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04x03 - A Guesthouse Divided

Posted: 04/24/24 13:31
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

Evan and I have reached an impasse.

We've decided to suspend our partnership.

I'm gonna keep Hankmed running

with the help of my new doctor.

I memorized the patients'
social security numbers.

She's been offered a gig...
eight weeks in Stratford.

- That's amazing!
- Oh, no, no, no.

It's not Stratford, Connecticut.
It's Stratford-Upon-Avon.

Don't you think that maybe
one of you should consult me

about what I want?

Of course we should.
Of course we should. Sorry.

I've decided that I am going to work...

For both of you.

- That's not a choice.
- That's not a choice.

My job fell through.

They gave my position to someone else.

Hank, I am so screwed.

Hey. I am outside your house.

I just heard what happened about your job.

I bought cappuccinos if you want to talk.

- No, no, that's great news.
- And there you are.

Yes. Okay. Thank you.

That was the foundation president,

and he did give my job away.

And this is making you happy because?

Because he offered me
a bigger and better job.

Divya, my dream job just got dreamier.

Oh, yes!

I'm gonna be traveling the world
developing outreach programs.

At first I'll be in Botswana,
then after that South America,

and then after that, who knows?

- But I'm going global!
- Oh!

Congratulations. So when do you leave?




Well, forget the cappuccinos.

We are having celebratory champagne.

It is cocktail hour... somewhere.

All right. I'll get my purse.

Hey! Favor.

Can you not tell Hank about your job?

Oh. So you decided to work with him.


Okay. Uh, well,

if you're gonna work with Evan, I...

No. I'm not just working with Evan.

If I choose one,
I'll alienate the other one.

But if I stay on the inside
with both guys,

then maybe I can fix
what's wrong between them.

And how are you going to do that?

I'm gonna sabotage them.

But drinks first.


My God...

When did you get back?

Late last night.

- Why didn't you wake me up?
- I did.

Whoa. I thought that was
just a really good dream.

Like a really, really good dream.

Didn't you say you weren't
getting a weekend off

for another two weeks?

Yeah, but...

things kind of changed, and...

That's great.

And I wanna hear all about it.

But first...

Order waterproof brochures
to hand out at beach clubs.

Sorry. If I don't record
my ideas right away...

I've been losing them

'cause I've been getting a lot of ideas.

Yeah, I see that.

Why is your office in your bedroom?

Oh, 'cause it's my bunker.

It's where I keep all my ideas

that are for my eyes only, you know?

But the only other eyes
around here are Hank's.

Yeah. Exactly.

I thought your split was amicable.

You said you guys are happier
and better off.

Yeah, we are. Absolutely.

But he's still the competition,


Let me just deal with this one text,

then I wanna hear all about England.

I had the same idea.

Once I heard Uruguay fell through,

I considered offering her a permanent job.

Oh, I would do more than consider.

I would jump at the opportunity.

This could be the answer
to all of your trouble.

I didn't realize I was in trouble.

Oh, come on. Of course you did.

I mean, you're low on money,

and you know how hopeless you
are with all the business stuff.

And there is so much of it.

Right. Well, I figured I could handle...

Hank, you're starting over again.

I mean, with Jill you would
have a planner,

a number cruncher,

and a k*ller PR rep all in one.

It's perfect!

I really do need help,

and she's the perfect person to...

You should call Jill right away.

- This could save your business.
- You don't think it's too soon?

What? And let Evan scoop her up?

Hey, Jill, hi.
I wanted to talk to you about

giving me some badly needed help.

Really? Africa?

T... tomorrow?

Wow. Uh, well, that's... that's... great.

Me? No, no. Don't worry.

I'll be fine. I'm in trouble.

Okay, so nausea, cramping,

anything else?

Abdominal distress.

What's with the new phone number?

You being sued?

If there's something wrong
with you as a doctor,

- I need to know.
- I... I'm not being sued, okay?

Evan and I have just decided

to go our separate medical business ways.

Oh, I totally get it.
I had to fire my brother once.

- That's not easy.
- I didn't fire Evan.

Yeah, that's what I said
in the beginning too.

- But business is business.
- I wanna check your abdomen.

- Hey, now.
- Yeah, I know.

Weren't you one of
the hairy guys growing up?

Yeah. Is that even relevant

when you got a patient at death's door?

You're not at death's door, okay?

You're not even in death's zip code.

- Are you on any new medications?
- No.

