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04x05 - You Give Love a Bad Name

Posted: 04/24/24 13:32
by bunniefuu
Previously onRoyal Pains:

What are you doing here?

I've left your father.

I got fired.

Why didn't you tell me?

Because you've been preoccupied

ever since I stepped
through the door.

- Close the gate!
- Stay where you are!

Get the truck!
Stay there.

- Are you suggesting...
- Are you offering?

Yes, he is, and yes, you are.

Okay, let's make this official.

To the return
of the living Hankmed.

I didn't hear a thing.

Hank, an intruder
has breached the perimeter.

I'm sorry, but I'm afraid
you're too late.

I've got a pulse.

Call 911.

Looks like he's been
shot in the heart.

He's bleeding profu...

I've lost his pulse.

All right,
we need to open his chest.

Anyone here have
combat medicine experience?

I need help now.

Here, bag him.

Glove up.

Either of you have
a flashlight?

Good, thank you.

Making the incision.

What are you doing?

He may be
losing blood too fast.

If I don't stop it,
he'll bleed to death

before the ambulance gets here.

Hold this open.

Spread the ribs
as much as you can.


That's it.


Yup, there's the hole.
The b*llet's embedded.

Must've sent him into v-fib.

- Will you remove it?
- It's in the left ventricle.

I've got to take it out
before I get the heart started.


Yep, there it is.

Okay. Good.

He's bleeding too fast.

I need to plug the hole with
my finger till he's in an O.R.

I'm pumping it to get
the blood circulating again.

Come on, beat.

There we go.
He's alive.

He's alive.


Removed a small-caliber b*llet
from the left ventricle.

My finger's in the hole to
prevent him from exsanguinating.

You're gonna have to keep it
there while we prep him.

I'll cancel my dinner plans.

- Dr. Lawson?
- Yeah.

Detective Mellecker,
South Hampton P.D.


Hi. We need to get statements
from you and the victim.

Oh, well, he'll be in surgery
for a few more hours,

and I don't know what
I can tell you.

I heard the shot
from the guesthouse,

ran up and found Mr. Kuester
Von Jergens Ratinecz

and a few guards.

- One shot?
- Yep.

- Do you know who fired it?
- No.

Did the victim have a w*apon?

- I-I-I don't know.
- Okay.

We still need a detailed
statement for the report,

but we can wait until tomorrow.

- Okay.
- Nice work.

Thank you.

I think you were
just showing off.

- Hey.
- So what'd they say?

They just asked questions...

That I don't have answers to.

You know, one of the nurses
knows a cop

who told her the guy
is a John Doe.

He got in with an hvac crew
to case the place.

Dumbest burglar in the Hamptons
breaking in there, right?


Uh... Yeah.

I'm supposed to meet
my ride outside,

but uh...

How is this place so empty?

I don't get it.

When we left here earlier,

there were flashing lights.

There were squad cars,
yellow tape.

Maybe they've already finished.

No, not that fast.
Something is going on.

Dad, nothing is going on.

Whoa! Dad.

Be careful, will you?

We've had enough drama
for the night.

You know what, do me a favor.

Just get out here.

Okay? It's a long day.
I'm a little tired.

- You got it.
- Okay, I love you.

I'm gonna get some sleep.

Hello. Unh.

- Good night.
- Love you, pop.

- I love you, boys.
- Love you.

♪ my independence went away ♪

♪ I didn't listen
when it said ♪

♪ rely on yourself ♪

♪ trusting someone else ♪

♪ is a path
for the silent ghost ♪

all right,
ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to Hankmed 3.0.

Yeah, it's so exciting.

So obviously we've expanded
the staff, but...

hey, before we start,
I got a couple ideas.

So how is that before we start?

That's starting.

- Who is he again?
- Uh, Ken Keller.

He invested
when it was just me.

Right, so that's
agenda item three, and...

agenda item number one
should be my ideas.

you're a silent partner,


shush, shush.

Do you prefer Ken or Keller?
For my notes.

Jeremiah, later, later.

All right, as I was saying,

we are gonna need
the expanded staff

to meet the demands of our
insanely expanded patient load.

Muffin break.

These are flourless,
but you'll never tell.

I have blueberry...

babe, babe, um,
I love you and thank you.

