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05x11 - Second Thoughts

Posted: 04/23/24 20:08
by bunniefuu
previously on "90 day fiancé"...

I feel betrayed, in a way.

I told you before that
I don't like to talk about sex.

You don't want to marry someone
you can't trust.

I'm ready to have kids.
I'm ready to have family.

There's no way.

Don't ever say that.

Me and my girls
are heading out to miami

For my bachelorette party.

Do you know why
my parents split up?

This is nuts!

You can take
your little ring,

Pack your bags,
and get out of my house.

and coming up...

- Oh, my gosh!
- Oh!

It's been 90 days,
and today is the wedding.

Maybe you should just,
like, start respecting

Who's gonna be my wife.

Look at that sweet thing
sitting there.

Thomas: you don't make her
call him daddy, do you?

I don't make her
do anything.

You've already gone through
the history of doing it once.


And you're doing it
a second time.

Molly: our wedding is supposed
to happen in three days.

You're gonna have to make
a decision... Immediately.

I don't feel right.

David: okay, fine.

If you're not coming back
with me, I won't see you again.

Now there's no wedding.

Hey, baby.


No, I'm not.

Molly: our wedding is supposed
to happen in three days,

And I just wanted to come home
and come and talk to luis

About him not being accepting
of my kids,

And it just totally
went sideways.

And I don't understand.

What ki...

You are blaming an object

On the fact that you are
an ass to my kids.

You can take this
and get out of my house.

Were you aware that our house
was full of demons?

- No.
- Me either.

And that devils live here?

It's just a cop-out,

You know what I'm saying?
Like, this is nuts.

I'm not saying I'm perfect.
I've done a lot of things.

I have two kids out of wedlock.

But at no point ever, in my mind
or in my heart or in my life,

Have I ever not worshipped god.

So I don't know
where all this is coming from.

You know damn well
that our house

Has always been
a house of love.

We're not free
of blemishes in love,

But that's just
the way it is.

- How you been, man?
- Hey, man. How you doing?

- Good, man.
- We're just talking it up.

- We're just talking it up.
- Hmm?

We're talking.

All right.



This is absolutely nuts.



I'm sorry, babe.

I'm not trying
to be upset.

I know it worries you.

I love you.
I love you.


Molly: I'm just sad.
I'm just super sad.

Like, I'm frustrated.

I just feel ridiculous.

He should've told me.

He should've told me
that he...

Didn't think
he could do this.

Jess: I love you.

I mean, I'm here for you,
but what are you thinking?

'Cause we got to think
about kensley,

We got to think about liv,
and you most of all.

It'd be real...

To stay with somebody
who's made it very clear

That they didn't come here
for no kids.

I feel like
I was lied to on that.

Jess: you know,
I've gotten to know him well.

I mean, I feel like he's
my brother, already, but...

That can be washed aside
if he can't get over the fact

That he has to be here
for the whole fam.

He needs to be that guy
that helps my nieces,

And at this point
all the red flags

That are, you know,
being flown right now...

I'm not sure that
it can work out within two days.

If the kids
and the life

And the responsibility
is not for him,

Then you know damn well
it's not for you.

So I guess the big question is,
what to do now.

Call it off, or...?

I don't know.


I just got back from morocco,

And I have just been
on three flights,

And I am exhausted.

You know,
the trip wasn't exactly

What I thought
it was going to be.

We did have some fights.

But going from seeing him
every day to going back to

Just texting him
most of the time really sucks

Because, you know, I still love
azan with all of my heart,

And I can't wait to marry him.

I haven't seen my whole family
since getting back from morocco,

So tonight, me and may
are meeting my mom, my step-dad,

And brother for dinner.

You want to see grandma
and papa?


When I tell my family
about how the trip went,

I think they'll be
a little disappointed maybe

But not totally surprised.

- Hey.
- You see papa?

- Pop pop pop pop.
- Hi, may.

Robbalee: I am thrilled
that they made it back safe.

- Absolutely.
- She was...

There for a little while,

And there was a couple times
I was a little nervous.

You know, after being together
for two months,

I'm thinking there was probably
a lot more controversy going on

That she just
hasn't disclosed yet.

So, tell us
about morocco.


You know, we...
We had some good times.

We went out.

And, you know, azan's aunt was
able to watch may sometimes,

So we went out some
by ourselves, and...

It was better
than last time,

But, you know, we still had
our arguments, too.

What were
the arguments about?

He's still having
some problems trusting me

From after what I did
and stuff.

from now on, I promise

I will never keep anything
from you again.

And he's willing

To basically bet
the rest of his life on that?

We want to be together.
He wants to be with me.

We want to get married.
Then he's got to get over it.

He's gonna have to let it go.
I know, but it's just -

Thomas: all right, hear me out.
You went there for a month.

You left.
He still can't trust you.

You got there for another
two months in a row,

And while you're there he still
tells you he can't trust you.

So he wants to come here...
For 90 days...

And figure out
if he can trust her or not?

I'm not against him.

I'm just saying.

