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09x08 - Get Off Your High Horse

Posted: 04/23/24 20:34
by bunniefuu
Just feeling so grateful.

And I know you are the right person
for me.

It almost feels like
we're both dreaming.

But at the same time,
I also have the fear of like

what if things don't work out.

Babe, I think I should drive.

I don't feel comfortable you driving
with Koban in the car.

My son?
Yeah, in my car, not your car.

You telling me not to drive
is like an insult.

I don't care.

So, your major dream
is to be a UFC fighter. Yeah.

Whether you're with Ari or not.

Sometimes I worry that I love Bini
more than he loves me.

David pretty much needs me
to come to Chicago.

If you come with me, will you get
along with David?

I don't know.

David is my friend.
We started a band together.

But Miona and David haven't really
got along very well.

If we go to Chicago,
I want my beach wedding.

So if we're going to Chicago,
we have to have a beach wedding?

You've arrived one day,
you're gonna pull this?! Nah.


I want her to see that
you're a good person.

I want everyone to just be a family.

And we see in your eyes too.

You told me
"I'm going to change myself."

No, I did not say that!

That's bullshit.

I'm still in my feelings
after our gondola date.

It was nice and romantic,

but Bilal did not give me
the answers I was looking for

when it comes to having kids.

So I just want some space,
time alone,

and just relax.

Hey! Looking all cute.
Thank you.

Like what you're putting on.

Um, are you... dressed like that?

I mean you look beautiful,

but you're gonna rock your
sweatpants and stuff to...?

I'm not going to jum'ah today.

Today is Friday, which is
a holy day for Muslims.

And it's the day of jum'ah.

So, in the midday we put whatever
business we have going on aside

and we head to the masjid.

For me, being single for
a number of years,

and, you know, going to the masjid
all by myself,

I was hoping that once I find
the woman of my dreams

that hey, like, she would want
to start coming with me.

I know we talked about this before.

We talked about this before.

You told me that you want me to go
to jum'ah regularly with you.

I don't know where you're from,

but where I'm from
for men it is compulsory.

So you guys have to go every Friday.
For us women,

we don't have to go every Friday.

In Trinidad, women, we have our ways

where we don't have to attend jum'ah
every Friday.

Menstruation, sometimes kids
breast-feeding -

we have our reasons.

And besides all that, the last time
I attended jum'ah with Bilal

we had a huge fight.

And I spent the whole time there
feeling very upset and uncomfortable.

So I'm not really looking forward
to going back.

I'm not going to force you

to obviously go to Jum'ah.

I realise that that's not something
that you typically do. No.

However, I would love for you to do.

But also, in our religion it's...

it is an obligation...
Compulsory for you guys.

..compulsory for men, women,
children... Men, not women. learn your religion. You don't
know what I was about to say. OK.

See? So what I'm saying is,

it is compulsory for us,
men and women,

to learn our religion, right?

Can I ask you something really quick?

Why every time we have a discussion
you give me a lecture.

You feel like it's a lecture?
All the time.

You do it 24/7,


When Bilal goes into lecturing mode,

he puts on the lecturing voice
and he changes

and he explains,

and he speaks slow
and very articulate.

I feel to respond, say, "Yes, Daddy.
No, Daddy. OK, Daddy."

What I've said today is that
I'm not going Jum'ah full stop.

And if I say, like,

"I don't feel like taking a shower
for the next three days,

you know, you ain't gonna smell
this beautiful aroma."

I smell pretty good, don't I?
I think your hand is on my pin.

Why do you have pins in the couch?

Because I stick pins sometimes
when I take off my hijab

and I forget to put it back.
Is that a problem?

Yeah, that's a problem. Do you know
how expensive this couch is?

Do you know how expensive
this couch is? Is it gonna mash up?

Yeah, it could mash up
my bank account.

Come on, you're being ridiculous.
I'm not being ridiculous!

Why would you...

Welcome to having a hijabi wife.
Who does that?

This is something we do.
We keep pins on the cushion.

I want Shaeeda to feel like
this is her home,

she's the queen of the home,

but there's also a fine line where

when I see things
that are left everywhere,

like the little pins that you have
that you keep in your scarf,

like, don't leave it in the couch,
or leave it on the floor.

I'd have stepped on it 17 million
times. Just kinda put it away.

Ever since I came here,

I've been doing everything
that you want me to do.

But today I felt like, you know,

switch it up.

I just know that
you want to meet people

and talk to people.
Thank you for this, babe,

but I'm not coming.

The number one reason that
I became attracted to her

was because of her faith
and her regards for Islam.

For Muslims, our religion is the
most important part of our marriage.

Without a doubt.

I'm not coming, OK?

Is that OK?

It sounds like that's, you know,
you're kinda like headstrong,

that's what you wanna do.

There's a saying that a family that
prays together stays together.

It's very important for me
that Shaeeda really be active

in the community, so I'm hoping

that, you know, she will start
to change that.

Because if she doesn't,

I really can't see us getting to
the finish line.

♪ Shut up, I don't wanna hear it

♪ Maybe come here for a little bit

♪ Too much, your hate make me dizzy

♪ I'm mean, no apologies

♪ I don't care what the haters
say... ♪

KOBE: Yeah.


Kobe's been in the States
for a couple of weeks now

and it's been a little bit of
a rocky road.

We have been bickering
in front of my parents,

which I don't like.

So, I asked my mom to show Kobe

what he can do to pull his weight
around the house.

Thank you.

He really wants to contribute

and I want him to prove that he's
gonna be a great son-in-law

to my parents, and the is
a good addition to this family.

MOTHER: I hope you're still
speaking to me after this, Kobe.

KOBE: All right, let me see
what you guys got for me.

Be careful what you ask for.

If you wanna go to work,
they'll put you to work. All right.

Oh, my goodness!
God, I'M cold.

It stinks in here? [LAUGHS]

Are you kidding? Horses smell great.


Is it gonna, like,
do something bad to me? No.

The horse?

They won't do anything, I promise.
You wanna put that in? No.

Are you scared?
Of course, babe.

This... Man!

I've never worked on a farm before
with horses.