They look awesome,
but we haven't even

started the meeting yet.

I heard "agenda item three. "

I know.
It was a misfire.

- Oh.
- Muffin time will be later.

- All right.
- Great.

So where was I?

Yes, the expanded patient load.

Wow, you're having a party.

Can I join?

What smells so good?

It's Paco Rabanne.

I think he meant the muffins.

Keep telling yourself that.

That's blueberry.
Take a seat.

- Great, yeah, have a muffin.
- Thank you.

Everyone situated?
Good. So...

is there any news
about the burglar?

Still unconscious, but alive.

All right, everybody, can we...

let's just get through
one agenda item...

- Yeah, that'd be great.
- Together.

So here we go,
agenda item number one...

Mrs. Katdare.
What a surprise.

I hope I'm not intruding.

No. Well, you're not
intruding per se.

Excuse us.
Mom, what are you doing here?

I'm so sorry to interrupt,

but I was afraid
you might need this.

I can't believe
I left my phone.

I'm just gonna go ahead
and adjourn the meeting.

I was just in such a rush

to get
to this important meeting!

- You don't have to take notes.
- You must be Divya's mother.

Yes. Thank you.

They're flourless.

All right, so, uh...

This is supposed to be
agenda item number four,

but how about you and Divya
see the new patient,

Veronica Sullavan?
Her address is in there.

Sounds like a plan.

So the meeting...

Kinda got out of control.

Yeah. Kinda reminded me
of my old

Brooklyn hospital meetings.

Way too much talking,
and nothing gets done.

So basically the exact
nightmare scenario

you pictured
when I pitched expansion?

Well, it helped
that you were suffering

through the meeting, too.

No, no, growing pains.
Those are growing pains.

All right, from now on
I'll email an agenda in advance.

I'll limit all comments
to ten seconds or less,

and I'll require that
all refreshments are consumed

prior to the meeting...
how's that?

It's a start.


Please tell me that
we have somewhere to get to.

That post-meeting was worse
than the actual meeting itself.

We do. Let's get to it.

Hi. Thank you for coming.

My regular doctor
is in Manhattan,

but I have so many clients
in the Hamptons

that I just don't like to leave

unless absolutely necessary.

- Do you perform weddings?
- No, I don't.

I perform introductions.

I'm a matchmaker.
This is my wall of fame.

Are you two single?

I have some space
on my wall still.

I'm married to my work.

Haven't gotten around
to buying the ring yet,

but I will.

And are you open to...

Just checking.

Hazard of the job.

Oh, you hit the remote.
Let me fix that.

Thank you.


There's that again.
Sorry, light-headed.

That's been happening
all morning.

I also have
a flutter in my chest,

like a hummingbird.

Which is something
that a woman in my condition

has to actually take seriously.

You're referring to your s...


I hear two heartbeats.

Maybe it's the stethoscope.

Maybe it's my two hearts.

You had a heterotopic
heart transplant?

Yes, but you shouldn't be able
to hear them both.

They should beat as one.

It's far more romantic
that way.

Not to mention healthier.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I want to do an EKG.

Ugh, if I had a nickel
for every time I had an EKG,

I would have
a metric butt load of nickels.

I was diagnosed with
cardiomyopathy nine years ago.

Two years
on the transplant list,

seven years
as a transplant patient.

And a month after my surgery,

I had to have an EKG
every other day.

That's like 15 nickels
right there.

I could probably do it myself,

but I wouldn't be able
to read it.

Well, let's see if I can.

I've never done one
on two hearts.

Yeah, I get that a lot.

Why did your doctors
add a heart

rather than perform
a replacement?

They couldn't find
a perfect match,

so they put in a second
to help mine pump.

After the surgery,
I was "all heart,"

so I decided to start
a matchmaking business.

No one ever likes that joke,

but feel free to be the first.

It's all right.

Uh, the complexes in one heart
appear normal,

but the other shows
intermittent svt.

Definitely wouldn't have
been able to read that.

I'd like to take you
to a local specialist

just to be safe.

Ah, the life
of a transplant patient!

The doctor will probably want
to look at your medications,

so you should bring them.

I hope you have a big backseat.

She has a great attitude,
don't you think?


So it's her sense of humor
you don't care for?

