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03x11 - A Farewell to Barnes

Posted: 04/24/24 13:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

When are you going back to Uruguay?

I am going to tell the hospital tomorrow

and help them find
and train a replacement.

Paige Collins, will you marry me?


So when did you ask my dad?

I don't want to marry him.

I want to marry you.

Look, it's bad enough
my daughter's in love with ya.

But can't all this just wait until

after the campaign is over?

I have spent too long standing
in for her at photo ops,

and dinners, and book signings.

Now it's time to protect mom.

Why didn't you tell Hank
that you're doing shifts

at the hospital?

I was going to, but then I thought,

"why burden him?"

Then go home and get some rest.

Of course I'll take an extra shift.

Mr. Kassabian is diabetic, so...

No oral or I.V. steroids. Yeah, yeah.

We will send him back to you

just the way we found him.

I have your steroid treatment here.

Great, thanks.

I'll get you a prescription

for some oral steroids as well.


Yeah, this is Dr. Lawson,
I'm at 1 Cayne Court

with a 35-year-old male
in acute diabetic ketoacidosis.

He was mistakenly given oral steroids.

He's tachycardic and unresponsive.

I'm intubating, giving 500 CCs of saline

and checking his glucose level.

This is gonna hurt, Eric.

- There you are.
- Yeah, sorry I'm late.

It's okay.

Your latte foam may be a bit petrified,

but I am fine.

Good, somebody oughta be.


You wanna talk about it?


Therapy's a crock.

You know how it's supposed
to be you on a journey to you?

It's not. It's you on a journey

to what your therapist thinks of you.

I don't know...

I mean she thinks I'm using
an incomplete relationship

with Hank to tether myself here,

thereby subconsciously
sabotaging my job in Uruguay.

She said that?


What did she say?

She asked me if I ever
let my personal life interfere

with my professional life.


She's right, isn't she?

You know, it's not for me...

I mean, I can't deny it.

I found an amazing replacement,

I've got my dream job
in Uruguay just sitting there,

and yet... I'm still sitting here.

- Why?
- Well, maybe you're...

I have to end it.

Maybe I do.

Maybe you're right.

- About?
- Hank.

I have to break up with him.

And sooner rather than later.

Otherwise, I am just leading him on.

Leading us on, and...

it's not right.

Thank you for talking me through that.

What are friends for?


Jill Casey.

Diabetic in acute D.K.A.,

G.C.S. 13, intubated in the field,

ran fluids wide open...

Dr. Lawson, what do we got here?

For you? Nothing. Go ahead.

Whoa, hey, same team.
Good guys, remember?

You know what I remember?

Briefing you specifically
on that patient,

yet here he is again.

What, you're telling me
someone landed in the E.R.

for a second time?

Allow me to alert the media.

Go ahead, laugh it up.

If he dies, it's your ass.

Okay, calm down.

You don't want to have an aneurysm.

You're right, that'd risk
getting you as my doctor.

All right, outta my way.

Not until you promise
to stay away from my patient.

He stopped being your patient

when he came through those doors.

Now move it, housecall.

- Like hell I will.
- Hey, hey, hey.

What is going on here?

He gave oral steroids to a diabetic

and put the man in a coma.

- You're insane.
- You're incompetent.

Okay, that's enough. Both of you.

This is a hospital. You wanna fight?

You take it to an Irish pub
where fights belong.

Dr. Van d*ke, I am sure
you have patients to see.

And Dr. Lawson, if you have a complaint,

I'll accept it in writing.

Do I make myself clear?

- Yep.
- Good.

Listen, Hank,

if there is a problem, I will find it

and I will deal with it.

But you cannot come in here

accusing our doctors of incompetence.

Not unless you have any proof.

Yeah? Well, I got a whole bottle.

Did he die?

No, no.

He's... he's stabilized,
but still in a coma.

There's nothing you can do, Hank.

That's why I'm frustrated, Evan.

'Cause once he passed into that E.R.,

he stopped being Eric Kassabian.

He just became room number four.

And all anyone cared about
was moving the meat.

"Moving the meat"?


In the E.R., patients are "the meat."

