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06x11 - Hankmed on the Half Shell

Posted: 04/24/24 16:33
by bunniefuu
HANK: Previously on
Royal Pains...

Cinco's parents are suing HankMed.

You know that picture of you
sticking a needle into Cinco's ass?

They saw that, now
they're out for blood.

Listen, my guy hasn't
cracked your website yet,

but he did get the number of the
phone that took that photo.

I'm gonna text it to you.


Why are you calling me?

Let's make this easy.
Do it as partners.

Yeah, that's definitely something we
should plan on having a discussion about.


We just had the discussion.

I've just been contacted by a
potential candidate in Argentina.

Your jet or mine?

Since you meddled,
she won't accept my help,

and now she will be deported.

That is your fault.

Doesn't Sashi have a grandmother

just outside Buenos Aires
who she's never met?

You're right. We are in.


Hello, Lorena.

What's impossible

is for a minor to leave the country
without both parents' permission.


As you can see, I am most
eager for your miracle drug.

I'm gonna shock your heart.
You're in v-fib.

I am the pillow king of blanket city.

You've been shot.

It's not me. It's you.



Damn it.
It's okay.

It's okay. Ray, everything's
gonna be okay. I know.

They're gone.
You should go, too.

No! You need help. Ah. It's
a through-and-through.

I've seen worse.
I'll be fine.

Ray, you need a doctor.

Maybe you should call Hank.
Hank's in Argentina.

All right, call
that other guy. Jerry.

Who's... Who's Jerry?

How bad is it?

Um, he's lucky. No bones, major
vessels or nerves were affected.

I'll pack the wound
with iota form gauze.

The dressing will need to
be changed twice a day.

I'll also give you a tetanus shot
and prescribe an antibiotic.

Thanks. Sorry for
dragging you out of bed.

Oh, it's okay. I haven't been sleeping
much lately anyway. A little pressure.


As soon as I'm done here, I'll
call the police. No. No cops.

Uh, doctors have to report g*nsh*t wounds.
It's a state law.

Barely. It's a misdemeanor,
same as jaywalking.

I don't jaywalk.

Well, I've got nothing
to tell them.

By the time I got to the window,
the guy was gone. Really?

It sounded like the car
was just outside.

I didn't see anything.
Why waste their time?

Well, it's not a waste of
their time. It's their job.

If you make that call,
you're gonna piss me off.

Oh, my God. [SIGHING]
I was so worried.

It's okay. I'm fine.


Hey, Ray. How's the, uh...
Oh, everything's good.

All right. So now
we just wait for the police.

Oh, we didn't call the cops.
That's okay, I did.


I still can't believe how many
questions the police had.

And how few I could answer.

Yeah. And Ray,
even less.

Everything happened so fast.

One minute, I'm making a bed,
fluffing a pillow, and then... Boom!

There's a g*nsh*t.

I mean, I am a normal person.

Being shot at?
So not normal.

Unless you're Ray, I guess.



I just keep thinking about how
close you came to getting hurt.

Paige, if anything happened to you...
Evan, I'm okay.

Especially now.


Mmm. What was I thinking,

taking on Ray as a client?

It's better than taking
him on as a partner.

Well, Russell and I are
all but done with him.

And you should be done, too.

I have to get out.

I know.


I don't know.

So, how is our
friend Tobias doing?

Better. Better.
He's back in sinus rhythm.

Good work, Hank.

Will this affect his participation
in the clinical trial, you think?

Boris, I'm afraid
he's not eligible for it.

But his condition...

Yes. His condition appears to have weakened
both his skeletal and heart muscles.

But cardiomyopathy,

what sent him
into cardiac arrest,

that's never been a hallmark of the
VCP mutation the trial is meant for.

Our diseases are different.

I'm just waiting for the
genetic test to confirm it.

So there's nothing to be done.

No, I didn't say that.
I'll keep monitoring him.

But I want to transfer Tobias to
the hospital as soon as possible.


