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01x13 - Family History

Posted: 04/23/24 21:46
by bunniefuu
- Previously on st. Elsewhere.
- This boy's dead and gone.

- He's not dead
till I say he's dead.
- I'm here for a sex change.

Do you remember what
happened the night you were shot?

I don't even
remember being shot.

- You have no right
to tamper with my life.
- Who am i?

- I don't know.
- Tonight on st. Elsewhere.

No, peter. Come here.

Don't, peter, don't. Why not?

I just don't want it right now.

I really got interested
in it when I was a woman.

When you were a woman?

Mark, al and I are lovers.

Any operations to the
head, nose, ears, throat?

No. Do you pick your nose?

Just enough to
keep it respectable.

He's my son! Let me go!
Take him out of there!

Keep him away from me! Keep him
away from me! Okay, settle down.

Well, today's the
day. Your anniversary?

Bob overland, sex
change operation.

You're gonna have to get over this.
You're gonna give yourself an ulcer.

Last night, ellen and I discussed
it for hours. Didn't do any good.

I seem to be the only
one that feels this way.

Mark, why don't you
go talk to hugh beale?

I talked to beale
about talking to bob.

I'm not the crazy one.

Oh, mark. Uh, I was hoping
if you had a few moments,

We could... We could talk.

You're busy.

No, that's all right.

What's the problem?

Worried about the
operation? No, not at all.

How do you feel? I
feel confident, good.

Except for the fact that
you've been avoiding me.

Well, I have to tell
you, bob, as much as

I've tried, I can't come
to terms with this.

I think you're making
a terrible mistake, and

You'll regret it for
the rest of your life.

Well, at least, uh...

At least it would
be my life, huh?

Well, I hope someday,
mark, that we can talk...

You know, there's...

There's one thing
that you can't do,

And that's to make
new old friends.

They're a lot like hearts, mark.

It's not that easy
to replace them.


Good morning.
Hiya, dr. Chandler.

You hear anything lately from
the police? They find who shot me?

No, no leads yet. Given any more
thought to what sterling means?

"No, no leads yet." Your parents
will be here in a little while.

What'd you say my name
was? David steward?

Yes. I don't like it.

I've gotten used to
john doe number 12.

Listen. I've seen pictures, fingerprints,
blood type... Everything matches.

You are david steward from
port dalhousie in ontario, canada.

And these people
are your parents.

I believe you, it's
just that... What?

I prayed last night that
a miracle would happen.

That somehow when I see
them, it will all click into place.

The miracle is that
you're still alive.

Now everything else is
gonna be a long, slow ride.

I know. When they
get here, I'll be ready.

You see him, man? No, i-i don't.

Well, keep lookin',
man. He's in there.

No, mr. Singer, I'm sorry. You have
everything else in your ear but an ant.

When's the last time
you used a washcloth?

Pete, your wife's on the phone.

I'll be right there. Okay.

Now don't do that.

It's raw enough
in there already.


Yeah, yeah.

No, no, no, that's
okay. That's okay.

Yeah, he told me. It's just that
I was working late, you know,

And I thought it would be too
late to call you when I got off.


Yeah, listen. I've been
thinking the same thing myself.

And, uh... Mm-hmm.

Okay, uh... Okay, I can get an
hour off this afternoon sometime.

If that's, you know...
Yeah. About 2:00.

Okay, that sounds real good.

Okey-dokey. All right. Bye-bye.

That was myra.

I gotta go over there
to pick up a few things.

I mean, I got, like, two pair
of socks and three shirts.

It's ridiculous, you know.

I gotta get back in there.

Mrs. Weller, please
report to your room.

Mrs. Weller, to your room.

Okay, let's see how it is.

Oh, there's still a little.

So, I'll bleed to death.

Mr. Heller, in the great majority of
cases, the bleeding contains itself.

So tell my corpuscles.

It's never been this bad
before? Has it ever been this bad?

Will you make it stop already?

How's your general health?
Okay? Okay? I'm 77 years old.

I pee too much. I sleep
too little. What's okay?

Any recent sudden weight loss?

I have been a
contractor for 51 years,

And I have never lost
one day to a nosebleed.

Now let's get with it, or
find somebody who can.

I'm sorry.

Ever since I come in here,
I've been gripin' and bleedin'.