- Just prednisone.
- That's not a "just. "

How long have you been taking it?

I don't know, off an on,
like a few months.

I had a little rash.

A rash. From what?

Fine. It's from manscaping. I get waxed.

Is that okay?

I'm sorry. Was I supposed to answer that?

It's for the ladies, Hank.

Clean and smooth like a sexy porpoise.

- Get with the times, Hank.
- Yeah.

I'm gonna take some blood.
Long-term prednisone use

can compromise your immune system...

hang on. Hold that thought.

Sexy porpoise?

Divya Katdare, meet Dr. Jeremiah Sacani.

Oh, you're the P.A. You're from the U.K.

I read your C.V.

Your face is unusually symmetrical.

Thank you?


Uh, so... Hankmed 2.0 staff meeting begins.

Are there assigned seats?

Anywhere is fine.

- Except for there.
- Oh.

I'm just kidding.
That's... hazing the new guy.

But seriously, is it okay if I sit here?

So Jeremiah,

since this is your first day
seeing patients,

I prepared an excellent
introductory day for you.

Three retainer clients.
Should be a piece of cake.

Plus I'll be with you the whole time, so...

Did you bring those
patient cards I prepared?

- Yes. Right here.
- Wonderful.

Uh, will I get these for all the patients?

Of course. Yeah.

Prepare patient cards for everyone.


Did you not get my text
about the retainer meeting?

- The what?
- I got a call this morning

from Sidney Bartlett's office
at The Blackstone?

The Blackstone?

I've been trying to get in there forever.

I know. They had
a cancellation this morning

at 10:00 A. M... It is
the last available half hour

- for the next two months.
- What?

How am I supposed to meet
Bartlett and go with Jeremiah?

I can go with him.

You said yourself it was a piece of cake.

This isn't on the schedule,
and I don't have a patient card.

Dr. Sacani, sometimes emergencies happen.

The spa owner called, and here we are.

That is the thrill of concierge medicine.

Every day, something unexpected happens.

- Every day?
- You'll be fine.


Hey, you.

Hey. Thanks for coming.

Yeah, of course.

So, um... where's the clinic patient?

What, no small talk?

Is that what you lured me here for?

Maybe. I can be sneaky like that.

Yes, you can.

His name is Jake, and he should
be here any minute.

He's my delivery guy.

He was here earlier,
and he looked terrible.

Said he was aching all over.

He's a really nice guy and...

he's new on the job, so...

- He doesn't have insurance yet.
- I know.

Always asking you for favors.

I'm only sorry
it's the last one you'll ask.

- Still have 12 hours.
- Hey, Jill.

You got something else for me?

Yeah, I do. Jake, this is Dr. Lawson.

Hank. Nice to meet you.

Jill, this is why
you brought me over here?

Yeah. She can be sneaky like that.

Anyway, I'm gonna go see my family.

- Okay.
- Hang out.

And I will see you
at 7:00 at Chewy's, okay?

- Yes, you will.
- You're in good hands.

Chewy's got the best clams.

Jake, when did you quit smoking?

You're good, you're good.
How did you know that?

Well... you're wearing a patch.

Oh, yeah. Right.

I quit about a month ago.

Started eating better. I met a girl.

- She must be pretty special.
- Special enough

for me to get my first real job for her.

Making submarine sandwiches
isn't exactly a career,

you know? But this job's gone benefits,

and I'm not just talking about
the dope uniform.

All right. Uh...

you're running a fever,

and Jill told me you were achy all over.

Is your neck stiff?

Yeah, but it's probably
just from sleeping in the truck.

I'm, you know, kinda between
couches right now.

Okay. I wanna make sure
you don't have meningitis,

and I think you should find a real bed.

You need to rest.
Uniform won't do its magic

if you're not well enough to wear it.


Hi. Thank you for coming so quickly.

I wanted to call an ambulance,

but my client wouldn't hear of it.

The woman's a diva.

We work quite well
with a demanding patient.

Oh, no, no, no. She's an actual diva.

- Francesca Bragalini.
- The soprano?

She's complaining of her heart racing,

and she's having difficulty breathing.


Ms. Bragalini, I'm Divya Katdare,

and this is Dr. Sacani.

I told Annika I'm fine

and that I didn't want my
ionization therapy interrupted.

Lean forward, please.

Deep breath.

How long have you had CHF?

Did Annika tell you
I have a heart condition?

