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06x08 - I Did Not See That Coming

Posted: 04/24/24 16:29
by bunniefuu
HANK: Previously on
Royal Pains...

Well, it was the least we
could do since you agreed

to this breakfast
therapy session.

I always go above and
beyond for my clients.

Thanks, Bob.

Paige and I needed furniture, and
furniture is really expensive.

You were off living the
high life with Boris, so...

Speaking of, how is
he doing? Is he okay?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, no, he's, um...
He's doing well.

I heard you say

Oh. If you're having
trouble, maybe I could help.

That's very sweet, but I
don't want you to handle it.

Hey. What you doing?
Uh, just girl stuff.

It's a thank you from Oz.

The Oz that runs SnarkHampton?

Thanks. But I only gave
him one photo.

Oh, no, no. This
is for the next one.

What happened?

What did you hear from
the rug restoration guys?

It was deemed beyond repair.

Look. Maybe this is all just
a big misunderstanding.

Yeah, only it's not.

And now
I feel like I can't trust him.

You know, Russel said
that rug was irreparable.

But I saw it, and it was


Totally fixed.

But when I
confronted him, he said

he didn't steal it,
he liberated it.

And then, he called
the Rosewills "Rug abusers."

That's what you
called them last week.

Well, because they are.

But you can't just take something from
someone because they're abusing it.

Yes, you can. What about alcohol and dr*gs?
Or children.

Whose side are you on?

Yours, obviously. But.
But what?

Maybe this is something we
should talk about with Bob.

That's the first intelligent
thing you've said all day.

Hi, Hank.
Hey, guys.

Hey. Didn't you get my message about
rescheduling the staff meeting?

Yeah. But I still have a lot of
work to do on the HankLab launch.

And I love the rain.


What are you doing
loitering out here?

I'm not loitering.

Then, what are you doing?
Nothing. I'm... I'm

standing here.
That's loitering.

Okay. Anyway. What, are you
waiting for a new patient?

A big, new patient?
A whale?

You're not trying to land a
whale without me, are you?

Paige, do you mind taking your
dear, sweet husband inside?

I hear he has a
lot of work to do.

Let's go, Evan. What's with
you smelling like Vetiver?

What's with you knowing
what Vetiver smells like?

Let's give Hank some privacy.

It's Vetiver.
Yeah, thank you. Bye-bye.

Hello, Hank.

Hi, Charlotte.

Who's that? Seems like
they've met before.

Yes, it does.

You know you can hike less
vigorously if you want.

Nonsense, Hank. Everything worth
doing, is worth doing vigorously.

Right. But you just started
a clinical trial and...

Which is going well. Yes?

Yes, but we want it to keep...

Then, stop worrying and
enjoy yourself.

Though I will confess to
an ulterior motive for

asking you on this journey.

What, you mean the hike?
I mean the next six months.


CYCLIST: Coming through!
Careful, Hank.

Hard right. Hard right.

Here comes the jump.


WOMAN: Are you okay?

Hi. I'm a doctor. You
guys both speak English?

Yeah. I'm Charlotte.
This is my guide, Alex.

Can you help him?

Charlotte, hold his head. Make
sure he doesn't move his neck.


Okay, Alex, you've
dislocated your right knee.

I'm going to remove your shoe.


Okay, now, your sock.


Alex, can you feel your toes?

Uh, no!

How bad is it?
I can't get a pulse.

Alex, your popliteal
artery is compromised.

I need to reduce the dislocation
or you could lose your leg.

Yeah. Okay. Whatever
you've got to do, doc.




Still hurts.

His femoral condyles must have
gone through the quadricep.

What does that mean?

The top of his femur has pierced the
leg muscle and locked it in place.

Unfortunately, to make it better,
first, I need to make it worse.

Charlotte, hold his shoulders. Boris,
grab his thigh and hold it steady. Okay?

Alex, I'm going to extend
the deformity.

I apologize now. This isn't
going to feel very nice.

Here we go.



Good. I've got a pulse.

Will he be okay?

His leg needs
stabilizing, and we need

to find some way to get him down
the mountain and to a hospital.

Boris, I want you to find me
a couple of branches

about this long, I can use to
splint his leg.

BORIS: Yeah.


What are you doing?
Building a stretcher.