Look who comes to see me.

My beautiful little Sashi.

Good morning, Lorena.


I hope you slept well.

I did not.

Look, if Rafa wants to see
Sashi, he can come to New York.

As can you.


We can't stay here.
We have to go home.

You have to go home.

Sashi needs her abuela.


Think of how you would have felt

if someone had tried to separate you
from your son when he was young.

I'm not trying to
separate anyone.

You stay as long as you want.

I can't do that.
Then, go.

Sashi stays.

Lorena. You... You
cannot hold us hostage.


I'm not holding you hostage.

I am offering you hospitality.

But it seems you have
trouble with that.

Otherwise, you and Sashi

wouldn't be homeless.

What's on your elbow?

It's nothing.

Just a rash.

Lorena, please. I think
it's more than that.

Let me help you.

Why would you help me?

Because you're in pain.

I'm not going to the hospital.

Tobias, I understand
your disappointment.

But I can assure you, we will do
everything we can to get you a diagnosis.

Yes, we will. But right now, your
cardiologist needs to monitor you

and get you on the
appropriate heart medication.

I can be monitored here.
I don't want to worry Jakob.

But you're at risk for
another cardiac event.

If you don't go to the hospital...


Tobias. Por favor. I want
him to see I'm okay.


Oh. Oh!
My finger! Oh! Oh.


Let me see.
Let me see.


It's dislocated.



Ow! Ahh!


Yes. Thank you.

Okay, good.
Thank you.

He's gonna need ice.
Take him inside, ice it,

and I'll come and
splint it in a minute.


Come on.

Listen, Tobias. It
was an accident. No.

It's my pride.

Trying to hide the
truth from Jakob is foolish.

I hurt him.


I will go to the hospital.

Good. Good. I'm glad to hear that.


Cut! Cut!

I'm sorry. I took
too big of a bite.

We need a big bite, Sloane, honey.
So let's get that jaw loose.

Somebody rub her jaw!

Are you the director?
I'm with HankMed.

Loving it.

Yes, I'm the director.
Nash Wexler.

Uh, Jeremiah Sacani.
How can I help?

You can fix Sloane Lerner,

that gorgeous hot mess
over there on the towel.

She was about to be
the next big thing

before she became all Miss Thing.
You feel me?

I, I don't understand
anything you just said.

On her way to the top,
she became a bit of a diva,

and her go-to move
is feeling "sick."

That's why I called you.

You want me to examine her?

Unless you're hungry
and look good in a bikini.

Sure, play along.

Examine her, test her,
treat her, I don't care.

It's too late to replace her,

and I need to make a super
sexy clam sandwich commercial.

I'll do what I can.

Any allergies?

Does the nausea persist,
or does it come and go?

It comes and goes.

And has this happened before?

No. Every other time I've eaten 42 clam
sandwiches, I've been absolutely fine.

Yeah, it's happened before.

I was never really a big eater,

but lately, it's been
like this after every meal.

So you eat less and less.

Yeah, which keeps me
in a swimsuit.

But off the set?
I just feel so lousy.

And everyone here just thinks I have
an eating disorder. Which I don't.

I'll give you an
anti-nausea medication,

we'll run some tests, and, and
see what comes up. Thanks.

But please, don't say,
"comes up."

I'm still feeling a little bit queasy.
Excuse me.

Can I get a water?
Sure. What would you...

I need a glass bottle,
not a plastic bottle,

and poured in a glass.
Not a plastic glass.

So, a glass-glass with
a squeeze of lemon. Okay?

Love ya.

So, do you think you can help me out
before I get a reputation as a diva?

Dude, relax. I know
I already have one.

Otherwise, I'd still be
doing Chanel, not Chewy's.

But I'm never gonna get back
there unless you help me out.

So, just tell me
what you need from me.

Blood and urine.

This one's for you.

Evan. Have a seat.

Listen. We need to talk.

No, we don't.

