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10x04 - Of These Two Lovers

Posted: 04/23/24 20:39
by bunniefuu
[man] Previously
90 Day Fiance...

- [Nikki] Hi.
- [Justin] Come on.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

[Nikki] This trip is important
because I wanna feel

that I'm making the right choice

giving a second chance at love.

Are you scared that
they're gonna be able to tell

I used to be a man?

Okay. Well, that's better

than a man or
trans or a dude or...

[suspenseful music playing]

You're my priority,
so I quit my job.

If I had known that Gino
was gonna quit his job,

I would have never
had this plastic surgery.

Baby, you spent
$10,000 on butt implants?

Well, you quit your
job without telling me.

[Gino] This is exactly
the [bleep] kind of [bleep]

that I'm worried about with you, is
you're spending my [bleep] money

on unnecessary [bleep].

We need this
[bleep] money, okay?

[Manuel speaking Spanish]

[in English] That makes me sad.

[Ashley] Manuel's
mom has been thinking

that he is out
working in Guayaquil,

when in reality he's been
in the States with me.

[Ashley's mother] My kids would
never leave without telling me goodbye.

You didn't say
goodbye and you lied.

I'm gonna be questioning
some things about him.

He says he's in
for the long haul.

You all in my phone.

- Oh.
- Who is that?

Not... I don't know.

[Sophie] I would describe myself

as a very jealous person.

Like, I'm very honest
about it, I know I'm jealous.

But at the same time, it's
like Rob hasn't necessarily

been the most loyal fiance.

We only have 90 days

to decide if we're gonna
be together, if this is like it.

Every time you try to
act like that was cheating,

that's bull[bleep] because I
haven't ever cheated on you.

[bird caws]

[upbeat music playing]



Coco. Pss-pss-pss.

Where is my baby?

Oh, my gosh.

Now you know how to do it.

Last night after we got
home from the massage,

Gino barely spoken to me,

and he has been giving
me the cold treatment.

I know that he's
mad, he's disappointed

because he told
me that I am selfish.


Do you miss Panama
and your aunties?

You're gonna go home, okay?

And maybe he's right.

What I did was very
selfish on my part.

But it's done.

[somber music playing]

[Gino] I'm really disappointed

and angry with
Jasmine right now.

I sent her $4,000 to
buy a wedding dress,

and she comes back and tells me

she got butt implants

with the money I sent her.

I feel really
betrayed by Jasmine.

To me, she's like
thinking of herself,

and that the wedding
doesn't matter to her,

and she lied to me about it.

What else is she
lying to me about?


[phone rings]

[Jasmine speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

[in English] This first week here
in Michigan has been very tough.

It just feels like a mess.

But meanwhile, I'm freaking out

because I might not
being able to bring my kids

to the United States
because I am not working,

so I cannot be the
sponsor for my kids.

It needs to be Gino

because the only income

that we were gonna
have was his job,

but now that is gone

because he feel that it
was gonna be a good idea

just to spend time with me.

[Jasmine speaking Spanish]


[Zuellen speaking Spanish]

[Jasmine speaking]

[suspenseful music playing]

[in English] One of the things
that I feel the most guilty about

is me accepting $2,000...

That then became a gift

to get my butt implant.

Gino doesn't like Dane,

doesn't trust on him,

doesn't want him close to me

as a friend or anything.

- I have good news.
- Tell me.

- [laughs]
- [Dane] Fantastic.

I'm excited we're
gonna be neighbors.

Out of all the buildings
in freaking Panama,

you gotta pick the
one that your ex is in.

Are you?

- I'm outta here.
- [Jasmine speaking]

- [Gino] Right there, bitch.
- [Jasmine speaking]

[Gino] [bleep] whore.

[Jasmine] When Gino learned

that I still have a
friendship with Dane,

he completely disagree with it

and ask me to cut it
because he sees him

as competition.

But in reality, there's
nothing to worry about.

Honestly, I see
Dane as a brother.

You know, he's
always willing to help.

[Zuellen speaking Spanish]

[in English] I wanna be
honest but I'm not stupid.

If I tell him right now

that Dane contributed

to my butt implant surgery,

we are gonna have big problems.

I will eventually tell Gino,

but not now.

[speaking Spanish]

♪ All over the
place In my mind ♪

♪ Like a rumble ♪

♪ Rumble in my head ♪

[Sophie speaking]

Why? It's not like
you've done anything

for her to wanna
fight you or anything.

- Yeah. [laughs] - [Rob]
We should be good.

Sophie arrived to the
US a couple days ago,

and it's been
pretty up and down.

We've had huge things

about online cheating

and just bickering and
fighting about stupid stuff.

But I don't wanna dwell
on that negative stuff.

We got a long
journey in this process,

so I'm trying to
keep things positive,

and tonight we're gonna
meet up with my sister Victoria.

Anything I should
talk to her about

or shouldn't that will,
like, help the conversation?

I mean, be positive,

talk about maybe
you can't wait to meet

the rest of the family,
you know, things like that.

Don't act shy.

Just act like... Act like you...

You can't just say,
"Don't act shy."

- I'm shy.
- Don't act shy, like,

just try to be open, try
to be honest, you know?

Sophie's only met
Victoria two times.

They really haven't gotten
to know each other very well,

but I think Victoria thinks
she's a really sweet girl.

She thinks that she's genuine.

Victoria's a party planner
and she's actually offered

to plan our wedding for us.

So whatever she thinks of
Sophie, it can't be that bad.

All right. So when
you meet Victoria,

don't make eye
contact immediately.

She can get pretty aggressive.

[Sophie] Are you being serious?



- Huh?
- Are you being serious?

[Rob] Nah.

I'm very nervous
to meet Rob's sister

just because I haven't
really seen her in a while.

And it's like now
she'll talk to me

not just as Rob's girlfriend,
she's going to talk to me

as, you know, someone
that's gonna marry her brother.

So I don't know if
she's gonna judge me

or she's gonna try
and grill me, but yeah.

I'm a bit nervous.

- [Sophie] Hi.
- Hi.

- [Rob] Hey, yo.
- [Victoria] How are you guys?

- How you doing?
- Well, you're fine.

Hold on one second. Hi.

- [Sophie] Hi, love.
- [Victoria] How are you?

[Sophie] I'm good. You?

You're finally here.

[Sophie] I know, it's crazy.