Doctors there aren't exactly
known for their sensitivity.


Year and a half ago,
you were one of those doctors.

You kinda crossed over
to the other side, hmm?


Yeah, I guess I have.

Can I ask your opinion on
something much less important?


Be good to get my mind
off life-and-death stuff.

Actually it's about me
and the general golfing,

so death's not completely off the table.

Um, pink or yellow?


- Yellow.
- Thank you!

- So, pink it is.
- What?

All right!

So, where are you off to anyway?

Oh, I got a desperate call
from a party planner

coordinating some insanely elaborate

and elaborately insane event tomorrow.

Tomorrow? And it's insane and elaborate?

Dude, that must be
"A Farewell to Barnes."

It must be a fare-what to where now?

Gregg and Audrey Barnes,
philanthropist couple

slash high-end
garden store entrepreneurs,

are throwing the divorce party
to end all divorce parties.

A divorce party?

That sounds ludicrous
even for the Hamptons.

No, it's cool,
they're taking all the money

that would have gone to lawyers,
and they're putting it

into one final blowout.

Oh, okay, less ludicrous. Marginally.

Yeah, it's the event of the summer.

Dude, you gotta get me on the list.

Uh, can't Paige get you on the list?

Might be a nice break for her.

No, I can't go through life
as Paige's plus-one.

Come on, man, sometimes I need
to bring something to the party.

And in this case...

I can bring a party to the party.

Uh, yeah, I'll see what I can do.

- Really?
- No.

- Hey.
- Hey.

You got something against Eric Kassabian?

No, why?

Because you gave him
I.V. and oral steroids

and he's a diabetic.

- Sent him into D.K.A.
- What?

That... that would've been on his chart.

I would've seen it.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. Is he...

Stable, but in the I.C.U.

I don't see how I could have missed this.

Well, neither does Jill Casey.

- Not that she knows it was you.
- You didn't tell her?

I said I couldn't remember
who I had administer the dr*gs.

I also neglected to mention
that I gave you my code number

to get 'em from the auto-dispenser.

Now, she's gonna
figure it out eventually,

but I thought we could use
some time to talk.

When is your shift over?

I just came on. I...

Okay. Okay.

Well, I suggest you go home sick
and just lie low for a while,


And while you're at it,

cross your fingers,
light a candle, pray...

whatever you think
will help Kassabian wake up,

all right?

That's not the way out, Katdare.

Dr. Lawson!

Oh, thank God you are here.

Thank you. Thank you for coming.

I'm dying.

Uh, wow, you look pretty good for dying.

No, just... emotionally dying.

Physically, I think
I just have food poisoning

- from all the catering samples.
- Hmm.

Only, it's not "just."

It's a catastrophe.

The Barneses are supposed
to be going out in style,

not in a mad dash to the bathroom.

Oh, okay.

Well, uh, have you
had any diarrhea or vomiting?

Just a upset stomach
and, um, some cramping,

but I know I have food poisoning,

because I was fine
until I had the oysters.

Or maybe it was the spot prawns
or the bison tartare.

Ooh, you know what?

It could have been the wild chanterelles,

the foie gras lollipops,

the billionaire's Risotto...

Slow down.

Are you saying you've eaten all of this?

Yeah. Of course.

N.U.G., Hank. N.U.G.


"No unhappy guests."

- Right.
- Yeah.

Which means I never serve food that

I haven't first tasted myself.

Has anyone else sampled the food?

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

A lot of the guys setting up.

You know, better than
letting it go to waste.

Well, except for the whole,
you know, food poisoning part.

Right. Have any of them had symptoms?

I really couldn't say.


Um, excuse me, your attention, everyone.

Hi, my name is Dr. Lawson.

Uh, if any of you have had any
sort of vomiting or diarrhea,

it's important
that you come see me now, okay?

Thank you.

I bet you walk into a bar,
you could get a date or two

with that line.

'Scuse me, doc.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Hank Lawson.
- Donny Shaughnessy.

Nice to meet you, Donny.
So when did your symptoms start?

Uh, I guess I was probably about eight.

I was at Coney Island.