I saw you roll your eyes.
I did not roll my eyes.



I rolled my eyes.

I have a problem
with her profession.

My parents, they played
matchmaker with me and raj.

It didn't matter
that we weren't in love...

Real love...

The kind you find without
third-party meddling.

I tried to make them understand.
You see where it got me?

Yeah, well, from the looks
of things this morning,

it seems like
they're coming around.

- Just my mother.
- It's a start.

- She left my father.
- Wow.

how do you feel?


Why would you be responsible?

Hank, I encouraged her
to do it.

- I actually...
- I'm ready!

- Uh...
- Later.


Yeah. Hank.

I'm not gonna apologize
for saving that man.

I took an oath...
I know, I know.

I have come to thank you.

I acted emotionally last night

out of concern for my family.

Your family?

The man was discovered

under Carlos' bedroom window.

I have no illusions
about what he was after.

And with all you've witnessed
this summer, do you?

You wanted him to die.

I was angry, Hank.

You know my family's history.

I will not let it reach my son.


I should have known asking you
to compromise your integrity

would be...


So thank you.

You're welcome.

I'm glad we can
put this ugly mess

behind us now.



What... what's all this?

You have a crazy workload

I wanted you to be
properly fed.

This is, uh...
this is totally unnecessary.

It's very sweet, though.

I get sweeter.

I also copied the schedule
for all your doctors.

Oh, and I got you
some extra phone chargers,

so now you'll have one
for your house

and one for your car
and one for my place.

You are getting too many
important calls

to run out of battery.

Wow. That's amazing.

You don't sound amazed.

No, I mean, it's...

okay, are you being
a little... Extra... Paigey?

I don't know what that means.

Like, you're always
very supportive, right?

But after the muffins yesterday

and the 90-minute
deep-tissue massage last night

and now this, you're being
even more supportive than usual,

which is already
maniacally supportive,

so I can't help
but think something's off.

Maybe it's you,

because I am
the perfect amount of me.

- Ah.
- And I had a brainstorm

about yesterday's
staff meeting.

The problem is that
the staff hasn't bonded.

Oh. Well, babe,
it's a little early

for a corporate retreat,
don't you think?

I was gonna suggest a mixer.

That's actually
a really good idea.

But I can't...
I mean, I'm so...

no, I know, you're busy.
But I can plan it.

How are you
gonna have time for that?

You've got art school
coming up in three weeks.

You've gotta find a place...
It's under control.

This is more important
right now.

So what do you say?

Yeah, it sounds perfect.

I'm gonna get started.


Wait, after breakfast...

Dr. London found
that both your hearts

are pumping adequately.

That's good.

Did I mention
that he's a client now?

Brilliant cardiologist,
easy on the eyes.

No, thank you.

The tests also showed no signs

of your body
rejecting the heart

or any ischemic or valvular
heart disease.

He did put a couple
of new pills in my regimen.

Did I mention that he's also
interested in photography,

fine wine, and iyengar yoga?

I mean, I'd have to get
to know you first,

but I have a really
good feeling about this.

You know, Ms. Sullavan...

I am really not interested.

Is that the only reason
that you called?

No. I'm nauseous.

I know that side effects
are side effects

of most medications, but...

Is there something
you can do about it?

Well, let me confer
with Hank and Dr. London.

Maybe there's something else
that we can give you.

Most people don't think
matchmaking is for them,

but then, once they try it...
I did!

I did try it.

You pair people up
simply because

it looks good on paper.

I believe in love.

I believe in romance.

I believe in something
real and lasting.

These people are not
paper dolls to me.

I get to know everything about
my clients, outside and in.

I believe that's the only way
that you can find a match

that's real and lasting.

I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have said anything.

No, I'm glad you did.

Look, before my surgery,

I was stuck
in a lousy marriage,

I had a lousy job.

I didn't believe in love.
I didn't believe in happiness.

But then this woman
I didn't even know,

she gave me her heart.

I got a second chance at life.

And I realized that lousy just
wasn't gonna cut it any more.

I wanted to find
what made me happy,

and it turns out
that helping other people

find happiness, find love...
that makes me happy.

I'm really good at it.

How is the burglar?

He's still in a coma
from the initial hypoxia,

but his vitals are stable,
so we're hopeful.

