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02x14 - Pit Stop

Posted: 04/24/24 12:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains.

Marisa has
diagnosed me, Hank.

She's coming to live
here at Shadow Pond.

HANK: So, your prison stay
may have caused
endocrine problems.

We should do a work-up.

l assume this exam
is protected by
the doctor-patient privilege.

Boris doesn't know
he's going to be a father.

Thank you for saving my life.

DlVYA: What happened happened,

and talking about it
can't help that it never
should have happened at all.

Are you okay?

Are you sleeping
with the enemy?

lt's pronounced Emily.

Having another doctor,

one with complete autonomy,
would give HankMed
more bandwidth.

Okay, guys. Are there
any other options?

Emily Peck.

You're the best.

And l miss you, Hank.
l really miss you.

Div... Hey.
How are you?

Hi, Divya.

Hey, Divs.
How's Raj?


Hey, say what, now?
We can't hear you, Div.
lt's not working.

Div. Divya.

l know. We...
[LOUDLY] We can't hear you.

She's in London.

l don't think talking
any louder
is going to help.

l can't believe this.
This is supposed to be
cutting-edge technology.

We can't have a conference
call to London?

This is so stupid.

We've got to upgrade
this stupid fossil.

What is this?

She says you've
got it on mute.
You have it on mute.

No, l don't.

Hello, boys.

Thank you.
He's a little slow.
All right, all right.

Hi. Um, welcome to our first
official online staff meeting.
That's pretty cool, right?

lt's exciting. Yeah.

How are you?
How's Raj doing?

Oh, he's great.
We are great.

It was really good for us
to spend a few days
alone together.


We even managed to finalize
some of the wedding details.

Oh, that's cool.

You'll be happy to know
that we have four artists...


We can't hear you.

EVAN: You're roboting.

You're like...

Come on.

Imagine the chaos...
EVAN: There we go.

...of trying to get it
all organized.

BOTH: Yeah,
that's got to be really...


Which leads me to
giving you my official
three-week notice.

l thought we had...

Three... We had
four weeks, right?

Three weeks?

Well, it's four weeks
till the wedding. Uh...

But I'll need to be
in London the week before.

Right. Yeah, of course.

Look, I'll be back later
on today, and we can talk
about it then.



Have you talked to Dr. Peck
aboutjoining the practice?

She's still in San Diego,
but l'll talk to her
whenever she gets back.

Did you ever think that maybe
next year, you and Raj will

come back to the Hamptons
and maybe just be part
of HankMed again?

Yeah. You could...

l... l'm sorry
l said that, Div.

She's not... All right.

Ground Control
to Major Tom.
She doesn't... She's not...

Dude, the thing is frozen.

There's nothing moving.

The circuit's dead.

Something's wrong
with your...



l've got to go. Uh...
Way to go, Einstein.

You nailed it again.


JlLL: lt's 8:00
in the morning.

l know. We have a permit
to start at 7:00,
but we waited until 8:00

out of consideration
to the neighbors.

lf you'll just bear
with us,
we'll be gone soon.

Soon? You've got, like,
20 people running around
my backyard.

Twenty? l don't think
it's that many.

Although, l don't know,
you could be right.
Numbers aren't my thing.

l know, we're supposed
to be good at math.
What are you going to do?

But l'm a really good driver,
so, uh, it makes up for that.

Oh, wait. Excuse me.
l'm sorry. Are you
the really good driver

who parked his van
in my driveway,

forcing me to park out
in the street,
where my car was towed?

l'm sorry.
Could you excuse me?
l need to deal with this.

Wouldn't want to
inconvenience you.

Hey, l got your text.
Your car got towed?

[SlGHlNG] Yeah. Yeah.
lt's a long story.

Oh. Thank you so much.
l don't know how
l would have gotten to work.

Yeah, no.
What is going on?

They're filming
a reality TV show.

Apparently, all you need
is a camera and people
with no shame.

l've gotten,
l don't know,

maybe eight hours of sleep
in the past three days.

