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05x13 - Bones to Pick

Posted: 04/24/24 16:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

So you got a prescription

for hydrocodone from Dr. Sacani?


Then you used that up,

and you went
to the Bellport pain clinic.

I had undiagnosed radicular pain

for which I took
a prescribed medication.

Your HCG levels have plateaued.

This pregnancy may not be viable.

Jeremiah's completely in love
with Divya.

- Didn't I tell you that?
- No.

Yep, since last summer.

Head over heels.

What makes you think he's a fraud?

I heard he used an online minister,

and those online guys aren't even legal.

So we're not married.

Look, it's a clerical error.
We'll just fix it later.

Are you suggesting that Hank came to me

not because of my medical expertise,

but because I wouldn't say no?

Do you think that?

Jeremiah resigned from Hankmed.

Effective immediately.

Hi. Come on in.

Amazing house, huh?

Oh, you see one Hamptons
mansion, you've seen 'em all.

Uh, we'll see about that.



The next big item up for auction

by Sutton & Chesterfield.

It's a T. Bataar,
first cousin of the T. Rex.

Hey, Russel.

- And this is Monique.
- Ah.

Uh, Monique, the doctor
I called for you is here.

Do you wanna take a break?

You know my answer to that question.

Oh, it wasn't a question.

- This is Hank.
- Hello.


I'm going to help Russel
catalog your masterpiece,

so you kids have fun.

I told them I was fine,

but they didn't wanna take any chances.

I'm their meal ticket at the moment.

I sense some genuine concern also,

but they tell me I'm an optimist.

Have a seat.

So what's going on?


I've got these bug bites and a rash

all over my arms and legs.

Hmm. Do they itch?

- Yeah, a little bit.
- Okay.

Where have you been recently?

I spent most of the summer in Florida

doing the initial assembly of the bones.

But last week, I did
a raptor dig in North Dakota.

Lots of time outdoors, I assume.

I slept in a sleeping bag.

Wouldn't that keep the problem out?

Maybe, or keep it in.

Huh. Well, I left the bag behind.

But when I got home, I got the rash.

Well, they don't look too alarming.

I'll do a scraping to test for scabies

and give you a topical steroid cream.

Russel, is that you?

A boy can't be in a good mood?

Good mood?

By the way, I love your shoes today.

Okay, what's happening to you?

Tell me while Hank is still here.

Maybe he can save you.

I'm taking a sabbatical
from Sutton & Chesterfield.

What? Why?

To do some private work
for a major client,

a client I'm hoping

will place the winning bid
for our prehistoric treasure.

Is this client in the Hamptons?

This client is everywhere.

The job will involve
a lot of exotic travel.

Sorry. I can't say more.

I'm really happy for you, Russel.

And I know my internship
is ending anyway,

but I'm really gonna miss
working with you,

especially the version of you
I'm working with today.


Do you wanna maybe talk
somewhere a little more private?

I feel comfortable here.

Besides, I don't expect
this conversation

will take very long.

You resigned?

Was my letter ambiguous?


The resignation was very clear.

The reason was not though,

to me or to Hank.

But I have a theory.

What is your theory?

Divya overheard me telling Paige

about your feelings for her.

Is that a good theory?

Divya knows.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry I broke your trust.

Evan, I'm not upset with you.

Um, that... that's not
the reason that I resigned.

Then why did you?

Hey. Take a photo of me doing this.

Doing what?



Oh, my God. Are you okay?

- He bit me.
- She.

What happened?

Russel said
the ancient skeleton bit him.

Did her teeth
really need to be that sharp?

What did she used to eat?

Other dinosaurs.

Hope you didn't break any bones.

No, I'm fine. It's just a cut.

I meant Emma's bones.

I grazed her foot.

Believe me, it hurt me
more than it hurt her.

Okay, let me take a look, Russel.

I'm telling you, she bit me.

Well, in fairness to Emma,

she hasn't eaten in 65 million years.

She's probably worked up an appetite.

Really, Monique, I'm fine.

You worried about Emma's foot?

Maybe I can help you with that.

Hey. What are you doing here?

We gotta talk.

Hey. Thanks for coming down.

Mm-hmm. What can I do for you?

So I heard you resigned because of me.


Sorry that wasn't more clear.

Look, what happened wasn't your fault.

It had to do...

it seems I'm still being vague.

I don't feel guilty. I feel angry.

You came to me because you knew
you could manipulate me.

When I suggested alternatives
to what you wanted,

you deflected them.

When I chose not to serve
your expectations,

you went behind my back.

