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07x06 - Secret Asian Man

Posted: 04/24/24 16:39
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

What do you mean, there's nothing
you can do? You're the bank.

What about
the 72-hour hold?

It's a 24-hour hold?


Jeremiah came to
see me a few days ago.

He was quite distraught.

Maybe he's at
his house out here.

The house is empty.

And it's up for sale.

So I have a headache. Big deal.

Let me see this.

This isn't because
of my Hep C, is it?


BORIS: Don't touch that.

This certainly
complicates things.

Mr. Lawson.

For many weeks now,

it's been imperative that
this operating theater,

and the surgical procedure
for which it was built,

be kept secret.

Well, your secret's
safe with me.

'Cause I don't know it.

Only two people in the world
have known of this surgery.

Until now.

Well, maybe now is a good time to stop
telling me things I don't need to know.


that possibility disappeared
the moment you broke in here.

You have no idea how
sorry I am about that.

The patient we're expecting...

His health is crucial to the
survival of an entire culture.

If it becomes known that he is
ill, it would be catastrophic.

I promise you I'll...

I'll keep my mouth shut.



Do you need to get that?

Come with me.

No one at the lab has seen
Jeremiah since yesterday.

No one at the hospital either.

Did you get a hold of Bob?

Yes, he said it
wouldn't be appropriate

to give me any information
on Jeremiah's therapy.

He puts his house on the market,

abruptly cancels
his appointments...

In the past, when bad things
have happened to Jeremiah,

he's disappeared into his work,

like when he ran
away to Iceland.

Do you think he went back?
I really hope not.

Any luck reaching Evan?
I keep getting his voicemail.

Me, too.

Should we call the police?

If we can't get in
touch with Jeremiah

and we don't hear from
Evan by the morning,

we call the police.

As I have received an
aborted call minutes ago,

I am concerned there's been a
security breach on your end.

There's been no breach
here, I can assure you.

There has, however,

been chatter
over various channels

about my presence
here in the Hamptons.

That is why I have installed

my security expert,
Mr. Lawson.

Installed him?

Mr. Lawson is undercover as the
administrator at the hospital now.

I think it best
that I exit the country

and take with me
our adversaries' attention.

In my absence, Mr.
Lawson will step in.

Perhaps we should delay.

That's not an option
and you know it.

The surgery can no longer wait.



He doesn't seem to
trust you very much.

The feeling is mutual.

I hope, Evan, you are prepared.

Prepared for what?

That is what we
have to figure out.

Call your wife and tell her
you're not coming home.


DIVYA: Hey, Jeremiah,
it's me again.

I know that I keep leaving messages,
but I am worried about you.

I understand if you
need your space,

but I wish you'd let me
know that you're okay.


Oh, Sashi.

Can you hear her?

She misses you, too.

Especially at this hour.

I mean, you two are
always the night owls.



I'm so glad to see
that you're okay.

We've been very
worried about you.

So, you've been sleeping
there during the day,

and working out here when
everyone's away at night, huh?


I had no idea that you were

already working on mice models.

Your research has
progressed so quickly.

I'm very busy.

Yes, I, I completely understand.

Maybe I can help.

Yeah, you can.

Now, go away, please.




I haven't pulled an
all-nighter since college.

Remember those days?

Pulling on your earlobes
to stay awake.

Crushing NoDoz and putting
it in your coffee,

and then chasing your
coffee with Red Bull.

Although in your day,
it was probably TaB.

You're clear on the plan? Yes.

I will go to Brazil.

Straight from here.

Yeah. And you
will not...

Contact you once you're gone.

This is great. This is good.
Keep testing me.

I'm not testing you.

You keep interrupting me.

Oh. I'm sorry.

[GIGGLES] Sorry, I'm...
I'm a little nervous.

[SIGHS] It's all right.

You've done quite well.

Until that moment.

Your car keys, Evan.

Oh, right.

Uh, just so you know,
I switched cars with Paige,

so it will be her car
you're borrowing, not mine.

Then thank Paige for me.

Yeah, I, I can't.

She doesn't know about the plan.

That was a test, wasn't it?

Just one question. When
the mystery VIP arrives,

should I not look at him
just so I can't ID him?

Not that I would
even recognize him.

I'm not really up
on my world leaders,

or titans of industry
or ruthless dictators.

Not that you hang out
with ruthless dictators.

You know what I mean. I'm just...
I'm just...

Oh. Here
you are.

Did you lose your phone?