Here you are, Hank.

Easy. Easy.

Good. All right. We'll
get your bikes later.

Charlotte, could you grab
our packs?

Sure. If you tell me
where they are.


I'm blind.

Thanks for answering my call so quickly.
My wife's had nausea, vomiting,

and abdominal pain.

All common side effects
of Lupron.

Sugar? Lemon?

This is fine. You
really should sit down.

Oh, I make a lousy patient.

Greg will tell you.
I don't stop.

So, you're taking
the Lupron for?

Fertility. We hope.

Naomi's begun our third
attempt at IVF.

We started trying the old-fashioned
way three years ago.

Then, we moved on to

intrauterine, IUls...

Follistim, Glonal F,

hot flashes,
luteinizing hormones,

breast tenderness, everything
except a pregnancy.

Oh, it's all in here.



We pass all the fertility tests

but two IVF cycles

haven't worked out.

Third time's a charm.

Have you had any headaches
or weight gain? Nope.

Still, our OB is out
of town, so I would like

to postpone a business trip.

No way. I'm fine. And I need
you back here by the 23rd.

Back me up, HankMed.

Is the 23rd D-Day
for your egg retrieval?

Mmm-hmm. So, you'll be starting
trigger sh*ts in about a week.


your symptoms could be simple
side effects,

but I do think that Greg's
concerns are valid.

We should rule out OHSS.

That's a condition where hormone
treatments cause swelling of the ovaries.

Yes, Ovarian Hyperstimulation

She had a mild case of
that during our first try.

Well, a severe case could
be life threatening.

Let's do a quick ultrasound.

We're both eager to be parents.

It's just all these hormones.

I wish she'd take a break.

You know how women are.

I'm trying to learn.

Ovaries look fine. No

sign of swelling.

Thank, God. Thank you.
Thank you.

I'm so relieved.

Honestly, so am I.

You hear that, sweetie?
Now, hit the road.

Come home safe.

She just cares about my sperm.

I also care about my oocyte development.
How's that look?

Uh, actually, obstetrics
isn't our...

Perfect, from what I can tell.

Follicle growth is
right on track.

More good news.

I love HankMed.

I'm just the messenger.

No. You're a breath of
fresh air

and one that I really needed.

Thanks for your optimism.

I wasn't sure you wanted
this to happen again.

This was never our problem. Talking
is what got us into trouble.

In that case.

And here you go.

I was just wondering what

could make this morning
more perfect.

I'd like to think you mean me, but
I'm guessing it's the coffee.

You smell good, too.


Uh, actually, your fancy hotel
bath products get all the credit.

Mmm. Alex just called.

He's being released from
the hospital tomorrow.

He's been given the
all-clear to fly home,

where he'll have a full
recovery, thanks to you.

Well. Will you be
going home, too?

No. Alex is just my
biking guide.

I'm flying on to the Seychelles
for business of my own.

Okay, um... I hate to ask
an obvious question.

Yes, I can navigate
airports alone.

Actually, I was going to
ask what business you're in.

But that's good to know.

We really haven't talked much.


I own a resort spa in Big Sur.

I'm exploring expansion options.


So, you're not just
a speed demon.

But I am a speed demon
first and foremost.


The faster, the better.

My parents had me on
skis before I was five.

Before I lost my sight.

Well, nothing slowed you down.

It was a freak accident.

I was playing with wet cement.

And you damaged your corneas.

I still have light sensitivity
in my right eye, though.

Enough to tell that it
is a perfect morning.

The best I've ever
had in Monaco.

You know, I rarely talk
about my accident.

I'm not sure
why I brought it up.

Maybe it's because I'm a doctor?

No. I think it's because
you didn't ask.

Uh, hello. I'm calling
for Viviana Torres,

if she's working. I mean, if
she's not busy.

for you, Viviana.

Oh, hello.

Uh, hope I'm not disturbing you.

It's Jeremiah. Sacani.
It's Doctor Sacani.

I was hoping you'd call.

Oh, good. I mean, uh, I was
hoping you were hoping...

I mean do you like music?
No, I hate music.

Of course, I love music.
Um, well,

there's a concert
tomorrow night at eight.

I know that might be
pushing it with your work.

