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02x15 - A History of Violins

Posted: 04/24/24 12:49
by bunniefuu
JlLL: That's the guy
who donated his kidney
to his housekeeper?

ADAM: You're engaged,
and I knew that.

When we kissed,
l don't know. lt just...
lt felt good and right.

l felt nothing
except regret.

DlVYA: I became involved
with a patient.

And l will in no way continue
to treat him medically.

What l care about is you.

Are you okay?

EVAN: What do you
make of Emily?

HANK: I'm still
feeling her out.

Divya is getting married
in four weeks. So...

What would you think
about joining HankMed?

You don't know my father.

Retired General William
Collins, currently the CEO

of a Fortune 500
defense contractor,

who you feel will
one day run for President.

You are not
Paige Collins material.

You're weak, clumsy,

You're not someone
who'd be taken seriously
in her circles.

You completely
took advantage.

And you can't just charm
your way out of this.

Damn it! What the hell
is wrong with you, boy?

Oh, boy.
Nothing, General, sir.

Um, please, don't
sh**t me again.

You're lucky l'm unarmed.

l thought you were
my crazy neighbor.

No, uh...

No. l'm just here
to apologize to
your daughter, sir.

Not that l
dishonored her at all.

Your recon skills
are sorely lacking.

Not to mention
your grammar.

Yeah, they shorted me
on rose petals,

and ''l'm sorr'' just...

Son, you have
exactly five seconds
to clear off my lawn.

All due respect, sir,
but l...

l tried to
warn you, Lawson.

Now, clean all that up.


Sorry about the potholes
on the way in.

We want to re-pave the road,
but we share it
with our neighbor.

Stop. He might hear you.
He's a retired general.
He likes to sh**t things.

Oh, let him hear.
He's not going to
sh**t us.

You see that old
shack down there?

We had to go to court
to prove it was actually
on our property.

We wanted to tear it down.

Yeah. Then, the
old general gets it put
on the historic registry.

So, we own it,
but we can't touch it.

Anyways, this isn't why
we called you over here.

l was hoping you'd say that.
l don't prescribe for
Hatfield-McCoy Syndrome.

So, uh, your daughter
has a sore throat?

Natalie. She's recording
an album this summer.


Her sore throat may not
be a medical mystery.

She sings a lot.

But she also caught mono
from a boy this winter.

A 16-year-old with
an eyebrow ring.

l'm just not sure
whether she's downplaying
real symptoms

or faking so she can bail
and get back to the city.

She wanted to hang
in the city all summer
with eyebrow boy.

But we bribed her out here
with this recording project.

With teens, sometimes
it's better for them to
see a doctor one-on-one.

Well, she's certainly
not going to say anything
in front of us.

For the record,
l hate needles.

Because most folks
love them.

Did they turn you
into a pincushion
when you were sick?

What is a pincushion?

A cushion for pins.

Sometimes shaped
like a tomato.

My mom had one.

Oh, like from the old days.

Yeah. She kept it by
the butter churn.

Open up, please.

What's with
the giant cue tip?

l'm doing
a rapid strep test.

Open. And making sure
your mono isn't back.

But you have no fever,
no abdominal pain.

So, l'm thinking
it's just a virus

and some strained
vocal chords.

You've been singing
a lot this summer?

l wouldn't be singing
at all if my parents had
let me stay in the city.

You should tell them that,
since they want to run
my life.

you're my patient.

l'm not going to tell
your parents anything
without your permission.


Yeah. Unless we discover
something life-endangering,
which l don't expect.

How come the pediatrician
talked to my parents
all winter?

Well, you were
much younger then.

l'm also going to
prescribe some steroids.

No way, man.
l play clean.

Not the, performance-
enhancing kind.

These will reduce
the swelling in your throat.

And l'm going to prescribe
a few days of vocal rest.



You here?


Looks good.

How is it sounding?

Well, hello, there.

Now, that's a surprise.

l was just
thinking the same thing.