No. No, just, uh,
had a long night.

The, the two of you have
been here all night?

Just a long night
of asset tracking.

You know, apparently, the
hospital has a lot of assets

that, uh, need tracking.

Good morning, Hank.
Good morning, Boris.

And goodbye, gentlemen.



What was that?

You and Boris have lots
of slumber parties?

Why are you here?

Because you wouldn't
answer your phone.

Jeremiah disappeared, and...

What do you mean,
disappeared? When?

He's okay.
Divya found him.

He was very upset about a financial
mistake he made at the lab.

No, Divya thinks he needs
a little more time

before we reach out to him.

She'll let us know
when he's ready.

All right.

You sure you're okay?

Yeah. Yeah,
long night. All good.

Just a whole lot of...
Asset tracking?




Come on in.

I'm Mimi Harper.

Nice to meet you.

Let me just grab these.

So, is she, uh,
part of the hostilities?

No, Dad.
This is Divya.

She works for a concierge
medical practice.

Uncle Jim isn't feeling well.

I thought maybe his
hepatitis was back.

Or maybe he just has a cold,

which he deserves

for insisting on
sleeping out in my yard.

Well, it's better to be safe.

[SIGHS] Sorry about that.

Not a problem.

Sounds like I should take
a look at your uncle.

Please. Uh, but first, you need
to put on the apron or this.

What's that?

A capelet.

MIMI: Dad's not
usually like that.

It's just he and Uncle Jim

don't like each other very much.

Oh. Well, are they brothers?
Yeah, like Cain and Abel.

My father used to
worship Uncle Jim

and now they barely
talk to one another.

Are you the intermediary?

Not for much longer.

I'm leaving the country in
a few weeks for a new job.

I was hoping to broker
a truce before then,

but peace in the Middle
East seems more likely.

JIM: Now is the time.

We have suffered
enough embarrassments

at the hands
of our Confederate enemy.

These are our three days of rest

before we venture off
to engage in hostilities.

It will be a cavalry operation
on a scale so grand,

nothing like it has been attempted
in the Eastern Theater.

Are you with me? ALL: Yeah!

Jim? Is that you?

Out here, it's Captain
James Harper.

You know my uncle? Uh, yes.

Uh, Jim was one of
HankMed's first patients.

But I've never seen
him off his boat.

Uh, Captain, when you're done,

may I speak with the fisherman?


MIMI: Let me know
if you need anything,

but I've got to get back
to the 21st century.


Good to see you. You, too.

That is quite a horse. Oh.

[GIGGLING] I had no idea that
you were a Civil w*r reenactor.

Uh, it's a passion of mine.

My family took part
in the real thing.

And some of us give a
damn about history.

Unlike my brother.

May I?

You see that house?

It's beautiful.
I was just in it.

Good thing, because it
won't be there for long.

Ed, my idiot little brother,

plans on knocking it down to
build one of those McMansions.

How can your brother do that
if you both own the land?


I couldn't afford
splitting the property tax.

Recession wiped out my savings.

So, you think he helped me?

Damn right, no.

Bought me out.

You know, we used
to be best buddies.

[CHUCKLES] Then, his
hedge fund takes off

and suddenly I'm just a
cranky old fisherman.

I'm sorry to hear that. Open up.

Yeah. Who cares?

I'm past it.

Son of a bitch forbids me
to be on his property,

except for these three days,

when we commemorate
our ancestors,

who mustered to march on
Fredericksburg on this very spot.

Maybe you both
need a little time.

It's been seven years.

That ship has sailed.

Jim, you do have a fever.

You think it's my hepatitis?

Uh, I'd like to take
some blood to find out.

In the meantime, I'd like to
prescribe some ibuprofen.

Never heard of it.

You must mean willow bark.


Carry on.

Hey, Ken, everything okay?
You sounded pretty rough.

Come here.

Get over here.

My stomach has been a little topsy-turvy,
but that's not why I called.


Why don't you get out, and you
can tell me why you did call?

Not going to happen.
Why not?

And why are we whispering?


Oh, boy. It's worse
than you think.

I'm not sure that's possible.

Look, I have this new
girlfriend, Helen.

She's amazing.
I can tell.

Does Helen not believe
in bathing suits?

She lives a completely natural

and honest existence,
and now, I do, too.

But if she comes out here,

you have to pretend that
you're here as my friend.

Huh, sounds like
you've changed a lot.


Why do you smell
like watermelon?

Oh, that's Helen's incense. Oh.