No, the swelling in your ankles

and the crackles in your lungs did.

- Plus, you're morbidly obese.
- Excuse me?

Dr. Sacani,
why would you say such a thing?

Because her BMI is clearly
in excess of 40.

I am so sorry.
It was an inappropriate comment.

Please forgive us.

You're very direct, Dr. Sacani.

Well... yes.

I don't like it.

Okay. Uh...

I'd still like to draw some blood

and do a test X-ray,
if that's at all possib... whoops!

Ms. Bragalini?

Dr. Sacani, she has no pulse.

Let's lower the chair back.
I'll start CPR.

Call 911.

- She has an ICD.
- Uh-huh.

I saw.

Sudden defibrillation. Wait.

She said she was having
ionization therapy.

Are there magnets in that blanket?

- They're woven into the fabric.
- They deactivated her ICD.

If the blanket deactivated it,
it can restart it.


You've had an arrhythmia episode.

Just let your head back.

The same blanket

that deactivated Francesca's defibrillator

was then used to reactivate it?

Yes. It sensed the arrhythmia

and shocked her heart back to normal.

I'm just so glad she's okay,

and I'm very lucky that you were here.

Ms. Bergman, have you ever considered

adding an in-house doctor

to the services that your spa offers?

That's actually a great idea.

Is it something you might
be interested in?

Actually, I'm a physician
assistant, not a doctor.

Well, if you can think of a physician

that might be interested,
I would love to get a name.

How about two?


The Blackstone
had no record of my meeting.

Who did you talk to?
Did you check your notes?

- Sit.
- What?


I didn't have time

because something huge came along.


Posh spa is considering
hiring an in-house doctor.


It could be an endless
stream of potential new clients.

That is huge.

Remove finger.

Does Hank know?

A spa? You know Hank.

He is not interested
in that type of thing.

I've got you an interview
for tomorrow morning.

- Can you be ready that fast?
- I'm ready right now.

Hey, Divs, you got a minute?

- I need your opinion.
- Sure.

Don't touch.

Learn everything about
medical spas by tomorrow,

but first buy Jill a going-away present.

Oh, yeah.

It's not my kind of medicine.

Hank, why presume that?

Annika's looking for a doctor

to come in and tell her what
type of medicine they could do.

Look, I appreciate it,
Divya, but it's just not for me.

- Really?
- Really.

That is too bad.

It would have been a godsend,
considering your predicament.

Mm. This one.


Hank you didn't have to get me anything.

Oh, okay, then I'll just put it down...

wait, give it to me.

It's nothing big, just...

a little something to remind you of us.

Our clinic.

Your clinic.

I wanted you to remember
how many people you've helped

and how much people around here
care for you.

Especially the three of us.

It's perfect. Thank you.

This is from me.


It's beautiful.

So we'll always be close to your heart.

I love it.

Thank you.

I'm so excited
for what you're about to do.

But I'm gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you too, girl.

Oh. Okay. I really...

I really hate good-byes.


guess what, Jill.

- What, Evan?
- This...

is about to make you feel a lot better.

Now, where they went sentimental with it,

I decided to go practical.

"What do you get the girl who's
going to the middle of Africa?"

One might ask.

And the answer might be... In that bag.

- That's you.
- I see.

Oh! Oh, wow.

The traveler's bed bug thwarting cocoon.

It doesn't just stop beg bugs either.

- It's pretty awesome, right?
- It is totally awesome

and totally you.

Thank you, Evan.

Help me clear the table.

Why would...


'Scuse me.

- You mind if I, uh...
- Yeah.

I was so almost gonna get you

the traveler's bed bug
thwarting sleeping cocoon.

It was that or the photo
album, and I just...

I don't know. I wanted the photo album.

- Good choice.
- Thank you.

I'm really, really gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you too.

I wanted to thank you

for giving me a reason
to stay in the Hamptons.

I never would have made
the leap without you.

You know, Hank, I...

I never would have made
this leap without you.

Up until last summer,

I was the local girl who had
never left the Hamptons.

And now... look at me.

Tomorrow, I'll be in Africa.

Can't get to Africa
without a ride to the airport.


No, that won't be necessary.

I know it won't. I want to.

We can do small talk all the way to JFK.


- Want to, uh, try it on?
- Yes.

- Make sure it fits?
- I do.

- Yes.
- Okay.

All right. Come on in.

It's beautiful.

Okay. Okay.


- Midnight snack.
- Hmm?

