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03x05 - A Man Called Grandpa

Posted: 04/24/24 12:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

You're going to prison.

- I'm Shaw.
- Shaw.

You know that he helped me get
through, he was my only friend?

- You think he's changed?
- Yeah, it's like he's lost...

- Shaw's a father?
- That's why he's going to Austin.

To be with his kid.

Maybe I could swim there...

Disorientation's a symptom
of lead poisoning.

Hey, have you seen the patient?

He wanted to swim to Austin.

Okay, look, the beach. Let's go.

I'm gonna propose to Paige.

Before you give her mom's ring,

make sure you really know her.

Boys, meet Ted Ross, your grandfather.


Oh, you did it.

You have a beautiful boy.

We made arrangements for the cord blood.

Our driver will take you now.

Would you care for a drink?

Yeah, maybe after...


[Eerie music]

[Speaking german]

- Jill Casey.
- What about her?

I'm looking at her. [Siren wailing]

Blood's not hers.

At the scene of a M.V.A.,
two occupants, trauma stat...

We gotta intubate now.

Proceeding with R.S.I. protocol.

ETA ten minutes.

What about his medical status?

Severe lead poisoning is confirmed.

What does that mean, exactly?

It means time is of the essence.

With each passing moment,

Mr. Morgan is more and more at risk

for seizures, coma, and death.

You really think he could be
out there somewhere?

Well, we're looking.

We have an officer stationed

outside his door right now.

Uh, any idea where else he might be?


Answer the officer.

He wanted to get to Austin.

He has a baby daughter there,

and he's been talking about her a lot.


- Thank you, officer.
- Yep.

The Palm Beach Police
Department may not know

that you're past curfew.

But the Bureau of Prisons certainly will.

Edward, let's go back to the house.

Look, I only need a few more minutes.

If Shaw is out here,
I need to be out here.

You break the rules,
you do so at your own peril.

Well, uh, nice meeting you...


Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, I look forward to getting to know

my long-lost grandfather.

It's not my fault that I'm long lost.

It's a long story. Trust me.

Right now, please, let's go find Shaw.

Look, I will find Shaw

and let you know when I do.

Evan will make sure
you get home safely and quickly.


[Indistinct conversations]

How much rest do they need, exactly?

I know you're eager
to get back in there again

and hold your son.

But you won't have to wait long.

He and Marisa are both doing very well.

Thanks to you, Ms. Katdare.

I was doing my job.

Well, you did it quite well.

And under fairly chaotic circumstances.

Well, the chaos has passed now.

Jeff, Jeff.

What happened to her?

Hit-and-run out on town line.

Found her and the driver
both unconscious.

- What's the status?
- G.C.S. of 8,

but stable vital signs.

Intubated to protect the airway.

- Lawson!
- Hey.

Thank you.

You been walking all night?

Shaw's been missing all night.

God, yeah, dad's freaking out about it.

But at least he's freaking at home.


Did you get any details
about the 40-year family rift?

So apparently, our... Ted...

is a very stubborn man.

Dad thought they were never
gonna talk again.

What prompted the reunion?

Dad became eligible for home detention,

and he needed a credible sponsor.

Plus, he figured, well,

he'd made amends with us already,

so he was on a roll, man.

Oh, yeah.

Glad we ignited his hot streak.

[Chuckles] Yeah.

And our...

Ted just agreed to it,

after not seeing him for four decades?


He wanted something in return.


He wanted to meet his grandsons.

And a deal was made.

A quiet deal.

Our Ted is very concerned
with perception,

and he doesn't exactly want
Palm Beach society

knowing that he's...

harboring his son, the convicted fraud.

I was gonna put it
a little differently, but...

Sorry, the exhaustion and heat stroke

have me a little off my game.

I get it.

And I may not be alone.


- Is he alive?
- Shaw!



You're always there for me.

Call for help. Fast.


[The Blue Van's "Independence"]

♪ ♪

♪ My independence went away ♪

♪ I didn't listen when it said ♪

♪ Rely on yourself ♪

♪ Trusting someone else ♪

♪ Is a path for the silent ghost ♪

Got it. Thank you.

[Gasps weakly]

We gotta cool him down.

[Tense music]

♪ ♪

Evan, grab those palm fronds over there.

- Come.
- What about you?

All right, just keep fanning him.

It'll help with evaporation.

- Got it.
- Gina?

I need to see my daughter.