You took advantage of me

'cause you knew I respected you.

And you didn't respect me back.

That's why I'm angry.

Okay, sorry, I should get back to work.

Good-bye, Dr. Lawson.

- Just give me one sec, guys
- Oh, sure.

What are you doing?

Um, I'm just...
hold on for one second, okay?

Evan, we're already late.

I know. It's... it's just 'cause
you changed outfits twice.

Well, you were answering tweets.

Leaving no time for emails, so...

- Sir?
- No, ju...


Babe, this is getting embarrassing.

I know.

Look, I promised Stu my first
order of business would be

to help him build a second floor
at Chewy's, all right?

And you have to build it tonight?

No, I... I intend to be a politician

who keeps his promises.

And I intend to be a party guest

who actually goes inside the party.

Right, but... but...

Thank you, ma'am.

Thank you so much for meeting me.

I know Hankmed's been very busy lately.

The end of the summer's always crazy.

But also, you've kept the trains running

with Hank preoccupied.

I was just doing my job.

It's Hank's practice.

Divya, I think
you are enormously talented.

After all, you were
my first impression of Hankmed.

Gosh, that seems like ages ago.

I think it's time for you
to have more responsibility

and a higher profile within Symphony.

I am sure that I have
all the responsibility

that I can handle right now.

Oh, well, how do you feel
about running a department?

On top of my Hankmed duties.


No, it would be a full-time position

under one consolidated
concierge practice.

Oh, my God. Are you firing Hank?

Okay. Let me explain how...

Don't bother.

This conversation just ended.

She bit me.

So Paige, tell me.

You must be learning so much
from Russel.

He is our most talented specialist.

He's become a mentor, a great one.

Ooh, look, I see a client.
Kisses, Paige.

Your councilship.


- So this is fun.
- Yeah.

- How long do you wanna stay?
- We just got here.

- Right.
- Paige?

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Evan, so glad you could come.
- Thank you.

Any good gossip from Kristof?

He's such a yentamouth.

Well, he was yenting about how you are

the most talented specialist here.

Don't be naive, Paige.

He's heard about my sabbatical.


He knows my fall residency
in our Paris office

is up for grabs.

So why is he sucking up to you?

They asked me to pick my replacement.

So are you two legal yet

or what?

We just have to sign the paperwork.

Yeah, and then repeat our vows
for the judge.

But we had to cancel our appointment

because we needed to vacate Shadow Pond.


Huh. Another Hungarian psycho at large?

No, Boris is in town for the weekend.

But we can move back in once he leaves.

Until we have to vacate again.

The price of not having our own home.

She keeps bringing it up. It's so funny.

Not really.

How comfortable for me.
Anyone need a drink?

- No, I'm good.
- I'm all right.

So do I.

He's learning
how to use that stethoscope

faster than I did.

Do you think Carlos will ask

to see her again in six months?

So Marisa found
a real clinical trial for you

while planning a fake one for Milos?

- Yep.
- Nothing shocks me anymore.

I appreciate the irony, believe me,

and the good fortune.

I have not yet been cleared though

to begin my treatment.

Well, I'll rush the blood

and have everything ready tomorrow.

Thank you, Hank.

The exam isn't the only reason
I called you though.

Does Carlos want a job at Hankmed?


Mi amor.

I have decided to take stock

of my properties and assets...

And begin to divest them.

Wow. That sounds like a big step.

It is.

But after all the events
of this past year,

it's time to leave the past behind

and focus on the future.

I want to simplify my life, Hank.

I understand the way you feel.

The chief investigator
of the clinical trial agreed

I would be able to travel as necessary

to take care of everything.

If there is continuity of care.


I volunteered,

but family members are not
permitted to provide care.

- Aha.
- So...

Guys, I'm flattered. Truly, I am, but...

Ah, you see? I told you.

You can't take Hank out of Hankmed

and drag him from Paris to Beijing

to Sydney to Moscow.

But I'm happy to help find someone else.

It's not necessary.

We already have a few candidates,

not as universally loved
and trusted as you.

Ah, it's not always so universal.

But still, I can't leave my practice.

You sure?

I'm... I'm sorry, Boris.

No apology necessary, Hank.

I can't expect you
to complicate your life

so that I may simplify mine,

but it was worth a try.

This is a new one for me.

For Emma too.

Doesn't really believe
in going to the doctor.

No internal fracture.

That's great news.

Emma should still fetch top dollar

for the people of Mongolia.

- Yeah, she should.
- Everything okay?

