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04x07 - Fools Russian

Posted: 04/24/24 15:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

I need your help.

Would you be interested
in joining me in a venture?

- What are you doing here?
- I've left your father.

This is a pager watch.

It operates on a secure frequency.

When it beeps, you would
remove the SIM card

from your personal cell
and proceed directly here

- to Shadow Pond.
- I'm in.

If you don't start changing,

if you don't stop this behavior,

you are going to end up unloved and alone!

I went to see him. We had a fight.

This is all my fault.

[Pager beeping]
I have to go.


- We going to your apartment?
- No, a neutral location.

I'm afraid there won't be time

to get you settled, Hank.

We have to begin work immediately.

Well... Christina.

- Boris.
- I can't believe it.

Oh, um, meet Hank Lawson, my doctor.

Hank, my translator, Christina Dumond.

- Pleased to meet you.
- And you.

I didn't realize there was a language

Boris didn't speak.

He has a few weaknesses.

For whom will I be translating?

For Dmitry Vasilyev.

An oil broker I've had some
business with over the years.

That explains why I was just informed

your guest won't be arriving tonight.

- No.
- Mm.

He's being Dmitry.

The negotiation always begins
with getting him in the room.

So, Hank, you see
what you've signed on for?

You're not even a doctor, are you?

Me, uh...

well, you've guessed it.

Hank is here primarily as a fourth.

You do play poker, Hank?

- It's been a while.
- Uh-huh.

Well, all we need is our guest of honor.

So it appears that you're
at leisure now for this evening.

Thank you for being here.

Hank, we'll get you settled after all.


[Video game droning]

What are you doing?

Trying to impress my new boss.

He's awesome.

He is awesome.

But, uh, all he asked you to do

was cover Hank's schedule
for tomorrow. What...

Jeremiah is all set.

All right, enough, enough.


Are you really seeing
Brady Wilkerson tomorrow?

Pretty impressive, huh?

I would love to come along.

Uh, you can't.


Because, you know...

You're our new office manager.

I mean, as much as I would love it,

you can't go along every time

I rub shoulders with greatness.

Not that Hankmed's ever rubbed

Brady Wilkerson's shoulders before.

Or any other part of him.

He's kind of a dream client, actually.

He was one of our first retainers.

No one's ever met the guy
'cause he's never sick.

He's probably too busy making money.

I know. He's an ex-boyfriend.

[Video game "fail" whistle]

You dated the guy who invented cashbox?

No, we didn't exactly date.

More just... spent a summer together.

Oh, that's better.

At space camp! We were 12.


- But I had a big crush on him.
- That's awesome.

You had a big crush on the evil genius

who made billions
counting other people's money.

And now I have a big crush
on the sweet genius

who built Hankmed.

- Nice save.
- Yeah.

What's this red flag next to Brady's name?

Oh, those are for retainers
who are past due

to renew their contracts.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Did, uh... did he have
a big crush on you too?


Maybe you should tag along then.

I love this job.

[Cell phone chimes]


Oh, father, thank goodness.

Do you... do you know where you are?


Now go away.

[The Blue Van's Independence]

♪ My independence went away

♪ I didn't listen when it said ♪

♪ rely on yourself

♪ trusting someone else

♪ is a path for the silent ghost ♪

[Grunting, breathing hard]


Payload? Is that you?

Oh, my gosh, you look great.

And you really haven't changed a bit.

- Wha... [Laughs]
- Oh-kay.

Hey, Evan R. Lawson.
I'm the CFO of Hankmed.

- Hey.
- Hi. This is Dr. Sacani.

I'm sorry, how are you guys...

Oh, I'm... I'm working
with Hankmed this summer.

And Evan is my fiance.

Congrats. How grown-up of you.

Right? [Laughter]

Yeah, sorry we've never
had a chance to meet.

But I mean, I'm not sorry
you haven't had need

of a doctor in over a year,

but believe it or not,
it's been that long.