I'm so excited.

I'm so excited for you.

Are you, like, so
happy to be here?

- Yeah. It's really crazy...
- [Victoria] Finally.

It's been so long.

How is it having her here?

Like, finally here?

I'm very relieved that
she's here, but like now

we have so much... So
much other stuff to figure out

and we're also not gonna
wait until the last day. So...

Oh, you're doing it sooner?

- [Rob] Yeah, I mean, we're not gonna wait till...
- Bro.

- the last day of... -
[Victoria] You... I'm not...

You're not even
in my calendar yet.

[Rob] You gotta
talk to her about that.

[Sophie] I feel like
I wanna do just like

- a basic courthouse thing.
- [Victoria] Yeah.

Like, I want to do obviously
not like the huge ceremony.

But, like, definitely something

because it's still
like, you know,

official kind of like
getting married-ish.

Yeah. Like, I wanna
make it special,

- you know what I mean?
- [Sophie] Yes.

Even though it's
like there's time

and there's pressure,
like, it doesn't have to be,

like, feel rushed.

That makes it a lot more,
like, stressful, to be honest.

But, like, it would
also be nice, like,

I'd rather look back
and say I had a nice,

you know, wedding rather
than just a rushed one.

[Victoria] On the flip side,
though, it could be a nice distraction

from not being
able to go anywhere

and, like, do stuff at home,
you know what I mean?

Like, we can work
on that together

and, like, it might be... It
might help you mentally

because you'll, like, have
something to work on.

[Rob] Yeah, by the time
we're in month three,

you might be bored to death.

She won't be because she's
gonna be planning a wedding.

- [Sophie laughs]
- There you go.

- Are you ready to get married?
- I mean, it's...

There's pressure and there's...

Like, there's no
pressure, and there is like

a ton of pressure,
you know what I mean?

Yeah, obviously
because of the countdown,

that's why.
Because it's not like,

you know, we'll have more
time, we don't have more time.

If we're not ready within

Like, I have to leave
if we're not ready.

So it's like there's
more pressure

for, like, for me than Rob.

Um, but yeah, I mean, I
think we're ready though,

- I feel like. Yeah.
- That's good, that's good.

[Victoria] Have you
guys thought about kids?

- [Rob] Yeah, we wanna have kids.
- Are they in the plan? Like...

We're gonna have
kids, like, one day.

- Okay.
- [Rob] Yeah.

When do you want to have kids?

I mean, we haven't really had,

like, this conversation,

Wait, you guys are
gonna get married

and you haven't had
this conversation?

[Rob] I mean,
we've... I feel like we've

touched base on
it, like, in general.

[Victoria] Well,
that's kind of huge.

We'll have kids,
um, in the future.

[Sophie] Like,
to be honest, like,

I don't think I actually
want to be pregnant.

[suspenseful music playing]

What does that even mean?

I don't wanna be pregnant.

So you don't wanna have kids?

If I don't ever want kids,

is that a problem with you?

Because right now where
my head's at, that's the case,

if I'm being honest with you.

Is that, like, a
problem for you or...



[Sophie] I mean, we both
thought we were on the same page.

[Victoria] That's the
problem, is you guys

never had this conversation.

There was a lot of
assuming and thinking,

but nobody talked.

[dramatic music playing]

I don't really know
how I'm doing right now.

Kinda just...

I feel like, um...

Yeah, I just don't... I don't
really... I have no idea.

I don't know how
I'm doing right now.

Sophie just rocked
my entire belief in her

and what we can have.

And it's like, what else?

What's the next thing
that you're gonna tell me

that you really don't want
or you really don't care about.

I don't want it to just be
me and Sophie forever.

Like, I really saw there
being more to that.


I really put my heart into that.



Being intimate
is a very big part

of making our relationship work.

And sometimes I just feel
like he doesn't even try.

[Nikki speaking]

[Ashley] You sit here
and act like an [bleep]

when I get you a
brand new cell phone

and you tell me
essentially to kick rocks

because it wasn't early enough.

[speaking Spanish]

[Ashley in English]
Not to be a butt-face,

but I really don't have space

for stupid conversations.

You want respect?
You give respect.

That's how this works here.

[upbeat music playing]

Now my lips
looks like your lips.


[upbeat music playing]

Where is this guy?

There he is.

There you are.

Come on, honey, I wanna
go check out your place.

And I think this...

So, do I look...

too out there, over-the-top?

Or do I look super-hot
and you're like,

"Wow, this is my woman."

- Not a cartoon.
- Okay, movie, movie.

- Probably like a James Bond movie.
- Okay, okay, movie,

- yes, like James Bond.
- Stop pushing my buttons.

[Justin] Come in, baby.

[Nikki] Okay.

What is that?

What's the G-button?

Are you talking about G-spot?

- [both laugh]
- Oh, my God.

I can't.

[Justin speaking]

I want you to make first step.

[keys rattling]

- Okay.
- [door unlocks]

[Justin] Step and welcome.

- [light switch clicks]
- Here the lighting.

[upbeat music playing]

[Nikki] Cute.

[Justin] I'll show
you the toilet.

[Nikki] So this
is the bathroom...

Yeah. Impressive. You remember?

- That you were working on?
- Yeah.

[Nikki] So money is
a thing between us.

I did agree I would help him.

Before this trip, he asked
to borrow some money

to fix the bathroom
and I sent it to him

and I see that it went in...

You know, the money
went for good things

because he did
repair the bathroom.

And I'm happy because
it actually shows

that he cared to make
me feel more comfortable

while I'm staying with him.

- Yeah.
- Here we can make the shower.

- Okay.
- Yeah. We have to close this.

[Nikki] And you fixed
the water pressure, right?

- Yes. Now, it's...
- Show me.

- Look, it's like this.
- [Nikki] Perfect.

- [Nikki] Okay.
- [Justin] Okay.

[Nikki] What else?
Show me the kitchen.

[Justin] Yes.

Here. Like in your apartment,

I have a rules of apartments.

- [Nikki] Very good.
- Yeah.

See, that's why we're
meant to be together

because we have the same values.


[Nikki sighs]

[Justin] And we can go here.

[Nikki speaking]

[Justin] And this is my bed.

- [Nikki] This is my bed.
- And our bed.

Okay. It's our bed now.

[Justin] You can
put the light on.

- [Nikki] Cute.
- [Justin] Yeah.