Nah, you don't wanna hear
about my travails

in the dinosaur business.

Actually, I'd love to.

I'm fascinated by what you do.

Well, it's not quite
Jurassic Park,but...

When I started working with dinosaurs,

bone diggers were thieves,

selling to the richest patron
they could find.

I don't really believe
in that kind of paleontology.

These government officials,

oh, they promised
that the profits will go

towards financing
a world-class museum, but...

Now you're having doubts.

I'm doubting whether these particular

Mongolian officials actually serve

the Mongolian people.

What, you think they'll pocket the cash?

Well, the cash seemed
to skip over the museum

on our last venture.

I just believe artifacts like this

should be available for everyone to see,

not just the mega-rich collectors.


Are you... are you feeling okay?

Yeah, I'm just a bit tired and sore.

The scraping from your rash
was negative for scabies.


But now you have a fever.

- Well, what does that mean?
- Probably an infection.

And with your travel,
it could be anything.

- Like what?
- Maybe just a virus.

But it could be tularemia,
which is a bacteria

you can get from digging in dirt.

Oh, well, what are the symptoms?

Fever, lethargy, and skin lesions.


Well, that sounds
like a pretty good guess.

I'll give you prophylactic antibiotics

to be safe, but I wanna do a blood draw

and a chest X-ray.

- Okay.
- Okay, good.

He's returning constituent emails.

He's been a good sport.
This clearly isn't his scene.

Well, it is mine, but we're leaving.

Before you go, I want your opinion

on choosing my Paris replacement.

Oh, okay.

You have a front-runner in mind?

I do.

And do you have any concerns
about that person?

Just two:

Whether she'd be so cheerful,
she'd force the French to smile,

and whether she could take
a semester off from Parsons

for the job of a lifetime.

You're being serious.

You're the best intern I've ever had.

I respect you.

I trust you.

Unless you wanna lobby for Kristof,

- who's the runner-up.
- No.

No, no.

What's going on over here?

Oh, don't sweat it. She's not my type.

- What'd I miss?
- Oh, that.

You and your wife are going
to Paris for a few months.

Perfect timing too.

Nothing like the most
passionate city on earth

to rekindle a troubled romance.


Where are all of Divya's boxes
supposed to go?

Um, anything else you told Russel?

Oh, you don't discuss our
relationship with other people?

You told him it's...
what was the word, "troubled"?

Oh. How unfair of me.

Clearly, this marriage
is just k*lling it.

Okay, Paige, Paige.

It may not be perfect, but it's ours.

So if you wanna discuss
its imperfections,

please do it with me, okay?

I'm glad Russel said it.

At least it got us
talking about our issues

instead of avoiding them.

What are you talking about?

We haven't been avoiding them at all.

We've been really busy this summer.

Both of us have.

Which is why we should go to Paris.

What's it gonna look like

if I go gallivanting off to Europe

right after getting elected?

Might look like you care about us.

I do care. I care so much.

But you're asking me to...

what, you want me to leave my job

and all my responsibilities behind,

so I can run off to Paris for your job?

I told you,

I... I made promises that I have to keep.

I have to go.

I have to stay.

Thanks for meeting with us.

Course. What are we meeting about?

The fact that you're trying
to replace him.

Divya told you about our chat.

She might have mentioned it, yeah.

Hank, nothing has been
officially decided yet,

but you did put us in a tough spot.

Now the lawyers are trying to figure out

the best course of action.

And until then,
I need to explore my options.

What are the lawyers figuring out?

My client didn't do anything wrong.

He violated his morals clause.

My contract has a morals clause?

I figured with you,

it was the last thing
I had to worry about.

Right, well, you and Shelby

had more important things to agree on.

Hank, I understand that you're angry,

and I'm angry too.

I went to the mat for you,

never expecting that mat
to be out on a limb.

And now my ass is on the line.

So you're scrambling to cover it,

which must be tough,
what with it being on the line

on the mat on the limb.
Did I get that right?

This is about your impropriety.

The appearance of impropriety.

I was treating pain,

and I never compromised
my ability to do my job.

So the hospital administration
is being naive and reactionary.

Just curious, is that what happened

back at Brooklyn Heights Mercy Hospital

before you moved to the Hamptons?

When you said Symphony was different,

that they put patients first,

you might have also mentioned
that they put doctors last.

You wanna let me go? That's fine.

I'll go back to practicing
the way I did before,

and we'll all be happier.

That'd be nice, but unfortunately,

it's not that simple.

