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05x04 - Good Morning America

Posted: 04/23/24 20:01
by bunniefuu
Elizabeth: previously on
"90 day fiancé"...

Oh, my god.


[ Laughs ]

Come say hi.


This is not normal
by any means.

Oh, baby.

Evelyn: today is david's
arrival day in america.

[ Gasps ]

[ Squeals ]

Moving to a small town,
claremont, new hampshire,

It's gonna be hard.

This is your new home.


David: this has been
overwhelming for me,

Because I have to sort out
the finances of it.

I don't know.

Where he's from, he expects
a woman to be submissive.

I want to see if azan can be
a good father figure to may,

But I just don't know
how it's gonna go.

Azan, wait.

[ Cries ]

And coming up...

Olivia's kept her distance
since luis has been here.

Olivia, come here,

Olivia: I don't want...
Two minutes!

[Bleep] damn it!

We applied for a k-1 visa
seven months ago,

And we're still playing
the waiting game.

If he has some kind of arrest,
any kind of violent act,

Like a fight...

I don't know.

Nicole: if azan keeps
fighting me on these things,

Then maybe I don't know
if he's ready to be a parent.

I'm not a stay-at-home mom.

It's not as easy
as you think it is.

Annie cannot get married until
her family approves the dowry.

One little fun fact is that

We're getting married
in america.

I'm not changing
my wedding around.

Yeah, you want to know
another fun fact?

You're getting married
to a foreigner.


Nicole: may!
Hold on.

Azan, wait.

You can't just
drag her around.


Why are you saying
don't tell you what to do?

We're at the market today,
and azan is trying to tell me

How to be a parent
to my daughter.

And I'm a little worried that
we're already having

An argument on the first day.


May. Ohh. May, come here.

Being the first day
that I'm here

And azan's already thinking
he can just tell me to shut up,

This time, he's really
gonna learn quick

That that's not what
he can do,

Especially when it has
to do with my daughter

And what's good for her.

We don't have paci.

[ May cries ]

It's okay.

Are you hungry?


Doesn't mean she needs it.

And she doesn't need that.

Don't always need it.

I am may's mom,
and I just need you to listen.

I know, but...
Even if you know it.

Yeah, I understand.

I know, but that doesn't mean
you have to give it to her.

Last time I was here,
he would tell me to, like,

Shut up or say
something mean and rude.

That was one of the things
he would have to,

You know, work on.

I don't want my daughter to
grow up and think that's okay,

To be talked to that way,
you know?

A father should set an example
for what his daughter

Should look for in a man,

And that's what I want,
you know, him to set for may.



Mom, how far is our house?

It's about an hour.



It's about an hour.
Oh, it's so far.

Molly: olivia and kensley
and I just picked

Luis up from the airport,
and now we're headed home.

I'm excited,
but I'm also nervous,

Because what if he
doesn't like it here?

And this is gonna be
a big adjustment

For my daughters, too.

It's not good.
It's okay.

Right, mom?

What are you thinking?

People work at these
buildings, right, mom?

People build buildings
and they work at buildings.

Oh, my gosh.

Luis, you're staying
with me for a long time.

A long, long time.


Baby, you need to slow
down a little bit.

If you say one thing about my
driving, it's gonna make me mad.

I don't need help.

I just want to help you
pay attention.

I don't need help.

I got it.

This is our house,
right here.

Do you like it?
It's your first time here.

Oh, man.


Oh, my gosh.

This is your new home.
[ Laughs ]

Come on.


Jess: come on in.


Welcome to georgia,
my friend.

Thank you, man.
Welcome to the hacienda.

This is my brother.

My brother is really
an awesome guy.

Well, get comfortable, man.
Get comfortable.

I'm gonna get this food going.

He knows that I deserve
to have the love of my life.

You ready to see the house?

This is the living room.


Coming here, it's definitely
gonna be a change.

This is one
of our bathrooms.

Oh, how many bathrooms
you have here?

We have three.

Three bathrooms?

this is her bathroom.

Oh, really?

[ Laughs ]

This is kensley's room.

Oh, it's beautiful, kensley.

She has a new bed.

You like it?

My room is a little messy.

Oh, my g...

Well, I just wanted you
to have, like, a picture

So you feel like
you're at home.

Oh, baby.

You know?


That's not butterflies.

It's gas.

[ Laughs ]

But you know I love you.

You know.
I know.

You want to go get some food?

Let's go.

This is our kitchen.

Hey, hey.
What are you cooking?

Got some pork in there.

Two different kinds.

let's go have a seat.

