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03x12 - Some Pig

Posted: 04/24/24 13:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

Paige Collins, will you marry me?

- Yes!
- Yes?

- Yes!
- Yes!

- We've got to break up.
- Excuse me?

I'm leaving, and it's making
it really hard for me to go.

Jack, your white blood cell count

came back slightly abnormal.

- Abnormal?
- No need for alarm.

Alarm never entered my mind.

This is Dr. Lawson.

I'm at 1 Cayne Court

with a 35-year-old male.

He was mistakenly given oral steroids.

I want to offer my resignation.

I accept.

Dr. Van d*ke didn't
administer the wrong medication.

I did.

You're not up yet?

Come on. You're gonna be late for work!

Staff meeting? Patients to save?

They're all saved. Come here.
Come back to bed.

There's a foot of square surface
area left. Come on.

I let them sleep inside
when daddy's not here.


You know, I can't believe your
folks are gone for a whole week.

Yeah. We get the place all to ourselves.

- Mm-hmm.
- Just the four of us.


You really don't mind having them in bed?

No, I get it.

Patton had another nightmare, didn't you?

Yeah, and Macarthur
followed loyally behind.

You know how little brothers can be.


Mm-hmm. If only they
had a sister, you know?

Someone to be protective of.

Yeah, as long as she's not
too girly, though.

Come on, 'cause the boys
like to play catch

and watch scary movies.

Yeah, but three does sound
like a nice number.

Yeah. I've always wanted three.

Are we still talking about dogs?

It doesn't sound like it, does it?

All right, we get it,
buddy. You're right.

I like this "playing house" thing.

Which reminds me... I made your
favorite sandwich for lunch,

but you can only enjoy it

if you get out of bed and go to work.

- Wait a minute. You mean...?
- Peanut butter and banana.

Peanut butter and banana. Yeah!

Oh, my God.

I love this "playing house"
thing. It's perf...

No! Don't say it.

Right. Don't want to jinx it.


I'm sorry. Divya did what?

She was working at Hamptons Heritage

and she gave the wrong meds
to Eric Kassabian.

Hold on a second.

Since when does Divya
work at Hamptons Heritage?

I don't know. We didn't discuss that.

Why would she work there?

Why would... why would she
work there and not tell us?

I don't know and I don't know.

We didn't discuss that either.

Well, what... ? What did you discuss?

She said she resigned from
the hospital after the incident.

And then what did you say?

- Nothing.
- What?

Ev, we were in the middle
of celebrating your engagement.

I didn't want to discuss it.

Well, we'll discuss it right now.

That's what staff meetings
are for, right?

No. I don't want you harassing
her with questions.

We know Divya.

We know she feels bad enough
about what happened.

She doesn't need to be tormented by you.

I'm not gonna torment her.

I'm just gonna get some
information, that's it.

Just leave it alone.

Wow, you must be really angry.

- I'm not angry.
- Seriously?

She was keeping a secret job from you

and then she almost k*lled
a Hankmed patient.

Hi, guys.

You guys are talking about Divya.

No, we're not.

Okay, well, while we're
"not talking about it,"

I just want to say...

We're not talking about it

because Divya should be here any minute.

No, she'll be late.
She's on a clinic visit.

What do you mean?

I mean that I called about a patient

and she said that she would
see him on her way in.


Hank, I'm sure this is
something that Divya can manage.

Oh, yeah. I just want to see
if she needs a hand.

Text me the address.

He is so gonna tear the cape
off her Batman.

It's an expression.



Hank, what are you doing here?

Heard there was a patient. Who is it?

I haven't met him yet. But
supposedly he's the lead singer.

Really? That guy?

He was complaining of leg weakness,

but by the looks of things,
he's feeling all right now.

Hey, Hank.

I know that we haven't had a chance

to talk about the mistake
I made with Mr. Kassabian.

To be honest, I don't know how I missed

that he was a diabetic on the chart.

I've played that moment over...

You were on your own time, not Hankmed's.

The specifics are between you
and Hamptons Heritage,

and it seems you've resolved it
with them so... matter resolved.

Is Jared going to be okay?

It looks like a small cut.

- Do you feel nauseous?
- No way.

I'm 1,000%. Except
for the bleeding face thing.

Well, what about your legs? The weakness?

Yeah, that's pretty weird.

