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05x02 - Blythe Spirits

Posted: 04/24/24 16:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

So you sure you're up
for resuming your full schedule?

Yeah, I'm sure, Ev. Dmitry's back.

Do you really think
he had something to do

- with Boris' death?
- I don't know,

but I'm gonna find out.

How much longer will the E.R. be closed?

A company called Symphony is negotiating

to buy the hospital,

but the regulatory approval
is taking forever.

I wanted to give you this
as soon as possible.

This is a cease and desist order.

The use of a home professional office

shall be prohibited.

Yes, this is Divya.

No, that can't be right.

I'm pregnant.

Great, when he gets out of court

would you please just have him
call me back asap?

Evan R. Lawson, C.F.O. of Hankmed.

What's it regarding?
It's regarding the frivolous,

vexatious, and overreaching
cease and desist order,

and it's urgent. End call.

Dmitry, hi.

Give me heart attack.

Sorry about that.

I didn't know you were staying here too.

Oh, as executor of Boris' estate,

I visit here on occasion,
but I stay in hotel.

Sleeping in my friend's house is...

Too many memories.

You, on the other hand, Evan...

Yeah, Boris would be very happy

that his house is not abandoned.

- Have fun.
- Thanks, man.

I have been.

And I only got lost twice!

Well, you are indeed pregnant.

This must be complicated news to process

given your medical history.

Hey, Jeremiah.

How was your first post-craniotomy run?

Uh, for a first
post-craniotomy run, not bad.

Am I late, or are you early?

Oh, I took care of the preparations

so that we could begin
precisely at 9:00.

Listen, I'm not sure
an exam is necessary.

I mean, I'm only taking
the narcotics you prescribed

before I go to bed, so...

I can't clear you to drive
without performing a full exam.



Hey, did you hear Hamptons Heritage

is being bought by Symphony Health?

I'd prefer if we didn't chitchat

while I'm listening to your lungs.

O... kay. Right.

Yeah, they asked for a meeting tomorrow.

Guess they want to meet the locals.


Sorry. Sorry.

Sounds clear. We can chitchat now.

Oh, is a... is a blood draw
really necessary?

Uh, do you prefer the left arm
or your right?

You know, I think
this very exam might be

a violation of our cease
and desist order, so...

I wondered about that, so, um,

I did some research.
The cease and desist

pertains specifically
to commercial activities, so...

Since there's no monetary
exchange, there's no violation.

- Okay.
- Left or right?

Hank, I won't clear you to drive
without drawing blood.


You didn't just grow a beard in Iceland.

You grew some... pluck.

I didn't realize
your first dinner at Shadow Pond

would be so formal.

Evan has been watching way
too much Downtown Abbey.



Did you see your ob/gyn?

Did she confirm your pregnancy?


How are you feeling?

Are you gonna tell the boys
at dinner tonight?

I've been stalling them

on why you weren't cleared
for insurance.

This is just all
so unexpected and crazy.

I can't even imagine...

No, you definitely can't imagine,

because everything always
works out perfectly for you.

You know, to be honest, I wish that...

You didn't know about my situation,

and I would appreciate it if
you would keep it to yourself.

Hey, Ev, I just finished up,
so I'll be a little late,

but I'm on my way.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

No, no, no, don't move.

Please, stay still. You could exacerbate

any injuries you might ha...


Are you okay?

Now what am I supposed to do?

Well, you can start

by letting me take a look at you.

Okay! Back off.

I'm a doctor.

- Yeah, sure you are.
- I... look, I am.

I don't need a doctor, okay?

What I do need is help flipping
my car back over!

Can you handle that?

Yes, I can. We should call your parents.

That's not going to happen.

Well, if you're not gonna
help me, my friends will.

Listen, either we call your
parents, or I call the police.

Hi, officer. I'm a doctor.

The young woman was driving the vehicle

and seems to have somehow
come out of it okay.

Her father's on the way.

No, he's, uh, he's already here.

I'm the lucky dad.

Molly, I want you to look me in the eye

and tell me you're okay.

I don't know how many times
I have to say it...

I'm okay! Never better.

