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05x12 - I Now Pronounce You

Posted: 04/23/24 20:09
by bunniefuu
previously on "90 day fiancé"...

- Oh, my gosh!
- Oh, it looks so good!

It's been 90 days,
and today is the wedding.

Maybe you should just,

Like, start respecting
who's gonna be my wife.

Definitely wanted
to test it a little bit.


If you're not
coming back with me,

I won't see you again.

That's the choice...
Yes or no?

Molly: he's gonna leave,

And that is what it is.

Luis doesn't have to go back
to the dominican,

Because we're legally married.


Elizabeth: and coming up...

David: I'm feeling nervous
and excited at the same time.

The next time I see andrei,
we will be married.

I'm sorry,
andrei doesn't deserve you.

I want to grab her and say,
"hey, are you sure?"


He's got the interview

Gonna get a visa, right?


Has david made it all the way
without drinking?

We are already married.

Olivia: you're not
a 20-year-old single lady,

You're a mother.

Who is more important...
Luis or me?



I called the lady who was
gonna marry us to come

So we could, like,
maybe go over some vows,

To have that part ready

'Cause we were kinda starting
to plan everything.

And luis was...
Just kept asking me, like,

"Why can't we just do the paper
for our marriage license?"

And I was like,
"well, she can sign it,

But we still need
to have a wedding."

So, she came over,
and we just...

Signed it.

So you guys are now
legally married,

And he's gone?



I'm so confused
about it all.



- Hey.
- How are you?

I invited my daughter ashley
out tonight

So we can actually have
a conversation

To invite her to the wedding

And talk about, you know,
what happened with annie.

You're jumping in!

'Cause you're asking stuff

That's not really
your business.


- Hey, guys. How's it going?
- Good. How are you?

How many tonight?

- Two, please.
- Sure. Right this way.

I'm agreeing to meet up with him

On a bad note.

He is my dad.

I still do want to reconcile
our relationship.

But I'm still not happy

About the choices he's making
with this girl.

Well, thanks
for meeting me tonight.

You're welcome.

'Cause last time we met
was not so good.


A lot is moving quickly,

You know, with annie
and the wedding.

I mean, I know you don't like
the relationship,

But I have a right
to be happy.

And I want you
to be happy for us.

I mean, don't you want
to see me happy?

I'm not gonna support
somebody that...

A 25-year-old girl
that you just pick up,

That you just
want in your house

To take care of you
and have sex with you for free.

It's totally not
like that.

And it's just not right...

I mean, to judge somebody
without knowing.

Annie makes me really happy,

And I love her very much.

That's why I wanted
to talk to you.

I want you at the wedding.

I want you there.


I really have no interest
in being there.

Like, it's a joke.

There's no reason
for me to be okay with it.

I have no reason
to be okay with it,

And I'm not okay with it.

And it breaks my heart
that... That you feel that way.

It breaks my heart
that you choose

A 25-year-old girl
to take care of

your own children.

It's different.

It's not
a competition of love.

You're always gonna be my
daughter, no matter what.

You could hate me.

You're still gonna be my
daughter, and I love you.

It's not
the competition of love,

It's the love in general...

Who you prioritize
your life with.

If it's somebody
you just met

Versus people you've known
your entire life

That you're supposed
to have raised

And turned into adults

That you've completely
walked out on.


When I left four years ago,
I was not in a good place.

I could not really
give of myself to my kids,

And I regret every day
what happened years ago.

But I hope she comes around
and will come to the wedding.

I can only hope for the best.

So, when are you actually
getting married?

The wedding is actually
on your birthday.

But, because of the law, I only have
so many days. If I try to do it...

So the law tells you to have
a wedding on my birthday?

It's just the way
it worked out.

So that's why
the date is like...

That's a drop-dead date.

It's not a reflection,
"oh, it's your birthday."

I feel like you're
doing it on purpose.


I feel like you're trying
to make me upset.

I feel like those are
your intentions.

Absolutely not.

Your day is still
a special day.

It'll always be your day.

You haven't been here
for my birthday in years.

And then you come back,

And then you have to do
this bull on my birthday,

So you're still not
going to be there.

All right, the last four years,
I have not been.

I don't know if ashley will come
to my wedding at this point.

I hope and pray that she does.

That's the reason
why we're here,

Is for the kids to be there.

