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09x02 - Home Sweet Hoax

Posted: 04/23/24 20:28
by bunniefuu
Miona's a small, sexy fireball
from Nis, Serbia.

Her presence on social media

looks like she wants to live
in Beverly Hills.

That's not what we have here.

Do you love me enough to stay
in South Dakota for 12 months?

So that was a no to my question


After all of the time apart,

Guillermo has finally been approved
for his visa and I am so excited.

But he currently holds an expired
Venezuelan passport,

so I have chose to ask Guillermo
back from the Dominican Republic.

I love you.

Because he's so young,

Guillermo may not be taking this
seriously enough.

The house?

Shaeeda and I only spent actually
seven days together physically.

We know you got your money,
does she really love you for you?

I purposely like don't show
what I have.

Are you serious?

I'm putting Shae to the test
a little bit.

Wow, home sweet home, right?

When Shaeeda comes in today,

I'm gonna bring her
to my childhood home,

the home that I actually
grew up in,

just to see that if I did live here,
will you still be with me?

Oh, my God.

I thought Kobe was just gonna be
a really fun one-night stand.

But things got really serious,
really fast.


He's gonna have to prove to me

that he can support you
and especially Koban.

Yeah. I'll be able to tell
right away whether he's
bullshitting me or not.

Let's see, put this... there.

Have to put this up.

This is us.

Today is the day
we've been waiting for

for so long. Today is the day

my fiancee Shaeeda is arriving
from Trinidad and Tobago.

My sister Nefertari and myself,

we're prepping and I'm nervous
but I'm like very excited.

I am going to get out of here,
so I can head to the airport.

Let me get some love.

Love you, thank you so much again
for everything.

You're welcome.
Wish me luck, fingers crossed.

Legs crossed.

Love you too.

Love hasn't been kind to me,
you know,

I've obviously went through
a divorce. I have walls built up,

I have trust issues.

So there are some things that I
didn't kind of like share with her.

I never showed her where I live,
what type of car I drive.

Because even though
I am successful,

the reality is that hey,
come from the inner city,

come from the hood, which is
the foundation of who I am.

And so I wanted to see if Shaeeda
truly wants me for me

and not for what I have.

And so I'm picking her up,

in a van that's not mine,

taking her to a home
that I grew up in.

I'm really hoping to see if her
words match with her actions.

You know, she told me
she's a ride or die,

so let's put that to the test.

Even though there's some concerns,

I love Shae
and she means so much to me.

But the fact of the matter is that

Shae and I, we've only spent
seven days together physically,

when I went to Trinidad.

Now, after almost two years apart,

she's about to live with me,
and we're gonna get married.

Sounds a little weird.

But man, I cannot cannot wait.

I can finally, like,
touch her hand,

I can finally like
smell the aroma.

It's kind of like wow,
like, finally.

I'm getting, I'm like anxious,

you know, it's like, like
literally any mine right now.

It's kind of like, like all of
the waiting and all the prayers

and tears, it all comes to
this moment, right now.

I'm just kind of like antsy like,
you know, like...

Is that her?

It is her!


♪ I just need believe a little spark

♪ Something quick and cool
and innocent

♪ So I can hold onto the sunrise...



You here!

How do you feel?


Like you're here
in the United States!

It's been like forever.

Forever forever. Yeah.

How are you feeling?

Feeling good? Nervous?

Being shy. Shae's being shy.

We over this way.

Right, here we are.

Let me take this?

Get the door for you.


Oh, you thought this? No.

I know you like big, big cars.

Scooby-Doo van?

Yeah, no, right here.

Yeah, I see.


What's that?

What are you talking about?

That's not trash.

That is my toolbox.
What are you talking about?

Can you take this

and put it back right here?

Bilal has always been secretive,

it sort of worried me, I was like,
what is he hiding?

What does he have to hide?

But just the mere fact that
he's flipping houses,

and buying property
I know that costs a lot of money.

So I know that his finances
has to be at a certain up there.

And that is not the type of van
I expect him to drive.

I'm starting to understand why
he was hiding everything from me.

I am panicking. What is next,
what do I have to expect now?

that wouldn't be a good thing.


I'm a firm believer about
appreciating what you have.

Because here's the thing
about life -

things happen all the time.

I know people who have had wealth
and they lose it.

And they have to go back to
their humble beginnings.

Let's say if something like that
were to happen,

was she the type of person
still be ride or die for you?

I'm not so sure.

middle line:90% position:50% [CUP POPS]

I'm Yve, I'm 48 years old

and I am a licensed acupuncturist
and massage therapist.

I'm very passionate
about what I do.

There's a tight little spot
right there.

I love making a difference
in people's lives

and assisting them
in their healing journeys.

I'm Native American, I'm Apache,

and I've always felt
very spiritual.

Ooh, that feels intense.

I think that
my Native American roots

have led me on the path
to be a healer.

You ready for bed?

Here's one ticket.

One ticket? Oh, thank you
for the ticket.

Is that a ticket to bed?


My typical day is very full.

Are you gonna eat your snack?


I thought you were gonna eat
your snack.

OK, you want me to just read you
a book?

Being a single mommy,
I have so much on my plate.

Oh, my gosh, you're getting
all the blankies? Yeah.

You're gonna be super cosy.

My son Tharan is 12 years old,

he has autism, down's syndrome
and stage two kidney disease.

They collect bottles, cans
and newspapers.

Do you help me with the recycling?

Yeah, thank you.

Being a single parent
there's been times

that have been very, very demanding
and stressful, and scary.

Tharan has to be catheterised
every three hours,

but I try to be positive
and just keep on moving forward.

Can you make the yard look pretty?

When I had Tharan I didn't care
that he had special needs.

A lot of mothers get sad.

There you go.
Mom, did you see it?

And I just never felt that way.

I just felt like
it was a gift for me

to have the opportunity
to be his mother.

You're hungry? OK, we'll see if
daddy's making dinner, I'm not sure.

Tharan's father and I were together
for close to eight years.

We were engaged

but I think that different people
go through different things,

having a special needs child,

and I just felt like
I wasn't emotionally supported

so I decided to not get married.

What do you feel like eating?
Pizza, pizza.

OK, I'll take you over to Daddy's,
OK? Yeah.

After I separated from Tharan's
father eight years ago,

I started living on my own.

And I was really...
it was a really difficult time.

Hey, ladies.

You made it.
I'm excited to practise with you.

And so what I did to help myself
is I really focused on healing

and becoming myself again
and doing the things that I love.

And I met a lot of friends
that were like kind of like-minded.