This is the 1 :00
you cancelled our lunch for?

l'm afraid so.

Well, you know,
l needed a doctor.

And you, yourself,
said to me

that treating family
members isn't...

What is the word you used?

Right. l was recommending
you stay with Dr. Starnes
as your cardiologist.

l am. l did. l love him.
This is much more routine.

What kind of routine?

l'd be happy to discuss it
with your father's consent.


Are you seriously
pulling doctor-patient
confidentiality on me?


l asked you flat out.

You said that
there would be enough
petals to spell it.

What do you mean, lower case?
Who apologizes in lower case?

Look, look, look.
Next time l'm apologizing
to somebody

and l have to
spell something out
in rose petals,

l am taking my business
elsewhere. Okay, buddy?

Well, that's telling him.

Have any faxes
come in for me?

l am expecting a revised
hors d'oeuvres list from
my wedding planner.

l don't know.
l barely check them anymore.

Faxes are so
last century, Divs.

Said the man
apologizing by rose petal.

lt's just the 19
text messages l sent
didn't really work, so...

Did you know you could
shop by text message?

Please be here
to forgive me.

[CHUCKLES] Oh, Evan.

l forgave you two
edible arrangements ago.

And why didn't you
tell me that?

Because the stuff you were
doing was so cute.

l kind of wanted to see
what you were going to
come up with next.

Until l got this.

Oh, my God.

Hot appys more expensive
than you thought?

No, it's...

l mean, yes.

They're just
off the charts.

So, please tell me
these are from you
and not a stalker.

They are. What?

Who's Roy Ramis?

l don't know.

Wait a minute.

''l am sorry.''

How did they
get like that?



Do me a favor.

Hang out with me at
my parents' house today.

are they out of town?

Well, my mom is,
so the General wants
me there to greet

his buddies
who are coming in for
some kind of a summit.

Not that l know
what to say to a bunch
of defense contractors.

''Congratulations on all
your global conflicts''?

Well, don't worry.
We're going to be in
another part of the house.

Well, actually, we have to be,
without background checks.

No, l'm serious.


HANK: Look, Natalie.
l need to hear what's
going on from you.

Anything besides the nausea?
Pain? Diarrhea?

Ew. A little.

But my throat
feels better.

Okay, good.
Can l sing now,
Dr. Lawson?

Pretty please?

Not yet, Natalie.
l'm sorry.

And, uh, call me Hank.

You sure you're a doctor?

Last l checked.


So, try to get
a lot of fluids.

And l'll give you
something for the nausea.

Now, last two things.

Number one.
And number two.


lf you're looking
for dr*gs and babies,

you're going to
be disappointed.

My parents think
l've gone off the deep end,

but l'm still pretty much
just a band geek.

l like geeks.
l was a med school
geek once myself.

And l'm not just looking
for dr*gs and babies.

l'm also looking for
amoebas and parasites.

l know. Ew.

Hey, stranger.


Uh... Hello.

l don't think
l've ever been happier
to be lied to.

When you told me you never
wanted to see me again.

And here you are.

HankMed is still listed
as your doctor of record.

We were copied on the labs
your nephrologist ran.

Did something happen?


With your engagement?


lt's your urinalysis.

lt showed an increase
in protein and casts.

l want to examine you...

Wait, wait. Um...

This is a medical call.


Adam, your numbers are...

They're something that
my doctor is aware of.

l respected your feelings.

Please respect mine.

l can't be
near you without...

Okay. You know what?
l'm sorry.

But it is important
that you follow up.

l... l will.

And l'll have
my medical records changed
so you aren't bothered again.


EVAN: Hey.
Where are you?

Leaving a patient's.
What's up?

Well, l'm spending
the day with Paige.

But if you'd like to
play tennis with Dad,
he's short a partner.

Wait, wait, wait.
Dr. Starnes approved tennis?

Well, what Dad
calls tennis. Yeah.

But did you
notice any injuries
or other medical factors?