Thrilled to be here!

Good, good. Then you'll walk for me.

Heel to toe, straight line. Go ahead.

You think
I've been drinking and driving?

Hey, show me you haven't.
Go ahead, walk.

Happy, officer?

Oh, yeah. I'm thrilled to be here.

And judging from the skid marks,

I'm gonna have to write you up
for speeding

and breaking your curfew.
And as far as paying

for the damages on the car?

That's a whole separate conversation.

I wasn't speeding!

And I wouldn't have even been
slightly rushing

if I didn't have that stupid curfew!

You wouldn't have the stupid curfew

if you hadn't failed algebra
and ended up in summer school.

Okay, we'll discuss it at home. Come on.

Listen, you should get her
checked out tonight

by your family doctor.

I mean, even though Molly
was wearing her seat belt

and seems fine, that was quite
a tumble she took.

Or I could do a full exam.

Hank Lawson. You're kind of famous

in first-responder circles around here,

but my department's H.M.O.

doesn't cover concierge doctors, so...

Yeah, well, still, I'd be happy to...

Listen, you've done
a lot already, so thank you.

And, uh, thank you for calling me,

'cause Molly wouldn't have on her own.

Get in the car.

Please do have your daughter looked at.


I've got the driver.

The scene is yours.

"That section 521.20 of
the above-entitled ordinance"

"amended by changing
the zoning districts."

Now that's just stupid.


Hey, Paige.


Did you hear something just now?

Zoning. Stupid.

No, not me...

That... do you hear that?

I think someone's here.

- Paige, someone's here.
- It's just the house settling.

The house is over a hundred years old.

Shouldn't it be settled by now?

Hey, what are you doing in Boris' file?

Searching for evidence

that Hankmed could somehow
be grandfathered in

to Shadow Pond's old zoning ordinances.

Our lawyer said to look for our lease.

There's confidential
information in there

about Boris' family's medical history.

You think I care

about Boris' family's
medical history right now?

I'm trying to save Hankmed,
thank you very much.

But if I could find that lease,

then Blythe freakin' Ballard can go...

cease and desist herself.

Are you running again?

Yeah, yeah. It feels great
to get back out there.

You don't look great.

Just... just don't overdo it, Henry, okay?

You know, the hankies,

they may be back doctoring
at Hamptons Heritage,

but they're just a phone call away.

Evan, stop it. I feel great, okay?

Right. All right,
go clean yourself up, then.

- Okay.
- Just hurry.

Staff meeting starts in a few minutes.

What? Staff meeting?

Are you sure we can still
conduct business here?

Well, we're not allowed
to treat patients here,

but if that she-devil thinks
she can stop us from talking

to one another in a free,
democratic society...

What do the other neighbors

think about Hankmed
seeing patients here?


we don't know any of our neighbors.

Yeah, the closest one lives
in a different zip code.

Then maybe you should get to know them.

Let them get to know you.

All right, we don't have time
for meet and greets right now.

Come on, we're engaged in combat.

So fight back...
But do it Hamptons style.

Host an open house.

A high society schmoozefest.

- Get everyone else on our side.
- Exactly.

New money settles problems with lawyers.

Old money?
Settles problems with cocktails.


Ready? This is going to hurt a little.

Have your way with me, honey.



Ooh, well done, Ms. Katdare.

I'm gonna take another X-ray
to make sure,

but I think we got
your finger back in place.

"We"? You did all the work.

You did supply the finger.

And the shame.

For the amount of time
I spend in hotel rooms,

it is mortifying
that I would leave my luggage

in the middle of the room
and proceed to trip over them.

On my rush to the bathroom, no less.

I'm such a klutz, I would trip
over a cordless phone.

Do you travel a lot?

I'm on the road more than Willie Nelson.

- Well, that's got to be tough.
- Oh, it's divine.

The idea of being tied down
gives me the heebie-jeebies.

- Ready?
- Mm-hmm.

You know, I have to admit

I was a little skeptical
when you waltzed in here.

I was expecting a doctor.

Oh, Dr. Lawson was busy this morning.

On the back nine?

- No.
- Ah.