So I'm very blessed in that way.


I was very content in my life,
I was happy just healing,

taking care of myself,
taking care of Tharan

and being able to have friends
again and spend time with them.


How are you? Thank you for coming.

I have so much to do.

Oh, my God.
Oh, my gosh.

How are you? Tense nervous?
I'm just a little stressed.

Trying to clear the drawers out
so he has room.

Oh, my gosh.

For the longest time I was not
interested in dating at all.

And then one day
a man half my age

slid into my DMs
and my whole world changed.


His name is Mohamed,
he's from Alexandria, Egypt.

He's completely like, shredded.

Could anybody even have a body
like that?

Like I don't even know like, where
do you see a six-pack like that?

Oh, my gosh.

Hopefully not getting catfished.

I had posted a picture of me
in my bikini,

I put the hashtag #FitBody.

He saw that picture

so he DM'd me

and I just thought

oh, my gosh, he's hot,

how could I not like respond
to that?

I'm super excited for you to see

what an amazing person he is,

At one point I thought
he wasn't even real, honestly.

[LAUGHS] Oh, my God.

Who is this Egyptian god?

I DM'd him back

and basically video chatted
with him like two days of meeting.

And I was enamoured.

So we pretty much started talking
multiple times a day.

Hey, love,
I can't wait till I see you again.

Even though I'm 48 years old
and Mohamed is 25,

the age thing
just doesn't matter for us.

Within a couple of weeks

we admitted to one another
that we were falling in love.

Two months after we had met,

it was taking a leap of faith
and decided to go see him.

I bought the plane ticket

and then I was like thinking:
oh, my God,

am I out of my damn mind?


And then, I saw
him just saunter across the street.

Just like all of those fears
melted away,

it was like that moment
of us coming together.

It was this magical, perfect fit.

MAN: Open your hand, madam,
Oh, my God.


We got engaged pretty much
as soon as I got there.

He completely surprised me
with a red ruby

and said he wanted to marry me.
I was like, what?!

I don't know if I want this
to happen this fast.

But I've never had this type of,
like, connection with somebody.

I couldn't deny it.

I'm not giving the dress away
that you gave me.

Oh, no, that one was cute.

After I got back from Egypt,
I started the K-1 Visa paperwork.

It's been almost two years that
we've been waiting for this visa.

But Mohamed finally got his visa,
I'm so happy, after all this time.

And he's gonna fly to Albuquerque
in two days.

So obviously I can't wear these.

Booty shorts.

Yeah, I doubt that's gonna fly.

Did he ask you to get rid of...

In like Egypt and Muslim culture

like you can't like show your arms,
or like, your legs.


So he is kind of like,
seems kind of possessive.


Well, I think it's just such a huge
like cultural difference.

I am cleaning out my closet

because there are a few things that
are... maybe some dresses

that are a little too revealing,
and maybe slightly see-through

that he definitely, probably,
doesn't want me wearing in public.

But I mean, the biggest thing is,
he's really young.


Your son's the same age. [LAUGHS]

Mohamed's age, I would be
completely dishonest

if I didn't say it didn't weird me
out a little bit, and still does.

I see my son and I wouldn't

advise my best friend

to seek somebody
who is that immature.

It's so crazy
cos we just don't even

see like the whole age thing
at all.

One of the first questions
people ask me

when they see his picture -
how old is he?

And I just didn't even wanna talk
about the subject.

Because then I didn't wanna feel

like I had to defend it
or something.

Or you don't want anybody
judging you for it.

Right, I mean it's a cliche too,
you know, like,

oh, oh, why does this young guy,
you know, like you?

Is it just because he wants a green
card or does he want a sugar mama?

So it's hard, like it's hard.

People questioning my decision,

questioning like,

oh, you better be careful. Are you
sure you're doing the right thing?

Why is he so young?

Like what does he want to do
with you?

It's heartbreaking when, you know,
like I felt like... I made this decision

and I just want everybody
to be happy for me.

I want it to work out and
I want you to be happy, you know?

But I do have concerns, naturally,

so I'm hoping that Mohamed
proves me wrong.

line:90% position:50% [FEMALE SINGING IN SPANISH]

KARA: Do I smell good?

You missed my smell.
I do.

And you didn't say it.

Hey, come on.

I've just arrived to the Dominican
Republic to take Guillermo

back to the United States.

I'm definitely a little bit worried
that going through the airport

there could be trouble with his
expired passport, the visa.

This is a huge moment
we've both been waiting for

and I wanna be there.

I know it's like hard
to leave things

that you've, you know,
done forever here.

But a lot of great things
are about to happen.

Beautiful things are coming.

They really are,
it'll be really good.

What are you feeling
about tomorrow?


I think that I am, like, excited
for every little detail.

It will be interesting
Tomorrow definitely will be.

Taking it all in.

But I will, I will just try to be
like super calm and that's it.

I wanna ask you also, too, like,
baby let's, in the airport,

like we have to put a little bit of
you and a little bit of me.

Because I know how I am and you,
I know that you are not like that.

Well, I'm just
a professional traveller.

OK, but in this moment,

travelling with that person
who never, well almost never-

Right, so I just, I just need to-

Should help me and teach me,
you know?

No, I will be, yeah, right.

Yeah, no, I will definitely
explain to you why

I'm doing exactly everything
I'm doing.

Today I'm taking Kara

for our last dinner
in the Dominican Republic.

And I got a couple of surprises for
her that I'm sure she's gonna love.




I'm so happy to see you.

Tomorrow I'm moving to USA.

It feels like a movie,

because every time
that people in Latin America

when they talk about USA they talk

It's a paradise.
You can buy whatever you want.

You can get whatever you want.

And you know,
growing up in Venezuela

sometimes it was so difficult
to get food.

So it's like, damn,
I'm going to the paradise.

Where is Chiqui?

At home with my mom.



Everybody, oh, my God.

I'm so excited.

Hi! How are you?

I have two older brothers
that live in Dominican Republic.

My other brother is Joaquin,

he couldn't come
because he is sick.

But my brother Christopher is here
and that makes me real excited.


Like how do you say?

Like comfortable, welcoming.

You are a proud sugar mommy.

I'm a proud sugar mommy.

Oh, you mean like Sanky panky.

A Sanky panky is usually
a young, brown...

Latino boy.

who like finds
an older white female

to date basically
like a sugar mama.

Normally Sanky pankies
go for papers too,

and I'm not in this relationship
for papers.

But if you were coming over
for papers,

you're stuck with, you know,
a fairly all right option.

