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04x01 - After the Fireworks

Posted: 04/24/24 13:11
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

You used a new device on
a patient without consulting me.

If I consulted you,
you would have said no.

Sorry to remind you,
but I have the letters "M. D."

So I'm in charge!

Divya needed some money,

so I bought her shares in Hankmed.

Which means I now own 2/3rds
of the company.

- What?
- Yeah.

So now that I think about it...

I'm in charge.

You may want to change
the name of the company.

I quit.

Thank you.



You look well.

As do you.

How are you doing, mommy?

What's taking so long, Rubina?

I've been waiting over here...

Hello, father.

I'm glad to see that Harborfest

is still a Katdare family tradition.

Let's go.

Love what you've done to the place.

Just trying to stay organized.

This is organized?

This... is what you, Hank,
brought to the Hamptons.

And this was purchased
by the company, Hankmed,

which yesterday you quit.

Effective almost immediately.

Almost immediately?


We have an obligation.

Oh, so now there's a "we."

I see.

Well, we bought a promotional booth,

and we are sponsoring the eat-off,

which we are MC-ing.

Which you are MC-ing.

I told you that, and you ignored me,

just like you did with the smart shirts.

Oh, here we go again
with the shirts, great.

Evan, why would a medical practice

endorse an overeating contest?

Okay, first of all, it is
a legitimate competitive sport.

Secondly, it's a great
opportunity to promote Hankmed

at an upscale community gathering

and inform people how we can help them.

I guess this just proves
how differently we see things.

It certainly does.

I am so over Harborfest,

and it just started this morning.

Amen to that.

What's up with you two?

And what happened to the office?


Evan and I have reached an impasse

in our differences over Hankmed,

so we've decided to...

suspend our partnership.

Hank quit.

No, it's not that simple.

But not to worry.

I'm gonna keep Hankmed running,

with the help of my new doctor.

You... you hired my replacement
within 12 hours?

Hm, must have been an exhaustive search.

Come on, Hank. He's not replacing you.

Actually, you know what?
He probably should.

See, I sat down with Jill last night.

What, you're gonna work at the hospital?

No, yesterday was her
last day, which means now

she's free to help me
set up my administration

and bookkeeping, so I can keep
doing what I've been doing...

treating patients when they
need me, where they need me.

Oh, you... you're gonna
do that here in the Hamptons?


Oh, wow, such a novel concept.

What about Harborfest?

Evan's got a staff now.
His new doctor can cover it.

I haven't closed his deal yet.

I'll help Hankmed
through Sunday, medically.

So what happens on Monday?

We'll go our separate ways.


Come on, Hank.

Guess we have a lot to do by then.

- Evan.
- Yeah, I guess we do.


Gu... guys!

Open up, you slimy little bastard.

Hey, Ernie?

Need a hand?

I think he's just rusty.

My Camaro is rusty.

This guy's an embarrassment
to oyster shucking.

Hey, baby sis.

Come out here and give
your big bro a hand.

Baby sis is half a bushel
ahead of all you meatheads.

Yeah, and aunt Jill has technique.

Thanks, Luke.

I got your back.

I bet you can't wait to get to chess camp.

You know it.

Don't get me started about chess camp.

Your dad and your uncles

always get this way around Harborfest.

The new and improved Harborfest.

Don't get me started about Harborfest.

Don't get him started.

The thing is...

- Too late.
- Sorry.

Everyone gather around the pulpit.

I'm just saying, okay?

Uh... uh... chain restaurants
with tasting booths?

A professional competing in the eat-off?

This thing used to be
about local fishermen.

- It was about the community.
- It still is.

It's good for the community.

It brings in a lot of people
and a lot of money.

Hello, Mcgillicuddys.

- Hey.
- Hey.

All right, I'm taking five.

It doesn't seem like their
standard sibling rivalry.

- We need to fix this, fast.
- I don't know.

I wouldn't get involved.
It's a family thing.

First of all, they are family to me.

And second, you got involved.

You agreed to help Hank
compete against his own brother.

Okay, I agreed to be there
for Hank as a friend,

setting up his business.

Just until I leave.

Divya, I don't think this is
something that you can fix.

All right, you know those shares
that you sold to Evan?

