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07x01 - Rebound

Posted: 04/24/24 16:36
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

Of course I'm upset at the situation.
We've been evicted.

Hello, Hank.

Hi, Charlotte.

Rafa's filed a lawsuit. He is no
longer asking for joint custody.


Now he wants sole custody.



[LAUGHS] Oh, my God.

So, what did your lawyer say?

She's working on a visitation plan for
Rafa. Visitation on US soil only.

I've got a brilliant divorce attorney
if you need a second opinion.

Raj, I am so sorry
it didn't work out.

I am purchasing
Hamptons Heritage.

I would like all of you to serve on
the hospital's Board of Directors.

You ready?
I am.

Hank, I need you.

Boris, Charlotte and I
were just going to... Now.


Where... Where's
the attending?

He's over here.


He was one of those playing
basketball when it happened.

Median stronotomy.


Hank, I am so sorry,
but I need you.

Divya, I'm kind of in the
middle of something. Now!


She was in the motorcade when
it struck the basketball court.

Uh, turn this way.




Thank you.

PAIGE: Come on.
Stay with me, babe.


What the hell happened?

He was trying to talk his
way into the motorcade,

which is why it crashed
into the basketball court.

Really, Evan? Again? Why am I
always cleaning up your messes?

Keep pumping, babe.

Oh, my God. That's
such a beautiful ring.








What's wrong?

Oh. Uh...

I just... Uh...

I just had a really
weird nightmare.


About what?

Um... The ER.

And, uh. Boris.

And Evan.

I thought you resolved all that.

Yeah, I thought so, too.

But I don't know... Maybe I'm
more annoyed than I thought.

What are you annoyed about?

About the fact that Boris called
for a board meeting. For tomorrow.


I want to be with you
on your last day in town.

All day.

And I want it to be...


It will be.

As long as I get my
eight hours of sleep.

Or else you'll have a real
nightmare on your hands.


Okay. Mmm.

Don't worry. The administrator
here is insanely efficient.

Like, Boris doesn't even come
to the meetings anymore.

So, it will be like an hour, tops.

Why are you so
pressed for time, anyway?

I want to spend every last second I
can with Charlotte before she leaves.

Oh, my God.
She'll be back.

And you've been spending
every second with her.

It's both very sweet
and totally nauseating.

Hey, hey. Uh, I'm sorry you and
I haven't hung out much lately.

Which is why I haven't had a chance
to tell you something important.

Can we talk if and when
this meeting ever ends?

I can save you the time.

Hank, I didn't forget what we talked
about when you joined the board. Okay?

We will watch each other's backs, and
I will make sure you don't get pulled

any deeper into this commitment.

Thank you, Evan.

It means a lot to hear
you say that. Really.

But that's not at all what
I wanted to talk to you about.



How was the new lawyer?

I wish she wasn't necessary.

I wish that Rafa and I had been able to
work it out when he was here last week.

But the custody battle for Sashi
is now in very capable hands.

Very expensive,
very capable hands.

Well, I can't think of a better
way to spend your money.

Where's Jeremiah?

He had to go to Philadelphia to interview
research candidates for the lab.

But he gave me his proxy.

Why don't I get his proxy?

Why would he give you his proxy?

Because he and I are...

Both doctors?
Highly intelligent?

You know what? Enjoy your
voting power, Divya.

Just don't you dare
use it against me.

Boris. You're here.


And I suggest we begin.
There's much to discuss.

So. The first order of business
is to name an interim replacement

for the hospital administrator.


Yeah, what happened
to the one we have?

Had. He quit.

Something about an
opportunity closer to home.

Huh. He seemed so
committed to the job.

We need someone reliable, who is familiar
with the inner workings of the hospital.

Someone trustworthy.

Mr. Lawson.

Boris, before you even...

The other Mr. Lawson.

Are you up to
the challenge, Evan?

Yes. Yes, I am.

You are?

I am sensitive to
spreading HankMed too thinly.

