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05x06 - Crossing the Line

Posted: 04/23/24 20:03
by bunniefuu
Evelyn: previously on
"90 day fiancé"...


David: when annie and I
get to america,

We will be living
with chris and nikki.

But we would like you

To volunteer
to do some things,

Like, give me a massage
or something

By the pool, or...

Joe wants to make sure
I'm not getting into something

That's going to have
a bad ending.

You were looking for men
in america.


I trust your judgment, evelyn.

But I don't know david.

Molly: my dad's told me

He doesn't want me
to marry luis.

I've got a lot of concerns
about this.

I'm sure you do.

I don't want luis

To use this for a pathway
to citizenship.

And that's how I feel
about it.

Me and azan have
a lot of trust issues

That we need
to work through.

Do you love me?

you should trust me.

It's done. It's over.

Evelyn: and coming up...

[ Camel growls ]

- [ Gasps ]
- [bleep]

I don't mind
paying for things.

I think aika has the potential
to do modeling.

I have be straight with you,


They're not gonna be
standing at the altar

In jeans
and a dress shirt.

If there's any day that
I could be a little selfish,

Couldn't it be my wedding?

I'm leaving my country,
leaving my family,

And you don't seem to want
to give up anything.

Oh, gosh.

Elizabeth: andrei just went into
his visa interview.

If they tell us no,
I don't know what I'm gonna do.



So, andrei just went into
his k-1 visa interview.

And I'm just waiting
for him to get out.

And I'm freaking out.


We have waited
so long for this.

I love him so much.

I can't wait to marry him.

Yeah, I'm ready.

I just want to do it already.

If they tell us no
and we're denied,

I don't know
what I'm gonna do.

I don't know
what he's gonna do.

We're really gonna
have to change our plans

If this doesn't pan out
the way that we thought.


It's just really...
It's really important.

It's really important to me.

And we've waited so long,

I'm fine.

[ Laughs nervously ]


He walked in,

And there is zero expression
on his face.

My heart just dropped.

How did it go?
Tell me.


You did?

[ Squeals ]

[ Laughs ]

Oh, my gosh.


[ Squeals ]

Oh, my gosh.

It's like, oh, my gosh.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Oh, my.

Ah! I can't believe it.

I think it's gonna take some
time to really settle in,

'Cause we've waited so long

And just, like,
have held our patience

As much as we could.

I'm so happy.

[ Laughs ]

Babe, oh, my gosh.

I feel like I had, like,

Holding me down before.

And now I feel like
I can breathe.

I feel like I got over
that little hump,

And now I can just breathe.

[ Laughs ]

Baby, you get to meet
my family now!

Are you...

Are you nervous
about that?

Nerve-wracking, probably.



Now that
we're finally approved,

We have to plan
so many things.

We have to plan
the wedding,

Find an apartment
to live.

We have to meet
my family.

I'm kind of concerned
for andrei

To meet my brothers
and my dad.

They're not so easy
to please.

It'll be interesting.

Yeah, I think so.




Never. Never.

She's not coming,
I guess.

She's just a teenager,

And trying to adjust
to all this.

Molly: we're starting
to plan our wedding,

And I hope
that we get your,

You know,
love and support about it.

This is awful early in this
for me.

Olivia: so, what's up?

What'd you want
to talk to me about?

Oh, gosh.

Oh, that's pretty.

So, is this for real,
getting married?

Of course.

This is all she's wanted
for her whole life.

Since I was little,
all I can remember

Is she's wanting to be married
and have a family.


Luis wants to propose
to my mom.

I kind of knew
this was gonna happen,

So I was already
prepared for it.

But at the same time,
it's a little bit weird.


I want her to be happy.

So if that's what's
gonna make her happy,

Then yes.

But I think maybe
you should wait

Just a little bit.

My mom loves you,

But, you know,
me and kensley

Are the most important things
to her.

Me and kensley
need to get to know you better

Before you're, like,
our stepdad, you know?

I mean, I'm not saying,
"don't get married."

I'm just saying
don't rush it.

There's no need to push.

Feel it out,

And let's see how it works
for everyone.


I guess.

You guys are gonna do,

Happy for you guys.


I hope you take it...

You know,
listen to what I say.

Just wait a little bit.



I don't mind paying
for things.



David: my kids know
that annie exists,

But they don't know
that we're engaged.



David: now that I have annie's
parents' blessings to marry her,

We are engaged.

And I'm worried,

Because I had to borrow
more money from chris

Just to make it
through the day.


[ All cheer ]


But at least now
we can go to america

To get married.

Annie is getting ready
for our joint

Bachelor/bachelorette party

I want to take the chance

And video chat with my kids
back home in america.

My kids know
that annie exists.

But they don't know
that we're engaged,

Because I'm afraid
of their reaction

About me having a young,
beautiful girlfriend,

Let alone wife.

[ Computer beeping ]
[ sighs ]

I have a call scheduled
with my daughter, ashley.

Out of all my children,

She is the most skeptical
about this relationship.

[ Computer beeping ]

Hey, what are you doing,

You look tired.

moving for two days.

For two days?


You're much happier?

Well, annie told me
to tell you hi.


What... Who's annie?

Okay, my girlfriend.

What's that?

Why do you say
"phantom annie"?