It really helps us stay mindful.

So, why am I here?

I took a Viagra a few hours ago.

Not that I need it.
Obviously. Right.

But I've been having these
butterflies in my stomach.

It's because I really care about her.
I guess.

And they take me
right out of the mood.

So, the pill worked like magic.

And I did, too.
Yeah. Of course.

But now, the magic's
over and I'm still...


And you don't want Helen to
know you took a pill. Right.

I'll give you
some pseudoephedrine.

Helen doesn't believe in meds.

I can aspirate with a needle.

I'll take the pill. Good call.

Oh. Get... Oh. Oh. Okay. Okay.

Hurry up.
Turn it on.

Come on,
Lawson. Go.


I want you to meet my very
dear friend, Hank Lawson.

I wouldn't say dear friend, but
we're friends, you know. Hi.

Oh. Ken has told me
so much about you.

Ah. Single, doctor,
really good guy.

Well, thank you.


Oh. I don't usually do
this, but do you mind?

Uh, no.
Go. Go ahead.




Oh, oh, Hank.

I am getting a really positive
energy from you right now.

I am really surprised
to hear that.

My sister, Grace, is in
town for the weekend.

She just got out of this train wreck of a
relationship, and is kind of a hot mess.

Huh. She could really use
some positive energy.

Why don't you
join us for dinner?

Double date!
I love it!

Yeah, as fun as
that sounds, I'm...

I've got a busy schedule.

Oh. Too bad.

Maybe another time.

Uh. Yeah. Yeah.

Come. We don't want to
be late for hot yoga.

It might get cold.

Yoga humor.

Right. Right. Good stuff.


I think we should replace them. Replace
the rings and the clips. Okay?

Thanks a lot, Jake.

Well, Lawson, you're
really doing it.


Doing what?

Closing down area one.

Yes, I am.
I am doing that.

For one day. Do you know
who parks in area one?

Hospital employees.

Surgeons. Who will not appreciate
remote parking. Even for a day.

Wait, the surgeons park here?

And when you
piss off the surgeons,

you piss off the patients
about to have surgery.

Five years ago, Dr. MacDonald
had food poisoning

after eating some bad Mexican
food in the cafeteria.

So, he canceled
Ms. Newberg's tummy tuck.

Suddenly, the whole community
was calling us a taco stand.

Hold on a sec.

That actually happened?

Hey, I'm just trying to help.

Me? I'd close it
on the weekend.

Well, I can't. I mean, this...
Taco stand.

I'm sorry for calling
you back here so soon.

When an entire regiment
comes down with a fever,

I'd say that calls
for medical attention.

Mimi's not in the regiment.

I'm the go-between.

Mmm. And a 101 temperature
is your reward.


Has anyone else experienced any
symptoms other than a fever?

I am a little itchy.

Me, too. Yeah, up
and down my arms.

It's from the blankets.

I found some vintage wool
blankets in the cellar.

They've been in the
family for generations.

Our predecessors had to
contend with real problems

like dysentery and,
and typhoid fever.


A little itching is not
going to k*ll us. Right?

I think that Jim...
Captain Harper, is right.

It would be another thing
if anyone is delirious

or passing blood
or has fluid-filled vesicles.

Fluid-filled vesicles?

Sorry. [GIGGLES] An
odd blistering rash.


What would that be a symptom of?


Does anyone else have a
rash that looks like that?

I do.

I thought smallpox
was eradicated.

Contained, technically,

but it could survive
on a blanket,

under the right humidity
and temperature.

Do you think we have smallpox?

It's highly unlikely. But just
in case, let me take some swabs.

And in the meantime, you should
delay the march to Fredericksburg.

Until I can get some answers.


[GASPS] Not in the face!


Never better. Why?

Maybe because I didn't
ask how you are.

You thought you were about
to get smacked in the face,

and whatever it is you've
got going on with Boris...

I don't have anything going
on with Boris. All right?

Of course, if I did, that's
what I'd have to tell you.

You know the drill. Yeah, I do know the
drill. And that's why I'm worried.


Boris functions
on a different level.

So, it can sometimes be
hard to see all the angles.

Functions, angles.
What is this, algebra?

I think you mean trigonometry.

That's the same thing. No,
they're not the same thing.

Algebra is the...
Okay. Okay. Look.


Boris deals
with dangerous people.

I don't want to see
you in danger.

So, it's okay for you
but not for me?

I never tried to put myself in danger.
I tried to stay out of it.

