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04x13 - Something Fishy This Way Comes

Posted: 04/24/24 15:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

- I didn't know
you were adopted.

Neither did I.

- You've never
gotten over Christina.

You set me up with her to prove
to yourself and to her...

That's enough!

I think we're done, Hank.

I couldn't agree more.

- I have to get back on the road
with the polo team.

Of course.

When he calls, I get butterflies
in my stomach.

When he leaves the room
even for a moment, I miss him.

- Divya and I have a completely
professional relationship.

Do you have feelings for her?

- I've been thinking about
what you said

About who you wanted
in your life.

I think I can be that guy.

- Are you looking for Paige?
- Yes, yes.

- What's it regarding?
I'm her fiance.

I'm...Her mother.

"by moideen"

I never saw my baby again.

It broke my heart.

- And then you saw her
on the news?


And the details
of Paige's adoption

Match when
and where I gave birth.

- A date and place
that were widely reported.

- Evan, I understand
why you're skeptical,

And I would be too.

But I have hired
private investigators,

Attorneys, even psychics to try
and help me find my daughter.

and all they've ever
done is take my money.

- So this is the part where
you say you need a loan, right?

- The only reason I drove here
from New Mexico

Was to see Paige and find out
if she's my daughter.

I don't want anything else.

But I'm impressed
with how protective you are.

You must really love her.

I do.

- Well, I'm going to be in town
for a while.

Although I may need to go back
and bid for a job.

Oh, are you a contractor?

- No.
I'm an artist.


- I have to say
I find exercising with you

Very rewarding.

- And I have always wanted
a workout partner.

But I'm enjoying this too.

Coffee, view, small talk.

- I'm actually known
for my small talk.

- Great.
Because I have tons

Of unimportant things
left to say,

And I don't have to be
at my office until noon.

- Ooh.
I have a staff meeting at 10:30.

But I am letting Evan know
that I won't be there.

Sorry, ev.

Sorry, ev.

You know, they say a sign of
a really healthy couple

Is when you can just
sit together and say nothing.

- That could also be the sign of
a really unhealthy couple.

but I like your take on it.

Is that what's happening
right now?

- Shh, shh, shh!
- 'cause I just... why... we...

Because that's why
we're healthy.


How is my favorite doctor
in the hamptons?

If I see her, I'll ask.

smart, hot, and funny.

God, life is unfair.

Talia clarke.
So pleased to meet you.

- Hank Lawson.
Pleased to meet you, too.

Talia's a pharmaceutical rep.

- Still pleased?
Don't answer that.

Just so you know,

I'm not your average rep
or your below average rep.

I do my research,
I believe in my products,

And I know Hankmed and I
would work beautifully together.

You know I'm a doctor?

- Told you.
I do my research.

So how would you like to be

My new favorite doctor
in the hamptons?

- Just like that,
I've been dethroned.

I've got a new drug.

Just came on the market,
and it's a game changer.

It's perfect for you.
- It is?

- Your clients jet
all around the world,

And what do the jet set need?
- Jets?


But not as funny as you,

- Just give him time.
He grows on you.

They need their sleep.

My drug's called lullabrex
and it's a sleep aid,

But this one
has fewer side effects

Than everything else out there.

- You know
who you should talk to...

- Evan r. Lawson,
the cfo of Hankmed.

Are you kidding me?

That man should get a second job
as a brick wall.

- Yeah.
Hankmed has a no-see policy

With pharmaceutical reps,
no offense.

No, none taken.

The only people dodged
more often than pharma reps

Are process servers.

Hank, I do what I do for the
same reason you do what you do...

Because I love helping people.

- Can you be at my office
at 10:30?

- I promise, it will not be
a waste of your time.

You are right about that.

- Excellent.
See you then.

- Mm-hmm.
- Bye, harp.

Bye, talia.

- I grow on you?
- Mmm.

Â♪ Â♪

Â♪ my independence went away Â♪

Â♪ I didn't listen
when it said Â♪

Â♪ rely on yourself Â♪

Â♪ trusting someone else Â♪

Â♪ is a path
for the silent ghost Â♪

- Do you have any idea how many
long-lost brothers, sisters,

Moms, and dads have contacted
my parents

Since the story broke?

