You don't want to spend it
with your nose stuck in a map.

Well, how's your sense of direction?

Worse than Columbus. But
that didn't stop him.

[LAUGHS] All right.

What are we waiting for?

♪ ♪

Then my parents get home and
the yelling really starts.

And the whole time, they're
yelling at her, not me.

I get off scot free.


Oh, man, she held that against
me for like a really long time.

- Are you guys still close?
- Yeah.

She lives in Atlanta now.

Try to make it down there when I can.

For me, family always comes first.

Yeah, me too.

Oh, my God!

Look! Oh! Oh.

- Look at this guy!
- Yeah, yeah.

I have to have him.

Yeah, for your aquarium, or for lunch?

For protection. Look how fierce he is.

- Look at that.
- He's fierce.

You think they'll let me bring
him back to the States?

I don't know about Berkeley,

but I bet he'd love the Hamptons.

[LAUGHS] Actually, I'm
moving to New York.

You're kidding.

No, I'm opening up a research
lab at NYU next month.


♪ ♪



Hey, I thought you didn't
speak the language.

Don't be too impressed. I speak food.

And, really, that's all I need to know.

That is all you need.

From the sounds of it, you
have quite the appetite.

I actually think that the best
way to learn about a culture

is through their food.

Although I do like to
run it off afterwards.

Okay, brilliant researcher...

- Uh-huh.
- Off-map explorer,

fluent in Chinese food,

and you like to run.


What's the catch, Amy Chang?

You tell me.

I think you may be too good to be true.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Looks like I found HankMed.

- Come in, Win.

I thought you'd be long gone by now.

As much as I like flying
off into the sunset,

I feel worse, and the job's not done.

McTavish is overextended
in more ways than one.

Please, sit.



His yacht, "Call Me Richmael,"

docked at his estate late last night.

Melville puns aside,
she is my white whale.

I've chased that beauty from St.
Tropez to St. Bart's,

always a half step behind
her deadbeat owner.

Deep breath, please.


Now I've finally got her in my sights.

And you don't want to
be medically sidelined.

I got a splitting headache.

My neck is stiff and k*lling me.


That could be a sign of
a serious infection,

and your fever's worse.

Any chance you can give me something

to get me through the next couple days?

Before I prescribe anything,
I'd like to do some tests.

Uh, the surgical mask?

Is that really necessary?

It's just a precaution.

Okay, hold steady.


So, you're a repo man.

Reclamation specialist.

"Repo man" sounds so sleazy.

I'm not some parasite who preys on

the average Joe's misfortunes.

But the well-off are fair game?

Hey, I only go after people who
spend money they don't have.


Please, please. Try not to cough.

I need you still.

Jets, yachts, helicopters,
I've reclaimed 'em all.

I'm basically Robin Hood.
Taking from the rich...

And giving to the banks?

I spent four years flying F-22s

to defend folks' right to make money.

The least they can do
is pay their bills.

Especially these uber-wealthy wannabes.

You were in the Air Force?

Yeah, after I got out,

I wanted that same sense of adventure.

Decided it was time to
do something for myself.

Well, I know that feeling.

I'm starting medical school in the fall.

You mean you haven't
been to medical school?

Why the hell am I letting you
stick a needle into my spine?

[LAUGHS] Don't worry, I'm
a physician assistant.

I'm trained to do this.

Your spinal fluid looks clear,

but I'm worried about meningitis,

given the neck rigidity
and the high fever.

Only a lab can rule that out,

and the crackling in your
lungs is worrying, too.

I've got you on
antibiotics and steroids,

but we need to hospitalize you.

No. No can do.

Okay, Win, your symptoms are concerning.

We need to do a further work-up
to see what's going on.

So let me know if there's
something worrisome

in the lab results.

Please don't make me throw

my pregnant body in front of that door.

Sorry, Divya. I'm on the clock.

You could just... take that thingy off.


I could get used to this view.
But maybe not the heat.

I thought that was just us.


♪ ♪

So, why NYU?

I just want a change, you know?

I mean, Berkeley's really good to me,

but I think I just got a
little too comfortable there.

Okay, you have something
against comfort.

Making a note.

It's time for a challenge.