Shaw, right now,
the only thing you need to do

is get your body temperature
back to normal.

Hank, the cavalry.

Over here!

Diagnosed with lead poisoning
and altered mental status,

found with signs of heat stroke.

Pulse notes marked tachychardia.

Patient needs continued
treatment for hyperthermia,

hydration, and chelation therapy.

Okay, guys, let's turn him around.

And lift.

Which vehicle are we going to?

Right here. Set him down.


Let's get ready to roll.


Shaw, they're pulling you.

We'll see you at the hospital.

[Oxygen hissing]

[Monitors beeping]



Hey, it's okay. It's okay.

You were in an accident in Boris' car.

But you are gonna be fine.

I've called your family,
and they're on their way.

Jill, it's good to see you're awake.

The preliminary results
of your pan-scan are negative.

You were intubated in the field

because they found you unconscious.

FIO2 is less than 0.5,

and patient/ventilator rate
is less than 30.

So we can slowly start
to wean you off this thing.


No, no, no.

Well, now, you're just getting
greedy, Ms. Casey.

I said slowly.

I'll have respiratory therapy

start decreasing the I.M.V.,

and we'll see how you do from there.

That's our policy.

And I know how much
our hospital administrator

believes in playing by the rules.

Florida certainly has been
full of surprises.

Grandpa we didn't know was alive.

Dad's new millionaire friend.

Oh, the fact that you don't like Paige.

That was new.

That's not what I said.

- Okay.
- Look.

I know that conversation didn't turn out

the way you wanted it to.

No, it didn't.

- And I know that hurt you.
- Yes, it did.


but let's just leave that
aside right now.

We have to focus on dad's parole.


We just need to make sure
he obeys his curfew

and plays by the rules.

Um, we also need to make sure

his own father doesn't throw him
under the bus

at the parole hearing.

And how do you suggest we do that?

We need to show Ted
how much our dad means to us.

And how do you suggest we do that?

Well, it's funny you should ask,

because I came up with that
very plan just last night.

A plan? What plan?

[Laid-back jazz music]

♪ ♪

♪ You send me with that look
in your eyes ♪

- So.
- Hmm?

The Roths do pretty well for themselves.

Too bad you're a Lawson.

Oh. [Chuckles]

Tell me about this little
start-up business you guys have.

It's high-quality healthcare
delivered to your doorstep.


It's the future of medicine, basically.

And the business plan actually works.

Well, in the Hamptons,
I shouldn't wonder.

It seems success skips a generation.


Unfortunately, yeah,

we had to leave our clients
somewhat unattended

for an entire weekend
'cause we had to come down here

and help our dad.


Let's save some time, Evan.

We both know that you didn't
invite me to lunch

so you could get to know me.

Admirable as that may be.

You have an agenda,

and you wanna sweet-talk me on board.

- You're half right.
- Hm.

We love our dad,
and we'd do anything for him.

And he deserves a break.

But also,

I would like to get to know you... Ted.

♪ ♪

Where shall we have lunch?

I'm a tourist here. It's your call.

You like horses?

I had something a little less
gamey in mind.


Your father and I insisted
on coming here.


Dr. Redliner.

You are just in time to save
a patient in need.

Casey family reunion.

Yeah, I think she'd prefer
rest to a reunion right now.

Maybe you can announce
that visiting hours are over.

We need privacy to go over the results

from radiology anyway.

Why don't I let her know?

All right.

[Tense music]

♪ ♪

It's a fluoroscopy.

An imaging technique to help the surgeon

locate and remove all the lead fragments

from Shaw's body.

He's gonna be okay.

I promise you.

You know how I didn't want
you and Evan to come down here?


Let me just say that I'm really glad

disobedience runs in our family.

I've been on my own so long,

I... I thought I didn't need anybody.

I thought I could just put this
all back together myself.

Put what back together?


My life.

Then things with dad, then with all of us.

Oh, I had a plan.

Sometimes I am amazed

at how complicated
I make things for myself.

[Sentimental music]

♪ ♪

[On P.A.] He's way out in front

by a length and a half!

[Indistinct conversations]

Plus she's a polo player.

And an animal lover.

So you can imagine my relief
to see that we're here

to watch horses and not snack on them.

Well, with everything
you've told me about Paige,

it seems like you really picked a winner.

Yeah, I did. I really did.

And having done that...

let's see if you can do it again.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

All right.

"Osborne's Gypsy"?
Who names these horses?


A horse called "Man".