This is the very first time.
It's a new experience for me.

Please, can you take them that way?

Can I take them?
They kinda do what they want.


I need to make sure
that I'm very careful, you know,


You're so cute.


all right. [SIGHS] So,

this big pile of manure...

goes in this bucket.

And then when it's full,
we dump it.


I physically can't do it anymore,

and you're stronger than me.

You wanna try it?
Of course.

Get in there, scoop it up.
Keep calm, babe.

Well, come on!
Are you the supervisor or what?

Yeah, apparently.

Kobe and Emily, they've had
a few little spats.

I wonder sometimes
how happy he is here.

I don't know. I can't tell
if he likes it here or not.

But I appreciate Kobe
working around.

I think it's a good gesture.

We don't get a lot of people here
offering to help,

so any help I get
I really appreciate.

Oh, my goodness.

Here's the thing.
Manure is just chewed-up grass.

It's not gross like dog poop.

Mm. Uh-huh.

But horse? [CHUCKLES]

It's a very big animal.




Why don't you just start from
the big pile?

Just let me do what I'm doing, OK?

Do you want me to help you?

I feel like I have to show you
how it's done,

even though I haven't done this
for years.

I don't think I need you around me
when I'm doing this.

OK, but I'm just trying
to help you out.

Why don't you put more
on your shovel? [GROANS]

Oh, my goodness.

What difference does it make?
Am I doing it or not?

But don't you want to get it done
faster so we can go hang out?

Let me do it my own way, all right?


Babe, just scoop it in there.
Why are you pulling it down?

Are you serious?

It's like you want us to fight
about almost everything.

OK, stop talking, just do it.


Emily's talking to me as if
she's controlling or commanding me

as if she's my boss.

I don't even know why
she was there, you know.

I wish you would just listen to me.

Oh, my God.

Sometimes I feel like, you know,

she is just trying to make her family

know that she is in control of me.

But I'm losing my patience.

I'm not helping you anymore.

I don't even need your help.

You're being so rude.
I'm being ruder?!

Can you just shut the f*ck up!

I cannot believe you just said that
to me.


I'm here because of you,

and I'm here because of my son,

and I have to do this because of you.

It's like I'm being...
I'm being dropped into a test

to where I need to prove myself
to your parents.

I don't need you here, I'm working.
OK, then f*ck it.

I'm not gonna be here then
if you don't need me here.

I'm gonna f*cking leave.
I don't need you, all right?

f*ck off.


It's f*cked up. And it's rude.

I feel like I'm trying to help him
and he's like

telling ME to shut the f*ck up?!

We only spent two months together
before I got pregnant,

so now I'm like is this your temper?
If we get into it even bigger,

are you gonna keep telling me
to shut the f*ck up?

And in front of my mom!

It's making me, like,
second-guess myself, I think.

I've never seen that Kobe before.


Are you ready to go to Chicago?
Yes, are you?

You know I'm always ready
for an adventure.

You gonna bring your cowgirl boots?

No? You don't want to?

No, I want to.
I think they'll be cute.

Bring out little South Dakota swag
to Chicago.


You'll be the sexiest cowgirl
in Chicago. Mm-hm.

Are you gonna bring all those
glasses, the whole thing?


I'm getting all of these.

Oh, my God, no, Jibri.

Yes, I need all these glasses.
No, choose two, three of them.

No, I need all of them.

I need all those glasses.

In MY suitcase?
OK, in mine, whatever.

Just I need them.
No, half of this mine

and this is whole mine.

So you get the full part of that
and then this

and you leave me with this
little section? Yes. And this.

How does that make any sense?
You're a man, you don't need a lot.

Oh, OK.

It's been a week since my band
Black Serbs

has had this opportunity

to work with this prominent engineer
and music producer out of Chicago

that we've been trying to work with
for so long.

But since Miona and my best friend
and my bandmate David

don't really get along,
I had to agree to Miona's

dream beach wedding in order for
Miona and I to go to Chicago.

I don't know how we're gonna pay
for this beach wedding,

but I need to compromise because

I need to get to Chicago
to finish this album.

Are you ready?

Or is Chicago ready for you?
Yeah, they should be ready for me.

I think that it'll be great
to get back in the studio

with my bandmates
and make some music.

But I feel like I will have to do
some mediating

between David and Miona.

And we're off! Ha-ha!

At last!

Seat belts on for safety.

Let's go!
Let's go, let's go, let's go.

I really want to see America

and to visit all the cities.

And there's a lot of Serbian people
in Chicago

so I'm definitely excited to see it.

OK, Chicago here we come.

First we gotta get some...
No, we got half a t*nk.

I think we can make it
all the way to Chicago.

With half of a t*nk?

So that you can save the money?

[LAUGHS] Oh, my...

I'm gonna try to keep the costs low,
so at the next gas station

I'm gonna have you try the good ol'
American dish called ramen noodles.

At the gas station?

Ramen in the gas station?

it's like a gourmet meal,
you're gonna love it.

No, thank you.

You're not going for that, huh?

OK, yeah, neither do I.

You don't need all that sodium.

I want to eat some chocolate.

How do I say "I want to eat
some chocolate" in Serbian?





Is that how you say that?

If I say, "Do you want
my chocolate?" Mm-hm.

I think it's gonna be a great trip.

Yeah, I'm excited to go to Chicago.

I just don't want David
to make some mess or something.

That's the only thing.

You don't want David
to make the mess?

Yeah, I don't trust him.

Yeah, he's... he's a good dude, man.

And he cares about me.
We've been through a lot,

so give him a chance.

David and I,
we've been through conflict,

we've been through
the ups and downs.

He put me in a coma in high school.

He was an immigrant from Serbia

and didn't speak very much English
and I was making fun of his accent

and he kicked my head into a coma
for three days.

After that, I met a Serbian girl
at a party and we started dating.

And three months later,
I found out that it was

David's twin sister. [CHUCKLES]

But even after David's sister and I
broke up,

David and I bonded over music

and we've been best friends
for over ten years now.

So it sucks that he's not quite
as fond of Miona

as I would like him to be.

