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10x05 - Committed in Matrimony

Posted: 04/23/24 20:40
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously
90 Day Fiance...

[Nikki speaking]

Being intimate
is a very big part

of making our relationship work,

and he doesn't even try.

I haven't seen
you in nine months.

Like you act like you
have another woman.

- Hey, let's... Wait. Let's... - No. You
act like you have another woman though.

If something doesn't
change in 48 hours,

I'm literally leaving.


The main reason we came
to Korea was for me to meet

Nick's parents
for the first time.

Let's get out of here.

If Devin blows this up,

my family won't let me
go to US to be with her

and it's gonna
destroy my whole life.

[in Spanish]


[in Spanish]

I wanna be honest
but I'm not stupid.

I will eventually tell Gino,

but not now.

[woman speaking]

[Sophie] Like, to be
honest, I don't think

I actually want to be pregnant.

[Rob] Sophie just rocked
my entire belief in her

and what we can have.

I don't know what the
[bleep] I'mma do with my life

if I don't ever have kids.

[dramatic music playing]

[soft music playing]

[Rob] You want
some coffee, babe?


Here you go.

How you feeling today?

I feel, I guess, a bit
better now that I've slept.

What about you?

I mean, I've been
thinking all night,

and I just feel like we
do actually really need

to kind of figure
out what's what.

I did not get much sleep.

To be hit with the unsurety
that we might not work out,

it is earth-shattering.

Do you wanna go outside?

Yeah, we can.

[Rob] All right.
Let's go out there.

There's no version of my future

where I don't have a family,

and so Sophie should
be with someone

who doesn't wanna have children.

If that's what she wants,

she should find someone
who wants the same thing.

So a big thing...

A big reality for me is
that this isn't up to me.

So it really does
come down to what I...

what exactly are you thinking?

It's just... For me, it's
a big deal, you know?

I've always seen
myself being a parent.


Would you wanna be a parent?

It's not that I don't want kids.

I just wanna make sure I
have my life together first.

I don't want kids, you know,

while I'm still trying
to figure stuff out.

I mean, I just got to
America, so I have a whole life

to kind of sort out right now.

So like taking care
of someone else

is like the last
thing on my mind.

I need to make sure, you
know, I start my life here.

- I mean, like... -
I just don't know

what I would do with
my future if there...

if I never have a family.

Like I don't know what
I... What would we...

It'd just be me and
you in the mountains?

But, again, I never said that.

You didn't ask me
anything. You walked away.

The problem is pregnancy.

It's not I'm against
family. It's pregnancy.

And you have not asked me...

You still haven't even asked
me one question about that.

Well, I'm trying to figure
out what you're trying to say.

If someone you love
have health problems,

you'd ask them, "Is it okay?

What's wrong? What happened?"

You won't just be
like, "Okay. Whatever.

I don't really care about that.

Let's get to what I
want, which is kids."

Just tell me what
you're afraid of

about being pregnant.

Obviously, for me, it's like...

I told you obviously
when I was 15,

I had the cyst, and
that was on my ovary.

So I had surgery to remove it.

I kind of just accepted the fact

that like I don't
wanna be pregnant

after that health scare,
'cause like I could have died

if they didn't remove
that, you know?

And it was like...

Or if I would have
not had it taken out,

then I wouldn't have
been able to have kids.

So it's kind of...

That scare was
enough for me to be like,

"Okay, like I
can't carry a child,

so I guess I'm not
gonna be a mom."

It's not something that's
been an easy journey

for me and it kind of still...

Even now, it causes me problems.

So it's like...

I think with
pregnancy, I just...

I just know that I wouldn't
be okay if I had that.

That's the reason I
don't wanna get pregnant,

not just because,
"Oh, I just don't care

to be a mom."

[Rob] On a certain
level, it's like

I don't wanna walk
you all the way into a life

that you don't really...

you never saw for yourself
and then, you know,

you end up not enjoying

or wanting or
resenting me for it.

And I don't... You
know, I don't want it

to all just feel like it's all
me making you do things

you don't wanna do.

It's like I also care
about what you want.

It's not necessarily kids.

It's like... You
know, I like kids.

That's not... That's
not the problem.

The concern is the
actual like pregnancy.

I'm willing to obviously work
with you on a solution for it,

but there's two options,

adoption or surrogacy.

So would you consider
either of them or...

I mean, I would like
to raise little mes,

so surrogacy
sounds like the route

that I'm more partial to.

I think the surrogacy
thing, like I'd be okay with it.

I just need you to
really search your soul

to understand what you
really, really, really want.

- Regardless...
- I wanna be with you.

Of what I want.
Regardless of what I want.

I wanna be with you.

[Rob] Now that we've
talked about it, it sounds like,

at the end of the day, she
would wanna be a mom.

She just doesn't
wanna have children,

which I understand that.

So if we could explore
the other options,

then I feel like me and
Sophie could move forward

with having a family.

So I think we...

I think we'll be okay as long
as that's really what she's...

really what she wants.

[dramatic music playing]

You have 48 hours
to change my mind

or I'm literally leaving.

That's the last time
you're ever gonna see me.

I'm so done with your...

Like making everything a
joke and stuff like that. I'm...

Yes. I'm very serious.

[Justin speaking]

Let's go.

And sometimes she's
pushing too much.

Like, "I want sex.

I want sex." Like sex machine.

And my body still

trying to opening for Nikki.

It's... And I needed
time for that.

It's not easy.

We never had these
problems years ago.

We used to have
like a great sex life.

We used to do
fun things together.

We used to do a
lot of stuff together.

And ever since I've
been back with you,

- it's like totally different.
- Just... Please.

I want...

You're supposed to
be my future husband

and you're not putting
in the rest of the effort.

- Baby.
- You like wonder why I'm so crazy

and why I'm such a bitch...

You need to do more
than roses and this.

I need more.

It's gotta be a whole lot more.

- What more? I don't understand.
- [Nikki sighs]

What point... I don't
understand. What is so...

Well, what do you feel special?
What is it... What is special about me?

That I support you financially?

What is it?


[Justin speaking]

Baby, you sent...

- so little money...
- Oh, wow. Really?

Really? Really? Really?

- Try to survive on that money.
- Okay.

- Wow.
- I have money for my life, okay?

Honey, I have all... Let
me... Listen. [chuckles]

Sometimes, I need some things.

- Honey, I know you do.
- Little things.

- I know you do.
- And you help me with little things.


I sent so little money?
Really? Really?

- Yes.
- Really?

- Yes.
- Are you serious?

Your nose alone was $7,000.
Come on. Like don't say you...

That I helped you very little.
That's messed up, for real.

That's aside from
the Western Unions.

And I'm not gonna get into
it 'cause you already know

the numbers.

I don't know why you're
saying I helped you very little.

He knows damn well
what I've done for him.

And I hate that he
downplays it and says,

"You have sent me such
little money," and like...

Things like that. Those
comments... [sighs]

I don't have to say
exactly what I've done,

but if I posted
all the receipts,

people would be like wow.

And I don't want
to be that person,

'cause I did it
because I love him.

But when he says
those little things,

that starts to hurt my feelings.

You feeling mad on me?

I give you back all the
money when I start work.

Paying me back, that is like...

That's not even the issue.

Why are you talking
about the money? Okay.

- Why you talk... -
That's not even the issue.

You're not get...
You're still not getting it.

I give you first month
and second month, okay?