Hank is not that type of doctor.

He was with a patient

when he heard you had a dislocation,

and he didn't want you to wait
and suffer in pain.

Oh, sounds like Dr. Lawson

and Hankmed deserve
their sterling reputation.

- Ms. Shackleford...
- Oh, Shelby, please.

Shelby, I'd like to see you
again and do a head M.R.I.

For a dislocated finger?

Are you trying to up my fee, or is there

some anatomical secret I'm unaware of?

Earlier, I saw an old bruise
on your arm.

Did you have another fall recently?

Oh, I am a magnificent klutz.

You also have a slight tremor.

Rushing to the bathroom could be
related to bladder issues,

and with this cluster of symptoms,

I'd feel more comfortable
ruling out other causes.

- Like what?
- I would not want to speculate.

Since it happens to be me

you'd be speculating about, go for it.


Do you know if there is any
history of M.S. in your family?

I know for certain there is not.

I am the first.

You have M.S.


Thanks for coming.

As a doctor who makes house calls,

I couldn't resist
my first houseboat call.

How's Molly?

She saw our family doctor
last night and got the A-okay,

but I'm worried.

She's been throwing up all day,

and our doctor can't fit us in
before my shift starts.

And I wasn't able to hit an atm,

so I'm hoping that you'll...
you'll take a check?

- Oh, not from you.
- Oh.

Maybe the next time
my brother gets pulled over

for tweeting while driving,

you can lock him up
for a couple of weeks.

You okay?

Yeah, it's nothing. I'm made of steel.

Of course you are.

Part of the job description.

Thing is, every time I take an
X-ray of someone made of steel,

I never see the steel.

Look, I have these ulcers,

but I take antacids,
and they do the trick, so...

antacids aren't a treatment for ulcers.

Maybe you want to get a blood
test, see what's going on.

Thanks, but it's not me
you're here to see, so...

and I'd like to keep it that way.

Look, I'm happy to do the test,

but if not me, I'm sure
your H.M.O. can handle it.

How long ago were you diagnosed?


- Not mine, Molly's.
- Oh.

Hey, come on.

So how many times did you throw up?

Four or five.

Four or five?

Okay, grab your shoes.
We're going to the E.R.

Um, you know what?
Maybe it was only three times.

Okay, but five, four, three...
any vomiting after an accident

like the one you had can be serious.

I'm telling you, I feel fine, okay?

It was probably something bad
that I ate.

Right, or it could be

a serious head injury
from flipping your car over.

Molly, we can't take any chances, okay?

Let's go. Grab your stuff.

If if I tell you something...

Does it stay here?

If you mean will I tell
your dad, the answer's no.

I won't break your confidentiality

unless it's something life-threatening.

That being said, he's your father,

and I'm sure he'd want to know.

Look me in the eye and promise.

I promise.

I didn't throw up. Not once.

I just didn't want to go
to summer school.

Molly, if you don't want to go
to summer school,

that's one thing.

But fabricating a medical condition

and lying to your father
about it isn't the answer.

Unless you're trying
to make his ulcer worse.

So now you're a family shrink?


I'm a doctor who just had
his time wasted,

and the man out there is a father

who's worried his daughter
might have a serious injury.

And you're a young lady who
seems too smart to have missed

the big wake-up call
you should have gotten

when you flipped your car over
last night.

Dr. Matthews, call 316 please.

Dr. Matthews, call 316.

Dr. Lawson.

Shelby Shackleford,

V.P. of acquisitions
for Symphony Health.

- Dr. Shackleford.
- Oh, call me Shelby.

- Call me Hank.
- Thank you so much

for coming in.

Welcome to the brand-new
Hamptons Heritage.

Thanks. It's nice to be back here.

- Mm.
- What did you do to your hand?

Oh, I tripped over a tumi.

I thought it was serious
until your P.A. came in

- and treated me.
- You're a client?


When a P.A. showed up
instead of a doctor,

I thought I'd been sold
a bill of goods...

But Divya is amazing.

She is, she is.

And she did tell me about treating you,

I just didn't realize you were you.

- Oh, I am, in fact, me.
- Yes, you are.