I mean yeah.

Calling me a toddler

or like a little kid,

it's so ridiculous. It's...

I totally get
when my brother is teasing me,

but my fiancee
should be respecting me.

I know that in the beginning
when I move with her to America,

it will be a little bit hard

because everything is gonna be
so new for me.

And probably I will need her
to take care of me.

But the most important thing
that I need from her is respect.

And treat me as a man.

Get the good old wash.

My fiance Miona is coming to
the United States in two days,

and we're gonna be living with
my parents in South Dakota.

I'm out getting some last-minute
errands done.

First up is get my dad's truck

so it looks fresh
when I pick her up at the airport.

Call David.

David, I'm about to go
in a carwash, bro,

I'm just checking in on you.

I know I ain't talked to you
in a minute, so yeah, man,
call me back.

David is my friend from high school

that I've known
since I was 16 years old,

and he is a refugee from Serbia.

Even though he lives in Chicago

we're still really close
and he's like a brother to me.

David and I have been through
a lot.

I dated his sister
and we've been business partners,

we've got in fist fights.

I got a lot of stuff going on

and I need to speak with you, man,
and I hope to see you soon.

He's my best friend,
we started a band together.

But since COVID
we have put a pause on the band

and we have all kind of went
our separate ways,

which has been difficult for us.

Especially because Miona and David

haven't really got along very well
since they've met.

And that's been something
I've had to juggle.

Hit me back
whenever you get a chance

and yeah, we'll go... Oh, f*ck.
All right. Damn! g*dd*mn it.


Oh, f*ck. Come on, bro.

We clean though, we fresh, it's OK.

David's my brother, man,

and I was hoping that my fiancee
and my best friend would be close.

But I don't know if
Miona and David

will ever be able to have the
relationship I have with David.



Hey, it's like game time,

things are opening back up,
I'm getting a lot of DM's.

I don't know if you've been on
the Black Serb's Instagram,
it's popping again.

Everybody wants us to do shows,
so do you have time for that?

Are you ready to jump back in?

I'm getting ready for Miona
to be coming soon.

He's ready. Brandy, she's ready.

Know what I'm saying?
It's just really waiting on you,

and you waiting on Miona.
When is she coming, supposedly?

She's coming in two days, bro, so.
In two days?!

Yeah, man.

Good luck with that, man.

What you mean good luck?
Why, why you say that?

You know I just wish you good luck,
that's all I'm saying.

We'll see how your love,
if your love will hold out.

What do you mean? That's f*cked up
that you would say that.

I really love Miona, man.

I wouldn't have known Miona
if it weren't for you.

And it kind of hurts, bro,

not have that full support talking
about I doubt it and all that
bullshit, man.

I just, I don't know.

And I just feel like you never
liked her from the beginning.

I mean from the beginning,
like she came off rude.

I didn't like her vibe.

Yu thought she was bougie? That's
why you were upset with her?

Yeah, I think she was bougie

just like she came from heaven
to earth, like come over here,

Like I don't know, man.

When David first met Miona

I don't think David gave Miona
quite the fair chance.

When the pandemic started
I decided to go back to Serbia

and be with Miona,
which was not good for the band.

We had created something
that had so much momentum

and I really put on the backburner
because I met Miona.

I think that they believe
that it was all her fault

I can't dedicate a hundred percent
of my time to the band.

I'm, I'm just being real with you.
You know what I mean like...

Find this black man from America,

this big Serbian that's in a band,

a popular band in her country
and all of eastern Europe.

And he wants to marry
and bring you to America.

Like how do you know
she really loves you,

she's not really loving that

she's about to come to America
and have a passport? Like...

I think David
will be suspicious of Miona

regardless of what she does.

He's saying to me that
she's just using me

as a golden ticket
to get to America.

It hurts my feelings.
It's going too far.

It seem like everybody's against me
about the decision I'm making.

I feel like I don't go nobody
on my side.

Nobody's against you, man.

We just telling you
don't be so blind.

Look at everything.

position:50% FEMALE SINGER: ♪ Settle down, soon you'll be fine

♪ Just put your hands up,
just put your hands up

♪ Let it ease your mind

♪ Just put your hands up,
just put your hands up ♪

I just wanna like surprise him,
you know,

with something like
if we stay the night together

before we come back here.
Just to like have those. Pretty.

My fiance Kobe is coming to America
tomorrow, from Cameroon

and I can't wait
to introduce him

to our son Koban.

Do you like the pink or the black?
Like that's kind of cute.

Yeah, that one's way more sexy.

I have a surprised planned for Kobe
once he gets to America

that I wanna spend one night
together before we meet Koban,

because I'm super worried what
our sex life is gonna be like now.

I mean when are we ever gonna have
sex in my parent's house?

So this is
a really important night for me,

and I hope he's onboard for it.

I feel bad for, you know,
leaving Koban

and like not bringing him
right away.

You and Kobe will have
your alone time.

Hopefully, if he wants to,
that's why I'm trying to like...

Oh, he will, he hasn't seen you
in two years. I don't know.

It's been two years
since we've had sex

and Kobe's not really into
the whole sexting, and I am.

I would have sent him, you know,

a dirty message every day
if he would have liked it.

But he doesn't, so now I can't wait
to finally turn him on,

which is what I've been trying
to do for two years.

OK, which one do you like,
what do you like?

I think I'm leaning towards...
the one at the end.

That one's spicy.

Maybe a little bit
out of my comfort zone now

with my mom bod, but that's OK.

Hopefully, you know, he won't
be able to like say no to me.

We're polar opposites
but we get along really well,

and I just really
want the best for her

so I'm really hoping Kobe is gonna
wanna stay the night with Emily.

Because I know
she's really nervous

and a little insecure
about how she looks now.

I hope they'll both be reminded of
that connection that they do have

and share, and hopefully
the spark's still there.

Come here. Oh, bye, buddy.

OK, I love you. Go to Papa.

There you go, come on, buddy.
Love you, baby.

Say bye, go like this. Mwah.

Daddy's gonna be here so soon.

Mwah! I love you, buddy.

You want some help? You all set?

Call us, let us know how it goes.
I will.

Be careful driving.
I'll call you guys.

I'm on my way to Kansas City

to pick up Kobe tomorrow
from the airport.

It's a two-and-a-half hour drive

so I decided to stay the night
in a hotel.

Don't hit the golf cart.

I hardly ever get out of the house,

so I'm really grateful to
my parents for watching Koban

because I get a night to myself.

And I get to have dinner
with my best friend Sean.