But that slide was awesome, right?

Calliope, will you go find out
if anybody got that on camera?

All that showboating could
have gotten you seriously hurt.

Move your elbow for me. Like this.

It's called showmanship.
And it's what got us a producer.

Last year at this time,

we were living in a tiny place
in the city,

playing rathole clubs for free drinks,

and now we're staying
at this crazy mansion

and we're recording our first album.

We're gonna be rock stars.

Yeah, but we've got to
finish the album first.

Extend your knees for me, please.

Good. Point your toes. Okay.

I mean, my legs don't feel
broken or anything.

Just the same as they
have for the last few days.

Kinda weak and achy.

Usually I can jump right up
from a slide, like a cat.

Cats don't slide.

It's a total crowd pleaser. My best move.

And today, well, you saw it.

Couldn't move my legs in time.

What am I gonna do without my moves?

You certainly didn't look
to be having any trouble

before you flew off the stage.

Well, the show must go on.

The band must go on. The cat
slides we can do without.

We're trying to get noticed by
the Silversun Pickups.

Yeah, yeah.

They're headlining the festival.


It looks like the only
injury from the fall

is this cut on your eyebrow.

Divya, would you grab the suture kit?

What, you mean like,
from my eyebrow ring?

Oh, man, it's gone.

Yeah, it is. Come here.

Why "Some Pig"?

Jared and Todd picked the name

before Calliope and I joined the band.

It's from Charlotte's Web.

You know, 'cause they're like
Charlotte and Wilbur.

Best friends.

Look, we can't keep dragging
out this video, all right?

We've got to work on the album.

We can do both.

Remember, you guys,

you may be coming from different angles,

but you're both on the same side.

Homer, not now with the buddhism, okay?

All right, Jared, let's get
started on your stitch.

Actually, why don't you
get a patient history.

We need a detailed chart.
I'll do the stitch.


We'll get back to you
with the blood results

as soon as we have them.

In the meantime,
no stage slides, no dives,

no rock star moves of any kind.

I can't turn it off.

How about turning it down?

Oh, Hank, I've still got some questions

on the medical history.

Okay, why don't you finish that

and I'll meet up with you
at the office later.

Well, I could help you
with the patient load.

Divide and conquer.

Yeah. Let's stick together
on patient visits. For now.

Ah, that's a grounder.

It's about time you joined the
rest of the medical profession

on the golf course.

You know what?

The truth of the matter is,

I tried it a few times
and I just wasn't very good.

Yeah, you're still not.

Keep your left arm
straight on the back swing.

Remember? Not to worry.

I'm gonna have you sh**ting in the 70s

by the end of the day.

Of course, we'll have to stop
at the ninth hole.

Ha ha ha. Keep my score low. I get it.

You're a funny guy.

I like to make learning fun.

I think you k*lled a duck.

It's good branching out from
just doctor/patient, you know?

We can hang out without
my having to bill you.

Actually, doc, I was gonna bill you.

Oh, right.

Come on. Now, that would
just be rude, wouldn't it?

You did the second blood draw
free of charge.

We'll have those results soon,

but if you've been completely
symptom free,

there should be nothing to worry about.

I have.

In fact, I've never had
a year like this one.

I'm tearing up the tour, I'm traveling.

I'm having the time of my life.

That's great. So no fatigue?

Nah. Maybe a little lately.

But I'm playing more golf,

making more cuts in the tournaments.

What about stiffness? Sore muscles?

- I'm playing more golf.
- How about weight loss?

Oh, yeah. Thanks for noticing.

Yeah, did I mention?
I'm playing more golf.

Have you had any rashes?

No. That a definite no.

- Why do you ask?
- I'm just ruling things out.

You're not billing me, doc.

Let's see how this shot goes.

I like my chances.

Hey, now!

That was pretty good.

Everything okay?

Uh, yeah, yeah. Never better.

How are you?

- Good.
- Cool. Good.

All right.

Hey, Henry! Wait up!

Henry! Oh, God.

Wait up!

This is bad. This is really bad.

This is so bad.

You've had hives before.

You know a steroid cream
clears them right up.

I only get them when I'm
freaked out, Henry.

Yeah, it's called a stress reaction.

I know. Stress and panic, right?

I had them my first summer camp.

I had them when I had my CPA exam.