- Yes, and I know there are
a lot of opportunists out there.

- Within minutes, they all shift
to some sob story

About a desperate need for money
or clemency

Or a government appointment
with a generous stipend.

I mean, who's to say this woman
isn't just another one of them?

- Nobody.
She may be, okay?

I don't want you get your hopes
up either, but...

There's just something about

Like she seems really...



What's her name again?

Lou Hunter.

Good morning.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Bad time.

- No, I was just leaving



What up, Katdare?

I thought you were driving fabio
to the airport.

- Ha, ha, ha, ha.
It's Rafa.

And a couple of his teammates
wanted to bum a ride.

He couldn't say no,
and I don't have enough room

To chauffeur
the entire polo team.

- It's better that way,

No melodramatic,
tearful good-bye at the gate.

- Instead, a melodramatic
tearful good-bye at his hotel

In front of his whole team.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.


You really like this guy.
- Yeah, I do.

I miss him already.


well, just so you know,

If you ever wanna...
- Hey, Rafa.

- Talk about it...
- Rafa. Rafa!

Can you hear me?
- Or something.

Rafa, can you... Rafa.

- Ho!

- Maybe you should be known for
more than just small talk.

So I do grow on you.

Yeah, you do.


- Usually the more time
I spend with a guy,

The less fond I am of him.

You've got high standards.

Or bad luck.

What's your excuse?

Never found the right woman.

Or if I did, I don't know.

I couldn't seem to make it work.

Maybe your luck is changing.


Take now.

We're both on-call,

But neither one of us has been
called by a patient.

I'll be back.

You had to go and jinx it.

- My bad.
Can you see who it is?


It's an edgar pops.
- That's my dad.

Answer it.

- No.

No, the first conversation
I have with your father

Should not be while I'm naked.

- You do understand
phone technology, right?

You know he can't see you.

- Yeah, but I'll know
and you'll know.

We'll know.
Just talk to him.

- All right.
All right.

Hi, dad.

I know.

I can't wait to see you guys

Dad, dad, dad, I'm sorry.

I... actually,
I can't talk right now.

I'm with somebody.

Yes, it's him.

THanks, dad.

Love you.


Him who?
Him me?

Yes, Tarzan.

I'm close with my parents.

Is that okay?

That's totally okay.

Him like.

A Christina is calling.




I'm sorry, Harper.
I'll call you later.

- Its strength isn't just
that it makes you...


But that there
aren't many side effects.

It just helps you get sleepy

One sec.

- Huh.
Medication mimics

The stimulation
of the cholinergic neurons

On the pedunculopontine

And it stimulates the reticular
activating systems

Of one's brain.
- Right.

It's a super drug.

I'm not your average pharma rep
or your below average rep.

I believe you were gonna tell us
more about the drug.

- I must have left the rest of
my presentation

Back at my hotel.

- Wow.
I hate when that happens to me.

- I'll have to come back
tomorrow and finish.

- You know what,
you've done a wonderful job,

And tHank you for coming.

We've... we'll imagine the rest.
You did such a great job...

- Yes.
- We'll just imagine

The end of it.
- Yes, yes, no need to return.

- Okay.
- Great.

THanks a lot.


- Wha...
- why would Hank agree

To see a pharma rep at all,

Let alone a malfunctioning
pharma bot?

- I can't tell if she was
selling the sleeping pills

Or taking them.
- You two should really

Keep your voices down.
- Why? We might wake her?

- I think she's probably
coming back.

Why would you think that?

Because she left her laptop.

That's not... that's a laptop.

- Christina told you this?
- Yes.

And she said you would know
where dmitry is

And could arrange
for me to get to him.

- He went in there,
by himself.

- In where?
- Not important.

THank you.

So that's it?

- I thought you were done,

- I'm never done with a patient
who needs my help.

Oh, of course, you're not.

Well, I'll look into
what you've told me.

You'll look into it?

Christina was confused,
panicked about dmitry.

He needs medical help now.
I thought he was your friend.

- It's not your concern...
- oh, right, I'm sorry.

You don't have friends,
do you?

Just people who are useful
to you, like me?