♪ I like it, magic

♪ I said I like it, hey, hey, magic

♪ La de la la de la, I like it ♪


How are you?

Good. How are you?

Good to see you.
You too, you too.

What's been going on?
Not too much.

I got some wine for us.
Thank you.

Sean and I used to go out
all the time,

and we have wild times together.

It was a competition who could get
the most phone numbers
when we went out.

He's really protective
and I definitely think

he's going to keep a close eye
on Kobe

and he'll let me know
if he smells like bullshit.

Kobe just messaged me.

Did he?

What did he say?

Let me see, he said,

"I'm on the way to the airport,
I'll call you when I get there."


Are you excited to meet Kobe
you think? Like are you...

I mean he sounds really great.

I mean...

But anyone's really cool if you've
only known them for like a month.

Two and a half months.
Two and a half months.

When Emily told me
that she was pregnant

with some guy really
that she had only known

for maybe like a few months,
it kind of really threw me off.

I mean Emily's wild, but like,
that's a whole another level.

I feel like honestly you guys
have to build like a whole new

So it's almost like two completely
different people to me.

Yeah, so here's my plan.

I want him to obviously meet Koban
right away.

I was gonna bring him
to the airport because

the whole COVID situation,
I wasn't comfortable.

Yeah, I wouldn't do that.
So I just decided

I'm gonna leave him at home
and then I was thinking like,

maybe Kobe and I could have
a date night,

stay at a hotel, get dinner, cos
it's like our first night together

but yet like our last night

Cos once we get home, it's like,
my mom my dad and my sister.

Koban's in our bed.
All in the same house.

No sex life.
Probably not.

We need tomorrow night together

so you know,
we can like, get it on,

you know, see how, see how
the chemistry is working out.

So I'm like actually really nervous
to have sex with Kobe.

I used to like get down

and now I'm like,
I feel like if I'm on top

my boobs are gonna like
leak all over him. Oh, my God!

Could you imagine?

How embarrassing.
[LAUGHS] I can see it.

And what if he's into it?
How gross.

Go, he's got to go.

I'd be like, listen,
you've crossed too many lines.

Oh, you like that?
Go, we can't, we're done.

No more sex for two years.

I kind of think that Emily thinks
he's just gonna kind of

get off the plane and come in
on like his white horse

and, like, save the day,
she's not a single mom anymore.

But I don't think it's gonna
turn out that way.

I mean, hopefully,

hopefully he's as good
as she makes him out to be.

I'm like, you know, a little bit
worried we don't have chemistry.

Do we not get married
and I send him back?

Or do we get married because
he's my son's father

and I want him to be in his life
and be in America?

Do you think you'd have it
in your heart to kick him out?

Like, to send him back?

You might have to.

This is like real-life stuff.

It's not just getting married
and if it doesn't work out, bye.

It's like getting married,

oh, if it doesn't work out, wait,
we have a one and a half year old.

That's a lot of pressure.

I look different, I am different,

I'm not the partying Emily
he met in China.

I'm now the mother Emily that he's
going to be introduced to.

And it's a whole different lifestyle

that he has no idea
what he's getting into.

And so I'm worried
about everything.

I mean, I feel like
it will be interesting because,

I mean you look a little bit
different now. I know.

You act a little bit different now.
I mean, like a lot different now.

I know.

It'll be like a real test for him
I think.

I'm getting really nervous.

So, think I'm gonna sleep so good


After nearly two years

being apart from each other

it was really great to see
my fiancee Shaeeda in person.


Extremely tired.

But it's been a rollercoaster of
emotions since Shaeeda landed.

Shaeeda's never seen what I drove.

She's never seen where I live.

I was hoping that, you know,

she would be a little, like,
oh wow, like this is your car?

OK. You know?

I didn't think that it would go
the way that it went.

The reaction she's giving me
is really taking me back

that I'm really questioning
some things about her right now.

So far so good?
So far so good.


Now, instead of bringing her to
the home where we're gonna live at,

I'm gonna bring her
to my childhood home.

You like the houses?

They're cute.

When I look at the house
that I grew up in,

I don't see necessarily
the peeling paint.

The reality is, people who live in
this neighbourhood

are great working-class citizens.

And some of the people that I
actually grew up with to this day.

So I always respect that.

We are home.


I wanted to bring Shae here
for multiple different reasons.

One, I'm gonna play a joke on her.

Play it like, this is mine and see
what she thinks, she what she says.


And two, to also see like, hey,
like, if I did live here,

will you still be with me?

But seeing her reaction to the van,
this might not go very well.

Oh, babe.

A home from the 1900s.

Must be an antique.

It's called historic. OK, baby.




So this is obviously
the living room.

This is where I watch TV at
and stuff like that, um, pray.

Babe, that's peeling.

Yeah, I got to get that done.

It looks like it could collapse
on us any moment now.


This is the home, babe?

This is home.


This is not real.
This place is dilapidated.

This place is not the place
I wanna be at.


It's where I make
my famous recipes.

Recipes to please.

OK, I get the point.

And right this way, this is where
the kids' room is, etcetera,

but um...
These are nice cups.

Mugs, whatever.
Yeah, yeah.

I thought that was pretty cool.
Picked those up.

So that's, um... I would show you
the basement

but I told you that I do
short-term rentals

so actually somebody's actually
renting it right now.


To be quite honest,
I was not expecting... this home.

I was a little bit confused.

And yes, quite disappointed.

Because he's got to be quite
delusional thinking that, you know,

justifying, you know,
moving me into that home.

I'm just hoping for someone
to wake me up.

I think I'm, I'm in a dream.

This is like our lounge room.

Where we just kind of like, just
chill, watch TV, stuff like that.

So. This will be, actually,

like my closet, um,
and everything.

So let me show you your,
our bedroom and everything.

Where we be sleeping at.

And we have our bedroom.

This is where the magic happens.

Right in here.



I was hoping my new home to be

spacious, modern, contemporary
type of home.

I'm getting the complete opposite
to that.

Back at home, I asked Bilal
for a picture of his house.

He said no.

I asked him to see his vehicle,
he said, no, no.

He's been so secretive.

And I'm thinking,
what else is he hiding from me?

It's a lot to take in right now.

What's that?
It's a lot.

You good?

I was not expecting this.

Expecting this right here?

Easy fix.
Is there any rats in the kitchen?

Do I look like a person who has-

That's cool.
I am not comfortable

moving to a first world country
like the United States

and having to live like
if I'm in the 1900s.

We can, you can do better,
we can do better.

When did you read in the Koran
that you need to provide a mansion?