Oh, it sounds like fun. Text me the
address and I'll meet you there.

Oh. My boss is staring.
Got to go.

It's arranged then.
Eight o'clock. Oh.

New patient? Uh, uh.
She's not a patient.

It's... never mind. You're
being a little evasive.

It's a private matter.

So, I texted Naomi. I just ran
into my OB at the hospital,

and I told her about Naomi's infertility
treatments, and she told me about a

chat room to support and
encourage women undergoing IVF.

Oh, well, a chat room sounds like
the proper forum for encouragement.

Is there an improper forum?

Well, I noticed you got a
little emotional with her.

Naomi is so keen to have a baby.
Who wouldn't root for her?

As long as rooting doesn't
cloud one's objectivity.

There's nothing wrong with being positive.
We all hope for the best.

Okay, you can't...
You can't have a heated tryst

with a hot spa owner in Europe
and not tell me, Henry.

Look, we didn't part well. I thought we
were just ships passing in the night.

Well, ship's in port now
so tell me everything.

HENRY: Okay.
EVAN: Okay.

Her name is Charlotte.


That's not funny. It's
not fun... just tell me!

Jeez, I didn't realize Hank's
hook-ups were such a big deal.

Well, they are. They're like
freaking Bigfoot sightings.

They're like Sasquatch

Oh, my God. Instagram rules.

She is here. Emma Who
in the flesh. Drinking a...

Uh, a caramel macchiato. Hi.

I'm Parker and caramel
macchiato is totally my drink.

I wanna hate you just for
blowing up all over The Snark.

I mean, Emma Who, big mystery.

She can't be that pretty. But look at you.
I want your hair.

Where do you get it done?

In my bathroom.

Um, hi.

Um, what's The Snark?


It's a gossip site.

And her photo's all over it. "Emma Who.
Where did she come from?"

She's this week's Best of the Best.
Totally knocked Reed off her throne.

Oh, my God. Look at that.

It's Emma.

Yeah. There she is.

And again and again.

We're all like, you must
be paying Oz a fortune.

I don't even know who Oz is.


No one knows who he is, but he picks who's
hot, but can also totally burn you.

SnarkHampton is just
a silly gossip site.

I couldn't agree more.

Sorry if my kid sister's
bugging you.

She gets a
little star-struck.

I'm no star. You're the
mysterious Emma Who.

I'm the not-so-mysterious Cinco.

Oh, hi. Hi.

Nice to meet you. Hi.
Cinco Phipps. Hey.

Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Hank.
Nice to meet you.

Evan. Nice to meet you.

He's really William the fifth,
but that sounds all velvet cape.

So, we call him Cinco.

Are you coming to my
party tomorrow?

I wasn't invited.

This is me inviting you.

Right. Okay. Um...
Where do you live?

My driver, Garcia,
can pick you up.

Oh, you have a driver.

Garz used to be our manny, but
Cinco's all, "my driver" now,

since he's turning 18.

Let's give him your address.


Your gay dads are cool.

Huh. What's she
getting herself into?

EVAN: A chauffeured Bentley.
With a guy named Cinco.

Who was very polite.

Yeah, I don't like him either.


So sorry.

Too much multitasking. Not
enough looking where I'm going.

You are in a rush.

A patient Jeremiah and I saw this
morning has developed hematemesis.

But I have a minute.
Do you need me?

Oh, no, no, no. No. I, uh, I
have someone coming over.

Someone? Yeah, I'll tell you later.
It's a long story.

Oh, my gosh.

Between you and Jeremiah, I don't
know who's become more mysterious.

What's up with Jeremiah?

I don't know. We've gotten to be such
close friends since I became pregnant.

He's been an amazing source of support
and comfort for me this past year.

And I've tried to be
there for him in return.

But recently, he's gotten...

Huh. You're not
worried, are you?

I don't know enough
to be worried.

Which worries me.

Look. It is Jeremiah.

Yeah, I know. But it
seems sort of odd.

Which is what I meant when
I said, "It is Jeremiah."

But if you're concerned,
talk to him.

I will.

But you're probably right.
It is Jeremiah.


Okay. So, tell me
what happens.


Only, if you tell me
your long story.

Ah. I'd love to, but you have a
patient and I've got things to do.



