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05x07 - Chock Full O' Nuts

Posted: 04/24/24 16:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

I know you're talking to Dr. Van d*ke.


But does that mean you're done
talking to Hankmed?

Well, it depends
on what Hankmed is saying.

Forget tomorrow.

I'll have my attorney
look over the contract tonight.

Do you know if there is any
history of M.S. in your family?

I'm the first.

I share more than a surname with Boris.

He continues to push
for access to Shadow Pond.

Whatever he wants seems to be there.

There may be a clinical trial available

for your condition.

Once we finalize the protocols,

this will walk, talk, and smell
like a real clinical trial.

So the trap is nearly set.

I didn't have a crush on Divya.

I was in love with her.

I'm officially homeless.

Front door, back door, deadbolt, garage.



Did I wake you up? I am so sorry.

No, it's, uh...
I'm a light... light sleeper.

I'll try to be quieter next time.

Would you like a cup of hot cocoa?

Always helps me sleep.

Uh, I already brushed my teeth.

Jeremiah, I found this plant
and my cashmere throw

outside my bedroom door.

Yes, you left them down here.

Oh, I thought they made things
feel a little homier.

I can keep them in my room.

It'll make it feel homier up there.

Thank you. Good night.

Good night.

And thank you again, so much,
for letting me stay here.

Look, I understand that
this is inconvenient for you,

but the parameters are strict

for the first phase
of the clinical trial.


Why can't you come to Budapest?

The research team requires
participants to be in the U.S.

To ask those with weak bones and muscles

to travel such long distances
seems ill-conceived.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

But at the request
of the principal investigator,

the blood and muscle biopsies
must take place

at the trial's location.

Hank, it seems foolish to travel so far

with no guarantee of success.

Henry, Henry. Auction.

This is the most promising
protocol I've seen.

Milos, if there's anything else
you'd like to discuss,

please let me know.

I am happy to help.

Yeah, happy to help get you arrested,

you big, fat m*rder*r.

Thank you, Hank.

I will let you know
if there's anything else I need.

You didn't tell him about the auction.

No, I didn't.

Henry, I thought the plan
was to find out

what he's looking for at Shadow Pond.

I just want him to get
on that plane next week.

Boris is handling the auction.

Okay, good,

'cause Paige has been working
dawn to dusk,

cataloguing everything in the castle.

I'd be over there helping her,

but I have a "Q" and "A"
at the Y.M.C.A.,

followed by a meet and greet
at the U.J.A.

It's campaign events.

Yeah, that's probably for the best.

I'm sure Paige and her associates

know what they're doing.

Yeah. Talk about a win-win.

Boris finds out what Milos is after,

and my wife brings in a ton
of money for her auction house.

Plus, Boris gets to buy all new stuff.

So, actually, it's a win-win-win.

All right.

Will they be done cataloguing
by next Friday?

I mean, we need
to send Milos the catalogue

before he gets on a plane.

Yeah, they'll definitely
be done in time.

- We'll never be done in time.
- Oh, please.

Walk with me.

Nicole, more side lighting.

This is Sutton and Chesterfield,
not Craigslist.

I've had tighter deadlines than this.

Johann Baptist, without the "e."

He wasn't Haitian.

I did christie Brinkley's
estate... twice.

I love the smell of linseed
in the morning.

Should I ask the Hollands
to mail their check

from last week's estate auction?

They asked me to stop by
and pick it up in person...

the Hollands took a shine to you?

Go on your lunch hour. Giuseppe.

I have a lunch hour?

You're on speaker, Ken.

Guys, this is a big deal.

No more are you the little
concierge business that could.

You are being acquired
by Symphony Health.

That's a big company with big pockets.

k*ller Keller's gonna
slide you a big signing bonus.

Wha... we're not Carmelo Anthony.

Ev, you're with me, right?

I mean, you've got a wife now.

She's gonna want to buy things.

Show me the money.

Okay, so why are we still
arguing about paragraph 2B?

No, no, 2B is not just
Hankmed staff parking.

You want them to have easy access to you

- wherever you are, right?
- Makes sense.

Good point.

Ken, what are you doing?
Your breathing sounds labored.

I'm... I'm fine.

Listen, let's move on
to paragraph three.

Okay, the performance clause.

So Symphony says bonuses are dependent

on revenue-based goals.