I think you
just don't like the fact

that the Boris shoe
is on the other foot now.

If there is a Boris shoe. Which
I can neither confirm nor deny.

Evan... Hank, I
appreciate the concern,

but you have to stop worrying.
There's nothing going on.

Except for a whole bunch
of interim administrating,

which has me interim exhausted.

Okay. Okay.

Just please, be careful.

If there were
something going on,

don't you think I'd be on a
private jet to Brazil right now?

Why would I think that? Because
that's where Boris is.




Why are you in my hot tub?

I wanted to talk.

Wait a second.

Are you...

I thought it would be impolite to
borrow one of your bathing suits.

No, this is much better.

How are you feeling?

Primo. Goes up.
Goes down.

I'm like a human elevator.

Wish I hadn't asked.

But then after Helen
and I went to bed,

my stomach
started acting up again.

I haven't been able
to keep anything down all day.

And now?

Much better. This hot tub
makes a big difference.

All right. Let me
take a look at you.

But first, I'm going to do us
both a favor and turn around.

There you go.

Yep, you're dehydrated.

You need to get more
fluids and maybe dial back

on the dietary restrictions
for a while.

In the meantime, I'm also going
to give you some antiemetics.

Anything. I can't miss any more
time with Helen because I'm sick.

I know I've said this before, but
this time, it's really true.

I think she's the one.

Which is great for you, one less
stud bachelor in the Hamptons

to compete with.

Being a stud bachelor isn't
really my thing. But thank you.

That's true.
So, what is your thing?

My thing is the simple thing.

Meet someone, fall in
love, get married,

buy a house and have kids.

So, get in the game, Lawson.

Believe me, I'm trying.
Not hard enough.

How would you know? For
starters, you're still single.

I mean, you are a semi-attractive,
successful doctor.

How hard can it be?

Gee, thanks, Ken.

Helen offers to set you up
with her sister,

and you shut it down before she
can even finish the invitation.

Look, I don't think
meeting a hot mess

is a good idea
for either me or her.

Yeah, Miss Right is just
going to cruise on up

when she's good and ready.

Hank, you want to be single.

I know the type.
I was the type.

We're a lot alike.
At least we were.

Now, I'm in love and you're...
Okay. Okay. Fine.

You know what?
Please tell Helen

I would love to have dinner

with her
emotionally unstable sister.

Well, now, we're making progress.
Okay, put that down.


Hello? There's been a change.

The delivery will now occur
the night after tomorrow.

Oh, uh, I already shut down parking
area one for tonight, though.

And if I do that too
many nights in a row...

Plans change, Mr. Lawson.
Please adapt.

The package will be there night
after tomorrow, at midnight.

You will arrive 30
minutes in advance.

You will be alone.
Do you understand?

I do.
Very good.

In the interest of security,

this will be
our last communication

until you've successfully taken
possession of the delivery.

Okay. And don't
worry, Boris.

No one will be able to
link anything back to you.

Of that, I have no doubt.
Goodbye, Mr. Lawson.


Are you satisfied,
Mr. Chen?

You're right. He clearly
suspects nothing.

I know that it's unlikely,

but don't you think it looks
a little like smallpox?

The last known case
of smallpox was 1977.

I realize that, and I know
that it is a stretch,

but they have these blankets

that have been packed away for
decades in a cold basement.

Come on. Just see the family.
Take a look.

I know what you're doing, Divya.

You're trying to lure me back
to HankMed with a rare disease.

But I am not built
for clinical medicine.

Of course you are.

You are a great doctor.

All your patients would say so.

Then, they don't know me,
and you don't know me.

Jeremiah. I do.
I do know...

This is where I belong. In a
lab, not out there with people.

And your refusal to see that

and HankMed's attempt to...

[CLEARS THROAT] To turn me
into something that I am not,

they are distractions.

Foolish, dangerous distractions.



Blackberry. Promotes
a pleasant sleepiness.

And here I thought that
was Ken's conversation.

Hilarious. But don't
knock the incense.

Helen uses it for her patients.

Depending on their aura that day.

I'm usually a watermelon.

You are a watermelon.

Oh, whatever, uh...

I'm going to have to excuse
myself for a minute.

You kids keep talking.

Mmm. Helen.

These are the best walnut
chorizo enchiladas ever.

Thank you.

You two enjoy.

Your sister's an amazing cook.



You just wish she was a
better matchmaker, right?

No. No, no, no.