All right. I got to unpack.

Just, I need to take a break.

- I love it.
- Yeah.

It's nice.

Being that I'm in an
overseas relationship,

there's just so much
you can do for someone.

You can help them financially,

you can support
them on the phone,

but then there's the other
elements of a relationship

when you're together finally.

[Justin] Let's go.

Being intimate
is a very big part

of making our
relationship work too.

And sometimes I just feel
like he doesn't even try.

I think here you
can put your clothes.

[Nikki] If you're truly
in love with somebody,

you prove your love.

You make love to the person.

That's just always
been forever that.

It makes me feel rejected

and that's a problem for me.

And this is why I'm here.

Are you gonna shower me?

[upbeat music playing]

[alarm beeping]

[Manuel speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]



[Manuel speaking Spanish]

[alarm beeping]

- [Ashley in English] Okay.
- [speaking Spanish]

[alarm beeping]

[quirky music playing]

[speaking Spanish]

- [in English] Yeah.
- [speaking Spanish]

[Manuel speaking Spanish]

[Ashley in English] We woke up
this morning, everything was fine.

And Manuel's been telling me

that he can't get the Internet

on his Ecuadorian phone.

And I felt really,
really bad about it.

So I call up my
cell phone company

and I'm like, "Hey,
let's get an estimate

of how much it's gonna
be to get him a new phone."

They're like, "It's not
even gonna be this much.

We'll do, like, a free
two-day express shipping.

We're waiving
the activation fee."

All of these things.
I'm like, "Yes.

That's amazing. That's
amazing. Let's do it."

Order the phone, I
tell him, and he goes,


"That's not early enough.

I need Internet."

And I was like,
"Okay, so what...

- Do you want me to cancel it?"
- "Yeah."

Then just walks away.

I deserve an apology.

[speaking Spanish]

[Ashley speaking Spanish]

[Ashley in English] You want
Internet specifically on your phone.

My question is, why
you need Internet so bad?

I've got an iPhone, I've got
an iPad, I've got a computer.

The whole house
runs on Internet.

Whoever you need to talk
to for these next two days

while waiting for your
phone, you could talk to.

[speaking Spanish]


[Manuel speaking]

[dog barks]

- [Ashley in English] This is ridiculous.
- Yeah.

[speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]


[in English] All right. This
is the stupidest conversation

- I think I've ever had.
- [Manuel speaking Spanish]

I feel like I'm
losing brain cells.

[speaking Spanish]


[speaking Spanish]

Manuel, Manuel.

[in English] Yeah, [bleep] you
because that was absolutely ridiculous.

That was absolutely ridiculous.

You sit here and
act like an [bleep]

when I get you a
brand new cell phone

and you tell me
essentially to kick rocks

because it wasn't early enough.

So yes, that was not
nice for you to say.

You want respect,
you give respect.

That's how this works here.

[Manuel speaking Spanish]

- [in English] We are not meditating.
- [speaking Spanish]

[in English] I am not sharing
spiritual space with you

and your nasty-ass attitude.

That's for sure.

- [Manuel in English] Okay.
- Okay.

- [Manuel] Okay.
- Okay.

[suspenseful music playing]

[speaking Spanish]

[in English] Growing
pains like on steroids.

We're getting to know each other

and we are hitting
some rough patches.

- Bye, Ashley. - Ciao, Manuel.

[speaking Spanish]

[Ashley in English]
He's [bleep] ridiculous.

I'm done. I'm done
with this conversation

and not to be a butt-face,

but I really don't have space
for stupid conversations.

[dog whimpers]

[speaking Korean]

[both laugh]

[Nick in English]
When I first met Devin...

She's the first
white girl I've dated.

If Devin blows this up,

my family won't let me go to US

and it's gonna
destroy my whole life.

I don't know what the [bleep]
I'm gonna do with my life

if I don't ever have kids.

[bleep] even Jay-Z
and Beyonce got kids.

It's like, if I wanted
to not have kids,

I'd probably be
a player forever.

- Babe.
- Just leave me alone for a little bit.

[upbeat music playing]

[singer singing in Korean]

♪ Show me how you do it ♪

[Nick] I was born
and raised in Korea.

So I would...

It sometimes sound stupid.

[in Australian accent]

[in normal voice]

[upbeat music playing]

[singing in Korean]

- [man] No.
- [laughs]


Come on. Oh, there you go.

There you go. Drag
it, drag it, drag it.

There you go.

Oh, I got this piggy.

Whoa, look at this. It's cute.

And when I first met
Devin in Australia, uh...

And I felt so lucky.

♪ If you don't know about me ♪

♪ Well, I'm about To show you ♪

♪ If you don't know about me ♪

♪ Well, I'm about To show you ♪

[Nick speaking]

Let's dig in.

Devin is definitely
introvert person.

So when I first met her...

But after we spend
quite a lot of time...

And it was fun.

Like just for fun

to make me laugh and...

Yeah, something like that.

[somber music playing]

[speaking Korean]

[speaking Korean]

[Nick speaking]

[Nick speaking]

[in English] Devin calls me
monkey and I call her a piggy

because she's cute
and a little chubby.

I felt kind of bad,

but it's just saying
Devin is cute.

[speaking Korean]

[both laugh]

[woman speaking]

[in English] I've dated
Devin for two years

when I was Australia.

So we got engaged

and applied for the K-1 visa.

So what I know
is there's nothing.

I'm kind of worried about it.

There's not much
diversity there.

There's no Korean community,

no Korean restaurant and store.

Devin told me there are
quite a lot of racists there.

[speaking Korean]

[Nick speaking English]

but today, Devin,
she's flying to Korea.

[speaking Korean]

[in English] She always
wanted to come to Korea

and see what it's like.

So I'm excited to
show her around

and this is a secret,

but I'm going to
propose her in Korea.

When we got engaged
and apply for the K-1 visa...

But I wanna
propose her properly.

But in Korea, we
need permission,

approval from our
family and parents

before I get married.

If Devin blows this up,

my family won't let me go to US

and it's gonna
destroy my whole life.

[upbeat music playing]

[Victoria] If you legitimately

do not see children
in your future at all,

like ever, that is
something you need to be

completely honest
with yourself about.


[upbeat music playing]

[Victoria] I'm kind of in shock.

If I hadn't asked that
question about the kids,

I don't know if they
would've talked about it.