Well, I, I thought that...

I do.

Because I know what
you're going through.

I'm not sure you do.
You're angry.

You're scared.

You want to get things
on an even keel.

Controllable. Knowable.


Okay, maybe you do.


Look, I get it.

And I'm sorry.

I don't need
an apology from you.

You're the one
who got shot, Ray.

And believe me, I know that things
could have gone very different.

That's right.
Which is why I...

Which is why you have my word
it will never happen again.

How can you guarantee that?

Evan, there are no guarantees in life.
You know that. Uh-huh.

But trust me,
it's under control.


I can't do this.
I can't do it anymore.

Things have to change.
I'm sorry.

Ah... Okay.

Like I said, I get it.

I don't love it, but I get it.

You drive a hard bargain,

From now on, you are in charge
and I am the silent partner.

Invisible, even.

Ray, that's not what I had in...
Bring it in.

Ray, but that's not what...


Do you take anything
for the pain or the rash?

Actron or Afebrile.

And for the rash, Clotrix.

But they don't work, do they?

That's because you don't
have osteoarthritis, Lorena.

You have psoriatic arthritis.

Both present with joint pain,

but psoriatic arthritis also gives you a
rash, like the one you have on your elbow.

This is what you
should be using.

A TNF-alpha antagonist.

How do I know this is true?

Talk to your doctor.

Lorena, what do you think is going
to happen when Rafa gets here?

That we'll all just be
one big happy family?

Rafa and I have an arrangement
that we're both fine with.

Threatening me, not to
mention his daughter,

couldn't possibly bring
you closer to him.

And isn't that what you want?

How can you know what I want?

Because I see how alone
you are. How lonely.

This medication could
ease your pain

and let you travel to
be with Rafa, your baby.

It could change your life.

You only want me to
let you take Sashi.

Unless you plan to
physically restrain me,

I am taking Sashi.


I am done fighting here.

If I must, I'll fight
customs at the airport.

So, if you intend to have any further
relationship with your granddaughter,

I suggest that you back down
and you take this medicine.

Sashi is Rafa's baby
as much as yours,

and she belongs in his life.

I never said she didn't.

Now give me the shot.


Hey. I wasn't getting any reception,
but I just got all your Lorena texts.

Oh. Thank you, Argentina.

I'm sorry your stay was
difficult, Miss Katdare.

Too often, people insert themselves
where they don't belong.

Family in particular.

Friends, too.

You were only doing what you
thought was best for Jeremiah.

That's what Lorena said about
wanting to keep Sashi. [SIGHING]

Had I been aware of your predicament, I
could have provided some assistance.

Well, if it happens again,
I'll let you know.

But honestly, I'm glad
I did it on my own.

If I can handle Lorena,
I can handle...


It's not her.

Mmm. But I just got all your Tobias texts.
So what was his diagnosis?

Something genetic, but not
what the trial is targeting.

A different orphan disease.
Unfortunately, yeah.

Orphan disease? A rare condition
that lacks attention and funding.

Not all illnesses are lucky enough
to have a generous benefactor.

And even when they are diagnosed,
treatments often aren't developed,

since not enough people would
buy them to make it profitable.

No one claims them.
Orphans. I see.

I never felt so hopeful as the day
Marissa gave a name to my condition.

For myself and for my son.

Tobias should have that, too.

We're parents. We want
to protect our children.

BORIS: Yeah.

Perhaps I should adopt
some of these orphan diseases.

Oh. Well, Boris, that would mean a
significant expansion of your foundation

and a major financial


Sink your teeth into the Hamptons
with Chewy's new clam sandwich.

It's Clamtastic.

Stop slouching!

You look beautiful, honey, but
please raise your left shoulder.

Love you!

Why does she keep leaning to one side?
Is the sandwich too heavy?

Can we get her
a lighter sandwich?

Where's the food stylist?
Right away.

Oh, hello. I thought you left.
I did.

