01x12 - Wonderland

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Royal Pains". Aired: June 4, 2009 – July 6, 2016.*
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Series follows Hank Lawson, an unfairly discredited but brilliant diagnostic surgeon who winds up moving to the Hamptons with his brother as he works as a concierge to the uber rich and ultra elite.
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01x12 - Wonderland

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm Hank.
I was your typical
emergency room doctor.

Until I got fired.

You let a billionaire
hospital trustee die

to save some kid
off the street.

I made a judgment call.

You made a mistake.

HANK: This is my brother.

I'm Evan R. Lawson, CPA.

HANK: He took me away
from my troubles
and to the Hamptons.

And suddenly,
I had a chance to become
a whole new kind of doctor.

It turns out the wealthy
and not so wealthy out here

could use a guy who
makes house calls.

So, I've got a second chance
to do what I do best.

WOMAN ON TV: Obviously,
there has to be
something else.

It's just not name changed
and arrested.

There has to be
something else.

God, this is such
good television.

Isn't it your job to sort
through company email?

EVAN: There is
no email on Sundays.

I think you're
thinking of mail.

Uh, I think it's my job.
I should know.

You look cozy over there.
Can I get you anything else?

Cucumber eye pads?
A Chinese foot rub?

I am finally starting
to feel at home
around here.

Oh, yeah? Oh, good,

'cause I was worried
whether you'd survive
the adjustment to all this.

I think I've earned
a day off, Hank.

Cash flow's up 25%,
fixed costs are down 10%,
we have a healthy reserve,

and I've finally started
to put our capital
to work for us.

Is it working
as hard as you?

It's working.

I'm investing our way
towards a bigger business
and a higher life, Hank.

Pretty soon,
Boris is going to be
living in our guest house.

Yeah. You might want
to explain all that
to our medical supplier.

Apparently, the check
you wrote them

for our new portable
EKG machine just bounced.

Yeah, well...

You see, this is why
you never read company
emails on Sundays. Okay?

I'm going to be reading up
on Boris. Fix this, Evan.

All right.
I'm all over it.
Trust me.

First thing
tomorrow morning.

HANK: And don't
wait till tomorrow.



So, I know you're busy
studying a hundred years
of German medical data,

but, uh, there actually is
one HankMed concern
that's been on my mind today.

Spokesmodel, corporate jet
or commercial during
the Super Bowl?

None of the above.
It's Divya.

What about her?

Should we discuss
what our plan is?

Our plan is to talk to her.
See what her plan is.

Okay. But what if
she decides to do this?

And if she gets engaged
and moves to London,

what are we going to do?

Well, we'll find
another PA, I guess.

So, you're not
worried at all?

I said we'd find
another PA.

I didn't say we'd
find another Divya.

Hill Manor. Sounds
like a serious joint.

You fired up
for the social event
of the season, Henry?

AMY: Zoey?

Where are you going
this time, huh?



Zoey, honey,
let's get you back to bed.

Zoey? Honey?

No, Zoey, stop!

As we discussed,
a full-service bar

will be set up there
in the courtyard

and out there on the
great lawn, next to
the ceremony tent.

No one will be
waiting for drinks.

Also, the dance floor
will be up here
in the courtyard.

Crazy wedding here
last night?

Just a small
maintenance operation.

What kind of operation?

We're cleaning
the manor house.

We're cleansing
the manor house.

I'm sorry?

Look. Ms. Katdare,

we promise everything
will be back to normal
in time for your party.

AMY: Zoey, why don't you
show them the great lawn?

I was just about to.

Uh... Divya.
A word, please.

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

No matter how badly
your parents want this,

they wouldn't let us throw
a tailgate party here.

Let alone our
Sakharpuda ceremony.

Right. So...

Maybe the Montauk
Yacht Club has a
last-minute cancellation.

I'll call the event
manager there.

You resume the tour
of Amityville.

This place seemed so normal
when my sister got married
here three years ago.

Hi. Um, I was wondering
if you had space for
a last-minute event that...

Let's just talk
about this later.

Sorry about that.

No. Please.
Look, Ms. Katdare.

We will have everything
cleaned up in time for
your very special occasion.

You and Mr. Bandyopadhyay
seem like the perfect couple.

And you deserve
a truly perfect affair.