- Did I not just say
I would look into it?

- Well, you better
look into it fast,

Because she thinks
he may be dying.

Few days after I gave birth,

I was on a bus
heading home to kansas.

What about the baby's father?

- I lost track of him
a long time ago.

Oh, there she is.

One sec.

- Hi.

- Everything all right?
- Mm-hmm.

- You weren't home
when I went to pick you up.

I was in a meeting.


So Paige collins,
meet Lou Hunter.

Hi, Paige.

I can't tell you how long
I've waited for this moment.

I imagine you have
a million questions for me.

I do.

Evan says you gave your baby up
at birth.

- I never even got to hold her
for a second.

It's my greatest regret.


More than your drug arrest,
your four bankruptcies,

Or changing your name from Patty
Louise stump to Lou Hunter?

Look, I can explain this.

- Yeah, I had
a background check done,

And it's a good thing too,

Because you are either deluded
or you're just a bad liar.

- I'm not lying, and I never
claimed to be perfect.

- But you did claim
to be my mother.

And the one detail my parents
were able to give me

About my birth was that my
birth mother not only held me

But changed her mind
about giving me up.

She wanted to keep me,

But then a day later
she changed her mind again.

So Patty or Lou
or whoever you are,

You are not my mother.

He's not gonna wait for us?

He'd be a sitting duck.

Not exactly
a neutral territory, Hank.

Ah, that's reassuring.

So now what?

- Now...We wait for
a gentleman named amir.

He takes us to dmitry.

- Well, how do you know
he'll show up?

He'll show up.


Salam aleikum.

- Who are you?
- You speak english?

- Yes.
Who are you?

We are tourists.

I am amir.

Follow me.

This is amir.



Amir, it's you?

- Dima.
Dima, dima, dima, dima!



Almost k*lled you.

- It seems you've got yourself
in quite a situation here.


The hamptons got too boring.

Well, I owe you one.

Yes, you do.

So dima...

Dr. Lawson is here.


Dr. Dolittle.

I'm closing my eyes now.


- How long
has he been like this?

- He came off the boat
three days ago.

He became sick soon after.

Is it the diabetes?

- I have been giving him
his insulin.

He's almost out.

Well, I brought some more.

- Well, if it's not that,
then what?

- Do you know where he got
these cuts and scrapes?

- Yes, when we went with my dad
and my uncle

To make the delivery,
he fell ill.

I brought him back
to get better,

But we couldn't always take
roads and the terrain got rough.

- Uh-huh.
Deep breath in and out, dmitry.

- Your father and uncle...
where are they now?

- They'll come back
when it's safe for all of us.


Has he been urinating?
- Very little.

- He has a fever,
tachycardia and tachypnea.

Without taking blood,
I can't say for sure,

But if his kidneys
are starting to fail,

He may be in septic shock.

Can you stop it?

Salam aleikum.
- Alaykum as-salaam.

What are you doing?

- I need to start
an internal jugular line.

- So that you can give him dr*gs
to make his heart pump harder.

That's right.

- Is that lidocaine?
- Right again.


We're inside the jugular.

How do you know so much
about medicine?

My uncle is a doctor.

He left me in charge of
mr. Dmitry.

My uncle teaches me.

One day,
I will be a doctor too.

- How about right now?
Come here.

Hold on to this, please?

- You can do this
outside of a hospital?

- I don't recommend it,
but I packed a lot in my bag.

- It's a magic bag?
- Not necessarily.

If this goes wrong,
dmitry will bleed out.


Fill this with dopamine
and infuse it slowly.

Too much too fast
will cause a heart attack,

And I'm gonna need oxygen.

Will you get me some towels?
THank you.

- The boat returns for us
at high tide.

We need to be on it.

- Well, first
we get dmitry stable,

Then we'll worry about
getting out of here.

- Yeah, but he's not safe here.
Neither are we.

Nor is this family while
we remain... you understand?

- I would be lying if I didn't
say I was a bit concerned.

Oh, you should be.

I've left four detailed
voice mails,

None of which have been


Are we here because talia
was playing footsie with you?

Because if we are,
you should know

That pharma reps
always flirt with the doctors.

