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09x10 - In the Ring

Posted: 04/23/24 20:35
by bunniefuu
You can be very fussy at times.

It's not fussing, I don't fuss.

We're not coming to a solution
on how to communicate

more effectively.

This is not how I see myself
dealing with a disagreement

with my future spouse.

I'm just worried about money.
Would you guys help with that?

We'll help you with the wedding.

I do worry if she's making
the right choice, marrying Kobe.

$4,000 to live here, it's...
it's not a lot.

He's out of his mind.

A cell phone for America now.


Welcome, welcome, welcome!

You got it, you got it, you got it!

We'll enter into the reception area

It's so beautiful.
I will definitely cry a lot.

It's expensive,
but it's a beautiful place.

I have the final word.
We have to stop that shit!

The truth is that
you don't have the final word.

I'm worried about you. What does
Miona bring to the relationship -

does she support your music?

David could be right, maybe Miona
isn't ready for this relationship.

What do you think I should do,
would you get married right now? No.

You didn't think to tell me
you'd be training with a girl?

She's my friend.
What's your name?

You have full make-up on.
Get out of my way.

You never told me that.

If you're not going to be honest
about what you're doing...


It's finally nice to be
out of the house, you know? Yeah.

Kobe and I are
halfway through our 90 days.

Ever since my parents agreed
to pay for our wedding,

my life has been chaotic.

Getting this little, tiny moment
of us spending time together

is really important.

I've been really busy with planning.

It's not going to be
a 200-person wedding that I want,

it's just a nice wedding.

I spoke with your dad.

I don't think we can use the whole
$10,000 just for the wedding.

I want to have really pretty
flowers, I want to have good food.

I'm not going to settle.

Rock City, woo-woo!

I am glad to get out of the house
today with Emily,

away from her family.

Emily loves this Rock City
just from the name.

I feel like I'm going to see
spectacular things,

I'm really superexcited.

Welcome to Rock City.



Babe, what do you think?

Is this all?

No, there's rocks all over.

You drive about 30 minutes
just to go and see rocks?

Who does that?

Everyone takes a picture
in the hole in the rock. Everyone?

Just hold onto me! [GRUNTS]

But still,
I love her, and she's happy.

I had to pretend like it was fun
and stuff like that,

but that's crazy, man.

The things you do for love,
you know?

I can't believe I'm doing this.

Are your balls cold?

Cold, cold, cold!
Let's not injure those.

I need those.

Shit, Americans are crazy, man!


EMILY: We're here!

Hi, Grandma.

Hi, Mom. You beat us here.

The wedding planning is finally
starting to take shape.

I am scheduled
to go wedding-dress shopping

with my mom, my sister,
and my grandma, and I'm so excited.

Hi! Hello.
Oh, my gosh - so many dresses!

I've always dreamed of my wedding
ever since I was a little girl.

It is a dream come true
to go wedding-dress shopping,

it's something I've always wanted.

I like this one and this one.
OK, uh-huh.

Want to get started?
Yeah, I want to get started!

I'm anxious, I'm ready.

After I find my dress, everything
else will fall into place.

Are we ready? Here she comes!

Yay! Oh, that's beautiful.

Right? I love this one.
MADELINE: You look gorgeous.

Thank you.
Yeah, you look amazing.

I love the pockets.
You can't walk down the aisle

with your hands in your pockets.
But I can for everything else.

I want to give you this vibe.

You've got this fairy-tale thing

I love this one!

Now I need a horse and carriage

to whisk me away.

Not everything in your life
has to be over-the-top [!]

I feel a little anxious

because I think
Emily has a little growing up to do.

It's very nice, I just don't think
it's THE one. Yeah, no.

She needs to be more concerned
about developing her relationship

before she's planning this wedding.

But I think Emily just does
what Emily wants to do.

Hopefully, she just isn't caught up
in the whole excitement of it all.

OK? Dress number two!

LISA: I like that one!

I like it too.


I got the boobs!

Love the boobs!

Can I throw the belt on this one?
Yeah, OK.

Add some...
I like that neckline

and I like the gathering.

I like it too.
And the belt is very pretty with it.

And it has pockets.
Yes, it does.

And it has pockets.

I love everything about it.
[SIGHS] I love everything.

Do you like it better than
the last one? I don't know!

This is flattering.
I really like the bodice.

I do too. It covers up your arms,
which you were concerned about.

You look amazing.
I really like it.

I think I like it
better than the last one. Really?

MADELINE: That's good.
Dress number two, you might be done.

Think Kobe will like it?

He BETTER like it.
[LAUGHS] Perfect! Perfect.

How's everything going with Kobe?

I want to marry him, I don't know
if he still wants to marry me.

If he gets a ring,
we'll find out the truth, right?

You HAVE a ring.


He gave me a ring in China,
like, one he bought off the streets.

But I feel like,
if we're getting married,

I would like a nice ring.

Honestly, Emily,
marriage is not about the ring,

it's about the relationship and
the life you're building together.

It's not about the ring,
I just want a ring.

You talk about the ring
more than anyone!

Cos I'm hinting at him
to go look at rings.

Or telling him.

I don't feel like
I'm high-maintenance,

I just like what I like, and I don't
want anything less than that.

Did you shake it? Woo, all right!
Pour it up, pour it up!

Thank you.
You look gorgeous.

I love this gown.

I want to add the veil and the coat.
What do you want for earrings?

I don't know, depends what my ring
looks like that he picks out.

Go into my purse really quick -
there's a box in there. What?

Just in case. Can I trade you?

[GASPS] You did not!
I did.

I have to wear a ring forever,
so I want it to be something I love.

It's not that
I don't have faith in Kobe,

but I also don't want
to put that much pressure on him.

In my eyes, OK, if he can't
afford it, then I'll buy myself one.