I'm just... I'm just kind of...

I don't... I honestly,
I don't even know.

For me, it is definitely
more the pregnancy thing,

and even a scare of
like, can I even have kids?

'Cause when I was

there was a teratoma
cyst in my left ovary.

Um, which obviously,

if they didn't find it in time,

I would've died.
Like, it's quite serious.

So they had to do surgery.

Like that's why I
literally have, like, scars

- on my stomach from
like... - [Victoria] Wow.

They told me that, like,
there was a possibility

that it could mess up my eggs.

So since then it's like,
would I rather, you know,

be like, "Oh, yeah, like I'm
gonna be a mom one day."

And then be told, "Actually,
you can't have kids."

- 'Cause that's devastating.
- [Victoria] Yeah.

For me, it was easier
to just be like, you know,

"Actually I might not
even wanna be pregnant."

So it's like I've
kind of accepted it.

[Rob] I feel like Sophie
knows what the

She knows what I want.

She's known that I want a kid.

I told her... How
do I... How do you...

How does a man talk about
what his kids' names would be

and then she's gonna act
like she doesn't remember that

and act like she didn't
know I would want kids?

It just sounds [bleep] stupid.

We're pretty far into this

for her to not know
maybe, maybe not.

Like, it's not
that type of thing.

It's like, do you
want 'em or not?

Do you see yourself
having kids or not?

[Victoria] Does
Robert know that?

Um, I know Rob knows
that I have had surgery

when I was... 'Cause he's asked

about, obviously, the
scar on my stomach.

Um, but I don't think he
knows that it's affected,

like, my eggs or
anything like that.

I honestly think that

that conversation
needs to happen...

[Sophie] Yeah.

[Victoria] ...if you
want this relationship

to go further.

[Sophie] The reasons
behind me not wanting kids

has a lot to do
with medical issues,

which I don't really
tell, you know, anyone.

It's a... It's a very
personal, like matter for me.

Rob does know
some stuff about it.

I guess he's never really asked,

"Does that affect
you having kids?"

Like, if someone
who really wants kids,

I just feel like that
would be the first thing

you'd kind of wonder like,
is everything okay there?

And when we both ask
about each other's future,

it's the same thing.

Me and him living
inland with animals.

Never one of us has
mentioned "with a couple kids."

Like usually that's, you know,

genuinely in the conversation.

Not once has he
ever mentioned kids.

Not one time in this
whole three years.

I'm gonna just go
check on him at least

to make sure he's all right.

[Victoria] All right.

Are you okay?

[Rob] Am I okay?

Can you stop for a
sec? Can you just stop?

I'm trying to have a serious
conversation with you.

I feel like you done
hit me over the head

with this [bleep] like, and
then you're trying to act

like you have no idea
that I would want kids.

I just don't wanna
talk about this at a,

like, arcade place.

Like it's not really the place

- to have this conversation.
- Well, how are we supposed to enjoy the arcade?

[Sophie] I understand
that Rob is in shock

about what I've said,

but I'm also in shock
by the way he's acting.

It seems like he hates me.

And it's crazy how
something like that

can just go so sideways.

I said one thing and
he's looking at me like

he's ready to walk
away and leave.

I've never seen him
look at me like that before.

It's like a very
upsetting situation

and I don't really know
how we're supposed to,

I guess, make up from this.

I don't know what the [bleep]
I'm gonna do with my life

if I don't ever have kids.

I don't know what
Sophie saw us doing

with our later years.

Like, all right,
we want to grind,

we want to gold chase right now.

And then what? [bleep]

Even Jay-Z and Beyonce got kids.

It's like, I don't wanna
be single forever.

If I wanted to not have kids,

I'd probably be
a player forever.

Just leave me
alone for a little bit.

[dramatic music playing]

Baby, I'm home.

[Nikki] You always criticize me.

I'm tired of it.

You're not gonna
control my style,

my hair looks, and my makeup.

[upbeat music playing]

[motorcycle engine revving]

[cell phone vibrating]

[Nikki speaking]

[Justin sighs]

[both laughing]

[Justin speaking]

[Nikki] That's disgusting.

Good morning, baby.

[Justin] Good morning, sweetie.

I'm so tired.

Waking up next to Justin

my first morning in
Chisinau, Moldova

makes me feel whole again.

You know, I felt like I was
missing part of my heart

and feels good
to be held at night

and cuddled by a guy
with nice, strong muscles.

So, what are we gonna do today?

Of course I like parks.



You said you're gonna walk
me in the park like a dog.


[Nikki] Well, you're too much.

Well, I need...

I need to go and, uh, get ready.

It's probably gonna
take me about...

- [Justin] How much?
- Like an hour, hour-and-a-half,

maybe a little bit more.

- What?
- [Nikki] Yeah.

Baby, I like when
you look more natural.

That is, for me,
looking more natural.

When I get done up, it
takes about three hours.

[quirky music playing]

[Justin speaking]


[Nikki] They like me.

[Nikki] No, they will
not. Stop playing.

I have to do my makeup.

[Justin] Okay.

No sexual activity.

Um, we were both exhausted.

We ate dinner

and um, I think we passed
out around 7:00 p.m.

Honestly, I just don't know
what the plan is gonna be

about who makes the first move

of being intimate together.

But I think Justin's priorities

are a little, you
know, mix-matched.

So, I don't know, you
know, so we'll see.

And don't forget the
bacon and some eggs.

[Justin] Okay.



[dramatic music playing]

You can have...

You want no makeup,
you want natural,

go date a Russian girl.

You know, from
the very beginning,

and I still wear makeup

and that's never gonna change.

So why are you asking?

Why are you telling me this?

It's like he wants to mold me

or to conform me into
this person that I'm not.

Justin changed
his whole character

when he found
out that I was trans.

Like literally changed
to someone very macho.

Like trying to make
me submissive.

It makes me upset.

I just don't understand
because 17 years ago

I wore makeup.

You never said anything.

Now I'm getting
a little bit older.

And I see many kinds of makeups.

So, you know about makeup?

- A little.
- No, you don't.

- How it's look up...
- No, you don't.

- On the face and the girls.
- No, you don't.

You're not a
makeup artist. Okay?

I am a makeup artist
and this is my aesthetic.

This is what I do.

At the end of the day,
you're not gonna control

my style, my hair
looks, and my makeup.