It's practically
a job requirement.

She's not my type.

She could have narcolepsy,
a neurological disorder,

Or she could,
as you speculated,

Be addicted
to her own products.

- So, you are worried
about her health?

Yes. Oh.

- Uh, ms. Clarke,
it's dr. Sacani.

Talia, are you there?

Open up.

- I take it you believe
my concerns are valid?

Can I help you?

Talia, it's me, divya.

And you remember
dr. Sacani.

How do you know my name?

- You met us the other day.
We're from Hankmed.

You gave us a presentation.

- You don't know
who we are, do you?

Oh, we have your computer.

Well, doctor, how is he?

- Amir found an oxygen t*nk
for him,

But he still has a fever.

And the antibiotics
aren't working.

Without being able to run

For all I know this could be
viral or fungal

Or something else.

- What could possibly
be humorous about that?

- Oh...When dima and I
were younger,

We used to talk to about
how we wanted to die.

- Yeah. Well, I'm sure
it was nothing like this.

Oh, it was exactly like this.

Dying for something
we believed in.

Of course, we were never
the foot soldiers,

Just naive and blessed with...

Family wealth that kept us
out of the fight.

Why did dmitry come here?

- There are people fighting
for democracy here, Hank.

They need financial support.

- When we first got here,
you told dmitry you owed him.



- Without dima, marisa would've
never gotten out of cuba.

I can never fully
repay him for that.

Dinner is ready.


- Amir, you also went with
your uncle and father

To deliver dmitry's package?


What dmitry is doing to help us,

To help this country...
I want to be a part of it.

What did she say?

- She tried to sell us goat milk
for our guests.

I told her we didn't
have any guests,

But I do not think
she believed me.

- Will she stay quiet?
- I don't know.

- His central venous pressure's
bottoming out.

He needs fluids wide open.


- Dmitry, did you eat
any shellfish?

With your hemochromatosis,
you know you can't...

- I know.
You told me, it can k*ll me.

- Amir, have you given him
any shellfish?

Even in a broth.

No, we don't eat shellfish.

- Dmitry, did you arrive
like we did by boat?


- And did you jump out
and swim to shore?

- Why?
- It's an infection,

And the antibiotic I gave you
won't treat it.


- Doctor?
- Yes?

Is it too late?

I hope not.

- No bumps, bruises, or signs of
head injury of any kind.

- Why else would I sleep
for two days?

- Are you addicted
to your dr*gs?

Are you kidding?

I know way too much about dr*gs.
They scare me.

- Will you look over
my shoulder, please?

That's it.

How about your vision...
any trouble?



My eyesight got blurry
a couple of days ago.

I stepped in front of
a moving car.

I thought it happened because
it was hot and I was overtired.

And last month
when I was in riverhead,

I missed a sales seminar
because I had overslept...

An entire Monday.

- Talia, you're around doctors
all the time.

Did you consult any of them?

- I'm supposed to be
the one healthy person

The doctor sees all day.

I'm not gonna jeopardize that.

Look, I don't wanna go back
to hawking cars or real estate

Or selling meat door-to-door.

You have to help me.

And we will help you.

I think our first step
should be

A trip to the hospital
for a head ct.

- Yes, and once we rule out
a head injury,

I think we need blood work
and a sleep study.

I'd like to rule out

Ms. Clarke?


She's asleep again.

What do you think it could be?

Maybe kleine-levin?

sleeping beauty syndrome?

- It's rare, I know,
but the symptoms line up.

the only way to diagnose it

Is by exclusion,
and there's no cure.

- Your oxygenation is
adequate now for travel.

That's fantastic.

What made me so ill?

Vibrio vulnificus.

Hank, english.

- It's a marine bacteria
that can enter the body

Through open wounds like
diabetic insulin injection sites

When swimming in waters
with shellfish.

It thrives
in iron-rich environments

Like in people
who have hemochromatosis.


Your fever's finally broken.

Why do you look so worried?

- Amir. He went to the beach to
check on the boat a while ago.

He should've been back by now.

Ah, buh, buh.

You look better.

- I will feel much better
when we are gone.

Your drink.

THank you.

Listen, boris,

Coming here, not telling you
about it, I...