My brother talked me
into going on that cyclone.

Right before the bottom
of the second drop,

just lost it.

Both ends.


And, uh, how are you today?

It's all good.


I guess that's it. Thanks, Donny.


Hey, do you mind if I...

No, go ahead. Enjoy.


Thanks, doc.

I suppose I could've
been a little clearer.

Oh, don't beat yourself up too much.

So, Lucy, your symptoms
and their lack of symptoms

doesn't say food poisoning to me.

What does it say?


and a party planner on a deadline.

Okay, what if you're wrong?

Don't worry, I'll be sure to follow up.

In the meantime,
if you start having any, uh,

Coney Island-style symptoms,

make me your first call.


The first will be to a new caterer.

Of course.

All right.

Hey, good morning.

Hi, I'm Evan R. Lawson.

I'm the C.F.O. of Hankmed.

I'm filling in for Mrs. Collins.

On the golf course, obviously,
not in... not full-time.

Good to meet you, Evan. Sam Resnick.

It's nice to meet you.

Mr. Resnick's an old family friend,

and, uh, I hope my new campaign chairman.

So I take it Ellen
got a more exciting offer

than watching me curse
and break my clubs in half.

Well, I'm afraid, uh,
she's not feeling well.

Wish her a speedy recovery
for me, will ya?

I will.

The thing is, Sam, um...

Ellen's being treated
for a... a mood disorder.

She's struggled with depression for...

for some time now.

I'm so sorry, bill, I...

Well, the good news
is that she's responding really,

really well to the treatment.

Like really, really, really well.

Well, of course she is.

Ellen's a strong woman.

Yes, she is.

General Collins!

My apologies keeping you waiting, sir.

Jack O'Malley,
pro you're playing with today.

Mr. O'Malley, Mr. Sam Resnick.

It's an honor, sir.

And Evan R. Lawson, C.F.O. of Hankmed.


Hankmed? Hankmed?

Hank Lawson Hankmed?

- Yeah, that's my brother.
- What do ya know?

He, uh, fixed up my hands last summer,

did a bang-up job.

Never mentioned you.

Yeah, that's my brother.


How do you guys all know each other?

Through me. Sam and I go way back,

and Evan's engaged to my daughter Paige.

Well, congratulations.


Shall we golf?

Um, not to correct you or anything,

but, per your request, Paige and I,

we're not gonna get engaged
until after the campaign.

Hey, you know, I've, uh,
I've given that some thought.

You and Paige make it official
whenever you're ready.

I give you my blessing.

- Hello?
- Lucy, it's Hank Lawson.

Just checking to see how you're feeling.

Oh, working away.

But no trips to Coney Island yet.

Good, good.

Oh, sh**t, I have another call.

Can you hang on one second?

- I... I'll be quick.
- Yeah, sure.

- Okay.
- Oh.

- Hello?
- Hey, it's Jill.

Is this a good time to talk?

I got a patient on the other line,

but it shouldn't take long.

Can you hang on a sec?


Hank, are you there?

Uh, yeah, sorry about that.

So, you were saying?


- Oh! The cake!
- Lucy?

It's ruined. I... I'm ruined.

Lucy, are you okay?

Hank, I... I don't know. I'm...

my... my fingers don't feel right.

They're all tingly.

- Uh, I'm on my way.
- Okay.

I'm begging you, okay?

This is an emergency.

The exact same cake.

Name your price.

That's a big name!

Do you have nothing smaller,
you know, like a...

like a nickname?

Maybe a moniker?

Oh, just forget it!

Well, silver lining:

if I am dying, it dovetails nicely

with the day I'm having.

You're not dying, okay?

But your symptoms are pretty nonspecific

so I can't say what is going on, yet.

Now, what about the party tomorrow?

Is there an assistant
who can cover for you?

I am the assistant, Hank.

- Don't tell the Barneses, okay?
- Okay.

But, five days ago, my boss was flown

to the Seychelles
by some Bahrainian sultan

to do a wedding
that makes this thing look like

a last-minute get-together.

- Whoa.
- Yeah.

So if I pull this off, I'm a hero.