Oh, it's so pretty!
It's one carat too.

I bought it with my own money.
It's really pretty.

Just in case he can't afford one.

What if he goes out and buys one?

I don't know.
It's so pretty, I love this ring!

It IS pretty.
Oh, my gosh, Emily.

You don't think it's pretty?
No, it's beautiful,

I just can't believe
you bought a ring. It's for backup.

Like you said.
She gets it. Thank you.

What if he finds one and he buys it,

and you don't like it
as much as this ring?

I'll have to suck it up
and take the ring he gives me. OK.

I just, well...

..I cannot believe
she bought a ring.

They're obviously on a tight budget
right now,

so it doesn't make any sense to me.

All right, well, hopefully
he finds one that I love more.

But it is beautiful, I love it.

It's a total control thing,

but that's one thing
she needs to relinquish control of.

But here we are.
If he goes out and buys a ring,

it could be a little emasculating.

Poor Kobe. There's tons of pressure
on him now, I feel for the guy.

Chicago was a rough trip, it wasn't exactly what I expected.

The Black Serbs album
didn't get finished,

and the tension with David
opened my eyes to the fact that

I'm torn between my band
and my relationship with Miona.

I'm on my way
to meet my parents for coffee.

With all this outside influence
and... [SIGHS]

..relationship issues,

the fact that my parents are
asking me to talk is suspicious.

What's up, Mama?

How you guys doing?

We got coffee at home.
Why are we here to get some coffee?

I already know.

It's going to be a... long convo.

How are you doing?
I'm tired, I'm overwhelmed.

I've just been thinking a lot about
getting wedding stuff planned out.

Miona and I
decided on a beach wedding.

Miona really wants a beach wedding.

Originally, you guys thought, maybe
a prairie wedding or a... I know.

..South Dakota wedding, where
your family could attend it. I know.

But, you know,
I want her to be happy.

It's last-minute, but you guys know
I only had 90 days to do this.

You still could have planned it from
the very beginning of the 90 days

so that we could tell family
and all plan

to take time off to be there.

You guys don't think that

you could take a couple days off
and come to the wedding?

So, you are not coming,
is what you're telling me?

We would like to be at your wedding,
but because of what I'll call

lack of organisation
or lack of planning,

I don't think
we'll be able to attend.

I don't know. This is... [SIGHS]

This is upsetting, Jibri.
Why's it upsetting?

We want to see you get married,
and be at the wedding,

and support you,
which is another concern, frankly.

We wanted to be able to talk with you
in a place where

it was just us to talk about
what we're noticing

and, like, some of our concerns.

Parents can generally tell
when their child looks stressed.

Normally, you're bubbly, excited,
passionate about things,

talking about
wonderful things in the future,

and you're not doing that as much.

And it seems like
you're not doing... OK.

We don't see that you're happy.

I just feel like I'm in a waiting
room, and the walls are closing in.

I feel like
I have to choose a door to escape

for the next chapter, right?

And whatever door I choose,
somebody's going to be left out.

I'm just overwhelmed.

That's why
we talk about these things. Yeah.

That we even have to
have a conversation

out, having coffee,
because we don't feel comfortable

being able to have
a private conversation at home,

to me, that's... that's a concern,
and you aren't even married yet.

You and I have tried
to have a conversation recently,

and she texted or called, like,
eight times

while we sat for 20 minutes
and talked.

That feels controlling,
and you are not the type of person

who wants to be controlled.

If you didn't have
this 90-day limit,

you had a year to decide
if you were going to get married,

would you really end up
getting married at all?


I'd wait till we had more time
and figured things out.

But that's hypothetically speaking -
I don't have that time.

My wish upon wish is that
you guys just postpone this.

If it's something you guys continue
to want to do in six months

or a year, re-evaluate this, and
decide if you want to be married.

Jibri is saying that
he would not get married to Miona

if this 90-day clock wasn't there,

He's not ready to get married yet.

I want him to listen to himself,

Part of what is really keeping him
in this decision to get married

is concern about
the blowback from Miona.

That really pains me to say.

I want to be optimistic,

but that does not seem like it's
going to be healthy in a marriage.

I don't sacrifice myself
to be with your dad.

I want to be there
to support your dad

in everything that
he imagines for himself

that makes him happy and fulfilled,

and I know
he feels that way about me.

I don't see that with you and Miona.

Frankly, it makes me really concerned
and really sad.

I want that for you - I want someone
to want to be with you,

to want the best for you.

If that was true about you and Miona,

we would be able
to be at your wedding.

I never imagined
not being at your wedding -

I never imagined that.

It is going to break my heart.

My parents aren't
coming to the wedding

because they feel that
I'm not ready to get married.

That hurts, but I think that
there's truth to that.

They have noticed that I'm
not happy, and that definitely feels

concerning because they know me
better than anybody knows me.

I don't know what I'm going to do.

To be clear, whatever you decide,

it'll never be a question of
us not loving you,

we'll love you forever.

I love you, Jibri,
I want you to be happy.

And you're telling us
you're not happy.

middle line:90% position:50% [GASPS] Oh!

It's snowing a little bit.

Do you have an idea of what type
of stuff you want to get?

I think I like plants.

Plans? Yeah, plants -
we could get some plants.

I'm not good at taking care of them.

If you want to take care of them,
make sure they're watered.

Do you know what plants are?


Plants are, like...

Plants, plants.

Plans or planes?
It's "plants".

I'll show you a picture, cos
I don't know the word in Portuguese.

Oh, plants! Plants - planta!

That's what I've been saying
the whole time. Yeah, yeah!

I wouldn't mind having some plants.
Uh, plans? Uh-huh, I like plans.

Good energy for the house and...
Think so?

Something for uh, more colour.

Hi, guys, how's it going?

Welcome in.