Your contract also has
a non-compete clause.

So you're welcome to go back
to where you were

as long as it's not
within 200 miles of here.



Your nervousness is making me nervous.

You'd be crazy not to be nervous.

Why should we be nervous?

His private client is coming to visit,

the one we hope wins Emma
at the auction.


It's not easy marketing a dinosaur.

Hey. How did the meeting go?

Not well.

- Sorry to hear that.
- How's it going here?

Russel had too much coffee.

What makes you say that?

I think I've had too much coffee.


My client is very serious
about anonymity.

Any chance we can complete
this exam expeditiously?

We rush all our exams.

That's why our patients are so healthy.

Monique, let me have a look.

Yeah, your rash is starting to clear up.

No fever,
which means it's not tularemia.

But we're still not sure what it is.

I'm just glad it's not soil.

I love soil,
or at least what I find in it.

For someone who spends
so much time in dirt,

you clean up real nice.

Oh. Thanks.

Well, it's no easy chore.

I have the most overworked loofah

in the Western hemisphere.


No. Monique, can I see your back?

Um, sure.


- Do you scrub right here?
- No.

I'd need trenching equipment
to get to that area.

Monique, how old
is your overworked loofah?

Uh, I don't know.

I mean, it's got quite
a few miles on it, I'm sure.

- Why?
- Because it caused your rash.

Pseudomonas folliculitis.

Sorry, that species is
outside of my biological domain.

It's an infection of the hair follicles

due to bacteria that contaminate
bathing products.

Oh. Prescription.

New loofah.

Where should I put
these giant dinosaur eggs?

Uh, just over on that side table.

They may be giant,
but Emma still had it easy.

You can hold the nest if you like.

It's just a plaster reproduction.

It's light. Hmm.

Divya, what's wrong?

I... I don't know.

Obviously, you've been monitoring it.

The intrauterine septum? Yeah.

Since my first ultrasound.

We knew it could cause trouble.

But it hasn't.

Until now.

Until now.

A little English, please?

For all the non-medical loved ones.

Uh, there's a wedge-shaped partition

in her uterine cavity.

That's plenty of English. Thanks.


I am seeing something new here.

A sub-chorionic hemorrhage.

Right behind the placenta.

But I don't have any bleeding...


The good news is
that it's not an abruption.

Divya, I'll give you Tylenol
for the pain.

But the key is rest
until the cramps subside.

- We'll take turns visiting.
- Yeah.


Uh, may I...

Of course. Jeremiah, please come in.

How did you know?



Thank you for the call.

Uh, guys, let's let Jeremiah visit.



How are you feeling?

A bit calmer now.

How about you?

It seems we have a lot to discuss

after you're discharged.

We can discuss it now,

or we can just talk
about something else.

It's entirely up to you.

Joining Hankmed was a very
difficult adjustment for me.

But you made it so much easier

with your kindness

and your compassion.

In retrospect,

I believe that's when my feelings began.

I just never found the strength
to tell you.

Yeah, you did.

You found it today.

How's she doing?

She's resting.

So I thought about what you said.

It was manipulative

to ask you to prescribe those meds

and then disregard your advice.

I needed to prove
that I could shoulder the burden

all on my own.

I needed to prove it to Hankmed,

to our patients, to myself.

But that was my problem,

and I made it yours.

I just... I didn't treat you

with the respect you deserve.

But I do respect you, Jeremiah.

I mean, since you came here,

you've met every challenge you've faced.

And I'm very sorry
that I was one of them.

I hope you'll come back

because we need you.

I need you.

I accept your apology.

And thank you for the explanation.

I wanted to please you,

and I compromised my medical
judgment because of that

and because of insecurities

about other issues in my life.

So I... I'm partly responsible.

But I mustn't risk
repeating those errors.


I can't work with you ever again.

She's hanging us out to dry.

Typical corporate suit.
Saving her own ass.

Mm. All right.

So what's our move?

Well, we need her back in our corner.

I don't want her near our corner.

No, Hank, we have to fight
the non-compete.

This is our livelihood.

This is more than that.
This is personal.

This is about defending yourself, Hank.

You are Hankmed.

Hankmed is a team effort.

Yeah, you can spare us the modesty, doc.

It's not strategically
productive right now.


Trusted by patients

battling severe pain...

pain that Symphony's own doctors

couldn't even diagnose.

That's it. Evan, you're a genius.

I'm with you so far.

We thr*aten to countersue.

Hamptons Heritage failed
to properly investigate

Dr. Lawson's post-operative pain.