Should we
continue walking?


Are you okay down there?

Oh. Yeah, it's...
It's no big deal.

May I?

It's no small deal.


Okay, neither is that.

Have you seen a doctor?

Oh, the cough...
Yeah, it comes and goes.

And this just
happened last night.

Well, let's pause
the party planning
for a moment, shall we?


HANK: So. How did this
happen, Zoey?

It's going to sound
very strange.

The house is doing
this to her.

One more time?

Every night,
I see things.

Really indescribable things.

And last night,
I followed one of them

right through that window.

And why would the house
be making this happen?

Well, Amy thinks
it's because
I want to expand.

Turn this place
into a full-service
bed and breakfast.

And the house wants you
to stay focused on events
and catering.

This house has
been in our family
for five generations,

ever since our
came here from Scotland

and built it
with their bare hands.

Any radical change
to that now

would be
an insult to them

and what they left behind.

My sister's a little
off-center sometimes.

Oh. I know how you feel.
My brother couldn't find
the center with a GPS device.



How long has this
been going on?

A couple weeks.

You've been hallucinating
every night for two weeks
and you haven't seen a doctor?

Let me take the sharps.

Thank you.

There are two options here.

Either my sister's right
or I'm losing my mind.

I don't think I could
handle finding out
either one is true.

Look. No one should have
to feel like they're crazy,
or, even worse,

like their sibling was
right about something.

I personally don't have much
experience with the latter,

but I imagine the pain
is unbearable.




We better find you
a third option.

HANK: No signs of papilledema,
so probably no increased...

No abnormality of
the soft palate muscles.

No masses in
the neck or thyroid.

Deep breath in.

HANK: Lungs, heart,
abdomen are normal.

Count backwards
from 100 by sevens.

Okay. No cognitive impairment.

And no explanation
for the odd mixture of
coughing and hallucinating.

Time to take it up a notch.

[SIGHS] I'll get a CT
scanner over here.




You're on the, uh,
cutting edge of home
security, Jill.

Are you going to detain
me in a bucket until
the cops arrive?

What are you doing
in my house?

Doro alicha.
Ethiopian chicken soup.

It's traditional,
but lively.

I'm not hungry.

Mmm. I am.

You know, ever since I,
uh, spent my life savings

treating indigent peoples
across the planet,

I came back and I had to
crash at the hospital.

Uh, you've been
sleeping there?

Oh, yeah. And as much as
I love the amenities,

I found myself craving
a home-cooked meal.

So, I couldn't help
but wonder...
Why not live at home?

Uh... Because this isn't
your home anymore.

Check the mortgage agreement.

Check the mortgage payments.

Listen. I know
I owe you some money.

But here I am,
working it off.

Plus, wouldn't it be
easier for us

to attend to all our social
obligations if we were
under one roof?

Oh, my motorcycle
is acting up.

You're, um...
You're going to
have to drive us.

Yeah, I'll be attending
this party solo.

I thought you said
you were open
to a resolution.

Yeah. Not when
you force-feed me.

Look, Charlie.
A lot happened
after you left.

I moved on.

Jill, a man, uh,

travels the world
in search of
what he needs.

And then he returns
home to find it.

So, you sort it out
all you want,

'cause when you're done,
I'm going to be right here,

showing you just how
different things are
gonna be this time around.

Her CT was clean.

No bleeds or lesions.

Electrolytes are normal
and sugar is 102.

DIVYA: She's slightly anemic,

but that's nothing abnormal
for a 29-year-old woman.

I think we need to look
into environmental toxins
or an infectious source.

Given her sister's beliefs,
should we be looking at
psychiatric disease?

It may be
something genetic.

Look, I checked.
No family history.

Let's rule out
all organic causes first.

After all,
except for the coughing,
Zoey looks fine right now.

No hallucinations at all.

Okay. I'll get
these to the lab.



That's the clinical
term, yes.

That's the
unenlightened term.

Well, enlighten me,

Twenty years ago,
we lost our parents
to an accident.

To a drunk driver
out on Montauk Highway.

The very next day,
I woke up and felt
their presence.

This is going to
sound strange to you,

but I could hear
them speaking.

That's what got me
through it. And...

I'm what got
Zoey through it.

Okay. And what do you think
is happening here?

She's being haunted
by her own instincts.