I may have...

I'm sorry, you may...

I may have...

- You may have made...
- Why are you always pushing?

Fine, I made a mistake.

- Mistake.
- Is that clear?

- Oh, yes. I got it.

- Happy?
- I'm thrilled.


- THank you very much
for everything, both of you.

I will never forget it.

- What?
Where's your brother?

He's on the beach.

- Okay.
- We go now.

Here we go.

okay. What's he yelling about?

He would like us to hurry.

Believe me, he's not alone.

Easy, dmitry.


- Good-bye, amir.
- Good-bye, Hank.

- Hey, what's wrong
with your leg?

- Nothing.

- It's painful for you to walk,
isn't it?

That's why you sent your sister
to run and get us.

We need to leave, Hank.

Amir, show me your leg now.

Come on, Hank.

How long have you had this?

- I got scratched up
when we fled the mountains,

But it didn't look this way

It was barely a cut.
- Hank, he's a smart boy.

Just give him the medicine.
Let's go.

No, you don't understand.

If I don't address
this wound quickly,

The infection will spread.
He could...

- Let us take the boy
to the yacht, yeah?

You can take treat him there,

And then we'll bring him back
at low tide, yes?

- No, I will not leave
my family.

Hank, go!

Get inside the boat, doctor.

- Dima.
- No.

I'm not dying here, boris.

Get inside the boat...



Come here.

THank you, sabeen.

- All right.
So amir,

I'm gonna use
some cool, sterilized water

To clean the wound.

It's badly infected,
isn't it?

- I'm afraid you have
flesh-eating bacteria.

From a scrape?

- The bacteria can leave a toxin
that will eat through muscle.

Will I lose my leg?

Not if I can help it.

Come here.


Amir, first I have to
clean the wound.

Now I'm gonna numb it.

You're gonna feel a few pinches.

- Yaqub is taking dmitry
back to the yacht.

He'll return for us when he can.

So how will I help?

- Okay.
Wherever you see bleeding,

I want you to use this
to cauterize it.



Amir, I'm gonna make
the incision now.

Just follow my blade.

That's it.
Get right in there.

Doing great.

Wherever it comes pouring out,

Good. Good.


Just spreading the flesh.


That's good.

Now I'm gonna start removing
the infected tissue.

There's a lot.

- You can't get it all,
can you?

- No, look,
if we were in a hospital

I could control the bleeding
well enough

To get every last bit of
infected tissue, but here...

Here, what can you do?

Where do you keep your trash?

You shouldn't be here.

- There's something
I didn't tell you.

Something you need to know.

The story that your parents
told you is the truth.

After I gave birth,

I did change my mind.

I held my daughter.

I'm sorry
that I did that to you.

I shouldn't have lied
to you and Evan.

I should have
told you the truth,

But I just couldn't.

- She said it wasn't about
wanting to deceive anyone,

It was about blocking out
a painful memory,

That same memory
that made her make

All kinds of bad decisions

- Most of which
you found out about?


She said she was
punishing herself

Because she didn't know
how to forgive herself.

But I just...

I don't know what to believe
about Lou anymore.

- Well, you need to know
the truth.

You need to know if she's
your mother or not, right?

I know one way
we can find out.


This will work.

THank you.


This is safe, Hank?

- Maggots will only eat
dead flesh.

Cool, huh?

THank you.


That should do it.

In a couple of days
after they're done eating,

They'll die.

You'll need to clean
and re-wrap the wound.

I'll leave you
with some antibiotics

Which you'll take twice a day
for the next ten days.


I'm just going to leave you
the whole bag.

But it's your magic bag.

Now it's your magic bag.

- Please tell me
that you have good news.

I've been up all night

Trying to find an explanation
for talia's symptoms.

- And if every explanation led
to a diagnosis of kleine-levin,

You would not be alone.

Now I understand why you don't
look very happy.

- Talia's other tests
all came back negative

From the blood work to the ct.

Even the preliminary sleep lab
results look normal.

- Talia suddenly
looks very happy.

You haven't told her yet,
have you?

If she does have kleine-levin,

And this episode
is clearly over,

All of her symptoms
have been relieved.