No, no, it's not quite
that simple, Keller.

We'll show them impro-fricking-priety.

First, their own incompetence
causes my client

prolonged pain and suffering.

Then they discriminate against him

for treating the very pain they caused.

Ken, that's just not...

We'll bring Shelby to her knees.


I walked right into that one.

So I love a good counterattack,

but I'm a newly elected councilman.

I can't be seen targeting

the community hospital for annihilation.

Yeah, nor can I as, you know, a doctor.

I may not have caused
your problem, Hank,

but I certainly made it worse.

And that's not what you hired me to do.

It's time for me to make this right.

No, Ken, please,
just don't make anything right.

Russel, I thought we were meeting here.

Je suis a votre porte.

Uh, I'm in for Paris.

And I hope you know how much

your confidence means to me.

I... as you can tell, I'm brushing up on

mon francaise en ce moment.

Russel, are you in there?


I also called 911.

I know you're not supposed
to do anything for a seizure,

but why won't it stop?

Because this isn't a seizure.

He's making eye contact.

- Russel, can you hear me?
- Help me.

I think he's experiencing

somatic skeletal
neuromuscular dysfunction.

Something poisoned him.


you think this is related to his cut?

It's not a cut.

I think this is a bite,
just not from a dinosaur,

and he's having a reaction to the venom.

In here.

- Is there an antivenom?
- I'm gonna find out.

- What can I do?
- Call poison control.

They need to inspect Emma.

We have to find and identify
the source of the bite

to know what to administer.

I'll go in the ambulance with him.

- I'll meet them on site.
- Okay.

And warn Monique to stay away.

If something poisonous is hiding
inside her dinosaur,

she could be next.

- Right here, guys.
- Okay.

- Let's lay it down right here.
- Got it.

Monique? Monique, are you here?


There you are. Oh, my God... wait.

What are you doing here?

Hank called me. I'm here to help.

Help how?

I'm not gonna let you
inside that thing's mouth.

What if it's deadly or something?

Well, then, Russel's dying.

Look, one of us has to do this.

Are you volunteering?

I... I... wait, wait, wait, wait.
Just come down.

Come down, come down.

All right.

Just make sure Hollywood
tells my story, okay?

- I love you.
- Love you.


- Wait.
- Oh, thank God.

Take these.

What am I supposed to do with these?

You want me to moonwalk?

It's better than nothing.

Yeah, you're right.

Very small.

Grown men wear these?

- Got that one on.
- Yeah.


Do you need some help? Just... let's go.

All right.


- So can you just...
- I got it, I got it.

Just don't look down.

It's a little better
than looking up right now,

but, uh...

Oh, my God.

Do you see anything in there?

Only my life flashing before my eyes.

But it's actually pretty dark.

Actually, really dark. I can't...

hey, I can't...

it's just dark and terrifying.


Here, here.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

That's a good idea.

So there we go. Now I can see.

Uh, it's pretty bony.

It smells funny in here.

Oh, God! The tongue moved.

What tongue?

Just hang on, Russel, okay?

Just hang on. We're almost there.

It wasn't a bite that caused this.

It was a sting, a scorpion sting.

Hey, Boris.


- Hank.
- Yeah.


How is Mr. Berger faring?

He'll be fine. But how did you...

Monique, you know Dr. Lawson.

Hello, Monique.

So you're the secret bidder.

Russel was in the process of brokering

our arrangement when he fell ill.

Monique has been kind enough
to come here herself

to finalize the details.

So Russel will be accompanying you

on your trip around the world.

Uh, his expertise
is particularly well-suited

for my current needs, as you know.

That's if he's well enough to travel.

He will be fine.

I'm happy to see you so... at home.

I have a lot to be thankful for.

But that's not why you came. What...

Your blood tests were normal.

You'll be cleared for the trial.

That's welcome news. Thank you, Hank.

- Did you hear that?
- I did.

Congrats on finding a buyer.

Well, the sale won't be
officially settled

until the auction.

But if Boris submits the winning bid,

we plan to donate Emma back

to Mongolia's Museum of Natural History,

where she belongs.

So now all you have to do, Boris,

is submit the winning bid

for a priceless prehistoric treasure.

I like my chances.

I can release you
as soon as the cramping ceases,

but you need to stay in bed.

For how long?

At least until your 27th week.

You'll be on bed rest.

No going to work, no going on vacation,

no going to the mailbox.

No going anywhere
that's farther than the fridge.

How could I do that for a day,

let alone for months?

You'll need help.

- Are you two...
- No.