No, no. We can handle it.
We're HankMed.

Congratulations, then.

Ev, I'm really proud of you. Seriously.
Boris is not an easy guy to impress.

Well, thanks, Hank.

It means a lot
hearing you say that. Really.

Whoever would have thought
I'd end up with Jill's job?

Just try not to fall for me, okay?

That would be really weird.
I'll try. It will be hard.

Hey, can we, uh...

Have that chat now?

Yeah. Sure.

Yeah, just step into my interim-hospital-
administration office.

Which is probably, uh...

Where do you think that is?

I think it's that one.

It's nice.

It's right next
to the corner suite.

It's locked.

Actually, that
would be my office.

Yours is the corner suite.


You know, I still can't figure
out the meaning of a motorcade

crashing into
a basketball court.

I just... I don't...

Mmm. No. That one would
stump even Freud.


HANK: Seriously, I... I have cherished
every single day we've shared.

Even that very rough week we spent
in the hills overlooking Monaco.

Yeah, we have
survived a lot together.

Yes, we have.

Charlotte, I wanted to, um...

Thank you.

For opening me up to feelings I
haven't had in a very long time.

For making me look forward to something
beyond just the start of summer.

And, well, I'd like to
make that feeling last.

For good.


Will you marry me?






You did what?

You think it was a bad idea.

I think remaking The
Karate Kid
was a bad idea.

But at least they
waited 25 years.

What you did was
crazy and impulsive.

I misread her.
I misread us.

And I blew it.

Well. For good?

We had a brutally
awkward ride to JFK.

And when we said goodbye, I could just...
I could just tell.

This time...

She isn't coming back.

What makes you so sure?

She said she'd just
gotten her vision back.

She was traveling non-stop to
expand her business, and, get this,

we hadn't been seeing
each other that long, anyway.

She'd been seeing you even less.


Everything felt
so good, Ev. And.

And somehow, I just.
I made it all go bad.

Well, look on the bright side.

You've been consumed by this
relationship, Henry. Like, consumed.

Now, you have time to catch up on all
the things you've been neglecting.


Like what?




Escrow officially closed.

Oh, my God.
That's awesome, babe!

Mozel tave!

Close enough.

Not really.

We can pick up the keys right now.
The keys to our new house.

Congrats, guys.

Owning your first home
together is a huge milestone.

Would you give us one second?

We're just having
a conversation.

No, it's okay, Ev. I'm good. We'll
talk later. Go pick up the keys.

Mozel tave.

All right.
Okay, come on.


Hi, Ms. Newberg.

My favorite first responders.

So good to see you.

Thank you.
Oh. What's this?

The next episode
of Fifty-Two Parties.

How many. What now? No
way, I love that show.

HANK: What show?
What are we talking about?

It's a new reality
show on Bravo.

And a big, fat hit.

[GASPS] And look, there's
Aubrey Wolfhouse.

She's the anti-Martha Stewart.

It's not about making it perfect,
it's about knowing it won't be.

The party must go on.

Uh-huh. Okay.

How did you
get her to film here?

Well, let's just say
Andy Cohen owes me a favor.

Aubrey is helping me throw a welcome
party for my new neighbor, Muggsy.

His name is Muggsy? Did he move
here from the 1920s underworld?

Apparently, he's very
sweet. That's all I know.

That, and the fact that he gave me and
Aubrey a great excuse for a party.

BECKI: Let's go in tight
on the trimming.

Here comes our Emmy.

What exactly is wrong with her?
She looks pretty healthy to me.

Well, I didn't
call you about her.

Oh. Well, you look very
healthy, too, Ms. Newberg.

I feel healthy.
Vigorous, even.

Especially after last weekend, when I went to
see your dad upstate during his book tour.

I have a feeling I'm not going to
want to hear too much more about it.

Our time together is so special.

Exhausting, really, if
you know what I mean.

We do. We do.