Hmm. Well, why don't you
go to your parents'?

Because my parents
are there.


Well, um...
You can stay with me.

l don't think so.

No, really.
lt's no big deal.

l'll sleep on the couch.
You can have my room.

You won't be uncomfortable?

l won't be uncomfortable.

Will you be uncomfortable?


l'll get my things.

Go faster, Craig!
They're beating us!

Oh, hell, no!

Craig! Craig! Help!



There was an accident.

l'm a doctor.
Take me out there.

Need an ambulance.

Okay, slow. Slow. Jill!
l need a board to
immobilize her spine!

Got it.

Give me that board.


That's it. That's it.
Can you move
your fingers and toes?

lt hurts.

Let's get the board
under her feet.

Here we go. Slide it.
Slide it under.

That's it.
Keep it coming.

Got her head?

Yeah. lt's under her head.

Hey, can l help?

Yeah, l need a life jacket.

Hold her head.
Got her.

That's it. We got it.
All right. Let's move.

Here you go, guys.


That's it.


Oh, l hope she's okay.


l hope we got it all on tape.

Twenty-four-year-old female
near drowning victim

in respiratory arrest
for possibly three minutes.

Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
initiated with resumption
of respiration.

Now has a GCS of 15.

Boarded and collared.
Hamptons Heritage
got the trauma alert.

ls she going to be okay?
Please tell me
she's going to be okay.

She's, like,
my best friend.

Uh, they'll do a CT scan
at the hospital to confirm
that there's no spinal damage.

We'll know more then.

Oh! Thank God.

Uh... Okay, okay.

TONY: Hank, right?
Uh, yeah.

Hey. l'm Tony Lee.
l produce the show.


l have to tell you, that was
one of the most incredible
things l have ever seen.

Uh, thank you.
lf they're going
to Jet Ski,

as the producer,
you might want to dial back
on their margaritas.

Oh. Actually, they
weren't even drinking.

They just like to have fun.

lt's not an excuse,

just an explanation.

Anyway, uh,
l really appreciate it

and we will definitely
pay you for your time.

Oh. You don't
have to pay me.

Uh, just as a small thing,
if you could, uh, sign this,

it would be very helpful
to the show.
What is it?

lt's just a legal release
so we can show
your face on camera.

Oh. Uh, yeah.
l don't think so.

Okay. Well,
you know what?
Hold onto it.

lf you're...
lf you're not happy,
we'll blur your face.

Thank you.

A Gatsby party
at the Blackstone Club
with you?

lt's a dream. l'm dreaming.
Like, somebody should
pinch me.


Pinch me,
not punch me.

My bad.

Ow! Okay. We've established
that l'm not dreaming.

And that l have a very low
pain threshold, apparently.

But l honestly can't believe
you and your family
are members of Blackstone.

That's, like,
the coolest thing ever.

Yeah. We belong
to a lot of clubs,

but l don't usually tell
people about Blackstone,

because they always
end up wanting to bring
everyone and their uncle.


You don't have to worry
about me. Or my uncle.

Oh. l wasn't
talking about you.

lf you wanted to bring
someone sometime,
that would be fine.


That's cool.

Okay. Ready?

Whoa. We look awesome.

Well, you're half right.

What do you mean? Whoa!

the requirements
for foreign doctors

to practice general
medicine in the US
are the same for everyone,

of their experience.

lt's been a long time
since l've taken a test.

l know it seems
like a lot of hoops
to jump through,

especially for someone
of your stature.

Shall l have Anthony
prepare something else?

No, no, no.
The food is fine.

l just don't have that
much of an appetite.

What about research?
That's another option.

And one you can start
doing immediately,
without taking any exams.

There are a number
of hospitals interested
in her research.

Although l'm not eager
to lose you to the lab again.

You feel warm to me.
Are you all right?

l'm fine.

l'm just a little tired.

Will you excuse me?