Why pick a 50-to-1 long shot?

Because when I was, like, seven,

on a really hot, humid day,

the air-conditioning
in our house broke down.


So my dad came home early from work

to take me to the movies.


'Cause the theaters had air-conditioning.

Is this an answer or an autobiography?

The movie we saw was
The Empire Strikes Back.


It was directed by a guy
named Irvin Kershner,

who also directed...

The Return of a Man Called Horse.

You're saying the horse

has fate on its side.

Yeah, I guess I am.

Well, in that event,

put that on a horse called man.

To win.

To win?


To win.

[Whispering] Holy crap.

Everything is fine, Hank.

[On phone] I should fly back.

No, you can't.
Your dad needs you down there.

Maybe Evan can cover the hearing.

I mean, I should probably be
there for Boris.

And I should definitely
be there for Jill.

My God.

You cannot entrust
your father's liberty to Evan.

Jill is fine.

No major traumas.

Boris' baby is fine.

No repeat T.T.N.,
and his vitals are good.

I promise you, Hank,
I have everything under control.

And you know what?

If that changes,
I'll book your flight myself.

Divya, I don't feel good
about being here...

I will send Boris and Marisa
your best wishes.

I will have Jill call you
as soon as she's extubated.

How does that sound?

It sounds fine...ish.

Thank you, Divya.
I'll be back tomorrow night.

I'll talk to you soon.



The radiologist saw a blush on the C.T.

She wants to run it again in a few hours

to see whether it is a hemorrhage

or just an anomaly.

Jill, I'm sorry.

Dr. Redliner wants you intubated
for 24 hours.

And he is right.

Okay, okay, okay.

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't.

I have no privileges here.

Jill, please. Try to be calm.

[Machine beeping]


Are you insane?!


Who does that?

[Beeping stops]

I offered you first crack at it.

[Sighs exasperatedly]


I am so furious at you.

And incredibly relieved
to see you being... you.

I'm sorry.


What happened to me, exactly?

It was a hit-and-run. An SUV.

You don't remember anything?


It's weird and fuzzy.

The last thing I remember is...

Is what?


The surgery got the pellets of lead,

but you'll have to keep doing
these chelation treatments

until all the trace amounts
are flushed from your system.

How's the chelation work?

Well, once it's in the bloodstream,

it traps the lead and forms a compound

that the body can expel
through the urine.

Do you have any other questions, Shaw?


Where's Eddie?

Well, if you're here,
he can't be too far away.

When I find him, I'll send him up.

I guess I missed my flight to Austin.

Your dad was pretty determined
to get my on that plane,

despite everything
that was working against it.

Yeah, my dad's not too good

at taking no for an answer.

It's one of his best qualities.

It's a horse called "Man"
on the inside rail.

Oh, my God, he is.
He's in front, he's in front!

Come on, come on, come on, come on!

And they're into the stretch.

A horse called "Man" is going all-out.

Here comes "The Wizard of Westwood".

No. Number two.

A horse called "Man"
is tearing down the stretch.

Oh, my God, oh, my God. Oh, my God!

It's gonna be a close race.

[Spectators groaning]

It's a horse called "Man" by a nose!

Oh, my God! He won!

All right, let's go.
Let's get down there.

- Down where?
- Down to the track.

Have our picture taken with the winner.

They'll let us do that?

They better. I own that horse.

You own your own racehorse?

I own three of them.

This was the only one left
who hadn't won yet.

A horse called "Man"?

Who do you think schooled
your father on Kershner?

Thank God something stuck.

So this is, like...

this is bigger than I thought it was.

This is huge.

- Yeah.
- We should celebrate.

I agree.

How about over dinner?
Just the four of us?

Good, good, good. We'll eat at my place.


My chef makes
a fantastic stallion parmesan.


- Mm, good story, huh?
- Great picture.

You can't even tell
that Evan's terrified of horses.

Oh, ho, ho.

I guess I never met a horse

that could generate revenue
before, that's all.

Yeah, well, you should meet
some of my thoroughbreds.


Oh, there's our cue. Let's sit.


Well, it definitely beats
the early bird special

at the olive garden.

Ev, where's dad?

He said he had to take a call.

I'm sure your father will join us

when it's most convenient for him.

Uh, I'll let him know we're ready.

- That was Shaw.
- What about him?

He just checked himself out
of the hospital.

Well, you need to tell him
to check himself back in.

No, no, I... I know him. He won't listen.