Oh, what did the police say?

I haven't talked to them yet.

Maybe Boris snuffed him out.

I think that
would've made the news.


All right, that's it.

Eddie doesn't want to meddle
in your lives, so I will.

We think you should
move in with us.


It's not safe at shadow pond.

Even the name sounds shadowy.

Ms. Newberg,
I think we're okay.

We're surrounded by guards,
like, all the time.

Guards who sh**t people.

Look, they were
defending Boris's family.

- Oh, come on.
- No, no, that man

pretended to be on an hvac crew

so he could sneak
onto the property.

- Dad? Dad, are you okay?
- Mm-hmm.

I think I'm good.

Ms. Newberg, would you mind
getting dad's heart medicine?

Yeah, they're
in the car, honey.

Between interviews
for book publishers

and now a sh**ting,
he's worn himself out.


We only made love once today.

Thank you for sharing that.


Be right back.

Hvac did you just say hvac?

You seem better.

Yeah, I did.
What's wrong?

Okay, you know what,
I wasn't going to say anything,

because Hank told me
to stay out of Boris's life,

and then Boris made
the same suggestion,

but that was
before it happened.

- Before what happened?
- Okay.

I'm trying to give Boris
a copy of my book.

He takes off.
Then all of a sudden,

from out of the trees come
these guys with g*ns blazing.

I'm telling you, they were
chasing down the driveway,

trying to stop this hvac truck.

It was like a spy movie thing.
Wait a sec.

This is the day
before the break-in?


They were holding him
a full day before they shot him?

What the heck
were they doing to him?

Relax, Evan, I don't think
that's what dad was saying.

That is exactly
what dad is saying.

Maybe they shot him
when he was trying to get away.

Stay out of it, okay?

Henry, the guy had
a shark t*nk in his basement.

I mean, a t*rture chamber
wouldn't be out of the realm...

Evan, we're staying
out of it.

Oh, excuse me.
Hi. You made it.

Of course.
You called.

Are you not feeling okay?

No, I'm fine.
Stop being such a doctor.

I invited you to lunch,
so come on, let's eat.

Actually, I just ate lunch.
When I got your message,

I assumed it was
a medical appointment.

You're a workaholic.

That's what you suffer from,

- Oh, is that your diagnosis?
- That's why you're single.

I did some research
on you, Hank.

Hi, Harper!

- Hey.
- Harper, this is Hank.

- Hi.
- Hank, Harper.

Glad you guys
could join me for lunch.

I actually hate eating alone.

Oh, my gosh,
I think I see Nick Lachey.

I'm gonna go say hi.

See you guys later.

Gee, I, uh, wonder
if this is a setup.

What do you expect
from a matchmaker?

Yeah, I don't,
because I didn't hire her,

but apparently
I've been drafted.

So less a blind date,
more a blindside.

Yeah, exactly.

So what brought you
to Veronica?

I wasn't having
a lot of dating luck myself,

so I'm giving this a shot.

Is anybody here a doctor?

Both: I am.

Excuse me, coming through!


No pulse.

Both: I need a defibrillator.

You bag her,
I'll do compressions.

Just so you know, she had
a heterotopic heart transplant.

Two hearts.
Good to know.

One and two
and three and four...

An ambulance is on its way.

Okay, take over for me.
Thank you.

Six, seven...

What's the matter?
It's not working.

- But it's brand new.
- Well, it...

- take over for me.
- Okay.

I need a knife.

You're gonna cut her
open right here?

Get me a knife now.

One, two,

three, four,
and five, and six...

All right,
she's not responding.

I'm gonna do
a precordial thump.

Wait, wait,
what are you doing to her?

It can cause
an electrical discharge

which can put her back
into normal rhythm.


By the way, it helps to have
the plastic off the battery.

Now it's working.

- Nice.
- Veronica?

You went into cardiac arrest,

but your hearts
are beating again.

Now we need to get you
to the hospital.

It's gonna be okay.

- Early wedding planning?
- Ah ha ha.

Giant Hankmed launch party
planning, actually.

Paige went rogue.

- Does Hank...
- Nope.

- You know the last thing he...
- Yep.

- He's not gonna like...
- Oh, I know.

Can I please
finish my sentence?