He used them as leverage.

He did what?

Evan took control of Hankmed.

Well, I will let you get back
to shucking oysters.

I'm gonna go shuck Evan.

It's not just about Harborfest.

Really? You're still talking about this?

The same thing's happening everywhere.

Oh, what's happening everywhere?

Good question. I'm glad you asked.

Big corporations are knocking
out the little guy.

Why the hell can't we keep one small

piece of the Hamptons to ourself?



Fun times at Mcgillicuddy's.

Okay, okay. Let me see this.


Just keep it still, okay?

I guess I am a little rusty.


- Mr. Berman.
- Evan.

Hi, what are you doing here?

Eh, sorry to just drop in.

I have an appointment tomorrow
to, uh, get my stitches out,

but I was in the neighborhood,
so... is Hank here?

Um, Hank doesn't work here anymore.

This isn't Hankmed anymore?

No, no, this... this...

this is the new and improved Hankmed,

with Dr. Van d*ke, who you will love.

Well, can he see me now?

He... is not available right now.

When will he be available?

I'm not sure.

Could be a while.

So, to recap...

Hankmed has no Hank.

You have a new Hank,
but he can't see me now,

or anytime soon.

Mr. Berman, uh, have a seat.

We can discuss discounting your retainer.

Big discount.

And I'll throw in an additional
executive physical.

And I have a... a... an assortment

of complimentary Hankmed sundries for you.

This is a first aid kit.

Uh, flavored antacids, grape and cherry.

Tastes like childhood, really.

And, uh, oh, my God,
I have enough hand sanitizer...

you could literally take a bath in it.

Hand sanitizer.

That's lovely.

Why don't you use it to wash
your hands of my retainer?

He's lucky the knife hit
the back of his hand.

The tendon in his palm would
have meant the hospital.

We lost our hookup with that place.

Maybe I should cancel chess camp.

Oh, no. Your bus leaves
in a couple of hours.

My dad needs me.

No, I'll be fine.

Look, you know how
I feel about chess camp.

So, I'm not saying go.

But I am saying,
don't miss it because of me.

I'm saying both.

Luke, this is a great opportunity for you.

Yeah, but I'm also gonna miss Harborfest.


Okay, you got your shot of rocephin,

your tetanus is up to date.

Some antibiotics, and you're good.

Well, there'll be other Harborfests.

Besides, your aunt Jill's
gonna miss the next

one or two herself.

Thanks for offering, kiddo.
You're a good man.

You're a good man too, Hank.

I need your help, come on.

Evan, hey.

Uh, can we talk for a minute?

Uh, talk fast. I'm short-staffed.

Everything we discussed last night.

A cut of all retainers I bring in?

It's all in here, 5%.

Eesh, I was hoping for 15%.

Wha... uh, I was hoping for
"Jersey Shore: The Movie."

Life's full of disappointments.

Okay. Make it 10%,

and you've got yourself
a concierge doctor.

I would have settled for 5.

I would have paid 15.


So, I can give you ten hours a week.

Whoa, what?

Dude, I need you 24/7.

Aw, sorry, bud.

Can't get a full-time doctor
with part-time money.

Life's full of disappointments, huh?

It's me, again.

I know that you are busy,

but please call me.

Ms. Novak?

Sorry to interrupt your... lunch?

A three hour eat-a-thon.

It's my training for the competition.

Of course.

Well, how is it going?

Great, except for the nausea
and vomiting I called you about.

I can't imagine what's causing it.

I never get sick when
I'm training or competing.

It's very strange.

So you have been blessed
with a petite figure,

and an iron stomach.

How many lobster rolls
can you eat in ten minutes?

- 47.
- Get out!

But that will go down

if I keep losing it during training.

I may be competing against amateurs,

but I take nothing for granted.

Plus, I don't want to let down my sponsor,

who rented me this house.

But I'm more concerned with why

you're experiencing these symptoms.

Yeah, that too.

Your gall bladder
and your appendix look fine.

So, what does that mean?

It means that a full G.I. workup is next.

Can we do that after my next meal?

On the contrary,
you'll need to fast for a bit,

considering your lunch portions.

Then go right to the hospital.

That will interrupt my training.