You're gonna have to dig deep

mentally as well as physically
today, riders.

We need to inquire
about their marketing efforts

in the event original Hankmed patients

- start to thin out.
- Do you mind?

No, not at all.

Get off your phone.

It's not my fault my time
is more valuable than yours.

Who is he talking to?

It's Keller. It could be his mom.

All right, this hill
is going to k*ll you,

and it's a good thing. Punch it.

Bring it on, Ben.

Oh, please.

Hey, douchebag.

- Whoa!
- Ken?

Ken, are you okay?

All right, last stretch.
Give me all you got.

Three, two, one, sprint!

I think you might be overdoing it.

This guy obviously felt threatened

because I was leading the pack.

You were on a stationary bike.

People shouldn't push themselves

beyond their capabilities
when they spin.

Not everybody can be an elite rider.

I assume that's why you run.

But you should give it a try, Hank.

We got another
two-hour class this weekend.

Don't worry, you can dial down
the resistance to zero.

No one's gonna know.

Thank you so much.

Maybe Hankmed should get a lawyer

who doesn't do his negotiating
out of a health club.

What are you talking about?

You should be grateful
that your in-house counsel

is also part Hankmed owner,

not to mention an incredibly
successful uber agent.

You want a lucrative deal,
I am your guy.

Hey, there's your bus ad.

I look forward
to finding out the bottom line

tomorrow, when I see Shelby.

She called you?

What did she say? Tell me everything.

Well, she called to ask if
I could come in for a meeting.

That was it.

Oh, no, no, no. Rookie mistake.

You and Evan do not see her

without me present
while we're negotiating.

Evan won't be there.

He'll be on a State of the Dunes tour.

- Wait, a what?
- A State of the Dunes...

That was rhetorical. I so don't care.

Look, here's the bottom line.

I am the hard shell.
You're the soft underbelly.

- I'm a big boy, Ken.
- Oh, yeah?

Well, how are you gonna answer
when she asks

if she can have an amendment
stating that you will weigh in

on complicated cases
at regional Symphony hospitals?

Considering I'm a doctor,
and I took an oath...


You ask if you're getting
reimbursed for gas,

not to mention wear and tear
on that piece of crap you drive.


- Oh, I'm so sorry.
- Yeah.

Your work better not
leave a scar, big boy.

All right, I hope you're all
exhilarated but exhausted.

Nice work.

Hey, Ken.

You have to abide
by the rules of the road.

- No more phones in class.
- He's right.

Thank you!

No, it wasn't my fault.
I told him not to call me here.

I don't really know him.

Sorry I was so dramatic when I called.

Wendy, the packaging looks great.

Tomorrow, will you please
show me the secret

to getting your caramel
that perfect golden shade

every time you make it?

There's no secret. It's just instinct.

Is that 1/8 of a teaspoon that
you're drizzling on each one?

I don't measure it.
I just know when it's right.

Okay. That's done.

And since you didn't come here to learn

how to make a perfect caramel,

um, back to me.

I think I was having a panic attack

when I called you earlier.

I, um... my chest felt a little tight.

That's a symptom, right?

Or maybe I was panicking
because my chest felt tight.

Anyway, I feel fine now.

I'm really sorry
for wasting your time, Divya.

It is not a problem.

Since I'm here,
why don't I check your vitals?


You know, the last time I was here,

you were just moving in.

And now it looks
like you've lived here forever.

Your kitchen is just charming.

It's like the perfect little...

Perfect little nest.

Um, how are you?

Are you still seeing the polo player

you were so into last summer?

No. No, it was a short romance.

Your blood pressure is fine.
Let's take your temperature.

So how's your business going?

Thousands of pounds of candy later,

it's expanding from East Hampton
to the Upper East Side,

and everywhere in between.

Oh, my gosh, that's wonderful.

Yeah, and stressful.

These are not done right.

I'm in the process, actually,
of hiring a confectioner

and website designer and a P.R. person.

I don't know, all these new people

are kind of making me
feel a little bit...



I started this business
so I could work for myself,

you know, by myself.

Now I'm gonna be the boss.


And I don't know how
this is gonna go down,

because all the recipes are in here.

I know by taste, not a timer,
when each piece is done,

and every piece is a work of art to me.

How do you teach that to people?