I know you're not excited to see

but the band's super super important
to me

and, um, I just need to have
a conversation with them,

at least apologise or something,
because I do feel guilty

that the last couple of years
I've focused on our relationship.

And while I was doing that,

I wasn't with the band.

So that's why they blame... you,

because I was in love.

You are using me as an excuse,

which is not true.

Well, they feel differently.

I don't know if Miona's capable

of being on her best behaviour
with David.

I'm asking her to be

because I want them to get along,
cos they're both family.

And, um, I just don't want them

to get into an altercation
that really is, uh,

hurtful on both of their behalf's.

Well, you made your choice.

And it is what it is, so now
I need to talk to them about that.

OK, we need to go get more
eggs. We only have two eggs left.

All right.

Mohamed and I got in an argument
last night.

My friends
really push his buttons

in regards to his religion
and beliefs.

I definitely felt upset and sad

because I do feel some aspects
of control

and I kinda feel that Mohamed
is used to

the way people act towards women
in his country.

But at the same time,
I definitely feel bad

that Mohamed felt disrespected
and uncomfortable.

So I want to forget about yesterday

and just take a step back
and have a nice morning together.

That's hot.

So, I've never been to a mosque

When we go there, I feel like
I don't know what to expect.

I definitely want to convey that
I didn't mean to disrespect him

and I want to show him that
I respect his beliefs,

so I'm taking him
to a nearby mosque,

since he hasn't been in one
since he entered the United States.

I have to, like, wear a hijab?


I feel like I'm a nun or something.

Thanks, but it's so hot.

I will be supportive
in what Mohamed does

in regards to his religion,

but I don't feel comfortable
wearing a hijab

or covering my head
because I never have before.

I'm not a practising Muslim,

so I don't want to be
wearing something

that isn't true to form to me.

Yeah, this is the mosque.

It probably looks different than
the mosques you're used to, but...


Take your shoes off
so you can enter the mosque.


How are you?
I'm good.

Welcome. My name is Rafay.
My name is Mohamed.

Mohamed, a pleasure. Welcome.

And my name is Yve.

My name is Ass'yah.
How are you guys today?


So we're gonna make the prayers

Yve, would you like to pray
with us?

I can show you how, or you could
just follow me. Oh, OK.

Mohamed, come on, I'll introduce you
to everybody.

I am definitely surprised

by how the segregation
of men and women

was just right off the bat.

I think for Mohamed maybe
it makes him feel comfortable

because that's what he's used to,

but it makes me feel
very uncomfortable

cos I'm not used to that.

Oh, you'll have to take your shoes
off. Oh, OK.

Sorry. [LAUGHS]

I guess I need to leave those
for somebody else.


Allahu akbar.

Islam is important to me.

We were going together to pray
every single day.



Allahu akbar.

When I pray in the mosque

I think of him.

Allahu akbar.

Allahu akbar.

Allahu akbar.

Oh, sorry.
It's OK.

So how is your relationship
with Yve about Islam?

Is she interested in...

I think some of the challenges
that Mohamed is gonna come across

here in this culture

is definitely the kind of
more liberal attitudes.

And so it's really important
that he finds

Muslims here in Albuquerque

that he'll connect with.

So I'm looking forward
to spending more time with him.

How is your visit going?
It's good, thank you.

It's nice to learn and get
a little more information.

I think that people at the mosque
were very nice

and I'm glad that Mohamed will have
a Muslim community here.

But a part of me is worried that
he'll expect me

to convert to Islam.

So that makes me feel
a little uncomfortable.

Oh, my God, that was great.

They're all very nice and welcoming.

And who knows, maybe this is
the first step for you

to convert to Islam.

I don't have any plans
of converting.

Know that I will always support
you wanting to have a religious life

in whatever religion you choose,
but I want the same.


Jersey City here I come.

This is like the best gym
for MMA that I could find.

Me and Ari we go on tour
for MMA gym.

I really am so excited

because my dream is I want to be
professional MMA fighter.

And then I want to be like win.
That's what I want.

I mean I know this is your dream,
to be a fighter

and I want to support you in that.

But this place is far
from the house.

It's like a 45-minute drive.

We also have to think we have Avi,

you know, and I want to go start

at least working online.

I don't want to... I might not be
able to drive you all the time.

But we'll see what the coach says

and we'll see where it goes.

I definitely have reservations
about this MMA career

because it requires all this time
and focus.

I want Bini to pursue his dream,

but I pictured us having a much
more normal work/life balance

here in the US.

In Ethiopia, Bini worked
a million hours around the clock

and it was an issue with us
that Bini wasn't around enough

for me and Avi.

I don't want that to happen
here in the US.

I can't wait to see inside,
what it looks like.

Go get 'em, tiger.


How you doin'?


Ari. Yeah, I've heard good things
about you.

I know Bini is super excited
to be here.

Yeah, come on in.

Take a walk.

I'm the head trainer for MMA.

And I work with different fighters.

Oh, yeah.

These are the bags
for the Muay Thai.

We have all the tools here
to set 'em up for success.

So cool.

Open mat for Jiu-Jitsu.

And this is the cage
where the business is done.

Where we punch in and punch out,
no pun intended.

The gym is really wonderful.

The pad, like the punching bag,

everything is perfect.

What we're gonna do today
is take a look at your striking.

Get you doing some mat work. Ready?
I'm ready.

Make me proud.
Don't embarrass me. No. [LAUGHS]

All right, let's work. Jab cross.

Good. Cross.


Good. Nice movement.
Roll under bank. Cross.

Good power. One, two.

Good. One-two, one-two.

Good. Cross.

The eyes, let's go.

Cross. Good work.

Nice power.


Thanks so much.
Man, it was a pleasure.

He has a great fundamental
and foundation.

And I'm very excited
to work with Bini.

He's got to be prepared to walk
in that cage and be victorious.

I'm so excited for practising
and training.

So we have a lot of work to do. You
gotta be ready, you gotta be committed.

So how many hours a day would you
say he would need to be training?

About two to four hours of training

would get you in condition
to do battle

for nine minutes continuous

with somebody who wants to...


I know Bini is excited to finally
find a gym that he can train at,

but I didn't realise that training
would be like half a day every day.