I just have no energy.

I don't even have enough to
make a dirty-old-man pass at you.

Any operations to the
head, nose, ears, throat?

No. Do you pick your nose?

Just enough to
keep it respectable.

What kind of contracting?

Oh, uh, remodeling. You know,
adding on. I like to use my hands.

Anything a plumber, an electrician
or a mason can do, I can do myself.

I still spend a couple hours
a week helping out my kid.

My kid. He's 53 years old.

That's terrific.

Yeah, all I do now is
walk around the house...

And leave a trail of
blood behind me, like a snail.

Well, mr. Heller, this
may be nothing at all.

The only way we can find out for
sure is to run some tests on you.

Is that okay? Oh, sure, sure.

We're gonna find out
what's in there, huh? Right.

Two weeks ago, your son was
admitted to the emergency room.

Now, he'd had been shot here
with a hollow-point b*llet,

Which splintered
through his body.

Now, his heart stopped.
His left lung collapsed.

He lost an enormous amount of blood which
cut off the oxygen supply to his brain.

Now, the b*llet holes in his heart,
liver and left kidney were sutured.

We had to remove his spleen.

And we put in a
temporary colostomy.

Clinically, he was dead.

My god, I had no idea of
the extent of his injuries.

Michael, please, sit down.

But you said he's
going to be all right.

Yes. Yes, he is. The reason
I'm telling you all this...

Is so that you'll understand what a
trauma your boy has been through...

And what a remarkable
recovery he's made.

Yes, come in.

Ah, dr. Chandler.
Mr. And mrs. Steward.

Dr. Chandler... He's been in charge
of david's case since he left surgery.

Oh. How do you do? How
are you? Mr. Steward.

Hello. How's he doing?
Oh, very well, considering.

He's a great kid.

The major problem, as you know, is he
suffered a complete loss of memory...

Of everything prior to his
waking up here at the hospital.

How long will it be before
my son is cured of this amnesia?

Well, mr. Steward, I think
we should tell you that, uh,

David may never
recover his memory.

Or if he does, it may be just a
partial recovery. We don't know.

But we are working together
every day to try and get it back.

I see.

I think you should know that
the entire hospital is behind david.

We all feel we have a
personal stake in him.

He's a tremendous kid, and we're
doing everything that we can.

I know this is an awful lot of
information to absorb so quickly,

So if you wanna just think about
things before you go see david...

He's been gone 13
months. It's a long time.

I don't wanna wait
any longer. Right.

I'll show you the way.

Now, if there's anything you
wanna know about his medical care,

Or if there's anything at all I
can do for you, please let me know.

Thank you very much, doctor.

Thank you. Certainly.

Dr. Chandler, are you aware
that I'm david's stepmother?

Yes. I read that in
the police report.

Lizzie, david's mother,
died about four years ago.

Of what? Botulism.

Well, we're right in here.

Michael and I were married
nine months after lizzie's death.

I don't think david fully
accepted our marriage ever.

As a matter of fact, I think he
thought that we betrayed his mother.

That's not true. Not true.

We've talked about this before. I
don't think he has any problem with that.

All right. Maybe you're right.

Maybe it's just a
feeling that I have.

David's always been
very sweet to me.

It's just... Well, his mother's
death was quite a blow to him.

And to me too. We
were great friends.

Well, um, while david
was in deep relaxation,

He remembered
one word: sterling.

Does that mean anything
to either one of you?

- No. Kate?
- Sterling? No.

Well, if anything comes to mind, no matter
how insignificant, please let me know.

All right. I'll go get david.

Oh, by the way, don't expect
him to recognize you right off.

Don't push too fast. Go easy.

He's still very disoriented,
weak and still traumatized.

- We understand.
- Good.

That's him.

Can i? Sure. Go right ahead.

You look fine. How do you feel?

When they told me what
you've been through...

Hello, david.

I don't know you, you know.

I told you it would
take some time, david.

Come on, come on. We've
got a lot to talk about.

Yes, well, I'll see you in a
little while. Dr. Chandler.

Yes, david. When am I
due in physical therapy?

Not for a couple of hours.
You take all the time you want.

Dr. Westphall?
Can I have a second?

Sure. Come on in.