He's already anxious about
the expansion of Hankmed,

and after that horrendous
first staff meeting...


I would've had the same thought,
if you'd let me complete it.

Okay, maybe you could...

Strategically place
the flowers around the house,

and Hank wouldn't notice them.

He wouldn't notice them?

It's like the poppy field

from the wizard of oz
in here, Divya.

Look, it's...

Then you'll have
to be honest with him.

Oh, God.
Well, it looks like

you're going to get
your wish, Divya.

It'll be all right.
I'll back you up.

No. I'll handle it.

You guys haven't set a date

and you're already
picking flowers?

All right.


Paige invited 300 people
to the Hankmed launch party.

Give or take.

I'm sorry, did you just say
"launch party"?

- Hank, it's not Evan's fault...
- Bugger off, Divya.

Thank you.

- Mm-hmm.
- I'll be going.

Launch party?

I know, I know, it ballooned
into something unwieldy.

- 300 people.
- Give or take, okay?

Give or take.
I would've shut it down,

but that would've meant
shutting Paige down,

and for God knows what reason,
she seems to really need this.

She needs a party
for 300 people?

I know, give or take.
Look, Hank,

something's going on with her,
and I don't know what it is,

because she won't admit that
something's going on with her,

so I'm...

I'm gonna shut it down.
I'll shut it down.

No, no, no.

Evan... Don't shut it down.

- Really?
- Really.

We'll have a big launch party.

Why don't you look relieved?

Because... What if this
relaunch party doesn't fix her?

Like, what if...
what if this party's

just like a gateway party
into even bigger parties,

like celebrations and galas?

Then you'll be there for her,

just like she'll always be
there for you.

For the record,
I like this one.

It does that.

I was told
the John Doe was here.

He was.
He's being transferred.

- Transferred where?
- Got me.

How long ago did they take him?

Just happened.

They might still be
in the ambulance bay.

- Okay.
- Why?


Excuse me,
where are you taking him?

I- I-I'm a doctor.
I said, I'm a doctor.

This patient just
had open heart surgery.

Hey, why is he being moved?

Ask dispatch. All I know is
I've got the transfer papers.

This is unit 547, transporting
patient to foxtrot Mike.

Well, there isn't
much difference

between the past
and the present, then,

if I can't control it,
is there?

I see. Yeah.

Good, then, do it!

You seem troubled, Hank.

I'm confused.

All right, you tell me, then.

The John Doe was moved,

I'm pretty sure
by the government.

Why would you say that?

Well, the paramedics
who put him in the ambulance

said they were taking him
to "foxtrot Mike. "

Last I checked,
New York paramedics

don't use phonetic alphabets.

Very good, Hank.

Very good.

You see, "foxtrot Mike"
is fort Meade.

The NSA has taken
your John Doe.

He wasn't shot
breaking in, was he?

He was shot breaking out.

I had assumed we had put this
in the past, yes?

I don't like being lied to.

This man was caught
planting listening devices.

You understand?
Bugs, everywhere in my house.

I am hosting a meeting
in the near future,

to which it seems some parties
would like to be privy.

So this had nothing to do
with the safety of your son.

Who knows what else
he was going to do?

These are
dangerous people, Hank.

They do dangerous things.

Why didn't you just tell me?

I assumed you...
Wouldn't want to be involved.

Hank, in your profession,

you see a problem
and you treat it, yeah?

It is a controlled environment.

Everything is primarily
black or white.

For me...
Not so simple.

I've read about a patient
with two hearts,

but I've never had
a chance to work on one.

We had to get
a specially modified pacemaker

with two leads.

Yeah, I know,
it's very exciting stuff.

Veronica has
a temperature of 100.5.

I mean, she may be fighting
some type of infection.

It's a slight fever, but
her arrhythmia's more pressing.

Both of her hearts
need pacemakers,

or she's staring at
another cardiac arrest.

What is it?

I think there's more to this
than Veronica's hearts.

Now, you said she had nausea.

- And now a fever.
- When I saw her at the club,

she was wearing
sunglasses inside.

And when we first went
to her house,

a lot of the shades were drawn.

Do you think she's photophobic?

Conditions that present

with both arrhythmias
and photophobia...

- Q fever.
- Typhoid.