That, or I'm throwing
away a shot at tenure

and possibly making the
worst mistake of my life.


Please, answer that
before I start revealing

all of my insecurities.



Good morning, Hank.

Boris. Is everything okay?

We need to meet.

Is there more to be done?

Are you free for a stroll?

Uh, can it wait?

I'll see you in an hour.

Guess not.

You have to work?

I need to meet with a colleague.

We're down to our last 18
hours in Hong Kong, though.

And the last seven of them
definitely were not a waste.

Can I talk you out of
whatever you just scheduled?

Does talking have to be involved?


♪ ♪

Hi, Divya.


If you're looking for Evan,
he's still at the hospital.

Actually, I was looking for you.

- Cup of tea?
- Sure.

I feel terrible coming
to you instead of Evan,

but I just don't want to stress him out.

He's so busy at work,

retrofitting the electrical system.

Please, tell me. I'm all ears.

Well, all ears and a belly.

No, you look great.

The problem is, I'm still
not in your shape,

after all of these months of trying.

I'm sure that must be frustrating,

and, oh, gosh, feel unfair,

especially since I was
the one who was supposed

to have trouble getting pregnant.

I'm so happy it worked out for you.

And it will for you.

I'm sure you two will find a way.

I've been thinking about IVF,

but I'm worried about how
to bring it up with Evan.


Well, you know how sensitive he is,

and he already feels bad
about his low motility.

Low motility is precisely why
IVF could be the best idea.

But from what I've read, a lot of men

can have reservations about it.

- Why is that?
- Oh, you know,

it bruises their fragile egos,

or minimizes their role or something.

And Evan has been such a
good sport through all this.

Okay, listen. I know Evan

has loads of insecurities.

I've had hours of fun poking at them,

so I understand your concern,

but not all men feel that way about IVF.

- What do you mean?
- Raj.

His twins are a result of
in vitro fertilization,

but in his case, it was Karen
who had problems conceiving.

So he's been through the process,

and he's never been
shy about sharing it.

So, if he spoke to Evan...

Or, what if we had you
guys over for dinner,

like we've been saying we should do?

Then we could steer the
conversation that way,

and Raj could take over naturally.

Yes. Are you free tonight?

Yes. Should we bring dessert?

No, no. Dessert, we have.

Just bring your lovely sperm donor.

I mean, husband.


You've had a busy morning?

Apparently, so have you.

I'm glad Carlos is able to join us.

I think we can speak candidly.

I'm not wearing a wire,

although I can't vouch for

who may have been dressing
or undressing you.

Oh. Of course I'm not wired.

I just don't fully understand

why we are walking out here like this.

Our announcement has provoked interest.

So our plan must continue.

Guy Childs called me.

He's heard doubts from
some of my competitors

about my illness.

They're demanding DNA proof.

Did he say which competitors?

No, but according to him,

the Chinese are suddenly
eager to partner in research

where my genetic material
could prove useful.

So there are two possible
adversaries after your DNA?

Three, perhaps.

Remember what I said about
westerners in Hong Kong?

You think it could be Guy?

Asian Pulitzers aside,
I've always wondered

if he was merely a journalist.

Both rumors were filtered through him.

So we need to stay one step ahead of Guy

to see if your suspicions are right?

Yeah, I believe I know
how to force his hand.

I wish there were some other way

to appear to give him what he wants.

I may be able to help with that.



Code says we need outlets
every eight feet,

but the conduit through
here is all jacked up.

My guy's gotta rewire the
whole frickin' room.

Okay, Phil, just relax, okay?

It's not like the sky is falling.

Sorry, sorry, sorry!

Just the ceiling.

You got company, Mr. Lawson.

Huh? Oh. Hey.

- There you are.
- Divya, hi.

- Hey.
- What are you doing here?

I heard you were down here.

I was checking in on a patient.

Big fan of "Bob the Builder?"

Oh, Paige...

she actually finds it sexually arousing.

Way too much information.

- Well...
- Yeah, so, tonight,

Raj and I, double date?

Yes, Paige texted me. It sounds awesome.

We've been meaning to have
you guys over for forever.

- Oh, damn it.
- What?