This place is sacred,
and she should know it.

I have a proposal, Amy.
You stay open-minded
to my theories,

and I'll stay
open-minded to yours.

Okay. Here's my theory.

Zoey will be fine

as soon as she gives up
her plan to turn
our family's home

into a bunch
of rooms for rent.

What's your theory?

I don't have one yet.

But Zoey asked me
to find one, and I won't
give up until I do.




Someone close to you.
Someone who looks like you.

Someone with
the letter "R"?

My brother.
Evan R. Lawson?

He's getting himself
into trouble.


Sorry, Amy.
You don't need a gift
to sense that one.

EVAN: Sir, I'm telling you
it's a clerical error.

Okay? It's a big one.
I'm the CFO
of the company.

I didn't conduct
or approve any of these
withdrawals or transfers.


Well, of course
you can do something.

You're the bank manager.

Yes, I'll hold again.

Awesome. Because when
all my money's missing,

there's nothing I enjoy more
than the musical stylings
of Ms. Liza Minnelli.

Straight to voicemail. Okay.

So, I see you're
ignoring my calls now.
That's interesting.

Uh... We need to talk.

My account's been depleted

by someone who had
access to all
my personal information.

So, uh, any ideas
who that could be?

Call me back right now.


How's work going?

Work is good. Thanks.
Did we get those supplies
Divya ordered?

Yeah, they're right there.


How much did they...

What are they for again?

I've got to go check
for mold at the house
of a hallucinating woman.

Oh, wow. That
sounds dangerous.

Should we be charging her
a premium for that, or...

What? No.

But I should start
getting paid extra to deal
with overbearing siblings.

Mine and hers. She's
got this psychic sister.

Really? She's psychic?

I hope she didn't put
a 1-900 number
on the contact sheet.

Actually, all she said
was that you're in
some kind of trouble.


That's so weird.

You know what? Actually,
that mold thing
sounds dangerous.

I'm going to come
and help you out,
Hank. Okay?

Okay. Here's the deal.

Two weeks, max.
No matter what happens,
as far as us...

Start looking for
your own place today.

That's aggressive,
but reasonable.

And you will stay
in the guest room.

What if, um...
At all times.

All right.
And last but not least

of the ground rules,
get your motorcycle fixed,

because this whole
rideshare to the hospital
is a one-time event.

I'm thinking about
getting a car.

Sounds like progress.

I'm thinking about
picking up one of these.

Parking Assist."

Yeah. It practically
parks itself.

Well, that does sound
like progress.

Because you
that green Saab...

That was always a bit of
an extreme sport for you.

Yeah, well, sadly for you,
Charlie, I've moved on.

I think you have a habit of
moving on to new things
a bit too quickly, Jill.

Well, any...
Any information you give
me could be, you know,

extremely helpful.

[SIGHS] I'm not
a Magic 8 Ball.

Well, when it told you
that I was in trouble,

did it sound, like,
deeply alarmed?

Or was it just, like,
merely concerned?

I'm sorry. You know
all I know.

But I would be careful
going into the house.

I'm not sure how it will
respond to your
troubled aura right now.

Amy. Please.
Stop saying that.

I mean, first of all, no one
is going to believe that
the house is haunted.

What? The house is haunted?

Can I talk to you about
the tents over here?

This is outside our
scope of practice, Hank.

We're not a concierge
ghostbuster service, okay?

We're going in
to look for mold.

I'll take the attic.
You take the basement.

I'm not going
to the basement.

Fine. You take the attic.
Try not to get slimed?




EVAN: Oh, yeah.
I should have taken
the basement.


Moldy, moldy,
moldy mold.

Where are you?

God. Why would I choose
the attic? Hello?



I bet the basement
is finished,

with, like,
a pool table.

He sent me up here
to look for...

Yo. I think
I found the mold.
And there's a lot of it.

Um, Henry... Does the mold
make you start hallucinating


Okay. Hank, get up
here right now

because I don't
think it's mold.
I think it's ghosts.

And now the ghosts are
morphing into bats!

Hank! Okay.

Hank! Oh, God.

Hank, get up here!

Here is your
iced tea, Evan.

Thank you so much.
I'm really thirsty.


So, that's
a Long Island iced tea.

House specialty. I make
them every day for family
cocktail hour.