The u.s. Is a very good prize,
I'd say.

Robbalee: I don't think
the place really matters.

The trust issues...
It's a... It's a...

If he doesn't trust her yet,
then he probably never will.

You keep saying "it's the
distance, it's the distance."

It's not the distance.
It's the heart.

He's got it in his heart
that you've cheated on him,

And he's not letting it go.

I'm sure within
the few months that we have,

I think he'll be able to know
if he can trust me or not.

Thomas: I think it's stupid
that he thinks

Being in america for 90 days

Is automatically
gonna make him like her more.

If they're already
talking about marriage,

They should've been already
well past the fact

Of trusting and whatnot.

That should've been
not even a factor.

You don't make her
call him daddy, do you?

I don't make her
do anything.

she calls him daddy.

Because on the phone
I remember you saying,

"Who is that? Who is that?"
She does call him daddy.

That's not a good thing,
'cause if you two break up,

I know.

You say that, but
you've already gone through

The history of doing it once...

...and you're doing it
a second time.

It's a good point,

She wouldn't have known
to call him daddy

If you didn't say,
"that's daddy."

I've had that happen before

Where I dated someone, you know,
and he wasn't around,

And then, you know,
may didn't have him anymore,

So I think
I should've really been careful

About, you know,
having her call someone that.

But I think azan
will be a good father, so...

It's been quite a few months
since he quit his job.

What's he been doing?

How's he been able
to support himself?

I help him out sometimes,
when I can.

How old is this guy?

Twenty... Five?

And how hard is that gonna be
for him to be able to get a job?

Especially since
he's gonna have a visa, right?


Well, it's gonna...
It has to...

At least three months
after we get married.

So he's got to wait three months
before he can get a job?


Thomas: I don't know if he's not working
because she's sending him money,

Or if he's not working 'cause
he really can't find a job.

But when he gets here, I really
hope he bets on getting a job.

'Cause if he's not,
I'll find him a job,

And he's gonna have a job.

Or there's gonna be
really bad things.

What are you gonna do, nicole?
You'll have you, him, and may.

How are you gonna support
all three of you

On a minimum-wage job?

I really can't think
that far ahead.


So you're just gonna
kind of wing it?


You have a baby.

I'm still working on,
like, details

About what's gonna happen
when azan comes here.

You know, maybe I just have to
work harder before he gets here

To have a stable job
that could do both, you know?

Look at that sweet thing
sitting there.

She's been so quiet
all night.

What are you
putting her through?

You better start thinking
about your daughter.

David: maybe you should
just start resecting

Who's gonna be my wife.

David: okay, fine.

If you're not coming back
with me, I won't see you again.

That's the choice.
Yes or no?



David: 24 hours from now,
I'm getting married to evelyn.

I am very excited.

Hey, homer.

My groomsmen arrived,

And it feels amazing
to be reunited with my friends.

Today, we're gonna go
and see tuxedoes.

Some of the groomsmen
were very surprised

They would have to pay
to wear some tuxedoes.

So, it was a very difficult
topic between evelyn and i.

You know how my friends
are traveling?

They're paying over $1,000
just to be at our wedding,

And still you're like,

"Oh, they have to rent
their own tuxedoes."

I'm not changing my wedding
around for these guys.

Evelyn's parents saw
how stressful everything was

And decided to help out
with the tuxedoes.

And of course,
I'm really grateful for that.

Hi, david. How are you?

- I'm good. Nice to see you.
- Good to see you.

- Yeah. We're back.
- These are the guys?

How's everybody doing?

- Good. Good. Thank you.
- Good.

We're here to try
our tuxedoes on.

- Are you ready?
- Yes. I mean, I'm... I'm ready.

Are you getting nervous?


David: it is crazy to see
my closest friends

From abroad in claremont.

Giuseppe and ricardo,
right over this way, gentlemen.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

David: my friends just know me
in a different way than evelyn.

They just make me feel better
when they're around.

How is it?
Oh, man.

David: so, are we gonna get
the rest of the guys in?

- Next two?
- Yep.

It doesn't matter.
It's not about evelyn.

Marriage eventually
comes for everybody,

But the way it came for david
and where it's coming from,

I am definitely
taken aback.

David's a traveler.

He likes to experience
the world,

And to be stuck for a couple
years in, like, a small town,

Very conservative
family, you know.

That's very...
It's gonna be different.

So that's definitely
surprising for me.

I don't know evelyn
personally myself,

So I can't really say much.

I'll have someone
to keep me warm.

- Oh, okay.
- That's a good point.

David: ricardo was giving me
a little bit of a hard time.

I don't know if he was
maybe a little bit...

Jealous, in a way, of having
a different friendship

After I get married.

He maybe wants to make it
sound like he's joking,

But I know
there's some seriousness there.

David: do you like your tuxes,
by the way?

Oh. Yeah, man.

Giuseppe: I think we're gonna
look better than you tomorrow.

Do you know that
evelyn chose them for you?

Do you have, like, a say
in this wedding at all,

Or was it just all
evelyn all the time?