Other than being
old and slow? No. Why?

No, l just l recently became
aware of another physician
treating him.

The one writing him the
''get-out-of-jail-free'' card?
He found someone?

His ''get-out-of-jail''...
His what?

The other doctor.
The doctor that he was...

Evan, please continue.

Damn it.
Um, you know, the...

Uh-oh. l'm having
trouble hearing you.

Are you talking right now?
Connection... And l'm...

l know you're doing
the thing where you fake
like you're losing reception.

I know that trick.
Up here.
Going through a canyon.

Hello. Evan.

[STUTTERS] l'm going to...
l'm going to have to
hang up, because...

Can you hear me now?

Your patient's the
General's crazy neighbor?

You're changing the subject.

l'm... l forget
what the subject is.

Dad using a doctor
to avoid sentencing?
What are you...

Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah,
maybe you should talk to Dad.

Wait. Evan! Evan!

l will find you!

He's a child.
My brother is a child.

Thank you.


This is awesome.

What the heck?

Come on.
Are you kidding me?

Come on.

Oh, my God.


Make yourselves comfortable.

l'll break out
some bourbon.

All right.
Let's hear it.

MAN: All social and
economic indicators
point to a restless,

dissatisfied population
desperate for change.

The North is a given.

But we'd encounter
resistance in the East.

But with an all-out blitz,

we're confident that
we can take major cities.

of course, on...

...your willingness
to take the reins.

Well. That's the 64-dollar
question, isn't it?

l am intrigued.

But l'm not convinced.

And just to be clear,
until l am, this meeting
never happened.

Hey, l need to run
a differential.

Well, of course.

musical dynamo.

Sore throat,
swollen glands,

vomiting, not pregnant,
no strep, 0 and P
looks clean.

She recently recovered
from mono, but that
came back negative, too.

Well, the mono spot test
can show a false negative.

Yeah, it can.
l'll retest in a week.

And if she has the
Epstein-Barr virus,

she could develop
chronic fatigue syndrome.

Yeah, which could
cut a promising
musical career short.

l want another look.

Well, are you
headed there now?

Yeah, right after
l clear up something with
one of my father's doctors.

May l get your read
on something?

Adam Pierce's test results.

Did you see them?

Yeah, l'm glad
he found a specialist.

Do you think
it's nephrotic syndrome?


l left a few messages,
but his doctor is
at a conference.

And l feel that a timely
follow-up is crucial.

Mmm-hmm. Divya, when
should we stop pretending

l don't know Adam is
the patient you became
involved with?

How about now?
Now is good.

Good. Okay.

Look. Adam shows
no signs of edema.

Wait, wait, wait.
You called him?

You treated him?

Divya, you told me
you wouldn't.

l know. l did.

But his increased
proteins and casts were
a frightening development.

Adam's results
are concerning.

They're only frightening to
someone emotionally involved.

l was worried.


Promise me you won't...
l won't.

l won't see him.

Whether you see him or not
is your business.

And if you want to talk
about that, we can.

But as part of HankMed,
you cannot treat him.

l will follow up.


Why is my fight-or-flight
instinct kicking in?

Which one are you
leaning towards?

But l'm exhausted.

you treating my dad...

The whole thing is
bad in every way.

He called me,
asked me for my help.

Yeah, when my dad's in a jam,
he can be very persuasive.

But that doesn't mean
you have to be persuaded.

Please, l want to help.

You and him.

l would have k*lled
for a father who cares
the way yours does.


Only in this case,
it's never quite clear

who he's caring
about more. Us or him.

Look, Hank,
he's a sweet man

with a heart condition
who owes the government
some money.

Wow, you sound
just like him.


Oh, my God.
l'm dating my father.

That's a take on
the Oedipal complex
l haven't heard.

Look, l want my dad
to catch a break.

l do. But not
at your expense.

l mean, thank you.
Thank you for wanting to
help him and me. Really.

But we can't diagnose
what a patient wants.