Your third grade tap recital.

Exactly. That number was terrifying.

So what are you afraid of now?

Nothing. That's my point.

Nothing, except for the hives.

I mean, I have hives on my body.

And now the hives are
giving me more hives.

There's just hives everywhere.

You're worried this is a stress reaction

to being engaged.

No, I'm... that's... no, that's crazy.

- Evan. Ev.
- Don't.

That's off the table, all right?

So what are we looking at?

Do I have, like, smallpox
or scarlet fever or something?

It's normal to feel nervous.

Your life is changing.

In a good way.

I know.

So how come my body doesn't know?

Good luck, Ev. Gotta run.

Stupid body.

Yeah, okay. Be right there.

Jared's blood work came back.
No infection or malnutrition.


So based on his history and symptoms,

I believe that he's suffering
from Guillain-Barre syndrome.


As you know, these symptoms
can increase in intensity

until the patient is totally paralyzed.

I think that we should
go see Jared right away.

I agree we need to get over
there, but not for GBS.

These symptoms line up, Hank.

It's not GBS

because GBS is not
environmental or contagious.


A second band member just called

with the exact same symptoms.

You're sleeping with her?

We didn't mean for it
to happen. It just did.

Don't be angry.

I'm not angry at you, Calliope.

Just your boyfriend.

Okay, let's just focus
on the illness right now.

Oh, well, whatever they have is an STD.


Even though we all signed an agreement

not to sleep together because
it's unbelievably stupid

and it ruins bands every time.

Not every time.

And it's not like either of us
are sleeping around.

Definitely not.

Calliope, can you describe your symptoms?

Just like Jared's.

My legs feel like they weigh

Okay, we don't know
this is sexually transmitted.

Right now we just need to
do exams on both of you.

Divya, would you take Calliope?

Thank you.

And Todd, I'm sorry.

For breaking the pact.

I am.

Give me a break.

Okay, guys,
I need to examine him privately.

I told you, we've been sharing
one bedroom and one bathroom

before we came here.

And we've always been joined at the hip.

Oh, not exactly.

Sometimes you were
attached to Calliope's hip.

Todd, you can't fault his heart.

Look, we signed that pact for a reason.

And you said, "no big deal, man".

"We're gonna meet groupies everywhere."


Okay, you can pull up your pants.

You don't have any active lesions.

Because I figured that was rock star.

But I didn't like those other girls.

I just like Calliope.

Yeah, well, me too.

Okay, I need to do another test.

Jared, could you
take off your shirt, please?

Oh, my... oh, my God. Oh, my God.

That's why I could never find
you guys at the plant

and why the ridiculous music video

took twice as long
to sh**t as it should have

and why you're never around
to help Homer edit.

Oh, you want to fight about that now?

Yeah. Yeah, I do.

I got the video covered, you guys.

No way. You'll edit out all the gore.

Why are we a band that needs gore?

Okay, okay, I'm sorry, guys.

I need everyone to clear
the room, please, right now.

Why? These guys are my friends.

I'm about to do a spinal tap.

He needs to be surrounded
by calm and quiet, not friends.


A... a... a spinal tap?
That's serious, right?

It's just a test. Lie down.

It's called a
polymerase chain reaction test

on his spinal fluid.

Here, if you could hug that, please.

Lie in the fetal position.

It'll help us look
for STDs that are latent

or inactive right now,

but could still be causing his symptoms.

Oh, so you're just looking
for proof that he's horny?

I don't need to be worried about him?

That's sweet, dude.

Shut up.

Just lay still, all right?

He's gonna be digging
around in your spine.

Neither of them had active lesions,

but you're still thinking STDs?

The PCR will tell us

if they've had an STD or an infection

in or around the brain,

which could account for the leg weakness.

We should get MRIs too.

What makes you think that?

Well, we could test

for epidural abscesses or spinal tumors.

Matching spinal tumors?

Divya, you're throwing every
test you can think of

at these patients because,
after what happened,

you're afraid
you're gonna miss something.

Let's just wait and
see the results of the PCR.

Hank, I know I made a mistake.

And I know people make mistakes.

Then why are we still not talking?

I think we've made progress
on the differential.

- Whoa! Oh.
- Oh! Ah, sorry, Jack.

Hey, no, Casey, I'm glad
I almost ran into you.