I didn't ask for a mansion.
OK, then.

That's the point I'm making.

There are some things
that need to be fixed, yes. Right?

A lot of things that needs
to be fixed.

There's a lot of things
that need to be fixed
with your attitude right now too.

Bilal does not like my reaction.

I could tell by his eyes he doesn't
like how uncomfortable I am.

But at the same time, he's
lecturing me as if I'm a child.

This is not the person
I fell in love with.

This house does not represent
who you are.

Nothing about this house says you.

Are you appreciative
of what you have?

Cos you could be the person
on the corner.

You know, I could be a person
on a corner.

OK, babe, listen, I had
a very long flight, I am tired.

I don't expect this from you
right now.

You expect what from me?
You're justifying everything.

Honestly, I'm a little hurt.

She does not know that this is
my family home.

If she came across, say hey,
like, the home,

I understand it's a nice small
house, it's comfortable etcetera,

but maybe we can grow
and get a bigger something.

Like, that's OK with me.

But a lot of what she said
was actually more hurtful

and relates to,
I thought that, like,

you would have been better
than what you are right now.

Babe, do you realise...
most people don't own a home?

Honestly, I know there's things
that could be fixed up.

Things can be improved etcetera.
You know?

But are you the type to like,
you know,

you wanna roll up your sleeves
and help out,

or are you gonna just like, complain
and be like, oh I'm not, you know.

I don't need no complaining.

position:50% I do not wanna be late when she arrives to America.

Merry Christmas, happy birthday.

Oh, man,
none of this is gonna work.

Should have got some
while I was out and about.

I'm bringing surprises
to the airport

for Miona to make her feel welcome.

So I got this red carpet.

What I'm gonna do is
I'm gonna roll this out.

It's gonna be corny.

It might be tacky, she hates
when I do this embarrassing stuff.

But, hey that's my style, man,
that's how I roll, man.

She got to come into South Dakota
with a bang.

This is the Hollywood
of South Dakota.

And that's as Hollywood
as it's gonna get for her
for the time being.

Oh, I forgot about the big gift.

I got her some cowgirl boots.

And they're pink too.

My favourite colour. Let's go!

She's gonna rock with these.

This is very South Dakota
right here.

I think these are super fly.

But, you know, to each his own.

And then on top of that I got her
a little cowgirl hat, man.

I think she'll be rocking
with this.

I'm excited to see Miona.
I'm excited for her

to see where I grew up.

But after my conversations with
David and my parents,

all of their doubts and fears

are starting to seep into my mind.

But I need to tune out
all the outside noise

because I need to stay
confident about myself

and that my relationship will work.

Damn, I'm a little nervous.

I feel the jitters a little bit
and I usually don't get nervous
about stuff like this.

But this is a big moment.

I think I'm a little nervous due to
the fact that her meeting my parents

is a lot going on right now. So.

I got to breathe, just relax.

This 90 days does seem crazy to me.

It feels like
I'm doing something crazy.

OK, I got this.

But one of my favourite words
in the Serbian language is jebi ga.

And that means f*ck it.


I've loved Miona since the moment
I laid my eyes on her.

So just feel... ready.

Got the pink on.

Looking like a fresh
space cowboy flamingo.

Got the glasses.

I'm ready to go.

Grab this stuff.

Oh! Oh, no.

I ripped the pants.

Oh, hell no.

I ripped the pants.


Can you see it?


Not the pink flamingo!

I wonder what else I'm gonna wear.

Damn, how did I rip the pants?

Come on!

Oh, shit.

How bad is it? Oh!

Let's hope
it doesn't completely rip.

I've already committed.

We're going.

Miona, I ripped my pants for you.

That's how much my love is for you.

That's a ripped pants.

♪ No matter how hard they try

♪ They try

♪ I do this with my eyes closed
OK, time to go.

♪ I do this with my eyes closed
Eyes closed

♪ Better go pick up my princess

♪ I'm ready I'm ready, I'm ready,
I'm ready, I'm ready

♪ Got to pick up Miona

♪ Got to get on the road ♪

Right, let's call Grandma.


Hey, Grandma, how are you?

I am good, how are you?

I'm doing well, I'm just checking
on you, beautiful.

My Grandma,
she drives a motorcycle.

She's got tattoos,
she's got purple hair.

Sometimes it's blue.
I can't keep up with her.

So often times I think I'm
a little wild and out the box -
nah, she's the definition of it.

She is a very strong,
inspirational woman for me.

I'm sorry I haven't been able
to call you back

as frequently as I always do,
as quick as I always do.

I've just been kind of stressed out
about the whole Miona thing.

I'm on my way to pick her up
from the airport as we speak.

Really? I didn't know what time
she was coming.

Yeah, she's coming in literally,
I believe an hour.

So I'm kind of nervous,
I'm not gonna lie, Grandma.

Oh, well, I would be too, honey.

That's a, it's a big deal.

I'm sure she's very nervous too.
Yeah, she is.

Coming to a brand-new country.
For real. She's stressed
a little bit.

I just hope that her and my mom
can get along.

And I hope that she likes
South Dakota.

She's already kind of thinking that
she's not gonna like it.

So I hope everything's gonna be OK.

I'm just, I'm not sure.

All you can do is be the kind,
loving self that you are

and know that if, you know,

it's big for you,
but it's huge for her.

She's left her parents,
her country, her language,

to come to the United States.

You're right.
That's crazy hard I would think.

I wish that my parents would be
a little bit more considerate

of Miona's feelings

as she is leaving her country
and her family behind.

But my grandmother loves

So it's not surprising that she's
a little bit more supportive

about Miona than my mom is.

So I can't wait for you to meet her

and hopefully my mom is not,
not too hard on her.

And I really hope that
you can get a good judgment.

But we'll see.

I have a feeling
Miona can hold her own.

Has to if she's going to be
around you, Jibri.

Why you say that?

Because you're
a strong personality. Yeah.

And you got to have a strong
personality to match. Yeah.

I love you, I love who you are.

All right, Grandma, I love you.
Be safe.

All right, love you too, honey,
I'll talk to you later. Bye.

Oh, I love that woman, man.

♪ Driving to the airport

♪ Gotta get away

♪ Gotta pick up Miona

♪ Take her to the house to stay

♪ Man, I hope she likes it

♪ And my mom likes her outfit

♪ What is next? ♪

I've invested a lot
into this relationship.

I've invested a lot of money.
You know, um, a lot of time.

I put my band to the side
for this relationship.

I have been at odds
with my family members

who don't understand
what I'm doing.