If you guys want
to look around the store,

if you have some questions,
let me know. Thanks.


I like this sofa.

We can change all... everything in
your... our house, what do you think?



I want to understand what you like.

I think I... Oh, I saw!

We need uh,
the table for the living room.

But we don't need it.
The furniture I have is fine.

You'll just have to
learn to like it.

Why upset?

You come here, why?

I wanted you to look around,
I wanted to see what you like.

I like... I want something
for decoration like this...

You shouldn't touch that.
..for house looks like me.

Thais has a valid point
about making the house more hers,

and I want her to feel comfortable,

but I've never been big on things

decorations on the house and
random things hanging on the wall.

I think it's cos I grew up poor.

You don't buy decorations
when you're poor, you buy food.

[GASPS] $200.
Yeah, I don't know.

I can't willingly want to spend
money on something I don't need,

especially because
I'm the one paying for it.

Look at this.
Oh, yeah, so beautiful.

Oh - 500.

No [!]

What's going on? Why you saying no,
no, no for everything? I don't know.

I'm just trying to be a little bit
smart about what we spend money on.

When I arrived here, you said,
"Oh, everything you want,

I will buy for you!"

Yeah, I've already spent,

like, $10,000 on you
since you've been here.

For what? For your phone, driving,
food and water

and a house to live in.
I know.

All the clothes I bought.

I see some of the prices on things,
and it gave me a ton of anxiety.

I guess I'm getting cold feet,
wasting money on decor,

when you being here has increased
my cost of living tremendously,

plus having to pay for a wedding
in the next couple months.

It's just a lot.

I'm... I'm not feel comfortable
at the house.

I want you to feel comfortable.
I can't leave the place.

Can I suggest something to you guys?

If you don't want to spend money on
something big, get something small.

Get a pillow you both like,
and start from there. Perfect.

It's whatever she likes.

She likes something like the...
for our couch.

I like yellow, pink... See, I like grey
and white and black.

They don't seem very connected,
to me.

I don't think they know each other
very well.

You can tell
by the way they were talking.

He likes white and black,
and she likes colour.

They're a lovely couple,
but they have a lot to discuss

moneywise and aesthetic.

Yeah, that's not... flattering.


I like blue. Do you like that thing?

Uh-huh, it's supercool.

How much is that pillow?
These are 180.

I can show you guys, like,
even smaller, OK? OK.

Maybe try a vase.

What do you think?
I like it, I like those colours.

It's cheap for you, eh?

I know you like that - 30.

Well, we'll start here. You're easy.
Just one thing? [SIGHS]

I mean...
Yeah. We need to get married first.

Then we can waste money on things

that sit on tables
that no-one ever uses.

We'll take this one.
I'm glad you compromised.

Yeah. I'll wrap it in the back
and bring it out for you.

All right.

What do you want me to do?

I care.

You don't care about my feelings.

I don't think that's true.

I don't care about
the decorations on the wall.

So, 46.01.

Over to you guys.
Yay [!]

[SIGHS] Yeah.

Yeah. Welcome to the South.

We are here.

Shi and I, we are sort of
in a weird place right now.

There's been a lot of tension
and quite a bit of arguing.

You're so happy you're in Georgia?
Georgia peach! [BOTH LAUGH]

We're visiting my sister Nefertari
in Atlanta

so she can help Shi
with wedding plans.

I'm hoping that this trip will be
a much-needed distraction for us.

Hey! How're y'all doing?

Welcome to the ATL! I know, right?
Where the players dwell.

Good to see you!

Bilal and I have had some arguments
and tough discussions

over the past few weeks.

I'm happy to see Nefertari
and get away from Kansas City

and finally do some wedding planning.

But I do feel like
we have so much to work on

before we get to the that day.

You guys get yourselves situated,
and I've got some surprises for you.

Say that again? Wedding talk!
You don't have too long.

Yes, it's coming quickly [!]

This is it.
Oh, wow, I love the African prints.

So, you like it?

Bae, you look like The Exorcist
when you do that. Sorry!

Jeez Louise!
It's a yoga thing, it's a stretch.

I'll let you guys do
the dress stuff, I'ma go to Jumah.

Yeah, I'll do that.

We have a lot of work to do,
but don't worry yourself.

I'm not worrying myself at all!

I'm sure
you guys don't need my input,

especially when it comes to
dress stuff, whatever. Yeah.

Thank you.

Hi, ladies, how are you doing?

Oh, wow!

Oh, my gosh, so beautiful!

Today, I am superexhilarated
to do dress shopping.

At this stage, I don't even have
a venue, far less a dress.

Time is just going, and I haven't
been able to solve a lot of problems

I have when it comes to
preparing for our wedding.

I'm looking forward to
finding a dress, hopefully,

and get something crossed off
from my list.

What I like about some of these is
that it's off-white,

not completely white.

You like the off-white look?
I love the off-white look.


This one looks like
a shorter mermaid style.

I'm a very fussy person.

I'm hoping some of the dresses, you
know, can exceed my expectations.

I'm looking for something luxurious,
not too much over the top

but still speaks like,
you're wearing something valuable

that looks beautiful on you.

Something flowy,
something age-appropriate.

Those are the key things I'm
looking for. Also, something elegant.

This is kind of pretty.
It is. Look at this!

[LAUGHS] Lots of ruffles.

I think it looks good on there
but it wouldn't look good on me.

Some dresses, it looks good
on a mannequin or on the rack.

Are you into the whole
big, frilly... [LAUGHS]

Do you like a slimmer cut?
It's a lot.

I picked some on the website

that she's supposed to
prepare for me. Mm-hm.

I'm on cloud nine right now!

So nice! I really like the bling
on this, the embellishment.

I love everything!

Listen, look. When I'm trying on
the dresses, I packed a white hijab.