I've got a patient
in the e.r... Chronic

Nosebleeder... But I can't
find anything to treat.

What's the platelet
count? Adequate, 250,000.

The function is near 100%.

Did you order a
coagulation profile?

It showed a p.t./P.p.t. Less than
one point off the standard control.

I also did a blood smear.
Normal differential.

The cells were mature,
normal in shape, size and color.

Hmm. That's
interesting, isn't it?

What about his
family? He's a widower.

No, no, I mean any of his
relatives have the same complaint?

I don't know. Why
don't you know?

I didn't check.

Wendy, diagnosis is less of a
gamble if you start at the beginning.

You didn't take an adequate
history, right? I thought I did.

You should know by now...

How important it is to get a
complete family medical history.

Mother and father alive or

Dead? If they're dead,
what did they die of?

Brothers and sisters... Did any
of them die? Also, why? Of what?

You've got to delve into this
thing as far as you have to go.

Well, I used what we had on him. He wasn't
my patient the first time he came in.

Well, that's just fine. Why don't you
tell him that? I'm sure he'll understand.

But I suggest you get that
history and work from it.

Otherwise both you and your patient
are in for a pretty rough time, right?


I'm preparing for a lecture that
I'm doing tomorrow at harvard...

For some young medical students who
are thinking about going into psychiatry.

You see, the whole idea is to get a
fix on the hypnagogic hallucinations.

Look, look, you see? Each one of
these represents the last image...

That some prisoners at
walpole correctional had...

Just before they
fell asleep each night.

Oh, that's
interesting, hugh. Yeah.

But all I wanna know is did
you talk to bob overland?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I did.

He's feeling fragged, right?

It's a midlife crisis. Does
he think he's the only one?

In my opinion, bob is handling
the situation very well.

I think you're the one
with the problem, mark.

Me? Yeah.

I do not have a problem.

You and bob are
very old friends.

You have similar
backgrounds, similar families,

Similar educations,
similar mind-sets.

But I'm not about to
get my thing cut off.

There is that one
difference, yes.

I think you have to
admit, however, that

What he's doing takes
a whole lot of courage.

Yes, I admit that. Bob's
always had a lot of courage,

Integrity, strength.

Like those guys up
there: daniel boone,

Natty bumppo, hawkeye.

What the hell am I talking about?
Will you turn this damn thing off?

I'm trying to have an
intelligent conversation,

And you keep showing
me these stupid slides.

All right. All right.


Bob is one of your
oldest and best friends.

You want what's best in life for
him, what'll bring him happiness, right?

Of course. All right.

Then try and separate. Just
try and separate the two facts.

You are personally
offended by this operation.

Now that is a fact.

Bob has lived his
whole life as a man,

And it has not
brought him happiness.

This may just do it for him.

Separate the two?

So, we were raised with
three different cultures.

We spoke yiddish at home. German,
we knew. And american, right?

Does anyone else in your
family have nosebleeds?

Sure. Yes?

Doesn't everybody
have nosebleeds?

Many people do, but
not everybody does.

Oh. Yeah, my grandpa nathan.

That was my mother's father.

I remember him with
a big handkerchief,

Holding it over his face
and it was all bloody.

We'd just got off the
boat from danzig. I was five.

What did the doctors have to
say about his condition? Doctors?

This is 1910, ellis
island. What doctors?

We'll help you to the
wheelchair, okay, mr. Heller?

Look, my legs are
fine. I can walk.

It's my nose. Believe me,
this will be much faster.

No, you know...

Now, you know, that
name armstrong?

What are you, chinese?


How did your grandfather die?

Oh, the dybbuk got him.

Pardon? The dybbuk.

Did you ever see
the exorcist? Yes.

Well, the dybbuk
is a jewish demon.

He ever gets ahold of
you, it's good-bye, charlie.

Old grandpa nathan... He was
sure the dybbuk was after him.

The dybbuk used to yell and holler
in his ear and squeeze his heart.

And the dybbuk would turn around
so fast in his head, make him fall down.

One day, he didn't get up again.

He was sitting on
the can at the time.

This isn't exactly what
I'm after. I know that.

He had an infection
of the inner ear.

Well, now, let's talk
about your family.

Your dad's american, right?

Hot dogs and apple
pie down the line.

Uh-oh, it started
again. Let me see.