Come on. Make your points
and keep up the pace.

All right, all right.

Look. I know what Russel
did was bad,

but people should
get three strikes.

People who play baseball
not people who steal.

All right, stealing's a big
part of baseball, though. So...

Okay. Well, this
isn't baseball

and Russel didn't steal home.
He stole a rug from a home.

Hey, you're slowing down now.
Don't slow down. I'm gonna slip.

Ah, ah, ah!

So. What have
we learned?

That we suck at party games?

That we can't move forward
if we don't move together.

Come here. Ah.


Now, we're getting somewhere.


I feel like we're not
getting anywhere.

I mean, this is fun
and everything, but...

What should she do about Russel?

That's not for me to say.
I've never even met the man.

Well, you could.
Meet him.


I love how you two challenge me.

Let's pencil this in
for tomorrow.


Here we go.

All right. Ready? Together?
One, two, three, four, one...

Okay. So, you've been upstairs,
downstairs, met Emma.

I think that's everything.

EVAN: Hello, there.
Except that.

Hi. I'm Charlotte.

[WHISPERS] You never
said she was blind.

You must be Evan.

Yes, I... I am Evan.

[WHISPERS] Hi, Charlotte.
How did she do that?

Well, I'm blind, not deaf.

And I may have mentioned you.

Sorry. I'm
just... I... Wow.

It's so nice to
finally meet you.

You, too.

Evan, what...
What are you doing?

Showing her what I look like.
Okay, stop that.

Blind people don't
want to feel your face

any more than sighted people do.

But it's a weirdly common

Actually, we prefer to
sniff your hindquarters.

That's a joke, right?

Okay. But you do have super-smell
and super-hearing, though.

Another common misconception.
We don't have super-anything.

I just depend on my
other senses more.


For instance,
that was the doorbell.

That was another joke.
You're getting it.

Emma Miller?

Sign here, please.

They're compliments of the
shop for your event tomorrow.

Oh, my gosh. Thank you.

HANK: What's up?

They're from Berkeley's. They want
me to wear one to Cinco's party.

Well, you are Emma Who.

Oh, my Gosh.
There are so many.

Thank you.
Thank you.

They're gorgeous.

Ooh. Charlotte, what do
you think of this one?

Emma, she's blind.

But again, not deaf.

Oh, I love chiffon.


Is it a little short?

There's only one
way to find out.


So, Charlotte, are you in
town just to see Hank? Or...

Sorry... I didn't
mean, see him.

I meant like whatever
word blind people use.

We use see.
Oh, good.

And yes, she's here to see me.

Actually, I do have
another reason.

I'm also here to consult with
a surgeon that Hank knows

who does corneal transplants.

Don't look so shocked.

[WHISPERING] Seriously.
How does she do that?

Hematemesis is the medical term
for the vomiting of blood.

As opposed to hemoptysis, which
is the coughing up of blood.

Though the latter
is more common.

But that may be more information
than you were looking for.

So, hematemesis and fatigue.
Any other new symptoms?

Anxiety. But maybe that's
because Greg's gone.


Your heart and
lungs sound normal,

but your blood
pressure is a bit low.


Ninety-eight point six.

You may be dehydrated
from the vomiting.

We should take some blood.

Don't worry. We're going to
get to the bottom of this.


This was so not the
plan for our real baby.

"Real baby?"

Our first baby was Khaki.
The magazine.

For the modern multicultural couple.
Yes, I've seen that.

Greg and I birthed it,
raised it, then let it go.

To Condé Nast in a bidding w*r.

Made enough to move out here and
buy the house I grew up in.

So, this was your
parents' house?

Not even close.

My Mom was the cook and the
housekeeper here.

Do you have an arm preference
for the blood draw?

You know nothing seemed
impossible for us until now.

Sometimes the impossible can happen
when we least expect it. Trust me.

Well, that sounds like a story.

We really should be getting your
blood, not telling you stories.

Oh, come on. Tell me.

Well, once upon a time, I was told
that I could never have children.

And now, I have a miracle.

Her name is Sashi.

What a beautiful name.

Most right-handed people
prefer their left arm.

I need pictures.

Oh, she's adorable.

Oh, what's that she's wearing?

Her Argentinean
grandmother made it.

Left arm it is, then.