I don't know.

But I do know that
you don't have a temperature.

Your heart rate is a little
fast, but within normal range.

It sounds like you have a lot
to be excited about.

But if you get too excited,
please give me a call?

Will do.

Chocolate peanut caramel expl*si*n?

I thought you'd never ask.


Ugh, redo it.

- Pour vous.
- Merci beaucoup.

Et possiblement pour moi.

The Red Square.

When I went to pick up the check,

the Hollands offered to sell it to me

for 25% of the appraised value.


In appreciation for all my hard work.

I took it on memo so
Evan and I could think about it.

What is there to think about?

You've talked about this piece all week.

I don't know.

If you don't buy it, I will.

It's a steal.


As soon as my phone is done charging,

I'm gonna call Evan.

Oh, sweetie, it doesn't charge
if you don't plug it in.

It is charging,
on the wireless charging pad.

I like it.

Cords are so clumsy.

Your first call needs
to be to the Hollands,

before they change their minds.

You're right.

I love it, and I'm buying it.

I had no idea spinning was so intense.

Yeah, most of these guys
are high-powered

something or others who don't lose.

Everything they do is to the extreme.

I know because I used to be one of them.

Oh, really?

I didn't take you
for a corporate refugee.

I got sucked into wall street
after college

by the prospect
of making a really good living.

But this, this is really good living.

Yes, it is.

Sounds like you made the right decision.

I'm sure you get this
all the time, as a doctor,

but I was wondering, can I
ask you a medical question?

Yeah, sure. What's going on?

I've been having some jaw pain lately.

Okay. How long?

A few weeks.

Do you think it could be T.M.J.?

Could be. Let me take a look.

Uh, open.

Close. Open.

Pain on both sides?

No, just the right.

Okay, I got a few minutes.

I can do a diagnostic nerve block.

It's a quick test to determine

if the pain is from T.M.J.
or another cause.

Yeah, I'm game.

Okay, great.

Let's do it over here.

I'm going to inject Lidocaine
into the skin

below the jaw line.

If the pain is relieved
instantly, it suggests T.M.J.


Still hurt?



It may be an impacted
wisdom tooth or cavity.

Do you have a dentist?

- I have three in my next class.
- Oh.

I really appreciate this, Hank.

I was going to put them
in Jeremiah's garage,

but I can't.

Too full?

Too flawless.

He prefers that you take your shoes off

before walking into it.

- Please, let me help.
- No.

My landlord swears that
my place is going to be ready

in three weeks.

Divya, I told you, let me do this.

They're too heavy for you.

I feel like I should help.
It's my stuff.

You can help by letting me do it.

Oh, did I tell you
that I figured out a way

to turn my walk-in closet
into a nursery?

And since my landlord
has to take the place

down to the studs,

he's agreed to put a window into it.

- That's great.
- Yeah.

And he's repainting anyway,
so I can pick the colors.

I didn't want to go with
the traditional blues or pinks,

so I am trying to decide between

baby turtle, Cancun sand,
or Dorian Gray.

Dorian Gray. That paint never gets old.

All right.

You know, I thought that this mold thing

was going to be terrible,

but it turns out I'm getting
a whole remodel out of it.

I guess you could say
you've found the fungal lining.

Wasn't that funny, was it? All right.

Our first piece of serious art.

Isn't it beautiful?

It's... a nice... box.

You know, sometimes you have
to live with a piece

before you love it.

But trust me,
this is a beautiful sculpture,

and a great investment.

An investment?

Oh, God, how much did we invest?


We paid this for that?

The Red Square is worth
three times what I paid.

Our nest egg might
have a little crack in it,

but trust me, this is worth it.

Our nest egg is for emergencies.

Or, I don't know,
maybe one day our own house.

Unless we can live in The Red Square.

I didn't spend it all.

And, Evan, this is a major work.

Paige, this is a major purchase.

Major purchases
need to be discussed, okay?

- That's what married people do.
- Really?

Like we did when you leased that
expensive car for the summer?

That was a professional investment.

Perception's everything, with what I do.

This is... this is crazy.

This is beautiful.

But if I have to explain to you why...

You know what, okay,
I do need you to explain it,

because I'm looking at it,
and I'm thinking,

a kindergartner could trip on some paint

and make better art than this.