Well, you know, I was one
of Hankmed's first retainers.

I do know, and in order
to show our appreciation,

I brought you a renewal contract.

Oh. Any special deals for charter clients?

Especially healthy ones?

Ha. Uh, Hankmed offers all our clients

the highest level of care.

All right, well, I'll take a look at it.


Uh, we do offer wellness consults,

and, Fido, you don't have
to be sick to call.

Speaking of wellness, do you guys got time

for some ginseng tea?

It's amazing.

Uh, shouldn't we complete your exam first?


Your business manager didn't tell you?

Wait, Ralph set up an appointment?

He said you've been suffering migraines.

Okay, well, he's the one suffering

over how I've been investing my money

ever since I decided to go to space.

You went to space?

I'm sorry, you went to outer space?

Life-transforming trip.

- What? Are you kidding?
- Yeah.

Everybody should go.

You know, I've always been
a space geek, just like Paige.

- We dream the dream, right?
- Right.

But actually going changed me
in unexpected ways, really.

You developed migraines in space?

No, no, no, I've had migraines
in the past.

And, you know, I had a couple
when I first got back,

but that was over a month ago.

I want to go back.

Okay, well, Dr. Sacani can do
a quick exam...

- Yeah.
- Just a quick one, yeah.

And maybe while he's at it, you can, uh...

you can tell us... what's it like?

You know what?

You can't put it into words, man.

And that is why
I'm entering the space race.

You know, my vision...

space tourism's for everyone.

You know, it can't transform lives

if it's not accessible.


I just had an inspired... okay...

you guys are engaged, you both love space.

How 'bout you get married
on my company's maiden voyage?

Talk about romance.

[Chuckles] A wedding in space?

We aim to launch next year.

- So do we.
- Well...

- How perfect is that?
- Oh, yeah.

Well, I guess it would
keep the guest list down.

Honey, it would be
the first space wedding.

Well, technically Star Trek, but...

- No, that doesn't count.
- Also, it's fictional.

- What? Spock married T'pring...
- No, no.

But the wedding never happened, remember?

Oh, my gosh, she made him fight Kirk.

- To the death.
- How do you fight to the death

with a broomstick with a pillow
on the end of it?

The music was, like...
[Both humming fight music]

Oh, my God, you wanna do the thing?

[Both humming]

- They were like, zhogg! Yeah.
- But it was more like...

it was like slow, and they just circled.

And then when they did it,
it was just, like,

crack, crack, for, like, five minutes.

And then the foot sweep, like...
oh, yeah. Whoosh!

- Exactly like that!
- Hyah!

Boris, you needed me?

Yeah. I thought we might do
my quarterly blood draw.

You're not due to be checked
for another week.

- Are you feeling okay?
- Can we proceed?

Of course we can.

You slept well, Hank?

Ehh, not so much.

Being back in the city always
gets my adrenaline going.


Better to be well-rested
before a challenge, huh?

Look who's come to surprise us.

- Ah!
- "Christinochka," careful.

Yes, my English stinks,

but I know the sound of sarcasm.

- Dmitry Dmitrievich.
- My dear Boris.

Oh, pardon. I-I shall come later.

No, no, no, of course not.

A nuisance that should have
been done by now.

It's good to see you, Dima.

Good to see you, Boris. Good to see you.

I'm sad this visit... may I?

Uh, will be such a short one.

Now, don't start saying your good-byes

before we've even had a proper greeting.

- Uh, shall I come back?
- No, no.

You might as well finish, doctor.

Dr. Lawson, meet Dmitry Vasilyev.

- A pleasure.
- Yeah.

So what is so urgent?

You make me miss
wild boar season in Provence.

You were only reluctant to come

because you owe me now, yeah?

[Speaking Russian]
[Translating] If you insist

on talking business
before offering him a meal,

he must retreat to the comfort
of his mother tongue.