- You cannot work...
- Extra.

For a while, okay?

I don't know if you understand
how the K-1 visa works.

So you're just not gonna
be able to make money

- for a while.
- I don't think about that.

So I have to take...
I have to take...

You know how this works.

So stop. Don't do that.

Say, "Baby, you help
me so much," okay?

That's disrespectful to me.

That's... Okay. That's
what you want to hear?

Because that's the truth!

[dramatic music playing]

[Nikki] You don't put
me first ever, okay?

- Yeah. Yeah.
- I always put you first.

I always helped you
when you needed the help.

- I always was there for you when you need it, right?
- Yeah. Yeah.

Who the [bleep] do
you think you are?

Bye, little child.

[dramatic music playing]

Oh, little French pig.

Charming little pig.

I love my guinea pigs a lot,

but they're not my
only roommates.

I also have two Chihuahuas.

My mom lives in
a walk-in closet.

And it's only gonna
get more difficult

because the love of my life
is gonna be moving in with us.

[in Spanish]

[Jasmine] Today, I look
at myself in the mirror,

I was super red.

And I got scared,
like, "What is this?"

You were living in a dirty...

- [Jasmine] Just... -
apartment with mice in it.

What mice, you [bleep]
idiot? What mice?

[mellow music playing]

[bees buzzing]

[Clayton] My little baby
pig. You're a good boy.

Oh, you're so cute, Baby Pig.

[upbeat music playing]

You're pretty.

You're a pretty pig.

[chuckles] A little fire truck.

You're so cute.

My name is Clayton.
I'm 30 years old.

I'm a cyber-security analyst.

And I live in
Lexington, Kentucky.

Oh, little French pig.

You're so mad. Look
at those teeth chatter.

He doesn't wanna be
in the pretty pig contest.

I have two guinea pigs,

Baby Pig and Chocolate.

And a pet like a guinea
pig, they have a noise,

a specific noise for every
emotion that they have.

You're okay, baby.

Don't squeak at me. You're okay.

When they're hungry,
they'll make a noise.

It's called wheeking.

It's like wheek,
wheek, wheek, wheek.

When they're trying to
dominate the other one,

it's like a... [purring]

They do it a lot
better than I do.

You're a cute little boy.
You're my cute little buddy.

I love my guinea pigs a lot,

but they're not my
only roommates.

You're gonna get lots of
bones and lots of treats.

I also have two Chihuahuas,
Coco and Buster.


Your breath stinks.
It's Coco's birthday.

You don't growl
at Coco's birthday.

I have one last roommate
and that is my mother.

Where's mama? You
wanna see mama?

[dog barking]


- Come on.
- You don't bark at mamas.

Come here. Come on.

My current living situation,

I'm living in a
one-bedroom apartment.

My mom lives in
like a walk-in closet,

attached to the living room,

so she can save up
money to get her own place.

Good boys. They love mamas.

[Violet] We lived in this
apartment about three years.

When we went to come and look,

I opened the door and I said,

"Oh, this is my
place right here."

The perfect mom-sized bedroom.

And he said, "Are you serious?"

I said, "Yup, this is me."

[Clayton] Dogs always
like being in your room.

I know.

This is just a temporary.

A little bit longer
than temporary,

but it's working out.

It's gonna be okay.

Come here, good boy.

You're a good boy. He
needs a bath, seriously.

I'm gonna give him one tonight.

[Clayton] Gonna be
honest, it's not easy

living with my mom.

There's not a lot of space,

and it's only gonna
get more difficult,

because in a few days,

the love of my life, Anali,

is gonna be moving in with us.

[upbeat music playing]

[in Spanish]

[singer singing in Spanish]

[Clayton] Anali and I met
on a language-learning app.

She was learning English.

I was learning Spanish.

She visited my profile.
Didn't say anything.

I just decided to be like,

"Hey, you visited my profile
and you didn't say anything.

Hello." [chuckles]

So that's kind
of how it started.

Anali is super pretty.

That was the first thing
I noticed about her.

She's really
talkative, super sweet.

We started messaging in Spanish.

After a few weeks, we
developed some feelings

for each other.

And eight months after
we first started talking,

I decided to book a
trip to meet her in Peru.

- I love you.
- I love you.

- [makes sound]
- [makes sound]


[Clayton] What I love most
about Anali is that she is thoughtful.

She's super affectionate.

And I think it was on day
four of us being together

when I realized I've
never loved someone

as much as I do Anali,

so I decided to propose to her.

She said, "Aw,"

and then didn't
say anything else.

I was like, "Uh, so yes?"

And she said, "Yeah."

It was kind of
like a delayed yes,

so I'm hoping it wasn't
like by coercion or force.

But I did get the
yes in the end,

so I guess that's a win.

So I want this cleared out

so we can get a table.

Maybe we can have
dinner with Anali here

instead of me eating in my room.

Anali got issued her K-1 visa
about six or seven weeks ago

and she's gonna be
arriving to the US very soon.

But I'm worried about
how Anali would react

if she were to arrive today.

My mom has a lot of stuff.

Tell me about
this cork collection.

Oh, look at all
them pretty corks.

[scoffs] Come on.

I know that my mom's
not a severe hoarder

but she does have
hoarding tendencies.

So we got a rug.

What is that?

[Violet] It's flower seeds.

[Clayton] She
has a lifelong habit

of hanging on to
things too long,

like plastic cups,

empty movie cases, bracelets,

earrings, necklaces,

and she doesn't
open most of them.

She'll just buy it
because it looks cute.

It's just too much.

All right. So I'm
not gonna look yet.

How many years
expired do you think

this cereal bar is?

I haven't had it that long.
Probably four months.

[Clayton] This is
two years expired.

I don't want junk. Like
I will throw some away.

But, to me, it's not junk.

I know it's not junk to you.

Any other weird collections?

Let's just make a box
of your weird collections

and then put them out...
Put it all in the same box.

I do feel for my
mom and understand

that she wants to hang
on to what she does have,

but, at the same time,

I want enough space
for me and my fiancee

to live comfortably.

I wanna take some
of this stuff to storage.

All right.


- Whoa.
- I told you.

[Clayton] Yeah, there's
less room than I thought.

There's enough space
for what we have now,

but the stuff out
of the living room,

I don't know if we're
gonna have room.

- Let's take... Well, let me see if...
- [phone rings]

Hmm, cheeky.

Anali is calling me.

[Violet] Aw.



[Anali speaking]

[Clayton in Spanish]

- Okay. I'll be back.
- Okay.

Maybe put those
pictures in or something.

[Violet] Okay.

[Clayton in Spanish]

Hi, Cheeky.

I miss you, Cheeky. [chuckles]

[in Spanish]

- [Anali] Uh-huh.
- [in Spanish]

[in Spanish]



[Clayton chuckles]

- Yeah.
- [Clayton] Okay.

[in Spanish]

[Clayton in Spanish]

I'm worried that Anali
is gonna get here

and see how disorganized it is

and think that maybe she
made a mistake coming here.

She tends to have like
no tolerance whatsoever.

If something is annoying to her,

she'll instantly just be
like, you know, "I hate that,"

or, "I don't wanna
do it," and, you know,

"What if I don't want to?"

Like... And it scares
me when she does that

type of thing, honestly.

But, right now, you know, I
don't really know what to do

other than try to
clear out some space.

[dramatic music playing]



[Jasmine] Can you please come?