Apparently, spirits
calm the spirits.

That's an... That's
an interesting saying.

Um... Amy...

Do you think that the bats
were the dark aura around me?


No, I don't.



Tell me something,
Amy. Uh...

Are you still seeing
the dark aura around me?

Hey. Is that what
I think it is?

Dead bat.

Oh, my God. You could
have just said yes, dude.

Zoey, bats can
carry rabies, which can
cause hallucinations.


Relax. Have you spent
time in that attic?

I've been up there
once or twice.

To take measurements
for the B and B.

See, Zoey?
The bats, the house.

Everyone thinks
the B and B is a bad idea.

Sadly, the house
and the bats
don't get a vote.

Well, I'll go tell them that.

My only recent bites
have been mosquito bites.

Especially since Amy
started making us
sleep outside.


Well, believe it or not,
bat bites and mosquito bites
look a lot alike.

They're actually really
tough to differentiate.

Oh, my God.
I know I got bit.
I got bit somewhere.

Any other theories?

A certain fungus can
grow on bat guano

and cause a respiratory
infection called

The symptoms don't
typically include

but coughing is
a hallmark sign,

along with chills,
fever and headaches.

I've had this cough
for a couple weeks now.

Yeah, you said
it comes and goes.

Comes by day,
goes by night.

Do you take
anything for it?

No. I had a bad reaction
to antibiotics
when I was younger,

so medication kind of
freaks me out.

Well, while the lab
tests the bat,

I'd like to do a skin test
to check for the
histoplasmosis, allergies,

and anything else
that might tell us
what's going on here.





Remember when I said
I was too afraid to go
see a doctor?


If I had known
there was a doctor
out there like you,

I might have found
the courage.

Dude, look at this.

Is that a bat bite
or a mosquito bite?

You know,
I can't really say.

They're exactly the same?


If I got bit by a bat,
what's going to happen to me?

All right. Worst case
scenario, you die.

Best case scenario,
you become immortal.


Put your shirt on.

Hey. Tough to find an
appropriate card for
"strategic Indian engagement."

Yeah. You have no idea
how long it took for me

to narrow it down
to these two.


There's more cards
over there.

So, will I see you
at Hill Manor?

I guess so.
By the way, do you
know the Hill sisters?

I grew up with them.

What were they like?

Well, uh, Zoey was
sweet and pretty.

Outgoing. And she knew
everyone and always
got the guy.

Hmm. And Amy?

Mmm. Amy wore black and
founded the high school's
Wicca club.

Pretty quirky chick.

But, you know,
in her own special way,

she always looked out
for her sister.
And I respected that.

I imagine you would, too.

So, speaking of
old acquaintances...

I guess I owe
you an explanation.

Oh, look. To be honest,
Jill, I really don't want
to hear about it.

About him. I mean,
if he's here to stay
this time,

if it works for you
and him,

I'm happy for you.

And if it doesn't,
you know where
to find me.

As long as you get that
I can't put my life
on hold in the meantime.

I wouldn't ask you to.

I just need to figure out
what's right for me,

and I can't rush
a decision like that.

No. I get it.

Let's see what you got.


Why this one?

It's just more you.

I agree.

RAJ: When we first thought
Hill Manor might not work,

what was it that
you were thinking?

Truthfully? I was thinking
divine intervention.

Spiritual intervention.
I mean, whatever.

I thought it was an out.

There are no more outs.

We tried
to delay this again,
and they moved it up.

We're almost there.

We may as well
just get it over with.

Well. You sound so terribly
excited about this marriage.

I know many couples
who got married
deeply in love.

Now they barely speak.

You have been my
best friend for 20 years.

We trust and respect
each other.
We never fight.

Maybe we'll grow into love,
instead of falling
in and out of it.

But does it feel
right to you?

Divya, we have to stop
being emotional about
logical decisions.

Is Zoey's lab report
back yet?

No. But her scratch test was
positive for histoplasmosis.

Which explains
the coughing by day,

but not the
hallucinating by night.

And I just don't think
this is psychosis.

Which leads us
to the possibility
of encephalitis.

We've got to get
this thing solved quickly,
so you can get engaged.

Well, let's not be
too hasty with patient care.

So, we...

Divya, we know you and Raj
are going to have some
big decisions to make.