Tell him he can enjoy
a more leisurely pace

at the Shadow Pond summit.

[Translating in Russian]

[Speaking Russian]

But our respective associates

don't share enough
common ground to merit a summit.

Dima, Dima, Dima, you can at least stay

until, um...

Boris! Hey. Here, lie down.

Lie down. Let's raise his feet.

Here we go.

No, I'm all right.
I'm all right. All right.

- Here.
- No.

No, this is good, this is good.

My mother insists.

I just feel faint. My... my pulse as well?

Yeah. You may have had
a vasovagal reaction

to the blood draw.

- Yeah.
- Is he... is he fine?

Yeah, yeah.
[Speaks Russian]

[Speaks Russian]

- Okay, uh, you rest, Boris.
- No.

- We talk more later.
- No, I'm better, I'm better.


I think we...
drop the pretense, doctor, yeah?

I am suffering from a...

a condition.

A genetic disease.

[Speaks Russian]

I have kept it private.
You can understand why.

So far, the symptoms
have not been dramatic.

What is the gene
that is defective, doctor?

It's the VCP gene on the ninth chromosome.

Yes, that's...

Sorry to hear that. Truly.

So you say I must go to Shadow Pond

because your time is short?

Dima, none of us is immortal.

I will see you at dinner. Okay?

[Call button buzzes]

Father, I know that
you do not want to talk to me.

But I also know how much
you hate hospitals.

Your doctors are reluctant
to discharge you

because you still need 24-hour monitoring,

and you are at risk for seizures.

But since I am a P.A.,

they may release you into my care.

You could recuperate at home
if I attend to you.

What can I do for you, Mr. Katdare?

Get my things. I'm going home.

Wow, this fresh air seems to be doing you

a world of good.

Next time you plan to fake symptoms,

could you maybe, I don't know,
give me a heads up?

It was a necessary ruse, Hank.

And I couldn't risk
any bad acting on your part.

Oh, okay.

Is Dmitry unwell, do you think?

Well, if I had to guess, I'd say diabetes.


He was shaking when he came in

and went right for a sugary drink.

He has arthritis in his joints

that made it hard to open the can.

I suspected you might have
a knack for this.


And diabetes is what I've heard.

Apparently, recently it's gotten worse.

I chose to expose my own health issues...

and even exploit them.

In hopes the Dmitry might
see you in action

and seek help.

I have no idea how consistent
his medical care has been,

and I imagine he hides his weaknesses

from his political enemies.

I thought he was a businessman.

Oil is never just about oil, Hank.

There is a deal I want to make...

And others would very much like
to see made.

It could help stabilize
a nascent democracy.

And, yes, it would make money too.

Dmitry Vasilyev is the only man I know

who can bring... certain parties
to the table.

But not if he's ill and depressed.

I need my old friend alive and well.

So I'm here as bait... as medical bait.

Let's see if he bites.

I feel like...
did Picard ever get married?

No, no. I definitely
would have remembered that.

That's crazy. Um, okay,

what about anything in Deep space nine?

No... There was a wedding in Enterprise.

Whoa, Enterprise does not count.

- Does it, Payload?
- Definitely not to me.

No, you're right, it doesn't.

So I see no neuro deficits.

There you go. You're not an alien.

Yeah, I just wanted to rule out

any possible causes of your migraines,

but you seem fine.

Okay, thanks.

Hey, Ev, you got a second?

Um, there's something I want to show you.

Oh, my God, it's beautiful.

- You own a multi-axis trainer?
- Oh, yeah.

- Who wants a go?
- Me! I could...

- I mean... ladies first.
- You go ahead.

Yes! Me...

- Would you hold this?
- Yeah.

Come on. Okay, now, step right here.

Careful. Watch your head.

All right, come in here.
Put your feet here.

This is... this is literally...
this is a dream come true.

Put these babies on.

- All right?
- My God.

- All right, you good?
- Yeah.