Or even what we want.

No matter how sweet he is,
we report what we see.

We do. And we make
judgment calls.

Yeah, but we don't
make things up.

l mean, my dad's playing
three sets of tennis a day
in public.

Did you spin
the recovery time
on his stress test?

Did you even do
a stress test?

l did my job, Hank.

And you're welcome.



Give me the secret code
or l can't let you out.


Why didn't you
text me sooner?

How long
were you in there?

[STUTTERlNG] l wasn't.
l was never in there.

l was never here.
l'm going to go home
right now.

You overheard
Daddy's meeting.

Okay, Paige. Daddy.

He's plotting
the overthrow of some
unsuspecting country.

Yeah, l know.
Our country.

Okay, now. Don't tell me.
l don't... [YELLS]

Through elections, Evan.

Those guys are here
to woo him into running.

[SlGHS] l thought...

For what?
For President?

Bite your tongue. Okay?

lt's only the Senate.
But even that would
ruin my life.

Can you see me wrapped
in an American flag?

l'm picturing it,
and it's totally
rocking my vote. Yeah.

Thank you.
But those guys,

they'll never convince him.
All right?

Daddy is a man of the troops.
He's not a politician.

The only way he'll run
is if the public drafts him.

And with that gruff
persona he puts on

it's just not
going to happen.

l don't think
that that's put on.



What is that?
Are your dad's cronies
throwing him a rager?

No, it's the neighbors.

But there will be rage.
Come on.

Move the table to the porch,
please. Thank you.

See, Daddy?
Easy as pie.

Listen to that noise.

We use stuff like that
to flush insurgents out
of their hiding holes.

Damn it.

l wanted
to show the boys
where l do my tanning.

That's funny.
l was going to
compliment you on that.

You have, like, a natural,
healthy glow to you.

Not that kind of...

l tan animal hides,

Use what l k*ll.

Patton. MacArthur.
Come on. Somewhere else.

Those crazies next door,

they put some kind
of a generator in
the Candle House.

They've got cords running up
to power that infernal racket.

lt's a sacrilege.

Okay. That does it.

Evan and l are going to go
over there and ask them
to turn it down.

Okay. Yeah.


Keep your eye open
for any further
renovations afoot.


Can do, sir.
Thank you, sir.

Consider yourself
my unmanned drone.

HANK: Are you sure
you feel better?

Because your throat
looks worse.

Yeah, the lesions on
your throat are redder,

and there's
oropharyngeal swelling.

ls a big word
supposed to scare me?

Whatever gets
your attention.

lt means mouth and throat.
How's your appetite?


ls that big word
supposed to distract me

from noticing your lunch
sitting over there untouched?

l play better
on an empty stomach.

You ever try
hitting a high note

with a turkey sandwich
in your belly?

l'll eat when we
finish this track.

Fair enough.
l'm going to start you
on some antibiotics.

Glad you're on board.


How cute is your hair?

Answer, so cute!

l cut it before the summer.
There's this boy...

l'll fill you in later.

l guess the, uh,
feud doesn't extend to
the next generation.

She used to babysit.

Nattie, this is Evan.

How are you doing?
Nice to meet you.

Hi. How cute is
your boyfriend?

Answer, so cute.

Hey, guys.
Let's take it from the top.

l want you guys
to hear this.

You know what?
Actually, we kind of
already have heard it.

Like, for the last hour.

Too loud?
Sorry, l was trying to
work out the bassline.

Hey, l'm not
done with you.

Hey, guys.
We've got to dial
down the volume.

Thank you! Thanks a lot!
This is the most
polite feud ever.


You can play louder
than that if you want.

We blew a fuse again.

Dad, l thought
the generator was
supposed to fix that.

Yeah, so did l.
Let me check it out.



REPORTER: Any chance of
foul play, Captain?

This structure has
been the source of
a long-running feud.

At present, it looks like
a generator ignited some fuel
oil being stored inside.