But if not, I'm done for.

N.U.G., Hank. N.U.G.

Okay, I get it.

I get it.

Open for me, please.


All right, since I last saw you,

what have you eaten?

Why? What's in my teeth?

No, nothing.

Um, were you sampling the cake

Off... off the ground? No.

No, it was there
for more than three seconds.

Okay, then that's not icing
in the corners of your mouth.

It's thrush.

I'll prescribe an oral nystatin.

Wait a minute.

If I get sick during the party,
h... how fast can you get here?

Uh, well, I drive a Saab,
not an ambulance,

but I can get here pretty quick.

Wait! I know!
You can come to the party.

Not as a doctor, of course, as a guest.

Unless I get sick, then,
in which case, as a doctor.


Um, you can have a plus-one.

Can I have a plus-more-than-one?

- Sure!
- Okay.

So you're mormon?

- Hey.
- Hey.

Thought you were in pediatrics today?

I am. I am.

Uh, i... it's... it's my lunch break.

Oh, okay.

And, uh, you're spending it here because?

You're the one who gave him the I.V.

I'm sorry, Jill.

I keep going through his charts
over and over again

trying to figure out
how I could have missed it,

and... and I can't.

I can't because it's there
in black and white.

Mr. Kassabian! Mr. Kassabian!

Try not to talk.

You're in a hospital.

You're intubated.

Nurse Marnie.

Mr. Kassabian's awake.

We'll be right in.


If I can get someone
to cover me in pediatrics,

I... I would like to be here.

I'm sorry, Divya, I can't do that.

- Jill, I think it's really...
- I know.

Okay? I know what you're feeling.

And again, I am sorry.

But, Divya, until this
investigation's complete,

I have to put you on leave.

Effective immediately.

Thursday night? Nope, can't do it.

Fine, I'll be there.

Call later.

Um, sorry, general,
I couldn't help but overhear.

I'm... I'm sure you forgot,
but you're supposed to be

in Brooklyn on Thursday to relieve Paige.

Son, the campaign
isn't a 9:00-to-5:00 job.

Places I have to be at
keep me hopping faster

than a jackrabbit in a cabbage patch.

Yeah, I get it.

You don't, but you will.

My press secretary's
e-mailing you a calendar

of events you and Paige need to be at.

You do, uh, own some clothes
that aren't pink?

Yeah, um...

Sir, I'm sorry, you can't
keep doing this to Paige.

You can't.

She's put her whole life
on hold for you, sir.

You said you're gonna be
in Brooklyn on Thursday,

you should be there.

Remember that blessing I gave you?




Hey. Can I come in?

Are you here to apologize?

For what?

I don't know, but apparently
it's required to enter.

Oh. [Laughs] Not yet, no.

I've had the administrator,
the head of the E.R.,

the legal team...

you name it, they're sorry.

Yeah. Well, I'm sure you can
understand their concern.


They don't want to get sued.

Uh, I was gonna say
your health, but... yeah.

They don't want to get sued.

I'm not the litigious type,

but let's face it.

If you hadn't shown up when you did,

we would not be having this conversation.

No. We wouldn't.

And it's not like I need the money,

but there's also
the principle of the thing.

Someone screwed up.

You're not saying anything.

No. I'm not.

Because you disagree with me?

No. No.

Because, once upon a time,
I was the doctor

who got blamed for a screw up.

You? Hank, you're a great doctor.

Thanks. I try, but I'm not perfect.

No one is.

The bottom line is:

if you sue,
it shouldn't be about the money.

It should be about making sure
whoever did this

learns from their mistake.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

And, uh, sorry about... you know.

It's okay.

Wait, is "you know" threatening Van d*ke

or is "you know"
not coming back on the phone

- after you asked me to...
- Oh, my God.

I didn't, did I?

I did. I... I apologize again.

It's okay.


Listen, Hank, we need to talk about...

I know, I know.

I was just so angry with him.

Not where I was going with that.

But since we're on it, um...

look, Van d*ke's name being on those meds

doesn't necessarily tell the whole story.

Well, someone made a mistake.

And you never have?