I can't interrupt my training.

Rosie, the way that you eat is
an invitation to gastroparesis.

What's that?

It's a form of stomach paralysis.

That wouldn't be good for me.

The accumulation of food could
cause an obstruction,

possible perforation,

and that would interrupt your training

and a whole lot more, permanently.

Great, I'll text you the address.

Awesome, see you then.

Did you buy my shares
to use them against Hank?


How could you think that?

One, you bought my shares.

Two, you used them against Hank.

I see how you could think that.

Why did you buy my shares?

To help you. Divya, I swear.

It was not premeditated.

Hank... we were fighting.

I just wanted him to take
me seriously, for once.

So, I used whatever I had at my disposal.

Can you imagine how he took it?

Maybe it was not the best approach.

Oh, Evan.

You believe me, though.

Being vengeful didn't
really sound like you.

Acting impulsively, ah, textbook you.

Of course I believe you.

Hank will too.

Hey. Thanks for coming back out.

Yeah, of course. What's up with Ernie?

You know, I'm...

I'm sure it's nothing,

but he just seems a little off.

He's got a terrible headache,
and, of course,

he refuses to let me take his temperature.

Ernie, come on, can I help
you with that, please?

I'm good, Jill.

I don't need a helper,
and I don't need a doctor.

Uh, yeah, uh, actually, Ernie,
I came to check on your cast

and make sure you don't have
any tenderness in your hand.

Hand good. Cast good.

- All good.
- Uh, okay.

Any other issues?

Well, I have, uh, three younger siblings,

an ex-wife, and a teenage son.

Can you narrow it down a bit?

Wooziness, fever, headache?

Little bit of a headache.

So what?

I just need to make sure
it's not connected to your hand.

No, I think it's, uh, more
connected to this conversation.

So I'm gonna go get myself an advil.

- Excuse me.
- Uh, okay.

Hey, if you see Luke anywhere,
send him to the kitchen.

He needs to man the fryer.

I thought Luke left for chess camp.

He did.

He put him on the bus himself an hour ago.

Is all this really necessary?

When I checked your eyes,
I found swelling that indicates

increased intracranial pressure.

Plus, you forgot Luke left.

So, yes. It's necessary.

I'm a little stressed out, that's all.

Okay, the C.T. is clean.

So, can I get back to the pier?

Because Harborfest isn't gonna
wait for intracranial pressure.

Sure, right after a spinal tap.

Are you serious?

I need to rule out encephalitis.

How long will that take?

Ernie, he's gonna put
a needle in your spine,

so, let's focus on precision, not speed.

Have you met my sister, Jill?

She's the one always wanting
to take care of everyone...

- Uh-huh.
- And everything.

And Ernie's lucky to have her.

Next thing Ernie knows,

she'll make him go to chess camp.

Luke's a genius. He wanted to go.

He worships you. He always has.

So, if aunt Jill is going on vacation,

now, of course, Luke wants one too.

Hank will just wait until
you guys finish talking

before he sticks a needle
in Ernie's spine.

I'm just gonna prep the anesthetic.


You're gonna feel a little pinch.

Ernie, I'm not going on a vacation.

I'm moving on to the next
chapter in my life,

and I don't know how many
Harborfests I'm going to miss,

but it'll be more than one or two.

I know that for sure.

I bet you're home by Christmas.

Well, that would pose a problem.

Okay, Ernie. Here we go.

I accepted an offer
on my home this morning.

You will feel pressure.

Look, Ernie. It's gonna be okay.

I promise.

Everything will.


Champagne tap.

There's champagne in there?

'Cause I'm more of a beer guy myself.

Uh, no, that just means it's clear,

but I still don't know what's
causing the swelling.

So, now what?

We get the fluid to Hamptons
Heritage for a closer look.

Okay, I'll put a rush on it.


What? A little faith, please.

I can still pull
a string or two over there.


Tell me about yourself, Dr. Lewis.

Tell me about yourself, Dr. Reiner.

So, Dr. Rikestyne,

do you have any E.R. experience?

I wouldn't say "E. R. experience," per se,

but my endoscopic work
is quite impressive.

Are you a resourceful man?

Well, I always keep a standard
issue first aid kit in my trunk.