Oh. Sweet. Oh,
look at her cheeks.

[LAUGHS] Right?

I am really glad
we're doing this.

The hotel has a bath butler. How
could we not get a bath buttled?

We couldn't not
get it "buttled."


I got it.


Okay, riding down a mountain at

But not spilling a
single bubble...

That's just downright


So, look.

I don't want to ruin this.
Then, don't.

Walking away now would be a
lot messier than last time.

And I don't mean just
getting out of the tub.

I'm just... I'm surprised you're
considering the transplant.

Well, it's risky and there
are no guarantees.

And I've never felt deprived.

But I... I can't
help but be curious.

What if I can see?

Well, look. I know how
independent you are. But...

When you go into the city
to meet the surgeon,

I'd like to come with you.

You better, because this
whole thing is your fault.


You can relax your arm.
You're doing fine.

No, I'm afraid you're
going to run away.

Ah, we're going upstairs.

There's a railing right there.
Oh. Thank you.

Charlotte, I don't want to be presumptuous,
but I'm thinking of asking Boris

for a week off so you and I can
spend some more time together.

Top step.

And I don't want to be
presumptuous, but...

I have my assistant looking
into the same thing.

This is all so perfect.

And beautiful and...




You know, this morning, I was thinking
about this guy I went to med school with.

Okay, less romantic.

No, not like that.
I was just wondering.

Have you ever considered
a corneal transplant?

Yeah, a couple of years ago.

Because they're using stem
cells now to research...

I know.

I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to press.

I don't need fixing, Hank.

No, no, no, that. That's not
at all what I was trying to...

No. Let's just leave our travel plans
as they are. It's simpler that way.

Charlotte, please.
Please don't go.

Hank, we're done here.

Okay. At least let me, just let
me walk you back to your hotel.

Thank you, but I don't
need your help.

I'm glad you made it.

Happy Birthday.

It is now.


This is our friend, Reed.

Did you see what Dad and
stepmonster gave Cinco?

They got you a boat?

Cheap bastards.

REED: Speaking of cheap,

your high-low look
with the slippers.

REED: Nice try.

Uh, thank you.

It wasn't a compliment.

Reed's bitchy to everyone.
It's her thing.

No, I'm honest.

I saw that dress at Berkeley's,

but they only had
the larger size.

She can't stop herself. How
about a tour of the boat?

That sounds great.

She looks a mess.

EMMA: So. What are you
going to name it?

I don't know.
I suck at naming stuff.

My chocolate lab's
name is Labby.

Yeah, My Giant Boat
would be really lame.

Ooh. How about
Cinco de Mineo?

MAN: Cinco!

One sec, all right? There he is.
How's it going?



Already bailing? Oh.

No. Not yet.

Shall we?

Thanks for driving me in.

I'm glad we had time for a
walk before your appointment.

Are we here?

We are.

Just warn me before you do a
back flip over the Mad Hatter.

I could do that, you know.

Yeah, I know you could.

This is where it happened.

They were repairing the walkway,

and my friend and I thought
that the wet gooey cement

was like our
moms' make-up.

My eyes started burning.

The White Rabbit's ears sticking
up was the last thing I saw.

Well, his ears still stick up.

And his coattail
blows out behind?

It certainly does.

Great last sight.


Or not.


I keep wrestling with
this whole surgery thing.

Well, it's complicated.

You want to go over
the pros and cons?

I've done it a million
times already.

You do it.


Okay. Um, well,
the pro side is big.

You might see again.

I mean, maybe not 20 l 20,

but since your optic
nerve's still intact,

once your cornea's
been replaced,

your vision could be restored.

And on the other hand?

On the other hand,
a corneal transplant means

a lifetime of immunosuppressants

that can damage
your kidneys or liver.

And that's assuming your body doesn't
reject the transplant outright.

Your business will have to
take a back seat for a while.

And, if the surgery
isn't successful,

you could lose the bit
of light you can see now.

It's risky.

Thank you.

That helped.

I don't think I'm ready.

I'm canceling the appointment.

I understand. I'll drive
you back to the Hamptons.

So, no crow's nest?
No cannons?

Yeah, sorry.
No Jack Sparrow either.


Whoa, what is that?