I wanna know what
you're gonna do to help me.

Tell me that. Don't keep
asking me about dead people.

Mr. Heller, these tests, along
with your family's medical history,

May give us the answer
to your problem.

That guy you sent up
for delousing, mr. Singer?

He just pigeonholed
me for 45 minutes...

On how his ears bleed
every august 28th if it's sunny.

It's your basic ear
fetish. It's unbelievable.

I'm seeing myra today.

Oh, really? Well, she's
been calling, you know.

And I figured now is as good a
time as any to sit down and talk.

Well, that's terrific, peter.

Don't go readin' anything
more into this than is there.

All we're gonna do
is sit down and talk.

Well, it's a start, right?

Right? I mean, reconciliations...
Possible reconciliations...

Do usually begin with a couple of
sentences thrown back and forth.

Oh, is that how it works? Yeah.

Just remember to shave.

Good luck.


You're feeling better.

Well, sure. Listen. Hmm?

Bob has his life to
live, and I have mine.

I mean, if he wants
to screw his up, fine.

It's got nothing to do
with me. Right. I think.

Just on my way to
tell him how I feel.

Good, mark. I'm happy for you.

Security to nurse's station six.

Security to nurse's station six.

Oh. I'm disturbing you.

No. Mark, please.
This is al kinley.

Come in, mark. This is mark
craig, one of my oldest friends.

Dr. Craig. Look, this can
wait for another time.

Mark, please.
Perhaps I should go.

No, it's all right. Al's an
old friend of mine, mark.

Will you please get
in here? All right.

Uh, well, all I
wanted to say was, uh,

I've been in the wrong here,
butting into your business.

And I wanted to
apologize for that.

There's no need for
that, mark, believe me.

Yes, there is.

I have no right to
add to your problems.

Well, that's really
all I wanted to say.

Thank you, mark. I
appreciate it. I really do.

No big megillah. Al kinley.

Any relation to big babe kinley?

He's a pediatrician,
from west somerville.

I don't think so. Al's
my sex therapist.

He specializes in transsexuals.

Sex therapist?

Let me ask you a question.

How does a fellow become
qualified to do that kind of work?

Well, you have to go to
school for it, of course,

But I really got interested
in it when I was a woman.

When you were a woman?


How do you mean?

When I was allison kinley,

Before I had my sex
change operation.

Mark, al and I are lovers.

Let me get this straight.

You were a woman
before you were a man.


And you're a man, and
you're gonna be a woman.

And the two of you
are... That's right.

My dear god.

We were in sarasota, florida.
This is you with the beach ball.

And, uh... This is you too.

Just after your mother died.

Do you have any pictures
of her? Oh, sure. Of course.

This is her.

David. David?

Please, could you
not call me that.

What? David.

- It's your name, son.
- I don't know who you are.

Do you understand that?

You will. When we get you
home... I can't go home with you.

You're just strangers
to me. Just like any of them.

How can I go home with
you? You're just faces.

In time that'll change.
You can't help me.

No matter how many
old pictures you have.

I know you don't remember.
You've got to know we love you.

I love you, david. You say you're
my father, but I feel nothing for you.

Do you understand?
I'm all alone.

You're not alone! Please.
Could you go away?

I'm sorry. I know that
this means a lot to you,

And I know that it's
hard for you too, but i...

I don't wanna see you anymore.

It's all right, david.

Listen. We'll, uh, leave the
pictures just in case, all right?

Come on, michael.

So the whole town was following
our wagon, waving good-bye.

We had to get to
danzig to catch the boat.

Which boat? To ellis island.

So then we moved to chicago,
lived in a tenement there,

Right near the grain
elevators, great big cranes.

We had a stove there. Boy,
do I remember that stove.

My sister, irene, she still lives
in the same old neighborhood.

Is that the last one? No, we have to
do one more for the nine-minute sample.

Isn't it enough I got
blood coming out of

My nose, you gotta
take it out of both arms?

We have to find out if your bleeding and
clotting times are within normal limits.

Now you say your sister
irene bruises easily?

Oh, yeah. Just like me.

Look there. I got that just
backing into a pile of bricks.

What am I doing sitting here
telling you the story of my life?

It's all relevant,
mr. Heller. Relevant?