I knew you were gonna do this.
What's up, baby?

Are you still nervous?


Maybe that'll help him
get over the nerves.

It's a big drink, man.

Where's olivia?


I'm gonna go get her.

- Olivia?
- What?

Come here, please.

Olivia: I don't want...
Two minutes.

[Bleep] damn it!

Just please come upstairs
for two minutes

And just come upstairs.
Just come say hi.

I don't really want to do that.
Just for a few more minutes.

Well, we want him
to have some dinner.

Jess is cooking.
I mean...

You don't want to stay?


Can you not
just stay home, please?


She doesn't like
for me to leave.

She wants me to be home
and do family things,

But sometimes,
you just want to hang out

With your friends
more than your mom.

Sometimes you do.

Sometimes you do.

Sometimes you want to have a man
and you want to hang with him.

Oh, my god.

My man didn't come from
a different country

And get introduced
to my kids.

I don't know.

Olivia's having
an extremely hard time.

I'll see everyone tomorrow.

I always put my kids first,

But olivia's gonna have
to learn how to share me,

Because it's not just
she and I anymore.

I have luis now, and I have to
share my time with him, too.


Still packing.

I just have a lot more
to go, so...

So, my fiancé is andrei.

He's from moldova, in europe.

And he currently lives
in ireland.

We applied for a k-1 visa
seven months ago,

And we're still playing
the waiting game.

I'm gonna go
talk to our lawyer

To see what the hell's
going on

And why it's
taking so long.


The k-1 visa delays
are extremely unnecessary.

They're a pain in our ass.

I mean, it could be something
that we did wrong,

Or if it's because
we have a new president,

I don't know what it is, but
what the hell is the hold up?

What's the big deal?


I made an appointment with
an immigration lawyer today,

Because tomorrow,
I'm leaving for dublin.


Hi, elizabeth.

Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you. I'm emel.

Thanks for meeting with me.

All right, so tell me
what's going on.

So, my fiancé, andrei, and I

Submitted our k-1 visa

About 6 1/2 months ago,

Heard anything yet.

Wondering, is it something

That we did wrong
in, like, our paperwork?

Or is it immigration...
What's the holdup?

Or, yeah,
what the holdup is.


You know,
there's many reasons

Why someone can
be found ineligible.


Anything that would indicate
that he might not be

A good candidate
as an immigrant.


So, any kind of violent act,
like a fight, an as*ault,

A battery?

Has he ever told you
if he's gotten into,

Like, a bar fight
or something?

Would he tell you?

Yeah, he would,
if I asked him.

I just...

Haven't even gone there.

Well, you know, a lot of
people don't realize

That just because they
have not been convicted,

That they don't
have a record.

An arrest is a record, so he
might say to you up and down,

"I haven't been convicted."

You need to ask him, "have you
ever been to the police station?

Did they ever put
handcuffs on you?"

That's the question
you need to ask.

So, you're saying
that that could be

Why it's taking so long?

It certainly can be.

I mean, if he didn't
mention an arrest

And they found an arrest,
that would be visa fraud.

I really think about, you know,
well, how was he

Before he met me?

Like, did he get
in a lot of fights?

So, I'm really hoping that
he hasn't done something

That would stop him
from coming here.

Another glitch could be
whether or not,

Has he ever been
in the united states?

He had been here before,

How did he come here?
What kind of visa?

He came on a tourist visa.

So, he never violated
the tourist visa?

He did not overstay?

I think he overstayed
a little bit.

Oh, he did have
an overstay?


Oh, that's not good.

[ Sighs ]

How much did he overstay
the tourist visa?

By how much?

I think like six months
or something.

If you overstay
your tourist visa,

They won't give you
another one.

In other words,
"you violated my law,

So why should I do you
another favor?"

I didn't think that andrei
overstaying his visa

Would keep us
from being together.

And now, it's becoming
a big red flag.

Nothing has to be even
close to being inaccurate,

Because anything outside
of the truth is fraud.

They're looking for it.

'Cause, remember, this is
kind of like an interrogation.

I don't know how
he's gonna react

With them
interrogating him.

I just don't want him
to ruin it.


No, that's a problem.
That's definitely a problem,

Because they're not gonna like
someone who's standoffish.

I can tell you that
right now.

I'm really worried andrei,
going into his interview,

Will have this attitude already
and be very combative,

And they'll make their
decision right away

That it's a no-go.

Thank you
for this information.

Not at all.
I appreciate it.

If you have any other questions,
just let me know, okay?


So, when I see andrei,
I'm definitely going to ask him

A million questions
to get some answers,

And he just really
has to be an open book.