She has been dreaming about this
wedding much more than I have,

So I respect that.

For me, it's more meaningful
the meaning of the wedding

Than just
the wedding itself.

And what if she's like that
after the wedding ends?

No, because
I have already talked to her

About other matters
in life,

And she knows
that I'm gonna have a say

In the most
important things.

So no conflict
in who's in charge?

There's gonna be
some conflict in there.

It's always expected

That in relationships
there will always be conflict.

But I think that...
That things are gonna work out.

And maybe you should just,
like, start respecting

Who's gonna be my wife.


Clearly, ricardo is
a great friend of mine,

But he also tends to be...
Sometimes... Immature?

If he's going to be here,
he has to support me.

I do expect to see you
respecting her

With the things you say.

In front of her?
And not in front of her?

That'd be nice.

I feel like all
the other groomsmen

And my good friends
are happy about,

Not only me being happy,

But also about the woman
I'm getting married to.

And it'd be nice if it was,
like, from all of you.

I asked him, "hey, are you
in love with evelyn?"

And he was like...

He didn't answer.
He said, "I'm happy."

I'm gonna take that
as a positive,

I guess,
that he's content.

So I guess
that's better.

It could be worse.

- Bye, guys.
- Bye.





Do you know why
my parents split up?

She left him
because he would cheat.

And he likes to hook up
with prostitutes.

David: well, everything
has changed since last night.

And now there's no wedding.

I am here to talk to annie
like I said I would do.

I'm still responsible for her,

And would still have to make
sure she gets back to thailand

If that's the path
that is chosen.



You want to walk?


So, where do we go
from here?

Is there any other questions
you want to ask me?

Or does it really matter
at this point?

what did she say?

We talked about this
a year ago.


When you said to me
about your past relationship,

I said I wasn't perfect.

You have a past, too.


You know, and we don't talk
about your past.

'Cause that's the past.

You remember that time
I packed up in thailand?


And you said, if anybody
does that, it's over.

So I want to give you
back your ring.

'Cause you left it.

That's yours.

Obviously you don't
want to be with me.

You made it clear
last night.

You'll be fine. You're young.
You'll find somebody.

Now, obviously it won't be here
in the united states right now.

We have to have closure.

Have you told
your family?

Or do you want me to try
and translate

And send a message
to them?

Because you're gonna
have to come back.

Somebody's gonna have
to pick you up.


Annie, here.

Why don't you drive
chris' truck back to him?

Because that's clearly
your choice,

Who you choose over me,

Instead of talking to me
and talking it out,

You chose to run to them,
so here, take the truck.

Go back to them.

'Cause that's what you want,
isn't it?

I didn't.

Me about it," you run to nikki.

Okay, fine.

Okay. Okay.

you seem really calm.

Make it better.

I wouldn't.
I learned from my mistakes.

Did you?

If you don't come
back with me...

Coming back with me,

I won't see you again.

You make your choice.

You go live with nikki
and chris, and that's it.

Well, then you've
made your choice.

You chose them over me.

That's the choice.
Is that what you're saying?

Yes or no?

You have the keys
to the truck.



Back with me,

That's the choice.

You have the keys
to the truck.




I don't know
what I can say.

I mean, I can't
make you love me.

It's just too much.

I'm paying
for sins of my past?

I mean, do you know how hard

This has been for me,
to have to face my demons?

And face everything
from my past?

Do you know how difficult
this has been?

I love you more than anything.
I don't want to lose you.

I've lost everything else.

We had...
Everything was perfect in asia.

We come here, and it just
goes to

Well, you're supposed to be
my best friend and talk to me,

Even if it's something
that's bad.

I can't change
what I did.

You asked me in thailand,

"How come you have nothing
at 48-years-old?"

That's why.

I lost it all,
and I don't want to lose you.

Of course.

I love you,

And I want to spend
the rest of my life with you.

Can I have a hug?

David: was I unfaithful?

But it wasn't at her.

I would never be
unfaithful to her.

I learned from my past.

We are now back together
and I hope stronger than before.

Still some wounds to heal
and lessons to be learned,

And it's not something
I want to go through again.



Well, I mean, it seems like
you're still kind of upset

About the whole
bachelorette thing.

Elizabeth: andrei and I are getting
married in a little over a week.

Over what my sisters did
at my bachelorette party.

They took my phone,
and I threw a hissy fit

And they realized
that it was stupid

And finally
gave it back to me.

Becky and jen.

Jen said that she's
gonna do anything

She can to test
our relationship.

Andrei doesn't want my sisters
to come to the wedding,

But that's crazy.
They're my sisters.

Of course
they're gonna be there.

I would never choose between
my family and andrei.

Well, I think that you
overreacted a little bit.

Do you trust me?

Do you trust my sisters?

Well, you better talk
to them before the wedding

Because I still want my sisters
at my wedding.


Jen: andrei asked me
to meet up with him today

To discuss some stuff.

I'm thinking it's probably
about the wedding.

Oh, all by myself.

Party of one.