I've been wondering,
young lady, if you know

The difference between
a nose and an elbow.

There may be a connection.

Some diseases are hereditary.

It's important for me,
and hopefully for you,

I find out as much as I
can, as quickly as I can.

So, go ahead.

Anyone in your family
die of cancer? No.

Any alcoholics
in the family? No.


After this, I wanna
have them do a

Liver/spleen scan and
get some liver enzymes.

I'm sorry, but we're
looking for a zebra.

A zebra?

It's what we call a case that
we can't find an easy answer to.

We start with a nosebleed and
now we're looking for a zebra?

This last month hasn't been
particularly good for any of us.

Jack and nina included.

Friends are friends, but
they've got their own lives too.

I know.

Well, so I was
thinking that, uh,

We should try it again...
Just for a little bit.

And maybe we can
work things out.

God, you look good. You do.

Thank you.

No, peter. Come here.

Don't, peter, don't. Why not?

I just don't want it right now.

I feel relaxed and I'm content,

And I just don't
want it right now.

Why did you ask me to
come over here today?

I need more money.

The three of us can't make it
on a hundred dollars a week.

That's what you got before
I moved out. It's not enough.

Look, myra, I
make $18,000 a year.

After rent, taxes
and student loans,

That leaves $600 a month.

You get $400 of
that. It's not enough.

It's all there is.

I promise you.

Look, peter, I'm not trying
to k*ll you. I'm really not.

You should have
married a plumber.

Well, as long as I'm here,

I guess I'll go upstairs
and get my things.

Get out! Get away from me!
Listen, get a hold of yourself!

He's my son. Let
me go. Take it easy.

I'm taking him out of here!
Just stay away from me!

Okay, settle down. Settle
down. Keep him away from me!

Settle down. What's
going on? I don't know.

It started out as a nice
father and son chat.

All right, it's over.
Okay. Okay. Okay.


Get out! What are you doing?

I thought we agreed... You
can't keep me from seeing my son.

I had to talk to him to remind him
of things only he and I know about.

Get away from me! Keep
him away from me! I thought...

I thought maybe he'd
remember me then.

Well, you see what
you've done now?

I'm sorry.

Look, please,

Do not come back
until I tell you to, okay?

- Keep him away from me! Keep him...
- I will. I will. Just relax.

All right, all right. Why
can't he just leave me alone?

He's gone now. He won't be back.

Let's get something to calm him
down. Diazepam 10 milligrams, i.m.

I knew it. I knew it.

I shouldn't have let myself hope that I'd
remember them as soon as I saw their faces.

Why did you let me hope?

Why didn't you let me die? Why
didn't you just leave me on the street?

I wanna die. No, you don't.

Now, if you wanted to die, you would
have checked out in e.r. Two weeks ago.

Now, you have an
incredible will to live...

And a heart to
match it, beat by beat.

Samuels told me when
you were in e.r., He grabbed

You by the heart, he
knew you wouldn't die.

"The heart of a lion," he said.
Now, come on. You're gonna make it.

Hello again.

Al kinley. I know.

Bob tells me you're a surgeon.

Heart. My father recently
had open-heart surgery.

He had to... This thing
was all your idea, wasn't it?

Hardly. You should have
left well enough alone.

When I first met
bob four years ago,

He had everything that was
supposed to make him happy.

And nobody knew who he was.

Not his family, not his
friends, not himself.

I don't wanna hear all
this. I think you need to.

We're talking about a
man who tortured himself,

Knowing that he had to
make love with his wife.

He loved anne. He tried to.

He tried to live the kind
of life you'd want him to.

But he's decided he can't live
a lie anymore, and it's cost him.

As soon as his company found
out about it, they fired him.

No pension, no benefits.

His friends discreetly disappeared.
One son won't talk to him at all.

When the other one does, it's to make
a verbal attack. He's lost everything.

And all he wanted from you
was a little understanding.

For whatever reason, he needed
it. You could have given it to him.

It wouldn't have
cost you a thing.

You really should have,
you know, for old times' sake.

It was nice to
meet you, dr. Craig.

I got it. Take some tetracycline,
it'll be gone in five days.

I know what he's got. Who?

Charlie heller, my nosebleeder.

Let me read you something. My
mother had a cure for nosebleeds.

She'd put ice cubes
underneath our armpits.