I'm ready, I'm ready.

In the next 90 days,
if Miona can just be patient

and give me a little time
to save money,

I see us creating
a beautiful life together.

But I feel like if she can't
get on the same page with me

in terms of our lifestyle

it could be a big roadblock

for us spending
the rest of our lives together.

OK, let's do this.

♪ I love the woman I've become

♪ She ain't never ever ever
looking back

♪ It's all about me

♪ All about me

♪ I'm out here paying my dues

♪ I still win if I lose

♪ It's all about me ♪

I'm waking up in Kansas City today,
freaking out because Kobe is

finally gonna be in America and
we're going to start our 90 days.

Nerves are kicking in at this point.
I wanna look my best.

I wanna look like the old Emily
and the new Emily.

So, nervous about that
because, you know,

I mean what's he gonna think,
he hasn't seen me in two years.

I look different.

So I'm just trying to work with that
and feel confident to go see my man.

I haven't bought any hot clothes,
because I don't go anywhere.

So this is all I wear all the time.

I'm like excited but now
I'm getting like super nervous.

I haven't seen him in two years
physically. It's just like a lot.

I wish I could like go on
a treadmill for four hours

before I picked him up,
but I can't do that.

But he loves me no matter what,
right? So.

I don't know.

So I'm hoping we can have
like our one night.

My sex drive isn't, you know, high.

I mean I'm excited to have sex,

I don't think it's gonna be like

how I used to be where it's like
seven rounds in the night.

It's gonna be like, hit it and quit
it, goodnight babe, you know?

I did tell Kobe that I wasn't gonna
bring Koban to the airport,

but I did not tell him

that I had plans for us
to stay the night at the hotel.

I feel really bad and selfish

because he hasn't been around Koban

But at the same time Kobe and I
need that one night together

before I bring him home
to meet everybody.

He's about to land in 15 minutes.

I'm, yeah, I'm super, super nervous
right now.

It's been two years.
I'm freaking out.

In the next 90 days
Kobe and I have to figure out

if our chemistry is still there.

I have to introduce him
to our son Koban

and work on our relationship
as parents.


What if my family doesn't like him,

he doesn't like them,
and he doesn't like America?

OK, his plane, his plane is in.

MAN: Oh, my God, hold on.
Oh, my God, hold on.

Oh, my God.

I'm so nervous.

Seriously, I'm so nervous
I'm freaking out.

Just like I haven't seen him,
I don't know how it's gonna go,

you know what I mean? Like...

Like I'm excited, I'm very excited,

but like the nerves are like
getting to me.

You know it's been a long time.


It's been so long. Give me a kiss.


Oh, my gosh, last time I saw you,
you had so much hair.

You have no hair now.

I'm so happy you're here.
Welcome to America.

So happy! Oh, my gosh.

Oh, I love you.

No, he looks so good.

So good.

Koban looks just like you, babe.
For real?

He looks just like you.


All right.
Get your bags.


He's so excited to meet Koban.

I'm so excited
for him to meet Koban,

but you know, we need our one night.

I still have to talk to him
about it,

cos he doesn't know, so I got to
spring it on him,

and I don't wanna, you know,
force him to do anything.

But we need just one night
and then he has forever with Koban.

I know, it's...

So crazy.

♪ You have one last chance This is your one last chance... ♪

Do you have everything?

Yeah, well that's gonna be at least
a photo of you and your dad

and you and your mom, no?
I will take every one.

All of them?
Yeah. Why no?


Now I made you nervous. Sorry.

I know,
but we have to get to the airport

in order for you to get to
the United States. I know, I know.

OK, just checking.
This gonna be fast. Yeah.

The last one.

Then me.


We are ready.
OK, put them away somewhere.

Yeah, I will just put it back here.


Ready, ready, ready, ready,
ready, ready.

Let's go.

Everything in one bag, no?

My brother Christopher
and his fiancee, Daniela,

are going to the airport with us.

..knowing that I have to say bye
to my brother Christopher,

I don't know,
it's a little bit weird.

Because it's feeling like so heavy.

Because I'm going to USA and
my family's not gonna be there.

That's the part
that makes me feel nervous.


How do you feel?

I'm starting to feel loco.

Going to USA from Dominican Republic

is a totally different experience
than going from Venezuela.

Before I was travelling
to just run away from Venezuela,

trying to get a new life.

And now I'm following
the love of my life.

It's like a movie,
like a romantic movie.

I'm feeling excited,
I'm feeling...

I mean it's a lot of feelings,
it's like saying goodbye to people.

It's excited to actually
have him with me this time
going to the airport.

It's also fear that the airline
folks are not gonna understand

the agreement between Venezuela
and the United States.

I'm worried they're not gonna
let him on. Them being like no,
he has an expired passport.

I'm so... I love you.
We're gonna do it.

I know, I have one.


Love you, papi.

There was like a brief moment
of like, space to breathe.

But I know that on the other side
of the plane,

there's an intense immigration
situation waiting for us.

Originally we were seated
apart from each other

and I kind of had a breakdown
about it.

But that's OK cos we found seats
across the aisle

and now I feel better.

We're going down, Guillermo's
watching out of the window
over there.

We just are walking
off the plane,

here's to the next part of
going through immigration,

let's hope it's not as bad as
everybody says.

Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.

When I got to immigration
they send me to a second room,

and I definitely started feeling
a little bit scared.

I just see these big strong men

that are like,
"You got another passport?"

Everyone ask me if I have
another passport.
He was like, "No.

And he goes, "Oh,
you're Venezuelan. Oh, my bad."

I love you.
I love you.


I wanna kiss you again.

I love you.

It's day one of the 90, are you
ready to make the most of it?

We're gonna have fun.
Little party, little drinky fun?

A little party, a little drinky,
a little...

No, no, no, no.

Definitely a little meeting people,
meeting your friends.

That's what I meant.
Meeting family. Yeah.

I am so excited. I can't believe
Guillermo is finally here.

But now I'm worried about

whether or not he's gonna be able
to fit into

my lifestyle
here in Charlottesville.

I feel a ton of pressure
to have Guillermo's

adjustment to the United States
be really smooth

because he's giving up a ton
to be here with me.

He's giving up his friends,
his family,

his whole lifestyle and work.

So this 90 days
is gonna be a huge challenge.

Put your seatbelt, sir, it's America
and you will get arrested.

Oh, yes sir.
Yes, sir?

Yes, my love.
Oh, that's so much better.

My queen?
Oh, even better.

♪ Could it be my hair?