Now party of two.

- Here are your menus.
- Oh, really?

No drink tonight?

You need a drink.

To get...



I didn't do it
to piss you off.

Like, I definitely didn't
want to piss you off.

So if I did piss you off,
I'm sorry.

But I definitely wanted
to test it a little bit.

I'm not gonna lie,
'cause, you know...

Him being so upset that he
wouldn't want us at the wedding?

I mean, that's just absurd.

Like, that would never happen.

We would always be
at the wedding, no matter what.

I don't care what he would say.

Like, we would be there,
so, you know,

Either he trusts us
and he loves us

And we're at the wedding,

Or he doesn't
but we're still at the wedding.

It's nothing, like,
against you personally.

For any of my siblings.

Or their fiancé,

Getting serious with,


What you're made of.

That you could, like, handle it,

That's how...

We have to meet in the middle.

'Cause your, like,
viewpoint's over here.

So we have to just,

Like, we both love elizabeth.

I'm her family.
I'm her older sister.

I'm gonna look out for her.

I wanted to see
what you're made of.

If I didn't like you,

Or saw something in you.


Yeah. I'm down.

- Yeah?
- Yeah. Let's do it.

after this whole meeting

And this whole, like,
crazy situation that happened,

You know, with me
taking her phone and everything,

I think that, you know,
in the future,

I hope that he understands
that, like,

It's actually nothing
personally even against him.

But I think him being here
in america now,

I think that he'll finally
realize that and understand it,

I hope.


I'll take it easy on you.


Molly: our wedding is supposed
to happen in three days,

And I don't know if it is.

You got a major decision
to make, sis.

What are you thinking?

I don't feel right.



To make, sis.

I don't feel right.

Molly: our wedding is supposed
to happen in three days,

And I don't know if it is.

I don't know.

I don't know.

Well, I know you guys are...

...trying to make it work out,
over a year,

And it looks good on paper,

But, I mean, is it
what it's supposed to be?

It's not.

The truth is
that he's younger.

He's never had kids.

He's not from here.

You know, all the obstacles
that couldn't been, are.

I just didn't think that
the hurdles were gonna be

Hard to overcome.

You need to use gut,

Straight-up southern gut,
on this situation.

This is my opinion,
and you take it as you will.

This is my opinion.

- Hey.
- Hey, babe.

- What's up?
- Come sit with me.

I'm gonna sit right here.

I'm a little too heavy now.
I'm getting big, mom.

You're not.
You're still my baby.

You're not as big
as you think you are.

You okay?

What's going on?

I just don't...

I just don't know.

I just thought that things
would be different.

And they're completely different
than what I thought.

You know?

I think you should
just think about you

Instead of putting
other people first, for once.

'Cause, I mean,
this is your heart

And this is your life
at stake here.

You come first right now.

You're gonna have to
make a decision.

I mean, now.

Not six months from now.

Not one year from now.

Like, tonight.

Either y'all are gonna
go up there

And talk about some things
and maybe a miracle will happen,


Call it off.

That's really all I got.

I'm gonna go
check on kensley.


Olivia: I can't have someone
not making my mom happy.

She's, like, our rock.
Like, that's all we have.

Like, I don't want
to see her like that.

I know that's all she's...
That's all she's wanted,

Was to find someone
and, like, get married.

And she's got a big brain
but a bigger heart,

And she always...
She picks her heart

And she doesn't
really think of, you know,

"Oh, could there be consequences
to my actions?"

Personally, I don't think
she should go through with it.

I'm not gonna
tell her that,

'Cause it's her decision.

They may
work something out.

I don't know.

You just... You can't.

If you're questioning
whether or not,

"Do you want to get married?"
You can't get married.

There's no way.

Molly and luis need to really
figure it out immediately.

Either she's gonna have
to swallow her pride

And break it off, or they're
gonna have to work it out.

The tension's high
and emotions are high.

I mean, the pressure's
on right now.


Luis: hi.

You should've been honest.


Molly: my kids are the most important
thing in this world to me,

And I made space in my heart,
you know, for someone

But he's not ready.

He's not ready.

And I have to do
what's right for them,

And this isn't right for them.

It's not right for me, either.

And he's gonna leave.


Everybody was so excited.



Now I have to tell everybody
that it's not happening.

This is your third marriage,
and I worry.

And I'll be blunt with you.
Your track record sucks.

Get your

You don't have
another chance.



Josh: aika and I have been a
little distant since our fight,

But we are going through
with the wedding.

For your age.

We're going to do
a vegas wedding.

It's gonna be
a small, quick wedding.

If I had to, you know,

Say anything I'm doubtful about
with the relationship,

It would have to be
aika's attitude.

You know, she'll say things
to me just to hurt me.

It makes me wonder, you know,
where her heart's at.

All right,
we're almost there.




For the wedding,
it's just gonna be my parents

And a few close friends.


We got to go.

Aika's meeting my parents
for the first time tonight,

And first impressions
are very important.

Aika: so...

Where are
we meeting your mom?

Down at the restaurant.