But when I got back home,
I realized there was...

Pink in my... Tink.


Blood in your urine.

Ah. Yes. Um, any pain?

Well, I am a little sore.

I was up there for three days, and nobody
goes to Buffalo for the sightseeing.

If you know what... Yes, we
know exactly what you mean.

Ms. Newberg, it's
probably a bladder infection.

We'll get a urine sample and
prescribe you some antibiotics.


And this is why you should wear
gardening gloves when you do this.

You pricked
yourself with a thorn?

I trimmed myself
with the shears.

Can we get
a first aid kit outside?

Uh, I can do you one
better than that.

I'm Hank. Hi.

I'm a doctor.
Can I take a look?


Not too bad.



Okay. Put me down so I can
go run around. [SQUEALS]

Do you believe
this place is actually ours?

Uh, financially, the evidence
is pretty convincing. So, yeah.

Babe, don't rain on this.

I'm not. I'm not. I'm sorry. I am not.
I... It is amazing.

It's truly amazing.

Isn't it perfect?

And it's ours. This is our house.
I know.

I mean, look at our floors.

Look at our fireplace.

Look at. Oh, my God.
Look at our wet bar.

Yeah, that wet bar is going
straight to wet bar heaven.

I thought I'd slip that one
through while you were excited.

Aside from that, this place
needs so little work.

Can I just say it is so nice to see you
in such an unexpectedly pleasant mood?



You know, because of the...

Time of the month.

I actually have an app.

What kind of app?

You know. It's just...

Just tracks your, uh, cycles.

It does what?

It's called Red Dragon.



Evan, I just realized I'm late.

You mean the dragon
is still in the castle?

Yeah. And I'm never late.

You're saying you could be...

That we could be...

I... I don't know. Probably not.
I mean, we can't be.

Technically, we could be.

Right, but what I'm saying
is that we just can't be.

Yeah. Because that would be crazy.

Yeah. But I think we should go buy a
pregnancy test, just to be on the safe side.

Mmm-hmm. Mmm-hmm.

Oh, right now?

Yes, Evan. Right now.

Unless you can do
that with your phone, too.

I think that would
probably void the warranty.

Are... Are you sure
you want this on camera?

Mmm-hmm. Uh, I have had a lot
more mishaps than usual lately.

it's all very on-brand.

Ah, welcome to reality TV.

Thanks for being game.

Welcome to medicine
in the Hamptons.


You know, you are
super telegenic.

With that k*ller smile and
hair that could lift a car.

Just curious, are you single?

Uh, I don't want to bore your
viewers with my personal life.


So, why Fifty-Two Parties?

I did have a much cooler name, but
the network made me change it.

No, I meant
the number, not the name.

Ah. Well, hosting
is nerve-wracking.

Even just a dinner party or having a few
friends over for some binge-watching.

Bringing people into your home,

you feel like your entire
identity is being judged.

Huh. I never looked
at it that way.

Do you host a lot of parties?

Do staff meetings count?


So, you plan all week, wanting
everything to be perfect.

But inevitably,
something will go wrong.

And some people hit those
hurdles and they give up.

They think they're
not cut out for it.

But you've got to make
the mistakes part of the fun.

The party must go on.

You go right into the next party
and then the one after that.

And then, forty-nine more.

Have one very fun year.

And one very clever TV show.


Although, uh, I'm not sure overcoming
life's hurdles is that easy.

Well, about 1.2 million

want to believe that it is.

All right. Sounds like you've
got a hit on your hands.

I was just as
surprised as anyone.

Of course, now the pressure's on
to deliver big for season two.



No, I just wondered if that's why you're
having even more accidents than usual lately.

The nerves.


Look what I've got! And there's
plenty more where this came from.

Please tell me
that's not your sample.

Oh, no, no. I've got that.

No. This is the greatest
rose in the world. Want some?


Bye, Divs.

Hank, thanks so much
again for coming so quickly.

My pleasure.
Every single time.