Of course.

l'm worried
about her, Hank.

Ever since she's arrived,
she seems depressed.

And it's not just homesick.

lt's something different.

Well, maybe she just
needs a little time
to settle into her new life.

l can't believe you
met the whole cast.

Like, l love...
l've loved every single
episode of Share House.

l've seen every single one.
Aspen, South Beach, Malibu.

You know, it's hard
to imagine that

a TV show that
appeals to the lowest
common denominator

would appeal to you.



Sounds like the party
is around back.
l'm going to go.

Oh, my God.
Go get 'em.
l'm going.

[SlGHS] Oh.

No comeback from Evan.
All right, what's going on?

Oh, no, no, no.
He's just happy
you're back.

We both are.

Thanks for coming.


Tony, this is Divya,
my physician assistant.


So, uh, how's Brooke?

Her neck is stiff
and she's a little bruised,

but there was no
spinal damage.

That's a relief.
Yeah, it is.

So, uh, why l called.
Uh, you remember Craig?

He was driving
the Jet Ski with Brooke.


He was fine all day,
but, uh, now,
he's weak and nauseous.

Well, where is he?
He's out back. Come on.

Come on! Come on!


Thank goodness you're here.
Craig's really not
been feeling well.

l've been so
worried about him.

Uh-huh. Hey, Craig.
How you doing?

Not too good, Doc.
l, uh... l feel dizzy.

My mouth is dry
and my vision's
kind of blurry.

Yeah, the droopiness
is bilateral.

So, we can
rule out Bell's.

And it would be rare for
a stroke to present itself
symmetrically like this.

Pupils are dilated.
Are your legs weak?


Do you have headaches?
Any history of seizures?

Are you taking
over-the-counter dr*gs
or any type of dr*gs?

No, no, no, and hell, no.

Let me see your eyes
for a second.

Open your mouth.
Say, ''Ah.''


lt's bilateral.

Take your shirt off
and sit forward
on the chaise lounge.

How awesome is this
episode going to be?

TONY: This is
compelling TV.

l just wish l didn't
have to blur
your brother's face.

What is that?

Hank wouldn't sign a release.
That's one of the reasons
l called him back.

l'm trying to
change his mind.

No, no, no, no, no.
Dude, let me talk to him.


Hey, Tony. Um...
l'm not sure
what's wrong with Craig.

We'll have to wait
and see the test results.

Well, can he stay here?
He's going to want to.

He is?

Yeah, well,
you know, Craig's our
before-and-after guy.

He used to be really
shy and overweight.

Spent his life
being invisible.

But he's been working his
butt off to get into shape
and change his life.

And look at him.
He did it.

He's a great guy and...
And this is his chance
to be seen.

Hey. Am l okay, Doc?
What did you find?

Well, um...
We don't know, yet.

Hey, Craig. Do you want
to stay in the Share House
or go home?

What, are you kidding?
l want to stay.

l... l do want to stay.

DlVYA: So,
what are you thinking?


lncreasing lCP
from mass and herniation?

lt could also be Lyme,
Myasthenia Gravis...

Pending lab results,
the course could easily
and rapidly worsen.

So, he'll need hourly
neuro assessments.


Monitoring to ensure
the airway remains patent.

l'll stay.

Are you sure?

l'll call you if l need you.

Okay. Good luck.
No margaritas.


Oh, my God. No, no, no.


What are you doing here?

Well, not what you were
going to be doing,
l'll tell you that.

Hand me my bra.

Yeah. Sure.

What the hell is...


Don't even think about it.

We'll do it later.

Oh, God.

Hey. That's all right.

Uh... What is all of this?

[CHUCKLlNG] lt's my
home away from home.

l spend my life
in here watching other
people living theirs.

Everyone has a story to tell,
and my job is to find it.

Well, um,
l'm looking for Craig.

Have you seen him?



CRAlG: You're strong.
MlKELL: l work out.



l am seeing two of you.