There's no sign of any
airborne toxins, Doctor.

Thanks for letting me know.
l appreciate it.

l'm glad to see
everyone's okay.

Probably happy, even.

Yes. We love having
explosions near our home.

l hope you're not saying
you think we had something
to do with this?

Okay, whoa.
Everyone just calm down.

l know you're angry.

l am not angry.
At least l wasn't.

EVAN: Guys, it seemed to me

it lived its life.

Like a Candle House
in the wind.

Well, l thought
it was beautiful.

Thank you.
You're welcome.

So, you don't think your
dad had anything to do
with the expl*si*n, right?

Are you kidding me?
He loved that Candle House.

Okay, good.

l should
get him a bourbon.

Right. Of course.

Excuse me. Don Lobell,
''Dan's Papers.''

You're Evan Lawson,
Paige Collins' boyfriend,

Yeah. Actually,
Evan R. Lawson.

The CFO of HankMed.

Terrific. Can you
confirm that

General Norman Schwarzkopf
was here earlier?

Uh, no comment.

What about the rumors
that General Collins
is seeking office?

l can't... No comment.
ls it Congress?

Governor? Bigger?

Look, Don.

The General is
a man of the troops.
He's not a politician.

The only way he'll run,
and l mean the only way,

is if the people draft him,
you know.

Because he could never
say no to the people.

But again, though,
no comment.

DlVYA: l know that
it sounds a little crazy.

A little?

And obviously,
the odds against my being
a match are astronomical.

But since no one
in Adam's family
matched Tali,

l mean, they wouldn't
match him, either. So...


You don't even know
if Adam needs a kidney.


So, why not get tested
and see if the antigens
line up.

Because he's your patient.
Because you're getting

Because it's unnecessary.

Do you want me
to keep going?

Let's say
that we do match.

Then it would explain
our connection.

l mean, it could be
like the universe
telling me something.

That's asking a lot
of the universe.

lf you want to break
your engagement,
then break it.

That is not what l meant.

At all.

Sorry to have
bothered you at work.

My nephrologist
scheduled a re-draw
and said not to worry.

But after two HankMed
visits in one day,
maybe l should start.

l'm not here to second-
guess your nephrologist.
Believe me.

But the numbers weren't
great, and l was in
the neighborhood, so...

You know what happened
between me and Divya,
don't you?

Yeah. l do.
Breathe in for me, please.

One more time.

Well, no pericardial
or pleuritic friction.
That's good.

So, you think
there's any hope?

Uh, well, l don't see any
ecchymoses or edema, so...

l meant with Divya.

l know.

The good news is
you seem pretty healthy.

When do you, uh,
see your nephrologist?

Tomorrow afternoon.

Adam, do you
work out a lot?

Man, what is it with
you HankMed people?

l'm like catnip to you.

No, no, no.
lt's not that.

When you have

strenuous exercise
can generate a rise in
proteins in the urine.

Well, yeah.
Now, l've been
lifting and running.

Okay. Well, take a break
for a few days,

and l bet your numbers
will return to normal.

l will. Thanks.

So, what a relief.


All right. So long.

Hey, uh, Hank?


l really do care
about Divya.

And l didn't mean
to complicate things.

Just want to do
what's best for her.

Then, that's what
you should do.

''l-T-l-G-B-S,'' huh?

That was a text
to remember.

You figure it out?

''l think l'm going
to be sick.''

A-plus, Doctor!

Thank you.

Here's your prize.
Hey! Go get it.

What's this?

Some of the music
l'm into.

Check out the
Arcade Fire track.

lt's pretty k*ller.

Thank you, but, uh...


l want to know
what's going on.

my stomach's worse.

And not just
because of that joke.

And my stool...
There, l said it.

...has gotten dark.

Ew, this is a
gross conversation.

lt's about to get grosser.
Did you notice any blood?


Go on, guy! Take that
drool-covered thing
back to your house.

What is that?

Deer hide, l think.
The General likes to
sh**t unarmed animals.