I would buy you a copy
of Art For Dummies,

but I don't think you'd understand it.

What's to understand?

It's a red box.

What I don't understand
is how you could think

I would want to look at this
for the next 50 years.

It sounds to me
like what you're saying is

that you don't trust that I know
what I'm doing at my job.

You mean the unpaid internship
you've had for a few weeks?


- It's unacceptable.
- It's boiler plate.

Hankmed will not move forward
if the time off policy

isn't described in detail in
the fringe benefits paragraph.

I'm trying not to get alarmed,

but what should I read
into your knee-jerk objection

to every single indemnity provision?

We have a fiduciary duty
to our board of directors...

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Time off policy?

Your lawyer wants me to write in

a certain number of paid vacation days.

Trust me, you're going
to want it in writing.

Keller, I don't really
take my vacations as it is,

so I think we can agree and move on.

We're on page 4 of 54,
and I have patients to see.

Maybe we should
tackle earn outs tomorrow.

- Maybe.
- Sorry, I'm booked.

Well, cancel your spin class.

Spin class?

We need to speak privately.

Uh, okay?

Oh, wow.

Listen to me. Stop undermining us.

She can smell your impatience.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

This is why I hate
negotiating with women.

Look at this.

Shelby? Shelby, would you like a break?

Oh, no need.

I'm used to pushing forward on bad days.

"Bad days"?

Wait, what does she mean by "bad days"?

Is she sick?

Tell me. Maybe we can use it.

Okay, I'll tell you what, Shelby.

You can have a permanent break.

If you don't erase
these conflicting terms,

we are walking.

Go ahead.

Come on.

- Are you...
- I'm fine.

We're walking. Walk.

I guess we're walking.

- Bye, Shelby.
- Bye.


I've decided not to keep it.

So your husband vetoed it.

- Mr. Berger?
- Yes, Matthew?

Would you like
the dining table and chairs

to be listed as a single lot?

This conversation sounds familiar,

and not in a nostalgic way.

We spoke about
the downstairs chippendale.

I'm referring to
the upstairs Italian empire.

Single lot.

I have to sell it.

You are obviously a neophyte

to the world of domestic squabbles.

This was our first real fight
as a married couple.

Well, if you and your hubby traded barbs

about the square in the room,

wait till it's out of the room.

Do you still want to buy it?

I'm sure I can find a buyer.

And I'll take my commission, of course.

- Hey.
- Hey.

J.T. or Jay-Z?

Uh, Run-D.M.C.

Yeah? All right.


So I got a call from your dentist.

Yeah, yeah. He didn't find anything.

Which is a relief, because on the bike,

I'm no pain, no gain,

but kind of wimpy
in the dentist's chair.

But the jaw pain is worse.


Have you had any injuries to the area?


Well, there was an angry ex-girlfriend.

Not that area.

Jaws are hard to break,

but all it takes
is hitting it just right,

and you can get a hairline fracture.

Like I said, I'm a wimp.

I would remember an injury.


Well, this would be unusual,

but arthritis can start in the jaw,

so I'd like to draw some blood to test

your erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

The sed rate reveals
the inflammatory activity

in your body.

I'm gonna choose not to focus
on the word "arthritis."

- I think that's wise.
- Okay.

I'm gonna, um, I'm gonna
set up right over there.

Hey, when am I gonna see you on a bike?

I will be in your class tomorrow.

I hope I can keep up,

or "k*ller" Keller will never
let me hear the end of it.

That guy is an animal in here.

It's cutthroat.

It's worse than wall street.

Oh, great. Sounds like a blast.

Come on down.

Uh, have you been teaching a lot today?

No, my first class
of the day starts shortly.

Yesterday I thought you were
having difficulty walking

'cause you had on your cycling shoes.

Have you experienced
any tingling or numbness

in your legs or feet?

Uh, yeah, my feet have
been a little numb,

but they get that way
when my shoes are on too tight.

Right. Are they numb now?

Uh, yeah. I guess they are.


I want to check your reflexes.

Have a seat up here.


Well, your response is normal.

I want to do a C.T.


It's just a diagnostic tool.

I mean, facial migraines can produce

a deep, dull pain in the jaw.

This may be nothing more than that,

but I'd like to rule out
other possibilities as well.

All right.



Hey, I... I called to see
how you were doing.