"Isaiah berlin. Essays
in the history of ideas."

This is a hospital, wendy. Modern
medicine has no place for ideas.

Listen. "In this age of the self-conscious
solidarity"... Wendy, it's our lunchtime.

Would you give us a break? Be like reader's
digest, give us the condensed version.

Or read something
interesting like tubby the tuba.

You guys just can't see anything
beyond your stethoscopes.

I think berlin is saying it's
important for each of us...

To be aware of all the
individual elements...

Class, language, ethnic
background... That are a part of us.

I mean, he's talking philosophy and
history, but he could be talking medicine.

When's the last time
you had hot, sweaty sex?

Come on, fiscus. Let
her make her point.

No matter how stupid it is?

Mr. Heller is jewish. He's a german
jew. A member of the ashkenazim.

Oh, well, that
clears it up for me.

The ashkenazim are particularly
susceptible to gaucher's disease.

Never heard of it. It's a
racially associated disease.

- Like sickle cell anemia?
- Without glucocerebrosidase...

To break down the
enzymes, you're gonna get...

Fatty cells. You get a big belly,
aches, pains. And a bloody nose.

Is this just a guess or did you order a
glucocerebrosidase deficiency assay?

Do you know how
much those things cost?

Well, that's why I
haven't done it yet.

You better not, not till you
get westphall's permission.

Forget it. Yeah. He's
not gonna go for it.

There's a one in a million
chance you're right.

I'm looking to you guys for
some encouragement on this, okay?

Well, personally, I
think you're crazy.

Look, if westphall says no,
you can always read to him.

Essays in the history of ideas.

How do you climb
into a person's mind?

Just try to put
yourself in their place.

Yeah, I know, but I've
never been amnestic.

I mean, sure, I've
read books about it,

But I'd be lying if I told that kid I
know everything he's going through.

Did you ever have
appendicitis? No.

Do you know that when someone
has it, they have a hell of a lot of pain?

You know, I was so busy
telling david and his parents...

Not to expect too much on the
first visit, i-i forgot to tell myself.

I guess now I'm feeling his
depression and disappointment.

You know, phil,

The mind can play
dangerous tricks.

Your conscious self knows that you're
doing the best you can to treat this boy.

But the subconscious? Ah, the
subconscious is like a computer.

It can't make judgments about
right or wrong. It just stores facts.

And the fact is...

That no matter how hard it gets,

David steward is trying
to find himself through you.

Yeah. That's pretty good, beale.

Just common sense.

You know, I didn't realize I'm
david's chance for recovery.

I just thought I was
another spoke in the wheel.

You would have reached the same
conclusion on your own eventually.

Even if you did go to yale.

Dr. Chandler? Oh,
hello. How are you?

I might have some information
about the word sterling.

I don't know if it's too valuable, but
you did say to let you know anything,

No matter how
insignificant it might be.

Yes, please, go ahead. Well, I
talked to david's grandmother,

And it seems that when
david was about 10 or 11,

He bought his mother a sterling
silver st. Christopher medal.

Well, was that a big
thing to him? It was.

It seems that he worked at the corner
grocery store for about a month,

Just running errands so that
he'd have enough money to pay for it.

What happened to it?
After his mother died,

Michael gave it back to him so
that he could have it as a keepsake.

Oh, okay. Well, thank you.
Thank you. Maybe that'll help.

Get up.

Wake up. I gotta ask you
a few questions. I'm tired.

Look, you slept all afternoon.
You missed physical therapy.

Come on, let's go. It's
that drug you gave me.

Baloney. Low-dose sedatives
don't make you that sleepy.

Okay. Now.

You bought your mother a
sterling silver st. Christopher medal.

And when she died, your father
gave it back to you. Do you remember?

Nope. Try. It was
five or six years ago.

You saved up the money by getting
a job at a local grocery store.

Sorry, I can't. Think.

I am. No, you're not.

I said I can't remember.
You're not trying.

Think. Try. Remember.
Talk, talk, talk.

I'm tired of it. I've had
enough. Just concentrate.

I'm tired of it!

Look, david, I can't help
you if you won't let me.

I don't want your help.
It won't do any good.

I'm gonna be this way forever,
so stop wasting your time, okay?

I know what's wrong
with mr. Heller.