[Nikki] Hmm. I think
that that's pretty much...

And this is what
I'm talking about.

When you wanna be a jokester,

you think everything is funny.

- It's like...
- [Justin] Not everything.

- Nothing.
- I'm trying to be...

- I'm trying to be serious.
- Our life is not funny.

[Nikki] I can't figure
him out sometimes.

I really can't.

It doesn't seem
like he wants to work

or try to make it better.

And everything is a joke.

I feel he's not taking
our relationship seriously.

[Justin] Give me a hug.

A little hug.

He is walking not
in a man's pace.

He's walking in a child's pace.

But I do love him.

So, I'm going to
think positively

that my relationship
is gonna work,

that I want it to work,

and I'm gonna do everything
possible to make it work.

[dramatic music playing]

They called nine times.

Like that's weird, Ashley.

It's weird.

I didn't know who you guys were

when he was over in Ecuador.

Now you're blowing him up?

I'd be a fool to not
think about the fact

that Manuel might be
coming here on my back

so he could meet
up with his family.

And leave you?

Don't like it.

It's messy.

[dramatic music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

♪ I just do it for myself ♪

♪ I don't need no one else ♪

♪ And they say I'm
sick But I don't do this ♪

♪ For my health ♪

♪ It's all about me ♪

♪ All about me ♪

♪ I can walk in your shoes ♪

♪ But it's not about you ♪

[Sienna] Hi.

- [Ashley] How are you?
- How are you?

- I'm good. You?
- [sighs]

- I've been better.
- Okay.

We are here at
the park right now

because Manuel and I got

into kind of an
expl*sive argument.

So, called my sister to vent

and talk me off
the ledge, really.

- Thanks for meeting me.
- No problem.

Yeah, when you called
me you just kind of

- sounded a little upset.
- I don't...

I don't know if he's
adjusting or not adjusting well.

Wait, I'm sorry.

Is that a hickey on your neck?


- Ashley.
- I don't...

- I don't know what it is.
- No. Stop.

- Is that a hickey?
- [laughter]

- What is that?
- I don't know.

[Sienna] No, show me.
Don't try to hide it up.

I don't know what it is.

You see that part's fine.


Yeah, I know. I
mean it's kind of...

- It's just the communication.
- [Sienna] Yeah.

When you called me and
it's only been two days,

I was like, "Yeah,
something's up."

[Ashley] Let's
sit, like, right here.

- It's beautiful.
- Mm-hmm.

I wanna see what's on my neck.

Let me see your phone.


Oh, God.

- We're just
gonna... - You're bad.

I told you, that part is fine.

- [Sienna] I'm telling mom.
- This...

I mean the sex should be great.

[sighs] Here's what's
not great though.

Okay. I tell him,

I'm like, "Babe, your
phone's coming on Monday

or Tuesday all set up."

And then he goes, "Ugh,
that's not early enough."

Like, "thank you"
should have been

- the first thing out of his mouth.
- Thank you.

I'm not sitting here like,
"You need to thank me

and like bow down to me."

But it just could have
been very simply,

- "Thanks, babe. Appreciate you."
- [Sienna] Yeah.

- That's it.
- Yeah.

The fact that we couldn't
try to work through this

and I had to leave my
space, red flag for me.

You know, you have to...

You have to work through it.

You can't just walk away
when things get hard.

- And... - He told me
when I left, he goes,

"Make sure you come
back in a better mood."

- Ooh.
- I'm telling you.

And then he's like,
"Yeah, you're all like saying

like [bleep] you duh,
duh, duh, duh, duh."

And I was like, "And
I meant what I said,

- [bleep] you."
- Cursing him out, Ashley?

Sisi, I meant what I said.

You were cursing him out?

Sisi, how? Okay.

Did he... Did he understand you?

He repeated back, "[bleep] you."


[Sienna] Ashley
is quick to react.

She goes from
zero to one hundred

really, really fast.

She's fire.

She's magic, she's fire.

And, you know,
they're both alphas.

We'll see how things
work out for them,

but it's gonna be a
lot of learning curves.

Was he, like, frustrated

that he couldn't
talk to his family?

- Is that why?
- He can talk to his family.

[Sienna] On your device?

- On... Yeah.
- [Sienna] Okay.

When he says,

"I need Internet now,"

he needs Internet on his phone.

That's what he's saying.

But why, though?

Why is it so important
for you to get Internet

on your phone, specifically?

[Sienna] Do you think
he was like, I don't know.

[Ashley] What were
you gonna say?

Say it, say it.

That just makes me nervous.

Is he, like, planning

something with his family?

I'd be a fool to not
think about the fact

that Manuel might be
coming here on my back

so he could meet
up with his family.

- And leave you?
- [Ashley] I would be... And leave me.

I would be a fool to
not think about that.

He has family in New York City.

He has family in Newark.

Does that worry you?

It didn't until his
people started calling

so aggressively.

I guess his mom gave
them my phone number

because we still
can't get his phone up

and working in America.

So they've been blowing
up my phone to talk to him.

They called nine times.

Like, that's weird, Ashley.

- Isn't that weird?
- [Sienna] It's weird.

- That's what I'm saying.
- It's weird.

Why are you calling so much?

I didn't know who you guys were

when he was over in Ecuador.

Now you're blowing him up?


I've never met them.

I've never FaceTimed with them.

I don't know their names.

I did not think that
they'd be calling me.

I'm glad that he
has people close by

so he doesn't
feel like he's alone.

But I also want him to remember

- what he's here for.
- Yeah.

He's not here for them.

He's on a K-1 visa.

He is here for
this relationship.

They are secondary.

I'm not saying this
man is here for a visa.

I truly believe he loves me,

but I also believe

that if things don't work out

and if we don't get married,

he has no intention of
going back to Ecuador.

[Sienna] Damn.

I support her.

I love... I love who she loves,

but based off some
of the red flags

that I'm getting from him,

I don't know if he's a
fit partner for her yet.

You know, thing...
People switch up.

When they show you who they are,

you believe them,
and I feel like

he's definitely
showing who he is.

So I think they need to
get to know each other more

before something like marriage.

[dramatic music playing]

I'm just shocked that
you blew all that money

on a cosmetic procedure
that you don't even need,

and you lied to me about it.

I feel betrayed by Jasmine.
For the last year and a half,

I've been busting my
ass to save money.