I probably couldn't hear the phone ring

over the blare
of the smoke alarm going off.

What happened?

I accidentally left a spatula
on a cookie sheet,

and now there's plastic melted
all over my ruined oven.

That explains the smell.

Yeah, and I still owe
over 100 dozen caramels,

and I haven't even started

on my Belgian chocolate pretzels.

What happened to your new assistant?

I had so much to do,
I had to give her the day off.

And I know that that sounds nuts,

but she asks so many questions,

and she wants to write everything down,

and it's really inefficient.

Okay, what actually troubles me

is the sound of your chest.


- Okay, let's step outside.
- I can't.

I really need to be in the kitchen.

- I have...
- Okay.

Look at me. Inhale.

And hold as long as you can.


You're wheezing,
and you're short of breath.

Have you ever suffered from asthma?


I want to schedule a chest X-ray
and pulmonary function test.

What about my deadline?

I've got a delivery truck
coming tonight,

and no oven.

I need to get permission,

but I may know of a kitchen
that you can use.

Um... okay.

No problem.

Yes, I'm sure.

You're welcome.

Oh, why couldn't I just say no?

Were you talking to Divya?

There's your answer.

Good news, Ben. Your C.T. was clean.

Not such good news for me,

'cause I probably won't get out
of taking your class tomorrow.

Do I have to wear bike shorts?

Okay, good.

I've been a little concerned

ever since I found out
Divya was moving in with you,

knowing how you feel,

'cause sharing space
with anybody can be tricky,

even if it's someone
you know really well.

Even with me and Paige, I mean, sure,

we've definitely had some...

I wouldn't say problems, but hiccups,

adjustments to living together.

Nothing major, just...

Women can be very touchy about stuff.

She bought a plant
and a blanket kind of thing.

That's exactly what I'm talking about.

They see something, they want it,

they have to have it,

even if it's utterly ridiculous,

even if it's nonsensical
and ugly as sin.

Well, I wouldn't call it ugly.
It's just a little bright.

You know what, though?

Once you talk it over,
you get through it.

And I think she'll understand
where I was coming from,

and we'll be stronger for it,
in the end.

Well, she promised
she'll clean it all up.

All what up?

This kitchen is bigger than my house.

I can't believe you get to cook in here.

I'm afraid to. It's so perfect.

Hey, am I putting too much on?

Nope. That is perfect.

I don't know why you're worried

about having employees.

I mean, you're a wonderful boss.

My reputation, though, it's, you know,

built on consistency.

My customers know when they bite

into one of my chocolate turtles,

they're gonna get a rich
and velvety chocolate turtle

every time.

Your new staff is going
to know your recipes

before you know it.

It just takes time to develop
a team that you trust.

I guess I'll find out
if my instincts apply

to people or just to candy.

Okay, now that's too much.

See? Was that hard?


I loved it.

So if I love bossing you around,

why am I so anxious?

Well, maybe you're apprehensive

about sharing your space.

My kitchen? Huh.

I love it, but I'm not
that particular about my space.

Are you?

I've never really thought
about it before now,

but I suppose I am.

I mean, having someplace where
you feel at home is important.

Mm. That is perfect.

Really good batch.

I haven't sampled them yet.

Oh, wow.

This is like the perfect
confectionary storm.

Come here. I see you're choking.

Stay calm and relax your body.

Stop struggling.

Come on.

You okay?

The barium swallow revealed
that you have

esophageal strictures,

which is the narrowing of the esophagus

that causes difficulty in swallowing,

and in your case, caused you to choke.

How did I get it?

All the stress that you've been under

has taken a toll and caused acid reflux.

Is there a way to treat it?

You need an outpatient procedure

known as balloon dilation
to break down the scar tissue.

It's done very quickly by endoscopy.

Okay, great.

I will schedule that...

Call Wendy.

She can wrap up the orders for delivery,

and I'll take you now to meet

with an interventional radiologist.

But it won't take long. It's...

Your business requires you
to constantly sample your candy.

The risk of you choking again
is too great.

What if, the next time, you're alone?

But I haven't shown her how I...


Greer, you have to start
being the boss sometime.

You're right.

You're right.


I got your favorite...

strawberry mint chip.

It's your favorite.

Oh. Sorry.

No need to apologize.

It's just a table.

An empty table.