If she doesn't, I understand,
I'll be heartbroken.

But I sure hope
she changes her mind.

Ashley: right now, I'm still
seeing what I'm seeing,

And I'm feeling
the way I'm feeling,

And I'm still skeptical of her,

Her intentions,
his intentions with her.

You know, I'm not gonna even
waste any energy

Feeling any type of way
about the wedding

When it's just hurtful.

It's hurtful to even
think about, talk about.

I don't even like it.

I don't like that he's doing it
in the first place.

I hope you think about it
and would reconsider,

Because it would mean a lot
to me if you were there.



Oh, my goodness.

Pamela: this is
a cute little suite.

Elizabeth: it's really cute.

So, today is the big day!

I am marrying andrei.

Woman: hi.

Elizabeth: it's taken so long
to get our k-1 visa,

And it was a long time coming,

But the next time I see andrei,
we will be married.

I can't wait to marry him.

The dress!

Ze dress!
It's unbelievable.

It's so pretty.

Pamela: I guess my thing was, I
wasn't expecting it so quickly.

I mean, we just kind of, like,
all kind of pulled together

At the last minute.

So, here we are, and...

It is what it is.

You're going to be
a blushing bride.


- I'm here.
- Hi, sister.

So exciting.


- Hi!
- Hi!

All: hi!

Hi, beautiful!
Are you ready for this?

Andrei is calling.

- You gonna talk to him?
- Are you gonna answer it?

I thought
I wasn't supposed to.

He'll see you
in a little bit.

All right.

I haven't really spoken
with andrei.

His family is back in moldova,
so he's alone, and I feel bad,

But he'll see us in a few hours,
so it'll be okay.



Woman: okay, you ready?

- Yeah.
- Oh, my gosh.

All: ohh!

- Oh, my god!
- Love it!

- Oh, wow.
- Oh, my god.

- Oh, my god, libby.
- So perfect.

Woman ♪2:
you look like a dream.

Elizabeth: everybody was
helping me put on the dress,

And that's when it really
started to settle in,

And I'm like,
"this is happening."

The only question mark left now
is will everybody behave?

Today is the day
that elizabeth and andrei

Are gonna tie the knot

Uh, you know, I've had
reservations all day about this

Because this is a big,
big step in my daughter's life.

- Dad!
- Ooh!

- Handsome!
- Hey, look who it is!



You look... Absolutely stunning.

- Thanks, dad.
- Absolutely stunning.

Andrei is a lucky man.

I'm sorry,
andrei doesn't deserve you.

Woman: what?


Elizabeth: it's my wedding day,

And the only question mark left
now is will everybody behave?

I'm sorry,
andrei doesn't deserve you.

Woman: what?


I'm not here to, like,
rain on her parade.

I'm here now
as a supporter of hers.

Elizabeth: it's so great to
finally have my family's support

And my dad's support.

I know he was against it,
and it can't be easy for him,

But I'm so grateful
that he's here.




I feel incredible.

I'm so happy that
everybody's here.

I can't wait for andrei
to see me.

* The moment
has finally arrived *

* And I knew right away *

* I could finally say *


Dear friends and family,

We're gathered here
in the sight of god

To join together this man
and woman in holy matrimony.

Andrei, would you take
elizabeth's rings,

Placing them on her finger?


Andrei, let me ask you tonight,
in front of friends and family,

Will you take this woman
to be your wife?

Will you love her, comfort her,
honor, and keep her

For as long
as you both shall live?

And, elizabeth,
let me ask you.

Do you take this man
to be your husband?

Will you love him, comfort him,
honor, and keep him

For as long
as you both shall live?

I do.


It is my honor at this time

To pronounce them
husband and wife together.

you may kiss your bride.



Elizabeth: I'm really happy
that my whole family showed up.

My dad walking down the aisle
with me was absolutely amazing.

It was... This whole evening
has been so enchanting,

And now I feel like
everybody's come together.

They had
to get to know him.

Chuck: the whole way
down the aisle,

I wanted to, like, grab her
and say, "hey, are you sure?"

But I didn't.

I held back, because I didn't
want to ruin her day.

She's still my princess.


Woman: whoo!

I want to see them happy.
I want to see my sister happy.

I hope that, you know,
they last forever.



Chuck: my feelings on andrei
right now?