It's very unsettling,
and now I'm thinking

That we need
to start having, like,

A "b" plan.


I only have a tenth
of what they're asking for.

My friends are traveling.

If this is about the tuxedos,
I'm gonna have a heart attack.

Well, we do have
to talk about it.

If you don't get this tux,
you're not in the wedding.


This is one of my favorite
parts of claremont.


This is
the opera house square.

We have been waiting
for such a long time,

And finally,
we're able to be together.

If it wasn't for
the k-1 visa,

Maybe evelyn and I would've
taken more time to get married.

Now we only have 90 days.

My first day in america, I just
want to hang out with evelyn

And see more of claremont,
which is gonna be my new home.

I really like the old,
beautiful houses and everything.

Keep in mind that
we won't buy a house

Until we know we're
gonna stay at one place.

And I don't think claremont
is gonna be the place

Where we're gonna
stay forever, so...

So, you're not gonna be happy
if you're in claremont?

You haven't even seen
claremont yet.

So far, it's fine.

It seems just like a really
quiet, rural area,

And I'm used to more
like a city, kind of.

Thinking about moving

Or even for a few years,
is not...

Like, I'm not
excited about that.

Well, maybe you'll get used
to claremont and you'll love it.

I doubt that,
but you never know.


We are at country café
in claremont,

My favorite breakfast place.

It's one of our, like, only

Really great breakfast
place in town.

I mean, it's a small town, and
he's used to having, you know,

In granada.

Thank you.

I'm so excited.
Thank you.

There you are, guys.

Thank you.

That looks great.


It was a really delicious

Now I feel bad, 'cause
I'm having cake for breakfast

And having some more cake
tonight at your party.


Evelyn: we're throwing david a
"welcome to america" party tonight.

I can't wait for some of
my closest friends

To finally meet the man
I'm gonna marry.

I'm excited for my party.

Who am I gonna meet?

You're gonna meet a bunch of
my friends, but the only person

That I'm, like, a little bit
nervous about is mikayla.


She's just really...
She's really cynical about you.

And she just thinks
that I'm too young,

Or that we're just gonna be,
like, going into this hastily.

If you're so in love now,
what does it matter

If you waited two
or three more years?

Are you afraid you wouldn't
be in love anymore?

Well, I think the problem is
that she doesn't know me.

She said, "what if david's just
coming for the green card?"

"For the green card"?

She knows I'm coming
from spain, right?

It's not that I'm searching
for the american dream.

I had the spanish dream.

There's no such thing
as a european dream.

Yeah, it's actually
quality of life.

So, you know how my friends
are traveling.

Some are coming from spain,

Some are traveling
from holland...

If this is about the tuxedos,
I'm gonna have a heart attack.

Well, we do have
to talk about it.

The big stress and argument
right now is about the groomsmen

And them not wanting
to spend the extra $100

On a tuxedo.

I think it's ridiculous.

They're paying, some of them,
over $1,000

Just to be at our wedding,
and still, you are like,

"Oh, they have to rent
their own tuxedos."

That's not right.

Generally, weddings
in spain are more simple.

We don't have six
or seven friends

And they all have to dress
with expensive tuxedos

That look the same.

I know that.

This is a wedding that,
to be honest,

I've been planning
my entire life,

And it's not their wedding.

They've had a lot more than
three months to plan in advance

To have that extra $100
to get a tux.

It's an extra $100
to the $1,000

They're paying to be
at our wedding.

Makes me really angry.

Why am I gonna let...
It's just these guys, like,

All of a sudden, make
decisions for my wedding?

Listen, I told
my bridesmaids, I said,

"If you don't get this dress,
you're not in the wedding."

When david and I fight,

I'm used to him being
just over the cellphone

So I can just be like, click,

"Phone's off, sorry,
can't talk to you right now."

But I can't do that
in person.

Why do we have to have
everyone with a tuxedo?

I'm not changing my wedding
around for these guys

Who just don't want
to rent a tux.

I don't know if, in the...
Here you are.

Thank you.

Evelyn is being really

I need them here.
I need my friends.

They're like my family.

So, you care more
about the...

My wedding?

The etiquette

Of your wedding
than for the people?

I care about how
the wedding looks.

If you plan it with
a foreigner husband,

I think you should also take
his culture into consideration.


Well, one little fun fact

Is that we're getting
married in america.

If you agree to be
in somebody's wedding,

You're agreeing to
the responsibilities

Of what comes with it.

Yeah, you want to know
another fun fact?

You're getting married
to a foreigner.

