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02x01 - Ties That Bind

Posted: 04/23/24 22:00
by bunniefuu
That should do it.

Next time you slam the window.
be sure both hands are inside.

Just let him rest on the gurney.

It says he died of natural causes.
Nobody dies of natural causes today.

Do you want some coffee?

No, thanks.

(TANNOY) "Dr Lee to Ontology."


Can I get a hand here?
Can I get a hand?!

I found my wife
like this on the bedroom floor.

Honey, you're gonna be OK.

Please wait outside.

I'm not going. >

Put the oxygen on.

You must leave.

I'm not going until she's OK.

Heart rate's 40 and irregular.
Get the EKG. Respiratory arrest.

< Call the code.
Get an intubation tray.

Excuse me, sir (!)

You're in the way! >

Don't worry about me.


We got her breathing.

Call security.

Call them. I'm staying here.

I must clear her lungs,
or she'll drown.

Start an IV. Get some gases and
lytes. What's the blood pressure?

60 palpable.

Did you call the code?

< Yes.

Tell security
there's a madman in ER.

Give Luther a hand.

I'm doing it.

Pupils are dilated and sluggish.
Wendy, listen to the lungs.

She's had some serious headaches.
We were seeing a doctor tomorrow.

How do the lungs sound?

Hang on.

You'll be OK, sweetheart.

Suction catheter.
Send the bloods off.

What is that?

Swelling both sides.

Excuse me, what are you doing?
What are you doing?!

She may arrest.
There are multi-focal PVCs.

Her veins are distended.
Give her 40 mg of Lasix.

Get this guy out of here!

Let the doctors do their work.

Is that your car, sir?

What car?

She needs a volume,
but her heart's overworked.

Hey, get off!

Get off of me! You're not cops!
I have a right to stay with my wife.


I'm gonna sue you guys!
And this place! Get off of me!

May I help?

Eve Leighton. I'd like to check in.

Who's your physician?

Dr Craig.

Uh-huh. Here we are.
You're scheduled for a cardiac scan.

I've been through this before.

You were in last year for a bypass.

I thought that was the end.

Did you bring any valuables?

No, they cleaned me out last time.

< Husband is deceased?
Who's your next of kin?

< My sister, Clare.

Good morning, Eve. You're prompt.

I'm sorry I called so late last
night but the angina scared me.

If it's a problem, the
best solution is for us to find out.

Will a week's leave be enough?

I won't know
until I see your results.

Sign here, here and here.

Press hard. There are four carbons.

Your room isn't ready.
Someone will come for you. >

I thought your work came
with a 50,000 mile warranty.

I've taken care for you for too long
to let angina get the best of us.

Here we are. Hop in.

What room number?

3826. But it's still not ready.

How long do you people take?
I'll make the damn bed myself.

KUB shows normal renal outlines.

Were ASO tighter, serum complement,
sediment rates drawn?

(Westphall's getting his teeth
kicked in on all fronts.)

(Because of the drug tests?)

(That's part of it.)

(But in people's hearts
and minds I'm suspect number one.)

(The city's not thrilled
with the way things are being run.)

You've an insulin-dependent diabetic.
A 45-year-old black female.

She has a 24-hour history of
vomiting with abdominal pains.

Any other symptoms?

Shortness of breath, hot, dry skin.
She denied missing her insulin doses

Her blood pressure was 90 over 60,

her heart rate 120, and
she had a respiratory rate of 30.

(My social life's in the dumper.)

(I've got all
the women I can handle.)

(Cathy Martin and Shirley Daniels.)

(And no frustrated libidos.)

..small haemorrhages.

Lab results?

Plus-four glucose...

(How do you do it?)

(It's a Lithuanian secret.)

Dr Wade, what's the diagnosis...

(You've buttered the bread,
so sleep in it.)


(Let them come to you.)

(What's butter got to do with it?)

Does this concern
Mrs Rosenweig's acidosis?

No, sir.

If you don't mind, pay attention.
Mid-year evaluations are coming up.

What's with the paint job?