You are a lifesaver for getting
this E.R. opened up again.

Oh, it was our number one priority

after we finished the deal
to acquire Hamptons Heritage.

And you're renovating it.

It's something we do with
all the hospitals we acquire.

We believe that environment
plays a key role in health care.

You should feel better the
second you walk into a hospital,

but even more important
is upgrading the technology.

You'll be amazed.

Your labs will come back
to you lightning fast.

We believe in a whole new way
of hospitaling... people first.

- The way it should be.
- Mm-hmm.

Well, Hankmed has enjoyed
a very good relationship

with Hamptons Heritage,

and we look forward to working with you.

Oh, I'm so glad to hear you say that.

Hank, we want to open up
a concierge department here

that treats people
in their homes like you do,

but building that kind of business

from scratch isn't easy.

Like my mother used to say,
"sometimes the best biscuits"

"are the ones already on the table."

I'm from New Jersey, so biscuits...

We want to buy Hankmed.

- And that was their proposal.
- So wait.

- Symphony wants to buy us out?
- Yes.

Uh, no... sort of.
They want to partner with us

and give us total autonomy
to continue to run Hankmed

as we see fit, with an eye
to eventual expansion.

Basically, we'd work hand in hand

under their umbrella
as a major medical corporation.

Did she mention a price?

She didn't have a chance.
I told her we're not for sale.

Right. It's nice to be wanted,

but they're not Starbucks, and
we're not Seattle's best coffee.

Or Diedrich's coffee. Or coffee people.

- Or Tazo.
- Okay, we get it, honey.

- Thank you.
- You get it.

I did.

- So we're all in agreement?
- Yeah.

Going once, going twice,

- and not for...
- Actually, no.

This might not be something
that we were expecting

or planning...
Maybe even something we thought

could never happen.

But that doesn't make it
just go away, does it?

We can close our eyes to it all we want,

but it's still right there.

It might not even be something
we want to deal with,

but we have to, just because...

well, we just do.

- Oh.
- I agree.

I don't think a proposal like this

is something we should
just dismiss out of hand.

Sometimes, big surprises need time

to be properly digested.

Life doesn't always go
according to plan.

What's the harm in hearing more?

- Sorry to bother you.
- No bother at all.

Hey, is that Molly's mom?

About all that's left of her, yeah.

- I'm sorry.
- No, no, she's still alive.

I mean, she...

Cyndi had places she wanted to see

and things she wanted to do,
so she took off to do 'em.


Where did you get that?

Oh, it's a b*llet I took
a few years back.

But the pain...

- the pain is nowhere near it.
- Okay.

- Would you lie back, please?
- Yeah.

I'm guessing you didn't see your doctor

about the stomach pain.

You know, it's kind of hard
to maintain a tough guy image

when you complain of a tummy ache.

They think you're getting soft
or old or both.

I know the feeling.

Doctors aren't allowed
to get sick either.




Okay. You can get up.

I'm not seeing anything with
your appendix or gallbladder.

No aortic aneurysm either.

Well, if you tell me I'm
pregnant, we're both in trouble.

I'm pretty sure it's not that,
but I hate to break it to you,

you may have an obstruction
related to the scarring

from the b*llet wound.

Um, assuming that now that

it's related to a g*nsh*t wound,
the story is tough enough

to pass the police machismo test.

Oh, well, nothing makes
the young guys feel more like

wussies than hearing about getting shot.

I'm gonna stick with you, Hank.

Whatever you gave Molly was magic.

I mean, she went back to school
like she'd never even been sick.

I may not have kids,
but I have a kid brother.

I remember all too well the transition

from adorable to adolescent.

Then you are my living proof
that this stage can be survived.

Survived, yes.

But you may acquire
more scarring along the way.

Hey. Do you need a ride?

No, we're handing out
open house invites.

You're coming, right?

Will all Hankmed personnel be attending?

Are you asking if Divya is coming?

No, I wasn't.

Is she?

- Yes.
- Unfortunately, I'm busy.

- Oh.
- Well, we...

All right. Brace yourself.

This is gonna get ugly.