Whoa, no, no. Give me five minutes, babe.

There you are.

So... what's all this?

Divya, what's up?

- This, Divya...
- Uh, Divya?

Is a five-part multimedia presentation.

- This is a great opportunity.
- Mm-hmm.

The spa will generate business
all by itself.

To be honest, I am so surprised

that Hank didn't want to go for it.

Oh, yeah? I'm not.

Let me tell you something
about my brother, Divya.

He has no vision.

At all. He's vision-impaired.

My brother would not know a gold mine

if he tripped over a prospector
and fell into a gold mine.

- Be nice.
- I am being nice.

Look... when I get this job,

I'm not gonna tell him I told him so.

But he'll know. And I'll know.

And he'll know that I know that he knows.

You know?

The point is,

this spa is the future, and it's all mine.

It's all mine.

Bogey at 2:00.

Hey, guys. What's going on?


nothing, Hank. Just Hankmed business.

Hankmed business.


Uh, Divya,

that, uh, that spa thing
we were talking about...

I've been thinking about it.

There may be something there.

Yeah. I'm in.

Good for you, Henry. That's great.

Thanks, man. It feels good.

I guess I could introduce the both of you.

That'd be awesome.

Yeah. That would be so cool.

Are you spying on Evan for Hank?

- Excuse me?
- I saw you use your phone.

And then Hank came downstairs,

and now he's going after the spa.

I promise you, I am not spying on Evan.

So what are you doing?

What am I doing?

- Yeah. What are you doing?
- Well...


Well, indeed.

You're trying
to undermine Evan, aren't you?

Okay, the truth is

I am not trying to undermine Evan.

I'm trying to undermine both of them.

Why would you do that?

Because if I can make them
both fail separately,

then they will realize
that they need each other,

and then everything, finally,

will get back to normal.

Ohh! Please do it fast.
Whatever it takes, Divya.

Just... I really miss old Evan.

- Okay.
- Okay.

I got it.

Breathe in and out.


what am I paying you for?
I feel worse, not better.


All right. Your white count is elevated,

and you have a fever,
and that concerns me,

so I'm gonna take a blood sample.

Well, that concerns me 'cause
you already took some blood.

I wanna take a urine sample
and a chest X-ray.

In the meantime,
since you may not be viral,

I'll give you an antibiotic.

Fine. How long before your office calls me

- with the results?
- Um...

You don't have an office, do you?

Hank, you can't run a business
without infrastructure.

Being a great doctor is not enough.

It's worked so far.

Yeah, but now you got competition.

It's a whole new ball game. Listen to me.

I know we've always competed.

Maybe it's time we joined forces.

I've been very successful, Hank.

Let me invest in you,
and then maybe you'll know

what it's like to be on the winning team.

Listen, Keller, not everything
in life is a competition.

Right. That's what losers always say.

- Okay.
- Look, you got rid

of the deadweight.
The monkey's off your back.

Actually, the monkey, my brother,

has evolved quite a lot.

Well, then,
all the more reason to team up.

If I were him, I'd want
to beat you so... so bad.


Look, what do you say? You and me.

- We go all the way.
- Okay, thanks.

But I'm not interested.

Now, I don't mean to rush you,

but I'm giving someone
a ride to the airport,

so fill this up all the way.

Thank you.

Oh, my Go...

- Sorry.
- No, no, it's okay.

You just... just startled me.

Wow, Jeremiah.

You know, I'm actually busy all day today.

So just assume Divya
will call you if she needs you,

and go do whatever it is you do
when you're not working.

Like a hobby.

Or not.

I have time now

for that long story
that you never told me.

Why you and Hank aren't working together.

Um, basically we wanted
two different Hankmeds.

That's all. And now my Hankmed

is the one I've always wanted.


Just never thought
I'd have it all to myself.

Is it maybe like f... finding out

that someone you thought hated you

really loved you...

But finding out too late?

Did that happen to you?

Yes. That's why I left my last job

and how I ended up in this one.

As you might have noticed,
I'm not good with people.

Or meeting people.

Or, uh, in... in meetings with people.

- Well...
- It's new territory for me,

and it's quite, uh, quite scary.

New territory can be that way.

We're bonding now, aren't we?

Yeah. I guess we are.

- Should we hug?
- Next time.



Bye, Jill.

Just be yourself.

Stick to the merits
of your healthy lifestyle ideas.

And do not get negative or confrontational

about anything they might expect.