Bon appetit.



Today, we're on our way
to annie's village

To meet her parents
for the first time.

Annie comes from a poor village
in a rural part of thailand.

Can't even find it on gps.

Annie cannot get married
or move to america

Until her family
approves of the dowry,

Which is not something that
I was financially prepared for.

I think there is
some expectation

That all americans
have money.

So, it is stressing me
out tremendously,

Because their expectation
might be a lot higher

Than what I can do.


[ Laughs ]

[ Cheering in native language ]



we just got to the house,

And there's this entire
reception waiting for us.

The village is so loving
and welcoming.


Never thought this would happen
in my life.

[ Sniffs ]



Did you know about this?

I'm sorry.



It's beautiful.
Very beautiful.

So different than
what I envisioned.

sit, sit, sit.

Okay, come sit.



If you could talk to mama about
the dowry, about the sin sod,

About the 50,000 baht.

I'm offering 50,000 baht,
roughly $1,500 u.s.

And I hope
it's gonna be enough.

Annie is one of the most
important things to come along

In this second half
of my life,

And I am afraid of having
to say, "I love your daughter,

But this is the best
that I can do right now."

That might not be acceptable.


[ Speaks in native language ]


I only a tenth of what
they're asking for.


And I'm worried

Because I do not have
that kind of money.

In thai culture, when you marry
annie, you marry the family.

You know, they make me feel
so welcomed and loved.


I am extremely relieved.

I am basically making a down
payment of 50,000 baht,

Or $1,500, and then when I can,
pay the 450,000 remaining.


I found out
for the first time that,

Not only do
I have to pay the dowry,

But now I have to have
two water buffalos.

This is more than
what I expected

At this short period of time.

I don't know how I'm going
to find the money.

I didn't know it, and now
I'm getting ready

To go water buffalo shopping.



Hey, bosser.

You smell this bacon,
huh, buddy?

Molly: luis arrived last night and,
oh, my god, this is so amazing.

I don't have to skype with him
from my bed every night.

He's actually in my bed,
and it's good.

You guys!



I do have some concerns
about olivia.

Last night, she didn't even
stay to have dinner with us

On his first night.

She's not happy
that luis is here.

I hope that luis and olivia can
get along over the next 90 days

And that she can see that
he's not here to take her place.

Y'all, come on!

Good morning.
Kinsley: morning.

Want to help me
pour the eggs in?


All right, come here.

Luis: hi, baby.

Be careful.
Good morning.

Are you ready to eat?

Good morning.

Good morning.

How'd you sleep?
Are you good?

Oh, my god.

In just a second, you can
sprinkle the cheese, okay?


You know how to say
cheese in spanish?



Say cheese.

Molly: okay.

Say cha... Cheese.




Luis: I'm so happy to be here
in america with molly.

I just met her kids
for the first time.

Where's sissy?
Go holler for sissy.


I think I burnt the bacon.

Olivia, wake up.
It's breakfast.

Olivia, wake up!

Oh, that's hot.

All right, I've got
burnt toast, burnt bacon.

It's the breakfast
of champions.

Welcome to america.

[ Laughs ]

Welcome to america.

It's gonna be so great.

I hope you like it.

Do you want a piece
of toast, kiddo?

I'm good.

This is cream cheese.

You might like it.
You put it on your bagels.

It's so good.

I guess your sister's
gonna stay in the bed.

You want some more eggs
since your sister's

Clearly not coming up?

You want her eggs?

She's not coming, I guess.

It'll get better.
She just needs time.

It's not that
she doesn't like you.

She's just a teenager
and trying to adjust

To all this stuff
that's going on.

So, we'll just have
to try again.

But I'm glad we got to have
a breakfast together.


Going to ireland, knowing
that it's not gonna be

A guarantee is the worst
[bleep] feeling in the world.

There's a chance he won't
be able to come back here.

It's not as easy
as you think it is.



Nicole: I thought it was a good idea
if we go to dinner at the hotel.

That way, we can talk
about parenting.

I'm a little worried,

If azan keeps fighting me
on these things

And doesn't want to listen
and hear from me,

May's mom,
what's best for her,

Then maybe I don't know
if he's ready to be a parent.

Yeah. It's not, like, moroccish,
but it was a nice market.

I know we were struggling
a little bit on our parenting.

Yeah, that's...

I know that I was probably
getting a little flustered,

You know.

Thank you.

No. When I need to tell you
something about may,

Instead of telling me
you know everything, you know,

Just hear what
I have to say, okay?