It's from the board chairman.

He thinks brighter walls
make our patients live longer.

I'm a lonely, desperate man.
Tell me.

What about me
doesn't work for women?

Have you thought about contacts?

I'll try anything!


Excuse me. >


Has the doctor examined my mother?

He'll let you know when he's done.

Is Animal Research on this floor?

No, basement. Can't miss it.

How's your mother?

Daddy, are you all right?

I'm fine. How's Mom?

She's in intensive care. You can't go
down there. They won't let you in!

I'll get in.

Room 5109, Dad.

It's Dr Morrison.



Always. Come in.

This thing's always
either too hot or too cold.

Seems fine to me.

I got a nice letter from Stephen,
thanking me for his externship.

We raised him to be polite.

His evaluations were enthusiastic.
I'd like to offer him a residency.

I don't know if that's a good idea.

We were both a little uncomfortable
with his working here.

Nobody noticed it.

I don't want anyone saying
he's riding my coat-tails.

It'd be best if he went elsewhere.

All right.

I hear someone "air-conditioned"
the ER last night.

'Fraid so.

Got a lot of nuts out there.

It won't make
a good impression on Joan Halloran.


The new health services adviser.
It's her first day.

Oh, just what we need.

A politically appointed
know-nothing sticking her nose in!



The scan results on Eve Leighton
don't look too good.

I'll be the judge of that!

Loved what you did in the ER.
The car park is a little small.


Any time.

Oh, damn.

Take a look at these.

A year ago, she had
an MI on the catheterisation table.

I performed an emergency triple.

Otherwise, she's in perfect health.
Her heart won't hold out much longer.

There's hypermobility
in both left ventricular walls.

The ejection factor is 20%.

Oh, boy.

What are you gonna do?

I've got two options. I can let
her die, or do a heart transplant.

I get evasive answers or no answers.
I've a right to know what's going on

Your wife had a stroke. Her coma
was caused by too much medication.

When she stabilises,
we'll establish the stroke damage.

When she wakes up,
you'll know what's going on?

To be honest,
she may never wake up.

Is this a fact,
or is this your personal opinion?

OK, turn it on. The EEG machine
will give us some answers.

< We'll see her brain functions.

That's this thing?


Wanna show me how it works?


If there's any permanent damage,

there'll be slow wave patterns
shown by nearly flat line.

And if her brain's OK?

There'll be spiked patterns.

The rhythm, density, frequency
will show any damage.


I'll give details
if you'd go into the waiting room.

I'm staying.

There's a rule about ICU.

Your rules got me thrown in jail.

If you want to get me out
you'll have to arrest me again.

Mr Singleton...

Then you know what I'm saying.

You got a nice bathroom here, and
a comfortable chair. I'm staying.

You'll need permission.

You get it if you need it.
I don't need permission.

I'll be right back.

While you're up there,

tell them I'm very sorry
I drove through the ER.


"Nurse Sorano, report to ICU."

(TANNOY) "Father Mahoney,
please report to ER."

Luther, hold still. >

It hurts. >

I hope my insurance covers this.

Luther, what happened?

A young handsome black orderly
gets a task.

He goes to get a Foley catheter.
Sounds simple?

Little did I know
my life was in danger!

Get a look at him?

It happened in a flash,
but I can identify the culprit.

Take those aspirin.

Can't I get something stronger?

Don't start.

Every time he does this,
we're closer to catching him.

You'd better hope you
get to him before I do.

The police want to see you.
Then take the day off.



It's gonna be one of those days!



We thought you'd be hungry.

I can order from the cafeteria.

Hospital food's terrible.

How's she doing?

Well... According to the tests,

she had a haemorrhage that's
paralysed her on the right side

but her mind's OK.

How can you say that?

If she recovers from the coma,
Mom may never talk or walk again.

Of course she's gonna talk again.
Of course she's gonna walk again.

Dad, be realistic.
Mom's never going to be the same.

It's your mother
you're talking about.

If we have to take care of her
24 hours a day, we're gonna do it.