Why, you don't think
she's real?

i don't... I mean, no.

i don't know who...
Like, dad!

Well, I really hope

You welcome her
when she comes.

You'll have somebody
to go shopping with,

Get your nails done


Yeah, I can go get her.

David: I miss my kids.

And I'd like for annie
to get along with my children.

But ashley speaks her mind

And has absolutely no filter

I can go get her.

Yeah, like, right now.

So I have avoided
telling her about annie and I

Because I don't know
how she's gonna react.

So, ashley wants
to talk to you.

Now, she doesn't know
we're engaged.

She says she doesn't
believe you're real.


So, we're gonna
talk to her.


God only knows
what either one of them

Are gonna say to each other,

And I'm worried.


Okay, this is annie.

oh, my god!
annie: hi.

hi, how are you?
yes, I'm good.

How are you?

Oh, ho, ho.


You guys talk.

[ Laughs ]

She's a little shy.

[ Both laugh ]

Ashley's not shy.
She's more like me.

Ask annie the question
you asked me.


[ Laughs ] mine?

The right hand.

Like this?
Oh, sorry.

This one?

Oh, those nails.

David: because I wasn't prepared
for her to see the ring.

[ Both laugh ]

All right, ash.
Good night.

Hope to see you soon!


[ Computer beeps ]

David: oh, my god.

[ Sighs ]

I didn't mean
to put your hand down,

But I didn't... She doesn't
know that we're engaged.

So you're, like,
raising the ring, I'm like...

That's why.
I wasn't trying to hurt you.

I was like...
'Cause I took my ring off

When I talked to her.

Because I can't tell her.

I haven't told them yet.

Because i...

When I'm there.

I disagree.

It's just
not telling them.

Not yet.


David: I don't feel that
I'm lying to ashley.

I feel like
that if I tell her,

She's gonna be
twice as pissed off.

But for me, I just...
The way I feel.

And I'm just...
It stresses me.




May: [ babbles ]
let's go there.

There, there,
there, there.

Want to play?

we had this really big fight

About, you know, trust.

And we talked about,
you know, being better.

And I hope
that we can move along.

Just a guy friend.


With all the fighting
going on,

I thought it would be good
to have a beach day,

And hopefully azan can see
how good of a family we can be.

Let's just make sure
she doesn't go in there.


To see camel, especially,
like, on the beach

Is, like, something
you definitely wouldn't see

In florida.

So I'm hoping that may
has a good time here.

- [ Gasps ]
- [bleep]

Oh, my god.

Azan: my god.


Stop it, no, no!


Azan: oh, okay, come.


It's okay.
Look at daddy.

Look at daddy.
Watch daddy, okay?

Oh, my god.


You having fun?

Why are you acting


Azan: look.

[ Grunts ]


[ Laughs ]
don't say that.

Say "yes."

Good job.

[ Laughs ]

Here we go.

[ Laughs ]

Nicole: even though
me and azan fight,

It really makes me happy
to see azan really try hard

To be a father to may.

[ Laughs ]
look at her.

[ Laughs ]

Oh, my god.


Oh, my god.

You know...

Imagine that,

And then having a job
at the same time.

Oh, my god.

Yeah, it's fun.

I bet it's hard on you.


I don't restrict him
from getting a new job.

But it's, like, hard

That if we can't talk
most of the day.

I work.
I can't text at work.

And then he has to work,
and maybe he can't text me.

And then it keeps like that
every day.



It's really tough.

It really...
It really sucks, yeah.

In america,
it's normal, sometimes,

For the girl
to, like, pay.

You know, I don't mind
paying for things,

You know, like going out
or getting food for us.

And I know
you worry a lot.

I think worrying so much
about all this stuff is like...

Puts a, you know,
a little stress

On our relationship.

Nicole: you know,
I try to help azan when I can.

And you know,
I feel okay doing that

Because I really love him

And I just want, like,
things to be good

And, like, to, like,
have some normalcy,

You know, in our relationship
and stuff.


You don't
have to pay me back.

Just take care of me and may,
that's all.



I wouldn't get mad
if he got a job.


So he can talk to me.


I know things
are hard right now,

But I feel like,
you know,

We just wait
for the right time.

I think something good
will happen, okay?



Molly, she don't know
I got a surprise for her.


Evelyn: I've been doing
a lot of planning without you.

You just got here, and now you're
saying this and this and this.

I'm leaving my country,
leaving my family,

Leaving my friends.

And you don't seem to, like,
want to give up anything.




with the k-1 visa,

We've been really,
really time-crunched

For planning this wedding.

It's been making everything

So much more difficult
and stressful.

It's definitely caused arguments
for david and i.

Ready, baby?

And david and I
are both so stubborn

That it's really difficult

For us to come to a compromise
and a conclusion.

David and I are gonna look
at tuxedos today,

And I'm a little worried
about how this is gonna go.

Hi! C.j.
Nice to meet you.

I'm david.
Nice to meet you.

Hi, david.
My babe, david.

[ Laughs ]

David: I'm excited,

And I hopefully
will find something

That I really like.

And I'm...
It's important.

That you get.

And that fits
my criteria.

I had in mind
a blue tuxedo.


I know evelyn wants me to wear,
like, a black one.

I want david to wear

The classic
black-and-white tuxedo

With the bow tie.