Your brother taught me
a very valuable lesson this weekend -

he taught me how to pack
a lot of things in a small bag.

He could.
I'll put on a white hijab

to give the dress
the same kind of feeling. OK.

Yeah, that'd be good.

We have got all the dresses for you
in here that you chose online.

We speak on the phone a lot.

She seems like a big sister,

the big sister that I don't have
here with me presently.

She's a very skilled,
talented fashion designer.

I'm looking forward to
finding a dress, hopefully.

This is the point
of me being in the United States.

Ninety days to get married,
it's time to get cracking.


Wow! Oh, my goodness.

That's beautiful.
That's so beautiful!

You look amazing, you really do.

Don't get excited,
it's just one dress.

Just the first one!
I have two other dresses.

The waist is looking great.
The waist is snatch.

Tell me what it is that you like.
I love the dress,

but if I was younger,
like, 10 years younger, or 12,

around 25, I would have loved it,
it looks like a prom dress.

It is princessy.

Princess, yeah. I have to
keep reminding myself how old...

A princess!
That was my first thought.

I have to try something else.
OK, we'll see.


Oh, my God, when you think about
the wedding dress...

For a bride in general
to try to find a dress

in a certain amount of time,

a year and months out, it's
one thing, already enough stress,

but when you're talking about
weeks out,

trying to get this dress done,
that's a lot of pressure. [LAUGHS]

But I'll try to do
everything I can do.

My goal is for her to be beautiful,
and she'll be happy and satisfied.


I need to get help.
This is the royalty one.

What do you think, how do you feel?
It's beautiful.

Do you feel like a queen?

[SIGHS] Beyond a queen.

Like it?
It is gorgeous, I do like it.

Definitely age-appropriate.

You don't expect to see a 25- or 21-
or 16-year-old in this dress.

I wonder what
your brother will think.

I think he'll like it.

My question is,
how do you feel in it -

do you feel like this is...

I feel like, I love this dress,

but if I was having, like,
a BIG wedding.

I don't know.

All right, so, this is not it.
Let's get out of this dress. Sure.

It's OK,
we're going to keep looking.

All right, try that on. So excited!

OK, so let's do our Keisha.
Mm-hm, OK.

All right.

All right!

That's gorgeous.

It's beautiful on you.
Wow! How do you feel?

I love it.

She's feeling herself on that one,
uh-oh, y'all!

It's going to be this corset
type of... Yes - very body-shaping.

I feel like a bride.

You look like one.
Thank you.

I just wish I could call my mom.


You're going to make me cry -
don't do that!

It's just that she cannot make it
for the wedding.

I wish she could have been here
to see, you know.

All my sisters are married,
and I'm the last one. Oh, OK!

She's here in spirit, definitely.
She's not dead, honey!


But still!
She's in Trinidad.

She's still here in spirit, yeah,
from many miles away. Yeah.

We're going to let you ladies
discuss for a minute,

and we'll be right back, OK?

You look so beautiful.
I'm happy to be here.

I'm so thankful that you could
accommodate me to dress shopping,

cos I have no-one else.
I feel so special.

Thank you so much.
Things are happening so fast.

How are you feeling?

I don't know, there's just...
just some concerns. Oh [!]

When it comes to your brother,

we still have issues that
we need to deal with.


I always feel like, every time
I have to mention something to Bilal,

he corrects me,
he changes what I have to say.

He's very strong-headed.

I don't know if it's part of him
being in sales for so long -

always have to win a conversation.

I've never seen that side.
Usually, it's the cool, calming,

easy-breezy kind of guy
that I usually see.

Have you talked to him about it?

Talking to Bilal,
if I talk to him about it,

he will pitch something about me
that irritates him.

I think he probably just needs
to find his own opportunity and time

to talk to you about
things he doesn't like.

His points are valid too,
and how he feels.

But if you think about
being with somebody long-term,

how long will you be able
to take that,

where you just,
"I don't have a word?"

I travelled thousands of miles
all the way here to try dresses -

this is long-term for me.

But there are still some issues
that we have,

and I'm keeping it 100% real.

The topic of not wanting kids -
one minute he says that he wants,

next minute, he'd be like,
"You're not ready for kids." Mm.

I want kids so bad.
That is a make-or-break point for us.

I'm not going to waste my time
with someone who doesn't want kids.

Bilal, I think he does want to have
children, just not right now.

For her to actually say,

"I'm not moving forward
if Bilal doesn't want kids,"

that's kind of a hard place
to be in.

It took him seven years
to get back into a real relationship.

I don't know if it's because he was
so damaged in his last relationship

that he's looking out for himself.

I just don't know.

He says he trusts me but I'm not


Like you said, it took him seven
years to get over a certain point,

to open up, so that tells you that
there is trust there.

I think that 90 days is not a
long time, you know what I'm saying?

To make a jump like that,

especially when you've been through
what you've been through,

you want to be extracareful.

He's not just thinking about
his own self,

he wants to protect his family,
which is the essence of a man.

I kind of do have concerns. This all
looks good, feels good, in a way,

but is it what it seems to be?

She's been engaged twice.
What's going on with you?

Is this going to be number three?

I just don't want to see him
go through the hurt, that's all.

I don't want to dwell on it,
cos this is a beautiful moment,

I don't want to k*ll the joy.

I don't want to get you too involved
in this, cos that's your brother,

I understand.

I just hope what happened in his past

doesn't affect my present
or my future with him.

middle line:90% position:50% [BABY GRIZZLES]


Oh, no, no, no, no.


Yeah, me too [!]

Yeah, me too -
I was very uncomfortable.

It really pissed me off when I saw
this girl and Bini rolling.

Looking back, maybe I could have
handled the situation better.

I just reacted, I didn't
think about it in the moment.

It's something
no-one ever wants to see.