If you can't do it, I will!

Here we go.

What does that mean?

< That I'm disrespectful.

You ARE disrespectful! >

Guys, I don't think
this is the time or the place.

< I gotta get going.

You need a ride?


You go ahead.


I'll see you tomorrow.


See you later, sweetie.


Did you find her?


She decided to take her own tour.

Joan Halloran, Dr Auschlander.

Hello, Miss Halloran.

< It's a pleasure to meet you.

Were you out looking for skeletons?

Sorry I went off on my own.

Hospital administrators tend to give
people like me antiseptic tours.

Well, we have nothing to hide.

< Now you've seen it,
what do you think?

I'm surprised. It's
not in as bad shape as I was told.

We'll assume it's a compliment.

You don't have a four-star rating.

At City Hall, this place
is known as St Elsewhere.

That's why we're happy
your team is here.

What kind of public relations
do you have in mind... improve our sullied image?

PR isn't all I'm here for.

The mayor's under pressure
to balance the budget.

He's asked me to ensure
the city's hospitals are efficient.

If I made cuts,
I'd start with health care.

The city couldn't
accuse us of being frivolous.

It's up to me to make that decision.

I have a daughter about your age.

< If you have any questions,
call me.

Daniel, I talked to Mark a while ago

Mark Craig, our chief of surgery.

I know.

He wants to do a heart transplant.

Wonderful. It's our first.

We might get some good publicity.

I told him to get the ball rolling.
What do you think?

Absolutely not.

The bad news is
his wife had a stroke.

You heard the good news?
His car's ready Thursday!

If you wait there,
the doctor will be with you soon.

Did I say something wrong?

You are
very insensitive and selfish.

You don't
appreciate anyone's feelings...

The line about the car
was below the belt...

I'm not talking
about your tasteless remarks.

What can I do for you?

Someone will help you.

What's bugging you?

I've been sleeping with you
while you've slept with Cathy...

(Keep your voice down!)

Why? Everyone knows!

Thanks a lot, big mouth.

I didn't tell anybody!

I told three people
and they swore...

Why did you tell anybody?

Cos I'm confused.

If you loved me, you wouldn't be.

I do love you.

You've no idea
how great sex is with Cathy!

I'm sorry.

Dr Craig. It was only a suggestion.

The day I listen to you,

is the day you become chief
of surgery at Delhi General.

Win a few Oscars,
they think they run the place.

Dr Craig, I'm Joan Halloran.

Why are you in here without scrubs?

Joan Halloran, the new
city health services adviser.

You still have
to wear scrubs in here.

That is unless you political types
don't carry bacteria.

Dr Westphall
said this wouldn't be easy.


Don't get me wrong.

You've done a great job making
this a top surgical unit.

Stop the soft soap. What do you want?


Dr Westphall brought up the idea of
you doing a heart transplant here.

Good news travels fast.

Not as fast as bad.
I can't authorise the funds.

What do you mean?

The cost of a surgical team,
and the necessary equipment...

Look, lady!

I don't know whose daughter,
granddaughter, daughter-in-law... are that got you this job.

But I'm not about to let you
tell me how to run my department.

I'm afraid you have no choice.

Being rude won't get what you want.

And being a shill
won't keep Eve Leighton alive.

You tell her you're condemning her
to death to save a few lousy bucks.

It's not a few lousy bucks!

You realise the mayor
will close this place?

You're not talking to a moron.

If we don't get
the budget under control..

If you're so interested in cutting
spending, why not start on your job!

This is getting us nowhere.

If I don't do that transplant,

the mayor will have to find
a new chief of surgery.

Now, get out of my way.

# "Hit Me With Your Best Shot

Anyone sitting here?

I'll take that as a "no".

I'd like
a tonic with a lime please,

and another round
for these two beautiful dolls.

Sagittarius. What's yours?


I like surfing, fast cars
and reading a good book.

You read?

Do I read! Judy, Judy, Judy!

The question is, what do you do?
Model, stewardess, gal Friday?