I've wanted that
my whole life.

The blue is very popular,

But it's a more modern look.

There's 0% of me that wants
a blue tuxedo at my wedding.

Our wedding is very
vintage and classic.

But I didn't make you choose
for your wedding dress.

Because you weren't here
to help me ever,

And you didn't really
help me a lot

When I was planning
the wedding.

So now the weddings planned
and I have a dress,

And usually you plan
the theme of your wedding

Off of your dress.


Before david got here,
I was like,

"Yeah, I want him here

So that we can do all
the wedding planning together."

Now I'm just kind of like,

"Can I just plan this wedding

And him be, like, indifferent
about a lot of the things?"

Is that how things work
in america?

Like, the girl chooses
the guy's tux?

Not typically.

I mean, you can work together
and figure it out.

C.j.: I think it's all about
finding the compromise.

I thought
that it would be easier

To make decisions
together with evelyn.

Why it has to be
her way?

I feel like she just
have certain things in her mind,

And she's not very flexible.

What if you had
a black tuxedo

But it was more of
a modern fit,

Something like
more fitted to you?

I have to like it, though.

Okay, okay.
If don't I like it,

I'm not doing it.

As long as you're open.
Sounds good.

Evelyn: I don't think
that david really understands

How important
these wedding details are to me.

I know it just seems silly,

"Oh, who cares,
black tuxes or blue tuxes?"

But me, I care.

It's, like, the one thing
that I just really want.

I mean, I feel like
if there's any day

That I could be
a little selfish,

Couldn't it be my wedding,

The day that I've been planning
my whole life?

It's gonna be fine.

I'm sure it will.

I just get really, like,
worked up over it.

Ooh! Speaking of.

Oh, my goodness.

Look how fancy you look.

I think it's like

It's like 100 out of 10.

Thank you, baby.

I think you look
so good.

So, everything looks great.
You are all set to change.

David: evelyn told me

That I can choose
any tuxedo that I want

As long as it's black.

Maybe when I was 18,

I wouldn't compromise much
and I had really fixed ideas.

But now that I'm older,

I tend to see the bigger picture

And I tend to see the things
that are more important.

So I'm fine.

Hey, baby!

So now that we have
you figured out,

Do you have any groomsmen?

Yeah, that's something
I wanted to talk about.

We've been talking
a little bit about it.

the whole tuxedo argument

Started at david's
first breakfast here.


I think it's ridiculous.

They're paying,
some of them,

Over $1,000
just to be at our wedding.

And still you're like,

"Oh, they have to rent
their own tuxedos."

That's not right.

I'm definitely worried

About bringing up the tuxedo
situation again today.

Obviously, I don't want them to
spend that much money because...

I mean, I don't want them
to spend any money,

To be honest.

Well, they're not gonna be
standing at the altar

In jeans
and a dress shirt.

That's weird.

Maybe they can just wear
black pants

And, like, black shoes
and a shirt?

So still black and white,

And he stands out
a little bit more.

He's the only one
wearing a jacket.

What do you think?

I don't... I feel like
I can't make

This kind of decision,
like, on the spot.


My job can get
a little awkward.

But if I had to guess,

I'm thinking the groomsmen
will be in tuxedos.

[ Laughs ]

We'll figure it out later.

Why do we need to...
Why do you get so stressed out?

Why do we need
to figure this out right now?

We are here.

That's what...
We're here, right?

I just need
some more time.

I don't know why
you get angry at me.

I get a little nervous
with evelyn just saying,

"We'll figure it out."

I'm really hoping that they
can have that conversation

And actually figure it out,

Because 90 days
to plan everything...

That's cutting it
really close.

How many groomsmen are there,
by the way?

- Six.
- We're gonna have six.

- Six.
- Well, the best man and five.

I'm, like,
leaving my country,

Leaving my family,
leaving my friends.

And you don't seem to, like,
want to give up anything.


I've been doing
a lot of planning without you.

You just got here,

And now you're saying
this and this and this.

And I need some time
to get it all together.

I don't think there's
anything wrong with...

I'm not making a decision
right now.

Okay, well, then,
prepare for them

To be wearing whatever
they bring with them.

Evelyn: it really worries me
that david and I

Are already fighting
about wedding planning,

The tuxedos,

And that it's like

We're already fighting
about these small things

So what's in our future,


[ Sighs ]

We're running out of time.
You know that, right?

I know,
and we'll figure it out.

I... I thought
that you knew

That getting married to someone
from another country

Would bring
its challenges.

But you don't seem to, like,
completely get the idea.

Evelyn: you live
in a different culture.

We live in a different culture,

Yeah, clearly.
But that's when you...

That's when
you have to, like,

Find common ground,
you know?

Be like, "oh, you're leaving
your country.

You're leaving everything.

You're compromising here,
you're compromising there.

So let's find common ground."

And you're in america now.
I know I'm in america.

But I feel like
it's beautiful

When your
significant other,

The person you're gonna
get married with,

Meets you halfway.

And I am meeting you

Yeah, clearly.


don't get stressed out.

All right. I'm done.
I'm done arguing.

- Okay.
- I'm done arguing with you.

I'm done arguing
with you, too.





Molly: luis has been here
for two weeks now,

And I think luis
is adjusting well.