[SIGHS] A patient.

He refuses to come in
for a full work-up,

and he's clearly sick
with something serious.

All his tests have come
back negative, though,

and I just... I can't quite
figure out what's wrong with him.

- Heads up, guys!
- Is he...

Okay, guys, guys! First of all,

there's a pregnant woman
standing right there.

Second of all, what
about your own safety?

Come on, eye protection. Respirators.

Like, what... [COUGHS]

Look at all this dust you're making.

Sorry, Mr. Lawson. But don't worry.

None of this stuff is hazardous.

Okay, just humor me, okay?

Phil, I need you guys here,
not laid up in the ER.

All right? Thanks, can you do that?

Evan? You're a lifesaver.

Yeah. Huh?


♪ ♪

Hey, I can't come to
the phone right now,

so leave a message.

Hey, Win, it's me again. Pick up.

Listen, I'm at the McTavish estate.

I thought you'd be here trying
to catch your big whale, but...

Never mind.

Oh, God.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Win. Oh, my gosh, what happened?

I finally had her in my grasp,

and then I got woozy
and the saw slipped,

and I cut off my finger.

- Favorite one, too.
- Okay.

All right, let's put
pressure back on that.


I don't think your loss of blood

is the only thing making you woozy.

All of the fumes you've
been breathing in

while you've been cutting through metal,

they've given you metal fume fever.

It explains the high
fever and the neck pain

and the fluid in your lungs.

I think I'm gonna pass out.

Okay, if you're gonna do that,
let's do it over here, okay?

Otherwise, I'm not going
to be able to reach you.

I'll do my best.

Oh. Oh.

♪ ♪

Yes, I have a patient

with a traumatic finger amputation

who is tachycardic at

- Okay.
- Okay, stay put, stay put.

Now, do you know what
happened to the finger?

Could it have gone in the water?

Maybe. Do fingers float?

♪ ♪

Apparently they do.

♪ ♪

You're lucky that it cut
so close to the hand.

That's best for replantation.

- Win?


All right, Win, okay.
Stay with me, all right?

Yeah, yeah.

Distended neck veins,
muffled heart sounds...

Pulsus paradoxus. Beck's triad.

You're good, Win.

Stay with me, okay?

Cardiac tamponade. Okay, okay.

Got to relieve the pressure
around your heart.

♪ ♪




Now I'm taking you to the hospital.

Any chance we can go by yacht?




♪ ♪

Vamanos, mi amor.

If he wakes up, this is
his favorite teddy bear.


I'll get the elevator.

Don't worry.

I just hate to leave Carlitos alone.

You'll be back before he wakes up.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- What?

Hi, Daddy!

Drew, what are you doing here?

He's taking a nap.

Before his play date.

I'm taking a nap!

It's okay, Drew.

Boris, you know I would
never harm Carlos.

You just needed to draw his blood.

I still can't... you took my son.

Borrowed. He seems fond of Boris.

I'd ask who you are working
for, if I thought you knew.

This isn't our fathers' Hong Kong.

Players insulate themselves
with so many go-betweens.

I'm over-extended, journalism pays crap,

and they swore to me that
they would mean you no harm.

What a relief.

Whoever they are,

if someone is intent
on getting your DNA,

why not accommodate them?

That's an intriguing idea,
since I have nothing to hide.

May we?

Of course.

You can swear you took
this blood yourself.

We'll keep it between us

that your intentions were interrupted.

That works for me.

I'm sure that it does.

Yes, well...

Are you sure you have no reservation

about sharing this?

- Should I?
- Someone thinks you do.

Perhaps you can help us figure
out who that person might be.

I'll do whatever I can.

Truly, I've always considered
you my friend, Boris.

More's the pity.


♪ ♪



- Hey!
- Hey.

I was so happy to get your text.

Can you really help me?

Yeah, of course... well,
if I'm manning the grill,

I'd better be selecting the lamb chops.

As you know, I can be quite
particular about the marbling.


I'm surprised you could get off early.

Yeah, well, I've been
working late all week.

If I can't help my wife get
ready for a dinner party,

what kind of husband am I?

The kind who is also
trying to be a good boss?

I'm actually nailing it
in the boss department.