Now, I'm going to insist that
you charge me this time.

At least until your father makes
an honest woman out of me,

so we are officially family.

Sorry. No deal.

Well, then, you and Charlotte
must come to my welcome party

so I can spoil you both with champagne,
caviar, and a TV camera in your face.

Uh, I... I don't think
that will be possible.

But I'll... I'll see if Divya's available.
She's a big fan of Aubrey.

What happened with Charlotte?

Hank, I've been through more
than my share of breakups.

And even though I stopped
counting separations and divorces

when I hit double-digits,

it didn't mean it stopped
hurting. They always hurt.

Every single time.

So, then.

Fess up.

Things between Charlotte
and me ended last night.

Oh, Hank.

Oh, look, I have
my next patient now.

But thank you so much for your concern, Ms.
Newberg. You are the best.


You know what? Let's do
another, just to be sure. Yeah?

That was another.
That was the third another.

Evan, we're sure.


Don't you have
a meeting at the hospital?

Yeah. But I also have...
I also have this.

And obviously, this is
big news. [CHUCKLES]


But you still have your job.

Your big, new,
very important job.

Right. [INHALES]



We're not ready. Uh, at all. We are
not ready. We don't have a name.

We don't have a car seat.
We don't have a crib.

I don't even know anything
about any of that stuff.

We're going to have to read a lot of books.
Our new house isn't ready.

And what about you? Shouldn't you be
eating kale? Or vomiting? Or both?

I'm pregnant, not bulimic.

What do we do?

Hey. I'm freaking out,
too, believe me.

Let's at least try to
freak out together. Okay?

I'm going to
postpone my meeting.

Because I can do that
when I'm the one in charge.

I appreciate that.

The good news is, we've got
nine months to adjust to this.

So, let's just take
some time to process it.





So, this is really your office.

Do you find it lacking
in some manner?

No. No.
Just doesn't seem...


I assume you're here to question my
choice of interim administrator.

[LAUGHS] I'll admit it's unconventional.
But I know Evan will do a great job.

No, I'm here to follow up on your
dizzy spell during the meeting.

Yes, that would
have been my next guess.

Any other episodes lately?

Perhaps one or two.

Okay. I'd like to
do a neuro exam.

I imagine you would.



Ah. Now, there's the
Boris I know and love.

You may proceed.

Okay. Um. Follow
my finger with your eyes.

Good. Stand with your feet
together, eyes closed, palms up.

Okay, good. I want to remind you that
your clinical trial is only designed...

To stave off symptoms. Yes, I recall
all the tedious fine print, Hank.

Okay, look straight ahead.

The treatment only works if you're
rested and otherwise healthy.

Now, I know this acquisition of the
hospital is a major undertaking.

I am not overworking, Hank.

You're personally handling staffing
decisions, running board meetings.

I mean, it's a bit
hands-on for you.

Boris, is there more to this
acquisition than you're letting on?

You mustn't be so suspicious.

Says the man
with opaque windows.

With Evan at the helm now,
I can afford to step back,

knowing that things
will run smoothly.

Are we done?

Yeah. Sure.

Thank you.


[SINGING] ♪ So, hush,
little baby, don't you cry.

Daddy loves you
and so do I

I love you.

Did Nate take
the twins to the park?

He did.

Is your next patient
still at 2:30?


So, what you're saying is we have
lunch hour all to ourselves again.

No kids, no patients.
Actual privacy.

It seems I have my answer.

Okay. Well, the antibiotics
may need more time to help,

but I don't see anything
else more concerning.

Well, at least I'm not in pain.
Like some people I know.

Oh, Ms. Newberg,
I am fine. I promise.

Oh, Hanky-poo, my
brilliant, brilliant poor boy.


You can put on a brave face,
but I know you.

You are too sensitive
to be so fine, so soon.

It's okay to be hurting.

Look. Luckily, I can
distract myself with work.