But I do know
that he misses his country

And he misses the good times
with his friends.


We're gonna go
to the beach.

Well, our beach.

It's, like, on the lake.

Come on.
You can carry this for me.

Come on!

Luis: it's not like
the beautiful dominican beach,

But this is his new home

And this is the closest
that we got.


Molly: is this what
you thought it would be

When I said
we're going to the beach?

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

This is the beach.
[ Laughs ]

It's not crystal-blue water,
but it's our beach.

I was trying to make it

So you maybe could feel like
you were at home a little

The best I could,
you know?

You like it?

[ Chuckles ]

So, we have, like, salami
and cheese and crackers.

It's not plantains,
it's not tostones,

But there is salami.

[ Laughs ]

We're just gonna
make a platter.

And a little bit
of this.

Luis: nice.
You wanna try it?

Just try it.

Do you trust me?

Then eat it.
Just try a bite,

Or the whole thing.

Why not?

[ Laughs ]

Do you like it?


Oh, yes, he likes it.
He likes it!

[ Laughs ]

I've always wanted
to do this,

But I never had anybody

That wanted to do it
with me.


We can make a toast.

You want to make a toast?

[ Laughs ]





[ Laughs ]


What is going on?

Yes, I'll marry you!

What are you doing?

Oh, my god.

[ Laughs ]

I love you.
That's crazy.

I love it!

Oh, my god.

[ Laughing ]

I can't believe this!

I just...
You did a good job.

It's so good.

when did you get this?

I cannot believe this.

I just hope you're okay,
you know?

Like, I know
you want to do this,

But I know
that it's hard for you.

I love you, too.

we're getting married.

And we got to go plan a wedding,
like, right now.

We have less than 90 days
to get married

And invite lots of people
and pick out food

And pick our cheeses
and sample cake

And all the stuff
that people do

When they get married!

[ Laughs ]

We got to do all that.


[ Sniffles ]
oh, my gosh.

Andrei wants me to compromise
the way that I am.

I told my sisters

That you're not
into girls' night.




[ Indistinct conversations ]

The waiting is over.

I'm very excited
to go to america.

Yeah, it's nice.
It's cute.

Cheers, baby.
To us.

And welcome to america.

[ Both laugh ]

I'm on cloud nine right now.

But I also realize
that when we get to america,

There's a lot of stuff
that we have to work out.

Most of my family doesn't
support our relationship.

You have decided
to marry this guy.

You got a ring
on your finger.

- It's not "this guy."
- You're bringing him over here.

He's my fiancé
that I'm gonna marry soon.

Haven't you talked
through the details?

Nobody has even met him!

Can you picture libby

Being submissive
to her partner?

I feel like every woman
that finds their man,

They will be submissive.

If you're in love...

I know that andrei
has a serious temper,

So I'm really worried
what will happen

When my two worlds collide.


My sisters were saying

That they think
that I've changed a lot

Since we started
dating each other.

They're concerned
because they're like...

Well, I told them
that you're not into,

Like, girls' night,

And they're like,

"So, he's not gonna
let you, like,

Go out with us
or whatever."

And I'm like,
"no, he's..."

Let me finish!

I'm like, "no, but he feels
he should go with you,

Like the man
should go with you."

And they're like,
"how are we gonna just be girls

And just, like,
go out with each other?"

Forbidded me?


All right,
I'm listening.

Okay, all right.


It's totally normal
to just go out

And, like, hang out
with your friends.

It's not a big deal.

Andrei absolutely wants me
to compromise the way that I am

As far as, you know, like,
being an american woman

And how we free we are,

And just, like,
do whatever we want.

I mean, I will,
but within reason.

I'm not gonna totally
change who I am

And forget about where I'm from
just to make you happy.

What about... What about
my bachelorette party?

Like, I haven't even had
a bachelorette party.


We'll, you know,
probably go to clubs or bars

Or whatever.

That I'm engaged
and I'm about to be married.

But like a...

To dance
with my girlfriends.


With my girlfriends

And my sisters?


Don't you want me
to have fun?








I'm willing to compromise

And I'm willing
to make sacrifices.

But when andrei
comes to america,

I feel like he'll have
to get used to

That men aren't necessarily
superior here

Like they are
where he's from.

I mean, men and women
are seen on the same level.

That's gonna be
such a challenge.

He'll definitely have
to get more accustomed

With the american lifestyle,

Whether he likes it or not.




Okay, come, come,
come here!

[ Camera shutter clicks ]

David: it's one of our
last nights in thailand,

And we're celebrating

With a joint
bachelor/bachelorette party.

As you say in thai,
to 120 years.

I'm so ready
to have a good time,

'Cause I need it.


[ All cheering ]


[ Indistinct conversations ]


I need a beer.

You need a drink?

David: where is annie?

Where... Where is she?


David: annie.

And you can sit here.

I'm not gonna...



Oh, it's my fault.

I'm fine.


He's got a drinking problem that
he tells me he doesn't have,

And I have to see that he does,

That if he doesn't control it,
he is gonna run her away.

I already feel it.



I'm just trying
to say I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.
I was wrong.

I'm sorry.

I apologized to her.

You know,
I love her more than life.

I don't want to see her cry.

I don't know
if she accepted my apology.

I hope she does
because I love her too much.

We've been through too much.