[Gino] Okay! Yay!


What's going on?

I think this is getting worse.

[Gino] What are
you talking about?

[Jasmine] My skin.

What do you mean your skin?

[Jasmine] Baby, it's
so itchy. I cannot stop.

Today, I started to get a rash.

It started on my face.

It started to spread
all over my body,

my arms, my belly,
my glutes, my legs.

Like everywhere.

I look at myself in the mirror.

It was super red.

And I got scared,
like what is this?

Like, look, it's getting worse.

[Gino] Didn't you
get this in Panama?

Even in Panama,
it wasn't this itchy.

Do you have some
kind of allergy or what?

What did you eat most recently?

The same food that
I always eat, baby.

It's not that I have so
many options in here.

I had bread.

I had peanut butter, oatmeal.

Are you allergic
to peanut butter?

I'm not allergic
to peanut butter,

because that's
what I eat the most.

I also have the almonds
that you gave me.


[Jasmine] But I'm
not allergic to nuts.

[Gino] Yeah. Well how
much almonds did you eat?

That's maybe why
it's worse this time.

[Jasmine] It's not the almond.

You want me to tell
you that it's the almonds,

but it is not the almonds, baby.

I'm telling you, I explained
to you about my sensitive...

High sensitive skin
and my dermatitis,

and I do believe
that it has more to do

with not eating something

but touching something

or being exposed to something.

[Gino] No.


No. Not the dust.

If it was the dust, you'd
have been sick every day.

I'm gonna go see the
almonds that you've eaten.

[bleep] idiot.

[Gino] I would describe
a dirty house as like

one of those homes like
you have a hoarder in it

and they got piles of
garbage all over the place.

That's dirty in my eyes.

My house is... Does
not look like that.

I don't hoard anything.

I don't have piles of
garbage in my house.

I definitely don't live
like a slob or anything.

[Jasmine] Gino, I
even told my doctor

back in Panama
and I show it to him.

And he said, "Hey,
this is your dermatitis.

This is not food.

This is your skin.

This is what you're touching."

It is not the almonds.

- I don't think... -
Well, it happened back

in Panama but I was on vacation.

It was because that place
I was at, it was very dusty.

It was very dirty.

And I do believe that what
is causing this is that I...

The house is very dirty.

- This house is clean, okay?
- Babe, this is not. Listen...

This makes sense to me.

You ate almost a
whole bag of almonds.

This... You could be
possibly allergic to this.

- If I die, I die.
- Look at how many you ate.

I want... You want me
to finish eating them?

I'm not allergic to almonds.

This is not the almonds, Gino.

You were living in a dirty...

- [Jasmine] Just... -
apartment with mice in it.

What mice, you [bleep]
idiot? What mice?

- That apartment... -
[Jasmine] You said...

You said mice in
my [bleep] apartment.

- [Gino] Your apartment...
- You're very disrespectful.

- Your apartment... - [Jasmine]
You're very disrespectful.

When in all the places I live,

you have seen a
bathroom like this.

Oh, no, no.

[Gino] Look, it's totally...

Baby, there are certain things

that we need to
take more care of.

Like take me to
buy a new pillow.

It isn't that expensive.

I'm not asking you to
throw the whole bed.

- [Gino] No. Pillow... No. Pillow is okay.
- Just the pillow.

- My pillow is fine.
I've never had... - Okay.

Baby, new blankets.
That's all I'm asking for.

If we get a new set
of blankets, of sheets...

- It would be helpful...
- This...

[Jasmine] if we change
the pillows for new ones.

There's nothing
wrong with the pillow.

I'll buy you a pillow, but
nothing wrong with my pillow.

It's very upsetting
that Gino cannot see

how nasty the house is

and that it is
causing me to be sick.

I've been giving up
my whole life to be here

with him in Michigan.

And we're supposed to
be building a life together.

One in which I can
bring my kids into,

so this is serious.

[bleep] idiot.

[dramatic music playing]

It would ruin everything if
his parents didn't like me.

Do you think she'd
choose for you to marry

a Korean woman over me?

[Nikki] Why is it
everything is always for you,

you, you, you?

"Babe, I need money to eat.

Babe, I need money
to go work out.

Babe, my car broke."

When Nicole wants
something, it's a big no.

Only for him, whatever
he needs, right?

[upbeat music playing]

♪ Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

[Devin] You know the way?

Yeah. That's... That way.

♪ Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

[Nick speaking]

[Devin speaking]

[Nick speaking]

I remember why I
fell in love with her.

[upbeat music playing]

[Devin speaking]

I don't even know
what they're for.

Seoul is a lot different
than Arkansas.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[Devin] Open 24 hours.

I am a bit nervous.

If this is what Nick
is kind of used to,

then like having that

might be a bit depressing
for him. [chuckles]

I'm joking. [chuckles]

I'm joking. Chill out.


- You wanna try that?
- Chicken?

[Nick speaking]

[in other language]

[Nick] Ah. You
want spicy or just...

- Spicy.
- Spicy?

[in other language]

[chuckles] [in English]

[Devin] Nick has
shown me quite a lot

of Korean food when
we were in Australia.

- Huh.
- Sun...

[both speaking other language]

It's like intestine.

That one I didn't
like... I didn't like.

It's very different,

very foreign to
what I'm used to.

[Nick] Yeah, you can try first.


It's good.

- It's good?
- Mmm-hmm.

- Spicy?
- Mmm-hmm.


- So good.
- You wanna go sit?

[Nick] Yeah.

Let's go that way.


[Nick] Oh, yeah. Actually...

[Devin] Hmm.

[Devin] And bring him
back home to US with me.

But I'm still a little
nervous about that.

I don't really speak much Korean

and they don't
speak any English.

So it would... It's
gonna be hard for us

to like actually like
bond one-on-one.

But, you know, the
Korean culture...

You have to grab
the glass like this.

- With two hands?
- With two hands.

Like... [in other language]

So, I will be bowing?

Kind... A bit of bow, yeah.

And also don't look at
them when you drink.

You have to turn your face
a little bit and then drink.

So don't look at them?

[Devin] I am really
nervous, now more so.

I'm worried, you know,
when I go in and meet them

and have to remember
all like the table rules

and the drinking, you know,

to the side, all
of that together.

I'm just worried that,
you know, if I forget one,

then I might mess something up.

It's new to me

because I'm not Korean.

So for someone like me,

it's a little bit overwhelming.

Are you nervous about
meeting my parents?


[Nick] Hmm.

My mother wasn't
happy with that, yeah.

[Devin] So do you think... You
know, if your mom had a choice...

- Yeah?
- Do you think she'd choose for you

to marry a Korean woman over me?

What'd she say?

[Nick] She said...

You never have
told me that before.

I know. I know.

I mean, I guess
nobody wants to hear

that your future mother-in-law

wanted her son to
marry someone else.

We've already gone through
a lot to get to this point.

[intense music playing]

Who the [bleep] do
you think you are?

Bye, little child.

Why is it everything
is always for you,

you, you, you, you?

"Babe, I need money to eat.

Babe, I need money
to go work out.

Babe, my car broke."

Nicole wants
something, it's a big no.

Only for him, whatever
he needs, right?

I think it's best I
just fly back home.

I'm not... I'm not
doing this with you.

I can't. Not for three weeks.

I'm just like so over
the [bleep] I thought

this was gonna change
with us and it's just not.