- Unless that's hot.
- Oh, very.

Then I'm glad for the near miss.

Listen, I am looking for a game tomorrow.

- Are you interested?
- Oh, uh, yeah, I don't know.

I do have a lot of work on my desk.

- But thank you.
- Okay.

Yeah, you know,

I'll probably have other
tee times at Shinnecock.

- Shinnecock?
- You heard me.

Yeah. I'd give my firstborn
for 18 at Shinnecock.

I mean, I don't have
a firstborn, but if I did,

- forget about it, I...
- Casey, in or out?

- Uh... in.
- Yeah.

Yeah. If we're clear.

It's golf. Not a date, just golf.

- Did I say date?
- No.

I meant date,
but I cleverly didn't say it.

I am moving to South America,

so I'm just... I'm trying to stay focused.

I like focus. Focus is good.
Focus is great.

Focus bodes well for our golf game.

Our "just golf game."

All right.

See you tomorrow.

Uh, I'm sorry, Jack?
Uh, what's that on your neck?

- Oh, ah.
- Yeah.

Hazard of the trade. Sunburn.

Don't be late, Casey.

Serious sunburn.

Honey, I'm home.

How was your day, dear?

Eventful. Apparently,
I went back to the '50s.

I probably went a little overboard,

but I wanted it to be authentic.


Yeah, I really... I really think
that I have enjoyed it.

Good, good.

Good, because, you know,

some people would be getting
nervous right now,

all our talk about the future
and everything, but not us.

Is something wrong?

I did go overboard, didn't I?

No, uh, I... my shoulders
are sore. That's all it is.

It was billing all day and
I was hunched over the computer

and bringing home the bacon.

Well, why don't I give you a massage?

Why don't I take your shirt off?

No, no, no.

Um, come on, Paige, the '50s are over,

as is the subjugation of women.

You don't need to be
at your man's beck and call,

so why don't I give you a massage?


Not gonna pass that up.

So why don't you just turn around?


And, uh, get ready.

Let me just warm up my hands.


And there we go.

Nice and deep.

That's good.


Mmm. So passionate.

Is your belly sore?

It's not bad.

My stomach hurts like crazy.

Hey, guys,

- oh, hey, doc.
- Hey.

Here you go.

I'll be right back.

- Hey, everything okay?
- No.

They arrived saying that
their pain has gotten worse.

They can barely walk,

and now they have
urine retention as well.

Bladder paralysis?

We need to catheterize them
both to decrease the pressure.

But they also need MRIs.

And this time,
I'm not grasping at straws.

I agree.

Can you take care of the catheterization?

I'll meet you at the hospital.

Put some clothes on, Morty.

Hey, did I miss an appointment?

Uh, no. No.

You haven't come to give me
more bad news?

Oh, I'm pregnant, aren't I?

Uh, no.

I got your blood results back.


The anti-DNA test
came back positive for lupus.

In your profession, positive
is a negative thing, right?

What... what is lupus?

It's an autoimmune disease

that can affect your joints and organs.

That's why I had the dupuytren's

up until last summer?

Uh, no, actually that's unrelated,

but it's probably been causing
the stiffness and fatigue

that you've been attributing
to your golf game.

Well, okay. So are you gonna fix it?

There's no cure.

Pardon me?

Lupus is a chronic disease,
but it's manageable.

Okay, but, I mean,

I'm not gonna have to quit
the tour, though, am I, doc?

Come on, doc, I just
got back in the game.

Yeah, no, I know.
And no, you're not out yet.

Many people with lupus live active lives.

We'll talk about
a long-term treatment plan,

but first we have to learn more
about your progression.


Sound like I've progressed to
the end of my good luck streak.

Not necessarily. Jack,
we can fight this together.

Okay, well,
we'll fight it together later.

I've got a lesson.

There's inflammation

across the width of the spinal
cord in both patients,

but I find no structural lesions

to account for the swelling.

Transverse myelitis?

Well, TM could be secondary

to several infections and diseases.

STDs are still a possibility.


Follow up with the lab about the PCR.

I'll have the hospital start
them on steroids

to treat the inflammation,

but we've got to find
the underlying cause soon.

Oh, by the way, Divya.
I heard what happened.

Don't beat yourself up too much about it.

You are still great at what you do.

Where'd you go? Paige?