Yeah, no, of course I have. I have.

But, I don't know, he's
the doctor of record, you know?

The buck stops with him.


No, I'm the administrator.

The buck stops with me.

- Oh, really?
- Yeah.

You know you are sexy when you get all


I am?

Executive authority
is a known aphrodisiac.


Listen, Hank...

Uh, hold that thought.

Hanky panky!

Jack! Hey. Oh...

uh, what are you... what are you...

what are you doing here?

Oh, spending a couple weeks
as a local pro between...


And figured you'd just drop in?

Yes, I did, because
I met your brother this morning.

You never mentioned you had a brother.

Nice guy.

Yeah, no, he is. He is nice.

You couldn't call first?

- Here's the thing.
- Yeah.

So, look, I...

Look, after you
fix up my mitts last summer,

I... I just had
the best season of my career.

Now, I got these sponsors,

and the sponsors want me
to get a physical

to make sure I don't, you know...

drop dead with all their money.

And I thought, "who better
to poke and prod me than you?"

Hey, Jack.

That was a rhetorical question.


Aren't you supposed to be in Uruguay?

Yeah, I got back last month.

How... how... how do you...

how do you know about Uruguay?

- Ah, we're friends.
- Oh.

Well, Facebook friends.

Facebook friends.

- Right.
- Yeah.

Social networking, Hanky.

You know, we're all up
in each other's business

Yes, we are.

Okay. Ok... am I?

Kind of.

Kind... kind of? Kind...

so should I...

kind of stay or kind of go?

Sit down, Mitts. I'll get you a glass.

All right.

Oh, thank you.


- This is stunning.
- Yeah.

Yeah, I can't believe
I scored us invites for this.

You didn't. Has anyone heard from Divya?

She was supposed to meet us.

Yeah, uh, she said that she
was feeling under the weather.

Hi, and welcome.
May I have your names, please?

Yeah, Lawson, Evan R.

It was five, now it's three.

Paige isn't coming?

- No.
- Why?

May I use a golf analogy?

I blew it.

Right. And the golf part is?

So I accuse the general
of taking Paige for granted.

Now, not only is my invitation
to join the family revoked,

but I think he's retaliated
by making sure

that she doesn't show up today.

And I'm upset about it, so...

just don't... don't leave me alone.

I'm sorry to interrupt,
but your fourth, a Ms. Collins,

has already arrived.

I'll see you guys later.

Thank you.

Hey, uh, you mind
if I disappear for a minute?

Not at all.

The, uh, people-watching
opportunities here

will keep me very entertained.

I'll catch you later, okay?

All right.

- Oh, my God.
- Hi.

I'm so happy your dad came through.

Of course he did.

Why do you look so surprised?

I'm not... I... it's joy.

People often mistake my joy face

for my surprised face,
it's quite a thing.

I'm just... I'm just glad you're here.

Did you bake that?

Yeah, I started at midnight,
and finished at 6:00.

That's amazing.

Yeah, I mean,
t... t... t... the fun is in the design,

but the looks on people's faces
when they actually taste it,

that's why I do it.

Lucy, your voice is raspy.

Oh, yeah.

Um, baking all night,
barking orders all day.

But I have to tell you,

pulling an all-nighter?

I haven't had that much fun
in a long time.

That's great. That's great.

And today, how are you feeling,
other than tired?

Well, two of my staff showed up hungover,

we're running out of ice,

and, uh, the numbness
in my hands has put me

way behind schedule.


Hey, how were you in surgical rotation?

Uh, why? You need me to scrub in?

Well, yeah. Kind of.

Um, I need to write "That's all, folks!"

All right, that's funny.

Yeah. [Laughs] On the top right here.

But my fingers are numb,
and I need a steady hand,

like, a... a really steady hand.

I guess you don't know
about doctors and handwriting.

Yeah, I do.
And that is how desperate I am.

- Please?
- Uh, okay.

Just remember the N.U.G., Hank.

- Right. Okay.
- N.U.G.

Deeply divided, we are gathered here,

in the presence of our loved ones

and less than loved ones,

to divide Gregg and Audrey Barnes

in perpetuity.