How much have
you had to drink?

A lot.

l love your earrings.

Well, that's what separates
us from animals, you know.


Our ability to accessorize.

l design handbags.

[SlGHlNG] You know what?
l need to have Craig
go back to bed.



l need to see all the footage
with Craig in it
from the past week.



Good morning.

Hey. Okay.
How many for breakfast?

Just the two of us.

Yeah, Emily left last night.
Jill left early this morning.

The Breakfast of Champions.


Fruity Puffs.

Breakfast of you.

All right.

lt was all just a mix-up.

l kind of gathered that.
So, was Emily pissed off?

Not at all.
She was cool.
She totally gets it.

You know, l just
told her the truth,
and that was that.

That's good. So, it's not
going to be awkward
when we see her later?

Not unless you
make it awkward,
which you do.

No, l don't.

Oh, oh, oh!
Check it out.

So, Tony emailed me
some footage of your rescue
that he cut together.


Um, l'm just going
to preface by saying,

in all seriousness,
l've seen you do
some pretty amazing things

since we've been here.
This trumps all of them.


I'm a doctor.
Take me out there.

That was pretty good.

Look at your eyes.
Look at the intent.

l know.
You look like a cheetah.

Look at the look
on her face.



Yeah. That was me.

So, why not just
sign the release?


l mean, this kind of thing
is life changing
for regular people.

Okay? Just imagine what
this could do for someone
who actually has talent.

How do you want your no?
Fast or slow?

Oh, my God. l'm...
l'm baffled by you.

And l, you, my friend.

lt's just, with medicine,
you'll try anything.

With everything else,
you're close-minded.

l don't think
l'm close-minded.

l know. You think
you're open-minded when
it comes to new things...

...which is true,

as long as the new things
are exactly the same
as the old things.

All right,
maybe you're right.
l am right.

l'll keep an open mind.

ln the future.

All right. [MUTTERlNG]

Come in.
Thank you.

How are you feeling?

Tired. Nauseated. Pregnant.
l'm going to be
needing an OB soon,

and l was hoping you
could help me out
with some recommendations?

Yeah, of course.

Let me give you a quick
check-up while you're here.

Hmm. Your lymph nodes
are swollen.

And you're running
a little fever.

l might have
a touch of the flu.


l guess you'll want to do
a full blood panel
to rule out infections?

And a repeat ultrasound.

Arm, please.

Thank you. So, Boris
thinks you're depressed
and homesick.

Boris is an extremely
private man.

He has brought you
into his confidence,

and that says
something about you.

But don't assume
you know him.

l don't.

But keeping something
like this from him can be
stressful to you and maybe...

l will take care
of my relationship
with Boris.

Thank you very much.


what we're asking is,

what would you think
about joining HankMed?

Okay, give me a clue
as to whether
you're kidding or not.

l'm not kidding.
Good clue.

Divya's getting married
in four weeks. So...

So, you want me to replace
a physician assistant?

HANK: No, no, no.
Not at all. No.

Divya leaving
just underscores
how short-staffed we are.

We want you to join
as an equal partner.

Thank you.

That is quite an offer.

l have a counterproposal.

Of course you do.
See, l told you
this was a mistake.

A counterproposal
that builds on your idea.

Why don't we hear what
the lady has to say,
try to keep an open mind?

When l was in California,
l met with some venture

who agreed that the concierge
medical practice
is ripe for franchising.

They have money.
Lots of money.

And they want me
to be front and center
for their idea.

Why you? Why not him?

l'm prettier.

HANK: But if they want you,
why come to me?

Because you've already
done the hard work.

You've shown how
to deliver concierge
medicine to a community.

We want to franchise it.

How many cities do
you see doing this in?

Just a few to start.

Places that have a market
for concierge medicine.

New York, Palm Beach,
Los Angeles.

You wouldn't even have
to leave the Hamptons.

All right.
Let me think about it.

Yeah, we'll both
think about it.