Natalie, would you
show me your hands?

These black spots,
do they hurt?

No. They just appear.

What are they?

Don't tell me
this is one of those

exceptions you talked about.

l don't think so.
But you may have been
infected by a bacterium.

''Bacillus anthracis.''

l'm using the big words
because l don't want you to
be scared by the small one.

What's the word?


Where would l have
gotten that?

l'm sorry for
your loss, sir.

l know that Candle House
was like a son to you.


Honey, would you turn
that thing off?
l'm in no mood.

Daddy, what is that?

Too many cigars.

Did you see that?

That was weird.


ls something wrong
with my dad?

l'll get Hank.

Animals can get anthrax by
ingesting soil containing
the bacterium.

People get it in their skin
by handling infected hides

or, if spores are airborne,
in their intestines
and lungs.

So, basically,
the General's
backwoods hobby

endangered our
daughter's life.

l'm not dying.
Listen to Hank.

Again, this is a hunch.

The good news is,
your daughter's already
on antibiotics.

And her symptoms suggest
we caught this early.

Are Patton
and MacArthur sick?

But the dogs look healthy,
which is a good sign.

l've called
Hamptons Heritage.

They'll run the
cultures l sent and then,
we'll know for sure.

What about Nattie's
band members and the
rest of our household?

Well, the hospital
will offer prophylactic
cipro to all of you.

But no one else
touched the hides,
so there's no cause for alarm.

Pack up.
We'll drive to the hospital
after l stop next door.

l'm coming with you.

l have a few words l want
to say to the General.

l'm sure you do.
But stay with Natalie.

She needs you right now.

Why am l getting
all these...


What's up?

''Go for it, General.''

Suddenly, all my contacts
want my dad to...

''Draft Collins for Senate''?

How in the world
would they have...



l still can't believe it.

l dressed
those kills myself.

Those animals were healthy.

Yeah. Or they just
looked healthy.

Something l did
made that little girl sick.

ls there anything
l can do?

Let me examine you.

You're coughing,
and l can see you're
having trouble swallowing.

Well, like l told Paige,
it's my allergies.

All due respect, sir,
you said it was all the
cigars you were smoking.

let Hank examine you.

Open your mouth, please.

Say, ''Ah.''


l can tell you
it's not anthrax.

You're right.

Anthrax doesn't present
with singed nasal hairs.

Looks like you were
close to a fire.

Or an expl*si*n.

l just wanted
to shut that music.

But I never wanted to
do it this way.

Some old lamp
oil got spilled.

I tried to
mop it up, but...

And one accident
led to another.

After all the fighting
to save the damn place,

I blew it up myself.

Yeah, l don't like this.

l'm seeing tracheal burns.
And swelling.

Okay, l'm pulling it
out now.

Ev, call 91 1 .

Tell them it's
a chemical burn
and endangered airway.

Now. Thank you.

Paige, hold this
for me, please.

Oh, for Pete's sake!

No talking.
With the condition
of your trachea, l just...

l want to avoid
an intubation in the field.


All right, yeah. Yeah.
They're on their way.

Okay. Steady breaths.
Stay calm.

How can l with
all that racket?

Okay, it's just
some drums. lgnore it.

No. Let's not.

Evan, Paige,
monitor his breathing.
l'll be right back. Okay?

lf you hear any wetness
or crackling, yell for me.

Got it.

Don't touch these drums.

The drums were made
from animal hides.

And since her drummer
also has some

necrotic spots starting
on his hands...

l think you
found the source.

And another reason
not to date drummers.

The way this girl plays,
plenty of spores probably
landed on her food.

We were so quick to
blame General Collins.

He blew up my shed.

Dad, you wanted
it demolished.


Wait. Wait.

Let her go first.

Look, l am so sorry
for being cagey.

But l thought
that if l told you that
this was a peace summit,

neither one of you
would have shown up.

This isn't necessary,
Mr. Lawson.