I just wish the whole age difference
didn't make this so awkward.

I think maturity is attractive.

Speaking of which,

I didn't expect you to be
so strong and confident

after the way Helen
described your bad breakup.

Oh, that's just my big sister

always worrying about me.

Well, maybe she worries because
she's been there before with you

and doesn't want
to see you get hurt.

Or maybe she can't get
over her own breakups

and is projecting.

That was pretty deep.


I wish I had that kind of
insight when I was your age.

So, you've got an older brother

who does the same thing to you?

Uh, no.

I am that older brother.
Though my case is different.

My brother is always in trouble.


Sounds like he never
gets the chance

to prove you wrong.

But what do I know at my age?

You just took what I said

and turned it around
to make it ironic.

Oh, that was awesome.

I try to be awesome
every once in a while.

I like that you're not
abusing your powers.

Oh, hey. Don't let
me spoil the moment.

You did, but...

Ken, are you okay?

Actually, I'm feeling
pretty pukey.

I think I'm going
to hit the hot tub.


You know what that smell is?
That's love.





I might have spoken too soon
about that maturity thing.

No, no, no, no. No, I'm sorry.
It's not you.

It's... It's, uh...
It's Ken.

I think I know what he's smelling.
And it's not love.




Uh, I'm glad you find my
ralphing so humorous.

No, I, I don't. I don't. But I
do know why it's happening.

Keller, those butterflies
you get,

do they only happen when
you're around Helen's incense?

Yeah, she's always burning the
stuff but usually I'm a...

A watermelon, I know.

But she showed me the package.

It contains K2,

a synthetic form of marijuana often
used in alternative healing.

Wait, wait, wait...

So, I've been inhaling weed
for the last three weeks?

Yes. And I think you're having
an unusual reaction to it,

called cannabinoid hyperemesis.

It causes nausea and vomiting

and is relieved by
bathing in hot water.

So wait, all these things
I've been feeling about Helen,

they're not love?

They could still be love.
No, no, no.

No, just like you said,
it's a chemical reaction.

No, but it could be love.
It's not love.

Thank God you told me now.

I, I could have spent the rest
of my life stuck with one woman.

That's not what I want.

That's what you want.
You're right, it is.

But it's not just about finding
someone who wants it, too.

I need it to be someone who's...

Just right for me.

Maybe those simple things
aren't as simple as I thought.

JIM: Now you want
to blame me for this, too?

ED: You want to be stupid and
irresponsible your whole life?

Fine. Until you
get my daughter sick.

And then I get involved. Dad.

You want to get involved?

Stop it! Both of you!
Haven't you two had enough?

Okay, come on. Come on.
Sit and relax.

We need to figure out
what's causing this fever.

Let's take a look at your rash.

ED: Are you happy, Captain? You
screwed yourself out of this house.

Now you're going to keep your niece
from going to the Peace Corps?

No, I'm going to be fine.
Right, Divya?

That's where you're going?
The Peace Corps?


So, you recently
had your physical,

where you were vaccinated?


I think I know what's
causing all your symptoms.

It's called vaccinia.

It's from a virus
used in certain vaccines.

In very few cases, it can
cause a fever and a rash

that looks extremely
similar to smallpox.

[SIGHS] And in close quarters,
it can be contagious.

Fortunately, it is temporary
and it is harmless.

So, Mimi is going to be okay.

Yes. With proper rest
and fluids, you all will.

And my stupidity
didn't get anyone sick.

No, it was my stupidity.

I should have known better.

'Cause after all this time, I can't
even make peace within my own family.



Mr. Lawson.

I'm from shipping, here
to pre check the site

for tonight's delivery.

The area will be closed
to foot traffic?

Yes, it will.

And we'll have access
through the main gate.

Of course.

We also tested
the trailer restraints,

we replaced the snap rings and
clips on the dock levelers,

and cleaned, filtered and
recalibrated all the hydraulics.

So, uh, we are, we are

Excellent. Oh, and you're
aware of the new time.

Of course. Midnight.


Hey, Jim.

I got your message.
What's wrong?

Ah, my chest is hurting now,

all the way down my arm.

Okay, let's sit down.
All right.

Besides, I just want
to get out of here.

After all that's gone
on between Ed and me.

But I feel awful for getting
Mimi caught between us.

I suppose pitting brother against
brother is as bad an idea now

as it was 150 years ago.

And, hell,

it's not Ed's fault he made a
ton of the money and I didn't.