So, yeah.

I'm a little bit worried
about how things might go,

Because aika's not the type

To put on a happy face
just for show.

- Hi!
- Oh, my gosh!

- Holy cow!
- Wow!


- Oh.
- I missed you.

- I missed you too.
- Aww.

I want to meet
this beautiful person.

Nice to meet you!
Give me a big hug!



Sue: this is
josh's third marriage.

I'm feeling apprehensive
about it.

Josh is rather compulsive,

The outcome
isn't always the best.


I just think, "my gosh."

I can't believe
you're 43.

This is
your third marriage.

I know what
you've been through,

And I worry.

It's the correct

I know for a fact now

That I'm with
somebody faithful.

What exactly
did you see in josh?

Because you waited
a long time...


...and then
you decided on josh.

He's... What?

I don't know how you...

He is very nice.
I agree.



Well, you know,
we've talked about it,

And she absolutely, definitely,

Or at least one.

At least one.

Aika: yeah.

it's a very big move.

I know.

Do it
for the right reasons,

And you both need to be
on the same page with that.

Aika: yeah.

My concerns with
josh and aika having a child...

...would be josh taking
full responsibility

For wanting to be a father

And be an active part
in that child's life.

I'm not sure that josh is ready
for another child.

I'm just not positive.

I'll be blunt with you,

Your track record sucks.

Get your together.

You don't
have another chance.

This is your shot to do it.

You got to do it right.


You know the history.

I didn't get a chance

To really bring a family
to maturity

Because of what happened
with my first wife.

You know about all that.

Josh: I don't like to tell aika
much about my past.

But, you know,
when I was very young,

During my first marriage,

I did have a boy and a girl.

And they're grown now.

But, you know, due to
relationship issues with my ex,

I just don't really have
any contact with them,


and I miss your kids.

I do too. Horribly.

I can't hardly
talk about it

Because it...

I know.

I want to leave a legacy.

I want to raise, you know,
a son or daughter,

Or one of each,

Up to adulthood and...



It's okay.


I love you.

Sue: oh, sweetie!

Thank you.

I'm so sorry.

I know.
Family is precious.


Sue: I am greatly relieved

And actually
very enamored by aika.

She seems
very good for josh.

She seems to be able
to ground him

In areas
that he needs grounding in.

I think aika's gonna be
a great wife for josh.


It took me a super long time
to find aika.

You know, it took me
a long time to find you.

The nature of
the k-1 relationship

You know, makes us...

You know, it does make us
have to move forward

A little faster
than we might.


But it's about time
I found someone like her.

'Cause it's been real rough.

It's been...

Thank god you're here.

Thank god she's the one.


I think we needs to cheers
to our new family.

New addition addition
to our family.


David: we don't know
where the keys are.

David: all I have to do is get
to my wedding on time,

And now
I cannot find the keys.

It's locked.

It's locked,
but I cannot open it.




David: right now, I'm on
my way to go talk to chris

After the argument/make up
with annie.

It was very important
to annie

That I sort things out
with chris.

hey, what's going on, man?

She loves nikki and chris
very much,

And worries because...

Not just
because he's our sponsor,

But because
he's my best friend.

So, uh, what's new, man?

David: not much.

Just exhausted.

So, uh, nikki said
you guys have made up.


everything's made up.

So what was the fight...
What was it about?

Well, I mean, she basically
came out and said,

"Did you cheat
on your ex-wife?"

I said, "yeah."

She didn't want to hear
anything about it.

She goes,
"take me to chris and nikki."

So I said,
"look, I made mistakes.

Everybody has pasts.

had relationship pasts.

You don't dwell on it."

Then that's when
we talked it out and...

I just need some assurances
from you...


...that you're in a good place
with her now.

Yeah, a very good place.

david got upset with annie,

Told her to go home.

You came here
to get married.

You know, just because
david makes up...

He tells me
"everything's fine."

But nikki and I both

Committed ourselves
to take care of annie.

It's 10 years
that we're responsible.

And the first time
they argue,

It's over
and he says he's quitting?

I mean,
that's the old david.

That's not the person
that I signed up to support.

I sponsored you
because I believed in you.

You have some things

That you have
to take care of,

But whenever they get tough,
you just can't decide

"Hey, I'm gonna quit,

And here,
you deal with her."

And I understand that,

And I apologize to you
for that.

I appreciate that.

Wait a minute.

When you came back,
you said

"I am gonna be on my own.

I'm gonna"...
And that's what I want.

There were a lot of people

That you want to prove
something to.

Your family's...

And I mean no disrespect,

But they've got it out
for you.

They want to see you fail.

And I don't.

I want you to prove
everybody wrong.

I want them
to give you a chance.

I hope so.

I mean,
that's why we're here.

We're getting married here
so the kids can be here.

I want them to be there
kind of for me too.

I've kind of been
taking some hits

For supporting you.

He really upset me
the other night,

Disappointed me.

But I really believe
that annie loves david,

And I know
david loves annie.

I love the underdog.