Do you, Gregg Barnes,
give Audrey Barnes back

to the dating pool?

I do.

And do you, Audrey Barnes,
return this ring to Gregg Barnes

as a symbol of your eternal indifference?

You bet.

By the power vested
in me by some random website,

I know pronounce you
ex-husband and ex-wife.

You may kiss other people!



Exclamation point.

Oh! Look at you.

You know, if this whole medicine thing

doesn't work out, you might
have a future in pastry.

- Good to know. Good to know.
- Mm-hmm.

Speaking of the medicine
thing, uh, your blood test

should be back soon.

Okay, well, if they come back

before the end of the party,
do not tell me.

I have enough to worry about.

You got it. No worries.

Okay. Thank you.


So, um, I kinda have some bad news.


The general... your father...

- daddy.
- Don't call him that.

I shouldn't, you're right.
It felt weird coming out.

He doesn't approve of me

as much as I'd hoped.

Why do you say that?

Because I spoke my mind to him, finally.

And he really did not like my mind.


You know what? That's his problem.

Excuse me?

What he thinks of you or doesn't think,

what he approves of
or doesn't approve of,

we don't care anymore.

- We don't?
- No.

And... I can't wait anymore.


Evan R. Lawson, will you marry me?

In a heartbeat, Paige Collins.

I just wish that

we had your mom's ring

so you could put it on me.




I carry it with me wherever I go.

Just in case.

Of all the divorce parties
on Gin Lane I've ever been to,

this is definitely my favorite.

Almost makes you wanna
break up with someone.


we gotta break up.

Excuse me?

I'm leaving.

And... I like you.

No. No. That...
that doesn't even cover it.

Hank, I am... I'm crazy about you.


And it's making it really hard
for me to go.

Then we gotta break up.

We do?


I care about you way too much
to want to hold you back.

Why is this so hard?

'Cause whatever we did,
then stopped doing,

then started doing again...

was real.

Is real.

I could come back one day.

And we'll always have South Hampton.

You got it. You got it.

You did it!

Yay! Boys, I'm so impressed.

Now, go.


Oh, God. Okay.


Damn it! Come on.

Damn, Lucy...

Lucy! Are you okay?

Hank, I...

I think I'm having a heart attack.

Just... just breathe, Lucy. Slow, deep.

I... I can't.

Yes, you can. Just breathe in and out.

My heart, it... it's pounding.

Look, I don't think it's your heart,

I think you're having an anxiety attack.

No, no, no, no.

I... I don't have anxiety att*cks.

I don't panic.

I do not. I don't...

In and out. Just try to calm down.

Calm? C... calm?

I... look at me!

I am freaking out.

I... I can't function. I... I...

I can't do anything.

It's... it's... it's... it's all over.

My career.

This party.

My job. My...


- Lucy?
- What?

You're... you're crying, but...


there aren't any tears coming
out of your eyes.

Oh, yeah.

Sometimes that happens. I'm a dry crier.

God, I can't even do that right.

Now, look, I know you have a dry mouth

because of the thrush,
but do you ever have a dry nose?

Um, yeah, a lot. Why?

Because it's an indicator
of Sjogren's syndrome.

Oh, a syndrome.

Jesus, Hank, now I have a syndrome.

No, no, no. Just relax, Lucy.

It means your tear glands are inflamed,

and that reduces tear production.

Here, let me try something.

Okay, if you're trying to calm me down,

it's really not working.

You're just making my face twitch.

Which means you're hypocalcemic.

Lucy, I think you have celiac disease.

Because my cheek twitched?

That, the Sjogren's,
the stomachaches, the nausea...

it's your body telling you
it can't tolerate gluten,

a protein found in wheat
and a few other grains.

Okay, wait.

Then why... why wouldn't
I have had this my whole life?

Yeah. Silent celiac
can present atypically

and be triggered by stress.

I'd like to get a specialist
to do a biopsy to confirm,

but if you have celiac, we'll
find you a great nutritionist,

and you should be fine.

- What? That... that's it?
- That's it.


What? What is it?