We're just friends.

But we live together,

and I'll be taking care of her.

Well, there you go then.

I'll see you before you leave.

Can't let you do that.

Why not?

What about your research?

I can conduct most of it from home.

Still, I can't.

We can't.

Because you're worried I might
still be in love with you.

I don't want to take advantage of...


Um, working in the lab, I've had time

to think about things.

I... I know you care about my feelings.

Um, I... I realize

you may even care too much.

The way I feel about you has changed.

Um, I've outgrown that

the way I've outgrown the lab.

But I haven't outgrown our friendship.


Please be my friend,

and let me be yours.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Nice job getting Russel to us.

Nice job getting the antivenom
to Russel.

A lot of hospitals
don't even stock it anymore.

Hank, we decided not to
exercise the non-compete clause.

Keller came to see you.

He's a very persuasive lawyer
when he needs to be.

You are free to practice locally.

And we can keep the Hankmed name?

Aw, it's all yours, I can assure you.

Well, it seems like
our stock has dropped

quite a bit since Symphony chased us

all over the Hamptons
trying to acquire us.

I don't think this is how any of us

saw our investment playing out.

But Symphony looks forward to seeing you

whenever you bring your patients
into our hospital.

Good-bye, Dr. Lawson.

What, no lemon?

That's funny.

Thank you.

And for the tea too.

But seriously, Jeremiah,
you can't wait on me

hand and foot.

Uh, I don't intend to hover.

I understand that can become vexing.

I'll let you know if it does.

But so far, I've quite enjoyed it.


Hope you don't mind the intrusion.

I just... I didn't want Divya
to have to get up

to get the door if she was alone.

No problem. She's not alone.


So what have you got for me there?

I know it's a little early, but...

Thank you for not saying "premature."

I love it.

But for now, it'll be mine.

All right.

- You feeling better?
- I am.

Is she telling the truth?

In my experience,
Divya is a truthful person.

Well, she also has perfect timing.

With the summer ending,

it won't be as hard for Hankmed
to be Divya-less.

I hope my opinion
will still be solicited.

I can consult from the comfort
of my own bed,

an iPad P.A.

Hmm. Nice.

Speaking of division of labor,

I actually wanted to talk to you both.

Divya, I'm not sure if
Jeremiah's told you about our...

I'm up to speed.


Jeremiah, I understand your hesitation

to give Hankmed...

well, to give me your trust again.

But I have a proposal.

What if you could return to Hankmed

and not work with me at all?

How would that be possible?

You would be in charge, and I wouldn't.

Russel's been discharged.

That's great.

He said to thank
his fearless scorpion hunter.

Well, yeah.

We make a pretty good team.

We do.

Why does it always take a crisis

for this team to play well?

Why does it take a historic blizzard

or a fake auction sting

or an actual scorpion sting

for us to come together?

You mean why do we have
a troubled romance?



With my campaign

and your auction house,

I kind of feel like our passion
this summer

hasn't been for each other at all.

It's been for our personal ambitions.

It's not just this summer, Evan.

Our marriage has been on hold

since that crazy night it first began.

Hank's surgery and then Hank's recovery

and then my classes in the city.

I don't wanna go to Paris

if it's gonna keep us on hold.

And I don't want you not to

if it's gonna make you unhappy.

I-I think we need distance

from all the stuff
that's getting in the way

of our marriage.

There are four other council members.

I'm sure they'll be able
to handle things

for now, at least.

What about the promises you made?

I made some promises to you too.

Kristof can go to Paris.

Okay, then.

We'll take the time we need
to work through this.

First, we need to get married.


And then, we need to focus on us.

Exactly. We need to go

- to marriage counseling.
- On our honeymoon.

Marriage counseling.




All the luggage is prepared, sir.


I appreciate you coming out here
to see us off.

Just out of curiosity,
does your offer still stand?

You can take the Hank out of Hankmed?

Hankmed has another doctor,

one I trust completely.

He's agreed to run the practice
while I'm away.

This is quite spontaneous of you, Hank.

Will they survive?

They'll be fine.

The question is, will I?

I need some time away.

I need some distance,

some perspective.

And as hard as it may be,

I need to appreciate
that everything will be okay

even if I'm not around.

I see.

This would be different
from our arrangement

up until now, Hank.

In what way?

At this point,

I'm not interested
in sharing you anymore.

I would need a full commitment.

Any idea when you'll be back?

Maybe next summer?

And maybe not.

How long till we leave?

How fast can you pack?

I've always traveled light.