Like this exam,
which would be a lot easier

if you would just relax and stop
trying to console me, Ms. Newberg.

Denial is not your friend, Hank.

You have to wallow.
Wallowing is a must.

You cannot just doctor
your way around the wallow.

Try it.

What did you find
on the ultrasound?

The ultrasound's clean.

I'm sad for Hank, not me.

Why for Hank?
Ms. Newberg, please.

Because Charlotte
broke his heart.

Tell her, Hank.

I realized what was missing
from our signature cocktail.

Ginger. Wait till you
taste it now, Ms. Newberg.

But Aubrey,
what else is in that drink?

Beets and gin.
Simple and sublime.

Ms. Newberg, have you been
tasting many of those?

Beets are so healthy. And they
make the cocktail so colorful.

Yeah. They make other
things colorful, too.

Ms. Newberg, I think
we've diagnosed your ailment.

The pink in your tink
is from your drink.


Do we need to send you
to penmanship camp?

My handwriting's still
not big enough?

It's actually worse than before.

How can your handwriting be
getting smaller and smaller?

It can't. That's impossible.

Aubrey, have you had any
other recent injuries?

Just the usual cuts and scrapes.
Comes with the territory.

You did mention that you've been
clumsier than usual lately.

I have had a few more accidents.

Aubrey, when you cut yourself earlier, do you
think it was because your hand was shaking?

I'm not sure.

Well, there's an easy
way to find out.

Oh. Uh, could you replay
that section in slow motion?

And focus in on that hand?

CAMERAMAN: You got it.

DIVYA: Look. Her fingers.

Pill-rolling tremor.

What does that mean?

Maybe nothing.

But we should do a couple of
tests, just to make sure.

Castle. So, I was thinking either
A, there's electric bikes.

Hello, Ms. Lawson.

Hi. Uh, I'm just about to step
into a meeting. What's going on?

Um, the news
we got this morning?


It's not news anymore.

Meaning it's old news now,
or it was inaccurately news?

Evan, this would be where you tell
me you need a moment with your wife.

Thank you, Boris.
Right. Yeah.

I think I... I'll just...
I'll meet you in there.

I got my period. False alarm.

Do you feel okay?

Yeah. I'm going to make an appointment
with the OBGYN just to be safe.

But I'm fine.

Wow. Um...

What a relief, right?

Oh, totally.

Yeah, I...
I freaked out all morning.

I poured cream over my
pancakes in the staff lounge.

Um, I really have
to go do this meeting.

Yeah, we'll still
catch up tonight.

I just thought maybe you'd like
to have the news right away.

I love you.

I love you.

Okay. I'll see you tonight.


Uh, okay. Um. I'll send this
to radiology to rule out

any thromboembolic events
or hydrocephalus.

But your CT looks normal.

That's a relief.

I'll also draw blood to
rule out vitamin deficiencies

or any infection that could
explain your tremors.

Okay. Uh, is that it?

For now, yeah. But we'll have to
take this one step at a time.


Uh, by the way, since it seems like we'll
be getting to know each other pretty well

as doctor and patient, you should know
that I wasn't flirting with you earlier.

Oh. That's okay, Aubrey.

I was feeling you out for Becki.

Becki? Your producer, Becki?

She thinks you're hot. In case you
didn't notice her checking you out.

Yeah, no, I...
I didn't notice that.

[CHUCKLES] You should get in there, Hank.
She's a lot of fun,

she has a place out here, and she's weirdly
down to earth for someone who works in TV.

Uh, listen. That's
flattering. It's just...

Really bad timing for me.

Totally get it.
I am sorry for overstepping.

No, not at all.

And look, I appreciate that your
get-right-back-on-the- horse philosophy

isn't limited
to hosting parties.

I just. I need
a little more time.

Yeah, of course.
Whatever works for you.

Thank you.

Oh, but I did already send you her
number and she's expecting your call.


Huh. Okay.



Thinking about Charlotte?