I came back for a follow-up.
After this take.

Still rolling! Back to one!

Everyone, be brilliant.

And playback.

And action!




Chew it. Love it.

Swallow it.


Oh. Okay. Is she really sick, or
just very open with her bulimia?

I don't know yet.

have to drink this?

It's a necessary radiocontrasting
agent, and given your symptoms,

I need to make sure
you don't have an obstruction

or an inflammatory disorder

such as celiac disease or Crohn's
or, uh, ulcerative colitis.

Yes, you have to.


Take your time.


Well, it's no clam sandwich.

Knock, knock?

Hey, girl.

I'm so sorry about all this.
Oh, please.

All I care about
is that you get better.

Because the sooner you do,

the sooner we can take
advantage of this gorgeous sky

and your gorgeous body,

and we can get this in the can
before we lose the light. [VOMITING]

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
I'm so, so sorry.

I'm so, so, so sorry.

It happens.

I wanted to go back to Italy
to buy pants anyway.

[SIGHING] So, what do we do now?
We get you a CT.

I think she's really sick.

So how much longer
do we do this?



Even v*olence-adjacent
incidents traumatize

not only our bodies,
but our psyches.

Reestablishing a sense
of physical safety is vital.

Is there going to be a
bathroom break at some point?

Oh, we're done.

Okay. Paige, how are you
feeling about the sh**ting?


Like it was a dream.
A dream or a nightmare?

No, a, a dream.

Because I don't feel scared,
I just feel like

that can't have happened.

Like it doesn't make sense.

And yet it did happen.

I guess we were all a little in denial
about the kind of person Ray was.


And Ray is still your
business partner? Was.


I thought you broke up with him.
I tried, okay? It didn't work.

Or you thought you tried,
but you didn't.

No. I tried.

Let's hear your version.

You can do this.

Remember. It's okay to walk away.

Evan. What's going on?
Who's this?

This is Bob, my therapist.

Okay. Why is he here?

Because I...



Because we need to talk, Ray,
and he's a great facilitator.

So, can we come in? No. Now's not great.
What's this about?

I thought we were good.

Well, you were.

But I... I wasn't.

So, we're not.

Is that right?
That's right.

We'll come back.
Wait, wait. No.

We're here.
Let's just do it.

Fine. I could
use a little air.

Let's take a walk.
In the woods.

I'm... I'm so sorry, but, uh,
I'm like candy for, uh, bugs.

So, the woods are a no-no for
me unless I bathe in repellent,

which I...
Don't worry, Bob.

Ah. Uh... Uh, Evan?

It's okay to walk away, Bob.

Terrific. I'll Uber home.
Lovely to meet you, Ray.

After you.

Hey. So, what did you find?

Um... Nothing.

Your CT is clean, just like
all your previous tests.

I don't understand. I mean,
you were there, you saw me.

I can't eat anything without
feeling nauseous or throwing up.

Yes, but without any
evidence of a blockage,

and with test results indicating
no intestinal disorder,

I'm unable to diagnose
anything physical.

So you're saying it's mental?
No. Uh, I'm saying...

That you think I'm anorexic?


Listen, I swear I'm not.

I want to eat,
my body just won't let me.

I could order a colonoscopy, but I'm not
confident it would reveal anything further.

No. Never mind.

You don't understand.

I... I understand your frustration.
Do you?

Do you wake up every morning
feeling nauseous and dehydrated?

Then battle stomach pains
for hours every time you eat?

Can you imagine seeing everyone
around you enjoy their food

while you have stabbing
pains in your stomach?



I'm sorry.

If it's any consolation, you're not the
first woman I've disappointed this week.


Goodbye, Dr. Sacani.

You're fired.

Beautiful, isn't it?

You go far enough, you could just get
lost and no one would ever find you.

Then let's just not
go too far, then.

We're talking,
not camping, right?



So, listen.


What's on your mind?

I don't want to be
your partner, Ray.