What did you do today to afford
the luxury of a night on the town?

Nothing. How about you?

I saved lives - hundreds of them.

Don't tell me you're a doctor!

Surgeon. Incredible hands.

That's a terrifying thought.


So long, Doctor Sagittarius.

I like...

If you so much as look at me...

You got it.

Sorry I'm late. Mrs Cohen
finally passed her kidney stone.

No problem.

Yeah, right. Not for Mrs Cohen.

How you doing?

Things have really changed.

The '60s were peace and love.
The '70s were the "me" decade.

Now everyone's hostile.

You're over-reacting.

Yeah? Watch this. Pardon me, miss.


Arthur, don't put a g*n to my head
over an envelope shipment. >

It was sent on Wednesday!

I have the invoice here
and the post office receipt.

How do I know? I'm not responsible
for the post office. >

I am concerned
but I'm not responsible.

Don't thr*aten me, Arthur.

I'll have Marilyn
trace it first thing.

I can't call her now!
It's ten o'clock.

I'll take full responsibility.
Have I ever reneged on my word?

Go and have a good time
swimming with your cheerleader.

I don't know, maybe
they couldn't find LA in the smog.

Yeah - wait a second.


Fran sends her love. OK, goodbye.

I'll call her right now.
I'm calling her now. Goodbye.

Hi, Mar..., wait a second.
Here, thank you for your trouble.

Not you. I'll thank you in a minute.

Bring the contracts in
before you go to work in the morning

Put a cheque in with the
envelope shipment. Right. I'll...



Can I get by?


I hate to disturb you...

That's OK.
It's time for the commercial anyway.

Here, let me help you.

There are some things
that are hard to do yourself.

I know.

So, you're single too?

How did you know that?

no man's clothing in your hamper.

I'm not some sort of underwear
weirdo. I'm just an observant guy.

My name's Bobbie.

Victor. Pleased to meet you.

When I'm rich, I'm going to have my
stuff sent out to a hand laundry.

No more coin-operated machines.

It's so boring waiting
for a machine to chew your bra.

The problem is, when I do the wash,
nothing gets clean.

Maybe you should use detergent.

Good idea.

I'm lucky. My apartment's
just around the corner.


Why not put your clothes in a dryer
and come for a coffee?

You mean it?



OK, no problem.

(TANNOY) "Dr Martez 2409,
Dr Martez, 2409."

Dr Morrison, shouldn't you be at home
bouncing your baby? It's all right.

I'm on call.

One of the ingredients of a doctor is
to always don the professional mask.

Never show colleagues
or patients how you feel.

I'm thinking about Fran Singleton.

Her husband demanded
a bed in her room?

Thanks for arranging it.

You said
the circumstances were extenuating.

I don't like to set precedents,
and the paperwork was incredible.

When I was hanging crepe...


Telling him
about his wife's condition.

The problem is, I didn't hold back.

Usually I try to be
as positive as possible.

But I didn't give him much hope.

"Hope is the thing with feathers
that perches in the soul."


A favourite poem of mine.
Emily Dickinson.


You're upset
because you were off your game.

Or I dealt with him like that
because I don't like his personality

It happens to everybody.

That doesn't make me feel better.

Patients want simple answers.
There aren't any.

For all the strides in medicine,
sometimes it's a guessing game.

But we can lean to
the positive or the negative.

Is she in better shape
than you told her husband?

< No.

There's a great distance between
false hope and brutal honesty.

Most people take our word as law.

There are those remarkable few
who get well despite our diagnosis.

That is the mystery of medicine.
See you tomorrow.


< One lump's fine. Where was I?

You were starting elementary school.

There I was
with my pencil box and a new eraser.

Acclimating to
the educational process.

My father gets moved - trauma city.

I thought
you grew up in San Francisco?

Berkeley, actually.

I first tangoed
with a guy from Berkeley.


Yeah. Maybe you know him. Swami X?

Swami X, yes, yes, of course. Sure.

Victor, I don't let
just anyone touch my laundry.

I'm sensitive
about people touching my stuff.