And I'm not gonna let
one evening at a bar

Ruin everything that I care for,

'Cause this doesn't mean
anything to me.

She does.



You need
a real boyfriend.

that's my daughter.

You think it's okay.

Maybe in your country,
it is.

But it's not funny
to me.



You want to go see
a chicken?

I think we'll find
a chicken in there.

We should pick
a vegetable.

Are those green beans
or peas?

Should we get some?

I'm used to vegetables
in a can.

[ Conversing
in native language ]

That's enough
for everyone?

Nicole: this is definitely
different than what I'm used to.

If I even see fresh products,

It's usually in a supermarket
in the refrigerated section.

[ Chuckles ]

That's what I'm used to
for fresh ingredients.


So, time to go find
something else.


I'm not used to picking out
what the chicken looks like.

I want to pick a chicken
that's saran-wrapped.

What kind of chicken
do you look for if you're...

This is weird.

Be ready by...
Like, what do you mean?

I don't really want to see,
you know, the chicken

Before I go to cook it.

Like, I just want it to be...
Not moving.

Then they k*lled him,

Right behind the guy
who sold it to us, I saw!

And then my stomach
started hurting.

They can cut it,

[ Chicken clucks ]

[ Chuckles ]

I need fresh air.

So let's go.



I know.

I told olivia and kensley

That luis made an official
proposal with a ring.

I don't think kensley fully
understands what that means.

And olivia has been distant
ever since I told her.


So I invited her to lunch

So we could all
spend some time together.

Hi, baby!

How are you?

Good, how are you?

I'm glad you came.
This place is so good.

it smells so good.

You can get
some yummy food.

We'll get something to eat
and chat it up.


my relationship with luis

Has been a little bit weird.

And like, I haven't really seen
my mom much since it's summer.

I've been
just doing my own thing.

Oh, my gosh.


And my mom told me
that luis officially proposed.

So it's nice that she invited me
to go to dinner.

That's, like, our way
of bonding, is we eat.

[ Chuckles ]

Oh, my gosh.

This is, like,
so tender and good.

Oh, it's amazing.

We need
to figure out

What we're gonna serve
at our wedding.


I mean,
do you want to help?

I don't know.

I don't know what's,
like, wedding food.

You think you can maybe
help me go dress shopping

Or maybe
go look at some places

And help me
get some ideas?

Molly: I think olivia's
still kind of on the fence

About whether or not
she wants me to marry luis.

But we have very little time
to plan a wedding,

And olivia's my daughter
and she's my friend.

I mean, I want her
to be a part.

I don't know much
about planning weddings.

But I'll try.


You like it?

Gimme some.

Come on.
Just gimme one little bite.

Oh, now you want
to feed me.

[ Both laugh ]

Oh, my god.

Livy doesn't like it.


Just give me
the mac n' cheese.

Guys, I'm literally trying
to eat here in, like, peace.

[ Both laugh ]

[ Laughs ]
back up.


Can you eat your food,

Mom and luis are so gross.

Like, why?

They're gonna go home
and get in bed

'Cause they're old people,

And they're gonna be able
to kiss all night.

Like, that's why they have
the saying, "get a room."

We're just in love.

This is what
people in love do.

That's good.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, my god!


Y'all are disgusting.
Back up.

I mean, you can kiss,
but you guys are like...

Too much!

It's okay.

One day,
we may not want to,

But right now,
we do.

I do have
a real boyfriend.

She does not.

She's too young
to be whatever.

She's not...

You can't look at it
like that.

That's my daughter.

Well, I'm not okay
with that.

Don't encourage her
to do...

You think it's okay.

Maybe in your country,
it is.

It's not funny
to me.

I'm not sure
what kind of conversations go on

In the dominican republic,

But I think luis
has a lot of learning to do

As how to be a father figure.

I think that olivia and luis
are getting along better

And that she's actually,

You know,
accepting of him being here.

As far as him being a dad,
though, he's just not there yet.

But there's no reason
we can't come to an agreement

On how I parent

And what role luis is gonna play
within this whole family unit.


So, maybe we can't afford
a cake

That's gonna feed

David: I'm certainly doing
much more of the compromising.

But that would make
everyone else feel left out.

It's a wedding.
It's not necessarily about them.


Josh: I like that belt.
Yeah, wear it.

It's good, wear it.

I think aika would make
a really good model.



[ Dog barks in distance ]


Hey, beautiful.

Good morning.

look at you.

Aika is
just beautiful,

Gorgeous, exceptional,
super-model status.

Like, I scored big time.


When you're here
with me,

That's most important,

Sorry about joe
last night, honey.

Before josh,
you had met another guy.

Yes, it's true.
I mean...

It just seems like
you were...

Looking for men
in america.


Thank you
for doing that.


What do you think?

You like it?

Let me see.

It changes your look
so much.

Like, you know I like
your natural brown eyes.


Rascal has brown eyes.

Don't you like
rascal's eyes?

I don't need
rascal's opinion.

I need your opinion.

I think it's better on you
to just go...


Should I wear this?
Yeah, wear it.

It's good, wear it.

Going to the grocery,
I don't need to look like,

You know,
a supermodel like that.

You always look like
a supermodel.

[ Chuckles ]
you can't help it.

You're the only one
who's saying that.

I'm not the only one
who says that.