Not if you're silent or
invisible or imaginary.

I want out.
What are we gonna do?

Have a going-out-of-business
sale four weeks

after we went into business?

"X-ray machines, half price! Everything
must go!" No. I don't like it.

Well, I figured you wouldn't. And
given how much we've both invested,

I'm betting you're in no position
to buy me out. No, I'm not.

And obviously, you're not
just gonna walk away.

Yes, I am.

Yeah. I'm done.

Goodbye, Ray.

Don't walk away from me, Evan.

No one walks away from me!

Morning, guys.

So, listen. A lot happened while
you were gone. I need to talk.

And I need coffee.
Can it wait?

Not really.

You know, sometimes I feel
like you don't listen to me.

You know, something's got
to be done about those two.

I completely agree. But first,
Hank, we really need to talk.

Emma! Hank. I didn't even hear
you come home last night.

Oh, I got in late and I didn't want to
wake you. How did it go while I was gone?

Uh, it went pretty well.

Anyways, I'm really
glad you're back.

Yeah. I'm glad.
Me too.

Sorry. We just need to get this
staff meeting started, so...


Okay. Well, uh,
I'll talk to you later.

Yeah, absolutely.
Bye, Emma.

Okay. What was that about?

She took the picture of you and
Cinco and sold it to Snarkhampton.



She lied to us.

It breaks my heart to say it, but she can't
be trusted. And that's not everything.

Guys. Can we
please get started?

Yeah, unless there's anything urgent to
discuss, I just need one more minute with Hank.

So, Ray...
A patient fired me yesterday.


Wait. Why?

I don't know.
Women confuse me.

Her name is Sloane Lerner. She's a
model who can't keep any food down.

Could she be bulimic? Uh, no. Her
vomiting is done very publicly.

Did you consider food poisoning?
Of course.



How about ulcerative...
Ulcerative colitis.

Yes. I, I considered
all of those things.

Well, you can't give up on her.

Why don't you both
follow up with Sloane?

Because as I mentioned,
she fired me.

Right. But as Divya mentioned, since
when do we give up on a patient?

Maybe bringing in a set
of fresh eyes

and a female perspective
will change things.

Uh, I can't. I have to
change Ray's bandages.

I'll change his bandages... His bandages?
What happened to Ray?

Okay. This is what I've been
trying to tell you. He got shot.

Paige was there.

Uh, he didn't want to call the police.
HankLab. Done.

Wait, wait, wait. Is Paige okay?
She's fine.

And what about Ray?
He's fine, too.

Oh. Why would you
not tell me all this?

Because you had to get coffee.

That's interesting.
Tell me about that.

I just can't get the
sh**ting out of my mind.

It feels like
something's missing.

There is. Closure.

But if art therapy isn't working,
there are other techniques.

Support groups, drum circles,
reverse birthing. No.

No, this needs... Wait,
what's reverse birthing?

We use a pair of beanbag
chairs and an inflatable pool

to simulate a return
to the womb. Very healing.

You know, I think
I'll just go talk to Ray.

And I think you are confusing emotional
closure with closing the case.

Yeah. Maybe I am.

But I'm not gonna be satisfied

unless I have a face-to-face
conversation with him.

The sooner the better.

Well, between you and Evan, I don't
know who is more impressive.

Dr. Sacani. I was
about to call you.

What's wrong?
Sloane's gotten worse.



Sloane, this is my Physician
Assistant, Divya Katdare.

Can you turn over for us?

Okay. What about
extending your legs?

She says it's too painful
to stay straight.



Her pulse is weak and thready,
and she's running a fever.


I need to check her stomach.


Her abdomen is hard
and distended.

Call 911.
On it. Call 911.

Thank you.

Patients with Wilkie's syndrome
experience greater pain

when face up or to the right.

Yesterday, Sloane kept
leaning to her left.

So, she could have developed an
obstruction in her small intestine.

We need to perform
the Hayes maneuver.