Right. Maybe I was wrong by fighting,

but you're wrong
by not communicating.

You specifically didn't tell me that

you had a new rolling partner,
and that she's a girl.

Oh, I know that,
It's not really about her at all.

This is just you not being

You don't want to talk about things.

You can't not tell me things because
you think I'm going to be mad.

It's the same issue we had when I
left for the US, with communication.


Number unavailable
because his phone is off.

You haven't called,
you turned the phone off.

I didn't fight with you.

You don't communicate, you don't want
to learn to communicate.

It's really frustrating.

You have to tell the truth
all the time.

You have to be honest.

No, you're not.
You have to be honest.

You have to work on your honesty.

I wish you would
focus on other things.

"I want to focus on this fight,
I can't think about other stuff,"

I don't have that luxury, I have to
think about that other stuff.

To be honest, I feel a lot of stress
about this fight and our 90 days.

Come on.

Come on, come on.

Come on, my... my chiquita.

Yeah, I understand,
I want to support your dream. Yeah?

Bini is totally focused on his fight
right now.

I wish Bini's priority would be
the relationship.

His attention is elsewhere,
and the relationship comes second.

I wish this MMA thing wasn't his
dream, I wish it was another thing.

What if something happens to Bini?
He could get some kind of injury.

That's the worst case,
but it's true, it could happen.


Tell Mommy,
"Mommy, we understand your stress.

It's OK."

Yes, tell her.



Yeah - huggy, huggy, huggy, huggy.



Hey, honey.
How's it going?

How are you?
Oh, my God.

Good to see you.
Yeah, you too.

I'm meeting my good friend, Tim,
to have drinks and catch up.

Guillermo was not excited
about coming out with us.

After the conversation at the winery
with Guillermo,

I'm not forcing him to come out
with me, I'll just go by myself.


Oh, shit! Sorry.

How are you?
I'm good. How are you?

Pretty good.
God, so many things to tell you.

I don't even know where to start.

I got us sh*ts.
To start?


I've known Kara for about four years,
met at a party.

She'd just moved back from China,
I thought that was interesting.

It was an instant connection.

She's a crazy, fun person,
everyone wants to be around her.

Let's do it.
Um, to...

To you and Guillermo!

Ooh, that gets the blood flowing.
Tell me, what's up?

A lot, a lot,
a lot of stuff going on.

It's been a busy month for you.

In the beginning, you're like,

but that time flies, and has flown.

He's mingling with everybody well.

Your family or your friends?

My family, my friends. They've been
probing him with questions.

That's fair.

He travelled all the way here.


I met Guillermo once before
very briefly.

He seems like a nice guy
from what I could gather.

He was pretty shy, didn't want
to start the conversation.

But she's
a really strong personality,

so it might be good that
he's kind of docile.

It has been so hectic.

You're not working. I'm doing real
estate, but haven't sold a house.

He's not allowed.
And he's not allowed, right.

What are you guys doing
with your time? Mm... [LAUGHS]

Practising making babies.
All day?

I mean...

We did
talk to an immigration lawyer.

We were like, how long do we have to
wait until he can work?

She was like, six to nine months is
the waiting... Wow.

Six to nine months
from when he got here?

From when we get married. Can you
get married sooner than 90 days?

I mean, funny you should ask.

Now what he's trying to convince me
of is to have, like, a big wedding.

He wants to have a venue

and have his family invited,
and like...

I thought the point was,
a small, courthouse thing,

then you could do a big thing...
Later, exactly.

Kara's never been the one
to settle down.

She left
pretty soon after high school,

and bounced around the whole world,

so Kara being engaged
is really weird.

If he's so ready for all of this,

how does he feel about what you do
with us, how we live our lives,

specifically, obviously, you?

I mean...
What's the deal there?

He likes to go out himself
and have a good time.

He loves to go out and dance.
He'll have a drink himself.

He is more conservative than me,
and I totally understand.

I am on the extreme end of outgoing,

Did you like that
he was conservative?

I can't be with someone
who is completely buttoned up.

You're a strong personality,
you're a lot to swallow.

I'm a lot to be with.

He wants me to respect what he says

and put his foot down more
and tell me no.

That's something that
I want to work on.

That's a space that
we can compromise.

I just wish that
he would be more aggressive,

a little bit more

In the bedroom?
No, no - the bedroom is fine.

No, but just in life.

I know that I can naturally
steamroll people.

I'm familiar with that, Kara.

I know how strong and forceful
she can be

in her opinions and in her decisions.

Kara says she wants him to step up
and push back and say no,

but she's not going to like that
at all.

She's just saying that to sound nice.

He's made it clear recently,
since he's been here,

that I'll have my voice.

Is he doing that
because he wants to do that

or because
you said you want him to do that?

I don't know, does it matter,
as long as we get there?

Yeah. If what he's doing isn't
genuine, it's not going to last

or it's going to make him bitter.

I'm concerned that you just think
you'll bounce back if this goes awry.

Everybody has said that
about my entire life -

"I'm moving to Australia."
"Are you sure?"

This is different, this isn't a move.

People question...
I assume your heart is in this.

Of course, but I've had people
question every decision I've made

because it's against the norm.

My marriage, it's against the norm.

I don't think it's unexpected,
considering my life choices.

There's just a lot of risk here.

Kara's future seems a little
up in the air to me.

This is way different
to moving to other countries,

it's not some decision she can
back out of if she doesn't like.

It just feels like an orange flag.
I don't want to quite say, red.

I don't think it's going to be
as white-picket-fence as she thinks,

it's going to be messier.

I'm not 100% sure that
they'd be together in five years.

I think you're overly confident.
As I am with every situation,

and 9 times out of 10,
it's panned out.

But there's that 1/10th,
and this is the riskiest.