Just out of curiosity, how
long will this interview take?

I have a 7:00 reservation

at Nick and Toni's,
and my wife just called.

I have to pick her up at the spa.

You would be amazed at what you can find

in the depths of a small intestine.

So, uh, thanks for coming,

Dr. Sacani...


Impressive. So you know

this is not just like a breezy summer gig.

This is, like... it would be...

your life.

You know, two out
of every hundred Americans

are allergic to shellfish, and notably,

the cross-reactivity molecules
that are responsible

for the allergies in crustaceans

are also responsible
for cockroach allergies.

I did... I didn't know that.
That's... that's, uh...

I'm sorry, uh,
you were asking me something.

I was just saying,
this is more than just a job.

It would be your whole life, basically.

I don't have much of a life.

My therapist thought concierge
medicine would, uh,

help me confront
some of my social deficits.

Um, thank you for coming, Dr. Sacani.

Oh, uh, you'll be in touch?

You know, to be completely
honest with you,

you're not exactly what I'm looking for.

So, but...

- Hey.
- Hey, hey.

I appreciate you meeting me here.

Yeah, of course.

Uh, I got your email about Rosie.

The scan's a good call.

Yeah, I'm... I'm so curious
to see what they find in there.

You wouldn't believe how she trains.

Chicken wings by the dozen,
I mean, water by the gallon.

I gained five pounds just watching her.

So she has to drink a lot of water

to wash down all that food?

Yeah, and to stretch her stomach.


Uh, what's this?

It's a loan application, from the bank.

Evan buying my shares had
nothing to do with leverage.

Nothing to do with you.

He did it to help me.

So, uh, I want to take
the shares out of the equation.

Divya, it's bigger than the shares.

He and I have philosophical differences

over what Hankmed should be.

Beneath those differences

are two brothers who love each other.

You're just too mad to see it.

Talk to him, Hank.

Nice view.

What are you doing here?

I had a hunch I should check on you,

see how you're feeling.

I'm fine. Just a stomachache.

- Headache's gone, though.
- Uh-huh.

What are you drinking there, Ernie?

Don't worry, it's just water.

That's exactly why I worried.

Cramping, to go along with
your confusion, and spasming.

You're competing in the eat-off,
aren't you?

Damn straight, I am.

Enough's enough.

I'm not gonna let a pro take that trophy.

So I'm gonna eat 1 or maybe 40

for the little guy.

And how much have you been
drinking for the little guy?

A few gallons here, a few there.


You overwhelmed your kidneys
to the point of toxicity.

If you keep it up, the increased
pressure in your skull

could cause your brain to herniate,

- which could ultimately be fatal.
- From water?

Too much of anything can hurt you.

The problem didn't start
in your head, Ernie,

it started in your stomach.

Cut back to normal consumption,
and you should be okay.

I'm sure you'll win
the eat-off next summer.

Good news.

No gastroparesis, no ulcers,

and no obstruction.



Rosie, what happened?

I have no idea.

Okay, lie down.

I've been doing some homework
on competitive eating.

It can lead to glucose swings.

I guess that makes sense.

I need to check your levels, okay?

Hey, Rosie, what made you decide to become

a full-time competitive eater?

I... I only ask because it seems to attract

so many different types of people.

I was reading that one person
at the eat-off is a policeman

and one is a realtor.

You all right?

Yes, I'm feeling much better now.

Oh, good.

I'm sorry, what were you saying?

I just asked you what made you choose

competitive eating as a career.

Oh, um, the restaurant...

I hated waiting tables at hated me back.

It's gonna pinch.

I was a terrible waitress. A major klutz.

But then I discovered this talent.

It's a crazy thing to call it,
I know, but,

when you suck at almost all you do,

and then you find something
you're good at,

really good at, it changes everything.

The magical power of food.

There's no escape like a big meal.

You might be right about that.

Your glucose level is fine.

So I can compete.

I have no medical grounds

for pulling you out of the competition.

And I will be there
if you need me for anything.


Harborfest comes home.


You really are harbor-festive.

There's no escape like a good meal.

I could get used to this.

I think that's a great idea, Evan.

We should make family dinner
a weekly thing.