Sloane, let me move you
onto your back. No.

Let me move you.


[SOBBING] If you can
extend your legs slightly.

Hang in there, Sloane. This is
gonna relieve the obstruction.

Intense pressure now.

Ah! Ah! Ahh! Ow!

Oh, my God.

The pain is going away.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. Thank you.

Thank you. We need to
get you to a hospital.


Can we do this some other time?

But we can make it quick.

I keep thinking about the
sh**ting, and something's off.

There's a missing piece
to the puzzle.

Well, I've never been
much of a puzzle guy.

No, he likes other
kinds of games.

You have got some nerve
showing up here.

Paige Lawson, this is, uh...
Olivia Mazzarino. Ray's wife.

Oh. Hi.

Ray must be so happy
you're here.

Of course, this is not the
housewarming he had in mind but

I hope you like it.

Oh. Nice to meet you,
by the way.

You want to talk
about the house.

Okay. Um. Well,

every detail was meant to
reflect your lives together,

from the screening room inspired by your
first date at the Oritani movie theater

to the amphoras outside to remind
you of your honeymoon in Greece.

And you know
your favorite Japanese place?

We got one of those fancy toilets
you like that clean you.

For Ray, no detail
was too big or too small,

as long as it made you happy.

Even the house itself...
Stop. I've heard enough.

You were telling the truth.

You're not having
an affair with her.

With me?

Of course not.

I told you, Liv. I've changed.


I take it back.

It is nice to meet you.

You shot him.

That bruise.

It's from a
p*stol kick-back.

I used to get them when
my dad took me sh**ting.

I go to a range sometimes.

And I heard tires squealing,
but no engine noise.

Because it was an electric car.

The Tesla.

Your car.

Which you saw,
but you didn't say anything.

Because you were protecting her.

Um... It's been
a rocky stretch for us.

I got to the Hamptons early,
saw you in the bedroom,

and assumed you were
his new mistress.

So, I gave him a little warning
shot to send a message.

I just love him so much.

I get jealous.

Lucky for me,
you're a good shot.

The best.

She comes from
a long line of cops.

It's how we met.

He looks hot in handcuffs.

I can't believe
you got the toilet.


Oh, hon, you're really sweaty.


Are you all right?

Oh, my God.


Yeah. Smells sweet.

And there are gas bubbles
accumulating under the skin.

It's gas gangrene.
Call 911.

How did he get gangrene?
It was a minor injury.

For Ray, there's no such thing
as a minor injury.

You can tell her.

Your husband has a chronic liver
condition called cholangitis.

It can compromise
his ability to heal,

which means this infection
could be life-threatening.

You're sick.

An ambulance is on the way.

This wound needs aggressive surgical
debridement or he could lose his arm.

You have Wilkie's syndrome.

Am I gonna live? It's a rare
gastro-vascular disorder,

characterized by a compression of
the third portion of the duodenum

by the abdominal aorta, as well
as the overlying mesenteric.

Yes, you're going to live.

Every time you ate,

your stomach was being squeezed,
as if it had a lap-band around it.

You will need duodenal
bypass surgery in the morning.

But then, you should have
no more symptoms.

Your career can get back on track
and you can eat whatever you want.

[SIGHING] As long as
it's not clams.


I'm sorry I didn't diagnose
your condition sooner.

I'm sorry I fired you.

And I'm really grateful
that you didn't give up on me.

Not a lot of people
are like that.

More than you would think.

Now you know why I didn't
want the police involved.

You were trying
to protect your wife.

I was trying to protect mine. That's
why I wanted out of the business.

Sorry it didn't work out.

Me, too.

But I hope things
work out with Olivia.

I've been so busy trying to
give her everything she wants,

when all she really wants
is to take care of me.

Now she can.

She's bringing dinner.
You want fagioli?

I do love fagioli.

And thank you. But, no. Uh, no time. We've
got to start looking for a new lab space.

And a new...