Well, I'm a betting woman, I guess.

position:50% Add some more things to make it look nice, I guess.

Mm-hm [!]

Just buy...

I told you - I don't want to buy
a lot of stuff right now.


Decorations aren't important to me.

But it's important to me.
OK, well, fine! Go buy 'em.

Later on. Like...

You can
when you have your own money.


I said, you can
when you have your own money.

Oh! You never... to me like this, huh?

We'll get the decorations later,
after we plan our wedding!

You don't told me that.

That's cos things change!

This is all new to me too.
Change your mind!

No, this stuff is new to me.

I'm not used to taking care of
someone and paying for everything

all the time.

You like to control everything.

No, I just do
control a lot of things. You like!

I'm the one making the money for us,

I'm going to have a bigger say on,
like, how it's spent.

I mean, you're not going to
come here and just, like,

spend all my money.

Well, I don't know

how much money you make.
I don't know

because you never show me nothing,


Yeah, I mean...

I make enough.

"I make enough?"

I make enough, yeah, it fluctuates.

Show me!

Why do you need to know
how much money I have?

That's never been important to you.

Because I'm going to be your wife.

All the bills are paid, the lights
are on, the refrigerator's full.

You have all the clothes you want,
your nails are done,

your eyebrows are done,
your eyelashes are done.

Everything you want, you have, so
why does it matter how it happens?

It's hard for me to, like,
fully trust someone,

especially with money and finances.

I know a lot of that is
cos of how I grew up.

My finances and how we get by

is doing its job
and doesn't need to be checked on.

Like, why does she need to know
every detail?

It's strange, so strange. How I...

It's not strange.
You're not even my wife yet!

It's MY money.

You'll know once you're my wife.

I can't be your wife.

You are very strange person.

You just don't get it.

We have money, trust me!

Show me. You think I'm spending
all the time with you...


No! I don't need to show you.

You want a f*cking painting on
the wall? Go get a f*cking painting!

Go! Here, here.
You don't understand.

You don't understand.
Here, go.

Take the card, take some cash.

You can... I don't need.

I don't need.

It's horrible.

You just take the card.


I'm done with this conversation.

Well, whatever.


You ready for what's about to happen
in your life, huh? Yeah.

You always wanted to see Atlanta.
I know!

So, I figure,
what better way to see Atlanta

is to SEE Atlanta, right?

Wow, look at that!

Shi did a little dress shopping
with Nef,

but there's a lot we need to talk
about before we get married.

We're not going that way,
we're going this way. Why?


For now, since she's never been
here, I planned a nice day for us.

I am Mr Romantic,
as Shi will call me.

Oh, wow!
After you!

Guys, watch your step, OK?
Thank you.

Watch your step.

Which side you sit, on these?
Um, want to sit here?

Oh, wow!

Oh, no, babe. Oh, my God!

We're off!
Oh, wow! [LAUGHS]

Oh, my God! Oh, my.

If you're scared of heights,
don't look down.

I not realise the bottom is glass.
The bottom IS glass. [LAUGHS]



I was enjoying the VIP and everything
until I looked down.

Don't look down, just look at me!

You're doing good!
You're doing good.

Mm-hm [!]
Breathe, just take it in.

Why is it so scary for me?
Then you can enjoy the city.

OK, let me breathe.
Start to see the city.

Right now, just focus on me.
OK, good focus.

How can I take your mind
off of some stuff? Tell me anything.

This is probably not the best time.

We got an email.

The um, the contract -
the marriage contract.

The prenuptial agreement?
The prenup, yeah.

Um, I'll show you a little bit
of what it looks like.

I am in complete shock right now.

Before I came here,
Bilal had only mentioned the idea

of a prenuptial agreement.

I was adamant that it was not for me,
and we didn't speak about it again.

I did not even know that

he was still thinking about
a prenuptial agreement,

let alone
having a lawyer write up a copy.

So, I guess this is your way
of wooing me?

Definitely, I did not want
to bring this up in this scenario,

cos this is supposed to be nice -
me and you.

It's like when you have a pain,
and it's like, [STOMPS FOOT]

you step on somebody's foot
to take away from the other pain.

OK [!]

In hindsight, I should have picked
a better time to do that.

Her mood changed quickly.
I thought I did something good

to take her mind off of the height,

but it ended up being something bad,
it definitely backfired.

We DO have a love story.

Babe, we DO have a love story.

Marriage is compromising,
but also, marriage is a business.

Even when you get married here

you have to sign a contract,
you have to sign a licence

for us to have a legal marriage.

Everything that I'm doing is
completely OK.

I can see there's no backing down

when it comes to
this prenuptial agreement,

I can see there is no backing down.

I'm not doing anything
we're not supposed to do

from a religious standpoint.

Allah says, always
resort to writing things down.

This is to say that,
whatever you said, whatever I said,

we're honouring what we said,
and we're putting it into writing

and signing it to say we agreed
to the terms and everything.

I tend to view a prenup
not as something positive.

It's something negative.

It feels as if
you don't trust the person.

It feels as if
your relationship is a transaction.

I believe in that hopeless,
romantic feeling -

two people come together, we build,
we survive, we make it work.

We don't need a contract
to dictate our relationship.

I don't know what I'm going to do.

Come on. Are you ready? We don't have time, baby. Yeah, I'm ready.

Oh, you're so sexy, baby.

Are you rested?

If I were you, I would be probably
having a nervous breakdown.

What if I tell you
I have a bad feeling -

it's not going to go the way
you think it should go?

I'll pray my god, I'll pray.
Don't worry.

I'm really nervous right now,
in part because of my dad.

When we asked them to come,
my dad made it clear that

he has no intention
to watch any MMA fight.

My dad is a doctor,

and some of the statistics and the
data he mentions are pretty scary.