And this 90 days
is supposed to be for us

to work on our issues.

And I'm afraid that Bini is
prioritising his dreams

over his family

and it could prevent us
from getting married.

It's good.

middle line:90% position:50% Aww!

I'm very excited. [CHUCKLES]

Me too.

It's been a few days since Thais
moved here to Austin.

I think things between her
and my brother John

have gotten
a little bit less awkward.

John's been keeping to himself and
tonight I finally get to take Thais

out on our first date
in the United States.

I'm so happy to be here.


..start an office in Dallas.


[IN ENGLISH] But we're gonna
be moving to Dallas real soon.

I've always had plans to move
to Dallas eventually for work

because I manage sales teams
across the entire state.

It was something we were planning
maybe after marriage,

but an opportunity came up now
to work with some people up there

and I need to get there ASAP.

Start afresh in a new city.




Oh, you have to try
this mac and cheese.

It's very American.


Mac and cheese. It's short for
macaroni and cheese.

Macaroni, a type of pasta.

How are you feeling?

I just want you
to give him a chance.

What am I supposed to say? I already
said he could live with us.

I mean John's lived with me longer
than we've been together.

He can live in other house

and we live in our house.

Having someone else here to help me,
especially right now,

is gonna make a big difference.

Cos I'm the one that has to do

You're like brand new
to the country and you can't work.


That's not my problem. [SCOFFS]

He's family.

No, we're getting married so he's
gonna be part of your family too.

I need you to understand that
because of how we grew up

it's been nice the last couple of
years having him around.

We go to Dallas and John's
not with us, we're all alone.

So, you know...
No problem. No problem.

Well, no problem for YOU.
For me it's a problem.

I've been alone like that
and it's not fun.

Wow. So you don't love me?

Oh, Jesus Christ.

I've already told Thais
pretty much everything

about my upbringing and my life

because I wanted her to know what
she was getting herself into.

Living with John,
I really got to spend some time

just kind of healing through
all the past trauma.

Right now, there's a lot going on
and I need help.

She's already dealing with
changing countries

and being in a new place.

John's gonna be someone
I can rely on

and I know he can do it
cos he's done it all with me.


But for now, this is something
I want you to do for me.


I need all this for my wedding.

OK. Do you want me to pull over
and you can go steal some?


Whose is this? It's on the road.
Is it someone's?

This is all David's.
What you mean?

Look, right there.
This is all David land.

We just got to Chicago and we're
about to head to see David.

He is currently the owner
and operator of a trucking company.

[GASPS] I can't believe
how many pampas he has!

You know how expensive this is? They're
selling piece for like ten dollars. Really?

Yeah. Oh, my God, I'm gonna take
all this from him.

I was just joking.
It's not David's land, so...


I want Miona and David
to meet face to face

and really just break the tension
and get to know each other.

If David and Miona can't get along,

I don't want this to jeopardise
my music career

and I also don't want to choose between each
one of them. I don't want to have to do that.


How you doing, man?

You got a little taller?
Always. I'm growing, eating good.

You're looking like
Serbian Tom Cruise.

I like the jacket, man.
What's up, bro?

What's up, Miona? How you doing?


You guys are matching, I see you.
What are you up to?

I'm working, man.
You see all these trucks? Yeah.

So we're just growing, making money.

You gotta start working with me,

We gotta work on this music. I don't
know what you're talking about.

Tomorrow we'll knock out the music.
We can do both.

Let me show you guys some trucks.
Come on.

..David called me and said,
"Jibri, I think you should come

and jump in this truck
and make some money."

So I decided to get
my commercial driver's licence

and it was a great way for me to
keep my mind occupied

while we were waiting for
the K-1 fiance visa.

But plans were changed
once we got the interview.

I decided that we should be focusing
on our creative abilities

which can make us tons more money
than driving a truck would make us.

See that truck right there?
That Volvo 760? Yeah.


No, I don't wanna jump
in the truck, bro.

I wanna finish the damn music.

We'll finish the music,
but how are y'all gonna survive?

We always survive,
what are you talking about?

You gotta get a place. You're still
staying with your mom.

You still ain't got no job.
You sound like my parents right now.

I'm just being real, man.
I'm just saying.

I don't want you to struggle,
I want you to succeed,

so we can do music
without stressing.

That just sounds like the safe
route. It's not the only route.

There's tons of routes, bro. Yeah,
tons of routes that are a struggle.

What's the point of doing it
if it's not gonna make you happy?

I'm glad the money changed you.
The money changed me? OK.

You're not the same either.

Jeez, ever since
you guys got together

you're different. You prioritise
things differently.

You're saying you made
a whole bunch of music,

but I only hear a few things that you
made. How much time has passed?

I know you might think that,

I don't know, I'm a distraction
or something for him,

I'm not the best for him, but I have
Jibri's best intention.

I love him, he's my family.

So I don't want you
thinking like that,

and it makes him feel bad,
you know, when you say that.

I'm not trying to make him
feel bad,

I'm just trying to make sure that,
you know,

you have his best interests
like you said you do.

You know, you just came here.
Financially, I feel like

he's probably paying
for most of the stuff.

Why is that your business?
You don't need to know that.

But Jibri's my business.
Jibri's my brother.

I don't like how he's talking to me.

I personally don't care
about his opinion.

I don't know why he's pushing Jibri
driving a truck.

So David may be was good
at some point for Jibri,

but I think at this moment

I don't think it's influencing him
well anymore, that friendship.

All I'm saying is
I don't really know you

and I'm just worried about him.

You didn't give me a chance
to get to know me, so.

I'm here now. I'm trying to get to
know you now.

That's why we're having
these conversations.

You guys are gonna be serious
and be together,

I wanna make sure you guys
are building each other

and I just wanna make sure that
he's not compromising himself

more than what he should.

I'm gonna be his wife.
I have his best interests always.

All right.
I'll take your word for it.

Yeah, you should.

I'm curious to see how tomorrow
will go.

I know Jibri is all about the music.

He's one of the most talented people
I've ever met.

When he's motivated
and he has a goal,

you can't stop Jibri.
That's why I'm so confused

why he doesn't see this.