[EXHALES] Actually, no.

It's okay.

If you don't want to talk about
it, I totally understand.

And if you don't feel like partying
either, I can check up on Aubrey.

We can't do anything anyway until
her blood work comes back.

Aubrey's blood work is back.
It didn't pick up anything.

It's very unusual
in someone your age.

And it's a diagnosis
of exclusion.

That means we arrive at it by
eliminating all other possible causes.


But given your test results and the
distinctive tremor in your hand.

Aubrey, it seems likely that you're in
the early stages of Parkinson's disease.


I don't...

Hello from the Hamptons!

And welcome to another episode of
Fifty-Two Parties, guest starring me.

Aubrey helped me plan this spectacular
event to welcome my new neighbor, Muggsy.

My welcome party
is being filmed?

Well, technically, dear,
it's my welcome party.

Are you nervous? Have you
never performed on TV before?

Well, actually, I played

Oh! You're sweet and funny.

Well, you will be a very welcome
addition to the neighborhood, Muggsy.

Well, thank you.

Hey. Any luck?

No, but her car's
in the driveway.

Okay. I'll check
with Newberg again.

Okay, good.

Hey, Hank. Have you seen Aubrey?

I was just going to ask you the same thing.
Any idea where she could be?

No. She likes to run around, trying
to find new blooper possibilities.


Speaking of, I know
Aubrey gave you my number,

but I just want to say
there's totally no pressure.

Oh, okay. Thank you. Thank
you for saying that.

Uh, the truth is, I literally
just got out of a...


There's Aubrey.

Um. How about I talk to her,
then you talk to her,

then you and I finish
talking to each other?

Sounds good.

I'll see you later.



You must be feeling pretty
overwhelmed right now.

I am. [SIGHS]

That's completely normal.

Anything I can help clarify?

To be honest, I didn't hear much
after the word "Parkinson's".

And that's normal, too.

So, how about we
start from scratch?

I'd appreciate that.


Parkinson's is a progressive disorder of the
nervous system that affects your movement.

And there's no cure?

Not yet. Not yet.

But there are medications that
can help manage the symptoms.

And new treatments are being
made available as we speak.

Like what?

Like deep brain stimulation, stem
cell therapy, clinical trials.

I'm not sure why I asked that. I don't know
what any of that means anyways. [LAUGHS]

Listen. I'll find you a great specialist.
And help in any other way I can.

We'll navigate this together.

It just sucks that I have to quit
this show. I've barely started it.

You don't have to quit.

We don't know how
your symptoms will progress.

Maybe you can just take it
one party at a time.

I don't think America wants to
watch me shaking and trembling.

That's not why they
tune in to my show. [LAUGHS]

Overcoming obstacles
with a positive attitude.

That's why America
tunes in to your show, right?


I have to say, that Aubrey is
pretty impressive. Inspiring, even.

No question.

And it looks like your pep talk
got her back on her feet again.

I think she would have
gotten there on her own.

That determination is
just a part of who she is.

And she reminded me that it's
a part of who I am, too.

And what is it you're
determined to do, exactly?

I really thought Charlotte and
I were ready to move forward.

And when I found out
she disagreed, I was crushed.

But I realize now she was right.

Charlotte wasn't
the right person for me

because we were in such completely
different places in our lives.

She was discovering the world all over
again. And I was ready to be in love.

You know, ready to settle down.

So, I jumped in, both feet, with
the first person I really liked.

Sounds like you felt your
biological clock ticking.

And that is definitely not the right
way to find the right person.

But Charlotte helped me realize that
I'm ready to find that right person,

whoever she is. I mean, the,
uh, party must go on, right?

Does this mean you'll be
going on 52 dates, then?

If that's what it takes.



We're christening
the chimney now?

Yep. Fires are romantic
any time of year.

And why wait till the next polar vortex
to find out it doesn't work, right?

What's wrong?

[SIGHS] To be honest, um...