Okay, now, this little device...

develops balance and fortitude

for experiencing weightlessness.

Yeah. It's also a blast.

Oww! I'm excited.

- Okay, you ready for this?
- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Okay, you ready?
- Yep.

[Shouting with glee]


Oh... Yeah! Whoo-hoo!

You know, if his stomach is
anything like mine,

maybe we better take a couple steps back.


Yeah! Oh... oh, God.

- How you feeling?
- No, no, I'm good. Keep going.

Keep going. Yes, yes. [Laughter]

Okay, stop, stop.
Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

All right, hold on.

That was awesome! That was so awesome!

I'm ready for zero gravity right now, man.

- Seriously.
- Okay, who's next, huh?

Yeah, all right.

Okay, I gotta get out
of this thing... whoa!

- Whoooooah!
- Watch out!

Oh, my God! Ohh.

Brady, oh, my gosh! Are you okay?

Oh, yeah, I think I'm okay.

Oh, God, I'm s... dude, I'm so sorry.

What the... what is that?

I have never seen anything
like that before.

Wait, is...

Dude, you are an alien.

I... I think I'm all right. Oh, man.

Why is his blood green?

Evan, hey.

Uh, I hope all is well with you.

Especially because if it's not,

you can't reach me, so... I don't know.

Uh, I'll try you later.


Finally a break.

My bilingual brain is fried.

Dmitry's English seems pretty good.

But business with Boris is
all subtlety and nuance and...

Why I need fresh air.

Yeah, well, that should help.

So I take it you don't have a light?

I'm a doctor. No, I don't have a light.

I am down to one of these a day, doctor.

That may take more willpower
than just quitting outright.

Willpower is no fun at all.

I'd rather indulge in my addictions.

I should see if Boris needs me.

Um... ls he all right?

- I...
- I mean...

I'd ask him myself,

but with his new domesticated status, I...

I don't want to presume.

Doctor... Do you have a moment?

Uh, absolutely.

Shall I translate?

We can do alone.

Thank you, "Christinochka."

[Christina sighs]

But what would cause
the blood to be green?

There's one possibility.

Vulcan DNA?


Okay, now that sounds Vulcan.

That does kind of... that could be Vulcan.

[Laughs] Yeah.

Well, it's not.

Have you taken any medicine

that you failed to mention?

Because medicines that control migraines

can contain sulfonamide.

Uh, well, you know, I've been taking

every day, but...

That's way too much.

You can't take that prophylactically.

Your blood is discolored

because it has too much sulfur in it.

Okay, but if my migraines return,

no one's gonna let me back into space.

Well, then, you can't go back into space.

You have to stop taking those pills.


I'll get a rush on those labs.

And we'll follow up

as soon as the results come in.


So that was pretty harsh, man.

The diagnosis is correct.

Yes, but your bedside manner is not.

You need to support the hopes
and dreams of your patients.

He needs to stop overmedicating.

Yes, but, Jeremiah, you made him feel bad.

[Scoffs] I did? I can't lie to him.

Look, okay. I know.

I'm not asking you to do that.

I'm just saying Hank doesn't just go

the extra mile,

he finds ways to soften the blow,

so feelings don't get hurt.

You can't be so blunt, Jeremiah.

You mean, how you're being blunt with me?

I'm not...

it's okay. I got it.

Doctor, this...

I need stronger.

Ha... have you been diagnosed
with erectile dysfunction?

Erecto what?

- Are you ill?
- I have diabetes.

Doctor says problem comes with this.

It can... impotence
is common among diabetics.

Not for me, may... maybe for you, but...

Excuse me?

Not before, I'm... I'm sorry.

Look, uh...

An old friend comes to visit tonight.

I don't want to disappoint her, okay?

Just some stronger, please.

[Clears throat]


How is your blood sugar control?

Uh, do you use an insulin pump?

Oh, no. I, uh...

Oh, you inject insulin?