Hi. Ms. Ballard.

We're hosting an open house
for all of our neighbors,

and we wanted to invite you.

How lovely. Thank you for including me.

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

You're right, that was awful.


Dmitry? Boris?

Zombie Boris?


For the love of God,
will you please hurry up?

Hank! Hank! Hank!

What? What? What?

Shaggy saw a ghost.

- I'll be upstairs.
- All right.

Okay, I heard him.

With my own two ears, okay?

It was low and creepy,
but it was unmistakable.

You heard who?

- The ghost of Boris.
- Oh.

- Good night, Evan.
- Look, I know it sounds crazy,

but think about it.

If anyone could be a ghost,
it would be Boris!

The guy was spooky enough as a person!

- Go back to bed, Evan.
- Okay.

The spirit of Boris
is haunting Shadow Pond, Henry,

and he's pissed off!
I'm not going back there.

No wonder Dmitry didn't want
to sleep over.

I don't think a poltergeist
is Dmitry's problem.

Oh, really? Then what? What?

Demons? Goblins? Mole people?



You always thought my hunch
that Dmitry had something

to do with Boris' death was
just post-concussive rambling.

But now I think I've figured out
Dmitry's motive.

He'd have a lot to gain
if Boris was dead.

What? Why?

Because if what I just found

in this family history is accurate...

Boris and Dmitry were brothers.

And I think I can prove it.

Good morning.

Dr. Lawson.

Shall I bring another cup?

Ahh. Nope.


How can I help you?

I'm afraid I owe you an apology.


After my surgery, I had some difficulty

adjusting to my medication.

I was not in a good place,

and my thoughts and my words
reflected that.

I noticed.

I don't know, I guess I needed

someone to blame after Boris' death.

I... I thought that person was you.

- I was wrong.
- Hank, I told you already.

You were Boris' friend,
he was your friend.

No need to apologize.
Now if you'll excuse me,

I need to review his possessions
for, um...

distribution according to his will.

That's not the only reason I'm here.


When I saw you the other
night, you looked pale.

You look that way now.

When was the last time you had
your iron levels checked?

A... month.

Three months.

I could do a blood draw now.

I know, but I'm leaving town.

Boris had a lot of possessions

and properties all over the world.

I need to catalog them, so...

It'll just take a few minutes.

It's an important precaution,

especially if you're about to travel.

Well, Shelby, it's beyond flattering,

especially given the size
and success of your company.

It's just not an offer we were seeking.

And yet you're here, Mr. Lawson.

Uh, we are here...

well, we wanted to hear
your pitch, in detail,

- uh, with an open mind.
- Thank you.

While we know a lot about Hankmed,

I'm not sure how much you know
about Symphony.

We pride ourselves on
people care, not patient care,

and efficiency in the absolute
absence of red tape.

- Oh.
- Now, our flagship hospital

in Savannah is having

a community health fair this weekend.

How about you see Symphony
in action, firsthand?

I... don't...

I'm sure you're both very busy,

but if you can spare a member
of your staff,

I'd be happy to fly them down
and put them up for the weekend.

- We'll discuss it.
- Open minds, right?


You mentioned your new lab here

has a quick turnaround time.

Lightning fast. What do you need?

A patient needs his iron levels tested,

as well as a DNA match.

I'll personally bring
the sample to the lab for both.

Great. Thank you.

If you're trying to test us, Dr. Lawson,

you're going to have to think bigger.


Have a wonderful time, okay?

You are an old money genius.

And you are a new money charmer.

Go show them how winning you are.


Would you excuse me a sec?

You look deep in thought.

- Me?
- Yes, you.

No, just... not in a party mood.

Yeah, I'd hide out too,
but this is business.

- Mm.
- Speaking of which,

we met with Shelby.

She offered to have us take a look

at their hospital in Savannah,

but, unfortunately,
with the start of summer,

it's not a good time
for any of us to travel.

I'll go.

Hank, it is important that
we see how they run a hospital.

Plus, I... I could use a little getaway.

Is anything wrong?

Okay, guys?

- Hank, Divya, meet Char Margolis.
- Hello.