To Harborfest,

and to family.

Okay, Divya, this is noble of you...

Hank, you know that Evan gets upset

when you dismiss his ideas.

Evan, you know that Hank gets upset

when you push your ideas first,
ask how he feels second,

and ignore how he feels third.

You guys are family,

to each other, and to me.

So I am begging you, please...

Get past the anger
and have a conversation,

like adults.

Okay. Can I start?

Yes, please.

- Henry...
- Evan.

You did dismiss my idea
about embracing technology,

and it did upset me.

To be fair, you can't say
your idea was dismissed,

since you went ahead
and ran with it anyway.

Okay, good, great.

- So, now we can just...
- I'm sorry,

what was my alternative?
Uh, wait a few years

until you gave me your blessing?

I'm ambitious, Hank.
It can be useful at times.

I'm careful.

That can be useful too,
you know, in a medical practice.

Wow, why do you say that like I think

we're running a Hooters franchise?

- Well, if the shoe fits...
- Okay, guys, please.

Honestly, I... Evan, I really
don't think that he meant that.

Yes, Divya, I did.

We focus on people first, profit second.

That's the only type
of Hankmed I'm interested in.

Well, then I guess we're
right back where we started.

- Guys, please...
- You mean back where we ended.

- No. No, no, no... wait...
- There he goes again.

He always needs the last word.

Well, guess what, Henry?
This time, you can have it.

- You can have it.
- Technically, you had it,

since you were just talking, for a change.

- And now you're talking.
- You are!

- You're talking!
- Listen! It's your voice!

- Oh, my God...
- That's all I'm hearing,

- your voice.
- Oh, my God...

listen, what's that sound?
It's Evan talking!

It doesn't even matter!

Mr. Berman stopped by yesterday?

He did.

- Why didn't you tell me?
- When?

Last night, over our quaint
little family dinner?

Whether we're fighting or not,

you have to inform me
when my patient comes...

You mean your patient that I landed?

By bringing his wife tulips and
orchids every day for six weeks

just to secure his business?

Eh, I guess to you that was just
another one of my zany schemes,

- wasn't it?
- Where's his file?

- It's on the table.
- Thank you.

Dude, what are you doing?

What is this?

Private communication between
me and my fiancee.

Yeah, about me.


You want a royalty payment?

How could you call me a quitter?

How could I call you... hm, let's see.

Because you quit.

Things got tough, you walked away.

Guess you got that move from dad.

If that's how you feel,

maybe ending our partnership isn't enough.

Right? I mean...

I can't imagine you want
to live with a quitter.

Guess we've got a lot
to figure out before Monday.

Yeah. I guess we do.


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

My name is Evan R. Lawson,

and I will be your color commentator

for this year's Hamptons
Harborfest eat-off.

Which is... yes, that's... yes!

That's good.

Are you guys ready
to meet your contestants?

I'm sorry, I can't hear you.

Are you ready to meet your contestants?

Contestants, come on out!

Hey, Divya. Have you seen Ernie around?

No one at the restaurant
knows where he is.

He didn't pull out of the contest?

Well, if he did, he has very good seats.

Ernie. Ernie!

Can I talk to you for a second?

I need to do this, Hank.

I thought I specifically
told you not to do this.

Look, everything's changing.

My son's gone, my sister's leaving,

my job's not too far behind.

I've been to every Harborfest
every year since I was born.

And they're gonna change that too.

I need this, Hank.

For my community, yeah,
but more for myself.

This contest has always been won
by a local,

and something around here has got to stay

the way it should be.


How much water have you had today?

A glass, with breakfast.

Open your eyes, look over my shoulder.

Okay, now over this shoulder.


Deep breath, in and out.


Thanks to the spinal tap,
and the fact that you finally

gave your kidneys a break?

You dodged a b*llet, my friend.

All right, so?

Eat your heart out, Mcgillicuddy.

Thanks, doc.

Okay, guys, all right.
Ladies and gentlemen,

the eaters have taken their spots.

Are you guys ready? Thumbs up, please.

Ladies and gentlemen, on the count of

five... four...

three... two...



They are off, ladies and gentlemen.

Look at them go!

Early on, Rosie "The Ravenous"
is choking down her first one.