I... I really need your help, Hank.

God, this guy was safer in prison.


Edward, what the hell are you doing?

You know what?
I'm trying to save a friend.

Friend? He's an ex-con.

Why don't you ever mind
your own business?

That ship sailed when you begged me

to get right into the middle of it.

You needed another shortcut,
and I was there.

So now I'm telling you,

both as your sponsor and as your father,

you better not walk off this property.

That's exactly what I'm going to do.

In that case,

I won't be at your parole hearing.

Your choice.

Okay, there it is. There it is.

The reason I haven't spoken
to this man for 40 years.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

No, no.

It's because of that woman you knocked up

and then eloped with.

She was after my money,

and she had you
right where she wanted you.

"That woman"?

That woman was my wife.

That woman was their mother.

A far better person than you'll ever be.

I am so happy with my choice,

that I chose her over your damn money.

Hank, please.


Well, I should've known.

You can't help someone
who won't help himself.


Evan, uh,

you've got to try the sassicaia.

It's magnificent.


If you don't show up
for his parole hearing,

you'll be punishing him,

but you'll be punishing us,
too, you know.

If you feel punished,
you should talk to your father.

You know, you couldn't be more wrong

about my mom.

Money never mattered to her at all.

She only cared about her family.

You never knew her.

You don't even know your own son.

And now you're never
gonna know your grandsons.

Which sucks for you,

'cause we happen to be pretty amazing.

[Sentimental music]

♪ ♪

Do you understand that I was
just trying to help a friend,

and yet he takes it as an opportunity

to call me a disappointment?

He's the one who was wrong here.

I understand I took a few shortcuts.

- Fine.
- Pop, look.

You walked away
from the king of all shortcuts.

You walked away from his money.

And we're really proud of that.

And surprised. Mostly proud, though.

You know that I did this for your mother.

That was the easiest decision I ever made

in my whole life.

Dad, listen.

No, I have to go.

Okay, believe me, I get why you want to.

But your curfew.

He can't stay with this guy.

One more night here.

One more night here. Come on, dad.

Eye on the prize.

Parole? Freedom?

Okay, look.

I have to cool down.


But can we please just make sure

that Shaw is all right?

Yes, yes, okay. Here's the plan.

- Yeah, what's the plan?
- What's the plan?

We'll pick up the stuff we need,

get Shaw set up at his place.

- Mm-hmm.
- I'll stay with him tonight.

Evan can bring you back here.

Fine, and on the way back,

we will pick up
the toilet paper and the eggs.

- The what now?
- Just trust me.

A little vandalism can be very cathartic.

Ev...! All right, fine.

Eye on the prize.

Thank you.

Oof, he makes me crazy.


Who sent those?



He really went all-out.

These plus three phone calls to me,

one to my doctor,

and how many to you?

I just got another message, actually.

I haven't talked to him
since the radiologist found...

I know. The blush.

Such a pretty word for a bleeding brain.

Even if there is
an intracerebral hemorrhage,

it is tiny.

And not all bleeds require surgery.


So there's really no reason
to bother Hank

with this now.

You don't want me to tell him?

If it turns out to be something,

I'll tell him myself.

But for now,

I just need to stop thinking
about blushes

and accidents.

I know what will cheer me up.

Field trip.

Not a good idea, Jill.

Short field trip?

Divya, please?

Just to the NICU.

I really want to check on Marisa

and see how the baby's doing.

Very short field trip.


Hey, dad, can you pass me

the bag marked "E.D.T.A."?

What does that stand for?

Ethylenediamenetetracydic acid.

And he needs all of this for chelation?

What he really needs is a hospital.

I've got a virtual hospital right here,

with my own doctor staying
in my guest house.

A doctor who's leaving tomorrow.

Well, still couldn't stay in that hospital.

Started to feel like prison
all over again.

Nah, you're just anxious
about seeing Gina.

No. That's not gonna happen.

Shaw, like Hank said,

these treatments don't take forever.

She's better off without me.

That bright light of faith

or whatever I thought I saw,

I was just sick.

I can't get back into her life

as the same old me.

That is not what changed you.

You changed yourself.

Will you just back off, Eddie?

- I'm just trying to...
- Dad, dad, look.

This may be the lead talking.

E.D.T.A. can initially redistribute lead

into the brain,

causing mental status to get worse

before it gets better.


All right, so you're not being
yourself right now.

But tomorrow...

Will you stop acting like my father?