In here. Come look what I found.

This is so disgusting!


What did you guys do?

Evan, look.

It's bedbugs, isn't it?

They've invaded New York and
now they're here. In my bed.

Well, this does look like a bite,

but bedbugs usually bite
in lines or clusters.

This looks more like a conenose.

That does not sound less gross.

Oh, uh, well sometimes
they're called kissing bugs

'cause they bite the skin
exposed while you're sleeping.

Usually your face.

Oh. Okay. How did we get bugs in our bed?

Uh, well, they live in wooded areas.

Sometimes animals can bring them inside.

I don't know.

Patton and Macarthur.
They've been sleeping with us.

Our boys have bugs?

Your hives are probably an
allergic reaction to the bites.

Hives? Since when do you have hives?

Wait. You didn't... ? Uh, sorry, dude.

Did you hear that, honey? Kissing bugs.

Even our bugs are romantic. Isn't that...?

- Hey.
- Hey.

Did they move the first tee?

We had a game today, Jack.

I forgot, Casey. I'm sorry.

He forgot.

Hey, you know, if you needed to cancel,

you could have emailed, texted, uh,

I don't know, sent a carrier pigeon?

Next time, carrier pigeon.

Everything okay?

Well, um, I'm out of luck.

I thought I bought
a little extra last summer,

but now that's all gone.

I should have known things
were going too well.

Let me get this straight.

You're missing our game

so you can still here and feel
sorry for yourself?

Look, you don't understand.

I... you know, like, this year
has been amazing, all right?

Three top ten finishes.

I've qualified for next year's U.S. Open.

Peter Kostis even
said I had a great swing.

But now, now I've got...

I've got to fight things.

So fight.

It's not that simple.

It never is.

Look, so the other shoe
dropped. That's life.

There's always gonna be another shoe.

And you can waste a lot of time
worrying about it

while life just passes you by.

Who are we talking about now?

I'm just saying that not everyone

gets to live their dream,
not even for a short time.

And for that matter,

not everybody gets
a tee time at Shinnecock.

So, Mr. Jack O'Malley,
are you in or are you out?

- I'm in.
- That's what I thought.

Let's go.

You know, I like you, Casey.

See how you feel when I'm
done wiping the course with you.

- Hey, Todd.
- Hey.

Have you been here all night?

What can I say? The guy's my best friend.

If you don't mind me saying,

you don't seem to agree on very much.

Uh, well, we've been like that
since high school

when it was just the two of us
playing music in my garage.

One day Jared says, "we should
do this as our job."

Like it was that easy.

What about Calliope?

She's great, isn't she? So's Jared.

I mean, I'd hate him
if I didn't love him so much.

She deserves someone like him.

How are they feeling?


The steroid is decreasing
the inflammation

until we can discover
and treat the underlying cause.

Which could be something serious, right?

Worse than an STD?

I mean, if they're almost paralyzed...

It could be a number of things.

We'll know more soon.

Okay, thanks.

You guys need anything?

I'm gonna hit the vending machines.

Ow! Aah!

Ah, my legs!


I can't stand up.

We got Todd's MRI results back.

His spinal cord is also inflamed.

So we have got three band members

with transverse myelitis.

Back to square one.

No, the third patient rules out
STDs. That's progress.



But we can't find the fourth patient.

Possible fourth patient.


I'm gonna try around back.

Well, I guess I will too.

- Homer?
- Homer?





Sorry. Sorry about... sorry about that.

I, um, I'm just trying to
jumpstart the creative process.

How are Jared and Calliope?

They're fine. How are you feeling?

Mind and spirit are one. Why do you ask?

Todd is now presenting with the symptoms.

But we don't want to jump to conclusions.

Have you had any pain or
weakness in your extremities?

Not at all.

Can you tell us about anything
you've done differently

from your bandmates
in the last few weeks?

We pretty much go everywhere together.

Here, the van, the gigs. But I'm a vegan.

Never done dr*gs.
Oh, and I repeat a mantra.

I think those guys could
really use that, actually.

Ah, I'm not sure it'll help

with transverse myelitis, unfortunately.

Other than that,
it's been all about the video.

A field. Maybe ticks? Lyme disease?

Three different infected ticks?

Oh, there was one place I wouldn't go.

Where was that?

A processing plant.