Oh, you'll be fine, Passaic.

You convinced me to go
into business with you.

Yeah, that's not exactly how I
remember it happening. But, uh...

So, how am I doing, Doc?

Well, they were able to remove all the necrotic
tissue, and you'll make a full recovery,

but you need to be more careful.

Oh, I will. Olivia will make sure.

Any questions, don't hesitate
to ask your next doctor.

Next doctor?

What, are you firing me?

Don't worry, I'll make sure
you're taken care of. But yeah,

I think it's best we part ways.

Can we at least discuss it?

We just did.

You hired the lawyer.

Excuse me? The one that helped Viviana.
You hired her.

Because you don't
give up on people.


when they're angry at you and
kick you out of their house.

I had to do something
to make up for interfering.

So I interfered some more.

Well, I... I share the blame.
I was being


I should have just talked to
you about needing more space.

And less noise.

And more sleep.

And less baby things
everywhere around the house.

I didn't want to
hurt your feelings.


I... I should have talked
to you about Viviana, too.

I was...

I was afraid I'd feel embarrassed
if things didn't work out with her.

Which maybe they didn't.

And I got so caught up in
my own anxieties as a mother

that I didn't see my need
to protect had taken over.

But you are stronger
than I gave you credit for.

Things won't ever be
the same, will they?

Well, things never stay the same.
It's called entropy.



But you and me...

Are we...

Hey, guys. What's up?

I don't know, Emma.
What is up?

Uh... Is everything okay?

Emma, did you sell that photo of
Cinco and me to Snarkhampton?


I never meant to hurt you.

I never meant to hurt
either one of you.

I was so mad at Cinco.
And so,

I sent that photo to some of the
people who were at the party. And...

One of them must have
sold it to Snarkhampton.

All now everything is this huge mess
and I don't know how to fix it.

And... Hey, hey, hey, hey.
It's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay.

Shh. You don't have to
do anything on your own.

Not anymore.

Yeah, we're family.

We'll, we'll figure this out.

Thank you, both, for everything.

While we're here,
though, just...

Is there anything else
we should know about?



It's all good. [CHUCKLING] Good.

Okay. So, I've got the Henderson
twins' vaccinations at 10:00

and Ms. Newberg's
annual physical at noon.

Which of course will turn
into a three Martini lunch.

For her, not for me. I've got
back-to-back patients needing MRls.

You're lending me your navy tie, Henry.
No, I'm not.

I love that tie, and you won't return it.
Thank you.

You know, sometimes, I feel
like you don't listen to me.


Now with HankLab gone,

are we gonna have to plead with the
hospital for more reasonable rates?

No. Not yet. I'm actually working
on HankLab Mach Two. Really?

Yeah. I don't want to jinx it by
talking about it too much right now,

but just wish me luck.

Good luck, Evan.

I like your tie. Oh, thanks,
it was a gift from Hank.

No, not.

Good morning, everyone.

HANK: Morning.

Isn't Evan staying
for the staff meeting?

No, he's working on HankLab Mach Two.
Hey, guys?

One of my prescription pads is missing.
Did either one of you take it?

Not me.

Was anyone here while
we were in Argentina?

Not that I know of.
Just Emma.

TOBIAS: I'm home now and feeling
much better, thank you.

It's good to see you again.
You, as well.

I wanted you to know that my
wife and I are looking into

expanding the scope of our foundation
to include orphan diseases.

We hope to move quickly, and as soon
as we have, we will be in touch, yeah?

Wonderful. It would be my
privilege to make a contribution.

I look forward
to talking with you both.

Take care, Tobias, and give
our best to Jakob. AdiĆ³s.

Good morning, Boris.

Mr. Lawson. To what
do I owe the pleasure?

Oh, this isn't a social visit.

Certainly not, or
I'd invite you to sit.

I have a business proposal
I want to discuss with you.

It's one I think you're gonna
find pretty interesting.

By all means.

Thank you.