"Munchy" Mcgillicuddy already
has two down the hatch.

I'm sensing something
very personal here, guys.

She is chomping them down.

Rosie "The Ravenous" looking very good

at this halfway point.

And, oh, my God,

Jeff "The Vacuum Cleaner"
Darland, slowing down.

Look at Rosie "The Ravenous"
put away number 37.

"Munchy" Mcgillicuddy right behind her.

This is insanity!

It's insanity.

Over here we've got
"The Regurgitator" and T-Bone.

Novak and Mcgillicuddy, near the wire.

Oh, they are looking eyes.

I mean, it's Novak.

It's Mcgillicuddy.

It's Novak again!

And as time expires...

It's a tie!


I don't know what that means,

so I'm gonna go and ask my referees,

'cause I have no idea
what to do right now.

Okay. I've just been informed...

after a short break,

Novak and Mcgillicuddy
will go into sudden death.

Which means,
whoever eats five lobster rolls

the fastest will
be crowned Harborfest champ.

Let's just give them a breather right now.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I'm just gonna ask you guys.

Who do you think is gonna win this?

Is it gonna be the girl from Grand Rapids?

Or the boy from Bridgehampton?

I'm not sure, it's a little unclear.

- Let's just do that again.
- Evan.

Will it be the girl from Grand Rapids?


Uh, one moment.

Are you kidding me? What are you doing?

Do you do this at the opera house?

I'm putting on a show right now.

Okay, and I'm trying to help a patient.

Why did you say that Rosie
was from Michigan?

I don't know. Because she's from Michigan.

No. No, no, no. She's European.

Competitive eaters
often adopt a stage persona,

like pro wrestlers.

It's all marketing and intimidation.

That doesn't make any sense.

I saw interviews with her
online, during my research

in which she spoke about
her childhood in Michigan

in an American accent.

I'm telling you, it's just
theater, it's just that.

Well, then why has she
been using her accent

with me in private?

Maybe she stays in character.

Maybe she heard you speak and thought

you were challenging her.

She is competitive.

It's not gastro.

It's neuro.

It's what?

Divya, can I get back to my fans

and potential clients now, please?

No. Go find Hank, fast!

Hey, Rosie.


Are you feeling all right?

I feel fine, just a little full.

Rosie, tell me about your accent.

What accent? I'm sorry, I need to focus.

- Hey, what's up with Rosie?
- Hey.

Her speech may be distorted.

I think the problem isn't in her stomach.

I think it's in her head.

Okay, let's do an exam.

Yup, I hear a bruit.

Nice catch.

What's a bruit? What'd she catch?

You may well have a dissection
of the carotid artery,

which could lead to stroke-like symptoms,

including altered speech patterns.

Why does everyone keep talking
about the way I'm talking?

Wait a second, so it's not
just marketing and intimidation?

You're speaking with an accent.

I'm not speaking with an accent.

I don't even have a Michigan accent.

If I may enter exhibit "A."

I'm not speaking with an accent.

I don't even have a Michigan accent.

For what it's worth, I still
find it very intimidating.

Like, in a good way.

Oh, my God. What's wrong with me?

The carotid dissection is
throwing off little blood clots,

which can cause nausea,
vomiting, and these

odd speech changes, which are referred to

as foreign accent syndrome.

Why can't I hear the accent?

Sometimes that's actually
part of the syndrome.

Will I be okay?

A magnetic resonance angiogram
will confirm the dissection.

Anti-coagulants will treat the symptoms

and prevent further damage,

but we've got to get you to the hospital.

I can't forfeit a contest.

I... I told you how far
I've come to get here.

Maybe not from where
you thought, but trust me,

it's been a long road.

This is my livelihood,
and it's all I have.

I can't just walk away.

Can't I wait until
right after the contest?

Sorry, Rosie.

Can't wait.

Um, I really have to go
and make it official.


Wait, wait, wait.

May I give it to him?

Well, what a lucky turn of events.

How so?

Well, if I hadn't done my homework,

I wouldn't have heard Rosie's real voice,

and you guys wouldn't have
made the diagnosis.

And as a bonus,

the Hankmed new client sign-up
sheet's completely full.