I can trust you. You seem like
a warm, sensitive person.

I try.

You don't have to. Get up.


Get up, quick!

Quick! Move that table.


Is she asleep?

Finally. It's after 11.
Why are you still here?

She's deteriorating so rapidly
I though I'd check on her.

The word is you're going
to perform a transplant.

There's not enough money.

We're going to move her?

I'm not giving her to Boston General

this place can't function properly.

Sadly there are things we can't do.

Then it's time I go someplace else.

What's the matter, Mark?

Just because a man reaches 50
doesn't mean he should stop reaching.

I promised my father
I'd dedicate myself to excellence.

Those promises are hard to keep.

Not for me. The quality
of one's work makes life meaningful.

Like Eve Leighton's.


She's an extraordinary woman.

Despite all the obstacles
at that rat hole of a high school

she's able to teach those... thugs
with grace and humour.

They love her for it.

She's as dedicated as we are.

There's more to life than work.
Family, friends...

Don't talk to me about family.


If I tell you something you'll
keep it in strictest confidence?

Of course.

It's about my son.

He's a... drug addict.

I caught him in my study
snorting God knows what.

Oh, Mark.

I'm OK, it's...

Ellen was devastated.

The finest schools, summer camps,
a healthy home environment.

What do we get in return?
He spits in our faces.

He claims he wants to be a doctor(?)

Mark, I'm sure it'll all work out.

Not this time. I threw him out and
said I never want to see him again.

It's the hard bit of being a parent.

You have to do things
that hurt both of you.

You don't have time
to listen to my problems.

If there's anything I can do...

No, there isn't.

But thanks.

Oh, no!

Oh, no! I don't remember her name.

What difference does it make?
She can't answer. Oh, boy.

Here we go, Yankee ingenuity.

Yes, sir.


What is this?
Oh, no. Let me in, please.

If there is a God, let me in.

Let me in!

Don't move, Goldilocks.

I'm a doctor, not a burglar.
Don't k*ll me.

You don't live here?

No, I don't.

So, what are you trying to do?

I was doing my laundry. A girl says,
"Come over for a coffee..."

My laundry - oh no!

Still not open yet?


Morning, Shirley.

You look frayed at the edges.

I haven't slept.

They're not even close to opening.

What will I do?

Sit here or come back later.

I met this perfect girl.

The kind you'd take home to mom?

Until we got to her flat.

Mixed signals?

How did you know?

There's been a lot of that.

All I want is a great career
and a great relationship.

If you're this rattled
there must be something to it.

Maybe you should try again.

It's not that easy.

Ehrlich, phone her.

You don't understand,
I tied her to the bed.

You what?

They wouldn't let me back in.
I'm lucky I wasn't arrested.

You tied her up?

It wasn't my idea.

Stay away. Lunatics like
her perpetuate the myth women

get kicks by being victimised.

Can you believe she forced me?

I've never tied a woman up.
I've held a few down.

You're a pig.

Just because you didn't do your
homework is no reason to skip school

Wait a minute.

Do you mind if I leave these?

We're shorthanded.
Could you take them?


Thank you.

If you're not sick...

(TANNOY) "Dr Lariba - NICU.
Dr Lariba to NICU."

Anybody in there?

The animal research lab
will go first.

Why do you say that?

According to this, the work they're
doing is being done all over town.

It recommends putting all
the research into Lafayette.

St Elegius is a teaching hospital.
Those labs are a vital part of that.

It's not good to be known
as a place that kills puppies.

What about the staff?

The same as the staff elsewhere.

It's cost effective to close
the less essential departments.

I don't understand why you are
deciding who stays and what goes.

No one disputes your authority.
We're here to share input.

I'm not saying
your suggestions are wrong.

It just that there should
be some experience behind them.


The heart transplant, for instance.

I thought so.

You handled that badly.

It's a great idea,
but where is the money coming from?

You can't measure this
in dollars and cents.

It's not just
one of Mark's half-baked whim.

He's the only judge
if the time is right.