I love helping people
that deserve a hand up

And not a hand down.

I want to support

And financially help
the wedding.


I want this wedding
to come off big,

Without a hitch.

I want everybody to see,

Yes, this is
a real relationship.

Cheers to that.

You know, I just want
to help you two.

Thank you, brother.

You can have a laundry list
of why I shouldn't,

But he's my brother.

And I can help them

By giving him a little bit more
financial support.

If david's children
showed up to a wedding

At the justice of the peace,
when they're in jeans,

They're just gonna laugh
and make fun of it.

They're not gonna
take it serious.

If they see
that it's a great wedding,

Then they're gonna take you
more seriously.

Well, I appreciate you
believing in us so much.


David: chris wants for us
to have a bigger wedding,

And he wants to pay
for the wedding.

This wedding
is important to me,

And I think chris
seeing us have a good wedding

Is a validation for him

That he made the right decision
investing in me.

It is very exciting.

How could you not feel,
like, overwhelmed?

I don't even know what to think
at this point.

I love you, brother.

I'm proud of you.



I knew I wanted
to marry david, um...

I think after he realized
he wanted to marry me.

Like, it took me little while
to, like, get there.

So I realized first,
and then...

Yeah, you definitely
realized first.



I'm thinking
get ready at like 11:30,

And then the hairdresser's
coming at noon,

So I want to make sure that
my dress is on and everything.

Evelyn: it's been 90 days,
and today is the wedding.

It's been such a long process
with the visa,

And planning was so stressful
and everything,

And finally it's here.

This is here and now.

Cara's here to do your hair,

Evelyn: I'll be down in a second.
I'm coming.

Okay, honey.

Oh, my gosh!
Oh, my gosh!

- Oh, my gosh!
- Oh, my gosh!

- Oh, my gosh!
- Oh, you look so good!

You look so pretty!


- I love it!
- It looks awesome on you!

- It's so you.
- It's you.

It's so you.


Jacalyn: when my husband and I
first looked at this house,

I imagined her

Coming down those stairs
in that dress.

And there I was
seeing it in real life,

And it was just so beautiful.


- You look amazing.
- I love it.

I feel excited.

Like, I'm wearing the dress,
and... This is real.

- The wedding's happening.
- Yeah.


David: I think we are...

I don't even know
what time it is,

But, eh,
I think we have to hurry up.

I am very excited.

This is the morning
of my wedding.

Finally I'm getting married
to the love of my life,

So I can't wait.

So I'm really excited.

David: all I have to do is to
be ready and to be on time.

Like, as if I wouldn't be
on time on my own wedding.

I asked ricardo
to pick up the rings.

Because actually I had them
at the other apartment.

Time is passing,

And ricardo still
is not back with the rings.

He's a good friend,

But when ricardo was late,

I had this thought, like,

Is he trying
to mess up the wedding?

Ken, did you send him
your location?

Ken: yeah.

Jacob sent the location.

- Yes.
- He texted it to you.

We have to hurry up, guys.
Really hurry up.

We have like...

Come here in like a minute.

You're gonna have like

- Bring the black socks!
- Bring the black socks.

- All right, you ready?
- Let's do it.

Lots of pink.
Now, what about lips?

Are you gonna do pink also?

I feel like
that's too much.

That is way too much.
That's all right.

We can bring it down.

Just look at me.

One a scale of 1 to 10,
my stress level's about a 3,

Which is crazy,

Because yesterday,
it was an 11,

So there's that.

I know.

- Evelyn! You look amazing!
- You look so pretty!

Woman: I love it!

Evelyn: it was just kind of like
a surreal moment,

Like, here I am about to embark
on my new life.

I'm not just leaving
to the church to get married.

I'm leaving home.

Like, this is the last time
I'm here as home.

And I'm sure
it's surreal for my mom, too,

Because she's my mom.

All right, see you soon.

I wonder how david's feeling.


Half an hour late, man.
Always late.

Everywhere you go,
you get lost.

I'm always... I'm the one
taking care of business, man,

Going to this.

"Run this errand here.
Run this errand over there."

I have thing rings
in a glasses case.

So I have to, uh,
keep them here.

We're gonna put them
in a nicer place

For when we're gonna use them
in the wedding.

I'm feeling all, like, nervous
and excited at the same time.

I know I'm only
a few minutes away

From seeing my beautiful bride
walking down the aisle.

We don't know
where the keys are.

Yeah, I think...

Do you think that ricardo
or you guys

Left them at the other house,

Ricardo: we brought them
with us, right... The keys?

Did you leave them
at the other house?

No, I think
we brought them with us.

It's locked.

It's locked?

It's locked,
but I cannot open it.

How are we gonna
get our stuff later?

Well, you're gonna have
to find the keys.

I mean, what the heck?

- Anyone else seen them?
- No.

All I have to do is get
to my wedding on time,

And now I cannot find the keys.

We'll find the keys later.

We'll hire someone
to, like, break in or something.

I'd rather be
locked out of my apartment

Than late to my wedding.