Just know that Evan
and I are here to stay.

And there is always,
always a place for you
here with HankMed,

no matter what.

Well, I appreciate that.

And I'll let you know
what my future holds,

as soon as my parents
decide it for me.

Well, maybe negotiations
will still fall apart

Maybe your dad
will raise the dowry to
five goats and a donkey,

and Raj will call it
a deal breaker.

Mmm. Maybe you're
the donkey.


[SIGHS] HankMed.
How can we...

Okay, slow down.

It's Amy Hill
and she's freaking out.

Yep. We're on our way.

I tried... I tried to get up
there, but the attic door
locked behind her.

All right.
I'm gonna find a way
to get on that roof.

Evan, you try
to find a ladder.
Divya, keep Amy back.

Zoey, please just stay
where you are.

Don't worry.
Hank will take care
of this.

Zoey? Zoey?
Zoey, don't move.



Nothing you're
seeing is real.

And you could hurt yourself
really badly if you take
another step.

Do you understand me?


Zoey? Zoey.

Good. Good. Good.
Good. Zoey!

AMY: Zoey. Are you okay?

I got you.
Where's Hank?

There you are.
Here. Divya, I got her.

Okay. Let's get her
down over here.

Come here.
Right here.

Here you go.
You got her?

HANK: Easy. Yep.
Gentle. Okay.


Zoey, what were you doing?

Amy. Your ears
are really big.

Whoa. Is she okay?

As far as the fall, yeah.

Yeah, she'll be fine.

You want to do
the spinal tap tonight.

HANK: And that's
not all I want to do.

There may be only one way
to get to the bottom
of this immediately.


Her hallucinations only
manifest at night,

so we're going to work
a graveyard shift.

A sleepover?

I'm a huge fan
of that procedure.

Okay. Lidocaine?
DIVYA: Prepped.

EVAN: Wow, you're
doing a spinal tap

in the very place
you'll be getting engaged
in the next couple days.

That's got to be
nine different kinds
of bad luck.

Shut up, Evan.

What is this for?

Spinal needle. It will
help us either diagnose
or rule out the encephalitis.

Elephantitis? No.
I don't see any elephants.

All I see is that
really big knife.

How is that even
going to fit in me?

She just said...

Okay. Here we go.

You're doing great.


Well, this is
a new one
for HankMed.

Why don't you just
summon the apparitions?

Okay. Why are
you asking me?

Because you're Indian.
Maybe some of the
rituals translate. Right?

[LAUGHS] Wait a second.

You think that Hinduism
and Wicca are
overlapping ideologies?

I'm just thinking
outside the box.

You're a bloody

Honestly, you're
a bloody Neanderthal.

EVAN: Why?
Every time I just...


Amy? Everything okay?

No, it's not.
I need to get her
something to drink,

but we've run out of
supplies out here.

I'd have to go inside.

If Evan needed me
to go in that house,

I wouldn't care if
it was infested
with mountain lions,

I'd go in.
But, you know,
that's just me.


No, it's not just you.

If Zoey asks for me,

tell her I'll
be right out.


Wait, wait, wait.
You're going to
go in the house?

What about
the cleansing?

I guess I'll
just have to
start a new one,

after I fix us
a round of iced teas.


Zoey? When do you
usually have your
daily cocktail?

Every night
before bed.

It's what helps stop
the coughing, silly.

Okay. I'll be back
in a minute.

Guys, keep an eye
on her for me, please.



What the hell have
you been giving
your sister?

It's just cough syrup.

She's been up all night,
so I'm giving her
a second dose.

Does she know you've
been putting that in
her drink this whole time?

If she did,
she wouldn't drink it

because she refuses
to take medication.

I just couldn't stand
listening to her
suffer every night.

This brand of
cough syrup

has an extremely
high percentage
of dextromethorphan.

Why does that matter?

doses of DXM

are a bad idea.

I... I don't...
And for some people

with a genetic inability
to metabolize it,
it's a toxic idea.

You give her this,
and within 15 minutes,
she stops coughing.

But two hours later,
when its action peaks,

she starts jumping
through windows.

I had no clue.


I thought I was
helping her.

Do you have any idea

what it's like to be given
way more responsibility
than you ever asked for?

Way more than
you ever deserved?