You don't even know me.

Well, I know you're being a coward.

I know you're scared about facing Gina.

You wanna know how?

Because I made all the same mistakes.

I hid from my boys 'cause I didn't know

if I could make it right.

I didn't even try to make it right.

I was selfish, Hank.

I could not watch her die.

I couldn't make her better.

And... and I couldn't make it
okay for my boys,

so I ran away.

It didn't even dawn on me
that you would forgive me.

God knows I won't forgive myself,

but let me tell you, it was worth trying.



So when can he leave the NICU?

In 24 hours. It's just as a precaution.

But he's had no
subsequent episodes, so...

And Boris would know.

He's either been in there
or glued to this window.

Listen, Marisa...

about the cord blood,

I am so sorry...

No, no, no, no, no. No.

There's nothing to apologize for.

It was an accident.

Besides, I won't give up

on finding a way to help my son.

Or his father.

I'm going to go back in there.

Would either of you like
to hold him again?

I would love to.

Miss Casey, I'm... I'm sorry.

People are usually
in very good hands with Natan.

Sometimes accidents just happen.


The police suggested
it may have been a drunk driver?


I wish I could have told them something,

but I can't remember.

I've been trying, but...

You know...

at first, I thought
I remembered flashlights

and cigarette smoke,

but that couldn't be right.

I don't know. I just...

If I could just remember.

Your turn.

Listen, Boris,

if I remember anything else,
I'll let you know,

and I'll make sure
we're taking good care of Natan.

Thank you.


That's Gina. My little girl.

She's adorable.

How old?

Almost six.

Jen, her mom, sent this to me.

I almost didn't recognize her,

it'd been so long.


You and Eddie have been estranged

for a long time, right?

Too long.

But you and your brother

turned out pretty well anyway, huh?

Yeah. Still sucked
growing up without a father.

Well, he was a screw-up.

He said so himself.

How do you know you weren't
better off without him?

For a long time, I thought I was.

But I still missed him.

And I missed out.

You ever forgive him?

I did.

But until tonight,

I didn't know why.





Shaw? Shaw?

Hi, daddy.

Shaw. Shaw!

[Coughing, gasping]

You're having an allergic
reaction to the chelation.

Um, 2406 Ocean Avenue.

I have an adult male
going into anaphylactic shock.

Yes, I did that. I'm a doctor.

He has rapidly evolving angioedema,

tachycardia, and hypoxia.

Just gave 0.03 mills of epi sub-q.

Already have a line in,
I'm pushing diphenhydramine.

Okay. We're out back.

Okay. The epinephrine'll work fast.

Just hang in there, Shaw.

Just hang in there, Shaw. Hang in there.

Just stay with me, Shaw. Stay with me.

Come here.

All right. That's it.

Just take slow, deep breaths.

Slow, deep breaths.

That's it.



Shaw. Do you know who I am?



You're the guy who saved my life.


You got one up on your father.

Yeah. [Exhales]

We're a competitive family.


You can open your eyes now.

In a minute.

We have the radiologist standing by

to read the images immediately.

- Thanks, Leslie.
- Of course.

And the pictures
will come back in seconds.

Oh, I know. I just paid an arm and a leg

upgrading this thing.


Is that her with the results?

Jill, open your eyes.

I can't. I'll be able
to read the look on your face.

Yeah. I think you will.



No intracerebral hemorrhage.

The blush must have been
a motion or a ring artifact.

O... okay.

I can't talk about the blush anymore.

- Right.
- Thank you.

You're welcome.

- So.
- So.

Can I please go home now?

I believe the doctor
will want to release you

into someone's care.

You know, just to monitor you

for headaches, nausea, drowsiness.

Family member, perhaps.


Staying with my family

would guarantee all of those symptoms.

Well, I suppose
under these circumstances,

a medical professional would be best.

And I happen to be
staying in a guest house

with a doctor's office built right in.


How much sleep have you had

since we got to Florida?

Oh. This may look like a vacation,

but it doesn't feel like one.

I know. How's Shaw?

I talked to his doctor at the hospital.

- He's doing great.
- Good.

And dad called. He's going over there.

He said we should pick him up
on the way to the hearing.

Speaking of the hearing...

you're not gonna ask about
my carefully-chosen wardrobe?

Hadn't planned on it.

Paige picked it out for me.

According to her research,

blue is associated with honesty,

and yellow, well, that's just good luck.