We're gonna be behind you now
that you're part of the family,

And we're gonna
support you 100%.

Don't screw it up.


We're married!



Evelyn: it's the morning
of my wedding.

I'm excited, anticipation,

And all that, like,
normal wedding stuff.

I will see you shortly.

- At the altar.
- At the altar.

When david got here,
it was like,

Whew, hit the ground running.

You know, we've got 90 days
to do this.

And looking back,

There were so many things
that were super stressful.

David and I are both virgins,

David and I have never
lived with anybody,

And, today, everything changes.


David: I know I'm only
a few minutes away

From seeing my beautiful bride
walking down the aisle.

And I'm feeling nervous
and excited at the same time.

Seeing my mom and my dad there,

That they came from the other
side of the world to be with me.


I am just having
the best day of my life.


Oh, my.



Seeing evelyn
in my wife's dress

Kind of brought me back
to my own wedding.

It was just so touching
and emotional.

We got to get rid of those
before we get in there.

I feel sick.

All right, I promise you,
you're gonna be fine.

You're gonna be fine.




David: when I first saw evelyn,
she looked so beautiful.

I just couldn't believe
that was gonna be the person

I was gonna spend
the rest of my life with.


Evelyn: when I saw david looking
so classy and so handsome,

his black-and-white tuxedo,

I was like, "yes."
Just yes.

That's all I thought.


david and evelyn,

You are about to pledge
the most sacred vows

That one person makes
with another.

take evelyn's ring.

Please place it on her finger
and repeat after me.

"I, david...

I, david...

...take you, evelyn...

...take you, evelyn... be my wedded wife." be my wedded wife.

"I, evelyn...

I, evelyn...

...take you, david...

...take you, david... be my wedded husband." be my wedded husband.

It is therefore my joy
to declare you husband and wife.

David, you may kiss your bride
for the very first time.



I've dreamed
about this day,

But I couldn't dream it

As good as it was
just seeing her,

And like... Just look at the
beautiful dress she had, and...

I'm very emotional.

Evelyn: we've been going through this
whole visa process and everything,

And, finally, here we are.

Like, it seemed like
it was gonna take forever,

But now, being able to be
married now and look back on it,

It's like, "wow."



Woman: I would like to introduce
mr. And mrs...


Right now, I just feel, like,
a weight off my shoulders.

Like, we made it.

We can finally
sleep in the same bed.

We're done.
We're done.


My hesitations about it,

Have to see how things happen.




Maryla: I wish them
to make a lovely family

And to stick together
and love each other.

Because I know

That it's not going
to be easy for him.

And for her, yeah.


Evelyn: it does feel kind of
weird that, like, you know,

David and I have been saving
ourselves for marriage,

And now it's like,
"we're married.

We don't have to wait anymore."

It's just kind of
a weird feeling.


- Bye.
- Bye.

I think they're gonna have
romantic one tonight, no?

I think they have reserved
quite a nice hotel.

It's always a bit disappointing.

I think they've been doing
some research already, you know?

So I think they'll find
their way, you know?


And super excited.

We're just gonna spend
a magical evening.

Me and her, alone.



Without drinking?

Cheers, brother.
Let's do it.

We are already married,
me and luis.

You're a mother.

Who is more important...
Luis or me?



Happy wedding day.


It's finally here... This day
of planning and stressing

And all the hiccups with visas
and water buffalos and gold.

They're the past.

Today begins
that journey together as one.

So, how do you
feel today?

- You?
- Nervous?

The last time I saw ashley,

I invited her to the wedding,

And she basically smacked it
away and said no.

I hope she will change her mind,

But at the same time,
because of ashley's personality,

I'm worried that she's going
to come and start drama,

And I don't want annie to have
any drama on her wedding day.

You know,
the way she look at me,

The way she talk to me,

She uncomfortable
with our relationship.

Yeah, I know.

But if she is supportive,
then come.

If she is not,
then don't come.

let's enjoy our day.

We have dress, right?


Today is unbelievably
important to me.

Thanks to my friend chris,

We are getting married
at a beautiful chapel.

Chris has invested a lot of time
and money into the relationship,

And even into sponsoring
the relationship,

And I'm grateful
for everything he has done,

No matter how significant
or how small.

I'll never forget it.

Look all the way up.


Has david made it all the way
here without drinking?


Have a shot.