When I was 12,
my mom got sick.

My dad, who'd lost
all our money
in the stock market,

couldn't afford
to take care of her.

So he gave up on her,
on us, and he left.

And then our mom died.

I know exactly
what it's like.

Being the older sibling
one day and then feeling
like a parent the next.

You do anything you can
to protect the only thing
you have left.

So, inanimate
objects would grow,
shrink and bend.

Distance and depth perception
would be skewed, as well.

For instance, if you
were standing on the roof
looking down,

jumping into the moat
might look like

nothing more than
stepping into a puddle.

What's wrong
with me, Hank?

It's a disorienting
neurological condition

called Alice in
Wonderland syndrome.

But once you stop
taking the cough syrup
and the DXM in it,

you will be back
in the real world
with the rest of us.

What about her cough?

We'll administer
an antifungal called

It will treat
the histoplasmosis and
clear up the cough, as well.


I am so sorry, Zo.

ZOEY: No, it's...
It's okay.

At least we verified
that medicine and I
still don't get along.

Don't blame
the medicine. Blame me.

I'm the one who made
you spend two weeks
in Wonderland.

You broke
a cleanse for me.

I know how seriously
you take those.

Some things
I take more seriously.

Oh... Hank!

It's... It's happening!

So, do you think
I'm going to turn
into, like, a...

An old-school
Bela Lugosi type?

Or maybe, like, a hip,
sexy Twilight vampire
with, like, the...

And, like,
the cool hair, or what?

Dude, I... I can't
see anything.

What do you call
those, Enrique?
Look at the red lines.

I can already feel
my skin burning from
the sunlight pouring in.

There's nothing
on your arm.

Why do you keep
saying that? Look...

Okay. What the hell
is happening to me?

Your mind is playing
tricks on you.

I'm hallucinating, like Zoey.

Well, with her, her body
was affecting her mind.
With you, it's the opposite.

And you have been
acting even weirder
than usual.

Why are you
so worked up, Ev?

Come on.
Whatever it is,
you can tell me.

You know what?
It's nothing you have
to worry about. Okay?

But thank you
for being there.
You know.

You always are.

It's got to
be exhausting,
having to

bail me out of
trouble over
and over again.

Yeah, well,
I didn't have much
of a choice this time.

You ran into my room
and jumped into my bed.



It's beautiful.

I'm very happy for you.

Thank you so much.

So, uh, congratulations?

Yeah. We're so
ambivalent for you.

If you think that
this is uncomfortable,

wait till you
see what happens
in 15 minutes,

when I stand up
and piss off a tent full of
Bandyopadhyays and Katdares.

Oh, my God.
Are you pregnant?

No, I'm not pregnant.

Are you gay?
Evan, really?

Divya. What are you
talking about?

I've thought about what
you both said to me.
And you're right.

I mean, I can't do this.
I won't do this.

And I'm going to tell
that to all of them.

Good. How did
Raj take this?

He doesn't know yet.
He would just try to
talk me out of it.

And even if he didn't,
I don't want him to
appear complicit in this.

I'm going to do this
all on my own.


Anyway, I'm so glad
that you both came

because I may need
you to stand by with
a getaway vehicle.


I'm way ahead of you.

I record
the whole thing
on my phone camera

and we sell it to Bollywood
as a reality show. Right?

You read my mind.

Speaking of. Here comes
Patricia Arquette
and Alice, herself.

Hey, girls.

ZOEY: Hello.
Hey. How you feeling, Zoey?

Cough gone.
Hallucinations gone.

You know what's weird?
I almost miss my
little Wonderland.

It's like somebody
ripped the 3-D glasses
right off my face.

I'll take you
to an IMAX movie
sometime. Way safer.

EVAN: I've got to say. It's
really nice to see you guys
up and running again. Wow.

AMY: Actually,
this is our last
event for a while.

Really? Why?

To renovate for
our expansion into
a bed and breakfast.


EVAN: How did she
change your mind?

you guys did it.

You staying here
the other night
made me realize

how rewarding
it could be to have
overnight guests.

Well, sleepovers
and epiphanies,

just two more services
we provide at HankMed.

Zip it.

But for the
record, Doctor,

we'll never know if
you cleaned house here
the other night or I did.


Well, science and
spirituality can share
the credit on this one.