But thank you
for the compliment.


I like walking around

With a super hot chick
next to me all day.

And actually, I think aika
would make a really good model.


You look good.

Get your things.

Well, who doesn't want
a model girlfriend,

A model wife?
[ Chuckles ]

I mean, come on.
That's every guy's dream.

Just give a shot. At least see
what an agency says.


[ Engine shuts off ]

Grab a cart.

Oh, look.
Chinese eggplant.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god,
I've never seen this.

these are onions.

We call it
[speaking tagalog]

This one
is super huge.

I never have this, I mean...
They're not that big?

[ Both laugh ]

Oh, my god.

You're hilarious.


I mean, even the onions...
It's very small like this.

Here it's like, you know, melon,
that you can put it here.

[ Laughs ]

I'm sorry.

So, I think we're ready
to check out.


Aika: american supermarket,
for me, is awesome,

But next time,
I will wear flip flops.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Have a good day.
All right.

Thanks a lot.
See you later.




Really, up until now,
everything's been so tense

And stressful
with all the planning

And all the decisions
we've had to make

Just because we've been fighting
so much about the wedding plans.

The tuxedo situation...
It was never really resolved.

We just kind of, like, left it

And didn't revisit
the conversation again.

And today, david and I
are going to a bakery

To sample wedding cakes.

I'm really, really hopeful
that today, we're gonna finally

Do something that
we're not gonna fight about.


What can I do
for you?

So, we're here
for the cake tasting.

Evelyn and david?
David: yeah, that's right.

Okay. You can have a seat
and I'll bring you your cake.



This looks nice.



So, you had requested
our devil's food,

Our butter granola,
and our pumpkin for cakes.

Then, we have our
raspberry italian meringue,

Chocolate american buttercream,
and cream cheese.

Feel free to enjoy.

Are you ready for this?
I'm very excited.

David thinks that
he's compromising on everything,

And he's getting
really frustrated with it.

The wedding cake is honestly
not that important to me,

So I'm letting david
take the lead on this one.

I know that you have
a lot of preferences

For a lot of things.

So, what kind of cake

Were you expecting to have
at the wedding?


Do I actually
have a say in this?

Or you're gonna just...

I want you to...

I want you to be able
to have a say in things.

Are you sure
you're not gonna, like,

Let me decide
what I want

And then be like,
"you know what?

I want
something different"?


I'm certainly doing
much more of the compromising

And everything.

I'm, like,
having such a hard time

To have an opinion
on anything.

And that...

Is hard
to get used to.

Do you feel good now...

...that you got it all out,
got it all of your chest?

Yeah, I feel good.
That's good to know.



The raspberry's nice.

Yeah, definitely.
It's really good.

All right.

You like raspberry?

Do you like it, too?
I do.

Now, chocolate or white?

Mmm, chocolate.

I am happy
with that, too.

I'm actually just going to
have this without the cake.

[ Chuckles ]

I'm not sure
that's the point.

Straight up,
without the cake.

There you go.

How nice is it?

It's really nice.

That was good.

We are finally
finding common ground

On things we both like,
and that's great.

It's great news.

Sorry for the mess we made
here at the table.

not a problem.

I know. We, like, went crazy
all over the cake.

How was everything?

It was excellent.

If we were
looking at a cake

Big enough
to feed 150 people,

What kind of price range
are we looking at?

For your choices,
depending on decoration,

I would estimate
probably around $5 per serving.


So we're talking about
at least $750 for the cake.


I mean...

So, do you think
we could just have a few minutes

Just to chat
amongst ourselves?


Just let me know
if you need anything.

Thank you.

Evelyn: david and I are paying
for the majority of our wedding,

But we don't have a lot
right now.

David graduated college
last summer

With international business
and languages,

So a double degree.

And it was really difficult
for him to find a job

Because the k-1 visa
is so unpredictable.

We have to have a venue,

I'm getting a small income
from the school that I work at

As a part-time french teacher
and music teacher.

So we're really blessed
that his parents and my parents

Are helping out
as much as they can.

Still, even then,

We don't have a lot to go around
at this moment.

[ Sighs ]

So, that's like
a mystery number.

Thinking about finances

Definitely puts a little bit
of a damper on the wedding.

But that's something

That we're gonna have to
deal with our whole lives.

and then a deejay...

That's gonna be expensive.

So, that's a good, at least,
$5,000 that we need saved.

At times like this,
I just wish

That we weren't
in the position we are

With, like,
the k-1 visa

Not allowing me to work
right now.

Everything that we want
is kind of, like, up here.

And because of our budget,
we have to scale way back.

So, maybe we can't afford
a cake

That's gonna feed

But, I mean,
could we afford a cake

That would feed
our wedding party,

And then
we'd get a different cake

Just like
a regular cake?

But that would make
everyone else feel left out.

No, it's just like...
It's just special.

It's the wedding-party cake.
I've seen it done.


It's a wedding.
They understand.

It's not... It's not
necessarily about them,

But I think that if we have
a nice cake at our table,

It's kind of, like,
decoration, too.

And it's beautiful,
and our special guests,

Wedding party,
get to eat it.

We'll still get a nice cake
for people...

Okay. we were
planning on doing,

'Cause it's not
really expensive.

we can do that.