EVAN: Thirty-one flavors.

That's a lot of flavors.
We both chose
Jamoca Almond Fudge.

What are the odds of that?

All right.

l'm thinking of a number
right now
between one and 100.


Are you kidding me?
How did you...

Can you read my mind?


What am l thinking right now?

You can read it,
all right.

Maybe you can, uh,
help me with something.

Emily's counterproposal.

Okay, now, you have to stop
doing that. That's...
That's creeping me out.


Emily's counterproposal.

l think it sounds
like a good idea.

lt is a good idea.

l just feel like
she's going to be
the captain

and me and Hank
are just passengers
on her ship, you know?

Okay. Well, if you
decide to go into business
with someone like that,

you can't just react.
You have to be
as aggressive as they are.

Make sure you control
the agenda.

You call the next meeting.


Yeah. l'll call
her right now.

Hey, in my dad's office,

his chair is three inches
higher than the couch.

So, when he has a meeting,
people have to
look up to him.

Your dad scares me.

You stayed up all night
and watched these DVD's?

Well, l was looking
for clues as to what
was ailing Craig.

And what
did you find out?

Mikell is a total fake.

She's had a showmance
with every male character
on this show.

She didn't even start
hooking up with Craig
until after his accident.

l'm sorry. Did you
just say ''showmance''?

Yeah. lt's a relationship
for the sake of the cameras.



l think we're losing
sight of why we're here.

You're right. Right.

Craig's symptoms
lock up
with drug abuse

and he's always
sneaking around,

but l haven't
found any dr*gs.

His tox screen was clean.

Although there are some
designer dr*gs that would
escape detection.

Craig, it's important
that you're honest
with me.

Have you done
any kind of drug?

Smoked, swallowed,
injected anything?

Could l talk
to you off camera?

We're not trying
to make you
feel uncomfortable.

We're just... We're really
just trying
to tell your story.

Listen, you can either
turn off that camera,

or you can leave it on
and l can have this
conversation with Craig

someplace else.

Turn it off.

Okay. Okay. Yeah.

All right, look.
Working out,
staying in shape,

it's very important to me.

But l suffer from
hyperhidrosis. So...

Oh, my God.

ls it fatal?

No. Hyperhidrosis is
excessive sweating.

l've always been really
self-conscious about it,

carrying fresh shirts
with me everywhere l go.

So, just before filming,

l had 20 sh*ts
injected into my armpits.

l just didn't want
to sweat on camera.

And it worked,
l'm as dry
as the Sahara.

You used Botox.

No way. l used lndelaTox.

lt's... lt's much
better than Botox.

You should have told us.

lt's too humiliating.

There's nothing too
humiliating for this show.

This is your story.
Your pain
can help others.

Craig, lndelaTox
is derived from a poison.

And some people can
have a bad reaction.

And there can be
unforeseen consequences.

Like what?
Like botulism.


Dr. Lawson?

Meet Dr. Tripp out of
the CDC headquarters.

Hi. Uh, Jill brought us
the anti-toxin
from the CDC here.

We're just looking
for guidance on dosage.

Type A?

We believe the botulism
was contracted
from 20 injections

to his armpit
sweat glands.

Patient has no history
of asthma,
no sensitivity in skin test.

Ali right. Give 7500 IU
via IV at a one to 10

Got it.

lt will take weeks
for the CDC to confirm

that lndelaTox
was the source.

But because the disease
can progress so rapidly,
we're not going to wait.

How rapidly?

We caught it early.
You're going to be fine.

Will l get
better right away?

This will stop
the progression
of the disease,

but it will take time
for the nerves
to repair themselves.

MlKELL: ls he staying here?

Just because it would
break his heart
if he infected us all.

DlVYA: lt's not transmitted
person to person.

The Clostridium
organisms are injected,
ingested in food,

or in some cases,
grow on wounds.

But it's so kind of you
to care for him so much.

Yeah, but what...
What... Hello? Hello?