Okay, well, I can't do sh*ts,
but I can do a little sip.

No, you can do a shot,
dude, come on.

This is flavored vodka.

My job today is just
to get david ready

For the big night tonight and...

Cheers, brother. get this wedding done.

Nikki: okay.

Chris: this is yours.
You're gonna drink that.


To get dressed soon.


Get your dress on,
then I'll put your veil back on.





What's the latest
with ashley?

Is she gonna come,

If she doesn't,
then I tried.


Why don't you just give her
one more chance,

Even if it's just
leave her a voicemail?

I think that goes
a long way.

Hey, ash.

Happy birthday.

Um, still wanted to reach out
to you one more time to say

We'd love to have you.


That's your choice,

But no matter what,

Whether you're here or not,
I love you,

But I would rather
you be here.

Ashley... Okay.



I mean, you know...

she might call back.

She might just be taking care
of kids or something.


I came back to america
to rebuild the relationship

With my children.

I'm glad that
my son jacob is here,

But with ashley,
it has been very difficult.

Part of it is that
the wedding happens to coincide

With her birthday.

But really she's upset

Because she's not supportive
of annie and myself.

I wish it could be different,
but it's not.

So, who's ready
for a drink?

Man: all right.
I'll take a drink, always.

Cheers to that.



you look so gorgeous.

- Thank you.
- You ready?



Thank you all
for being here.

Oh, it's an honor.

Thank you.



Hey, mom.

Molly: hey, baby.

How are you?

Pretty good.
How are you?

- Doing good.
- I'm tired.

Molly: I decided to tell olivia
the truth about me and luis.

I never thought I would have
to have this conversation.

Um, there's something I really
want to talk to you about.

Um, and I'd like to tell you
in your room

So that kensley's not
down there.

Oh, I don't know if I like
the sound of that, but okay.

I am nervous about
talking to olivia.

I just don't want to fight.

Like, I really don't
want to fight.

It's so cute down here.

I never get to spend any time
with you in your room.

Like, I wish that we could
hang out more and...

I just, you know, wanted
to talk to you because...

You know how, like,
I was nervous

'Cause I knew,
once the wedding happened,

We only had, like, a couple days
for him to get the paperwork in?

So I really wasn't
thinking, and...

We went ahead
and filed the paper

Back when we were trying
to get married.

Like, we are already married,
me and luis.

So, you're saying...

You literally...
You got married?


And you didn't think that
it would be maybe important

To tell me about that?

Or, you know, ask me,
"is it okay with you?"

You just kind of
went behind my back?

That's what you did?

Like, I wasn't thinking
that that was, like,

The actual wedding.

Like, the marriage is different
from the wedding.


I had no idea that my mom
and luis were already married.

It bothers me a lot
because I'm her first child,

And for over half of my life,
I was the only child,

So we have, like,
a special connection,

And I just assumed

That she wouldn't keep
something so big from me.

I thought she would've told me.

Who is more important to you
here... Luis or me?


You can't just get married and
you don't tell your kids that.

Like, who does that?

It's just been
very confusing.

Like, this whole thing
is confusing.

This whole process, like...

Don't cry.
I don't feel bad for you,

So please don't come
in my room and cry.


I get that
you want to be happy,

But you're not
a 20-year-old single lady.

You're a mother.

And you have been a mother
before luis was ever introduced.

And now we're married,
so I have to figure it out.

So, I mean, what does that mean
for us, I guess?

Like, you're gonna just
bring him back?


Or is he going home?

I don't know.
I'm so confused.

I don't even know
what to say,

Because I don't want you
to be mad at me more.

Like, you're already mad,
you've been mad.

Yeah, I'm mad.


Well, I hope that we can
do better going forward.

I still love you and I still
want you to be happy,

But, I mean...

I need you to understand
where I'm coming from.

Molly: she's... She's mad.

She's extremely upset,

And she thinks that I've done
stuff to her that's not okay.

She's very valid
in her feelings.

My own mom
went behind my back.

The only person that I have
that I can trust

Just... Just went
behind my back.

that wasn't the goal.

That wasn't the goal.

The goal was to have
a wedding, be happy,

And... Things just
got messed up,

And I'm sorry for that,
but I love you.

And I'm sorry.



Azan got
his interview date.

Robbalee: just because
he's got the interview

Doesn't mean he's just gonna
get a visa, right?