Here, get her feet.
I've got the line.

Easy, easy.

Get me 2 milligrams
of lorazepam.

I'll get her on oxygen.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Seizure's subsiding.

Hey, welcome back.
What happened?

You had a seizure.

I'm gonna call neuro
for a consult.

But we will have to postpone
your pacemaker surgery.

Don't sound so disappointed.

Don't you have other
defected hearted patients?

First we need to figure out
what's going on with you.

Yay, I'm special.

I'll be back
to check in on you.

Thank you.

Veronica, your seizure,
along with your other symptoms,

may be signs of
an underlying condition.


Has the light
been bothering your eyes?

They've been sensitive.

Like a flash like when you...

Open the curtains
in the morning.

That's called photophobia.
It's a symptom, too.

- Of what?
- Hank, take a look at this.

- What?
- It's petechial rash.

What is it?

I'm pretty sure
you have something called

rocky Mountain spotted fever.

It's a potentially
lethal infection

spread by ticks.

It can have severe effects
on your respiratory

and central nervous system,
and your hearts.

But... I've never been
to the rockies.

You can get it
pretty much anywhere.

And we'll have them put you
on doxycycline right away.

And the good news is,
if you have it,

we can treat it.

So it's not related
to my transplant.

If I'm right,

all of your symptoms have been
the result of the infection,

but with antibiotics,
you and both your hearts

should be okay.

I understand this mixer

is for us all to get
to know each other.

I'll start.

I was born in
Richmond, Virginia.

I spent the last nine years

in a research laboratory
with my mentor.

And when...
when he died...

I- I couldn't... Navigate
the politics, I guess,

and I lost all of his funding.

Your turn.

- Wow, that is so sad.
- Uh-huh, yeah.

Man, I think...
I'm gonna need another.

This is the best concierge
medicine relaunch party

in the history of concierge
medicine relaunch parties.

Yeah, I've got a gift.

And doing it for Hankmed...
for you...

makes it all the more fun.
Fun is good.

You know what else is good?

Now, I was thinking...

I should postpone art school.

Why would you do that?

With this new launch,
you need me.

So I will postpone school
until you're on your feet.

Evan, it is not every day

you get an opportunity
to follow your dream.

That's what this is about?
You getting fired?

Paige, people get fired
all the time,

successful, talented...

me, in fact, right before
I moved to the Hamptons.

I... and I'll tell you
all about it another time,

but getting fired
is just a thing.

It happens all the time.

I, um...

I told you that
they fired the director

and let us all go,
but that's not what happened.

Then what happened?

The director...

Tried to sleep with me.

That's the only reason
I was hired.

I thought the director
was a woman.


Well, listen, I thought

it was because I was talented,
but I'm not a real artist,

so I should stick
to what I'm good at...

being there for
the people who need me,

my mom, my dad, and you.

Screw all that.

Listen to me.

Paige Collins,
you are not a fraud.

You're not.

I couldn't love you
this much if you were,

which is why you are
going to school

to follow your dreams,

not your mom's
or your dad's or mine.

Evan R. Lawson,

I love you so much.

So much.

Oh-all right.

- hi there.
- Hey.

What are you doing here?

Is that how you welcome
all your guests,

or am I special?

Oh, no, I...
what I meant to say was... Hi.


I think the invitations
went out to pretty much

every medical professional
in the eastern time zone.

Yeah, it's not a small party.

I prefer a more
intimate get-together myself.

Me, too.

And yet we're both here.

Veronica says I need
to put myself out there more.

Well, she does seem
highly qualified.

Except I told her
I don't date doctors.


Well, we are horrible people.

Despite that, it was
very nice to meet you...

Surprisingly nice.

Bye, Hank.

Bye? What...

what do you mean, "bye"?

That's it?

I guess that's it.


- Hey.
- Hey.

- You're here.
- Yeah.

I thought for sure
you were gonna be a no-show,

given the sheer enormity
of this thing.

It's not that big.

- Can we talk for a minute?
- Yeah, sure, come on.

I'm having a great time.

I'm glad, but mum...

I admit, I'm not quite sure
what to say about you and daddy.

I know.

But we're here now, and being
here means so much to me.

It does?

You're an important member
of this business.

Your independence, your courage,
helped get you here.