Well, I, uh, I bought
the extra large container...

You bought it without consulting me?

I'm on a deadline, Evan.

Right. But, uh, when you're done...


I am so sorry. Don't worry.

I'm going to clean this entire kitchen

from top to bottom.

It is going to look
exactly as you left it,

even better.

I promise.

Do you prefer this photo
of the Biedermeier,

or this photo?

Um, this one.

It highlights the markings
on the secretary desk.

The light is better.

You were right about The Red Square.

Getting rid of it
has only made things worse.

You want it back.

I never should have let it go.

Now all I feel
is resentment towards Evan.

You know, I thought he would get it.

But he doesn't need
to understand why I love it.

He just needs to respect
that it's important to me.

I have to have it.

And Evan and I, we'll just have
to work through it.

Oh, dear.


I already sold it.


I'm sleeping.

Okay. Sorry.


I need to talk.

I'm listening.

I think I made a mistake.

A really big mistake.

Is this about Greer?

No. No.

Greer is fine,
though she was an accomplice.

It's about me and Jeremiah.


Roommate issues?

To say the least.

I've never thought of myself
as inconsiderate,

but at Jeremiah's house,
I'm a nightmare of a guest.

Oh, please. I doubt that.

I let Greer use his kitchen,

and let's just say we made a mess of it.

Honestly, out of all
the kitchens in all the world.

I shouldn't find it funny,
but it was such a disaster.

- Did Jeremiah laugh?
- No.

Oh. Okay.

Not even a little.

Sounds like
you're having second thoughts

about staying there.

I am.

Well, you're welcome to stay here,

once I move all your boxes again.

No. Can't do that.

Hey, you already have.

I mean, you are crashed on my lounger.

I am, aren't I?

Yes, you are.


If I've learned anything from this,

it's that I do better living alone.

It's more my style.

Well, you can't for much longer.

I mean, pretty soon, you'll
have someone sharing your space.

And they'll be sharing it
for, like, the next 18 years,

possibly more.

Is that what's been bothering you?


Okay, well, at least
it's not keeping you up.

Good talk, Div.

All right, everybody,
feel that sunshine.

Way better than a corner office.

I'm feeling it.

I'm gonna turn up my resistance
a little bit.

Yeah, so am I.

All right, we all warmed up?


Oh, all right, then. Let's race.

Really, Shackleford?
What are you doing here?

What, I'm sensitive
to your client's needs,

and he wants to close this deal.

You're not sensitive to my client.

You're stalking him.

Your shoes match your outfit.

I didn't know they made spanx for men.

You know, they make spanx
for women, too.

I do.

Those would probably fit you better.

Okay, stop it. Stop it now.

You're both children. Off your bikes.

Off. Off.

Get a room, and don't come out

until the deal's been finalized.


- Fine.
- Fine.

- You're welcome.
- All right, everybody.

Time to get that upper body
sexy and strong.

We're gonna do push-ups, sets of eight.

Here we go.

One, two...

What happened?

It feels like my brain is being shocked.

Does it hurt at the base of your skull?


I think the pain you feel is 'cause

you have an arterial tear in your neck.

We need to get you to the E.R. now.

The M.R.I. confirmed a separation

of the layers in the arterial wall.

- That sounds serious.
- It can be.

But we're lucky we discovered it

before it led to a blood clot
and caused a stroke.

Why did it tear?

vertebral dissections can occur

from traumatic injury, like whiplash,

but even vigorous exercise
can damage the artery.

So the healthiest thing I do gave me

the most serious medical problem
I've ever had?

I noticed you get really into the music

during your spin class.

That constant bobbing motion of the head

may have caused it.

But I can teach again?

With drug therapy, you should be back

to spinning before you know it.

But maybe leave the headbanging
to the hair metal bands.

This looks like the right color.

It is.

I read the radiologist's report.

Your dilation was successful.

How is your throat feeling?

Fine. Not even sore.

Pickup's in an hour.

I would like to do a spirometry test

to measure your airflow.

It won't take long.


Now take a deep, deep breath,

and breathe out as hard as you can.



Keep going, keep going, keep
going, keep going, keep going,

go, go, go.

Perfect. Great.

It looks like your breathing
is returning to normal.

Courtesy of Wendy
and my two new confectioners.