I inject, yes.

Quiet for a second.


Ah, deep breath in and out.



Depression can also come with diabetes.


And depression can cause impotence.

Yes, yes, yes.

Okay, please lie down.

[Clears throat]

How many times did you try the pills?

One... one fiasco was more than enough.

Ah, for many men,

these pills don't work the first time.

You might need to try

the pills several times before success.

And the pills aren't a substitute for,

you know, stimulation and...

the... oh, whoa, whoa.

Uh, bedroom tips... No need.

Got it.

[Tapping chest]

Your liver's enlarged.

Do you drink alcohol?

Look, doctor. I am Russian.

We drink alcohol, okay?

I should draw blood to test
your liver function.

The liver can affect diabetes
and cause E.D.

You look at my blood?

No, I send it to a lab.

No. No blood goes out.

We wouldn't have to use your name.

No. It's too much risk. No.

Listen, I can't prescribe for you

without more information.

Dr. Dolittle...
[Speaking Russian]



Thank you very much. Please.

You're welcome.

[Clears throat]

Can you tell me who's president?

Father, I know that you don't
want to talk to me,

but these questions are
for your mental status.

I can tell you my wife of 30 years

has decided to become independent,

like her daughter.

That's my status.

And your temperature's back to normal too.

You need the nutrition, father.

I understand you met with Dmitry,

but no lab tests went out?

Do you really need my lecture
on patient confidentiality?

Let's skip your recitation

of the hippocratic oath,
as well, shall we?


Now, Hank,

I want to warn you about Christina.

Thanks. Why?

Don't underestimate her.

She's formidable.

Yeah. Yeah, I've noticed.

Did she say something?

No, just... just that she was
concerned about your health.

I was alerting you
to her poker skills, Hank.


Oh, okay.

What did you think I was going to say?

I... uh, no, 'cause...

What did she say about...

[Elevator bell dings]

Let's never mind.


[Speaking Russian]

[Speaking Russian]

I understood that.

- Doctor.
- Boris.

So, um, Texas hold 'em.

If you want to play my game.



Good call.

Set up a new skeet range at Shadow Pond.

You can try the new
remington over and under, yeah?

Don't change our subject, Boris.

This word, embargo, it's a very bad word.

It offends the shias.

Oh, really?

Not for me.

Me? Yes.


[Speaking Russian]

Has been enjoyed,

but I must call it an early evening.


Good night.

- Good night, Hank.
- Good night.

Good night, Hank.


[Woman screams]

[Screaming continues]

[Screaming frantically]

What happened?

[Speaking Russian]


[Speaking Russian]



What happened?

He's in hypoglycemic shock.

Is there glucose here?

No! No glucose yet.

He's been drinking.

I'll give thiamine first.

Okay. Good.


Now we give him the glucose.

And this should bring him around.

[Inhales deeply]

[Speaking Russian]


[Speaking Russian]

He asked, "what are you doing here?"

Uh, tell... tell him he drank,

he didn't eat, and he exercised vigorously

and put himself into a dangerous low.

[Translating in Russian]

[Speaking Russian]

Supraventricular tachycardia.

Your heart rate is too rapid.

This should slow it down.

Ow, ow!

Ah! Ah!


It's not working.

- Boris, help me sit him up.
- Yeah.

[Grunts] That's it. Good.


Oh... uhh...

Okay, just hold him like that.

Uh... hold these.

Thank you.

We're going to dunk you, briefly.

Yeah, we are.

That's it, that's it.

Okay, okay.

[Shouting in Russian]
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

That's one way to get your heart
back into sinus rhythm.

And it worked.

- It did?
- Whew.

Thank God. He'll be all right?

Yeah, I'll stick around to make sure.

But, Dmitry, you need further tests.

I know your reservations
about sending out labs,

but what if the lab came here?


Well, we've definitely
found some advantages

to having Hank out of the house.