Josh totally deserves
to find a good woman.

But I still have concerns
about josh and aika.


Molly: today, we were supposed
to have our wedding,

And that's not happening.

Becky: I see you still
got your ring on

And luis is gone.

I don't know. I just...





Molly: I'm coming.
I'm up here.

Molly: last night
was a complete disaster.

I haven't slept.

This is awful.

Let's get out of here
for a little bit.



The kids are in school,

And I just want
to go away with my mom

Because luis's brothers
are coming,

And I really just don't
want to see him leave and go.

Like, I'd rather be gone
when he leaves,

And come home
and him not be here

Than to watch him go.


I'm supposed to get married
in 48 hours.

And instead,
luis is packing his bags.

I've never felt like this.

Never ever.

Oh, man.

so, what's going on?

I don't know, mom.

Honest to god,
I don't know.

I think
he just can't take it.

I just
want to go somewhere

And maybe get
a little coffee.

I need a little pep
in my step.

It'll make you feel
a little bit better anyhow.


Becky: so, honey,
what's gonna go on?

I mean,
everybody's here for you

For whatever you need.

I've cancelled everything.

I mean, I called the people
at the caterers,

And they're okay, and...

I can donate the dress.

I mean, obviously.
I know.

I-i just...

Mom, I don't know.


I'm really bummed
that, you know,

We aren't gonna
have a wedding.

I was so excited.

But I have to support
her decision

In not to go forward
with this

If it doesn't feel right.

I was all in, man.


I know.

I see you still got
your ring on

And luis is gone,


I took it off.

And I laid it in the bed,
and I gave it to him.

He didn't...

He didn't pick it up.

And it's just like...
I don't know. It's mine.

He bought it for you.

I'm pretty sure

That he doesn't
want to have it back.

I don't know. I just...

It is important

That you put
your girls first,

And that is what
you've had to do.

You're their mama.

And they love you
above any other.


I love you, baby.

It'll be all right.

We'll think of something
really fun to do.

I'm so sick of crying.
I know you are.

But, you know,
I'm here, kiddo.



Molly: I feel a lot of relief
in having mom's support.

It makes me feel much better.

I'm very proud of her.

I'm proud of her.

She made the right decision,
I believe.


Just go forward...
Go forward from here.




today is the big day.

Aika and I are saying "I do."

I'm feeling
very happy and blessed.

These 90 days
have been a roller coaster.

I guess
that's kind of how it goes

With any relationship.

The 90 days is up.

This is do or die.

If it doesn't happen right now,
her time is up.


You look gorgeous.




I feel in my heart and soul

That aika is the one
I should have married all along.

I wish I would have met her

But here we are.

I'm ready to be married
for the last time.


Into this room right here.


Woman: all right. Come on in.
Right this way, everybody.

Josh: we just want to have
a nice, small,

Close-knit wedding
with close friends.

My mom, my step-dad, friends...

Kyle and his wife,
and joe.

I know joe still
has his concerns,

And he's very stubborn,

So the fact that he decided
to show up for the wedding?

It just means a lot.


Sue: aika?


Oh, my god!

Oh, my god!
You are beautiful!

With your dress.

I'm gonna cinch you up.


aika looked like a princess.

She was beautiful.

She is beautiful.

Her dress blew me away.

She's a very special person,
easy to love.

I am honored
to be your new mama sue.


Oh, no, don't cry.

You've got
beautiful make-up on.

That's right.

Thank you.


All right, now we have
the dress all ready.

Don't fall out of it.


Josh: it's really
starting to set in.

It hasn't seemed real
for so long,

And then boom, it's here.

Here we go.




ladies and gentlemen,

Can you please stand
for the bride.



seeing her look so beautiful

Was just a rush of feeling
all at once.

just kind of hit me.

I couldn't breathe
for a second.


You may be seated.

Josh and aika,

You've come here today

To be joined
in holy matrimony.


Rings are
the quintessential symbol

Of marriage
and commitment.


Josh, repeat after me.

With this ring....

With this ring...

...i choose you...

...i choose you...




All right, aika,
your turn.

With this ring...

...i choose you...



Sue: I have concerns
about josh's maturity.

Can aika really help him

Become a more stable,
grown-up person?

I hope so for her sake.


And you may now finally kiss
as husband and wife.


I love you, babe.



Joe: I still have concerns
about josh and aika,

But I'm still happy for them.

I mean, I think josh
has been waiting for this moment

For a long time.

Josh totally deserves
to find a good woman,

And he deserves happiness,

And I think he got that today.




Shame on you.

Aika: whoo!

Oh, that's pretty.
I love that.





David: I think annie
is still bothered

By the fight and breakup.

She still
has some reservations.

And I want to talk to her

And see if we can't get back
to what we had for so long.

You just don't seem happy.

It was wrong of me
to do that.

But that was why I quickly
tried to make up for it.

I learned from it
very quickly

That, hey, that's not
the way to handle it.


You know,
I met with chris last night

And apologized
for the argument,

And chris has offered
to do a bigger wedding.