♪ Maybe it's my purse

♪ Maybe it's the tattoos
underneath my shirt

♪ Maybe it's the perfume,
baby got a new scent... ♪

I'm very excited because

my fiance Mohamed
is arriving tomorrow.

Although today it's time to relax
with my besties, AKA the squad.

Oh, my God, I love that outfit.

Work girl, work! Yes, honey, yes.

We're all Yogis and we've done
several trains together.

Group hug.
Yeah, you guys, I'm gonna lose it.

They have become a soul family
to me.

Can we motorboat you right now?
I can motorboat all of you.


My friends in the squad have been
very supportive of my relationship,

although I don't think that
they know too much about him.

They know my situation, but maybe
not a lot of details.

Hi, guys, my name is Kylie.
I'm going to be your server today.

I would recommend the wine fly
and tasting,

you get a white,
a rose and two reds.

Oh, perfect, let's do that.
I like it all.

Thank you.

Initially, I was getting fear-based
negative type of reactions.

And so I stopped sharing so much
because I didn't wanna hear it.

Oh, my gosh, you guys,
I am so excited.

He gets here when?
He gets here tomorrow at 1:49.

I still have questions.

I don't know anything about him
except for his name is Mohamed,

he's from Egypt.

And we're getting married soon.

He's gorgeous. That's it.

We heard about Mohamed
about a year and a half ago.

He was like a picture on Instagram
to me,

I didn't know anything about him,
except for he was in Egypt.

on getting married. [LAUGHS]

I didn't see it happening, did you?


So what I wanna know, OK,
so in their culture

there's no public display of
affection, correct? No. None.

OK, so then how long did you wait
until you guys had sex?

Like was it, you know,
like you said hi to the family,

you went upstairs,
grandma's downstairs.

I mean did you have to rent a room?
You can't like stay together,

but you can stay in the same hotel,
let's just say that.


I did not know that.
Hold on.

Come on, give me,
give me some props.

Listen, she did it right.
Who, who, OK.

In the Muslim religion

they don't believe in
premarital sex or relations.

But we were just basically so
convinced that this is the one.


So I think that that's why,
you know, we went against things.

Even though, you know,
it was breaking rules.

Does he know where your clit is?
Oh, my God, Jen!

Does he play with your nipples?
Does he...

These are important things.

OK, let's just say he is, OK,

like, rock star in that department.

So he knows what's up. OK.

Did he last long being a virgin?

He has no problem, OK?
Let's just say...

That's not an answer.
..the sex life is just fine.

Multiple times a day, OK? Fine.

Really there's no limits with the
squad, I mean we're very close.

But the questions that arose
about sex made me uncomfortable

because it's something that
I know in his religion

they don't talk about that much.

So I just wanted to be
more reserved about that
out of respect for him.

What is his day-to-day life
in Alexandria over there like?

I mean he works out every single
day, except he takes a day off.

Does he have any vices?

He's never had a drink in his life.

And they're closer... they believe

that you don't do any substance
that alters the mind.

Is he gonna like us like?

I know if he comes for a brunch and
like we're drinking our mimosas,

our tequila - there's days
where we're I need a margarita.

I don't need to drink.

I mean it's not a big deal,

this is a special occasion,
we talked about it.

Mohamed understands that
I may have an occasional drink.

I don't know if
he's completely fine with it,

but I definitely have been
taking into consideration

other things that are against
the Islamic faith.

No pork,
and I cleaned out my closet

for things that I know
he wouldn't approve of.

I hope that he realises
how many steps I'm taking

to adhere to some things even
though I'm not totally converting.

I think with any marriage

like you make compromises
to make things work.

And I think maybe
the biggest change will be

some clothes that I wear

and actually like he was pissed
because I wore a bikini.

And that was probably like
the worst tiff we ever got in,

because we didn't talk
for like two or three days.

That's love.

I mean to change so many different
parts about you.

That's not love,
that's infatuation.

That's addiction to somebody else,
addiction to the feeling.

And then, oh,
if I'm not behaving for you,

then you're gonna take away
that affection that you give me.

It's not conditional
it's kind of just because

in that culture,
men aren't used to

seeing women
that have less clothing.

But this is the thing, Yve,
like you are the most vivacious,

like exuberant person that I know.

And so I don't want that
to be taken away from you.

I like Yve the way she is,

and how she dresses is
an expression of who she is.

But I'm afraid that he's gonna try
to like chip away at

all the little pieces that are her,
to make himself more comfortable.

And I worry that
she's gonna lose herself.

You've been going back and forth,

so how long would you say
you guys have actually spent time
together, like what's the?

Literally like probably
like 22 days.

Total. In two years?


Like 22 days?

When you feel this
like immense love,

it's just like, it's like, it's...

But what happens when
that love feeling goes away,

cos that's not gonna be there

Would it be the worst thing
to try to use up the full 90 days

to figure it out?

I would.

You have that right to use
the full...

Yeah, you do, there's no rush.

You are compromising a lot,

and so as long as he's willing
to do the same as you are,

then like, sure, go for it.

But like, is that something really
that like he knows like how to do?

This is exactly why
I've been hesitant

on sharing things about
my relationship with Mohamed,

because everybody has these
preconceived notions

about him and the relationship.

I don't want people judging
the love of my life,

the man I'm gonna marry,
before they even meet him.

We've gone through almost two years
of waiting for this visa
to get processed.

A fricking pandemic, like,
well it's like rain on my parade,

I'm so happy and so looking forward
to starting my life with him.

I'm so excited. Like, I've just
been waiting for this forever.

I support you, Yve, I love you,

I think you're amazing,
but we wouldn't be friends

if we just didn't
highlight these things

before you make
such a permanent decision.

line:90% position:50% All right, let's do this.

I'm feeling like electricity
is moving through me.

Keep it simple, keep it simple.

It's been a year and a half
waiting for this K-1 visa

and this is such an important moment
in my life

and In Miona's life
that we stuck this thing through.



I'm nervous a little bit about all
the changes for her and her life.

And I'm super nervous for her to
meet my parents, but I'm excited.

I hope that everything goes well.

And I just hope she likes it here.


Don't you dare, don't you dare,
don't you dare do it, don't-Oh!

All over my magic carpet, bro.

Come on, G. Come on, G.

It's been so difficult to be away
from her for this long.

It's been three months
since I've seen her

and I just can't wait to see her.
I can't wait to give her a kiss,

I can't wait to hug her, smell her.
Oh, I'm nervous but I'm excited.

Come here, cowgirl.

Come here, princess,
on the magic carpet, princess.