And I'm not gonna spend

the rest of my life
and be in a situation

I'm not gonna be a
hundred percent happy

and you're not getting it.

- Try to put this energy for us.
- No, I don't.

- For us, babe.
- I don't.

I expect a little
bit more from you.

And you just don't see it.

You don't understand what to do.

You're just like... Again,

- Nicole puts in 90%...
- Sometimes I think

- I'm too much nice for you.
Sometimes I think... - Really?

Yes. I'm too much nice for you.

- You're too nice for me?
- Yes.

Try to be nice for me.

I tried to make some
stuffs and things.

And it's sweet. And it was
sweet and I told you that.

But it's not enough.

It's not enough. I need more.

- I'm trying to learn you.
- Yes.

Stop make fighting every day.

Every day.

It's too much.

It's only second day.


The thing with me, in
a argument with Justin,

is that I do blow up

and I do go from
zero to a hundred.

I can go to a thousand

if he pushes my buttons enough.

Honestly, hormones play a role

about being super emotional.

I think that any trans
can attest to that.

But this has been
bottling up for a while.

I don't just get sad
or get upset or cry.

This has been going
on for quite some time.


I love you.

- I love you too.
- I don't wanna fight.

I think he acts like a child

when it comes to
anything that has to do

with the intimacy conversation.

That's... Honestly.
And he can't handle it.

He can't talk about it. He...

He's very private about it.

But it's not gonna get anywhere

if he doesn't face it.

- We have to go, Sweetie.
- Okay.

We have to come down
to some type of resolution

because, you know, like
time is of the essence.

We only have a short
period for us to be together.

But I'm hopeful, and, hopefully,

we can work things out.

He obviously really
wants to be a dad.

So we're thinking
about either doing like

maybe surrogacy or adoption.

[upbeat music playing]

[siren wails]

[line rings]

- Hi.
- [Claire] Hey, Sophie.

- How are you?
- [Sophie] I'm good. You?

Yeah, I'm good.

- [Claire speaking]
- What?

I mean, I appreciate you
obviously like apologizing

for like sometimes saying
rude comments to him.

But like literally
you've said that in like

a really weird time
because we've just had

like a massive kind of fallout.

You know how
obviously I've told you

that like I don't
wanna get pregnant

and you know that, right?

Somehow he doesn't know that.

This is really sad.

Right now, as of this moment,
we've kind of come to like

some kind of resolution, but,
at the same time, obviously

it's very new and it's like

we're still kind of...

You know, we have our
differences to certain things.

But it's like he obviously
really wants to be a dad.

So we're thinking
about either doing

like maybe
surrogacy or adoption.

So that's kind of where
we're at right now.

But it's still just like...

You know, it's like
I don't really know

what to do at this point.

Because of the fact that I
don't wanna get pregnant,

it's "I've never really thought
about kids" kind of type thing.

But obviously, as you
know, I am like a massive

people pleaser, but like
obviously this is my life as well.

So, it's like I'm not
gonna people-please

for like my future, you know?

I don't wanna have children
if I'm gonna resent the kids.

Yeah. I mean, listen, I'm not the
best relationship advice person.

[laughs] Right.

But you need to have a
really deep conversation.

[Sophie] Yeah.

[Sophie] Yeah.
The surrogacy thing

is a whole new kind
of concept for me.

So for me to be honest
with him and myself,

I need to think about it.
I don't want to have kids

just because he wants me to

and I don't wanna tell him no

because he's gonna leave,

and then it's like what
does that mean for me

and my life and everything
I've given up for him?

Do you want me to wear
something like super classy

- or medium or...
- Super classy

- or medium classy?
- [Sophie] What are you wearing?

Probably like khakis

and a blue shirt.

[Sophie] Mmm-hmm.

In England, I do go to the club

a lot more regularly,

'cause he never wants
to go to the club ever.

- He hates the club.
- When you're single,

you wanna go out
more and party more,

but, you know, now
that I have got a woman,

I'm not really thinking
about going out to the club.

And, plus, I feel like there's
potential for more problems.

You know, like if I go to the
club and some girl's hitting on me,

then I'm... I might
end up in trouble,

whereas if I would
have just stayed at home

and hung out with you,
then that's not gonna happen.

I mean, you could
stay out of trouble

just having fun with me.

I don't think I've been
to like an actual club

in LA even, so it'd
be cool to like see.

[Rob] I've only been to
like one or two clubs in LA.

- Really?
- [Rob] Yeah. 'Cause they mad expensive.

It's like a hundred dollars
to get in some places.

When was the last time
you've been to a club?

- A few years ago with Tor'i.
- Yeah? He's coming isn't he?

[Rob] Mmm-hmm.

Why are you making faces?

[Sophie] I don't
know. I just feel like...

it's a bit awkward.

I'm definitely not looking forward
to seeing Rob's friend, Tor'i,

just because he has been
in Rob's ear a bit about me.

[Rob] She popped up on
Tor'i's phone on a dating app,

and since then he's been

on the fence about what...

Is this person someone he
wants his friend to be with?

It was never a dating app. I was
on the girl side of a friend's app.

I invited Soraya,

- if that's cool, to the club.
- [Rob] Hmm.

[Sophie] It's like you're gonna
be with Tor'i. Tor'i's coming.

So it's like I don't
want it to be you,

Tor'i, and me. That's
super awkward.

I met Soraya

at the exact same timeframe

when Tor'i saw me on the app.

But for me to have met Soraya,

she was on the friend side.
She wouldn't have shown up

if I was on the date side.

So, I feel like that's proof
of I made a whole friend

on the same app
at the same time.

So I feel like I don't really
need to prove anything else.

That's as much proof
as I can give, really.

That's too much?

I mean, that's kind of like

going like salsa
dancing or something.

- Yeah.
- It'll take you an hour to get ready, right?

- You as well. Don't wait for me.
- [Rob] What you mean?

- You got like hour and a half of work.
- You've got a yellow shirt on.

[Rob] Man, it's gonna take
me 10 minutes to get ready.

Sophie 100% takes
longer to get ready to go out.

It's kind of like I should
do something else

to not suffer while I wait.

Like watch a movie

and then the last 30
minutes of the movie,

then I'll get ready to go out.

[Sophie speaking]

You look amazing all the time,

so I don't need
to wait two hours.

- Do I look good?
- Yeah.

Takes me 30 minutes.

[upbeat music playing]

LA nightlife, here we go.


Here we are.

Go on, girl.

[Sophie] I'm going.


- Hi.
- We know you gonna talk

about us being late.

Come on, man.

What's up?

- How you doing?
- Hi.

Hey. What's up, Sophie?

- Nice to see you.
- Good to see you, finally.

- It's been forever.
- Yeah. Eventually she will have to see you.

[Tor'i] Why you been hiding?

What you scared of?

I'm super protective over Rob.

So I just wanna make
sure that the people

that are coming into his life

are doing it for
the right reasons.

I think she realizes Rob
has a soft spot for her,

so she might be playing
that to her advantage

or might be, you know,
playing Rob a little bit.

I don't know. Who knows?

But I'm gonna
definitely pick her brain.

You meet any new friends,
Sophie, while you're out her?

Uh, not really.

- [Tor'i] Oh, no. Not yet?
- No.

- You got one friend coming though, right?
- Yeah.

- [Tor'i] One friend?
- Yeah, my friend Soraya is coming.

[Tor'i] Oh, where'd
you meet that friend?

[Tor'i] Okay.