You could get seriously hurt or die.

So, my dad's staying home,
watching Avi.

I just want to tell you, if you don't
want to do it, you don't have to.

I know.

Who cares if anyone says, "He didn't
do it?" It's not a big deal.

"I just want to have dinner
with Avi and Ari."

You can't promise me
you're not going to get hurt,

and you can't promise me that
you're not going to get k*lled.

What if I asked you
not to fight tonight?

I want to support Bini,
and I'm going to be there,

but in the end,
I feel scared, I'm nervous.

What if something DOES happen to him?

I want to be able to marry him,
I want him to have all his faculties.

It's hard.

There's nothing I can say
to make you not fight now?

Aw, there he is.

Hey-hey! Don't you look great -

ready for show time!
Yeah, thank you.

Good to see you.
Bini, what's up, brother? I'm good.

Ready? It's time, let's get to it.

All right, let's get you wrapped up.

We don't have that much time.

If you need some water, grab it.

Hi, Mom.
Hi, Ari!

Hi, Mom.
Oh, my God!

I've been praying all day.
Yeah, yeah.

Thanks for praying.
Oh, wow!

You look great. Are you trying
to distract him from the fight?

How are you guys feeling about this?

I'm good.
You're good? How's she?

She's nervous.

A nervous wreck.

I can let you warm up.
We're going to sit in our seats.

OK. See you guys.
Bye, we love you.

I love you.
OK, bye.

Mom's rooting for you.

Don't worry, Mom.

Tonight is a very emotional night,
I'm a nervous wreck.

I'm excited for Biniyam, but
being the nurse and mom that I am,

I'm worried he'll get hurt.

I go between super excitement
and feeling like I'm going to cry.

I'm nervous.

You're nervous?

It's your time. Go in there
and f*ck him up. Let's go!



Making his way into the red corner,

help me welcome Biniyam Shibre!


Oh, my God, sit!

PATRICK: It's not worth the $500
over a stupid-ass painting.

Isn't that right, buddy?

I told you - go buy some paintings!


I'm just going to chill
on the couch, watching TV.

This conversation is not
about money,

it's about sharing.

You don't share me things.

You keep me in dark.

You always say, "Oh, be happy!"


[SIGHS] I don't...

No, I don't like to make them alone.

That's what I've had to do most
of my life, I'm just used to it.

I'm saying, I'm here to... you.

I want to share with you.

I would like to have your help
one day, but right now,

I have to help you with
so many things cos you're brand-new.

You're depending on me to be strong
and take care of you.

I don't want to be vulnerable
with you,

and say, "Holy shit,
this is really hard for me."

I understand.

But try to be better, just try.


When I was a kid, I really didn't
have much of a support system.

Sometimes I'm stressed out
about a lot of different things

and try to deal with it myself.

It's not fair to her,

so it's definitely something
I need to work on.

I want to be more open with you,

and I want you to know
what's going on financially,

but at the same time,
I really need you to realise that

it's not something that just, like,
comes easily.

Hi, love.

Hey, baby.
How you doing?


Where are we going?
Let's just go to the park.

I just need to get...
a breath of fresh air.

This morning, I had a serious
conversation with my parents.

It was really eye-opening.

I really care about
what they think and feel.

My parents telling me,
"Hey, we see that you're unhappy,

and we think
you're making the wrong decision,"

it's weighing heavy on my mind.

Sometimes the truth hurts,

and it's time for me to be
completely transparent with Miona,

and just
put everything on the table.

You OK?
I'm not OK, actually.


Cos I'm just under a lot of stress
and pressure,

and I just kind of feel like
everything's in turmoil right now.

Obviously, the creative stuff is
stressing me out,

not having our album done.

You and I got a lot of stuff to
figure out, and it's just not ideal.

I'm just feeling
a lot of conflicting emotions.


I don't really know the reason.

I'm trying to be understanding
and to wrap my head around it,

but it makes me nervous.

I had an interesting talk
during coffee with my parents.

What exactly are they talking about?

They think that we aren't ready,
they think that um...

They're more so playing on
how I'm acting,

and that I'm not being as excited
as they think I should be.

I think
they're just worried about me.

Don't roll your eyes, don't do that.

I don't feel any support
from your parents.

I don't know what exactly I did
for someone not to like me.

I was always OK with everything.

Sometimes, when I have different
opinion, I wasn't saying anything.

She never going to know me,
with the comments she was making.

What comments?
Excuse me?

The only thing she's been doing is
making stupid comments.

Like what?
Was my clothing, then cooking.

Then... I don't even know.

It's not literally anybody's business

to say their wishes about
someone else's wedding and marriage.

I feel like they know
they can influence Jibri easily.

I would really need him to step out
and start acting like a man

if he wants this relationship
to succeed.

These are my parents.

I want you to like them,
and I want them to like you.

Well, she should have tried,
she's your mom.

It's not just her,
you've got to try too.

With her attitude towards me, I don't
have a need to get closer to her.

I'd say that's f*cked up.

I came to this point because
this is two months already

that this is happening.

I've been nothing but respectful,
waiting for her to realise that

I don't have any mean intentions.

I don't know
what else am I supposed to do.

I'm in a bind. They're saying they
don't want to come to our wedding.

That's absolutely fine.

That's not absolutely fine with me
though, that's huge.

That's a huge red flag for me.

What's going to happen is,
I'm going to say, f*ck all of this,

I'm going to get married
to the g*dd*mn music and the art.

No, you should ask if you want this
to work. If this...

Do you want this to work?
If it's going to be like this, no.

If you're going to be stubborn -
"I don't want to talk to your mom,"

or you don't care
to have the relationship,

that shit's a BIG red flag for me.

The other thing that
my dad brought up,

I know you won't like, but he said,

"Why don't you guys postpone
the wedding and do it later?"