Like what?

Like botoxing the soles of women's feet

to mask the pain from 8-inch heels.

Or putting filler into an eight-year-old

pageant contestant's face.

Nobody really does that.

Of course they do. But don't worry.

It probably won't come up.

- Divya, hi!
- Hi.

And you must be Dr. Lawson.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

- And please, call me Hank.
- Great.

The conference room
is down here on your right.

You can go ahead and set up
your presentation in there.

Ah. Yes. I don't have a presentation.


Okay. Then I will just
review your prospectus.

Oh. Well, I don't have
one of those either.

Oh! Terrific.

Okay. Then we will just,
um, have a chat then.

- Great. Sounds good.
- Okay.

I'm so sorry.

Hey! How did it go?

I don't think she found my ideas

for preventative medicine very sexy.

Well, I wouldn't worry.
I'm sure you did fine.

Thank you.

Oh, look. There's Evan.

Let me guess. Your... presentation.

Hi, Henry.

P, p, p, p, p.

"Proper preparation
prevents poor performance. "

- How was your interview?
- Good.

- Great. See ya.
- Good luck.

Don't need it.

- Good-bye.
- Could you hold that... oh.

Please say he's here for
the Indian ocean seaweed wrap.

Oh, he's here for you.

You said that you wanted a doctor.

I said Van d*ke, Divya. Van d*ke.

He couldn't make it.

Oh, boy.

Hey, listen, Jeremiah.

Listen, buddy, I'm not
gonna need you for this one.

Thanks for coming.

It's nothing you did
or anything, it's just... it's...


The sound of running water

can activate the urinary response.

- Mr. Lawson.
- Hello!

And I see you brought
your colleague along.

That's right. You remember Dr. Sacani.

Oh, how could I forget someone

who called one of my most
loyal clients obese?

I'm sorry. Morbidly obese.

He did save her though, right?

Yes. And now the fat lady can sing.

- No, no. Okay.
- Again.

Wow. Okay, why don't we
go ahead and get started?

I don't have that much time.

Great. Doctor, after you.



- Hey.
- Hey.


Jill said to call if it got worse.

Got worse.

I... I...

You're running a high fever again.

It's not by choice... I took
those antibiotics you gave me.

Okay, this may be an atypical pneumonia.

That's why you're not responding
to the beta lactam.

It's also why you're not getting better.


Cough and spit for me, please.

And it would explain why there's
now blood in your sputum.

We need to get you to the hospital.

Divya! Divya, this is bad.

Your plan is not working.

Don't tell me one of them
actually got the posh account.

Worse. Annika called

and said they were both on the short list.

In fact, they are the short list.

Annika said my healthy lifestyle ideas

were refreshingly candid.

That's awesome.

She said that my 24-7 concierge component

was impressive, so...

Candid, impressive?

I think we know who wins that one.

And speaking of winning,
seven-ball, side pocket.

Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Hey, did you hear the best news ever?

I did, indeed.

I thought that Annika
didn't spark to your ideas.

Yeah, apparently she warmed up
to my healthy lifestyle ideas.

Plus, I made it clear
that she has the business mind.

All she really needs is a doctor.

Four-ball, corner pocket.

Ohh, yeah!

You didn't call that combination.

- Because it was implied.
- Next time, imply it out loud.

The balls were next to each other.

Call your sh*ts.

It was touching the other ball.

So how did you manage
to turn your interview around?

Especially after that rocky
start with Dr. Sacani?

I just assured Annika that my strength

was in my ability to hire multiple doctors

and that I would obviously hire
a new spa-specialized physician.

Ah, yes. A "spashalized" physician.

I must have missed that rotation.

You can mock all you want,

but not every Tom, d*ck, or Henry

with an M.D. tacked on to their name

is gonna be sensitive to her needs.

Oh, my God. This is insanity.

- This is the best game of pool...
- Hello, this is Hank.

I've ever played. Paige, get the flip cam.

Okay, I'll be right there.

Looks like I'm needed
at Keller's. Gotta go. Sorry.

You can't bail right now, dude.

- I'm running the table!
- It's a doctor thing.

- Henry, you're not leaving now!
- Toodles.

Come back here
and lose like a man! Henry...

Paige, where's the flip?

Where's the... I'll get it myself.


Divya, no. You can't give up.

Don't worry... I have
no intention of giving up.

I just need to figure out my next move.

- Hey.
- Hey.