- Oh, a friends dating app?
- [Sophie] Yeah, that's where I meet all my friends.

That's what we call them
now? Friends dating app?

- I didn't know they made those.
- Yeah.

I thought they were
just dating apps.

I got a strange scenario
I wanna run by you.

It's such a weird thing

I don't even, like,
wanna tell people.

- Okay.
- This whole entire time,

her dad doesn't
even know I exist.

- Oh.
- She has been pretty much lying the whole time.

What would her
incentive be to hide you?

[upbeat music playing]

[Clayton speaking]

You're okay, baby.


Good morning. I'm here with...

- Yeah, I'm Clayton.
- Oh, is that Baby Pig and Chocolate?

Yeah, I'm here with
Baby Pig and Chocolate.

- Hi.
- Hello, good morning.

- Good morning.
- I've got Baby Pig

- and Chocolate for you.
- All right.

They're still kinda chunky,

so I wanted to get their
weight checked out.

And they look so
terrified right now.

They don't like
car rides at all.

That's all right. I
don't blame 'em.

I think guinea pigs
get overlooked as pets

because they're a rodent
and rodents kinda have like

a negative connotation
of being like pests.

But I take my guinea pigs

for a checkup about
every six months

because I know that my
mom will overfeed them.

She feeds my guinea pigs a lot

and I just wish that
she would not, like,

give them so many treats.

[Katie] All right, Baby Pig.

Look how chunky he is.

- So...
- He's a little chunkier than he was before.

- All right. He's... - Eating
well and everything though?

Well, he's clearly eating well.

He probably need
to eat a little bit less.

- [guinea pig squeaking]
- Yeah.

Did you know that they eat
guinea pigs in South America?

[Katie] Yes.

Uh, my fiancee has
eaten a guinea pig

and she says it's delicious.

I'm trying to get my fiancee
closer to my guinea pigs

- but not too close, you know what I mean?
- [Katie] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Guinea pigs in Peru
are often a delicacy.

And they're not a common
food in America at all,

so, I think Anali's
starting to realize

that she might never
eat guinea pig again.

I know she thinks
they're delicious

because she's told
me that a million times,

but I also want her to
think that they're like,

you know, part of the family,

not part of like
breakfast with coffee.

You know, something like that.

You're a good boy.

[upbeat music playing]

You ready, pig?

Come on, pig.

Such a good boy. [clicks tongue]


It's kind of second nature

at this point of
having all this clutter.

I've just become
accustomed to it

and complacent,
but it's still just

kind of mentally exhausting

to have so much
stuff in your house.

I'm pretty much just like

a hermit in my room.

Because I'm working from
home and gaming all the time,

I've spent a lot of
time on the computer.

- [upbeat music playing]
- [beeping noises]

[Kameron] What's up,
Mr. Clayton? How you doing?

Trying to play the game or what?

I was thinking about k*lling

some giant mole.

Oh, that's like really
high-level stuff, bro.

But that's why I'm
calling you, man.

I need some help.

Videogames have always
been a part of my life.

The game that I played
I've been like addicted to

since I was like
an early teenager,

I have like over 20,000 hours
on that game, if not more.

I quit counting like
a long time ago.

About half my life, I've
spent so much time on it.

Let me see if I got
the proper gear.

Yeah, you do. You're the
highest level, brother. Come on.

[game buzzes]

Kameron is my best
friend of 13 years.

We met on an online game,

but we haven't met yet.

I don't actually know why.

You know, when we were younger,

I kind of understand
because it's been so long ago,

but now we're both grown adults

and able to travel,

I think it's just the fact that

given my work schedule
and, you know, general habits,

I don't really have too
much of a social life.


Oh, you got the loot? What?

I must be stronger
than you, dude.

You've been taking
too much time off.

Hanging around
with that girl too much.


Doesn't Anali get here

in a couple of days?

[Clayton] Yup.

[Kameron] Time flies.

Dude, I know.

It's honestly crazy.

I've got a... I've got
a strange scenario

- I wanna run by you.
- Okay.

I feel like I haven't told you
because it's such like a...

It's such a weird that I...

Whenever I think about
it, I don't even, like,

wanna tell people. So...

you know how me and Anali
have been together for, like,

years, give or take?

[Kameron] Right.

So this whole entire time,

her dad doesn't
even know I exist.

- Like, who am I?
- Oh.

Um, that's kind of alarming.

Does she have a relationship
with her dad? Does she talk to him?

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
She talks to him.

Uh, he calls her, like,

an abnormal amount
of times per day,

like, he will call
her literally, like,

they're like, you know,

really, really close.

I've kind of been holding
off on talking to Kameron

about Anali not telling her dad

because it really
sucks feeling like

you're being hidden, you know,

I've had past relationships
dealing with that.

And, you know, I
don't wanna relive that

and I don't want to
work up insecurities

that I may have overcome

and now that I'm
talking about it so much,

here they are coming back
and here I am thinking that,

"Oh, maybe Anali's not
proud of our relationship,"

you know, maybe she's
not proud to show me off,

you know, I don't
know what's going on.

You know, she has been
pretty much lying the whole time.

Like, anytime me and
her have been together

in, like, not her
hometown, like, say we're

in the capital Lima in Peru,

she was down
there for like work.

And then she's coming
to the US in a few days.

Oh, surprise, she's
got a job waiting for her,

except not actually.

[Kameron] Honestly, bro,
you're supposed to be the person

that is going to spending the
rest of your life with her, you know?

So what would her
incentive be to hide you?


her dad is just
really protective

and he can be intense.

That's pretty much
what she's told me

is the reasoning.

Dude, I think you
gotta jump on it, man.

Get it... Get it resolved
as soon as possible.

Because this is
your life partner, man.

You gotta think of
every dimension,

like, this is gonna
be your family as well.

If Anali told her dad
about our relationship,

I'm not 100% certain that
he would try to convince her

not to come here,
but I'm certain enough

that I would not wanna
risk that whatsoever.

It's been such a long
process to get her here

dealing with this
long immigration,

you know, high cost,

language barriers,
all kinds of stuff.

I just don't wanna risk that.

[Kameron] I think it's
going to be essential

that this happens
before the marriage.

So just keep that in mind, bro.

[Clayton] But at the same time,

sometimes the thought of her,

like, so easily lying
to her family for years

kinda makes me wonder

would she lie to me for years,

what would she lie about?

I don't really
wanna fill my mind

with these negative thoughts.

I kinda wanna just take her word

at face value and just,
you know, give it time.

But that kind of is my nature,
I do overthink sometimes.

[in Spanish]

My plan is to bring my kids here

once I'm sure that Gino
and I are gonna make it.

What's wrong?

[upbeat music playing]

Thank you.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Can I help you guys
find anything today?

Actually we're looking for...

The sheets, like, in bedding.

Sheets, pillows,
or anything like this.

It'll be in the
back of the store,

- back over here to the right.
- Okay. Awesome.

[Jasmine] Thank you.


[Gino] I'm doing my best

to turn things
around from last night.

She has this allergic reaction.

But she's feeling
much better today

now that I've taken
her to urgent care

and she's gotten a couple
of really potent sh*ts

that helped with her hives.

Thank goodness they
did because otherwise

she's gonna k*ll me. [laughs]

You know, I would
like to ask you

since you might
be familiar with it.

I replace mine about
every six months.

- Every six months, right?
- Yeah.