Heller? Oh, the nosebleed?
Gaucher's disease.

Go-shay's. Yeah.

Well, you've gone from a basic
nosebleed to a rare, chronic disease.

One of probably 30 possibilities for a
bleeding disorder and splenomegaly.

Listen. This is arnold toynbee on
the migration of the ashkenazim.

Toynbee? The historian? "The
latter day jewish herodians...

"Seized the opportunity that
western liberalism offered,

By carrying forward
the policy of assimilation."

If you're gonna tell
me that gaucher's...

Is as common among the ashkenazim
as tay-sachs, I already know it.

Now, wendy, I think your
speculation is very interesting.

I really do. But toynbee
isn't medical fact, is it?

What's your diagnosis? Heavy and
spontaneous bleeding from the nose.

Pain of varying severity in
the knees, hips and shoulders.

Bruises. A protruding abdomen
because of an enlarged spleen and liver.

Member of a racial group
prone to a particular disease.

I want to order a

That's a very expensive test.

It's the only way
I'll find out for sure.

It costs $250. I realize that.

You do? Well, then why
don't you go ahead and try it.

What can I do for you?

I do wanna remember.

Hi, bob. Mm.

Oh, mark. Shh.

You were right, you know.

You can't make new old friends.

You're a good person, bob.

You always were, and I
know you always will be.

So, I just wanted to
say, um, good luck, buddy.

I don't know how...

You can drink cold beer
when it is freezing outside.

You know, it's gonna get
down to zero tonight?

Yeah, I heard. Why don't
you put it over here?

I have an electric
blanket if you'd like.

No, this is fine.

I've always needed
someone like you.

I've dreamed of
someone like you.

When you went
to see myra today...

I just went to pick
up a few things.

Feel my heart, peter.

Feel it.

Valium and everything,
it still won't stop.

Sandy, you have
nothing to worry about.

Move in with me.

I'll make you the happiest
man on the face of the earth.

Please. Come here.

They said she was my mother.

What do you say?
I think she was.

When I was supposedly dead,

And I could see fiscus and the others
working on me in the emergency room?


When I floated
up into the light,

This is the woman who held out
her arms and asked me if I was ready.

Do you have any
other memories of her?

I've been trying to.

Look at the photograph.

Concentrate on her face.

Study it.

Sit back, relax.

See her face smiling.

Imagine the smile
getting wider and wider,

Until it breaks into a laugh.

Can you see her laughing?

Yeah. Okay.


Imagine yourself
in the photograph,

Standing right
next to her, okay?

And you're laughing too.

You're sharing a joke together.
You're talking together.

I see it. Good.

You take out a
brightly wrapped box,

A gift for her.

Imagine the color and
design of the wrapping paper.

And a bow? Oh, yeah,
sure. If you see it, yes.

How big is the box?

Well, it's not very
big. About, uh...

About this big.

And you hand it to her proudly.

And she puts her arms
around you gratefully.

But she hasn't even opened it.

Oh, she's-she's happy to get it.

It's a sign of
your love for her.

And she loves you very much.

Open it. Yes.

Slowly she unfolds the
bow, pulls back the tape.

See, she doesn't want to
mess up the wrapping paper.

Takes out the little box. Oh!

She sees the name of
a jeweler on the top.

Her eyes filled
with expectation.

She takes off the
top, looks inside.

Great expectation in her eyes.

She pulls out this.

Scar. Yes.

He had a scar.


The man. The one who shot me.

I-i... He took everything I had.

I-i asked him, I said,

"Take my wallet, my watch,
but please leave me the medal."

I remember.

I remember the scar.

Come in.

Dr. Westphall? Uh-huh.

The special chemistry lab completed
the enzyme test on mr. Heller.

He's got a glucocerebrosidase
level of 220. That's very high.

Not if you've got gaucher's
disease. True enough.

I was right. Well, I wouldn't
be so happy about it.

It's a chronic disease and you're
still gonna have to tell mr. Heller...

That he's gonna require
medication for the rest of his life.

But I found it. It took me all
day and all night, but I found it.

Maybe next time you'll
do what I tell you to do.

What do you mean? What
I told you this morning.

Get a complete family history.

Good night,
dr. Westphall. Good night.

Dr. Armstrong?