Well, I'm sure Paige's
color scheme is all we need.

You really want to pick this fight?

- No, I...
- Right now?

- No.
- You really want to go there?

No. We should be worrying
about dad's hearing.

I agree.

When I dropped dad off last night,

Ted was already asleep,

so I doubt there was any reconciling.

Yeah, it didn't sound like

there was any reconciling
this morning either.

So we came all the way to Florida

just to put the final nail in the coffin

of dad's relationship with his father,

basically ensuring that dad's
going back to jail tomorrow.

Maybe you should be wearing
less blue and more yellow.


- Is that him?
- Yes.

Look who's come to see you.



Hi, daddy.

Your friend Eddie said you were sick.

Yes, but look how much better
he looks now.

And, yes, I meddled,
and I'm acting like your father,

and I don't even know you, and
all the other things you said.

But I had to call them.

Hey. Can you give your daddy a hug?


You don't take no for an answer, do you?

Not anymore. You?

Not anymore.

[Speaking hebrew]


You okay?


I'm fine.

Yeah, it's just a nightmare.

This is gonna be fine, right?

Of course it is.

I am so sorry.

Why are you sorry?

Because I thought introducing
you to your grandfather

was a good idea. I just wanted to...

Put this family back together. I know.

Dad, you... we got all the family we need.

Hey. It's almost Eddie's turn.

- You must be Eddie.
- I am.

- Nice to meet you.
- You too.

- Read so much about you.
- Thank you.

Uh, wait. Where's the sponsor?

He's a no-show.

How bad is that?

Uh, definitely could be better,

but won't be my first tap dance.

Let's go.

Look, we faced this before together,

so we can do this again.

Yes, we can.

Okay. My boys.

Yeah. 'Cause it went so well
the last time.


[Speaking indistinct]

About time you got here.

Edward, I swear.

When are you going to learn
to be punctual?

You're here.

Nothing gets by you.

Thank you.

I bet if I knew more
about this, I'd be riveted,

but we should go in now.

So what changed your mind?

You did.

No more ankle bracelet.

No more prison fights.

No more prison food.

Let's say hello to freedom.

Hello, freedom.

Congratulations, pop.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

I knew I'd find it in there somewhere.

Ah. The Roth family album.

Oh, my God.

No way.

That one on the right,

that's your great Uncle Leon.

No, that's aunt Roberta.


Oh, oh. Well, then the other guy

is your great Uncle Leon.

Oh. Okay.

He was a doctor in the w*r.

He was a doctor.

That's cool.

That's your great grandfather, my father.

He was a businessman
like you and me, Evan.

He had a string of roadside diners

in northern Jersey.




You put me in here?

You're family, aren't you?

As a matter of fact, keep it.

You probably don't have
a lot of photos of the Roths.

None, actually. Thank you.

Yeah, thank you.

Not just for the album either, you know.

Now we can take our dad
back with us to the Hamptons.

You know, if it's all right with him,

I'd like to stay a little while longer.

Okay. Why?

Well, you know, it took awhile

to repair the stuff with you guys,

and, uh, I think I need
to put some time in here too.

Are you cool with that, Ted?

I suppose I can put up with him.


And call me grandpa.

"Grandpa" sounds pretty good.

So... about the Paige situation...

Right. We were gonna revisit that.

Yeah. So look, Henry.

I don't need your approval

or your permission to propose
to the girl that I love.


You're absolutely right.

And I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for how I reacted

when you asked for mom's ring.


Look, I've always been
the more cautious one.

I mean, you... you jump in with both feet,

and I'm more one toe at a time.

You know, I like to know
as much as possible,

and then think about it,
and then make a decision.

I know everything
I need to know about Paige.

Yeah. Yeah.

Look, I should have been
more supportive, you know.

These are the kinds of things
that can escalate into...

I... I don't want to wake up in 40 years

and not remember the last time
I spoke to my little brother.

That would never happen to us.

I know. I know.

Because as soon as we get home,

I'm going straight
to the safe deposit box

and getting mom's ring
so you can propose to Paige.

Want to try for an awkward car hug?

We'll hug when we get out.

- Okay, great.
- Okay.

On to more important matters,

how soon is too soon
to plan for a bachelor party?

You should probably wait

until you've made
some plans for the wedding.

I... I plan on there being a wedding.

I... that's not enough?

Well, I don't know.

You might want to wait
until you get a yes.

What do you mean get a yes?

Get a yes from who?