That place goes against
everything I stand for.

What kind of processing plant?

Pork. Jared can kind of get
literal about our band name.

Well, did they eat any pork?
As part of the video?

No clue.

You know, it could be some
odd form of trichinosis.

I'll get muscle biopsies right away.

Uh, Divya. Divya, hey.

I know you want to save the day here,

but racing toward an unlikely diagnosis

won't erase your mistake.

It'll just lead to more.

You think I'm trying to vindicate myself?

Which isn't easy with you
over my shoulder,

second-guessing my every instinct.

Yeah, because you're off-balance.

You're not thinking things through.

Then just fire me.
Fire me and get it over with.

But stop treating me
like just another employee.

When you stop treating me

like a disapproving parent
you have to hide things from.

I hid moonlighting
at Hamptons Heritage from you

because it is my financial mess.

I had to clean it up myself.

I didn't need you swooping in to fix it.

So rather than depend
on anyone, you took a job

and started burning
the candle at both ends?

See? You wouldn't have approved.

I would have also probably tried to help,

so I guess it's all my fault.

Sounds like she didn't
want to disappoint you.

And he's hurt because
you didn't trust him.

You guys must be really good friends.

Wait a second.

Are those workers
behind the band or extras?

Oh, like we could afford extras.

We couldn't even afford to shut
down the plant while we shot.

They're wearing masks,
but... but your friends aren't.

Yeah. They made the band sign waivers.

Jared was going for a look.

What... what's that machine with the hoses?

Oh, it's an air compressor.

What is it used for?

Blowing out the brains. Barbaric, right?

I guess some people eat them with eggs.

I'm gonna cut this part.

So brains from the animals were airborne.

The band could have breathed it in.

Pig DNA is close to human.

Valve transplants happen every day.

Yeah, but if the animal myelin
were misread by the body...

Then it would be like graft versus host.

Immune mimicry, causing
spinal cord inflammation,

heavy legs, bladder paralysis.

This is a simple autoimmune response?

Oh, it's anything but simple.

I agree. I don't get it.

So your immune system
is designed to defend

against germs, viruses,
that kind of thing,

but if something gets inside

that looks like your own tissue...

In this case,
the nerve tissue of the pigs...

your body can't tell the difference

and starts attacking
everything around it too.

Your own nerve tissue becomes
collateral damage.

But if we all breathed it together,

why did Jared get sick first?

Different bodies,
different immune systems.

They react in their own time.

Can you stop it?

You'll all need to take a blood product

that contains antibodies.

It'll neutralize the foreign substance.

You'll also need to continue
with the steroids

for a bit as well, but you'll be fine.

Okay, I can't believe we have
aerosolized pig brains.

How did you guys come up with this?

It was all thanks to Homer.

Hey, Homer.


- Hey.
- Hey.

What the... ? A bow? No.

Bows on Patton and Macarthur?

- Until I get my girl.
- No, come on.

The other dogs at the park
are gonna make fun of them.

Hey, hey, don't... don't touch.

Sorry, boys. Sorry for
the emasculation. Come on.

Okay, so the dogs are covered.

Did you wash the pillows
and sheets in extra hot water?

Three times.

I took everything in that room

and put it in a plastic bag outside

so the little bastards will fry.


Get in. Get in there.
Get in there. Good boys.

See, I've proven that
I am in no way freaked out

or intimidated by or
even moderately uncomfortable

with our upcoming nuptials.

Okay, well, it would be
all right if you were.

But I'm not. I'm not at all.

It was the bugs. It was the kissing bugs.

Hey, this ought to cheer you guys up.

It was the not remotely romantic
despite their name bugs.



Here we go.

Oh, I'm just saying it's not uncommon

for people to be nervous.

I mean, an engagement is a big thing.

It is, I know. Just not for us.

No, no. Not... not us.

We're... we're... we're so comfortable.

Are you freaked out?

Maybe just a little bit.
Please don't be upset.

I think maybe that's why I went
so overboard playing house.

I was trying to convince myself

that there's nothing to be scared of.

- Like immersion therapy.
- Right.

And it's not because I don't love you

and it's not because I don't
want to marry you,

it's just, I've never thought
about my future before.

You know, it's always
six months at a time

and always taking care of my mom

or being there for my dad.

I just never thought about forever.

The "F" word.