I was disappointed that
the first thing that I wanted,

That we agreed on,
we couldn't really afford it.

It blows my mind, like,
every time.

Like, as we move along
planning the wedding,

It's like there's new expenses
every turn.

It's crazy.

So, we're in agreement...
Chocolate and raspberry?

For 15 people?

for 15 people.

And... Perfect.

We'll make it.
We'll get there.

[ Sighs ]


And action.

I think aika has the potential
to do modeling.

let them decide.


[ Chuckles ]

Look! [ Gasps ]


That's sheep's head?

Try it.
It's very delicious.

I see its teeth!


It's still in there?

But it's delicious.

Try it.

I'm not a zombie.


Till you taste it.

I have to try it?

Did you make
anything else?


Nicole: his aunt is, like,
looking at me

Like I'm supposed to
eat this thing,

Like, a good amount of it.

And I'm over here thinking,
"how can I get out of this?"

[ Chuckles ]

Did you ever
try it?

Like the skin,
I mean...

Do this in america?

I don't even know
where to get a sheep's head.

Woman: no?

They come
in a package.

Have you ever seen in america,
food like this?

But it's like...

Just try it.

Try it!
Okay, but, like...

Just try it.

Here, may.

It's chicken.

It's chicken!


I'm not that hungry.

Just try it.

You see?

[ Chuckles ]

She said
whenever you're in morocco,

Eat what
moroccans eat.

Try it.
I'm not a zombie.

No, no, no,
no, no, no!

[ Laughs ]
just try it!

Okay, okay!



It's not even about
being moroccan.

I'm about
to eat brains.

Okay, okay!


That's it.

[ Snorts ]

She made this
for you.

You're crazy.
I don't want...

Are you ill?

It's mushy.

You're crazy.

She said
if you didn't eat this,

She will close
the kitchen.

You'll be, like,
all night without food.



Good day
to be a model.


The modeling agent.

That's what
they're professionals for.

They'll tell us
if you have a shot.



Here we go.

[ Laughs ]

We're really doing it.

let's just see

If modeling is even
an option for you.

If it's meant to be
for you,

Then you'll do it.

Not you?

Oh, my god.

"Signature models and talent,
number one."

Here we go.
This way.


Oh, wow.

Here we are.


Hello, hello.

I'm bubba.

Hi, bubba.
I'm josh.

Nice to meet you, josh.

So, aika, here is going to be
your script.

You don't have to have it
memorized or anything, okay?

We just want to see you
and your personality.

That's the biggest thing.


So you can hold it up
while you're in there.

And feel free...
Take a seat over here...

Uh-huh. you can just take
a moment, read your lines.

If you have any questions,
just call out.

I'll be back.

Thank you,

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

Let's see.

"So maybe
you're not a model."

"So maybe
you're not a model.

That doesn't mean you can't
look great in a pair of jeans."

No, I'm helping.
I'm helping. Go.

You feeling nervous?

Your accent is cute.

I don't see any problem.

I mean, I don't think
you're too old.

I don't think
you have any issues.

You should.

You should.

You should strut it.

We're here
to get their opinion.

You got this.

It is for you.
Let them decide.

[ Sighs ]


you guys all ready?


And just so you know,
when I lead you in,

There's gonna be
a red backdrop.

You just stand
right in front of it.

Good luck.

Come on in!


This is aika, everyone.

Nice to meet you,

Aika, I'm gonna introduce
everybody for you.

Aika: yeah.

This is
terri hoffman.

nice to meet you.

Aika: hi, katie.

...rose angel...
Hi, rose angel.

...and I'm angie.
Hello, angie.

Nice to meet you.

nice to meet you.

And you speak to...
Is it tonga?

Okay. And you're vietnamese,
is that right?

Filipino, excuse me.
Pardon me. [ Laughs ]

All right.

When I give you
the cue,

We're gonna go into
the commercial.

We really want to see
your personality, okay?

And action.

[ Dog whimpers ]

Okay, great.
Go ahead.

So maybe you're not a model.

[ Laughter ]

Terri: okay,
couple of things.

Don't hit your fanny.

No cutesy.

Just that big smile.

You're already sexy,
so all you have to do

Is give a great read

And don't worry about
any of the physicality.


And action.

Cut. Cut.

So, what I really want you to do
is you're gonna do it again,

And you'll be confident
all the way through.

Keep that personality
until I say, "cut."


do the period.



It sounds choppy.
Yeah, yeah.

So ignore the periods.

Oh, okay.
Just let it flow.


all right, um...

I have to be straight
with you.



all right, um...

I have to be straight
with you.


I think
there's potential there.

We want to sell
your ethnicity.

That's huge.



I would like
to work with you, okay?


I think
what we would probably do

Is start you
in the talent section.

Is it okay if we have her...
Is it your fiancé?

Do you want him to come in...

Yeah, I think. we can discuss
a little bit more, or...

Yeah, sure.

Is that all right? Okay.
And what is his name?


Josh, you want
to come on in?




we love her look.

She's beautiful.

And she would just need
a little bit of training,

Because we actually do
a lot of on-camera commercials

In arizona.

Well, you guys know best.

You're the pros.

I mean,
that's why we're here.

Yeah, but she definitely
has potential, beautiful girl.

So, is this something
you really want to do

And you could
commit to it?