Hey, dude. So, l noticed
your camera guy is not
getting many sh*ts of Hank's,

uh, second big
save in there.

l'm telling you, okay,
l'm telling you l can
convince him to sign off.

He's... He's, like...
He needs to be
worn down, that's all.

Good. Because that
will be all l have.

What do you mean?

Filming in the Hamptons
is a nightmare.

One of the restaurants
won't let me sh**t at night.

Another one says
only one camera.

And the nicest places,
the ones that would

really show the cast
breaking into the elite
crowd out here,

are totally stiff-arming me.

lt's going to be
Share House: Malibu
all over again,

but without the palm trees.
Whoa. God.

Well, you'll always
have botulism, right?

The medical stuff
has been k*ller.


Maybe you should
just follow a concierge
doctor around.

Just picture this
for one second, okay?

Hero doc. All right?

Helping the rich
and shameless,

one thrilling medical
montage at a time.

That's a show.

Could you convince
Hank to move?

Why would he move?

l just told you.
Filming here
is a nightmare.

lf l can't get in anywhere,
there's no show.

He is the show.
That's what l'm saying.

You said it yourself.
He's a natural, right?

Listen. Evan.
l like the idea.

But with no access to the
Hamptons, it would make

Concierge Doctor: The Hamptons
a bit of a misnomer.

l've got to find out
where other concierge
docs are practicing.

What about the
Blackstone Club?
What if...

What if you could
get your whole cast
into the Blackstone Club?

The Blackstone?

Pipe dream.

What if l could make
that pipe dream come true?

l'm sorry about
the mix-up last night.

Dear Penthouse Forum...

No, seriously.

You should feel free
to stay again if you want.


l'm not sure l can
handle all the traffic
in your bedroom.

No. Crossing guard
starts tonight.

Honestly, Hank,

it kind of bothered me.

And l know it
shouldn't have.

But it did.

And l knew you
were seeing her.

lt was just different,
me seeing her.


l was surprised
to hear from you,
and so soon.


Not so long ago,
you were calling me a...

Yes, l may have
been a tad harsh.

You like the franchising
idea, right?

Even though Hank didn't?

He didn't not
like it, though.

There was no
stonewall phase

or, like, knee-jerk

So, that's actually
pretty close to
liking it for him.

You're kidding.

Yeah. He can be,
uh, close-minded
at times.

He just doesn't jump
into new things.

Uh... Business things.

So, you think Hank
might accept franchising
as part of our partnership?

You do understand
that it would be a
three-way split, right?

The partnership would
be yours, his and mine.

Okay. Without getting
too nitpicky,

since when does
a CFO's contribution
to a medical practice

equal a doctor's?

l'm not all math
and good looks, lady.

l also spearhead
marketing and PR.

ln fact, l have a
little side project

that will dovetail
quite nicely with
this new venture.

Your table is ready.

Our table is ready.

How's the nausea?


And no bad reaction
to the anti-toxin?

All very positive.

Just wish l had
more strength.

lt's like t*rture
watching everybody
else have the fun.

Nobody wants to
come near me.

Even Mikell is
keeping her distance.

Stop it.

CRAlG: She hasn't come by
to say hi all day.

Coincidentally, neither
have the cameras.

You know,
when l was
a little girl,

l was a beanpole.

Stick straight with
a giant head on top.

Kind of like a lollipop
with glasses.

[LAUGHS] Yeah.

See, l had the
opposite problem.

Too much lollipop,
not enough stick.

l was the nice, chubby guy
all the girls just wanted
to be friends with.

Do you ever feel
like that beanpole anymore?

More often than
l'd care to admit.


But then, that little girl
spent far too much time

worrying whether
people liked her.

Now, l'd rather
spend time

enjoying the company
of people l like.

Maybe l would
be better off

getting that rest
in a nice, camera-free

l'll make the



Yeah, l didn't know
much about where you
were detained in Cuba.

So, l covered the bases.