Are you happy?


I don't know.

You stood up to us so that you
could find your own happiness,

and you found it here
in your business.

Maybe it's time
you find love, too.


I don't need a man to be happy.

It sure didn't help you.

Divya, I have
never been in love.

I hope when you're my age,
you cannot say the same thing.

So after
the giant staff meeting

and now here
at this giant party,

I realized that I am walking
on eggshells around you,

and I don't like it.

Well, then don't.
You shouldn't.

Well, sometimes you don't
leave me a choice.

You overreact.

Like when I bought those shirts
from Boris's cousin

and you quit.

It's not that simple, Evan.

You weren't listening to me.

You weren't
listening to me either.

I don't want to start
a fight now about it.

It's just, if we're gonna
be partners again,

I want to get
the bad blood out.

Okay. Okay.

You cannot make any medical
decisions without my approval.

You cannot withhold approval
without a really good reason.

You have to show
better judgment.

You have to stop
being so controlling.

I'm controlling?

I am controlling?

Yeah, maybe I am controlling.


In fact, maybe
I was so controlling,

I didn't realize
what you were capable of.

I think it took us being apart

for me to see how much
you brought to our company.

You created a new business
while I struggled.

I am so impressed
with you, Evan.

You're really good
at what you do.

I'm proud to be your partner

and your brother.

I think I really needed
to hear that.


Okay, everyone,

it's time for the staff meeting
to come to order.


Isn't it a little quiet
for a Hankmed 3.0 staff meeting?

Yeah, shouldn't there be
one more investor,

two more doctors, and five kinds
of flourless muffins?

While I do miss the muffins,

I have made
an executive decision.

- Hm.
- From now on,

staff meetings will be
for senior staff only.

All those in favor, say aye.

Moving right along to
the first order of business...

Divya's Hankmed shares.

They will be held in escrow

until she is in a position
to buy them back.

That way, I am no longer
the majority owner.

No one is.
Evan, you don't have to...

- Evan, you bought those shares.
- Great, it's unanimous.

I don't think you know
what unanimous means.

Moving right along
to the schedules...

Wait, before we do, I have
a business item for the agenda.

That's adorable, Hank.

Thank you.
I signed a retainer.

Don't toy with me.
That's... Divya...

You put him up to this, right?

I did no such thing.

Though I am intrigued.
Who is it?

Veronica Sullavan
is now a client of Hankmed.

I've never been
more proud of you in my life...

Except for yesterday

when you told me
you were proud of me.

Detective Mellecker.

- Dr. Lawson, can I come in?
- Of course.

There's something I was hoping

you could clear up for me.

We heard from the emts
that you removed the b*llet

from the g*nsh*t victim.
I did.

Crime scene investigators
can't find it.

Do you have it?

- No.
- Okay.


So are we still
staying out of it?

- Hello.
- Hi.

How are you feeling?

Oh, this sunlight is heavenly.

Then the doxycycline
is working.


As you know,
Dr. London assured me

that you won't need a pacemaker

or a new place
on the transplant list.

To say that I'm relieved
would be such an understatement.

Thank you.

I'm looking forward
to getting back to work.

I have so many clients that
still need to be paired off.

Okay, maybe I...
Jumped to the wrong conclusion

about you and your business.


I want to find love.

And I'd like
to hire you to help me.

Oh, my God!

I'm so excited!

Would you care
to join me, Hank?

- I can set a place for you.
- No, thank you.

You look determined.

I removed the b*llet
from that man's heart

and then I dropped it,

but the police say
they didn't find it.

I want to know
what you're hiding...

Besides evidence
from a crime scene.

You are
insatiably curious, Hank.

Please sit down.


Do you really want to know?

Yeah, I do.

Perhaps my assumption
about you was wrong.

Perhaps you are not so predictable.

You've been very generous to me.
And to Evan.

You opened your home to us.

Gave me credibility when no one
out here had any idea who I was.

You're right, my world is black
and white.

Yours isn't.

But I always assumed we were more
alike than different.

Now I'm starting to wonder.

Okay, if I'm gonna work with you, I need
to be sure

it doesn't make me a part of
something I don't believe in.

Then find out.


I need your help.

Would you be interested in joining me in an

I'm listening.