When is she gonna
do something for us?

But you have to understand
that you lie to me, baby,

because hiding
the truth is lying.

Baby, it's not the same thing.

[dramatic music playing]

[Jasmine] Coco.

- Hi.
- [Gino] Hi.

[dramatic music playing]

What you doing?

I was just reading some news.

Well, I really feel like

I really need to talk to you.

I'm very sad to be honest,
because you're mad at me.

We cannot continue just
like ignoring each other.

I'm just shocked that...

the money that I gave to you

for your wedding dress...

and you blew all
that money on a...

on a cosmetic procedure
that you don't even need,

and you lied to me about it.

Yeah. I feel really
betrayed by Jasmine.

For the last year and a
half, I've been busting my ass

to save money to buy a dress

and she spends it

on butt implants for herself.

I mean, when is she
gonna do something for us?

I feel very bad to
make you feel that way.

I was never intended
to make you feel...

like you're feeling.

But you have to understand,
too, that you lie to me, baby,

because hiding
the truth is lying.

You know...

Baby, it's not the same thing.

I was quitting my job to
be with you and support you

- when you come here.
- Yeah, but that's the thing.

If you have told me this,
like, you quit your job,

that we were under
a very tight budget

when I was in Panama

instead of waiting
until I arrive here,

I promise I would
never spend this money.

But that's the thing, I
did it thinking to myself

that you were working,
that we were okay,

that I would have time
to replace the money.

I mean, I regret
having the surgery,

I do, but I cannot,
like, "Okay doctor,

take out the implants
and give me the money."

I wish I could.

If that were possible,

trust me, I will.

What's gonna happen when we...

If we were to get married

and you are spending,
spending, spending money

like crazy on these
cosmetic procedures

that you don't even need?

I don't see myself
the way you see me.

I have always deal
with this problem.

Like, I am very insecure

when it comes to my body.

I'm sorry for being like this.

I wanted to look so
pretty for you, baby.

Like, I work so hard at the gym.

Um, I'm eating
healthy all the time.

Um, you know, but
the reflection that I see

in the mirror doesn't match,

you know, the reality.

Like, I don't see myself
like a pretty woman.

I'm highly insecure
and I was so scared,

like, now that I
got so skinny...

- [Gino] Baby, you're...
- and I lost my ass,

you wouldn't love me.

[dramatic music playing]

[Gino] You don't have
to change all this stuff.

I like you the way you are.

Like, you're beautiful
the day I met you,

why do you have to keep
doing all these procedures?

Baby, but I'm trying my best.

I just took away
my hair extension

that I used to spend thousands
and thousands of dollars.

- [Gino] Baby, you're... -
And embrace my natural hair

- that I hated because I'm losing it.
- I love your natural hair.

It's beautiful.

I love the way your hair is now.

[Jasmine speaking]

And I'm very insecure
about my hair.

It means a lot having
Gino complimenting my hair

and telling me
how beautiful I look.

It really just helps with
my self-esteem a lot.

You're beautiful
the way you are.

Don't you see?

- You're beautiful.
- [Jasmine sobbing]

[Gino] I knew that Jasmine
had some insecurities.

Um, but I don't know,
maybe she struggles with it

more than I know.

At least she apologized,
because honestly,

she doesn't apologize to
me very often, to be honest.

She's being honest with
me and it gives me hope

that maybe she's not
gonna lie to me anymore.

We just have to, like,

stop hiding things
from each other.

Um, it would
prevent a lot of pain,

suffering in the,
you know, future.

'Cause otherwise our
relationship's gonna

- go down the drain.
- No, I want...

No, no, don't say that.

Don't say "down the drain." No.

I want us to have a happy

and healthy relationship.

You're my happiness.

I want that, too.

[dramatic music playing]

I agree that honesty
is super important

if we really wanna make
this relationship work.

And that means
that I will eventually

have to come clean,

but now it's not the time.

[speaking Spanish]


[dramatic music playing]

[Nick speaking]

Are you excited?

I'm excited, too.

But I don't care.

[speaking Spanish]

[Ashley in English] He likes to
keep pieces of his life separate

and it makes me wonder.

It does.

[speaking Spanish]

[Manuel speaking Spanish]

[upbeat music playing]

♪ I will never let you go ♪

[Nick speaking]

I'm nervous and
excited at the same time.

And I can't wait to see her.

Are you excited?

I'm excited, too.

That sounds weird,
but I can't wait.

It's not easy to...

But talking on the phone is...

is nothing. I wanna...

I wanna touch her
and feel her, you know?

[suspenseful music playing]

We haven't seen
each other in a while.

So when we see
each other in person...

it can be different, you know?

But, um, I just can't wait
to see her, you know?

I just... going crazy.

[upbeat music playing]

[Nick speaking]

[upbeat music playing]

My name is Devin. I'm 24,

and I live in Searcy, Arkansas.

All good?

[Devin] When I see Nick,
I definitely feel emotional.

It's been a long time

and there were points
where we weren't sure

if it was even
gonna happen or not.

So now that it's finally here,

I don't even really know
exactly how to feel about it.

It's still processing.


Seeing Nick cry like this,

it's pretty sweet

because he never cries

or anything, so...

Didn't you cry, too?

Well, yeah, but
I cry all the time.

- [laughs]
- Okay.

This is for you.

Look at this, piggy.

Look at that.

Exactly, uh, just like you.

Look at that.

Yeah, piggy.

- Piggy. You like it?
- Mm-hmm.


Nick insists that piggy
is a term of endearment.

But in America,
it'd be considered

extremely rude to, like,
call someone a piggy.


So I think he knows, but...

I know, but we are different.

You know what I mean?

[Devin] No.


- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

- Tired?
- Are you okay?

[Nick speaking]

What do you want to eat?

You don't know?

Let's get outta here.

[Devin] The main
reason we came to Korea

was for me to meet Nick's
parents for the first time.

So, you know, even
with all the excitement

that I'm still a little
nervous about that.

We've already gone through
a lot to get to this point.

So it would ruin everything

if his parents didn't like me.

Do you think your
parents will like me?

It's okay to be nervous,

'cause, uh, I'll be the same

when I see your family.

But you'll be
there for me, yeah?

And I'll be there for you.

[laughs] Come here.

[dramatic music playing]

[Nick] Welcome to Korea.