And that really
falls into what I want.

So I can come back

And show everybody...

Look at my new life.

Look at my
soon-to-be new wife.

And this is an opportunity
to show everybody,

Hey, I am re-invented.

You know, with chris
covering the budget now

For the wedding,

It allows me
to give you the money

To go buy a dress.

So I was thinking like
maybe $200, $300.

Oh. Really?

You can go with nikki
to go find a nice dress.

Thank you.

You'll be
a beautiful bride.


I love you.

I love you, too.


Jamie: hi, ladies!
How are you today?

This is annie, the bride.

Hello, miss annie.
I'm jamie. How are you?

I'm good. How are you?

Doing well.

david said annie's budget

Was a couple hundred dollars,

But I feel like a bride
should have whatever she wants

And to feel beautiful.

I'm excited.

I want her to look like
a beautiful bride.

do you have a shape in mind?

Do you want it to be kind poufy
or kind of straight

Or strapless or straps?

Does it matter?



Nikki: it's beautiful.


What do you think?


Do you like it, love it?

How do you feel?
Yeah. I love it.

Jamie:: this one,
when you add in tax,

Would be about $650, $670.

You want to try on
something else?

I still want to try.

Jamie: okay.



Oh, that's pretty.
I love that.



What do you think?

So, what percent?

So yes to this one?


Jamie: yay!

after taxes and everything,

You're looking at it
being $318.07.

That sounds good.

He said a couple hundred.

That sounds good. You want
to call and double check?

Yes, sure.

David: hello?

You're on speakerphone.
You're on speakerphone.

Yeah, I'm good.

David: really?

Let me ask you...

I can't wait to see it...
But let me ask you

One of the most important

How much?

How much?


You know,
obviously with our budget,

You know, I really want to...
Just think about it.

I mean, i... I...

Love you. Bye.
Love you. Bye.


david kind of seemed unsure.

I'll see what I can do.

I guess
you can get it,"

So, yeah.
Not surprised.

All we have to do
is just ring that up.

Okay. So I will...


All right.
I have to call for kelly

'Cause it's foreign, so...

Kelly to bridal, please.
Kelly to bridal.

I just got to know
how to run it.

So, I don't know
what to run it as.


Kelly: yep.

It's a foreign card,
and we can't accept it.

We'll try this one.
All right, thank you.


I am not surprised
that the card doesn't work

Because that's so david.

But I'm definitely
gonna get our money back.

I'll take it up with david.

There we go.

Thank you so much, nikki.

Jamie: a couple things
for you to sign.

If you...
Well, it's yours.

So, if you'll sign there for me
on that line.

Okay. You got it?

Thank you so much.

Molly: he's gonna leave.

And that is what it is.



Molly: I'm with my mom today

Because luis's brothers
came to get him,

And I really don't want
to be around for that.


Period of time

To just make
a lifetime decision.

This is not easy.

It's not easy at all.

It's very heartbreaking,
and it's hurtful.

I thought he was determined
to come here for love

And get married
and be a dad to my kids.

But now I know
that's not who he is.


He's gonna leave.

And that is what it is.








Molly: I have a lot of loose
ends that I haven't finished up,

But luis is gone.

And it's just awful.

I mean, people want to know
what's going on,

And, you know,
you can't really explain it,

Because I don't really know.

I'm confused, like,
how this blew up.

Luis doesn't really

Have to go back
to the dominican.

Woman: uh...

Luis's visa is not really
gonna be expired

we're legally married.


I'm not messing with you.

We signed the paperwork.

Like, I knew
that after our wedding,

We would only have
a certain amount of time

Before we could actually
file the paperwork.

We are married on paper
with the court, yes.

Um, at the end of july.





Can you just run...

Can you just...

What's going on?


[ Exhales sharply,
sniffles ]

Narrator: tomorrow night

On the season finale
of "90 day fiancé"...

Happy wedding day.

David: I'm feeling
nervous and excited

At the same time.

the next time I see andrei,

We will be married.

I'm sorry,
andrei doesn't deserve you.


I want to grab her and say,
"hey, are you sure?"


I want you
at the wedding.

I'm not gonna support
a 25-year-old girl

That you just want
to take care of you

And have sex with you
for free.

David and I
are both virgins,

And today
everything changes.

The first time is always
a bit disappointing.


He's got the interview

Gonna get a visa, right?

Has david made it all the way
without drinking?

We are already married.

Olivia: you're not
a 20-year-old single lady.

You're a mother.

Who is more important?
Luis or me?


Narrator: and then...

A two-hour expl*sive event.

"90 Day fiancé:
the couples tell all."

I just want to pull
my frickin' hair out!


There will be
shocking revelations...

I feel betrayed by evelyn.

You think
she's full of bull?

Don't cut me off, david.

Do you think the marriage
could survive

If you don't
have children?

I have to think
about that.

...with never-before-seen

Wake the up, hoe!

Wake the up!

Find out which couples
stand together...

I'm guaranteeing her $10,000
to go back to thailand.

...and which relationships