And you knew
it was a serious concern
for pregnant women.

Now, if you
contracted this before
you were pregnant...

Then there's no danger
for the fetus.

But there's no way
we can pinpoint that
for sure.

Well, l've ordered
specialized labs
for lgG, lgM,

and avidity to determine
how advanced
the disease is.

We need to test
for CNS toxo.

Get an LP and an MRl.

l haven't seen anything
in your mental status

to raise concerns
about encephalitis.

Well, my mood swings
may not be hormonal.

What did you say?
Cover the bases?

Yeah, okay.
We can do that.

Also, um,
l discovered something

interesting about
this infection.

What's that?

Well, if you did
have this before
you were pregnant,

your odds of having a boy
increase two to one.

And as you know,
Boris' genetic illness is
passed from father to son.


When Boris and l
ended our relationship
five years ago,

it was because
of one thing.

One thing l could not
change his mind about.


He wants his disease
to die with him.


Usually, toxoplasmosis
is benign

and resolves itself
in a couple of weeks.

But Marisa's case
is different or...

Hank is concerned l may
be immuno-compromised

from my incarceration.

Yeah, that's the
worst-case scenario.

l just want to
proceed with caution,
starting with an MRl.

We'll take the helicopter
to Columbia Presbyterian.

l'll make arrangements
on the way.

Uh, Hamptons Heritage
is already expecting us.

Their MRl machine
works exactly the same
as one in Manhattan.


Why did you text me?
Just come inside.

l told you,
your name is on the list.

No, l know. l have
to make a little
confession first.

lt's actually, like,
kind of a question.

lt's actually more of
a syntax thing, really.


ls there any world in
which your offer for me
to invite somebody

might be extrapolated
to include twelve


Yeah, just...
Yeah, just... Um...


Hey. Then... Then...

All right, it's cool.
l'll send them away.

l'll just tell them right now.

Hey. What's up, man?

Wait. Wait.
Share House?

Same as Share House:
South Beach, Malibu, Aspen?

[LAUGHS] That's the one.

Hi, guys.

l'm so thrilled
you're doing
a Hamptons one.

Well, thanks to Evan.

Um, actually, guys...

Actually, uh, we can't
promise anything.

But l will talk to the
executive manager.

He's an old
family friend.

Okay. Thank you.

And you're going
to need a smaller
camera than that.

Yeah, you'll need
a smaller camera than that.

Come on.

Thank you so much.

Come on, guys.
Let's do this.

Let's party.


Uh, let's go inside.


What did you find?

May l speak freely?


No lesions on your brain.

Your MRl was
completely clean.


So, what, now?
lt's an infection, yes?

Yes. Yes, of course.

Can you get me
some water, please?

All right.

Spiramycin is better than
for pregnant patients.

As for fetal infection...

We can't know until
the amniocentesis,

which we can't do
for several weeks.

About the time
you'll find out if
it's a boy or a girl.


Well, sometimes,
you just have
to wait and see.

But we can do
bi-weekly ultrasounds.

Watch for
developmental milestones.




Whoa! Whoa! Okay.


Nice to see you.

This is awesome.

And you get
to mingle with the cast
of your favorite show.

That's cool.

lt's not my favorite.

Why did you let them in?

Because l didn't want them
to feel as let down as l do.

They're not the ones
who screwed up.


l'm sorry.
l thought you...

Yeah, you thought that
l would ignore the fact

that you completely
took advantage

after l told you

how much l hate when
people take advantage.

No, no, no.
l'm so sorry.

[STAMMERlNG] l know.
l got excited.

l saw a business opportunity.
l jumped on it.

l'm an idiot. l know.

Can we get past it

so we can focus
on what's really
important right now,

which is how beautiful
my outfit looks?

And yours?

Paige, l'm sorry.
No, don't.

You hurt me.

And you can't just charm
your way out of this.

Oh, excuse me.

Hey, Mikell.

You all right?

Do l look all right?