Vaporized absinthe.
Zero calories,

but, like, tons of kick.

Including one from me, if
I see you trying that.

Oh, my God. He's going
all big brother.

He's totally trying
to impress you.


Ooh, hey. What happens
onboard stays onboard.

Oh, yeah. Sure.

So. If your parents got
you this for your 18th,

what are they going to get
you when you turn 21?

Your own country?

Depends on how guilty Dad's
feeling that particular day.

I come bearing gifts.

Uh, what kind?

Rare mojo of the diamond plant,

nurtured in hermetic labs
by virgin chemists

for the finest potpourri.

Uh, no, thank you.

I took care of you
earlier, Birthday Boy.

You're not feeling it yet?

Wait a minute.
You slipped me some?

Peanuts! Get your
fresh peanuts!

Uh, sorry. Just one
sec, okay?



Are you okay?

It's cool.
She always does this.

Is she, like, in trouble?

I... I can't tell.

Hey, uh, Hank, can you
call me back, please?

I really need your help.

Come on, Sash.
Come on. Do it again.

Show Grandma Lorena
how you roll over.

Did she not take
your word for it?

Well, it's different
when you see it.

Uh, I put her on her back and
she rolls over onto her tummy.

It's incredible.

Come on.

Please? Do it again.

Come on.

Come on, Sash.

I look forward to the video.

Um, did you review
Naomi's blood work?

Yes. I've already called her.

She's anemic and her
LFTs are high.

I scheduled a CT for
the morning.

I also remembered she
mentioned acupuncture,

so I asked about supplements.

She has been drinking
special teas.

I told her to stop.

What about IVF? Have you told
her she may have to drop out?

She might not have to, if we can figure
out what's wrong with her liver.

Look. I know that I've
let this get personal.

But Naomi's worked
so hard to be a mother.

I want that for her.

Oh, no.
What is it, Naomi?

No, it's Evan. He needs
me on call tonight.

Tonight's your private matter.

I'll cover for you.

My nanny's free tonight. And you've
covered for me so much lately.

Thank you.
Are you sure?

Of course. I would hate for you
to miss your private matter.

Oh. When did
that happen?

She did it again
and I missed it again.


Come on, honey.

I'm cool now.
Call off Medevac.

You should still let Hank
check you out.

Guys, I may have slipped Cinco
a few too many magic beans.

Avast, ye scurvy dogs.
Raise the mainsail!

All hands!
We're casting off!

Dude chill!

CINCO: Out to sea!

Cinco, stop!
You'll ruin the boat!

Go to the helm! We're
heading for a squall! Hey.

Easy, man.

I'm the captain now!

Walk the plank! Deep six!

Cinco, come on.
You are out of control.



Uh... What the...

Who are you?

Easy. Easy.


What's he on?
Bath salts.



Oh, my God.
What did you do to him?

Sedated him until the cathinone
in his system can be metabolized.

He may need another shot or two.

EMMA: Whoa.

That should do it for now.

I don't need a therapist.
I have a therapist.

We have come to your house.

Your haven.
Your sanctum sanctorum.

You're feeling ambushed.
Because you ambushed me.

Because you ambushed the rug.

To preserve its dignity.
Its heritage and its beauty.

It does look really good.

But I'm here for Paige.

It looks good because
I had it repaired.

Yes. But what have you
damaged in the process?

This is getting deep.

Let's try something.

Everyone lie down.




Feel the rug.
Hear the rug.

Understand the rug.

BOB: What would it
have you do?

Would it understand?

It's Paige or the rug, Russel.
What's it going to be?

Good clarity, Evan.

But let's give Russel a moment.

When you said concert,

for some reason, I assumed
you meant rock concert.

You hate classical music.

No, I like it. I'm just
not dressed for it.

No, you look beautiful.

Uh, please stay.

I wasn't going to leave.

Uh, shall we?


Two, please.

I'm sorry.
It's cash only.

Cash only?

Uh, why have such a policy?

I'm just a volunteer.

I have cash.

It's just, I find
paper currency cumbersome.

And of course, there are the
known sanitary issues.

But still, I feel embarrassed.

Please, my treat.

Thank you, but,
I will repay you.

Only if you got it in pesos.

What happened?

I got a date for my
deportation hearing.

How was your day?