What are you doing here?

I thought you might like some backup.


These antibiotics aren't working.

I'll be the judge of that.

These antibiotics aren't working.

He looks pyrexic.
I'm gonna take his temperature

and check his oxygen saturation.

- What is wrong with me?
- I'm not sure.

All your tests came back negative,

but you have bilateral lower lobe rales.

- In English, Hank.
- Your lungs don't sound good.

His temperature's 103. O2 sat is only 89%.

Heart rate is 60.
This looks like pneumonia.

Again, not responding to an antibiotic.

This is the second case I've seen today.

Two cases that aren't responding.

I saw a delivery guy
with similar symptoms,

took him to the hospital.

Are you coughing up blood?

- I am now.
- Get dressed.

We're taking you to the hospital
for some tests.


Two similar pneumonias.

High fevers.
Not responding to beta lactams?

You're thinking legionnaires'.

I am, and I'm not taking any chances.

Things can go bad very quickly
if this is an outbreak.

Two cases does not mean
that there's been an outbreak.

Two cases so far.

They both have legionnaires'.

They have to have been
exposed to the bacteria

- in the same place.
- I know.

That's why we have to find the
source the old-fashioned way,

by manually cross-matching
everywhere they've been

in the past ten days.

This is Keller's list.

And this is Jake's.

Let me guess. His delivery route.


Okay. Let's start with Keller.


Thank you.

It's so weird going past Jill's office

and seeing someone else's stuff in there.

Yeah. I think it's gonna take a while

to get used to all the changes
that have been happening lately.

Speaking of which...

have you given any further thought

to subcontracting Evan?

Didn't you hear? He got the posh account.

- What? When?
- Apparently,

Annika called this morning
and gave him the good news.

- I don't understand.
- Dr. Sacani!

Dr. Sacani, what are you doing here?

Um, when I was with
Frenchie this morning...


Oh, that's what Francesca's
friends call her.

- We were in her kitchen.
- You were in her house.

It was on Evan's list.

"Follow up at patient's home as needed. "

Okay. What's wrong with her?

She's hyponatremic,

and she's not responding
to my antibiotics.

I know that it's less than 6%

of all community-acquired pneumonia,

but legionella can give you

an isovolemic hypoosmolar
hyponatremia by suppressing

the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.

Now, without that aldosterone,

you just keep losing sodium in the urine,

and you may end up with
type 4 renal tubular acidosis,

you know, with the hyperkalemia
and the hyperchloremia

and just... that's why I want her
tested for legionnaires'.

Unfortunately, you're on the right track.

We've got two confirmed cases
already here.

I'm gonna go put a rush order
on that test.

- Okay, good.
- By any chance

is Posh Day Spa on Jake's delivery route?

- Why?
- We treated Ms. Bragalini

at Posh two days ago.

Uh, let's see.

Yeah. Yeah, Jake's made
deliveries there twice

in the past two weeks.

Uh, where's Keller's list?


Where do you get waxed?

Everywhere, head to toe.
Shoulders to boulders.

No. Where do you go to get waxed?


Okay, and... stop. You're gonna love this.

This is, like, the best
surprise ever, okay?

- Yeah?
- You ready?


I got the account.


I knew you would.

This is just the beginning too.

The beginning of what?

One sec. Hold on.

It's the same guy. I'm sorry.

I can't believe this is happening.

Annika. Hey.

What's going on?

County health is testing
for legionnaires' disease.

They're closing my spa indefinitely.

No, no, no... they can't close our spa.

'Scuse me. 'Scuse me, hi, guys.

Uh, you're actually...
you're not allowed to do this.

Whole area's a health risk, sir.

Really? So this sign right here,

I'm noticing...

You can't do it!

I'm surprised Dr. Lawson didn't tell you.

I'm sorry. What did you say?

Well, he's the one who made the diagnosis.

He said he'd rushed one
of my clients to the hospital

right after he pulled himself
out of the running.

He pulled himself out of the
running? When did he do that?

This morning. He left me a message.

And this afternoon, Posh is closed.

He must not have wanted his name

associated with a contaminated spa.

Not his name, no.

Hey. What's the story?

You're all gonna be fine.
You'll only be here long enough

for the antibiotics to get a head start

wiping out the disease.

Did they figure out how we all got it?

It has to be the water wall at Posh

because Jake only made deliveries

at the reception desk.

So if it's contaminated,
you could have gotten sick

by just walking past
and breathing the mist.