- Yes, but they can come back
at any time.

Will you tell her with me?

Of course.

- Hey, guys.
- Hi.

I feel so much better.

- There is something
that we should...

Dr. Sacani.

Jeremiah, jeremiah, I was...
I was telling talia...

- How long have you had those
on your legs?

- What, these bruises?
I don't know.

Five or six weeks.

- They're not bruises.
- Erythema nodosum.

It's an inflammatory disorder

That causes red bumps
under the skin.

- Which can be caused
by sarcoidosis.

Which can cause granulomas.

- And a granuloma
near the hypothalamus

Can cause kleine-levin.
- Yes.

- And hip bone's connected
to the leg bone.

Where is this headed?

- We believe that your symptoms
may be caused

By a lesion on your brain.
It's called kleine-levin.

- Okay. It's never good
when they have two names.

- It's also known
as sleeping beauty syndrome.

It's what made you sleep
for two days.

- Yes. And an
mri with gadolinium contrast

Can confirm this diagnosis.
- But the good news is

You have the only type
of the syndrome

That is treatable with steroids.
- Steroids.

Good. We make those.

Just tell me,
am I going to be...

- Yes. Um...
You'll be fine.

- Great.
Say no more.


- So there will be a plane
waiting to take you home.

You're not coming with me?

- No.
I'll stay with dmitry.

Make sure he's in able hands.

You're a good friend.

I'm glad I got to see it.

- May I assume then that we are
not done with one another?

You may.

I'm glad of that.

Me too.

But let's never do this again.

- No.

if you think this is bad,

You should have been
in turkmenistan.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Compared with turkmenistan,
it's like summer camp.

You went to summer camp?

Gstaad, alpenschule.

Passaic, ymca.

I was sent to camp so that my
parents could argue in private.

When my father fell ill.
- Passaic, ymca.

I hated camp.

Me also.

Oh, tHanks for the update.


Everything okay?

That was talia.

Mri confirmed the granuloma
and she's been given prednisone,

But there's a problem.

She feels so good
that she wants to come over

And finish her presentation.

What did you say?

- I said to wait till tomorrow
when Hank is here,

Because I'm sure he wouldn't
want to miss it.


Very smart.

Remind me not to be here,
all right?

Well, I won't be here,

So I'm not sure
I'll be able to do that.

You know what, dr. Sacani?

When you first started
at Hankmed,

I did not think that you
would last the first week.


You were not alone
in that feeling.

I'm glad that you did.

You bring such a different
perspective to Hankmed.

You totally won me over,
dr. Jeremiah sacani.


Hey, Rafa.

Rafa, Rafa!

Not totally.


I hate surprises.

- Oh, cool.
Well, I'll be going.

No, not so fast.

Hey, you got some sun.

I like it.
- Yeah?

- Were really working or just
going to the beach without me?

I was really working.

Although, there was beach.
Not a good beach.

I missed you.

I missed you too.

You know, they say the sign
of a healthy couple is...

Shut up and kiss me already.

- THank you for agreeing
to the dna test.

Of course.

This way there won't be any
doubts about the results.

When do we get the results?

- They'll be ready
in three days.

- Well, I'll stick around
the hamptons until then.

Oh, really?

- Yes.
If there's a match,

I'd like to be close

In case
you want to see me again.

You know what, Lou?

I've got some patients to see

Before I drop off both of
your samples to the lab.

How about I walk you
to the truck?


Well, good-bye, Evan.
- Nice to see you again.


THank you.



Are you okay?


Good or bad, I just...
I need the truth.

I need to know
if she is my mother.

- Right.
Come on.

Where are we going?

We're going out to lunch

Then the beach then to dinner
then the movies.

These three days
are going to fly.


Hey, what are you doing here?

Hello, Hank.

- I thought you were staying
with dmitry.

- Yeah.
I didn't like the way

Dmitry's treatment
was being handled,

So...I decided he should
stay here with me.

- That explains
why his dog is here.

- Yeah, stanley,
the little blood sugar k9.

So can you treat a man who has
pulled a g*n on you, Hank?

I can treat him.

Just don't ask me
to trust him.


I know dima far too well to ask
that of either one of us.