Well, that's the way I parent,
so if you want to say something,

You know, a different way,

Or if you think something
would be better for her,

Then we can talk about it.

But we should talk about it
and not just say, like,

You know?

[ Laughs ]

That's my kid.

I mean, it may not
be the best,

But sometimes,
when they won't eat,

You just need to
give them something.

Is good for her.

Chicken nuggets
are not that bad.

Home-cooked meals every day.

Frozen is okay.

Okay, look, I'm not
a stay-at-home mom,

Like your sister
and your mom was, or...

I can't...

Okay, I'm...
I'm not against trying.

It's just,
I want you to know

It's not as easy
as you think it is.

Nicole: azan had mentioned that I
should make some lifestyle changes.

I can.


I tried to eat healthy
for a little bit,

And it was going well,

But I got stressed out,
so I kind of stopped, so...

I never promised I would go
to the gym and stuff.

That I would try.

It's not as easy
as you think it is.


Elizabeth: today, I'm flying to
dublin until we get the interview

For him to get the visa
and come to america.

We have waited
so long for this.

You know, within a few hours,
I'll be able to just touch him

And feel him and talk to him
and look at him face to face.

But I also know,
in the back of my head,

That it's not a guarantee yet.

You know, it's like you still
have one more thing left to do

To prove yourself
before they say "yes"

And they allow him
to come here.


I'm really nervous, because
the lawyer scared me.

So, I'm hoping that
he hasn't done something

Before that would be an issue,

And I'm going to ireland
deathly afraid

That he won't be able
to come back here.

Going there, knowing that
it's not gonna be a guarantee

Is the worst [bleep]
feeling in the world.

If we're gonna have to
completely change our plans

And start from square one,
I don't know what I'm gonna do.

I don't know what
he's gonna do.


David: I promised them I would
buy two water buffalo

As a part of the dowry.

I mean,
how much does it cost?


Your dad doesn't think


We're getting ready
to meet annie's dad

At a water buffalo farm.

Ah, there's papa.

I promised them I would buy
two water buffalo

As part of the dowry.

I'm stressed because
the costs keep mounting.

Hard way.

Oh, my god.


I know the importance of the
water buffalo to annie

And to her parents.

Her grandfather had
many water buffalo years ago

And had to sell it.

Regaining their status

Within their village.



A little scared.
I got to tell you.

I mean, I'm not a farmer.

I didn't grow up with animals,

Except when we were
cooking them.



David: okay.
Should I back up?

Do not move.
He's coming around.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

Are you sure you want
one of these?


How much are we looking at?

I mean,
how much does it cost?

Oh, okay.

It's definitely more than
what I expected.

Roughly $2,400 u.s.

I thought 30,000, 35,000 baht
is what I thought.

I just don't have...

Annie: yeah.

She said it was okay if
I didn't get the water buffalo,

But it's not okay.

By the look on her face, by
the look on her father's face,

He's a man of few words,
but to him, it's a big deal.

I did not anticipate,
when I asked annie to marry me,

That all of a sudden,

These things were going
to be adding up.

Ah, I need to talk
to you about something.

Maybe papa can...


[ Speaks in native language ]

I feel a lot of pressure
because 75,000 baht...


Can you explain to me why?

I mean, I feel this pressure
like I have to buy it

Right now, today.

I want to, and I kind of
put away about $1,000 u.s.,

I'm stressed.

I don't know what to do.

Okay. Okay.
Let's do that.


How much for the...

For how many?



Let's go work this out.

I feel like I was just
put on the spot,

And it was the expectation
was built up.

I think it is really hard
for annie to understand

How much I can afford.

[ Speaking in native language ]

I don't want to let her down.
I love her so much.

She's so good to me.

Thank you so much.

But I really didn't have

I've just taken our money for
the tickets to go to america.

So, I'm feeling
a lot of pressure.

And now, I don't know
what we're gonna do.

I am worried.


Molly: next time on
"90 day fiancé"...

I'm going to ireland.

Oh, my god!

I'm really scared, because
there's so many things

That can cause him
to be denied.


Josh: everybody's pretty
supportive of aika,

With the exception of,
you know, maybe joe.

You were looking
for men in america.


My dad told me he doesn't
want me to marry luis.

I've got a lot of concerns
about this.

I'm sure you do.

I don't want luis to use this
for a pathway to citizenship.

And that's how
I feel about it.

So far, I've felt welcomed
by everyone except you.

There's your age, for one,

Especially with evelyn
only being 18 years old.

I am not.

Me and azan have a lot
of trust issues

That we need to work through.

Do you love me?

The interview's over.

It's done.
It's over.