Ashley: I'm having a hard time
keeping my emotions in check

Because I'm not happy
about this.



Robbalee: hey.

Nicole: azan and I did decide
to go on with the k-1 visa,

And I put the application
in the mail.

Hey, come on.
Come on, sweetie.

I feel like we've been waiting,
like, forever,

And it's finally happening.

Let's go.

It's a little claustrophobic
in here, yeah.

I was surprised that,

After whatever went on
in morocco,

That she still wanted to
go forward with the k-1 visa.

I was kind of thinking
to myself,

"Okay, phew!
We're done."

But then,
now we're back on again,

And they look like
they're pretty intent

On getting through this.

May: hey.


Robbalee: oy.

Under the table works.

Just stay there.

Yeah, right where grandma
can tell if you're there.

So, anything new
going on?

Well, I do have some news
to tell you.

What's the news?

Azan got
his interview date.



We worked so hard for this,
me and him.

I know.
But that doesn't mean...

Just because he's got
the interview,

It doesn't mean he's just
gonna get it, right?

So, he'll have his interview.

The officer will decide whether
he gets accepted or denied,

And then, if he does
get accepted,

He can leave as soon
as the next day.

You know what I'm nervous about,

Him not getting it?
Me, too.

You know how I feel
about this, nicole.

I... I worry that he only wants
to marry you for the visa.

Do I want to be
wrong on this? Yes.

are you wrong on this?

He has been
a financial drain on you

For the last two years.

In america,
it's normal sometimes

For the girl to,
like, pay.

What will happen to you
if this is all a farce?

If that happens,

Then you have to remember
how strong I was when I had may

And when I had
to go through that,

And what I do when
I take bad situations

And I make
into good things.

But I feel and I believe
in my heart

That's not gonna happen,

With how he treats me
and how he treats may.

Robbalee: all I want
is for him to be honest,

And if all he wants
is to just be able to get

Through this step to
the next step to the next step

So that he can get on his way
after it's all said and done,

Then, no,
I'm not okay with that,

And he will have
to answer for that.

Let's say the interview
doesn't go so good.

What's gonna happen next?

So, if he has his interview
and then he gets denied,

Then that means
that we would have

To think of a next step,

If we can apply again,
how soon can we apply again,


Or I could go live
with him in morocco.

It's a possibility.


we want to be together,

And we want to be together
forever, so...

We've already been
through so much,

We're not gonna give up now.

You have to promise me

That you'll do
whatever you can

To not leave here.

I... Well, I don't know.

I don't necessarily want
to live in morocco,

But, I mean,
like, I don't know.


Robbalee: I don't think I could
watch her get on a plane and leave.

It would take her away from us.

It's too much to think about.

Not happening.

She ain't going.


I don't think
I could handle...

If this doesn't go well
and you and may leave.

We'll see what happens.




All right, brother.
Let's go.

Let's go get out places.

Let's make this happen.

David: if you would have
asked me a few weeks ago

That I would have been waking up
today getting married to annie,

I would have said, "no way."

But she's getting ready
to be my wife,

And I am about to begin
the second half of my life.

There's no words to describe it.

I'm disappointed that
ashley is not coming.

Which way are we going in...
This way or that way?

But right now, my focus is
on annie and getting married.




Ashley coming, obviously,
was a big surprise,

Because when I talked to her
a very short time ago,

She was at home.

So, I was not expecting her,

And showing up
with my granddaughters

Was pretty incredible to see.


Ashley: I am having a hard time
keeping my emotions in check today.

It's just because
I'm not happy about this.

Like, I love my dad,
and I don't want him

And just giving people
free tickets into america

Just because he thinks he feels
some type of way about them.

How are you?

We got to go this way.






it is such a surreal situation.

My heart was melting.

It was almost like
I was living in a dream.


Officiant: we have gathered here
for the purpose

Of uniting david and annie

In the bonds of matrimony.

"I, david...
I, david...

...promise to be your loving
and faithful husband."

...promise to be your loving
and faithful husband

As long
as we both shall live.

All right.
Annie, it's your turn.

"To be your loving...

To be your loving...

...and faithful...

...and faithful...

...wife... long
as we both shall live." long
as we both shall live.


I now pronounce you
husband and wife.