Cos that fire just deteriora-
That fire is just gone.

Miona, she holds him back.

The truth hurts. And he doesn't want
to hear the truth right now.

I just wanna make sure
my boy's good.

Of course he is.

Well, let's see it tomorrow. Let's
see what we do in the studio.

Today I'm taking Guillermo to
a place in Charlottesville called

the Downtown Mall.

It's an outdoor pedestrian mall.

It has lots of businesses,
super cool bars, restaurants.

I just think it's a really cool
place to be.


You wanna look at some stuff?

How you doing?
Good. How you doing?

So pretty.

So chunky.

It's all handmade.
That's so cool!

OK, it's er... upcycled.

Upcycled? Good!

Wait, so where are you from?
Morocco. Morocco?

There's a huge international
presence in Charlottesville

compared to other smaller cities
in the middle states

that are sparsely populated,

but it's not a huge city.

How long have you been here?

In Charlottesville,
this is my tenth year.

Oh, ten years!

Congrats. A whole decade.

Thank you.

It makes me feel so proud
of my city, you know,

that we're just a city of a bunch
of immigrants

and it makes me happy
that Guillermo gets to see

that immigrants have come to the
city and are, you know, succeeding

and flourishing and doing all
the things that they want to do.


And how did you get here?

He's on a K-1 visa. So,

we're getting married soon.


I too came here with the same visa.


It's a popular visa.

It's a popular visa.

I think love and emotions
have no borders.

Me too.

I'm a big fan of your story.

Can you put it on me? Thank you.


There you go.

Ah, so cute!


Thank you. Really.
You're very welcome.

See you later.
See you later.

So nice, no?

So nice. So, so nice.

I was just chased by the biggest bee
in the world

getting out the car.

I know you're not too good with bees.

I, um, got you some stuff.


Thank you.

Some sausage and stuff like that.

[SINGS] Baby

What is going on up in here, man?

Like you have water literally

In our religion, before we pray

we make Wudu, right?

Which is washing of the hands,

the arms, the face, mouth, hair,



That means praise be to God,
she's praying, she made Wudu,

but she left evidence everywhere,

Like you wanna make sure that
you clean up after yourself.

Water is a very, very bad thing
for wood. OK.

Cos the wood can start buckling.

You want me to get a mop
or something?

I mean there's so much water.

It's like you made Wudu
for 100 people, man.

Do you want me to do it?
I got it, I got it.

Come, I'll help you.

You have me like Cinderella here
scrubbing floors, babe.

I don't have you doing anything,
babe. That's you.

When I left the house,
it was pretty clean and spotless.

It's just a little water, babe,
don't overreact.

It's not a little water.

It's like a little kiddie pool
on the floor.

Before coming here, I see a little
bit of Bilal's OCD

staying at the Airbnb
back home with him.

And now it's getting on my nerves.


I mean yes,
I'm all for a clean house.

But I feel as if I have to like
live with a king.

Is it good?
Yeah, I think it's all right.

I mean unless you got water
other places.

[SIGH] Oh, God.

Get me a knife, please.


Baby, come here.

Just come here for a second.

What's going on...
what's going on over here? Um...

I don't wanna be like
an extra neat freak...

You ARE an extra neat freak.
But there's certain things

that you just wanna be neat.
If you want a big spoon,

all your big spoons are here.

If you want a smaller spoon,
they're right here. OK.

Same thing with your forks.

I don't think I'm OCD.
You are OCD.

OCD is here,

and neat is here. I'm at neat.

And she's somewhere down here.

It's not to the extent where like
"oh, the remote control

is one inch off
from where it should be."

Not like that.
It's exactly like that.

Definitely not.
It is exactly like that.

Everything has to be put back
in place.

Like, relax a little bit.

Babe, a lot of these too,
sweetheart, is not washed.

I'm not good at washing dishes.
That's not my thing.

It was never my thing.

It's not...

..not a big, big, big deal.
All right?

"Thank you. Thank you, Shaeeda,
for making the effort

of trying to clean [!]"
Yeah, thank you.

Appreciate it. Yeah. OK.


I appreciate it.

I have 90 days to get to know Bilal.

Getting to know him online is
different from living with this person.

And I can see we are different.

We see things differently.

So I think Bilal needs to give way
when it comes to the home

and realise that this is our home

You're gonna have things
that he's gonna do

that I will not like, and vice versa.

I do worry that Bilal and I
will find it difficult to compromise

in this relationship.


SONG: ♪ I may find another
but they'll never be like you...

♪ Well, I may find another
but they'll never be like you ♪

I'm really annoyed with Emily
right now.

I was working and she was trying
to give me commands like

"Hey, you have to do this,
you have to do that."

So I told her to shut the f*ck up.

I don't really want to be fighting
with Emily,

especially in front of her mom,

but her attitude, you know,
her demanding nature,

she was never like this
back in China.

And I'm not happy about this.

[GROANS] I think I might be done
for today.


Well, I don't want to look like
an assh*le,

somebody who is being so rude,

She was just talking about everything
I'm doing.

It just came like ber-ber-ber.

Well, I think I wouldn't think of it
as a woman to a man thing.

I think person to person maybe.

I know Emily can be pushy
and she can be bossy.


I mean my husband would never have
said that to me.


I don't really like that he's
talking with her that way.

They're gonna have to figure out
how to get along as a couple.

It was all fun and games in China,
but now it's real life.



"Hey, babe"?

[SCOFFS] "Hey, babe",

but you told me to shut the f*ck up
in front of my mom?

That's so rude.
Do they do that in Africa?

You know, I'm doing something,
I'm working,

and then you're just there
talking and talking and talking.

How do you expect me to feel, or how
do you think that makes me feel?

Because I was talking to you?

That's how that made you feel?

You're not even listening
to yourself.

"You were talking and talking."
Yeah, I was talking to you.

I wasn't like being rude.
You were being rude.


I'm confused because I've never seen
Kobe react that way.

To say what he said in a moment
of frustration is one thing.

But what really concerns me

is that he still thinks it's OK.

He needs to be a respectful husband
to show our son

that this is how you treat women.