The reason why the three of you got sick

is because the three of you
are immunocompromised.

That's information my lawyer's
gonna want to have.

All right, before you file a lawsuit

or decide to just be happy
that you'll be okay,

can I talk to you about something else?

You've changed your mind about my offer.

You're right.

They found legionella in the water wall.

It was drained and cleaned
by county health,

and Posh Spa will reopen
by the end of the month.

Well, I'm sure Evan will be
very happy to hear that.

I must say, for someone so competitive,

you don't seem to be very bothered

that Evan got the account.

What do you expect me to do?

I expect you to be bothered.

Well, I'm not. I'm happy for him.

You pulled out of
the competition, didn't you?

No! I mean...

Yeah, I did.

Look, and I realized the only
reason I wanted this job

was so I could beat Evan.

I don't know what came over me.
That's just not me.

Anyway, it's the perfect account for Evan,

so if there's anything I can do
to help him keep it,

I will.

Thanks a lot, Henry.

Thanks for setting me up for failure.

- Thanks!
- What are you talking about?

You pulled out of the spa.

The moment you realized
it was riddled with disease,

you pulled out. You screwed me.

You're kidding, right?

Yeah, I'm kidding!

Ha ha ha!

I'm sorry, you think I did that to you,

let alone run from a building
full of potentially sick people?

Then why did you pull out?

Because I...

- because...
- Because you thought I'd lose.

I didn't want it.
And I was trying to help.

- Did I ask for your help?
- No.

That's right, I didn't.

Yeah, but you're
my little brother, so if...

Oh, so now I'm a charity case?

- Or was that pity?
- Evan...

Look, I don't need your help.

I don't want your help.

What I do want is for you
to stop treating me

like some screw-up little kid.

But you'll never do that,

because you like feeling
better than me... you always have.

Or maybe you're just mad and resentful

because somehow, some way,
you always do mess things up,

and I'm left to clean up the mess.

And I am tired of always
cleaning up after you.

- Then don't!
- I won't!

Yeah. And Hankmed's even gonna throw in

free medical exams
to all the spa's clients

just to make sure they're okay.

Even though I really want them
all to sign retainer agreements.

Great, so if you want to follow up

or you need a doctor or anything,

don't hesitate to call.

Wonderful. Okay, bye.

I'm turning legionnaires'
into legion-aide, baby!

Your fiancee is a genius.
Kiss him, kiss him.

Tell him to go away.

By the way, would it be okay
if I crashed here for a while?

- Why?
- Just 'cause the environment

at the guest house
is a little toxic at the moment.

You know my parents would
never let you stay here

before we're married.

Well, technically,
we wouldn't both be here

'cause you'll be in England, right?

No, I won't. I got fired.



Why didn't you tell me?

Because you've been preoccupied

ever since I stepped through the door.

No, I... I...

You just got back on a really
busy weekend, that's all.

I've been home for four days.

Oh, my God.

I'm sorry.

Now you have my undivided attention.

Tell me what happened.

- Oh, hey, Hank.
- Hey, Jake.

Thanks for driving out
of your way to see me, man.

I really appreciate that.
And thanks for calling my boss.

You saved my job.

Yeah, no problem. Is everything okay?

Everything's great.
And I have something for you.

Jake, you didn't need to get me anything.

I didn't... Jill asked me
to deliver this to you

before she left for Africa,

but got sick and forgot.

So I hope it's not time-sensitive.

Oh. Thanks, man.

"Hank, if you stop by my house
to take me to the airport,"

"I'm sorry I wasn't there. "

"But like I said, I hate good-byes. "

"I'm officially gone, but I have no doubt"

"the clinic patients are in good hands"

"and always will be... with you. "

"Thank you for that. "

"And thank you for your
friendship these past summers. "

"It really feels like
we've known each other forever,"

"so thank you for that feeling too. "

"And thank you for always
being honest with me,"

"even when it was hard. "

"But mostly, thank you for making me"

"a part of your Hankmed family. "

"It's what I'll miss the most. "

"Wait for me... "

"to get settled, and I'll send
you my new contact info. "

"Until then, take care, Hank. "

"P.S., I really wish you guys could see"

"how amazing this place is. "

"Please know you've got an open invitation"

"to come visit. "



- Eddie R. Lawson.
- Mr. Lawson. It's Divya Katdari.

Sorry to disturb you, but...

your sons need you...

...we all need you.