You may kiss your bride.




well, we just got married,

And we had an incredible crowd
of people here...

Friends, family...

I don't know, I'm just so
elated, so happy.

You look good.

- Thank you.
- You look awesome.

Happy birthday.



Let's go have fun.
Let's get a drink.

Jacob: ash.

David: I kind of feel that
ashley is jealous and hurt

Because she wanted the day
to be more about her.

But it's not her day.
It's annie's day.

And right now,
I just want to spend time

With the family and friends that
did come to celebrate with us.



For the first time as a married
couple, david and annie.

So I just...

I'm glad
it all worked out.

Nikki: I think annie
looks amazing as a bride.

I think our money did good.

I like to think that
it's going to work out.

So, now it's his turn
to finish out his life.


David: it has been a difficult
path since we've been in america,

And I think it has
made us stronger,

And I'm really
looking forward

To spending the rest of my life
with her.

He wasn't there
for my birthday.


Ashley: I don't feel too happy
about the fact

That it's my 28th birthday

And he's marrying
a 24-year-old thai girl today.

Like, this is not where
I wanted to be on my birthday.

I should have been
celebrating it with my family

And the people
who actually care.

ashley's got her issues.

It is what it is.

Even though she doesn't
love my wife,

I'm thankful that my daughter
was there tonight for me.


In my life.


It just got crazy.

look at me in the face.

I think he wanted to just
get into this country

And saw you as a ticket.

Do you think you made
a good decision with this?



Molly: I decided to call
and ask my dad to come over...

...because he knows that
we didn't have a wedding,

But he doesn't actually know

That luis and I
are legally married.

- Hey, molly.
- Hi.

Get back.

What you got
in that cup?

A good drink.

Should've brought two.

Molly: my dad hasn't
spoken to me in two months,

But even though he's not been
for the wedding,

He knows that
I'm probably very upset.

How are you?

Living the dream.

I saw your brother
just briefly,

And he didn't seem like
everything was going great.

Molly: it's not.
It's not great.

Like, the wedding was off,

We... I'm legally married.

You're what?

I signed the papers.

Like, the lady who was
gonna marry us came over,

And she signed
over the paper,

And I went ahead
and mailed it in

For our marriage license.


We're married.


I wouldn't say it'd be
much of a marriage

Since he's not here.

Now, would you?


And so,
what's the plan?

I don't really know, dad.

I would like to try
to talk about this.

I love him.
He loves me, dad.

We love each other.
I think it just got crazy.

Molly, look at me in the face.

Look at me in the face.

I don't really think he loves you in
the way that he needs to love you,

Or he would be here
right now.


I don't know whether he wanted
to just get into this country

And saw you as a ticket,

But you get in a situation

Where you bring somebody
into the country

And you got 90 days to get
married or not get married,

Then you're asking
for trouble.

You're asking
for trouble.

And I tried to talk to you
about it in the beginning,

That I really didn't see a whole
lot good coming out of this.

And, so far, right now,

It looks like
I was pretty close to right.


Now, I'm not trying to say
"I told you so."

I had hopes that it would
work out for you.

No, you didn't.
I did so.

No, you did not.

Well, you can ask linda,
you can ask jess.

You did not.

But you can't force it
if it's not there.

He's freakin'
half your age.

You got two kids and a brother
living in the house, and a dog,

And then reality just
smacks him up the ass.


You're not going
to talk to me?

I just really
don't have anything else to say.

I'm married, I don't know
what I'm going to do,

But I'm going
to figure it out.

I always do.

Every portion of my life,
I always figured it out...

And pretty much on my own.

Look at me.
Look at me.

I want to ask you
a question.

Do you think you made
a good decision with this,

From the very first time
you met him

Over yonder
in the other country?


So you feel like
you made a good decision?

Yeah, I do.

Okay, you're the one
that has to live with that.

I want you to be happy.

But I tell you, the cards are
stacked against it happening.


That's all I know
to tell you, so...


All right, molly,
give me a hug.

I love you.


Molly: it's not
a normal circumstance.

A lot of pressure on people.

I'm legally married to luis,

But as of right now,
I have no idea where we stand.


I was so excited to be saying
"I do" to the love of my life,

But this is not what I thought
it was going to be.

Luis is my husband,
but he's not here,

And I have no idea
what our future holds,

No clue.

I don't know
what we're going to do.