Everything hospital-wise
is running smoothly.



I'm all yours.

Two full-time jobs and you
still have time for us.

How are you pulling this off?

To be honest, I-I-I've
been ignoring HankMed.

- Oh.
- A lot.

Yeah, I just can't figure
out how to juggle it all.

Okay, so it's two out of three.

That's not bad.

Yeah, yeah, two out of
three I can handle.

As long as you rotate which two

are getting your attention, you're fine.

But that would mean every few days,

the family man would be the odd man out.

How do you feel about that?

As long as it's only every few days,

I can live with that.

Me too. I hope.


All right, let's buy some lamb chops.

Okay, I'm so excited
to see Raj and Divya.

Oh, my God. You can
keep a secret, right?

- Yeah.
- You swear to God?

- Yeah.
- All right.

Don't ever tell anyone I told
you this, including her.

They're flying you to
Manhattan for the surgery.

Your finger's no worse for the wear,

and thankfully, you're still in

the time frame for replantation.

Is it too late to attach
bolt cutters instead?

You'll also be given supportive therapy

for the metal fume fever,

and your effusions of
the lungs and the chest

will clear in a few days
with the right medication.

- Stop for a sec.
- Mm-hmm.

Never thought I'd get sick
from cutting through metal.

Not that I am one to endorse
breaking and entering,

but if you use a respirator,
this won't happen again.

And the mask, it's necessary.

Eh, kinda ruins my
impossibly dashing image.

- Really, Win?
- Kidding, I'm kidding.

I'll... I'll wear the mask.

Divya, thank you.

My white whale lives
to fight another day,

but so do I.

And I owe you one.

You take care of yourself.

You think they'll let me fly the
helicopter back to the city?

Not with nine fingers.

I could fly with nine.

Could fly with eight fingers.

- Bye.
- Could fly with my feet.

- Bye.
- Okay, bye.


So, I am 100% certain that
a finger will not float,

but I'm glancing into the water,

so he won't freak out, and there it is.

Like, right in front of me.

- The finger?
- Mm-hmm.

- Just floating in the water?
- Yeah.

Oh, my God. If I ever lose a finger...

- Make sure it's in open water.
- Just not rapids.

Or quicksand. Avoid quicksand.

Yes, quicksand would be bad.

You know, modern medicine
today, it's amazing.

It's given us so many options

that were unthinkable before.


So, you would agree, Raj?

Absolutely. My life's
been totally changed.

That arthroscopic knee surgery saved me.

- Oh, you had that?
- Yeah.

Yeah, and look at all the advances

in sports surgeries, too.

Tommy John has totally
transformed the MLB.

- Totally.
- What about the twins?

Are the twins into baseball yet, Raj?

Well, I hate to brag,
but even at age two,

Cal rolls a mean curve ball.

Aw, they're so adorable,
and even-tempered.

Have they always been so easy?

- Well...
- Actually, no.

But Divya and I have a pact

not to talk endlessly about our kids.

- It can get tiresome.
- I like that pact.

Oh, no, but I love to hear about kids,

and where they came from.

Yes, Raj, why don't you tell us

how Bea and Cal began?

Um, that could get a
little personal, now.

Not at all.

Unless you believe intimacy
belongs in the Petri dish.

Oh, your kids are the result of...

- IVF.
- IVF.

What was it like?

Well, if you really want
to hear about it...

Yeah, why don't you
tell us all about it?

Well, all of it may not be fitting

for the end of such a lovely meal.

It's not really something
a man can be proud of.

Never have I felt less essential.

Really? How come?

Where to begin?

The sticky old-school magazines
in the deposit room?

The nurse actually called
it "the deposit room."

Oh, my God, I'm having PTSD
from the time I donated sperm.

There was no way I was gonna

touch that remote, I'll tell you.


that short-lived moment led to...

Months of Karen crazed on hormones!

Suddenly I was shacked up
with a category 5 cyclone.

- I felt hormonal.
- Yeah, well, yeah...

One night, we'd run
out of whipped cream,

her best stabilizer, and I
was in a race against time

with the mixer on ten,

and I got the spoon twisted
up in the blades...