Besides. I'm happier
on the water.

This is his land now.

Better I just
get out of his hair.

Okay. Jim, chew this
aspirin, please. Okay.

And open your shirt for me.


Your pulse, it's erratic.

And your blood pressure is high.

It's possible that the vaccinia
has spread to your heart.

This nitro paste will open
up your blood vessels

until we can get you to the...

Jim. Okay.


No pulse.

OPERATOR: 9-1-1.

Yes, I have an acute myocardial
infarction in progress

at the Harper Estate.

Hang in there, Jim.
Help is on the way.

Help is on the way.


OPERATOR: 9-1-1.

I'm calling again
from the Harper Estate.

AMI, been doing compressions
for almost eight minutes.

Our ambulance
is stuck in traffic.

Please, try to continue.

Divya. Oh, my God.

Mimi, get my defibrillator
from the car.

It's in the trunk.

ED: What happened?

He's having a heart attack.

Well, what can I do?

You've got to keep him alive.

Two hands.
Quick firm bursts.

Just like
this. Go.


All right. Stand back.

Okay. Clear.


Increasing to 200.

He's not going to die. You're
not going to let him die.



Sinus rhythm.
Sinus rhythm.

There's a pulse.

It worked.

Hey, Jim.

You're going to be okay.



Oh. I'll get out
of your way.


Jim, listen, listen.

The next time you want
to come home, just knock.


You want me to come
back to the house?

It would be a lot safer

than having you out in the yard.






So, you know that contingency
you said might happen?

Well, I think it
might have happened.

Uh, but I'm not sure.

I mean, something happened.

I don't know if it was the thing

or just a thing, so I
thought I should call you

just in case.

But now that I think about it,

I probably shouldn't be leaving
this in a recorded message, so...

VOICEMAIL: Press one if you are
satisfied with your message.

Press two to delete.

Message deleted.


It's a busy day


The space between

Heads move left to right

Now it's k*lling me
with tired eyes

But I'll take your place and see


HANK: Paige?

Hey, Paige, slow down!

Wait up!

Hey, Paige!

Where's the...

Is this where you ask me

why I am driving Paige's car?

Especially since you're
supposed to be in Brazil.

I am in Brazil.

And soon, you will be too.

Get some clothes first.

I'm not sure why you
keep coming here.


I'm not in the hospital
because of you.

I've been down in the cath lab

with a patient who
almost died today.

Because when he arrested,

I was alone with him,

and forced to do CPR on my own

because a gifted physician

refuses to understand

that there are people
out there who need him,

who love him.

And that he can't just
retreat back into his shell

whenever he feels like it because
that is not the way that life works.

Are you all right? Of course not.
I'm furious.

No, you're pale and tachypneic.

Before initiating CPR,
did you use nitro paste?

It happened
so quickly. I...

What do you mean?

He passed out onto me.

But while I was trying
to apply it, and...

I think you should go to the ER.

I'm worried the nitro paste
absorbed into your skin

and dilated your blood vessels.
Divya? Divya?







Agent Gesner,
Diplomatic Security.

We have information that a
figure of international import

has been kidnapped and
smuggled into the country.

Oh. Uh, that's,
that's terrible.

But this is just part of an MRI.

This is Mr. Xu, the Chinese
Ministry of Culture.

He has reason to believe you've
been given bad information.

A pleasure to meet you.

You do understand
the consequences

of withholding evidence
from a federal officer.

Then open the crate.


It's just an MRI.

Well, at least it
arrived at midnight.



How are you feeling?

Much better, thank you.

Um, you should still go
to the ER to be assessed.

I don't have to.
I had an excellent doctor.

I'm experiencing a regression.

I know.


You've got to love
to lighten that load

You've got to live to die

You've got to lie
to someone sometimes

Better make it wise


Someone will be waiting for you

Somewhere dark and deep

Someone will be
greeting you sometime

Somewhere in your sleep

Oh, somewhere in your sleep



Did all go as planned?

Just like you said, the
MRI was a perfect decoy,

and sure enough, somebody
was trailing it.

Then, we have forced our
enemy to show his hand.

Not only that, he ratted us
out to the State Department.

So, if he had
any credibility before,

let's just say it's been
severely tarnished.

I must tell you,

I hired you because I
thought it would be easy

to keep you out of my way.

I am glad that has
not been the case.

Thank you?
No, thank you.

So, is the patient...

In there? Indeed.


As it turns out, you
maintained our secrecy

far better than I did.