He knows the patient, the staff and
his capabilities better than anyone.

I trust him more than any feasibility
study or the Mayor's budget.

Of course I'll stand behind him.

You're good at this.

Been at it a long time.

OK, you've convinced me.

I have?

It won't be easy but
there are ways of finding money.

You know
how political hardball is played.

If I give something,
I've got to get something.

All right.

Close the animal research lab.

Is it a deal?

(TANNOY) "Kenneth Spears,
return to your room."

Excuse me?


Haven't we met before?

Sign my petition?

Dr Martin, how's life in pathology?

Fine. Would you sign my petition?

I've been here three hours
and have one name - my own.

I'm a strong believer
in nuclear freeze.

No, this is much bigger.

This is to bring attention
to the government

the right of Americans
to a frozen life through cryogenics.

Swansons had the right idea.

I see.

Cathy, I must talk to you.

Wayne, I'm busy. Cryogenics
is the playground of the rich.

We of the NCC firmly...


National Cryogenics Coalition.


Shh. We believe every man, woman
or child, whatever their race

or economic station, should be
frozen solid until a cure is found.

Will you sign?

I think not.

There are times, Dr Martin, when
I'm certain you've lost your marbles.


What do you want?

Why are you avoiding me?

Today's is Shirley's day.

It's over between me and Shirley.

Isn't that great? No more
fooling around behind her back.

Shirley's back?

Will you sign my petition?

For the first time in a long time,
my life makes sense.

Monogamy is... boring.

It's only been one day.

There's a ballast in the triangle.

All great literature
celebrates the trinity.

Alcott's "Little Women",
Chekhov's "Three Sisters"

Dumas' "Three Musketeers".

Are you telling me it's over...

I've realised that
sex isn't everything.

Like Dr Schweitzer,
I have a purpose in my life.

How often do you think you can blow
me off before I stop coming back?

I don't know.
Hopefully no more than two.


Bye, Wayne.

Phil! Phil! Hear the good news?


They got the dr*gs thief.
My name is cleared.

That's great.

I've got all this energy suddenly.

That's good.
Do you want to wax my car?

Mark, I've got good news for you.

got run over by a garbage truck.

You have your heart transplant money

Don't joke about this.

I'm not.

That's great. Eve is getting weaker.

I know. I'm glad to help.

How did you manage it?

Reason, diplomacy, hard facts.

I don't want to hear
anymore about you leaving.

I didn't mean it.

Good. You're our best surgeon.


The place wouldn't be the same.


Don't push it.

Donald, I can take a compliment.

I'll see you later.

(TANNOY) "Dr Perez - NICU."

Ehrlich, guess what?

Isn't it great? The transplant's on.

You heard.

I hope they find a suitable donor.

The roof could cave in
and I wouldn't know.

Oh, no.


Roberta, what are you doing here?

Call me Bobbie.


I'm here for a session with Dr Weiss

You and Weiss, huh?

He's my therapist.

About last night...

You were great.

I was?

The best ever.

I am?

Oh, nice tie.

VJ, how are the wedding plans?

Jim-dandy, Jack. See you later.

< When you said you were going
to school, I was thrilled.

Then to have you working
in the firm, what can I say?

We're getting audited.
I've never been audited.

Now I'll get audited every year.

< You have that to come back to.

Hello, Doctor

Morning, Mr Singleton.

She knows me. She understands me.

Hello, Mrs Singleton.

Like those eyes, Doctor?
I fell in love with those eyes.

Hey, stop looking at my wife
like that.

Did I tell you
we're off to Europe in August?

We owe ourselves a vacation.

We'll stay a couple of months
and then there's Rick's graduation.

We have Janet's marriage and
grandchildren to look forward to.

Right, sweetheart? Huh? Granny?


The first step is to get up
and walk out of here, right?


I love her very much.
I'm sorry, I'm so tired.

She's coming back, Doctor.

She's coming all the way back.

I'm beginning to believe you.

You and me
will be the ones to do it.

Right, sweetheart?
You're coming all the way back.