- They... It's like they get...
- Twice a year is...

Yeah, for me, personally,
that's what I do.

[Jasmine] Yeah,
that's my preference.

- Yeah. So I just wanted to make sure...
- Absolutely.

You, as an American person,

to give me an outlook
because my fiancee

differs from that way,
you know? [laughing]

- Absolutely.
- They think that pillows

are everlasting. [laughs]

For me, it's more like
once every six years.

- [laughter]
- Instead of six.

So six months versus six years.

[laughs] Thank you
so much. I appreciate it.

Please let me know
if I can help you.

- Thank you so, so much.
- [Gino] Thanks.

[woman] Excuse me if I can help.


Baby, look at this. So cute.

- These are...
- Soccer.

Soccer. You know who?

- For Juance, baby.
- [Gino] That's nice.

You know, that...
That's his dream,

he wants to be a soccer player.

He's taken classes and
all that. He's good at it.

His birthday is coming
and it's the first birthday

- I won't be with him ever.
- Yeah.

- [Jasmine] That's a tough one for both of us.
- Yeah. We can show him that.

[Jasmine] Right?

My K-1 visa was just for me,

so I had to leave my sons,

JC and Juance, with
my family in Panama.

But my plan is to
bring my kids here

once I'm settled and sure

that Gino and I
are gonna make it.

And I know that
no material things

will ever replace...

- me.
- [Gino] True.

Or the fact that I'm not
gonna be with him, but...

I want him to feel like

I'm with him even though
I'm not physically there.

I mean, I know you can't
be there this time, but...

[somber music playing]

The good news is eventually

we should be able to
bring him here, right?


So that's positive.


- [sniffs]
- What's wrong?

I feel bad because...

you never... You can
never take time back.

And I'm scared, I don't
know if this visa thing

is gonna take, I
don't know how long

and if Juance gets impatient

or starts to believe that...

that I abandoned him.

I don't wanna cause
any trauma on him.

Don't... You don't have to cry.

It's okay.

[Gino] No, you're a good mom.

You've always
been. Everything...

I... I've seen in Panama.

[somber music playing]

It's a huge
sacrifice for Jasmine

to come to United States and,

you know, give up
being around her kids

and separated from her family,

her children, her friends.

Um, all of that.

You know, she did all of
that to come here for me.

Um, that's true love.

Things will get better
soon, you know?

I promise.

Thank you, baby.

Baby, let's video chat Juance

and we can show him
some of the toys and stuff.

[Jasmine] Absolutely.
Yeah. Let's call Juance.

[phone rings]


- [Gino] Juance.
- [Jasmine in Spanish]


[Jasmine in Spanish]

[in Spanish]


- [Juance speaking]
- [Jasmine speaking]

- [Gino in other language]
- That's Portuguese.

- Oh. Sorry. [laughs]
- Muy bien. Spanish.


- [in Spanish] -
Freaking gringo.

- [Gino] I love it.
- [Jasmine laughs]

[in Spanish]

[Gino speaking]

[Juance speaking]

Yes, yes.

[Jasmine in Spanish]

[Jasmine] Okay.

[in Spanish]

- [Juance speaking]
- [Jasmine speaking]

[Gino speaking]

- Woo!
- Woo! [laughs]

[Jasmine speaking]

[Juance speaking]

[Gino speaking]

I think he was happy.

[Gino] I think so, yeah.

So sweet.

[Jasmine] I feel super happy,

super excited about the K-2 visa

for my children.

But at the same time,

I cannot stop being worried

because I'm scared of
something happening

and it delaying the process.

Okay, Papa Gino.

Let's go to pay.

I'm trying to fight
again negative thoughts,

but, you know, it's
a fear that is tangible

and I cannot avoid feeling it.

Would you mind checking
the price on this pillow?

I couldn't find anything on
here except the bar code.

Wait a minute. Let
me say a little prayer.

- 12.99?
- 12...

I bought these pillows
for $100 in Panama.

So we'll take both.

Oh, my gosh.

This is an historical event.

One time every six years.

You met her on the
friend side of the app?


[Sophie] I do know that,
like, I probably should tell Rob

that I'm bisexual.

I've just been
putting it off for a bit.

So you're not into girls?

[dramatic music playing]

[Nick] Today is kind of big day.

I think that this is
gonna be a train wreck.

I don't know what we'll do

if Nick's parents don't accept

the differences between us.

[Devin speaking]

[Nick speaking]

[upbeat music playing]

♪ Show me ♪

♪ Where we'll be tomorrow ♪

♪ And I'll be there
In a heartbeat ♪

My friend Soraya is coming.

Oh, where'd you
meet that friend?

[Tor'i] If you're
on a dating app

and you're meeting other girls,

I would think that
you're into girls

or something like that.

Uh, I think she's been avoiding

all the tough questions,

she doesn't wanna
answer any other questions

that I have for her.

In my experience
with dating apps,

is you're on there to date,

uh, you know, I
don't know too much

about making friends,

I don't know if
that's a good vibe.

I mean, there's like
a best friend mode.

- [Tor'i] Oh, really?
- Yeah.

[Tor'i] You met Soraya
on that same app, right?

[Sophie] I met her on
the app. And she was...

- Okay.
- On the friend side...

- [Tor'i] Okay. So
she's... well.

So when I meet
her, she's gonna say,

"Hey, I met her on
this dating app, right?"

- Yes, yes, yes.
- Okay. Okay, okay, all right.

My fault, my fault.
I'm just saying.

I feel like I'm getting the
truth, but you never know.

I mean, women are capable
of anything, you know.

Take it from me, I know
from personal experience.

[Tor'i speaking]

but I really don't
know, I can't tell,

I can't call it right now.

I don't know what's going on.

Ain't that your girl over there?


- Hey!
- Hey.

- Oh, my gosh. How are you?
- Oh, my gosh.

- It's so good to see you.
- Oh, my God. You, too.

- You look nice.
- You're so blonde.

- So are you!
- [laughs]

My name is Soraya.

I've known Sophie
for about two years.

Um, she's great, love her.

Whenever she comes into town,

of course we like to
go have a good time,

so I'm excited.

- [Tor'i] Tor'i.
- [Soraya] Nice to meet you.

- [Tor'i] Good to meet you, too.
- [Soraya] Tor'i.


- Good to see you.
- Hi.


- Oh, my God.
- [Tor'i speaking]

I know. What can I say?

I'm so ready for a
drink. Let's go inside.

[Rob] Okay. Let's
get in line, then.

- Come on.
- [Tor'i] Okay.

[Rob] Excuse us, excuse us.

[upbeat music playing]

[Sophie] That's the shot?

- [Tor'i] Yeah.
- Why is it so big?

To love, to friends,

to a great night,

and let's just enjoy ourselves.

Cheers to that.

[Sophie] Oh, my God.

We got this, ma'am. Perfect.

[Rob] Confirm something for me.

You met her on the
friend side of the app?


Like, there's a friends
and then there's a...

- I met her...
- dating side?

On the friends side of the app.

You met her on the dating...

- On the friend side?
- On the friend side.

So you're not into girls?

No. I wouldn't even look...

Okay. I just wanna make sure.

[dramatic music playing]

[Sophie] That was a super
awkward moment because

Soraya doesn't know,
Tor'i doesn't know,

Rob doesn't know that I'm bi.

- No, I'm...
- Okay. I just wanna make sure.

We were looking for friends...