I'm glad
you brought that up

Because that really
changes things.

So are you saying
that she shouldn't even bother

With any of this,
like, right now?

I don't think that'll work.

So you're looking
to bring somebody on

And work with them
to get them into the field

And stay
in the field

And you wouldn't make
that investment or that time

Knowing that
she's gonna get pregnant?

It will not work
in this industry.


Josh: I knew that aika
wanted a family,

But I guess I didn't realize
she had certain expectations

That I can't fulfill as soon as
she would like them fulfilled.


Well, there you go.


Oh, yeah.
Thanks a lot.

Appreciate all your time.


I hope you're happy
that I'm choosing you,

I'm choosing family.


[ Horn blares ]




You're up.

Open table.

I've been in america
for about a month.

Man, I don't have idea
about this.


$20?! No, man.
[ Laughs ]

Come on, man!


The party
has arrived.

Tweedle dee,
tweedle dum.

You want to play us?

I was just about
to ask you that.

Luis has been trying, I think,
to fit in better

And try to make me feel
more comfortable.

And if it makes my mom happy,
then I will respect him.

But I'm still skeptical,

'Cause I still don't really
know him.

I'm known him for three weeks,

So I'm glad my friend mackenzie
is here.

Boys against girls.




this is disgusting.

Aw, you choked.


Olivia: uh, whether or not
I tell you the truth

Depends on if you're gonna
tattle-tale on me again.

Jess: I only
ratted on you once.

Once too many,
'cause I had to hear about it.

As livy's uncle,

I let her get away with more
than her mom does, for sure.

But sometimes
I've had to tell molly

About matthew staying over here
too late with livy.

And so she got mad at me
about snitching on that,

But it had to happen.

What do you think
about luis being here?

Do you think he's gonna be
on your side?

He's not my dad,
so let me ask him.

Luis, are you gonna be
on my side,

Or are you
gonna tattle-tale?


'Cause we don't do that
in america.

you know?

Thank you.
That's so nice.

Almost 18.

That's an adult.

Yes, luis, yes!
You're getting it!

Thank you.

Jess: but you still
have to...

I do.
I mind her.

I just... Sometimes,
I like to do things

That she doesn't
want me to do.

luis is titled as my stepdad.

That's a little bit weird,

'Cause we're closer in age
than him and my mom are.

[ Chuckles ]

So he's more of a... A friend,
I guess.

I don't... I really don't know.

It's like a weird relationship.

Oh, no.

Don't even say that.

He's a good...
Not like that.

Jess: do you love him?

He's a good,
like, boyfriend,

But I don't...

That's way too serious.

No marriage,


Luis: yes.



No marriage,

Not even thinking...


Luis: yes.

No, luis.
[ Laughter ]

Luis has a different idea
of, like, what's taboo.

I guess
they don't have the same things

That are more private
in his country,

'Cause he's very open about
talking to me about things.

Talk about that

With your stepdaughter.

You don't have
these conversations.

but that doesn't...

That... That has nothing
to do

With the sex
and all of that.

All this conversation is making
me need to leave, so...

We have to go.

Frankly outraged.


Hey, boo.
When did you get home?

Just now.

I'm just trying
to clean up a little bit.

How was your day?

It was good.
How was your day?

it was pretty eventful.

We just played a game of pool
with jess and luis.

He had
some things to say.

Well, baby,
I'm sure he did.

But, I mean,
like what?

He's new here,


At least you're getting along
with him a little bit.

we were just talking about,

You know, like,
boyfriends and stuff.

We talked about,
like, matthew.

He's like, "oh, so...

So you guys just, like,
sleep together?"

And I was like,


But he didn't exactly
say that.

He kind of said,

The four-letter word
for "sleep together."

Oh, no.

I'm actually horrified

Because he doesn't need
to talk to you about that.

I'll talk to him
about it.

I'm gonna talk to him,
but I think it's weird.

No convos like that.
It can't happen.

That's weird.

It's really weird.

It can't happen.


So, olivia...
She is almost an adult,

But she is still
my daughter.

So you really
just can't be

Talking about
her having sex.

You know what I mean?

You can be her friend,

But we still
have to be parents.

As long as she's here,
we're her parents.

I mean, we have to set
some boundaries on things.


What the hell?

That's not cool.

Like, maybe in your country
when you're 14

And you're getting busy
and it's okay.

But for me,
as her mother,

In this household,
it's not okay with me.


It's okay.
It's okay.


[ Sighs ]

I'm trying for you
and for myself.


I see you already have
an engagement ring.

I know
that you're not happy

With the ring
you've got right now,

But don't obsess over it
so much.


Today, my dad and brother
meet andrei.

As her father,
I want to hear you say,

"Yeah, I have decided that
this is where I want to live."

If you can't
say that,

Then how can I give you
my blessing?


[ Cheering ]


I haven't told my family yet
the fact

That annie is going to be
my wife.

They don't know
that you're getting married?

David: no. 'Cause I know
once they meet her,

They're gonna love her.


David: getting into
an expensive first apartment

Without knowing
what our future looks like

Is not
a smart move.

I'm not here telling you
what to do or what not to do.

If I was, we wouldn't be
staying in claremont.



When I put this dress on,
I know it's the dress.

It's kind of like knowing
that luis is the one for me.