I'm having mixed feelings
about our false alarm.

I mean, I think about what we could
be celebrating right now, and...

And you feel disappointed?


That doesn't sound so mixed.

And to be honest, I've been having
similar not-so-mixed feelings.

Like when I went into the
hospital for that meeting, I...

I couldn't concentrate
on anything. I was just...

I was flat-out sad.

So, are you saying...

I mean, I...

I didn't even know it until... Until we were
having one, and then we weren't, but...

I want a baby.

I want a baby, too.

I really want a baby.

All right, don't
get competitive. [LAUGHS]


Oh, my God.

So, what do you say we take this perfect
little situation we've got going here

and make it even more perfect?

Ah, I am totally down for that.

And then, this place
will be heaven.


What the hell was that?

Okay, don't freak out,

but that was a snake.

What? No.


Oh, my God!
Hey! Hey!

Oh, my God!

I thought we agreed you
weren't going to freak out.

You were calmer when you
thought I was pregnant.

Why is there
a snake in our house?

Um, I don't know.

Probably when you started
the fire, he was like,

"Uh, there's
a fire in here. I'm out."

Can you stop being such a sympathizer,
please? This is a home invasion.

There's a snake in our house!

On the count of three, we're going to walk
calmly up the stairs and call for help.


Ready? One.


Two, three. All right.

They call me a little loner

I seem upset
because I'm always...

Becki, I'm out...
Hey. What's going on?

We're so sorry to intrude,
but can we spend the night?

We're having a problem
at our new place.

Uh, yeah. I guess you can.
What kind of problem?

Multiple problems. Long,
slimy, slithering problems.

Falling from our chimney.
Our chimney, Henry.

Nothing is sacred
to these demons.

Oh. Are you expecting company?

Uh, I am, actually.
Yeah. I am expecting company.


What. Already?

Isn't rushing into things what got you
into this situation in the first place?

I'm not rushing into anything.

It's dinner, that's it.

I'm having dinner tonight, anyway. Why not
have it with company, instead of alone?

I'm moving forward at some point.
Why not start right now?

Just don't...
Don't worry, I won't propose.

So, are the kids
enjoying Nantucket?

RAJ: They're enjoying
their grandparents. As am I.

Can you believe I slept
till 7:00 a.m. Today?

[LAUGHS] Well, enjoy
every second of it.

I hope you have good news
by the time I return.

Yeah, I'm at my lawyer's office now,
to drop off the custody agreements.

Good luck.
Talk to you later.

Okay, bye.

Be right back, bunny.


Hey, Sashi. Somebody needs Mama's
help, yeah? I'll be right back, okay?

I love you.


I'm a physician assistant.

I'm going to take a look
at your head wound, okay?

Okay, you're choking on something,
and I'm going to get it out.

Come on.

I'll need to
dislodge it manually.





Sir, can you tell me your name?


Joey, I need you
to stay right here.

You bumped your head pretty hard, and
you'll need a work-up at the hospital

to check for a concussion
or any other head injuries.

Yes, hi. Uh, this is Divya Katdare. I am
outside South Fork Historical Society.

I'm with a male
in respiratory distress.

I need an ambulance right
away. Thank you.

I'll be right back.

Excuse me.
Excuse me. Excuse me.

What. Hey, what are you guys
doing? That is my daughter.

Then, you must be the one
who endangered her health and

broke the law by leaving her
unattended in your vehicle.

What? No.

I'm going to
need to see some ID.

Okay. Okay.

Uh, look. I...
I'm a physician assistant, and

I was responding to an
emergency, right over there.

Damn it. I told him
to stay there. He...

Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Wait!

You cannot just take my child.

Sorry, ma'am. You'll have to take this
up with Child Protective Services.

Child Protect... What? Hey! Just
get your... Get your hands off me!


Sashi, honey, Mama's right here.

You're under arrest.


Sashi, Mama's right here. Don't
worry, honey. I'm right here.