Would it be wrong to ask him

to move out after the wedding?

You're not going to live on Saturn?

So you're not too keen on
the interstellar nuptials?

You picked up on that.

[Chuckles softly]

What happened to the girl
who went to space camp?

Honestly, I...

I was never a fan of space.

Too dark and cold.

I went to camp because
of my crush on Brady.

Oh, good. That's awesome.


Fido and Payload sitting in a tree.

What the hell are those nicknames anyway?

Fido stands for Flight Dynamics Officer.

And Payload? What's Payload about?

Or were you just a little hefty?


I was in charge of mission cargo,

thank you very much.

- Ow.
- Geez.

And I...

was a little hefty.

No. Are you kidding me?


I love that!

So was I.

I swear to God.

At least we have that in common, right?

What do you mean, "at least"?

I bet we weren't
that different growing up.


I would have k*lled too to space camp.

Is there anything I can do to...

make it up to you?

I wouldn't mind a nickname.

Like, Tiberius.

You cannot give yourself a nickname.

And it certainly can't be that.

- It's James T. Kirk...
- No, sorry.

It's Captain Kirk's middle name.

Absolutely not. I won't have it.

- No.
- James Tiberius Kirk.


[Rings bell]

What's wrong?

Sorry to wake you.

I thought I might try another mango lassi.

Of course.

It looks like you have your appetite back.

[Clears throat]


I need to apologize...

For getting angry at you

on the day of your fall.

I was insensitive,

and I fear that I drove you to the edge.



I am so grateful not to have lost you.

Yes, my... desperate act failed.

But maybe there's a silver lining.

Or at least a mango lining.

I'll be right back.

Good evening.

[Chuckles softly]

Sorry to ransack your bar.

The one in my suite's empty.

And they call this joint a five-star.

Bourbon okay?


You read my mind.


To a long day.

[Glasses clink]

Unless you're used to days like this.


This was definitely a first.

Firsts are good.

I like firsts.

You know...

I had you beat
on that last round of poker.

You know... I saw your cards.

Now you know I can bluff.

Now, what's that called in Russian?

[Speaking Russian]

I don't believe you,
but I like how that sounds.

There's more.

Unfortunately, I'm here to do a job,

and it's not over.

Look, I'm barely keeping up
in these circles.

Thrilling as they are.

Says a man who saved a life
with an ice bucket.


But you made that save bilingual.

[Giggles] That's the thrilling part?

That is to me.

If you're worried about your boss,

Boris respects the concept
of being off the clock.

You can trust me on that.

I'd like to get to know you better.

[Grunts softly]

Talk about firsts.


Where are you going?

What about your biopsy?

I'm sorry, I must go.

The lab equipment's arrived.

Listen, you need to do this.

[Translating to Russian]

- Dmitry.
- What?

You're having trouble with
your index and middle fingers.

Yes. Genius.

Arthritis is a symptom
of diabetes, I thought.

No, this doesn't look like
diabetic arthropathy.

The only joints affected are

the second and third metacarpophalangeas.

[Translating into Russian]


Sorry. These knuckles.

I'm beginning to suspect
diabetes and liver disease

are not your primary illness,

but are caused by another
underlying condition.

Underlying con...

what is your doctor cooked for me?

Dr. Lawson is his own man. Trust me.

Look, if I'm right about
what you're suffering from,

there may be a bronze discoloration

beginning in your armpits.

[Translating into Russian]

Would you like some privacy?

Could we stop with this P.C. crap?

Privacy, schmivacy.


So what is this new disease I have?

It's a blood disease called

It causes liver disease and diabetes,

and can lead to depression.

The biopsy will confirm it.

And there's a treatment we can

and should begin immediately.


You want a smoothie?



No. No, no, no.

Okay, what happened?

Dear old Fido is not renewing
his retainership.

It's all Jeremiah's fault too.


You were there.

He just blurted out the diagnosis.