- That's funny.
- And I went outside

and howled at the moon.

Not my finest hour.

It may, in fact, well have been
the beginning of the end for us.

Yeah, well, it's over now, and, uh,

you got two great kids out
of the bargain, so...

And I couldn't love them more.

Though sometimes I still
do hold it against them.

- Wow, that's rough, man.
- I'm not proud of it.

Yeah, does anyone want any more coffee?

No, I think it's late. We have to go.

Is it? I mean, it's not even...

Why don't you take some pie with you?

I believe I owe the success
of this venture to you, Hank.

Oh, it was a team effort.

I would not have conceived
of the improvised implant.

Well, med school pranks
can still be useful.

It fits just below the epidermal layer.

How long before someone realizes
it's my blood, not yours?

We'll see.

Their next move could tip their hand.

Do you know who it is?

Unfortunately, at this moment,

I can imagine only one possibility.

And you won't tell me.

Because you think I can't be trusted

with that information?

No, because I pray that I'm wrong.

- Azul.
- Mm-hmm.

- Amarillo.LA BURGER - Uh-huh.

Y uno amarillo asi...

Oh! Aww.

Uno, dos...

BOTH: Tres, quatro!


It's wonderful to see
Carlos is doing so well.

The pediatrician is quite optimistic.

They've found an effective
dose with no side effects.

Your family's disease may
finally be under control.

Well, my generation may
well be the last, Hank.

That is something I dared not
HOPE FOR: a future for my son.

And his father.

Thank you, Hank.

I'm happy I could help.

Look at that.

Perhaps this city has it right, Hank.

Shed the past, move on.

- You sound hopeful.
- Ah.

A new sensation for me.

I shall attempt to get used to it.

Now that my family can look forward,

I appreciate the restless
momentum of Hong Kong.

I dare say, I feel a part of it.

Sounds like you're ready
for a night on the town.

Will you join us?

I'd love to, but tonight I have

my own forward momentum to ensure.


I had her background-checked.

She is as she appears.

I'm going to pretend
you didn't say that.

Papa! Mira!


Es un mono azul.


- That was a great dinner.
- Yeah.

You know what? We should hang
out with those guys more often.


- I've always liked Raj.
- Me, too.

I was kind of surprised
by his IVF rant, though.

Well, I think he was joking.

I mean, we did k*ll two bottles of red.

No, he just sounded a little insecure.

Us guys can have such fragile egos.

Really? About IVF?


It's just one more viable
way of making a baby.


It's all about when you're ready.



You know...

I think I might be ready.

Well, that's awesome.

- Are you ready?
- Oh, I've been ready

for a couple of months now.

You know, with low motility,
it's recommended, right?

Why didn't you say something?

Because, you're the one
who's gonna have to

take all the dr*gs and
have the procedures.

I couldn't... push that on you.

You know, this one had to be your call.

That is so considerate.


Thank you for letting me
come to this on my own.

I should never sell you short.

What does that mean?


It means I love you.

♪ ♪

I am gonna ask Raj to lunch,

see if I can make him feel
better about himself.

That is a great idea.

Very thoughtful.

Why don't you text him?

And I will let Divya know what
a perfect evening we had.




♪ ♪

I still can't believe we met
halfway around the world,

and we'll practically be
living next to one another

in a month.

You can't believe it?

I haven't even started packing yet.

Well, once you're settled in,

I'd love to show you
around the Hamptons.

No maps needed.

Look, Hank, like I said,

my work comes first.

- Oh.
- I mean, this has been great.

And you're great. Ah, it's just...

the research environment at NYU
is just incredibly competitive.

And you won't have time to play hooky.

Not if I want to stay ahead.

Well, thanks for teaching me how.

Once my workload's settled,

I could probably steal a
few hours here and there.

I could meet you halfway.

I don't think so.

I'm looking for something
that goes beyond

a few hours here and
there, adds up to months,

hopefully years, and
then, well, forever.

You're a good guy.

I hope you find what you're looking for.

Thank you.

And we'll always have Hong Kong.


I guess I am too good to be true.

Yeah, well,

we still have another five
hours for you to prove that.

- No pressure, no pressure.



♪ ♪

- _ - Danke.