You were just trying to be bossy,
control everything,

and I kept saying-
I'm trying to help you.

Help me over what?
I'm not gonna talk to you

if you're gonna keep being rude
to me.

Either we're gonna figure this out

or this is not gonna f*cking work.


You don't see the big picture

that what you said to me was wrong.

I'm sorry for saying that.
You're sorry for saying what?

Saying "shut the f*ck up".
Thank you.

That was wrong.

Yeah. I'm sorry for being...
talkative to you

while you were working.

And please, don't repeat that again.



I love her

and I know she loves me,

and I want to marry her.

But there are times like
she don't want to consider me,

which, if we have to get married,
man, she has to listen to me.

Because I doubt if she keeps on going
like this,

if this thing of a marriage
is even going to work.

I love you, OK?
I love you too.

I'm done arguing with you.
It's like you want to see something

out of me. I don't understand.
I don't want to...

What I thought of you down there

was obviously not something
I want to see again.

Be fast, OK? Don't get stepped on.

Dodge, dip, dive, dodge. Go.


Are you tired?

I can't believe we're moving again.

You just moved twice now.

So crazy.

Today is moving day, and while Thais
has been here for a couple of weeks

I've been running around
signing leases,

closing documents,

hiring movers, and found someone
to buy my house in Austin,

so we're ready to get to Dallas.

Hope you're gonna like it there.

I hope I like the house in Dallas

I think you'll like it.

So far, living with Thais has been
everything I imagined it to be.

It's been amazing waking up with her
every day.

And I know Dallas is gonna be
a good city for us

to both have new experiences,
and I'm really excited

to start our life together there.

Let me know if you need anything.
Yeah, I will.

Just call me when you get up there.
No problem.

Bye, John.
Take care, Thais.

Things between John and Thais,
it still feels a little tense.

But he's been helping me a ton
with the house

and I'm really happy that
he's gonna live with us.




All right, this is the house.



We're home!
Hey, guys!

You made it.
Hey, John.

This is the laundry room,

this is a little bathroom.

Oh, you got the living room kinda
set up, huh? Kinda. It's not bad, right?

The kitchen.

This table...


Between me and Thais
at the old house,

it was a... it was definitely
an awkward start,

but I'm really hoping that
with a new place

we can, uh, move forward

and really, you know, have
a brother-sister relationship.

This is the most important room.

That's my brother's fiancee.
You're part of our family.

And I want her to feel that way too.

It has a lot of space.

So this is, uh,
this is John's stuff.

OUR house.
I know, but I think

we're gonna be downstairs
most of the time.

You're not even gonna see it.


So what do you think of the place?
It's good, it's good, you know?

A little small.

Bigger than we had in Montes Claros.

No, yeah. But...

This house is actually bigger
than my house. I told you that.

It's just cos it's two storeys.

It seems the spaces downstairs
are a little smaller.

Look, this...
Yeah, but it's big enough.

I mean this has four bedrooms,

it actually has more...
three and a half bathrooms.

Two floors.

It's not a small house.
Not even close.

No. I'm hoping once everything is
moved out

and maybe the boxes are gone and we
figure out where the furniture goes,

she sees it as a lot bigger.
THEN she realises it's a lot bigger?

That's a little too late.

I hope that's not like
a character thing.

Like she's expecting a mansion
from you.

You know what I'm saying?

I don't know. I think it's more code
for like,

"Why has John got to live here?"

I'm just gonna go upstairs

and let you guys, you know,
continue. All right.

What? What?

It's a brand-new house.


Yep, so... live with it.

I don't have any patience
if Thais is dissatisfied

with the house. Like zero.

So let's start off over here
and grab some boxes. OK.

I grew up in a trailer park.

And it was with six people,

which means like everyone
was sharing bedrooms.

Coming from that perspective,
it just pisses me off.

And it's a huge red flag for me.

It's almost a million-dollar house.

I'm paying for everything.

If you don't like THAT,

then this isn't gonna work.

♪ I've got a million things to say

♪ But I'm stuck, stuck in my brain

♪ Can't quite explain how

♪ I'm feeling

♪ Take my words
right from my mouth ♪

All right, so I'm just going
to meet Tatiana,

just for a little bit.
I won't be long. All right.

So you're going out
and I'm staying home?

I'm not gonna be gone that long.
I will be back very soon.


I'm really annoyed right now

because I feel like he's just
giving me a guilt trip.

I have a lot on my plate

and I definitely need a little time
with my friend.

I can't imagine, like...

Tharan not here

and we could have a nice dinner

and we can watch a movie together.

It's just gonna be a short
girls' session.

Are you going to drink
with your friend?

It would be nice to have
a glass of wine, actually.


I told you, once in a while
I might want a glass of wine.

It's up to you.

I know that Mohamed
is not used to women

going out with their friends,

but I feel like this is something

Mohamed is just gonna have to
get comfortable with

because I don't want to feel like
a guilt trip or control

that I just can't go out and spend
some time with some friends.

I won't be long, I promise, OK?

All right.
OK. I love you.

I love you too.
OK, bye.


Hi, gorgeous. How are you?

Hi, girl.
You look pretty.

Thank you. So do you.

What's going on with him?
Is he OK?

He wasn't happy that I was coming

He thought I was going, like,

Oh, like to party?
Yeah, like.

I was gonna ask,
do you want a drink?

You've been stressed out
over a little tiny thing.

I know, I'm stressed.
Then we're gonna get you one.

You can blame it on me. You're
planning a f*cking wedding.

Can we just-
I'm stressed. I'm super stressed.

I know, and I want to talk to you
because I can feel it.

Take a deep breath.

Thank you.
You're welcome.

Is there any part of you that
feels like super overwhelmed?

I've very overwhelmed right now.
Or like second-guessing it

at all?

No, I'm not second-guessing it.

But there's always a rule
for something.

We went to the mosque, and
the moment we walked in that door,

like, "you're not allowed to be
over here,

you have to go over here."
Like, all these f*cking rules!

It's like really?!

Do you think that he thinks you're
gonna eventually convert?

I don't know.

I just cannot see myself converting.