- Hi.
- She's not just

the internationally renowned
intuitive medium,

she's also staying with those guys

who live in that cute,
little, 32,000-square-foot,

neoclassical gothic
Tudor chateau down the Lane.

Yeah, anyway, tell 'em, Char.

Tell Hank what you just told me.
I really feel the energy

of Mr. Kuester Von Jurgens-Ratenicz.

He's restless and tethered
to this property.

What did I tell you?

Ghost city. It gets even creepier.

- Tell him, Char.
- Well, I feel he really has

something important to say.

To who? Tell him, Char.

To Hank.

Boris is reaching out to you.
Specifically, to you.

I think he's offended you don't
believe he's haunting the place.



I want to thank both of you

- for letting me know...
- Sorry to interrupt.

Evan, everyone's arrived.

I think now is a perfect time
to tell them who we are

and why we're all here.

All right. That's a great idea.

Go get 'em, Ev.

Hi, everyone!

I would like to personally thank
our gracious hosts

for inviting us into their home.

Well, home business.

Everyone is hoping to begin

a positive dialogue about all
of the possible complications

and inconveniences

of a 24/7 emergency room
in our neighborhood.

Thank you very much.

Well said, Ms. Ballard.

Well said. Pleasure having you all here,

and if you have any questions at all,

I'd be happy to answer them.

Uh, I'll just start, though,
by assuring everyone that...

even though Hankmed is indeed
a medical business,

I hope it's clear that

the guest house is more home
than business.

We actually treat
the overwhelming majority

of our patients in their homes,

so the last thing you need
to worry about is patients

racing through the neighborhood
at all hours, screaming for a...

Dr. Lawson!

- Where's Hank?
- Yeah, uh, Don.

What is it? What's wrong?

Can you help me?

Yeah, of course I can.

Come right this way.


Oh, make it stop, please!

Don, it turns out
the source of your pain

is not an ulcer at all,

but a 4-millimeter kidney stone.

No, nothing that small
could cause this much agony.

- Oh!
- All those antacids

you were taking to treat
the ulcer you don't have?

They helped build up
an excess of calcium,

which led to hypercalcemia
and then this.

- Oh!
- We're going to give you

a mix of different medications

that will help that tiny stone to pass,

and hopefully the agony with it.

Look, it... it's unbearable.
It's unbearable.

Just give me anything.
Just make it stop.

Please, make it stop.

We will. We will, Don.

Look, I know it hurts.

They say the pain from a kidney stone

is even worse than from childbirth.

Some psychic she was.

She could have just told me

the party was gonna be a catastrophe.

It went great.

They only left so fast to
respect the patient's privacy.

- Okay...
- Including Blythe.

Paige, this... this is not the time

- for your sunny optimism.
- Excuse me?

Hankmed is screwed,
in case you didn't notice.

We're screwed, Paige!

They didn't even take the visors.

They didn't take the DVDs.

I'm calling my lawyer.
We tried it the Hamptons way.

Now it's time to do it Jersey style.

Evan, no!

I know these kinds of people, okay?

Dragging in lawyers
is only gonna make it worse.

I tried to be polite. It didn't work.

So now I'm gonna go
with my own instincts.

You may know these people.
I know business.

I guess everything
isn't always perfect for you.

About that... um, I want to apologize.

No, I'm the one who should do that.

I should never have snapped at you.

- I was butting in.
- I was reeling.

So I lashed out.

With good reason.
You had really unexpected news.

It's more than that.

I was 12,

and I was jumping my horse.

We had a fall.

I was in the hospital for weeks.

My parents were told
that it was highly unlikely

that I would ever have children.

So that's how I've lived...

believing that.

But they were wrong.

Yeah, apparently.

Only now, um...

I don't know how to feel about something

that I never thought would happen.

No wonder you need space.

You were being a friend, okay?

You are a friend.

And I am sure that I am going
to talk your ear off

once I get my head together.

I'm so looking forward
to going down to Savannah

and having some time to myself to...

process it all.

I'm here for you if you need me.

Anytime, and in any way.

But only if you ask.

Aah, what the...

what... oh, my bad.