Hey, you knocked off the hat.

You knocked off the hat.

What's up, beautiful?

I missed you so much.
I missed you so much.

I missed you so much, girl.

My name is Miona,

I'm 23 years old,
and I'm coming from Nis, Serbia.

That's my first American flag.


Now I'm really American.

And I'm your first American man
and only American man. Come here.

Get over here, what are you doing?

It feels overwhelming

to have the love of my life
here in America by my side.

It feels amazing to be reunited

It feels magical.
Yeah, finally.

Welcome to South Dakota.
This is your red carpet, baby.

Yeah, can I walk?

Go ahead, do your strut,
do a little spin.

Do a little spin, OK, OK, over here,
over here, OK, keep going.

Let me get a little photo, miss.

Click, click, click.
Flowers for you. What's up, baby?

When we met online Miona started
flirting with me instantly.

That's not true.
That's true, that's true.

But you liked the pictures first,

so technically
you threw out the bait.

One picture.
She liked my picture

and then I commented on her video
with her friend.

I said, "Oh, your girlfriend is
cute, who's your girlfriend?"

So it didn't look like I was
directly coming after her, you see?
That was smooth.

Cos if I would have been like,
"You cute, oh, you beautiful",

how many times you get that?
Probably all the time.

And it works.

Guys, don't use that method, please.

And it worked. No, come on,
come to me for game.

I'm gonna start teaching classes.

Makes the dream work.


We got a lot to figure out
in 90 Days.

We got to figure out
the location of the wedding,

we got to figure out
where we're moving to,

and when we're moving to.

That location,
and then also or if we move.

Yes, we're moving to.

Well, we got to figure that out,

and then we also got to figure out
our financial situation,

because, you know, it's a pandemic.

And the way the chequing
and savings is looking right now,

we got work to do.

Let's go see Rapid.
Let's go, baby. Welcome.

Welcome to America.

Give me a kiss, baby.

Love you, let's do it.

It was my wish to visit America
since I was a little kid.

America is usually always
represented as a perfect life,

and chasing the American dream.

So I definitely expect better
standard, better way of living.

And Jibri promised that
we would move to LA.

If that doesn't happen
I would want to leave.

Oh, you already look American,
look at you.


I thought this was gonna be
an absolutely amazing day.

It's like you complained
the whole time here

about my car, and you complain
the whole time.

Oh, God, babe.
It's all right though.

Stop the pity party.

No, it's not a pity party.

I thought that I had somebody
who would appreciated things.

I appreciate it
but you can do better.

That's not being appreciative.

You need to look up the word,
what it means.


But it's all good.

I'm tired.

You want something to eat?

Yep, well I can order something.

I know you don't wanna eat in my
room. Do you have enough money?

I will go and freshen up. In the
meantime, you order some food.

I will do that.

The first night with Shaeeda
is not going as expected.

Yeah, I picked her up
in a dirty van,

and we're staying in
my childhood home.

But no-one has lived in the house
for like 15 years.

So there's things that need to be
done to it,

it needs to be painted,

there's some things falling from
the ceiling here and there.

But the way she's carrying on,

kind of, it's kind of offensive.

I expected Shaeeda to be surprised,
you know,

but after two years I thought
tonight we'd just settle in

and finally be happy
that we're finally together.

And tomorrow,
take her to the real house.

Hey, thank you, appreciate it.

All right take care.
Have a good night.

Oh, the food is here?
Yeah, food is here.

When Bilal came to Trinidad

he seemed like a pretty much
put together type of guy.

You know,
he had Louis Vuitton luggage,

he dressed really nice, dapper.

So I was expecting the home
to kind of suit how he looks.

You should have let me in on this,
from day one.

You should have let me know,
you know, so I would have been able

to know how to move
when I come here.

But right now
I feel completely deceived.

Did I take your fork
that was right here?

Yeah, I think I...


I'm not in my feelings.
Yes you are in your feelings.

I mean you said what you said.


I know you're feeling that
I'm not appreciating you,

how I criticise your home.

You have to understand
that I gave up my family,

I gave up like my life in Trinidad,
to come all the way here

to be with you.

Starting from scratch, like this
is starting from scratch.

You have to understand
from my point of view,

my perspective,
it's a lot for me to deal with.


If I'm going to live here
for 90 days

it's going to be a struggle,
but I'm willing to do it.

I still love Bilal, but I am worried
that he's not being real.

I think he's a little delusional
with carrying this image

and living in the Caribbean
we call it a two by four home.

And we might have to sell
a couple of those suits,

and I'm here to work with him

and we have a lot of work to do

before we could even cross
the bridge of getting married.

It just don't go with the image
that you carry. Yep.

So if a person like doesn't like
living like a, I don't know...

No babe, come on.
..three-story house or something.

I don't wanna say this,
I don't wanna offend you,

but I feel as if I was
being deceived all along.

Deceived how?

when I come to your country

and I see that you're not living up
to the image that you carry.

Well, what is the image?

Wearing expensive watches and belts.

It's funny because she keeps saying
you're not who I thought you were,

But it wasn't like I portrayed
anything differently, you know,

just because, again, just because
a person can wear a nice suit

doesn't necessarily mean that you
live in the best house.

So I don't know what she was
actually expecting,

but it definitely sounds like
she was not expecting this.

I definitely wouldn't wanna
marry somebody

who just wants me for my money.

I'd rather for 100% sure
wanna marry somebody

who wants me for what I am.


So if the wedding was tomorrow,
I don't know what I would do,

I'll be praying all night,
trying to figure that out.

Oh, my gosh.

are you giving me an evil look?

Are you upset we're asking Miona
some questions?

She just got here,
she's tired from the plane.

The last thing I would want
to happen is Miona and I

to get in a big fight with my mom.

Tonight is not the perfect way
to start the 90 Days.

I was thinking maybe we could just

have one night together before
we go back and meet Koban.

It's our only opportunity.

We got to eat lunch
over at my mom's house.

Will you still be with me
if she doesn't like me?

Uh, probably more than likely not.

We have been arguing nonstop.

Is this the best time
to meet him mom?

Ready to meet my mother.

We did it!

I think we should photocopy it
and frame it.

Bini and I just got approved
for the K-1 visa.

I feel like everything is better,
like before, like.

But we still have issues, like,
I was hoping

I would have a good relationship
with Bini's family.

But at this point I' sure Mimi
and Wish want nothing to do with me.

I'm happy that I'm not gonna
see you guys anymore.

I'm not going to marry you guys.
I'm marrying Biniyam.