It does not feel good to me.

It doesn't sound like
he's flexible

or accommodating to
what she needs.

And she's doing everything for him.

How is that fair?

Oh, God.

Let's do a shot.
We need it after this.


Oh, my God.

That is like a big shot.
Oh, my...

I don't even remember
the last time I took a shot.


So I'm having to adjust to like

not having that downtime

because, obviously, like,
doing what I do

and putting out all this energy
all day,

I need to, like, have that time

where I can decompress
and rejuvenate.

And so... [LAUGHS]

I was like hiding out
in the living room on Wednesday.

He's like, "What are you doing?"
And I'm like,

"I'm just trying to chill."

I wonder if he even realises.
"To be a supportive partner,

I should probably have dinner made. I
should make sure the house is clean."

And why is that funny?

No, say it. Why is that funny?

Well, because yeah, it's like
I told him I had to work late

a couple of nights this week

and I come home and they're both
waiting to be fed.

I'm not saying this, I'm not saying
this to talk shit -

is he gonna be another person
to take care of?

Like instead of a partner?
It's more just another-

No, I don't think that.
It's just like a cult-

He makes me coffee in the morning,

he like is making me my breakfast.

He better be making frappuccinos
or something. Make it fancy.

You know, it's so sexy, Mohamed,
when houses are clean,

dinner is made.
American women love that.

So, what does he think of... of us?


Honestly, um,

yeah, he was...

a little offended.

About what?

In his country,

culture in Egypt,

they do NOT talk about sex at all.

And then just feeling like
he was being judged.

Wait, so hold on.
Did he yell at you?

Uh, yeah, we didn't sleep together
that night.

Is that why he didn't want you
to come, cos you're with me?

We're not bad people
cos we talk about sex.

We're not bad people because
we asked him questions.

And I'll take ownership of that.

Maybe it was too far. I apologise.
It's a unique situation

and we just wanted to figure it out.
I just want maybe

in the next situation that
it's more relaxed, more natural,

and he doesn't feel like
he's being judged.

Because obviously, like,

you are all important to me

and I love you all.

And it would make me
really f*cking sad...

[TEARFULLY] I just don't want
to lose you.

But it's a slippery slope.

I know it's not a normal situation.

I know that, trust me,
I'm the one who's like

dealing with all of this stuff.

If you've ever been in
a relationship

that's taken a not so positive turn,
this is how it starts out.

So I'm having a hard time

finding the difference
of him truly like

using his religion as something
that it's like a way of life

versus a way to control her.

Like even her coming out tonight,
the fact that he was like

having a little fit about it
is like intense.

And she has Tharan to think about
as well.

And it's just like this is not
something that can just be undone

if it's not working out.

So I just hope that they're able
to get on the same page

and he's just as supportive
as she is to him.

Cos she deserves that.

I haven't said shit to you,
cos I respect you

and despite it all, Yve,

the questions that we're asking
is because we care.

Where we're coming from
is a place of just making sure

that you're gonna be OK.

And what we're hearing
is concerning.


Is he laughing? Is he laughing?

He's laughing, he's sleepy.

I love that little guy.

I wanna cuddle him.

You know, we never cuddle anymore.

I'm glad it's a car and not a woman.

Of course.

Bini has been training
at the MMA gym

for like two to four hours a day
for the last week.

And they've actually set up
an amateur fight for Bini

in a few weeks.

Which is great for Bini,
but not great for us

because now all the focus is on MMA.

I know this gym is really good,

but it's like, ugh, it's a lot.

I don't know how
we're gonna do this.


I mean I could work, and then
you could watch Avi.

That would be very helpful.
Yeah, of course.

Don't be stressed, OK?

All right, see you later.
OK. I love you.

CHARLES: Come back, two.
Wanna do it again?

Two, come back two.

Two-three real fast.

Hey, coach.
Bini, what's up, man?

Sorry I'm late.

That's all right,
good to have you here.

Took you long enough
but you're here.

So sorry. Just I'm driving,
just a long way.

It's like that sometimes.

All right, get warmed up,
we'll start working. OK, great.

Let's go to the park.

Honestly, I'm feeling really
over-extended lately.

On top of driving Bini
to MMA practice,

I just got a remote job at
my friend's social media company.

So like between being in the car,
taking care of Avi

and working on my phone,
it's just like too much.



I have the email written
and everything

but I just needed to like
copy and paste all the emails.

Yeah, I'm actually at the playground
with Avi. Um...

This is not how I pictured
our time in the US would be.

It feels like Bini's doing
his own thing

while I'm taking care
of everything else.

Wanna see Daddy?

Let's go see Daddy.

You miss Daddy, right?


All right, let's start again.


Take his back.



We can go inside. Come on. Wheee!

Go ahead, go ahead.


Get the hand off now
cos she has that one on the top.

There you go. Turn.

Good work and...

Can you just watch Avi
for a minute? Sure, sure.


So you didn't think to tell me that
you would be training with a girl?

She's my friend. What's wrong?
Hey, you didn't...

What's your name?

Just talk to me.
No, I'm talking to her.

What's your name?

So you have full makeup on.
Get out of my way.

You didn't think you would tell me
that there's a girl here?

Right, but you didn't think you
should tell your future wife

that you're training with a girl?
It's just practice.

No, did you think that you should
tell your wife the truth?

That there's a girl here
named Melissa.

You forgot? There's no-one else
here. How would you forget?

How could you forget?
There's no-one else here.

Every time I've come to the gym,
Bini's been sparring with other men.

I didn't realise that he was
training with women.

And her I come today,
and he's like

wrapped up with this woman
with her legs all around him.

It's like... he should have told me

but, as usual, he didn't.

This is the same behaviour
of constantly avoiding conflict

that has continued to hurt our
relationship. But here we are again.

Oh, my God.

What do you think?
Do you think that my fiance

should tell me
who he's training with?

I know, but do you think
he should tell me

that he is training with you?

I don't know what goes on in your
house, so that's kinda like...

If you have a boyfriend, right,
do you tell him

the people that you train with?

But you still wear fake eyelashes
to the gym.

You look great, by the way.
As I should.