I get it.

I mean, you can tell me things like that.

That's what I'm here for...
to comfort you,

make you feel better when you're nervous.

Wow. You're good.

My nervousness is almost gone.


Totally gone.

Get in.

And remember this conversation, okay?

For when I get the jitters
the night before the wedding.

Well, apparently, I'm gonna
be able to tell right away.

I'm gonna see it all over your body.

It is so cute that you get hives
when you're scared.

I love it.

Oh, God. Stupid body.

- Hey, Jack.
- Hey, Hank.

I, uh, well, you said you wanted to see

where I am with this lupus thing, right?

I did. I'm just glad you heard.

Divya taking good care of you?

Yeah, yeah.

She asked me everything
about my medical history

dating back to my first pediatrician.

Then she leeched me
and had me pee in a cup.


I know that you did a
urinalysis during the physical,

but I checked the chart carefully,

and I noticed a variation,

so I thought I'd take
a second sample to be safe.

Well, it was a morning test,
so the minor...

You know what?

You had an instinct, and I trust it.

Hey, I'm glad you stopped by.

I was gonna visit you later today.

Aw, doc, not more bad news.
I can't take it.

No, no, no, no.

I was gonna tell you,
I found out Tim Raines,

seven-time all-star, three time
World Series champ,

he kept playing baseball after
he was diagnosed with lupus.

I will keep playing, doc,
as long as I can.

And I will always be grateful
for the best time of my life,

no matter how many shoes there are.

- Huh?
- That's a... we... never mind.

Anyway, you know what?
I did some reading.

This lupus thing is not so bad.

Yeah, and it could take years to develop.

Yeah, so I'm lucky I have you
along for the ride.

I'm lucky you give free golf lessons.

Yeah. See ya.

- See ya.
- See ya.


- Good-bye.
- Good-bye. Okay.

Homer was right. I was hurt.

I didn't know it, but I was.

And just so you know,

I still think you are
the best at what you do.

Thanks, Hank.

What's the matter?

It is only a semi-quantitative test.

- I mean, we really need to...
- Divya, what is it?

Jack's proteins are plus three.

It wasn't a minor variation
on the original test.

His lupus is more
advanced than we thought.

It's attacking his kidneys.

All right, so just so I understand,

how long did you work there for?

- A few weeks.
- A few weeks?

And then you just, like,

fell asleep on the job or something?

- Evan.
- Sorry.

But you discussed everything
with Hank, right?

You guys, like, made up and everything?

- Yes.
- All right.

Please tell me that this
interrogation is nearly over.

It's over. It is. One more question.

Are you still worried about money?

Divya! Nice shirt. Thanks for coming.

Oh, you're welcome.
I wouldn't have missed it.

Hey, I'm Evan R. Lawson,
the CFO of Hankmed, okay.

Nice to meet you.

Um, hey, listen, uh, come backstage.

- Everybody's back there.
- All right, cool.

- Just come...
- Excuse us. This way?

- Yeah, keep going.
- I'm a CFO. Please. Thank you.

Guys, guys, Divya's here.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- And this is Evan.
- Look at you.

Hey, man, Evan.

Calliope, Jared. Evan.

Hey, man. What's up?

I take it that the intravenous
immunoglobulin is working

and decreasing the autoimmune
response of the pig myelin.

I have no idea what that
means, but I feel awesome.

Me too. 1,000%.


That means that it is working.

Not only that,
but now we're in the running

to open for the Silversun
Pickups on their tour this fall.

Are you kidding me? Dude, I love them.

- That's... congratulations.
- Thank you.

They must have really enjoyed the album.

We still haven't finished it.

The music video?

Nope. Uh, that's actually
not done, either.

Okay, so how did the Silversun
Pickups come to love Some Pig?

You tell her.

Uh, well the video of Jared
sliding off the stage

went viral, and so they saw some of it

and actually managed to catch
some of the music.

And now they're here
to listen to us play.

Operative word there, listen.

- Yeah.
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

They're here to hear the music, okay?

Not the jumping, sliding nonsense.

Dude, they're here for the show.

Yeah, I know, but the show is the music.

Okay, guys, guys. Same side, remember?

Right. Okay. Oh, hey, check it out.

That's our cue.

We got this.


Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.
Oh, Whoo! That's great.

Good job.