And now it's red.

- Good?
- Yeah.

So, Henry, Char Margolis
was right on the money.

The ghost of Boris has been
chatting up a storm.

It's funny, Evan,
'cause I don't hear anything.

Just wait. Wait.

Am I allowed to talk?

Or is it impolite
to interrupt Boris' ghost?

Shelby got Dmitry's DNA results.

Dmitry and Boris are half-brothers.

Whoa. You were right.

I know Boris knew
there was a side of his family

that wasn't looking out
for his best interests,

but I doubt he suspected
Dmitry was on that side.

Oh, my God.

We should have a seance.

That way, we can just ask Boris.

I talked to Char Margolis.
She said they're completely safe

so long as you don't leave
the spirit circle.

Enough, Evan. This is serious.

So is that.

Shh, shh, shh.

Someone's in there.

Or something.


W... what...

Okay, Henry. Hold on a second.

Hold on, hold on. What are you gonna do?

I'm opening the door.


What are you doing?

I am erasing old security tapes.

- Why are you doing that?
- I was instructed to.

And I was ordered not to
watch them, which troubled me,

because Mr. Kuester Von Jurgens-Ratenicz

always had me review the tapes
before erasing them.

So I've been doing it at night.

Like, every night?

Like, last night and the night before?



who instructed you to erase

these tapes without watching them?

Mr. Dmitry Vasilyev.

So did you call Boris' medical proxy guy

about your suspicions?

His name is Milos.

He's Boris' cousin.

He seems really upset
about Boris' death,

and he's equally suspicious.

Did you ask if he knew
anything else about Dmitry?

He didn't want to talk
any more about it on the phone.

So when are you meeting up with him?

He lives in Budapest.

He wants to send his jet
to bring me there.

Wait, you're going to Budapest?

No, I don't have the time.

And he seemed reluctant to come here,

so I'm not sure

- what happens next.
- Huh.

So, Hank, I brought
my two-wheeled self-balancing

personal transport specifically
to keep pace with you,

and you're moving like an old lady.

Okay, you were right!

That run I took the other day was awful.

It was almost as bad
as the one before it.

I was sucking air the whole time.

I just... I'm not good at pacing myself.

All right, hold... hold up.

You're out of shape,
and you're admitting it?

Wow, I... those are two things
I never thought I'd live to see.

Well done, Henry.

I mean it. I'm... I'm proud of you.

Thank you.

See you later.

No, you go ahead. It's okay.

No, no! Not another open house.

Nope. Thank-you gifts
from our neighbors.



As well as some signed retainers.


They loved you guys.

And seeing Hankmed
help a person in pain?

Well, that just sealed the deal.

They're willing to back us
on a zoning waiver.

Not Blythe.

But the overwhelming majority
should easily

- convince the village council.
- Hank.

At least, that's what
my instincts tell me.

I'm sorry.

And I totally trust your instincts.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God. Suck it, Blythe Ballard!

Uh, she lives that way.

- Suck...
- Evan.

You're right. I'll save it.

Save it.

Thanks for coming back.

I wanted to get some more blood levels.

- So soon?
- I'd like to test the levels

every few days moving forward.


Your HCG levels have plateaued.

May... may I?

This pregnancy may not be viable.

I'm so sorry, Divya.

So Hankmed would operate independently?

Yes, under the umbrella
of Symphony Health.

I appreciate your telling me this.

It makes me feel...

Jeremiah, you're part of Hankmed.

Of course we'd tell you.

Not that we've made any decisions yet.

We're still keeping
an open mind for now.

Well, I'm happy to help

- in any way.
- Thanks.

I'll let you know
how the field trip goes.

- Field trip?
- To one of their hospitals,

to see firsthand how they do things.

Would you want to go along?

Uh, um... sounds like a terrific idea.

Yeah, but it's down in Savannah.

Is that okay?

Uh, Georgia.

I'm willing to travel...

If it's for Hankmed.

And in light of my newfound, uh, pluck.

Great! It's this weekend.

And it will be very helpful
to have a doctor there as well.

- What about you?
- Oh, I'm not going.

Just Divya... and now, you.