["Never Let Me Go"
by Wiese playing]

♪ You got me
Breathing underwater ♪

♪ Underwater ♪

♪ Baby, when you're around ♪

♪ Oh, I can do anything ♪

[cell phone rings]

[Ashley sighs]

[Ashley speaking Spanish]

♪ I can't lie ♪

♪ I'm into you I can't hide ♪

♪ From the truth ♪

♪ You caught my eye ♪

[both speaking Spanish]

[Ashley in English]
So, I'm making dinner

and these people have
been calling me like crazy.

I'm just trying to figure
out like who they are

and what's up and
what's going on with that.

[speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

[Ashley in English] We
still can't get his phone up

and working in America.

So I guess his mom gave
them my phone number,

so it's been really intense.

I have no clue who
these people are.

I just know that they're
family members of Manuel

and that they're
in New York City.

[speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

- [speaking Spanish] -
[Ashley in English] Okay.

[Manuel speaking Spanish]

[Ashley speaking Spanish]

[Manuel speaking]

[speaking Spanish]

[Mercy speaking]

[Ashley speaking]

[Mercy speaking]

[in English] Yeah.

[speaking Spanish]

[Mercy speaking]

[Ashley in English] Manuel, he
has a lot of family in New York.

I thought that he had
some, but Mercy said...

[speaking Spanish]

[in English] And it makes me
wonder whether or not he's using me

for a green card.

It does.

[speaking Spanish]

[in English] Pretty
much the way I see it

is if Manuel ever
wanted to, like, leave

and take a bus to
New York, he could.

He could bounce out.

He'd eat.

He'd figure it out.

That's what it sounds like

with the amount of family he has

just five hours away from me.

[both speaking Spanish]

[in English] Bye.

I don't see anything
in your mind

that you even wanna spend,
like, intimate time with me.

Justin, this is
something that you do

when two people
live with each other.

I haven't seen
you in nine months.

Like you act like you
have another woman.

- [Justin] Please...
- No.

You act like you have
another woman though.

[upbeat music playing]

[Nikki] Baby, my sneaker...

Can you tie it for me, please?

[Justin speaking]

[upbeat music playing]

Okay. So how far is
the park from here?

Today I bring the Nikki

as in one of the beautiful
parks at Chisinau.

They have ice cream.

- [Nikki] I want ice cream.
- [Justin] Yes. You like?

How about... I want
some cotton candy

and I want ice cream.

[Justin speaking]

- Yes. My favorite.
- Okay.

[Nikki] Okay.

[Nikki speaking Russian]

Can I get one?

[Justin speaking]

Ah, I just got ice
cream on my face.

Can you lick it?

Lick it.

It's too much you make-up here.

- I can't.
- What? But it's cute.

[Justin chuckles] No, no, no.

- No intention. No, no.
- Come on.

- I don't have a...
- I don't want to eat...

- Well, I don't have a napkin.
- Makeup.

I don't have a napkin.

I give it to you.

[Nikki] No, I don't...

- [Justin] Wait, wait, wait.
- [Nikki] Come here.

Just lick it.

Oh, my God.

Can you believe my
fiance wouldn't lick my face?

Thank you.

[speaking Russian]

[Justin speaking Russian]

[Justin in English] Let's go.

[Nikki] I think it's such
a beautiful gesture

to take me to the
park in Moldova,

because the last time
we were in Moldova

he brought me to a park
for my first engagement.

And here, some games.

- Okay.
- [Nikki] What is this?

- The first thing is... You see?
- [Nikki] Yes.

All the pieces
are on the places.

[Nikki] Okay.

And I put it here.

[Nikki] Yes.

And try to put all
the pieces here.

Are you trying to
test how smart I am?

No, no, no.

This is just games for brain.

I will play with you often.

[Nikki] Justin likes chess.

So I don't find it odd

that he likes puzzles, I guess.

I think I deserve
a little bit more.

I would've probably liked
a picnic with some wine.

Why are you testing

- how much of an airhead I am?
- No.

[Nikki] I don't know if this
is one of Justin's moves,

bringing a woman to
a park, playing puzzles.

Maybe that's why he was
still single at 36 years old,

because obviously that
hasn't worked for him.

Wait, hold up.

I think I got it.

- Yeah. You see? Only one game...
- Yes.

And you smarter.

[Nikki] Okay. What other
games are we gonna play?

- Hide the hotdog?
- [laughter]

[Justin speaking]

[Nikki] Let's go work on
our relationship, honey.

Let's go to the house.


We're... No, you're
not sleeping, honey.



I haven't seen
you in nine months.

That means, like,
being with you intimately

and stuff like that.
Do you even want to?

Because it doesn't
seem like you do.

I want you, babe.

Let's talk about it.




Would you rather play
chess than make love?

Is that... Does that
excite you more?

I don't think you,
like, really appreciate

like a beautiful, gorgeous
woman being with you.

- No, babe.
- I haven't seen you in nine months.

Like, you act like you
have another woman.

- Please...
- No.

You act like you have
another woman though.

I mean, if you don't
like being with me,

then why are you even with me?

I mean, honestly when I get here

- and there's no spark,
um... - Excuse me. Spark?

- What's mean spark?
- [mimics spark sound]

Okay. Flash.

Flash in your
soul, in your heart.

- [Justin] Yes. Yes.
- In your...

- [Justin] Got it.
- Penis.

That's a spark.

You know, when you
feel something inside you

and you wanna make
love to the woman

that you're marrying
in the future.

Like, after a nine-month break,

it makes me question
his love for me.

I always with you, I'm
trying to be the nice with you.

Why you want always to fight?

I don't understand
your position.

Justin, this is
something that you do

when two people
live with each other.

So it's like, I don't see
anything in your mind

that you even wanna spend,
like, intimate time with me.

And that's like, it...

That bothers me
because it's not just now...

No, it's not just now,
it's other times too.

If you're not sexually
attracted to me,

why are you with me?

But when you say,
"Baby, I need money.

Baby, I need help."
I'm there, right?

Can we just pack
this? I wanna go.

Honestly, I just feel like
if you're not wanting to be

with me intimately,
I feel rejected.

And when I feel
rejected, I start feeling

that you're not in love with me

or there's someone else

that you're screwing
when I'm not around.



- Okay.
- Okay.

I understand.

- Can we go?
- Yes, let's go.

Couples make love and
you don't do that with me.