- Right. Genuine friendship.
- In LA.

- We made a great friendship.
- We have a great friendship.

[Sophie] It's
like, I'm gonna lie

because I'm not gonna
come out right now

in front of three people,
um, but yeah, no.

I was on the friend...

I was on the app
for friends, though.

I wasn't on it for women also

at that time, you know.

[dramatic music playing]

I guess the whole friend
dating app thing was real.

Uh, she is the proof,
she is the proof.

I was wrong.

See, I told you!

I told you.

That same app
that I met Soraya on,

I'm still on that
app to make friends

because I don't
know anyone out here.

And there's bi women
on the friend side,

like, you can be bi and still...

Or gay even and
look for friends.

So it's, like, I do
have the option,

I guess, of asking them.

Well, as long as I don't do
anything to disrespect him,

it's like, I feel like I should
be allowed to do that.

We met what, what year was it?

- 2019.
- 2019?


Oh, my God, we've
been dating for two years!

I know! [laughs]

See? I told you!

You gotta watch out.

[Sophie] But I do know
that, like, I probably

should tell Rob soon
that I'm bisexual.

I've just been
putting it off for a bit

because, lately, we've
been arguing so much.

But I think I should
probably tell him soon.

[upbeat music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

[Nick groans]


[Devin] Mmm-hmm.


How are you doing
with your jet lag?

I'm just tired.

- [Nick] Oh, yeah?
- Mmm-hmm.

[Nick] Sorry about this.


The first day in Korea

was good, really good.

[Devin] Seeing Nick
for, like, the first time,

it's almost, like, the two years

that we have been
apart kind of didn't exist.


She was too tired, jetlagged...

so. [laughs]


Today is kind of big day.

Are you excited?

I'm excited.

But I just packed
a bunch of clothes.

[Nick] Mmm-hmm.

I was gonna have
you help me out.

Okay. I will help you out.

[Nick speaking]

Show me what you got.

- I have this one.
- Yeah.

[Devin] That one,
that one, and this one.

It's all jacket, yeah?

[Devin] Yeah.

What about this?

- This one?
- And this?

- [laughs]
- Okay.

My parents don't know
much about Devin,

but when they think
of American women,

like, have a bunch
of one-night stands,

do dr*gs at the
party, blah, blah, blah.

But she doesn't do
that, so finger crossed.

This is gonna be a train wreck.


Is this enough?

Yeah. I like this.

It's good enough.

- Good enough or good?
- [Nick] Yeah. Good enough.

Yeah. I think it's good, good.

I like this.

Let me get my coat, then.



- [Nick] Are you excited?
- Yeah.

- [Nick] Okay. Let's go.
- [Devin] Okay.

I just arrived yesterday,

and now I have to
meet Nick's parents.

I don't speak any Korean,

and I'm also very quiet

and shy and introverted,

so it's hard walking
into this situation,

knowing that I'm so different.

[Nick speaking]

[Devin] Yeah.

[Nick] In Korea, in a big city,

you get huge apartment complex.

Because there's so many people.


[Devin] No.

[announcer speaking
other language]]

[Devin speaking]

[Nick speaking]

Devin meeting my
family and parents,

uh, makes me so nervous.

[Nick speaking]

And without my
parents' blessing,

I can't go to US.

[Devin] Is that them over there?

[Nick speaking]

[dramatic music playing]

[Nikki speaking]

The people in our
country is narrow-minded.

I'm nervous.

Right. At the end of the day,

you gotta be proud and
confident of who you are

or who you're in love with.

[mellow music playing]


[Nikki] Hello, Mommy.

[Myrna] Hi, Nicole.

That's so cute on you, Nicole.

I like that. It's beautiful.

- [Nikki] Thank you.
- I love that color.

I've been thinking about you.

Is everything okay?

Yeah. Everything is good.

You know, Justin and I

are working through some things.

We're still having a
little couple few issues.

[Myrna] What's been going on?

[Nikki] Honestly, Mom, like,

we had a conversation

about the lack of intimacy.

Because this is
not normal to me.

[Myrna] Um, Nicole...

did you have a civil
conversation with him?

Did you yell at him,
did you start screaming,

did you go from zero to a
hundred? What happened?

- [Nikki] Honestly, Mom...
- How was it?

I probably did go from
zero to a thousand.

I took a hormone shot
before I went on this trip

and I think that's what's just
making me very emotional,

that's what it does to
male to female trans

out there in this
world, and I'm trying...

[Myrna] It is.

To, um, maneuver,

uh, through the obstacles

but it's very hard

with a very cold Russian.

All right. Now, I'm gonna
ask you an honest question.

I'm gonna ask you something.

[Nikki] Mmm-hmm.

And answer it honestly, Nicole.

How about if you change

the way you behave toward him?

Like, maybe be softer,

um, be a little
bit more patient.

Find another way
to speak to him,

not yelling and
screaming, and exploding.

You've even done that to me.

He loves you.

I could see it.

You have to
understand his side of it.

How he was thinking,

how they're gonna accept you,

is his mother gonna accept you,

is his stepfather
gonna accept you?

My friends, I gotta
tell my friends.

Let him... Let him adjust.

This is big for him.

He's still adjusting, I think.

[dramatic music playing]

My mother gives me this advice

to calm my temper,
so I'm going to take it.

I wanna enjoy my
time with Justin,

I don't wanna be
fighting and arguing.

I wanna actually just
enjoy my time with him

because I do love him so much.

[Myrna] I think
that he really wants

to make it work, Nicole.

I know.

Be careful, okay?

- Love you.
- I love you, too.

- [Myrna] Okay. Bye-bye.
- Bye, Mom.

[Myrna] Love you. Bye.

[folk music playing]

[cat meows]

[Nikki] Where are we going?

[Justin] One
place that's simple,

but I think you'll love it.

[cat purrs]

[Nikki] Even though Justin
knows how to push my buttons

and get on my last nerve,

I do know how to calm
down and forgive him.

It might take five minutes,

ten minutes, a half hour.

He's charismatic, he's charming.

Um, and I know him

for such a long time, you know.

So I feel like a level of
comfortability with him

that I have never
felt with anyone else.

[man] Yes, sir.

So are we going to have a drink?

'Cause today's
been a very long day.

I don't like us
getting to that level

of what happened at the park.

So let's try to work

like harder on our relationship.

I'm gonna try to
be more patient.

Not go from zero to a thousand.

And you're gonna try to
be a little bit more serious

when I'm upset.

Yeah, I'm working.


[in other language]

- Cheers.
- [Justin] Cheers.

Let's go.

[Nikki chuckles]

Okay. Now I
understand you better.

[Nikki chuckles]

[man in other language]

[Justin in other language]

[Nikki] What are
our plans tomorrow?

- [Nikki] Yes.
- Yeah.

So tomorrow you
wanna go to the gym?

Yeah. In the morning time,

I think, maybe when
you were asleep.

[Nikki] No, I'll wake up.

We can go to the gym together

and we can work out together.

I will think about it.

Better for people

who comes from another country.

Why would it be better for me

than the gym that
you've been going to

that you don't want me going to?

Some of the gym
have the ceiling down.

[Nikki] Low?

- [Justin] Low.
- Low ceiling? Okay.

- [Justin] Low, yeah.
- Okay.

- So the gym...
- [Justin] Some of them...

the other gym that
you're going usually goes...

Bigger. Bigger, yes.

I'm going to the...