Um, can I live with this long enough

to see the cake get cut and the Barneses

do whatever people do with cake

when they're getting divorced?


As long as they don't feed it to you.

Thank you.

Without beating a dead horse,
I am truly sorry.

Well, that horse
has been dead for so long

that it is now decomposing.

I have never made
a mistake like that before,

and I never will again.

Look, you weren't
the only one who made a mistake.

Ever since I was diagnosed,
I've told every

health professional
I come in contact with

that I was a diabetic.

And this time I didn't.

Mr. Kassabian,

this is not your responsibility to bear.

This is mine.

I have learned from my mistake.

Divya, I'm not suing.

That is not why I said that.

I know.

I know.

But it's also part
of how I've reached my decision.

It was a mistake.

I'm still alive.

All is forgiven.

Thank you.

Now I just have to forgive myself.

Doesn't this thing go any faster?

You know what?

It's an expensive piece of equipment.

I'd rather not break it.

So serious when you're doctoring.

Come on!

Okay, that's it.

Yeah, your, uh... your heart
seems to be doing well.

Funny you should
mention that, you know...

the other night, doc, when I was here,

I couldn't help but feel I was
interrupting something...


You know, between you and Jill.


Dr. Lawson, are you and Casey
seeing one another again?

Jill and I? No.


Is that all?

All right, all right. We were, you know?

But with Jill going
off to Uruguay in three weeks...

I meant with the stress test.

Oh. Yeah.

Of course you did.


Got a minute?

Of course. Yeah, come on in.

Uh, look, the reason
you haven't heard from me

is because they haven't
scheduled your review yet.

That's not why I'm here.


I want to offer my resignation.


Please don't try to talk me out of it.

I accept.

You do?


Of course. Of course you do.



this is for the best.

Okay, let's be honest.

This whole situation's
been awkward from the start.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Yes, it was.

Did Hank suggest you do this?

Hank doesn't know that I work here,

why would he suggest that I resign?

You don't know.

Eric Kassabian?

He's a Hankmed patient.

Hank Lawson on the golf course.

That can only mean one of two things.

One: you are now no longer
the only doctor in America

who does not golf, or two:

I am about to be the lucky recipient

of a bona fide... clean bill of health.

I'm not here to play golf.

See, now that's
what I was hoping to hear.

But, unfortunately,

I won't be able to sign
your paperwork... yet.

Uh, doc, that was not one of the options.

Jack, your white blood cell count

came back slightly abnormal.


Like, I'm unique or I'm a case study?

I don't know.

It, uh... it could be
a meaningless variation,

but I'd like to order an A.N.A test,

antinuclear antibodies, to be sure.

- No need for alarm.
- Please, doc.

You as my doctor?

Alarm never entered my mind.


To the future Mrs. Evan R. Lawson,

and the future Mr. Paige Collins.

That's it? That's the whole speech?

That's it, my friend.

The only adjective we get is "future"?

Okay, you know about me
and public speaking, all right?

Public? What's public about...
there are two of us here.

We gotta rethink him as my best man...

- Evan. Evan!
- The speech is so...


Thank you.

This cake is delicious.

I know, and it's gluten-free.
Lucy baked it.

Hey, it's a good thing daddy

sent plenty of the good stuff.

It's nice having daddy on board.

- Evan.
- The general on board.

I know, it feels really weird,
and I should stop.

Well, whatever you said
to him last night on the phone,

he was impressed.

And happy.

Which makes me happy.

Which makes me happy.

- Happy.
- Hi.

Okay, hi.

To my impressive baby brother

and his beautiful bride-to-be.

I've never seen two people
who belong together more,

and I couldn't be prouder,

or happier.

Now that's what I'm talkin' about.

Thank you.

I will get some more bubbly.


That was awesome.

Hey! Just in time.

How are you feeling?

Feeling fine.

Good, staff meeting
is cancelled on account

of we are celebrating.

The general sent the bubbly,

Eddie R. and Ted sent some cohibas.



I need to talk to you about something.



What's up?

Dr. Van d*ke didn't
administer the wrong medication

to Mr. Kassabian.

I did.

It was my mistake.

It was me.