So, I'm glad I followed
my gut about MC-ing, too.

I gotta hand it to you, Ev.

You're truly gifted.

You've got the ability to sell anything.

I'm happy for you.

And without being tied to me,

you can finally flourish,

wherever your gift takes you,

whoever you choose to grace with it.

Thanks for coming.

- Sure.
- Sure.

How you doing, man? Paul Van d*ke.


Evan, I didn't realize you already

went ahead and hired me an associate.

Must have been an exhaustive search.

Well, uh, I will be compensating for your

part-time availability
with Dr. Sacani here.

Oh, I see you use a motorcycle

for practical transportation.

A, uh, Nintendo engineer

studied middle-aged Japanese
men, and he discovered that

the ones that commuted by motorcycle

demonstrated greater
cognitive functioning.

And I'll be compensating
for his lack of concierge charm

with my own.
Together, we can make this work.

Any questions so far?

Yes, Dr. Sacani?

Um, I thought I wasn't
what you were looking for.

Uh, turns out I was looking
for the wrong thing, actually.

I was clinging to my past,
instead of creating my future.



Good night.



Surprised you're not at Harborfest.

Oh, I'm heading there now.

Just finishing with a patient.

Of course.

Well, what are you doing here?

Is everything okay?

Yes, everything is fine.

How are you? How are your parents?

Everything is great.

We're all great.

And you?

Divya, you remember Karen?

Yes, of course. How are you?


Just a little... you know.

Raj, you didn't tell her.

I was about to.

Karen's doctor just made it official.


Oh, to both of you.

Thank you.

Excuse me, I'm gonna go call my parents.



You are gonna be a...

By next summer, yes.

We'll be a family.

I'm thrilled for you, Raj.

But I do hope that your parents
are going to take it

as well as hers.

I already told them.

They were certainly shocked at first,

but we're talking our way
through it, and now

they're just embracing
the idea of a grandchild.

Well, it was really nice to see you.

Good-bye, Divya.

Good-bye, Raj.


Good luck.

- Hey, Rosie.
- Hey.

So the M.R.A. confirmed the dissection.

The anti-coagulants
will resolve your symptoms

and help you heal.

So I'm okay.

You're okay.

But what about my voice,
and what about my career?

Well, it sounds like your voice is already

returning to normal.

As far as your career,

I have a theory about
what caused all this,

and I'd like to test it, if that's okay?

Well, that confirms it.

Confirms what?
My skin's always been that way.

Because of a genetic condition

that inhibits the production of collagen.

Collagen keeps the body's organs
from becoming too elastic.

Organs, including the stomach.

- Mm-hmm.
- That's why I can eat so much.

I don't have an iron stomach.
I have a rubber stomach.


But, the eating didn't make me sick.

Not at all, in fact,
the thing that made you sick

was the same thing
that made you a champion.

Luckily, with careful monitoring,

we'll keep you healthy
and competing at the same time.


Are we blocking your parade route?


You didn't say your forfeit was medical.

No one likes excuses.

Lobster rolls.

Well, I figured you'd want
to get a head start

on your training for our rematch.

Please, these aren't even jumbos.

I'd finish this box before
you even tucked in your bib.

I could eat circles around you

with my tongue tied behind my back.

Okay, I'll let you guys
trash-talk in private.

Here you go.

What's this?

These are your starter kits.

In them, amongst other things,
you will find

a monogrammed lab coat, a purchasing card,

and a GPS device, so you know
where you are at all times,

and so do I.


Yes, Dr. Sacani?

Thank you.

I am very glad to be part
of this organization.

I am very glad to hear that.

All right, that's it.


Thank you.

Gentlemen, welcome to Hankmed... 2.0.

Need a hand?


Last box.

All done.

- End of an era.
- Beginning of an era.

You ready to move onward and upward?

Onward and upward.

To the roof.

For the fireworks finale?

You in?

I was gonna take you for dinner.

Guess I'm a cheap date.

I didn't say I was buying.

Where's Divya?

I'm not sure.

She said she had to check up on someone.


Hello, mom.

You shouldn't be here.

Can I come in?

It's a pretty good view from up here.


It is.

Oh, my God.

Hank, the park is full of people.