- [Nikki] Smaller gym.
- Small.

So I know your gym
is smaller, low ceilings.

Okay. Great.

But I think the real reason

is more that...

I think you know a
lot of people there

and you don't want them to talk.

Uh, this is not the reason.

And the reason is I
found the best gym

for people who come
from another countries.

And there, you feel
more comfortable.

What is this, the LGBTXYZ gym?

Baby, I changed my sex.

I changed who I was.

I didn't care what
anybody thought.

I, still to this day,

walk with my head held high.

At the end of the day,

people are gonna say
whatever they're gonna say.

They're gonna think
whatever they're gonna think.

You can't change
people's minds in this world,

but you gotta be
proud and confident

of who you are or
who you're in love with

or who you're dating.

Let's drink for this.

[Justin chuckles]

- Hmm.
- But listen...

Oh, my God.

The people over there,
literally, I just got clocked.

I said how I was born

and the people over
there at the table...

- [laughs]
- [Justin] Really?

Do you think, uh, they hear us?

Of course they hear us.

[Justin] And understand
the language?

They understand clearly.

[Nikki] Right.

Listen, I know how this
close-minded country is.

Okay. I get it.

[in other language]

Oh, that looks amazing.

[man in other language]

[Justin] The people
in our country

is different culture,

and on some things like that,

trans, gay, and lesbian,

think like narrow-minded.

And this is very sad for me.

[Justin speaking]

But I'm nervous.

What you're doing is standing up

and showing the
world that you love me,

regardless of what
anybody thinks.

That's what matters
the most to me.

Okay, stop.



I hope that Nikki,

with my choice,

we open more doors

and more friends in the future,

people more open-minded.

Let's drink for our
new steps in our life.

And some of those new steps
is having more sex, so cheers.

[Justin] Yeah.

[Nikki] I see Justin's getting a
little bit more comfortable with me

being with him in public,

and that's all cool,
fine and dandy,

but we need to
get a little bit more,

like, you know, sexy.

So I wanna work on that.

Let's finish our wine
and let's get out of here

because my [bleep] is neglected

and she needs to eat.

I just checked his phone.
I never check his phone,

but I was, like,
"Let me just check."

And then I went on this one app

and, like, the videos
are disgusting...

[Sophie speaking]

I'm not perfect,

but I'm definitely not trying

to [bleep] be with
nobody else but you.

I just want you. I
want you in my life.

It's just a lot. And I just...
He's disgusting right now

and I just don't wanna be,
like, anywhere near him.

[mellow music playing]

Um, I just wanted to
get away from, like, Rob

and his house, and his dog,

and his whole life basically.

So I've just come here to, like,

get away from him
and have some space.

[sighs] Basically...

Um, so basically
what happened was,

I had a dream the
night before, right,

that Rob online cheated on me.

So the next day, I
just checked his phone.

I never check his
phone, but I was like,

"Let me just check, because
I had a dream about it."

I went on his Instagram,
didn't find anything,

and then I went on this
one app and, like, basically

he's been getting, like,

disgusting videos
from other women

and, like, asking
for just, like, news

and, like, the
videos are disgusting

and he's, like, entertaining it.

And I was just like,
"I found the videos,"

and then I was just like,
"You need to drop me off.

I didn't even
wanna talk to you."

Like, I just left.

I just had to leave. I
was packing my stuff.

He was trying to stop me.

Like, I just took what I could

and I [bleep] left.
I threw the ring.

I don't even have
the ring anymore.

I threw the ring.

So yeah, right now [bleep] him.

[Sophie speaking]

I've been trying to be perfect,

but I'm not perfect, man.

I'm not like...

I'm not perfect,

but I'm definitely not trying

to [bleep] be with
nobody else but you.

I just want you. I
want you in my life.

I don't want [bleep]
nobody else, baby.

[Sophie] Explain all the
messages. I saw the messages.

Even the ones
that you didn't save,

I've seen them, Rob.

So I don't care what
you keep saying.

It doesn't mean anything to me.

You're such a liar.

No wonder he never
asked me for sexual videos.

He's getting them from, like,
I don't know how many girls.

It's just a lot. And I just...
He's disgusting right now

and I just don't wanna be,
like, anywhere near him.

[tense music playing]

No one wants to see
their partner, you know,

get turned on for
anyone other than them.

If you're getting pictures
from another person

that's not your partner
and jacking off to them,

and watching all
this disgusting stuff,

and requesting videos,
and having a fun time

with someone other than
your partner, that's cheating.

Some people might
look at it as not,

but to me, that's
disrespectful and it's hurtful.

So for me, I
consider it cheating.

He did this before and I
nearly broke up with him

because it was like...

And my face is
getting really hot.

If I was back in England,
I would've left this guy.

He would've been
history, goodbye.

I would've gone to my
mom's or my friends.

See you never.

Where am I supposed to go?

I'm in this house.

I've rented by myself

because I have no friends to go.

I have no family member to go.

I have no at least
a job, staff, friends,

I don't have anything,
don't even have a car.

So it's like I don't
have anywhere to go.

I don't know what I'm
supposed to do now.

And obviously, if
I don't marry him,

I have to go home.

So I've given up everything

for nothing.

I don't wanna throw
away my whole life

that I've been trying to build

to be in LA with Rob.

It's like I've got...

I have to give up that.

I have to give up that dream.

And he just gets to
live this same [bleep] life

with no consequences.

He doesn't have to leave,

he just gets to do
what he's doing.

[dramatic music playing]

It's definitely very hard.

Sorry, one second.

When I don't have
anyone out here obviously,

and it's just me and it's like,

I just feel very
trapped, and very alone,

and what he's done
to me, it's like I'm hurt,

but at the same
time, it's like...

I don't have anywhere to go,

and I don't really know
what I'm supposed to do.

And I just feel very...

It's a very lonely feeling

and it's very
difficult to process.

And my mind's just trying
to, like, block the pain.

But it's something...

It is a bit difficult.

I'm just really trying
not to think about it,

but it is hard.

That's the thing.

It's, like, it's not even
that he's hurt me,

it's that I don't...

What am I supposed to do now?


[narrator] Next time
90 Day Fiance...

Aw, thank you...

[Clayton] I'm feeling
a lot of pressure

because Anali is
completely uprooting her life

to come here and
live with my mom.

[Clayton in Spanish]

If Anali and my
mom don't get along,

I honestly have no
idea what I'm gonna do.


[Manuel in Spanish]

[Ashley speaking]

[Ashley] We are going
to a couple's therapy

so I can assess what
we're dealing with.

But Manuel wants no parts of it.

[in Spanish]

I just feel like...

It's, like, he's
leading a double life.

[in other language]

I can't marry someone
my family doesn't like,

so this can go bad.

[in other language]

[in English]

[Devin speaking]

This is not how I wanted
to meet my future in-laws.

- [Justin speaking]
- Hi.

[Nikki in other language]

[Justin in English]

I'm very nervous tonight

'cause Nikki meeting my friends.

It was kind of shock for me

that he choose to engage
with a trans woman.

[Nikki] When I changed my life,

I had to do a lot of things

that I wasn't happy with.

I was hooked on dr*gs.
I had to prost*tute myself.

What is this?

I have no idea
how that got there

or how long it's been.

[Jasmine speaking]

No, I'm not!

- Yes, you are.
- I never...

You [bleep] her!

That's not cheating.

[speaking Spanish]

[in English]