We'd better go in.

Thanks for coming.
Thanks for calling.

That was some
pretty weak sarcasm.

Could be because I meant it.

I'm glad you feel okay calling
me in a situation like that.

Not that I want it
to become a regular thing.

It was crazy.

I mean, I've been to parties where
people are out of control, but...

Usually there aren't
yachts and chauffeurs and

Prada gift bags.

Yeah, well, money
doesn't change people.

But it sometimes shows
you who they really are.


Wait. Where's Charlotte?

Did I make you miss your date?

Ah, it's okay.

Given the circumstances
she'll understand if I had...

What? It's over,
and you said I did good.

So, go change your
shirt and get out of here.

Okay. Okay. We can talk
more about this later.

Oh, yeah. I can't wait.

Now, that's some sarcasm.



Oh. I'll get it.


Cinco would like you to know that
he sincerely regrets today's events

and hopes that you will accept this
gift until he can apologize himself.

Thank you.

He really is a good kid.

Berkeley's dropped off the
shoes a little late, huh?


See you later.




Are you okay? You didn't
answer your phone earlier,

or the door just now.
I was worried.

Everything is perfect.

I'm pregnant.

No, you're swollen.

And jaundiced.

And confused.

I think your
liver function has...



DIVYA: I'll take care of it.


Stop! I've got it.


All these, uh, pots and pans,

do you cook with them?

Every day. They're the
ones my mother used.


The swelling in your belly

is probably fluid accumulating
in your peritoneal cavity.

It's called ascites,

and along with the confusion,

it's a by-product
of liver damage.

So, I'm not pregnant?

I'm afraid not.

But I think I know the cause
of your liver problems,

along with all the symptoms
you've been experiencing.

You have too much
copper in your blood.

I am taking you to the hospital.

The penicillamine acts
as a chelating agent

to remove the excess
copper from your system.

So, each time I used Mama's old
pots, I was poisoning my liver?


Thank God Greg
doesn't drink tea.

Yes, he wasn't exposed to
as much copper as you.

Too much copper can also replace
zinc and block estrogen receptors.

Which would prevent me
from getting pregnant.

Yes. Once you remove it, you
will vastly improve your odds.

I'm so lucky you came over.

Why did you?

Oh. I don't know.
Maybe maternal instinct.

Ever since I had Sashi, I have been
a mess of emotions and hormones.

But in your case,
I think it helped.

Well, from one mess
of hormones to another,

thanks for everything.

The Canon in D was lovely. Mmm.

I preferred the Shostakovich. But
maybe I've catered too many weddings

to enjoy Pachelbel.

Should we try a...
A rock concert next time?

Only if you're wearing that.

I've been thinking about
your immigration hearing.

It doesn't seem right. You've lived
here since you were a child.

Some of my patients
are very good lawyers.

You're kind.

I want to help any way I can.

You can start by paying me back.

Oh, right.

I know it's hard to
send the rug back.

Are you going to be okay?

Mmm. Better than okay.

Bob was right.

It was weighing on me.

I'm proud you could let go
and that we can start fresh.


Not quite. [CHUCKLES]

What do you mean?

The porcelain Foo dogs were
completely neglected by the Zhangs.

The Wentworths used the
Navajo serape as a cat bed.

The P.S. Heggen
mid-century wastebasket?

The Usamovs were putting
actual trash into it.

The late 19th
century Impressionist seascape

was left hanging
directly in the sun.

The revival chandelier
was stored in a basement.

How's your entree?

Not too rare, I hope. Mmm-mmm.

Chef fired it just perfectly.

You want a bite?
Oh, yeah, I do.


Yeah. Yeah.

It's a little gamey, but...

It's pretty solid.

Here. You want a bite?


So, listen.

I know you have
a flight tomorrow.

But I am not letting you
get away without a plan.

Okay? I want us to spend
more time together.


Well, that's good,

because it turns out
I'm sticking around.


I called the surgeon back.

I want to get the transplant.


I mean, I know you love
a hairpin turn, but...

What changed your mind?

You did.

You reminded me what a risk-taker
I am, but you didn't push.

Well, I... I try to
learn from my mistakes.

Thank you

for giving me the space
to come to this on my own.

Thank you for giving me
a second chance.