Oh. Looks like
we need more chairs.
Excuse me?

Have you seen
the lily pond up close?

You sure it's not
just a lily puddle?

Oh, well, why don't
we go find out?

All right.

What do you mean,
it's done and done?

Well, no. This is
what I'm saying.

There is no more time.
We need that money back now.

[SIGHS] I can't believe
you're doing this to me.



Hey. Evan.
Do you know
where Hank is?

Yeah, he is right...

He was right there.
This place is spooky.

Yeah. There's
something important
I need to tell him.

Yeah, you and me
both. Um, I think
he's at the bar.

Oh, no, wait.
Psychic moment.

That's where
I'm headed.


HANK: This is beautiful.

ZOEY: We used to throw
parties right here,

but when a drunken groomsman
went skinny-dipping
in the lily pond,

Amy didn't take it
very well.

She's really
protective of
this place, huh?

Oh, yeah.

And really
protective of you.

Oh, really?
I haven't noticed.


You two definitely
don't seem cut
from the same cloth.

Oh. Well, the same
thing could be said
about you and Evan.

And it has been said.

Yeah. Life sent him
one way, me another.

And then, it did
a funny thing and
brought us back together

to start this little
business of ours.

And somehow,
we have found
common ground.

You know, um, I grew up
hearing people call my sister
crazy every single day.

You never assumed
I was crazy.

You gave me the benefit
of the doubt. Most people
wouldn't have, Hank.

Yeah, well, more people
should be like us.

And less people should
be like most people.


Um... So, about that
movie you suggested...

Uh-uh. Not just a movie.
An IMAX Experience.

But Zoey, um,
you're a patient.

But I'm cured now.

Yeah. Yeah,
it looks like you are.

So, I'm not
a patient anymore.

That's true.

I just got out of
a relationship.

Oh. You should have
led with that reason.

I probably should have.

I just need some time,
you know, before jumping
into something new,

and I have no idea
how much time
it will take.

Maybe I could
tell you.

Really? And how
would you do that?

Amy taught me
how to read palms.


Let's see here. Oh.

I see a blonde

in a lavender
summer dress.


I am so sorry, Raj.

Thank you all
for coming.

And I, uh...
I apologize for
wasting your time.

But there will be
no engagement ceremony.


There will be
no wedding.

There will be
no more of this
farce whatsoever.

I could stand up here
and tell you that I love
Raj with all my heart.

But the truth is I don't.

Nor does he love me.

We are just two friends,

and never given
a chance to love
anybody but each other.

And we deserve that chance.

And now,

finally, we're
going to have it.


WOMAN: Congratulations.

MAN: Congratulations.

What's up, bro?

Did Jill find you yet?

No. Why?
What did she say?

She had something
important to tell you.


And so do I.

Well, what's up?

We're broke.

What do you
mean, broke?

I mean, depleted,
destitute, insolvent.

I was asking for
an explanation,
not a thesaurus.

What the hell
are you talking
about, Evan?

Well, I, uh...
I invested our working
capital in some

alternative high-yield

English, Evan.


We got scammed.

You got scammed.

By who?

And it's all gone,
you know.

Almost every last
penny of it, at least.
It's... It's gone.

Why are you not furious?

Oh, I'm furious.
I... I'm furious.
I'm just not surprised.

In fact, the only shock here
is that it took this long
for you to let me down.

Look. I'm going to find
a way to get that money.

Don't you get it?
It's not about the money.


It's about the secrets,
the lies, the greed.

We can rebuild.
I know we can.

Yeah. HankMed, maybe.

My trust in you?


Come on. That...





I'm guessing
you're here for Jill.

Would you like me to let
her know you dropped by
next time I see her?

Uh, actually,
I was told she had
a message for me.

But I guess
I got the message
pretty clearly now.

Cool. Let me know
if it needs any
further clarification.

Maybe I can help
you out with that.

Yeah. Yeah.

Who was at the door?

Oh, it was just some guy.
He had the wrong house.

No, he didn't,
Charlie. You did.

Get your stuff
and get out.


And, Charlie?

Leave the wine.



Hey. You've reached Evan R.
Lawson, CFO of HankMed.

Please leave a message.
Thanks a lot.

I can't believe
you didn't tell me

that Dad took
all our money.
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