I called and they came
and fixed the oven,

started working their magic.

They really picked up the slack.

That's wonderful.

But to prevent the stricture
from forming again,

we need to deal with the
underlying cause, your stress.

Well, now that I'm not trying
to do everything myself,

I'm actually okay with being bossy.

Here. Taste this.


It's too sweet.

Believe it or not,
the secret to sweetness

is actually salt.

Here, I'll show you.

I got a good deal, too.

The guy waived his commission.

I cleaned everything as best as I could.

I hope I got everything.

You missed two things.

You didn't have to do that.

I don't even know why I brought them.

I was being pushy.

No, you... you were nesting.

That's what pregnant women do,

according to my research.

You're also experiencing an increase

in progesterone and estrogen levels.

I think you're right.

I've had nesting on my brain.

But this is your home,

and I'm intruding.

You can stay here
as long as you need to.

As long as you want to.

I know how particular you are
about your space.

I want to work on that.

Are you sure?

Well, I'll be a better guest.


- Hey.
- Hey.

The hospital told me you were here.

- Mm-hmm.
- That's a nice room.

Yeah, I've been here so long
they let me redecorate.

So I hear we finally have a deal.

Yeah, now all we need
is an actual contract.

Signed, sealed, and delivered.

Hey, is that the messenger?

Is that...

I think you're gonna be very pleased

- with what we worked out.
- I know I am.


- You said "get a room."
- Would you be a dear

and get me a turkey sandwich
from room service?

Light on the mayo, extra mustard,

and bread and butter pickles?

- Absolutely.
- Thank you.

Okay, get that look off your face.

We are consenting adults,

and our Hankmed business is handled.

- I didn't say anything.
- No, you didn't have to.

Welcome to my personal life.

I make sure that I get
my fair share of fun

whether it makes sense on paper or not.

Are you gonna stay for room service?

Uh, actually, I think
I'll take a rain check on that,

but maybe we'll all grab a drink later.

- Yeah, that sounds fun.
- Okay.

I look forward to working
with you and with Symphony.


Oh, by the way, don't you have
a patient in Hungary?


I just got the weirdest phone
call from a doctor in Budapest

about a clinical trial,
and he mentioned you.

Yeah, my European patient's
interested in a local trial.

What did you tell the doctor?

I said I didn't know anything about it.

But that if Hank Lawson is
involved, I'm sure it's great.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Enjoy your bread and butter pickles.


You know...

it kind of grows on you.

- Art can do that.
- Hmm.

Is it part of a collection?

Is there, like, an orange circle
or a blue triangle?

I've always wanted a green crescent.

That's why I'm asking.

Are you comparing our piece
to lucky charms?

How did you catch that? Yes!


All right.

So, took us a while,

but I'm really glad
we're finally doing this.

Me too. Budgets are important.



Um, does that look like
a reasonable amount

to spend on entertainment every month?

Yeah, looks good to me.
If we want to spend more,

we'll just talk to each other
about it first.


All right, next category,
beauty products.

- Mm-hmm.
- Ooh.

Skin care looks a little high.

Um, I'm gonna ask you to take your hand

and rub the back of it
on my face, gently.

- Ooh, say no more.
- That's what I'm talking about.

Okay, moving right along.

- To us.
- Cheers.

To the newest members
of Symphony Health,

I want to be the first to say
welcome to the family.

Thank you, Shelby.

We are so excited to be on board.

I want to thank both of you

for going above and beyond
the call of duty

and hammering out the finer
points of this new relationship.

Oh, Evan, you have no idea.

This deal must be very different

from your usual sports deals.

- No, negotiating's negotiating.
- Yeah.

When you're the best at
what you do, it doesn't matter

if it's an athlete's contract or Hank's.

Wow, you're really a legend
in your own mind, huh?


Yeah, of course.

I understand.

What's up?

That was Boris.

Everything all right?

The men he had trailing Milos
lost track of him.

Maybe I screwed up.

Maybe I... maybe I gave Milos
too much information.

You think he got suspicious of the plan?

I hope not.

What if he figured out Boris is alive?

If he did, what do we do?

I don't know, Evan. I don't know.

I mean, I've never done
something like this before.

Well, we know what happened
to the last guy

Milos got suspicious of.
He had him k*lled.

Actually, he did it himself.

In the middle of the street.