Cos I'm a star. That's what I do.

I don't like this type of energy
in the gym.

You guys got to stop.
All right.

I'm ready to go.

The insecurity's gotta go.

Women are training with men
all the time.

Equal rights, equal fights.

Like he's very talented,
he's about to be a star.

Like why are you interrupting
his training session?

Like do you want him to fail?


Oh, imagine how I feel.
This is bullshit. f*cking idiot.

You're being dishonest,
you should have told me

who you're practising with.

No, he doesn't say girl, boy,

he doesn't say anything.
No details.

OK, he's yelling again.
He's yelling.

You're yelling right now.

You're yelling.

You never told me that.

If you're not gonna be honest

about what you're doing,
and if you're not gonna be honest

about, you know, who's here,

and if you're not gonna be specific
with details, I'm done.

No problem. Just we...

You didn't listen to anything
I just said.

You're just waiting to talk.

I think I'm done. I'm done.

I'm good.

I'm good.

f*cking nightmare.

♪ Go where I wanna go, break free

♪ Be where I gotta be,
I'm true to you

♪ No-one could take your place,
babe ♪

OK, let me see.

Jibri went to studio
this morning

and honestly, I'm happy to have
a little bit of time for myself.

Because I don't want to be
around David today.

So, since Jibri has finally agreed
to the beach wedding

now I have the green light
to start planning.

And I have SO much to do.

It's so expensive here,
these travels.

From Serbia you can do this
three times cheaper

the same destinations.

Hello. I was just calling to ask

do you guys do
travel destination weddings?

Yeah, it's a little bit complicated

because I need to have the wedding
in the next few weeks

since I'm here on the K-1 visa

and I only have 90 days
to get married.

So I'm gonna need something
that can be pretty soon,

if that's possible.

Every time when I tell them the date,

they're like,
"Oh, no. It's too soon."

So it's really frustrating.

Like, who came up with 90 days?

Like, how did that...

It was like, "Oh, we're gonna
give them 90 days."

Why wasn't it 100 days?
I don't get it.

Mm-hm. OK. Bye.

♪ Don't stop moving

♪ Keep that tempo

♪ Don't stop moving

♪ Keep that tempo

♪ Don't stop moving

♪ Keep that tempo ♪

OK, yeah! I like this one!

This one goes!
Hey, y'all!


What's up?

My band's called Black Serbs,

I'm the lead vocalist.

And we got Brandi, one of the
coldest rappers you'll ever hear

from the South Side of Chicago.
And then my boy David, Dacho,

he's one of the most amazing MCs

cos he can literally spit
in so many different languages.

How you doing, my man? You good?

I'm good, man.

And then you got Space Cash.
He's literally

an alien from a different

He's actually a white guy
from Iowa

but he's an amazing character
in the group

who can play any instrument
known to man.

What's up, man?

Seeing everybody in the studio again
feels great.

But this morning is stressful.

I got this new producer that
we're meeting for the first time.

Not to mention that my relationship
with David,

there's just too much tension.

It's just not... it's not the same.

Bro, the opportunity to work
with you, Alex, is phenomenal.

We're so excited.
Thank you for reaching out to us,

thank you for just being here, man.

How YOU feel, man,
about the instrumentation?

It sounds great.
It does? Yeah. Everything's cool.

All right, let's plug in.
Let's just do what we do.

This is a legendary studio.

This is a dope space.
This is an amazing space.

This is great.

All right, so everybody,
turn off your phone,

put it on "do not disturb."
Yeah, yeah.

Make sure we're all focused, we're
all ready to make some music,

make the songs come alive.

Jibri hit us with the chorus.

Cos I know we got into it

I just want to make sure
that you were able

to, you know, turn your stuff off.

Yeah, no, I understand.
But the thing about Miona is, um,

she's super cool, bro.

She's cool, but like, Brandi,

how would you feel if you were
dating somebody

and he's checking up on you,
what you're doing, where you at?

No, I don't think it's like
that bad.

But the thing is, like,
she's here alone.

She only has Jibri. She don't have
no family here, no nothing, no friends.

We gotta focus on this, man.
We gotta get this track down.

Let me text Miona and turn off
my phone so it's good.

Why you gotta text her?

Why you gotta... I mean she knows
you're in the studio,

so you don't need to text her.
Just put it on "Do not disturb."

I just can't stand David
talking to me about Miona,

and if he would just shut up
we could get some work done.

Everything's just kinda piling up,
from my mom

to now David,
and I can't listen to it.

I'm reaching my boiling point,
my breaking point.

I wanna focus.
I just wanna make sure that

she's not like disturbing us,
you know, like, for...

She's OK, she got everything
she needs, you know. Yeah.

Hey, bro, stop.

Stop, bro. Stop.

Stop, man.





Sometimes her mind
tends to go negative first.

Well, I'm not gonna say sometimes.
A lot of times.

You can be very fussy at times.

Well, it's not fussing.
I hate when you do this.

Like you always try to...
You always do that.

If I tell you something,
you throw it back.

I have never argued so much
in my life ever.

So this could potentially be
a venue. It's beautiful.

In my mind, it makes sense for us
to have a courthouse ceremony.

Do you have emotions too? Do you want
to have your family at your wedding?

You can have them!

This is exactly how I could imagine.

The pricing. $10,500.

Hey, guys. Just wanna let you know

I'm throwing a little
housewarming party.



I mean let's be honest, if I had
asked you, you would have said no.

Of course!
Can we have some fun?


Hello! Welcome, welcome, welcome.

Have a seat.

Emily's dad is
a little intimidating

so I'm a little nervous.

What is your plan?

He's got a lot of mouths to feed
and I'm not paying for it. Period.

Rapid City's like, it's definitely
not where I see us.

I think we are too old to be living
with parents anymore.

I feel like
I did give up the band for her.

And now I'm under this pressure.
I gotta get married

and I don't know how to deal with
everything, know what I'm saying?

I want you to accept who I am.
I'm not Islamic and I'm not Muslim.

You know who I am since two years
before I ever come here.

If Yve not going to accept me,

I'm not gonna be here
after the 90 days.

You're wasting my time now.