Would you?

Continue to have our relationship
and get to know each other more

and get married when we have more
funds and we're financially stable?

You wouldn't do it, would you?

No, I would leave your ass
if you want that.

OK, well,
that says a lot right there.

That says a lot about you,
what you just said.

I would never agree on the option
of continuing to date him

and go back to Serbia.

That sounds more childish than
anything else that he ever said.

We were planning for this.

I think people are
putting even more stress on him.

Jibri should grow up and stop
thinking what they're thinking.

Parents get in your head
like a 15-year-old.

You're almost 30,
what are you talking about?

You want to get your life together
or continue dating?

Trust me, if we don't work out,
I ain't dating nobody.

Then make sure we work out,

and stop listening to bullshit
your parents are telling you.

middle line:90% position:50% Got yourself?

I have another surprise for you.
Oh, wow!

Going to the Ferris wheel, I felt
like a lady, I felt so special,

like a queen.

But at the Ferris wheel,
he shocked me by

presenting the prenuptial agreement.

I was like, "OK. I'm guessing
all this VIP treatment

at the Ferris wheel is
so he had that b*mb waiting for me."

Hands over the eyes.
Come on with me, come with me.

You ready?

Keep 'em closed, keep 'em closed!

Open your eyes.

Have you ever been
on a horse-and-carriage ride? No!

Now you have, with yours truly!

I like to show love
in multiple different ways,

whether it's experiences,
whether it's quality time.

I like to romance her
and be romantic.

Who's doing stuff like this?
Nobody but me. Yeah [!]

But right now,
the romance is kind of dwindling,

going out of the window.

Babe, we were all the way up there.
You did it!

We got to see a view of Atlanta that
a lot of people haven't seen.

I can see the mood has changed,
she's quiet.

I can see that,
in the back of her mind,

she's thinking about the prenup.

You showed me something.
I could see it again, just by chance?

You talking about the contract?
Yeah, I want to see something.

I was going to serenade you
and start singing, but...

But what?

Well, you're reading the contract.

I'm not seeing anything where, like,
our kids...

It should have that in it.

On your previous children. I'm
saying, if you have more children.

I asked
if there's any addition to this.

What are you looking for
when you say, our children?

I want to...
I didn't see anything where...

About us having kids?
If my kids will be taken care of,

I didn't see anything much
about me being taken care of.

It sounds like Bilal is
protecting his assets.

The first thing it says
in the contract is that

Bilal agrees as a husband
to be the maintainer, provider,

and protector of his future wife.

[SIGHS] Bilal?

I know you're trying to choose
your words to not offend me,

but I feel as if you don't trust me.

Him presenting a prenup for me
shows that he don't trust me 100%.

He's like, he has to guard himself
because of what he went through,

what he went through with his ex.

I have to pay the price
of everything that's happened.

I don't get it with you,
with the trust thing.

If I didn't trust you,
you would not be here.

If I didn't trust you,
I would not be here too.

I'm not the one that keeps
bringing up trust, you're the one.

When you first got married, you
didn't have a prenuptial agreement.

My perspective is different
now that I'm plus-40 years old.

The reality is, if we were to split,

I know that what I have,
what I've been trying to build,

what I plan on continuing to build,
and hopefully build with you,

if you want to build something

I want to be able to protect
all those things.

Bottom line - I feel that we should
not have a prenuptial agreement. OK.

I don't think it's necessary for us,
cos I 100% trust you. Got you.

God forbid, if we didn't work out,

do you want to take
everything that I have?

Right now, I really don't know
what's going on.

I don't know what may happen.

The feeling of you not wanting
to sign something

that will protect me and you,
what's your alternative motives?

If she doesn't sign it,

I really can't see us
getting to the finish line.


Holy shit,
he is about to f*cking fight.

I am, like, queasy. I'm a mess.

Biniyam! Aaah!

Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze!

Don't relax your squeeze.
Tapped out!


Biniyam Shibre!

Guys, give it up for your winner -

What you did is amazing,
the way you won.

Honestly, I didn't even expect that,
and it was so fast.

But if I'm being honest with you,

the only thing I could think about
the whole time

was that poor guy you choked -
"Is he OK?"

In that moment, I realised,
"Urgh, I really don't like v*olence."


I was thinking, "I really hope

he doesn't make me
come to the next fight."

Bini, you kicked his ass!

How do you feel, champ?

That was an amazing job.

I'm excited to see where
the story's going to go for him,

cos he's f*cking awesome,
that was great - 33 seconds!

I saw him do manoeuvres
that we practised.

As a coach, you've got to understand
how amazing that is to see.

That was a dominant performance.

And then the backflip at the end -
ooh, that was nice!

Sitting on the cage, I liked it.

I'm proud of you too.

When you focus on something,
you do a good job.

Now that you got that win,
you got it out of your system,

you can get back to what's important
- focusing on me and Avi.

Wow, that was something.

My little girl, my chiquita.


It's beautiful. That looks like
something she would like.

I can sense there's pressure,
pressure, pressure.


What the f*ck?

I'm feeling really guilty now
that I bought my own ring.

Ari! Long time no see.

Leandro is one of my best friends,
who's also my ex-husband.

Hey, wow!

Her family is my family,
so we are family now.

Someone is being pressured to do
something they don't want to do.

You are impatient,

and you are wanting everything
right away. Like?

Like an entitled millennial, like
you want everything in a microwave.

I don't think that's fair.

I always wanted another baby.

I was thinking if I can have
a conversation with your lawyer.

Conversation with my lawyer?

I'd love to put in the contract
a timeframe to have children.

What are you talking about?
I do not want to sign a prenup,

but I have to take some action
to protect myself.

I'm 100% serious right now.


No, not tonight.

Vegas, ah!

No. That's how you marry a stripper.