What do you mean,
I won't? I won't...

Physically or...

Yes, honey. That...

Yes, there's many elements
that go into a relationship.

[Nikki] Can we just go?

- [Justin speaking]
- [Nikki] Can we go?

[Justin] Of course, we can go.

- [Nikki] Listen, I'm
gonna tell... - Okay. Okay.

- I'm gonna tell you something.
- Next ten minutes...

- I'm gonna tell you something...
- What?

And you can... And you
can take it for whatever it is.


If something doesn't
change, and, like, seriously,

I think this is so
beautiful, yes, thank you.

But literally, you have
within, like, 48 hours

to change my mind
or I'm literally leaving.

Okay? And that's the last
time you're ever gonna see me.

I'm so done with your...

Like, making everything a
joke and something that I'm...

[Justin speaking]

Yes, I'm very serious.

There's so many emotions inside

that have been holding
inside of me for so long

with my relationship
with Justin.

But, like, now, being
here in the moment

and speaking to him in
person and seeing that it's, like,

reality is hitting
me in my face.

Like, "Oh, my God,
he really is cold to me."

He has never put me
on his social media.

He has never even
wanted me to come to here.

It makes me feel
like I am a secret.

It makes me feel like
he's ashamed of me.

It makes me feel
so many feelings

that I should not feel,

and I don't deserve that.

I deserve more.

I'm... I'm just, like,
so over this [bleep].

I thought this was
gonna change with us

and it's just not.


And I have to have hope

and never have doubts
of our relationship,

but whether he
chooses to jump in

and work on it with me

or emotionally check
out like he always does

and run away, we'll see.

[tense music playing]

[Sophie speaking]

Just at least let me, like, think
about things too, you know.

[Rob] I could not walk
down the aisle today.

I couldn't do that.

It would be a lie,

because my heart is
really torn right now.

I'll be back.

[dramatic music playing]

[dramatic music playing]

- Hi.
- I'm heading out.

- I just wanted to say bye.
- Bye.

How are you feeling about...

everything right now?

Just got a lot to process.


I mean, like, I'm
kind of taken aback

by that whole
conversation, you know.

I wasn't expecting that.

Like, you would think
that that's something

you guys talked
about in the beginning.

I really feel like it was...

It's definitely
been put out there.

But then you asked...

And I guess she didn't hear it.

The question, "Do
you want children"?

[Rob] I feel like
if I'm telling you

what I would name my kids,

obviously I want kids.


She did tell me...

I don't know how
much she told you,

but she confided
in me a little bit

that it's more like a medical...

Like it's a legitimate
medical fear

that, like, she
fears for her life.

So, like, I just
want you to listen

with an open heart,
because the one thing

a woman's body is supposed
to do is have children.

So when you feel like that's
been taken away from you,

you guys just need to
have that conversation.

But I'm here for
both of you guys.

I love both of you.

All right. I love you.

- All right. I love you too.
- I'll talk to you soon, okay?

- Drive home safe.
- All right. Bye.

I guess we will
have to talk about it.

Sophie... Sophie's gonna
have to say something.

She's gonna have
to help me understand

what I should be
thinking right now.

So what's up? You ready to go?

[Sophie] Yeah.

[Rob] Because I could not
walk down the aisle today.

I couldn't do that.

It would be a lie.

Because my heart is
really torn right now.

And that's not
fair to me or her.

[dramatic music playing]

[Sophie groans]


[exhales] Is there
heating in this car?

[Sophie] Freezing.

I feel like, you know,

he's making me
out to be like a villain

because I've said
something as crazy as,

"Oh, I don't want kids."
When it's like, you know...

This isn't... I'm not
obliged to have children.

It's not, you know, "If
you're in a relationship,

you have to have kids."

You don't. No one does.

I still want to be with Rob

even though he's
acting like this,

I still feel the same.

But it kind of looks like
his feelings towards me,

even just by saying something,
has completely switched.

This is what he does.

He's heard something
he doesn't like,

he's shutting down.

He doesn't wanna
listen to me or understand

my personal reasons

as to why I don't want children.

And I just want him to,

I guess, just listen to me
and give me the time I need

and understand
where I'm coming from.

But it just feels like
he hates me right now

and he doesn't really
care what I have to say.

Right now, I'm overly exhausted,

so I really don't have
the energy to, like,

speak about something this big.

So it's like, I feel like
tomorrow I can give you, like,

you know, my full
energy and after, like...

Just at least let me, like, think
about things too, you know.

So, yeah, I'm just
gonna get some sleep.

And I think you should, as well.

[Sophie] Okay.

I don't know how she can sleep.

I know I'm not gonna sleep.

All I'm gonna think
about is wondering

what's gonna
happen with my life.

- I'll be back.
- [Sophie] Mm-hmm.

[Rob] Rome, come on.

[dog barks]

[woman] Next time,
90 Day Fiance...

[Jasmine] Today, I look
at myself in the mirror.

I was super red and I got
scared like, "What is this?"

What is causing this is,
like, the house is very dirty.

You were living
in a dirty apartment

with mice in it.

What mice, you [bleep] idiot?

- What mice? You're very...
- Your apartment...

- disrespectful.
- Your apartment...

You're very disrespectful.

[upbeat music playing]

Oh, little French pig.

I love my Guinea pigs a lot,

but they're not my
only roommates.

I also have two Chihuahuas.

My mom lives in
a walk-in closet,

but my fiancee Anali
got issued her K-1 visa

and she's gonna be
arriving to the US very soon.

[speaking Spanish]

[in English] But I'm worried
about how Anali would react

if she were to arrive today.


[Nick speaking]

It's kind of big day.

The first time you're
gonna see my parents.

I can't marry someone
my family doesn't like.

- Okay.
- [Devin speaking]

[Nick speaking]

So tomorrow you
wanna go to the gym?

Why would it be better for me

than the gym that
you've been going to

that you don't want me going to?

Okay. Stop.

You don't put me first ever.

Who the [bleep] do
you think you are?

Bye, little child.

[suspenseful music playing]

I'm not perfect,

but I'm definitely not
trying to [bleep] me

with nobody else but you.

I just want you. I
want you in my life.

It's just a lot and I just...
He's disgusting right now

and I just don't wanna be,
like, anywhere near him.

I just feel very
trapped and very alone.

I don't have anywhere to go.

What am I supposed to do now?