They make the mint juleps
really strong here.

Do you want me to get
you a glass of water?

No, l've seen
this before.

With Hank's patient
at the Share House.

Hey, Mikell?

Let's sit you down.
Here we go.

Here you go.
Mikell. Mikell.

Hey, Mikell. Mikell?

Um, Paige,
don't be mad,

but l need to invite just
a few more people.


And maybe some
paramedics, too.

So, apparently,
Craig's botulism was
not from lndelaTox.

lt was something
the whole house
was exposed to.

Yeah, Divya
is checking
there now.

l told her
to start with
the booze cabinet.

Oh, well, actually,
they probably
weren't drunk.

Slurred speech,
double vision and
coordination problems

are all symptoms
of botulism.

No way.

Will they be okay?

ln a few weeks, yeah.

Thank goodness.

Guess the show
can go on.

Happy ending, at least.

And it will, uh,
help me sell
my new idea.

l want to do a show
in an emergency room
like this one.

What about the... The
concierge doctor idea?

l think this
will be bigger.

Yeah. Cool.

Hey, Divya.
What did you find?

Hey. So, l was thinking
about the footage from
the Share House cameras.

And it struck me.

Craig was always
sneaking into the kitchen

in the middle of the
night to meet Mikell.

Although she was
spending a lot of time
in the hot tub with Matt.

That girl will go
anywhere there's
a camera.

Uh, Divya?

What does that have
to do with botulism?

l saw Craig opening up
some salsa one night
before Mikell arrived.

Then, when we visited them,
the rest of the cast
was having some.

So, l found the jar.

And the top
was bulging slightly,
indicating contamination.

Yep. Okay.


Did you eat any salsa
the night before your
symptoms began?

Uh... Yeah.

l'm kind of an
emotional eater,

and just the stress
of the show
and meeting Mikell,

l just didn't...
That is so sweet.


Hey, what took
you so long?

The camera's been
on me for at least
30 seconds.

Could you call the CDC
and make sure they
track down the source?

There could be other
contaminated jars.

Thank you.

Wow. That was
nice work, detective.

Seriously. lt's too bad
you had to watch

so much ''lowest common
denominator'' television
to do it. But...

You know,
l actually understand

why people are so drawn
in to reality television.


lt's a great escape
from reality.

lt is.

Wait. You want to
escape from reality?

Which part of reality?

Dr. Tripp.

Yes, l... Yes,
l've been trying
to get hold of you.

lt's good to have
you back in town.

But you found a way
to keep my spot warm.

l told you.

She was just sleeping
here to escape the
noise at her place.

You did tell me that.

Look, we're just friends.

l know you're friends.

l'm not sure about
the ''just'' part.

lt's true.

l know you
think it's true.

She might even
think it's true,
but it's not.

You're saying
we're secretly
dating each other

without our knowledge?

Believe me, l don't
want to see this.

But l think there are
unresolved feelings there.

On both sides.

Okay. Then, maybe we
should talk about that.

No, we shouldn't.

Not even a little bit.


Did you just e-mail me?

l'm right here.

Yeah, l'd like a record
of your response.

Uh, an e-mail trail.


''Will you return to the
Hamptons next summer

''to work for HankMed?''

l don't know.

Written reply, please.



''l don't know''
is not a ''no.''

So, l have an
on the record
''maybe.'' Good.

HANK: Boris, hey.

Just dropping off
the antibiotics for Marisa.

You on your way out?

l actually wanted
to speak with you
before you saw her.

Everything okay?

That was to be
my question to you.

Oh, well,
if you're concerned,

you should really
talk to Marisa.

l'm talking to you, Hank.

What were you
two discussing
in the MRl chamber?

You know
l can't tell you that.

May l remind you
where you're standing, Hank?

My property, my largesse

helps make your
business possible.

And l appreciate it.

But you have to
talk to Marisa.

She won't tell me anything.

So, just...

ls she going
to be all right or...