That's something
we can agree on.

You know, you are
both great doctors.

And any sign to the
contrary, my fault.

You know,
my lawyers suggested

that poor health might
have a positive effect
on my sentencing.

He also suggested that the
courts do not look kindly

on medical records
that are generated
by family members.

Okay, Dad.
What's your point?

Well, l feel bad.
l want to help.

So, l know that
you and Dr. Peck
are friends.

So, l persuaded her to
help me try and find a way
to stay out of prison

and spend time
with my boys.

Look, l would
like that too, Dad.

Really, l would.
But you can't ask...

Don't be mad at her.

What? l'm...
Or me.

We were just
following legal advice.

lf there's any fault here
it's with the lawyers.


You know what
Shakespeare said.

''k*ll them all.
Let God sort it out.''

He's not a big reader.

l think
your father believes
that actually helps.

He is an optimist.

What about you?

Me? l'm not sure.

Look, if l accused you
of something you didn't do,
l apologize.

But l guess
l don't know what's
over the line for you.

Because after all this,
l feel like l barely
know you.

Like that thing you
said about not having
a father who cared?

What is that?
What happened?

You don't want to know.

No. l do want to know.

Well, it's not
going to happen.

l don't go there,
and l certainly don't
take anybody else.

No, seriously.

Don't think you just
need to put in more time.

This is me.
This is what you get.

There's more to you
than this.

l told you from
the start, Hank.
l know.

And now, l'm telling you
it's not enough for me.

lf this is all
we're going to be...

lt's not what l want.

l'm sorry.

For the record, Hank,
you got closer
than anyone else.


So? Did l help?

You know what, Dad?
Maybe you did.


Long day?

You're still here.

l am.
How are your patients?

Uh, the General's
oxygenating better.

Natalie's fighting
off the infection.

She and her drummer
were already working
on new riffs in the ER.

She's awesome.

Oh, uh, one piece
of bad news...

We will have to resume
the search for your

Dr. Peck isn't interested?

We broke up.
l had to end it.

l thought l ended
things with Adam.

But then...

l didn't intend
to mislead you.


Why is it that people
who are wrong for us

seem more exciting
than those who are right?

ls Adam wrong?
Or is he just new?

You know, the excitement
and thrill of the unknown,

where it's all about
potential and what could be.

that's deceptive.

You know.
Until it's not.

The last time
Raj was new to me,
we were both in diapers.

Oh, but is it that simple?
That Raj is known
and Adam is new?

lt's a working hypothesis.

How come you and l
are so good at
diagnosing other people,

and so lousy
at figuring out
our own problems?

Maybe because
it's harder to see inside.

We do have
a portable X-ray.

lf only
it were that simple.

And from this site,
a warning lantern
was flashed,

telling the American
troops to retreat.

Son, l'd like a word
with you.

Yeah, whatever it is, it
wasn't my fault, because
l just got here. So...

All this public attention.
Not really my style.

lt never would have happened
if you hadn't opened
your big yap.

l'm sorry. lt's just...
Paige told you?

No, you just did.

Oh. Wow.
You're pretty good.

Well, left to my own devices,
l might never have tested
the political waters.

But apparently,

people like me.

So, l guess
your gaffe was the
shot in the ass l needed.

l guess that makes us
even then.

So. How goes the album?

Almost done, Hank.
Thanks to you.

Ah. Please. You're the
one with the talent.
l just got you healthy.

That's a talent.


You know, for an old guy
who's a doctor
you're pretty cool.

Thank you.

You're pretty cool, too.

Go get 'em, kid.

l sorry.

l happy.


Tali. Hi.


ls Adam here?

Oh, he left last night.
He's filming in Peru
for a few months.

Can l give him a message?


No, uh,
l have his number.

All right.

You don't have anything to
stop her from growing up,
do you, Hank?

No. Unfortunately,
l do not.

But l think
she's doing just fine.

You don't have
to worry so much.

Are you saying we set
too many boundaries?