He didn't soft-pedal or coddle
or even sound sorry.

First of all, Brady
wouldn't want to be coddled.


And what?



I think you blew it with Brady.

- I blew it?
- Yeah.

When he asked you for
a discount, you didn't respond.

Oh, my... he was kidding.

And then he said, he'd get right on it.

He was smiling.

And "I'll get right on it"
can mean the opposite.

I know Brady.

And after reading that email,

I still don't think he said no.

Oh, really?

"I regret we aren't a good fit."

So, he's open to negotiation.
He just wants a deal.

Paige, the guy's a gazillionaire.

And he wants it to stay that way.

So get your CFO ass over there,

and close this deal.


Look, uh...

[blender whirrs loudly]

If I'm...

[whirring intensifies]

Better, daddy?

You haven't called me that for years.

Are the damask roses blooming?

I'll go check.

No need.

Perhaps we can walk out together
and look at them.

The fresh air would be good for you.

In fact, I'll open the doors now.

[Doors creak]

[Bees buzzing]

[Doors creak]

You didn't jump.

You were on a chair,

spraying the bees' nests
when you fell, weren't you?

I never said I jumped.

But you let me believe it.

I was afraid...

You wouldn't stay.




It wasn't just guilt that brought me here.

I almost lost you.

Do you really want me to feel better?

I will not take sides with you or mother.

That is for you to settle.

And you will throw out that mental list

of eligible bachelors

that you have prepared.

Otherwise, yes, I want to help.

I have no list.

Two nice men. That's not a list.

Do we have a deal?

[Speaking Russian]

How much more of my blood
do you need, doctor?

We'll drain off about a pint.

It's called phlebotomy or bloodletting.

[Translating in Russian]

It will ease the overload

of iron in your hemoglobin

which is the source of your symptoms.

[Translating in Russian]
Will it cure his illnesses?

It won't reverse them,
but it will slow them down.


I'm grateful. Thank you.

There is a catch.

This bloodletting needs to be repeated.

How often?

As frequently as you can tolerate.

At least once a week at first,

and your blood will have to be tested.

Dima, we could set up
a secure lab at Shadow Pond.

And I could make Dr. Lawson
available for additional draws.

Of course you can.

Very convenient for your summit, isn't it?


- Here you go.
- Thanks.

- This is interesting.
- Yeah.

[Electronic bleeping]
Hey, Brady.

Hey, man.

- Thanks for seeing us.
- Shh, shh.

I have to concentrate.

And you're doing it.

You just went up a tenth of a degree.

So, Jeremiah, what's going on?

I thought Brady might control
his migraines

using biofeedback
instead of using medication.

How does that work?

Well, I use breathing

and focus to raise
the temperature in my hands.

Retraining the vascular system

can help alleviate the migraines.

And as it turns out, having migraines

may not prevent me
from blasting off again.

If I bring a doctor with me.

Oh, if you bring a...

so, um, I'm... I'm not a doctor, per se.

You certainly aren't.

Don't worry, Fido, we will find you

a medical companion if it comes to that.


Yeah, a medical companion.

[Clears throat loudly]

Well, I know I should go
the extra mile for Hankmed.

But it's 62 extra miles to the Karman line

at the atmosphere's boundary.


A little space camp stayed with me.


All right.

You can stand down, Bones.
You fulfilled your mission.

Bones? He's Spock.

But he's a doctor.

Oh, right, 'cause...

otherwise, he's completely Spock.

- Totally.
- Please stop.

So... got what you wanted.


Let's stop it, Dima.

You're more desperate for
this deal that I am,

and you know it.

Come on. Get comfortable.

Well, Hank,

once again, you've exceeded
my high expectations.

I would have been useless

if there hadn't been
a patient to care for.



Sorry to reinforce stereotype.

I had a packing meltdown.

You're coming to Shadow Pond?

Of course.

There's still work to be done.

And we'll get that chance
for you to know me better.